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1  sur  6
3rd doc<br />/* Actions operations command group caption */<br />quot;
Actions operationsquot;
 = quot;
Operaciones de accionesquot;
;<br />/* Align left command caption */<br />quot;
Align leftquot;
 = quot;
Alin. izq.quot;
;<br />/* Align right command caption */<br />quot;
Align rightquot;
 = quot;
Alin. der.quot;
;<br />/* Alignment controller caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Bold command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Bulleted list command caption */<br />quot;
Bulleted listquot;
 = quot;
Lista viñetasquot;
;<br />/* Cancel button title */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Status message sent to the progress dialog when the user clicks the cancelbutton */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file and no one autosaved copy exists */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar archivo. Se recomienda cerrar editor de archivos.quot;
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar archivo. Recomendamos salir del editor de arch. para restaurar el √∫ltimo alm. auto. correcto.quot;
;<br />/* No comment provided by engineer. */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible crear archivo "
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't open file */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible abrir archivoquot;
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW have not any autosaved files to restore data */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar arch. Se perder√°n las modif. ¬øDesea salir?quot;
;<br />/* No comment provided by engineer. */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar archivoquot;
;<br />/* Center command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Clipboard command group caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Title of confirmation alert view */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Menu item for copy to clipboard */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Color picker no color caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Color autoquot;
;<br />/* Menu item for cut to clipboard */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Decrease first line indent command caption */<br />quot;
Decrease first line indentquot;
 = quot;
Disminuir sangría 1ª líneaquot;
;<br />/* Indent decrease command caption */<br />quot;
Decrease indentquot;
 = quot;
Disminuir sangríaquot;
;<br />/* Menu item for delete selected objects (text, images, tables etc) */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Caption for Done button */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Text for alignment drag component */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Arrastre para alin.horiz. de p√°rrafoquot;
;<br />/* Title of error alert view */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Find next command caption */<br />quot;
Find nextquot;
 = quot;
Buscar siguientequot;
;<br />/* Find prev command caption */<br />quot;
Find prevquot;
 = quot;
Buscar ant.quot;
;<br />/* Find command caption<br />Find command group caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Label for first line indentation on the component which is responsible for alignment and indentation */<br />quot;
 = quot;
1ª líneaquot;
;<br />/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text lower of the current paragraph */<br />quot;
 = quot;
P√°rrafo siguientequot;
;<br />/* Format command group caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Highlight command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Increase first line indent command caption */<br />quot;
Increase first line indentquot;
 = quot;
Aumentar sangría 1ª líneaquot;
;<br />/* Indent increase command caption */<br />quot;
Increase indentquot;
 = quot;
Aumentar sangríaquot;
;<br />/* Menu item for insert image */<br />quot;
Insert imagequot;
 = quot;
Insertar imagenquot;
;<br />/* Italic command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Item not found message */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Elemento de b√∫squeda no encontradoquot;
;<br />/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is loading */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* NO button caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* OK button caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Paragraph command group caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Menu item for paste from the clipboard */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text upper of the current paragraph */<br />quot;
 = quot;
P√°rrafo anteriorquot;
;<br />/* Redo command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW propose to restore last successfully saved file */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar archivo. ¬øDesea reemplazar con la √∫ltima copia autom√°tica guardada?quot;
;<br />/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is saving */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Beginning of file reached message */<br />quot;
 = quot;
La búsqueda alcanzó el principio del archivo. ¿Continuar desde el final?quot;
;<br />/* End of file reached message */<br />quot;
 = quot;
La búsqueda alcanzó el final del archivo ¿Continuar desde el principio?quot;
;<br />/* Title for searching message window */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Menu item for select objects (text, images, tables etc) */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Menu item for select whole document */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Seleccionar todoquot;
;<br />/* Show keyboard command caption */<br />quot;
Show keyboardquot;
 = quot;
Mostrar tecladoquot;
;<br />/* Font color command caption */<br />quot;
Text colorquot;
 = quot;
Color de textoquot;
;<br />/* Font format command caption */<br />quot;
Text formatquot;
 = quot;
Formato textoquot;
;<br />/* Undo command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* YES button caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Undo menu item caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Actions operations command group caption */<br />quot;
Actions operationsquot;
 = quot;
Operaciones de accionesquot;
;<br />/* Align left command caption */<br />quot;
Align leftquot;
 = quot;
Alin. izq.quot;
;<br />/* Align right command caption */<br />quot;
Align rightquot;
 = quot;
Alin. der.quot;
;<br />/* Alignment controller caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Bold command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Bulleted list command caption */<br />quot;
Bulleted listquot;
 = quot;
Lista viñetasquot;
;<br />/* Cancel button title */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Status message sent to the progress dialog when the user clicks the cancelbutton */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file and no one autosaved copy exists */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar archivo. Se recomienda cerrar editor de archivos.quot;
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar archivo. Recomendamos salir del editor de arch. para restaurar el último alm. auto. correcto.quot;
;<br />/* No comment provided by engineer. */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible crear archivo "
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't open file */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible abrir archivoquot;
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW have not any autosaved files to restore data */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar arch. Se perderán las modif. ¿Desea salir?quot;
;<br />/* No comment provided by engineer. */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar archivoquot;
;<br />/* Center command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Clipboard command group caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Title of confirmation alert view */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Menu item for copy to clipboard */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Color picker no color caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Color autoquot;
;<br />/* Menu item for cut to clipboard */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Decrease first line indent command caption */<br />quot;
Decrease first line indentquot;
 = quot;
Disminuir sangría 1ª líneaquot;
;<br />/* Indent decrease command caption */<br />quot;
Decrease indentquot;
 = quot;
Disminuir sangríaquot;
;<br />/* Menu item for delete selected objects (text, images, tables etc) */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Caption for Done button */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Text for alignment drag component */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Arrastre para alin.horiz. de párrafoquot;
;<br />/* Title of error alert view */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Find next command caption */<br />quot;
Find nextquot;
 = quot;
Buscar siguientequot;
;<br />/* Find prev command caption */<br />quot;
Find prevquot;
 = quot;
Buscar ant.quot;
;<br />/* Find command caption<br />Find command group caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Label for first line indentation on the component which is responsible for alignment and indentation */<br />quot;
 = quot;
1ª líneaquot;
;<br />/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text lower of the current paragraph */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Párrafo siguientequot;
;<br />/* Format command group caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Highlight command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Increase first line indent command caption */<br />quot;
Increase first line indentquot;
 = quot;
Aumentar sangría 1ª líneaquot;
;<br />/* Indent increase command caption */<br />quot;
Increase indentquot;
 = quot;
Aumentar sangríaquot;
;<br />/* Menu item for insert image */<br />quot;
Insert imagequot;
 = quot;
Insertar imagenquot;
;<br />/* Italic command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Item not found message */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Elemento de búsqueda no encontradoquot;
;<br />/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is loading */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* NO button caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* OK button caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Paragraph command group caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Menu item for paste from the clipboard */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text upper of the current paragraph */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Párrafo anteriorquot;
;<br />/* Redo command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW propose to restore last successfully saved file */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Imposible guardar archivo. ¿Desea reemplazar con la última copia automática guardada?quot;
;<br />/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is saving */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Beginning of file reached message */<br />quot;
 = quot;
La búsqueda alcanzó el principio del archivo. ¿Continuar desde el final?quot;
;<br />/* End of file reached message */<br />quot;
 = quot;
La búsqueda alcanzó el final del archivo ¿Continuar desde el principio?quot;
;<br />/* Title for searching message window */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Menu item for select objects (text, images, tables etc) */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Menu item for select whole document */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Seleccionar todoquot;
;<br />/* Show keyboard command caption */<br />quot;
Show keyboardquot;
 = quot;
Mostrar tecladoquot;
;<br />/* Font color command caption */<br />quot;
Text colorquot;
 = quot;
Color de textoquot;
;<br />/* Font format command caption */<br />quot;
Text formatquot;
 = quot;
Formato textoquot;
;<br />/* Underline command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Undo command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Word count menu */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Contar palabrasquot;
;<br />/* Word count title */<br />quot;
 = quot;
Contar palabrasquot;
;<br />/* Statistic alert message format */<br />quot;
Words: %dCharacters (no spaces): %dCharacters (with spaces): %dquot;
 = quot;
Palabras: %1$dCaracteres (sin espacios): %2$dCaracteres (con espacios): %3$dquot;
;<br />/* YES button caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Close document command caption */<br />quot;
 = quot;
;<br />/* Cancel document saving alert title */<br />quot;
Saving a Filequot;
 = quot;
Guardar un archivoquot;
;<br />/* Cancel document loading alert title */<br />quot;
Loading a Filequot;
 = quot;
Cargar un archivoquot;
;<br />/* Text for scrollbar hint */<br />quot;
Tap and Holdquot;
 = quot;
Tocar y mantener presionadoquot;
;<br />/* Cancel document loading alert text */<br />quot;
You are currently loading a file.  Opening a new file will cancel this process. Would you like to Resume loading a file or Open the new file?quot;
 = quot;
Actualmente est√° cargando un archivo.  Si abre un archivo nuevo se cancelar√° el proceso. ¬øDesea Reanudar la carga de un archivo o Abrir el archivo nuevo?quot;
;<br />/* Cancel document loading alert text */<br />quot;
You are currently saving a file. Opening a new file will cancel this process. A file may not be saved. Would you like to Resume saving a file or Open the new file?quot;
 = quot;
Actualmente est√° guardando un archivo. Si abre un archivo nuevo se cancelar√° el proceso. Es posible que no se guarde un archivo. ¬øDesea Reanudar guardar un archivo o Abrir el archivo nuevo?quot;
;<br />
3rd doc
3rd doc
3rd doc
3rd doc
3rd doc

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The 7 Things I Know About Cyber Security After 25 Years | April 2024

3rd doc

  • 1. 3rd doc<br />/* Actions operations command group caption */<br />quot; Actions operationsquot; = quot; Operaciones de accionesquot; ;<br />/* Align left command caption */<br />quot; Align leftquot; = quot; Alin. izq.quot; ;<br />/* Align right command caption */<br />quot; Align rightquot; = quot; Alin. der.quot; ;<br />/* Alignment controller caption */<br />quot; Alignmentquot; = quot; Alin.quot; ;<br />/* Bold command caption */<br />quot; Boldquot; = quot; Negritaquot; ;<br />/* Bulleted list command caption */<br />quot; Bulleted listquot; = quot; Lista vi√±etasquot; ;<br />/* Cancel button title */<br />quot; CancelBtnquot; = quot; Cancelarquot; ;<br />/* Status message sent to the progress dialog when the user clicks the cancelbutton */<br />quot; Cancelling...quot; = quot; Cancelando...quot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file and no one autosaved copy exists */<br />quot; CantAutosaveAndRestoreFilequot; = quot; Imposible guardar archivo. Se recomienda cerrar editor de archivos.quot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file */<br />quot; CantAutosaveFilequot; = quot; Imposible guardar archivo. Recomendamos salir del editor de arch. para restaurar el √∫ltimo alm. auto. correcto.quot; ;<br />/* No comment provided by engineer. */<br />quot; CantCreateFilequot; = quot; Imposible crear archivo " %@" quot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't open file */<br />quot; CantOpenFilequot; = quot; Imposible abrir archivoquot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW have not any autosaved files to restore data */<br />quot; CantRestoreFileConfirmationquot; = quot; Imposible guardar arch. Se perder√°n las modif. ¬øDesea salir?quot; ;<br />/* No comment provided by engineer. */<br />quot; CantSaveFilequot; = quot; Imposible guardar archivoquot; ;<br />/* Center command caption */<br />quot; Centerquot; = quot; Centroquot; ;<br />/* Clipboard command group caption */<br />quot; Clipboardquot; = quot; Portapapelesquot; ;<br />/* Title of confirmation alert view */<br />quot; Confirmationquot; = quot; Confirmaci√≥nquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for copy to clipboard */<br />quot; Copyquot; = quot; Copiarquot; ;<br />/* Color picker no color caption */<br />quot; CPNoColorquot; = quot; Color autoquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for cut to clipboard */<br />quot; Cutquot; = quot; Cortarquot; ;<br />/* Decrease first line indent command caption */<br />quot; Decrease first line indentquot; = quot; Disminuir sangr√≠a 1¬™ l√≠neaquot; ;<br />/* Indent decrease command caption */<br />quot; Decrease indentquot; = quot; Disminuir sangr√≠aquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for delete selected objects (text, images, tables etc) */<br />quot; Deletequot; = quot; Eliminarquot; ;<br />/* Caption for Done button */<br />quot; DoneBtnquot; = quot; Hechoquot; ;<br />/* Text for alignment drag component */<br />quot; DragHorizontallyAndAlignParagraphquot; = quot; Arrastre para alin.horiz. de p√°rrafoquot; ;<br />/* Title of error alert view */<br />quot; Errorquot; = quot; Errorquot; ;<br />/* Find next command caption */<br />quot; Find nextquot; = quot; Buscar siguientequot; ;<br />/* Find prev command caption */<br />quot; Find prevquot; = quot; Buscar ant.quot; ;<br />/* Find command caption<br />Find command group caption */<br />quot; Findquot; = quot; Buscarquot; ;<br />/* Label for first line indentation on the component which is responsible for alignment and indentation */<br />quot; FirstLinequot; = quot; 1¬™ l√≠neaquot; ;<br />/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text lower of the current paragraph */<br />quot; FollowingParagraphquot; = quot; P√°rrafo siguientequot; ;<br />/* Format command group caption */<br />quot; Formatquot; = quot; Formatoquot; ;<br />/* Highlight command caption */<br />quot; Highlightquot; = quot; Resaltarquot; ;<br />/* Increase first line indent command caption */<br />quot; Increase first line indentquot; = quot; Aumentar sangr√≠a 1¬™ l√≠neaquot; ;<br />/* Indent increase command caption */<br />quot; Increase indentquot; = quot; Aumentar sangr√≠aquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for insert image */<br />quot; Insert imagequot; = quot; Insertar imagenquot; ;<br />/* Italic command caption */<br />quot; Italicquot; = quot; Cursivaquot; ;<br />/* Item not found message */<br />quot; ItemNotFoundquot; = quot; Elemento de b√∫squeda no encontradoquot; ;<br />/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is loading */<br />quot; Loading...quot; = quot; Cargando...quot; ;<br />/* NO button caption */<br />quot; NOquot; = quot; NOquot; ;<br />/* OK button caption */<br />quot; OKquot; = quot; Aceptarquot; ;<br />/* Paragraph command group caption */<br />quot; Paragraphquot; = quot; P√°rrafoquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for paste from the clipboard */<br />quot; Pastequot; = quot; Pegarquot; ;<br />/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text upper of the current paragraph */<br />quot; PreviousParagraphquot; = quot; P√°rrafo anteriorquot; ;<br />/* Redo command caption */<br />quot; Redoquot; = quot; Rehacerquot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW propose to restore last successfully saved file */<br />quot; RestoreFileConfirmationquot; = quot; Imposible guardar archivo. ¬øDesea reemplazar con la √∫ltima copia autom√°tica guardada?quot; ;<br />/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is saving */<br />quot; Saving...quot; = quot; Guardando...quot; ;<br />/* Beginning of file reached message */<br />quot; SearchBeginningReachedquot; = quot; La b√∫squeda alcanz√≥ el principio del archivo. ¬øContinuar desde el final?quot; ;<br />/* End of file reached message */<br />quot; SearchEndReachedquot; = quot; La b√∫squeda alcanz√≥ el final del archivo ¬øContinuar desde el principio?quot; ;<br />/* Title for searching message window */<br />quot; Searchingquot; = quot; Buscandoquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for select objects (text, images, tables etc) */<br />quot; Selectquot; = quot; Seleccionarquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for select whole document */<br />quot; SelectAllquot; = quot; Seleccionar todoquot; ;<br />/* Show keyboard command caption */<br />quot; Show keyboardquot; = quot; Mostrar tecladoquot; ;<br />/* Font color command caption */<br />quot; Text colorquot; = quot; Color de textoquot; ;<br />/* Font format command caption */<br />quot; Text formatquot; = quot; Formato textoquot; ;<br />/* Undo command caption */<br />quot; Undoquot; = quot; Deshacerquot; ;<br />/* YES button caption */<br />quot; YESquot; = quot; S√çquot; ;<br />/* Undo menu item caption */<br />quot; Actionquot; = quot; quot; ;<br />/* Actions operations command group caption */<br />quot; Actions operationsquot; = quot; Operaciones de accionesquot; ;<br />/* Align left command caption */<br />quot; Align leftquot; = quot; Alin. izq.quot; ;<br />/* Align right command caption */<br />quot; Align rightquot; = quot; Alin. der.quot; ;<br />/* Alignment controller caption */<br />quot; Alignmentquot; = quot; Alin.quot; ;<br />/* Bold command caption */<br />quot; Boldquot; = quot; Negritaquot; ;<br />/* Bulleted list command caption */<br />quot; Bulleted listquot; = quot; Lista viñetasquot; ;<br />/* Cancel button title */<br />quot; CancelBtnquot; = quot; Cancelarquot; ;<br />/* Status message sent to the progress dialog when the user clicks the cancelbutton */<br />quot; Cancelling...quot; = quot; Cancelando...quot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file and no one autosaved copy exists */<br />quot; CantAutosaveAndRestoreFilequot; = quot; Imposible guardar archivo. Se recomienda cerrar editor de archivos.quot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file */<br />quot; CantAutosaveFilequot; = quot; Imposible guardar archivo. Recomendamos salir del editor de arch. para restaurar el último alm. auto. correcto.quot; ;<br />/* No comment provided by engineer. */<br />quot; CantCreateFilequot; = quot; Imposible crear archivo " %@" quot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW can't open file */<br />quot; CantOpenFilequot; = quot; Imposible abrir archivoquot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW have not any autosaved files to restore data */<br />quot; CantRestoreFileConfirmationquot; = quot; Imposible guardar arch. Se perderán las modif. ¿Desea salir?quot; ;<br />/* No comment provided by engineer. */<br />quot; CantSaveFilequot; = quot; Imposible guardar archivoquot; ;<br />/* Center command caption */<br />quot; Centerquot; = quot; Centroquot; ;<br />/* Clipboard command group caption */<br />quot; Clipboardquot; = quot; Portapapelesquot; ;<br />/* Title of confirmation alert view */<br />quot; Confirmationquot; = quot; Confirmaciónquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for copy to clipboard */<br />quot; Copyquot; = quot; Copiarquot; ;<br />/* Color picker no color caption */<br />quot; CPNoColorquot; = quot; Color autoquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for cut to clipboard */<br />quot; Cutquot; = quot; Cortarquot; ;<br />/* Decrease first line indent command caption */<br />quot; Decrease first line indentquot; = quot; Disminuir sangría 1ª líneaquot; ;<br />/* Indent decrease command caption */<br />quot; Decrease indentquot; = quot; Disminuir sangríaquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for delete selected objects (text, images, tables etc) */<br />quot; Deletequot; = quot; Eliminarquot; ;<br />/* Caption for Done button */<br />quot; DoneBtnquot; = quot; Hechoquot; ;<br />/* Text for alignment drag component */<br />quot; DragHorizontallyAndAlignParagraphquot; = quot; Arrastre para alin.horiz. de párrafoquot; ;<br />/* Title of error alert view */<br />quot; Errorquot; = quot; Errorquot; ;<br />/* Find next command caption */<br />quot; Find nextquot; = quot; Buscar siguientequot; ;<br />/* Find prev command caption */<br />quot; Find prevquot; = quot; Buscar ant.quot; ;<br />/* Find command caption<br />Find command group caption */<br />quot; Findquot; = quot; Buscarquot; ;<br />/* Label for first line indentation on the component which is responsible for alignment and indentation */<br />quot; FirstLinequot; = quot; 1ª líneaquot; ;<br />/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text lower of the current paragraph */<br />quot; FollowingParagraphquot; = quot; Párrafo siguientequot; ;<br />/* Format command group caption */<br />quot; Formatquot; = quot; Formatoquot; ;<br />/* Highlight command caption */<br />quot; Highlightquot; = quot; Resaltarquot; ;<br />/* Increase first line indent command caption */<br />quot; Increase first line indentquot; = quot; Aumentar sangría 1ª líneaquot; ;<br />/* Indent increase command caption */<br />quot; Increase indentquot; = quot; Aumentar sangríaquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for insert image */<br />quot; Insert imagequot; = quot; Insertar imagenquot; ;<br />/* Italic command caption */<br />quot; Italicquot; = quot; Cursivaquot; ;<br />/* Item not found message */<br />quot; ItemNotFoundquot; = quot; Elemento de búsqueda no encontradoquot; ;<br />/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is loading */<br />quot; Loading...quot; = quot; Cargando...quot; ;<br />/* NO button caption */<br />quot; NOquot; = quot; NOquot; ;<br />/* OK button caption */<br />quot; OKquot; = quot; Aceptarquot; ;<br />/* Paragraph command group caption */<br />quot; Paragraphquot; = quot; Párrafoquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for paste from the clipboard */<br />quot; Pastequot; = quot; Pegarquot; ;<br />/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text upper of the current paragraph */<br />quot; PreviousParagraphquot; = quot; Párrafo anteriorquot; ;<br />/* Redo command caption */<br />quot; Redoquot; = quot; Rehacerquot; ;<br />/* Alert message displayed if QW propose to restore last successfully saved file */<br />quot; RestoreFileConfirmationquot; = quot; Imposible guardar archivo. ¿Desea reemplazar con la última copia automática guardada?quot; ;<br />/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is saving */<br />quot; Saving...quot; = quot; Guardando...quot; ;<br />/* Beginning of file reached message */<br />quot; SearchBeginningReachedquot; = quot; La búsqueda alcanzó el principio del archivo. ¿Continuar desde el final?quot; ;<br />/* End of file reached message */<br />quot; SearchEndReachedquot; = quot; La búsqueda alcanzó el final del archivo ¿Continuar desde el principio?quot; ;<br />/* Title for searching message window */<br />quot; Searchingquot; = quot; Buscandoquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for select objects (text, images, tables etc) */<br />quot; Selectquot; = quot; Seleccionarquot; ;<br />/* Menu item for select whole document */<br />quot; SelectAllquot; = quot; Seleccionar todoquot; ;<br />/* Show keyboard command caption */<br />quot; Show keyboardquot; = quot; Mostrar tecladoquot; ;<br />/* Font color command caption */<br />quot; Text colorquot; = quot; Color de textoquot; ;<br />/* Font format command caption */<br />quot; Text formatquot; = quot; Formato textoquot; ;<br />/* Underline command caption */<br />quot; Underlinequot; = quot; Subrayadoquot; ;<br />/* Undo command caption */<br />quot; Undoquot; = quot; Deshacerquot; ;<br />/* Word count menu */<br />quot; WordCountMenuquot; = quot; Contar palabrasquot; ;<br />/* Word count title */<br />quot; WordCountTitlequot; = quot; Contar palabrasquot; ;<br />/* Statistic alert message format */<br />quot; Words: %dCharacters (no spaces): %dCharacters (with spaces): %dquot; = quot; Palabras: %1$dCaracteres (sin espacios): %2$dCaracteres (con espacios): %3$dquot; ;<br />/* YES button caption */<br />quot; YESquot; = quot; SÍquot; ;<br />/* Close document command caption */<br />quot; Closequot; = quot; Cerrarquot; ;<br />/* Cancel document saving alert title */<br />quot; Saving a Filequot; = quot; Guardar un archivoquot; ;<br />/* Cancel document loading alert title */<br />quot; Loading a Filequot; = quot; Cargar un archivoquot; ;<br />/* Text for scrollbar hint */<br />quot; Tap and Holdquot; = quot; Tocar y mantener presionadoquot; ;<br />/* Cancel document loading alert text */<br />quot; You are currently loading a file. Opening a new file will cancel this process. Would you like to Resume loading a file or Open the new file?quot; = quot; Actualmente est√° cargando un archivo. Si abre un archivo nuevo se cancelar√° el proceso. ¬øDesea Reanudar la carga de un archivo o Abrir el archivo nuevo?quot; ;<br />/* Cancel document loading alert text */<br />quot; You are currently saving a file. Opening a new file will cancel this process. A file may not be saved. Would you like to Resume saving a file or Open the new file?quot; = quot; Actualmente est√° guardando un archivo. Si abre un archivo nuevo se cancelar√° el proceso. Es posible que no se guarde un archivo. ¬øDesea Reanudar guardar un archivo o Abrir el archivo nuevo?quot; ;<br />