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Irrigation and Hydraulics Department
 Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University

       Basic Probability Concepts


           Dr. Mohamed Attia
               Assistant Professor

             Academic Year 2011-2012

Probability Experiments
 A random experiment is an experiment that
 can result in different outcomes, even though
 it is repeated in the same manner every time.

Probability Experiments
   An experiment:

    Flipping a coin once.

    Rolling a die once.

    Pulling a card from a deck.

Sample Spaces
 The set of all possible outcomes of a random
 experiment is called a sample space.

 You may think of a sample space as the set of
 all values that a variable may assume.

 We are going to denote the sample space by S.

  Experiment: Tossing a coin once.
     S = {H, T}

  Experiment: Rolling a die once.
     S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

  Experiment: Drawing a card.
S = 52 cards in a deck
    K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or Ace)
    13 spades (♠), 13 hearts (♥), 13 diamonds (♦)
    and 13 clubs (♣)

Classification of Sample
 We distinguish between discrete and
 continuous sample spaces.

 The outcomes in discrete sample spaces can
 be counted. The number of outcomes can be
 finite or infinite.

 In the case of continuous sample spaces, the
 outcomes fill an entire region in the space
 (interval on the line).

An event, E, is a set of outcomes of a probability
experiment, i.e. a subset in the sample space.
  E ⊆ S.

Simple event
   Outcome from a sample space with one
e.g.: A red card from a deck of cards
Joint event
   Involves two outcomes simultaneously
   e.g.: An ace that is also red from a deck of cards

Visualizing Events

Contingency Tables
                        Ace     Not Ace   Total
                Black      2    24        26
                Red        2    24        26
                Total      4    48        52

Tree Diagrams                   Ace
     Full          Cards         Not an Ace
     Deck          Black          Ace
     of Cards      Cards          Not an Ace

Visualizing Events
Sometimes it is convenient to represent the
sample space by a rectangular region, with
events being circles within the region. Such a
representation is called Venn diagrams.

Venn Diagram
                                 A    B
  Sample space S
  Events A and B

Simple Events
The Event of a Triangle

There are 5 triangles in this collection of 18 objects

Joint Events
 The event of a triangle AND red in color

           Two triangles that are red

Special Events
 Impossible event
                                             Null Event
  e.g.: Club & diamond on one card
 Complement of event
  For event A, all events not in A
  Denoted as A’
  e.g.: A: queen of diamonds
      A’: all cards in a deck that are
           not queen of diamonds

 Special Events

 Complement of an event
   Sample space S                              A’
   Event A
   Complement of A       A’

Mutually Exclusive Events
    Two events, E and F, are called mutually
    exclusive, if

              EIF =Φ
    That is, it is impossible for an outcome to be
    an occurrence of both events.

     e.g.: A: queen of diamonds; B: queen of

        Events A and B are mutually exclusive

Collectively exhaustive events

   One of the events must occur
   The set of events covers the whole sample space

   e.g.: -- A: all the aces; B: all the black cards; C: all
   the diamonds; D: all the hearts

      Events A, B, C and D are collectively
      Events B, C and D are also collectively

Special Events

Collectively Exhaustive Events
 A, B, C, D are collectively exhaustive
   A and B are NOT mutually exclusive
   A and C are NOT mutually exclusive
   A and D are NOT mutually exclusive
 B, C, and D are also collectively exhaustive
   B, C, and D are mutually exclusive            A
                                                C D
                                                ♦ ♥

  Special Events

           AU B                             A   B

            AI B                            A    B

Contingency Table
           A Deck of 52 Cards
Red Ace
              Ace         Not an       Total
   Red        2             24          26
   Black      2             24          26
   Total      4             48          52

Tree Diagram

 Event Possibilities
                  Cards          Not an Ace
Deck of                          Ace
                  Cards          Not an Ace

           Probability is the numerical
           measure of the likelihood
                                           1         Certain
           that an event will occur
           The probability of an event E
           is a number, P(E), such that

                 0 ≤ P( E ) ≤ 1            .5

           Sum of the probabilities of
           all mutually exclusive and
           collective exhaustive events
           is 1                            0        Impossible
                     P( S ) = 1

  Computing Probabilities
    The probability of an event E:
                       number of event outcomes
P( E ) =
         total number of possible outcomes in the sample space
          T          e.g. P(               ) = 2/36
             (There are 2 ways to get one 6 and the other 4)

    Each of the outcomes in the sample space is
    equally likely to occur

Computing Joint Probability
 The probability of a joint event, A and B:

  P (A and B ) = P (A ∩ B )
            number of outcomes from both A and B
      total number of possible outcomes in sample space

   E.g. P (Red Card and Ace)
                  2 Red Aces         1
        =                          =
           52 Total Number of Cards 26

Joint Probability Using
Contingency Table

       Event         B1             B2       Total
        A1     P(A1 and B1) P(A1 and B2) P(A1)

        A2     P(A2 and B1) P(A2 and B2) P(A2)

       Total         P(B1)         P(B2)       1

 Joint Probability            Marginal (Simple) Probability

Computing Compound (or
Multiple) Probability
    Probability of a compound event, A or B:
    P( A or B ) = P( A ∪ B )
        number of outcomes from either A or B or both
          total number of outcomes in sample space
   E.g.       P (Red Card or Ace)
                4 Aces + 26 Red Cards - 2 Red Aces
                      52 total number of cards
                28 7
              =    =
                52 13

Compound Probability
(Addition Rule)
  P(A1 or B1 ) = P(A1) + P(B1) - P(A1 and B1)
        Event        B1            B2      Total
         A1      P(A1 and B1) P(A1 and B2) P(A1)

         A2      P(A2 and B1) P(A2 and B2) P(A2)

        Total        P(B1)        P(B2)      1

For Mutually Exclusive Events: P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)

Computing Conditional Probability
  The probability of event A given that event B has
                   P ( A and B )              A        B
     P( A | B) =
                       P( B)                A&B
  It means the likelihood of realizing a sample point in
  A assuming that it belongs to B

      P(Red Card given that it is an Ace)
          2 Red Aces 1/52
      =             =       = 0.5
            4 Aces    2 /52

 Conditional Probability Using
 Contingency Table
              Type        Red       Black    Total
             Ace            2           2         4
             Non-Ace       24         24          48
             Total         26         26          52

                                   Revised Sample Space
                     P (Ace and Red) 2 / 52    2
P (Ace | Red) =                     =        =
                         P(Red)       26 / 52 26

Conditional Probability and
Statistical Independence
 Conditional probability:

                 P ( A and B)
  P( A | B) =
                     P( B)
 Multiplication rule:

  P ( A and B) = P ( A | B ) P ( B )
                 = P( B | A) P ( A)

Conditional Probability and
Statistical Independence (continued)
 Events A and B are independent if

       P( A | B) = P ( A)
    or P( B | A) = P ( B )
    or P( A and B) = P( A) P( B)
 Events A and B are independent when the
 probability of one event, A, is not affected by
 another event, B

Bayes’s Theorem
    B1, B2, …, Bk are mutually exclusive and
    collectively exhaustive
    Suppose it is known that event A has
    What is the (conditional) probability that event
    Bi has occurred?
                                        B1     B2                 Bk


 Bayes’s Theorem
                                 P ( A | Bi ) P ( Bi )
P ( Bi | A ) =
                 P ( A | B1 ) P ( B1 ) + • • • + P ( A | Bk ) P ( Bk )
                 P ( Bi and A )
                      P ( A)                         Adding up
                                                     the parts
     Same                                            of A in all
     Event                                           the B’s

Bayes’s Theorem Using Contingency
Table (Example 1)

Fifty percent of graduating engineers in a certain year
worked as water resources (WR) managers. Out of those
who worked as WR managers, 40% had a Masters degree.
Ten percent of those graduating engineers who did not work
as WR managers had a Masters degree. What is the
probability that a randomly selected engineer who has a
Masters degree is a WR manager?

P (WR) = 0.5           P( M / WR ) = 0.4            P( M / W R ) = 0.1

P (WR / M ) = ?

Bayes’s Theorem
Using Contingency Table                              (continued)

                               WR          WR        Total

               Masters          .2         .05        .25

               Masters          .3         .45        .75

               Total            .5         .5         1.0

                                 P( M | WR ) P (WR )
       P (WR / M ) =
                       P( M | WR ) P (WR ) + P( M | W R ) P(W R )

                             (0.4)(0.5)         0.2
                  =                           =     = 0.8
                       (0.4)(0.5) + (0.1)(0.5) 0.25

Example 2
A water treatment plant may fail for two reasons: inadequacy
of materials (event A) or mechanical failure (event B).
If P(A) = 2 P(B), P(A | B) = 0.8 and the probability of failure of
the treatment plant equals 0.001 , what is the probability that
a mechanical failure occurs? What is the probability of a
failure due to inadequate materials?

The probability of failure P (A U B) may be written as:
 P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) – P (A ∩ B)
            = 2 P (B) + P (B) – P (B) P (A | B)
            = 3 P (B) – 0.8P (B)
     0.001 = 3 P (B) – 0.8P (B)
    P (B) = 0.00045
    P (A) = 0.0009

Example 3
 Each of two pumps Q1 and Q2 may not operate. On inspection
 one may observe one of the outcomes of the following set: {(ƒ,
 ƒ),    (ƒ, o), (o, ƒ), (o, o)}. The notation (ƒ, o) means that pump Q1
 fails and pump Q2 operates. The sample space has four
 elements. From experience one knows that:
 P ((ƒ, ƒ)) = 0.1,          P ((ƒ, o )) = 0.2
 P ((o, ƒ)) = 0.3,      P ((o, o )) = 0.4

    A: Q1 operates
    B: Q2 operates
    C: at least one of the pumps operates
 Compute P(A), P(B), P(A ∩ B), P(C)

Example 3 (Cont.)
 P ( A ) = 0.7
 P ( B ) = 0.6
 P ( A ∩ B ) = P (( o , o )) = 0.4
       = P ( A ) + P ( B ) – P ( A ∩ B ) = 0.9

Example 4
   The demand of a water supply system can be low (event L) ,
   moderate (event M) or high (event H) with known probabilities
   P(L) = 0.1, P(M) = 0.7 and P(H) = 0.2. Failure of the system (event
   F) can only occur if a certain pump fails to function. From past
   experience the following conditional probabilities are known:
   P(F | L) = 0.05, P(F | M) = 0.10 and P(F | H) = 0.25. What is the
   probability of a pump failure P(F).

   First we observe that the events L, M and H are clearly disjoint
   and that their union is just the sure event S. Hence
   P ( F ) = P (( L ∩ F ) U ( M ∩ F ) U ( H ∩ F ))
           = P (L ∩ F) + P (M ∩ F) + P (H ∩ F)
   Using the definition of conditional probability, we get
   P ( F ) = P (L) P (F | L) + P (M) P (F | M) + P (H) P (F | H)
                   = 0.1 × 0.05 + 0.7 × 0.10 + 0.2 × 0.25
                   = 0.125

Example 5
  Weather forecast information is sent using one of four
  routes. Let Ri denote the event that route i is used for
  sending a message (i = 1, 2, 3, 4). The probabilities of using
  the four routes are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4, respectively. Further,
  it is known that the probabilities of an error being introduced
  while transmitting messages are 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 for
  routes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. In sending a message an
  error occurred. What is the probability that route 2 was used
  for transmission?

  Let E denote the event of having an erroneous message
   P(E | R1) = 0.10, P(E | R2) = 0.15,
   P(E | R3) = 0.20, P(E | R4) = 0.25.

Example 5 (Cont.)
  Using Bayes' rule one can compute the probability that the
  message was sent via route 2 given the event that an error
  has occurred. This probability is given by
                 P( R2 I E )         P( R2 ) P( E | R2 )
  P(R2 | E) =                =       4
                    P( E )        ∑  i =1
                                            P( Ri ) P( E | Ri )
                                 0.2 × 0.15
              0.1× 0.10 + 0.2 × 0.15 + 0.3 × 0.20 + 0.4 × 0.25

          =          = 0.15.

Example 6
 The probability of receiving more than 50 mm of rain in the
 months of the year is 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.20, 0.10, 0.05,
 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 for January, February, ...,
 December, respectively. A monthly rainfall record selected at
 random is found to be more than 50 mm. What is the
 probability that this record belongs to month m (m = 1 for
 January, ..., m = 12 for December).
 Denote the probability of selecting month m as P(Mm).
 Denote the conditional probability of receiving more than 50
 mm of rain, given that month m is selected as P(E | Mm).
 Then P(Mm | E) can be computed using Bayes' rule as
 indicated in the following equation and table
                          P( M j ) P( E | M j )          P(M j ) P( E | M j )
         P( M j | E ) =                           =    12
                                 P( E )
                                                      ∑ P(M
                                                       m =1
                                                               m   ) P( E | M m )

Example 6 (Cont.)
         Application of Bayes’ rule
    m            P(Mm)           P(E | Mm)            P(Mm) P(E | Mm)         P(Mm | E)
     1            1/12             0.25                  0.02083               0.1191
     2            1/12             0.30                  0.02500               0.1429
     3            1/12             0.35                  0.02917               0.1667
     4            1/12             0.40                  0.03333               0.1905
     5            1/12             0.20                  0.01667               0.0952
     6            1/12             0.10                  0.00833               0.0476
     7            1/12             0.05                  0.00417               0.0238
     8            1/12             0.05                  0.00417               0.0238
     9            1/12             0.05                  0.00417               0.0238
    10            1/12             0.05                  0.00417               0.0238
    11            1/12             0.10                  0.00833               0.0476
    12            1/12             0.20                  0.01667               0.0952
                 12/12                                0.17500 = P(E)           1.0000

Thank you


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Lect1 dr attia

  • 1. Irrigation and Hydraulics Department Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University Basic Probability Concepts by Dr. Mohamed Attia Assistant Professor Academic Year 2011-2012 Probability Experiments A random experiment is an experiment that can result in different outcomes, even though it is repeated in the same manner every time. 1
  • 2. Probability Experiments An experiment: Flipping a coin once. Rolling a die once. Pulling a card from a deck. Sample Spaces The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is called a sample space. You may think of a sample space as the set of all values that a variable may assume. We are going to denote the sample space by S. 2
  • 3. Examples Experiment: Tossing a coin once. S = {H, T} Experiment: Rolling a die once. S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} Examples Experiment: Drawing a card. S = 52 cards in a deck K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or Ace) 13 spades (♠), 13 hearts (♥), 13 diamonds (♦) and 13 clubs (♣) 3
  • 4. Classification of Sample Spaces We distinguish between discrete and continuous sample spaces. The outcomes in discrete sample spaces can be counted. The number of outcomes can be finite or infinite. In the case of continuous sample spaces, the outcomes fill an entire region in the space (interval on the line). Events An event, E, is a set of outcomes of a probability experiment, i.e. a subset in the sample space. E ⊆ S. Simple event Outcome from a sample space with one characteristic e.g.: A red card from a deck of cards Joint event Involves two outcomes simultaneously e.g.: An ace that is also red from a deck of cards 4
  • 5. Visualizing Events Contingency Tables Ace Not Ace Total Black 2 24 26 Red 2 24 26 Total 4 48 52 Tree Diagrams Ace Red Full Cards Not an Ace Deck Black Ace of Cards Cards Not an Ace Visualizing Events Sometimes it is convenient to represent the sample space by a rectangular region, with events being circles within the region. Such a representation is called Venn diagrams. Venn Diagram A B Sample space S S Events A and B 5
  • 6. Simple Events The Event of a Triangle There are 5 triangles in this collection of 18 objects Joint Events The event of a triangle AND red in color Two triangles that are red 6
  • 7. Special Events Impossible event Null Event e.g.: Club & diamond on one card draw ♣♣ Complement of event For event A, all events not in A Denoted as A’ e.g.: A: queen of diamonds A’: all cards in a deck that are not queen of diamonds Special Events Complement of an event Sample space S A’ A Event A S Complement of A A’ 7
  • 8. Mutually Exclusive Events Two events, E and F, are called mutually exclusive, if EIF =Φ That is, it is impossible for an outcome to be an occurrence of both events. e.g.: A: queen of diamonds; B: queen of clubs Events A and B are mutually exclusive Collectively exhaustive events One of the events must occur The set of events covers the whole sample space e.g.: -- A: all the aces; B: all the black cards; C: all the diamonds; D: all the hearts Events A, B, C and D are collectively exhaustive Events B, C and D are also collectively exhaustive 8
  • 9. Special Events Collectively Exhaustive Events A, B, C, D are collectively exhaustive A and B are NOT mutually exclusive A and C are NOT mutually exclusive A and D are NOT mutually exclusive B, C, and D are also collectively exhaustive B, C, and D are mutually exclusive A C D B ♦ ♥ Special Events AU B A B S AI B A B S 9
  • 10. Contingency Table A Deck of 52 Cards Red Ace Ace Not an Total Ace Red 2 24 26 Black 2 24 26 Total 4 48 52 Sample Space Tree Diagram Event Possibilities Ace Red Cards Not an Ace Full Deck of Ace Cards Black Cards Not an Ace 10
  • 11. Probability Probability is the numerical measure of the likelihood 1 Certain that an event will occur The probability of an event E is a number, P(E), such that 0 ≤ P( E ) ≤ 1 .5 Sum of the probabilities of all mutually exclusive and collective exhaustive events is 1 0 Impossible P( S ) = 1 Computing Probabilities The probability of an event E: number of event outcomes P( E ) = total number of possible outcomes in the sample space X = T e.g. P( ) = 2/36 (There are 2 ways to get one 6 and the other 4) Each of the outcomes in the sample space is equally likely to occur 11
  • 12. Computing Joint Probability The probability of a joint event, A and B: P (A and B ) = P (A ∩ B ) number of outcomes from both A and B = total number of possible outcomes in sample space E.g. P (Red Card and Ace) 2 Red Aces 1 = = 52 Total Number of Cards 26 Joint Probability Using Contingency Table Event Event B1 B2 Total A1 P(A1 and B1) P(A1 and B2) P(A1) A2 P(A2 and B1) P(A2 and B2) P(A2) Total P(B1) P(B2) 1 Joint Probability Marginal (Simple) Probability 12
  • 13. Computing Compound (or Multiple) Probability Probability of a compound event, A or B: P( A or B ) = P( A ∪ B ) number of outcomes from either A or B or both = total number of outcomes in sample space E.g. P (Red Card or Ace) 4 Aces + 26 Red Cards - 2 Red Aces = 52 total number of cards 28 7 = = 52 13 Compound Probability (Addition Rule) P(A1 or B1 ) = P(A1) + P(B1) - P(A1 and B1) Event Event B1 B2 Total A1 P(A1 and B1) P(A1 and B2) P(A1) A2 P(A2 and B1) P(A2 and B2) P(A2) Total P(B1) P(B2) 1 For Mutually Exclusive Events: P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) 13
  • 14. Computing Conditional Probability The probability of event A given that event B has occurred: P ( A and B ) A B P( A | B) = P( B) A&B It means the likelihood of realizing a sample point in A assuming that it belongs to B E.g. P(Red Card given that it is an Ace) 2 Red Aces 1/52 = = = 0.5 4 Aces 2 /52 Conditional Probability Using Contingency Table Color Type Red Black Total Ace 2 2 4 Non-Ace 24 24 48 Total 26 26 52 Revised Sample Space P (Ace and Red) 2 / 52 2 P (Ace | Red) = = = P(Red) 26 / 52 26 14
  • 15. Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence Conditional probability: P ( A and B) P( A | B) = P( B) Multiplication rule: P ( A and B) = P ( A | B ) P ( B ) = P( B | A) P ( A) Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence (continued) Events A and B are independent if P( A | B) = P ( A) or P( B | A) = P ( B ) or P( A and B) = P( A) P( B) Events A and B are independent when the probability of one event, A, is not affected by another event, B 15
  • 16. Bayes’s Theorem B1, B2, …, Bk are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive Suppose it is known that event A has occurred What is the (conditional) probability that event Bi has occurred? B1 B2 Bk A Bayes’s Theorem P ( A | Bi ) P ( Bi ) P ( Bi | A ) = P ( A | B1 ) P ( B1 ) + • • • + P ( A | Bk ) P ( Bk ) P ( Bi and A ) = P ( A) Adding up the parts Same of A in all Event the B’s 16
  • 17. Bayes’s Theorem Using Contingency Table (Example 1) Fifty percent of graduating engineers in a certain year worked as water resources (WR) managers. Out of those who worked as WR managers, 40% had a Masters degree. Ten percent of those graduating engineers who did not work as WR managers had a Masters degree. What is the probability that a randomly selected engineer who has a Masters degree is a WR manager? P (WR) = 0.5 P( M / WR ) = 0.4 P( M / W R ) = 0.1 P (WR / M ) = ? Bayes’s Theorem Using Contingency Table (continued) WR WR Total Masters .2 .05 .25 Masters .3 .45 .75 Total .5 .5 1.0 P( M | WR ) P (WR ) P (WR / M ) = P( M | WR ) P (WR ) + P( M | W R ) P(W R ) (0.4)(0.5) 0.2 = = = 0.8 (0.4)(0.5) + (0.1)(0.5) 0.25 17
  • 18. Example 2 A water treatment plant may fail for two reasons: inadequacy of materials (event A) or mechanical failure (event B). If P(A) = 2 P(B), P(A | B) = 0.8 and the probability of failure of the treatment plant equals 0.001 , what is the probability that a mechanical failure occurs? What is the probability of a failure due to inadequate materials? The probability of failure P (A U B) may be written as: P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) – P (A ∩ B) = 2 P (B) + P (B) – P (B) P (A | B) = 3 P (B) – 0.8P (B) 0.001 = 3 P (B) – 0.8P (B) P (B) = 0.00045 P (A) = 0.0009 Example 3 Each of two pumps Q1 and Q2 may not operate. On inspection one may observe one of the outcomes of the following set: {(ƒ, ƒ), (ƒ, o), (o, ƒ), (o, o)}. The notation (ƒ, o) means that pump Q1 fails and pump Q2 operates. The sample space has four elements. From experience one knows that: P ((ƒ, ƒ)) = 0.1, P ((ƒ, o )) = 0.2 P ((o, ƒ)) = 0.3, P ((o, o )) = 0.4 Let A: Q1 operates B: Q2 operates C: at least one of the pumps operates Compute P(A), P(B), P(A ∩ B), P(C) 18
  • 19. Example 3 (Cont.) P ( A ) = 0.7 P ( B ) = 0.6 P ( A ∩ B ) = P (( o , o )) = 0.4 P(C)=(AUB) = P ( A ) + P ( B ) – P ( A ∩ B ) = 0.9 Example 4 The demand of a water supply system can be low (event L) , moderate (event M) or high (event H) with known probabilities P(L) = 0.1, P(M) = 0.7 and P(H) = 0.2. Failure of the system (event F) can only occur if a certain pump fails to function. From past experience the following conditional probabilities are known: P(F | L) = 0.05, P(F | M) = 0.10 and P(F | H) = 0.25. What is the probability of a pump failure P(F). First we observe that the events L, M and H are clearly disjoint and that their union is just the sure event S. Hence P ( F ) = P (( L ∩ F ) U ( M ∩ F ) U ( H ∩ F )) = P (L ∩ F) + P (M ∩ F) + P (H ∩ F) Using the definition of conditional probability, we get P ( F ) = P (L) P (F | L) + P (M) P (F | M) + P (H) P (F | H) = 0.1 × 0.05 + 0.7 × 0.10 + 0.2 × 0.25 = 0.125 19
  • 20. Example 5 Weather forecast information is sent using one of four routes. Let Ri denote the event that route i is used for sending a message (i = 1, 2, 3, 4). The probabilities of using the four routes are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4, respectively. Further, it is known that the probabilities of an error being introduced while transmitting messages are 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 for routes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. In sending a message an error occurred. What is the probability that route 2 was used for transmission? Let E denote the event of having an erroneous message P(E | R1) = 0.10, P(E | R2) = 0.15, P(E | R3) = 0.20, P(E | R4) = 0.25. Example 5 (Cont.) Using Bayes' rule one can compute the probability that the message was sent via route 2 given the event that an error has occurred. This probability is given by P( R2 I E ) P( R2 ) P( E | R2 ) P(R2 | E) = = 4 P( E ) ∑ i =1 P( Ri ) P( E | Ri ) 0.2 × 0.15 = 0.1× 0.10 + 0.2 × 0.15 + 0.3 × 0.20 + 0.4 × 0.25 0.03 = = 0.15. 0.20 20
  • 21. Example 6 The probability of receiving more than 50 mm of rain in the months of the year is 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.20, 0.10, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 for January, February, ..., December, respectively. A monthly rainfall record selected at random is found to be more than 50 mm. What is the probability that this record belongs to month m (m = 1 for January, ..., m = 12 for December). Denote the probability of selecting month m as P(Mm). Denote the conditional probability of receiving more than 50 mm of rain, given that month m is selected as P(E | Mm). Then P(Mm | E) can be computed using Bayes' rule as indicated in the following equation and table P( M j ) P( E | M j ) P(M j ) P( E | M j ) P( M j | E ) = = 12 P( E ) ∑ P(M m =1 m ) P( E | M m ) Example 6 (Cont.) Application of Bayes’ rule m P(Mm) P(E | Mm) P(Mm) P(E | Mm) P(Mm | E) 1 1/12 0.25 0.02083 0.1191 2 1/12 0.30 0.02500 0.1429 3 1/12 0.35 0.02917 0.1667 4 1/12 0.40 0.03333 0.1905 5 1/12 0.20 0.01667 0.0952 6 1/12 0.10 0.00833 0.0476 7 1/12 0.05 0.00417 0.0238 8 1/12 0.05 0.00417 0.0238 9 1/12 0.05 0.00417 0.0238 10 1/12 0.05 0.00417 0.0238 11 1/12 0.10 0.00833 0.0476 12 1/12 0.20 0.01667 0.0952 12/12 0.17500 = P(E) 1.0000 21
  • 22. Thank you 22