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गेल र
    रक्षक                                               GAIL Ra
                                                           L akshak

जनवरी 2
ज     2012                                                           Jan
                                                                       nuary 2

Winter is at its peak We are witnessin fog eve day. Visibility h
W           t        k.              ng        ery      V       has becom poor. These
weeather coonditions are most conduci
                              t       ive for cr
                                               riminals and they are strik
                                                        a                king too in our
 urrounding At the same tim we are also plan
            gs.              me,     e         nning wint vacatio
                                                        ter     ons. Thus there is a need
to be extra a
            alert durin the sea
                      ng      ason.

                            GAI (Ind Lim
                               IL dia) mited
                         rporate Secu
                               e    urity Depart
                                          D    tment
आपदा एक अ
आ       असामान्य घ
                 घटना है जो थोड़े ही सम क िलए आती है और अपने िव
                                     मय े           औ       िवनाश क िचन्ह लंबे सम क
                                                                   े िच         मय े
िल छोड़ जात है । आपद एक ूाकृ ितक या म
 लए      ती       दा     कृ        मानव िनिमर्त जोिखम का ूभाव है जो समाज या पयार्वर को
                                                      क       ह        ज          रण
 कारात्मक रू से ूभािव करता है । ूाकृ ित आपदा को पिरभािष करते हुए कहा जा सकता है िक एक
          रूप      िवत                तक     क       िषत
ऐस ूाकृ ितक घटना िजस में एक हज़ार से ले
 सी       क        स        ह       लकर दस ला लोग तक ूभािवत हों और उन
                                            ाख     क                नका जीवन खतरे
में हो तो वो ू ितक आ
             ूाकृ  आपदा कहला है । मान
                          लाती      नवीकृ त (ma
                                              an-made) आपदाएँ वो हैं जो मान
                                                               ो          नवीय िबया
क कारण होते हैं । ऐसी ःथितयों से िनपटने क िलए ही आपदा ूबंधन सीखना अित आव
 े       ते                   स          े             बं      ना      वँयक है       आपदा
ूबधन लोगों से तीन च
 बं               चीजें करने क िलये क
                              े     कहता है ः (1) आपात
                                                     तकालीन आ ितर् िकट तैयार करें , (2)
आपातकालीन योजना बन , और (3) िविभन्न ूकार क आपातकालों और उनक िलये उिचत कारर् वाई क बारे
आ                नायें            न       े आ     ों      के        त            े
में जानकारी र ।

िक आपातक क पश्च ् आपको अपने दम पर ही जीने की आवँयकता होगी इसका अथर् यह है ि आप
 कसी   काल े श्चात                     ने              गी।     अ          िक
कम से कम तीन िदनों क िलये भोजन, पान और अन्य आपूितयों को ूचु र माऽा में भंडािरत क लें।
 म                  े             नी,  अ       ितर्      चु                    कर
 थानीय अिध
         धकारी और ब
                  बचाव कायर्कतार् मौक पर आपदा क बाद ही आयेंगे, परं तु वे हर िकसी क पास तुरंत
                          क          े         े                रं          िक    े  स
नही पहुँच सक । आपको मदद कछ घंटों में भी िमल सक है और इसमें कई िदन भी लग सकते हैं । इसक
 हीं       कते   को      ु                   कती                     ल                े
 ितिरक्त, मूल त सेवायें जैसे िबजल गैस, पा
            लभू                 ली,    पानी, मल-मूऽ उपचार, और टे लीफो कई िदन तक बाि
                                                मू                 फोन     नों    िधत रह
सक हैं या ए सप्ताह य उससे भी अिधक।
 कते      एक       या

      कम से कम तीन िदनों क िलये पीने औ साफ-सफ क िलय पानी
                           े िल       और     फाई े ये
      खराब न होने वाल भोजन की कम से क तीन िदनों की आपितर्
                     ले              कम    िद        पू
      बैटरी स चलने वा रे िडयो और अितिर बैटिरयाँ
             से      ाला              रक्त
      टॉचर् औ अितिरक्त बैटिरयाँ
             और     क्त
      ूाथिम िचिकत्स िकट
          िमक      सा
      मदद क िलये संकत दे ने क िलये सीटी
            े        े        े
      संदिषत हवा को छ
          ू त        छानन क िलये धूल क माःक
                           े िल      का
      छोटे त
            तौिलये और कचरे क थैले
      सुिवधा
            ाओं को बंद करने क िलये रें च या प्लास
                             े ि          ा
      ःथानी मानिचऽ
           ीय     ऽ
   चाजर्र क साथ से
               े    सलफोन

      पचेर् वा दवायें औ चँमे
             वाली      और
      िशशुओ का फॉमूल और डाय
           ओं      ला
                    र्     यपसर्
      महत्वपणर् पािरवाि
            पू         िरक दःतावेज जैसे िक बीमा पॉिल
                               वे        क        िलिसयों की ूितिलिपयाँाँ, पहचान और बैंक खा क
                                                                                 औ       खातों े
       अिभलेख जो िकस पानीरोधी पोटेर् बल क नर में रख जायें
          ले       सी       ी           कटे
                                         ं        खें
      नकदी या शै वलसर् चैक और खुले पैसे
      ःलीिपं बैग या गरम कबल अितिरक्त िबःतर।
           पग             ं ल/    क्त
      बदलने वाले सारे कपड़ों में लंबी बाँहों की शटर् , लंबी पैंटें और मजबूत जूते हों। यिद आप ठं डे मौस में
          ने                     ल                                    म                   आ          सम
       रहते हैं तो अितिर कपड़े ले जाने पर िवचार करें ।
      अिग्नश
            शमन यंऽ
      एक पा
          पानीरोधी कटे नर में माि
                    ं           िचस
      मिहला
           ाओं की आपितर् और व्य
                   पू         यिक्तगत ःव
                                       वच्छता वाले सामान
      मैस िक कागज क कप, प्लटें और प्ल
           िकट,  ज े       ले        लािःटक क बतर्न, काग क तौिल
                                             े         गज े  िलये
      कागज और पेंिसल
          ज         ल

जब कोई आप आती है तो आपका पिरवार आ े साथ नहीं हो भी हो सकता है , अतः यह पहले से जानना
 ब      पदा   ह       का        आपक              ी                  य
 हत्वपूणर् है : आप एक दसरे से संपक कसे करें गे, आप वापस एक साथ क से िमलेंगे और आप िभन्न
                       ू          र् ै          आ       ए       ै               प
ि थितयों क्या करें गे।
िः          ा

      शहर क बाहर सं र्
            े     सपक        की पहचान करक रखें। शह क बाहर का कोई स पक अलग हुये पिरव क
                                प       के       हर े   र        सं र्  ग         वार े
       लोगों से संवाद क
                      करने क िलये बेहतर िः
                            े  ये       िःथित में हो सकता है ।
      सुिनिश्च करें िक आपक पिर
           िश्चत           े  रवार का हर सदःय क पास आपात
                                       र       े       तकालीन संप र् करने क िलये फोन नंबर
                                                                पक         े       न
       हो और एक सेलफ हो। यि आपक प
           र       फोन    िद   े पास सेलफोन है , तो आपातकाल में आप िजस व्यिक्त से संपक
                                          न         आ                स                र्
       करना चाहते हों, उसे अपने फोन में “i n Case of Emergenc क नाम से भंडािर कर लें।
                                                   f        cy” े म         रत                       यिद
       आप दघटनामःत हो जाते हैं तो आपात
           ु र्  त                   तकालीन सह
                                             हायता वाले लोग आपक “in Cas of Emer
                                                              की      se      rgency”
       सूची को दे खेंगे। अपने पि
                               िरवार और िमऽों को बताना सुिनिश्चत क िक आपने उनको एक
                                                                 करें आ       ो
          तकालीन संप र् क रूप में सूचीबद्ध िकया है ।
       आपात       पक े
   पिरवार क लोगों को िसखायें िक टै क्ःट संदेश SM या लघु संदेश सेव (कसै भेजा जाता है जब
            र े              यें          ट        MS    घु         वा  ै    ज       ह।
       फोन क
           कॉल करने में किठनाई हो रही हो तो ऐसी अवःथा में कभी-कभी टै क्ःट संदेश काम कर जाते
                             ई         ो        अ                                    र
       हैं ।
      अलटर् सेवाओं की सदःयता लें। अब अ क समुदायों क पास ऐसी ूण
                     ी                अने    द      े  स      णािलयाँ हैं जो त्विरत टै क्ःट
       अलटर् या ई-मेलों को आपको बुरे मौसम , सड़क बॉि ग, ःथानी आपातक
                                                  िसं     नीय    कालों क बारे में जानका दे ने
                                                                        े  रे         ारी
       क िलय भेजती हैं । इसक सद
        े  ये               े दःय बनें।

आपकी पिरिः
आ       िःथितयों और आपातकाल की ूकृ ित क आधा पर सबसे पहला मह
                  र       ल            े  ार     से       हत्वपूणर् िनणय यह है िक बने
 हना है या क दर ज
           कहीं ू जाना है । आपको दोनों ही संभावन
                            आ                  नाओं को समझना चाि
                                                       स       िहये और उनको िलये योजना
 नानी चािहये। अपनी स
          ये       सामान्य सम
                            मझदारी और उपलब्ध जानकारी तथा जो कछ आप सीख रहे हैं , का ूयोग
                                    र        ज               ु      ख
कर े यह िनध िरत करें क्या तुरंत खतरा है । आ
 रक       धार्                  ख         आपातकाल की अवःथा में, ःथानीय अिधकारी आपको तुरंत यह
                                                                    ीय      री
जा        लब्ध कराने में असमथर् हो सकते हैं िक क्या हो रहा है और आपको क्या करन चािहये। हालाँिक
 ानकारी उपल                 थ                                      को        ना
आपको टी.वी. दे खना चा
आ         .         ािहये, रे िडय सुनना च
                                यो      चािहये या आिधकािरक समाचारों औ िनदेर् शों क िलये ब
                                                  आ                 और            े     बार-बार
इं टरनेट यथा उपलब्धता पर जाँच करनी चािहये ।
   ट                          क        ये

पत लगायें िक िकस ूक की आप
 ता               कार   पदाओं, ूाकृ ितक और मानव िनिमत दोनों ही क आपक क्षेऽ में ह की
                                 कृ               िमर्      ही, े  के          होने
संभावना है औ आपको सूचना कसे ूाप्त होग आपका ध्यान आकिषर्त कर क तरीक अलग-अ
  भ        और   ो       कै         ोगी।  ा       आ        रने े  के    अलग हो
सक हैं । एक आम तरी
 कते      क     रीका रे िडयो और टी.वी क द्वारा ूसारण हैं । आपको एक िवशेष सायरन सुनाई दे
                                   वी. े
सक है , या िफर कोई टलीफोन कॉल आ सक है , या आपातकालीन कायर्कतार् हर घर म जा सकते हैं ।
 कता               टे     कॉ     कती       आ       न        ा         में

  यिक्तयों और पिरवारों की ही तरह, ःकलों, िद में दे खभाल उपलब् कराने व
                                ,   ू    िदन       ख       ब्ध      वालों, कायर्ःथलों, पड़ोस और
                                                                              ः           सों
अप मेंट की इमारतों क भी जगह िवशेष क िलये आपातकालीन योजना बन
 पाटर्             को     ह        े     आ                नानी चािहय। उन जग पर
                                                                   ये     गहों
 ोजनाओं क बारे में पत करें जह आपका पिरवार िदन का अिध श समय िबताता है , जैसे का ःथल,
         े          ता      हाँ             न     िधकाँ  य                   ायर्
दे खभाल कि, ःकल और अन्य ःथा जहाँ आप अक्सर होते हैं । यिद ऐसी कोई योजना नही है तो इसे बनाने
   ख     ें   ू  र        ान      प       ह            द                हीं       से
में मदद करने क िलये ः िच्छक रूप से आगे आयें। आप
          ने े      ःवै     रू                पातकाल क दौरान आप साथ िमल
                                                      े       प       लकर कसे क
                                                                           ै काम कर
सक हैं , इस पर अपने पड़ोिसयों से बात करें । यिद आप समय क आगे सोचेंगे और दसरों क साथ प
 कते                                                   े आ       ग,     ू     े    पहले से
ही बात करें गे तो िकसी आपातकाल क दौरान अपने पिरव क साथ दोबारा िम पाने क िलये आप बेहतर
                             ल े               वार े थ        िमल      े      प
तैयार होंगे।
Th vehicle you drive may seem you like an oasis, safe from the hass
 he                             m                        m        sles of
 veryday life But you a still vulnerable to crime.
            e.        are                 o

He are a fe things t keep in mind to he keep yo crime free on the r
 ere      ew       to                 elp     ou                  road.

      Don't drink and drive. An don't riide with drivers who are unde the
                       d            nd                            o            er
      Keep your vehic in good working c
                        cle        d         condition and the fuel tank full.
      Alway lock a p
             ys         parked car and look under an inside the entire c to
                                    r,        k        nd          t            car
       see if someone has gotten into your car before you get back in.
             f                      n        r         e          b
      Avoid parking in isolated areas. If you're un
            d                                          ncomfortab about w
                                                                  ble          where
       your c is park
              car       ked, ask a security g guard or store staff to watch y
                                                       s            t          you or
       escor you to yo car.
             rt        our
      Drive to the nea arest fuel station, op business, or busy, well-ligh
                                    s        pen                               hted area to get help if you
                                                                                         t         p
       think y are be
               you     eing followe ed.
      Use y  your cellular phone, if you h  have one, to call the police iif you are being fol    llowed.
       Other rwise, stay off cellular phones w
                                             while you are driving.
                                                       a           .
      Don't pick up hittchhikers. Don't hitch

 aking Your Anger on the Road

 oad rage — uncontr  rolled ange or frust ration because of tra
                               er                             affic condi tions or ot
                                                                                    ther driver — is
 ecoming a serious pr
                    roblem throoughout th country. A majority of drivers get angry when someone
                                        he                    y          s          y
cu them of or tailgate them. Here are so
 uts      ff         es       H          ome tips on avoiding road rage
                                                    n                   e:

      Keep calm whe you're driving. In
                       en                  nstead of retaliating, count to 10 and take a few deep
                                                                 ,                  t         w
      Back off when someone cuts you off. If som     meone tail lgates you change lanes. Do
                                                                          u,                  on't get
       pulled into a gam of chicken on the road. You life and the lives of others are at stake.
            d           me                 e          ur         t         f                  .
      Keep a reasona  able distance betwee you and the car in front of yo and ma sure th you
                                           en        d                     ou,      ake       hat
       aren't cutting so
            t          omeone of when you change lanes. Driv in the p
                                  ff        u                   ve        passing lan only when you
       are pa
            assing ano other car, and be sure to use yo signals
                                  a         e         our       s.
      Use yyour horn ssparingly — as a warrning, not an outburst
                                                      a          t.
      Don't make obs  scene gestures to oth drivers no matte how mad they mak you — even if
                                            her       s;        er         d         ke
       they m
            make obsc  cene gestures at you .
      Don't fight over parking sppots.
      Stay o or mov out of the way of o
            out        ve                  other angry drivers.

Do Make it Easy fo a Thief to Steal Yo Vehicles
 on't            or        t         our

Th Basic P
 he      Prevention Policy

      Never leave your car running or the keys in the ignition when yo
             r                              e      t          n       ou're away from it, ev for
       "just a minute."
      Alway roll up th window and lock the car, even when it is front o your hom
             ys         he        ws       k      e                    of       me.
      Never leave valuables in plain view even if your car is locked. P them in the trunk or at
             r                             w,      y          s        Put
       least out of sigh
      Park i busy, we
             in         ell-lighted areas.
   Carry the registration and insurance card with you. Don't leave personal IDs or credit cards in
       your vehicle.
      Leave only the ignition key with the attendant when you pay to park in a lot or garage. Do the
       same when you take the car for repairs.
      Report your stolen car to the police immediately.

What about Carjacking?

Carjacking — stealing a car by force — has captured headlines in the last few years. Carjacking is
the violent form of motor vehicle theft. It is a serious threat to our personal safety because the thief
uses force and fear to rob our car from us. Sometimes the car owner or other occupants are
kidnapped during a carjacking, and if lucky will be dropped off nearby unharmed. The worst case
scenario occurs when you are transported to a secondary crime scene, which is usually more
dangerous than the original confrontation. Those not so lucky victims have suffered other crimes
like rape, aggravated assault, and even homicide.

The crime of carjacking can be traumatic to our everyday lives because it creates fear in the
common act of driving a car. Victims of carjacking have reported being unable to drive a car again
while others required months of therapy. Others have become so hypersensitive, that embarrassing
and dangerous situations have arisen in response to their fear when someone unwittingly
approached their car on foot.

The reason carjacking got started is because of the sophistication and prevalence of new anti-theft
devices and alarm systems. New car alarms, steering wheel locking systems, Chip-integrated
ignition switches and stolen vehicle locators made it tougher on the auto thief. Unfortunately for us,
poorly motivated and unskilled car thieves have adapted by becoming more violent to get the cars
they need and don't think twice about using force against us.

Popular carjacking locations are parking lots, shopping centres, fuel stations, car washes,
convenience stores, ATMs, hotels, valet parking, fast-food drive-thru, and outside of retail stores. A
risky, but popular location for the carjacker is a roadway intersection with a stoplight. A carjacker will
jump out of another vehicle, pull open your unlocked drivers’ door, and force you to get out. There
have been incidents where well-meaning citizens got into a high-speed chase following carjackers
and ended up being victims themselves.

The "Bump" and Carjack

Another copycat scheme used by carjackers is to bump your car from behind to get you to pull over
and stop. The carjacker, and his accomplice, will follow the intended victim to a suitable location
with good escape routes and few witnesses. The carjacker will crash into the back of your vehicle at
low speed and "bump" you with enough force to make you believe a traffic accident had just
occurred. Typically, the drivers of both vehicles pull over, stop, and get out discussing the damage.
At this point the carjacker robs you of your vehicle, its’ contents, and drives away. The carjacker's
car gets driven away by the accomplice. Hopefully you won't be injured during the exchange.

What Should You Do?

Carjacking of parked vehicles depends on the car owner being inattentive to their surroundings.
Carjackers, like street robbers, prefer the element of surprise. Most victims say they never saw the
carjacker until they appeared at their car door. To reduce your risk of being carjacked, some
preventative actions are listed below:
   Appro oach your car with th key in h
                                    he         hand. Look around, in
                                                          k         nside, and undernea the car before
       getting in.
      Keep your car d  doors locke and win dows rolle up at all times whille you are driving.
                                    ed                   ed
      Be es specially a
                       alert at inte ersections, fuel stations, ATMs, shoppin malls, and conve
                                                ,                               ng             a         enience
       and ggrocery stores — all are window of opportunity for carjackers .
                                    a          ws                    c
      Park i well-ligh
              in       hted areas with good visibility, close to wa
                                                          c         alkways, st tores and people.
      Don't park in isoolated or vi isually obs
                                               structed are near walls or hea foliage
                                                           eas      w            avy          e.
      Use v valet parkin or an attended ga rage, if you a wom driving alone.
                        ng                                 u're    man         g
      As yo walk to y
            ou          your car be alert to suspicious persons sitting in car
                                     e                                           rs.
      Ask fo a security escort if you are a
             or                      f         alone at a shopping centre.
      If som
            meone tries to approa
                        s           ach, chang direction or run to a busy sto
                                               ge         n                    ore.
      Follow your inst
             w          tincts if the tell you t walk/run away to a busy plac
                                    ey          to        n                     ce.
      If safe open the door, ent quickly, and lock the doors.
             e,         e           ter                    t
      Don't be a targe by turnin your bac while loa
                        et          ng          ck         ading pack
                                                                    kages into the car.
      Make it your habit to alway start yo car and drive awa immedia
                                      ys       our                  ay          ately.
      Teach and prac
             h         ctice with your childre to enter and exit th car quic
                                               en                   he          ckly.
      Bewa of the G
            are        Good Sama     aritan who offers to repair your car or a fllat tire. It's okay to ge help,
                                               o          r         r                                    et
       just be alert.
      Bewa of the "
            are         "bump and rob" whe someone lightly hits your c from be
                                    d          ere                   h         car             ehind. Whe you
       get ou assessin the dam
             ut         ng          mages, the carjacker's accomplice gets in your car and drives away.

                       The author is B. Tech (Electronic
                       T                     h         cs) from MNNIT (Motillal Nehru National Inst
                                                                                        N           titute of
                       Technology), Allahabad & MBA (Ma
                       T                               arketing) from UPRTOU , Allahabad. He joined GAIL in
                                                                    m                   .
                       1997 through campus inte
                       1          h           erview.
                       H was poste at GAIL P
                                   ed         Pata, during pre- commis
                                                                     ssioning and commission ning stage fro 1997
                       to 2002.
                       H is presen at GAIL, Vadodara since 2002 onwards and is respons
                       He         ntly                    s           o           d          sible for exec
                                                                                                          cution of
                       Phase 1, 2A & 2 B projec DVPL-I, DUPL, SGP & DVPL-I I OFC projec and GAIL
                       P                      cts,                   PL                       cts         LTEL (O
                       & M) includin Dahej, Bh
                                   ng         haruch, Vadodara & Und dera office; s
                                                                                  support to Vaghodia & G
                                                                                             V            Gandhar

We need se    ecurity & p protection at each a
                                             and every moment of our life. We need security - even
                                                                  o                  d
beefore our b birth inside mother’s womb. We take a caution for security a home, of
                                              e         c                  at         ffice, socie and
duuring trave Today, threat ha new de
              el.                   as       efinition in the form of terroris attacks, fire, acc
                                                                             st                    cidents,
  formation l loss, data corruption, cyber-cri me, mob attacks, hu
                                                         a        uman bomb car bom
                                                                             bs,      mbs, mobile shot
gu missiles bio attacks, poiso
  un,          s,                   onous gas, communication intrusions etc Today fo survival of any
                                                                            c.       or
peerson, orga anization o industry, we need to mitigat all these threats & risks and in this p
                         or                              te        e                               process
reqquire to invvent new mmeans & ways to ma ke security as part of productiv and pro
                                   w                     y         f        vity      ofitability.

Seecurity: Meaning & Essence for organi zation
Seecurity is k
             kind of structures an process
                                  nd        ses that provide or improve s   security as a conditio and
 heck to ens  sure safety continuity and reliiability of people, pro
                        y,                               p         operty, equ
                                                                             uipment, information good
will, establis
             shment, inddustry, com
                                  mmunity, e environme and na
                                                        ent       ation. From the orga
                                                                            m         anization ppoint of
vie lapse i security not only attribute los in reven & profit, but also lost produ
  ew,         in                 a          ss           nue                o          uction, rep
or brand ima age & may even invit regulato penaltie
                       y          te       ory           es.
Today, security has very holistic approach and it includes personal security, equipment security,
health security, data security, computer security, environment security and community security. All
these aspects are very much applicable in the context of GAIL as an organization. Modern day
competitive business & globalization compels organizations to give more importance on security of
their personnel, equipment, assets, information and data as part of productivity and profitability.
Almost all the industries; like oil and gas, exploration, railway, auto, mining, pharmaceutical and
chemical, banking, manufacturing , aviation, tourism, power and metal industries etc. require
security at first place for achieving their goals and targets.

Security as part of productivity and profitability
Security is no doubt very integral part of productivity and profitability. Various kind of security
options can be enforced which directly or indirectly contribute the productivity and profitability of the
organization in following ways:

Access Control Security system
The Access Control security systems is basically designed to protect homes, offices, shops,
buildings, malls, plants etc. commencing forced action or entry and minimizes the chances of
burglary or mugging in. This kind of security is more relevant in huge organizations and government
administration like GAIL which possess highly sophisticated process mechanisms & inherent risk of
fire and hazard.

   A) Main gate entry

   Main gate security is very important and it is first place from where a mischievous activity should
   be destroyed. Lapse in security may result in attack, theft, robbery, kidnapping/ abduction and
   loss of people & wealth to any organization.

   Therefore, Photo ID card system is very important tool which can restrict the unwanted people to
   enter in our plants & offices. Card based entry has all the benefits associated with digital
   identities, which go beyond security; e.g. tracking of manpower, building up a visitor’s database,
   assisting manpower traffic control, facilitating frequent head counts.

   Punching card system can monitor the entry and exit time of employees & work force and thus
   provides the means for checking their working hours and inculcating discipline & punctuality.

   B) Energy saving and Automation

   Now let us see how the present day access control system can reduce the cost and contribute to
   profitability. E.g. when an employee (card holder) penetrates the building after long hours, in
   that situation one can automatically activate area lightening/ air conditioning and when he goes
   out area lightening/ air conditioning may be switched off. In this way, organization can save the
   energy consumption.

   In case of fire, an individual can examine CCTV Video estimate situations to make them under
   control by unlocking doors and direct fans for safety and security in order for the swelling up of
   the smoke and sprinkling action. In this way, we can reduce / eliminate the damage without any
   delay and further course of action can be directed.

Information & data security
Information technology’s primary purpose is to make the enterprise employees as productive,
efficient and effective at doing their jobs as possible. Laptops, portable memory and even smart
devices are part of that efficiency/productivity environment, allowing for work to get done on from
the remote place even in the train, plane, at a client site or at an employee's home.

Today, Management information system, enterprise resource planning, online & real time data
access etc. are the key for any business. Information security means protecting information and
information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal,
inspection, recording or destruction. In lack of information and computer security, data may be
made corrupt and whole Management Information system, Customer relation management,
financial transaction, inventory management, operation and maintenance may be disrupted.

Here, computer security also refers safeguarding data, network, theft of laptop, data storage device,
software corruption and natural disaster like fire and earth quake. Authorized access to information
and decision making is delegated at various hierarchies in the organization. Protection of
information from un-authorized users is the demand of the business to protect company interest.
E.g. if any information is leaked to competitors about company’s business plan, product launch,
research and development, product specification, ingredients, process etc. , it may be suicidal for
organization’s business growth, profitability and sustainability.

Surveillance & Video monitoring
Through surveillance, we can monitor and observe the behavior, activities or other changing
information usually of people. We can protect our installation and plants with terrorist attacks, theft
and crime. Ssurveillance can be done from a distance by means of electronic equipment (such as
CCTV cameras), or interception of electronically transmitted information (such as Internet traffic or
phone calls). It may also refer to simple, relatively no- or low-technology methods such as human
intelligence agents and postal interception.

We see that in all retail outlets, malls, industries etc. CCTV serve the purpose of securing the items
& articles for sale, monitoring the production, processes, services, inventories in ware house etc.
and thus optimize productivity & profitability with better control mechanism. Bar code is also
extension of the security in retail industry & inventory management.

With the benefit of IT & networking, surveillance can be done centrally at far distance at corporate
office through CCTV cameras by the security head of the organization. It gives him true picture
about the state of security at field level at various geographical locations.

Mitigating the threats, attacks, natural calamity and counter action:
Security of installations, government and private establishments, industries & people are very
important in today’s world of social unrest, economic imbalance, regionalism, communalism, cross
border activities, terrorism & natural disaster like flood, earth quake, tsunami, thunder storms etc.
Our country is very much affected by all above reasons & these reasons are still very much alive.
Parliament and 26/11 Mumbai attacks, bomb attacks in Delhi, Ahmedabad & other places, earth
quake in Gujarat, Tsunami, flood in Bihar, H.P. etc. are burning examples.

An organization cannot ignore these threats & risks as it may result in huge disaster, economical &
human life loss. For dealing with all these threats and risks, security personnel should be fully
equipped with arms & security support systems like barricade, watch towers, metal gate, metal
detector, bomb disposal squad, sniffer dogs, fire proof clothing, speed breaker, communication
gadgets e.g. w-talkie , warning alarms, tyre buster etc. & disaster management plan should exist in
the organization. Counter measures with “Six Ds” approach (deny, deter, delay, detect, degrade and
destroy) is the key. Physical check of vehicle & people is very important to counter the risk/threat at
very first stage.
Plant security is very important for sensitive industry like GAIL. Security has role in prevention of fire
& accidents by controlling items responsible for triggering fire like matchbox, cigarettes & lighters
etc. and motion of vehicles as well. Security plays important role in dealing with local villagers,
community and project affected people in bringing harmony & peace at plant locations.

Thus, Physical security is must for any organisation for its smooth operation & un-interrupted
production & at the same time prevention in loss and theft of inventories and finished goods.
Security arrangement also contributes in building image and reputation of an organization about
alertness & preparedness for mitigating the threats. It brings psychological fear to conspirators &
feeling of security among employees & workforce.

Selection of security system & benefits
Selection of any security system is very important to have desired cost benefit analysis and
improved productivity & profitability. It is important to analyze threats and risk around environment
and accordingly mitigation strategies, counter measures should be developed and integrated. Both
manual and system based security system are equally important and complementary to each other.
Wide range of system based security solution such as burglar alarms, hard – wired mechanisms,
electronic locking system, motion detectors and cameras surveillance systems are available.
System based security system can reduce the cost as well eliminate the human intervention for any

In the context of GAIL, security system has more importance due to its pipeline network across the
country. Pipeline sabotage is one of the weapons of choice for terrorist attacks. Few days back in
Syria, gas pipeline has been blasted by terrorist. Helicopter and foot patrolling of pipeline network
are other dimensions of security to assure the health of pipeline & thus ascertain operational

Enterprises around the globe are increasingly concerned about the risk in cyber threats and the
rising number of security risks in public domain. In today's economy, budgets are being reduced
and various departments are being asked to cut resources especially manpower. So, risks are up &
budgets are down. The risk realities are exploited by anyone who sees the downturn/ relaxation in
security enforcement and thus takes opportunity for exploitation.

Discontented employees are also walking away with valued information assets, while businesses
scale back on defense in an effort to become more productive. And it's happening at a time when an
enterprise can ill afford downtime, decreased productivity, stolen data, lost sales, and a damaged
enterprise reputation. Now single point external attacks have moved toward multi-source external
attacks and even the model of the "trusted employee" is now challenge.

Thus, we see that security has various dimensions like security by personnel for surveillance,
checks, mitigation of the threats & counter action and system based security & aids e.g. access
control, video monitoring, communication gadgets, automation etc. in safeguarding the people,
information asset, equipment & property.

These ways and means “as control mechanism “play very significant and important role for an
organization for achieving higher productivity and profitability by reducing the risks & improving
operational and personal efficiency.
(Submitted By: Madan Mohan, Ma
                               B                 anager (NG P/L-O&M) Agra)
                                                          G        ),

Baangalore, Sept 30, 2011: The latest v ictim of a credit ca fraud is none other than noted
                               e                           ard                 o
  dustrialist a billionaire Kuma Mangala Birla. It has been reported that Birla's credit card was
ind           and              ar      am         t        n                    s
  olen and la cloned It was lat used to make ma hefty transactions in Bangalore.
             ater     d.        ter    o         any                s
                                                                         rce: An Indian news w

Cr          cloning, or "skimming as it is sometimes called, is a new tec
 redit card c          r            g"                  s        s          chnique whereby someone
 btains your credit card details, copies the onto a bogus ca and be
            r                                 em                 ard       egins using the credit card.
While credit card theft itself is not new, the manner in which the informatio is stolen is.
                                                       n         e          on        n

Th first step is to recr an individual will ing to part
  he         p         ruit                           ticipate in the schem Bartend
                                                                  t       me.     ders, wait s
                                                                                             staff or
sh assista
 hop        ants are offten prime targets beecause of the sheer volume o credit ca
                                                                 r        of      ards they hhandle.
Reecruits are given a pocketsize device with a scanni slot,
                                            h         ing
 omething th resembles a pag and c an be wor on a
             hat                 ger                  rn
be They a instructed to swi
 elt.       are                  ipe custommers' credit cards
  rough the device. Be ecause the process takes only a few
                                 e                    y
 econds it ccan be don easily and incons
                       ne       a          spicuously without
the customer or anothe employe noticing
  e                    er        ee       g.

Swwiping the credit card throug the de
            e                  gh        evice copies the
  formation held on th magnet strip in memor That
                     he        tic       nto       ry.
  formation can subseequently be copied to a cou
                               b                   unterfeit
 ard, complete with ssecurity ho
                               olograms. Alternative
                                                   ely, the
  formation can be ussed to oveerwrite a s
                                         stolen cred card
whhich has be
            ecome too hot to han
                    o          ndle.

Skkimming is difficult fo the typic cardhollder to detect, but
            s           or          cal
  ven a large enough sample, it is fairly e  easy for th card
  suer to d detect. The issuer collects a list of all the
caardholders who ha      ave complained a    about fraaudulent
  ansactions, and then uses data mining to discover relationsh
                        n           a        o        r           hips among them an the mer
                                                                           g         nd        rchants
the use. Fo example if many of the card
   ey        or         e,          o       dholders us a partic
                                                       se        cular merch
                                                                           hant, that merchant can be
  rectly invesstigated. S
                        Sophisticate algorith
                                    ed      hms can als search for pattern of fraud. Merchant must
                                                       so                 ns          .        ts
ennsure the pphysical seecurity of th termina and pe
                                    heir     als,      enalties for merchant can be severe if th are
                                                                  r        ts         s        hey
coompromised, ranging from large fines by the issuer to comple exclusiion from th system, which
                                    e                  r          ete                he        ,
ca be a dea blow to businesse such as restauran where credit card transactio are the norm
  an         ath        o           es      s         nts         c                  ons      e
So how do y protect yourself?
  o          you        t

On solution lies in sm
   ne       n         mart chip credit card s. Smart chips are microchips embedde in some credit
                                 c                   c         m          s        ed        e
caards that eencrypt th informa
                      he         ation conta
                                           ained in the magne  etic strip. The microochip cannot be
chhanged or deleted. If a skimme tries to scan your card thro
                       f          er                 r        ough the d evice, they will obta only
                                                                                    y        ain
enncrypted in
            nformation and thus be unable to clone your credit card. If s
                                          e           y         t          someone steals your smart
                                                                                   s          r
ca and dis
  ard        sables the chip, the new swipe terminals will alert staff to as for an ID or decline the
                                           e         s                      sk

 nyway the importance of using caution ca
                       e                  annot be ovveremphassized. One must be very carefu while
                                                                       e         v         ul
  ving the cr
            redit card to the sale
                                 esperson t swipe. Regularly check you credit ca bills ca
                                           to                          ur        ard       arefully
an report a suspec
 nd        any                  action imm ediately. Never acce any ope envelop containing the
                      cted transa                    N        ept       en       pe
cre card a should immediate report t matter to concern bank.
  edit     and                  ely       the                 ned
As per the in
 s          nstructions of the GA Corpora Securit Departm
                      s         AIL       ate     ty      ment, Secuurity Awareness Week 2011
wa celebrat at GAIL, Regiona Pipeline Network Headquarte
 as         ted                 al                H        ers-Gujara Vadodar The Ina
                                                                    at,        ra.    augural
 eremony o Security Awareness Week (1 3-17th December 20
Ce         of                                             011) was hheld on December 13 2011
with the admministering of Security Pledge by GM (O
                                                  O&M), Shri A.N. Pan
                                                           i        ndey and DGM (GAIL Tel),
Sh A.S. Jai in Hindi & English respective
 hri        in                            ely.

Sh K.M. M
  hri      Meena Dy. Manager (Security) apprised all employ    yees abou the vario compe
                                                                        ut         ous      etitions
 eing conduucted at various locat
                                tions (Dahe Bharuc Undera, Ahmedab
                                            ej,     ch,                  bad, Kadi and Mehsa
                                                                                   a        ana) of
RPPNHQ-Guj  jarat, Vad
                     dodara during the Security Awareness Week. Shri A.N. Pandey, while
                                                     A         s                   .
 ddressing t gathering apprais the effo of Sec
ad          the                 sed        orts      curity Depa
                                                               artment an also on various aspect of
                                                                        nd         v
 ecurity. He stressed u
                      upon the discipline a nd dedicat
                                                     tion toward GAIL & Nation. He called up the
                                                               ds                  e       pon
 mployees t particip
             to      pate in the competit
                                e          tions with full zeal and sugggested innovative ideas to
  rengthen th security system of GAIL.
            he        y

 ecurity Aw
          wareness WWeek 2011 was con cluded on 17th Dec 2011 w
                               1                              c.,    with prize distribution to the
           various competitions at GAIL (India) Lim
winners of v                   s                    mited, RPNNHQ-Gujar
                                                                      rat, Vadoddara by Sh A.N.
 andey GM (O&M). A the closing ceremo GM (O
                    At                    ony       O&M) stressed upon present security sc
                                                                      n          s          cenario
an challeng being f
 nd        ges       faced by In
                               ndia with re
                                          egards to security.

Since the se ecurity of G
                        GAIL’s insttallations, Pipeline and Offices cannot be left to se
                                                                  s          e         ecurity per
alo and on one Dy Manager (Security) is posted at RPNHQ to lookin after ver large are it is
  one        nly        y.         r           )                   Q        ng         ry        ea,
  erefore the moral re
             e          esponsibilit of ever
                                    ty        ryone to contribute his/her be towards security of our
                                                        c                  est         s
Offfices, Pipe
             elines and Installations under R  RPNHQ-G  Gujarat, Vadodara for ensuring safe and secure
 nvironment  t.

As per the Corporate Security Departme yearly planner 2011, Shri Naveen Kant Rajor
 s                     e                    ent                                  K          ria, Sr.
Offficer (Secu
             urity), GAIL Jhabua and Sh. A
                        L,                 Ashish Dixit Sr. Office (Securit GAIL Agra visited North
                                                       t,        er       ty),   A          d
Guujarat and South Guj  jarat Area Locations on 17.11.22011 to 19.11.2011 a 27.11.2011 to ca out
                                                                          and               arry
 ecurity Inspection, A Audit and Security S
                                   S        Sensitizatio Program for GAIL employe
                                                       on        m         L     ees and contract
 ecurity perssonnel.

Th Security Sensitiza
 he       y         ation program began with adm
                                      n        ministering of Secur
                                                         g        rity pledge by Shri K
 umar, Man
         nager (Mec on 17.11.2011, S P.K. Ve
                    ch.)              Sh.      erma, Man nager (Mecch.) on 19.
                                                                             .11.2011 a Sh.
As shish Dixit on 27.11. .2011. Durring the se
                                             ensitization programs on 17.11
                                                        n                     1.2011 Sh Krishan Kumar
an 19.11.2011 Sh. L
  nd                    Lokesh Sahni, WIC U   Undera ad ddressed to participa
                                                                    t         ants. Sh. Sahni advised to
paarticipants that they r
                        remain vigiilant and e
                                             extra carefu during th day to day work home, pe
                                                        ul          heir     o         k,        ersonal
life and duri
   e          ing their d
                        duties. Both the Officcers, who were dep   puted for th purpos briefed to the
                                                                              he       se,
paarticipants in detail regarding duties an respons
                                             nd         sibilities and also co
                                                                             covered vaarious topics like
Se ecurity of P
              Personal Property and also pow of right to private defence a per the law.
                                             wer        t                    as         l

 raining on bbasic fire f
                        fighting sys
                                   stem was g
                                            given to se
                                                      ecurity guards by Shr Manish Saxena, Ma
                                                                          ri       S          anager
(F&S) at Kal Termina and Sh. Ajay Bhar Dy. Ma
             lol         al                 rat,       anager (F& at Und
                                                                 &S)      dera Termi
                                                                                   inal. A tota of 22
GA Emplo
  AIL       oyees, 58 Security Guards a     and 18 other contr
                                                      o          ractual wo
                                                                          orkers were attende the
 ensitization program o above dates.
            n            on        d

 ecurity Awa areness W
                     Week was observed a GAIL La
                                 o        at        akwa from 13th Dec 2
                                                                       2011 to 17th Dec 2011. The

aim of this p
  m         programme was to make emplo
                      e                   oyees aware about th securit related responsibility and
                                                             heir       ty        r
als measures taken for the security of the men material & machiinery. Sec
  so                             s        f         n,                           curity Eme
Reesponse D was c
            Drill     conducted on 28th DDecember Coordinate by Majjor Rajeev Singh Pa
                                                              ed                v          awaiya,
 enior Office (Securit
             er        ty). The Pledge taki ng ceremo was held at Lakw on 13 Dec 2011. The
                                P                    ony                wa
  edge was a administer by OIC GAIL Lak
                      red       C,        kwa.
 ssay comp petition for employees and cont
                                s        tract perso
                                                   onnel was organised and Open quiz for c
                                                                              n          contract
 ecurity pers
            sonnel and CISF was held on 1
                       d        s        15.12.20111.

On the spot prizes wer given to the particiipants. On the spot quiz for Fam memb
  n                    re                                      q          mily bers (childr and
 pouses), w organiz on 16.
           was         zed     .12.2011. The respo   onse was very good and abou 27 participants
                                                                          d    ut
 articipated in the prog

                             emony was held on 17th Dec 2011 at 15: 30 hrs. at Conferenc Hall.
Th closing and concluding cere
 he                                     s         1                                    ce
 rizes were announced under all above ca
                                       ategories by OIC Lakw
                                                  y        wa.

Deeputy Com mmandant CISF was also pres  sent on this occasion and high
                                                    s        n        hlighted pre
                                                                                 esent scen
                                                                                          nario of
 ecurity and threats. D
se                                       eremony OIC Lakwa emphasiz
                      During concluding ce        O                   zed on the need of SSecurity
in the plant a well as in the colony.
 rom: Sumila Negi
 ent: 14 December 20 11:53
To Corporate Security Departme
 o:                 y        ent
Cc Sutapa S
 c:        Sanyal

 espected M

  ease accept my sinc
Ple                  cere thanks for distrib
                                s          buting Victo
                                                      orinox Swis knife to the emplo
                                                                ss                 oyees, as a
 ouvenir on the occasion of Secuurity Awareeness Wee 2011. It is a multip
                                                      ek        t         purpose and a very h
  strument c
           capable of putting the owner at ease and confidence especiallly women.
                                e                              e,

 hanks and regards,

 umila Negi
Sr PA to GM (BD)
 r.       M

                   Th edition of GAIL Rakshak has been edited by Shri Ash
                    his                               h                  y          hish Dixit, Senior
                   Offficer (Secu
                                urity) prese
                                           ently lookin after se
                                                      ng       ecurity serv
                                                                          vices at GA Agra region.
                   He started his profes
                    e                     ssional car reer in RA and in CRPF (Central R
                                                               AW         n                   Reserve
                    olice Force He joine CRPF in the year 2002 as A
                               e).         ed         n                   Assistant Commanda and
                                                                                    C          ant
                   wa posted at Srinaga r (J&K), Dimapur (Nagaland) a Naxal infested areas of
                    as           a                                        and
                    hhattisgarh While p
                                h.        posting und these areas, he was actively invol
                                                      der                 e                    lved to
                    ounter terroorism, insu rgency and Naxalism under the Area of responsibility.
                                                      d        m          e         r

                   Duuring servic in RAW (Researc & Analy
                                ce        W           ch        ysis Wing) under Ca
                                                                          )          abinet Secretariat
                   an CRPF, he had undergon various trainings and cou
                    nd                               ne         s         s          urses rela
                                                                                              ated to
                     telligence collection, Internal Se
                                c                     ecurity and counter te
                                                                d         terrorism.

Whole conte ents, conce and pr
                      ept       resentation is the re
                                          n          esult of his hard wor with con
                                                                 s       rk       ntributions where
  edited. He can be rea
                      ached at e-mail: ash ish.dixit@g

           Suggestio & feed
                   ons    dback may be sent to us on e-mail: coc
                                  y         t        e

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Rakshak jan.12 docx

  • 1. गेल र रक्षक GAIL Ra L akshak जनवरी 2 ज 2012 Jan nuary 2 2012 Winter is at its peak We are witnessin fog eve day. Visibility h W t k. ng ery V has becom poor. These me weeather coonditions are most conduci t ive for cr riminals and they are strik a king too in our su urrounding At the same tim we are also plan gs. me, e nning wint vacatio ter ons. Thus there is a need s to be extra a alert durin the sea ng ason. GAI (Ind Lim IL dia) mited Cor rporate Secu e urity Depart D tment
  • 2. आपदा एक अ आ असामान्य घ घटना है जो थोड़े ही सम क िलए आती है और अपने िव मय े औ िवनाश क िचन्ह लंबे सम क े िच मय े िल छोड़ जात है । आपद एक ूाकृ ितक या म लए ती दा कृ मानव िनिमर्त जोिखम का ूभाव है जो समाज या पयार्वर को क ह ज रण नक कारात्मक रू से ूभािव करता है । ूाकृ ित आपदा को पिरभािष करते हुए कहा जा सकता है िक एक रूप िवत तक क िषत ऐस ूाकृ ितक घटना िजस में एक हज़ार से ले सी क स ह लकर दस ला लोग तक ूभािवत हों और उन ाख क नका जीवन खतरे न में हो तो वो ू ितक आ ूाकृ आपदा कहला है । मान लाती नवीकृ त (ma an-made) आपदाएँ वो हैं जो मान ो नवीय िबया ाकलाप क कारण होते हैं । ऐसी ःथितयों से िनपटने क िलए ही आपदा ूबंधन सीखना अित आव े ते स े बं ना वँयक है आपदा ूबधन लोगों से तीन च बं चीजें करने क िलये क े कहता है ः (1) आपात तकालीन आ ितर् िकट तैयार करें , (2) आपू आपातकालीन योजना बन , और (3) िविभन्न ूकार क आपातकालों और उनक िलये उिचत कारर् वाई क बारे आ नायें न े आ ों के त े में जानकारी र । रखें िक आपातक क पश्च ् आपको अपने दम पर ही जीने की आवँयकता होगी इसका अथर् यह है ि आप कसी काल े श्चात ने गी। अ िक कम से कम तीन िदनों क िलये भोजन, पान और अन्य आपूितयों को ूचु र माऽा में भंडािरत क लें। म े नी, अ ितर् चु कर ःथ थानीय अिध धकारी और ब बचाव कायर्कतार् मौक पर आपदा क बाद ही आयेंगे, परं तु वे हर िकसी क पास तुरंत क े े रं िक े स नही पहुँच सक । आपको मदद कछ घंटों में भी िमल सक है और इसमें कई िदन भी लग सकते हैं । इसक हीं कते को ु कती ल े अि ितिरक्त, मूल त सेवायें जैसे िबजल गैस, पा लभू ली, पानी, मल-मूऽ उपचार, और टे लीफो कई िदन तक बाि मू फोन नों िधत रह सक हैं या ए सप्ताह य उससे भी अिधक। कते एक या  कम से कम तीन िदनों क िलये पीने औ साफ-सफ क िलय पानी े िल और फाई े ये  खराब न होने वाल भोजन की कम से क तीन िदनों की आपितर् ले कम िद पू  बैटरी स चलने वा रे िडयो और अितिर बैटिरयाँ से ाला रक्त  टॉचर् औ अितिरक्त बैटिरयाँ और क्त  ूाथिम िचिकत्स िकट िमक सा  मदद क िलये संकत दे ने क िलये सीटी े े े  संदिषत हवा को छ ू त छानन क िलये धूल क माःक े िल का  छोटे त तौिलये और कचरे क थैले े  सुिवधा ाओं को बंद करने क िलये रें च या प्लास े ि ा  ःथानी मानिचऽ ीय ऽ
  • 3. चाजर्र क साथ से े सलफोन  पचेर् वा दवायें औ चँमे वाली और  िशशुओ का फॉमूल और डाय ओं ला र् यपसर्  महत्वपणर् पािरवाि पू िरक दःतावेज जैसे िक बीमा पॉिल वे क िलिसयों की ूितिलिपयाँाँ, पहचान और बैंक खा क औ खातों े अिभलेख जो िकस पानीरोधी पोटेर् बल क नर में रख जायें ले सी ी कटे ं खें  नकदी या शै वलसर् चैक और खुले पैसे  ःलीिपं बैग या गरम कबल अितिरक्त िबःतर। पग ं ल/ क्त  बदलने वाले सारे कपड़ों में लंबी बाँहों की शटर् , लंबी पैंटें और मजबूत जूते हों। यिद आप ठं डे मौस में ने ल म आ सम रहते हैं तो अितिर कपड़े ले जाने पर िवचार करें । िरक्त  अिग्नश शमन यंऽ  एक पा पानीरोधी कटे नर में माि ं िचस  मिहला ाओं की आपितर् और व्य पू यिक्तगत ःव वच्छता वाले सामान ले  मैस िक कागज क कप, प्लटें और प्ल िकट, ज े ले लािःटक क बतर्न, काग क तौिल े गज े िलये  कागज और पेंिसल ज ल जब कोई आप आती है तो आपका पिरवार आ े साथ नहीं हो भी हो सकता है , अतः यह पहले से जानना ब पदा ह का आपक ी य मह हत्वपूणर् है : आप एक दसरे से संपक कसे करें गे, आप वापस एक साथ क से िमलेंगे और आप िभन्न ू र् ै आ ए ै प ि थितयों क्या करें गे। िः ा  शहर क बाहर सं र् े सपक की पहचान करक रखें। शह क बाहर का कोई स पक अलग हुये पिरव क प के हर े र सं र् ग वार े लोगों से संवाद क करने क िलये बेहतर िः े ये िःथित में हो सकता है ।  सुिनिश्च करें िक आपक पिर िश्चत े रवार का हर सदःय क पास आपात र े तकालीन संप र् करने क िलये फोन नंबर पक े न हो और एक सेलफ हो। यि आपक प र फोन िद े पास सेलफोन है , तो आपातकाल में आप िजस व्यिक्त से संपक न आ स र् करना चाहते हों, उसे अपने फोन में “i n Case of Emergenc क नाम से भंडािर कर लें। f cy” े म रत यिद आप दघटनामःत हो जाते हैं तो आपात ु र् त तकालीन सह हायता वाले लोग आपक “in Cas of Emer की se rgency” सूची को दे खेंगे। अपने पि िरवार और िमऽों को बताना सुिनिश्चत क िक आपने उनको एक करें आ ो तकालीन संप र् क रूप में सूचीबद्ध िकया है । आपात पक े
  • 4. पिरवार क लोगों को िसखायें िक टै क्ःट संदेश SM या लघु संदेश सेव (कसै भेजा जाता है जब र े यें ट MS घु वा ै ज ह। फोन क कॉल करने में किठनाई हो रही हो तो ऐसी अवःथा में कभी-कभी टै क्ःट संदेश काम कर जाते ई ो अ र हैं ।  अलटर् सेवाओं की सदःयता लें। अब अ क समुदायों क पास ऐसी ूण ी अने द े स णािलयाँ हैं जो त्विरत टै क्ःट ज अलटर् या ई-मेलों को आपको बुरे मौसम , सड़क बॉि ग, ःथानी आपातक िसं नीय कालों क बारे में जानका दे ने े रे ारी क िलय भेजती हैं । इसक सद े ये े दःय बनें। आपकी पिरिः आ िःथितयों और आपातकाल की ूकृ ित क आधा पर सबसे पहला मह र ल े ार से हत्वपूणर् िनणय यह है िक बने णर् रह हना है या क दर ज कहीं ू जाना है । आपको दोनों ही संभावन आ नाओं को समझना चाि स िहये और उनको िलये योजना उ बन नानी चािहये। अपनी स ये सामान्य सम मझदारी और उपलब्ध जानकारी तथा जो कछ आप सीख रहे हैं , का ूयोग र ज ु ख कर े यह िनध िरत करें क्या तुरंत खतरा है । आ रक धार् ख आपातकाल की अवःथा में, ःथानीय अिधकारी आपको तुरंत यह ीय री जा लब्ध कराने में असमथर् हो सकते हैं िक क्या हो रहा है और आपको क्या करन चािहये। हालाँिक ानकारी उपल थ को ना आपको टी.वी. दे खना चा आ . ािहये, रे िडय सुनना च यो चािहये या आिधकािरक समाचारों औ िनदेर् शों क िलये ब आ और े बार-बार इं टरनेट यथा उपलब्धता पर जाँच करनी चािहये । ट क ये पत लगायें िक िकस ूक की आप ता कार पदाओं, ूाकृ ितक और मानव िनिमत दोनों ही क आपक क्षेऽ में ह की कृ िमर् ही, े के होने संभावना है औ आपको सूचना कसे ूाप्त होग आपका ध्यान आकिषर्त कर क तरीक अलग-अ भ और ो कै ोगी। ा आ रने े के अलग हो सक हैं । एक आम तरी कते क रीका रे िडयो और टी.वी क द्वारा ूसारण हैं । आपको एक िवशेष सायरन सुनाई दे वी. े सक है , या िफर कोई टलीफोन कॉल आ सक है , या आपातकालीन कायर्कतार् हर घर म जा सकते हैं । कता टे कॉ कती आ न ा में व्य यिक्तयों और पिरवारों की ही तरह, ःकलों, िद में दे खभाल उपलब् कराने व , ू िदन ख ब्ध वालों, कायर्ःथलों, पड़ोस और ः सों अप मेंट की इमारतों क भी जगह िवशेष क िलये आपातकालीन योजना बन पाटर् को ह े आ नानी चािहय। उन जग पर ये गहों यो ोजनाओं क बारे में पत करें जह आपका पिरवार िदन का अिध श समय िबताता है , जैसे का ःथल, े ता हाँ न िधकाँ य ायर् दे खभाल कि, ःकल और अन्य ःथा जहाँ आप अक्सर होते हैं । यिद ऐसी कोई योजना नही है तो इसे बनाने ख ें ू र ान प ह द हीं से में मदद करने क िलये ः िच्छक रूप से आगे आयें। आप ने े ःवै रू पातकाल क दौरान आप साथ िमल े प लकर कसे क ै काम कर सक हैं , इस पर अपने पड़ोिसयों से बात करें । यिद आप समय क आगे सोचेंगे और दसरों क साथ प कते े आ ग, ू े पहले से ही बात करें गे तो िकसी आपातकाल क दौरान अपने पिरव क साथ दोबारा िम पाने क िलये आप बेहतर ल े वार े थ िमल े प तैयार होंगे। य
  • 5. Th vehicle you drive may seem you like an oasis, safe from the hass he m m sles of ev veryday life But you a still vulnerable to crime. e. are o He are a fe things t keep in mind to he keep yo crime free on the r ere ew to elp ou road.  Don't drink and drive. An don't riide with drivers who are unde the d nd o er influence.  Keep your vehic in good working c cle d condition and the fuel tank full.  Alway lock a p ys parked car and look under an inside the entire c to r, k nd t car see if someone has gotten into your car before you get back in. f n r e b  Avoid parking in isolated areas. If you're un d ncomfortab about w ble where your c is park car ked, ask a security g guard or store staff to watch y s t you or escor you to yo car. rt our  Drive to the nea arest fuel station, op business, or busy, well-ligh s pen hted area to get help if you t p think y are be you eing followe ed.  Use y your cellular phone, if you h have one, to call the police iif you are being fol llowed. Other rwise, stay off cellular phones w while you are driving. a .  Don't pick up hittchhikers. Don't hitch hhike. aking Your Anger on the Road Ta Ro oad rage — uncontr rolled ange or frust ration because of tra er affic condi tions or ot ther driver — is rs be ecoming a serious pr roblem throoughout th country. A majority of drivers get angry when someone he y s y cu them of or tailgate them. Here are so uts ff es H ome tips on avoiding road rage n e:  Keep calm whe you're driving. In en nstead of retaliating, count to 10 and take a few deep , t w breath hs.  Back off when someone cuts you off. If som meone tail lgates you change lanes. Do u, on't get pulled into a gam of chicken on the road. You life and the lives of others are at stake. d me e ur t f .  Keep a reasona able distance betwee you and the car in front of yo and ma sure th you en d ou, ake hat aren't cutting so t omeone of when you change lanes. Driv in the p ff u ve passing lan only when you ne are pa assing ano other car, and be sure to use yo signals a e our s.  Use yyour horn ssparingly — as a warrning, not an outburst a t.  Don't make obs scene gestures to oth drivers no matte how mad they mak you — even if her s; er d ke they m make obsc cene gestures at you .  Don't fight over parking sppots.  Stay o or mov out of the way of o out ve other angry drivers. y Do Make it Easy fo a Thief to Steal Yo Vehicles on't or t our Th Basic P he Prevention Policy n  Never leave your car running or the keys in the ignition when yo r e t n ou're away from it, ev for ven "just a minute."  Alway roll up th window and lock the car, even when it is front o your hom ys he ws k e of me.  Never leave valuables in plain view even if your car is locked. P them in the trunk or at r w, y s Put least out of sigh ht.  Park i busy, we in ell-lighted areas.
  • 6. Carry the registration and insurance card with you. Don't leave personal IDs or credit cards in your vehicle.  Leave only the ignition key with the attendant when you pay to park in a lot or garage. Do the same when you take the car for repairs.  Report your stolen car to the police immediately. What about Carjacking? Carjacking — stealing a car by force — has captured headlines in the last few years. Carjacking is the violent form of motor vehicle theft. It is a serious threat to our personal safety because the thief uses force and fear to rob our car from us. Sometimes the car owner or other occupants are kidnapped during a carjacking, and if lucky will be dropped off nearby unharmed. The worst case scenario occurs when you are transported to a secondary crime scene, which is usually more dangerous than the original confrontation. Those not so lucky victims have suffered other crimes like rape, aggravated assault, and even homicide. The crime of carjacking can be traumatic to our everyday lives because it creates fear in the common act of driving a car. Victims of carjacking have reported being unable to drive a car again while others required months of therapy. Others have become so hypersensitive, that embarrassing and dangerous situations have arisen in response to their fear when someone unwittingly approached their car on foot. The reason carjacking got started is because of the sophistication and prevalence of new anti-theft devices and alarm systems. New car alarms, steering wheel locking systems, Chip-integrated ignition switches and stolen vehicle locators made it tougher on the auto thief. Unfortunately for us, poorly motivated and unskilled car thieves have adapted by becoming more violent to get the cars they need and don't think twice about using force against us. Popular carjacking locations are parking lots, shopping centres, fuel stations, car washes, convenience stores, ATMs, hotels, valet parking, fast-food drive-thru, and outside of retail stores. A risky, but popular location for the carjacker is a roadway intersection with a stoplight. A carjacker will jump out of another vehicle, pull open your unlocked drivers’ door, and force you to get out. There have been incidents where well-meaning citizens got into a high-speed chase following carjackers and ended up being victims themselves. The "Bump" and Carjack Another copycat scheme used by carjackers is to bump your car from behind to get you to pull over and stop. The carjacker, and his accomplice, will follow the intended victim to a suitable location with good escape routes and few witnesses. The carjacker will crash into the back of your vehicle at low speed and "bump" you with enough force to make you believe a traffic accident had just occurred. Typically, the drivers of both vehicles pull over, stop, and get out discussing the damage. At this point the carjacker robs you of your vehicle, its’ contents, and drives away. The carjacker's car gets driven away by the accomplice. Hopefully you won't be injured during the exchange. What Should You Do? Carjacking of parked vehicles depends on the car owner being inattentive to their surroundings. Carjackers, like street robbers, prefer the element of surprise. Most victims say they never saw the carjacker until they appeared at their car door. To reduce your risk of being carjacked, some preventative actions are listed below:
  • 7. Appro oach your car with th key in h he hand. Look around, in k nside, and undernea the car before ath getting in.  Keep your car d doors locke and win dows rolle up at all times whille you are driving. ed ed  Be es specially a alert at inte ersections, fuel stations, ATMs, shoppin malls, and conve , ng a enience and ggrocery stores — all are window of opportunity for carjackers . a ws c  Park i well-ligh in hted areas with good visibility, close to wa c alkways, st tores and people. p  Don't park in isoolated or vi isually obs structed are near walls or hea foliage eas w avy e.  Use v valet parkin or an attended ga rage, if you a wom driving alone. ng u're man g  As yo walk to y ou your car be alert to suspicious persons sitting in car e rs.  Ask fo a security escort if you are a or f alone at a shopping centre. s  If som meone tries to approa s ach, chang direction or run to a busy sto ge n ore.  Follow your inst w tincts if the tell you t walk/run away to a busy plac ey to n ce.  If safe open the door, ent quickly, and lock the doors. e, e ter t  Don't be a targe by turnin your bac while loa et ng ck ading pack kages into the car.  Make it your habit to alway start yo car and drive awa immedia ys our ay ately.  Teach and prac h ctice with your childre to enter and exit th car quic en he ckly.  Bewa of the G are Good Sama aritan who offers to repair your car or a fllat tire. It's okay to ge help, o r r et just be alert.  Bewa of the " are "bump and rob" whe someone lightly hits your c from be d ere h car ehind. Whe you en get ou assessin the dam ut ng mages, the carjacker's accomplice gets in your car and drives away. a The author is B. Tech (Electronic T h cs) from MNNIT (Motillal Nehru National Inst N titute of Technology), Allahabad & MBA (Ma T arketing) from UPRTOU , Allahabad. He joined GAIL in m . 1997 through campus inte 1 h erview. He H was poste at GAIL P ed Pata, during pre- commis ssioning and commission ning stage fro 1997 om to 2002. H is presen at GAIL, Vadodara since 2002 onwards and is respons He ntly s o d sible for exec cution of Phase 1, 2A & 2 B projec DVPL-I, DUPL, SGP & DVPL-I I OFC projec and GAIL P cts, PL cts LTEL (O & M) includin Dahej, Bh ng haruch, Vadodara & Und dera office; s support to Vaghodia & G V Gandhar plant. p We need se ecurity & p protection at each a and every moment of our life. We need security - even o d beefore our b birth inside mother’s womb. We take a caution for security a home, of e c at ffice, socie and ety duuring trave Today, threat ha new de el. as efinition in the form of terroris attacks, fire, acc st cidents, inf formation l loss, data corruption, cyber-cri me, mob attacks, hu a uman bomb car bom bs, mbs, mobile shot gu missiles bio attacks, poiso un, s, onous gas, communication intrusions etc Today fo survival of any c. or peerson, orga anization o industry, we need to mitigat all these threats & risks and in this p or te e process reqquire to invvent new mmeans & ways to ma ke security as part of productiv and pro w y f vity ofitability. Seecurity: Meaning & Essence for organi zation f Seecurity is k kind of structures an process nd ses that provide or improve s security as a conditio and on ch heck to ens sure safety continuity and reliiability of people, pro y, p operty, equ uipment, information good n, will, establis shment, inddustry, com mmunity, e environme and na ent ation. From the orga m anization ppoint of vie lapse i security not only attribute los in reven & profit, but also lost produ ew, in a ss nue o uction, rep putation or brand ima age & may even invit regulato penaltie y te ory es.
  • 8. Today, security has very holistic approach and it includes personal security, equipment security, health security, data security, computer security, environment security and community security. All these aspects are very much applicable in the context of GAIL as an organization. Modern day competitive business & globalization compels organizations to give more importance on security of their personnel, equipment, assets, information and data as part of productivity and profitability. Almost all the industries; like oil and gas, exploration, railway, auto, mining, pharmaceutical and chemical, banking, manufacturing , aviation, tourism, power and metal industries etc. require security at first place for achieving their goals and targets. Security as part of productivity and profitability Security is no doubt very integral part of productivity and profitability. Various kind of security options can be enforced which directly or indirectly contribute the productivity and profitability of the organization in following ways: Access Control Security system The Access Control security systems is basically designed to protect homes, offices, shops, buildings, malls, plants etc. commencing forced action or entry and minimizes the chances of burglary or mugging in. This kind of security is more relevant in huge organizations and government administration like GAIL which possess highly sophisticated process mechanisms & inherent risk of fire and hazard. A) Main gate entry Main gate security is very important and it is first place from where a mischievous activity should be destroyed. Lapse in security may result in attack, theft, robbery, kidnapping/ abduction and loss of people & wealth to any organization. Therefore, Photo ID card system is very important tool which can restrict the unwanted people to enter in our plants & offices. Card based entry has all the benefits associated with digital identities, which go beyond security; e.g. tracking of manpower, building up a visitor’s database, assisting manpower traffic control, facilitating frequent head counts. Punching card system can monitor the entry and exit time of employees & work force and thus provides the means for checking their working hours and inculcating discipline & punctuality. B) Energy saving and Automation Now let us see how the present day access control system can reduce the cost and contribute to profitability. E.g. when an employee (card holder) penetrates the building after long hours, in that situation one can automatically activate area lightening/ air conditioning and when he goes out area lightening/ air conditioning may be switched off. In this way, organization can save the energy consumption. In case of fire, an individual can examine CCTV Video estimate situations to make them under control by unlocking doors and direct fans for safety and security in order for the swelling up of the smoke and sprinkling action. In this way, we can reduce / eliminate the damage without any delay and further course of action can be directed. Information & data security Information technology’s primary purpose is to make the enterprise employees as productive, efficient and effective at doing their jobs as possible. Laptops, portable memory and even smart
  • 9. devices are part of that efficiency/productivity environment, allowing for work to get done on from the remote place even in the train, plane, at a client site or at an employee's home. Today, Management information system, enterprise resource planning, online & real time data access etc. are the key for any business. Information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording or destruction. In lack of information and computer security, data may be made corrupt and whole Management Information system, Customer relation management, financial transaction, inventory management, operation and maintenance may be disrupted. Here, computer security also refers safeguarding data, network, theft of laptop, data storage device, software corruption and natural disaster like fire and earth quake. Authorized access to information and decision making is delegated at various hierarchies in the organization. Protection of information from un-authorized users is the demand of the business to protect company interest. E.g. if any information is leaked to competitors about company’s business plan, product launch, research and development, product specification, ingredients, process etc. , it may be suicidal for organization’s business growth, profitability and sustainability. Surveillance & Video monitoring Through surveillance, we can monitor and observe the behavior, activities or other changing information usually of people. We can protect our installation and plants with terrorist attacks, theft and crime. Ssurveillance can be done from a distance by means of electronic equipment (such as CCTV cameras), or interception of electronically transmitted information (such as Internet traffic or phone calls). It may also refer to simple, relatively no- or low-technology methods such as human intelligence agents and postal interception. We see that in all retail outlets, malls, industries etc. CCTV serve the purpose of securing the items & articles for sale, monitoring the production, processes, services, inventories in ware house etc. and thus optimize productivity & profitability with better control mechanism. Bar code is also extension of the security in retail industry & inventory management. With the benefit of IT & networking, surveillance can be done centrally at far distance at corporate office through CCTV cameras by the security head of the organization. It gives him true picture about the state of security at field level at various geographical locations. Mitigating the threats, attacks, natural calamity and counter action: Security of installations, government and private establishments, industries & people are very important in today’s world of social unrest, economic imbalance, regionalism, communalism, cross border activities, terrorism & natural disaster like flood, earth quake, tsunami, thunder storms etc. Our country is very much affected by all above reasons & these reasons are still very much alive. Parliament and 26/11 Mumbai attacks, bomb attacks in Delhi, Ahmedabad & other places, earth quake in Gujarat, Tsunami, flood in Bihar, H.P. etc. are burning examples. An organization cannot ignore these threats & risks as it may result in huge disaster, economical & human life loss. For dealing with all these threats and risks, security personnel should be fully equipped with arms & security support systems like barricade, watch towers, metal gate, metal detector, bomb disposal squad, sniffer dogs, fire proof clothing, speed breaker, communication gadgets e.g. w-talkie , warning alarms, tyre buster etc. & disaster management plan should exist in the organization. Counter measures with “Six Ds” approach (deny, deter, delay, detect, degrade and destroy) is the key. Physical check of vehicle & people is very important to counter the risk/threat at very first stage.
  • 10. Plant security is very important for sensitive industry like GAIL. Security has role in prevention of fire & accidents by controlling items responsible for triggering fire like matchbox, cigarettes & lighters etc. and motion of vehicles as well. Security plays important role in dealing with local villagers, community and project affected people in bringing harmony & peace at plant locations. Thus, Physical security is must for any organisation for its smooth operation & un-interrupted production & at the same time prevention in loss and theft of inventories and finished goods. Security arrangement also contributes in building image and reputation of an organization about alertness & preparedness for mitigating the threats. It brings psychological fear to conspirators & feeling of security among employees & workforce. Selection of security system & benefits Selection of any security system is very important to have desired cost benefit analysis and improved productivity & profitability. It is important to analyze threats and risk around environment and accordingly mitigation strategies, counter measures should be developed and integrated. Both manual and system based security system are equally important and complementary to each other. Wide range of system based security solution such as burglar alarms, hard – wired mechanisms, electronic locking system, motion detectors and cameras surveillance systems are available. System based security system can reduce the cost as well eliminate the human intervention for any slippage. In the context of GAIL, security system has more importance due to its pipeline network across the country. Pipeline sabotage is one of the weapons of choice for terrorist attacks. Few days back in Syria, gas pipeline has been blasted by terrorist. Helicopter and foot patrolling of pipeline network are other dimensions of security to assure the health of pipeline & thus ascertain operational efficiency. Conclusion Enterprises around the globe are increasingly concerned about the risk in cyber threats and the rising number of security risks in public domain. In today's economy, budgets are being reduced and various departments are being asked to cut resources especially manpower. So, risks are up & budgets are down. The risk realities are exploited by anyone who sees the downturn/ relaxation in security enforcement and thus takes opportunity for exploitation. Discontented employees are also walking away with valued information assets, while businesses scale back on defense in an effort to become more productive. And it's happening at a time when an enterprise can ill afford downtime, decreased productivity, stolen data, lost sales, and a damaged enterprise reputation. Now single point external attacks have moved toward multi-source external attacks and even the model of the "trusted employee" is now challenge. Thus, we see that security has various dimensions like security by personnel for surveillance, checks, mitigation of the threats & counter action and system based security & aids e.g. access control, video monitoring, communication gadgets, automation etc. in safeguarding the people, information asset, equipment & property. These ways and means “as control mechanism “play very significant and important role for an organization for achieving higher productivity and profitability by reducing the risks & improving operational and personal efficiency.
  • 11. (Submitted By: Madan Mohan, Ma B anager (NG P/L-O&M) Agra) G ), Baangalore, Sept 30, 2011: The latest v ictim of a credit ca fraud is none other than noted e ard o dustrialist a billionaire Kuma Mangala Birla. It has been reported that Birla's credit card was ind and ar am t n s sto olen and la cloned It was lat used to make ma hefty transactions in Bangalore. ater d. ter o any s Sour rce: An Indian news w website Cr cloning, or "skimming as it is sometimes called, is a new tec redit card c r g" s s chnique whereby someone w ob btains your credit card details, copies the onto a bogus ca and be r em ard egins using the credit card. g While credit card theft itself is not new, the manner in which the informatio is stolen is. n e on n Th first step is to recr an individual will ing to part he p ruit ticipate in the schem Bartend t me. ders, wait s staff or sh assista hop ants are offten prime targets beecause of the sheer volume o credit ca r of ards they hhandle. Reecruits are given a pocketsize device with a scanni slot, h ing so omething th resembles a pag and c an be wor on a hat ger rn be They a instructed to swi elt. are ipe custommers' credit cards thr rough the device. Be ecause the process takes only a few e y se econds it ccan be don easily and incons ne a spicuously without the customer or anothe employe noticing e er ee g. Swwiping the credit card throug the de e gh evice copies the inf formation held on th magnet strip in memor That he tic nto ry. inf formation can subseequently be copied to a cou b unterfeit ca ard, complete with ssecurity ho olograms. Alternative ely, the inf formation can be ussed to oveerwrite a s stolen cred card dit whhich has be ecome too hot to han o ndle. Skkimming is difficult fo the typic cardhollder to detect, but s or cal giv ven a large enough sample, it is fairly e easy for th card he iss suer to d detect. The issuer collects a list of all the caardholders who ha ave complained a about fraaudulent tra ansactions, and then uses data mining to discover relationsh n a o r hips among them an the mer g nd rchants the use. Fo example if many of the card ey or e, o dholders us a partic se cular merch hant, that merchant can be dir rectly invesstigated. S Sophisticate algorith ed hms can als search for pattern of fraud. Merchant must so ns . ts ennsure the pphysical seecurity of th termina and pe heir als, enalties for merchant can be severe if th are r ts s hey coompromised, ranging from large fines by the issuer to comple exclusiion from th system, which e r ete he , ca be a dea blow to businesse such as restauran where credit card transactio are the norm an ath o es s nts c ons e So how do y protect yourself? o you t On solution lies in sm ne n mart chip credit card s. Smart chips are microchips embedde in some credit c c m s ed e caards that eencrypt th informa he ation conta ained in the magne etic strip. The microochip cannot be chhanged or deleted. If a skimme tries to scan your card thro f er r ough the d evice, they will obta only y ain enncrypted in nformation and thus be unable to clone your credit card. If s e y t someone steals your smart s r ca and dis ard sables the chip, the new swipe terminals will alert staff to as for an ID or decline the e s sk tra ansaction. An nyway the importance of using caution ca e annot be ovveremphassized. One must be very carefu while e v ul giv ving the cr redit card to the sale esperson t swipe. Regularly check you credit ca bills ca to ur ard arefully an report a suspec nd any action imm ediately. Never acce any ope envelop containing the cted transa N ept en pe cre card a should immediate report t matter to concern bank. edit and ely the ned
  • 12.
  • 13. As per the in s nstructions of the GA Corpora Securit Departm s AIL ate ty ment, Secuurity Awareness Week 2011 wa celebrat at GAIL, Regiona Pipeline Network Headquarte as ted al H ers-Gujara Vadodar The Ina at, ra. augural eremony o Security Awareness Week (1 3-17th December 20 Ce of 011) was hheld on December 13 2011 3, with the admministering of Security Pledge by GM (O O&M), Shri A.N. Pan i ndey and DGM (GAIL Tel), D Sh A.S. Jai in Hindi & English respective hri in ely. Sh K.M. M hri Meena Dy. Manager (Security) apprised all employ yees abou the vario compe ut ous etitions be eing conduucted at various locat tions (Dahe Bharuc Undera, Ahmedab ej, ch, bad, Kadi and Mehsa a ana) of RPPNHQ-Guj jarat, Vad dodara during the Security Awareness Week. Shri A.N. Pandey, while A s . ddressing t gathering apprais the effo of Sec ad the sed orts curity Depa artment an also on various aspect of nd v se ecurity. He stressed u upon the discipline a nd dedicat tion toward GAIL & Nation. He called up the ds e pon em mployees t particip to pate in the competit e tions with full zeal and sugggested innovative ideas to str rengthen th security system of GAIL. he y Se ecurity Aw wareness WWeek 2011 was con cluded on 17th Dec 2011 w 1 c., with prize distribution to the d various competitions at GAIL (India) Lim winners of v s mited, RPNNHQ-Gujar rat, Vadoddara by Sh A.N. h. Pa andey GM (O&M). A the closing ceremo GM (O At ony O&M) stressed upon present security sc n s cenario an challeng being f nd ges faced by In ndia with re egards to security. s Since the se ecurity of G GAIL’s insttallations, Pipeline and Offices cannot be left to se s e ecurity per rsonnel alo and on one Dy Manager (Security) is posted at RPNHQ to lookin after ver large are it is one nly y. r ) Q ng ry ea, the erefore the moral re e esponsibilit of ever ty ryone to contribute his/her be towards security of our c est s Offfices, Pipe elines and Installations under R RPNHQ-G Gujarat, Vadodara for ensuring safe and secure r en nvironment t. As per the Corporate Security Departme yearly planner 2011, Shri Naveen Kant Rajor s e ent K ria, Sr. Offficer (Secu urity), GAIL Jhabua and Sh. A L, Ashish Dixit Sr. Office (Securit GAIL Agra visited North t, er ty), A d Guujarat and South Guj jarat Area Locations on 17.11.22011 to 19.11.2011 a 27.11.2011 to ca out and arry Se ecurity Inspection, A Audit and Security S S Sensitizatio Program for GAIL employe on m L ees and contract se ecurity perssonnel. Th Security Sensitiza he y ation program began with adm n ministering of Secur g rity pledge by Shri K Krishan Ku umar, Man nager (Mec on 17.11.2011, S P.K. Ve ch.) Sh. erma, Man nager (Mecch.) on 19. .11.2011 a Sh. and
  • 14. As shish Dixit on 27.11. .2011. Durring the se ensitization programs on 17.11 n 1.2011 Sh Krishan Kumar h. an 19.11.2011 Sh. L nd Lokesh Sahni, WIC U Undera ad ddressed to participa t ants. Sh. Sahni advised to S paarticipants that they r remain vigiilant and e extra carefu during th day to day work home, pe ul heir o k, ersonal life and duri e ing their d duties. Both the Officcers, who were dep puted for th purpos briefed to the he se, paarticipants in detail regarding duties an respons nd sibilities and also co covered vaarious topics like Se ecurity of P Personal Property and also pow of right to private defence a per the law. wer t as l Tr raining on bbasic fire f fighting sys stem was g given to se ecurity guards by Shr Manish Saxena, Ma ri S anager (F&S) at Kal Termina and Sh. Ajay Bhar Dy. Ma lol al rat, anager (F& at Und &S) dera Termi inal. A tota of 22 al GA Emplo AIL oyees, 58 Security Guards a and 18 other contr o ractual wo orkers were attende the ed se ensitization program o above dates. n on d Se ecurity Awa areness W Week was observed a GAIL La o at akwa from 13th Dec 2 2011 to 17th Dec 2011. The t aim of this p m programme was to make emplo e oyees aware about th securit related responsibility and heir ty r als measures taken for the security of the men material & machiinery. Sec so s f n, curity Eme ergency Reesponse D was c Drill conducted on 28th DDecember Coordinate by Majjor Rajeev Singh Pa ed v awaiya, th h Se enior Office (Securit er ty). The Pledge taki ng ceremo was held at Lakw on 13 Dec 2011. The P ony wa ple edge was a administer by OIC GAIL Lak red C, kwa.
  • 15. Es ssay comp petition for employees and cont s tract perso onnel was organised and Open quiz for c n contract se ecurity pers sonnel and CISF was held on 1 d s 15.12.20111. On the spot prizes wer given to the particiipants. On the spot quiz for Fam memb n re q mily bers (childr and ren sp pouses), w organiz on 16. was zed .12.2011. The respo onse was very good and abou 27 participants d ut pa articipated in the prog gram. emony was held on 17th Dec 2011 at 15: 30 hrs. at Conferenc Hall. Th closing and concluding cere he s 1 ce Pr rizes were announced under all above ca ategories by OIC Lakw y wa. Deeputy Com mmandant CISF was also pres sent on this occasion and high s n hlighted pre esent scen nario of ecurity and threats. D se eremony OIC Lakwa emphasiz During concluding ce O zed on the need of SSecurity in the plant a well as in the colony. as
  • 16. Fr rom: Sumila Negi Se ent: 14 December 20 11:53 011 To Corporate Security Departme o: y ent Cc Sutapa S c: Sanyal Su ubject: Re espected M Madam ease accept my sinc Ple cere thanks for distrib s buting Victo orinox Swis knife to the emplo ss oyees, as a so ouvenir on the occasion of Secuurity Awareeness Wee 2011. It is a multip ek t purpose and a very h handy ins strument c capable of putting the owner at ease and confidence especiallly women. e e, Th hanks and regards, Su umila Negi Sr PA to GM (BD) r. M Th edition of GAIL Rakshak has been edited by Shri Ash his h y hish Dixit, Senior Offficer (Secu urity) prese ently lookin after se ng ecurity serv vices at GA Agra region. AIL, He started his profes e ssional car reer in RA and in CRPF (Central R AW n Reserve Po olice Force He joine CRPF in the year 2002 as A e). ed n Assistant Commanda and C ant wa posted at Srinaga r (J&K), Dimapur (Nagaland) a Naxal infested areas of as a and Ch hhattisgarh While p h. posting und these areas, he was actively invol der e lved to co ounter terroorism, insu rgency and Naxalism under the Area of responsibility. d m e r Duuring servic in RAW (Researc & Analy ce W ch ysis Wing) under Ca ) abinet Secretariat an CRPF, he had undergon various trainings and cou nd ne s s urses rela ated to Int telligence collection, Internal Se c ecurity and counter te d terrorism. Whole conte ents, conce and pr ept resentation is the re n esult of his hard wor with con s rk ntributions where cre edited. He can be rea ached at e-mail: ash ish.dixit@g e S Suggestio & feed ons dback may be sent to us on e-mail: coc y t e