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Big Data in Azure: Demo and Hands-On Labs
 You will needanAzure subscriptionwithavailableHDInsightcores
 PowerBI / Excel 2013
o Downloadthe PowerQueryadd-in,choose 32bitor64bit to match your Office installation
o Enable PowerPivotandPowerViewinyourExcel options –com add-ins.
 DownloadHOLlabs 30 onlyuse instead. If youalreadyhave GitHubinstalled,choose to“Clone
inDesktop”.Otherwise choose“DownloadZIP” andUNZIP the files.Save the locationtoaNotepadfile.
 Data movement–one or both
o GUI: Install CloudXplorer be usingv3,youcan
downloadthe v3trial or the free v1 (withfewerfeatures).
o Cmd line:Install AzCopy
azcopy/.Save the install locationasyouwill needitlater,itwill defaultto(withoutthe x86on 32bit)
 Install SQL2014 SSMS
 Today’sslides:
Understandhowto use some of the commonpiecesof anAzure hosted BigData and Analyticssolution.These
componentsare oftenpartof an Internet of Thingssolution,whichisacommonBig Data and Analyticsscenario.
 At the endof thishands-onlabyouwill have:
o Createdan Azure storage accountand container thenloaded datatoit. You will alsouse thisaccountfor
storage of data generatedinothersteps.
o Create a Hadoop onAzure instance (HDInsight),addedstructure (tables) storedinHCatalog,andqueried
the data on the storage account usingHive.
o Connectedan AzureMLexperimenttoHive – Hadoopis “justanotherdata source”.
o Create and ran an Azure StreamAnalyticsjobthatreadsdata generatedonthe flyfromyourlaptopviaa
Service BusEventHub andoutputsaggregateddata to a SQL Azure database.
o UsedPowerBI to visualize andpresentthe data.
We’re goingto use a modifiedversionof the CloudDataCamphandson labs.Those labshave screenshotsandmore
detailedinstructionsthanwhatIhave below,please refertothe original docsif youneedmore detailedsteps.
 Many nameswithinAzure have tobe globallyunique,tryprefixingserviceswithyourinitialsorcompanyname.
Some service namesmustbe all lowercase,it’seasiertomake all nameslowercase. Forthislabprefix all names
withthe same identifier. OpenNotepadandtype inthe name of the prefix youwill use.
 Let’spicka single datacenteranduse it forall our work (thoughsome servicesare notyetavailableinall
regions).ForMontreal let’schoose EastUS. Note thatthisis NOTthe same as East US 2.
 I suggestyoustart a single file inasimple editorlike Notepadandkeepall the links,names,andpasswords/keys
we use in thatcentral locationforthe durationof the labs.
HOL1: Intro to the Azure Portal
The detailedlab file isinthe CloudDataCampdownloadunderdocsoryou can getit here:
In Lab 1 we’ll create astorage account andload data withAzCopyand/orCloudXplorer.Thenwe’llcreate aSQL
Database,openthe firewall toourclientmachine,andcreate some SQLtablesforstructureddata. Nextwe’ll generate
some looselystructureddata,simulatinga“thing”or device thatgeneratessmall chunksof data.
 Productionmanagementportal: - loginandchoose subscription
 Previewportal: - loginandchoose subscription
Storage Account (creation takes 2-3 minutes)
 In the Previewportal (resource groupings are notavailableinthe managementportal)
choose to create a newstorage account. New ->Data + Storage -> Storage.
o Name:Your prefix +storage.Mine is bddragonstorage.
o Pricing:LocallyRedundant. <select>
o Resource Group: New -> Your prefix +rg. Mine is bddragonrg.
o Subscription:use one subscriptionforall steps!
o Location:East US
o Diagnostics:Notconfigured
o Pinto Startboard:Yes
o <Create>
 Still inthe previewportal,addacontainertothe storage account
o Name:data (thisname isrequireddue tothe waythe lab issetup)
o Accesstype:Private
 Clickon Settings ->Keysin the storage account andcopy the name and primarykeyto your Notepadfile.
Ingest data
Either AZCopy
 Opena commandprompt and change directories:
Cd c:ProgramFiles(x86)MicrosoftSDKsAzureAzCopy (withoutthe x86on 32bit OS)
 Use youractual local directory,storage accountname,andstorage account key.
azcopy/Source:"{yourpath}CloudDataCampdata"/Dest:https://[storage account
name][storage accountkey] /S
 If you installedCloudXploreryoucanadd the storage account and keyonthe “accounts”buttonthenviewthe
 Note that youcan alsodrag/drop small filesfromyourlocal File ExplorertoCloudXplorer,butAzCopyisbetter
for largerfilesorautomatedprocesses.
Or CloudXplorer
 Addyour storage account
 Choose toadd a “folder”calledinputtothe data container
 Drag the file from{yourpath}CloudDataCampdatatothe input“directory”underthe datacontaineronyour
Extra Credit
 Try both AzCopyandCloudXplorer
 Load the data from Bill’stalkyesterdaytoa DIFFERENTFOLDER. Create tablestoreferto them.Querythe
tables. Since Hive pointstodirectoriesandnotto single files,eachtype of datamust be in itsownfolder!
Azure SQL DB
Createa new SQLdatabase
 In the previewportal chooseNew ->Data+ Storage -> SQL Database
 Name:cdcasa (thisisunique withinyourserverandishardcodedforthe demo)
 Server:“Create a newserver”
o Name:Your prefix +SQL. Mine is bddragonsql
o ServerAdminLogin:Somethingyouwill remember,putitinyournotepad
o Password:Somethingyouwill remember,putitinyour notepad.If youare goingto use the same
passwordforotherservices,make it10+ characters withupper/lowercase,#,special character.
o Location:same as the rest(East US for Montreal)
o AllowAzure ServicestoAccessServer:Yes,checkthe box!(Veryimportant!)
o OK
 SelectSource:BlankDatabase
 PricingTier:Standard(cheapestisfine forthe demo)
 Optional Configuration: leave atdefaults
 Resource Group:the one we createdabove
 Subscription:the same one we’vebeenusing
 Choose toadd it to the Startboard.
 <Create>(wait3-4 minutes)
 Openthe non-previewmanagementportal
 Clickon the SQL Databasesinthe leftpane.
 Highlightcdcasaand thenchoose Serversfromthe uppermenu (notthe database,the server).
 Clickon the serveryoucreatedearlier(bddragonsql ismine) andgoto Configure.
 Where itsays “CurrentClientIPAddress”choose “addtothe allowedIPaddresses”.
 Doublecheckthat“WindowsAzure Services”issettoYes.
 Choose save inthe bottombar.
CreateSQL schemasforASA
 OpenSQL ServerManagementStudio(SSMS).Note thatthiscanoptionallybe done fromVisualStudio2013
withupdate 4 or later.
o ServerType:Database Engine
o ServerName:{} Forexample mineis
o Authentication:SQLServerAuthentication(note inthe real worldneverloginwithyoursysadmin
account fordbo activities)
 Login:the one you createdearlier
 Password:the one youcreatedearlier
 Choose the cdcasa database fromthe leftmenu(ObjectExplorer).
 Cntl-Otoopen1_CreateSQLTable.sqlfrom C:{yourdirectory}CloudDataCampscriptsASA
 Verifyyouare inthe cdcasa dataase (there’sadropdownbox overobjectexplorer)
 Hit F5 or the Execute buttontorun it.
 Note:It will be populatedlaterby ASA.
Create Event Hub for Data Ingestion
 Openthe non-previewmanagementportal
 Clickon Service Bus inthe leftmenu
 Choose New ->AppServices ->Service Bus -> EventHub -> CustomCreate
o EventHub Name:Your prefix +eh.Mine is bddragoneh
o Region:The same one we’ve beenusing
o Namespace:Create anewnamespace
o Namespace Name:Yourprefix +eh+ -ns(itwill defaulttothis)
o Choose nextusingarrowonbottomright
o PartitionCount:8
o Message Retention:2
o Choose the checkmarkto finish
 Configure sharedaccess
o Clickon the newService Busnamespace
o Choose EventHubsfromthe topmenu
o Clickon the EventHub
o Choose Configure fromthe topmenu
o In the “sharedaccess policies” sectionaddapolicy
 Name:mypolicy
 Permissions:send, listen
 Choose Save at the bottom
o Copythe policyname and itsprimarykeyto yourNotepadfile.
Generate Data (Device Sender)
 Opena commandprompt
 Cd {yourdirectory}CloudDataCamptoolsDeviceSender
 Replace youractual valuesinthe belowcommand:
DeviceSenderGenerateDataToEventHub -n<eventHubNamespace>-e <eventHubName>-p<policyName>-k
 Paste the editedcommandintothe commandpromptandhit entertoexecute it.Youshouldsee aseriesof
“Messagesfiredontothe eventhub!”messagesindicatingdataisbeingsentfromyourmachine toAzure.
 Do NOT close the window. Thisdatawill be usedlater.
HOL9: Azure Stream Analytics
Create Streaming Job
 Open
 Clickon New ->Data Services ->StreamAnalytics ->QuickCreate
o JobName:prefix +stream
o Region:(EastUS isn’tavailable yet –use East US 2)
o Regional MonitoringStorage Account:Create new
o NewStorage AccountName:prefix +streammonitor
Configure Streaming Job
 Clickon the jobyoujust created,choose Inputsfromthe topribbon,andclick“Add Input”.
 Choose “Data stream”then“EventHub”.
 EventHub Settings:
o InputAlias:MyEventHubStream(mustbe exactlythis)
o Subscription:Current
o Namespace:The one youcreatedinthe EventHub step(prefix + -ns)
o EventHub Name:The one you created
o Policy:mypolicy
o ConsumerGroup:$Default
 Serializationsettings
o Format: JSON
o Encoding:UTF8
 In the streamingjob,choose Outputsfromthe upperribbonand“AddOutput”
 Choose SQLDatabase
 SQL Database Settings
o Outputalias:output
o Subscription:Current
o SQL Database:cdcasa
o ServerName:the one youcreatedearlier,prefix +sql
o Username/Password:The SQLadminaccount youcreated
o Table:AvgReadings
 Choose Queryfromthe upperribbon
 Paste inand thenSAVE:
SELECT DateAdd(minute,-1,System.TimeStamp) as WinStartTime, system.TimeStamp as
WinEndTime, Type = 'Temperature', RoomNumber, Avg(Temperature) as AvgReading,
Count(*) as EventCount
FROM MyEventHubStream
Where Temperature IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(minute, 1), RoomNumber, Type
SELECT DateAdd(minute,-1,System.TimeStamp) as WinStartTime, system.TimeStamp as
WinEndTime, Type = 'Humidity', RoomNumber, Avg(Humidity) as AvgReading, Count(*) as
FROM MyEventHubStream
Where Humidity IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(minute, 1), RoomNumber, Type
SELECT DateAdd(minute,-1,System.TimeStamp) as WinStartTime, system.TimeStamp as
WinEndTime, Type = 'Energy', RoomNumber, Avg(Kwh) as AvgReading, Count(*) as
FROM MyEventHubStream
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(minute, 1), RoomNumber, Type
SELECT DateAdd(minute,-1,System.TimeStamp) as WinStartTime, system.TimeStamp as
WinEndTime, Type = 'Light', RoomNumber, Avg(Lumens) as AvgReading, Count(*) as
FROM MyEventHubStream
Where Lumens IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(minute, 1), RoomNumber, Type
Start Steaming Job
 Clickon Start inthe bottomribbon,choose default(JobStartTime)
 VerifyDeviceSenderisrunning(orrestartit)
View Data in SQL
 Aftera fewminutesyoucanquerythe SQL database fromSSMS and see the data inAvgReadings.
 Stopthe DeviceSenderappif it’sstill running.
You have successfullyingesteddatafroma“thing” (yourlaptop) toAzure!Youpushedthatdata througha query
(streaming) andsentthe aggregatedoutputtoa destinationinthe cloud –Azure SQL Database.
---- Backto SLIDES -----
HOL2: Intro to HDInsight
In lab2 we create a HadoopclusterinAzure usingthe HDInsightservice.Thenwe RDPtothe headnode and see thatit’s
trulyApache opensource HadooprunningonWindows.HDInsightisalsoavailable onLinux butwe are usingWindows
for the lab.
Create an HDInsight Hadoop cluster
 Loginto
 Choose HDInsight(the elephant)fromthe leftmenu
 Choose New ->Data Services->HDInsight-> CustomCreate
 Page 1 / ClusterDetails
o ClusterName:Yourprefix +hdi
o ClusterType:Hadoop
o OperatingSystem:Windows
o Version:default
 Page 2 / Configure Cluster
o Data Nodes:1
o Region:the same regionyou’ve beenusing,the storage account mustbe inthe same region
o HeadNode Size:defaultA3
o Data Node Size:defaultA3
 Page 3 / Configure ClusterUser
o Name:Your prefix +admin(youcan use the same as the SQL db forthe demobutdon’tdo that in
o Password:(youcan use the same as the SQL db for the demobutdon’tdo that in production)
o Enable the remote desktopforcluster:Yes(youwill generallychoose no)
 RDP User Name:clustername + 1 (don’tdothisinproduction)
 RDP Password:(youcanuse the same as the SQL db for the demo butdon’tdo that in
 ExpiresOn:tomorrow
o Enter the Hive/Oozie Metastore:No(youwillgenerallychoose yesforproduction)
 Page 4 / Storage Account
o Storage Account:Use existingstorage
o AccountName:the storage account we createdearlier
o DefaultContainer:data
o Additional Storage Accounts:0
 Page 5 / ScriptActions
o Clickthe arrow to create the cluster,waitabout15 minutes
Use the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
 RDP to the headnode
 Get a listingof files
o Hadoopfs –ls /
o Hadoopfs –ls /example/data
---- Backto SLIDES -----
HOL3: HDI Batch Analysis and Power BI
We’ll dosome batch analysisandcreate aggregations.Thenwe willviewthe datainPowerBI.
 Navigate toCloudDataCampscriptsHiveinyourfile explorer.
 In the Azure managementportal clickonyourHDInsightinstance.ClickonQueryConsole atthe bottomof the
screento opena querywindow.Loginwiththe clustercredentials(notthe RDPcredentials).
 Choose the Hive editor.
Createan External Table DeviceReadings
 OpenCloudDataCampscriptsHive1_CreateDeviceReadings.txt inatexteditorlike Notepad.
Update the location:replace <storage accountname>withthe storage account youcreatedin Handson Lab 1
(remove the brackets).Paste the editedqueryintothe Hive editorandhitSubmittocreate a Hive table.
LOCATION 'wasb://data@<storage account name>';
 Viewthe joboutput – it opensina newwindow.Foracreate schemastatementyouwanttoverifythere are no
errors(the messagesaboutloggingare noterrors).It will show the time taken.
Query thetable
 Copythe belowqueryandrun itfrom the Hive editor:
SELECT deviceId FROM DeviceReadings LIMIT 100;
 Viewthe joboutput.
CreateExternalTables for Averages
Create and populate tablesthatstore aggregates.
 OpenCloudDataCampscriptsHive2_CreateAverageReadingByType.txt.
 Editthe location andrun fromthe Hive editor.
 Repeatchangingthe locationandexecuting the remainingcreate/insertscripts:
 CloudDataCampscriptsHive3_CreateAverageReadingByMinute.txt.
 CloudDataCampscriptsHive4_CreateMaximumReading.txt.
 CloudDataCampscriptsHive5_CreateMinimumReading.txt.
File Browser
The locationof the data wasspecifiedinthe table creationstatementsusinglocation. The browsershowsdataonthe
defaultstorage accountforthe cluster.
 Viewthe original andthe aggregateddatainthe File Browsertabof the console.
 If you have CloudXplorer,viewthe datainCloudXplorer (hitrefresh).
Extra Credit
 Write SELECT statementstovieweachtable’sdataset.
 Write more complex queries.
 Showtables;
 describe formattedAverageReadingByType;
 Connectto Hive fromPowerPivotusingthe MicrosoftHive ODBCdriveranda DSN
Connectto HadoopfromAzureML. Note thatthisis notin the CloudDataCamp,the HOL10 inthat seriespointstoa flat
file andhere we use a Hive query.
 From, clickonAzureMLandchoose tosignin to yourAzureML studio.
 Choose a new blankexperiment.
 Drag a Readerfromthe lefttothe designer.
 Highlightthe Readerandviewthe optionsyouhave forconnecting.
o Data source:Hive Query
o Hive database query:SELECT * FROM AverageReadingByType
o HCatalogserverURI: http://{yourhdicluster}
o Hadoopuser accountname:your clusteradmin(notrdp) account
o Hadoopuser accountpassword:yourpassword
o Locationof outputdata: Azure
o Azure storage account name:{yourstorage account}
o Azure storage key:{yourkey}
o Azure containername:data
 Choose Save and Run fromthe bottom ribbon
 Whenit completesviewthe resultsdatasetbyrightclickingonthe circle andeithervisualize ordownload
At thispointwe have newdatasetscreatedbasedonaggregatesof ourfirst,static data file.We couldeitherleave the
clusterupand queryit directlyfromtoolslike PowerBIusing Hive ordrop the clusteranddirectlyaccessthe data inthe
flatfiles.We’lluse the latter–flatfiles.Thisemphasizesthatthese are on-demandclusters,youdon’tneedtopayto
keepthemupall the time.
 Drop the HDInsightcluster.
 Opena newworkbookinExcel 2013. VerifyyouinstalledandenabledPowerQuery.
 Clickon PowerQuery.
 Choose FromAzure -> FromMicrosoft Azure HDInsight.
 Enter the storage account youcreatedearlierandthe keyyousavedinNotepad.
 In Navigatorexpandyourstorage accountand double-clickonthe containernameddatatoopenthe query
 Findthe “FolderPath”columnon the far rightand choose the dropdownarrow.
 Enter outputinthe search box andyou’ll see the ‘directories’ andfileswe have createdtoday.
 If you chose ok,in “AppliedSteps”onthe far rightclickthe red X nextto“FilteredRows”toremove thisfilter.
 Create a newfiltertoaverageReadingByMinute –thiswill show asingle row (because we hadasmall amountof
data and onlyran the insertonce we onlyhave one file inthatdirectory). Choose ok.
 Scroll back to the leftandin the “Content”columnclickon“Binary” to importthe file.
 Name the columns:DeviceType,ReadingDateTime,RoomNumber,Reading
 Choose “Close &Load” from the upper lefttocreate a new sheetcalledAverageReadingByMinute.
 Save the workbooktoyour desktop.
 Go to the workbookcreatedinthe laststep.
 Choose the Inserttabat the top thenchoose PowerView inthe middle of the top.
 It ispopulatedwiththe table fromthe worksheet –youcan see the columnsin“PowerView Fields”onthe right.
 Note that the numericfieldshave asumfigure nexttothem.We don’twantto summarize roomnumber,sogo
to the bottomof the “PowerViewFields”inthe “Fields”sectionandchoose “DoNotSummarize”for
 Clickinside the table inthe reportdesignerpane (left).Inthe Designmenuiteminthe ribbontothe rightof
“PowerView”choose “OtherChart”->“Line”.
 In the Filterssectionchoose Chart.
 ExpandDeviceType andputa checknextto energy.
 Editthe title to“EnergyReadingByMinute”.
 Save the workbookandclose it.
You have nowdone distributedprocessingwithHadooponAzure (HDInsight) utilizingthe powerof WASBto accessthat
same data outside of Hadoop.YouthenusedPowerBI to discoverandvisualizethatdata,openingupthe possibilities
for newdata-driveninsights.
 Verifyyouhave droppedyourHDInsightcluster –youare chargedfor itsexistence whetheryouare running
 Stopthe DeviceSenderappif it’sstill running.
 Drop the otherresourceswe’ve created –theyhave minimal costsif youaren’tactivelyusingthem.
o StreamingJob
o EventHub (underService Bus)
o Service Busnamespace
o Storage
o SQL Azure Database cdcasa (andoptionallythe hostingSQLServer)
o AzureMLExperiments
o Resource Group
 Optionallydelete the Excel workbook.
 Optionallyremove some orall filesandtoolsfromthisworkshop
o CloudDataCampfolderandall files
o CloudXplorer
o AzCopy
o DeviceSender

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  • 1. Big Data in Azure: Demo and Hands-On Labs Pre-requisites  You will needanAzure subscriptionwithavailableHDInsightcores  PowerBI / Excel 2013 o Downloadthe PowerQueryadd-in,choose 32bitor64bit to match your Office installation 4ef5-b0fa-e635f8f17251 o Enable PowerPivotandPowerViewinyourExcel options –com add-ins.  DownloadHOLlabs 30 onlyuse instead. If youalreadyhave GitHubinstalled,choose to“Clone inDesktop”.Otherwise choose“DownloadZIP” andUNZIP the files.Save the locationtoaNotepadfile.  Data movement–one or both o GUI: Install CloudXplorer be usingv3,youcan downloadthe v3trial or the free v1 (withfewerfeatures). o Cmd line:Install AzCopy azcopy/.Save the install locationasyouwill needitlater,itwill defaultto(withoutthe x86on 32bit) C:ProgramFiles(x86)MicrosoftSDKsAzureAzCopy.  Install SQL2014 SSMS  Today’sslides: Goal Understandhowto use some of the commonpiecesof anAzure hosted BigData and Analyticssolution.These componentsare oftenpartof an Internet of Thingssolution,whichisacommonBig Data and Analyticsscenario.  At the endof thishands-onlabyouwill have: o Createdan Azure storage accountand container thenloaded datatoit. You will alsouse thisaccountfor storage of data generatedinothersteps. o Create a Hadoop onAzure instance (HDInsight),addedstructure (tables) storedinHCatalog,andqueried the data on the storage account usingHive. o Connectedan AzureMLexperimenttoHive – Hadoopis “justanotherdata source”. o Create and ran an Azure StreamAnalyticsjobthatreadsdata generatedonthe flyfromyourlaptopviaa Service BusEventHub andoutputsaggregateddata to a SQL Azure database. o UsedPowerBI to visualize andpresentthe data. Labs We’re goingto use a modifiedversionof the CloudDataCamphandson labs.Those labshave screenshotsandmore detailedinstructionsthanwhatIhave below,please refertothe original docsif youneedmore detailedsteps. Guidelines  Many nameswithinAzure have tobe globallyunique,tryprefixingserviceswithyourinitialsorcompanyname. Some service namesmustbe all lowercase,it’seasiertomake all nameslowercase. Forthislabprefix all names withthe same identifier. OpenNotepadandtype inthe name of the prefix youwill use.  Let’spicka single datacenteranduse it forall our work (thoughsome servicesare notyetavailableinall regions).ForMontreal let’schoose EastUS. Note thatthisis NOTthe same as East US 2.  I suggestyoustart a single file inasimple editorlike Notepadandkeepall the links,names,andpasswords/keys we use in thatcentral locationforthe durationof the labs.
  • 2. HOL1: Intro to the Azure Portal The detailedlab file isinthe CloudDataCampdownloadunderdocsoryou can getit here: Readiness/CloudDataCamp/blob/master/HOL/ In Lab 1 we’ll create astorage account andload data withAzCopyand/orCloudXplorer.Thenwe’llcreate aSQL Database,openthe firewall toourclientmachine,andcreate some SQLtablesforstructureddata. Nextwe’ll generate some looselystructureddata,simulatinga“thing”or device thatgeneratessmall chunksof data. Portals  Productionmanagementportal: - loginandchoose subscription  Previewportal: - loginandchoose subscription Storage Account (creation takes 2-3 minutes)  In the Previewportal (resource groupings are notavailableinthe managementportal) choose to create a newstorage account. New ->Data + Storage -> Storage. o Name:Your prefix +storage.Mine is bddragonstorage. o Pricing:LocallyRedundant. <select> o Resource Group: New -> Your prefix +rg. Mine is bddragonrg. o Subscription:use one subscriptionforall steps! o Location:East US o Diagnostics:Notconfigured o Pinto Startboard:Yes o <Create>  Still inthe previewportal,addacontainertothe storage account o Name:data (thisname isrequireddue tothe waythe lab issetup) o Accesstype:Private  Clickon Settings ->Keysin the storage account andcopy the name and primarykeyto your Notepadfile. Ingest data Either AZCopy  Opena commandprompt and change directories: Cd c:ProgramFiles(x86)MicrosoftSDKsAzureAzCopy (withoutthe x86on 32bit OS)  Use youractual local directory,storage accountname,andstorage account key. azcopy/Source:"{yourpath}CloudDataCampdata"/Dest:https://[storage account name][storage accountkey] /S  If you installedCloudXploreryoucanadd the storage account and keyonthe “accounts”buttonthenviewthe filesthere.  Note that youcan alsodrag/drop small filesfromyourlocal File ExplorertoCloudXplorer,butAzCopyisbetter for largerfilesorautomatedprocesses. Or CloudXplorer  Addyour storage account  Choose toadd a “folder”calledinputtothe data container  Drag the file from{yourpath}CloudDataCampdatatothe input“directory”underthe datacontaineronyour account Extra Credit  Try both AzCopyandCloudXplorer  Load the data from Bill’stalkyesterdaytoa DIFFERENTFOLDER. Create tablestoreferto them.Querythe tables. Since Hive pointstodirectoriesandnotto single files,eachtype of datamust be in itsownfolder!
  • 3. Azure SQL DB Createa new SQLdatabase  In the previewportal chooseNew ->Data+ Storage -> SQL Database  Name:cdcasa (thisisunique withinyourserverandishardcodedforthe demo)  Server:“Create a newserver” o Name:Your prefix +SQL. Mine is bddragonsql o ServerAdminLogin:Somethingyouwill remember,putitinyournotepad o Password:Somethingyouwill remember,putitinyour notepad.If youare goingto use the same passwordforotherservices,make it10+ characters withupper/lowercase,#,special character. o Location:same as the rest(East US for Montreal) o AllowAzure ServicestoAccessServer:Yes,checkthe box!(Veryimportant!) o OK  SelectSource:BlankDatabase  PricingTier:Standard(cheapestisfine forthe demo)  Optional Configuration: leave atdefaults  Resource Group:the one we createdabove  Subscription:the same one we’vebeenusing  Choose toadd it to the Startboard.  <Create>(wait3-4 minutes) Configurethefirewall  Openthe non-previewmanagementportal  Clickon the SQL Databasesinthe leftpane.  Highlightcdcasaand thenchoose Serversfromthe uppermenu (notthe database,the server).  Clickon the serveryoucreatedearlier(bddragonsql ismine) andgoto Configure.  Where itsays “CurrentClientIPAddress”choose “addtothe allowedIPaddresses”.  Doublecheckthat“WindowsAzure Services”issettoYes.  Choose save inthe bottombar. CreateSQL schemasforASA  OpenSQL ServerManagementStudio(SSMS).Note thatthiscanoptionallybe done fromVisualStudio2013 withupdate 4 or later. o ServerType:Database Engine o ServerName:{} Forexample mineis o Authentication:SQLServerAuthentication(note inthe real worldneverloginwithyoursysadmin account fordbo activities)  Login:the one you createdearlier  Password:the one youcreatedearlier  Choose the cdcasa database fromthe leftmenu(ObjectExplorer).  Cntl-Otoopen1_CreateSQLTable.sqlfrom C:{yourdirectory}CloudDataCampscriptsASA  Verifyyouare inthe cdcasa dataase (there’sadropdownbox overobjectexplorer)  Hit F5 or the Execute buttontorun it.  Note:It will be populatedlaterby ASA. Create Event Hub for Data Ingestion  Openthe non-previewmanagementportal  Clickon Service Bus inthe leftmenu  Choose New ->AppServices ->Service Bus -> EventHub -> CustomCreate
  • 4. o EventHub Name:Your prefix +eh.Mine is bddragoneh o Region:The same one we’ve beenusing o Namespace:Create anewnamespace o Namespace Name:Yourprefix +eh+ -ns(itwill defaulttothis) o Choose nextusingarrowonbottomright o PartitionCount:8 o Message Retention:2 o Choose the checkmarkto finish  Configure sharedaccess o Clickon the newService Busnamespace o Choose EventHubsfromthe topmenu o Clickon the EventHub o Choose Configure fromthe topmenu o In the “sharedaccess policies” sectionaddapolicy  Name:mypolicy  Permissions:send, listen  Choose Save at the bottom o Copythe policyname and itsprimarykeyto yourNotepadfile. Generate Data (Device Sender)  Opena commandprompt  Cd {yourdirectory}CloudDataCamptoolsDeviceSender  Replace youractual valuesinthe belowcommand: DeviceSenderGenerateDataToEventHub -n<eventHubNamespace>-e <eventHubName>-p<policyName>-k <policyKey>  Paste the editedcommandintothe commandpromptandhit entertoexecute it.Youshouldsee aseriesof “Messagesfiredontothe eventhub!”messagesindicatingdataisbeingsentfromyourmachine toAzure.  Do NOT close the window. Thisdatawill be usedlater. HOL9: Azure Stream Analytics Create Streaming Job  Open  Clickon New ->Data Services ->StreamAnalytics ->QuickCreate o JobName:prefix +stream o Region:(EastUS isn’tavailable yet –use East US 2) o Regional MonitoringStorage Account:Create new o NewStorage AccountName:prefix +streammonitor Configure Streaming Job Inputs  Clickon the jobyoujust created,choose Inputsfromthe topribbon,andclick“Add Input”.  Choose “Data stream”then“EventHub”.  EventHub Settings: o InputAlias:MyEventHubStream(mustbe exactlythis) o Subscription:Current o Namespace:The one youcreatedinthe EventHub step(prefix + -ns) o EventHub Name:The one you created o Policy:mypolicy o ConsumerGroup:$Default
  • 5.  Serializationsettings o Format: JSON o Encoding:UTF8 Output  In the streamingjob,choose Outputsfromthe upperribbonand“AddOutput”  Choose SQLDatabase  SQL Database Settings o Outputalias:output o Subscription:Current o SQL Database:cdcasa o ServerName:the one youcreatedearlier,prefix +sql o Username/Password:The SQLadminaccount youcreated o Table:AvgReadings Query  Choose Queryfromthe upperribbon  Paste inand thenSAVE: SELECT DateAdd(minute,-1,System.TimeStamp) as WinStartTime, system.TimeStamp as WinEndTime, Type = 'Temperature', RoomNumber, Avg(Temperature) as AvgReading, Count(*) as EventCount FROM MyEventHubStream Where Temperature IS NOT NULL GROUP BY TumblingWindow(minute, 1), RoomNumber, Type UNION SELECT DateAdd(minute,-1,System.TimeStamp) as WinStartTime, system.TimeStamp as WinEndTime, Type = 'Humidity', RoomNumber, Avg(Humidity) as AvgReading, Count(*) as EventCount FROM MyEventHubStream Where Humidity IS NOT NULL GROUP BY TumblingWindow(minute, 1), RoomNumber, Type UNION SELECT DateAdd(minute,-1,System.TimeStamp) as WinStartTime, system.TimeStamp as WinEndTime, Type = 'Energy', RoomNumber, Avg(Kwh) as AvgReading, Count(*) as EventCount FROM MyEventHubStream Where Kwh IS NOT NULL GROUP BY TumblingWindow(minute, 1), RoomNumber, Type UNION SELECT DateAdd(minute,-1,System.TimeStamp) as WinStartTime, system.TimeStamp as WinEndTime, Type = 'Light', RoomNumber, Avg(Lumens) as AvgReading, Count(*) as EventCount FROM MyEventHubStream Where Lumens IS NOT NULL GROUP BY TumblingWindow(minute, 1), RoomNumber, Type Start Steaming Job  Clickon Start inthe bottomribbon,choose default(JobStartTime)  VerifyDeviceSenderisrunning(orrestartit) View Data in SQL  Aftera fewminutesyoucanquerythe SQL database fromSSMS and see the data inAvgReadings.
  • 6.  Stopthe DeviceSenderappif it’sstill running. You have successfullyingesteddatafroma“thing” (yourlaptop) toAzure!Youpushedthatdata througha query (streaming) andsentthe aggregatedoutputtoa destinationinthe cloud –Azure SQL Database. ---- Backto SLIDES ----- HOL2: Intro to HDInsight In lab2 we create a HadoopclusterinAzure usingthe HDInsightservice.Thenwe RDPtothe headnode and see thatit’s trulyApache opensource HadooprunningonWindows.HDInsightisalsoavailable onLinux butwe are usingWindows for the lab. Create an HDInsight Hadoop cluster  Loginto  Choose HDInsight(the elephant)fromthe leftmenu  Choose New ->Data Services->HDInsight-> CustomCreate  Page 1 / ClusterDetails o ClusterName:Yourprefix +hdi o ClusterType:Hadoop o OperatingSystem:Windows o Version:default  Page 2 / Configure Cluster o Data Nodes:1 o Region:the same regionyou’ve beenusing,the storage account mustbe inthe same region o HeadNode Size:defaultA3 o Data Node Size:defaultA3  Page 3 / Configure ClusterUser o Name:Your prefix +admin(youcan use the same as the SQL db forthe demobutdon’tdo that in production) o Password:(youcan use the same as the SQL db for the demobutdon’tdo that in production) o Enable the remote desktopforcluster:Yes(youwill generallychoose no)  RDP User Name:clustername + 1 (don’tdothisinproduction)  RDP Password:(youcanuse the same as the SQL db for the demo butdon’tdo that in production)  ExpiresOn:tomorrow o Enter the Hive/Oozie Metastore:No(youwillgenerallychoose yesforproduction)  Page 4 / Storage Account o Storage Account:Use existingstorage o AccountName:the storage account we createdearlier o DefaultContainer:data o Additional Storage Accounts:0  Page 5 / ScriptActions o Clickthe arrow to create the cluster,waitabout15 minutes Use the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)  RDP to the headnode  Get a listingof files o Hadoopfs –ls / o Hadoopfs –ls /example/data ---- Backto SLIDES -----
  • 7. HOL3: HDI Batch Analysis and Power BI We’ll dosome batch analysisandcreate aggregations.Thenwe willviewthe datainPowerBI. Hive  Navigate toCloudDataCampscriptsHiveinyourfile explorer.  In the Azure managementportal clickonyourHDInsightinstance.ClickonQueryConsole atthe bottomof the screento opena querywindow.Loginwiththe clustercredentials(notthe RDPcredentials).  Choose the Hive editor. Createan External Table DeviceReadings  OpenCloudDataCampscriptsHive1_CreateDeviceReadings.txt inatexteditorlike Notepad. Update the location:replace <storage accountname>withthe storage account youcreatedin Handson Lab 1 (remove the brackets).Paste the editedqueryintothe Hive editorandhitSubmittocreate a Hive table. LOCATION 'wasb://data@<storage account name>';  Viewthe joboutput – it opensina newwindow.Foracreate schemastatementyouwanttoverifythere are no errors(the messagesaboutloggingare noterrors).It will show the time taken. Query thetable  Copythe belowqueryandrun itfrom the Hive editor: SELECT deviceId FROM DeviceReadings LIMIT 100;  Viewthe joboutput. CreateExternalTables for Averages Create and populate tablesthatstore aggregates.  OpenCloudDataCampscriptsHive2_CreateAverageReadingByType.txt.  Editthe location andrun fromthe Hive editor.  Repeatchangingthe locationandexecuting the remainingcreate/insertscripts:  CloudDataCampscriptsHive3_CreateAverageReadingByMinute.txt.  CloudDataCampscriptsHive4_CreateMaximumReading.txt.  CloudDataCampscriptsHive5_CreateMinimumReading.txt. File Browser The locationof the data wasspecifiedinthe table creationstatementsusinglocation. The browsershowsdataonthe defaultstorage accountforthe cluster.  Viewthe original andthe aggregateddatainthe File Browsertabof the console.  If you have CloudXplorer,viewthe datainCloudXplorer (hitrefresh). Extra Credit  Write SELECT statementstovieweachtable’sdataset.  Write more complex queries.  Showtables;  describe formattedAverageReadingByType;  Connectto Hive fromPowerPivotusingthe MicrosoftHive ODBCdriveranda DSN AzureML Connectto HadoopfromAzureML. Note thatthisis notin the CloudDataCamp,the HOL10 inthat seriespointstoa flat file andhere we use a Hive query.
  • 8.  From, clickonAzureMLandchoose tosignin to yourAzureML studio.  Choose a new blankexperiment.  Drag a Readerfromthe lefttothe designer.  Highlightthe Readerandviewthe optionsyouhave forconnecting. o Data source:Hive Query o Hive database query:SELECT * FROM AverageReadingByType o HCatalogserverURI: http://{yourhdicluster} o Hadoopuser accountname:your clusteradmin(notrdp) account o Hadoopuser accountpassword:yourpassword o Locationof outputdata: Azure o Azure storage account name:{yourstorage account} o Azure storage key:{yourkey} o Azure containername:data  Choose Save and Run fromthe bottom ribbon  Whenit completesviewthe resultsdatasetbyrightclickingonthe circle andeithervisualize ordownload Reference: ClusterCleanup At thispointwe have newdatasetscreatedbasedonaggregatesof ourfirst,static data file.We couldeitherleave the clusterupand queryit directlyfromtoolslike PowerBIusing Hive ordrop the clusteranddirectlyaccessthe data inthe flatfiles.We’lluse the latter–flatfiles.Thisemphasizesthatthese are on-demandclusters,youdon’tneedtopayto keepthemupall the time.  Drop the HDInsightcluster. PowerQuery  Opena newworkbookinExcel 2013. VerifyyouinstalledandenabledPowerQuery.  Clickon PowerQuery.  Choose FromAzure -> FromMicrosoft Azure HDInsight.  Enter the storage account youcreatedearlierandthe keyyousavedinNotepad.  In Navigatorexpandyourstorage accountand double-clickonthe containernameddatatoopenthe query editor.  Findthe “FolderPath”columnon the far rightand choose the dropdownarrow.  Enter outputinthe search box andyou’ll see the ‘directories’ andfileswe have createdtoday.  If you chose ok,in “AppliedSteps”onthe far rightclickthe red X nextto“FilteredRows”toremove thisfilter.  Create a newfiltertoaverageReadingByMinute –thiswill show asingle row (because we hadasmall amountof data and onlyran the insertonce we onlyhave one file inthatdirectory). Choose ok.  Scroll back to the leftandin the “Content”columnclickon“Binary” to importthe file.  Name the columns:DeviceType,ReadingDateTime,RoomNumber,Reading  Choose “Close &Load” from the upper lefttocreate a new sheetcalledAverageReadingByMinute.  Save the workbooktoyour desktop. PowerView  Go to the workbookcreatedinthe laststep.  Choose the Inserttabat the top thenchoose PowerView inthe middle of the top.  It ispopulatedwiththe table fromthe worksheet –youcan see the columnsin“PowerView Fields”onthe right.  Note that the numericfieldshave asumfigure nexttothem.We don’twantto summarize roomnumber,sogo to the bottomof the “PowerViewFields”inthe “Fields”sectionandchoose “DoNotSummarize”for RoomNumber.
  • 9.  Clickinside the table inthe reportdesignerpane (left).Inthe Designmenuiteminthe ribbontothe rightof “PowerView”choose “OtherChart”->“Line”.  In the Filterssectionchoose Chart.  ExpandDeviceType andputa checknextto energy.  Editthe title to“EnergyReadingByMinute”.  Save the workbookandclose it. You have nowdone distributedprocessingwithHadooponAzure (HDInsight) utilizingthe powerof WASBto accessthat same data outside of Hadoop.YouthenusedPowerBI to discoverandvisualizethatdata,openingupthe possibilities for newdata-driveninsights. Cleanup  Verifyyouhave droppedyourHDInsightcluster –youare chargedfor itsexistence whetheryouare running anythingornot.  Stopthe DeviceSenderappif it’sstill running.  Drop the otherresourceswe’ve created –theyhave minimal costsif youaren’tactivelyusingthem. o StreamingJob o EventHub (underService Bus) o Service Busnamespace o Storage o SQL Azure Database cdcasa (andoptionallythe hostingSQLServer) o AzureMLExperiments o Resource Group  Optionallydelete the Excel workbook.  Optionallyremove some orall filesandtoolsfromthisworkshop o CloudDataCampfolderandall files o CloudXplorer o AzCopy o DeviceSender