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CoffeeScript + Backbone.js + Jasmine BDD

Who am I?
What can you expect?

• What I am doing?
• Why is CoffeeScript so awesome?
• The era before Backbone;
• Fix browser spaghetti code with Backbone;
• Be professional: with Jasmine BDD;

• You know your Javascript;
• and your JQuery;
• You developed for the web before.
What I am doing?
Fullscreen Map
No refreshes
Fullscreen Map
No refreshes

Fullscreen Map
            Geo CRUDs
            No refreshes


Rest API    Ruby on Rails
Why is CoffeeScript so
I like to choose my
I can to that on the
Javascript Only!
Javascript Only!
Too error-prone.
Semicolon insertion

return     return {
{             a: 10
   a: 10   };
Semicolon insertion

return ;   return {
{             a: 10
   a: 10   };
Global variables
function messWithGlobal() {
  a = 10;
Global variables
function messWithGlobal() {
  a = 10;

Global variables
function messWithGlobal() {
  a = 10;

Global variables
function messWithGlobal() {
  a = 10;


function messWithGlobal() {
  var a = 10;
  square = function(x) {
     return x * x;
  list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
  math = {
     root: Math.sqrt,   Too verbose!
     square: square,
     cube: function(x) {
       return x * square(x);
  race = function() {
     var runners, winner;
     winner = arguments[0], runners = 2 <=
arguments.length ?,
1) : [];
     return print(winner, runners);
Awesome platform.
“I Think Coffeescript is
   clearly good stuff”
                       Douglas Crockford

             Javascript Programming Style And Your Brain
Remember this?
return     return {
{             a: 10
   a: 10   };
return       return a: 10
  a: 10
return       return a: 10
  a: 10

  It has no semicolon!
How it fixes globals?
Never write var again!

 messWithGlobal = ->
   a = 10
Never write var again!

 messWithGlobal = ->
   a = 10

messWithGlobal = function() {
   var a;
   return a = 10;
Compiles with scope

a = 10
Compiles with scope

a = 10

(function() {
  var a;
  a = 10;
You want global?
           Go explicit!
window.messWithGlobal = ->
  a = 10
You want global?
           Go explicit!
window.messWithGlobal = ->
  a = 10

(function() {
  window.messWithGlobal = function() {
     var a;
     return a = 10;
Functions as callbacks
$('.button').click(function() {
  return alert('clicked!');
Functions as callbacks
$('.button').click(function() {
  return alert('clicked!');

$('.button').click -> alert 'clicked!'
Block by identation
 if (somethingIsTrue) {
   complexMath = 10 * 3;
Block by identation
 if (somethingIsTrue) {
   complexMath = 10 * 3;

 if somethingIsTrue
   complexMath = 10 * 3
class MyClass
  attribute: 'value'
  constructor: ->
    @objectVariable = 'Dude'

  myMethod: ->
    # this.objectVariable
class MyClass
  attribute: 'value'
  constructor: ->
    @objectVariable = 'Dude'

  myMethod: ->
    # this.objectVariable

object = new MyClass
object.objectVariable # Dude
Compiled class:
(function() {
  var MyClass;
  MyClass = (function() {
    MyClass.prototype.attribute = 'value';
    function MyClass() {
       this.objectVariable = 'Dude';
    MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function() {
       return this.objectVariable;
    return MyClass;
list = [1..5]
list = [1..5]

var list;
list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
vehicles = for i in [1..3]
vehicles = for i in [1..3]

['Vehicle1', 'Vehicle2', 'Vehicle3']
More awesomeness...
number = -42 if opposite

math =
  square:   (x) -> x * x

race = (winner, runners...) ->
  print winner, runners

alert "I knew it!" if elvis?

squares = (math.square num for num in list)
Don’t use --bare
Namespaces are cool
class namespace('views').MyView
Namespaces are cool
class namespace('views').MyView

new oncast.views.MyView()
Namespaces are cool
class namespace('views').MyView

new oncast.views.MyView()

@.namespace = (name) ->
  @.oncast ||= {}
  return @.oncast[name] ||= {} if name
  return @.oncast
No more hidden bugs
 on my client code!
CoffeeScript will make
you a better Javascript
The era before
Rails did the rendering

Rails did the rendering

$('.new').load "/cars/new", prepare

Rails did the rendering

$('.new').load "/cars/new", prepare

Rails did the rendering
                                        <input name='name'>

$('.new').load "/cars/new", prepare

Rails did the rendering
                                        <input name='name'>

$('.new').load "/cars/new", prepare


• Simple;
• Used tools we knew;
• i18n.
Coffeescript Actions

ActionActivationHandler    One active at time

EditRefAction         ListRefAction      ...
Mapped an action on
our Rail’s Controller
Action Abstraction

• Would handle the ‘remote’ rendering;
• Initialize the rich components on the
• JQuery heavy.
One Action at a time!
Difficult to keep thinks
        in sync.
Difficult to keep thinks
        in sync.
   No real state on the browser.
Slow (web 1.0)
“Not surprisingly, we're finding
  ourselves solving similar
   problems repeatedly.”
                                                          Henrik Joreteg
Fix browser spaghetti
code with Backbone.
Why Backbone?
Gives enough structure
Very lightweight
Easy to get started!
Why not GWT(for instance)?
Doesn’t hide the DOM
 You are doing real web development.
Works nicely with
Works nicely with
class Car extends Backbone.Model
Ok, but what is it?
Four Abstractions

• Collection;
• Model;
• Router;
• View;
Models / Collections
class Reference extends Backbone.Model
  urlRoot: "/references"
Models / Collections
class Reference extends Backbone.Model
  urlRoot: "/references"

class References extends Backbone.Collection
  model: Reference
  url: '/references'

        Model   Model   Model
Fetch Collection
# creates a new collection
references = new References

# fetch data asynchronously
Fetch Collection
# creates a new collection
references = new References

# fetch data asynchronously

                   id: 1
      JSON         name: "Paulo's House",
                   latitude: '10',
                   longitude: '15'
Model attributes
Model attributes
# get reference with id 1
reference = references.get 1
Model attributes
# get reference with id 1
reference = references.get 1

# get the name property of the model
name = reference.get 'name'
Model attributes
# get reference with id 1
reference = references.get 1

# get the name property of the model
name = reference.get 'name'

# change the name property of the model
reference.set name: 'new name'
Model attributes
# get reference with id 1
reference = references.get 1

# get the name property of the model
name = reference.get 'name'

# change the name property of the model
reference.set name: 'new name'

# save the model to the server
Why use model.set ?
reference.set name: 'new name'
reference.bind 'change', (name)-> alert name
reference.bind 'change', (name)-> alert name

reference.set name: 'new name'
reference.bind 'change', (name)-> alert name

reference.set name: 'new name'
class SaveButtonView extends Backbone.View
  className: 'save-button'
  tagName: 'div'
    click: '_click'

  render: ->
    $(@el).html "<input type='button'
    return @

  _click: ->
class SaveButtonView extends Backbone.View
  className: 'save-button'
  tagName: 'div'
    click: '_click'

  render: ->
    $(@el).html "<input type='button'
    return @

  _click: ->
class SaveButtonView extends Backbone.View
  className: 'save-button'
  tagName: 'div'
    click: '_click'

  render: ->
    $(@el).html "<input type='button'
    return @

  _click: ->
class SaveButtonView extends Backbone.View
  className: 'save-button'
  tagName: 'div'
    click: '_click'

  render: ->
    $(@el).html "<input type='button'
    return @

  _click: ->
class SaveButtonView extends Backbone.View
  className: 'save-button'
  tagName: 'div'
    click: '_click'

  render: ->
    $(@el).html "<input type='button'
    return @

  _click: ->
class SaveButtonView extends Backbone.View
  className: 'save-button'
  tagName: 'div'
    click: '_click'

  render: ->
    $(@el).html "<input type='button'
    return @

  _click: ->
Using a View
Using a View
# creates a new instance of the view
view = new SaveButtonView()
Using a View
# creates a new instance of the view
view = new SaveButtonView()

# render it
Using a View
# creates a new instance of the view
view = new SaveButtonView()

# render it

# append the content of the view on the doc
$('.some-div').html view.el
‘Events’ is the magic
‘Events’ is the magic
   They will keep you in sync!
View   Model

View     Model

         event changes the model

View                               Model
Click!           model.set name: 'new name'

         event changes the model

View                               Model
Click!           model.set name: 'new name'

         event changes the model

View                               Model
         event changes the view
Click!               model.set name: 'new name'

            event changes the model

View                                  Model
             event changes the view

         keeps everything in sync
class ReferencesRouter extends Backbone.Router
    'references': 'index'

  initialize: (options)->
    @listPanelView = options.listPanelView

  index: ->
class ReferencesRouter extends Backbone.Router
    'references': 'index'

  initialize: (options)->
    @listPanelView = options.listPanelView

  index: ->
class ReferencesRouter extends Backbone.Router
    'references': 'index'

  initialize: (options)->
    @listPanelView = options.listPanelView

  index: ->
This is just the basics!
Lessons Learned
DOM is not always
  your friend!
DOM is not always
         your friend!
# will be 0 unless it is attached to the
# document
Always do

$('.some-div').html view.el
Always return this.
Always return this.
new SaveButtonView().highlight().render().el
Routers should only
Routers should only
index: ->
You don’t need an
Action abstraction!!!
The View will represent
 one model/collection
Broken events
# append the view's element to the document
$('.div').append view.el

# remove it

# add it again
$('.div').append view.el

   View events (click, change) will no longer work.
class Posts extends Backbone.Collection
  url: "/posts"

  getOrFetch: (id) ->
    if @get(id)
      post = @get id
      post = new Post { id : id }
      @add post

Backbone.View::fetch = (options={})->
  return @ unless (@collection || @model)

   complete: =>

 (@collection || @model).fetch options

  return @
Backbone.View::fetch = (options={})->
  return @ unless (@collection || @model)

   complete: =>

 (@collection || @model).fetch options

  return @
Lazy fetching
class LazyFetchView extends Backbone.View
  render: ->
    if @model.isFullyFetched()
      # if the data is ready we render it
      $(@el).html ...
      # otherwise we fetch the data
      # rendering the loading indicator
    return @
Be professional: with
   Jasmine BDD.
Why Jasmine?
rspec like!
given a delete button view
when the user clicks the view
then it should delete the model
              given a delete button view
              when the user clicks the view
              then it should delete the model

describe 'DeleteButtonView', ->

 context 'when the user clicks the view', =>

   it 'should delete the model'
describe 'DeleteButton', ->

 context 'when the user clicks the view', =>

   it 'should delete the model'
describe 'DeleteButton', ->

 context 'when the user clicks the view', =>

   it 'should delete the model', =>
describe 'DeleteButton', ->

 context 'when the user clicks the view', =>

   it 'should delete the model', =>

describe 'DeleteButton', ->
  beforeEach =>
    @model = new Backbone.Model
    @deleteButton = new DeleteButton(model: @model)

 context 'when the user clicks the view', =>

   it 'should delete the model', =>
describe 'DeleteButton', ->
  beforeEach =>
    @model = new Backbone.Model
    @deleteButton = new DeleteButton(model: @model)

 context 'when the user clicks the view', =>
   beforeEach =>
     sinon.spy @model, 'delete'

   it 'should delete the model', =>
describe 'DeleteButton', ->
  beforeEach =>
    @model = new Backbone.Model
    @deleteButton = new DeleteButton(model: @model)

 context 'when the user clicks the view', =>
   beforeEach =>
     sinon.spy @model, 'delete'


   it 'should delete the model', =>
Run it headless!


Further reading

So long and thanks for
      all the fish!

Contenu connexe


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Notes de l'éditeur

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