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CairoGovernorate Department : Science 
Nozha Directorate of Educatio Form : 5th primary 
Nozha Language Schools Revision sheet 2015 
Ismailia Road” Branch 
Unit (1) : Energy 
Lesson 1 : light 
1- Complete:- 
1- Light travels in ………………………………... 
2- ……….. is a darkened area which is formed when light falls on an opaque objects. 
3- When the light falls on any object it ………… to our eyes causing vision. 
4- We see objects due to …………… of light. 
5- When the reflected surface is smooth the reflection is……………… 
6- The visible white light separated into ……….. colors by using …….. 
7- The spectrum color are …………. , ………….. , ………………. , ………………, 
…………..,indigo and ………….. 
2- Give reason for:- 
1- The formation of images through narrow holes. 
= The formation of shadow . 
2- Rainbow appears in sky after rainfall. 
3- We can see the moon lighted at the night. 
4- The pencil seems broken at the water’s surface 
3- Put (√) or (X) :- 
1- Light is a visible form of energy ( ) 
2- The nearer object to the light source has the bigger shadow ( ) 
3- The visible spectrum is the light energy that can’t be seen ( ) 
4- Red , green and blue are from the spectrum colors . ( ) 
5- The picture formed in the mirror is inverted . ( ) 
Lesson “2” 
Seeing Colored Objects 
1- Complete:- 
1- When white light strikes the green grass, the grass absorbs …………. and 
reflects ………. Light only. 
2- …………. reflects its own light only while ……….. allows its own color only to pass 
through . 
3- …………… , …………..… and ………..……… are called the secondary colored 
4- Mixing ……….…… and ………………. light gives yellow light 
2- Write the scientific term :- 
1- Materials which allow some light only to pass through it . [……………….….….] 
2- The reflection of light in different directions . […………………...…] 
3- Put (√) or (X) :- 
1- The black board reflects all the light colors ( ) 
2- The glass prism separates the white light into 10 spectrum ( ) 
3- The green table reflects all the light colors ( ) 
2- Give reason for:- 
1- The chalk appears white , while the black board appears black 
2- The red apple seems black when you look at it from a green glass sheet. 
3- We must wear white clothes in summer. 
3- What happen when : 
1- The white light falls on a prism . 
2- You mix the red , green and blue lights . 
4) Complete the following : 
1) The colour of the paper is ……………. 
2) ……………..light
Lesson “3” 
1- Complete:- 
1- The magnet has ……….. poles. 
2- A magnet has ……… pole and ……… pole 
3- Magnets with the same poles will …………………. each other. 
4- Magnets with different poles ……….. each other. 
5- Each magnet has a space in which its magnetic force appears called …………… 
6- The natural magnet is called ………………….. 
7- From the shapes of man – made magnets …………… , …………… and …………….. 
8- ……………………….. is the area of a magnet at which the attraction force is greatest. 
10- From the substances that are not attracted to a magnet ……….. , ………. 
and ……….. 
2- Put (√) or (X) :- 
1- There is only one type of magnet ( ) 
2- From the magnetic substances are glass and wood ( ) 
3- The magnet attracts magnetic and non-magnetic substances ( ) 
4- The shapes of magnet are bar and horse shoe only ( ) 
5- North and South poles don’t repel each other. ( ) 
6- South pole of the compass points to the east direction. ( ) 
3- What happen? and say why? 
1- If you (hang) suspend a magnet to move freely 
2- If you put a strong magnet close to aluminum bar 
3-If you approach a north pole of one magnet to a south pole of another magnet 
4-If you scatter some iron filings on a piece of cardboard by a bar magnet 
5- We approach the north pole of a magnet to the north pole of another suspended 
magnet . 
4- Write scientific term:- 
1- The ability of the magnet to attract the magnetic materials. [ ……...……….…..] 
2- English doctor made a magnetized needle. [ ……...……….….] 
3- The regions of the magnet where the magnetic force is most powerful. [……………….] 
4- A set is used for locating the main four directions . 
5- Give reason:- some materials are called non magnetic materials. 
6- Label the following spaces of the attracted magnets:- 
Lesson “4” 
Magnetism and electricity 
1- Complete:- 
1- The twisting wire around the wrought iron is made up of …………………. 
2- The magnet which is made by the effect of electricity is called ……………. 
3- …………… and …………… are examples of devices that contains electromagnet. 
4- Moving a bar magnet through a coil produce …………….. 
5- …………. and ………….. are examples of dynamo 
6- A huge electric generator is used in …………….. stations. 
7- ………….. changes the electric energy into magnetic energy 
8- ………….. is used to lift tons of steel or iron. 
9- Electric current has ……………… effect. 
2- Give reason for:- 
1- The magnet which is made by electricity is called electromagnet. 
2- In dynamo, we use a strong magnet and increase the number of turns in the moving 
3- We must increase the number of coil turns in the electromagnet. 
4- The small cylinder in the bicycle’s dynamo touches the bicycles tires. 
5- The huge electric generator is used in electric power stations. 
3- Put (√) or (X) :- 
1- The electric current has a magnetic effect ( ) 
2- Electromagnet is used for making electric bells and electric mixers ( ) 
3- Newton is the scientist who discovered that magnetic energy can be changed into 
electric energy ( ) 
4- The amount of electricity produced from dynamo increases by using weak magnets.( ) 
5- Dynamo changes the electric energy into kinetic energy ( ) 
4- How can you increase the produced electric current from dynamo ( Two methods ) 
1- ………………………….. 2- …………………………….. 
5- Write scientific term:- 
1- A set used to change the electric energy to magnetic energy. [ ……………………… ] 
2- A device that changes the electric energy to kinetic energy. [ ……………………… ] 
6- What happen when : 
1) Electric current passes through a wire beside a compass . 
2) The electric current flows through a coil winded ( twisted ) around an iron nail . 
7- A) Label the diagram : 
1) ……………………………………… 
2) ……………………………………… 
3) ……………………………………… 
B) The following diagram represents the …………………………………..
Final Revision 
on unit ( 1 ) 
1- Complete :- 
1. When the light passes from a glass rod to air , it …………………. . 
2. Materials can be classified according to their ability to transmit light 
into ………. ,…………and ………………..materials . 
3. The basic idea of the electric generator is the changing of …………………energy 
into ……………….energy . 
4. light rebounding when if falls an object is called ………………….. . 
5. Light can easily transmit through ……………… ………….materials . 
6. ………………….and ……………….are from the magnetic materials . 
7. ……………….and ……………….are the poles of the magnet . 
8. Like poles ……………….each other but unlike poles ………………each other . 
9. …………………is used in electric bell and to lift tons of steel or iron . 
10. Aluminum foil is ………………..material that doesn’t allow light to transmit through 
2- Give reason for :- 
1. Some materials are called magnetic materials . 
2. Aluminum foil is an opaque material . 
3. A spoon appears broken when it is placed in a cup of water . 
4. Iron , cobalt and nickel are magnetic materials . 
5. We can see objects clearly behind glass sheet . 
3- Write the scientific term :- 
1. A set is used for locating the main four geographical directions . [ ] 
2. It is the light energy that can be seen . [ ] 
3. A darkened area formed when light falls on an opaque object . [ ] 
4- Compare between : 
a) Regular reflection and irregular reflection . 
b) Magnetic materials and non magnetic materials . 
5- Match : 
(B) (A) 
1- Natural magnet 
2- Faraday 
3- Light 
4- Compass 
a) It is a form of energy . 
b) It is one of the iron ores . 
c) The scientist who discovered that mechanical energy 
of the magnet can be changed into electric energy . 
d) Used to locate the main four directions . 
6- From the opposite figure , answer the following questions : 
1- Write the name of parts (a) , (b) . 
Part (a) is ……………and part (b) is …………… 
2- What happens when we move (b) inside (a) 
When we do that , an …………….is generated in the twisted wire , 
and the small light bulls
Unit “2” 
Lesson “1” : Mixture 
1- Write scientific term:- 
1- A mixture formed by dissolving salt in water. [……………..] 
2- A set that is used to separate water – oil mixture. [……………..] 
3- A method used to form salt – pepper mixture. [……………..] 
4- Mixture of water , calcium and magnesium. [……………..] 
2- Put (√) or (X) :- 
1- Sea water is a source for producing table salt ( ) 
2- Sugar and baking soda are mixtures . ( ) 
3- Separating funnel is used in separating heterogeneous liquid mixture ( ) 
4- Salty solution can be formed by shaking or stirring. ( ) 
5- Solid and liquid materials can be mixed by shaking and grinding. ( ) 
6- Filtration process is used to separate a mixture which have deposits. ( ) 
3- Mention one use for each of the following:- 
1- Filter paper:- 
2- Magnet:- 
3- Boiling:- 
4- Separating funnel:- 
4- Give reason for:- 
1- Air is considered a mixture. 
2- Both sugar and distilled water are considered pure substance . 
3- A magnet can be used to separate iron filing from sand. 
4- Separating funnel is used to separate a mixture of oil with water . 
5- Complete:- 
1) Air is a ………………… while iron is a ………………… 
2) ………………is a mixture of water and some minerals such as calcium 
………………and ……………… . 
3) ……………….. is used to separate a soluble salt from its solution . 
4) Mixture is formed by ……………., …………….. , ……………and ………… 
6- What happen when:- 
Heat a salty solution. 
7- How can you separate ? 
1- Mixture of chalk and water. 
2- Iron filings and pepper. 
3- Water – oil solution. 
4- Salt solution 
Lesson “2” : Solution 
1- The substance which dissolves in a liquid is called ………….. 
2- The substance in which the solute dissolves is called …………… 
3- The process by which a solute dissolves in a solvent is known as …………… 
4- In salty solution , salt is the ………… , while water is the …………… 
5- On adding insoluble substances in a certain solvent, ……………. is formed. 
6- Solubility process is affected by ……….,…………..,……….and ……….. 
7- The speed of solubility …………… by increasing stirring process. 
2- Choose:- 
1- Any solution is composed of …………….. 
a. solvent only b. solute only c. solute and solvent 
2- ……………. is an example of heterogeneous liquid mixtures. 
a. orange juice b. tea c. salty solution 
3 - Solubility process depends on ……………. 
a. temperature b. stirring c. type of solute d. all the previous 
4- Mud in water is an example of …………… 
a- homogeneous solution b- heterogeneous solution 
c- pure substance d- homogeneous mixture 
3- Give reason for:- 
1- Water is considered a common solvent. 
2- Salt dissolves easily and faster in a large amount of water. 
3- The solubility speed depends on the temperature of the solution components. 
4- Complete the following table:- 
Solution Solute Solvent 
1- tea solution with sugar 
2- salty solution 
3- baking soda solution 
4- lemon juice with sugar 
5- Put ( √ ) or ( Х ) and correct the wrong ones :- 
a- Water in a sugary solution is the solute ( ) 
b- Water is the most common solvent ( ) 
c- The suspension can be separated by using magnetic attraction ( ) 
d- As stirring increases , the solubility time decrease ( ) 
e- The components of homogeneous mixture can be distinguished ( )
Final Revision 
on unit ( 2) 
1- Write the scientific term :- 
1. A type of mixtures consists of two or more different liquids . [ ] 
2. A device used to separate the heterogeneous liquid mixtures . [ ] 
3. It is the substance that consists of more than one type of particles . [ ] 
2- Compare between :- 
Point of comp. Mixtures Pure substances 
1- Def. 
2- Types. 
3- Examples. 
3I- Give reason for :- 
1. The solution is a type of mixtures . 
2. Air is considered a mixture .but baking soda is a pure substance . 
3. Magnet can be used to separate iron filings from sand. 
4- What happens :- 
1. Mixing different types of fruit juices together . 
Unit "3" 
Lesson "1" 
Food relation ships among living organisms 
1- Types of food relationships between living organisms includes ………. , ……… and …….. 
2- ………….is less common in the plant world than in animal world 
3- Plants are ………….. organisms 
4- The plants that feed on insects are known as ………….. such as ……….. 
5- ………….. is relationship where both organisms gets benefit from the other and is not harmed 
6- The relation between honeybees and flowers is …………, while that between cat and rat 
is ………………… 
7- ……………. Ejects a black color fluid in the surrounding water when attacked by its enemies. 
8- …………….and …………..are from the ways of self defence against predation . 
9 - Types of parasitism are …………. and ……………. parasitism . 
10- Bilharzia worm parasites on …………….and is named ……………while the harmed 
organism that is hurted is called the ……………….. 
2- Give reason for:- 
1- Predation is a temporary relationship 
2- A chameleon can hide from its enemies. 
3- Some bees look like wasps in forming lines on bodies. 
4- Parasitism relationship differs from the predation relationship. 
5- Some plants are known as insectivorous plants . 
6- The relation between nodular bacteria and leguminous plants is symbiosis mutualism 
relationship . 
3- Mention the kind of food relationship between each of the following:- 
1- Cat and rat : …………………………………………………………………………… 
2- Bread mold fungus and moist bread : ………………………………………………… 
3- Lice and man : ……………………………………………………...………………… 
4- Jawless lamprey and fish : ……………………………………………………………. 
5- Crocodiles and some birds : …………………………………………………………. 
6- Sponge and tiny aquatic organisms ………………………………………………….. 
7- Flaria worm and man …………………………………………………………………
Environmental balance 
1- ………………….….. it is the balance among the components of the ecosystem 
2- Any natural area including living organisms and non- living things is called ……………. 
3- Ecosystem may be ………….. , ……………. and ………….. 
2- Put ( √ ) or ( Х ) and correct the wrong ones :- 
1- Changing of natural conditions leads to environmental pollution ( ) 
2- Plants depend completely on the soil to get water ( ) 
3- Predators organize the numbers of preys population ( ) 
3- What would happen if :- 
1- Trees are cut down 
2- There are no predators in the ecosystem. 
3- Preys do not find food and shelter within the ecosystem 
4- Bactria disappear completely from the environment . 
Final Revision 
on unit ( 3) 
1- Compare between :- 
P.O.C Predation Parasitism 
Some that occur to the host 
2- Give reason for :- 
1. The relationship between bee and the flowers is a mutualism . 
2. Plants depend on the soil . 
3. Predation is a temporary relation ship . 
4. Decomposers are considered the guards of nature . 
3- Write the scientific term :- 
1. It is the balance among the components of the ecosystem . [ ] 
2. It is any natural area inducing living organisms and non 
living things . [ ] 
3. A food relationship in which one living organism devouring the other one . 
[ ] 
4- What happen when : 
1- Bacteria disappear completely from the environment . 
Model exam (1) 
Question (1) :- 
A) Complete the following : 
1. The electric current has a ………………….……. effect . 
2. The balance among the components of the ecosystem is called …………………. 
3. The substance in which the solids dissolve is called …………………………….. 
4. By using a …………….. , the white light can be separated into ………….…. colours . 
5. The like poles ……………. each other whereas unlike poles ………………… 
B) Choose from column (B) what is suitable for column (A) : 
(A) ( B) 
1. The relation between bread and bread mould fungi is . 
2. The relation between two living organisms , one 
benefits and the other is harmed . 
3. The relation between a bee and a flower is . 
a) Mutalism . 
b) Saprophytism . 
c) Parasitism . 
Question (2):- 
A) Put ( Ö ) or ( × ) and correct the wrong ones : 
1. Air and mineral water are example of mixtures . [ ] 
2. When the white light falls on a red apple , it reflects the white light .[ ] 
3. Saving the natural conditions cause environmental balance . [ ] 
4. The electromagnet consists of iron bar , coil and battery . [ ] 
5. Aluminium is attracted to the magnet . [ ] 
B) Give reason for : 
1. The chameleon can hide from its enemies . 
2. The formation of shadow . 
Question (3):- 
A) Write the scientific term : 
1. A set is used for locating the four main directions . [ …..…………......] 
2. A temporary relation ship which ends with devouring the prey. [ ……….…….…..] 
3. The apparatus that converts the kinetic energy into electric energy . [ ………………....] 
4. A visible form of energy . [ ………………... ] 
B) Mention the name of the method or set used to separate the following : 
1. Sugar from a sugary solution . 
2. Sand and water mixture . 
Question (4) :- 
A) Choose the correct answer : 
1. The time needed for solubility …………… by stirring or increasing the temperature . 
a- increases b- decreases 
c- doesn’t change d- b and c 
2. The plants that prey the tiny insects are known as ……………… 
a- hosts b- parasites 
c- Insectivorous d- decomposers 
3. Mud in water is an example of ……………………… 
a- homogeneous solution b- heterogeneous solution 
c- pure substance d- homogeneous mixture 
4. ……………….is the magnetic ability to attract the magnetic materials existed in its 
field . 
a- Magnetic field b- Pole 
c- Magnetic material d- Magnetic force 
B) What happens if : 
1. Bacteria disappear completely . 
2. You mix the red , green and blue lights . 
Model Exam (2) 
1st Question :A)Complete the following : 
1- Air is a …………………. while iron is a ………….. 
2- The electromagnet is used in …………………. and …………….. . 
3- Electric current has ……………….. effect . 
B) What happens when you : 
1- Hung a freely magnet . 
2- Heat a salty solution . 
2nd Question : A) Put ( Ö ) or ( ´ ) and correct the wrong : 
1- North and south poles don’t repel each other . [ ] 
2- Green salad is considered a mixture . [ ] 
3- The south pole of the compass points to the east direction . [ ] 
4- Solid and liquid materials can be mixed by shaxing and grinding . [ ] 
5- Filteration process is used to separate mixtures which have deposits . [ ] 
B) How to increase the produced electric current from dynamo? ( Two methods ) 
1- ………………………….. 2- …………………………. 
3rd Question : 
A) Write the scientific term : 
1- A set ued to change the electric energy to magnetic energy . [ ………………….] 
2- The ability of the magnet to attract the magnet materials . [ ………………….] 
3- An english doctor made a magnetized needle . [ ………………….] 
4- A mixture of water , calcium and magnesum . [ ………………….] 
5- The regions of the magnet where th magnetic force is most powerful . 
[ ………………….]
4th Question :A) Choose the correct answer : 
1- The natural magnet is one of the iron ores which is known as ………… 
a- magnetism b- magnetite c- pole d- magnetic 
2- Moving a coil between the two poles of a magnet generates ….. energy in the coil . 
a- magnetic b- kinetic c- electric d- mechanical 
3- The wisting wire around the wrought iron is made up of …………….. 
a- copper b- Aluminum c- Iron d- (b) and (c) 
B) Give reason for : 
1- Some materials are called non-magnetic substances . 
2- The huge electric generator is used in electric power stations . 
5th Question : [ 5 mark ] 
A) Label the following spaces of the attracted magnets :- 
B) How can you separate ? 
1- Mixture of chalk and water solution . 
2- Iron fillings and pepper . 
3- Water – oil solution . 
Good Luck 
Model exam (3) 
1st Question : 
A) Put ( √ ) or ( × ):- 
1- The electric current has a magnetic effect. ( ) 
2- Lion and elephant are called autotrophic. ( ) 
3- The white board reflects all the light colors. ( ) 
4- The filter paper is used to separate oil from water. ( ) 
5- The predators help us to get rid of the strong members of preys. ( ) 
B) Choose from column ( B ) what is suitable for column ( A ) :- 
( A ) ( B ) 
1- Iron 
2- Orange juice 
3- Glass 
a- is a transparent material 
b- is a magnetic substance 
c- a heterogeneous mixture 
2nd Questions: 
A) Complete the following statements:- 
1- Air is a ……………..……. of gases such as oxygen and nitrogen. 
2- Yellow and …………….…. are from the secondary colors. 
3- ……………………..….. is a natural area that includes living and non-living organisms. 
4- From factors affecting the dissolving process are ………………… 
and ……..………… 
5- The types of light reflection are ………………… and irregular reflection. 
B) Mention one use for :- 
1- Compass : ………………………………………………………………………………. 
2- Electromagnet : …………………………………………………………………………. 
( 1 ) 
( 2 ) 
3rd Question: A) Choose the correct answer:- 
1- The mosquitoes cause ………………….. disease. 
a- elephantiasis b- malaria c- small box 
2- Object’s shadow is formed because light travels in ………………….. lines. 
a- curved b- irregular c- straight 
3- Salt and peper can be mixed by …………………. 
a- Shaking only b- grinding only c- shaking and grinding 
4- ………………. is a common solvent for thousands of substances. 
a- Water b- Benzene c- Alcohol 
5- ………..……… are the areas of the magnet where the magnetic force is most powerful. 
a- Non-magnetic substances b- Magnetic poles c- Magnetic fields 
6- From the living organisms that change its color to hide from enemies is ………………. 
a- frog b- eagle c- bird 
B) Give reason for:- 
1- The pencil seems broken at the water surface. 
2- The bird pick the ticks from the hippo skin. 
4th Questions : A) Write the scientific term:- 
1- A set is used to change the mechanical energy into electric energy. 
2- It is composed of solute and solvent. […………………………..] 
3 - A relationship between two living organisms one of them devours the other. 
4- It appears at the sky when sun-light passes through water droplets during rain falling. 
B) What happens if:- 
1- You mix the red, green and blue 
lights : …………………………………………………………………….……………… 
2- A salty solution is heated : …………………………………………………………… 
C) Label the following spaces of the attracted magnets:- 
1) …………………. 
2) ………………….
Model exam (4) 
Question [ 1 ]: 
A) Put (√ ) or ( × ) : 
1- Red , green and blue are from the spectrum color . ( ) 
2- The magnetic force of the magnet is most powerful in the middle . ( ) 
3- The nearer object to the light source has the smaller shadow . ( ) 
4- Electric current has a magnetic effect . ( ) 
5- The picture formed in the mirror is inverted . ( ) 
B) Complete the following statements : 
1- On mixing ……………. and …………… lights , a yellow light is formed . 
2- …………………….…….. changes the kinetic energy into electric energy . 
3- Aluminum foil is ……..…………. material that doesn’t allow the light to transmit 
through . 
4- ………………..….. is used to lift tons of steal or iron . 
Question [ 2 ]: 
A) Write the scientific term : 
1- The Change in the direction of light when it passes through the separating surface 
between two transparent media . 
2- A device that used to change the electric energy into magnetic energy . 
3- The reflection of light on a surface in different directions . […………….………..] 
4- The space around the magnet in which the effect of the magnetic force appears . 
B) Match from column (B) what is suitable for column (A) : 
(B) (A) 
1- Natural magnet 
2 - Faraday 
3- Light 
4- Compass 
a) It is a form of energy 
b) It is one of the iron ores 
c) The scientist who discovered that magnetic energy 
can be changed into electric energy . 
d) Used to locate the four main directions
Question [ 3 ]: 
A) Correct the underlined words : 
1- We can see objects due to separation of light . 
2- The green board absorbs all the light that falls on it . 
3- The rectangular magnet has 4 poles . 
4- Moon is the main source of light on the Earth . 
B) What is the name of each of the following : 
1) …………………………..…… 
2) ……………….………………….. 
C) What happens when : 
1- The white light falls on a prism ………………………………………………………… 
2- We approach the north pole of a magnet to the north pole of another suspended 
magnet …………………………………………………………………………………… 
Question [ 4 ]: 
A) Choose the correct answer : 
1- When you look to a red rose through a blue glass sheet , it appears …………………. 
a) red b) blue c) black 
2- We can get a stronger electromagnet by ……………….. . 
a) decreasing the number of coil turns b) decreasing the number of batteries 
c) incensing the number of coil turns . 
3- The freely suspended magnet points to ……………….. directions . 
a) east and west b) north and south c) north and west 
4- The coil of the dynamo is made of ……………………. 
a) carbon b) copper c) graphite 
B) Give reason for : 
1- The pen looks broken in a glass filled to its half with water . 
2- Some materials are called “ Non – magnetic substances ” . 
C) Complete the following : 
The color of the paper is ……………

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science First term 5prim

  • 1. CairoGovernorate Department : Science Nozha Directorate of Educatio Form : 5th primary Nozha Language Schools Revision sheet 2015 Ismailia Road” Branch Unit (1) : Energy Lesson 1 : light 1- Complete:- 1- Light travels in ………………………………... 2- ……….. is a darkened area which is formed when light falls on an opaque objects. 3- When the light falls on any object it ………… to our eyes causing vision. 4- We see objects due to …………… of light. 5- When the reflected surface is smooth the reflection is……………… 6- The visible white light separated into ……….. colors by using …….. 7- The spectrum color are …………. , ………….. , ………………. , ………………, …………..,indigo and ………….. 2- Give reason for:- 1- The formation of images through narrow holes. = The formation of shadow . ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Rainbow appears in sky after rainfall. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- We can see the moon lighted at the night. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- The pencil seems broken at the water’s surface ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- Put (√) or (X) :- 1- Light is a visible form of energy ( ) 2- The nearer object to the light source has the bigger shadow ( ) 3- The visible spectrum is the light energy that can’t be seen ( ) 4- Red , green and blue are from the spectrum colors . ( ) 5- The picture formed in the mirror is inverted . ( ) 1
  • 2. Lesson “2” Seeing Colored Objects 2 1- Complete:- 1- When white light strikes the green grass, the grass absorbs …………. and reflects ………. Light only. 2- …………. reflects its own light only while ……….. allows its own color only to pass through . 3- …………… , …………..… and ………..……… are called the secondary colored light. 4- Mixing ……….…… and ………………. light gives yellow light 2- Write the scientific term :- 1- Materials which allow some light only to pass through it . [……………….….….] 2- The reflection of light in different directions . […………………...…] 3- Put (√) or (X) :- 1- The black board reflects all the light colors ( ) 2- The glass prism separates the white light into 10 spectrum ( ) 3- The green table reflects all the light colors ( ) 2- Give reason for:- 1- The chalk appears white , while the black board appears black ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- The red apple seems black when you look at it from a green glass sheet. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- We must wear white clothes in summer. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- What happen when : 1- The white light falls on a prism . ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2- You mix the red , green and blue lights . ………………………………………………………………………………………
  • 3. 4) Complete the following : 1) The colour of the paper is ……………. 3 2) ……………..light
  • 4. Lesson “3” Magnetism 1- Complete:- 1- The magnet has ……….. poles. 2- A magnet has ……… pole and ……… pole 3- Magnets with the same poles will …………………. each other. 4- Magnets with different poles ……….. each other. 5- Each magnet has a space in which its magnetic force appears called …………… 6- The natural magnet is called ………………….. 7- From the shapes of man – made magnets …………… , …………… and …………….. 8- ……………………….. is the area of a magnet at which the attraction force is greatest. 10- From the substances that are not attracted to a magnet ……….. , ………. and ……….. 2- Put (√) or (X) :- 1- There is only one type of magnet ( ) 2- From the magnetic substances are glass and wood ( ) 3- The magnet attracts magnetic and non-magnetic substances ( ) 4- The shapes of magnet are bar and horse shoe only ( ) 5- North and South poles don’t repel each other. ( ) 6- South pole of the compass points to the east direction. ( ) 3- What happen? and say why? 1- If you (hang) suspend a magnet to move freely ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- If you put a strong magnet close to aluminum bar ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-If you approach a north pole of one magnet to a south pole of another magnet ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
  • 5. 4-If you scatter some iron filings on a piece of cardboard by a bar magnet ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5- We approach the north pole of a magnet to the north pole of another suspended magnet . ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- Write scientific term:- 1- The ability of the magnet to attract the magnetic materials. [ ……...……….…..] 2- English doctor made a magnetized needle. [ ……...……….….] 3- The regions of the magnet where the magnetic force is most powerful. [……………….] 4- A set is used for locating the main four directions . 5 S […………………...] 5- Give reason:- some materials are called non magnetic materials. 6- Label the following spaces of the attracted magnets:- N 2 4 3 1
  • 6. Lesson “4” Magnetism and electricity 1- Complete:- 1- The twisting wire around the wrought iron is made up of …………………. 2- The magnet which is made by the effect of electricity is called ……………. 3- …………… and …………… are examples of devices that contains electromagnet. 4- Moving a bar magnet through a coil produce …………….. 5- …………. and ………….. are examples of dynamo 6- A huge electric generator is used in …………….. stations. 7- ………….. changes the electric energy into magnetic energy 8- ………….. is used to lift tons of steel or iron. 9- Electric current has ……………… effect. 6 2- Give reason for:- 1- The magnet which is made by electricity is called electromagnet. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- In dynamo, we use a strong magnet and increase the number of turns in the moving coils. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- We must increase the number of coil turns in the electromagnet. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- The small cylinder in the bicycle’s dynamo touches the bicycles tires. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5- The huge electric generator is used in electric power stations. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • 7. 7 3- Put (√) or (X) :- 1- The electric current has a magnetic effect ( ) 2- Electromagnet is used for making electric bells and electric mixers ( ) 3- Newton is the scientist who discovered that magnetic energy can be changed into electric energy ( ) 4- The amount of electricity produced from dynamo increases by using weak magnets.( ) 5- Dynamo changes the electric energy into kinetic energy ( ) 4- How can you increase the produced electric current from dynamo ( Two methods ) 1- ………………………….. 2- …………………………….. 5- Write scientific term:- 1- A set used to change the electric energy to magnetic energy. [ ……………………… ] 2- A device that changes the electric energy to kinetic energy. [ ……………………… ] 6- What happen when : 1) Electric current passes through a wire beside a compass . ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2) The electric current flows through a coil winded ( twisted ) around an iron nail . ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7- A) Label the diagram : 1) ……………………………………… 2) ……………………………………… 3) ……………………………………… B) The following diagram represents the …………………………………..
  • 8. Final Revision on unit ( 1 ) 1- Complete :- 1. When the light passes from a glass rod to air , it …………………. . 2. Materials can be classified according to their ability to transmit light into ………. ,…………and ………………..materials . 3. The basic idea of the electric generator is the changing of …………………energy into ……………….energy . 4. light rebounding when if falls an object is called ………………….. . 5. Light can easily transmit through ……………… ………….materials . 6. ………………….and ……………….are from the magnetic materials . 7. ……………….and ……………….are the poles of the magnet . 8. Like poles ……………….each other but unlike poles ………………each other . 9. …………………is used in electric bell and to lift tons of steel or iron . 10. Aluminum foil is ………………..material that doesn’t allow light to transmit through 2- Give reason for :- 1. Some materials are called magnetic materials . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Aluminum foil is an opaque material . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. A spoon appears broken when it is placed in a cup of water . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Iron , cobalt and nickel are magnetic materials . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. We can see objects clearly behind glass sheet . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
  • 9. 3- Write the scientific term :- 1. A set is used for locating the main four geographical directions . [ ] 2. It is the light energy that can be seen . [ ] 3. A darkened area formed when light falls on an opaque object . [ ] 4- Compare between : a) Regular reflection and irregular reflection . b) Magnetic materials and non magnetic materials . 9 5- Match : (B) (A) 1- Natural magnet 2- Faraday 3- Light 4- Compass a) It is a form of energy . b) It is one of the iron ores . c) The scientist who discovered that mechanical energy of the magnet can be changed into electric energy . d) Used to locate the main four directions . 6- From the opposite figure , answer the following questions : 1- Write the name of parts (a) , (b) . Part (a) is ……………and part (b) is …………… 2- What happens when we move (b) inside (a) When we do that , an …………….is generated in the twisted wire , and the small light bulls
  • 10. Unit “2” Lesson “1” : Mixture 1- Write scientific term:- 1- A mixture formed by dissolving salt in water. [……………..] 2- A set that is used to separate water – oil mixture. [……………..] 3- A method used to form salt – pepper mixture. [……………..] 4- Mixture of water , calcium and magnesium. [……………..] 2- Put (√) or (X) :- 1- Sea water is a source for producing table salt ( ) 2- Sugar and baking soda are mixtures . ( ) 3- Separating funnel is used in separating heterogeneous liquid mixture ( ) 4- Salty solution can be formed by shaking or stirring. ( ) 5- Solid and liquid materials can be mixed by shaking and grinding. ( ) 6- Filtration process is used to separate a mixture which have deposits. ( ) 3- Mention one use for each of the following:- 10 1- Filter paper:- …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Magnet:- ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3- Boiling:- ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4- Separating funnel:- …………………………………………………………………………………….. 4- Give reason for:- 1- Air is considered a mixture. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Both sugar and distilled water are considered pure substance . …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • 11. 3- A magnet can be used to separate iron filing from sand. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- Separating funnel is used to separate a mixture of oil with water . …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 5- Complete:- 1) Air is a ………………… while iron is a ………………… 2) ………………is a mixture of water and some minerals such as calcium ………………and ……………… . 3) ……………….. is used to separate a soluble salt from its solution . 4) Mixture is formed by ……………., …………….. , ……………and ………… 6- What happen when:- Heat a salty solution. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7- How can you separate ? 1- Mixture of chalk and water. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Iron filings and pepper. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- Water – oil solution. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- Salt solution …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • 12. Lesson “2” : Solution 12 1-Complete:- 1- The substance which dissolves in a liquid is called ………….. 2- The substance in which the solute dissolves is called …………… 3- The process by which a solute dissolves in a solvent is known as …………… 4- In salty solution , salt is the ………… , while water is the …………… 5- On adding insoluble substances in a certain solvent, ……………. is formed. 6- Solubility process is affected by ……….,…………..,……….and ……….. 7- The speed of solubility …………… by increasing stirring process. 2- Choose:- 1- Any solution is composed of …………….. a. solvent only b. solute only c. solute and solvent 2- ……………. is an example of heterogeneous liquid mixtures. a. orange juice b. tea c. salty solution 3 - Solubility process depends on ……………. a. temperature b. stirring c. type of solute d. all the previous 4- Mud in water is an example of …………… a- homogeneous solution b- heterogeneous solution c- pure substance d- homogeneous mixture 3- Give reason for:- 1- Water is considered a common solvent. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Salt dissolves easily and faster in a large amount of water. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • 13. 3- The solubility speed depends on the temperature of the solution components. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- Complete the following table:- Solution Solute Solvent 13 1- tea solution with sugar 2- salty solution 3- baking soda solution 4- lemon juice with sugar 5- Put ( √ ) or ( Х ) and correct the wrong ones :- a- Water in a sugary solution is the solute ( ) b- Water is the most common solvent ( ) c- The suspension can be separated by using magnetic attraction ( ) d- As stirring increases , the solubility time decrease ( ) e- The components of homogeneous mixture can be distinguished ( )
  • 14. Final Revision on unit ( 2) 1- Write the scientific term :- 1. A type of mixtures consists of two or more different liquids . [ ] 2. A device used to separate the heterogeneous liquid mixtures . [ ] 3. It is the substance that consists of more than one type of particles . [ ] 2- Compare between :- Point of comp. Mixtures Pure substances 14 1- Def. 2- Types. 3- Examples. 3I- Give reason for :- 1. The solution is a type of mixtures . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Air is considered a mixture .but baking soda is a pure substance . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Magnet can be used to separate iron filings from sand. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4- What happens :- 1. Mixing different types of fruit juices together . …………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • 15. Unit "3" Lesson "1" Food relation ships among living organisms 15 1-Complete:- 1- Types of food relationships between living organisms includes ………. , ……… and …….. 2- ………….is less common in the plant world than in animal world 3- Plants are ………….. organisms 4- The plants that feed on insects are known as ………….. such as ……….. 5- ………….. is relationship where both organisms gets benefit from the other and is not harmed 6- The relation between honeybees and flowers is …………, while that between cat and rat is ………………… 7- ……………. Ejects a black color fluid in the surrounding water when attacked by its enemies. 8- …………….and …………..are from the ways of self defence against predation . 9 - Types of parasitism are …………. and ……………. parasitism . 10- Bilharzia worm parasites on …………….and is named ……………while the harmed organism that is hurted is called the ……………….. 2- Give reason for:- 1- Predation is a temporary relationship …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- A chameleon can hide from its enemies. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- Some bees look like wasps in forming lines on bodies. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- Parasitism relationship differs from the predation relationship. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • 16. 5- Some plants are known as insectivorous plants . …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6- The relation between nodular bacteria and leguminous plants is symbiosis mutualism 16 relationship . …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- Mention the kind of food relationship between each of the following:- 1- Cat and rat : …………………………………………………………………………… 2- Bread mold fungus and moist bread : ………………………………………………… 3- Lice and man : ……………………………………………………...………………… 4- Jawless lamprey and fish : ……………………………………………………………. 5- Crocodiles and some birds : …………………………………………………………. 6- Sponge and tiny aquatic organisms ………………………………………………….. 7- Flaria worm and man …………………………………………………………………
  • 17. Lesson"2" Environmental balance 1-Complete:- 1- ………………….….. it is the balance among the components of the ecosystem 2- Any natural area including living organisms and non- living things is called ……………. 3- Ecosystem may be ………….. , ……………. and ………….. 2- Put ( √ ) or ( Х ) and correct the wrong ones :- 1- Changing of natural conditions leads to environmental pollution ( ) 2- Plants depend completely on the soil to get water ( ) 3- Predators organize the numbers of preys population ( ) 3- What would happen if :- 1- Trees are cut down …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- There are no predators in the ecosystem. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- Preys do not find food and shelter within the ecosystem …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- Bactria disappear completely from the environment . …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
  • 18. Final Revision on unit ( 3) 18 1- Compare between :- 1. P.O.C Predation Parasitism Definition Some that occur to the host Example 2- Give reason for :- 1. The relationship between bee and the flowers is a mutualism . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Plants depend on the soil . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Predation is a temporary relation ship . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Decomposers are considered the guards of nature . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3- Write the scientific term :- 1. It is the balance among the components of the ecosystem . [ ] 2. It is any natural area inducing living organisms and non living things . [ ] 3. A food relationship in which one living organism devouring the other one . [ ] 4- What happen when : 1- Bacteria disappear completely from the environment . ………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • 19. Model exam (1) Question (1) :- A) Complete the following : 1. The electric current has a ………………….……. effect . 2. The balance among the components of the ecosystem is called …………………. 3. The substance in which the solids dissolve is called …………………………….. 4. By using a …………….. , the white light can be separated into ………….…. colours . 5. The like poles ……………. each other whereas unlike poles ………………… B) Choose from column (B) what is suitable for column (A) : (A) ( B) 1. The relation between bread and bread mould fungi is . 2. The relation between two living organisms , one 19 benefits and the other is harmed . 3. The relation between a bee and a flower is . a) Mutalism . b) Saprophytism . c) Parasitism . Question (2):- A) Put ( Ö ) or ( × ) and correct the wrong ones : 1. Air and mineral water are example of mixtures . [ ] 2. When the white light falls on a red apple , it reflects the white light .[ ] 3. Saving the natural conditions cause environmental balance . [ ] 4. The electromagnet consists of iron bar , coil and battery . [ ] 5. Aluminium is attracted to the magnet . [ ] B) Give reason for : 1. The chameleon can hide from its enemies . ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2. The formation of shadow . ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………..
  • 20. Question (3):- A) Write the scientific term : 1. A set is used for locating the four main directions . [ …..…………......] 2. A temporary relation ship which ends with devouring the prey. [ ……….…….…..] 3. The apparatus that converts the kinetic energy into electric energy . [ ………………....] 4. A visible form of energy . [ ………………... ] B) Mention the name of the method or set used to separate the following : 1. Sugar from a sugary solution . ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Sand and water mixture . ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. Question (4) :- A) Choose the correct answer : 1. The time needed for solubility …………… by stirring or increasing the temperature . a- increases b- decreases c- doesn’t change d- b and c 2. The plants that prey the tiny insects are known as ……………… a- hosts b- parasites c- Insectivorous d- decomposers 3. Mud in water is an example of ……………………… a- homogeneous solution b- heterogeneous solution c- pure substance d- homogeneous mixture 4. ……………….is the magnetic ability to attract the magnetic materials existed in its field . a- Magnetic field b- Pole c- Magnetic material d- Magnetic force B) What happens if : 1. Bacteria disappear completely . ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2. You mix the red , green and blue lights . ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. 20
  • 21. Model Exam (2) 21 1st Question :A)Complete the following : 1- Air is a …………………. while iron is a ………….. 2- The electromagnet is used in …………………. and …………….. . 3- Electric current has ……………….. effect . B) What happens when you : 1- Hung a freely magnet . …………………………………………………………………………………. 2- Heat a salty solution . …………………………………………………………………………………. 2nd Question : A) Put ( Ö ) or ( ´ ) and correct the wrong : 1- North and south poles don’t repel each other . [ ] 2- Green salad is considered a mixture . [ ] 3- The south pole of the compass points to the east direction . [ ] 4- Solid and liquid materials can be mixed by shaxing and grinding . [ ] 5- Filteration process is used to separate mixtures which have deposits . [ ] B) How to increase the produced electric current from dynamo? ( Two methods ) 1- ………………………….. 2- …………………………. 3rd Question : A) Write the scientific term : 1- A set ued to change the electric energy to magnetic energy . [ ………………….] 2- The ability of the magnet to attract the magnet materials . [ ………………….] 3- An english doctor made a magnetized needle . [ ………………….] 4- A mixture of water , calcium and magnesum . [ ………………….] 5- The regions of the magnet where th magnetic force is most powerful . [ ………………….]
  • 22. 4th Question :A) Choose the correct answer : 1- The natural magnet is one of the iron ores which is known as ………… a- magnetism b- magnetite c- pole d- magnetic 2- Moving a coil between the two poles of a magnet generates ….. energy in the coil . a- magnetic b- kinetic c- electric d- mechanical 3- The wisting wire around the wrought iron is made up of …………….. a- copper b- Aluminum c- Iron d- (b) and (c) 22 B) Give reason for : 1- Some materials are called non-magnetic substances . …………………………………………………………………………………. 2- The huge electric generator is used in electric power stations . …………………………………………………………………………………. 5th Question : [ 5 mark ] A) Label the following spaces of the attracted magnets :- B) How can you separate ? 1- Mixture of chalk and water solution . ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Iron fillings and pepper . ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- Water – oil solution . ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Good Luck 1 2 4 3
  • 23. Model exam (3) 1st Question : A) Put ( √ ) or ( × ):- 1- The electric current has a magnetic effect. ( ) 2- Lion and elephant are called autotrophic. ( ) 3- The white board reflects all the light colors. ( ) 4- The filter paper is used to separate oil from water. ( ) 5- The predators help us to get rid of the strong members of preys. ( ) B) Choose from column ( B ) what is suitable for column ( A ) :- ( A ) ( B ) 23 1- Iron 2- Orange juice 3- Glass a- is a transparent material b- is a magnetic substance c- a heterogeneous mixture 2nd Questions: A) Complete the following statements:- 1- Air is a ……………..……. of gases such as oxygen and nitrogen. 2- Yellow and …………….…. are from the secondary colors. 3- ……………………..….. is a natural area that includes living and non-living organisms. 4- From factors affecting the dissolving process are ………………… and ……..………… 5- The types of light reflection are ………………… and irregular reflection. B) Mention one use for :- 1- Compass : ………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Electromagnet : …………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • 24. 24 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) N S 3rd Question: A) Choose the correct answer:- 1- The mosquitoes cause ………………….. disease. a- elephantiasis b- malaria c- small box 2- Object’s shadow is formed because light travels in ………………….. lines. a- curved b- irregular c- straight 3- Salt and peper can be mixed by …………………. a- Shaking only b- grinding only c- shaking and grinding 4- ………………. is a common solvent for thousands of substances. a- Water b- Benzene c- Alcohol 5- ………..……… are the areas of the magnet where the magnetic force is most powerful. a- Non-magnetic substances b- Magnetic poles c- Magnetic fields 6- From the living organisms that change its color to hide from enemies is ………………. a- frog b- eagle c- bird B) Give reason for:- 1- The pencil seems broken at the water surface. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- The bird pick the ticks from the hippo skin. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4th Questions : A) Write the scientific term:- 1- A set is used to change the mechanical energy into electric energy. […………………………..] 2- It is composed of solute and solvent. […………………………..] 3 - A relationship between two living organisms one of them devours the other. […………………………..] 4- It appears at the sky when sun-light passes through water droplets during rain falling. […………………………..] B) What happens if:- 1- You mix the red, green and blue lights : …………………………………………………………………….……………… ………………………………….………………….……………………………………… 2- A salty solution is heated : …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… C) Label the following spaces of the attracted magnets:- 1) …………………. 2) ………………….
  • 25. Model exam (4) Question [ 1 ]: A) Put (√ ) or ( × ) : 1- Red , green and blue are from the spectrum color . ( ) 2- The magnetic force of the magnet is most powerful in the middle . ( ) 3- The nearer object to the light source has the smaller shadow . ( ) 4- Electric current has a magnetic effect . ( ) 5- The picture formed in the mirror is inverted . ( ) B) Complete the following statements : 1- On mixing ……………. and …………… lights , a yellow light is formed . 2- …………………….…….. changes the kinetic energy into electric energy . 3- Aluminum foil is ……..…………. material that doesn’t allow the light to transmit 25 through . 4- ………………..….. is used to lift tons of steal or iron . Question [ 2 ]: A) Write the scientific term : 1- The Change in the direction of light when it passes through the separating surface between two transparent media . [……………………..] 2- A device that used to change the electric energy into magnetic energy . [……………...………] 3- The reflection of light on a surface in different directions . […………….………..] 4- The space around the magnet in which the effect of the magnetic force appears . [……………………..] B) Match from column (B) what is suitable for column (A) : (B) (A) 1- Natural magnet 2 - Faraday 3- Light 4- Compass a) It is a form of energy b) It is one of the iron ores c) The scientist who discovered that magnetic energy can be changed into electric energy . d) Used to locate the four main directions
  • 26. Question [ 3 ]: A) Correct the underlined words : 1- We can see objects due to separation of light . 2- The green board absorbs all the light that falls on it . 3- The rectangular magnet has 4 poles . 4- Moon is the main source of light on the Earth . B) What is the name of each of the following : 26 1) …………………………..…… 2) ……………….………………….. C) What happens when : 1- The white light falls on a prism ………………………………………………………… 2- We approach the north pole of a magnet to the north pole of another suspended magnet …………………………………………………………………………………… Question [ 4 ]: A) Choose the correct answer : 1- When you look to a red rose through a blue glass sheet , it appears …………………. a) red b) blue c) black 2- We can get a stronger electromagnet by ……………….. . a) decreasing the number of coil turns b) decreasing the number of batteries c) incensing the number of coil turns . 3- The freely suspended magnet points to ……………….. directions . a) east and west b) north and south c) north and west 4- The coil of the dynamo is made of ……………………. a) carbon b) copper c) graphite B) Give reason for : 1- The pen looks broken in a glass filled to its half with water . …………….……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Some materials are called “ Non – magnetic substances ” . ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… C) Complete the following : The color of the paper is ……………