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Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Project Report
Ankit Singh
Philipp Orekhov
Rishu Seth
Mohammad Tarique
Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main - University of Applied Sciences
15 February 2011
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Table of Contents I
1 Introduction to Sensor Networks
Fields of Application
Home Applications
Environment Applications
Military Applications
Type of Sensors
Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design
2 Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Software components
Hardware components
3 Project Approach
Research Papers
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Table of Contents II
Developments of Applications
4 Project Proposals
Improving the Availability
5 Conclusion
6 Bibliography
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Fields of Application
Type of Sensors
Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design
A wireless sensor network is a collection of nodes organized
into a cooperative network.
Each node consists of processing capability (one or more
microcontrollers, CPUs or DSP chips)
Contain multiple types of memory (program, data and ash
have a RF transceiver (usually with a single omnidirectional
have a power source (e.g., batteries and solar cells), and
accommodate various sensors and actuators.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Fields of Application
Type of Sensors
Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design
Home Applications
Home automation: smart sensor nodes and actuators can be
buried in appliances, such as vacuum cleaners, micro-wave
ovens, refrigerators, and VCRs. They are connected to
external networks.
Smart environment: Furniture and appliances (and servers)
learn to provide the needed service.
Smart kindergarten: to provide parents and teachers with the
abilities to comprehensively investigate students' learning
processes; to collect, manage, and fuse the information of the
And Many more applications
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Fields of Application
Type of Sensors
Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design
Environment Applications
Forest re detection: Strategically, randomly, and densely
deployed sensor nodes can relay the exact origin of the re.
Biocomplexity mapping of the environment: integrating
information across temporal and spatial scales.
Flood detection: rainfall, water level and weather sensors
supply information to the centralized database system.
Precision Agriculture: the pesticides level in the drinking
water, soil erosion, and air pollution.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Fields of Application
Type of Sensors
Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design
Military Applications
Monitoring friendly forces, equipment and ammunition.
Battleeld surveillance
Reconnaissance of opposing forces and terrain
Battle damage assessment
Nuclear, biological and chemical attack detection and
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Fields of Application
Type of Sensors
Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design
Dierent types of sensors: seismic, low sampling rate
magnetic, thermal, visual, infrared, acoustic and radar.
Monitors: temperature, humidity, vehicular movement,
lightning condition, pressure, soil makeup, noise levels.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Fields of Application
Type of Sensors
Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design
Fault tolerance;
production costs;
operating environment;
sensor network topology;
hardware constraints;
transmission media; and
power consumption.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Software components
Hardware components
Software components I
it is open source.
designed for low-power wireless devices.
supports scheduling.
component library includes network protocols, distributed
services, sensor drivers, and data acquisition tools.
Linux: We used because it is much compatible with TinyOS
Programming Environment
Network Embedded System C (nesC): is a component-based,
event-driven programming language used to build applications
for the TinyOS platform.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Software components
Hardware components
Software components II
Java: Allows portable message structure handling and used for
Shell scripting: Frontend tool and for writing tools for working
smoothly with TinyOS environment.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Software components
Hardware components
Hardware components I
Crossbow oers a variety of sensor and data acquisition boards
for the MICAz Mote.
Some features are given below
Size 2.25 x 1.25 square inches
Same size as the Mica Board
2 Layer Board (Top and Bottom)
top in a stack of daughter cards
We used MTS300 Sensor Daughter card board.
We sensed Light, temperature, acoustic and sounder sensor.
MICAz Mote:
I/O: 51 pin connector for connection to a sensor board
Supports Analog inputs, Digital I/O, I2C, SPI and UART 3
Diagnostic LEDs
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Software components
Hardware components
Hardware components II
Radios: TI CC2420
CPU: Atmega 128L Microcontroller up to 16 MIPS
Storage: 128K Flash, 4K SRAM, 4K EEPROM
Base Stations: Any MICAz Mote can function as a base
station when it is connected to a standard PC interface or
gateway board. The MIB510 or MIB520 provides a serial/USB
interface for both programming and data communications.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
Learned from TinyOS Tutorials I
we rst installed the TinyOs system and introduced with
motes and learnt how to use those motes. Also we learnt how
we pushed TinyOs application on motes
in second step we learnt how we can write TinyOs applications
using nesC languages and usages of interfaces,commands and
The Tutorial Mote-Mote Radio Communication introduced
us to radio communication in TinyOS. We got familiar with:
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
Learned from TinyOS Tutorials II
Then we moved to Mote Pc communication tutorial. We
learnt here:
How to communicate with a mote from a computer.
We used RJ 45 cable i.e TCP/IP network for connecting
programming board to computer (in our case Laptop).
In sensing tutorial we learnt two things
Sense Application: It periodically takes sensor readings and
displays the values on the LEDs.
Oscilloscope: It periodically broadcast their sensor readings to
a base station board to computer (in our case Laptop).
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
Summaries of Research Papers I
Adhoc Routing architecture -
We described general Ad-Hoc routing architecture.
Our proposal − A new Ad-Hoc architecture with data
reliability and integrity using Sliding window protocol.
Generalised topology of WSN − Analysis of various kind of
topologies for WSN.
CTP-Collection Tree Protocol −
It is basic structure of data transmission protocol in WSN.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
Summaries of Research Papers II
Demerits − It is only useful for low trac data.
RSSI-Received signal strength indicator − Used to measure
distance between sensor nodes.
Advantages − Indoor and Outdoor usage
Data and communication and sensor usage on same hardware.
Disadvantages − Multiple propogation
Fading eect
Energy Eciency Topologies − We researched various
topologies and approaches
Online battery monitoring
Patterned topologies
Location based topology(R  M and LMST)
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
Content of the Report
Initial proposal for the implementation a realiable data
acquisition system
TinyOS installation guide for Beginners (A quick cheatsheet to
get started)
Research paper based on several Research papers. :D
A compilation of interesting ndings :))
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
MicazXpl Version 0.1 I
Message Structure
typedef nx_struct data {
nx_uint16_t moteid; // ID OF THE SENSING MOTE
nx_uint16_t timestamp; // timestamp to distinguish
// between older data
// 3 types of sensor readings
nx_uint16_t light[NREADINGS];
nx_uint16_t sound[NREADINGS];
nx_uint16_t temp[NREADINGS];
} data_t;
// message content + crc sum of the content
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
MicazXpl Version 0.1 II
typedef nx_struct msg_crc {
data_t msg_data;
nx_uint16_t crc;
} msg_crc_t;
// message to be encrypted + encrypted crc sum
typedef nx_struct enc_msg_crc {
msg_crc_t msg;
nx_uint16_t final_crc;
nx_uint8_t counter; // hop (incremented
// at each successive mote)
} enc_msg_crc_t;
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
MicazXpl Version 0.1 III
void crypt(void *buf, uint8_t lenBuf, uint16_t key);
void crypt(void *buf, uint8_t lenBuf, void *key,
uint8_t lenKey)
Forward-to-previous Routing:
mote id 3 with sensor → mote id 2 → mote id 1 → mote id 0
or base station
CRC Calculation
async command uint16_t crc16(void *buf, uint8_t len);
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
Live Sensor Result I
The sample of live recorded data with encrypted and decrypted
payload data is given below:
Encrypted Payload Data
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE ED FF 12 FF 12 FF 12 FF 12
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE EC FC ED FC ED FC ED FC
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE EF FC FF FC F5 FC F6 FC F3
FC F1 FC FA FC F9 FC FF 88 22 1D BF 00
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE EE FC CA FC C6 FC C3 FC C2
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE E9 FC F2 FC CE FC C2 FC DA
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
Live Sensor Result II
FC D6 FC D0 FC D3 FC D0 61 44 1D BF 00
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE E8 FC DE FC C3 FC C7 FC C2
FC D7 FC AF FC AB FC AA 86 B4 1D BF 00
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE EB FC AB FC A9 FC AF FC D3
Decrypted Payload Data
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 00 01 F5 01 F5 01 F5 01 F6
01 F6 01 F6 01 F6 01 F6 0F A7 1D BF 00
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 02 02 11 02 1A 02 1C 02 16
02 11 02 0D 02 1B 02 25 DD 15 1D BF 00
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 06 02 40 02 3B 02 36 02 33
02 31 02 3D 02 43 02 45 BD 4F 1D BF 00
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
Live Sensor Result III
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 07 02 46 02 41 02 3C 02 37
02 34 02 32 02 31 02 30 81 80 1D BF 00
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 08 02 30 02 30 02 2F 02 2F
02 2F 02 2E 02 2E 02 2E 47 E3 1D BF 00
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 09 02 2C 02 2A 02 29 02 2E
02 39 02 41 02 44 02 46 73 FC 1D BF 00
00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 0A 02 45 02 43 02 41 02 3E
02 3B 02 38 02 3E 02 45 A0 93 1D BF 00
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Research Papers
Developments of Applications
MicazXpl Version 0.2
Version 0.1 + CTP Routing
hard to monitor trac paths due to dynamic link estimation.
extra overhead on the message format and size.
real-time operations on the data become more time consuming.
Possible steps to use CTP
link with the CTP, net and some link estimator libraries (in
setup the root node to be at the base station.
enable the routing to be performed through the CTP.
manage the message format and size for proper data handling.
ignore or overcome the real-time message operations
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Improving the Availability
CRC Checksum:
we want to be sure the integrity of the data is intact.
To achieve that a library function from the TinyOS can be
we want to avoid duplicate data and be able to control the
For that a timer library function from the TinyOS can be used.
we want to ensure that the data is not easily available to
unauthorized viewers.
For that a fast and simple shared-key XOR based encryption
function is to be used. Additionally or alternatively the radio
chip's built in security mechanisms can be used.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Improving the Availability
Sensor Readings:
we want to be able to check for missing data and possibly
outliers in data.
For missing data - a predened value (eg 0xFF) can be used.
For outliers - some simple statistical calculations.
Message Structure:
we want to make sure we can collect and transfer the data
items of our choice, and to incorporate the above mentioned
For that we specify our own message structure format with:
counter, timestamp, security  integrity and the message
content itself.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Improving the Availability
Multihop and Routing:
we want to have dierent routing mechanisms to be in control
of the data transmission.
The mechanisms we use are: broadcast transmission and
directed message passing.
For directed: we can use a simple 'forward-to-previous-node'
multihop, as well as the more advanced multihop protocols,
like CTP.
Data Loss and Damage:
we want to prevent accidental and malicious data
modications during transmissions.
These requirements can be accomplished by use of control
messages, timeouts and counters, and the security  integrity
mechanisms described previously.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Improving the Availability
Network Congestion:
we want to avoid network overloads leading to data loss.
By combining the use of on-device storage with intelligent
retransmission, we may have a simple way to achive that goal.
Mote Availability:
we don't want the data transmissions to be lost when some
nodes become unavailable or more nodes become available.
A simple solution that can be used is to require all nodes to
broadcast their IDs as 'alive messages' periodically.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Improving the Availability
we would like to be able to handle the situations of hardware
and software components from failing or working unexpectedly.
Appying the principles of software, data and hardware
redundancy is a common approach to be taken.
Local Storage:
in case something unintended happens to the data during
transmissions we would like to have a copy of the original.
Utilizing local storage is a simple and ecient solution for this
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Improving the Availability
Improving the Availability
Power Management:
for the battery powered devices motes are it is necessary to
keep the power consumption to the minimum the prolong
unattended availability of the devices.
Switching o unnecessary components and using the available
power management options (eg Sleep state) is a way to
achieve this requirement.
Low Power Listening:
TinyOS provides an option for putting the device's
components to sleep mode until woken by an event, like timer
expiry or a remote message.
Taking advantage of this optional functionality might be very
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
We learned many theoritical and practical aspects of
embedded sensor boards and general eld of sensor networks.
We have learned the specics of micaZ sensor kits and devised
a project to learn and improve upon the basics of this eld.
We have read around number of research topics that cover the
current practical problems in sensor network communities.
We have gathered the practical experience in the production of
scientic and technical documentation. e.g Research 
Development scientic papers.
And there should be more open papers and research documents
available freely for the reseachers in this sensor network area.
We need to work more our project MicazXpl Version 0.2.
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
Thank You for listening !
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
Introduction to Sensor Networks
Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board
Project Approach
Project Proposals
TinyOS Ocial Website
An Overview of Sensor Network Techniques, EECS 600 Advanced Network Research, Spring 2005
Wireless Sensor Networks, John A. Stankovic, Department of Computer Science, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904
The Collection Tree Protocol (CTP), TEP 123
Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report

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  • 1. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography MicazXpl Project Report Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main - University of Applied Sciences 15 February 2011 Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 2. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Table of Contents I 1 Introduction to Sensor Networks Overview Fields of Application Home Applications Environment Applications Military Applications Type of Sensors Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design 2 Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Software components Hardware components 3 Project Approach Tutorials Research Papers Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 3. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Table of Contents II Documentations Developments of Applications 4 Project Proposals Data Transmission Methods Improving the Availability 5 Conclusion 6 Bibliography Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 4. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Overview Fields of Application Type of Sensors Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design Introduction A wireless sensor network is a collection of nodes organized into a cooperative network. Each node consists of processing capability (one or more microcontrollers, CPUs or DSP chips) Contain multiple types of memory (program, data and ash memories), have a RF transceiver (usually with a single omnidirectional antenna), have a power source (e.g., batteries and solar cells), and accommodate various sensors and actuators. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 5. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Overview Fields of Application Type of Sensors Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design Home Applications Home automation: smart sensor nodes and actuators can be buried in appliances, such as vacuum cleaners, micro-wave ovens, refrigerators, and VCRs. They are connected to external networks. Smart environment: Furniture and appliances (and servers) learn to provide the needed service. Smart kindergarten: to provide parents and teachers with the abilities to comprehensively investigate students' learning processes; to collect, manage, and fuse the information of the sensors And Many more applications Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 6. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Overview Fields of Application Type of Sensors Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design Environment Applications Forest re detection: Strategically, randomly, and densely deployed sensor nodes can relay the exact origin of the re. Biocomplexity mapping of the environment: integrating information across temporal and spatial scales. Flood detection: rainfall, water level and weather sensors supply information to the centralized database system. Precision Agriculture: the pesticides level in the drinking water, soil erosion, and air pollution. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 7. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Overview Fields of Application Type of Sensors Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design Military Applications Monitoring friendly forces, equipment and ammunition. Battleeld surveillance Reconnaissance of opposing forces and terrain Targeting Battle damage assessment Nuclear, biological and chemical attack detection and reconnaissance Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 8. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Overview Fields of Application Type of Sensors Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design Sensors Dierent types of sensors: seismic, low sampling rate magnetic, thermal, visual, infrared, acoustic and radar. Monitors: temperature, humidity, vehicular movement, lightning condition, pressure, soil makeup, noise levels. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 9. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Overview Fields of Application Type of Sensors Factors Inuencing Sensor Network Design Factors Fault tolerance; scalability; production costs; operating environment; sensor network topology; hardware constraints; transmission media; and power consumption. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 10. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Software components Hardware components Software components I TinyOS it is open source. portable. designed for low-power wireless devices. supports scheduling. component library includes network protocols, distributed services, sensor drivers, and data acquisition tools. Linux: We used because it is much compatible with TinyOS environment. Programming Environment Network Embedded System C (nesC): is a component-based, event-driven programming language used to build applications for the TinyOS platform. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 11. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Software components Hardware components Software components II Java: Allows portable message structure handling and used for GUI. Shell scripting: Frontend tool and for writing tools for working smoothly with TinyOS environment. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 12. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Software components Hardware components Hardware components I Crossbow oers a variety of sensor and data acquisition boards for the MICAz Mote. Some features are given below Size 2.25 x 1.25 square inches Same size as the Mica Board 2 Layer Board (Top and Bottom) top in a stack of daughter cards We used MTS300 Sensor Daughter card board. We sensed Light, temperature, acoustic and sounder sensor. MICAz Mote: I/O: 51 pin connector for connection to a sensor board Supports Analog inputs, Digital I/O, I2C, SPI and UART 3 Diagnostic LEDs Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 13. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Software components Hardware components Hardware components II Radios: TI CC2420 CPU: Atmega 128L Microcontroller up to 16 MIPS Storage: 128K Flash, 4K SRAM, 4K EEPROM Base Stations: Any MICAz Mote can function as a base station when it is connected to a standard PC interface or gateway board. The MIB510 or MIB520 provides a serial/USB interface for both programming and data communications. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 14. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications Learned from TinyOS Tutorials I we rst installed the TinyOs system and introduced with motes and learnt how to use those motes. Also we learnt how we pushed TinyOs application on motes in second step we learnt how we can write TinyOs applications using nesC languages and usages of interfaces,commands and events. The Tutorial Mote-Mote Radio Communication introduced us to radio communication in TinyOS. We got familiar with: Packet Send Receive PacketAcknowledgements RadioTimeStamping Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 15. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications Learned from TinyOS Tutorials II Then we moved to Mote Pc communication tutorial. We learnt here: How to communicate with a mote from a computer. We used RJ 45 cable i.e TCP/IP network for connecting programming board to computer (in our case Laptop). In sensing tutorial we learnt two things Sense Application: It periodically takes sensor readings and displays the values on the LEDs. Oscilloscope: It periodically broadcast their sensor readings to a base station board to computer (in our case Laptop). Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 16. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications Summaries of Research Papers I Adhoc Routing architecture - We described general Ad-Hoc routing architecture. Our proposal − A new Ad-Hoc architecture with data reliability and integrity using Sliding window protocol. Generalised topology of WSN − Analysis of various kind of topologies for WSN. Star Bus Mesh Hybrid Ring CTP-Collection Tree Protocol − It is basic structure of data transmission protocol in WSN. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 17. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications Summaries of Research Papers II Demerits − It is only useful for low trac data. RSSI-Received signal strength indicator − Used to measure distance between sensor nodes. Advantages − Indoor and Outdoor usage Data and communication and sensor usage on same hardware. Disadvantages − Multiple propogation Fading eect Energy Eciency Topologies − We researched various topologies and approaches Online battery monitoring Patterned topologies Location based topology(R M and LMST) Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 18. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications Content of the Report Initial proposal for the implementation a realiable data acquisition system TinyOS installation guide for Beginners (A quick cheatsheet to get started) Research paper based on several Research papers. :D A compilation of interesting ndings :)) Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 19. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications MicazXpl Version 0.1 I Message Structure typedef nx_struct data { nx_uint16_t moteid; // ID OF THE SENSING MOTE nx_uint16_t timestamp; // timestamp to distinguish // between older data // 3 types of sensor readings nx_uint16_t light[NREADINGS]; nx_uint16_t sound[NREADINGS]; nx_uint16_t temp[NREADINGS]; } data_t; // message content + crc sum of the content Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 20. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications MicazXpl Version 0.1 II typedef nx_struct msg_crc { data_t msg_data; nx_uint16_t crc; } msg_crc_t; // message to be encrypted + encrypted crc sum typedef nx_struct enc_msg_crc { msg_crc_t msg; nx_uint16_t final_crc; nx_uint8_t counter; // hop (incremented // at each successive mote) } enc_msg_crc_t; Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 21. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications MicazXpl Version 0.1 III Encryption void crypt(void *buf, uint8_t lenBuf, uint16_t key); void crypt(void *buf, uint8_t lenBuf, void *key, uint8_t lenKey) Forward-to-previous Routing: mote id 3 with sensor → mote id 2 → mote id 1 → mote id 0 or base station CRC Calculation async command uint16_t crc16(void *buf, uint8_t len); Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 22. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications Live Sensor Result I The sample of live recorded data with encrypted and decrypted payload data is given below: Encrypted Payload Data 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE ED FF 12 FF 12 FF 12 FF 12 FF 12 FC ED FC ED FC ED DD F0 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE EC FC ED FC ED FC ED FC ED FC ED FC ED FC EC FC EF B4 45 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE EF FC FF FC F5 FC F6 FC F3 FC F1 FC FA FC F9 FC FF 88 22 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE EE FC CA FC C6 FC C3 FC C2 FC FC DD FC C6 FC CB 2F BF 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE E9 FC F2 FC CE FC C2 FC DA Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 23. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications Live Sensor Result II FC D6 FC D0 FC D3 FC D0 61 44 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE E8 FC DE FC C3 FC C7 FC C2 FC D7 FC AF FC AB FC AA 86 B4 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE FE EF FE EB FC AB FC A9 FC AF FC D3 FC D5 FC D9 FC DF FC DC D3 EA 1D BF 00 Decrypted Payload Data 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 00 01 F5 01 F5 01 F5 01 F6 01 F6 01 F6 01 F6 01 F6 0F A7 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 02 02 11 02 1A 02 1C 02 16 02 11 02 0D 02 1B 02 25 DD 15 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 06 02 40 02 3B 02 36 02 33 02 31 02 3D 02 43 02 45 BD 4F 1D BF 00 Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 24. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications Live Sensor Result III 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 07 02 46 02 41 02 3C 02 37 02 34 02 32 02 31 02 30 81 80 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 08 02 30 02 30 02 2F 02 2F 02 2F 02 2E 02 2E 02 2E 47 E3 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 09 02 2C 02 2A 02 29 02 2E 02 39 02 41 02 44 02 46 73 FC 1D BF 00 00 00 01 00 02 19 00 EE 00 02 00 0A 02 45 02 43 02 41 02 3E 02 3B 02 38 02 3E 02 45 A0 93 1D BF 00 Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 25. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Tutorials Research Papers Documentations Developments of Applications MicazXpl Version 0.2 Version 0.1 + CTP Routing Problems hard to monitor trac paths due to dynamic link estimation. extra overhead on the message format and size. real-time operations on the data become more time consuming. Possible steps to use CTP link with the CTP, net and some link estimator libraries (in Makele). setup the root node to be at the base station. enable the routing to be performed through the CTP. manage the message format and size for proper data handling. ignore or overcome the real-time message operations slowdowns. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 26. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Data Transmission Methods Improving the Availability Data CRC Checksum: we want to be sure the integrity of the data is intact. To achieve that a library function from the TinyOS can be used. Timestamp: we want to avoid duplicate data and be able to control the ordering. For that a timer library function from the TinyOS can be used. Security: we want to ensure that the data is not easily available to unauthorized viewers. For that a fast and simple shared-key XOR based encryption function is to be used. Additionally or alternatively the radio chip's built in security mechanisms can be used. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 27. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Data Transmission Methods Improving the Availability Data Sensor Readings: we want to be able to check for missing data and possibly outliers in data. For missing data - a predened value (eg 0xFF) can be used. For outliers - some simple statistical calculations. Message Structure: we want to make sure we can collect and transfer the data items of our choice, and to incorporate the above mentioned mechanisms. For that we specify our own message structure format with: counter, timestamp, security integrity and the message content itself. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 28. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Data Transmission Methods Improving the Availability Transmission Multihop and Routing: we want to have dierent routing mechanisms to be in control of the data transmission. The mechanisms we use are: broadcast transmission and directed message passing. For directed: we can use a simple 'forward-to-previous-node' multihop, as well as the more advanced multihop protocols, like CTP. Data Loss and Damage: we want to prevent accidental and malicious data modications during transmissions. These requirements can be accomplished by use of control messages, timeouts and counters, and the security integrity mechanisms described previously. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 29. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Data Transmission Methods Improving the Availability Transmission Network Congestion: we want to avoid network overloads leading to data loss. By combining the use of on-device storage with intelligent retransmission, we may have a simple way to achive that goal. Mote Availability: we don't want the data transmissions to be lost when some nodes become unavailable or more nodes become available. A simple solution that can be used is to require all nodes to broadcast their IDs as 'alive messages' periodically. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 30. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Data Transmission Methods Improving the Availability Methods Redundancy: we would like to be able to handle the situations of hardware and software components from failing or working unexpectedly. Appying the principles of software, data and hardware redundancy is a common approach to be taken. Local Storage: in case something unintended happens to the data during transmissions we would like to have a copy of the original. Utilizing local storage is a simple and ecient solution for this issue. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 31. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Data Transmission Methods Improving the Availability Improving the Availability Power Management: for the battery powered devices motes are it is necessary to keep the power consumption to the minimum the prolong unattended availability of the devices. Switching o unnecessary components and using the available power management options (eg Sleep state) is a way to achieve this requirement. Low Power Listening: TinyOS provides an option for putting the device's components to sleep mode until woken by an event, like timer expiry or a remote message. Taking advantage of this optional functionality might be very useful. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 32. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Conclusion We learned many theoritical and practical aspects of embedded sensor boards and general eld of sensor networks. We have learned the specics of micaZ sensor kits and devised a project to learn and improve upon the basics of this eld. We have read around number of research topics that cover the current practical problems in sensor network communities. We have gathered the practical experience in the production of scientic and technical documentation. e.g Research Development scientic papers. And there should be more open papers and research documents available freely for the reseachers in this sensor network area. We need to work more our project MicazXpl Version 0.2. Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 33. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Thank You for listening ! Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report
  • 34. Introduction to Sensor Networks Introduction to Micaz Sensor Board Project Approach Project Proposals Conclusion Bibliography Bibliography TinyOS Ocial Website An Overview of Sensor Network Techniques, EECS 600 Advanced Network Research, Spring 2005 Wireless Sensor Networks, John A. Stankovic, Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904 The Collection Tree Protocol (CTP), TEP 123 Ankit Singh Philipp Orekhov Rishu Seth Mohammad Tarique MicazXpl Project Report