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MANAGEMENT                    OF DUODENAL                          INJURIES


    With most of the duodenum              protected       deep within      the ana-
tomic confines of the retroperitoneum,               injuries to this organ are
uncommon       but not rare. These injuries represent                approximately
4% of all abdominal           injuries.   However,       because of difficulties
with initial assessment, establishment             of the diagnosis, and, oc-
casionally, management,         the morbidity      and mortality       rates associ-
ated with injuries        of the duodenum            approach      65% and 20%,
    The first successful repair of a duodenal injury after blunt trauma
was reported by Herczel in 1896. It was 1901 before Moynihan                        re-
paired a penetrating      duodenal injury; he performed            a gastrojejunos-
 tomy in a patient who lived for 104 days. With subsequent improve-
ments in anesthesia, antibiotic therapy, and surgical techniques,                 sig-
 nificant decreases in operative morbidity             and mortality      rates have
been reported.
    The experiences of American military surgeons from the American
 Civil War through the Korean and Vietnam conflicts have contributed
 to our understanding       of duodenal injuries. World Wars I and II, in
particular, provided surgeons the opportunity               to improve the care of
many battlefield casualties.
    The incidence of duodenal injuries is related to the geographic set-
ting of the traumatic incident (i.e., urban or rural). Penetrating trauma
 accounts for 78% of all duodenal injuries, whereas blunt trauma ac-
counts for 22%. Retroperitoneal         duodenal ruptures caused by blunt
trauma occur only rarely.
    The morbidity and mortality associated with duodenal injuries are
increased with associated injuries of the liver, pancreas, small bowel,
 and colon. The most commonly            injured vascular structures are the
inferior vena cava and the abdominal             aorta. These associated inju-
ries result in particularly     high mortality from the resulting exsangui-
nating hemorrhage.
    The second portion of the duodenum              is injured more often than
any other portion and poses greater technical difficulties for surgical
management.      Injuries affecting multiple portions of the duodenum

1026                                                   Curr   Probl   Surg,   November   1993
occur with a frequency of 14%, resulting in greater technical chal-
lenges to the surgeon.
    Successful diagnosis of a duodenal injury requires a high index of
suspicion. The mechanism               of injury represents important             informa-
tion that can be obtained from close communication                        with personnel
from emergency          medical services (EMS). Information                   such as the
presence of a bent steering wheel and related data on the velocity,
direction, and impact of the motor vehicular accident often yield im-
portant clues that alert the surgeon to the possibility of duodenal in-
    Duodenal     injury is often overlooked because of seemingly more
dramatic and life-threatening            injuries, particularly       those causing life-
threatening      hemorrhage.        The history and physical examination                 ini-
tiates the diagnostic process. The use of laboratory studies, in gen-
eral, are not helpful. Radiographic               studies such as plain abdominal
films are helpful but only if positive. Important                    abnormal findings
such as unexplained            fluid collections        surrounding       the duodenum
and retroperitoneal        free air, particularly       that outlining the upper pole
of the right kidney, strongly suggest a duodenal injury.
    No studies, either retrospective or prospective, have compared the
use of upper gastrointestinal             contrast study with the computed                to-
mographic       scan. The upper gastrointestinal               contrast study is per-
formed initially by the ingestion or administration                    of a water-soluble
medium      and should confirm or exclude the presence of a leak. If
negative, this initial study should be followed by a thin solution of
barium to provide better definition                of the duodenal anatomy. Posi-
tive computed       tomography        scan findings include extravasation from
the lumen, perimural and intramural                  duodenal hematomas,           and free
retroperitoneal      air. The computed          tomography       scan also provides in-
formation that helps to diagnose other associated injuries. Magnetic
resonance imaging is not yet a useful diagnostic tool in this setting.
    Diagnostic peritoneal         lavage is not useful in detecting retroperito-
neal injuries. It is positive in approximately               50% of all cases resulting
from the multiple associated intraabdominal                    injuries. The definitive
 diagnostic tool remains a meticulous               exploratory laparotomy         and ret-+
roperitoneal      exploration.
    Surgical management            of duodenal       injuries begins with the basic
principles of initial assessment and resuscitation                     recommended        by
the Advanced Trauma Life Support course of the American College
 of Surgeons, including early control of the airway and adequate vol-
ume resuscitation.        When a decision has been made to operate, ap-
propriate     broad-spectrum          antibiotics      are administered.        The abdo-
men is entered through a generous midline incision extending from
xiphoid to pubis. A meticulous exploratory laparotomy and retroperi-
toneal exploration         should avoid the severe consequences                    of over-
looked injuries.

Curr   Probl   SW,,   November   1993                                                  1027
When a duodenal         injury is detected intraoperatively,         the surgeon
must be aware of factors that increase the morbidity and mortality of
the injury, including the presence of associated biliary and pancre-
atic injuries. We recommend            intraoperative     grading of all duodenal
injuries by the Penetrating           Abdominal       Trauma Index. Injuries of
lesser grade should be treated by simpler surgical techniques,                    and
injuries of greater severity should be treated by more complex tech-
niques. The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma has also
devised a scoring system to grade these injuries and establish a uni-
form reporting standard.
   Surgeons who treat patients with traumatic injuries to the duode-
num must be able to use an armamentarium                    of surgical procedures
to repair these injuries. Approximately             75% to 80% of all duodenal
injuries can be repaired safely by simple surgical techniques such as
debridement       to viable tissue, primary repair by double-layer            duode-
norrhaphy,      and drainage using a closed system. The role of tube duo-
denostomy as an adjunct to management                  and as a means of decom-
pression and protection          of the suture line is controversial.       Complex
surgical procedures        such as the jejunal serosal patch, duodenal re-
section with Roux-en-Y duodenojejunostomy,                     duodenal    resection
with end-to-end        duodenoduodenostomy,             pedicled grafts, duodenal
diverticularization,     pyloric exclusion, and pancreatoduodenectomy
are each useful in selected patients.
   Duodenal injuries are uncommon               in the trauma patient, and thus
many general surgeons do not develop the expertise necessary to
manage patients with this unique and challenging clinical problem.
The potential for morbidity          and mortality is ample and is related to
the accuracy and timing of diagnosis as well as to the skill of the sur-

1028                                                  Cur-r Probl   Surg,   November   1993
Juan A. Asensio,         MD, graduated           with a BS degree from the
                       University     of Illinois. He received his MD degree from Rush
                       Medical     College       and completed            his surgical         residency      at
                       Northwestern          University     in Chicago          and the Medical            CoZ-
                       lege of Ohio at Toledo and then completed                            fellowships       in
                       trauma     surgery      and surgical        critical     care at the University
                       of Tezas Health              Sciences        Center,      Dallas/Southwestern
                       Medical School, and Parkland                  Memorial       Hospital.       He is CUF-
                       rently Associate         Professor     of Surgery and Chief of the Di-
                       vision of Trauma          Surgery and Surgical             Critical Care at Hah-
                        nemann     University,        where he also serves in the capacity as
                       medical     director       of the Air Evacuation              Service/MEDEVAC
                       and medical       director      of the Trauma Center. Dr. Asensio has
                       been instrumental             in organizing          trauma       centers      in both
                        Central and South America.              ilr.    Asensio’s       interests     include
                       exsanguination;          penetrating        neck injuries,           cardiovascular
                       system injuries,          pancreas,      and duodenum;                 and surgical
                       critical   care.

                       David       V. Feliciano,  MD, received          his BS and MD degrees
                       from Georgetown          University,     He completed          internship      and
                       residency    training    in general surgery at the Mayo Clinic af-
                       ter active duty in the U.S. Navy. He furthered                      his training
                       in trauma     surgery    at Detroit      General Hospital           during    resi-
                       dency and a fellowship             in vascular       surgery      at the Baylor,
                       College of Medicine.         Dr. Feliciano       is currently      Chief of Sur-
                       gery at Grady Memorial                Hospital,      attending       surgeon      at
                       Crawford    Long Hospital, Professor              of Surgery at Emory Uni-
                       versity, and Clinical Professor            of Surgery at the Uniformed
                       Services   University       of Health Sciences.             He is immediate
                       Past President       of the Southwestern            Surgical     Corigress,     the
                       President     of the Western            Trauma        Association         and the
                       Priestley  Society (Mayo surgeons),              and a member           of the Ex-
                       ecutive   Committee         of the Committee              on Trauma         of the
                       American      College     of Surgeons.          His interests       include     ab-
                       dominal    and vascular         trauma,     endocrine        and general       SUF-
                       gery, and surgical       critical    care.

Curr   Probl   Surg,    November      1993                                                                 1029
L. Delano   Britt, MD, received        his BA degree from the Uni-
versity of Virginia,     his MD degree from the Harvard          Medi-
cal School,    and his MPH degree from            the Harvard  School
of Public Health. Dr. Britt is currently         Chief of the Division
of Trauma and Critical Care at the Eastern Virginia              Medi-
cal School and medical        director    of the Shock Trauma Cen-
ter at Sentara    Norjiolk   General Hospital.

Morris D. Kerstein,         MD, completed           his surgical     training     on
 the First (Tufts) Surgical          Service of the Boston City Hospi-
 tal in 1971 afrer serving a research               fellowship     at Sahlgren-
ska Hospital       in Goteborg,       Sweden, from 1968 to 1969. After
serving on the faculty of the Yale University                  School of Medi-
cine, the University         of Chicago, and the Tulane University
School      of Medicine,       Dr. Kerstein          was appointed           as the
Edgar J. Deissler         Professor        and Chairman         of the Depart-
 ment of Surgery        at Hahnemann            University     School of Medi-
 cine. His interest      in trauma        began with an active-duty             tour
from      2965 to 1967 with the U.S. Navy during                   the Vietnam
 conflict. His continued         interest     in trauma and the Navy con-
 tributed     to his appointments           as Rear Admiral,        U.S. Navy, at
 the Bureau       of Medicine        and Surgery         and Assistant        to the
 Deputy Surgeon          General      of the Navy for Reserve Matters.
 Dr. Kerstein’s      research      interests     have focused on vascular
 surgery     problems,     prostaglandin         metabolism       in the vascu-
 lature, and trauma.

                                              Curr   Probl   Surg,   November   1993
MANAGEMENT                           OF DUODENAL            INJURIES


   The duodenum       is the epitome of an organ poorly designed to with-
stand the ravages of trauma. Located in the inaccessible and dark
reaches of the retroperitoneum,          injuries to the duodenum      usually are
not suspected or are diagnosed rather late while more apparent in-
juries to other organs are addressed. The small, thin-walled                 duode-
num possesses a marginal blood supply shared with the pancreas.
Therefore this organ is not amenable to sound technical closure, and
parts of it are very difficult to resect. Lying against the vertebral col-
umn, the duodenum           is highly susceptible to severe crushing inju-
ries. It is also fixed at two separate points-the           portal triad and the
ligament of Treitz-      thereby subjecting it to decelerating injuries. Fur-
thermore, it is subject to “blow-out” injury by being, at times, closed
at its portals of entrance (the pylorus) and exit (the duodenojejunal
    The duodenum       is surrounded        by many vital structures, including
the aorta, inferior vena cava, superior mesenteric vessels, portal ves-
sels, right renovascular       pedicle, and the biliary tree. When injured,
these structures produce large amounts of blood and bile that may
obscure injuries of the duodenal wall. Finally, its matrimony                of con-
venience to the pancreas (by virtue of its shared blood supply) is eas-
ily disrupted at the time of injury by the action of the pancreatic en-
zpes     released frequently      during combined pancreatic and duode-
nal injuries.
    Given these considerations,        it is no wonder that duodenal injuries
remain one of the most complex challenges for modern-day                     trauma
 surgeons. The objectives of this monograph             are (1) to familiarize the
reader with duodenal anatomy as it relates to trauma surgery, (2) to
provide an in-depth analysis of the incidence and mortality rate of
 duodenal injuries, and (3) to provide a concise approach to diagno-
 sis, surgical management,       and treatment of complications          of duode-
 nal trauma.

Curr   Probl   Surg   November   1993                                          1031

   There is a scarcity of well-documented         historic accounts regard-
ing the management        of duodenal injuries. Several characteristics          of
the duodenum      may account for this fact: its retroperitoneal       location,
the difficulty in mobilizing it surgically, or the fact that it just did not
emerge within the realm of surgical diagnosis or treatment                during
the last century. However, the primary reason for this lack of docu-
mentation appears to be the infrequent use of exploratory laparotomy
for the management       of traumatic   abdominal     injuries. Although      this
technique had been readily available and used for nontraumatic                 ab-
dominal problems, most surgeons did not view it with much respect.
   Exploratory laparotomy      was used by Baudens in 1836: however, it
was not until the Civil War that the procedure          was considered valu-
able in the management       of abdominal trauma.’ It was not until World
War I that American surgeons become more forceful and began to
explore soldiers who sustained penetrating          abdominal    injuries.
   Perhaps one of the earliest recorded cases of successful outcomes
from penetrating    duodenal injuries is credited to Larrey, the French
surgeon who recorded the following case in 1811:

    Etienne Belloc, age 17 fusileer of the guards was wounded                         by a sword in
the abdomen          about two inches above the umbilicus,                and on the right side
of the linea alba. He was brought                 to the hospital   on April 1, 1811, and the
attending       surgeon applied        a simple dressing        and bandage.        Next day, I ex-
amined the wound, which permitted                    the omentum     to escape through           it. The
right rectus muscle and its tendinous                   sheath were cut quite through,               and
the instrument         appeared      to have passed in a transverse              direction      deeply,
from before, backwards,            between       the great curve of the stomach,               and the
arch of the colon.
    The paleness        of death was on his countenance                and he was tormented
with intolerable       anguish, nausea, and efforts to vomit; with hiccough,                     ardent
thirst and acute pain at the bottom of the wound, and great anxiety; his pulse
was small and feeble, his extremities                 cold, and voice no longer audible: We
had reason to believe he could survive but a few moments.
    Still, I reduced     the omentum,         with my fingers ascertained            that the sword
had glanced between the stomach and colon, but I could not decide on the
place where it had stopped; the wound                     was dressed externally,          with linen,
etc., dipped in warm wine. The abdomen                      was embrocated        with warm cam-
phorated       oil and covered with hot flannel. I prescribed              cooling mucilaginous
drinks, emollient        enemata, low diet, a particular            position      of the body and
perfect rest. He felt but a little relief from this treatment;               the prostration        con-
tinued as before, the pulse was small and tense, and anxiety and nausea
attended:       He was never at rest. On the night of the second day, vomiting
came on with considerable             efforts, cold sweat and alarming            syncope, he first
discharged        the contents of his stomach by vomiting              and then bilious matter
with clots of black blood. On the fourth day, to this bilious evacuations                            suc-
ceeded the vomiting          of thick black blood in such quantity              that the chamber-

1032                                                               Curr   Probl   Surg,   November 1993
utensil was filled with it in a few minutes. On the iifth day, an alvine evacu-
ation, equally copious     took place, proceeded          by violent colick and acute
pains in the wound; the abdomen         always remained         flaccid and without      any
signs of effusion in its cavity. An alarming        syncope succeeded           this evacua-
tion on the night of the 6th, and his companions            believed him dead. When I
visited the hospital   very early the next morning,           I found his face covered
with a sheet and he opened his eyelids with difficulty;             the pulse was imper-
ceptible, and his body cold. I immediately        gave him warm wine, had his body
rubbed with oil of chamomile,       and wrapped      in hot flannels. The colick never
returned   and from this time he gradually          recovered.      I prescribed     a muci-
laginous drink with syrup of althea and orange-flower                water, to which was
added a small quantity      of nitrated   alcohol; emollient        enemata were given,
and the oily embrocations      of the abdomen        continued.        . .3
   The rest of the account continues with a detailed description       of
subsequent complications,    convalescence,    and the basis for diagno-
sis of duodenal injury.
   During the American Civil War, five soldiers were reported to have
incurred   duodenal   wounds   resulting   from “shot injuries,” with a
100% mortality   rate and no surgical intervention.  A detailed autopsy
report was described as follows:
    Case 2112. Pvt. James M.; Company I?. Wound of the abdomen                 at Winches-
ter on September       X9,1864. The missile conoidal       ball entered at the‘ right side
of the epigastrium,       at the edge of the ribs, and emerged through             the right
buttock. He was admitted          on the same day to the hospital of the Sixth Corps.
He was an emaciated          subject. Water dressings were applied to the wound
and ferruginous        preparations      and opiates were administered           with milk
punch. A farinaceous        and milk diet was allowed. Faeces escaped freely from
the wound      exit and also from the wound           of entrance     for a few days. After
this, frequent and continued         alvine ejections took place through        the natural
channels.    Death resulted       on October 12, 1864. At the autopsy it was found
that the ball entering the right side of the epigastric          region had carried away
about half of the caliber of the duodenum,           near the orifice of the cystic duct.
It had passed obliquely        downward     and backward      through the caecum above
the ileo-cecal    valve.4

   The first successful surgical repair of a duodenal rupture was re-
ported in 1896 by Herczel,’ who repaired the ruptured duodenum                 of
a 36-year-old woman after blunt trauma. In 1901, Moynihan”                closed
a duodenal wound and performed            a gastrojejunostomy       with a pro-
longed survival of 104 days and subsequent            death. In a paper read
before the Western Surgical and Gynaecological             Association on De-
cember 28,1903, and published in 1904, Summers described what is
perhaps the earliest and best-documented           report of treatment of ret-
roperitoneal     perforation  of the duodenum          caused by a gunshot
wound to the back. In this report, Summers described the unsuc-
cessful outcome of a young man who sustained a gunshot from a
.38-caliber  Colt revolver.  He described   repair   of the duodenal     wound

Curr   Probl   Surg,   November 1993                                                    1033
TABLE      1. American   military    experience   with   duodenal    injuries
Conflict                    Author                Year          Number       of cases          Mortality      rate

American  Civil   War        Otis4                1876                        5                     100.0%
World War I                  Lee%’                1927                      10                        80.0%
World War II                 Cave”                1946                     118                        55.9%
Korean War                   Sako et al?          1955                      17                       41.2%

from a posterior approach                    and the patient’s              subsequent           demise              3
days later as follows:
    Had the man’s condition       admitted,   I would have sutured    the wound        in
the posterior     duodenal  wall after freeing and rotating the duodenum         to the
left. In light of to-day, one should in a like case, in addition    to repairing     the
duodenal      wound or wounds, occlude the pylorus by means of a purse string
stitch. This same operation      or soon thereafter  as reaction admitted     a gastro-
enterostomy,      must be made.7
    In the same paper, Summers also quoted Jaenel, who reported 35
cases of duodenal injury culled from the literature. In 1905, Godwin’
described a series of ruptures of the duodenum             and jejunum with a
high mortality rate and a second successful operative repair. In the
same fashion, other sporadic reports began to appear in the litera-
ture, including     an article by Meerwin,’      who reported another suc-
cessful operative outcome in 1907, and an article by Kanavel,” who
reported on several other successful outcomes.
    A noninterventional       approach for management        of traumatic    inju-
ries to the abdomen prevailed until World War I. In this war, as in
other wars, the surgeon was provided with an opportunity                  to treat
large numbers of casualties. During this period the first American
military series was compiled by LeeI and reported in 1927. During
World War II, Cave” compiled what is still the largest military series
describing 118 cases. In 1955, Sako and colleagues13 reported 17 cases
from the Korean War experience. The results of all American military
series are tabulated in Table 1. Missing from this table are the results
from America’s longest conflict, the Vietnam War. Although this con-
flict produced      hallmark works regarding the management               of trau-
matic vascular, colon, and rectal injuries, few reports are available on
duodenal injuries, with the exception of two cases of combined pan-
creaticoduodenal        injuries requiring    pancreaticoduodenectomy           re-
ported by Halgrimson          and colleagues14 in 1969.


  The anatomy of the structures in the right upper quadrant   of the
abdomen is complex. Every surgeon should be familiar with this area
1034                                                                Curr     Probl   Surg,   November         1993
and its multiple anatomic variations. The duodenum                constitutes the
beginning of the small bowel and measures approximately                   21 cm.15
    The duodenum        is divided into four portions: superior, descend-
ing, transverse, and ascending. These divisions are also known as the
first, second, third, and fourth portions, respectively. The first por-
tion of the duodenum           ranges from the pyloric muscle to the com-
mon bile duct superiorly and the gastroduodenal              artery inferiorly. Its
origin is marked by the pyloric vein of Mayo. The second portion ex-
tends from the common bile duct and the gastroduodenal                     artery to
the ampulla of Vater. The third portion extends from the ampulla of
Vater to the mesenteric vessels (superior mesenteric artery and vein),
which cross anteriorly over the junction of the third and fourth por-
tions as they emerge from the inferior border of the neck of the pan-
creas. The fourth portion extends from these vessels to the point at
which the duodenum            emerges from the retroperitoneum          to join the
jejunum just to the left of the second lumbar vertebra.
    The entry to the duodenum          is closed by the pyloric sphincter, and
its exit is suspended         by the fibromuscular      ligament of Treitz. The
duodenum       is mobile at the pylorus and its fourth portion but remains
totally Iixed at other points.16 The ligament of Treitz, present in 86%
of the population,       extends from the right pillar of the diaphragm            to
blend in with the smooth muscle of the duodenal wall (5% 1, the third
and fourth portion of the duodenum,              or a combination     of the three
 (95%). It contains smooth muscle in 85% of the individuals in whom
it is present.17
    The duodenum        is, for all practical purposes, a retroperitoneal         or-
gan, except for the anterior half of the circumference             of its first por-
tion. The first portion, the distal half of the third portion, and the
fourth portion in its entirety lie directly over the vertebral column,
which, coupled with the psoas muscles, aorta, inferior vena cava, and
right kidney, form its posterior boundaries. Anteriorly, the duodenum
 is bounded by the liver that overlies the first and second portions,
the hepatic flexure of the colon, right transverse colon, mesocolon,
 and stomach that overlies the fourth portion. Laterally, the gallblad-
 der and medially, the pancreas, nestled in the C loop, are in proxim-
    The duodenum        shares its blood supply with the pancreas. Vessels
 that supply the duodenum            include the gastroduodenal          artery and
 its branches, the retroduodenal          artery, the supraduodenal         artery of
Wilkie, the superior pancreaticoduodenal              artery, and the superior
 mesenteric artery and its first branch, the inferior pancreaticoduo-
 denal artery. Anatomic variations are common in this area because
 the gastroduodenal       artery is known to arise occasionally from the left
 hepatic artery (ll%), right hepatic artery (?‘%), a replaced hepatic
 trunk (3.5%), or from the celiac or superior mesenteric arteries.18’1g
 The gastroduodenal         artery courses from its hepatic origin at the su-

Curr   Probl   Surg,   November   1993                                          1035
perior surface of the duodenum         under its second portion and enters
the pancreas just below and opposite the common bile duct above
the duodenum.”       It makes a loop on the ventral surface of the pan-
creas, runs along the groove between the pancreas and descending
(second) portion of the duodenum,           sinks into the substance of the
pancreas, and is dorsal to the head of the pancreas as it anastomo-
ses with the inferior pancreaticoduodenal          artery. The dorsal and ven-
tral pancreaticoduodenal        arcades formed by the anastomosis of the
superior and inferior pancreatic duodenal arteries supply numerous
branches to the pancreas and the duodenum.”
   The anastomosis between the gastroduodenal              and inferior pancre-
aticoduodenal     arteries serves as a collateral         and communicating
pathway between the celiac axis and the superior mesenteric artery.
Anatomic variations occurring in proximity to the duodenal loop and
uncinate process of the pancreas include an anomalous common he-
patic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery in 5% of pa-
tients and an anomalous         right hepatic artery arising from the same
vessel in 25% of patients.‘l’ ”
   The common bile duct enters the posterior substance of the head
of the pancreas in 83% of patients after it passes under the duode-
num.23J 24 After piercing the caps&e of the pancreas posteriorly,               the
duct courses down within the pancreatic             substance a few centime-
ters from the curve of the duodenum,           entering the duodenal lumen
at the junction between the second and third portion of the duode-
num approximately         2.0 to 2.5 cm from the py10rus.~~ Three main
variations exist with regard to the way both the common bile duct
and pancreatic duct enter the duodenum.            In 85% of individuals, both
ducts enter through        a common      channel at the ampulla of Vater,
whereas in 5% both ducts enter the duodenum               on the same ampulla
but through separate channe1s.l’ In the remaining              10%   of individu-
als, both ducts enter the duodenum           separately.z6


   The duodenum       serves as the mixing point for the partially digested
chyle,from    the stomach and the proteolytic     and lipolytic secretions
of the biliary tract and pancreas. As such, it commonly         contains not
only food but powerful activated digestive enzymes, including lipase,
trypsin, amylase, elastase, and peptidases, among others.27
   The pylorus, which acts as a metering mechanism,          is estimated to
be closed one third of the time.16 Approximately          10 L of fluid from
the stomach, bile duct, and pancreas passes through the duodenum
in a 24hour     period. The high volume and high toxicity of the duo-
denal contents      account for the disastrous     effects that ensue if a

1036                                                 Curr   Probl   Surg,   November   1993
breach in the duodenal wall occurs. Escape of duodenal contents into
the free peritoneal cavity or retroperitoneum      incites an extremely de-
structive process that is compounded        by the inflammatory    response
that it provokes.”


   Duodenal     injuries are uncommon,         although not necessarily rare,
in busy trauma centers. The retroperitoneal               location of the duode-
num, no doubt, has a strong role in protecting               it and thus accounts
for the low incidence of injury to this organ. The true incidence of
duodenal injury is difficult to estimate from the literature. Among sev-
eral major textbooks of surgery, none cite a figure.2s-34 Among seven
major textbooks        and yearly publications         dealing exclusively with
trauma, four publications        failed to cite a figure for the incidence of
duodenal trauma.“’        35-40 Two of the remaining publications             cited a
figure of 3% to 12%, but both failed to provide adequate documenta-
tion of the incidence of duodenal trauma. In only one of the major
textbooks of trauma is a figure quoted on the basis of the experience
of the author’s home institution.35
   A review of more than 150 journal articles dating from 1901 again
yields little data on the subject. As best estimated from the literature,
duodenal     injuries occur in approximately           4.3% of all patients with
abdominal injuries, with a range of 3.7% to 5.0%. These figures, how-
ever, are based on only one military and two civilian reports.
   In 1955, Sako and colleagues13 reported the Korean War experience
of 17 duodenal injuries in 402 cases of abdominal                injury treated in a
forward surgical hospital, for an incidence of 4.2%. In 1968, Morton
and Jordan41 reported 13 cases of duodenal                 injury among 280 ab-
dominal trauma cases, for an incidence of 5%. In 1978, Kelly and col-
leagues4’ reported 34 cases of duodenal             trauma in a 68-month pe-
riod, representing      only 3.7% of all patients explored for abdominal
trauma at their institution.      These figures are validated in a recent and
excellent review of duodenal          trauma reported by Levinson and col-
leagues,43 in which they cited an incidence of duodenal injury of 3%
to 5% in patients who sustained abdominal               injury.


   The anatomic location of the duodenum      protects it from casual in-
jury. Most duodenal     injuries are either penetrating   or blunt, Pene-
trating injuries include gunshot wounds, stab wounds, or shotgun
wounds, whereas blunt injuries occur as the result of motor vehicle
accidents, falls, or aggravated assaults. The mechanism      of injury that

Cum   Probl   Surg,   November   1993                                           1037
TABLE      2. Mechanism         of iniurv   in duodenal      iniuries
                                                                                 Mechanism             of injury
                                                    Total no.
Author   and year                                  of patients              Penetrating                        Blunt

Morton     and Jordan,      196S41                         131                     117                             14
Smith et al., 197145                                        53                      46                              7
McInnis     et al., 197?”                                   22                      17                              5
Corley et al., 197447                                       98                      75                             23
Lucas and Ledgewood,             197548                     36                          0                          36
Matolo et al., 197549                                       32                        19                           13
Kelly et al., 197S4’                                        34                        28                            6
Stone and Fabian, 197g5’                                   321                     294                             27
Flint et al., 197g51                                        75                      56                             19
Snyder et al., 19805’                                      228                     180                             48
Levinson     et al., 198243                                 93                        74                           19
Adkins    and Keyser, 198453                                56                       39                            17
Fabian et al., 198454                                       10                        0                            10
Ivatury   et al., 198555                                   100                     100                              0
Bostman      et al., 198gs6                                 18                      16                               6
Cogbill et al., 199057                                     164                     102                             62
Cuddington        et al., 199O58                            42                       16                             26
TOTAL                                                     1513                    1175                            338
                                                                                (77.7%)                        (22.3%)

occurs most often depends on the surgeon’s practice location.44 Pen-
etrating injuries are more common                in the inner city population,
whereas blunt injuries predominate            in the rural environment.
   Overall, penetrating       injuries    are the most common              causes of
duodenal    trauma. In a review of the literature                encompassing       17
series published      during the last 22 years, 1513 cases of duodenal
injuries were identified;         1175 (77.7%) occurred           as the result of
penetrating    trauma, whereas 338 (22.3%) occurred as the result of
blunt trauma.41-43J45-58 Thus the ratio of penetrating             to blunt trauma
was 3.5:1 (Table 2).
   Of these 17 series, 12 provided            an accurate breakdown            of the
wounding    agent causing penetrating          injuries,41-43’4s-53’55-57 and 8 pro-
vided the same breakdown           for blunt injuries.43J 47,48J51-53J 57 Among
1096 penetrating     injuries, 818 (74.6%) were caused by gunshots, 214
09.5% 1 were caused by stabbings, and 64 (5.9% 1 were caused by shot-
gun blasts (Table 3). Among 230 blunt injuries, 178 (77.3%) were
caused by motor vehicle accidents, 22 (9.6% 1 were caused by falls, 22
(9.6%) were caused by aggravated assault, and 8 (3.5%) were caused
by miscellaneous      injuries (Table 4).
   The actual mechanisms          of wounding       in penetrating    trauma occur
by simple violation of the duodenal wall either by a sharp object (e.g.,
knife blade) or, in the case of missiles, by penetration             and actual dis-

1038                                                                    Cur-r Probl         Surg,   November       1993
TABLE        3. Penetrating         injuries-wounding                      agents
                                                       Total         no.               Gunshot                  Stab             Shotgun
Author     and   year                         of penetrating               injuries     wound                  wound             wound

Morton     and Jordan,                                         117                             87                  22                     8
Corley et al., 197447                                        75                                51                   24                 0
Matolo et al., 197E?                                         19                             18                        1                0
Kelly et al., 197S4’                                        28                              23                        5                0
Stone and Fabian, 197g5’                                   294                            239                       31                24
Flint et al., 197g51                                         56                             51                        4                1
Snyder et al., 19805’                                      180                            143                       23                14
Levinson     et aI., 198243                                  74                             43                      27                 4
Adkins    and Keyser, 198453                                 39                             27                        5                 7
Ivatury   et al., 198E?                                    100                              69                      30                  1
Bostman      et al., 198gs6                                  12                               1                     11                  0
Cogbill et al., 19905’                                     102                              66                      31                  5
TOTAL                                                     1096                            818                     214                 64
                                                                                        (74.6%)                 (19.5%)           (5.9%)

TABLE        4. Blunt     injuries-wounding                agents
                                        No. of blunt           Motor vehicle                        Aggravated
Author     and vear                        iniuries               accident            Falls           assault             Miscellaneous

Corley et al., 197447                             23                          12         4                 7                      0
Lucas and Ledgerwood,                             36                          30         3                 3                      0
Flint et al., 197g51                              19                       13             3                0                       3
Snyder et al., 1980”                              48                       44             3                0                       1
Levinson      et aI., 198243                      19                       11             3                2                       3
Adkins     and Keyser, 198453                       7                       8             5                 3                      1
Bostman       et aI., 198gs6                        6                       6             0                 0                      0
Cogbill et al., 19905’                            62                       54             1                 7                      0
TOTAL                                            230                     178             22               22                        8
                                                                       (77.3%)        (9.6%)           (9.6%)                   (3.5%)

sipation of the kinetic energy imparted on the missile at the time of
its exit from the gun.
   Much more complex kinematics exist when blunt injury occurs.
The duodenum      is a retroperitoneal      organ that lies against a rigid ver-
tebral column. It is a highly mobile hollow viscus, which is fixed at
two points, the second portion by the common bile duct and the
fourth portion by the ligament of Treitz. The portals of entry and exit
can be closed, the former by the pyloric sphincter mechanism                and
the latter by the fibromuscular        ligament of Treitz. Therefore disrup-
tion of this hollow viscus is subject to crushing, shearing, or burst-

Curr     Probl   Surg,   November         1993                                                                                            1039
Crushing injuries usually occur when a direct force is applied
against the abdominal wall and transmitted        to the duodenum,     which
is then projected posteriorly against the rigid and unyielding          verte-
bral column. A good example of crush injury occurs when the steer-
ing wheel impacts on the midepigastrium.            Shearing injuries occur
when the mobile and nonfixed portions of the duodenum              accelerate
and decelerate forward and backward, respectively, against the fixed
and stable portions, as may occur during falls from great heights,
   Finally, blow-out    injuries occur when a force is applied to a gas
and fluid-filled    duodenum       against a closed pylorus and acutely
flexed duodenojejunal       angle resulting from the contracted fibromus-
cular ligament of Treitz, as described by Cocke and Meyer.” The py-
lorus is closed approximately       one third of the time when a peristal-
tic wave passes over it into the duodenum.         This wave migrates over
the duodenum,      resulting in closure of the pylorus and contraction
of the suspensory ligament of Treitz. Therefore a closed-loop           effect
is established periodically      such that a blow delivered to the abdo-
men at a given point in time would provide both an anatomic pre-
disposition    and physiologic    state favorable to rupture of the duode-
nal wall.


   The duodenum,     by virtue of its anatomic proximity       to other im-
portant organs, is rarely injured alone. In fact, multiple       associated
injuries are the rule rather than the exception. This situation is par-
ticularly true with penetrating      trauma, but it also occurs with blunt
trauma. Isolated duodenal       injuries usually are seen in the form of
duodenal hematomas.

TABLE     5. Associated      injuries
                                          No. of       Patients       with               Associated
Author   and year                       patients   associated        injuries              iniuries

McInnis    et al., 197546                    22          18     (81.8%)                          47
Corley et al., 197447                        98          88     187.8%)                        206
Lucas and Ledgerwood,       1975-            36          25     169.4%1                          49
Matolo et al., 197E?                         32          26     181.3%)                          66
Kelly et al., 197S4’                         34           31    (91.2%)                          97
Stone and Fabian, 197g5’                   321          294     191.5% i                      1143
Flint et al., 197g51                         75          59     (78.6%)                        16.5
Snyder et al., 19805’                      228          217     (95.2%)                        575
Levinson     et al., 198243                  87          85     (97.7%)                        184
Adkins   and Keyser, 1984j3                  56           50    189.2%)                        122
Cogbill et al., 1990”                      164          152     (92.6%)                        393
T0T.Q                                     1153        1045     186.94%)                       3047

1040                                                    Cm-       Probl    Surg,   November      1993
TABLE      6.   Associated       injuries,         bv organ

                                                                    small           Major               Mist        Biliary tree    Major
Author    and   year                     Liver         Pancreas     bowel   Colon   veins   Stomach   injuries   and gallbladder   arteries   Genilourinary   Spleen

McInnis   et al., 197E?”                        5               1       7     11        4         3        11              2             5              6        2
Corley  et al., 197447                        32               37      19     24       19       20          7             13            15             14        4
Lucas and Ledgerwood,                           7              19       2       1       0         3          5             0              2             5        3
Matolo  et al. 1975””                         11                7     10       10       5        6           6             1              5             3        2
Kelly et al., ;97g4’                          13             9          8     13       14       11        18               2              4             5        0
Stone and Fabian,       197g5”               186          101        147     100       98       98       185              74            91             63        0
Flint et al, 197Y51                           31           20         2.5     29       13       24          0             11             0             12        0
Snyder   et al., 1980”’                       99            64        60      73       77       60          0             51            39             52        0
Levinson    et al., 198P                      39               21      26      23     14        18          0             15            13               9       6
Adkins    and Keyser,    198453               20               11      18      16      10         8         8             11             6               6       2
CogbiLl   et al., 1990”7                      74               65      29      43     45        27        13              29            22             28       18
ToTAl                                        517              355    351     343     299       278       253                                                    37
TABLE 7.      Associated       injuries
Organ                                           No. of injuries                         Percentage          of total

Liver                                                  517                                           16.9
Pancreas                                               355                                           11.6
Small bowel                                            351                                           11.6
Colon                                                  343                                           11.5
Major veins                                            299                                            9.8
Stomach                                                278                                            9.1
Miscellaneous    injuries                              253                                            8.3
Biliary tree and gallbladder                           209                                            6.8
Major arteries                                         202                                            6.6
Genitourinary   injuries                               203                                            6.6
Spleen                                                  37                                            1.2
TOTAL                                                 3047

   A review of 11 series during the last 22 years identified      a total of
1153 cases of duodenal injury.41’43’46-53, 57 Among these patients, 1045
(86.9% 1 sustained a total of 3047 associated injuries (Tables 5-7). The
liver was the most commonly        injured organ; a total of 517 injuries
occurred, with a frequency of 16.9%. Other commonly injured organs
included the pancreas, with 355 injuries (11.6%); small bowel, with
351 injuries (11.6% 1; and colon, with 343 injuries (11.5%).42,43,46-53, 57
Miscellaneous     injuries, mostly extraabdominal,  accounted for 253 in-
juries (8.3%). Major abdominal      venous injuries occurred in 299 pa-
tients (9.8%). The inferior vena cava accounted for most of these in-
juries. Arterial injuries occurred in 202 patients (6.6% 1, with the aorta
accounting     for most of these injuries. Interestingly,    genitourinary
tract injuries occurred in 6.6% of the patients, and the spleen was
the abdominal organ injured least frequently. Only six diaphragmatic
injuries were identified.    The lung was the most frequently        injured
extraabdominal      organ5’

ANATOMIC           LOCATION               OF INJURY

   To identify the anatomic     locations of duodenal     injuries, we re-
viewed nine series published     during the last 22 years.41J 46J 50-55 Se-
lection criteria included an accurate description     of the anatomic lo-
cation of the duodenal injury and a description      of the sites of other
organ injuries. From this review, a total of 1003 injuries were ana-
lyzed. The most frequent site of duodenal injury was the second por-
tion, with 331 injuries (33.0%). The third and fourth portions sus-
tained 194 (19.4% 1 and 190 (19.0%) injuries, respectively. The least fre-
quently injured portion of the duodenum        was the first, accounting
for 144 injuries (14.4%). Multiple sites of injury occurred in 142 pa-
tients (14.2% 1 (Table 8).

1042                                                              Curr   Probl   Sur.       November           1993
TABLE         8. Anatomic     location       of duodenal   injury        (blunt      and    penetrating1
                                                                           Portion         of duodenum       injured

Author   and vear                        No. of uatients        1st               2nd           3rd         4th        Multi&e

Morton      and Jordan,                          131                24              56           18           17                 16
McInnis      et al., 197,?                        22                 1              9               7           5             NA
Corley et al., 197447                              98                5             49             16           13              15
Stone and Fabian, 197g5’                         302            63                 74             84           81             NA
Flint et al., 197g51                               72            9                 18               8          16              21
Snyder et al., 19805’                            228            23                 67             33           37              68
Adkins     and Keyser,     198453                  56           10                 16             13            5              12
Fabian et al., 198454                              10            0                  4              4            2                0
Ivatury    et al., 198555                          84            9                 40             11           14              10
TOTAL                                           1003          144                331            194          190              142
                                                            (14.4%)           (33.0%)         (19.4%)      119.0% 1      (14.2%)
NA, Not available.

   The second portion is the most frequent site of injury for both pen-
etrating and blunt trauma.41’ 46,47J50-55 However, with penetrating
trauma, injuries were distributed  throughout  the anatomic course of
the duodenum,    whereas in blunt trauma most injuries remained con-
fined to the second portion of the duodenum,      usually its posterior


   The diagnosis of duodenal        injury requires a high index of suspi-
cion. The physician must understand         that delays in the diagnosis and
management       of these injuries result in increased morbidity and mor-
tality. Information     must be obtained from EMS personnel              because
they often provide helpful information        in establishing the diagnosis.
   The diagnosis of duodenal        injury presents a greater challenge af-
ter blunt trauma than after penetrating         trauma. Important       informa-
tion to be obtained includes the hemodynamic                status of the victim
in the field and, for example, the state in which a vehicle was found
(e.g., overturned, pointing in the opposite direction of impact, or hav-
ing sustained passenger compartment             invasion), Furthermore,       the
physician must ascertain the status of the steering wheel (e.g., bent
or intact), the direction of force impact, and whether extrication was
used to retrieve the victim.
   With such information,       a series of characteristics     emerge that col-
lectively increase the surgeon’s suspicion for duodenal injuries. For
example, patients who have head-on collisions or force impacts from
the right, who have struck the steering wheel, or who needed extri-
cation may harbor duodenal injuries.

Cur-r Probl     Surg,   November         1993                                                                               1043
Patients who have sustained blows to the midepigastrium                     must be
evaluated thoroughly.        Even an impact of a small magnitude,              given the
right anatomic and physiologic conditions, can cause duodenal blow-
outs. Finally, patients who have fallen from great heights are subject
to deceleration    injuries of the duodenum.”
    When examining        the patient, the physician must remember                     that
the retroperitoneal       location of the duodenum               may preclude         early
manifestation    of injury on physical examination.               Abdominal      discom-
fort may be out of proportion           to the physical findings, and perito-
neal irritation may occur late and become apparent only when ex-
travasated blood, enteric contents, or enzymes that were initially con-
tained retroperitoneally        have entered the peritoneal            cavity. By then,
much time has been lost, and significant morbidity and mortality can
be expected from this delay in diagnosis.
    The physical examination         may be characterized            by minimal find-
 ings. Any tenderness        over the right upper quadrant              or midepigas-
 trium should be evaluated with the suspicion of duodenal                        injuries.
 Signs of rebound       tenderness,      abdominal        rigidity    and absence of
bowel sounds indicate intraabdominal                  injury and should prompt
 early surgical intervention.      Rarely, referred pain in the neck has been
 reported to occur with duodenal injuries.“? Severe testicular pain and
 priapism have also been reported in association with duodenal                           in-
 jury. Some researchers have postulated              that pain impulses are con-
 ducted by sympathetic          nerve fibers running          alongside the gonadal
     Laboratory tests are of little help in the early diagnosis of duode-
 nal injuries. The serum amylase level is frequently                  mentioned        as a
 possible indicator     of duodenal       injury. In 1972, Northrup            and Sim-
 mons62 reported a rise in the serum amylase level in more than 90%
 of all patients sustaining pancreatic injury. However, a rise in the se-
 rum amylase level associated with duodenal                   injury is usually mod-
 est and less predictable.       In 1980, Snyder and colleaguess2 reported
 the serum amylase level to be elevated in 53% of 21 patients evalu-
 ated. The numbers of patients are small and should not prompt the
 reader to assign the amylase level a predictive value in the diagnosis
 of duodenal injury. Unfortunately,           the serum amylase level is sensi-
 tive but nonspecific for duodenal injury. Flint and colleaguessl stated
 that the serum amylase level is not helpful in early diagnosis of duo-
 denal injuries. The serum amylase level should not be used as an
 indicator for exploratory laparotomy.63’ 64
     The serum amylase level may have a predictive value in patients
 admitted for observation. Lucas and Ledgerwood4’                   suggested that the
 serum amylase level be determined             at 6-hour intervals. A persistently
 elevated or rising amylase level may be of prognostic                  significance in
 detecting delayed manifestation           of duodenal injury. This concept is
 supported by Levinson and colleagues,43 who reported three patients

1044                                                      Cur-r Probl   Surg,   November   1993
who had elevations of their serum amylase levels between 4 and 12
times normal during a period of observation.              At exploration,     they
were found to have extensive duodenal injuries.
    Radiologic studies have been suggested to be the diagnostic pro-
cedure of.choice      in establishing       the diagnosis of duodenal     injury.
Plain films of the abdomen are useful only if they are positive. The
first case of duodenal       rupture     diagnosed radiographically     was de-
scribed in 1937 by Sperling and Rigler.65 These authors correlated the
presence of air collections outlining the right kidney with extraperi-
toneal rupture of the duodenum.             A second case report of duodenal
rupture diagnosed by plain films of the abdomen was reported in
1940 by Cittenheimer       and Gilman.
    In 1944, Jacobs and colleagues67 described other radiographic            find-
ings associated with duodenal rupture, including the presence of gas
around the right psoas muscle and in the retrocecal region. They con-
firmed that the finding of gas outlining the right kidney was a valu-
able radiographic     finding. These investigators       observed that free air
was usually not present in the peritoneal cavity. They also described
the possible routes of extension of extravasated material from a per-
foration of the retroperitoneal        duodenum.     These routes were as fol-
lows: along the transverse mesocolon;             along the mesentery of the
small intestine; over the right kidney and, rarely, over the leftxkidney;
downward       along the route of the mesentery of the ascending colon
and cecum; downward            along the psoas muscle to the brim of the
bony pelvis or to Poupart’s ligament; and, finally, along the great ves-
sels through the diaphragm          into the inferior mediastinum.      Further-
more, these authors outlined the protocols for obtaining abdominal
x-ray fiIms and recommended             that the x-ray films be repeated sev-
eral hours after the injury if the initial x-ray findings were negative.
This group also recommended              against the use of barium for estab-
lishing diagnasis of duodenal rupture:
   The use of barium or bismuth salts in the roentgen diagnosis of any acute
perforation of the gastrointestinal     tract is contraindicated.
   Barium in the tissue may act as a foreign body irritant and may serve to
enlarge the retroperitoneal      area of infiltration   further. The procedure may
be shocking to a patient who is already on the verge.67

    In 1949, Siler reported     four cases of rupture        of the duodenum
caused by violence and advocated the use of radiographic                visualiza-
tion of the duodenum        with the upper   gastrointestinal       series using
Lipiodol or thin barium sulfate. He described the following                 radio-
graphic findings of both intraperitoneal      and retroperitoneal         rupture
of the duodenum:
    In intraperitoneal  rupture    of the duodenum,    a definite sinus may be visu-
alized and the diagnosis        in this location  may be demonstrated        clearly. In
the case of extraperitoneal       rupture   of the duodenum,      the roentgenogram,

Cum   Probl   Surg,   Navember   1993                                               1045
taken   either     in the oblique      or lateral  position,        may        demonstrate            a sinus       lead-
ing from       the duodenal       lumen      to the retroperitoneal                space.68

   In 1951, Jacobson and Carter further corroborated    the findings de-
scribed by Jacobs and colleagues67 and added scoliosis as an associ-
ated finding in retroperitoneal    extravasation of duodenal    contents.
These authors cautioned that most patients with duodenal ruptures
did not have positive radiographic     findings:
    The marked        paucity        of positive      findings    makes        the     roentgen     examination
of the abdomen           of little     value     in excluding        perforations            of the small       intes-
tine following       non-penetrating              abdominal      injuries.6g

   In    1952, Cohn and his surgical                       colleagues         stated:
   We    believe     the most        important         feature   about        x-ray       diagnosis       is that       we
cannot     await    a positive       diagnosis.70

   With greater experience in the use of the upper gastrointestinal                   se-
ries, Felson and Levin71 described the “coiled-spring”                sign they found
in the upper gastrointestinal              radiologic     examination       using thin
barium. These authors believed this sign to be diagnostic of intramu-
ral hematoma.
    In 1961, Wiot and colleagues7’ described an additional                  sign on the
basis of similar diagnostic findings. The study involved the mucosal
folds in two patients with intramural                duodenal       hematoma     whose
conditions      were diagnosed       on the basis of anticoagulant-induced
bleeding, which the authors described as the “stacked coin sign.”
    Radiographic    signs are detectable on plain films in fewer than one
third of patients. In 1964, Cocke and Meyer,l’ on the basis of data
collected from the literature,          reported 48 patients with retroperito-
neal duodenal rupture and documented                    that 17 patients had posi-
tive radiographic     signs. These authors also pointed out that in a small
percentage of patients free intraperitoneal             air may exist, as was found
in 3 of their 48 patients.
    In 1974, a similar scarcity of radiographic           findings was reported by
Corley and colleagues47 in 17 patients with blunt rupture of the duo-
denum from nonpenetrating              trauma. Three patients had free intra-
peritoneal air. However, in 12 patients with penetrating                  trauma, free
 or retroperitoneal     air was demonstrated           on plain films of the abdo-
men. These investigators          suggested that positive radiographic             find-
 ings on plain films of the abdomen are somewhat more common in
 patients sustaining penetrating            trauma than in patients sustaining
 blunt trauma. This scarcity of radiographic                 findings has also been
 documented      by Cleveland and Waddell”’ and by Stone and Fabian5’
     In 1972, King and Provan           and Toxepeus and colleagues74 noted
 that retroperitoneal      air overlying the upper pole of the right kidney
 can be misinterpreted        as the hepatic flexure of the colon. Toxepeus

1046                                                                        Curr      Probl   Surg,   November        1993
and his coworkers stated that air in the transverse mesocolon is oc-
casionally misread as a mixture of air and feces in the transverse co-
lon. However, close scrutiny will reveal that the hepatic flexure is well
below and distinctly separated from the air bubbles over the kidney
and that the so-called transverse mesocolon                    appears much wider
than is normal.
    In 1975, Lucas and Ledgerwood4’                studied 36 patients with blunt
 duodenal injury and stated that early suspicion of retroperitoneal
 duodenal rupture is best confirmed                 or excluded by an emergency
meglumine        diatrizoate    (Gastrografin; Squibb) swallow. This contrast
material may also be infused into a nasogastric tube with the patient
lying on the right side to facilitate passage of the contrast through
 the pylorus into the retroperitoneal             space. If no duodenal rupture is
present, thin barium can then be given to outline the duodenal
 anatomy in greater detail. In this series, Lucas and Ledgerwood                    found
 that more than 50% of the patients had the diagnostic findings of
 retroperitoneal      air along the upper pole of the right kidney, the right
psoas muscle, or overlying the transverse colon. This study, the larg-
 est percentage reported of positive radiographic                   findings, is at vari-
 ance with other series described previously.16J 47S 6oJ 67        50, 66J
    The best method for visualizing the retroperitoneal                   organs without
 an operation is the computed              tomography      (CT) scan with intralumi-
 nal and intravascular         contrast. CT scanning has also been demon-
 strated to have a high degree of accuracy in detecting injuries to in-
 traperitoneal      organs. This technique            detects free intraperitoneal
blood. Donohue and associates75 documented                      the ability to quanti-
 tate intraperitoneal       bleeding. The applicability        of CT is limited to he-
 modynamically         stable patients. CT scanning has proved capable of
 detecting retroperitoneal          ruptures of the duodenum.75-81
     Given its ability to visualize the retroperitoneal               structures and to
 detect injuries of the solid intraperitoneal            viscera and quantitate free
 intraperitoneal      blood, some researchers have suggested that the CT
 scan is the diagnostic procedure               of choice in stable patients with
 blunt abdominal         trauma where retroperitoneal             injury is suspected.
 Because of the infrequency             of blunt duodenal rupture, the absolute
 value of CT scanning versus other diagnostic modalities in detecting
 injury of the duodenum            remains uncertain. Most large reported se-
 ries were accumulated          before CT scans became widely available, and
 studies on the use of CT scanning are just now being reported. Given
 its unique ability to visualize the retroperitoneal              structures, CT scan-
 ning is likely to be the most sensitive method for detecting retroperi-
 toneal duodenal rupture. To our knowledge, no studies have com-
 pared CT scanning with the upper gastrointestinal                     series for diagno-
 sis of duodenal injury.
    We recommend           use of the CT scan with oral and intravenous con-
 trast in hemodynamically             stable patients who have sustained blunt

Cur-r   Probl   Surg,   November   1993                                             1047
abdominal trauma as the diagnostic method of choice in patients sus-
pected of having duodenal injury. If the CT scan identifies extravasa-
tion of oral contrast from the duodenum                associated with a retroperi-
toneal hematoma,          no further studies need to be undertaken.                   How-
ever, if the CT scan is inconclusive,            we recommend           an upper gas-
trointestinal    series with Gastrografin          and fluoroscopic       visualization
of duodenal peristalsis to confirm extravasation                 of contrast from the
duodenum.       If no extravasation       is identified, thin barium is then ad-
ministered, which can provide a much better delineation                        of duode-
nal anatomy and establish the presence of duodenal hematoma. We
recommend        a CT scan as the first diagnostic study in patients sus-
pected of having sustained duodenal                  or retroperitoneal       injury. We
make this recommendation              not because we believe it to be superior
to the upper gastrointestinal          series but rather because it yields addi-
tional information       regarding intraperitoneal         organs not otherwise ob-
tained with the upper gastrointestinal              study.82-85
    Although CT scanning is thought to be the most reliable procedure
to diagnose duodenal injuries, Cook and colleagues”                      demonstrated
 some pitfalls. These investigators reviewed retrospectively                   the medi-
 cal records and CT scans of 83 patients with upper abdominal trauma
to determine       errors in diagnosis. In three of the patients in this se-
ries with subsequently           surgically proven small-bowel             perforations
 (one duodenal and two proximal jejunal), the injuries were not diag-
 nosed on CT scans. These authors ascertained                     retrospectively       that
positive CT findings were present in the case of duodenal                         rupture.
Additionally,     in two patients, duodenal rupture was suspected on the
basis of CT findings of extraluminal              gas and fluid near the duode-
 num, but in both patients the duodenum                  was normal at operation.
    Hofer and Cohens3 described two patients with duodenal perfora-
 tion resulting from blunt abdominal             trauma and described CT find-
 ings of focal bowel wall thickening, interruption               of progress of bowel
 contrast medium, and extraluminal              gas and fluid as findings consis-
 tent with duodenal injury. These investigators noted that, in each pa-
 tient, thickening     of the duodenal wall was consistent with intramu-
 ral edema, hematoma,          or both. In neither patient did oral contrast
 medium reach the site of injury. They therefore concluded                          that to
 maximize CT findings of duodenal perforation                  radiologists must rely
 heavily on the use of oral contrast medium.
    Buckman and Asensio (unpublished                 data, 1990 to 1992) collected a
 series of four patients with retroperitoneal                  duodenal      rupture       in
 whom CT scan findings such as those previously described by Hofer
 and Cohens3 were ignored, thus leading to delayed surgical interven-
 tion in the management          of retroperitoneal      blunt ruptures of the duo-
 denum. These investigators suggested that any edema or hematoma
 of the paraduodenal/periduodenal               area should be investigated               ag-
 gressively with an upper gastrointestinal             study using Gastrografin fol-

1048                                                       Curr   Probl   Surg,   November   1993
lowed by thin barium. Additionally,              in patients in whom no conclu-
sion could be reached from both the contrast and the CT scan stud-
ies, exploratory       laparotomy      and retroperitoneal       exploration     of the
duodenum        should be strongly considered to rule out a duodenal in-
jury. These investigators concluded that they would rather accept the
minimal       morbidity     and mortality        of a negative exploratory         lapa-
rotomy than risk the greater morbidity and mortality associated with
a delay in the diagnosis and management                  of a duodenal injury.
   Hahn and colleaguess4 studied the possible use of magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of duodenal                     injury. They de-
scribed two patients with duodenal hematoma                   in whom an MRI and
CT scan were performed.            In both patients, the hematoma had a well-
defined concentric ring configuration                on MRI, a finding that helped
to establish the diagnosis. These investigators indicated that MRI may
provide tissue-specific        characterization       of duodenal hematomas.
   Diagnostic peritoneal         lavage, which has assumed a crucial role in
the detection of intraperitoneal           injuries, is equivocal and unreliable
and has no value in detecting                injuries to the retroperitoneal          or-
gans.43’ 48,85   Although      some authors have found that diagnostic la-
vage is positive in 50% to 70% of patients with duodenal injuries,51’86
the positivity is due to associated intraperitoneal              injuries and not to
the duodenal injury itself.
    Levinson and colleagues43 and Lucas and Ledgerwood4’                     noted the
unreliability    of diagnostic peritoneal          lavage in patients with duode-
nal trauma. A positive lavage indicating intraperitoneal                 bleeding may
trigger an operation during which a duodenal injury may be discov-
ered.51’ 83 A negative diagnostic peritoneal lavage has no significance
in patients suspected of having an injury to the retroperitoneal                      or-


   Proven or suspected duodenal injury, coupled with the classic find-
ings of intraabdominal     injury (i.e., abdominal    tenderness, guarding,
rebound tenderness, or decreased bowel sounds), mandates imme-
diate exploratory laparotomy.      The basic resuscitative maneuvers de-
scribed by the Advanced Trauma Life Support manual of the Ameri-
can College of Surgeons, including early management             of the airway
and fluid resuscitation,   should be carried out, and a sample of blood
should be sent to the blood bank for type and crossmatch.                If the
patient’s status is such that an immediate        laparotomy    is warranted,
type-specific or O-negative blood can be used for immediate resusci-
tation.88’ ” Broad-spectrum      antibiotics are then administered      before
the abdominal     incision. We prefer the use of a second-generation
cephalosporin    and are in agreement with Jones and colleagues”           and

Curr Probl Surg   November   1993                                                   1049
Nichols and colleaguesgl that cefoxitin provides ample coverage ini-
   Abdominal      injuries should be explored through a midline incision
extending      from xiphoid         to pubis.       Immediate       control    of life-
threatening     hemorrhage     from vascular structures or parenchymatous
organs such as the liver or spleen should constitute the first goals in
the operation, followed by immediate               control of sources of gastroin-
testinal spillage. The next step in the management                      of abdominal
trauma should consist of a thorough                exploration     of the abdominal
cavity. The duodenum         must be thoroughly         explored with all four por-
tions visualized directly. Findings that should increase suspicion of
a duodenal injury include crepitation along the duodenal sweep, bile
staining of paraduodenal          tissue or a documented            bile leak, or the
presence of a right-sided        retroperitoneal      hematoma       or perirenal he-
matoma. The duodenum             should then be mobilized by a Kocher ma-
neuver, a Cattell and Braasch maneuver, or both.” These maneuvers
should provide full visualization           of the anterior and posterior walls
of all portions of the duodenum.            A word of caution to the neophyte
surgeon must be added here: performance                 of these maneuvers in the
presence of active bleeding or a large retroperitoneal                hematoma      can
be fraught with danger.
   A Kocher maneuver is performed               by incising the lateral peritoneal
attachments      of the duodenum         and sweeping both the second and
third portions medially using a combination                 of sharp and blunt dis-
section. The assistant should provide gentle traction of the duodenal
loop while the surgeon continues                the dissection. The nasogastric
tube should be advanced through the pylorus and palpated digitally
while the surgeon performs the dissection. This procedure                     provides
a guide to identify the duodenum             in the midst of a large retroperito-
neal hematoma and will avoid iatrogenic lacerations to the duodenal
wall during dissection. Inspection            of the third portion of the duode-
num requires mobilization          of the hepatic flexure of the colon accord-
ing to the method described by Cattell and Braasch.” The retroperi-
toneal attachments        of the small bowel are incised sharply from the
right lower quadrant to the duodenojejunal                 junction, and the small
bowel is reflected in its entirety out of the abdominal                 cavity.gz This
maneuver is often unnecessary, and its performance                   in the presence
of a large retroperitoneal       hematoma,        especially those caused by pel-
vic fractures, may lead to exsanguination.              The fourth portion of the
duodenum        can be visualized by transecting             the ligament of Treitz
while avoiding injury to the inferior mesenteric vein or, again, by per-
forming the Cattell and Braasch maneuver.
    Duodenal injuries can easily be missed and are associated with di-
sastrous consequences.         Massive injury, such as may occur with as-
sociated vascular injuries to the aorta or vena cava, may divert the

1050                                                   Curr   Probl   Surg,   November   1993
surgeon’s attention from the duodenum.          If findings such as minimal
hematoma or insignificant      edema are deemed trivial and disregarded,
a significant duodenal injury may be missed. Thus underestimation
of minimal abnormal findings and failure to explore the duodenum
fully are the nemeses of the surgeon and the friends of disaster. A
constant awareness that duodenal          injury may be associated with
minimal intraoperative     findings will assure more frequent diagnosis
and the avoidance of increased morbidity           and mortality.
   After a duodenal injury is identified, its extent should be defined.
Factors that have a role in its management            include the number of
associated injuries, especially to the pancreas and biliary tree, and
the period of time that has elapsed from identification           to treatment.
Snyder and colleagues5’ identified several important          factors that were
of value in evaluating the severity of the duodenal injury. Factors such
as the agent of entry, the size and site of injury, the interval from
injury to repair (in hours), and an associated injury to the common
bile duct proved to be statistically significant predictors of outcome.
Injuries were classified as mild on the basis of the following: (1) the
agent of entry consisted of a stab wound; (2) the size of injury en-
compassed less than 75% of the duodenal wall; (3) the site of injury
was located in the third or fourth portion of the duodenum;               (4) the
injury repair interval was less than 24 hours; and (5) no associated
injury occurred to the common bile duct. Injuries were classified as
severe on the basis of the following: (1) the agent of entry was blunt
trauma or a missile; (2) the size of injury encompassed              more than
75% of the duodenal       wall; (3) the site of injury was located in the
first or second portion of the duodenum;           (4) the repair interval was
greater than 24 hours; and (5) an associated injury to the common
bile duct had occurred. Curiously, in this series the presence of as-
sociated pancreatic injury was not found to alter morbidity and mor-
tality significantly. This finding is at variance with that of other au-
thors who have reported the presence of associated pancreatic in-
jury to be a good predictor         of increased morbidity          and mortal-
ity.46, 48, 93, g4
   Identification of the presence or absence of such factors allows the
surgeon to assess the injury fully. We recommend        that all duodenal
injuries be staged according to some classification scheme so that it
might stratify the injuries according to severity. This recommenda-
tion is made with the hope that the most simple and effective surgi-
cal technique or techniques will be selected for management          of the
simpler injuries and that the most complex techniques           will be re-
served for the more challenging and severe injuries.
   A concise and uniformly     accepted classification scheme that pre-
dicts the outcome of traumatic       injuries to various organs is sorely
lacking in trauma surgery. Lucas and Ledgerwood”’         and Adkins and

Cum- Probl   Surg,   November   1993                                         1051
TABLE      9.   Duodenum         organ   injury    scale

Grade*              Injury                        Descriptiont

I                   Hematoma                      Involving    single       portion   of duodenum
                    Laceration                    Partial thickness,          no perforation
II                  Hematoma                      Involv&     more         than one portion
                    Laceration                    Disruption      <SO% of circumference
III                 Laceration                    Disruption      50% to 75% circumference       of D2
                                                  Disruption      50% to 100% circumference        of Dl,               D3, D4
Iv                  Laceration                    Disruption      >75% circumference       of D2
                                                  Involving     ampulla       or‘ distal common            bile   duct
V                   Laceration                    Massive     disruption        of duodenopancreatic               complex
                    Vascular                      Devascularization           of duodenum

Dz, 1st portion duod,enum;  02, 2nd portion     duodenum;    03, 3rd portion                duodenum;         04, 4th portion
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries to the same organ.
tBa:ed on most accurate assessment     at autopsy, laparoromy,   or radiologic                  study.

Keyser53 described various classification schemes indigenous to their
respective trauma centers, but neither provided          statistically signifi-
cant predictors of outcome.
    We have favored the use of the Penetrating Abdominal            Trauma In-
dex (PATI) as described by Moore and colleagues.g5 In this index, each
 abdominal    organ is assigned a risk factor on the basis of the known
incidence of complications       and each injury is graded on a scale of 1
to 5. Duodenal injuries are assigned a risk factor of 5 and are graded
as follows: contusion,     grade 1; injury to less than 25% of the ‘wall,
grade 2; injury to 25% to 50% of the wall, grade 3; injury to more than
50% of the wall, grade 4; and ampullary injuries, grade 5. Multiplica-
tion of the grade of injury by the risk factor allows for calculation           of
the duodenal      injury score iDIS), which may serve as a quantifiable
 means of categorizing duodenal injuries. It then follows that the more
 complex surgical repair techniques       would be used for injuries with
higher scores. The value of this procedure        for quantifying      duodenal
injury severity objectively was validated by Ivatury and colleagues,55
who reported 100 patients with penetrating           duodenal      trauma and
 correlated their PAT1 and DIS with immediate         death.
    The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, along with
 its Organ Injury Scaling Committee,      devised injury severity scores for
 individual organs to facilitate clinical research (Table 9). Thus far, ex-
 perience with the new duodenal          organ injury scale is limited, al-
 though Cogbill and colleagues57 used this scale successfully in a co-
 operative multicenter    trial in which they graded 164 duqdenal inju-
 ries. In this study, the mortality rates for classes I, II, III, IV, and V
 duodenal injuries were 8%, 19%) 21%, 75%) and 25%, respectively. The
 authors found that mortality did not correlate well with the severity
 of duodenal injury and concluded        that anatomic features of duode-

1052                                                                             Curr   Probl      Sy-g,    November         1993
TABLE          10. Surgical      techniques       and    procedures       used    for repair     of duodenal        and
uancreaticoduodenal             injuries

Duodenorrhaphy               with external          drainage
Duodenorrhaphy               with tube duodenostomy
    Primary      (through       duodenum)
   Antegrade         (through        pylorusJ
    Retrograde         (through       jejunumi
Triple ostomy           technique         (gastrostomy        and antegrade       and retrograde       jejunostomiesl
Jejunal     serosal patch
Jejunal mucosal             patch
Pedicled      grafts
    Stomach        (gastric island)
Duodenal        resection
Duodenal        diverticulization            (vagotomy       and antrectomy,        gastrojejunostomy,
    duodenorrhaphy,               T-tube drainage          and external      drainage)
Pyloric exclusion
    With sutures          (absorbable         and nonabsorbable)
Pancreaticoduodenectomy                      (Whipple’s      procedure)

nal injury represent only a part of the risk of morbidity            and mortal-
   Approximately    75% to 85% of all duodenal injuries can be repaired
safely using simple surgical techniques.         The surgeon must possess
the technical capabilitjr to repair injuries of high severity. Many dif-
ferent surgical techniques for the treatment of duodenal injuries have
been described (Table 10). Basic surgical ptinciples, such as debride-
ment of the duodenal        injuries to viable tissues and a meticulous
double-layer technique for closure approximating             the innet layer us-
ing fine absorbable sutures and a seromuscular           closure of iriterrupted
nonabsorbable     Lembert sutures, should be used (Fig. 1).
   Duodenorrhaphy      alone carries a small risk of narrowing           the duo-
denal lumen. Several technical points must be kept in mind to &void
this problem when closing duodenal             lacerations. These technical
points were outlined by Kraus and Condons               on the basis of the re-
sults of an animal model in which they established that longitudinal
duodenotomies      can be closed transversely if the length of the duo-
denotomy does not exceed one half of the circumference                of the duo-
denum (Fig. 2). These investigators       recommehded          that longitudinal
closures be performed      if the duodenotomy        exceeds one haif of the
circumference    of the duodenum.      In neither of these closures was the
duodenal    lumen narrowed.         The authors strongly recommended

Curr   Probl     Surg,   November        1993                                                                             1053
FIG. 1. Most    duodenal          lacerations     can be repaired           primarily     after meticulous      debridement
of all damaged        tissue.     The repair can be accomplished                      with a double-layer          closure,      in-
cluding  an inner layer of fine running               absorbable       sutures      encompassing          the entire width of
the duodenal     wall followed          by a second        layer of fine seromuscular            interrupted       nonabsorb-
able Lembert      sutures.       Meticulous       attention      must be paid to imbricate               the duodenal          mu-
cosa because        it tends to extrude             from suture        lines. (From Juan A. Asensio,                   MD, and
Robert F. Buckman,            MD, Duodenal         Injuries,    Shackleford’s         Surgery    of the Alimentary          Tract,
George    D. Zuidema        [editor].     Volume 2, Chapter          10, Pages 104-l 17, W.B. Saunders,                     Phila-
delphia,   1991. Reprinted            by permission.)

against transverse closures of transverse duodenotomies,        which they
consistently showed to narrow the duodenal lumen.
   The use of drains placed adjacent to duodenal repairs should be
considered for all duodenorrhaphies.      No prospective studies have ad-
dressed the risk/benefit     ratio. We recommend      that drains be used
routinely, but we strongly emphasize that this drain system should
be of the closed-suction       type and should not be placed directly
against the suture line to avoid duodenal fistula formation.
   Before discussing the surgical techniques        available for repair of
complex duodenal      injuries, a word of caution is in order. Surgical
judgment     is needed to select the best surgical technique      for repair
of particular duodenal injuries. The surgeon must consider the ana-
tomic extent of the injury; the magnitude       of associated injuries, es-
pecially those to the biliary tree and pancreas; and the time elapsed

1054                                                                                Curr    Probl    Surg,   November         1993
FIG. 2. Longitudinal         duodenotomies       can be closed     transversely   if the   length   of the duo-
denotomy      does     not exceed     one half the circumference       of the duodenum.

from injury to repair. Finally, the overall condition of the patient must
be evaluated. Other points to be considered for penetrating             injuries
include the potential for blast effect. For blunt injuries, the degree of
associated retroperitoneal      and periduodenal    inflammatory     processes
resulting from extruded duodenal contents should be assessed. Af-
ter evaluating these factors, the surgeon can choose the procedures
that are needed to repair or decompress          the duodenum,       resect de-
vitalized areas, buttress the repair, or exclude the duodenum               from
the passage of gastric contents.
    Controversies surround the use of adjacent maneuvers to safeguard
 the duodenal      closure. One of these maneuvers is the tube duode-
 nostomy (Fig. 3), of which the following three types exist: (1) primary,
 in which the tube is placed through a separate stab wound in the
 duodenum;      (2) antegrade, in which the duodenum        is decompressed
by way of the passage of a tube through the pylorus; or (31 retrograde,
 in which the tube is passed through a jejunostomy         site. Primary tube
 duodenostomies       were first used for decompression      in 1909 by New-
 mann”     and LangenBuch”;        however, the technique       remained       ob-
 scure until 1949, when Welch” described this application           in patients

Cur-r Probl    Surg,    November     1993                                                                  1055
FIG. 3. Adjunct           techniques       in management         of anatomically       severe duodenal          wounds        are
 used to protect         the anastomosis.          The simplest       of these techniques          is a tube duodenos-
tomy. This tube should              be brought      out through     an area of uninjured         duodenum         rather than
through       the duodenal         repair.   Its goals are to decompress            the duodenum           and protect        the
 suture    line; however,         a tube duodenostomy             does not totally divert the stream                of gastric
 contents.       (From Juan A. Asensio,              MD, and Robert         F. Buckman,        MD, Duodenal            Injuries,
 Shackleford’s        Surgery     of the Alimentary      Tract, George       D. Zuidema      [editor].    Volume 2, Chap-
ter 10, Pages 104-l 17, W.B. Saunders,                    Philadelphia,      1991. Reprinted           by permission.)

with tenuous duodenal closures. In 1967, Jones and colleagues1oo de-
scribed a refinement of the technique by advocating use of a small
(No. 10 French) Foley catheter as a decompressive vent, with its bal-
loon minimally inflated with 2 to 3 ml of normal saline. In this series
of 44 patients with tenuous duodenal stump closures, only two com-
plications occurred.
   Antegrade decompression     of the duodenal closure by passage of a
nasogastric tube through the pylorus beyond the point of injury ap-
pears to have been used first by Smith and colleagues45 in 1971 and
later by McInnis and coworkers46 in 1975. Retrograde duodenostomy
was first used at the Grady Memorial Hospital in 1962,50 and de-
scribed in the literature by Stone and Garonil’l in 1966 (Fig. 4). Two
separate tubes can be placed by way of two separate jejunal sites.
The proximal tube is threaded retrograde past the duodenal junc-
tion and placed on suction to decompress the duodenum        while the
distal tube is used as a feeding jejunostomy.    This system has been
termed the “suck-me, feed-me jejunostomy.”      This system is also ad-
1056                                                                              Curr    Probl    Surg,   November        1993
FIG. 4. This variation of the tube duodenostomy               adds a feeding     jejunostomy         for early in-
stitution of enteral feeding.    It has been dubbed        the “suck-me,     feed-me        jejunostomy.”     The
proximal   tube that acts to decompress         the duodenum       and protect     its suture line is usually
placed at a point beyond      the duodenal-jejunal      flexure and generally         requires     a longer tube
such as a Baker tube.

vacated by Corley and co11eagues,47 who recommend            the addition of
a gastrostomy tube to achieve better decompression          (Fig. 5).
   Addition of tube decompression     for duodenorrhaphy        is controver-
sial; opinions are strongly divided between those who staunchly sup-
port its routine use, such as Corley and colleagues,47 Stone and col-
leagues,50’101 and Hasson and colleagues,1o2 and those who advocate
against its use, including Ivatury and co11eagues55’ lo3 and Kashuk and
colleagues.104 Stone and Fabian”     reported a high rate of duodenal
complications    in 8 of 44 duodenal wounds closed without tube de-
compression,    with three subsequent     deaths attributed     to duodenal
complications    before the routine use of decompressive          techniques
that began in 1962. These investigators reported only one duodenal

Curr   Probl   Surg,   November     1993                                                                    1067
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Mx duod injuries curr probl surg
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Mx duod injuries curr probl surg
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Mx duod injuries curr probl surg

  • 1. MANAGEMENT OF DUODENAL INJURIES IN BRIEF With most of the duodenum protected deep within the ana- tomic confines of the retroperitoneum, injuries to this organ are uncommon but not rare. These injuries represent approximately 4% of all abdominal injuries. However, because of difficulties with initial assessment, establishment of the diagnosis, and, oc- casionally, management, the morbidity and mortality rates associ- ated with injuries of the duodenum approach 65% and 20%, respectively. The first successful repair of a duodenal injury after blunt trauma was reported by Herczel in 1896. It was 1901 before Moynihan re- paired a penetrating duodenal injury; he performed a gastrojejunos- tomy in a patient who lived for 104 days. With subsequent improve- ments in anesthesia, antibiotic therapy, and surgical techniques, sig- nificant decreases in operative morbidity and mortality rates have been reported. The experiences of American military surgeons from the American Civil War through the Korean and Vietnam conflicts have contributed to our understanding of duodenal injuries. World Wars I and II, in particular, provided surgeons the opportunity to improve the care of many battlefield casualties. The incidence of duodenal injuries is related to the geographic set- ting of the traumatic incident (i.e., urban or rural). Penetrating trauma accounts for 78% of all duodenal injuries, whereas blunt trauma ac- counts for 22%. Retroperitoneal duodenal ruptures caused by blunt trauma occur only rarely. The morbidity and mortality associated with duodenal injuries are increased with associated injuries of the liver, pancreas, small bowel, and colon. The most commonly injured vascular structures are the inferior vena cava and the abdominal aorta. These associated inju- ries result in particularly high mortality from the resulting exsangui- nating hemorrhage. The second portion of the duodenum is injured more often than any other portion and poses greater technical difficulties for surgical management. Injuries affecting multiple portions of the duodenum 1026 Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 2. occur with a frequency of 14%, resulting in greater technical chal- lenges to the surgeon. Successful diagnosis of a duodenal injury requires a high index of suspicion. The mechanism of injury represents important informa- tion that can be obtained from close communication with personnel from emergency medical services (EMS). Information such as the presence of a bent steering wheel and related data on the velocity, direction, and impact of the motor vehicular accident often yield im- portant clues that alert the surgeon to the possibility of duodenal in- jury. Duodenal injury is often overlooked because of seemingly more dramatic and life-threatening injuries, particularly those causing life- threatening hemorrhage. The history and physical examination ini- tiates the diagnostic process. The use of laboratory studies, in gen- eral, are not helpful. Radiographic studies such as plain abdominal films are helpful but only if positive. Important abnormal findings such as unexplained fluid collections surrounding the duodenum and retroperitoneal free air, particularly that outlining the upper pole of the right kidney, strongly suggest a duodenal injury. No studies, either retrospective or prospective, have compared the use of upper gastrointestinal contrast study with the computed to- mographic scan. The upper gastrointestinal contrast study is per- formed initially by the ingestion or administration of a water-soluble medium and should confirm or exclude the presence of a leak. If negative, this initial study should be followed by a thin solution of barium to provide better definition of the duodenal anatomy. Posi- tive computed tomography scan findings include extravasation from the lumen, perimural and intramural duodenal hematomas, and free retroperitoneal air. The computed tomography scan also provides in- formation that helps to diagnose other associated injuries. Magnetic resonance imaging is not yet a useful diagnostic tool in this setting. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage is not useful in detecting retroperito- neal injuries. It is positive in approximately 50% of all cases resulting from the multiple associated intraabdominal injuries. The definitive diagnostic tool remains a meticulous exploratory laparotomy and ret-+ roperitoneal exploration. Surgical management of duodenal injuries begins with the basic principles of initial assessment and resuscitation recommended by the Advanced Trauma Life Support course of the American College of Surgeons, including early control of the airway and adequate vol- ume resuscitation. When a decision has been made to operate, ap- propriate broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered. The abdo- men is entered through a generous midline incision extending from xiphoid to pubis. A meticulous exploratory laparotomy and retroperi- toneal exploration should avoid the severe consequences of over- looked injuries. Curr Probl SW,, November 1993 1027
  • 3. When a duodenal injury is detected intraoperatively, the surgeon must be aware of factors that increase the morbidity and mortality of the injury, including the presence of associated biliary and pancre- atic injuries. We recommend intraoperative grading of all duodenal injuries by the Penetrating Abdominal Trauma Index. Injuries of lesser grade should be treated by simpler surgical techniques, and injuries of greater severity should be treated by more complex tech- niques. The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma has also devised a scoring system to grade these injuries and establish a uni- form reporting standard. Surgeons who treat patients with traumatic injuries to the duode- num must be able to use an armamentarium of surgical procedures to repair these injuries. Approximately 75% to 80% of all duodenal injuries can be repaired safely by simple surgical techniques such as debridement to viable tissue, primary repair by double-layer duode- norrhaphy, and drainage using a closed system. The role of tube duo- denostomy as an adjunct to management and as a means of decom- pression and protection of the suture line is controversial. Complex surgical procedures such as the jejunal serosal patch, duodenal re- section with Roux-en-Y duodenojejunostomy, duodenal resection with end-to-end duodenoduodenostomy, pedicled grafts, duodenal diverticularization, pyloric exclusion, and pancreatoduodenectomy are each useful in selected patients. Duodenal injuries are uncommon in the trauma patient, and thus many general surgeons do not develop the expertise necessary to manage patients with this unique and challenging clinical problem. The potential for morbidity and mortality is ample and is related to the accuracy and timing of diagnosis as well as to the skill of the sur- geon. 1028 Cur-r Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 4. Juan A. Asensio, MD, graduated with a BS degree from the University of Illinois. He received his MD degree from Rush Medical College and completed his surgical residency at Northwestern University in Chicago and the Medical CoZ- lege of Ohio at Toledo and then completed fellowships in trauma surgery and surgical critical care at the University of Tezas Health Sciences Center, Dallas/Southwestern Medical School, and Parkland Memorial Hospital. He is CUF- rently Associate Professor of Surgery and Chief of the Di- vision of Trauma Surgery and Surgical Critical Care at Hah- nemann University, where he also serves in the capacity as medical director of the Air Evacuation Service/MEDEVAC and medical director of the Trauma Center. Dr. Asensio has been instrumental in organizing trauma centers in both Central and South America. ilr. Asensio’s interests include exsanguination; penetrating neck injuries, cardiovascular system injuries, pancreas, and duodenum; and surgical critical care. David V. Feliciano, MD, received his BS and MD degrees from Georgetown University, He completed internship and residency training in general surgery at the Mayo Clinic af- ter active duty in the U.S. Navy. He furthered his training in trauma surgery at Detroit General Hospital during resi- dency and a fellowship in vascular surgery at the Baylor, College of Medicine. Dr. Feliciano is currently Chief of Sur- gery at Grady Memorial Hospital, attending surgeon at Crawford Long Hospital, Professor of Surgery at Emory Uni- versity, and Clinical Professor of Surgery at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. He is immediate Past President of the Southwestern Surgical Corigress, the President of the Western Trauma Association and the Priestley Society (Mayo surgeons), and a member of the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons. His interests include ab- dominal and vascular trauma, endocrine and general SUF- gery, and surgical critical care. Curr Probl Surg, November 1993 1029
  • 5. L. Delano Britt, MD, received his BA degree from the Uni- versity of Virginia, his MD degree from the Harvard Medi- cal School, and his MPH degree from the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Britt is currently Chief of the Division of Trauma and Critical Care at the Eastern Virginia Medi- cal School and medical director of the Shock Trauma Cen- ter at Sentara Norjiolk General Hospital. Morris D. Kerstein, MD, completed his surgical training on the First (Tufts) Surgical Service of the Boston City Hospi- tal in 1971 afrer serving a research fellowship at Sahlgren- ska Hospital in Goteborg, Sweden, from 1968 to 1969. After serving on the faculty of the Yale University School of Medi- cine, the University of Chicago, and the Tulane University School of Medicine, Dr. Kerstein was appointed as the Edgar J. Deissler Professor and Chairman of the Depart- ment of Surgery at Hahnemann University School of Medi- cine. His interest in trauma began with an active-duty tour from 2965 to 1967 with the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam conflict. His continued interest in trauma and the Navy con- tributed to his appointments as Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, at the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery and Assistant to the Deputy Surgeon General of the Navy for Reserve Matters. Dr. Kerstein’s research interests have focused on vascular surgery problems, prostaglandin metabolism in the vascu- lature, and trauma. Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 6. MANAGEMENT OF DUODENAL INJURIES INTRODUCTION The duodenum is the epitome of an organ poorly designed to with- stand the ravages of trauma. Located in the inaccessible and dark reaches of the retroperitoneum, injuries to the duodenum usually are not suspected or are diagnosed rather late while more apparent in- juries to other organs are addressed. The small, thin-walled duode- num possesses a marginal blood supply shared with the pancreas. Therefore this organ is not amenable to sound technical closure, and parts of it are very difficult to resect. Lying against the vertebral col- umn, the duodenum is highly susceptible to severe crushing inju- ries. It is also fixed at two separate points-the portal triad and the ligament of Treitz- thereby subjecting it to decelerating injuries. Fur- thermore, it is subject to “blow-out” injury by being, at times, closed at its portals of entrance (the pylorus) and exit (the duodenojejunal junction). The duodenum is surrounded by many vital structures, including the aorta, inferior vena cava, superior mesenteric vessels, portal ves- sels, right renovascular pedicle, and the biliary tree. When injured, these structures produce large amounts of blood and bile that may obscure injuries of the duodenal wall. Finally, its matrimony of con- venience to the pancreas (by virtue of its shared blood supply) is eas- ily disrupted at the time of injury by the action of the pancreatic en- zpes released frequently during combined pancreatic and duode- nal injuries. Given these considerations, it is no wonder that duodenal injuries remain one of the most complex challenges for modern-day trauma surgeons. The objectives of this monograph are (1) to familiarize the reader with duodenal anatomy as it relates to trauma surgery, (2) to provide an in-depth analysis of the incidence and mortality rate of duodenal injuries, and (3) to provide a concise approach to diagno- sis, surgical management, and treatment of complications of duode- nal trauma. Curr Probl Surg November 1993 1031
  • 7. HISTORIC PERSPECTIVE There is a scarcity of well-documented historic accounts regard- ing the management of duodenal injuries. Several characteristics of the duodenum may account for this fact: its retroperitoneal location, the difficulty in mobilizing it surgically, or the fact that it just did not emerge within the realm of surgical diagnosis or treatment during the last century. However, the primary reason for this lack of docu- mentation appears to be the infrequent use of exploratory laparotomy for the management of traumatic abdominal injuries. Although this technique had been readily available and used for nontraumatic ab- dominal problems, most surgeons did not view it with much respect. Exploratory laparotomy was used by Baudens in 1836: however, it was not until the Civil War that the procedure was considered valu- able in the management of abdominal trauma.’ It was not until World War I that American surgeons become more forceful and began to explore soldiers who sustained penetrating abdominal injuries. Perhaps one of the earliest recorded cases of successful outcomes from penetrating duodenal injuries is credited to Larrey, the French surgeon who recorded the following case in 1811: Etienne Belloc, age 17 fusileer of the guards was wounded by a sword in the abdomen about two inches above the umbilicus, and on the right side of the linea alba. He was brought to the hospital on April 1, 1811, and the attending surgeon applied a simple dressing and bandage. Next day, I ex- amined the wound, which permitted the omentum to escape through it. The right rectus muscle and its tendinous sheath were cut quite through, and the instrument appeared to have passed in a transverse direction deeply, from before, backwards, between the great curve of the stomach, and the arch of the colon. The paleness of death was on his countenance and he was tormented with intolerable anguish, nausea, and efforts to vomit; with hiccough, ardent thirst and acute pain at the bottom of the wound, and great anxiety; his pulse was small and feeble, his extremities cold, and voice no longer audible: We had reason to believe he could survive but a few moments. Still, I reduced the omentum, with my fingers ascertained that the sword had glanced between the stomach and colon, but I could not decide on the place where it had stopped; the wound was dressed externally, with linen, etc., dipped in warm wine. The abdomen was embrocated with warm cam- phorated oil and covered with hot flannel. I prescribed cooling mucilaginous drinks, emollient enemata, low diet, a particular position of the body and perfect rest. He felt but a little relief from this treatment; the prostration con- tinued as before, the pulse was small and tense, and anxiety and nausea attended: He was never at rest. On the night of the second day, vomiting came on with considerable efforts, cold sweat and alarming syncope, he first discharged the contents of his stomach by vomiting and then bilious matter with clots of black blood. On the fourth day, to this bilious evacuations suc- ceeded the vomiting of thick black blood in such quantity that the chamber- 1032 Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 8. utensil was filled with it in a few minutes. On the iifth day, an alvine evacu- ation, equally copious took place, proceeded by violent colick and acute pains in the wound; the abdomen always remained flaccid and without any signs of effusion in its cavity. An alarming syncope succeeded this evacua- tion on the night of the 6th, and his companions believed him dead. When I visited the hospital very early the next morning, I found his face covered with a sheet and he opened his eyelids with difficulty; the pulse was imper- ceptible, and his body cold. I immediately gave him warm wine, had his body rubbed with oil of chamomile, and wrapped in hot flannels. The colick never returned and from this time he gradually recovered. I prescribed a muci- laginous drink with syrup of althea and orange-flower water, to which was added a small quantity of nitrated alcohol; emollient enemata were given, and the oily embrocations of the abdomen continued. . .3 The rest of the account continues with a detailed description of subsequent complications, convalescence, and the basis for diagno- sis of duodenal injury. During the American Civil War, five soldiers were reported to have incurred duodenal wounds resulting from “shot injuries,” with a 100% mortality rate and no surgical intervention. A detailed autopsy report was described as follows: Case 2112. Pvt. James M.; Company I?. Wound of the abdomen at Winches- ter on September X9,1864. The missile conoidal ball entered at the‘ right side of the epigastrium, at the edge of the ribs, and emerged through the right buttock. He was admitted on the same day to the hospital of the Sixth Corps. He was an emaciated subject. Water dressings were applied to the wound and ferruginous preparations and opiates were administered with milk punch. A farinaceous and milk diet was allowed. Faeces escaped freely from the wound exit and also from the wound of entrance for a few days. After this, frequent and continued alvine ejections took place through the natural channels. Death resulted on October 12, 1864. At the autopsy it was found that the ball entering the right side of the epigastric region had carried away about half of the caliber of the duodenum, near the orifice of the cystic duct. It had passed obliquely downward and backward through the caecum above the ileo-cecal valve.4 The first successful surgical repair of a duodenal rupture was re- ported in 1896 by Herczel,’ who repaired the ruptured duodenum of a 36-year-old woman after blunt trauma. In 1901, Moynihan” closed a duodenal wound and performed a gastrojejunostomy with a pro- longed survival of 104 days and subsequent death. In a paper read before the Western Surgical and Gynaecological Association on De- cember 28,1903, and published in 1904, Summers described what is perhaps the earliest and best-documented report of treatment of ret- roperitoneal perforation of the duodenum caused by a gunshot wound to the back. In this report, Summers described the unsuc- cessful outcome of a young man who sustained a gunshot from a .38-caliber Colt revolver. He described repair of the duodenal wound Curr Probl Surg, November 1993 1033
  • 9. TABLE 1. American military experience with duodenal injuries Conflict Author Year Number of cases Mortality rate American Civil War Otis4 1876 5 100.0% World War I Lee%’ 1927 10 80.0% World War II Cave” 1946 118 55.9% Korean War Sako et al? 1955 17 41.2% from a posterior approach and the patient’s subsequent demise 3 days later as follows: Had the man’s condition admitted, I would have sutured the wound in the posterior duodenal wall after freeing and rotating the duodenum to the left. In light of to-day, one should in a like case, in addition to repairing the duodenal wound or wounds, occlude the pylorus by means of a purse string stitch. This same operation or soon thereafter as reaction admitted a gastro- enterostomy, must be made.7 In the same paper, Summers also quoted Jaenel, who reported 35 cases of duodenal injury culled from the literature. In 1905, Godwin’ described a series of ruptures of the duodenum and jejunum with a high mortality rate and a second successful operative repair. In the same fashion, other sporadic reports began to appear in the litera- ture, including an article by Meerwin,’ who reported another suc- cessful operative outcome in 1907, and an article by Kanavel,” who reported on several other successful outcomes. A noninterventional approach for management of traumatic inju- ries to the abdomen prevailed until World War I. In this war, as in other wars, the surgeon was provided with an opportunity to treat large numbers of casualties. During this period the first American military series was compiled by LeeI and reported in 1927. During World War II, Cave” compiled what is still the largest military series describing 118 cases. In 1955, Sako and colleagues13 reported 17 cases from the Korean War experience. The results of all American military series are tabulated in Table 1. Missing from this table are the results from America’s longest conflict, the Vietnam War. Although this con- flict produced hallmark works regarding the management of trau- matic vascular, colon, and rectal injuries, few reports are available on duodenal injuries, with the exception of two cases of combined pan- creaticoduodenal injuries requiring pancreaticoduodenectomy re- ported by Halgrimson and colleagues14 in 1969. DUODENAL ANATOMY The anatomy of the structures in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen is complex. Every surgeon should be familiar with this area 1034 Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 10. and its multiple anatomic variations. The duodenum constitutes the beginning of the small bowel and measures approximately 21 cm.15 The duodenum is divided into four portions: superior, descend- ing, transverse, and ascending. These divisions are also known as the first, second, third, and fourth portions, respectively. The first por- tion of the duodenum ranges from the pyloric muscle to the com- mon bile duct superiorly and the gastroduodenal artery inferiorly. Its origin is marked by the pyloric vein of Mayo. The second portion ex- tends from the common bile duct and the gastroduodenal artery to the ampulla of Vater. The third portion extends from the ampulla of Vater to the mesenteric vessels (superior mesenteric artery and vein), which cross anteriorly over the junction of the third and fourth por- tions as they emerge from the inferior border of the neck of the pan- creas. The fourth portion extends from these vessels to the point at which the duodenum emerges from the retroperitoneum to join the jejunum just to the left of the second lumbar vertebra. The entry to the duodenum is closed by the pyloric sphincter, and its exit is suspended by the fibromuscular ligament of Treitz. The duodenum is mobile at the pylorus and its fourth portion but remains totally Iixed at other points.16 The ligament of Treitz, present in 86% of the population, extends from the right pillar of the diaphragm to blend in with the smooth muscle of the duodenal wall (5% 1, the third and fourth portion of the duodenum, or a combination of the three (95%). It contains smooth muscle in 85% of the individuals in whom it is present.17 The duodenum is, for all practical purposes, a retroperitoneal or- gan, except for the anterior half of the circumference of its first por- tion. The first portion, the distal half of the third portion, and the fourth portion in its entirety lie directly over the vertebral column, which, coupled with the psoas muscles, aorta, inferior vena cava, and right kidney, form its posterior boundaries. Anteriorly, the duodenum is bounded by the liver that overlies the first and second portions, the hepatic flexure of the colon, right transverse colon, mesocolon, and stomach that overlies the fourth portion. Laterally, the gallblad- der and medially, the pancreas, nestled in the C loop, are in proxim- ity. The duodenum shares its blood supply with the pancreas. Vessels that supply the duodenum include the gastroduodenal artery and its branches, the retroduodenal artery, the supraduodenal artery of Wilkie, the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, and the superior mesenteric artery and its first branch, the inferior pancreaticoduo- denal artery. Anatomic variations are common in this area because the gastroduodenal artery is known to arise occasionally from the left hepatic artery (ll%), right hepatic artery (?‘%), a replaced hepatic trunk (3.5%), or from the celiac or superior mesenteric arteries.18’1g The gastroduodenal artery courses from its hepatic origin at the su- Curr Probl Surg, November 1993 1035
  • 11. perior surface of the duodenum under its second portion and enters the pancreas just below and opposite the common bile duct above the duodenum.” It makes a loop on the ventral surface of the pan- creas, runs along the groove between the pancreas and descending (second) portion of the duodenum, sinks into the substance of the pancreas, and is dorsal to the head of the pancreas as it anastomo- ses with the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery. The dorsal and ven- tral pancreaticoduodenal arcades formed by the anastomosis of the superior and inferior pancreatic duodenal arteries supply numerous branches to the pancreas and the duodenum.” The anastomosis between the gastroduodenal and inferior pancre- aticoduodenal arteries serves as a collateral and communicating pathway between the celiac axis and the superior mesenteric artery. Anatomic variations occurring in proximity to the duodenal loop and uncinate process of the pancreas include an anomalous common he- patic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery in 5% of pa- tients and an anomalous right hepatic artery arising from the same vessel in 25% of patients.‘l’ ” The common bile duct enters the posterior substance of the head of the pancreas in 83% of patients after it passes under the duode- num.23J 24 After piercing the caps&e of the pancreas posteriorly, the duct courses down within the pancreatic substance a few centime- ters from the curve of the duodenum, entering the duodenal lumen at the junction between the second and third portion of the duode- num approximately 2.0 to 2.5 cm from the py10rus.~~ Three main variations exist with regard to the way both the common bile duct and pancreatic duct enter the duodenum. In 85% of individuals, both ducts enter through a common channel at the ampulla of Vater, whereas in 5% both ducts enter the duodenum on the same ampulla but through separate channe1s.l’ In the remaining 10% of individu- als, both ducts enter the duodenum separately.z6 l%IYSIOLOGIC ASPECTS The duodenum serves as the mixing point for the partially digested chyle,from the stomach and the proteolytic and lipolytic secretions of the biliary tract and pancreas. As such, it commonly contains not only food but powerful activated digestive enzymes, including lipase, trypsin, amylase, elastase, and peptidases, among others.27 The pylorus, which acts as a metering mechanism, is estimated to be closed one third of the time.16 Approximately 10 L of fluid from the stomach, bile duct, and pancreas passes through the duodenum in a 24hour period. The high volume and high toxicity of the duo- denal contents account for the disastrous effects that ensue if a 1036 Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 12. breach in the duodenal wall occurs. Escape of duodenal contents into the free peritoneal cavity or retroperitoneum incites an extremely de- structive process that is compounded by the inflammatory response that it provokes.” INCIDENCE OF DUODENAL INJURIES Duodenal injuries are uncommon, although not necessarily rare, in busy trauma centers. The retroperitoneal location of the duode- num, no doubt, has a strong role in protecting it and thus accounts for the low incidence of injury to this organ. The true incidence of duodenal injury is difficult to estimate from the literature. Among sev- eral major textbooks of surgery, none cite a figure.2s-34 Among seven major textbooks and yearly publications dealing exclusively with trauma, four publications failed to cite a figure for the incidence of duodenal trauma.“’ 35-40 Two of the remaining publications cited a figure of 3% to 12%, but both failed to provide adequate documenta- tion of the incidence of duodenal trauma. In only one of the major textbooks of trauma is a figure quoted on the basis of the experience of the author’s home institution.35 A review of more than 150 journal articles dating from 1901 again yields little data on the subject. As best estimated from the literature, duodenal injuries occur in approximately 4.3% of all patients with abdominal injuries, with a range of 3.7% to 5.0%. These figures, how- ever, are based on only one military and two civilian reports. In 1955, Sako and colleagues13 reported the Korean War experience of 17 duodenal injuries in 402 cases of abdominal injury treated in a forward surgical hospital, for an incidence of 4.2%. In 1968, Morton and Jordan41 reported 13 cases of duodenal injury among 280 ab- dominal trauma cases, for an incidence of 5%. In 1978, Kelly and col- leagues4’ reported 34 cases of duodenal trauma in a 68-month pe- riod, representing only 3.7% of all patients explored for abdominal trauma at their institution. These figures are validated in a recent and excellent review of duodenal trauma reported by Levinson and col- leagues,43 in which they cited an incidence of duodenal injury of 3% to 5% in patients who sustained abdominal injury. MECHANISM OF INJURY The anatomic location of the duodenum protects it from casual in- jury. Most duodenal injuries are either penetrating or blunt, Pene- trating injuries include gunshot wounds, stab wounds, or shotgun wounds, whereas blunt injuries occur as the result of motor vehicle accidents, falls, or aggravated assaults. The mechanism of injury that Cum Probl Surg, November 1993 1037
  • 13. TABLE 2. Mechanism of iniurv in duodenal iniuries Mechanism of injury Total no. Author and year of patients Penetrating Blunt Morton and Jordan, 196S41 131 117 14 Smith et al., 197145 53 46 7 McInnis et al., 197?” 22 17 5 Corley et al., 197447 98 75 23 Lucas and Ledgewood, 197548 36 0 36 Matolo et al., 197549 32 19 13 Kelly et al., 197S4’ 34 28 6 Stone and Fabian, 197g5’ 321 294 27 Flint et al., 197g51 75 56 19 Snyder et al., 19805’ 228 180 48 Levinson et al., 198243 93 74 19 Adkins and Keyser, 198453 56 39 17 Fabian et al., 198454 10 0 10 Ivatury et al., 198555 100 100 0 Bostman et al., 198gs6 18 16 6 Cogbill et al., 199057 164 102 62 Cuddington et al., 199O58 42 16 26 TOTAL 1513 1175 338 (77.7%) (22.3%) occurs most often depends on the surgeon’s practice location.44 Pen- etrating injuries are more common in the inner city population, whereas blunt injuries predominate in the rural environment. Overall, penetrating injuries are the most common causes of duodenal trauma. In a review of the literature encompassing 17 series published during the last 22 years, 1513 cases of duodenal injuries were identified; 1175 (77.7%) occurred as the result of penetrating trauma, whereas 338 (22.3%) occurred as the result of blunt trauma.41-43J45-58 Thus the ratio of penetrating to blunt trauma was 3.5:1 (Table 2). Of these 17 series, 12 provided an accurate breakdown of the wounding agent causing penetrating injuries,41-43’4s-53’55-57 and 8 pro- vided the same breakdown for blunt injuries.43J 47,48J51-53J 57 Among 56J 1096 penetrating injuries, 818 (74.6%) were caused by gunshots, 214 09.5% 1 were caused by stabbings, and 64 (5.9% 1 were caused by shot- gun blasts (Table 3). Among 230 blunt injuries, 178 (77.3%) were caused by motor vehicle accidents, 22 (9.6% 1 were caused by falls, 22 (9.6%) were caused by aggravated assault, and 8 (3.5%) were caused by miscellaneous injuries (Table 4). The actual mechanisms of wounding in penetrating trauma occur by simple violation of the duodenal wall either by a sharp object (e.g., knife blade) or, in the case of missiles, by penetration and actual dis- 1038 Cur-r Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 14. TABLE 3. Penetrating injuries-wounding agents Total no. Gunshot Stab Shotgun Author and year of penetrating injuries wound wound wound Morton and Jordan, 117 87 22 8 1968” Corley et al., 197447 75 51 24 0 Matolo et al., 197E? 19 18 1 0 Kelly et al., 197S4’ 28 23 5 0 Stone and Fabian, 197g5’ 294 239 31 24 Flint et al., 197g51 56 51 4 1 Snyder et al., 19805’ 180 143 23 14 Levinson et aI., 198243 74 43 27 4 Adkins and Keyser, 198453 39 27 5 7 Ivatury et al., 198E? 100 69 30 1 Bostman et al., 198gs6 12 1 11 0 Cogbill et al., 19905’ 102 66 31 5 TOTAL 1096 818 214 64 (74.6%) (19.5%) (5.9%) TABLE 4. Blunt injuries-wounding agents No. of blunt Motor vehicle Aggravated Author and vear iniuries accident Falls assault Miscellaneous Corley et al., 197447 23 12 4 7 0 Lucas and Ledgerwood, 36 30 3 3 0 197548 Flint et al., 197g51 19 13 3 0 3 Snyder et al., 1980” 48 44 3 0 1 Levinson et aI., 198243 19 11 3 2 3 Adkins and Keyser, 198453 7 8 5 3 1 Bostman et aI., 198gs6 6 6 0 0 0 Cogbill et al., 19905’ 62 54 1 7 0 TOTAL 230 178 22 22 8 (77.3%) (9.6%) (9.6%) (3.5%) sipation of the kinetic energy imparted on the missile at the time of its exit from the gun. Much more complex kinematics exist when blunt injury occurs. The duodenum is a retroperitoneal organ that lies against a rigid ver- tebral column. It is a highly mobile hollow viscus, which is fixed at two points, the second portion by the common bile duct and the fourth portion by the ligament of Treitz. The portals of entry and exit can be closed, the former by the pyloric sphincter mechanism and the latter by the fibromuscular ligament of Treitz. Therefore disrup- tion of this hollow viscus is subject to crushing, shearing, or burst- ing. Curr Probl Surg, November 1993 1039
  • 15. Crushing injuries usually occur when a direct force is applied against the abdominal wall and transmitted to the duodenum, which is then projected posteriorly against the rigid and unyielding verte- bral column. A good example of crush injury occurs when the steer- ing wheel impacts on the midepigastrium. Shearing injuries occur when the mobile and nonfixed portions of the duodenum accelerate and decelerate forward and backward, respectively, against the fixed and stable portions, as may occur during falls from great heights, Finally, blow-out injuries occur when a force is applied to a gas and fluid-filled duodenum against a closed pylorus and acutely flexed duodenojejunal angle resulting from the contracted fibromus- cular ligament of Treitz, as described by Cocke and Meyer.” The py- lorus is closed approximately one third of the time when a peristal- tic wave passes over it into the duodenum. This wave migrates over the duodenum, resulting in closure of the pylorus and contraction of the suspensory ligament of Treitz. Therefore a closed-loop effect is established periodically such that a blow delivered to the abdo- men at a given point in time would provide both an anatomic pre- disposition and physiologic state favorable to rupture of the duode- nal wall. ASSOCIATED INJURIES The duodenum, by virtue of its anatomic proximity to other im- portant organs, is rarely injured alone. In fact, multiple associated injuries are the rule rather than the exception. This situation is par- ticularly true with penetrating trauma, but it also occurs with blunt trauma. Isolated duodenal injuries usually are seen in the form of duodenal hematomas. TABLE 5. Associated injuries No. of Patients with Associated Author and year patients associated injuries iniuries McInnis et al., 197546 22 18 (81.8%) 47 Corley et al., 197447 98 88 187.8%) 206 Lucas and Ledgerwood, 1975- 36 25 169.4%1 49 Matolo et al., 197E? 32 26 181.3%) 66 Kelly et al., 197S4’ 34 31 (91.2%) 97 Stone and Fabian, 197g5’ 321 294 191.5% i 1143 Flint et al., 197g51 75 59 (78.6%) 16.5 Snyder et al., 19805’ 228 217 (95.2%) 575 Levinson et al., 198243 87 85 (97.7%) 184 Adkins and Keyser, 1984j3 56 50 189.2%) 122 Cogbill et al., 1990” 164 152 (92.6%) 393 T0T.Q 1153 1045 186.94%) 3047 1040 Cm- Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 16. TABLE 6. Associated injuries, bv organ small Major Mist Biliary tree Major Author and year Liver Pancreas bowel Colon veins Stomach injuries and gallbladder arteries Genilourinary Spleen McInnis et al., 197E?” 5 1 7 11 4 3 11 2 5 6 2 Corley et al., 197447 32 37 19 24 19 20 7 13 15 14 4 Lucas and Ledgerwood, 7 19 2 1 0 3 5 0 2 5 3 197P Matolo et al. 1975”” 11 7 10 10 5 6 6 1 5 3 2 Kelly et al., ;97g4’ 13 9 8 13 14 11 18 2 4 5 0 Stone and Fabian, 197g5” 186 101 147 100 98 98 185 74 91 63 0 Flint et al, 197Y51 31 20 2.5 29 13 24 0 11 0 12 0 Snyder et al., 1980”’ 99 64 60 73 77 60 0 51 39 52 0 Levinson et al., 198P 39 21 26 23 14 18 0 15 13 9 6 Adkins and Keyser, 198453 20 11 18 16 10 8 8 11 6 6 2 CogbiLl et al., 1990”7 74 65 29 43 45 27 13 29 22 28 18 ToTAl 517 355 351 343 299 278 253 37
  • 17. TABLE 7. Associated injuries Organ No. of injuries Percentage of total Liver 517 16.9 Pancreas 355 11.6 Small bowel 351 11.6 Colon 343 11.5 Major veins 299 9.8 Stomach 278 9.1 Miscellaneous injuries 253 8.3 Biliary tree and gallbladder 209 6.8 Major arteries 202 6.6 Genitourinary injuries 203 6.6 Spleen 37 1.2 TOTAL 3047 A review of 11 series during the last 22 years identified a total of 1153 cases of duodenal injury.41’43’46-53, 57 Among these patients, 1045 (86.9% 1 sustained a total of 3047 associated injuries (Tables 5-7). The liver was the most commonly injured organ; a total of 517 injuries occurred, with a frequency of 16.9%. Other commonly injured organs included the pancreas, with 355 injuries (11.6%); small bowel, with 351 injuries (11.6% 1; and colon, with 343 injuries (11.5%).42,43,46-53, 57 Miscellaneous injuries, mostly extraabdominal, accounted for 253 in- juries (8.3%). Major abdominal venous injuries occurred in 299 pa- tients (9.8%). The inferior vena cava accounted for most of these in- juries. Arterial injuries occurred in 202 patients (6.6% 1, with the aorta accounting for most of these injuries. Interestingly, genitourinary tract injuries occurred in 6.6% of the patients, and the spleen was the abdominal organ injured least frequently. Only six diaphragmatic injuries were identified. The lung was the most frequently injured extraabdominal organ5’ ANATOMIC LOCATION OF INJURY To identify the anatomic locations of duodenal injuries, we re- viewed nine series published during the last 22 years.41J 46J 50-55 Se- 47J lection criteria included an accurate description of the anatomic lo- cation of the duodenal injury and a description of the sites of other organ injuries. From this review, a total of 1003 injuries were ana- lyzed. The most frequent site of duodenal injury was the second por- tion, with 331 injuries (33.0%). The third and fourth portions sus- tained 194 (19.4% 1 and 190 (19.0%) injuries, respectively. The least fre- quently injured portion of the duodenum was the first, accounting for 144 injuries (14.4%). Multiple sites of injury occurred in 142 pa- tients (14.2% 1 (Table 8). 1042 Curr Probl Sur. November 1993
  • 18. TABLE 8. Anatomic location of duodenal injury (blunt and penetrating1 Portion of duodenum injured Author and vear No. of uatients 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Multi&e Morton and Jordan, 131 24 56 18 17 16 196s4* McInnis et al., 197,? 22 1 9 7 5 NA Corley et al., 197447 98 5 49 16 13 15 Stone and Fabian, 197g5’ 302 63 74 84 81 NA Flint et al., 197g51 72 9 18 8 16 21 Snyder et al., 19805’ 228 23 67 33 37 68 Adkins and Keyser, 198453 56 10 16 13 5 12 Fabian et al., 198454 10 0 4 4 2 0 Ivatury et al., 198555 84 9 40 11 14 10 TOTAL 1003 144 331 194 190 142 (14.4%) (33.0%) (19.4%) 119.0% 1 (14.2%) NA, Not available. The second portion is the most frequent site of injury for both pen- etrating and blunt trauma.41’ 46,47J50-55 However, with penetrating trauma, injuries were distributed throughout the anatomic course of the duodenum, whereas in blunt trauma most injuries remained con- fined to the second portion of the duodenum, usually its posterior surface.51 DIAGNOSIS The diagnosis of duodenal injury requires a high index of suspi- cion. The physician must understand that delays in the diagnosis and management of these injuries result in increased morbidity and mor- tality. Information must be obtained from EMS personnel because they often provide helpful information in establishing the diagnosis. The diagnosis of duodenal injury presents a greater challenge af- ter blunt trauma than after penetrating trauma. Important informa- tion to be obtained includes the hemodynamic status of the victim in the field and, for example, the state in which a vehicle was found (e.g., overturned, pointing in the opposite direction of impact, or hav- ing sustained passenger compartment invasion), Furthermore, the physician must ascertain the status of the steering wheel (e.g., bent or intact), the direction of force impact, and whether extrication was used to retrieve the victim. With such information, a series of characteristics emerge that col- lectively increase the surgeon’s suspicion for duodenal injuries. For example, patients who have head-on collisions or force impacts from the right, who have struck the steering wheel, or who needed extri- cation may harbor duodenal injuries. Cur-r Probl Surg, November 1993 1043
  • 19. Patients who have sustained blows to the midepigastrium must be evaluated thoroughly. Even an impact of a small magnitude, given the right anatomic and physiologic conditions, can cause duodenal blow- outs. Finally, patients who have fallen from great heights are subject to deceleration injuries of the duodenum.” When examining the patient, the physician must remember that the retroperitoneal location of the duodenum may preclude early manifestation of injury on physical examination. Abdominal discom- fort may be out of proportion to the physical findings, and perito- neal irritation may occur late and become apparent only when ex- travasated blood, enteric contents, or enzymes that were initially con- tained retroperitoneally have entered the peritoneal cavity. By then, much time has been lost, and significant morbidity and mortality can be expected from this delay in diagnosis. The physical examination may be characterized by minimal find- ings. Any tenderness over the right upper quadrant or midepigas- trium should be evaluated with the suspicion of duodenal injuries. Signs of rebound tenderness, abdominal rigidity and absence of bowel sounds indicate intraabdominal injury and should prompt early surgical intervention. Rarely, referred pain in the neck has been reported to occur with duodenal injuries.“? Severe testicular pain and priapism have also been reported in association with duodenal in- jury. Some researchers have postulated that pain impulses are con- ducted by sympathetic nerve fibers running alongside the gonadal vessels.61 Laboratory tests are of little help in the early diagnosis of duode- nal injuries. The serum amylase level is frequently mentioned as a possible indicator of duodenal injury. In 1972, Northrup and Sim- mons62 reported a rise in the serum amylase level in more than 90% of all patients sustaining pancreatic injury. However, a rise in the se- rum amylase level associated with duodenal injury is usually mod- est and less predictable. In 1980, Snyder and colleaguess2 reported the serum amylase level to be elevated in 53% of 21 patients evalu- ated. The numbers of patients are small and should not prompt the reader to assign the amylase level a predictive value in the diagnosis of duodenal injury. Unfortunately, the serum amylase level is sensi- tive but nonspecific for duodenal injury. Flint and colleaguessl stated that the serum amylase level is not helpful in early diagnosis of duo- denal injuries. The serum amylase level should not be used as an indicator for exploratory laparotomy.63’ 64 The serum amylase level may have a predictive value in patients admitted for observation. Lucas and Ledgerwood4’ suggested that the serum amylase level be determined at 6-hour intervals. A persistently elevated or rising amylase level may be of prognostic significance in detecting delayed manifestation of duodenal injury. This concept is supported by Levinson and colleagues,43 who reported three patients 1044 Cur-r Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 20. who had elevations of their serum amylase levels between 4 and 12 times normal during a period of observation. At exploration, they were found to have extensive duodenal injuries. Radiologic studies have been suggested to be the diagnostic pro- cedure of.choice in establishing the diagnosis of duodenal injury. Plain films of the abdomen are useful only if they are positive. The first case of duodenal rupture diagnosed radiographically was de- scribed in 1937 by Sperling and Rigler.65 These authors correlated the presence of air collections outlining the right kidney with extraperi- toneal rupture of the duodenum. A second case report of duodenal rupture diagnosed by plain films of the abdomen was reported in 1940 by Cittenheimer and Gilman. In 1944, Jacobs and colleagues67 described other radiographic find- ings associated with duodenal rupture, including the presence of gas around the right psoas muscle and in the retrocecal region. They con- firmed that the finding of gas outlining the right kidney was a valu- able radiographic finding. These investigators observed that free air was usually not present in the peritoneal cavity. They also described the possible routes of extension of extravasated material from a per- foration of the retroperitoneal duodenum. These routes were as fol- lows: along the transverse mesocolon; along the mesentery of the small intestine; over the right kidney and, rarely, over the leftxkidney; downward along the route of the mesentery of the ascending colon and cecum; downward along the psoas muscle to the brim of the bony pelvis or to Poupart’s ligament; and, finally, along the great ves- sels through the diaphragm into the inferior mediastinum. Further- more, these authors outlined the protocols for obtaining abdominal x-ray fiIms and recommended that the x-ray films be repeated sev- eral hours after the injury if the initial x-ray findings were negative. This group also recommended against the use of barium for estab- lishing diagnasis of duodenal rupture: The use of barium or bismuth salts in the roentgen diagnosis of any acute perforation of the gastrointestinal tract is contraindicated. Barium in the tissue may act as a foreign body irritant and may serve to enlarge the retroperitoneal area of infiltration further. The procedure may be shocking to a patient who is already on the verge.67 In 1949, Siler reported four cases of rupture of the duodenum caused by violence and advocated the use of radiographic visualiza- tion of the duodenum with the upper gastrointestinal series using Lipiodol or thin barium sulfate. He described the following radio- graphic findings of both intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal rupture of the duodenum: In intraperitoneal rupture of the duodenum, a definite sinus may be visu- alized and the diagnosis in this location may be demonstrated clearly. In the case of extraperitoneal rupture of the duodenum, the roentgenogram, Cum Probl Surg, Navember 1993 1045
  • 21. taken either in the oblique or lateral position, may demonstrate a sinus lead- ing from the duodenal lumen to the retroperitoneal space.68 In 1951, Jacobson and Carter further corroborated the findings de- scribed by Jacobs and colleagues67 and added scoliosis as an associ- ated finding in retroperitoneal extravasation of duodenal contents. These authors cautioned that most patients with duodenal ruptures did not have positive radiographic findings: The marked paucity of positive findings makes the roentgen examination of the abdomen of little value in excluding perforations of the small intes- tine following non-penetrating abdominal injuries.6g In 1952, Cohn and his surgical colleagues stated: We believe the most important feature about x-ray diagnosis is that we cannot await a positive diagnosis.70 With greater experience in the use of the upper gastrointestinal se- ries, Felson and Levin71 described the “coiled-spring” sign they found in the upper gastrointestinal radiologic examination using thin barium. These authors believed this sign to be diagnostic of intramu- ral hematoma. In 1961, Wiot and colleagues7’ described an additional sign on the basis of similar diagnostic findings. The study involved the mucosal folds in two patients with intramural duodenal hematoma whose conditions were diagnosed on the basis of anticoagulant-induced bleeding, which the authors described as the “stacked coin sign.” Radiographic signs are detectable on plain films in fewer than one third of patients. In 1964, Cocke and Meyer,l’ on the basis of data collected from the literature, reported 48 patients with retroperito- neal duodenal rupture and documented that 17 patients had posi- tive radiographic signs. These authors also pointed out that in a small percentage of patients free intraperitoneal air may exist, as was found in 3 of their 48 patients. In 1974, a similar scarcity of radiographic findings was reported by Corley and colleagues47 in 17 patients with blunt rupture of the duo- denum from nonpenetrating trauma. Three patients had free intra- peritoneal air. However, in 12 patients with penetrating trauma, free or retroperitoneal air was demonstrated on plain films of the abdo- men. These investigators suggested that positive radiographic find- ings on plain films of the abdomen are somewhat more common in patients sustaining penetrating trauma than in patients sustaining blunt trauma. This scarcity of radiographic findings has also been documented by Cleveland and Waddell”’ and by Stone and Fabian5’ In 1972, King and Provan and Toxepeus and colleagues74 noted that retroperitoneal air overlying the upper pole of the right kidney can be misinterpreted as the hepatic flexure of the colon. Toxepeus 1046 Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 22. and his coworkers stated that air in the transverse mesocolon is oc- casionally misread as a mixture of air and feces in the transverse co- lon. However, close scrutiny will reveal that the hepatic flexure is well below and distinctly separated from the air bubbles over the kidney and that the so-called transverse mesocolon appears much wider than is normal. In 1975, Lucas and Ledgerwood4’ studied 36 patients with blunt duodenal injury and stated that early suspicion of retroperitoneal duodenal rupture is best confirmed or excluded by an emergency meglumine diatrizoate (Gastrografin; Squibb) swallow. This contrast material may also be infused into a nasogastric tube with the patient lying on the right side to facilitate passage of the contrast through the pylorus into the retroperitoneal space. If no duodenal rupture is present, thin barium can then be given to outline the duodenal anatomy in greater detail. In this series, Lucas and Ledgerwood found that more than 50% of the patients had the diagnostic findings of retroperitoneal air along the upper pole of the right kidney, the right psoas muscle, or overlying the transverse colon. This study, the larg- est percentage reported of positive radiographic findings, is at vari- ance with other series described previously.16J 47S 6oJ 67 50, 66J The best method for visualizing the retroperitoneal organs without an operation is the computed tomography (CT) scan with intralumi- nal and intravascular contrast. CT scanning has also been demon- strated to have a high degree of accuracy in detecting injuries to in- traperitoneal organs. This technique detects free intraperitoneal blood. Donohue and associates75 documented the ability to quanti- tate intraperitoneal bleeding. The applicability of CT is limited to he- modynamically stable patients. CT scanning has proved capable of detecting retroperitoneal ruptures of the duodenum.75-81 Given its ability to visualize the retroperitoneal structures and to detect injuries of the solid intraperitoneal viscera and quantitate free intraperitoneal blood, some researchers have suggested that the CT scan is the diagnostic procedure of choice in stable patients with blunt abdominal trauma where retroperitoneal injury is suspected. Because of the infrequency of blunt duodenal rupture, the absolute value of CT scanning versus other diagnostic modalities in detecting injury of the duodenum remains uncertain. Most large reported se- ries were accumulated before CT scans became widely available, and studies on the use of CT scanning are just now being reported. Given its unique ability to visualize the retroperitoneal structures, CT scan- ning is likely to be the most sensitive method for detecting retroperi- toneal duodenal rupture. To our knowledge, no studies have com- pared CT scanning with the upper gastrointestinal series for diagno- sis of duodenal injury. We recommend use of the CT scan with oral and intravenous con- trast in hemodynamically stable patients who have sustained blunt Cur-r Probl Surg, November 1993 1047
  • 23. abdominal trauma as the diagnostic method of choice in patients sus- pected of having duodenal injury. If the CT scan identifies extravasa- tion of oral contrast from the duodenum associated with a retroperi- toneal hematoma, no further studies need to be undertaken. How- ever, if the CT scan is inconclusive, we recommend an upper gas- trointestinal series with Gastrografin and fluoroscopic visualization of duodenal peristalsis to confirm extravasation of contrast from the duodenum. If no extravasation is identified, thin barium is then ad- ministered, which can provide a much better delineation of duode- nal anatomy and establish the presence of duodenal hematoma. We recommend a CT scan as the first diagnostic study in patients sus- pected of having sustained duodenal or retroperitoneal injury. We make this recommendation not because we believe it to be superior to the upper gastrointestinal series but rather because it yields addi- tional information regarding intraperitoneal organs not otherwise ob- tained with the upper gastrointestinal study.82-85 Although CT scanning is thought to be the most reliable procedure to diagnose duodenal injuries, Cook and colleagues” demonstrated some pitfalls. These investigators reviewed retrospectively the medi- cal records and CT scans of 83 patients with upper abdominal trauma to determine errors in diagnosis. In three of the patients in this se- ries with subsequently surgically proven small-bowel perforations (one duodenal and two proximal jejunal), the injuries were not diag- nosed on CT scans. These authors ascertained retrospectively that positive CT findings were present in the case of duodenal rupture. Additionally, in two patients, duodenal rupture was suspected on the basis of CT findings of extraluminal gas and fluid near the duode- num, but in both patients the duodenum was normal at operation. Hofer and Cohens3 described two patients with duodenal perfora- tion resulting from blunt abdominal trauma and described CT find- ings of focal bowel wall thickening, interruption of progress of bowel contrast medium, and extraluminal gas and fluid as findings consis- tent with duodenal injury. These investigators noted that, in each pa- tient, thickening of the duodenal wall was consistent with intramu- ral edema, hematoma, or both. In neither patient did oral contrast medium reach the site of injury. They therefore concluded that to maximize CT findings of duodenal perforation radiologists must rely heavily on the use of oral contrast medium. Buckman and Asensio (unpublished data, 1990 to 1992) collected a series of four patients with retroperitoneal duodenal rupture in whom CT scan findings such as those previously described by Hofer and Cohens3 were ignored, thus leading to delayed surgical interven- tion in the management of retroperitoneal blunt ruptures of the duo- denum. These investigators suggested that any edema or hematoma of the paraduodenal/periduodenal area should be investigated ag- gressively with an upper gastrointestinal study using Gastrografin fol- 1048 Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 24. lowed by thin barium. Additionally, in patients in whom no conclu- sion could be reached from both the contrast and the CT scan stud- ies, exploratory laparotomy and retroperitoneal exploration of the duodenum should be strongly considered to rule out a duodenal in- jury. These investigators concluded that they would rather accept the minimal morbidity and mortality of a negative exploratory lapa- rotomy than risk the greater morbidity and mortality associated with a delay in the diagnosis and management of a duodenal injury. Hahn and colleaguess4 studied the possible use of magnetic reso- nance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of duodenal injury. They de- scribed two patients with duodenal hematoma in whom an MRI and CT scan were performed. In both patients, the hematoma had a well- defined concentric ring configuration on MRI, a finding that helped to establish the diagnosis. These investigators indicated that MRI may provide tissue-specific characterization of duodenal hematomas. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage, which has assumed a crucial role in the detection of intraperitoneal injuries, is equivocal and unreliable and has no value in detecting injuries to the retroperitoneal or- gans.43’ 48,85 Although some authors have found that diagnostic la- vage is positive in 50% to 70% of patients with duodenal injuries,51’86 the positivity is due to associated intraperitoneal injuries and not to the duodenal injury itself. Levinson and colleagues43 and Lucas and Ledgerwood4’ noted the unreliability of diagnostic peritoneal lavage in patients with duode- nal trauma. A positive lavage indicating intraperitoneal bleeding may trigger an operation during which a duodenal injury may be discov- ered.51’ 83 A negative diagnostic peritoneal lavage has no significance in patients suspected of having an injury to the retroperitoneal or- gans. SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF DUODENAL INJURIES Proven or suspected duodenal injury, coupled with the classic find- ings of intraabdominal injury (i.e., abdominal tenderness, guarding, rebound tenderness, or decreased bowel sounds), mandates imme- diate exploratory laparotomy. The basic resuscitative maneuvers de- scribed by the Advanced Trauma Life Support manual of the Ameri- can College of Surgeons, including early management of the airway and fluid resuscitation, should be carried out, and a sample of blood should be sent to the blood bank for type and crossmatch. If the patient’s status is such that an immediate laparotomy is warranted, type-specific or O-negative blood can be used for immediate resusci- tation.88’ ” Broad-spectrum antibiotics are then administered before the abdominal incision. We prefer the use of a second-generation cephalosporin and are in agreement with Jones and colleagues” and Curr Probl Surg November 1993 1049
  • 25. Nichols and colleaguesgl that cefoxitin provides ample coverage ini- tially. Abdominal injuries should be explored through a midline incision extending from xiphoid to pubis. Immediate control of life- threatening hemorrhage from vascular structures or parenchymatous organs such as the liver or spleen should constitute the first goals in the operation, followed by immediate control of sources of gastroin- testinal spillage. The next step in the management of abdominal trauma should consist of a thorough exploration of the abdominal cavity. The duodenum must be thoroughly explored with all four por- tions visualized directly. Findings that should increase suspicion of a duodenal injury include crepitation along the duodenal sweep, bile staining of paraduodenal tissue or a documented bile leak, or the presence of a right-sided retroperitoneal hematoma or perirenal he- matoma. The duodenum should then be mobilized by a Kocher ma- neuver, a Cattell and Braasch maneuver, or both.” These maneuvers should provide full visualization of the anterior and posterior walls of all portions of the duodenum. A word of caution to the neophyte surgeon must be added here: performance of these maneuvers in the presence of active bleeding or a large retroperitoneal hematoma can be fraught with danger. A Kocher maneuver is performed by incising the lateral peritoneal attachments of the duodenum and sweeping both the second and third portions medially using a combination of sharp and blunt dis- section. The assistant should provide gentle traction of the duodenal loop while the surgeon continues the dissection. The nasogastric tube should be advanced through the pylorus and palpated digitally while the surgeon performs the dissection. This procedure provides a guide to identify the duodenum in the midst of a large retroperito- neal hematoma and will avoid iatrogenic lacerations to the duodenal wall during dissection. Inspection of the third portion of the duode- num requires mobilization of the hepatic flexure of the colon accord- ing to the method described by Cattell and Braasch.” The retroperi- toneal attachments of the small bowel are incised sharply from the right lower quadrant to the duodenojejunal junction, and the small bowel is reflected in its entirety out of the abdominal cavity.gz This maneuver is often unnecessary, and its performance in the presence of a large retroperitoneal hematoma, especially those caused by pel- vic fractures, may lead to exsanguination. The fourth portion of the duodenum can be visualized by transecting the ligament of Treitz while avoiding injury to the inferior mesenteric vein or, again, by per- forming the Cattell and Braasch maneuver. Duodenal injuries can easily be missed and are associated with di- sastrous consequences. Massive injury, such as may occur with as- sociated vascular injuries to the aorta or vena cava, may divert the 1050 Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 26. surgeon’s attention from the duodenum. If findings such as minimal hematoma or insignificant edema are deemed trivial and disregarded, a significant duodenal injury may be missed. Thus underestimation of minimal abnormal findings and failure to explore the duodenum fully are the nemeses of the surgeon and the friends of disaster. A constant awareness that duodenal injury may be associated with minimal intraoperative findings will assure more frequent diagnosis and the avoidance of increased morbidity and mortality. After a duodenal injury is identified, its extent should be defined. Factors that have a role in its management include the number of associated injuries, especially to the pancreas and biliary tree, and the period of time that has elapsed from identification to treatment. Snyder and colleagues5’ identified several important factors that were of value in evaluating the severity of the duodenal injury. Factors such as the agent of entry, the size and site of injury, the interval from injury to repair (in hours), and an associated injury to the common bile duct proved to be statistically significant predictors of outcome. Injuries were classified as mild on the basis of the following: (1) the agent of entry consisted of a stab wound; (2) the size of injury en- compassed less than 75% of the duodenal wall; (3) the site of injury was located in the third or fourth portion of the duodenum; (4) the injury repair interval was less than 24 hours; and (5) no associated injury occurred to the common bile duct. Injuries were classified as severe on the basis of the following: (1) the agent of entry was blunt trauma or a missile; (2) the size of injury encompassed more than 75% of the duodenal wall; (3) the site of injury was located in the first or second portion of the duodenum; (4) the repair interval was greater than 24 hours; and (5) an associated injury to the common bile duct had occurred. Curiously, in this series the presence of as- sociated pancreatic injury was not found to alter morbidity and mor- tality significantly. This finding is at variance with that of other au- thors who have reported the presence of associated pancreatic in- jury to be a good predictor of increased morbidity and mortal- ity.46, 48, 93, g4 Identification of the presence or absence of such factors allows the surgeon to assess the injury fully. We recommend that all duodenal injuries be staged according to some classification scheme so that it might stratify the injuries according to severity. This recommenda- tion is made with the hope that the most simple and effective surgi- cal technique or techniques will be selected for management of the simpler injuries and that the most complex techniques will be re- served for the more challenging and severe injuries. A concise and uniformly accepted classification scheme that pre- dicts the outcome of traumatic injuries to various organs is sorely lacking in trauma surgery. Lucas and Ledgerwood”’ and Adkins and Cum- Probl Surg, November 1993 1051
  • 27. TABLE 9. Duodenum organ injury scale Grade* Injury Descriptiont I Hematoma Involving single portion of duodenum Laceration Partial thickness, no perforation II Hematoma Involv& more than one portion Laceration Disruption <SO% of circumference III Laceration Disruption 50% to 75% circumference of D2 Disruption 50% to 100% circumference of Dl, D3, D4 Iv Laceration Disruption >75% circumference of D2 Involving ampulla or‘ distal common bile duct V Laceration Massive disruption of duodenopancreatic complex Vascular Devascularization of duodenum Dz, 1st portion duod,enum; 02, 2nd portion duodenum; 03, 3rd portion duodenum; 04, 4th portion duodenum. *Advance one grade for multiple injuries to the same organ. tBa:ed on most accurate assessment at autopsy, laparoromy, or radiologic study. Keyser53 described various classification schemes indigenous to their respective trauma centers, but neither provided statistically signifi- cant predictors of outcome. We have favored the use of the Penetrating Abdominal Trauma In- dex (PATI) as described by Moore and colleagues.g5 In this index, each abdominal organ is assigned a risk factor on the basis of the known incidence of complications and each injury is graded on a scale of 1 to 5. Duodenal injuries are assigned a risk factor of 5 and are graded as follows: contusion, grade 1; injury to less than 25% of the ‘wall, grade 2; injury to 25% to 50% of the wall, grade 3; injury to more than 50% of the wall, grade 4; and ampullary injuries, grade 5. Multiplica- tion of the grade of injury by the risk factor allows for calculation of the duodenal injury score iDIS), which may serve as a quantifiable means of categorizing duodenal injuries. It then follows that the more complex surgical repair techniques would be used for injuries with higher scores. The value of this procedure for quantifying duodenal injury severity objectively was validated by Ivatury and colleagues,55 who reported 100 patients with penetrating duodenal trauma and correlated their PAT1 and DIS with immediate death. The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, along with its Organ Injury Scaling Committee, devised injury severity scores for individual organs to facilitate clinical research (Table 9). Thus far, ex- perience with the new duodenal organ injury scale is limited, al- though Cogbill and colleagues57 used this scale successfully in a co- operative multicenter trial in which they graded 164 duqdenal inju- ries. In this study, the mortality rates for classes I, II, III, IV, and V duodenal injuries were 8%, 19%) 21%, 75%) and 25%, respectively. The authors found that mortality did not correlate well with the severity of duodenal injury and concluded that anatomic features of duode- 1052 Curr Probl Sy-g, November 1993
  • 28. TABLE 10. Surgical techniques and procedures used for repair of duodenal and uancreaticoduodenal injuries Duodenorrhaphy Duodenorrhaphy with external drainage Duodenorrhaphy with tube duodenostomy Primary (through duodenum) Antegrade (through pylorusJ Retrograde (through jejunumi Triple ostomy technique (gastrostomy and antegrade and retrograde jejunostomiesl Jejunal serosal patch Jejunal mucosal patch Pedicled grafts Ileum Jejunum Stomach (gastric island) Duodenal resection Duodenoduodenostomy Duodenojejunostomy Duodenal diverticulization (vagotomy and antrectomy, gastrojejunostomy, duodenorrhaphy, T-tube drainage and external drainage) Pyloric exclusion With sutures (absorbable and nonabsorbable) Staples Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple’s procedure) nal injury represent only a part of the risk of morbidity and mortal- ity. Approximately 75% to 85% of all duodenal injuries can be repaired safely using simple surgical techniques. The surgeon must possess the technical capabilitjr to repair injuries of high severity. Many dif- ferent surgical techniques for the treatment of duodenal injuries have been described (Table 10). Basic surgical ptinciples, such as debride- ment of the duodenal injuries to viable tissues and a meticulous double-layer technique for closure approximating the innet layer us- ing fine absorbable sutures and a seromuscular closure of iriterrupted nonabsorbable Lembert sutures, should be used (Fig. 1). Duodenorrhaphy alone carries a small risk of narrowing the duo- denal lumen. Several technical points must be kept in mind to &void this problem when closing duodenal lacerations. These technical points were outlined by Kraus and Condons on the basis of the re- sults of an animal model in which they established that longitudinal duodenotomies can be closed transversely if the length of the duo- denotomy does not exceed one half of the circumference of the duo- denum (Fig. 2). These investigators recommehded that longitudinal closures be performed if the duodenotomy exceeds one haif of the circumference of the duodenum. In neither of these closures was the duodenal lumen narrowed. The authors strongly recommended Curr Probl Surg, November 1993 1053
  • 29. FIG. 1. Most duodenal lacerations can be repaired primarily after meticulous debridement of all damaged tissue. The repair can be accomplished with a double-layer closure, in- cluding an inner layer of fine running absorbable sutures encompassing the entire width of the duodenal wall followed by a second layer of fine seromuscular interrupted nonabsorb- able Lembert sutures. Meticulous attention must be paid to imbricate the duodenal mu- cosa because it tends to extrude from suture lines. (From Juan A. Asensio, MD, and Robert F. Buckman, MD, Duodenal Injuries, Shackleford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, George D. Zuidema [editor]. Volume 2, Chapter 10, Pages 104-l 17, W.B. Saunders, Phila- delphia, 1991. Reprinted by permission.) against transverse closures of transverse duodenotomies, which they consistently showed to narrow the duodenal lumen. The use of drains placed adjacent to duodenal repairs should be considered for all duodenorrhaphies. No prospective studies have ad- dressed the risk/benefit ratio. We recommend that drains be used routinely, but we strongly emphasize that this drain system should be of the closed-suction type and should not be placed directly against the suture line to avoid duodenal fistula formation. Before discussing the surgical techniques available for repair of complex duodenal injuries, a word of caution is in order. Surgical judgment is needed to select the best surgical technique for repair of particular duodenal injuries. The surgeon must consider the ana- tomic extent of the injury; the magnitude of associated injuries, es- pecially those to the biliary tree and pancreas; and the time elapsed 1054 Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 30. FIG. 2. Longitudinal duodenotomies can be closed transversely if the length of the duo- denotomy does not exceed one half the circumference of the duodenum. from injury to repair. Finally, the overall condition of the patient must be evaluated. Other points to be considered for penetrating injuries include the potential for blast effect. For blunt injuries, the degree of associated retroperitoneal and periduodenal inflammatory processes resulting from extruded duodenal contents should be assessed. Af- ter evaluating these factors, the surgeon can choose the procedures that are needed to repair or decompress the duodenum, resect de- vitalized areas, buttress the repair, or exclude the duodenum from the passage of gastric contents. Controversies surround the use of adjacent maneuvers to safeguard the duodenal closure. One of these maneuvers is the tube duode- nostomy (Fig. 3), of which the following three types exist: (1) primary, in which the tube is placed through a separate stab wound in the duodenum; (2) antegrade, in which the duodenum is decompressed by way of the passage of a tube through the pylorus; or (31 retrograde, in which the tube is passed through a jejunostomy site. Primary tube duodenostomies were first used for decompression in 1909 by New- mann” and LangenBuch”; however, the technique remained ob- scure until 1949, when Welch” described this application in patients Cur-r Probl Surg, November 1993 1055
  • 31. FIG. 3. Adjunct techniques in management of anatomically severe duodenal wounds are used to protect the anastomosis. The simplest of these techniques is a tube duodenos- tomy. This tube should be brought out through an area of uninjured duodenum rather than through the duodenal repair. Its goals are to decompress the duodenum and protect the suture line; however, a tube duodenostomy does not totally divert the stream of gastric contents. (From Juan A. Asensio, MD, and Robert F. Buckman, MD, Duodenal Injuries, Shackleford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, George D. Zuidema [editor]. Volume 2, Chap- ter 10, Pages 104-l 17, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1991. Reprinted by permission.) with tenuous duodenal closures. In 1967, Jones and colleagues1oo de- scribed a refinement of the technique by advocating use of a small (No. 10 French) Foley catheter as a decompressive vent, with its bal- loon minimally inflated with 2 to 3 ml of normal saline. In this series of 44 patients with tenuous duodenal stump closures, only two com- plications occurred. Antegrade decompression of the duodenal closure by passage of a nasogastric tube through the pylorus beyond the point of injury ap- pears to have been used first by Smith and colleagues45 in 1971 and later by McInnis and coworkers46 in 1975. Retrograde duodenostomy was first used at the Grady Memorial Hospital in 1962,50 and de- scribed in the literature by Stone and Garonil’l in 1966 (Fig. 4). Two separate tubes can be placed by way of two separate jejunal sites. The proximal tube is threaded retrograde past the duodenal junc- tion and placed on suction to decompress the duodenum while the distal tube is used as a feeding jejunostomy. This system has been termed the “suck-me, feed-me jejunostomy.” This system is also ad- 1056 Curr Probl Surg, November 1993
  • 32. FIG. 4. This variation of the tube duodenostomy adds a feeding jejunostomy for early in- stitution of enteral feeding. It has been dubbed the “suck-me, feed-me jejunostomy.” The proximal tube that acts to decompress the duodenum and protect its suture line is usually placed at a point beyond the duodenal-jejunal flexure and generally requires a longer tube such as a Baker tube. vacated by Corley and co11eagues,47 who recommend the addition of a gastrostomy tube to achieve better decompression (Fig. 5). Addition of tube decompression for duodenorrhaphy is controver- sial; opinions are strongly divided between those who staunchly sup- port its routine use, such as Corley and colleagues,47 Stone and col- leagues,50’101 and Hasson and colleagues,1o2 and those who advocate against its use, including Ivatury and co11eagues55’ lo3 and Kashuk and colleagues.104 Stone and Fabian” reported a high rate of duodenal complications in 8 of 44 duodenal wounds closed without tube de- compression, with three subsequent deaths attributed to duodenal complications before the routine use of decompressive techniques that began in 1962. These investigators reported only one duodenal Curr Probl Surg, November 1993 1067