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by Rotem Cohen
NOTE: The information in this report is for educational purposes only and is not intended
           nor implied to be a substitute for professional advice of any kind.

                                   Copyright © 2012
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  Hi, this is Rotem and you are listening to Positive Power.

  So what is positive power anyway? Besides a cool title for this program, what I mean
  is that combination of inner drive, energy (both physical and mental) and a clear sense
  of purpose and direction in life that when are combined, give you the power to control
  and direct your life, overcome procrastination, avoid laziness, break bad habits, being in
  control and taking consistent action toward your goal. So, I hope this makes sense and
  even if it doesn’t, just keep listening with an open ear and an open mind and enjoy…

  Now, allow me to introduce myself really quickly. My name is Rotem Cohen. I am 35
  and live in Israel and so my main language is Hebrew if you were wondering about the
  accent. Anyway, if you want to find out more about me, just visit and go to the above page. What I really wanted to tell you is
  that I’m a very happy individual. I’m happy. I’m energetic. I’m self motivated. I have a
  strong inner drive, but I wasn’t always like that. In fact, up until a few years ago, 6 or 7
  years ago, I used to be kind of a mess…

  I was lost. I was always tired. I used to sleep a lot. Actually, I used to oversleep up to
  14 hours a day. I also had some bad habits from smoking to poor eating to even
  gambling for a period of time. Because I lacked this sense of direction in my life, I didn’t
  where I was going. I didn’t know what I want from my life. I was totally unmotivated. I
  had a very low inner drive and I was miserable most of the time, even if you couldn’t see
  it on me. But as I said, I’ve gone through a huge transformation and a lot of it is just
  from reading and listening to programs just the one you’re listening to now.

  I think I’ve listened to about 50 audio books and audio programs and read a few books
  and not only I’m energetic and I never oversleep anymore. I’ve also drastically
  improved my diet and a couple of years ago, I’ve even stopped smoking, which you may
  be able to appreciate if you are a smoker or had been a smoker. But anyway, I own 2
  websites, and and I’ve even got myself certified
  as a life coach because I have this burning desire to keep learning and improving as a
  person and also to share what I learned with others. In fact, I have helped many, many

people improve their lives by sharing a lot of this information and experience that I’ve
gathered over the years.

I really hope you get a lot from this program and let’s jump straight to the point and let
me tell you the first skill that you need to acquire or to develop in order to make this
work for you…

It is the skill of awareness. Total awareness. Some call it mindfulness or being
conscious. The idea is to constantly be aware of your thoughts and your actions. Be
really conscious of your inner chatter. Listen to it. Get to know your habits, your
actions. What do you, how do you it, how do you feel, why you feel it, what makes you
happy, what makes you energetic?

Feel the reactions of your body. Be conscious of your emotions and how they feel
in your body. How you react to things. This is the first crucial step towards self change
and self development.

The ultimate driving force is happiness. When you’re happy, everything else falls
into place. Now, the first and most critical thing about happiness is that it is not outside
of you. You need to stop searching outside of you. Happiness is within you. It is
something that you decide to do. You need to decide to be happy and this means that
you don’t search outside of you because no matter what happens in your life, happiness
is something that happens within you, in your mind and in your heart.

In a great book titled, “The Untethered Soul” by Michael A. Singer, he says - don’t set
conditions to your happiness. It’s your responsibility to decide to be happy no matter
what. No matter what happens in your life… There are stories in history of people that
have gone through terrible, terrible things in their life and they never stopped being
happy. You need to do that. You need to decide to be happy no matter what happens
in your life because you only get one life, and you need to get the most out of it. What’s
the point of wasting your life being miserable or being upset or being angry? Just
decide to be happy no matter what.

The next thing is to just be grateful for what you have because you have a lot and you
know it. I don’t need to even get to deep into why you should be grateful. You know
that you have a lot to be grateful for. Just focus on the things that are good in your life,
the things that you love in your life, the things that are good about YOU. If you need,
write them down. It is a great exercise. Just get a piece of paper and a pen, and just
write down the things that you’re grateful for.

Lastly, be present. What this means is that the past doesn’t exist. The future doesn’t
exist. The only thing that exists is now. This moment in time is the only thing that is.
All the rest is in your mind, is in your head, is in your imagination. The past is in your

memory. The future is in your imagination. It doesn’t exist. Anything can happen at
any given moment and the only way to be happy is to live in the “now.”

I don’t want to get too philosophical here. Of course that you need to think about the
future and your life is a reflection of your past in a way. But you need to live in the
present as much as you can. The idea is that even if you have big goals for your life,
what matters is how you live your life right now. It is not about the goals. It is not
about the achievements, not about the things that you want to get, it is about the
process. It is about the journey. This is not a cliché. It is absolutely true. Just give it a
try for a week or a month. Try to be present within the now. Just open your eyes to the
fact that this is your life. This is your life now. It doesn’t matter what you have and what
you don’t have, the problems that you have...

Don’t ever let yourself feel as if you’re waiting for something. As if you’re kind of in the
process of getting to where you want to get to be happy. You can be happy right now
because this is the only time you have.

The next thing is to set course - to sit in the driver seat of your life. You need to
be in control of your life. Be the director of your life. No matter where you are in your
life right now, this is the time to set the course. To find your direction. You can even
decide that you are in the right direction but you need to take your life in your hands and
decide that this is your direction. Where you are now, you can decide that this is where
you want to be. But, decide it. Be in the driver’s seat. Direct your life

You may need to find your passion. Depending on where you are in your life, you may
need to even brainstorm. Again, use pen and paper. Write down the things that excite
you. Things that interest you. Things that have interested you in the past. Things that
you think you might be interested in, that might arouse your curiosity and your
excitement - just write it down. Do some research. Go online and research on things
even if you’re little bit afraid or unsure about where this will lead you, don’t be afraid to
experiment. Let me give you a quick example from my life.

I always wanted to be a race car driver. I love car racing but it’s been pretty unrealistic
for me to get into car racing, mainly because I’m in Israel. I’m not going to get into why
this is it? But basically only up until lately, there was no motor sport in Israel. So it
wasn’t realistic for me to even think about getting into car racing. But my point is that for
years, I’ve kind of wept inside on the fact that I wanted to get into car racing but I
couldn’t. It’s like I’ve lived for many years in this sense of miss. Like I’ve missed
something. Like I’m not living the life that I really wanted to live.

But of course I’ve found other passions, I’ve found other ways to get excited about life
and to do things that interest me. And lately (that’s the main point I’m trying to make -) I
found a way to live this passion for car racing by doing a little bit of research. Somehow
I found myself deep into sim racing. Sim racing is simulated racing. I don’t know if that
interests you, but did you know that you can race in a simulator, using wheel and pedals
that you connect to your computer… You can race against other people around the
world and even win prizes, up to thousands of dollars. You can kind of build a race car
driver career online without ever having to sit in a real race car.

Now, you might find it a little bit childish. That’s fine. My wife does too. But you know
what, I don’t really care. You see, actually, some of the top players in this sim racing
industry are older than me. But anyway, it’s not the point. The point is that if you do a
little bit of research, you might find a passion that is a little bit closer and more feasible
than something that you want but is not possible for you. Because maybe you want
something that is not really realistic or demands too much of you’re that you not really
willing to give. Because really it all comes down to sacrifice…

Maybe you have this passion about something. Something that has always drawn you
but something was preventing… something was blocking you from getting it, maybe
because you just weren’t ready to make the sacrifices needed. Sometimes you just
need to become a different person to do what you really want to do. Sometimes, you’re
not read to do that change. You don’t want to become that person.

Maybe you’re interested in some kind of sport on one hand, but on the other hand,
you’re not really competitive. You don’t have what it takes. You don’t want to become
another person in order to achieve that goal.

You might find something that is close to it. For example, in the example of a sport,
maybe you want to become a coach for that sport. Something like that. I hope you’re
getting the idea. Don’t be afraid to brainstorm, research, and even experiment to find
something that excites you.

Finally, when it comes to being in the driver seat is of course to set goals. Now, the 2
most important rules to follow when it comes to goal setting are 1) Being specific.
Defining exactly what you want and not be vague. 2) State them in a positive way.
To set positive goals, not negative goals. The classic example is that you don’t set a
goal to lose weight, instead you set a goal to reach a certain weight or a certain size.

Now, this is not a course about goal setting but my suggestion to you is to do goal
setting the way that motivates you. Yes, there are some ground rules for goal setting,
whole books have been written just about goal setting. But I say, do it the way that
motivates you. Do not let it confuse you. Do it in a way that motivates you, that makes
sense to you. But one more thing, don’t forget to set actual goals. It’s not enough to
set goals of results that you want to achieve. Things that you want to get but you need
to also set action goals.

A result goal is “I earn $10,000 a month”, but an actual goal is “I wake up every day at
5 a.m. and write for an hour”. Something like that… just of the top of my head. You
need action goals. “I exercise 15 minutes a day” , these are actual goals.

Now, let me ask you this. Do you like yourself? I really hope you do because this is
crucial. If you don’t like yourself enough, you’ll have trouble loving life. You’ll have
trouble expressing and giving love to others. You may or may not know that self
esteem is one of the most critical fundamentals of self-motivation and happiness
because in very simple terms, you need to really like, love and appreciate yourself in
order to allow yourself to be happy, in order to allow yourself to succeed and to live a
great life.

The feeling of being worthy is very important, and how do you do it? You just love
yourself. You like yourself, love yourself, appreciate yourself. Find you strengths and
appreciate them. Accept yourself the way you are with all your faults. You are just a
human being and you have faults and it’s okay. Accept yourself completely the way you
are and show this love and appreciation on a daily basis. Tell yourself that you love
yourself. Look in the mirror, smile to yourself and say, “I like you. You’re great. You’re
terrific. You’re the man.” Things like that. It sounds silly but it absolutely works.

Brian Tracy always says “say to yourself - I like myself, I like myself.” .

Now, be kind to yourself. Speak to yourself, inside your head or out loud. Whenever
you talk to yourself, be kind. Talk to yourself like a good supporting friend. Talk to
yourself with respect and love and appreciation. Give yourself a break. Give yourself
chances. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes. They say, “Be to others the way
you want others to be to you.” It’s the same with yourself. Be to yourself. Treat
yourself the way you want others to treat you. Be kind to yourself. Be forgiving. Be
appreciative and supportive to yourself.

This is not just in your mind. This is also practical things. Do good things to yourself.
It all comes in full circle with improving yourself. When you improve as a person, when
you do good things to yourself, when you improve your habits especially your health,
you health habits, your lifestyle, you eat better, you exercise. When you make your
body feel good, you also feel good about yourself. You’re proud of yourself for doing
these good things to yourself. You show your appreciation to your inner self and this
makes your inner self feel worthy and confident and loved. This makes you stronger.

What are you afraid of? We all fear something. We all have fears but if you want to
live a great live, if you want to have that sense of control and direction and purpose, you
need to learn how to overcome your fears. I’m not talking about fear like the kind of fear
you feel when you’re chased by a tiger. I’m talking about fear of life. Fear of taking
chances. Fear of taking action. Fear of making mistakes.

The first thing you need to do is to just face your fear. Just admit it. See it clearly.
Define it. Do not avoid it. Do not try to escape from fear. Don’t try to deny it. Admit
that you fear something and face it. Think it through. What are you afraid of exactly?
Define it to yourself. What am I afraid of here? What’s stopping me. Why am I
behaving this way? Why am I being feareful? Comes back to awareness. Be totally
aware of the fear. Feel it. How does this fear feel? Do you feel it in your heart, in your
body, does it make you tense? Completely confront it. Explain it to yourself. Even
write it down. Think it through. What’s the worst case scenario? How am I going to
deal with it? Then act in spite of fear.

There is a book that says “fail faster”. You need to think differently about fear and
failure. One of the biggest fears in our life is fear of failure. It all boils down to self
esteem. We are afraid to look bad to ourselves and to others. We are afraid of what
others might think of us. We are afraid of looking foolish or afraid of exposing our
weaknesses. But of course, the truth of the matter is that failure is part of life and
failure is essential for learning, for advancing, for making positive changes in
your life. You have to fail in order succeed. Everybody say that, you know, I’m not the
first one to say it, so face your fear. Feel the fear and to it anyway., and fail faster.

Lastly, I want to talk about how to stay positive for the long term. How do you keep
yourself positive, motivated? How to keep on keeping on? How do you stay in that
positive state? How do you stay self motivated and driven? Well, of course, it’s by
doing all the things that I’ve talked about up until now, but it’s also by making sure to get
inspired on a daily basis, either by reading good material or by talking and connecting
with other positive people. If you don’t have this kind of people in your life, maybe you
need to go and search for them.

Find supportive, positive, highly driven people. People that you can connect with
and that inspire you. Read good books. Listen to audio programs just like this one.
There are hundreds of amazing audio books and audio programs out there. I say audio
books, but you know what I mean. I mean books. I mean programs. I mean home
study courses, whatever. Read biographies of successful people, of successful or
inspiring leaders. Read about happiness.

Just find things that inspire you, that keep you elevated and in good mood, and in this
positive state. Just chose to do it and you’ll see that it’s not that difficult. Some people
choose to start their day by reading a chapter from a good book that inspires them.
That lifts them up.

Another very important thing is to have a daily “self session”. It is a session with
yourself. You see, you might get in inertia and just forget about what you’ve just
listened to and forget about all these positive thinking stuff. So I believe one of the most
important habits to form is just 15-30 minutes every day of being with yourself, to

meditate. I want you to create this session with yourself the way that you prefer. You
can meditate. You can just do some relaxation exercises. You can pray if you want.

You can write in a journal. Write your plans. Review your goals. Write a daily positive
statement. Practice affirmations. Make a list of the things that you’re grateful for in your
life. Whatever makes you feel this elevation, this positivity, that gives you back this
drive on a daily basis. It’s really, really important.

Zig Ziglar (rest in peace) used to say something along the lines of - you don’t brush your
teeth 7 times for the whole week. You brush your teeth every day’. So, that’s exactly
the same thing with motivation. You need to get motivated every day. It’s something
that you do daily. You keep yourself in that elevated state. Take this 15-30 minutes,
even more if you can of this alone time to be with yourself and reconnect with your
goals and your driving force.

Two more things I have to say here that kind of wrap up all that was said until now and
they are to celebrate success and to have fun. What I mean by that is that 1) You
take nothing for granted. When you succeed even little success, you celebrate it.
You tap yourself on the shoulder. You can reward yourself. Some people really build
these reward systems. I’m not all for that but, you know, find what’s good for you. But
the idea is to really celebrate your little success as well as the big ones.

Lastly just have fun. Don’t forget to have fun. Whether you have big goals, if you
have a long way to go towards, it doesn’t matter. You need to have fun today. You can
enjoy life today. So, you need to find ways to enjoy the journey. Sometimes it can be
little things. Whether it’s spending time with friends. Whether it’s developing an
interesting hobby. Whether it’s spending time with your kids and letting yourself being
completely childish. Whether it is just indulging from time to time with some ice cream.
Whatever makes you feel good, but not in the sense of comfort. Because there is
nothing to comfort for. Just feel good. Just enjoy life. Enjoy the journey as cheesy as it
may sound.

When you finish listening to this program, if you remember just one thing, it’s to just
have fun. Just enjoy the journey.

So let’s wrap up. Positive power comes from a combination of inner drive, energy,
and direction. In order to get it, your first step is to develop high awareness to be
totally conscious of yourself especially what’s going on inside your head. Now,
obviously, everything works much better when you’re happy. In order to be happy,
the first and most critical step is just to decide to be happy. Realize that happiness
comes from within and do not look anywhere else but inside yourself. Also be
grateful for all that you have and live in the “now.” Live in the moment.

Now, it’s very critical that you sit in the driver’s seat of your life and set the course.
   Direct your life. Find and follow your passions and set goals. It’s really important that
   you love yourself. Be kind to yourself or in other words, build your self-esteem day by
   day because it’s one of the most critical elements to everything good in life, to
   happiness, to success.

   Now, in order to be able to take action and achieve your goals, you have to be able to
   overcome your fears. Now, all fears are basically some form of fear of failure or
   criticism. So, basically you need to first acknowledge the fact that failure is not only
   part of life but also essential for success. The second thing is to just face fear head
   on. Don’t ignore it. Don’t deny it. Feel lit. Be aware of it and act in spite of it.

   Lastly, in order to stay positive, to stay motivated and driven, you just need to get
   inspired on a daily basis whether it’s through relationships, whether it’s through
   consuming good material and also by making sure to give yourself at least 15 minutes
   every day of just sitting with yourself and relaxing, connecting with your goals, being
   grateful, practicing affirmations, meditating. Whatever works for you.

   Last but not least of course is to remember always to enjoy the journey. Remember to
   have fun and celebrate life. Live in the “now” and try to experience life at its fullest.

   So, this wraps up Positive Power. I hope you get a lot from it. I recommend that you
   listen to my other programs, Supercharge Your Energy and the Sleep Optimization
   Guide to get the fullest benefits.

   This is Rotem Cohen of, your inner drive coach. I hope
   you’ve enjoyed the ride and Thank You for listening.

   Get the complete Positive Power Pack

108 minutes of audio (+transcripts) to help you
overcome laziness and procrastination and
         ignite your inner drive…

           Click here to get it now

                (FREE Download)


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Positive Power

  • 1. by Rotem Cohen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The information in this report is for educational purposes only and is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional advice of any kind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2012
  • 2. Get the complete Positive Power Pack 108 minutes of audio (+transcripts) to help you overcome laziness and procrastination and ignite your inner drive… Click here to get it now (FREE Download) Hi, this is Rotem and you are listening to Positive Power. So what is positive power anyway? Besides a cool title for this program, what I mean is that combination of inner drive, energy (both physical and mental) and a clear sense of purpose and direction in life that when are combined, give you the power to control and direct your life, overcome procrastination, avoid laziness, break bad habits, being in control and taking consistent action toward your goal. So, I hope this makes sense and even if it doesn’t, just keep listening with an open ear and an open mind and enjoy… Now, allow me to introduce myself really quickly. My name is Rotem Cohen. I am 35 and live in Israel and so my main language is Hebrew if you were wondering about the accent. Anyway, if you want to find out more about me, just visit and go to the above page. What I really wanted to tell you is that I’m a very happy individual. I’m happy. I’m energetic. I’m self motivated. I have a strong inner drive, but I wasn’t always like that. In fact, up until a few years ago, 6 or 7 years ago, I used to be kind of a mess… I was lost. I was always tired. I used to sleep a lot. Actually, I used to oversleep up to 14 hours a day. I also had some bad habits from smoking to poor eating to even gambling for a period of time. Because I lacked this sense of direction in my life, I didn’t where I was going. I didn’t know what I want from my life. I was totally unmotivated. I had a very low inner drive and I was miserable most of the time, even if you couldn’t see it on me. But as I said, I’ve gone through a huge transformation and a lot of it is just from reading and listening to programs just the one you’re listening to now. I think I’ve listened to about 50 audio books and audio programs and read a few books and not only I’m energetic and I never oversleep anymore. I’ve also drastically improved my diet and a couple of years ago, I’ve even stopped smoking, which you may be able to appreciate if you are a smoker or had been a smoker. But anyway, I own 2 websites, and and I’ve even got myself certified as a life coach because I have this burning desire to keep learning and improving as a person and also to share what I learned with others. In fact, I have helped many, many 2
  • 3. people improve their lives by sharing a lot of this information and experience that I’ve gathered over the years. I really hope you get a lot from this program and let’s jump straight to the point and let me tell you the first skill that you need to acquire or to develop in order to make this work for you… It is the skill of awareness. Total awareness. Some call it mindfulness or being conscious. The idea is to constantly be aware of your thoughts and your actions. Be really conscious of your inner chatter. Listen to it. Get to know your habits, your actions. What do you, how do you it, how do you feel, why you feel it, what makes you happy, what makes you energetic? Feel the reactions of your body. Be conscious of your emotions and how they feel in your body. How you react to things. This is the first crucial step towards self change and self development. The ultimate driving force is happiness. When you’re happy, everything else falls into place. Now, the first and most critical thing about happiness is that it is not outside of you. You need to stop searching outside of you. Happiness is within you. It is something that you decide to do. You need to decide to be happy and this means that you don’t search outside of you because no matter what happens in your life, happiness is something that happens within you, in your mind and in your heart. In a great book titled, “The Untethered Soul” by Michael A. Singer, he says - don’t set conditions to your happiness. It’s your responsibility to decide to be happy no matter what. No matter what happens in your life… There are stories in history of people that have gone through terrible, terrible things in their life and they never stopped being happy. You need to do that. You need to decide to be happy no matter what happens in your life because you only get one life, and you need to get the most out of it. What’s the point of wasting your life being miserable or being upset or being angry? Just decide to be happy no matter what. The next thing is to just be grateful for what you have because you have a lot and you know it. I don’t need to even get to deep into why you should be grateful. You know that you have a lot to be grateful for. Just focus on the things that are good in your life, the things that you love in your life, the things that are good about YOU. If you need, write them down. It is a great exercise. Just get a piece of paper and a pen, and just write down the things that you’re grateful for. Lastly, be present. What this means is that the past doesn’t exist. The future doesn’t exist. The only thing that exists is now. This moment in time is the only thing that is. All the rest is in your mind, is in your head, is in your imagination. The past is in your 3
  • 4. memory. The future is in your imagination. It doesn’t exist. Anything can happen at any given moment and the only way to be happy is to live in the “now.” I don’t want to get too philosophical here. Of course that you need to think about the future and your life is a reflection of your past in a way. But you need to live in the present as much as you can. The idea is that even if you have big goals for your life, what matters is how you live your life right now. It is not about the goals. It is not about the achievements, not about the things that you want to get, it is about the process. It is about the journey. This is not a cliché. It is absolutely true. Just give it a try for a week or a month. Try to be present within the now. Just open your eyes to the fact that this is your life. This is your life now. It doesn’t matter what you have and what you don’t have, the problems that you have... Don’t ever let yourself feel as if you’re waiting for something. As if you’re kind of in the process of getting to where you want to get to be happy. You can be happy right now because this is the only time you have. The next thing is to set course - to sit in the driver seat of your life. You need to be in control of your life. Be the director of your life. No matter where you are in your life right now, this is the time to set the course. To find your direction. You can even decide that you are in the right direction but you need to take your life in your hands and decide that this is your direction. Where you are now, you can decide that this is where you want to be. But, decide it. Be in the driver’s seat. Direct your life You may need to find your passion. Depending on where you are in your life, you may need to even brainstorm. Again, use pen and paper. Write down the things that excite you. Things that interest you. Things that have interested you in the past. Things that you think you might be interested in, that might arouse your curiosity and your excitement - just write it down. Do some research. Go online and research on things even if you’re little bit afraid or unsure about where this will lead you, don’t be afraid to experiment. Let me give you a quick example from my life. I always wanted to be a race car driver. I love car racing but it’s been pretty unrealistic for me to get into car racing, mainly because I’m in Israel. I’m not going to get into why this is it? But basically only up until lately, there was no motor sport in Israel. So it wasn’t realistic for me to even think about getting into car racing. But my point is that for years, I’ve kind of wept inside on the fact that I wanted to get into car racing but I couldn’t. It’s like I’ve lived for many years in this sense of miss. Like I’ve missed something. Like I’m not living the life that I really wanted to live. But of course I’ve found other passions, I’ve found other ways to get excited about life and to do things that interest me. And lately (that’s the main point I’m trying to make -) I found a way to live this passion for car racing by doing a little bit of research. Somehow 4
  • 5. I found myself deep into sim racing. Sim racing is simulated racing. I don’t know if that interests you, but did you know that you can race in a simulator, using wheel and pedals that you connect to your computer… You can race against other people around the world and even win prizes, up to thousands of dollars. You can kind of build a race car driver career online without ever having to sit in a real race car. Now, you might find it a little bit childish. That’s fine. My wife does too. But you know what, I don’t really care. You see, actually, some of the top players in this sim racing industry are older than me. But anyway, it’s not the point. The point is that if you do a little bit of research, you might find a passion that is a little bit closer and more feasible than something that you want but is not possible for you. Because maybe you want something that is not really realistic or demands too much of you’re that you not really willing to give. Because really it all comes down to sacrifice… Maybe you have this passion about something. Something that has always drawn you but something was preventing… something was blocking you from getting it, maybe because you just weren’t ready to make the sacrifices needed. Sometimes you just need to become a different person to do what you really want to do. Sometimes, you’re not read to do that change. You don’t want to become that person. Maybe you’re interested in some kind of sport on one hand, but on the other hand, you’re not really competitive. You don’t have what it takes. You don’t want to become another person in order to achieve that goal. You might find something that is close to it. For example, in the example of a sport, maybe you want to become a coach for that sport. Something like that. I hope you’re getting the idea. Don’t be afraid to brainstorm, research, and even experiment to find something that excites you. Finally, when it comes to being in the driver seat is of course to set goals. Now, the 2 most important rules to follow when it comes to goal setting are 1) Being specific. Defining exactly what you want and not be vague. 2) State them in a positive way. To set positive goals, not negative goals. The classic example is that you don’t set a goal to lose weight, instead you set a goal to reach a certain weight or a certain size. Now, this is not a course about goal setting but my suggestion to you is to do goal setting the way that motivates you. Yes, there are some ground rules for goal setting, whole books have been written just about goal setting. But I say, do it the way that motivates you. Do not let it confuse you. Do it in a way that motivates you, that makes sense to you. But one more thing, don’t forget to set actual goals. It’s not enough to set goals of results that you want to achieve. Things that you want to get but you need to also set action goals. 5
  • 6. A result goal is “I earn $10,000 a month”, but an actual goal is “I wake up every day at 5 a.m. and write for an hour”. Something like that… just of the top of my head. You need action goals. “I exercise 15 minutes a day” , these are actual goals. Now, let me ask you this. Do you like yourself? I really hope you do because this is crucial. If you don’t like yourself enough, you’ll have trouble loving life. You’ll have trouble expressing and giving love to others. You may or may not know that self esteem is one of the most critical fundamentals of self-motivation and happiness because in very simple terms, you need to really like, love and appreciate yourself in order to allow yourself to be happy, in order to allow yourself to succeed and to live a great life. The feeling of being worthy is very important, and how do you do it? You just love yourself. You like yourself, love yourself, appreciate yourself. Find you strengths and appreciate them. Accept yourself the way you are with all your faults. You are just a human being and you have faults and it’s okay. Accept yourself completely the way you are and show this love and appreciation on a daily basis. Tell yourself that you love yourself. Look in the mirror, smile to yourself and say, “I like you. You’re great. You’re terrific. You’re the man.” Things like that. It sounds silly but it absolutely works. Brian Tracy always says “say to yourself - I like myself, I like myself.” . Now, be kind to yourself. Speak to yourself, inside your head or out loud. Whenever you talk to yourself, be kind. Talk to yourself like a good supporting friend. Talk to yourself with respect and love and appreciation. Give yourself a break. Give yourself chances. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes. They say, “Be to others the way you want others to be to you.” It’s the same with yourself. Be to yourself. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Be kind to yourself. Be forgiving. Be appreciative and supportive to yourself. This is not just in your mind. This is also practical things. Do good things to yourself. It all comes in full circle with improving yourself. When you improve as a person, when you do good things to yourself, when you improve your habits especially your health, you health habits, your lifestyle, you eat better, you exercise. When you make your body feel good, you also feel good about yourself. You’re proud of yourself for doing these good things to yourself. You show your appreciation to your inner self and this makes your inner self feel worthy and confident and loved. This makes you stronger. What are you afraid of? We all fear something. We all have fears but if you want to live a great live, if you want to have that sense of control and direction and purpose, you need to learn how to overcome your fears. I’m not talking about fear like the kind of fear you feel when you’re chased by a tiger. I’m talking about fear of life. Fear of taking chances. Fear of taking action. Fear of making mistakes. 6
  • 7. The first thing you need to do is to just face your fear. Just admit it. See it clearly. Define it. Do not avoid it. Do not try to escape from fear. Don’t try to deny it. Admit that you fear something and face it. Think it through. What are you afraid of exactly? Define it to yourself. What am I afraid of here? What’s stopping me. Why am I behaving this way? Why am I being feareful? Comes back to awareness. Be totally aware of the fear. Feel it. How does this fear feel? Do you feel it in your heart, in your body, does it make you tense? Completely confront it. Explain it to yourself. Even write it down. Think it through. What’s the worst case scenario? How am I going to deal with it? Then act in spite of fear. There is a book that says “fail faster”. You need to think differently about fear and failure. One of the biggest fears in our life is fear of failure. It all boils down to self esteem. We are afraid to look bad to ourselves and to others. We are afraid of what others might think of us. We are afraid of looking foolish or afraid of exposing our weaknesses. But of course, the truth of the matter is that failure is part of life and failure is essential for learning, for advancing, for making positive changes in your life. You have to fail in order succeed. Everybody say that, you know, I’m not the first one to say it, so face your fear. Feel the fear and to it anyway., and fail faster. Lastly, I want to talk about how to stay positive for the long term. How do you keep yourself positive, motivated? How to keep on keeping on? How do you stay in that positive state? How do you stay self motivated and driven? Well, of course, it’s by doing all the things that I’ve talked about up until now, but it’s also by making sure to get inspired on a daily basis, either by reading good material or by talking and connecting with other positive people. If you don’t have this kind of people in your life, maybe you need to go and search for them. Find supportive, positive, highly driven people. People that you can connect with and that inspire you. Read good books. Listen to audio programs just like this one. There are hundreds of amazing audio books and audio programs out there. I say audio books, but you know what I mean. I mean books. I mean programs. I mean home study courses, whatever. Read biographies of successful people, of successful or inspiring leaders. Read about happiness. Just find things that inspire you, that keep you elevated and in good mood, and in this positive state. Just chose to do it and you’ll see that it’s not that difficult. Some people choose to start their day by reading a chapter from a good book that inspires them. That lifts them up. Another very important thing is to have a daily “self session”. It is a session with yourself. You see, you might get in inertia and just forget about what you’ve just listened to and forget about all these positive thinking stuff. So I believe one of the most important habits to form is just 15-30 minutes every day of being with yourself, to 7
  • 8. meditate. I want you to create this session with yourself the way that you prefer. You can meditate. You can just do some relaxation exercises. You can pray if you want. You can write in a journal. Write your plans. Review your goals. Write a daily positive statement. Practice affirmations. Make a list of the things that you’re grateful for in your life. Whatever makes you feel this elevation, this positivity, that gives you back this drive on a daily basis. It’s really, really important. Zig Ziglar (rest in peace) used to say something along the lines of - you don’t brush your teeth 7 times for the whole week. You brush your teeth every day’. So, that’s exactly the same thing with motivation. You need to get motivated every day. It’s something that you do daily. You keep yourself in that elevated state. Take this 15-30 minutes, even more if you can of this alone time to be with yourself and reconnect with your goals and your driving force. Two more things I have to say here that kind of wrap up all that was said until now and they are to celebrate success and to have fun. What I mean by that is that 1) You take nothing for granted. When you succeed even little success, you celebrate it. You tap yourself on the shoulder. You can reward yourself. Some people really build these reward systems. I’m not all for that but, you know, find what’s good for you. But the idea is to really celebrate your little success as well as the big ones. Lastly just have fun. Don’t forget to have fun. Whether you have big goals, if you have a long way to go towards, it doesn’t matter. You need to have fun today. You can enjoy life today. So, you need to find ways to enjoy the journey. Sometimes it can be little things. Whether it’s spending time with friends. Whether it’s developing an interesting hobby. Whether it’s spending time with your kids and letting yourself being completely childish. Whether it is just indulging from time to time with some ice cream. Whatever makes you feel good, but not in the sense of comfort. Because there is nothing to comfort for. Just feel good. Just enjoy life. Enjoy the journey as cheesy as it may sound. When you finish listening to this program, if you remember just one thing, it’s to just have fun. Just enjoy the journey. So let’s wrap up. Positive power comes from a combination of inner drive, energy, and direction. In order to get it, your first step is to develop high awareness to be totally conscious of yourself especially what’s going on inside your head. Now, obviously, everything works much better when you’re happy. In order to be happy, the first and most critical step is just to decide to be happy. Realize that happiness comes from within and do not look anywhere else but inside yourself. Also be grateful for all that you have and live in the “now.” Live in the moment. 8
  • 9. Now, it’s very critical that you sit in the driver’s seat of your life and set the course. Direct your life. Find and follow your passions and set goals. It’s really important that you love yourself. Be kind to yourself or in other words, build your self-esteem day by day because it’s one of the most critical elements to everything good in life, to happiness, to success. Now, in order to be able to take action and achieve your goals, you have to be able to overcome your fears. Now, all fears are basically some form of fear of failure or criticism. So, basically you need to first acknowledge the fact that failure is not only part of life but also essential for success. The second thing is to just face fear head on. Don’t ignore it. Don’t deny it. Feel lit. Be aware of it and act in spite of it. Lastly, in order to stay positive, to stay motivated and driven, you just need to get inspired on a daily basis whether it’s through relationships, whether it’s through consuming good material and also by making sure to give yourself at least 15 minutes every day of just sitting with yourself and relaxing, connecting with your goals, being grateful, practicing affirmations, meditating. Whatever works for you. Last but not least of course is to remember always to enjoy the journey. Remember to have fun and celebrate life. Live in the “now” and try to experience life at its fullest. So, this wraps up Positive Power. I hope you get a lot from it. I recommend that you listen to my other programs, Supercharge Your Energy and the Sleep Optimization Guide to get the fullest benefits. This is Rotem Cohen of, your inner drive coach. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride and Thank You for listening. Get the complete Positive Power Pack 108 minutes of audio (+transcripts) to help you overcome laziness and procrastination and ignite your inner drive… Click here to get it now (FREE Download) 9