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S. Vignes, Unité de Lymphologie,
Hôpital Cognacq Jay, Paris
Que faire devant l’apparition
d’un lymphœdème du MS ?
•  Délai d’apparition variable :
post-op. è 20-30 ans après…
•  FDR : curage axillaire, RT,
obésité, réduction activité
physique, mastectomie
•  S’assurer du suivi oncologique
surtout si douleurs, déficit
•  Echo-Doppler veineux éventuel
Lymphœdèmes primaires
•  Membre inférieur +++
•  Formes sporadiques (1/6000)
–  sex ratio : 8 F / 2 H
–  âge < 25 ans (après 35 ans : rare)
•  Atteinte
–  unilatérale : tout le membre
–  bilatérale distale : sous gonale
•  Maladie de Milroy : formes
familiales congénitale, mutation
Kinmonth JB et al. Br J Surg 1957;45:1
LO secondaires des MI
•  Atteinte aires ganglionnaires inguinales
–  biopsie, exérèse
–  maladies malignes : mélanome
MI, cancer marge anale, verge,
–  lymphomes non hodgkiniens ou
de Hodgkin: biopsie ou radioT
•  Atteintes aires ganglionnaires
–  cancer utérin (col, corps),
–  cancer de la prostate, vessie, rectum
Lymphœdème : signes cliniques
•  Diagnostic clinique
•  Œdème élastique du dos du pied
•  Accentuation des plis de flexions
•  Signe de Stemmer
•  Orteils "carrés", papillomatose
des orteils
•  Tendance des ongles à être
Szuba A & Rockson S. Vasc Med 1997;2:321
Physiopathologie du lymphœdème
Eliminer les autres diagnostics
•  Rénaux : protéinurie
•  Cardiaques : échographie
•  Compressions abdominales ou
pelviennes (sujet > 40 ans)
–  échographie
–  voire scanner
•  Echo-doppler veineux MI
•  Aucun examen n’est
Lymphoscintigraphie MI
•  Examen
–  simple
–  peu invasif
–  reproductible
•  Possible chez l'enfant
•  Colloïdes résorbés par le système
lymphatique (sulfocolloïde de rhénium ou
•  Etude morphologique
•  Et non lymphangite
•  Principale complication :
risque × 71 / membre sain
•  Clinique
–  signes généraux ++++
(fièvre brutale, frissons,
parfois vomissements,…)
–  PUIS signes locaux
•  Traitement : 10-14 j
–  amoxicilline, 3 g/j en 3 prises ou
–  pristinamycine, 3 g/j en 3 prises
•  Interdits : AINS, corticoïdes +++
•  Non indiqués : anticoagulants
•  Reprise le plus tôt possible de la compression
Becq-Giraudon B. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2001;128:368
•  Traitements porte entrée si retrouvée
–  intertrigo interdigital : Mycoster®, et Tt
chaussures (poudre)
–  fissures talon (pédicurie, hydratation)
•  Récidives fréquentes (2-3/an)
–  antibioprophylaxie : Extencilline®, 2,4
MUI/2 (3) semaines IM, avec 1 ml de
Xylocaïne®, 1 ml à 1% voire Oracilline® (2/j
en deux prises)
–  si « allergie » : tests cutanés et
réintroduction +++
–  tolérance dépendante de l’IDE
–  durée prolongée : 18-24 mois voire plus
–  effet suspensif ++++
Diagnostic différentiel :
•  Terme anglo-saxon "lipedema",
décrit en 1940 chez 5 femmes obèses,
débutant à partir de la puberté (<1% :
•  Définition : accumulation de tissus
adipeux du bassin jusqu'aux chevilles
•  Touchant presque exclusivement
femmes obèses : entité plutôt que
Allen EV et al. Proc Staff Mayo Clin 1940;15:1984
Harwood CA et al. Br J Dermatol 1996;134:1
•  Terme peu approprié car pas
d'œdème vrai sauf après
•  Autres dénominations utilisées
dans la littérature :
"lipodystrophy", "painful fat
•  Confusion fréquente avec le
lymphœdème des MI
Lipœdème : signes cliniques
•  Critères diagnostiques lipœdème
•  Début à la puberté, avant 20 ans
•  Atteinte familiale fréquente (≈
50%), (mère, grand-mère, sœur)
•  Atteinte MI
–  bilatérale parfois asymétrique :
–  épargnant le pied (mais atteinte
après une longue évolution ?)
Wold LE. Ann Intern Med 1949;34:1243
Lipœdème : signes cliniques
•  Gêne à la marche si volume
•  Peau
–  souple
–  pincement douloureux
–  douleurs superficielles : ↑
avec âge
–  ecchymoses faciles (bleus)
Lipœdème : signes cliniques
•  Œdème
–  absent au repos
–  apparaissant après longue période
orthostatisme, prenant le godet :
modérés, ↑ lourdeurs
•  Signes associés d'insuffisance veineuse
•  Evolution vers un lipo-lymphœdème
avec atteinte du pied, érysipèle,…
Traitement du lipœdème
•  Mais entité > maladie
•  Difficile, non codifié
•  Demande importante : caractère
inesthétique MI, insistance femmes
•  Perte de poids : peu d'effet sur la
morphologie MI, à la ≠ reste corps,
reste essentielle pour éviter
complications locales de l'obésité
(gonarthrose, insuf. veineuse)
Traitement du lipœdème
•  Objectif : compression des MI
•  Traitement lymphœdème : inefficace
•  Compression élastique
–  morphologie : difficulté enfilage,
utilisation difficile, ↓ souplesse
–  tolérance ± bonne (plis cheville, pied)
–  principal intérêt : œdème après
•  Hydratation de la peau
•  Natation, aquagym ++++
•  Liposuccion possible
Traitements des varices et
Positionnement du problème
Intrication de trois questions
1.  Stripping interdit en cas de
lymphœdème ?
2.  Déclenchement d’un
lymphœdème après stripping
3.  Distinction du stripping des
autres traitements de l’IVC
Insuffisance veineuse et lymphœdème
•  Association très rare
•  Ne pas confondre avec l’IVC,
stade C3-C6 (œdème), avec le
•  Lymphœdème secondaires
–  après traitement des
–  femmes > 50 ans
Insuffisance veineuse et lymphœdème
•  Lymphœdème primaire
–  femmes jeunes
–  atteinte distale bilatérale,
ou unilatérale complète
•  Excepté en présence d’une
mutation du gène FOXC2
Traitement des lymphœdèmes MI
Compression élastique
•  Pression élevée : classe 3
(20-36 mmHg), 4 (>36 mmHg)
•  Superposition de compression
très fréquente : 3+3, 3+4,
è Quelle place reste-t-il au
traitement de l’IVC ?
Traitement de l’IVC
•  Risque : aggraver le lymphœdème
•  Thérapeutiques et non
•  Indications rares car compression
•  Une méthode est-elle préférable à
une autre: stripping, traitement
endoveineux, scléroses ?
•  261 patients de 1989 à 1997
–  lymphœdème : 68
–  lipo-lymphœdème : 103
–  lipœdème : 90
•  Stripping, ligatures saphènes, phlébectomies
•  Lymphœdème (appréciation subjective)
–  aggravation : 71%
–  stabilité : 28%
–  amélioration : 1%
Risque de lymphœdème après stripping
•  4,5% des lymphœdèmes: après
stripping ou phlébectomies (Brunner
U. Phlebol u Protokol 1975;4:266)
•  63% : anomalies lymphatiques
scintigraphiques après stripping
(Timi JR et al. Revista Panamerica de Flebologia y Linfologia
•  Risque de complications non pré-
existantes: érysipèles (Fischer R & Frü G.
Phlebol 1991;20;9)
Lymphatic complications after varicose veins surgery:
risk factors and how to avoid them
P Pittaluga*† and S Chastanet*†
*Riviera Vein Institut, Nice, France; †
Riviera Vein Institut, Monte Carlo, Monaco
Introduction: Lymphatic complication (LC) after varicose veins (VVs) surgery is an annoying
event with a variable frequency in the literature.
Method: Retrospective study reviewing all surgeries carried out for VVs from January 2000 to
October 2010. Postoperative LC we reported: lymphatic fistula, lymphocele including the
minor ones and lymphoedema.
Results: During the period studied, 5407 surgical procedures for VVs were performed in 3407
patients (74.7% women) with a mean age of 53.4 years. A postoperative LC occurred in 118
cases (2.2%): lymphocele on limb in 1.3%, inguinal LC (fistula or lymphocele) in 0.7% and a
lymphoedema in 0.2%. The population with a LC was older (59.6 vs. 53.3 years, P , 0.05),
had a higher frequency of C4–C6 (22.0% vs. 6.5%, P , 0.05), a higher incidence of obesity
(31.4% vs. 5.4%, P , 0.05) and was more often treated by a redo surgery or a crossectomy
stripping (48.3% vs. 13.4% and 38.1% vs. 21.8%, respectively, P , 0.05). We have observed
a dramatic decrease in incidence of LC after January 2004 (1.3% vs. 5.3%, P , 0.05)
corresponding to a new surgical practice for the treatment of VVs: stripping, crossectomy
and redo surgery at the groin were less frequent (74.6% vs. 7.7%, 74.6% vs. 0.2% and
11.3% vs. 0.1%, respectively, P , 0.05), while isolated phlebectomy was more often
performed during this period (78.4% vs. 8.4%, P , 0.05).
Conclusion: LC after VVs surgery is not rare but frequently limited to lymphocele on limbs.
Older age, more advanced clinical stage and obesity were associated with a higher frequency
of LC. A mini-invasive and selective surgery has significantly reduced the occurrence of LC.
Keywords: varicose vein; varicose vein surgery; lymphatic complication; lymphocele;
lymphodema; lymphatic fistula; risk factors
perative data (demographics, signs, symptoms,
body mass index [BMI]), the preoperative venous
haemodynamics (presence and location of venous
anuary 2012
DOI: 10.1258/phleb.2012.012S12. Phlebology 2012;27 Suppl 1:139–142
To evaluate the possible preoperative risk factors
for the appearance of LC after surgery we com-
pared the data of the patients with LC (118 cases)
with those without LC complications (5289 cases)
(Table 3). For the group in which an LC occurred
after the surgery the mean age was older (59.6%
vs. 53.3%, P , 0.05), the frequency of C4–C6 was
higher (22.0% vs. 6.5%, P , 0.05), the average BMI
Table 1 Lymphatic complications after varicose veins surgery
Lymphatic complications %
Total 118 2.2
Lymphocele on lower limbs 68 1.3
Inguinal lymphocele or fistula 37 0.7
Lymphoedema 13 0.2
1.  Etude rétrospective de janvier 2000 à octobre
2.  5407 patients
At last, a preoperative skin marking guided by
ultrasounds was performed in 82.4% after January
2004 and only in 20.9% before.
Our study showed that an LC after surgery for VVs
was not rare, occurring in 2.2% after the surgical
Table 3 Comparison of population with and without a lymphatic
complication after varicose veins surgery
No lymph.
118 5289
Age (average
59.6 53.3 ,0.0001
Female 75.4% 74.9% NS
C4–C6 22.0% 6.5% ,0.05
70.3% 70.1% NS
Average BMI 28.7 23.9 ,0.05
BMI . 30 31.4% 5.4% ,0.05
BMI, body mass index; NS, non-significant
Lymphatic complications after varicose veins surgery:
risk factors and how to avoid them
P Pittaluga*† and S Chastanet*†
*Riviera Vein Institut, Nice, France; †
Riviera Vein Institut, Monte Carlo, Monaco
Introduction: Lymphatic complication (LC) after varicose veins (VVs) surgery is an annoying
event with a variable frequency in the literature.
Method: Retrospective study reviewing all surgeries carried out for VVs from January 2000 to
October 2010. Postoperative LC we reported: lymphatic fistula, lymphocele including the
minor ones and lymphoedema.
Results: During the period studied, 5407 surgical procedures for VVs were performed in 3407
patients (74.7% women) with a mean age of 53.4 years. A postoperative LC occurred in 118
cases (2.2%): lymphocele on limb in 1.3%, inguinal LC (fistula or lymphocele) in 0.7% and a
lymphoedema in 0.2%. The population with a LC was older (59.6 vs. 53.3 years, P , 0.05),
had a higher frequency of C4–C6 (22.0% vs. 6.5%, P , 0.05), a higher incidence of obesity
(31.4% vs. 5.4%, P , 0.05) and was more often treated by a redo surgery or a crossectomy
stripping (48.3% vs. 13.4% and 38.1% vs. 21.8%, respectively, P , 0.05). We have observed
a dramatic decrease in incidence of LC after January 2004 (1.3% vs. 5.3%, P , 0.05)
corresponding to a new surgical practice for the treatment of VVs: stripping, crossectomy
and redo surgery at the groin were less frequent (74.6% vs. 7.7%, 74.6% vs. 0.2% and
11.3% vs. 0.1%, respectively, P , 0.05), while isolated phlebectomy was more often
performed during this period (78.4% vs. 8.4%, P , 0.05).
Conclusion: LC after VVs surgery is not rare but frequently limited to lymphocele on limbs.
Older age, more advanced clinical stage and obesity were associated with a higher frequency
of LC. A mini-invasive and selective surgery has significantly reduced the occurrence of LC.
Keywords: varicose vein; varicose vein surgery; lymphatic complication; lymphocele;
lymphodema; lymphatic fistula; risk factors
perative data (demographics, signs, symptoms,
body mass index [BMI]), the preoperative venous
haemodynamics (presence and location of venous
nuary 2012
DOI: 10.1258/phleb.2012.012S12. Phlebology 2012;27 Suppl 1:139–142
procedures. Nevertheless, in the wide majority of
he cases the LC was minor, represented by a
able 4 Comparison of the frequency of different types of lym-
hatic complication in obese (BMI . 30) and non-obese patients
Obese Non-obese P Ratio
N 324 5083
ymphocele on limb 4.0% 1.1% ,0.05 3.6
nguinal complication 5.9% 0.4% ,0.05 14.7
ymphoedema 1.5% 0.2% ,0.05 7.5
MI, body mass index
Table 6 Comparison of postoperative lymphatic complications and
procedures carried out before and after 2004 for the treatment of
varicose veins
2004 (%)
After January
2004 (%)
Lymphatic complications 5.3 1.3 ,0.05
Strippingþcrossectomy 74.6 0.2 ,0.05
Redo surgery at the groin 11.3 0.1 ,0.05
Endovascular or mini-
invasive ablation
0.0 7.7 ,0.05
Isolated phlebectomy 8.4 92.3 ,0.05
Preoperative skin marking 20.9 82.4 ,0.05
Pittaluga and S Chastanet. Lymphatic complications after varicose veins surgery Original article
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the
treatments of varicose veins
M. Hassan Murad, MD, MPH,a,b,c
Fernando Coto-Yglesias, MD,a,d
Magaly Zumaeta-Garcia, MD,a
Mohamed B. Elamin, MBBS,a
Murali K. Duggirala, MD,a,c
Patricia J. Erwin, MLS,a
Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc,a,c,e
and Peter Gloviczki, MD,f
Rochester, Minn; and San José, Costa Rica
Objectives: Several treatment options exist for varicose veins. In this review we summarize the available evidence derived
from comparative studies about the relative safety and efficacy of these treatments.
Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Embase, Current Contents, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
(CENTRAL) expert files, and the reference section of included articles. Eligible studies compared two or more of the
available treatments (surgery, liquid or foam sclerotherapy, laser, radiofrequency ablations, or conservative therapy
with compression stockings). Two independent reviewers determined study eligibility and extracted descriptive,
methodologic, and outcome data. We used random-effects meta-analysis to pool relative risks (RR) and 95%
confidence intervals (CI) across studies.
Results: We found 39 eligible studies (30 were randomized trials) enrolling 8285 participants. Surgery was associated with
a nonsignificant reduction in the risk of varicose vein recurrence compared with liquid sclerotherapy (RR, 0.56; 95% CI,
0.29-1.06) and all endoluminal interventions (RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.37-1.07). Studies of laser and radiofrequency
ablation and foam sclerotherapy demonstrated short-term effectiveness and safety. The quality of evidence presented in
this review was limited by imprecision (small number of events), short-term follow-up, and indirectness (use of surrogate
Conclusion: Low-quality evidence supports long-term safety and efficacy of surgery for the treatment of varicose veins.
Short-term studies support the efficacy of less invasive treatments, which are associated with less periprocedural disability
and pain. (J Vasc Surg 2011;53:49S-65S.)
Approximately one-third of men and women aged 18
to 64 years have varicose veins.1
The high prevalence leads
to significant health care expenditure on treatments of
knowledge, no contemporary systematic synthesis is ava
able to compare all available treatments.
The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) partnered wi
fidence intervals (CI) across studies.
ults: We found 39 eligible studies (30 were randomized trials) enrolling 8285 participants. Su
onsignificant reduction in the risk of varicose vein recurrence compared with liquid sclerothe
9-1.06) and all endoluminal interventions (RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.37-1.07). Studies of l
ation and foam sclerotherapy demonstrated short-term effectiveness and safety. The quality
s review was limited by imprecision (small number of events), short-term follow-up, and indir
nclusion: Low-quality evidence supports long-term safety and efficacy of surgery for the tre
ort-term studies support the efficacy of less invasive treatments, which are associated with less
d pain. (J Vasc Surg 2011;53:49S-65S.)
proximately one-third of men and women aged 18
ears have varicose veins.1
The high prevalence leads
ificant health care expenditure on treatments of
e veins.2
Surgical treatment of varicose veins in-
high ligation and saphenous vein stripping, with or
t phlebectomy; until the past few years, this proce-
ad been used most commonly by surgeons world-
However, several other less invasive treatment
ties that are claimed to be as effective as surgery are
ly available, including radiofrequency or laser abla-
the great (GSV) or small saphenous veins (SSV), or
knowledge, no contemporary s
able to compare all available tre
The Society for Vascular Su
the American Venous Forum
practice guidelines to improve
venous disease. To assist in ven
the SVS and the AVF commi
systematic review and meta-ana
available evidence about the
different treatments of varicose
Table II. Commonly reported adverse events
Surgery Sclerotherapy Laser ablation Radiofrequency ablation Foam therapy
● Wound infection,
● Skin staining or
necrosis, 3%
● Purpura/bruising,
● Saphenous nerve
paresthesia, 13%
● Contusion,
hematoma, 61%
● Sural or saphenous
nerve injury, 10%-
● Superficial phlebitis,
● Erythema, 33% ● Superficial phlebitis,
● Skin pigmentation,
● Hematoma, 31% ● Hyperpigmentation,
● Hematoma, 7% ● Headache, 11%
● Superficial phlebitis,
● Hypopigmentation, 2% ● Thermal skin injury, 7%
● Blistering/sloughing,
● Paresthesia, Ͻ1%
● Scaring, 13% ● Leg edema, Ͻ1%
● Telangiectatic matting,
● Edema, 15%
● Paresthesia, 1%-2%
● Superficial phlebitis, 6%
May Supplement 201162S Murad et al
•  Informer par écrit les patients du
risque d’aggravation du
lymphœdème (May R. Angio 1981;5:265)
•  Facteurs favorisants : obésité,
âge, C4-C6
•  Indications formelles d’un
traitement de l’IVC (avec la compression)
•  Si doute persistant avant un
geste : lymphoscintigraphie
Traitement des lymphœdèmes
Traitements des lymphœdèmes
•  Bandages peu élastiques (contention)
•  Compression élastique
•  Drainages lymphatiques manuels
•  Exercices sous bandages
•  Auto-apprentissage des bandages
•  Education
•  Soins cutanés locaux
Buts du traitement des lymphœdèmes
1.  Réduction de volume : phase
–  hospitalière ou ambulatoire
–  bandages peu élastiques
2.  Maintien du volume réduit : phase
"d'entretien" en ambulatoire
–  compression élastique et
–  bandages (fréquence plus faible)
Réduction de volume :
bandages monotypes peu élastiques
•  Bandes à allongement court < 100%
(Partsch H, et al. Dermatol Surg 2006;32:224)
•  Bandages multicouches (2-4) MAIS
monotypes (≠ pathologies vasculaires)
•  Intérêt : pression de repos faible mais
forte en mvt (gymnastique, marche, vélo)
•  Effet contensif >>> compressif
Harris SR et al. Lymphology 2001;34:84
Cohen SR et al. Cancer 2001;92:980
Lymphoedema Framework. Best practice for the management of
lymphoedema. International consensus. London: MEP Ltd, 2006
Drainages lymphatiques manuels
•  Nombreuses techniques : Vodder,
Foldi, Leduc, Ferrandez, Schiltz†, de
Micas (
•  Qu’en attendre ?
–  court terme :
ü  sensation d’allègement,
ü  ↓ tension cutanée
ü  effet relaxant
–  long terme : effet ≈ 0 sur volume
si utilisés seuls
Badger C et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004
MacNeely M et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2004
Vignes S et al. Breast Cancer Breast Treat 2007
Drainages lymphatiques manuels
•  Drainages lymphatiques manuels
– petite synergie avec les
bandages peu élastiques
– utiles dans les LO proximaux
(sein, thorax)
– utile phase intensive, facultatif
phase d'entretien
Badger C et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004;3:CD003141
Harris SR et al. Lymphology 2001;34:84
Lymphoedema Framework. Best practice for the management of
lymphoedema. International consensus. London: MEP Ltd, 2006
Compression élastique
Compression et
Classes élevées: 3, 4
Bas cuisse > chaussettes
Pieds fermés
Superposition MI

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En vedette

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Similaire à Soirée dr vignes lymphoedeme 23mai2013

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Soirée dr vignes lymphoedeme 23mai2013

  • 1. Lymphœdèmes S. Vignes, Unité de Lymphologie, Hôpital Cognacq Jay, Paris
  • 2. Que faire devant l’apparition d’un lymphœdème du MS ? •  Délai d’apparition variable : post-op. è 20-30 ans après… •  FDR : curage axillaire, RT, obésité, réduction activité physique, mastectomie •  S’assurer du suivi oncologique surtout si douleurs, déficit sensitif/moteur •  Echo-Doppler veineux éventuel
  • 3. Lymphœdèmes primaires •  Membre inférieur +++ •  Formes sporadiques (1/6000) –  sex ratio : 8 F / 2 H –  âge < 25 ans (après 35 ans : rare) •  Atteinte –  unilatérale : tout le membre –  bilatérale distale : sous gonale •  Maladie de Milroy : formes familiales congénitale, mutation VEGFR-3 Kinmonth JB et al. Br J Surg 1957;45:1
  • 4. LO secondaires des MI •  Atteinte aires ganglionnaires inguinales –  biopsie, exérèse –  maladies malignes : mélanome MI, cancer marge anale, verge, vulve,… –  lymphomes non hodgkiniens ou de Hodgkin: biopsie ou radioT •  Atteintes aires ganglionnaires pelviennes –  cancer utérin (col, corps), ovaires –  cancer de la prostate, vessie, rectum
  • 5. Lymphœdème : signes cliniques •  Diagnostic clinique •  Œdème élastique du dos du pied •  Accentuation des plis de flexions •  Signe de Stemmer •  Orteils "carrés", papillomatose des orteils •  Tendance des ongles à être verticalisés
  • 6. Szuba A & Rockson S. Vasc Med 1997;2:321 Physiopathologie du lymphœdème
  • 8. Eliminer les autres diagnostics •  Rénaux : protéinurie •  Cardiaques : échographie •  Compressions abdominales ou pelviennes (sujet > 40 ans) –  échographie –  voire scanner •  Echo-doppler veineux MI •  Aucun examen n’est indispensable
  • 9. Lymphoscintigraphie MI •  Examen –  simple –  peu invasif –  reproductible •  Possible chez l'enfant •  Colloïdes résorbés par le système lymphatique (sulfocolloïde de rhénium ou d'albumine) •  Etude morphologique
  • 10. Erysipèle •  Et non lymphangite •  Principale complication : risque × 71 / membre sain •  Clinique –  signes généraux ++++ (fièvre brutale, frissons, parfois vomissements,…) –  PUIS signes locaux
  • 11. Erysipèle •  Traitement : 10-14 j –  amoxicilline, 3 g/j en 3 prises ou –  pristinamycine, 3 g/j en 3 prises (Pyostacine®) •  Interdits : AINS, corticoïdes +++ •  Non indiqués : anticoagulants •  Reprise le plus tôt possible de la compression Becq-Giraudon B. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2001;128:368
  • 12. Erysipèle •  Traitements porte entrée si retrouvée –  intertrigo interdigital : Mycoster®, et Tt chaussures (poudre) –  fissures talon (pédicurie, hydratation) •  Récidives fréquentes (2-3/an) –  antibioprophylaxie : Extencilline®, 2,4 MUI/2 (3) semaines IM, avec 1 ml de Xylocaïne®, 1 ml à 1% voire Oracilline® (2/j en deux prises) –  si « allergie » : tests cutanés et réintroduction +++ –  tolérance dépendante de l’IDE –  durée prolongée : 18-24 mois voire plus –  effet suspensif ++++
  • 14. Lipœdème •  Terme anglo-saxon "lipedema", décrit en 1940 chez 5 femmes obèses, débutant à partir de la puberté (<1% : homme) •  Définition : accumulation de tissus adipeux du bassin jusqu'aux chevilles •  Touchant presque exclusivement femmes obèses : entité plutôt que maladie Allen EV et al. Proc Staff Mayo Clin 1940;15:1984 Harwood CA et al. Br J Dermatol 1996;134:1
  • 15. Lipœdème •  Terme peu approprié car pas d'œdème vrai sauf après orthostatisme •  Autres dénominations utilisées dans la littérature : "lipodystrophy", "painful fat syndrome" •  Confusion fréquente avec le lymphœdème des MI
  • 16. Lipœdème : signes cliniques •  Critères diagnostiques lipœdème •  Début à la puberté, avant 20 ans •  Atteinte familiale fréquente (≈ 50%), (mère, grand-mère, sœur) •  Atteinte MI –  bilatérale parfois asymétrique : cuisse –  épargnant le pied (mais atteinte après une longue évolution ?) Wold LE. Ann Intern Med 1949;34:1243
  • 17. Lipœdème : signes cliniques •  Gêne à la marche si volume important •  Peau –  souple –  pincement douloureux ("cellulalgies") –  douleurs superficielles : ↑ avec âge –  ecchymoses faciles (bleus)
  • 18. Lipœdème : signes cliniques •  Œdème –  absent au repos –  apparaissant après longue période orthostatisme, prenant le godet : modérés, ↑ lourdeurs •  Signes associés d'insuffisance veineuse favorisés •  Evolution vers un lipo-lymphœdème avec atteinte du pied, érysipèle,…
  • 19. Traitement du lipœdème •  Mais entité > maladie •  Difficile, non codifié •  Demande importante : caractère inesthétique MI, insistance femmes jeunes •  Perte de poids : peu d'effet sur la morphologie MI, à la ≠ reste corps, reste essentielle pour éviter complications locales de l'obésité (gonarthrose, insuf. veineuse)
  • 20. Traitement du lipœdème •  Objectif : compression des MI •  Traitement lymphœdème : inefficace •  Compression élastique –  morphologie : difficulté enfilage, utilisation difficile, ↓ souplesse –  tolérance ± bonne (plis cheville, pied) –  principal intérêt : œdème après orthostatisme •  Hydratation de la peau •  Natation, aquagym ++++ •  Liposuccion possible
  • 21. Traitements des varices et lymphœdèmes
  • 22. Positionnement du problème Intrication de trois questions 1.  Stripping interdit en cas de lymphœdème ? 2.  Déclenchement d’un lymphœdème après stripping 3.  Distinction du stripping des autres traitements de l’IVC
  • 23. Insuffisance veineuse et lymphœdème •  Association très rare •  Ne pas confondre avec l’IVC, stade C3-C6 (œdème), avec le lipœdème •  Lymphœdème secondaires –  après traitement des cancers –  femmes > 50 ans
  • 24. Insuffisance veineuse et lymphœdème •  Lymphœdème primaire –  femmes jeunes –  atteinte distale bilatérale, ou unilatérale complète •  Excepté en présence d’une mutation du gène FOXC2
  • 25. Traitement des lymphœdèmes MI Compression élastique •  Pression élevée : classe 3 (20-36 mmHg), 4 (>36 mmHg) •  Superposition de compression très fréquente : 3+3, 3+4, 4+4… è Quelle place reste-t-il au traitement de l’IVC ?
  • 26. Traitement de l’IVC •  Risque : aggraver le lymphœdème •  Thérapeutiques et non esthétiques •  Indications rares car compression fortes •  Une méthode est-elle préférable à une autre: stripping, traitement endoveineux, scléroses ?
  • 27. •  261 patients de 1989 à 1997 –  lymphœdème : 68 –  lipo-lymphœdème : 103 –  lipœdème : 90 •  Stripping, ligatures saphènes, phlébectomies •  Lymphœdème (appréciation subjective) –  aggravation : 71% –  stabilité : 28% –  amélioration : 1%
  • 28. Risque de lymphœdème après stripping •  4,5% des lymphœdèmes: après stripping ou phlébectomies (Brunner U. Phlebol u Protokol 1975;4:266) •  63% : anomalies lymphatiques scintigraphiques après stripping (Timi JR et al. Revista Panamerica de Flebologia y Linfologia 1988;31:17) •  Risque de complications non pré- existantes: érysipèles (Fischer R & Frü G. Phlebol 1991;20;9)
  • 29. Lymphatic complications after varicose veins surgery: risk factors and how to avoid them P Pittaluga*† and S Chastanet*† *Riviera Vein Institut, Nice, France; † Riviera Vein Institut, Monte Carlo, Monaco Abstract Introduction: Lymphatic complication (LC) after varicose veins (VVs) surgery is an annoying event with a variable frequency in the literature. Method: Retrospective study reviewing all surgeries carried out for VVs from January 2000 to October 2010. Postoperative LC we reported: lymphatic fistula, lymphocele including the minor ones and lymphoedema. Results: During the period studied, 5407 surgical procedures for VVs were performed in 3407 patients (74.7% women) with a mean age of 53.4 years. A postoperative LC occurred in 118 cases (2.2%): lymphocele on limb in 1.3%, inguinal LC (fistula or lymphocele) in 0.7% and a lymphoedema in 0.2%. The population with a LC was older (59.6 vs. 53.3 years, P , 0.05), had a higher frequency of C4–C6 (22.0% vs. 6.5%, P , 0.05), a higher incidence of obesity (31.4% vs. 5.4%, P , 0.05) and was more often treated by a redo surgery or a crossectomy stripping (48.3% vs. 13.4% and 38.1% vs. 21.8%, respectively, P , 0.05). We have observed a dramatic decrease in incidence of LC after January 2004 (1.3% vs. 5.3%, P , 0.05) corresponding to a new surgical practice for the treatment of VVs: stripping, crossectomy and redo surgery at the groin were less frequent (74.6% vs. 7.7%, 74.6% vs. 0.2% and 11.3% vs. 0.1%, respectively, P , 0.05), while isolated phlebectomy was more often performed during this period (78.4% vs. 8.4%, P , 0.05). Conclusion: LC after VVs surgery is not rare but frequently limited to lymphocele on limbs. Older age, more advanced clinical stage and obesity were associated with a higher frequency of LC. A mini-invasive and selective surgery has significantly reduced the occurrence of LC. Keywords: varicose vein; varicose vein surgery; lymphatic complication; lymphocele; lymphodema; lymphatic fistula; risk factors perative data (demographics, signs, symptoms, body mass index [BMI]), the preoperative venous haemodynamics (presence and location of venous om anuary 2012 DOI: 10.1258/phleb.2012.012S12. Phlebology 2012;27 Suppl 1:139–142 To evaluate the possible preoperative risk factors for the appearance of LC after surgery we com- pared the data of the patients with LC (118 cases) with those without LC complications (5289 cases) (Table 3). For the group in which an LC occurred after the surgery the mean age was older (59.6% vs. 53.3%, P , 0.05), the frequency of C4–C6 was higher (22.0% vs. 6.5%, P , 0.05), the average BMI O w Ta co A Fe C Pr A BM BM Table 1 Lymphatic complications after varicose veins surgery Lymphatic complications % Total 118 2.2 Lymphocele on lower limbs 68 1.3 Inguinal lymphocele or fistula 37 0.7 Lymphoedema 13 0.2 1.  Etude rétrospective de janvier 2000 à octobre 2010 2.  5407 patients
  • 30. At last, a preoperative skin marking guided by ultrasounds was performed in 82.4% after January 2004 and only in 20.9% before. Discussion Our study showed that an LC after surgery for VVs was not rare, occurring in 2.2% after the surgical Table 3 Comparison of population with and without a lymphatic complication after varicose veins surgery Lymphatic complication No lymph. complication P 118 5289 Age (average years) 59.6 53.3 ,0.0001 Female 75.4% 74.9% NS C4–C6 22.0% 6.5% ,0.05 Preop symptomatic 70.3% 70.1% NS Average BMI 28.7 23.9 ,0.05 BMI . 30 31.4% 5.4% ,0.05 BMI, body mass index; NS, non-significant Lymphatic complications after varicose veins surgery: risk factors and how to avoid them P Pittaluga*† and S Chastanet*† *Riviera Vein Institut, Nice, France; † Riviera Vein Institut, Monte Carlo, Monaco Abstract Introduction: Lymphatic complication (LC) after varicose veins (VVs) surgery is an annoying event with a variable frequency in the literature. Method: Retrospective study reviewing all surgeries carried out for VVs from January 2000 to October 2010. Postoperative LC we reported: lymphatic fistula, lymphocele including the minor ones and lymphoedema. Results: During the period studied, 5407 surgical procedures for VVs were performed in 3407 patients (74.7% women) with a mean age of 53.4 years. A postoperative LC occurred in 118 cases (2.2%): lymphocele on limb in 1.3%, inguinal LC (fistula or lymphocele) in 0.7% and a lymphoedema in 0.2%. The population with a LC was older (59.6 vs. 53.3 years, P , 0.05), had a higher frequency of C4–C6 (22.0% vs. 6.5%, P , 0.05), a higher incidence of obesity (31.4% vs. 5.4%, P , 0.05) and was more often treated by a redo surgery or a crossectomy stripping (48.3% vs. 13.4% and 38.1% vs. 21.8%, respectively, P , 0.05). We have observed a dramatic decrease in incidence of LC after January 2004 (1.3% vs. 5.3%, P , 0.05) corresponding to a new surgical practice for the treatment of VVs: stripping, crossectomy and redo surgery at the groin were less frequent (74.6% vs. 7.7%, 74.6% vs. 0.2% and 11.3% vs. 0.1%, respectively, P , 0.05), while isolated phlebectomy was more often performed during this period (78.4% vs. 8.4%, P , 0.05). Conclusion: LC after VVs surgery is not rare but frequently limited to lymphocele on limbs. Older age, more advanced clinical stage and obesity were associated with a higher frequency of LC. A mini-invasive and selective surgery has significantly reduced the occurrence of LC. Keywords: varicose vein; varicose vein surgery; lymphatic complication; lymphocele; lymphodema; lymphatic fistula; risk factors perative data (demographics, signs, symptoms, body mass index [BMI]), the preoperative venous haemodynamics (presence and location of venous m nuary 2012 DOI: 10.1258/phleb.2012.012S12. Phlebology 2012;27 Suppl 1:139–142 procedures. Nevertheless, in the wide majority of he cases the LC was minor, represented by a able 4 Comparison of the frequency of different types of lym- hatic complication in obese (BMI . 30) and non-obese patients BMI,30) Obese Non-obese P Ratio N 324 5083 ymphocele on limb 4.0% 1.1% ,0.05 3.6 nguinal complication 5.9% 0.4% ,0.05 14.7 ymphoedema 1.5% 0.2% ,0.05 7.5 MI, body mass index Table 6 Comparison of postoperative lymphatic complications and procedures carried out before and after 2004 for the treatment of varicose veins Before January 2004 (%) After January 2004 (%) P Lymphatic complications 5.3 1.3 ,0.05 Strippingþcrossectomy 74.6 0.2 ,0.05 Redo surgery at the groin 11.3 0.1 ,0.05 Endovascular or mini- invasive ablation 0.0 7.7 ,0.05 Isolated phlebectomy 8.4 92.3 ,0.05 Preoperative skin marking 20.9 82.4 ,0.05 Pittaluga and S Chastanet. Lymphatic complications after varicose veins surgery Original article
  • 31. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the treatments of varicose veins M. Hassan Murad, MD, MPH,a,b,c Fernando Coto-Yglesias, MD,a,d Magaly Zumaeta-Garcia, MD,a Mohamed B. Elamin, MBBS,a Murali K. Duggirala, MD,a,c Patricia J. Erwin, MLS,a Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc,a,c,e and Peter Gloviczki, MD,f Rochester, Minn; and San José, Costa Rica Objectives: Several treatment options exist for varicose veins. In this review we summarize the available evidence derived from comparative studies about the relative safety and efficacy of these treatments. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Embase, Current Contents, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) expert files, and the reference section of included articles. Eligible studies compared two or more of the available treatments (surgery, liquid or foam sclerotherapy, laser, radiofrequency ablations, or conservative therapy with compression stockings). Two independent reviewers determined study eligibility and extracted descriptive, methodologic, and outcome data. We used random-effects meta-analysis to pool relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) across studies. Results: We found 39 eligible studies (30 were randomized trials) enrolling 8285 participants. Surgery was associated with a nonsignificant reduction in the risk of varicose vein recurrence compared with liquid sclerotherapy (RR, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.29-1.06) and all endoluminal interventions (RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.37-1.07). Studies of laser and radiofrequency ablation and foam sclerotherapy demonstrated short-term effectiveness and safety. The quality of evidence presented in this review was limited by imprecision (small number of events), short-term follow-up, and indirectness (use of surrogate outcomes). Conclusion: Low-quality evidence supports long-term safety and efficacy of surgery for the treatment of varicose veins. Short-term studies support the efficacy of less invasive treatments, which are associated with less periprocedural disability and pain. (J Vasc Surg 2011;53:49S-65S.) Approximately one-third of men and women aged 18 to 64 years have varicose veins.1 The high prevalence leads to significant health care expenditure on treatments of knowledge, no contemporary systematic synthesis is ava able to compare all available treatments. The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) partnered wi fidence intervals (CI) across studies. ults: We found 39 eligible studies (30 were randomized trials) enrolling 8285 participants. Su onsignificant reduction in the risk of varicose vein recurrence compared with liquid sclerothe 9-1.06) and all endoluminal interventions (RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.37-1.07). Studies of l ation and foam sclerotherapy demonstrated short-term effectiveness and safety. The quality s review was limited by imprecision (small number of events), short-term follow-up, and indir comes). nclusion: Low-quality evidence supports long-term safety and efficacy of surgery for the tre ort-term studies support the efficacy of less invasive treatments, which are associated with less d pain. (J Vasc Surg 2011;53:49S-65S.) proximately one-third of men and women aged 18 ears have varicose veins.1 The high prevalence leads ificant health care expenditure on treatments of e veins.2 Surgical treatment of varicose veins in- high ligation and saphenous vein stripping, with or t phlebectomy; until the past few years, this proce- ad been used most commonly by surgeons world- 5 However, several other less invasive treatment ties that are claimed to be as effective as surgery are ly available, including radiofrequency or laser abla- the great (GSV) or small saphenous veins (SSV), or knowledge, no contemporary s able to compare all available tre The Society for Vascular Su the American Venous Forum practice guidelines to improve venous disease. To assist in ven the SVS and the AVF commi systematic review and meta-ana available evidence about the different treatments of varicose Table II. Commonly reported adverse events Surgery Sclerotherapy Laser ablation Radiofrequency ablation Foam therapy ● Wound infection, 3%-6% ● Skin staining or necrosis, 3% ● Purpura/bruising, 11%-23% ● Saphenous nerve paresthesia, 13% ● Contusion, bruising, hematoma, 61% ● Sural or saphenous nerve injury, 10%- 23% ● Superficial phlebitis, 22%-27% ● Erythema, 33% ● Superficial phlebitis, 0%-20% ● Skin pigmentation, 51% ● Hematoma, 31% ● Hyperpigmentation, 57% ● Hematoma, 7% ● Headache, 11% ● Superficial phlebitis, 0%-12% ● Hypopigmentation, 2% ● Thermal skin injury, 7% ● Blistering/sloughing, 7% ● Paresthesia, Ͻ1% ● Scaring, 13% ● Leg edema, Ͻ1% ● Telangiectatic matting, 28% ● Edema, 15% ● Paresthesia, 1%-2% ● Superficial phlebitis, 6% JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY May Supplement 201162S Murad et al
  • 32. Conclusions •  Informer par écrit les patients du risque d’aggravation du lymphœdème (May R. Angio 1981;5:265) •  Facteurs favorisants : obésité, âge, C4-C6 •  Indications formelles d’un traitement de l’IVC (avec la compression) •  Si doute persistant avant un geste : lymphoscintigraphie
  • 34. Traitements des lymphœdèmes •  Bandages peu élastiques (contention) •  Compression élastique •  Drainages lymphatiques manuels •  Exercices sous bandages •  Auto-apprentissage des bandages •  Education •  Soins cutanés locaux
  • 35. Buts du traitement des lymphœdèmes 1.  Réduction de volume : phase "intensive" –  hospitalière ou ambulatoire –  bandages peu élastiques 2.  Maintien du volume réduit : phase "d'entretien" en ambulatoire –  compression élastique et –  bandages (fréquence plus faible)
  • 37. Réduction de volume : bandages monotypes peu élastiques •  Bandes à allongement court < 100% (Partsch H, et al. Dermatol Surg 2006;32:224) •  Bandages multicouches (2-4) MAIS monotypes (≠ pathologies vasculaires) •  Intérêt : pression de repos faible mais forte en mvt (gymnastique, marche, vélo) •  Effet contensif >>> compressif Harris SR et al. Lymphology 2001;34:84 Cohen SR et al. Cancer 2001;92:980 Lymphoedema Framework. Best practice for the management of lymphoedema. International consensus. London: MEP Ltd, 2006
  • 38. Drainages lymphatiques manuels •  Nombreuses techniques : Vodder, Foldi, Leduc, Ferrandez, Schiltz†, de Micas ( •  Qu’en attendre ? –  court terme : ü  sensation d’allègement, ü  ↓ tension cutanée ü  effet relaxant –  long terme : effet ≈ 0 sur volume si utilisés seuls Badger C et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004 MacNeely M et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2004 Vignes S et al. Breast Cancer Breast Treat 2007
  • 39. Drainages lymphatiques manuels •  Drainages lymphatiques manuels – petite synergie avec les bandages peu élastiques – utiles dans les LO proximaux (sein, thorax) – utile phase intensive, facultatif phase d'entretien Badger C et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004;3:CD003141 Harris SR et al. Lymphology 2001;34:84 Lymphoedema Framework. Best practice for the management of lymphoedema. International consensus. London: MEP Ltd, 2006
  • 41. Compression et lymphœdèmes Classes élevées: 3, 4 Bas cuisse > chaussettes Pieds fermés Sur-mesure Superposition MI