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Relational Logic Programming for Clojure
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Why core.logic?
core.logic in the real world
ThreatGRID uses core.logic to
process observations of malware
execution looking for behavioral
indicators of compromise.
Observations are simple factual statements that map into
core.logic relations and SQL tables. The mapping allows
the same data model to be used for core.logic programs in
memory, as well as persistance in a database and later
analysis and querying via SQL.
A persistent core.logic database. pldb provides an in-
memory persistent fact database making it easier to use
core.logic in multi-threaded environments like web
(run* [q])
This is the simplest possible
core.logic program. q is the
query. run* says “give me all the
run* returns a seq of all possible
results. The symbol _0
represents a fresh (unbound)
logic variable.
(run* [q]
(== q :hello-world))
The most fundamental operation
on a logic variable is to unify it.
unification is ==.
There is only one value of q that
satisfies the relation. (:hello-world)
(run* [q]
(== q [:hello :world]))
Logic variables can also be
unified over sequences.
There is still only one value of q
that satisfies the relation.
([:hello :world])
(run* [q]
(== q [:hello :world])
(== q [:hello :world]))
A logic variable can be unified
with the same value multiple
([:hello :world])
(run* [q]
(== q :hello)
(== q :world))
A logic variable cannot unify with
two different values at the same
There are no values of q that
satisfy the relation. ()
(run* [q]
[(== q :hello)]
[(== q :world)]))
You can introduce alternative
values with conde. Every conde
line that succeeds produces
possible alternative values.
There are 2 values of q that
satisfy the relation. (:hello :world)
(run* [q]
[(== q :hello)]
[(== q :world)])
(!= q :hello))
!= introduces a constraint that
two values never unify.
There are 2 values of q that
satisfy the conde goal, but !=
eliminates one of them. (:world)
(run* [q]
(fresh [x y]
(== x :something)
(== y :something-else)))
fresh introduces new logic
x and y are bound, but the query
remains unbound.
(run* [q]
(fresh [x y]
(== x :something)
(== x :something-else)))
The query fails since no value of
q can make x unify with two
different values.
(run* [q]
(fresh [x y]
(== q [x :and y])
(== x :something)
(== :something-else y)))
Order does not matter for
([:something :and :something-else])
(run* [q]
(fresh [smurf]
(membero smurf
[:papa :brainy :lazy :handy])
(== q [smurf smurf])))
membero is relation that
succeeds when the first
argument is a member of the
second argument. It can
succeed multiple times.
q produces each success ([:papa :papa]
[:brainy :brainy]
[:lazy :lazy]
[:handy :handy])
(run* [q]
(fresh [smurf1 smurf2]
(membero smurf1
[:papa :brainy :lazy :handy])
(membero smurf2
[:papa :brainy :lazy :handy])
(== q [smurf1 smurf2])))
Both membero relations succeed
multiple times. q is unified with
each pair.
([:papa :papa]
[:papa :brainy]
[:brainy :papa]
[:handy :lazy]
[:handy :handy])
(run* [q]
(fresh [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3]
(membero smurf1
[:papa :brainy :lazy :handy])
(membero smurf2
[:papa :brainy :lazy :handy])
(membero smurf3
[:papa :brainy :lazy :handy])
(distincto [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3])
(== q [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3])))
distincto ensures that no two
items in the relation unify with
each other. smurf1 will never
unify with smurf2, and neither will
unify with smurf3.
([:papa :brainy :lazy]
[:papa :brainy :handy]
[:brainy :papa :lazy]
[:brainy :papa :handy]
[:handy :lazy :brainy])
(run* [q]
(fresh [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3]
(== q [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3])
(everyg #(membero % [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy])
(distincto q)))
everyg ensures that every
element in a collection satisfies a
goal. It is not a proper relation, in
that it requires the collection to
already be a seq.
([:papa :brainy :lazy]
[:papa :brainy :handy]
[:brainy :papa :lazy]
[:brainy :papa :handy]
[:handy :lazy :brainy])
(run* [q]
(== q [(lvar) (lvar) (lvar)])
(everyg #(membero % [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy])
(distincto q))
lvar creates a new a logic
variable. Since we don’t need to
refer to the items individually, we
can just say that the
([:papa :brainy :lazy]
[:papa :brainy :handy]
[:brainy :papa :lazy]
[:brainy :papa :handy]
[:handy :lazy :brainy])
Map coloring
(run 1 [q]
(fresh [tn ms al ga fl]
(everyg #(membero % [:red :blue :green])
[tn ms al ga fl])
(!= ms tn) (!= ms al) (!= al tn)
(!= al ga) (!= al fl) (!= ga fl) (!= ga tn)
(== q {:tennesse tn
:mississipi ms
:alabama al
:georgia ga
:florida fl})))
({:tennesse :blue,
:mississipi :red,
:alabama :green,
:georgia :red,
:florida :blue})
rock paper scissors
(defn beatso [player1 player2]
[(== player1 :rock) (== player2 :scissors)]
[(== player1 :scissors) (== player2 :paper)]
[(== player1 :paper) (== player2 :rock)]))
beatso is a custom relation
between two terms. It succeeds
when the first players move
beats the second players move
rock paper scissors
(run* [q]
(beatso :rock :paper))
beatso fails because :rock does
not beat paper. No value of q
makes this succeed.
rock paper scissors
(run* [q]
(beatso :paper :rock))
beatso succeeds because :paper
beats rock. q remains fresh
because no questions were
asked of it.
rock paper scissors
(run* [q]
(beatso :rock q))
beatso can answer in either
(run* [q]
(beatso q :scissors))
rock paper scissors
(run* [q]
(fresh [x y]
(beatso x y)
(== q [x y])))
This query asks for all the pairs
where x beats y.
([:rock :scissors]
[:scissors :paper]
[:paper :rock])
rpsls is a relation of one term.
Five facts are asserted about the
(defrel rpsls gesture)
(fact rpsls :rock)
(fact rpsls :paper)
(fact rpsls :scissors)
(fact rpsls :lizard)
(fact rpsls :spock)
(run* [q]
(rpsls q))
defrel relations answer queries in
the same way as the other
relations we’ve seen.
(:rock :paper :scissors :lizard :spock)
beats is a relation of two terms,
indicating the first gesture beats
the second one.
(defrel beats gesture1 gesture2)
(fact beats :scissors :paper)
(fact beats :paper :rock)
(fact beats :rock :lizard)
(fact beats :lizard :spock)
(fact beats :spock :scissors)
(fact beats :scissors :lizard)
(fact beats :lizard :paper)
(fact beats :paper :spock)
(fact beats :spock :rock)
(fact beats :rock :scissors)
(run* [q]
(fresh [x y]
(beats :spock x)
(beats x y)
(beats y :spock)
(== q [:spock x y :spock])))
We can ask questions like: give
me a 4-chain of dominated
moves starting and ending
with :spock. There are three
([:spock :scissors :lizard :spock]
[:spock :scissors :paper :spock]
[:spock :rock :lizard :spock])
(defn win-chaino [x]
(fresh [a d]
(rpsls a)
(conso a d x)
[(emptyo d)]
[(fresh [b]
(beats a b)
(firsto d b))
(win-chaino d)])))
A winning chain is a single rpsls
move either by itself or followed
by a winning chain whose first
move is beaten by the original
conso, emptyo and firsto are
relations over cons lists.
(run* [q]
(== q (concat [:spock]
(repeatedly 10 lvar)
(win-chaino q)))
How many winning chains are
there from :spock to :lizard with
10 steps?
USEless logic puzzle
‣ petey pig did not hand out the popcorn
‣ pippin pig does not live in the wood house
‣ the pig that lives in the straw house handed out popcorn
‣ Petunia pig handed out apples
‣ The pig who handed out chocolate does not live in the brick house.
Three little pigs, who each
lived in a different type of
house, handed out treats for
Halloween. Use the clues to
figure out which pig lived in
each house, and what type of
treat each pig handed out.
USEless logic puzzle
(defn pigso [q]
(fresh [h1 h2 h3 t1 t2 t3]
(== q [[:petey h1 t1]
[:pippin h2 t2]
[:petunia h3 t3]])
(permuteo [t1 t2 t3]
[:chocolate :popcorn :apple])
(permuteo [h1 h2 h3]
[:wood :straw :brick])
 ... ))
pigso starts by defining the
solution space.
permuteo succeeds when the
first list is permutation of the
USEless logic puzzle
(fresh [notpopcorn _]
(membero notpopcorn [:chocolate :apple])
(membero [:petey _ notpopcorn] q))
(fresh [notwood _]
(membero notwood [:straw :brick])
(membero [:pippin notwood _] q))
(fresh [_]
(membero [_ :straw :popcorn] q))
(fresh [_]
(membero [:petunia _ :apple] q))
(fresh [notbrick _]
(membero notbrick [:straw :wood])
(membero [_ notbrick :chocolate] q))
The clues translate cleanly to
goals constraining the solution
membero has a solution when
the first item is a member of the
(run* [q]
(pigso q))
pigso finds the only solution.
([[:petey :wood :chocolate]
[:pippin :straw :popcorn]
[:petunia :brick :apple]])
fd/interval declares a finite
integer interval and fd/in
contrains logic variables to a
(defn two-plus-two-is-four [q]
(fresh [t w o f u r TWO FOUR]
(fd/in t w o f u r (fd/interval 0 9))
(fd/distinct [t w o f u r])
(fd/in TWO (fd/interval 100 999))
(fd/in FOUR (fd/interval 1000 9999))
(== q [TWO TWO FOUR])))
+ T W O
fd/eq translates simple math to
constraints over finite domain
logic variables.
(fd/eq (= TWO
(+ (* 100 t)
(* 10 w)
(fd/eq (= FOUR
(+ (* 1000 f)
(* 100 o)
(* 10 u)
(fd/eq (= (+ TWO TWO) FOUR))
+ T W O
There are 7 unique solutions to
the problem.
(run* [q]
(two-plus-two-is-four q))
+ T W O
([734 734 1468]
[765 765 1530]
[836 836 1672]
[846 846 1692]
[867 867 1734]
[928 928 1856]
[938 938 1876])
sudoku made easier
After setting up the logic
variables and initializing state,
the solution simply requires every
row, column and square on the
board to have distinct values.
(defn solve [puzzle]
(let [sd-num (fd/domain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
board (repeatedly 81 lvar)
rows (into [] (map vec (partition 9 board)))
cols (apply map vector rows)
squares (for [x (range 0 9 3)
y (range 0 9 3)]
(get-square rows x y))]
(run* [q]
(== q board)
(everyg #(fd/in % sd-num) board)
(init-board board puzzle)
(everyg fd/distinct rows)
(everyg fd/distinct cols)
(everyg fd/distinct squares))))
sudoku made easier
matche is pattern matching
syntax for conde. To unify the
initial logic variables with a
board, we require either the
board have a 0 or that the logic
variable unifies with the value of
the board.
(defn init-board [vars puzzle]
(matche [vars puzzle]
([[] []]
([[_ . vs] [0 . ps]]
(init-board vs ps))
([[num . vs] [num . ps]]
(init-board vs ps))))
(def puzzle1
[0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0
0 3 8 0 0 5 0 0 4
0 2 0 0 6 0 0 7 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 0
0 0 0 9 2 6 0 0 0
0 9 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 4 0 0 7 0 0 3 0
5 0 0 4 0 0 2 1 0
0 7 0 8 0 0 0 0 0])
(partition 9 (first (solve puzzle1)))
((7 1 4 2 8 9 5 6 3)
(6 3 8 7 1 5 9 2 4)
(9 2 5 3 6 4 1 7 8)
(8 6 1 5 4 7 3 9 2)
(4 5 3 9 2 6 7 8 1)
(2 9 7 1 3 8 4 5 6)
(1 4 9 6 7 2 8 3 5)
(5 8 6 4 9 3 2 1 7)
(3 7 2 8 5 1 6 4 9))
Norman richards
Relational Logic Programming for Clojure CORE.LOGIC
Relational Logic Programming for Clojure CORE.LOGIC
Relational Logic Programming for Clojure CORE.LOGIC
Relational Logic Programming for Clojure CORE.LOGIC
Relational Logic Programming for Clojure CORE.LOGIC

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Relational Logic Programming for Clojure CORE.LOGIC

  • 1. Relational Logic Programming for Clojure CORE.LOGIC git clone
  • 3. core.logic in the real world ThreatGRID uses core.logic to process observations of malware execution looking for behavioral indicators of compromise. Observations are simple factual statements that map into core.logic relations and SQL tables. The mapping allows the same data model to be used for core.logic programs in memory, as well as persistance in a database and later analysis and querying via SQL. A persistent core.logic database. pldb provides an in- memory persistent fact database making it easier to use core.logic in multi-threaded environments like web applications.
  • 4. run* core.logic (run* [q]) This is the simplest possible core.logic program. q is the query. run* says “give me all the results”. run* returns a seq of all possible results. The symbol _0 represents a fresh (unbound) logic variable. (_0)
  • 5. unification core.logic (run* [q] (== q :hello-world)) The most fundamental operation on a logic variable is to unify it. unification is ==. There is only one value of q that satisfies the relation. (:hello-world)
  • 6. unification core.logic (run* [q] (== q [:hello :world])) Logic variables can also be unified over sequences. There is still only one value of q that satisfies the relation. ([:hello :world])
  • 7. unification core.logic (run* [q] (== q [:hello :world]) (== q [:hello :world])) A logic variable can be unified with the same value multiple times. ([:hello :world])
  • 8. unification core.logic (run* [q] (== q :hello) (== q :world)) A logic variable cannot unify with two different values at the same time. There are no values of q that satisfy the relation. ()
  • 9. conde core.logic (run* [q] (conde [(== q :hello)] [(== q :world)])) You can introduce alternative values with conde. Every conde line that succeeds produces possible alternative values. There are 2 values of q that satisfy the relation. (:hello :world)
  • 10. Disunification core.logic (run* [q] (conde [(== q :hello)] [(== q :world)]) (!= q :hello)) != introduces a constraint that two values never unify. There are 2 values of q that satisfy the conde goal, but != eliminates one of them. (:world)
  • 11. FRESH core.logic (run* [q] (fresh [x y] (== x :something) (== y :something-else))) fresh introduces new logic variables. x and y are bound, but the query remains unbound. (_0)
  • 12. FRESH core.logic (run* [q] (fresh [x y] (== x :something) (== x :something-else))) The query fails since no value of q can make x unify with two different values. ()
  • 13. FRESH core.logic (run* [q] (fresh [x y] (== q [x :and y]) (== x :something) (== :something-else y))) Order does not matter for unification. ([:something :and :something-else])
  • 14. membero core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (fresh [smurf] (membero smurf [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy]) (== q [smurf smurf]))) membero is relation that succeeds when the first argument is a member of the second argument. It can succeed multiple times. q produces each success ([:papa :papa] [:brainy :brainy] [:lazy :lazy] [:handy :handy])
  • 15. membero core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (fresh [smurf1 smurf2] (membero smurf1 [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy]) (membero smurf2 [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy]) (== q [smurf1 smurf2]))) Both membero relations succeed multiple times. q is unified with each pair. ([:papa :papa] [:papa :brainy] [:brainy :papa] ... [:handy :lazy] [:handy :handy])
  • 16. distincto core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (fresh [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3] (membero smurf1 [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy]) (membero smurf2 [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy]) (membero smurf3 [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy]) (distincto [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3]) (== q [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3]))) distincto ensures that no two items in the relation unify with each other. smurf1 will never unify with smurf2, and neither will unify with smurf3. ([:papa :brainy :lazy] [:papa :brainy :handy] [:brainy :papa :lazy] [:brainy :papa :handy] ... [:handy :lazy :brainy])
  • 17. everyg core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (fresh [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3] (== q [smurf1 smurf2 smurf3]) (everyg #(membero % [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy]) q) (distincto q))) everyg ensures that every element in a collection satisfies a goal. It is not a proper relation, in that it requires the collection to already be a seq. ([:papa :brainy :lazy] [:papa :brainy :handy] [:brainy :papa :lazy] [:brainy :papa :handy] ... [:handy :lazy :brainy])
  • 18. lvar core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (== q [(lvar) (lvar) (lvar)]) (everyg #(membero % [:papa :brainy :lazy :handy]) q) (distincto q)) lvar creates a new a logic variable. Since we don’t need to refer to the items individually, we can just say that the ([:papa :brainy :lazy] [:papa :brainy :handy] [:brainy :papa :lazy] [:brainy :papa :handy] ... [:handy :lazy :brainy])
  • 19. Map coloring core.logiccore.logic (run 1 [q] (fresh [tn ms al ga fl] (everyg #(membero % [:red :blue :green]) [tn ms al ga fl]) (!= ms tn) (!= ms al) (!= al tn) (!= al ga) (!= al fl) (!= ga fl) (!= ga tn)   (== q {:tennesse tn :mississipi ms :alabama al :georgia ga :florida fl}))) ({:tennesse :blue, :mississipi :red, :alabama :green, :georgia :red, :florida :blue})
  • 20. rock paper scissors core.logiccore.logic (defn beatso [player1 player2] (conde [(== player1 :rock) (== player2 :scissors)] [(== player1 :scissors) (== player2 :paper)] [(== player1 :paper) (== player2 :rock)])) beatso is a custom relation between two terms. It succeeds when the first players move beats the second players move
  • 21. rock paper scissors core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (beatso :rock :paper)) beatso fails because :rock does not beat paper. No value of q makes this succeed. ()
  • 22. rock paper scissors core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (beatso :paper :rock)) beatso succeeds because :paper beats rock. q remains fresh because no questions were asked of it. (_0)
  • 23. rock paper scissors core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (beatso :rock q)) beatso can answer in either direction. (:scissors) (run* [q] (beatso q :scissors)) (:rock)
  • 24. rock paper scissors core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (fresh [x y] (beatso x y) (== q [x y]))) This query asks for all the pairs where x beats y. ([:rock :scissors] [:scissors :paper] [:paper :rock])
  • 25. FACTS and RELATIONS core.logiccore.logic rpsls is a relation of one term. Five facts are asserted about the relation. (defrel rpsls gesture) (fact rpsls :rock) (fact rpsls :paper) (fact rpsls :scissors) (fact rpsls :lizard) (fact rpsls :spock)
  • 26. FACTS and RELATIONS core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (rpsls q)) defrel relations answer queries in the same way as the other relations we’ve seen. (:rock :paper :scissors :lizard :spock)
  • 27. FACTS and RELATIONS core.logiccore.logic beats is a relation of two terms, indicating the first gesture beats the second one. (defrel beats gesture1 gesture2) (fact beats :scissors :paper) (fact beats :paper :rock) (fact beats :rock :lizard) (fact beats :lizard :spock) (fact beats :spock :scissors) (fact beats :scissors :lizard) (fact beats :lizard :paper) (fact beats :paper :spock) (fact beats :spock :rock) (fact beats :rock :scissors)
  • 28. FACTS and RELATIONS core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (fresh [x y] (beats :spock x) (beats x y) (beats y :spock) (== q [:spock x y :spock]))) We can ask questions like: give me a 4-chain of dominated moves starting and ending with :spock. There are three solutions. ([:spock :scissors :lizard :spock] [:spock :scissors :paper :spock] [:spock :rock :lizard :spock])
  • 29. FACTS and RELATIONS core.logiccore.logic (defn win-chaino [x] (fresh [a d] (rpsls a) (conso a d x) (conde [(emptyo d)] [(fresh [b] (beats a b) (firsto d b)) (win-chaino d)]))) A winning chain is a single rpsls move either by itself or followed by a winning chain whose first move is beaten by the original move. conso, emptyo and firsto are relations over cons lists.
  • 30. FACTS and RELATIONS core.logiccore.logic (count (run* [q] (== q (concat [:spock] (repeatedly 10 lvar) [:lizard])) (win-chaino q))) How many winning chains are there from :spock to :lizard with 10 steps? 385
  • 31. USEless logic puzzle core.logiccore.logic ‣ petey pig did not hand out the popcorn ‣ pippin pig does not live in the wood house ‣ the pig that lives in the straw house handed out popcorn ‣ Petunia pig handed out apples ‣ The pig who handed out chocolate does not live in the brick house. Three little pigs, who each lived in a different type of house, handed out treats for Halloween. Use the clues to figure out which pig lived in each house, and what type of treat each pig handed out.
  • 32. USEless logic puzzle core.logiccore.logic (defn pigso [q] (fresh [h1 h2 h3 t1 t2 t3] (== q [[:petey h1 t1] [:pippin h2 t2] [:petunia h3 t3]]) (permuteo [t1 t2 t3] [:chocolate :popcorn :apple]) (permuteo [h1 h2 h3] [:wood :straw :brick])  ... )) pigso starts by defining the solution space. permuteo succeeds when the first list is permutation of the second.
  • 33. USEless logic puzzle core.logiccore.logic (fresh [notpopcorn _] (membero notpopcorn [:chocolate :apple]) (membero [:petey _ notpopcorn] q)) (fresh [notwood _] (membero notwood [:straw :brick]) (membero [:pippin notwood _] q)) (fresh [_] (membero [_ :straw :popcorn] q)) (fresh [_] (membero [:petunia _ :apple] q)) (fresh [notbrick _] (membero notbrick [:straw :wood]) (membero [_ notbrick :chocolate] q)) The clues translate cleanly to goals constraining the solution space. membero has a solution when the first item is a member of the second.
  • 34. FACTS and RELATIONS core.logiccore.logic (run* [q] (pigso q)) pigso finds the only solution. ([[:petey :wood :chocolate] [:pippin :straw :popcorn] [:petunia :brick :apple]])
  • 35. FINITE DOMAINS core.logiccore.logic fd/interval declares a finite integer interval and fd/in contrains logic variables to a domain. (defn two-plus-two-is-four [q] (fresh [t w o f u r TWO FOUR] (fd/in t w o f u r (fd/interval 0 9)) (fd/distinct [t w o f u r]) (fd/in TWO (fd/interval 100 999)) (fd/in FOUR (fd/interval 1000 9999))   ... (== q [TWO TWO FOUR]))) T W O + T W O ------- F O U R
  • 36. FINITE DOMAINS core.logiccore.logic fd/eq translates simple math to constraints over finite domain logic variables. (fd/eq (= TWO (+ (* 100 t) (* 10 w) o))) (fd/eq (= FOUR (+ (* 1000 f) (* 100 o) (* 10 u) r)))   (fd/eq (= (+ TWO TWO) FOUR)) T W O + T W O ------- F O U R
  • 37. FINITE DOMAINS core.logiccore.logic There are 7 unique solutions to the problem. (run* [q] (two-plus-two-is-four q)) T W O + T W O ------- F O U R ([734 734 1468] [765 765 1530] [836 836 1672] [846 846 1692] [867 867 1734] [928 928 1856] [938 938 1876])
  • 38. sudoku made easier core.logiccore.logic After setting up the logic variables and initializing state, the solution simply requires every row, column and square on the board to have distinct values. (defn solve [puzzle] (let [sd-num (fd/domain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) board (repeatedly 81 lvar) rows (into [] (map vec (partition 9 board))) cols (apply map vector rows) squares (for [x (range 0 9 3) y (range 0 9 3)] (get-square rows x y))]   (run* [q] (== q board) (everyg #(fd/in % sd-num) board) (init-board board puzzle) (everyg fd/distinct rows) (everyg fd/distinct cols) (everyg fd/distinct squares))))
  • 39. sudoku made easier core.logiccore.logic matche is pattern matching syntax for conde. To unify the initial logic variables with a board, we require either the board have a 0 or that the logic variable unifies with the value of the board. (defn init-board [vars puzzle] (matche [vars puzzle] ([[] []] succeed) ([[_ . vs] [0 . ps]] (init-board vs ps)) ([[num . vs] [num . ps]] (init-board vs ps))))
  • 40. sudoku core.logiccore.logic (def puzzle1 [0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 3 8 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 0 0 0 0 9 2 6 0 0 0 0 9 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 7 0 8 0 0 0 0 0]) (partition 9 (first (solve puzzle1))) ((7 1 4 2 8 9 5 6 3) (6 3 8 7 1 5 9 2 4) (9 2 5 3 6 4 1 7 8) (8 6 1 5 4 7 3 9 2) (4 5 3 9 2 6 7 8 1) (2 9 7 1 3 8 4 5 6) (1 4 9 6 7 2 8 3 5) (5 8 6 4 9 3 2 1 7) (3 7 2 8 5 1 6 4 9))