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JAXB - Java Architecture for XML

                     Generate JavaBeans
                     Generate XML Schema
                     Runtime transformation

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB - Preface

    JAXB – Java Architecture for XML Binding
    Another XML-API for Java ?
        No! Different to JAXP, StAX, SAX or DOM
    Binding not Parsing!
    JAXB driven by the JCP
    RI is Java WSDP (Web Service Developer
    Validation within binding process (optional)

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB - Goals

    JAXB simplifies the handling with XML and
    provides data with POJOs
    Prevents from low-level file parsing and
    API is part of JavaSE6 javax.xml.bind

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – History (JAXB 1.0)

    JAXB 1.0 → JSR-31 (2003)
        Only one-way binding from XML-Schema->Java
        Generated code was not completely portable
        W3C schema not entirely supported
        Already support for validation (strict!)

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – History (JAXB 2.0)

    JAXB 2.0 → JSR-222 (2006)
        Uses Java5 core concepts: Annotations,
        Generics, Enumerations
        Fundamental changes to simplify usability
        It's a real binding framework not a one-way
        mapper only
        No dependencies to implementation classes
        Full support of W3C XML Schema 1.0
        Major changes in validation process: more
        efficient, standardized (JAXP) and flexible
Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – History (JAXB 2.1)

    JAXB 2.1 → JSR-222 (2006)
        Only a small maintenance release
        One change to mention: Separate compilation
        feature. To extend a generated schema and
        reuse originally generated class files
        Integration in JDK6 is a manual step!
        Not worth to update

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – History (JAXB 2.2)

    JAXB 2.2 → JSR-222 (Q4/2009)
        Small maintenance release
        Simplifies marshaling/unmarshaling
        Simplifies globalBindings and schemaBindings
        Other minor improvements and bug fixes
        JDK6 upgrade is a manual step, version 2.0 is

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Affinities (I)

●   DOM API: Document Object Model (W3C)
    ●   XML is read/writeable
    ●   Object tree represents the XML file
    ●   Memory consumptive
    ●   Random data access
    ●   See also JDOM, dom4j and Jaxen
●   SAX API: Simple API for XML
    ●   XML only readable
    ●   Sequential event-driven document scanner
    ●   Fast file parsing (compared to DOM)
    ●   Integrated in JavaSE1.4

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Affinities (II)

    StAX: Streaming API for XML
        XML is read/writeable
        Serial document scanner:
         –   Parser is calling handler directly
         –   Parser and handler are decoupled with events
        Included in JavaSE6 (avail for 1.4/5)
    JAXP: Java API for XML Processing
        Abstracts DOM, SAX, StaX, Xpath and XSLT
        Integrated since JavaSE1.4

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML API Classification

                              Data Binding Frameworks
                                                                          Client application
                    Castor                         JAXB                   uses Java objects
                  Castor Impl
                                                Java WSDP


                   DOM            JDOM           SAX           StAX       Client application
                                                                           has to deal with
                                                                             objects that
                             Apache        Sun                             represents XML
                                                            Codehaus RI
                             Xerces      Crimson
                              Parser API and Implementations
Heiko Scherrer
JAXB Java Architecture for XML

                     Generate JavaBeans
                     Generate XML Schema
                     Runtime transformation

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Architecture

 @ compiletime:
      Use JAXB Schema compiler to generate
      annotated Java classes from XML schema or
       contract-driven approach (WSDL)
      Or use JAXB schema generator to generate a
      XML Schema from annotated Java classes
       model-driven approach (domain model)

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Architecture

       Write or generate
                                              Write or generate
       the XML Schema,
                                                Java classes
         the “contract”

                               Compile Time
             XML Schema with                  POJO classes with
                 binding                      JAXB annotations


                          Use schema compiler
                          or schema generator

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Architecture

 @ Runtime:
      XML Schema instance (XML file) is
      transformed into a Java object model
      instance – or backwards
      XML files don't have to be valid
      Binding and runtime validation is done
      using JAXB binding framework

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Architecture

                             Compile time                          Generation during
        XML Schema                            Java classes
                                                                  compile time
                                                                   Transformation
           XML                 Generation                         during runtime
                                                                     Marshalling
                                                  instantiation     Transformation from Java

                                                                    to XML data
                                                                    Unmarshalling
           XML                Marshalling /
                                                                   Transformation from XML
                                                                   data to Java objects

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB Java Architecture for XML

                     Generate JavaBeans
                     Generate XML Schema
                     Runtime transformation

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Generate JavaBeans

    Schema compiler (xjc)
    ●   command line tool (bin/
        ANT task
        Maven plugin
    Generated resources: JavaBeans, factory
    class (ObjectFactory), package-info
●   Example, see ./30a-JAXB_example

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Code Generation:Example

            Java Package:



Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Class Generation:Overview

●   Generated classes follow the JavaBeans specification
●   Default binding configuration
     “Convention over Configuration”
●   Custom binding configuration
     Override the default generation rules
●   A binding configuration contains 1..* binding declarations
●   Expressed with XML
    ●   Inline configuration: within same XML Schema
    ●   External configuration: separate XML file

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Assignment / Customization

    Default binding configuration
        Namespace is mapped to Java package
        Datatype is mapped to Java class
        Element is mapped to Class property
    Reasons to customize binding configuration
        Override standard datatype conversion
        Customize standard name conversion
        Add JavaDoc comments

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Inline declaration

●   annotation/appinfo
    are defined
    elements of
    XJC recognizes
    appinfo element
    Bindings in different

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – External declaration

    Separate XML file
●   Use xsd:import to
    import schemas
    Reference the base

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Binding declaration scopes

    Possible scopes for binding declarations:
    ●   <globalBindings>:Global declarations are valid
        for all schemes, even included and imported ones
    ●   <schemaBindings>:All elements in the current
    ●   <class>:Valid for global type and element
    ●   <property>:Valid for sub-elements of a type or

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Override declarations

    Inner defined binding configuration override
    the ones defined in outer scope (e.g.
    declaration in property scope overrides
    property in class, schema or global scope)

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Popular binding declarations
    <jaxb:collectionType>:Map an implementation class to
    Binding declaration (example):
    XML Schema element definition
    <xs:element name=”locations” minOccurs=”0”
        maxOccurs=”unbounded” type=”xs:string”/>
    Results in:
    protected List<String> = new Vector<String>();

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Popular binding declarations

●   <jaxb:package>:Define the name of the
    Java package
    Binding declaration (example):
       <jaxb:package name=”org.openwms”/>
    All elements within this schema are bound
    to classes in the named package

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Popular binding declarations

●   <jaxb:class>:Override the default
    classname for a given element
    Declare binding for a chosen element. Use
    XPath to identify the node:
            <jaxb:class name=”WMSLocation”/>
●   The name of the generated class is WMSLocation

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Popular binding declarations

●   <jaxb:property>:Valid for sub-elements of
    a type or element
    Used to customize generated Java class
    Declare binding for a chosen element. Use
    XPath to identify the node:
            <jaxb:property name=”identifier”/>

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Popular binding declarations

●   <jaxb:javadoc>:Document generated
    packages, classes and methods
    Document the source of data! (XML)
●   Used as child of jaxb:package/jaxb:class/
    Use <![CDATA[..]]> inside to document
    <jaxb:class name=”WMSLocation”>
       <![CDATA[class documentation]]>

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB Java Architecture for XML


Heiko Scherrer
JAXB Java Architecture for XML

                     Generate JavaBeans
                     Generate XML Schema
                     Runtime transformation

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation

    Schema generator (schemagen)
    ●   command line tool (bin/
        ANT task
        Maven plugin
    Input data: Java source or class files
    Generated resources: XML Schema file
●   Example, see ./30a-JAXB_example

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation

                   Simplest case! POJO
                   without JAXB related


Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation

    Java classes must follow the JavaBeans
    Don't has to be annotated with JAXB
     Convention over Configuration
●   Example, see ./30a-JAXB_example
●   Lots of javax.xml.bind.annotation.* to
    customize schema generation!

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation
      Define namespace

●   Standard documents
    package content and defines XML

    Use FQCN and do not import class type!
    Can be overridden on class-level:

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation

    Annotated classes can be used as root
    elements in XML Schema instances and
    marshalled directly (see Transformation)
    An XML Schema element is generated, too
    On type level: classes and enumerations

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation
    Defined which instance variables or properties to
    use for schema generation
    Possible values:
    ●   NONE: No variables are bound to the schema
    ●   PROPERTY: All JavaBeans properties are used
    ●   FIELD: All instance variables are bound to the schema
    ●   PUBLIC_MEMBER: All instance variables and properties
        are used
    Package or class level annotation

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation
●   Customize mapping from properties/variables to
    elements (similar JPA @Column)
●   Possible parameters:
    ●   name: Name of the XML element
    ●   required: true if the element must be set, else false
    ●   defaultValue: Default value when no value set during
    ●   PUBLIC_MEMBER: All instance variables and properties are

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation

    Annotated properties occur as attributes of
    an element
    Possible parameters:
    ●   name: Name of the XML attribute
    ●   required: true if the attribute must be set, else

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation

    Variable is used as plain-text content of the
    If used no other sub-elements are permitted

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – XML Schema Generation

    Binding is omitted
●   Comparable to JPA's @Transient and Java's
    If used no other sub-elements are permitted
    Allowed on field and method level

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB Java Architecture for XML


Heiko Scherrer
JAXB Java Architecture for XML

                     Generate JavaBeans
                     Generate XML Schema
                     Runtime transformation

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Runtime transformation

    Reading and writing XML files with JAXB
●   JAXBContext: All you need to access data
    binding (threadsafe but expensive!)
    Binding Java packages with:
    Binding Java classes with:

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Runtime transformation -
●   Unmarshalling: Transforming a XML file into a Java
    object tree instance
●   Create an Unmarshaller from the context object:
    Unmarshaller u = ctx.createUnmarshaller();
●   Validation against XML Schema or with
    ValidationHandler (see Validation)
    <Root> root = u.unmarshal(<Resource>);

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Runtime transformation -
    Method parameters of unmarshal(..):
    ●   java.xml.transform.Source
    ●   org.w3c.dom.Node
    ●   org.xml.sax.InputSource

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Runtime transformation -
    Return value of unmarshal(..):
    ●   java.lang.Object
    Cast into Java object that represents the XML
    root element:
    Location loc =
          (Location) u.unmarshal(
                new File(“locations.xml”));
    Simplest case: Unmarshal the whole XML file;
    map between XML root element and Java class

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Runtime transformation -
    Marshalling: Transforming a Java object tree
    instance into a XML file
    Create an Marshaller from the context object:
    Marshaller m = ctx.createMarshaller();
    Validation against XML Schema or with
    ValidationHandler (see Validation)
    m.marshal(obj, <Resource>);

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Runtime transformation -
    Method parameters of marshal(obj, res):
     ●   obj: POJO annotated with @XMLRootElement
     ●   res:
     ●   res:
     ●   res:
     ●   res: org.w3c.dom.Node
     ●   res: org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
     ●   res:
     ●   res:

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB – Runtime transformation -

    Write directly into XML file:
                 new File(“locations.xml”));
    Write to System.out:

Heiko Scherrer
JAXB Java Architecture for XML


Heiko Scherrer
JAXB Java Architecture for XML

       Next time:
       Customizing Marshalling & Unmarshalling

Heiko Scherrer

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JSR-222 Java Architecture for XML Binding

  • 1. JAXB - Java Architecture for XML Binding ● Preface ● Architecture ● Generate JavaBeans ● Generate XML Schema ● Runtime transformation Heiko Scherrer
  • 2. JAXB - Preface ● JAXB – Java Architecture for XML Binding ● Another XML-API for Java ? ● No! Different to JAXP, StAX, SAX or DOM ● Binding not Parsing! ● JAXB driven by the JCP ● RI is Java WSDP (Web Service Developer Packages) ● Validation within binding process (optional) Heiko Scherrer
  • 3. JAXB - Goals ● Simplicity JAXB simplifies the handling with XML and provides data with POJOs ● Abstraction Prevents from low-level file parsing and processing ● Standardization API is part of JavaSE6 javax.xml.bind Heiko Scherrer
  • 4. JAXB – History (JAXB 1.0) ● JAXB 1.0 → JSR-31 (2003) ● Only one-way binding from XML-Schema->Java classes ● Generated code was not completely portable ● W3C schema not entirely supported ● Already support for validation (strict!) Heiko Scherrer
  • 5. JAXB – History (JAXB 2.0) ● JAXB 2.0 → JSR-222 (2006) ● Uses Java5 core concepts: Annotations, Generics, Enumerations ● Fundamental changes to simplify usability ● It's a real binding framework not a one-way mapper only ● No dependencies to implementation classes ● Full support of W3C XML Schema 1.0 ● Major changes in validation process: more efficient, standardized (JAXP) and flexible Heiko Scherrer
  • 6. JAXB – History (JAXB 2.1) ● JAXB 2.1 → JSR-222 (2006) ● Only a small maintenance release ● One change to mention: Separate compilation feature. To extend a generated schema and reuse originally generated class files ● Integration in JDK6 is a manual step! ● Not worth to update Heiko Scherrer
  • 7. JAXB – History (JAXB 2.2) ● JAXB 2.2 → JSR-222 (Q4/2009) ● Small maintenance release ● Simplifies marshaling/unmarshaling ● Simplifies globalBindings and schemaBindings ● Other minor improvements and bug fixes ● JDK6 upgrade is a manual step, version 2.0 is pinned! Heiko Scherrer
  • 8. JAXB – Affinities (I) ● DOM API: Document Object Model (W3C) ● XML is read/writeable ● Object tree represents the XML file ● Memory consumptive ● Random data access ● See also JDOM, dom4j and Jaxen ● SAX API: Simple API for XML ● XML only readable ● Sequential event-driven document scanner ● Fast file parsing (compared to DOM) ● Integrated in JavaSE1.4 Heiko Scherrer
  • 9. JAXB – Affinities (II) ● StAX: Streaming API for XML ● XML is read/writeable ● Serial document scanner: – Parser is calling handler directly – Parser and handler are decoupled with events ● Included in JavaSE6 (avail for 1.4/5) ● JAXP: Java API for XML Processing ● Abstracts DOM, SAX, StaX, Xpath and XSLT ● Integrated since JavaSE1.4 Heiko Scherrer
  • 10. JAXB – XML API Classification Data Binding Frameworks Client application Castor JAXB uses Java objects Castor Impl Java WSDP Abstraction XML JAXP Layer DOM JDOM SAX StAX Client application has to deal with objects that Apache Sun represents XML Codehaus RI Xerces Crimson Parser API and Implementations XML Heiko Scherrer
  • 11. JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding ● Preface ● Architecture ● Generate JavaBeans ● Generate XML Schema ● Runtime transformation Heiko Scherrer
  • 12. JAXB – Architecture @ compiletime: ● Use JAXB Schema compiler to generate annotated Java classes from XML schema or DTD  contract-driven approach (WSDL) ● Or use JAXB schema generator to generate a XML Schema from annotated Java classes  model-driven approach (domain model) Heiko Scherrer
  • 13. JAXB – Architecture Write or generate Write or generate the XML Schema, Java classes the “contract” Compile Time XML Schema with POJO classes with binding JAXB annotations declarations XML Use schema compiler or schema generator Heiko Scherrer
  • 14. JAXB – Architecture @ Runtime: ● XML Schema instance (XML file) is transformed into a Java object model instance – or backwards ● XML files don't have to be valid ● Binding and runtime validation is done using JAXB binding framework Heiko Scherrer
  • 15. JAXB – Architecture Compile time  Generation during XML Schema Java classes compile time  Transformation XML Generation during runtime  Marshalling instantiation Transformation from Java instantiation Runtime to XML data  Unmarshalling XML Marshalling / Unmarshalling Transformation from XML data to Java objects Heiko Scherrer
  • 16. JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding ● Preface ● Architecture ● Generate JavaBeans ● Generate XML Schema ● Runtime transformation Heiko Scherrer
  • 17. JAXB – Generate JavaBeans ● Schema compiler (xjc) ● command line tool (bin/ ● ANT task ● Maven plugin ● Generated resources: JavaBeans, factory class (ObjectFactory), package-info ● Example, see ./30a-JAXB_example Heiko Scherrer
  • 18. JAXB – Code Generation:Example Java Package: org.openwms.examples XJC targetNamespace= ”” Heiko Scherrer
  • 19. JAXB – Class Generation:Overview ● Generated classes follow the JavaBeans specification ● Default binding configuration  “Convention over Configuration” ● Custom binding configuration  Override the default generation rules ● A binding configuration contains 1..* binding declarations ● Expressed with XML ● Inline configuration: within same XML Schema ● External configuration: separate XML file Heiko Scherrer
  • 20. JAXB – Assignment / Customization ● Default binding configuration ● Namespace is mapped to Java package ● Datatype is mapped to Java class ● Element is mapped to Class property ● Reasons to customize binding configuration ● Override standard datatype conversion ● Customize standard name conversion ● Add JavaDoc comments Heiko Scherrer
  • 21. JAXB – Inline declaration ● annotation/appinfo are defined elements of XMLSchema ● XJC recognizes appinfo element ● Bindings in different scopes Heiko Scherrer
  • 22. JAXB – External declaration ● Separate XML file ● Use xsd:import to import schemas ● Reference the base schema: schemaLocation Heiko Scherrer
  • 23. JAXB – Binding declaration scopes ● Possible scopes for binding declarations: ● <globalBindings>:Global declarations are valid for all schemes, even included and imported ones ● <schemaBindings>:All elements in the current schema ● <class>:Valid for global type and element definitions ● <property>:Valid for sub-elements of a type or element Heiko Scherrer
  • 24. JAXB – Override declarations ● Inner defined binding configuration override the ones defined in outer scope (e.g. declaration in property scope overrides property in class, schema or global scope) Heiko Scherrer
  • 25. JAXB – Popular binding declarations <jaxb:collectionType> ● <jaxb:collectionType>:Map an implementation class to Collections ● Binding declaration (example): <jaxb:globalBindings collectionType=”java.util.Vector”> ● XML Schema element definition <xs:element name=”locations” minOccurs=”0” maxOccurs=”unbounded” type=”xs:string”/> ● Results in: protected List<String> = new Vector<String>(); Heiko Scherrer
  • 26. JAXB – Popular binding declarations <jaxb:package> ● <jaxb:package>:Define the name of the Java package ● Binding declaration (example): <jaxb:schemaBindings> <jaxb:package name=”org.openwms”/> </jaxb:schemaBindings> ● All elements within this schema are bound to classes in the named package Heiko Scherrer
  • 27. JAXB – Popular binding declarations <jaxb:class> ● <jaxb:class>:Override the default classname for a given element ● Declare binding for a chosen element. Use XPath to identify the node: <jaxb:bindings node=”//xsd:complexType[@name='location']”> <jaxb:class name=”WMSLocation”/> </jaxb:bindings> ● The name of the generated class is WMSLocation Heiko Scherrer
  • 28. JAXB – Popular binding declarations <jaxb:property> ● <jaxb:property>:Valid for sub-elements of a type or element ● Used to customize generated Java class properties ● Declare binding for a chosen element. Use XPath to identify the node: <jaxb:bindings node=”//xsd:element[@name='id']”> <jaxb:property name=”identifier”/> </jaxb:bindings> Heiko Scherrer
  • 29. JAXB – Popular binding declarations <jaxb:javadoc> ● <jaxb:javadoc>:Document generated packages, classes and methods ● Document the source of data! (XML) ● Used as child of jaxb:package/jaxb:class/ jaxb:property ● Use <![CDATA[..]]> inside to document <jaxb:class name=”WMSLocation”> <![CDATA[class documentation]]> </jaxb:class> Heiko Scherrer
  • 30. JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding LAB Heiko Scherrer
  • 31. JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding ● Preface ● Architecture ● Generate JavaBeans ● Generate XML Schema ● Runtime transformation Heiko Scherrer
  • 32. JAXB – XML Schema Generation ● Schema generator (schemagen) ● command line tool (bin/ ● ANT task ● Maven plugin ● Input data: Java source or class files ● Generated resources: XML Schema file ● Example, see ./30a-JAXB_example Heiko Scherrer
  • 33. JAXB – XML Schema Generation Simplest case! POJO without JAXB related annotations schemagen Heiko Scherrer
  • 34. JAXB – XML Schema Generation ● Java classes must follow the JavaBeans specification ● Don't has to be annotated with JAXB annotations  Convention over Configuration ● Example, see ./30a-JAXB_example ● Lots of javax.xml.bind.annotation.* to customize schema generation! Heiko Scherrer
  • 35. JAXB – XML Schema Generation Define namespace ● Standard documents package content and defines XML namespace: ● Use FQCN and do not import class type! ● Can be overridden on class-level: Heiko Scherrer
  • 36. JAXB – XML Schema Generation @XmlRootElement ● Annotated classes can be used as root elements in XML Schema instances and marshalled directly (see Transformation) ● An XML Schema element is generated, too ● On type level: classes and enumerations Heiko Scherrer
  • 37. JAXB – XML Schema Generation @XmlAccessType ● Defined which instance variables or properties to use for schema generation ● Possible values: ● NONE: No variables are bound to the schema ● PROPERTY: All JavaBeans properties are used ● FIELD: All instance variables are bound to the schema ● PUBLIC_MEMBER: All instance variables and properties are used ● Package or class level annotation Heiko Scherrer
  • 38. JAXB – XML Schema Generation @XmlElement ● Customize mapping from properties/variables to elements (similar JPA @Column) ● Possible parameters: ● name: Name of the XML element ● required: true if the element must be set, else false ● defaultValue: Default value when no value set during marshalling ● PUBLIC_MEMBER: All instance variables and properties are used Heiko Scherrer
  • 39. JAXB – XML Schema Generation @XmlAttribute ● Annotated properties occur as attributes of an element ● Possible parameters: ● name: Name of the XML attribute ● required: true if the attribute must be set, else false Heiko Scherrer
  • 40. JAXB – XML Schema Generation @XmlValue ● Variable is used as plain-text content of the element ● If used no other sub-elements are permitted Heiko Scherrer
  • 41. JAXB – XML Schema Generation @XmlTransient ● Binding is omitted ● Comparable to JPA's @Transient and Java's transient ● If used no other sub-elements are permitted ● Allowed on field and method level Heiko Scherrer
  • 42. JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding LAB Heiko Scherrer
  • 43. JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding ● Preface ● Architecture ● Generate JavaBeans ● Generate XML Schema ● Runtime transformation Heiko Scherrer
  • 44. JAXB – Runtime transformation ● Reading and writing XML files with JAXB ● JAXBContext: All you need to access data binding (threadsafe but expensive!) ● Binding Java packages with: JAXBContext.newInstance (“package1:package2:...”) ● Binding Java classes with: JAXBContext.newInstance (“class1:class2:...”) Heiko Scherrer
  • 45. JAXB – Runtime transformation - Unmarshalling ● Unmarshalling: Transforming a XML file into a Java object tree instance ● Create an Unmarshaller from the context object: Unmarshaller u = ctx.createUnmarshaller(); ● Validation against XML Schema or with ValidationHandler (see Validation) ● Unmarshal: <Root> root = u.unmarshal(<Resource>); Heiko Scherrer
  • 46. JAXB – Runtime transformation - Unmarshalling ● Method parameters of unmarshal(..): ● ● ● ● ● ● java.xml.transform.Source ● org.w3c.dom.Node ● org.xml.sax.InputSource Heiko Scherrer
  • 47. JAXB – Runtime transformation - Unmarshalling ● Return value of unmarshal(..): ● java.lang.Object ● Cast into Java object that represents the XML root element: Location loc = (Location) u.unmarshal( new File(“locations.xml”)); ● Simplest case: Unmarshal the whole XML file; map between XML root element and Java class @XMLRootElement Heiko Scherrer
  • 48. JAXB – Runtime transformation - Marshalling ● Marshalling: Transforming a Java object tree instance into a XML file ● Create an Marshaller from the context object: Marshaller m = ctx.createMarshaller(); ● Validation against XML Schema or with ValidationHandler (see Validation) ● Marshal: m.marshal(obj, <Resource>); Heiko Scherrer
  • 49. JAXB – Runtime transformation - Marshalling ● Method parameters of marshal(obj, res): ● obj: POJO annotated with @XMLRootElement ● res: ● res: ● res: ● res: org.w3c.dom.Node ● res: org.xml.sax.ContentHandler ● res: ● res: Heiko Scherrer
  • 50. JAXB – Runtime transformation - Marshalling ● Write directly into XML file: m.marshal(locations, new File(“locations.xml”)); ● Write to System.out: m.marshal(locations, System.out); Heiko Scherrer
  • 51. JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding LAB Heiko Scherrer
  • 52. JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding Next time: Validation Customizing Marshalling & Unmarshalling Heiko Scherrer