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The Spring Framework

  Colin Sampaleanu
Spring framework goals
 Make J2EE easier to use
 Address end-to-end requirements rather than one
     Eliminate need for middle tier ―glue‖
     Provide the best Inversion of Control solution
     Provide a pure Java AOP implementation, focused
      on solving common problems in J2EE
     Fully portable across application servers
              Core container can run in any environment, not just an
               application server
              Some applications don‘t need a full application server: just
               a web container
              But where an app server adds value, take full advantage
               (no compromises) of all additional advanced functionality

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
…Spring framework goals
 ―Non-invasive‖ framework
              Application code has minimal or no dependency on Spring
              Key principal seen throughout Spring‘s design
              More power to the POJO
 Facilitate unit testing
              Allow effective TDD
              Allow business objects to be unit tested outside the container
 Facilitate OO best practice
              We‘re used to implementing ―EJB‖ or ―J2EE‖ applications rather
               than OO applications.
              It doesn‘t have to be this way.
 Provide a good alternative to EJB for many
 Enhance productivity compared to ―traditional‖ J2EE

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Part of a new wave of frameworks

 Big change in how J2EE applications are written
 Less emphasis on EJB
              EJB has been grossly overused
              EJB has some unique capabilities for a minority of apps
               (distributed transaction management, RMI remoting) but
               for the most part is looking like legacy
 Not just Spring
              PicoContainer, HiveMind and other Inversion of Control
              EJB 3.0 (2006-2007) programming model looks a lot like
                 (Spring IoC – important features) + Hibernate/JDO
 These lightweight frameworks are different from
  earlier frameworks
 Spring is the most mature, most powerful and by
  far the most popular

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Unique Spring capabilities
    Declarative transaction management for POJOs
     with or without EJB. Optional Annotations support.
    Consistent approach to data access, with common
     exception hierarchy
              Simplifies working with JDBC, JDO, Hibernate,
               TopLink, etc
    IoC/AOP integration
    Integration with a wide variety of popular products
    Gestalt
       More than the sum of its parts
       Hard to explain in a snappy phrase, but our users love
    Solid, robust, works now
    In production in mission-critical apps now, across
        all industries

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
A layered framework

    Spring Web Flow
    Web MVC
    AOP framework
       Integrates with IoC

    IoC container
       Dependency Injection

    Transaction management
    Data access
    JMX
    Transparent Remoting
    One stop shop but can also use as modules

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Layers of Spring

          AOP                                     Enterprise                                          Context
                                                                                                                                   Web Flow
    AOP core                                                                                           Web-based
                                                      JDBC + ORM                                                                   Web MVC
   AOP Alliance
     AspectJ                                          Transactions                                       Factories                   Incl. Views
                                                                                                                                   (JSP, Velocity,
                                                          Remoting                                          Access                   PDF, Excel)
    Source-level                                                JMX                                           Event
     metadata                                                                                                                          Web
                                                         Messaging                                             JNDI                Integration

                                                                Spring Core
                                                          Beans                                                  Utilities

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Spring in the Middle Tier
 Complete solution for managing business objects
    Write your business objects as POJOs

    Spring handles wiring and lookup

    Simple, consistent, XML format (most common choice)
                  • But the IoC container is not tied to XML
                  • Other formats coming
 Application code has few dependencies on the
      container—often no dependencies on the container
              Spring Pet Store sample has no dependencies on Spring
              No imports, no magic annotations for IoC: nothing Spring-
 Easy unit testing. TDD works!

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…Spring in the Middle Tier
 Named ―beans‖—objects—provide a clear
  point for pluggability
 Objects that depend on a given bean
  depend on its interface(s) and/or class
              Better practice to depend on interfaces
 Can change any object‘s implementation
  with zero impact on callers
 The ―Lego Hypothesis‖ made real in J2EE

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…Spring in the Middle Tier

 The most complete IoC container
              Setter Dependency Injection
                  • Configuration via JavaBean properties
              Constructor Dependency Injection
                  • Configuration via constructor arguments
                  • Pioneered by PicoContainer
              Method Injection
              Dependency Lookup
                  • Avalon/EJB-style callbacks

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Middle Tier: Setter Injection
 public class PetStoreImpl implements PetStoreFacade {
       private OrderDao orderDao;
       private ItemDao itemDao;
       public void setOrderDao(OrderDao orderDao) {
         this.orderDao = orderDao;
       public void setItemDao(ItemDao itemDao) {
         this.itemDao = itemDao;
       public void insertOrder(Order order) {

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Middle Tier: Setter Injection
   <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
        <property               name="driverClassName" value="... "/>
        <property               name="url" value="..."/>
        <property               name="username" value="...“>
        <property               name="password" value="...“/>

   <bean id="itemDao"
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>
        <property name="sqlMap" ref="sqlMap"/>

   <bean id="petStore“
        <property name="orderDao" ref="orderDao"/>
        <property name="itemDao" ref="itemDao"/>

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Middle Tier: Constructor Injection
 public class PetStoreImpl implements PetStoreFacade {
        private OrderDao orderDao;
        private ItemDao itemDao;
   public PetStoreImpl(OrderDao orderDao, ItemDao
 itemDao) {
     this.orderDao = orderDao;
     this.itemDao = itemDao;
        public void insertOrder(Order order) {
Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Middle Tier: Constructor Injection

     <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
         <property               name="driverClassName" value="... "/>
         <property               name="url" value="..."/>
         <property               name="username" value="...“>
         <property               name="password" value="...“/>

     <bean id="itemDao"
         <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>
         <property name="sqlMap" ref="sqlMap"/>

     <bean id="petStore“

         <constructor-arg ref="orderDao"/>
         <constructor-arg ref="itemDao"/>

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Middle Tier: Dependency Injection
 Dependencies are expressed in pure Java
 Push configuration (container injects
      dependencies) is much better than pull
      configuration (objects look up dependencies)
              No ad hoc lookup
              Code is self-documenting, describing its own
              Can apply consistent management strategy
              Easy to test
                  • No JNDI to stub, properties files to substitute, RDBMS
                        data to set up…

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Middle Tier: Dependency Injection
 Properties & Constructor Arguments injected
              Configuration values (i.e. something like a
               timeout integer value)
              Dependencies on collaborators (i.e. the reference
               to accountDao in the example)
 Can run many existing classes unchanged
 ―Autowiring‖
 Trivial to test application classes outside the
  container, without Spring
 Can reuse application classes outside the
 Hot swapping, instance pooling (with AOP)

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring in the Middle Tier
 Advanced IoC features
    Manage lists, maps or sets, with arbitrary nesting
    Create objects using new or from factory
    Method Injection
                  • Container can override abstract or concrete methods at
                  • Can use to avoid dependence on Spring (override
                    isolates dependency on Spring API)
              Nearly any existing Java object can be used in a
               Spring context
              Leverages standard JavaBeans PropertyEditor
                  • Register custom property editors
              Many hooks to customize container behaviour
Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Why AOP?

    Dependency Injection takes us a long way, but not quite
     enough on its own
    AOP complements IoC to deliver a non-invasive framework
    Externalizes crosscutting concerns from application code
              Concerns that cut across the structure of an object model
            AOP   offers a different way of thinking about
               program structure to an object hierarchy
    EJB interception is conceptually similar, but not extensible
        and imposes too many constraints on components
              Can‘t define new aspects
              Constrained pointcut model (methods on the component
    Spring provides important out-of-the box aspects
       Declarative transaction management for any POJO
       Remoting
       Pooling, and resource acquisition/release

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
AOP + IoC: A unique synergy
 AOP + IoC is a match made in
 Any object obtained from a Spring
  IoC container can be transparently
  advised based on configuration
 Advisors, pointcuts and advices can
  themselves be managed by the IoC
 Spring is an integrated, consistent
Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Custom AOP
 Complements, rather then conflicts with, OOP
   Email administrator if a particular exception is
   Apply custom declarative security checks

   Performance monitoring

   Auditing

   Caching

 Objects have clear responsibilities
   No need to abuse inheritance

 Integration with AspectJ/AspectWerz for when
      you need a full-blown AOP framework

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring DAO
    Integrated with Spring transaction management
                  Unique synergy
                  Gestalt again…
    Doesn‘t reinvent the wheel
                  There are good solutions for O/R mapping, we make
                   them easier to use
    Out-of-the-box support for
                  JDBC
                  JDO
                  Hibernate
                  TopLink
                  iBATIS
                  + others
    Model allows support for other technologies
                  Java Persistence API support coming as soon as spec is
Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
…Spring DAO

    Using clearly defined technology agnostic DAO
           interfaces is a best practice
                   Implement with JDO, JDBC, Hibernate, iBATIS…
                   Spring doesn‘t enforce this, but it makes it very easy
    Consistent DataAccessException hierarchy
           allows truly technology-agnostic DAOs

   public interface ReminderDao {

           public Collection
                     throws DataAccessException;

           void persist(Reminder reminder)
                     throws DataAccessException;

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring DAO:
Consistent exception hierarchy

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring DAO: JDBC
  Class library offers simpler programming model than raw
  No more try/catch/finally blocks
  No more leaked connections
            Spring will always close a connection: no scope for programmer
  Meaningful exception hierarchy
     No more vendor code lookups
                   • Spring autodetects database and knows what Oracle, DB2 error
                     codes mean
                   • More portable code
            More readable code
                   • catch (BadSqlGrammarException ex)
  Sophisticated, portable stored procedure and BLOB/CLOB
  Can refactor to clean up JDBC without adopting Spring
            Incremental adoption: Step by step

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Example Working With the JPetStore

 Get a list of pet types (Strings)

JdbcTemplate template = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
final List names = new LinkedList();
template.query("SELECT id,name FROM types ORDER BY name",
        new RowCallbackHandler() {
              public void processRow(ResultSet rs)
                      throws SQLException {

 Note usage of ‗final‘ on the names variable so that the
      anonymous inner class can have access to it
        Remember this when working with callbacks

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Mapping Result sets to Objects

 Example of a RowCallbackHandler mapping
      ResultSets to complex types

RowCallbackHandler() {
    public void processRow(ResultSet rs)
          throws SQLException {
          Pet pet=new Pet();
          …      // more fields here

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring DAO: ORM (Hibernate / JDO /
TopLink / Other)
 Spring manages the unit of work (Hibernate
      Session, JDO PersistenceManager, TopLink
      UnitOfWork, etc.)
              No more passing them around or custom ThreadLocals for
               this purpose
              Sessions are managed within Spring transaction
              Works with JTA or local transactions, with no code changes
              Works within EJB container with CMT if desired
 Templates (HibernateTemplate/JDOTemplate, etc.)
      makes common operations easy
              Simpler, consistent exception handling
              Many operations become one-liners
              Less, simpler, code compared to using Hibernate alone
 Mixed use of ORM and JDBC within the same
Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
HibernateTemplate DAO example

 public class HibernateReminderDao extends
         HibernateDaoSupport implements ReminderDao {

        public Collection findRequestsEligibleForReminder()
              throws DataAccessException {

           getHibernateTemplate().find("from Request r where
         r.something = 1");

        public void persist(Reminder reminder) throws
              DataAccessException {


Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
HibernateTemplate DAO example (2)

 <bean id="sessionFactory"
    <property name="dataSource― ref="dataSource"/>
    <property name="mappingResources">
    <property name="hibernateProperties">

 <bean id=―myDao" class=―com.mycompany.HibernateReminderDao"

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring DAO: JDO
 Comparable to Hibernate support
 PersistenceManager management just like
  Hibernate Session management
 Mixed use of JDO and JDBC within the same
 Support JDO 2.0 features and vendor
  extensions in a portable manner
              All major vendors support similar concepts
 We work closely with JDO vendors, including:
    SolarMetric (Kodo)
    Open source: JPOX JDO

 Spring + Kodo is a particularly strong enterprise
Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring DAO: TopLink
 Originally written by Oracle, donated to
 Basic approach is very similar to
  Hibernate or JDO integration approach
 Mixed use of TopLink and JDBC within the
  same transaction
 Strong enterprise combination

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Spring Transaction
 Consistent abstraction
              PlatformTransactionManager
              Does not reinvent transaction manager
              Choose between JTA, JDBC, Hibernate, JDO, etc with
               simple changes to configuration not Java code
              No more rewriting application to scale up from JDBC, JDO,
               or Hibernate local transactions to JTA global transactions
              Use the simplest transaction infrastructure that can
               possibly work
              Global (JTA) transactions optionally take advantage of
               server-specific enhanced functionality
              Local transactions offer more features than standard JTA
               (isolation levels, savepoints, etc.)

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Spring Transaction (WebLogic)
 Enhanced support for transactions in a WebLogic
       Beyond  the level of standard JTA APIs
       WebLogicJtaTransactionManager
       Allows Spring-driven transactions to be visible in
        WebLogic‘s transaction monitor
       Supports per-transaction isolation level
       Enhances resume support when using transaction
       Automatically detects WebLogic server version
       Usage on a WebLogic client is supported
       Fully XA capable access to WebLogic DataSources
        and JMS

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Programmatic Transaction
 Simpler, cleaner API than JTA
         Exception hierarchy as with DAO
         No need to catch multiple exceptions
          without a common base class
         Unchecked exceptions

 Use the same API for JTA, JDBC,
  Hibernate, etc.
 Write once have transaction
  management anywhereTM
Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Declarative Transaction Management
 Most popular transaction management option
 Built on same abstraction as programmatic
  transaction management
 Declarative transaction management for any
  POJO, without EJB: even without JTA (single
 More flexible than EJB CMT
              Declarative rollback rules: roll back on
              Supports nested transactions and savepoints if
               the underlying resource manager does
 Non-invasive: Minimizes dependence on the
              No more passing around EJBContext
Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Making a service transactional
 The original service implementation class is
  unmodified and knows nothing about
 Pluggable metadata tells Spring to wrap the
  target service with a proxy object which looks
  like the target, but applies transaction
  semantics on method invocations
 Most people today use XML for defining both the
  services, and the transactional wrappers around
 Once they can commit to a Java 5 dependency,
  most people will probably prefer to use source
  code Annotations

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Make ServiceImpl POJO transactional
public class ServiceImpl implements Service {
   private int timeout;
   private AccountDao accountDao;

       public void setTimeout(int timeout) {
            this.timeout = timeout;

       public void setAccountDao(AccountDao accountDao) {
            this.accountDao = accountDao;

       public void doSomething() throws ServiceWithdrawnException {

<bean id="serviceTarget" class="com.mycompany.service.ServiceImpl">
   <property name="timeout― value=―30‖/>
   <property name="accountDao― ref="accountDao"/>

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Make ServiceImpl transactional
<bean id=―service"

      <property name="transactionManager― ref=―txManager"/>

      <property name="target― ref="serviceTarget"/>

  <property name="transactionAttributes">
     <prop key="do*">

 Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Make ServiceImpl transactional
 Rollback rule means that we don‘t need
      to call setRollbackOnly()
              Spring also supports programmatic
 Can run this from a JUnit test case
   Doesn‘t depend on a heavyweight
 Can work with JTA, JDBC, Hibernate,
      JDO, iBATIS transactions…
              Simply change definition of transaction

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Make ServiceImpl transactional
 Don‘t actually need this much XML per
  transactional object
 Alternative approaches, simpler in large
              Use ―auto proxy creator‖ to apply
               similar transaction attributes to multiple
              Use metadata (annotations) or another
               pointcut approach to apply transactional
               behaviour to multiple classes

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Annotations for Transaction

interface MyService {

     void createOrder(Order order)
               throws DuplicateOrderIdException ;

     List queryByCriteria(Order criteria);

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Transactions: flexibility
 Rollback rule means that we don‘t need to call
       Spring                    also supports programmatic rollback
 Can run this from a JUnit test case in your IDE
   Doesn‘t depend on deplying to an app server

 Can work with JTA, JDBC, JDO, Hibernate,
   iBATIS transactions…
       Simply                     change definition of transaction manager
 Full ability to customize transaction semantics:
    Propagation behavior (REQUIRED, SUPPORTS,
     REQUIRES_NEW, etc.). Isolation level. Read/write
     vs. read-only. Timeout value. Rollback rules.

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Spring J2EE
 No more JNDI lookups
    JndiObjectFactoryBean

    Generic proxy for DataSources etc.

 No more EJB API dependencies, even in code calling EJBs
    ―Codeless EJB proxies‖

    No more home.create(), Service Locators or Business
    Callers depend on Business Methods interface, not EJB API

    Enhanced testability

 Maximize code reuse by minimizing J2EE API
 Full power of your application server lies under the covers

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Goals of Spring Remoting
 Reduce the amount of glue code needed
 Clearly separate remoting infrastructure from
  application logic
 Increase ease-of-use
 Support both client and server
 Transparent support for different protocols
       HttpInvoker
       Hessian

       Burlap

       RMI

       SOAP (using Axis or XFire)

       Accessing EJBs

       Special WebLogic specific cluster-aware web service invoker

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Spring Remoting Overview
 Server-side
              Exporters provide Spring-style configuration for exposing
              Transparent exposure in most cases
              Exporters used for both remoting and JMX
              Translation of remote calls to local calls
              Marshalling of return values and exceptions
 Client-side
              Services are hidden behind (business) interfaces
              Service proxies are generated dynamically
              Translation of local calls to remote calls
              Unmarshalling of return values and exceptions
              Easy unit testing
                  • Inject stub service implementations

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Problems with Traditional JMX
 Requires too much effort from application
 Code is closely coupled to JMX
 Advanced features require a LOT of
  spaghetti code
              ModelMBeans are a pain to code (see the
               Spring JMX code!)
 JMX 1.0 specification is inconsistent

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Spring JMX Features (1)
 Transparently expose ANY Spring bean to JMX
 Full control over ObjectNames
 Full control over methods in the management
              Simple catch-all approach
              Configure in Spring XML
              Use interfaces
              Use source-level metadata (Annotations)
 Removes the need for manual MBean creation
   No need to create Standard MBean interfaces

   No need to create Model MBean metadata

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Spring JMX Features (2)
 Declaratively registers MBeans with the
              Supports Spring-created AND user-created
              Autodetect MBeans in certain cases
 Declaratively setup JSR-160 connectors
 Access local and remote MBeans via simple Java
              MBean dependencies can be injected like any
               other dependency!
 Abstract many implementation inconsistencies

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Spring Web MVC
 Most similar in design to Struts
              Single shared Controller instance handles
               a particular request type
 Controllers, interceptors run in the IoC
              Important distinguishing feature
              Spring eats its own dog food

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Web MVC: Advantages over Struts
 Allows multiple DispatcherServlets
    More elegant than Struts 1.1 approach

    DispatcherServlets can share a base ―application context‖

 Interceptors as well as controllers
    No need to abuse inheritance to put interception behaviour
     in a common base Action
 No need for custom ActionForms
    Reuse domain objects or DTOs as form objects. MUCH less
     binding code is needed
    Avoid code duplication

 Interface not class based: Easy to customize
 Less tied to JSP
    Clean separation of controller, model and view

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Web tier integration
But I love
 The customer is always right
              …unless the customer has only ever used
 We don‘t dictate how to use Spring
   You can preserve your investment (tools etc.)

   You can refactor to use what parts of Spring
    you need
 Seamless Struts, JSF, WebWork integration
 Portlet integration in Spring 1.3

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Spring Web Flow – What is it?
 A new spring-web module
    A strong compliment to Spring MVC, Struts 1.x, JSF, and
     other frameworks, that addresses one problem really well:
     web application page flow
    Builds on these lower-level frameworks, doesn‘t replace
    Proven in production

 Key benefits:
    Captures page flow as a reusable module

    Makes web application page flow explicit and clear

    Scales elegantly as a web application grows in complexity

    One consistent approach for your developers to learn

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring Web Flow - Design
 What makes a good Web Flow?
   Accomplishes some business goal, e.g.
                  • Book a flight
                  • Pay your taxes
                  • Apply for a Loan
              Encapsulates that business goal as a reusable
                  • A ―black box‖
              Often has multiple paths to support different
                  • Paths may vary based on contextual information
              Often spawns other Flows as sub flows
                  • Has a clear, observable lifecycle: Flow executions start,
                        events happens, they end

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring Web Flow - Design
 What doesn‘t make a good Flow?
              Index pages
              Welcome Pages
              Menus
              Simple Form Submissions
              Sites with a lot of free navigation
 Web flows are best suited for enforcing
      controlled navigation to support business
      process workflows
              Don‘t abuse them

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Web Flow Design – State Diagram

                                                               Phonebook Search Flow State Diagram

    << StartState , ViewState >>                                        << ActionState >>                                               << ActionState >>
                                                                Bind And Validate Search Criteria                                        Execute Query
                                         submit                                                                             success
           View Search Criteria


                                                                                             newSearch                                  << ViewState >>
                                                                                                                                          View Results

                                                                         << SubFlowState             >>                                   select
                                                                                                                                        << ActionState >>
                                                                                                                                          Set Person ID

                  Note how the Details sub flow is a "black box" - its internals are hidden from the Search parent flow!

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring OOP
 No more Singletons
    An antipattern as commonly used

 Program to interfaces, not classes
    Facilitates use of the Strategy pattern
    Makes good OO practice much easier to achieve
    Reduces the cost of programming to interfaces to
     near zero
 Dependency Injection keeps the container from
      messing up your object model
              Base object granularity on OO considerations, not
               Spring considerations
 Combine with transparent persistence to
      achieve a true domain model

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Spring Productivity
 Less code to develop in house
 Focus on your domain
 Reduced testing effort
 ―Old‖ J2EE has a poor productivity record
              Need to simplify the programming model,
               not rely on tools to hide the complexity

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
“Old” J2EE vs Spring
     Write a SLSB                                                                                            Implement a Spring object
              Home interface                                                                                          Business interface
              Component interface                                                                                     Implementation class
              ―Business methods‖ interface                                                                            Straightforward XML
              Bean implementation class                                                                                configuration
              Complex XML configuration
              POJO delegate behind it if you
               want to test outside the
               container                                                                                               The first two steps are
                                                                                                                        necessary in Java anyway
              Much of this is working around
               EJB issues                                                                                              Oops, I really meant
                                                                                                                        ―implement a Java object,‖
              If you want parameterization it                                                                          not ―implement a Spring
               gets even more complex                                                                                   object‖
                   • Need custom code, IoC                                                                             If you want to manage
                        container or ―environment                                                                       simple properties or object
                        variables‖ (ouch)                                                                               dependencies, it‘s easy

    Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
“Old” J2EE vs Spring
 Use your SLSB                                                                                   Use your Spring object
    Write a Service Locator                                                                         Just write the class that
     and/or Business                                                                                  uses it in plain old Java
     Delegate: need JNDI                                                                             Express a dependency of
     code                                                                                             the business interface
    Each class that uses the                                                                         type using Java (setter or
     service needs to depend                                                                          constructor)
     on EJB interface (home                                                                          Simple, intuitive XML
     interface) or you need a                                                                         configuration
     Business Delegate with
     substantial code
                                                                                                                No lookup code
              Hard to test outside a                                                                           Easily test with mock
               container                                                                                         object

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Productivity dividend
 Spring removes unnecessary code
 You end with no Java plumbing code and relatively simple
         If your Spring XML is complex, you‘re probably doing things
          you couldn‘t do the old way without extensive custom coding
 The old way you have lots of Java plumbing code and lots
   of XML
         A lot of the XML is not standard
 Combine with JDO or Hibernate for transparent
   persistence and the advantage is huge compared to
   traditional J2EE. Still mix in JDBC as needed.
         Real example: financial application with 15% of the code of a
          failed attempt to deliver a ―blueprints‖ solution

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
MedRec Experience
 A J2EE best practice example by BEA
 A three tier application with
              Presentation tier
              Service tier
              Enterprise Information System tier
 Re-wrote MedRec with Spring
              Demonstrating Spring best practices on
              Spring and WLS best practice

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
MedRec Architecture with J2EE
MedRec (Patient/Admin) Application                                                         Shared                                                      Physician Application
Presentation/Interface Tier

                                  JSTL                                                                                                                            JSTL


                                                                                           Log4j / WL Diagnostic Framework
                 Struts                               Services                                                                                        Struts
Services Tier

         Local / Remote
                                                                 Driven Beans
                                                                                                                                        Local Stateless Session

        Stateless Session                                                                                                                        EJBs
Integration Tier

       CMP                 JDBC
                                                                        JavaMai                                                                 Web Services
      Entity              RowSets                                          l

EIS/External Services Tier

                               PointBase                                                                                                            MedRec

                                                                                                                              WebLogic / J2EE component
                                                                                                                              Open Source / 3rd Party component

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
MedRec Architecture with Spring
MedRec (Patient/Admin) Application                                                       Shared                                                               Physician Application
Presentation/Interface Tier
                                                                                                                                                         Java Server Pages

         Java Server Pages
                                                       Web                                                                                                     Struts

                                                                                            Log4j / WL Diagnostic Framework
               Spring Web                                                                                                                                   Spring Web

Services Tier

           Spring / WLS Java Transaction



                           Remoting                 Message-
                                                     Driven                                                                                             Spring Beans
          Spring Beans                             Enterprise
                                                   Java Beans

Integration Tier
                                                                                                                                                  Spring Remoting
            Spring                          Messaging               Spring
        Java Database
                                                                   JavaMai                                                                              Web Services
         Connectivity                                                  l

EIS/External Services Tier

               PointBase                           MySQL                                                                                                    MedRec
                                                                                                                                         WebLogic / J2EE component
                                                                                                                                         Open Source / 3rd Party component

                                                                                                                                          Spring Framework component

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
 Spring now has the momentum to
  dominate the J2EE framework space –
  OO guru and consultant Craig Larman
 ―get off your butts and try it out ‖ –
  ‗Pragmatic‘ Dave Thomas

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
A Shameless plug for a good book:
 Written by Rod Johnson
  and Juergen Hoeller
 Describes the Lightweight
  Container Architecture in
 Practical guide to more
  efficient, more agile,
  more productive J2EE
              Not just a polemic
 Not purely about Spring,
              Uses Spring for all
              Discusses all key parts of

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
The Spring community
 25 developers
              Around 7-8 ―core‖ developers
              Significant number of contributors
 Architects and key developers
              Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
              Alef Arendsen, Keith Donald, Rob Harrop, Colin
               Sampaleanu, Mark Pollack, Thomas Risberg + others
 Framework is developed test-first
 Vibrant community
              Very active mailing lists and forums (6k+ registered users)
 JIRA Issue tracker
 Around 400K direct downloads in late Summer 2005

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
     At least 9 books on Spring by late 2005
              J2EE Without EJB: Johnson/Hoeller
              Professional Java Development with Spring:
              Pro Spring: Rob Harrop
              Spring Live: Matt Raible
              Manning Spring in Action
              Better, Faster Lighter Java (Bruce Tate)
              Spring Developer‘s Handbook (Bruce Tate, O‘Reilly, Q4)
              APress! : Spring MVC and Web Flow book coming
              APress! : Introduction to Spring book coming
     Related projects
              Acegi Security for Spring (Spring Security)
              Spring Rich Client Project
              Spring.NET
              + many frameworks/apps using, integrating with, or
               architecturally based on Spring

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
 Spring 1.2.6 is current production version (released Nov.
 Continuing vigorous development and innovation
 Spring 1.3 RC1 in early Dec. 2005
 Upcoming features in 1.3 and beyond:
              XML simplification (dialects)
              Enhanced JMS and messaging integration/functionality
              Enhanced JMX functionality
              Portlet API support
              Continuing AspectJ integration enhancements
              Enhanced use of Annotations, where they make sense
              Enhanced scripting support (scripts can be configured via
               dependency injection, regular objects can be injected with scripts)

              Spring Web Flow final release
              Innovative alternative to XML bean definitions

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
The Spring Experience 2005

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
The Spring Experience 2005

 International conference for agile Java developers
 December 7 – 10th, 2005, Sheraton Resort, Bal Harbour
  Beach Florida
 40+ technical sessions across four tracks: Web,
  Enterprise, Process, Beyond J2EE
 Featuring
              Rod Johnson (Spring Founder, i21 CEO)
              Juergen Hoeller (Spring Co-Founder, i21 CTO)
              Adrian Colyer (AspectJ Founder, i21 Chief Scientist)
              Colin Sampaleanu (Author, Prof. Java Dev. With Spring)
              Rob Harrop (Author, Pro Spring)
              Keith Donald
              Alef Arendsen
              Ben Alex
              … and many more

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
Interface21 –

 Spring ―From the Source‖

              Training
                • Both onsite and publicly scheduled (worldwide)
              Consulting
              Support

 Expert consulting on Agile and Lightweight J2EE, AspectJ

 We know Spring best, because we built it
   Almost all core Spring developers work for Interface21
                  • Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller, Adrian Colyer, Colin
                        Sampaleanu, Rob Harrop, Keith Donald, Alef Arendsen, Steven

Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.


         Colin Sampaleanu
Director, Interface21 North America

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[S lide] java_sig-spring-framework

  • 1. The Spring Framework Colin Sampaleanu Interface21
  • 2. Spring framework goals  Make J2EE easier to use  Address end-to-end requirements rather than one tier  Eliminate need for middle tier ―glue‖  Provide the best Inversion of Control solution  Provide a pure Java AOP implementation, focused on solving common problems in J2EE  Fully portable across application servers  Core container can run in any environment, not just an application server  Some applications don‘t need a full application server: just a web container  But where an app server adds value, take full advantage (no compromises) of all additional advanced functionality Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 3. …Spring framework goals  ―Non-invasive‖ framework  Application code has minimal or no dependency on Spring APIs  Key principal seen throughout Spring‘s design  More power to the POJO  Facilitate unit testing  Allow effective TDD  Allow business objects to be unit tested outside the container  Facilitate OO best practice  We‘re used to implementing ―EJB‖ or ―J2EE‖ applications rather than OO applications.  It doesn‘t have to be this way.  Provide a good alternative to EJB for many applications  Enhance productivity compared to ―traditional‖ J2EE approaches Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 4. Part of a new wave of frameworks  Big change in how J2EE applications are written  Less emphasis on EJB  EJB has been grossly overused  EJB has some unique capabilities for a minority of apps (distributed transaction management, RMI remoting) but for the most part is looking like legacy  Not just Spring  PicoContainer, HiveMind and other Inversion of Control frameworks  EJB 3.0 (2006-2007) programming model looks a lot like (Spring IoC – important features) + Hibernate/JDO  These lightweight frameworks are different from earlier frameworks  Spring is the most mature, most powerful and by far the most popular Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 5. Unique Spring capabilities  Declarative transaction management for POJOs with or without EJB. Optional Annotations support.  Consistent approach to data access, with common exception hierarchy  Simplifies working with JDBC, JDO, Hibernate, TopLink, etc  IoC/AOP integration  Integration with a wide variety of popular products  Gestalt  More than the sum of its parts  Hard to explain in a snappy phrase, but our users love it  Solid, robust, works now  In production in mission-critical apps now, across all industries Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 6. A layered framework  Spring Web Flow  Web MVC  AOP framework  Integrates with IoC  IoC container  Dependency Injection  Transaction management  Data access  JMX  Transparent Remoting  One stop shop but can also use as modules Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 7. Layers of Spring Web AOP Enterprise Context Web Flow AOP core Web-based JDBC + ORM Web MVC AOP Alliance AspectJ Transactions Factories Incl. Views (JSP, Velocity, Remoting Access PDF, Excel) Source-level JMX Event metadata Web Messaging JNDI Integration Spring Core Beans Utilities Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 8. Spring in the Middle Tier  Complete solution for managing business objects  Write your business objects as POJOs  Spring handles wiring and lookup  Simple, consistent, XML format (most common choice) • But the IoC container is not tied to XML • Other formats coming  Application code has few dependencies on the container—often no dependencies on the container  Spring Pet Store sample has no dependencies on Spring IoC  No imports, no magic annotations for IoC: nothing Spring- specific  Easy unit testing. TDD works! Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 9. …Spring in the Middle Tier  Named ―beans‖—objects—provide a clear point for pluggability  Objects that depend on a given bean depend on its interface(s) and/or class  Better practice to depend on interfaces  Can change any object‘s implementation with zero impact on callers  The ―Lego Hypothesis‖ made real in J2EE applications Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 10. …Spring in the Middle Tier  The most complete IoC container  Setter Dependency Injection • Configuration via JavaBean properties  Constructor Dependency Injection • Configuration via constructor arguments • Pioneered by PicoContainer  Method Injection  Dependency Lookup • Avalon/EJB-style callbacks Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 11. Middle Tier: Setter Injection public class PetStoreImpl implements PetStoreFacade { private OrderDao orderDao; private ItemDao itemDao; ... public void setOrderDao(OrderDao orderDao) { this.orderDao = orderDao; } public void setItemDao(ItemDao itemDao) { this.itemDao = itemDao; } ... public void insertOrder(Order order) { this.orderDao.insertOrder(order); this.itemDao.updateQuantity(order); } } Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 12. Middle Tier: Setter Injection <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="... "/> <property name="url" value="..."/> <property name="username" value="...“> <property name="password" value="...“/> </bean> <bean id="itemDao" class="org.springframework.samples.jpetstore.dao.ibatis.SqlMapItemDao"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> <property name="sqlMap" ref="sqlMap"/> </bean> <bean id="petStore“ class="org.springframework.samples.jpetstore.domain.logic.PetStoreImpl"> <property name="orderDao" ref="orderDao"/> <property name="itemDao" ref="itemDao"/> </bean> Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 13. Middle Tier: Constructor Injection public class PetStoreImpl implements PetStoreFacade { private OrderDao orderDao; private ItemDao itemDao; ... public PetStoreImpl(OrderDao orderDao, ItemDao itemDao) { this.orderDao = orderDao; this.itemDao = itemDao; } ... public void insertOrder(Order order) { this.orderDao.insertOrder(order); this.itemDao.updateQuantity(order); } } Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 14. Middle Tier: Constructor Injection <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="... "/> <property name="url" value="..."/> <property name="username" value="...“> <property name="password" value="...“/> </bean> <bean id="itemDao" class="org.springframework.samples.jpetstore.dao.ibatis.SqlMapItemDao"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> <property name="sqlMap" ref="sqlMap"/> </bean> <bean id="petStore“ class="org.springframework.samples.jpetstore.domain.logic.PetStoreImpl"> <constructor-arg ref="orderDao"/> <constructor-arg ref="itemDao"/> </bean> Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 15. Middle Tier: Dependency Injection  Dependencies are expressed in pure Java  Push configuration (container injects dependencies) is much better than pull configuration (objects look up dependencies)  No ad hoc lookup  Code is self-documenting, describing its own dependencies  Can apply consistent management strategy everywhere  Easy to test • No JNDI to stub, properties files to substitute, RDBMS data to set up… Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 16. Middle Tier: Dependency Injection  Properties & Constructor Arguments injected are:  Configuration values (i.e. something like a timeout integer value)  Dependencies on collaborators (i.e. the reference to accountDao in the example)  Can run many existing classes unchanged  ―Autowiring‖  Trivial to test application classes outside the container, without Spring  Can reuse application classes outside the container  Hot swapping, instance pooling (with AOP) Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 17. Spring in the Middle Tier  Advanced IoC features  Manage lists, maps or sets, with arbitrary nesting  Create objects using new or from factory methods  Method Injection • Container can override abstract or concrete methods at runtime • Can use to avoid dependence on Spring (override isolates dependency on Spring API)  Nearly any existing Java object can be used in a Spring context  Leverages standard JavaBeans PropertyEditor machinery • Register custom property editors  Many hooks to customize container behaviour Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 18. Why AOP?  Dependency Injection takes us a long way, but not quite enough on its own  AOP complements IoC to deliver a non-invasive framework  Externalizes crosscutting concerns from application code  Concerns that cut across the structure of an object model  AOP offers a different way of thinking about program structure to an object hierarchy  EJB interception is conceptually similar, but not extensible and imposes too many constraints on components  Can‘t define new aspects  Constrained pointcut model (methods on the component interface)  Spring provides important out-of-the box aspects  Declarative transaction management for any POJO  Remoting  Pooling, and resource acquisition/release Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 19. AOP + IoC: A unique synergy  AOP + IoC is a match made in heaven  Any object obtained from a Spring IoC container can be transparently advised based on configuration  Advisors, pointcuts and advices can themselves be managed by the IoC container  Spring is an integrated, consistent solution Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 20. Custom AOP  Complements, rather then conflicts with, OOP  Email administrator if a particular exception is thrown  Apply custom declarative security checks  Performance monitoring  Auditing  Caching  Objects have clear responsibilities  No need to abuse inheritance  Integration with AspectJ/AspectWerz for when you need a full-blown AOP framework Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 21. Spring DAO  Integrated with Spring transaction management  Unique synergy  Gestalt again…  Doesn‘t reinvent the wheel  There are good solutions for O/R mapping, we make them easier to use  Out-of-the-box support for  JDBC  JDO  Hibernate  TopLink  iBATIS  + others  Model allows support for other technologies  Java Persistence API support coming as soon as spec is stable Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 22. …Spring DAO  Using clearly defined technology agnostic DAO interfaces is a best practice  Implement with JDO, JDBC, Hibernate, iBATIS…  Spring doesn‘t enforce this, but it makes it very easy  Consistent DataAccessException hierarchy allows truly technology-agnostic DAOs public interface ReminderDao { public Collection findRequestsEligibleForReminder() throws DataAccessException; void persist(Reminder reminder) throws DataAccessException; } Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 23. Spring DAO: Consistent exception hierarchy Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 24. Spring DAO: JDBC  Class library offers simpler programming model than raw JDBC  No more try/catch/finally blocks  No more leaked connections  Spring will always close a connection: no scope for programmer error  Meaningful exception hierarchy  No more vendor code lookups • Spring autodetects database and knows what Oracle, DB2 error codes mean • More portable code  More readable code • catch (BadSqlGrammarException ex)  Sophisticated, portable stored procedure and BLOB/CLOB support  Can refactor to clean up JDBC without adopting Spring overall  Incremental adoption: Step by step Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 25. Example Working With the JPetStore Database  Get a list of pet types (Strings) JdbcTemplate template = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); final List names = new LinkedList(); template.query("SELECT id,name FROM types ORDER BY name", new RowCallbackHandler() { public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { names.add(rs.getString(1)); } });  Note usage of ‗final‘ on the names variable so that the anonymous inner class can have access to it  Remember this when working with callbacks Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 26. Mapping Result sets to Objects  Example of a RowCallbackHandler mapping ResultSets to complex types RowCallbackHandler() { public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { Pet pet=new Pet(); pet.setId(rs.getInt(“pet_id”)); pet.setName(rs.getString(“pet_name”)); … // more fields here pets.add(pet); } Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 27. Spring DAO: ORM (Hibernate / JDO / TopLink / Other)  Spring manages the unit of work (Hibernate Session, JDO PersistenceManager, TopLink UnitOfWork, etc.)  No more passing them around or custom ThreadLocals for this purpose  Sessions are managed within Spring transaction management  Works with JTA or local transactions, with no code changes  Works within EJB container with CMT if desired  Templates (HibernateTemplate/JDOTemplate, etc.) makes common operations easy  Simpler, consistent exception handling  Many operations become one-liners  Less, simpler, code compared to using Hibernate alone  Mixed use of ORM and JDBC within the same transaction Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 28. HibernateTemplate DAO example public class HibernateReminderDao extends HibernateDaoSupport implements ReminderDao { public Collection findRequestsEligibleForReminder() throws DataAccessException { getHibernateTemplate().find("from Request r where r.something = 1"); } public void persist(Reminder reminder) throws DataAccessException { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(reminder); } } Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 29. HibernateTemplate DAO example (2) <bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate.LocalSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource― ref="dataSource"/> <property name="mappingResources"> <value>mycompany/mappings.hbm.xml</value> </property> <property name="hibernateProperties"> <props> <prop key="hibernate.dialect">net.sf.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect</prop> </props> </property> </bean> <bean id=―myDao" class=―com.mycompany.HibernateReminderDao" autowire=―autodetect―/> Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 30. Spring DAO: JDO  Comparable to Hibernate support  PersistenceManager management just like Hibernate Session management  Mixed use of JDO and JDBC within the same transaction  Support JDO 2.0 features and vendor extensions in a portable manner  All major vendors support similar concepts  We work closely with JDO vendors, including:  SolarMetric (Kodo)  Open source: JPOX JDO  Spring + Kodo is a particularly strong enterprise combination Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 31. Spring DAO: TopLink  Originally written by Oracle, donated to Spring  Basic approach is very similar to Hibernate or JDO integration approach  Mixed use of TopLink and JDBC within the same transaction  Strong enterprise combination Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 32. Spring Transaction  Consistent abstraction  PlatformTransactionManager  Does not reinvent transaction manager  Choose between JTA, JDBC, Hibernate, JDO, etc with simple changes to configuration not Java code  No more rewriting application to scale up from JDBC, JDO, or Hibernate local transactions to JTA global transactions  Use the simplest transaction infrastructure that can possibly work  Global (JTA) transactions optionally take advantage of server-specific enhanced functionality  Local transactions offer more features than standard JTA (isolation levels, savepoints, etc.) Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 33. Spring Transaction (WebLogic)  Enhanced support for transactions in a WebLogic environment  Beyond the level of standard JTA APIs  WebLogicJtaTransactionManager  Allows Spring-driven transactions to be visible in WebLogic‘s transaction monitor  Supports per-transaction isolation level  Enhances resume support when using transaction suspension  Automatically detects WebLogic server version  Usage on a WebLogic client is supported  Fully XA capable access to WebLogic DataSources and JMS Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 34. Programmatic Transaction Management  Simpler, cleaner API than JTA  Exception hierarchy as with DAO  No need to catch multiple exceptions without a common base class  Unchecked exceptions  Use the same API for JTA, JDBC, Hibernate, etc.  Write once have transaction management anywhereTM Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 35. Declarative Transaction Management  Most popular transaction management option  Built on same abstraction as programmatic transaction management  Declarative transaction management for any POJO, without EJB: even without JTA (single database)  More flexible than EJB CMT  Declarative rollback rules: roll back on MyCheckedException  Supports nested transactions and savepoints if the underlying resource manager does  Non-invasive: Minimizes dependence on the container  No more passing around EJBContext Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 36. Making a service transactional  The original service implementation class is unmodified and knows nothing about transactions  Pluggable metadata tells Spring to wrap the target service with a proxy object which looks like the target, but applies transaction semantics on method invocations  Most people today use XML for defining both the services, and the transactional wrappers around them  Once they can commit to a Java 5 dependency, most people will probably prefer to use source code Annotations Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 37. Make ServiceImpl POJO transactional public class ServiceImpl implements Service { private int timeout; private AccountDao accountDao; public void setTimeout(int timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } public void setAccountDao(AccountDao accountDao) { this.accountDao = accountDao; } public void doSomething() throws ServiceWithdrawnException { } } <bean id="serviceTarget" class="com.mycompany.service.ServiceImpl"> <property name="timeout― value=―30‖/> <property name="accountDao― ref="accountDao"/> </bean> Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 38. Make ServiceImpl transactional <bean id=―service" class=―org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.Transactio nProxyFactoryBean"/> <property name="transactionManager― ref=―txManager"/> <property name="target― ref="serviceTarget"/> <property name="transactionAttributes"> <props> <prop key="do*"> PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,-ServiceWithdrawnException </prop> </props> </property> </bean> Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 39. Make ServiceImpl transactional  Rollback rule means that we don‘t need to call setRollbackOnly()  Spring also supports programmatic rollback  Can run this from a JUnit test case  Doesn‘t depend on a heavyweight container  Can work with JTA, JDBC, Hibernate, JDO, iBATIS transactions…  Simply change definition of transaction manager Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 40. Make ServiceImpl transactional  Don‘t actually need this much XML per transactional object  Alternative approaches, simpler in large applications:  Use ―auto proxy creator‖ to apply similar transaction attributes to multiple beans  Use metadata (annotations) or another pointcut approach to apply transactional behaviour to multiple classes Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 41. Annotations for Transaction Demarcation @Transactional(readOnly=true) interface MyService { @Transactional(readOnly=false, rollbackFor=DuplicateOrderIdException.class) void createOrder(Order order) throws DuplicateOrderIdException ; List queryByCriteria(Order criteria); } Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 42. Transactions: flexibility  Rollback rule means that we don‘t need to call setRollbackOnly()  Spring also supports programmatic rollback  Can run this from a JUnit test case in your IDE  Doesn‘t depend on deplying to an app server  Can work with JTA, JDBC, JDO, Hibernate, iBATIS transactions…  Simply change definition of transaction manager  Full ability to customize transaction semantics:  Propagation behavior (REQUIRED, SUPPORTS, REQUIRES_NEW, etc.). Isolation level. Read/write vs. read-only. Timeout value. Rollback rules. Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 43. Spring J2EE  No more JNDI lookups  JndiObjectFactoryBean  Generic proxy for DataSources etc.  No more EJB API dependencies, even in code calling EJBs  ―Codeless EJB proxies‖  No more home.create(), Service Locators or Business Delegates  Callers depend on Business Methods interface, not EJB API  Enhanced testability  Maximize code reuse by minimizing J2EE API dependencies  Full power of your application server lies under the covers Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 44. Goals of Spring Remoting  Reduce the amount of glue code needed  Clearly separate remoting infrastructure from application logic  Increase ease-of-use  Support both client and server  Transparent support for different protocols  HttpInvoker  Hessian  Burlap  RMI  SOAP (using Axis or XFire)  Accessing EJBs  Special WebLogic specific cluster-aware web service invoker Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 45. Spring Remoting Overview  Server-side  Exporters provide Spring-style configuration for exposing services  Transparent exposure in most cases  Exporters used for both remoting and JMX  Translation of remote calls to local calls  Marshalling of return values and exceptions  Client-side  Services are hidden behind (business) interfaces  Service proxies are generated dynamically  Translation of local calls to remote calls  Unmarshalling of return values and exceptions  Easy unit testing • Inject stub service implementations Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 46. Problems with Traditional JMX  Requires too much effort from application developers  Code is closely coupled to JMX  Advanced features require a LOT of spaghetti code  ModelMBeans are a pain to code (see the Spring JMX code!)  JMX 1.0 specification is inconsistent Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 47. Spring JMX Features (1)  Transparently expose ANY Spring bean to JMX  Full control over ObjectNames  Full control over methods in the management interface  Simple catch-all approach  Configure in Spring XML  Use interfaces  Use source-level metadata (Annotations)  Removes the need for manual MBean creation  No need to create Standard MBean interfaces  No need to create Model MBean metadata Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 48. Spring JMX Features (2)  Declaratively registers MBeans with the MBeanServer  Supports Spring-created AND user-created MBeans  Autodetect MBeans in certain cases  Declaratively setup JSR-160 connectors  Access local and remote MBeans via simple Java proxies  MBean dependencies can be injected like any other dependency!  Abstract many implementation inconsistencies Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 49. Spring Web MVC  Most similar in design to Struts  Single shared Controller instance handles a particular request type  Controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container  Important distinguishing feature  Spring eats its own dog food Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 50. Web MVC: Advantages over Struts  Allows multiple DispatcherServlets  More elegant than Struts 1.1 approach  DispatcherServlets can share a base ―application context‖  Interceptors as well as controllers  No need to abuse inheritance to put interception behaviour in a common base Action  No need for custom ActionForms  Reuse domain objects or DTOs as form objects. MUCH less binding code is needed  Avoid code duplication  Interface not class based: Easy to customize  Less tied to JSP  Clean separation of controller, model and view Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 51. Web tier integration But I love WebWork/Tapestry/Struts/JSF/whatever  The customer is always right  …unless the customer has only ever used Struts  We don‘t dictate how to use Spring  You can preserve your investment (tools etc.)  You can refactor to use what parts of Spring you need  Seamless Struts, JSF, WebWork integration  Portlet integration in Spring 1.3 Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 52. Spring Web Flow – What is it?  A new spring-web module  A strong compliment to Spring MVC, Struts 1.x, JSF, and other frameworks, that addresses one problem really well: web application page flow  Builds on these lower-level frameworks, doesn‘t replace them  Proven in production  Key benefits:  Captures page flow as a reusable module  Makes web application page flow explicit and clear  Scales elegantly as a web application grows in complexity  One consistent approach for your developers to learn Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 53. Spring Web Flow - Design  What makes a good Web Flow?  Accomplishes some business goal, e.g. • Book a flight • Pay your taxes • Apply for a Loan  Encapsulates that business goal as a reusable module • A ―black box‖  Often has multiple paths to support different scenarios • Paths may vary based on contextual information  Often spawns other Flows as sub flows • Has a clear, observable lifecycle: Flow executions start, events happens, they end Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 54. Spring Web Flow - Design  What doesn‘t make a good Flow?  Index pages  Welcome Pages  Menus  Simple Form Submissions  Sites with a lot of free navigation  Web flows are best suited for enforcing controlled navigation to support business process workflows  Don‘t abuse them Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 55. Web Flow Design – State Diagram Phonebook Search Flow State Diagram << StartState , ViewState >> << ActionState >> << ActionState >> Bind And Validate Search Criteria Execute Query submit success View Search Criteria success newSearch << ViewState >> View Results back << SubFlowState >> select Details << ActionState >> success Set Person ID Note how the Details sub flow is a "black box" - its internals are hidden from the Search parent flow! Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 56. Spring OOP  No more Singletons  An antipattern as commonly used  Program to interfaces, not classes  Facilitates use of the Strategy pattern  Makes good OO practice much easier to achieve  Reduces the cost of programming to interfaces to near zero  Dependency Injection keeps the container from messing up your object model  Base object granularity on OO considerations, not Spring considerations  Combine with transparent persistence to achieve a true domain model Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 57. Spring Productivity  Less code to develop in house  Focus on your domain  Reduced testing effort  ―Old‖ J2EE has a poor productivity record  Need to simplify the programming model, not rely on tools to hide the complexity Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 58. “Old” J2EE vs Spring  Write a SLSB  Implement a Spring object  Home interface  Business interface  Component interface  Implementation class  ―Business methods‖ interface  Straightforward XML  Bean implementation class configuration  Complex XML configuration  POJO delegate behind it if you want to test outside the container  The first two steps are necessary in Java anyway  Much of this is working around EJB issues  Oops, I really meant ―implement a Java object,‖  If you want parameterization it not ―implement a Spring gets even more complex object‖ • Need custom code, IoC  If you want to manage container or ―environment simple properties or object variables‖ (ouch) dependencies, it‘s easy Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 59. “Old” J2EE vs Spring  Use your SLSB  Use your Spring object  Write a Service Locator  Just write the class that and/or Business uses it in plain old Java Delegate: need JNDI  Express a dependency of code the business interface  Each class that uses the type using Java (setter or service needs to depend constructor) on EJB interface (home  Simple, intuitive XML interface) or you need a configuration Business Delegate with substantial code duplication  No lookup code  Hard to test outside a  Easily test with mock container object Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 60. Productivity dividend  Spring removes unnecessary code  You end with no Java plumbing code and relatively simple XML  If your Spring XML is complex, you‘re probably doing things you couldn‘t do the old way without extensive custom coding  The old way you have lots of Java plumbing code and lots of XML  A lot of the XML is not standard  Combine with JDO or Hibernate for transparent persistence and the advantage is huge compared to traditional J2EE. Still mix in JDBC as needed.  Real example: financial application with 15% of the code of a failed attempt to deliver a ―blueprints‖ solution Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 61. MedRec Experience  A J2EE best practice example by BEA  A three tier application with  Presentation tier  Service tier  Enterprise Information System tier  Re-wrote MedRec with Spring  Demonstrating Spring best practices on WLS  Spring and WLS best practice Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 62. MedRec Architecture with J2EE MedRec (Patient/Admin) Application Shared Physician Application Presentation/Interface Tier JSTL JSTL JSPs XMLBeans JSPs Log4j / WL Diagnostic Framework Web Struts Services Struts Services Tier Security Local / Remote Driven Beans Local Stateless Session Message- JMX Stateless Session EJBs EJBs Integration Tier Local CMP JDBC JMS JavaMai Web Services Entity RowSets l Beans EIS/External Services Tier PointBase MedRec WebLogic / J2EE component Open Source / 3rd Party component Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 63. MedRec Architecture with Spring MedRec (Patient/Admin) Application Shared Physician Application Presentation/Interface Tier JSTL JSTL Java Server Pages XMLBeans Java Server Pages Web Struts Struts Services Log4j / WL Diagnostic Framework Spring Web Spring Web Services Tier Spring / WLS Java Transaction Management Extensions Security Spring Java Remoting Message- Driven Spring Beans Spring Beans Enterprise Java Beans Integration Tier Spring Remoting Spring Spring Messaging Spring Java Database Java JavaMai Web Services Connectivity l Messaging EIS/External Services Tier PointBase MySQL MedRec WebLogic / J2EE component Open Source / 3rd Party component Spring Framework component Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 64. Quotes  Spring now has the momentum to dominate the J2EE framework space – OO guru and consultant Craig Larman  ―get off your butts and try it out ‖ – ‗Pragmatic‘ Dave Thomas Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 65. A Shameless plug for a good book:  Written by Rod Johnson and Juergen Hoeller  Describes the Lightweight Container Architecture in detail  Practical guide to more efficient, more agile, more productive J2EE  Not just a polemic  Not purely about Spring, but  Uses Spring for all examples  Discusses all key parts of Spring Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 66. The Spring community   25 developers  Around 7-8 ―core‖ developers  Significant number of contributors  Architects and key developers  Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller  Alef Arendsen, Keith Donald, Rob Harrop, Colin Sampaleanu, Mark Pollack, Thomas Risberg + others  Framework is developed test-first  Vibrant community  Very active mailing lists and forums (6k+ registered users)  JIRA Issue tracker  Around 400K direct downloads in late Summer 2005 Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 67. Momentum  At least 9 books on Spring by late 2005  J2EE Without EJB: Johnson/Hoeller  Professional Java Development with Spring: Arendsen/Johnson/Hoeller/Risberg/Sampaleanu  Pro Spring: Rob Harrop  Spring Live: Matt Raible  Manning Spring in Action  Better, Faster Lighter Java (Bruce Tate)  Spring Developer‘s Handbook (Bruce Tate, O‘Reilly, Q4)  APress! : Spring MVC and Web Flow book coming  APress! : Introduction to Spring book coming  Related projects  Acegi Security for Spring (Spring Security)  Spring Rich Client Project  Spring.NET  + many frameworks/apps using, integrating with, or architecturally based on Spring Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 68. Roadmap  Spring 1.2.6 is current production version (released Nov. 2005)  Continuing vigorous development and innovation  Spring 1.3 RC1 in early Dec. 2005  Upcoming features in 1.3 and beyond:  XML simplification (dialects)  Enhanced JMS and messaging integration/functionality  Enhanced JMX functionality  Portlet API support  Continuing AspectJ integration enhancements  Enhanced use of Annotations, where they make sense  Enhanced scripting support (scripts can be configured via dependency injection, regular objects can be injected with scripts)  Spring Web Flow final release  Innovative alternative to XML bean definitions Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 69. The Spring Experience 2005 Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 70. The Spring Experience 2005  International conference for agile Java developers   December 7 – 10th, 2005, Sheraton Resort, Bal Harbour Beach Florida  40+ technical sessions across four tracks: Web, Enterprise, Process, Beyond J2EE  Featuring  Rod Johnson (Spring Founder, i21 CEO)  Juergen Hoeller (Spring Co-Founder, i21 CTO)  Adrian Colyer (AspectJ Founder, i21 Chief Scientist)  Colin Sampaleanu (Author, Prof. Java Dev. With Spring)  Rob Harrop (Author, Pro Spring)  Keith Donald  Alef Arendsen  Ben Alex  … and many more Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 71. Interface21 –  Spring ―From the Source‖  Training • Both onsite and publicly scheduled (worldwide)  Consulting  Support  Expert consulting on Agile and Lightweight J2EE, AspectJ  We know Spring best, because we built it  Almost all core Spring developers work for Interface21 • Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller, Adrian Colyer, Colin Sampaleanu, Rob Harrop, Keith Donald, Alef Arendsen, Steven Devijver Copyright 2004-2005, Interface21 Ltd. - Copying, publishing, or distributing without expressed written permission is prohibited.
  • 72. Questions? Colin Sampaleanu Director, Interface21 North America