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Unit 1 Notes
Colonization of the New World
1st English Colonies
Protestant Reformation
• Martin Luther – leader of the Protestant
reformation, expelled from the Catholic
Church, but his ideas spread and became
known as the Lutheran Church.
• John Calvin - Suggested that the Monarchy
should not control the church.
Economic Changes in England
• Manoralism
• English nobles realized that they could make
more money by raising sheep than by renting
their land.
• Enclosure Movement – landowners converted
their estates from farms to sheep pastures and
evicted the tenants.
• Created thousands of poor, unemployed
The 1st English Colony
• Richard Hakluyt - Geographer who urged England to start a
colony in the Americas
• England didn't control 1 square foot of America at the time
(late 1500's)
• Said new colony would benefit England
1. Place to send petty criminals
2. Allow England to build overseas bases
3. Provide a market for English manufactured goods and a
place to get raw materials
4. Plant the Protestant faith in the Americas (control
• He forgot to say that the colony should be able to feed itself
The Founding of Roanoke
• Roanoke founded by Sir Walter
• Claimed land between the 34th
and 45th parallels for England
(North Carolina to Maine)
• Named region Virginia (for
England's virgin queen)
• 1585 - 1st colony began at
Roanoke Island
• Roanoke and Croatian Indians lived
nearby and provided help at first
• Colonist treated Indians with
disrespect (conflicts ended in
• Indians stopped helping and the
Colonist almost starved to death
• Left after a year
Second Attempt
• John White leads a 2nd attempt English artist convinces
• People carry their families and invest own money
• White had to return home for supplies
– His granddaughter (Virginia Dare) was the 1st English child born in
• Had to wait a couple of years to return because of the Spanish
• Everyone had disappeared when he returned
– Only two signs CRO carved on a tree and the word CROATION on a
• No one knows what happened to the colonist
• Called the “Lost Colony”
England Plans for Colonies
• Queen Elizabeth died King James became King
• James made peace with Spain enabled England to set
up colonies
• Formed joint-stock companies to fund colonies
• Virginia Company – British investment group with a
charter to start a colony in Virginia
– investors – people who put money into project to earn
– shares of stock – pieces of ownership in a the company
• Charter – written contract giving certain rights to a
person or group
Jamestown (Chesapeake Bay)
• April 1607 - 150 colonist settled in
• Swampy location caused diseases
• Looked for gold and refused to
• Winter 1607 – Only 38 colonist
• John Smith took control of the
• Made rule requiring people to
work for food
• Persuaded the Powhatan Indians
to give them food
• Smith was forced to return to
England after burning himself
Chief Powhatan
• Powhatan – Native
American leader who John
Smith befriended in an
effort to save the colony.
• Powhatan Confederacy –
trade agreement between
Jamestown and the Native
• Spring 1609 - 600 more colonist
– Only 60 survived the winter
• 1610 – Surviving colonist
decided to leave
1. Met new colonist on the
James River
2. Persuaded to return
• New leaders flogged or hung
colonist who neglected work
• Colony continued to grow due to
Virginia Company’s support
• Began growing tobacco
Tobacco Saves the Colony
• John Rolfe – Colonist who crossed Brazil tobacco
with harsh strain grown in Virginia (High Quality)
1. Demand for tobacco in England made it profitable
• Tobacco was the First Cash Crop
• Tobacco created a demand for field labor
1. Headright System – Gave anyone who paid for
their or another’s passage 50 acres of land
(Increased immigration)
2. Indentured Servants – People who agreed to a
limited term of servitude in exchange for passage to
North America
Tobacco Saves the Colony
• 1610 – 1st African American slaves arrived
– Treated them like indentured servants
– Not popular in the beginning due to cost (Cost
twice much as indentured servants did)
• Late 1600s – Began importing slaves in large
• Indentured servant population dropped
• Colonist were wealthier
House of Burgesses
• Burgesses - representative
• House of Burgesses - First elected general
assembly in American History.
Clashes with Native Americans
• English didn’t want to live
with the Native
Americans they defeated
• Leaders began
demanding tributes and
of corn and labor from
local Indians
• Burned Powhaton villages
and kidnapped hostages
• 1614 – Pocahontas
married John Rolfe
(Temporary peace)
Clashes with Native Americans
• 1622 – Powahaten Indians killed over 340
1. Nearly bankrupted the Virginia Company
• 1624 – King James revoked the Virginia
Company’s Charter and turned Virginia into a
royal colony
1. Sent more troops and settler to strengthen
The Pilgrims
• Separatists – religious group
that broke from the Church of
• Sought freedom form
persecution (bad treatment)
• 1620 – Mayflower landed at
– storm blew them off
• Landed outside the limits of
the Virginia Company’s
– Charter didn’t apply to
The Pilgrims
• Mayflower Compact –
people agreed to obey laws
that were for the good of
the colony – 1st in American
• William Bradford -
Leader of the Pilgrims
• Squanto - helped colonist
plant corn, beans, and
pumpkins in the tribal lands
– Served as an interpreter to
local Indians and helped
maintain peace
• 1621 – celebrated 1st
Unrest in England leads to growth of
colonies population
• 1620 - King Charles insisted that everyone worship
the same as him
• Puritans - group that wanted to purify the Church
of England
– Wanted to rid the church of “Popish” traditions such as the
use statues, painting, and instrumental music.
– Didn’t like celebrations such as Christmas and church
– Thought playing games sports and games on Sunday was
• King said that church and state were one (people
who questioned church’s authority would question
the king’s too )
The Great Migration – period when many
puritans came to America
• Most move to England’s
colonies in the West Indies
• 1629 – Massachusetts Bay
Company received charter
(recruited Puritans to move
to America)
• John Winthrop – led great
migration to New England
(became 1st governor of
• Great Migration - 1630 –
New England’s white
population nearly doubled
Massachusetts Bay Colony
• John Winthrop served as governor
• Commonwealth - people worked for the good of the
• People believed they had an agreement with God to
build a holy society “City Upon a Hill”
– It should be an example of Godly living for all the world to see
• Brought their families with them
• A Town Meeting was a time for voting on issues, giving
opinions, and setting governances.
– Heart of the colonies
Colonial New England Towns
• Congregation was the basic unit (people who belonged
to the same church)
– Each Puritan congregation set up its' own town
• Towns built around an open field
• Farmers lived in the towns and went out each day to
work in fields
• Meeting house was most important building in town
(handled politics and church there)
– When town grew too big for meeting house, congregation
divided and started a new town.
• The Half-Way Covenant perpetuated the role of religion
in the colonies by continuing to encourage people to join
the church (even though the church founders had passed
New England Way
• Everyone was required to attend church
• People who made noise were punished
• Puritans believed in godliness, hard work and
• Thought dancing and playing games would lead
laziness and sin
• Bible was the source of truth so everyone should be
able to read it.
• Required everyone to learn how to read
• Drunkenness, swearing, theft, and idleness were
Challenges to the Puritans
• Puritans didn't believe
in religious tolerance
• Roger Williams - said
that the government
should have no power
over religious matters,
fled Massachusetts and
founded the colony of
Rhode Island
Challenges to the Puritans
• Anne Hutchinson – declared a Heretic and
banished from the colony for saying that each
person could find divine guidance without the
help of the ministry, moved to Rhode Island
and founded the town of Portsmouth
• Killed by Indians in a war between the Native
Americans and the Dutch
Disputes over Land
• Native Americans believed that no one owned
the land
• Viewed treaties land treaties where they
received gifts as agreement to share the land
for a limited time
• Colonist saw the agreement as a one –time
deal where they bought the land
King Phillip’s War
• In 1675 the Plymouth Colony tried and executes three
Wampanoag for a murder which led to attacks by native
Americans against colonist
• Wampanoag chief Metacom organized his tribe in an alliance
with several others in order to wipe out the colonist
• Attacked and burned outlying settlements in New England
• Native American were forced to surrender and flee after a
year of fighting
1. Worn down by diseases, casualties, and lack of food
• Metacom was killed by a Native American ally of the colonist
1. Puritans exhibited Metacom’s head at Plymouth for twenty
• English destroyed the power of the New England Indians
King Phillip’s War
• The reason for King Phillip’s War was that
Colonists were trying to enforce British law on
Native Americans
• The significance of King Phillip’s War was that
few Native Americans remained in New
England; many moved to get away from the
New Netherland
• Henry Hudson – explored the
area between New England and
the Chesapeake and claimed it for
the Dutch.
• Settled the area by patroons - a
person who brought 50 settlers to
New Netherland
1. Had same power as a feudal
• Dutch profited from Fur trading
1. Established Albany and New
• Peter Stuyvesant - governor of
New Amsterdam (conquered
New Sweden)
Seizure of New Netherlands
• England jealous of New Amsterdam's success
( It also divided their lands)
• King Charles the II decided his brother the
Duke of York should take it from the Dutch
• Dutch gave up without a fight
• Dutch of York becomes proprietor (owner)
renames it New York
New Jersey & Pennsylvania
• Dutch of York gave New
Jersey to two of his
• King gave Pennsylvania
to William Penn,
Penn wanted a place for
the Quakers to live
without persecution
Quakers face Persecution (Quakers were a
Puritan Group)
• Said that neither ministers or the bible were
needed (each person could know God directly
through an "inner light"
• Were treated harshly in Massachusetts
(whipped, thrown in jail, parts of ears cut off
and bored their tongues with hot irons)
• 1691 - King forced a new charter on
Massachusetts (governor chosen by the King
rather than elected)
The Quakers Settle in Pennsylvania
• William Penn received the land as repayment for a debt King
Charles II owed Penn’s father
• Penn wanted place for Quakers to live
• They were harassed by both Anglicans and Puritans
• Gave every settler 50 acres of land
• The government called for the establishment of a
representative assembly and freedom of religion
• Capital of the colony was Philadelphia “City of brotherly love”
• Recruited immigrants from western Europe
• Thousands of Germans migrated to the colony
1. Brought craft skills and farming techniques
• The colonies principles of equality, cooperation , and religious
tolerance eventually became fundamental values of the new
American nation
• 1632 - Maryland founded by
Lord Baltimore, Wanted
a place for Catholics
• Received a land grant from
Charles I
• Colony was named after
Queen Henrietta Maria
1. Charles’ Queen
Carolinas and Georgia
• Charles II gave 8 supporters
land between Virginia and
Spanish Florida
1. Carolina - Feminine form of
• 1729 - King took over Carolina
charter and divided it into
North and South
• 1732 Georgia was founded to
act as buffer between Spanish
and Carolinas
• Georgia founded By James
• Debtors colony
England and Its Colonies Prosper
• Colonies export raw materials,
Britain manufactures goods
• Purpose of the colonies was to
make Britain prosper
• Mercantilism—economic
system to make a nation self-
- Nation obtains gold, silver,
and establishes a favorable
balance of trade
• Colonist began exporting
goods directly to other
European countries
- Made more money
England and Its Colonies Prosper
• British pass Navigation Acts in
1651 to control colonial trade
- Required that all foreign goods
pass through English ports
- Required that all good be
carried on English or colonial
- Created jobs for dockworkers
and ship builder
• Colonial merchants resented the
- Continued to smuggle goods
- Howard Teach became the most
famous smuggler (Blackbeard)
New England
• Dominion of New England – created by King
James, consisted of Massachusetts, Plymouth,
and Rhode Island
– A year later New Jersey and Connecticut was
– Created to help enforce the navigation acts
• Run by a governor-general
– He had all power over the colonies
Glorious Revolution
• King James unpopular in England:
is Catholic, disrespects Parliament
• 1688 - James wanted to return
England to Catholicism (gets
kicked out)
• Glorious Revolution—Parliament
asserts its power over monarch,
- Parliament crowns Mary
(James’s daughter) and William of
• Glorious Revolution – showed
that government was based on
law not the whims of kings
- Authority of the king came from
Parliament not God
Glorious Revolution
• English Bill of rights (a list)
-No taxation without representation
-No cruel or unjust punishment,
- Free speech in parliament
-No imprisonment without a trial,
-The right to petition
-The right to bear arms
-The right to trial by jury
• Massachusetts colonists arrest Governor Andros and royal councilors
• 1691 – England restored Massachusetts’ charter
• King appointed a royal governor
• Required more religious toleration and non-Puritan representation in
the colonial assembly
• Ended Puritan persecution of other groups
England Loosens the Reigns
• England turned its attention towards France after
- Competing for control of Europe
• Passed laws to tighten the Navigation Acts but didn’t
enforce them
- Smuggling trials in admiralty courts with English
judges, no juries
- Board of Trade has broad powers to monitor
colonial trade
• Salutary Neglect – England didn’t enforce the
regulations in exchange for colonies continued
economic loyalty
Plantation Economy
• Shaped the southern colonies
- Maryland, Virginia, the
Carolinas, and Georgia
• Depended on growing cash crops
and slave labor
- Tobacco and Rice
• Long, deep rivers allow planters
to ship goods directly to markets
• Plantations produced most of
what farmers needed on their
- Few cities grew: warehouses,
shops not needed
• Southern population mostly
small farmers
• Planters are minority but control
• By mid-1700s, growth in export
trade makes colonies prosperous
Bacon’s Rebellion
• The main cause of Bacon’s
Rebellion was when Virginia
farmers wanted Native
American land for larger
farms and the government
said no.
• The major long-term effects
of Bacon’s Rebellion were
that it expanded the Southern
need for slavery and began a
policy of pushing Native
Americans west.
The Role of Women
• Women have few legal or social rights, little
formal schooling
• Most women cook, clean, garden, do farm
• Rich and poor women must submit to
husbands’ will
Turn to Slavery
• Turned to African slavery after Indians died
• Slaves—people who are considered the property
of others
• 1660s – South’s labor system began changing from
indentured servants to slavery
• New planter class gained power in Virginia (Cavaliers)
• English colonists increasingly unable to enslave Native
• Indentured servant price rises; slaves work for life, are
better buy
• Most white colonists think Africans’ dark skin justifies
Turn to Slavery
• 3-way Triangular
Trade network ties
colonies, Africa,
West Indies:
- New England
exports rum to Africa
- Africa exports
slaves to West Indies
- West Indies export
sugar, molasses to
New England
Turn to Slavery
• The Middle Passage—
middle leg of transatlantic
trade, transports slaves
- 20% or more of Africans
on ship die from disease,
abuse, suicide
- Slaves were crowded
together (Many died)
- Beaten if they refused to
eat or tried to jump
- Overloaded the boats by
Growth of Plantations
• Black population grew rapidly in the
Southern Colonies
- Rose from 6 % in 1660 6% to Over 20%
in 1700
• Plantation farming grew in South
Carolina and Georgia
• Grew rice in the lowlands
- Had to drain swamps and clear land
- Plantation owners sought out slaves
who were from Africa’s rice growing
• Grew Indigo in the uplands
- Started by Eliza Lucas
- Could raise it on land not suitable for
Life Under Slavery
• Small Farms - People who owned only a few slaves worked
side by side with them
- Shared same living area
- Treated like indentured servants
- Often taught to read and write and given chance to purchase
- Common outside the south
• Plantations -Worked in groups of 20-25
• 80–90% of slaves work in fields; 10–20% work in house or as
- Slaves work full-time from age 12 until death
- Owners beat, whip slaves considered disobedient,
• Planters feared a slave uprising
Life Under Slavery
• 1739 Stono Rebellion Slaves
rebelled near Charles Town
- Killed planter families
- militia defeated slaves (Killed
fighting or executed)
• Passed Slave codes –Harsh laws
that controlled the treatment of
- Prohibited slaves from leaving the
plantation without permission
- Forbid slaves to meet with free
- Forbid slaves to learn how to read
or write
New England Colonies
Life in the New England Colonies
• Farming was difficult in the Region
• Low mountains and rocky soil
• Long cold winters
• Atlantic ocean was their main resource
Fishing and Shipbuilding in New England
• Settlers switched from farming to fishing
• Good harbors and rich fishing areas
• Region had abundance of wood to build ships
• Boston became the richest American colonial
African Americans in New England
• Little slavery in New England
- Didn’t need large amounts of unskilled labor
• New England slave owners differed from Southern
slave owners
- Often provided religious and educational
• More free blacks lived in New England than any
other region
- Became merchants, sailors, printers and carpenters
• Were NOT treated as equals to whites
Roles of Women
• Women and girls did jobs associated with household
- Made candles, soap, and butter
- Spun cloth, weaved, washed, and cooked
• Some women had special skills within the
- Helped deliver babies
- Run a Dame school (Home where young children
were taught to read and write)
• Widows, women who never married or wives of
seagoing fishermen often entered business
- Printers, merchants, carpenters, and ship owners
Changes in Puritan Society
• Late 1600s – New England had moved away
from the church-centered society
• Caused by growing prosperity and the end of
Puritan political control
• New Generation of colonist didn’t share their
parent’s strict religious views
- Valued wealth
• Puritan Ministers began complaining that their
“city on the hill” was full of greedy merchants
Witchcraft Trials in Salem
• In 1692 – Several young girls
made false accusations of
- Led to trials and hysteria
• Many accusers were poor who
brought charges against rich
• Several victims were women
considered too independent
• Hundreds of people were
accused of witchcraft or dealing
with the devil
• Nineteen people were hanged
after being charged with witch
craft during the Salem Witch
Trials, showed that a society
can create scapegoats for its
The Enlightenment
• For centuries philosophers used reason,
science to explain world
• Enlightenment—movement in 1700s
emphasized reason, observation
• Enlightenment ideas spread quickly through
books, pamphlets
• John Locke – Natural Rights - Life, Liberty, and
The Enlightenment
• Benjamin Franklin
embraced Enlightenment
- Kite experiment
• Franklin becomes symbol
for Social Mobility
• Other colonial leaders also
adopted Enlightenment
• Thomas Jefferson used
reason to conclude people
had natural rights that
government must respect
The Great Awakening
• 1720 – Only 25% of New
Englanders belonged to a church
- Lower in other colonies
• Educated men became lawyers
and merchants rather than
• 1730s and 1740s – New religious
movement roared through
• The Great Awakening was a
resurgence of religion in America
- Minister went from town to
- Held revival meetings and urged
people to return to their faith
The Great Awakening
• Great Awakening was led by
Jonathan Edwards
- He described the agonies
of hell and urged people to
repent their sins
- preaches people are sinful,
must seek God’s mercy
- Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God
• George Whitfield – Traveled
the colonies and gave “fire
and brimstone sermons”
The Great Awakening
• Great Awakening had several effects
- People returned to the church
- A sense of equality among American arose
- Everyone was seen as equal in God’s eyes
- Many people began calling each other brother and
- People began reaching out to African Americans
and Indians
- Jonathan Edwards became a missionary to Indians
in Massachusetts
- Interest in learning increases; Protestants found
Middle Colonies
A Farm and City Life in the Middle Colonies
• Consisted of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and
• Region had a wealth of resources
- Rich soil, good growing season, and several large rivers with
good harbors
• New York City – Mouth of the Hudson River
• Philadelphia – located on the Delaware river which drained
into Delaware Bay
• Colonist came from farming traditions
- Germany, Switzerland, and Holland
- Skills enabled them to produce large amounts of food for
- Wheat production earned the colonies the nickname “Bread
The Importance of Mills
• Mills –Machines that process materials such as grain
• Lumber mills, iron works, paper mills and Gristmills
• Most were ran by water power
- A few were ran by wind or animal power
• Gristmill was the most common
- Ground grain into flour
- Used two large stones (Could adjust the setting to make fine
flour or course meal)
- Largest mills were in Pennsylvania, New Jersey
and Delaware
• People in Middle colonies ate about a pound
of grain a day (3 times as much as we eat today)
Philadelphia’s Prosperity
• Growing commerce and a supply of skilled artisans led to
small scale manufacturing in Middle colonies
• Large Scale manufacturing occurred in shipbuilding
• 1750 – Region led the colonies in shipbuilding
• Philadelphia was the main shipbuilding area
- Philadelphia second largest city in British empire; has urban
• Used wealth to build a state of Pennsylvania house
(Independence Hall)
• Lighted and Paved Streets
• Established a fire department and library
• Benjamin Franklin was behind many of the improvements
A Climate of Tolerance
• Life was shaped by a number of groups
-Variety of Languages
• Differed from the other two regions
- New England – Puritans / Southern – Cavaliers
• Earliest settlers practiced religious tolerance
- Quakers in Pennsylvania and Dutch in New York
• Quakers believed man and women were equal
- Many women became preachers
- 1688 - Quakers were the first people to speak out
against slavery
Life in the Backcountry
• Inland settlers differed from people on the
• Wore simple clothing
• Spoke plain talk
• Believed in equality, self-sufficiency and elbow
Geography of the Backcountry
• 1700s – Area along the Appalachian Mountains
• Started at the fall line in the South
- Point at which waterfalls made river navigation
• Piedmont was beyond the fall line
- Broad Plateau leading to the Blue Ridge Mountains
• Numerous Springs and steams made it easy for small
family farms to prosper
Settling the Backcountry
• Indian traders were the first Europeans to move into
the backcountry
• Deerskins were used as currency
• Cattle ranchers and then settler followed the traders
• Resulted in clashed between settlers and Indians
• Many backcountry settlers became self-sufficient
• Cleared land built log Cabin, and planted garden
• 1600s =- People moved to backcountry to escape
plantation agriculture
• Large estates were crowding out small farmers
• 1700 – Scots-Irish became the first group of people
to go directly from England to the backcountry
Backcountry Life
• Typical homestead was the
log Cabin
- Introduced by the Swedes
- Became common after
the Scots-Irish arrived
• Ideal for Backcountry
- Could be built quickly
• Pegs lined the inside of the
- Used to hang family’s
clothes (also served as
- Sign of wealth or poverty
Backcountry Life
• Clothing
- Women wore homespun clothing, and bonnets and
went barefoot in warm weather
- Men wore a long hunting shirt with large sleeves
- Linen in summer deer skin in the winter
- Carried a bullet bag, knife and tomahawk on their
• People in the backcountry treated each other as
equals although some were wealthier than others
- Called each by first name
• Spread knowledge through ballads, folksongs, and
folktales rather than books
French and Indian War
“Seven Years War”
Controlling the Mississippi
• Wanted to keep England
from expanding
• Jean Baptiste de Bienville -
oversaw the French
- Fort at Biloxi
- 1788 - New Orleans built
• France had two main access
points to the American
- St Lawrence River and the
Mississippi River
Wars over Fur Trade
• England and France competing over the fur trade
• Quebec – French settlement established for fur
• Indians caught in the middle
• Iroquois were the most powerful Indian group
- Formed League of the Iroquois (consisted of 5
Indian Group)
• England and France fought two wars over the fur
- Didn’t change the Balance of Power
English Population Growth
• Changed the balance of power between
France and England
• Land speculators - began planning for a
settlement in the Ohio Valley
• France began building forts along its rim to
prevent English settlement
At the Forks of the Ohio
• George Washington sent to
tell the French to leave.
- Land claimed by Virginia
- Governor ordered him to
force the French out
• Washington built another
fort (Fort Necessity)
• Battle at Fort Necessity – 1st
battle of the French and
Indian War
- Became part of the Seven
Years War
Albany Plan of Union
• Albany Plan of Union called for the colonies to
• Each colony would send delegates (patterned
after the League of Iroquois)
• Colonies rejected the Albany Plan
- Didn't want to give up power or pay taxes for
joint defense
Early French advantages
• England lost its Indian
Allies – They wanted to
be on the wining side
• Controlled access to the
• Used Guerrilla warfare
William Pitt
• Became England's Prime
• Spent large amounts of
money on the war
• Forced England into debt
• Persuaded colonies to
furnish more troops and
• England recaptures Fort
Duquesne (rename it
Battle of Quebec
• Most important battle
of the war (turning
• Quebec seemed
• England wins and goes
on to take Montreal
Treaty of Paris (1763)
• Treaty of Paris 1763 Formally ended the
French and Indian War
• England took France's lands east of the
• Spain had to give England Florida (sided with
France in the war)
• France gave Spain New Orleans and its claim
to all of Louisiana west of the Mississippi
Pontiacs Uprising
• Proclamation of 1763—
colonists cannot settle
west of Appalachians
British Policies Anger Colonists
• Halt to western expansion upsets colonists
• Tensions in Massachusetts increase over
crackdown on smuggling
• Writs of assistance allow searches of ships,
businesses, homes
- British had cracked down on smuggling
during war
Problems Resulting from the War
• Colonists felt threatened by
British troops stationed in
• Prime Minister George Grenville
sets policies to pay war debt
• Parliament passes Sugar Act
- Duty on foreign molasses
- New duties placed on other
- Smuggling cases go to vice-
admiralty court

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Unit 1

  • 1. Unit 1 Notes Colonization of the New World
  • 3. Protestant Reformation • Martin Luther – leader of the Protestant reformation, expelled from the Catholic Church, but his ideas spread and became known as the Lutheran Church. • John Calvin - Suggested that the Monarchy should not control the church.
  • 4. Economic Changes in England • Manoralism • English nobles realized that they could make more money by raising sheep than by renting their land. • Enclosure Movement – landowners converted their estates from farms to sheep pastures and evicted the tenants. • Created thousands of poor, unemployed beggars.
  • 5. The 1st English Colony • Richard Hakluyt - Geographer who urged England to start a colony in the Americas • England didn't control 1 square foot of America at the time (late 1500's) • Said new colony would benefit England 1. Place to send petty criminals 2. Allow England to build overseas bases 3. Provide a market for English manufactured goods and a place to get raw materials 4. Plant the Protestant faith in the Americas (control Catholicism) • He forgot to say that the colony should be able to feed itself
  • 6. The Founding of Roanoke • Roanoke founded by Sir Walter Raleigh • Claimed land between the 34th and 45th parallels for England (North Carolina to Maine) • Named region Virginia (for England's virgin queen) • 1585 - 1st colony began at Roanoke Island • Roanoke and Croatian Indians lived nearby and provided help at first • Colonist treated Indians with disrespect (conflicts ended in violence) • Indians stopped helping and the Colonist almost starved to death • Left after a year
  • 7. Second Attempt • John White leads a 2nd attempt English artist convinces Raleigh • People carry their families and invest own money • White had to return home for supplies – His granddaughter (Virginia Dare) was the 1st English child born in America • Had to wait a couple of years to return because of the Spanish Armada • Everyone had disappeared when he returned – Only two signs CRO carved on a tree and the word CROATION on a door • No one knows what happened to the colonist • Called the “Lost Colony”
  • 8. England Plans for Colonies • Queen Elizabeth died King James became King • James made peace with Spain enabled England to set up colonies • Formed joint-stock companies to fund colonies • Virginia Company – British investment group with a charter to start a colony in Virginia – investors – people who put money into project to earn money – shares of stock – pieces of ownership in a the company • Charter – written contract giving certain rights to a person or group
  • 9. Jamestown (Chesapeake Bay) • April 1607 - 150 colonist settled in Jamestown • Swampy location caused diseases • Looked for gold and refused to work • Winter 1607 – Only 38 colonist remained • John Smith took control of the colony • Made rule requiring people to work for food • Persuaded the Powhatan Indians to give them food • Smith was forced to return to England after burning himself
  • 10. Chief Powhatan • Powhatan – Native American leader who John Smith befriended in an effort to save the colony. • Powhatan Confederacy – trade agreement between Jamestown and the Native Americans.
  • 11. Jamestown • Spring 1609 - 600 more colonist arrive – Only 60 survived the winter • 1610 – Surviving colonist decided to leave 1. Met new colonist on the James River 2. Persuaded to return • New leaders flogged or hung colonist who neglected work • Colony continued to grow due to Virginia Company’s support • Began growing tobacco
  • 12. Tobacco Saves the Colony • John Rolfe – Colonist who crossed Brazil tobacco with harsh strain grown in Virginia (High Quality) 1. Demand for tobacco in England made it profitable • Tobacco was the First Cash Crop • Tobacco created a demand for field labor 1. Headright System – Gave anyone who paid for their or another’s passage 50 acres of land (Increased immigration) 2. Indentured Servants – People who agreed to a limited term of servitude in exchange for passage to North America
  • 13. Tobacco Saves the Colony • 1610 – 1st African American slaves arrived – Treated them like indentured servants – Not popular in the beginning due to cost (Cost twice much as indentured servants did) • Late 1600s – Began importing slaves in large numbers • Indentured servant population dropped • Colonist were wealthier
  • 14. House of Burgesses • Burgesses - representative • House of Burgesses - First elected general assembly in American History.
  • 15. Clashes with Native Americans • English didn’t want to live with the Native Americans they defeated • Leaders began demanding tributes and of corn and labor from local Indians • Burned Powhaton villages and kidnapped hostages (Pocahontas) • 1614 – Pocahontas married John Rolfe (Temporary peace)
  • 16. Clashes with Native Americans • 1622 – Powahaten Indians killed over 340 colonists 1. Nearly bankrupted the Virginia Company • 1624 – King James revoked the Virginia Company’s Charter and turned Virginia into a royal colony 1. Sent more troops and settler to strengthen colony
  • 17. The Pilgrims • Separatists – religious group that broke from the Church of England • Sought freedom form persecution (bad treatment) • 1620 – Mayflower landed at Plymouth – storm blew them off course • Landed outside the limits of the Virginia Company’s – Charter didn’t apply to them
  • 18. The Pilgrims • Mayflower Compact – people agreed to obey laws that were for the good of the colony – 1st in American history • William Bradford - Leader of the Pilgrims • Squanto - helped colonist plant corn, beans, and pumpkins in the tribal lands – Served as an interpreter to local Indians and helped maintain peace • 1621 – celebrated 1st Thanksgiving
  • 19. Unrest in England leads to growth of colonies population • 1620 - King Charles insisted that everyone worship the same as him • Puritans - group that wanted to purify the Church of England – Wanted to rid the church of “Popish” traditions such as the use statues, painting, and instrumental music. – Didn’t like celebrations such as Christmas and church weddings – Thought playing games sports and games on Sunday was sinful • King said that church and state were one (people who questioned church’s authority would question the king’s too )
  • 20. The Great Migration – period when many puritans came to America • Most move to England’s colonies in the West Indies • 1629 – Massachusetts Bay Company received charter (recruited Puritans to move to America) • John Winthrop – led great migration to New England (became 1st governor of colony) • Great Migration - 1630 – New England’s white population nearly doubled
  • 21. Massachusetts Bay Colony (Established1630) • John Winthrop served as governor • Commonwealth - people worked for the good of the whole • People believed they had an agreement with God to build a holy society “City Upon a Hill” – It should be an example of Godly living for all the world to see • Brought their families with them • A Town Meeting was a time for voting on issues, giving opinions, and setting governances. – Heart of the colonies
  • 22. Colonial New England Towns • Congregation was the basic unit (people who belonged to the same church) – Each Puritan congregation set up its' own town • Towns built around an open field • Farmers lived in the towns and went out each day to work in fields • Meeting house was most important building in town (handled politics and church there) – When town grew too big for meeting house, congregation divided and started a new town. • The Half-Way Covenant perpetuated the role of religion in the colonies by continuing to encourage people to join the church (even though the church founders had passed away).
  • 23. New England Way • Everyone was required to attend church • People who made noise were punished • Puritans believed in godliness, hard work and honesty • Thought dancing and playing games would lead laziness and sin • Bible was the source of truth so everyone should be able to read it. • Required everyone to learn how to read • Drunkenness, swearing, theft, and idleness were illegal
  • 24. Challenges to the Puritans • Puritans didn't believe in religious tolerance • Roger Williams - said that the government should have no power over religious matters, fled Massachusetts and founded the colony of Rhode Island
  • 25. Challenges to the Puritans • Anne Hutchinson – declared a Heretic and banished from the colony for saying that each person could find divine guidance without the help of the ministry, moved to Rhode Island and founded the town of Portsmouth • Killed by Indians in a war between the Native Americans and the Dutch
  • 26. Disputes over Land • Native Americans believed that no one owned the land • Viewed treaties land treaties where they received gifts as agreement to share the land for a limited time • Colonist saw the agreement as a one –time deal where they bought the land
  • 27. King Phillip’s War • In 1675 the Plymouth Colony tried and executes three Wampanoag for a murder which led to attacks by native Americans against colonist • Wampanoag chief Metacom organized his tribe in an alliance with several others in order to wipe out the colonist • Attacked and burned outlying settlements in New England • Native American were forced to surrender and flee after a year of fighting 1. Worn down by diseases, casualties, and lack of food • Metacom was killed by a Native American ally of the colonist 1. Puritans exhibited Metacom’s head at Plymouth for twenty years • English destroyed the power of the New England Indians
  • 28. King Phillip’s War • The reason for King Phillip’s War was that Colonists were trying to enforce British law on Native Americans • The significance of King Phillip’s War was that few Native Americans remained in New England; many moved to get away from the settlers
  • 29. New Netherland • Henry Hudson – explored the area between New England and the Chesapeake and claimed it for the Dutch. • Settled the area by patroons - a person who brought 50 settlers to New Netherland 1. Had same power as a feudal lord • Dutch profited from Fur trading 1. Established Albany and New Amsterdam • Peter Stuyvesant - governor of New Amsterdam (conquered New Sweden)
  • 30. Seizure of New Netherlands • England jealous of New Amsterdam's success ( It also divided their lands) • King Charles the II decided his brother the Duke of York should take it from the Dutch • Dutch gave up without a fight • Dutch of York becomes proprietor (owner) renames it New York
  • 31. New Jersey & Pennsylvania • Dutch of York gave New Jersey to two of his friends • King gave Pennsylvania to William Penn, Penn wanted a place for the Quakers to live without persecution
  • 32. Quakers face Persecution (Quakers were a Puritan Group) • Said that neither ministers or the bible were needed (each person could know God directly through an "inner light" • Were treated harshly in Massachusetts (whipped, thrown in jail, parts of ears cut off and bored their tongues with hot irons) • 1691 - King forced a new charter on Massachusetts (governor chosen by the King rather than elected)
  • 33. The Quakers Settle in Pennsylvania • William Penn received the land as repayment for a debt King Charles II owed Penn’s father • Penn wanted place for Quakers to live • They were harassed by both Anglicans and Puritans • Gave every settler 50 acres of land • The government called for the establishment of a representative assembly and freedom of religion • Capital of the colony was Philadelphia “City of brotherly love” • Recruited immigrants from western Europe • Thousands of Germans migrated to the colony 1. Brought craft skills and farming techniques • The colonies principles of equality, cooperation , and religious tolerance eventually became fundamental values of the new American nation
  • 34. Maryland • 1632 - Maryland founded by Lord Baltimore, Wanted a place for Catholics • Received a land grant from Charles I • Colony was named after Queen Henrietta Maria 1. Charles’ Queen
  • 35. Carolinas and Georgia • Charles II gave 8 supporters land between Virginia and Spanish Florida 1. Carolina - Feminine form of Charles • 1729 - King took over Carolina charter and divided it into North and South • 1732 Georgia was founded to act as buffer between Spanish and Carolinas • Georgia founded By James Oglethorpe • Debtors colony
  • 36. England and Its Colonies Prosper • Colonies export raw materials, Britain manufactures goods • Purpose of the colonies was to make Britain prosper • Mercantilism—economic system to make a nation self- sufficient - Nation obtains gold, silver, and establishes a favorable balance of trade • Colonist began exporting goods directly to other European countries - Made more money
  • 37. England and Its Colonies Prosper • British pass Navigation Acts in 1651 to control colonial trade - Required that all foreign goods pass through English ports - Required that all good be carried on English or colonial ships - Created jobs for dockworkers and ship builder • Colonial merchants resented the laws - Continued to smuggle goods - Howard Teach became the most famous smuggler (Blackbeard)
  • 38. New England • Dominion of New England – created by King James, consisted of Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Rhode Island – A year later New Jersey and Connecticut was added – Created to help enforce the navigation acts • Run by a governor-general – He had all power over the colonies
  • 39. Glorious Revolution • King James unpopular in England: is Catholic, disrespects Parliament • 1688 - James wanted to return England to Catholicism (gets kicked out) • Glorious Revolution—Parliament asserts its power over monarch, 1689 - Parliament crowns Mary (James’s daughter) and William of Orange • Glorious Revolution – showed that government was based on law not the whims of kings - Authority of the king came from Parliament not God
  • 40. Glorious Revolution • English Bill of rights (a list) -No taxation without representation -No cruel or unjust punishment, - Free speech in parliament -No imprisonment without a trial, -The right to petition -The right to bear arms -The right to trial by jury • Massachusetts colonists arrest Governor Andros and royal councilors • 1691 – England restored Massachusetts’ charter • King appointed a royal governor • Required more religious toleration and non-Puritan representation in the colonial assembly • Ended Puritan persecution of other groups
  • 41. England Loosens the Reigns • England turned its attention towards France after 1688 - Competing for control of Europe • Passed laws to tighten the Navigation Acts but didn’t enforce them - Smuggling trials in admiralty courts with English judges, no juries - Board of Trade has broad powers to monitor colonial trade • Salutary Neglect – England didn’t enforce the regulations in exchange for colonies continued economic loyalty
  • 42. Plantation Economy • Shaped the southern colonies - Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia • Depended on growing cash crops and slave labor - Tobacco and Rice • Long, deep rivers allow planters to ship goods directly to markets • Plantations produced most of what farmers needed on their property - Few cities grew: warehouses, shops not needed • Southern population mostly small farmers • Planters are minority but control economy • By mid-1700s, growth in export trade makes colonies prosperous
  • 43. Bacon’s Rebellion • The main cause of Bacon’s Rebellion was when Virginia farmers wanted Native American land for larger farms and the government said no. • The major long-term effects of Bacon’s Rebellion were that it expanded the Southern need for slavery and began a policy of pushing Native Americans west.
  • 44. The Role of Women • Women have few legal or social rights, little formal schooling • Most women cook, clean, garden, do farm chores • Rich and poor women must submit to husbands’ will
  • 45. Turn to Slavery • Turned to African slavery after Indians died • Slaves—people who are considered the property of others • 1660s – South’s labor system began changing from indentured servants to slavery • New planter class gained power in Virginia (Cavaliers) • English colonists increasingly unable to enslave Native Americans • Indentured servant price rises; slaves work for life, are better buy • Most white colonists think Africans’ dark skin justifies slavery
  • 46. Turn to Slavery • 3-way Triangular Trade network ties colonies, Africa, West Indies: - New England exports rum to Africa - Africa exports slaves to West Indies - West Indies export sugar, molasses to New England
  • 47. Turn to Slavery • The Middle Passage— middle leg of transatlantic trade, transports slaves - 20% or more of Africans on ship die from disease, abuse, suicide - Slaves were crowded together (Many died) - Beaten if they refused to eat or tried to jump overboard - Overloaded the boats by 1/3
  • 48. Growth of Plantations • Black population grew rapidly in the Southern Colonies - Rose from 6 % in 1660 6% to Over 20% in 1700 • Plantation farming grew in South Carolina and Georgia • Grew rice in the lowlands - Had to drain swamps and clear land - Plantation owners sought out slaves who were from Africa’s rice growing regions • Grew Indigo in the uplands - Started by Eliza Lucas - Could raise it on land not suitable for rice
  • 49. Life Under Slavery • Small Farms - People who owned only a few slaves worked side by side with them - Shared same living area - Treated like indentured servants - Often taught to read and write and given chance to purchase freedom - Common outside the south • Plantations -Worked in groups of 20-25 • 80–90% of slaves work in fields; 10–20% work in house or as artisans - Slaves work full-time from age 12 until death - Owners beat, whip slaves considered disobedient, disrespectful • Planters feared a slave uprising
  • 50. Life Under Slavery • 1739 Stono Rebellion Slaves rebelled near Charles Town - Killed planter families - militia defeated slaves (Killed fighting or executed) • Passed Slave codes –Harsh laws that controlled the treatment of slaves - Prohibited slaves from leaving the plantation without permission - Forbid slaves to meet with free blacks - Forbid slaves to learn how to read or write
  • 52. Life in the New England Colonies • Farming was difficult in the Region • Low mountains and rocky soil • Long cold winters • Atlantic ocean was their main resource
  • 53. Fishing and Shipbuilding in New England • Settlers switched from farming to fishing • Good harbors and rich fishing areas • Region had abundance of wood to build ships • Boston became the richest American colonial town
  • 54. African Americans in New England • Little slavery in New England - Didn’t need large amounts of unskilled labor • New England slave owners differed from Southern slave owners - Often provided religious and educational instruction • More free blacks lived in New England than any other region - Became merchants, sailors, printers and carpenters • Were NOT treated as equals to whites
  • 55. Roles of Women • Women and girls did jobs associated with household - Made candles, soap, and butter - Spun cloth, weaved, washed, and cooked • Some women had special skills within the community - Helped deliver babies - Run a Dame school (Home where young children were taught to read and write) • Widows, women who never married or wives of seagoing fishermen often entered business - Printers, merchants, carpenters, and ship owners
  • 56. Changes in Puritan Society • Late 1600s – New England had moved away from the church-centered society • Caused by growing prosperity and the end of Puritan political control • New Generation of colonist didn’t share their parent’s strict religious views - Valued wealth • Puritan Ministers began complaining that their “city on the hill” was full of greedy merchants
  • 57. Witchcraft Trials in Salem • In 1692 – Several young girls made false accusations of witchcraft - Led to trials and hysteria • Many accusers were poor who brought charges against rich • Several victims were women considered too independent • Hundreds of people were accused of witchcraft or dealing with the devil • Nineteen people were hanged after being charged with witch craft during the Salem Witch Trials, showed that a society can create scapegoats for its problems
  • 58. The Enlightenment • For centuries philosophers used reason, science to explain world • Enlightenment—movement in 1700s emphasized reason, observation • Enlightenment ideas spread quickly through books, pamphlets • John Locke – Natural Rights - Life, Liberty, and Property
  • 59. The Enlightenment • Benjamin Franklin embraced Enlightenment ideas - Kite experiment • Franklin becomes symbol for Social Mobility • Other colonial leaders also adopted Enlightenment views • Thomas Jefferson used reason to conclude people had natural rights that government must respect
  • 60. The Great Awakening • 1720 – Only 25% of New Englanders belonged to a church - Lower in other colonies • Educated men became lawyers and merchants rather than ministers • 1730s and 1740s – New religious movement roared through colonies • The Great Awakening was a resurgence of religion in America - Minister went from town to town - Held revival meetings and urged people to return to their faith
  • 61. The Great Awakening • Great Awakening was led by Jonathan Edwards - He described the agonies of hell and urged people to repent their sins - preaches people are sinful, must seek God’s mercy - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God • George Whitfield – Traveled the colonies and gave “fire and brimstone sermons”
  • 62. The Great Awakening • Great Awakening had several effects - People returned to the church - A sense of equality among American arose - Everyone was seen as equal in God’s eyes - Many people began calling each other brother and sister - People began reaching out to African Americans and Indians - Jonathan Edwards became a missionary to Indians in Massachusetts - Interest in learning increases; Protestants found colleges
  • 64. A Farm and City Life in the Middle Colonies • Consisted of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania • Region had a wealth of resources - Rich soil, good growing season, and several large rivers with good harbors • New York City – Mouth of the Hudson River • Philadelphia – located on the Delaware river which drained into Delaware Bay • Colonist came from farming traditions - Germany, Switzerland, and Holland - Skills enabled them to produce large amounts of food for export - Wheat production earned the colonies the nickname “Bread basket”
  • 65. The Importance of Mills • Mills –Machines that process materials such as grain • Lumber mills, iron works, paper mills and Gristmills • Most were ran by water power - A few were ran by wind or animal power • Gristmill was the most common - Ground grain into flour - Used two large stones (Could adjust the setting to make fine flour or course meal) - Largest mills were in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware • People in Middle colonies ate about a pound of grain a day (3 times as much as we eat today)
  • 66. Philadelphia’s Prosperity • Growing commerce and a supply of skilled artisans led to small scale manufacturing in Middle colonies • Large Scale manufacturing occurred in shipbuilding • 1750 – Region led the colonies in shipbuilding • Philadelphia was the main shipbuilding area - Philadelphia second largest city in British empire; has urban plan • Used wealth to build a state of Pennsylvania house (Independence Hall) • Lighted and Paved Streets • Established a fire department and library • Benjamin Franklin was behind many of the improvements
  • 67. A Climate of Tolerance • Life was shaped by a number of groups -Variety of Languages • Differed from the other two regions - New England – Puritans / Southern – Cavaliers • Earliest settlers practiced religious tolerance - Quakers in Pennsylvania and Dutch in New York • Quakers believed man and women were equal - Many women became preachers - 1688 - Quakers were the first people to speak out against slavery
  • 68. Life in the Backcountry • Inland settlers differed from people on the coast • Wore simple clothing • Spoke plain talk • Believed in equality, self-sufficiency and elbow room
  • 69. Geography of the Backcountry • 1700s – Area along the Appalachian Mountains • Started at the fall line in the South - Point at which waterfalls made river navigation impossible • Piedmont was beyond the fall line - Broad Plateau leading to the Blue Ridge Mountains • Numerous Springs and steams made it easy for small family farms to prosper
  • 70. Settling the Backcountry • Indian traders were the first Europeans to move into the backcountry • Deerskins were used as currency • Cattle ranchers and then settler followed the traders • Resulted in clashed between settlers and Indians • Many backcountry settlers became self-sufficient farmers • Cleared land built log Cabin, and planted garden • 1600s =- People moved to backcountry to escape plantation agriculture • Large estates were crowding out small farmers • 1700 – Scots-Irish became the first group of people to go directly from England to the backcountry
  • 71. Backcountry Life • Typical homestead was the log Cabin - Introduced by the Swedes - Became common after the Scots-Irish arrived • Ideal for Backcountry - Could be built quickly (Ax) • Pegs lined the inside of the cabin - Used to hang family’s clothes (also served as decorations) - Sign of wealth or poverty
  • 72. Backcountry Life • Clothing - Women wore homespun clothing, and bonnets and went barefoot in warm weather - Men wore a long hunting shirt with large sleeves - Linen in summer deer skin in the winter - Carried a bullet bag, knife and tomahawk on their belt • People in the backcountry treated each other as equals although some were wealthier than others - Called each by first name • Spread knowledge through ballads, folksongs, and folktales rather than books
  • 73. French and Indian War “Seven Years War”
  • 74. Controlling the Mississippi • Wanted to keep England from expanding • Jean Baptiste de Bienville - oversaw the French settlements - Fort at Biloxi - 1788 - New Orleans built • France had two main access points to the American interior - St Lawrence River and the Mississippi River
  • 75. Wars over Fur Trade • England and France competing over the fur trade • Quebec – French settlement established for fur trading • Indians caught in the middle • Iroquois were the most powerful Indian group - Formed League of the Iroquois (consisted of 5 Indian Group) • England and France fought two wars over the fur trade - Didn’t change the Balance of Power
  • 76. English Population Growth • Changed the balance of power between France and England • Land speculators - began planning for a settlement in the Ohio Valley • France began building forts along its rim to prevent English settlement
  • 77. At the Forks of the Ohio • George Washington sent to tell the French to leave. - Land claimed by Virginia - Governor ordered him to force the French out • Washington built another fort (Fort Necessity) • Battle at Fort Necessity – 1st battle of the French and Indian War - Became part of the Seven Years War
  • 78. Albany Plan of Union • Albany Plan of Union called for the colonies to unite • Each colony would send delegates (patterned after the League of Iroquois) • Colonies rejected the Albany Plan - Didn't want to give up power or pay taxes for joint defense
  • 79.
  • 80. Early French advantages • England lost its Indian Allies – They wanted to be on the wining side • Controlled access to the interior • Used Guerrilla warfare
  • 81. William Pitt • Became England's Prime Minister • Spent large amounts of money on the war • Forced England into debt • Persuaded colonies to furnish more troops and money • England recaptures Fort Duquesne (rename it Pittsburg)
  • 82. Battle of Quebec • Most important battle of the war (turning point) • Quebec seemed unconquerable (location) • England wins and goes on to take Montreal
  • 83. Treaty of Paris (1763) • Treaty of Paris 1763 Formally ended the French and Indian War • England took France's lands east of the Mississippi • Spain had to give England Florida (sided with France in the war) • France gave Spain New Orleans and its claim to all of Louisiana west of the Mississippi
  • 84.
  • 85. Pontiacs Uprising • Proclamation of 1763— colonists cannot settle west of Appalachians
  • 86. British Policies Anger Colonists • Halt to western expansion upsets colonists • Tensions in Massachusetts increase over crackdown on smuggling • Writs of assistance allow searches of ships, businesses, homes - British had cracked down on smuggling during war
  • 87. Problems Resulting from the War • Colonists felt threatened by British troops stationed in colonies • Prime Minister George Grenville sets policies to pay war debt • Parliament passes Sugar Act (1763): - Duty on foreign molasses halved - New duties placed on other imports - Smuggling cases go to vice- admiralty court