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Abnormal Psychology,
  Psychopathology & Psychotherapy
What should be labeled deviant?

 What psychiatrists, clinical psychologists or other trained professionals
  label deviant? (DSM-IV)


 Only organically based behavioral disorders (Szaz).
Treating Insanity

• Hippocrates – recognized depression and epilepsy as
  medical problem.
• Middle ages – deviant people were locked up
      • Bedlam (Bethlehem hospital, London)
• Reform movement
      • Pinel (1790)
      • Dorothea Dix (1850)
      • Medical Model (late 19th century)
Exorcizing the Devil to alleviate madness
An old-fashioned straight-jacket
St. Mary’s of Bethlehem Hospital
Dorothea Dix
Medical Model of Mental Illness
• Psychiatry an offshoot of neurology (Charcot (1860), Breuer
  & Freud (1896), Bleuler (1911).

• Freud: Too little was known about the brain; opted for
  psychoanalysis. Classified mental illness into two major
  categories: neuroses and psychoses.

• “General paresis” discovered by Krafft-Ebbing to have a
  physical cause in 1905 (syphilis).

• Pavlov (1904). Concept of conditioning and experimental
  neurosis that was mediated by specific brain circuits.
Reactions to the Medical Model
• Harry Stack Sullivan (broke with psychoanalytic tradition).

• Clinical (lay) psychologists allowed to treat patients with
  “mental” disorders.

• Carl Rogers, Ph.D. Published first transcript of a therapeutic session.

• Behavior Therapy (Wolpe, Lazarus). Began in 50’s.

• Cognitive Therapy (Seligman). Began in 60’s.

• Thomas Szaz: Mental illness should only refer to behavioral deviations
  that have a well defined organic basis. Other deviant behaviors the
  product of “problems of living”.

• DSM-III (1983) & IV (1994)
What is a normal personality?
   •Least deviant?
   •What is deviant?
   •Statistical (does 1/10 of population
         have mental illness?)
   •Adaptive sublimation?
   •Quantitative vs. qualitative differences
         between normal and abnormal.
Sheldon’s Body Types
Types of Personality Tests
• Objective
     MMPI (Minnesota Multi Phasic Inventory)
• Projective
     TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)
     Rorschach Test
MMPI Categories (cont’d)
Interpretation of Sample MMPI Score
  •   Overly self-critical
  •   Personality disorder
  •   Poor social adjustment
  •   Unusual thinking and behavior
  •   High level of anxiety
Sample Tat Card
Sample Tat Card
Sample Responses On TAT Test
• (1) My first thought is that it looks like a mother comng to
  the door.
• (2) --the doorbell just rang and she’s expecting someone
  probably pretty dear.
• (3) maybe it’s her son--that shows I’m homesick.
• (4) stuff in the room--furniture, flowers, bookshelves and
  books--looks roughly like the middle-class home I came
• (5) she doesn’t look like my mother, but somebody’s mother
• (6) even if she has one nude leg.
• 45-year old business man:
• This is a child prodigy dreaming over his violin,
  thinking more of the music that anything else.
  But of wonderment that so much music can be in
  an instrument and in the fingers of his own
  hand. . . .I would say that possibly he is in reverie
  about what he can do with his music in the times
  that lay ahead. He is dreaming of concert halls,
  tours, and . . . the beauty he will be able to
  express and even now can express with his own

• 45-Year old clerk:
• . . . This is the son of a very well-known, a
  very good musician. . . . The father has
  probably died. The only thing the son has left
  is this violin which is undoubtedly a very
  good one. . . . To the son, the violin is the
  father and the son sits there daydreaming of
  the time that he will understand the music
  and interpret is on the violin that his father
  had played.
Administering a Rorschach Test
Sample Rorschach Card
Incidence of Mental Illness
Incidence of Depression by Country
                 DSM childhood (e.g., mental retardation,
  Disorders first evident in
                             III (1983)
  Organic mental disorders: symptoms directly related to
  injury to brain or to abnormality (syphilis, Alzheimer’s
  disease, extreme alcoholism, brain tumor).
  Substance use disorders.
  Schizophrenic disorders.
  Paranoid disorders.
  Affective disorders (manic and/or depressed moods).
  Somatoform disorders (hysteria, hypochodriasis).
  Dissociative disorders (amnesia, multiple personalities).
  Psychosexual disorders (transsexualism, frigidity,
 exhibitionism, sexual sadism, homosexuality-but only if
 individual is unhappy).
  Personality disorders (anti-social behavior, narcissistic
  Anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety or panic, phobias,
posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder).
  Leftovers (marital problems, family therapy).
DSM-IV (1994)
•   Anxiety disorders.
•   Mood disorders.
•   Somatoform disorders.
•   Dissociative disorders.
•   Schizophrenia and other psychotic disordcrs (delusional).
•   Substance-related disorders
•   Eating disorders (aneroxia nervosa, bulimia nervosa).
•   Sleep disorders.
•   Impulse control disorders (kleptomania, pyromania,
    pathological gambling)
•   Personality disorders (anti-social behavior, narcissistic
•   Disorders first evident in childhood (e.g., mental
    retardation, hyperactivity).
•   Delerium, dementia, amnestic and other cognitive
•   Adjustment disorder (Maladaptive, excessive emotional
    reaction to a stressful event within previous 6 months).
DSM III (1983)                                  DSM IV (1994)
Childhood mental retardation, hyperactivity  Childhood (e.g., mental retardation,
Organic mental disorders: symptoms directly Delerium, dementia, amnestic and other
related to injury to brain or to abnormality cognitive disorders.
Substance use                                Substance-related disorders
Schizophrenic                                    Schizophrenia and other psychotic
                                                 disordcrs (delusional
Affective disorders (manic and/or depressed      Mood disorders.
Somatoform disorders (hysteria,                  Somatoform disorders
Dissociative disorders (amnesia, multiple        Dissociative disorders.
Psychosexual disorders transsexualism,
frigidity, exhibitionism, sexual sadism,
homosexuality-but only if individual is
Personality disorders (anti-social behavior,     Personality disorders (anti-social behavior,
narcissistic personality)                        narcissistic personality).
Anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety or        Anxiety disorders
panic, phobias, posttraumatic stress disorder,

Leftovers (marital problems, family therapy). Adjustment disorder (Maladaptive,
                                              excessive emotional reaction to a stressful
                                              event within previous 6 months).
                                              Eating disorders (aneroxia nervosa , bulimia
                                              Sleep disorders.
                                              Impulse control disorders (kleptomania,
                                              pyromania, pathological gambling)
• Based on Freud’s theory of personality
      Many varieties, e.g., Jung, Adler, Sullivan
•     M.D. usually required; Ph.D. in clinical psychology now
  acceptable (lay analysts)
•     Training performed by certified institutes in three stages:
      -formal courses
      -personal analysis with an institute analyst
      -control analyses supervised by a training analyst.
•     Patients: usually brighter than average; in most cases
  neurotic. Typically excluded are homosexuals, alcoholics,
  psychotics, patients with character disorders.
Conditions for Psychoanalysis
•MD originally required
•No psychotics, alcoholics, homosexuals, sociopaths
•Time commitment: ~ 5 years
•Financial commitment: $150 x 4; $600/week; $27,000/year.
•Life decisions placed on hold. No marriage, divorce,
moving, changing jobs without consulting analyst.
Freud’s couch
Psychoanalytic Method
• Treatment consists of three to five 50 minute sessions
  per week .
• Patient is instructed to free associate. He does this
  while lying on a couch that is facing away from the
      - less fatiguing to the analyst than face-to-face
      -facilitated free association.
• Basic goal is to have awareness of one’s motives and
• Dream interpretation
• Transference
Goals of Psychoanalysis
• Genetic progression - bring the patient from his point of
  fixation in the psychosexual development to the genital stage.
• Structural - the ego should be strengthened in satisfactory
  relationships with the super ego.
• Dynamic - direct energy from the defense mechanism to more
  productive outlets.
• Topographic - makes the unconscious conscious - specifically,
  the defense mechanisms.
Client-centered Therapy
• Does not assume medical model (client vs. patient; counsellor
  vs. therapist/doctor
• Brief duration (~ 10 vsits)
• Non-directive
      • Counselor “reflects” rather than “interprets”
      • No dream analysis
      • No specific retracing of psychosexual history
1. Rigidity - little desire to change. Little recognition
   of feelings.
2. Perception of problems, externally dispassionate
   display of feeling. Little recognition of contradictory
3. Free expression of feelings. Source of feelings
   considered. Increased awareness of the “real me.”
   Awareness of contradictions.
4. Immediacy of feelings. Real direct experience. High
   self-regard. Less intellectualization about self.
5. Acceptance of self and problem.
 • P (patient): I hesitate to meet people - I hesitate to
   canvas for my photographic business. I feel a terrific
   aversion to any kind of activity, even dancing. I
   normally enjoy dancing very much. But when my
   inhibition, or whatever you wish to cal it, is on me
   powerfully, it is an ordeal for me to dance. I notice a
   difference in my musical ability. On my good days I
   can harmonize with other people singing.
 • C (counselor): M-hm.
     ROGERIAN THERAPY (cont’d.)
  • P: I have a good ear for harmony then. But when I’m
    blocked, I seem to lose that, as well as my dancing
    ability. I feel very awkward and stiff.
  • C: M-hm. So that both in your work and in your
    recreation you feel blocked.
  • P: I don’t want to do anything. I just lie around. I
    get no gusto for any activity at all.
  • C: You just feel rather unable to do things, is that it?
  • ************************
     ROGERIAN THERAPY (cont’d.)
  • P: Well, it’s just reached the point where it becomes
       unbearable. I’d rather be dead than alive as I am
  • C: You’d rather be dead than alive as you are now?
        Can you tell me a little more about that?
  • P: Well, I hope. Of course, we always live on hope.
  • C: Yes.
• P: Well, I’ve been noticing something
  decidedly new. Rather than have
  fluctuations, I’ve been noticing a very
  gradual and steady improvement. It’s just as
  if I have become more stabilized and my
  growth had been one of the hard way and the
  sure way rather than the wavering and the
  fluctuating way.
• C: M-hm.
• P: I go into situations, and even though it’s an effort, why, I go
  ahead and make progress, and I find that when you sort of
  seize the bull by the horns, as it were, why it isn’t so bad as if
  you deliberate and perhaps - well, think too long about it, like
  I used to. I sort of say to myself, “Well, I know absolutely that
  avoiding the situation will leave me in the same rut I’ve been
  talking,” and I realize that I don’t want to be in the same old
  rut, so I go ahead and go into the situation, and even when I
  have disappointments in the situation, I find that they don’t
  bring me down as much as they used to.
         ROGERIAN THERAPY (cont’d.)
• C: That sounds like very real progress.
• P: And what pleases me is that my feelings are on an even keel, steadily
  improving, which gives me much more of a feeling of security than if I had
  fluctuations. You see, fluctuations lead you from the peaks to the valleys,
  and you can’t get as much self-confidence as when you’re having gradual
• C: M-hm.
• P: So that the harder way is really the more satisfactory way.
• C: Then you’re really finding a step-by-step type of improvement that you
  hadn’t found before.
Phobia           Descripion      Phobia            Description
Acrophobia       Heights         Monophobia        Being
Aerophobia       Flying          Mysophobia        Dirt &
Agoraphobia      Public places   Nyctophobia       Darkness
Aichmophobia     Sharp pointed Ophidiophobia       Snakes
Arachnophobia    Spiders         Parthenophobia    Virgins
Brontophobia     Thunder-        Porphyrophobia    The color
                 storms                            purple
Claustrophobia   Closed spaces Triskaidekaphobia   #13
Entomophobia     Insects         Xenophobia        Strangers
Hematophobia     Blood           Zoophobia         Animals
Relative Frequency of Phobias
How Phobias Vary With Age
“Let all your muscles go loose and heavy.
   Just settle back quietly and
  comfortably. Wrinkle up your forehead
  now; wrinkle it tighter....And now stop
  wrinkling your forehead, relax and
  smooth it out. Picture the entire
  forehead and scalp becoming smoother
  as the relaxation increases....
  INSTRUCTIONS (cont’d.)
Now frown and crease your brows and study
 the tension....Let go of the tension again.
 Smooth out the forehead once more....Now,
 close your eyes tighter and tighter...feel the
 tension...and relax your eyes. Keep your eyes
 closed, gently, comfortably, and notice the
 relaxation .... Now clench your jaws, bite
 your teeth together; study the tension
 throughout the jaws....Relax your jaws now.
 Let your lips part slightly....Appreciate the
  INSTRUCTIONS (cont’d.)
Now press your tongue hard against the roof of
 your mouth. Look for the tension....All right,
 let your tongue return to a comfortable and
 relaxed position .... Now purse your lips,
 press your lips together tighter and
 tighter....Relax your lips. Note the contrast
 between tension and relaxation. Feel the
 relaxation all over your face, all over your
 forehead and scalp, eyes, jaws, lips, tongue
 and throat. The relaxation progresses further
 and further...”. [from Wolpe and Lazarus
 (1966), p. 178]
Treatment of
A Phobia
“The patient, a 14-year-old boy, suffered from
  an intense fear of dogs which lasted for two
  and one-half to three years. He would take
  two buses on a roundabout route to school
  rather than risk exposure to dogs on a direct
  300-yard walk. He was rather a dull (IQ =
  93), sluggish person, very large for his age,
  trying to be cooperative, but sadly
  unresponsive---especially to attempts at
  training in relaxation.
     TRANSCRIPT (cont’d.)
In his desire to please, he would state that he
  had been perfectly relaxed even though he had
  betrayed himself by his intense fidgetiness.
  Training in relaxation was eventually
  abandoned, and an attempt was made to
  establish the nature of his aspirations and
  goals. By dint of much questioning and after
  following many false trails because of his
  inarticulateness, a topic was eventually
  tracked down that was absorbing enough to
  form the subject of his fantasies, namely,
  racing motor-cars.
          TRANSCRIPT (cont’d.)
He had a burning ambition to own a certain Alfa Romeo
 sports car and race it at the Indianapolis 500.
 Emotive imagery was induced as follows: “Close your
 eyes. I want you to imagine, clearly and vividly, that
 your wish has come true. The Alfa Romeo is now in
 your possession. It is your car. It is standing in the
 street outside your house. You are looking at it now.
 Notice the beautiful, sleek lines. You decide to go for
 a drive with some friends of yours. You sit down at
 the wheel, and you feel a thrill of pride as you realize
 that you own this magnificent machine.

You start up and listen to the wonderful roar of the
  exhaust. You let the clutch in and the car streaks off.
  You are out in a clear open road now; the car is
  performing like a pedigree; the speedometer is
  climbing into the nineties; you have a wonderful
  feeling of being in perfect control; you look at trees
  whizzing by and you see a little dog standing next to
  one of them-- if you feel any anxiety, just raise your
  finger....” An item fairly high up on the hierarchy was:
  “You stop at a cafe in a little town, and dozens of
  people crowd around to look enviously at this
  magnificent car and its lucky owner; you swell with
  pride; and at this moment a large boxer comes up and
  sniffs at your heels. If you feel any anxiety....”
  [from Lazarus and Abramovitz (1962)].
Comparisons of Different
         Approaches to Psychotherapy
                          Behavior Modification    Psychoanalysis
What is to be modified?         Learned behavior   Symptoms
Role of therapist:              Deliberate         None - minimal
                                Active             Indirect
                                Direct             Passive
Philosophy of treatment:        Scientific         Intuitive
of behavior:                    Real               Symbolic
Aim:                            Goal directed      General
Basis of change:                Training           Insight
What is dealt with:             Present behavior   Past behavior

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Lecture19 pathology therapy

  • 1. Abnormal Psychology, Psychopathology & Psychotherapy What should be labeled deviant?  What psychiatrists, clinical psychologists or other trained professionals label deviant? (DSM-IV) Or,  Only organically based behavioral disorders (Szaz).
  • 2. Treating Insanity • Hippocrates – recognized depression and epilepsy as medical problem. • Middle ages – deviant people were locked up • Bedlam (Bethlehem hospital, London) • Reform movement • Pinel (1790) • Dorothea Dix (1850) • Medical Model (late 19th century)
  • 4. Exorcizing the Devil to alleviate madness
  • 6. St. Mary’s of Bethlehem Hospital (“Bedlam”)
  • 8. Medical Model of Mental Illness • Psychiatry an offshoot of neurology (Charcot (1860), Breuer & Freud (1896), Bleuler (1911). • Freud: Too little was known about the brain; opted for psychoanalysis. Classified mental illness into two major categories: neuroses and psychoses. • “General paresis” discovered by Krafft-Ebbing to have a physical cause in 1905 (syphilis). • Pavlov (1904). Concept of conditioning and experimental neurosis that was mediated by specific brain circuits.
  • 9. Reactions to the Medical Model • Harry Stack Sullivan (broke with psychoanalytic tradition). • Clinical (lay) psychologists allowed to treat patients with “mental” disorders. • Carl Rogers, Ph.D. Published first transcript of a therapeutic session. • Behavior Therapy (Wolpe, Lazarus). Began in 50’s. • Cognitive Therapy (Seligman). Began in 60’s. • Thomas Szaz: Mental illness should only refer to behavioral deviations that have a well defined organic basis. Other deviant behaviors the product of “problems of living”. • DSM-III (1983) & IV (1994)
  • 10. What is a normal personality? •Least deviant? •What is deviant? •Statistical (does 1/10 of population have mental illness?) •Adaptive sublimation? •Self-actualization? •Quantitative vs. qualitative differences between normal and abnormal.
  • 12. Types of Personality Tests • Objective MMPI (Minnesota Multi Phasic Inventory) • Projective TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) Rorschach Test
  • 15.
  • 16. Interpretation of Sample MMPI Score • Overly self-critical • Personality disorder • Poor social adjustment • Unusual thinking and behavior • High level of anxiety
  • 19. Sample Responses On TAT Test • (1) My first thought is that it looks like a mother comng to the door. • (2) --the doorbell just rang and she’s expecting someone probably pretty dear. • (3) maybe it’s her son--that shows I’m homesick. • (4) stuff in the room--furniture, flowers, bookshelves and books--looks roughly like the middle-class home I came from • (5) she doesn’t look like my mother, but somebody’s mother • (6) even if she has one nude leg.
  • 20. TAT STORIES IN RESPONSE TO “BOY LOOKING AT VIOLIN” • 45-year old business man: • This is a child prodigy dreaming over his violin, thinking more of the music that anything else. But of wonderment that so much music can be in an instrument and in the fingers of his own hand. . . .I would say that possibly he is in reverie about what he can do with his music in the times that lay ahead. He is dreaming of concert halls, tours, and . . . the beauty he will be able to express and even now can express with his own talents.
  • 21. TAT STORY 2 • 45-Year old clerk: • . . . This is the son of a very well-known, a very good musician. . . . The father has probably died. The only thing the son has left is this violin which is undoubtedly a very good one. . . . To the son, the violin is the father and the son sits there daydreaming of the time that he will understand the music and interpret is on the violin that his father had played.
  • 26. DSM childhood (e.g., mental retardation, Disorders first evident in III (1983) hyperactivity).  Organic mental disorders: symptoms directly related to injury to brain or to abnormality (syphilis, Alzheimer’s disease, extreme alcoholism, brain tumor).  Substance use disorders.  Schizophrenic disorders.  Paranoid disorders.  Affective disorders (manic and/or depressed moods).  Somatoform disorders (hysteria, hypochodriasis).  Dissociative disorders (amnesia, multiple personalities).  Psychosexual disorders (transsexualism, frigidity, exhibitionism, sexual sadism, homosexuality-but only if individual is unhappy).  Personality disorders (anti-social behavior, narcissistic personality).  Anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety or panic, phobias, posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder).  Leftovers (marital problems, family therapy).
  • 27. DSM-IV (1994) • Anxiety disorders. • Mood disorders. • Somatoform disorders. • Dissociative disorders. • Schizophrenia and other psychotic disordcrs (delusional). • Substance-related disorders • Eating disorders (aneroxia nervosa, bulimia nervosa). • Sleep disorders. • Impulse control disorders (kleptomania, pyromania, pathological gambling) • Personality disorders (anti-social behavior, narcissistic personality). • Disorders first evident in childhood (e.g., mental retardation, hyperactivity). • Delerium, dementia, amnestic and other cognitive disorders. • Adjustment disorder (Maladaptive, excessive emotional reaction to a stressful event within previous 6 months).
  • 28. DSM III (1983) DSM IV (1994) Childhood mental retardation, hyperactivity Childhood (e.g., mental retardation, hyperactivity). Organic mental disorders: symptoms directly Delerium, dementia, amnestic and other related to injury to brain or to abnormality cognitive disorders. Substance use Substance-related disorders Schizophrenic Schizophrenia and other psychotic disordcrs (delusional Paranoid Affective disorders (manic and/or depressed Mood disorders. moods). Somatoform disorders (hysteria, Somatoform disorders hypochodriasis). Dissociative disorders (amnesia, multiple Dissociative disorders. personalities). Psychosexual disorders transsexualism, frigidity, exhibitionism, sexual sadism, homosexuality-but only if individual is unhappy). Personality disorders (anti-social behavior, Personality disorders (anti-social behavior, narcissistic personality) narcissistic personality). Anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety or Anxiety disorders panic, phobias, posttraumatic stress disorder, Leftovers (marital problems, family therapy). Adjustment disorder (Maladaptive, excessive emotional reaction to a stressful event within previous 6 months). Eating disorders (aneroxia nervosa , bulimia nervosa). Sleep disorders. Impulse control disorders (kleptomania, pyromania, pathological gambling)
  • 29. Psychoanalysis • Based on Freud’s theory of personality Many varieties, e.g., Jung, Adler, Sullivan • M.D. usually required; Ph.D. in clinical psychology now acceptable (lay analysts) • Training performed by certified institutes in three stages: -formal courses -personal analysis with an institute analyst -control analyses supervised by a training analyst. • Patients: usually brighter than average; in most cases neurotic. Typically excluded are homosexuals, alcoholics, psychotics, patients with character disorders.
  • 30. Conditions for Psychoanalysis •MD originally required •No psychotics, alcoholics, homosexuals, sociopaths •Time commitment: ~ 5 years •Financial commitment: $150 x 4; $600/week; $27,000/year. •Life decisions placed on hold. No marriage, divorce, moving, changing jobs without consulting analyst.
  • 32. Psychoanalytic Method • Treatment consists of three to five 50 minute sessions per week . • Patient is instructed to free associate. He does this while lying on a couch that is facing away from the analyst. - less fatiguing to the analyst than face-to-face relationships -facilitated free association. • Basic goal is to have awareness of one’s motives and memories. • Dream interpretation • Transference
  • 33. Goals of Psychoanalysis • Genetic progression - bring the patient from his point of fixation in the psychosexual development to the genital stage. • Structural - the ego should be strengthened in satisfactory relationships with the super ego. • Dynamic - direct energy from the defense mechanism to more productive outlets. • Topographic - makes the unconscious conscious - specifically, the defense mechanisms.
  • 34. Client-centered Therapy • Does not assume medical model (client vs. patient; counsellor vs. therapist/doctor • Brief duration (~ 10 vsits) • Non-directive • Counselor “reflects” rather than “interprets” • No dream analysis • No specific retracing of psychosexual history
  • 35. PROCESS OF CLIENT- CENTERED THERAPY 1. Rigidity - little desire to change. Little recognition of feelings. 2. Perception of problems, externally dispassionate display of feeling. Little recognition of contradictory feelings... 3. Free expression of feelings. Source of feelings considered. Increased awareness of the “real me.” Awareness of contradictions. 4. Immediacy of feelings. Real direct experience. High self-regard. Less intellectualization about self. 5. Acceptance of self and problem.
  • 36. EXCERPTS FROM THE FIRST INTERVIEW IN ROGERIAN THERAPY • P (patient): I hesitate to meet people - I hesitate to canvas for my photographic business. I feel a terrific aversion to any kind of activity, even dancing. I normally enjoy dancing very much. But when my inhibition, or whatever you wish to cal it, is on me powerfully, it is an ordeal for me to dance. I notice a difference in my musical ability. On my good days I can harmonize with other people singing. • C (counselor): M-hm.
  • 37. EXCERPTS FROM THE FIRST INTERVIEW IN ROGERIAN THERAPY (cont’d.) • P: I have a good ear for harmony then. But when I’m blocked, I seem to lose that, as well as my dancing ability. I feel very awkward and stiff. • C: M-hm. So that both in your work and in your recreation you feel blocked. • P: I don’t want to do anything. I just lie around. I get no gusto for any activity at all. • C: You just feel rather unable to do things, is that it? • ************************
  • 38. EXCERPTS FROM THE FIRST INTERVIEW IN ROGERIAN THERAPY (cont’d.) • P: Well, it’s just reached the point where it becomes unbearable. I’d rather be dead than alive as I am now. • C: You’d rather be dead than alive as you are now? Can you tell me a little more about that? • P: Well, I hope. Of course, we always live on hope. • C: Yes.
  • 39. EXCERPT FROM THE EIGHTH AND FINAL INTERVIEW IN ROGERIAN THERAPY • P: Well, I’ve been noticing something decidedly new. Rather than have fluctuations, I’ve been noticing a very gradual and steady improvement. It’s just as if I have become more stabilized and my growth had been one of the hard way and the sure way rather than the wavering and the fluctuating way. • C: M-hm.
  • 40. EXCERPT FROM THE EIGHTH AND FINAL INTERVIEW IN ROGERIAN THERAPY • P: I go into situations, and even though it’s an effort, why, I go ahead and make progress, and I find that when you sort of seize the bull by the horns, as it were, why it isn’t so bad as if you deliberate and perhaps - well, think too long about it, like I used to. I sort of say to myself, “Well, I know absolutely that avoiding the situation will leave me in the same rut I’ve been talking,” and I realize that I don’t want to be in the same old rut, so I go ahead and go into the situation, and even when I have disappointments in the situation, I find that they don’t bring me down as much as they used to.
  • 41. EXCERPT FROM THE EIGHTH AND FINAL INTERVIEW IN ROGERIAN THERAPY (cont’d.) • C: That sounds like very real progress. • P: And what pleases me is that my feelings are on an even keel, steadily improving, which gives me much more of a feeling of security than if I had fluctuations. You see, fluctuations lead you from the peaks to the valleys, and you can’t get as much self-confidence as when you’re having gradual improvement. • C: M-hm. • P: So that the harder way is really the more satisfactory way. • C: Then you’re really finding a step-by-step type of improvement that you hadn’t found before.
  • 42. Phobia Descripion Phobia Description Acrophobia Heights Monophobia Being alone Aerophobia Flying Mysophobia Dirt & Germs Agoraphobia Public places Nyctophobia Darkness Aichmophobia Sharp pointed Ophidiophobia Snakes objects Arachnophobia Spiders Parthenophobia Virgins Brontophobia Thunder- Porphyrophobia The color storms purple Claustrophobia Closed spaces Triskaidekaphobia #13 Entomophobia Insects Xenophobia Strangers Hematophobia Blood Zoophobia Animals
  • 44. How Phobias Vary With Age
  • 45. BEHAVIOR THERAPIST’S INSTRUCTIONS “Let all your muscles go loose and heavy. Just settle back quietly and comfortably. Wrinkle up your forehead now; wrinkle it tighter....And now stop wrinkling your forehead, relax and smooth it out. Picture the entire forehead and scalp becoming smoother as the relaxation increases....
  • 46. BEHAVIOR THERAPIST’S INSTRUCTIONS (cont’d.) Now frown and crease your brows and study the tension....Let go of the tension again. Smooth out the forehead once more....Now, close your eyes tighter and tighter...feel the tension...and relax your eyes. Keep your eyes closed, gently, comfortably, and notice the relaxation .... Now clench your jaws, bite your teeth together; study the tension throughout the jaws....Relax your jaws now. Let your lips part slightly....Appreciate the relaxation....
  • 47. BEHAVIOR THERAPIST’S INSTRUCTIONS (cont’d.) Now press your tongue hard against the roof of your mouth. Look for the tension....All right, let your tongue return to a comfortable and relaxed position .... Now purse your lips, press your lips together tighter and tighter....Relax your lips. Note the contrast between tension and relaxation. Feel the relaxation all over your face, all over your forehead and scalp, eyes, jaws, lips, tongue and throat. The relaxation progresses further and further...”. [from Wolpe and Lazarus (1966), p. 178]
  • 49. BEHAVIOR THERAPY TRANSCRIPT “The patient, a 14-year-old boy, suffered from an intense fear of dogs which lasted for two and one-half to three years. He would take two buses on a roundabout route to school rather than risk exposure to dogs on a direct 300-yard walk. He was rather a dull (IQ = 93), sluggish person, very large for his age, trying to be cooperative, but sadly unresponsive---especially to attempts at training in relaxation.
  • 50. BEHAVIOR THERAPY TRANSCRIPT (cont’d.) In his desire to please, he would state that he had been perfectly relaxed even though he had betrayed himself by his intense fidgetiness. Training in relaxation was eventually abandoned, and an attempt was made to establish the nature of his aspirations and goals. By dint of much questioning and after following many false trails because of his inarticulateness, a topic was eventually tracked down that was absorbing enough to form the subject of his fantasies, namely, racing motor-cars.
  • 51. BEHAVIOR THERAPY TRANSCRIPT (cont’d.) He had a burning ambition to own a certain Alfa Romeo sports car and race it at the Indianapolis 500. Emotive imagery was induced as follows: “Close your eyes. I want you to imagine, clearly and vividly, that your wish has come true. The Alfa Romeo is now in your possession. It is your car. It is standing in the street outside your house. You are looking at it now. Notice the beautiful, sleek lines. You decide to go for a drive with some friends of yours. You sit down at the wheel, and you feel a thrill of pride as you realize that you own this magnificent machine.
  • 52. BEHAVIOR THERAPY TRANSCRIPT (cont’d.) You start up and listen to the wonderful roar of the exhaust. You let the clutch in and the car streaks off. You are out in a clear open road now; the car is performing like a pedigree; the speedometer is climbing into the nineties; you have a wonderful feeling of being in perfect control; you look at trees whizzing by and you see a little dog standing next to one of them-- if you feel any anxiety, just raise your finger....” An item fairly high up on the hierarchy was: “You stop at a cafe in a little town, and dozens of people crowd around to look enviously at this magnificent car and its lucky owner; you swell with pride; and at this moment a large boxer comes up and sniffs at your heels. If you feel any anxiety....” [from Lazarus and Abramovitz (1962)].
  • 53. Comparisons of Different Approaches to Psychotherapy Behavior Modification Psychoanalysis What is to be modified? Learned behavior Symptoms Role of therapist: Deliberate None - minimal Active Indirect Direct Passive Philosophy of treatment: Scientific Intuitive Interpretation of behavior: Real Symbolic Aim: Goal directed General restructuring Basis of change: Training Insight What is dealt with: Present behavior Past behavior