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RNA2DMap: A Visual Exploration Tool of the Information in RNA’s Higher-
Order Structure
Weijia Xu1,†
Ame Wongsa 2, ‡
Jung Lee 3,
Lei Shang4,
* Jamie J Cannone 5,
* Robin R. Gutell 6,
Texas Advanced Computing Center,
School of Information, *Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas, USA
1; 2; 3;
Abstract -- A new and emerging paradigm in molecular biology
is revealing that RNA is implicated in nearly every aspect of
the metabolism in the cell. To enhance our understanding of
the function of these RNA molecules in the cell, it is essential
that we have a complete understanding of their higher-order
structures. While many computational tools have been
developed to predict and analyse these higher-order RNA
structures, few are able to visualize them for analytical
purposes. In this paper, we present an interactive visualization
tool of the secondary structure of RNA, named RNA2DMap.
This program enables multiple-dimensions of information
about RNA structure to be selected, customized and displayed
to visually identify patterns and relationships. RNA2DMap
facilitates the comparative analysis and understanding of
RNAs that cannot be readily obtained with other graphical or
text output from computer programs. Three use cases are
presented to illustrate how RNA2DMap aids structural
Keywords: Biological Data Visulation; RNA Struaral Analysis;
Interative Application
RNA structure, function, and evolution are studied with
experimental and computational methods. Comparative
analysis, one of the computational methods, has been used
to determine an RNA’s higher-order structure with high
accuracy and detail, principles of RNA structure, and the
evolution of RNA and phylogenetic relationships. This
analysis is dependent on the number and diversity of the
RNA sequences and high-resolution crystal structures
within any given RNA family, and the sophistication of the
computational system to analyse the data. Information
related to RNA sequences is usually stored within a
database or in text files with specific formats. We have
developed rCAD – RNA Comparative Analysis Database
that utilizes the Microsoft SQL-server to organize,
manipulate, and analyse these multiple dimensions of
information [1] [2]. rCAD is the foundation used to
effectively create inter-relationships between multiple types
of information. However, from these patterns, biases and
relationships in rCAD’s data, we are unable to synthesize all
of this knowledge into a complete understanding of RNA’s
structure, function, and evolution..
While most computational approaches are developed
based on data mining and algorithmic approaches to
understand the structure and functions of RNA molecules,
visual analytic approaches can provide insights from the
data. The secondary structure diagram of RNA is routinely
used to visualize the base pairs, helices, and structural
motifs of the RNA’s higher-order structure. It is the
reference point for discussion and analysis of sequence
alignments, high-resolution crystal structures, and
evolutionary relationships. Many RNA scientists map their
experimental data and other relevant information onto these
diagrams. However this is usually done on a figure in a
published paper, not as an interactive graphics display.
Our goal is to create a new and novel application to allow
researchers to dynamically navigate through this myriad of
multiple dimensions of information. RNA2DMap, the focus
of this paper, is a new foundation for the dynamic visual
presentation of the growing number of data types that will
enhance our knowledge of RNA structure, folding, and its
evolution. RNA2DMap is akin to the Macroscope, an
abstract computational system to facilitate an understanding
of a complex system from all of its components, both
physical and temporal. RNA2DMap is available at
x.php, part of Comparative RNA Web (CRW) Site [3].
The initial attempts to visualize RNA secondary
structure focused on the automatic drawing algorithms to
generate aesthetically pleasing secondary structure diagrams
with very limited overlap of strands and interactions [4] [5]
[6]. A radial drawing algorithm was implemented in
RNAViz which draws each helix and base in a multi-loop at
regular angular distances [7]. JViz, includes multiple
drawing algorithms such as linear linked graph [8], circular
representation and RNA dot plot [9]. RNAView is one of
the first applications that displays the tertiary interactions
with RNA secondary structure [10]. PseudoViewer is a tool
for visualizing RNA secondary structure with Pseudoknots,
a special type of structure motifs. PseudoViewer can
efficiently visualize a large RNA sequence with any type of
pseudoknot as a compact planar drawing. PseudoViewer
claims to be 10 times faster than the previous algorithm and
produces a more aesthetic structure [11].
Recent developments add features such as interactive
editing, annotation, and comparison among a set of RNA
2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
978-0-7695-4574-5/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/BIBM.2011.60
secondary str
visualizing mu
creates an in
RNAMovies is
structure space
predictions. On
open source to
diagrams of R
designed as a
secondary struc
capabilities to
o adapt to
visualization to
This tool draw
from a few dif
mplements fou
The primary f
nteractively ed
can output visu
A. Main interfa
The main app
consists of two
he main visual
Figure 1 Overv
The control p
molecule selec
display options
with the mol
sequence and
selected by lef
Panel 3 provid
discussed in de
The main vis
hree parts, (
visualization w
saved position
contains optio
structure (zoom
secondary stru
number, to pres
ructures. RNA
ultiple sets of
nterpolated an
s primarily us
s for evaluatin
ne of the comm
ool to create, a
RNA sequence
user interface
ctures in a spec
create visual r
applications i
ool for RNA se
ws a RNA seco
fferent RNA s
ur different dra
feature for VA
dit and annota
ualization as sta
ace and basic in
plication interf
o groups: contr
lization on the
view of the RNA2
panel is further
ctor, (2) nuc
s. Different R
ecule selector
structure inf
ft-click and/or
des options for
tails in subsequ
sualization pan
(4) the struc
window – Stru
n toolbar. The
ns, to change
m controls), to
ucture, to loc
sent all positio
AMovies is
secondary str
nimation of
sed to show
ng different sec
monly used too
annotate and d
es [13]. This
to create new
cial format and
in analysis.
econdary struc
ondary structu
structure file fo
awing algorith
ARNA is for t
ated secondary
atic images.
face of RNA2
rol panels on
2DMap interface.
r divided into
cleotide inform
RNA molecule
r. Panel 2 r
formation for
hovered by th
different view
uent sections.
nel at the right
cture toolbar,
ucture Naviga
e structure too
e the size of
print current v
cate nucleotid
ns and their ba
a system f
ructure data a
the data [1
RNA seconda
condary structu
ols is XRNA,
isplay seconda
software tool
w or edit existi
d is limited in
s of the data a
A more rece
cture is VARN
ure automatica
ormats. VARN
hms in Java [1
the biologists
y structures a
2DMap (Fig.
the left side a
three parts, (1
mation, and (
e can be select
eveals availab
the nucleotid
he mouse curs
ws which will
t is composed
(5) the ma
ator, and (6) t
olbar at the t
f the seconda
view or the ent
des by positi
ase pair partner
) a
r if
they fo
been s
saved in
B. Seco
Figure 2
more R
or zoom
with a s
or decr
space o
The D
and bas
base pa
and co
2). The
also be
and num
C. Visu
six typ
form a second
vation values f
n toolbar at th
selected, by d
g the position
n their current
ondary Structur
2. Highlighting
ently the 5S, 1
ms for the hig
res (Thermus
mortui (5S and
s (Escherichia
RNA families
s the coordinat
m and maps
w. The visualiz
med out to sho
sliding bar loc
rease the zoom
of the visualiza
Display Option
ture” (Fig. 2). T
se pairs are m
airs symbol by
d by the Lee &
olor for each c
. The legend is
e tertiary intera
n numbers for
richia coli (the
e shown (or hid
mbers displaye
ualization of ad
“data set” tab
es of informat
ces between th
dary or tertia
for each positi
e bottom lists
n number on
state (e.g. RN
re view
the selected b
6S, and 23S rR
gh resolution t
d 23S)) and th
coli) are avail
s will be incl
ates for an RN
them within
zation can be z
ow an overvie
cated at the top
m values. Users
ation to move th
ns panel has tw
The graphical
modified in the
y default reve
& Gutell nomen
s in the Displa
actions can be
the crystal stru
typical referen
dden) with tic m
ed every 50.
dditional inform
in the display
tion: 1) the ph
he selected n
ary interaction
ion in a table.
those position
g on the nuc
the bottom ri
NA distance col
base pair group
RNA secondar
(16S) and H
he comparativ
lable. In the fu
luded. The RN
NA’s secondary
the main vi
zoomed in to sh
ew of the entir
p of the screen
s can also drag
he current view
wo tabs – “Data
format of the n
“Structure” se
eals the confor
nclature [15]. T
is shown with
ay Options pan
displayed or h
ucture and the
nce species) po
marks every te
y options pane
hysical three d
nucleotide and
n and the
The saved
s that have
cleotide or
ight, to be
ps and their
ry structure
onal crystal
e structure
uture, many
y structure
how details
re structure
to increase
g the white
a Sets” and
ection. The
rmation, as
The symbol
h different
nel (Figure
hidden. The
ositions can
n positions
el includes
d all other
nucleotides in t
for every nucle
base pair types,
secondary struc
Highlighting bas
Figure 3 Five mo
To simultane
and types of co
pair type while
conformation (
based on their
structural moti
circles are show
motifs are larg
Therefore, use
different types
ime. The color
customized to e
Showing distan
nucleotides bas
- left). The
specified upper
map ranging
ndicates the s
ndicates the lar
Figure (left) 3D
The conservation
the RNA molec
eotide, 3) coax
, 5) the conform
cture motifs.
se pairing, con
otif types are high
eously render
onformation, R
technique, a
the color of th
the color of in
(Fig. 3). Stru
unique arrang
with unpaire
ifs, displayed
wn in Fig. 3. T
ger than thos
ers can select
s of conforma
r used for any
emphasize the
nce values in th
can also show
sed on their po
distance value
r limit value ar
from black
mallest distan
rgest distance v
D distances are h
n view of the 16S
cule, 2) the con
xial stacking o
mation of the b
nformation and
hlighted in differe
both types of
RNA2DMap us
he outer circle
nner circle is fo
uctural motifs
gement of bas
ed nucleotides
with large co
The sizes of co
e used for ba
t multiple ba
tions and mot
y of the circle r
desired pattern
hree dimension
w the distance
osition in cryst
es between ze
e mapped to a
to green whe
ce values and
highlighted with a
S rRNA secondar
nservation valu
of helices, 4) t
base pairs, and
ent colors.
f base pair gro
ses a glyph bas
d nested circ
reveals the ba
or the base pai
are categoriz
e pair types a
s. Five differe
olored nucleoti
olored circles f
ase pair group
ase pair group
tifs at the sam
rendering can
al space
e values betwe
tal structure (F
ero and the us
continuous co
ere black co
d the green co
a color map; (rig
ry structure.
lower c
right re
highly v
A. Expl
A tot
pair t
types a
hting conserva
extent of nuc
ined with a m
vation values a
nt shades of
nt have a con
e greater varia
are shown in
1.9 are black. T
conservation v
eveals the exten
variable region
lore base pair t
5 A (Top).
mations. B (Botto
mations (see text)
tal of 16 base
type can f
mations. The f
mations associ
mity with one
ral motif they
mental to a
izing the frequ
and their confo
y patterns th
ation values
cleotide conse
modified Shann
are associated
black and g
nservation val
ation. Position
red. Positions
The density of
values (ie. gre
nt and location
ns of the RNA
types and conf
Most frequent
om). Least frequ
pair types are
form approx
frequency of
ated with each
another are d
y might be
an RNAs
uency and orga
ormations is a
hat have been
ervation and v
non equation [
with the colo
gray. Positions
lue of 2. Low
ns with values
with values im
f the black decr
eater variation
ns of highly co
formation types
base pair g
uent base pair
possible. And
ximately 15
each base pair
h base pair type
diagnostic of th
associated wi
anization of the
very effective
n characterize
variation is
16]. These
ors red and
s that are
wer values
s of 1.9 or
reases with
). Fig. 4 -
onserved to
groups and
groups and
d each base
r type, the
e, and their
he type of
ith and is
e base pair
e means to
ed and to
discover new
variation of an
The most fre
and conformati
and the least fr
C:C, C:U, and
are shown in F
he vast majori
helices althoug
he regular hel
he least freque
outside of the
his latter group
pair types is
frequent confor
A:G base pai
usually occur
secondary struc
A:G base pairs
A:A base pairs
sheared confo
exceptions whe
he middle of
pairs within a
previous analys
B. Nucleotides w
Figure 6 Tertiary
one-pair tri-loop,
with a thicker
nteractions and g
While comp
secondary struc
16S, and 23S
dimensional st
subunits det
substantiated t
rRNAs and ide
on our Thermu
marismortui 2
diagrams [20] [
One of the g
predict an RNA
To achieve this
patterns that
existing motif.
equent base pai
ions (Watson-C
equent base pa
U:U) and con
Figures 5A and
ity of the mos
occur within t
gh a few of the
ix (Fig 5A). In
ent base pair gr
secondary stru
p, the most com
A:G, and the
rmations is sh
irs have the
cture helix. A p
s at the end o
. These A:A ba
ormation [17].
ere two consec
the helix. Thi
secondary stru
sis [18].
within structure
y interactions bet
and the UAA/GA
line in RNA2D
green lines for ba
parative analy
cture for nume
S rRNAs [19
tructures for
termined wi
the comparati
ntified the tert
us thermophile
23S and 5S
grand challeng
As secondary a
s very ambitiou
could be a n
ir groups (G:C
Crick (WC) and
air types (G:G,
nformations (ne
d 5B respective
st frequent bas
the regular sec
ese base pairs
n contrast the
roups and conf
ucture helix (F
mmon of the le
e most comm
heared (S). The
sheared confo
adjacent to
previous study
f a helix frequ
ase pairs usual
. However, t
cutive A:G bas
is observation
ucture helix is
e motifs form te
tween nucleotide
AN motifs and its
DMap. Blue lin
ase-backbone in
ysis accurately
erous RNAs, i
9], the high-r
the 30S and
ith X-ray
ive structure
tiary interaction
es 16S rRNA
rRNA seco
ges in biology
and three-dimen
us goal, an und
new motif or
C, A:U, and G:
d Wobble (Wb
, G:A, A:A, A:
early 40 in tot
ely. As expecte
se pair types a
condary structu
occur outside
vast majority
formations occ
Fig 5B). With
east frequent ba
mon of the le
e majority of t
ormation. The
the end of
revealed that t
uently change
ly form the sam
there are som
se pairs occur
of tandem A
s consistent w
ertiary interactio
es in the tetralo
s partner are dra
es for base-ba
y predicted t
including the 5
resolution thre
50S ribosom
model for t
ns that are draw
and Haloarcu
ondary structu
is to accurate
nsional structu
derstanding of t
r a
is essen
loop [2
that hav
or the s
are emp
the othe
C. Inve
Figure 7
in prox
more re
the rRN
Fig. 7 r
mental rules tha
ntial. The iden
ral motifs, inc
23], and UAA
ve a preponder
6 reveals a re
les of these th
), one tetraloo
The tertiary
ackbone bondin
phasized with
er tertiary struc
estigation of no
7 The secondary
ts all neighbor ef
le the stronges
ns indicate a b
cant covariatio
s of nucleotid
s that the posit
ximity in the th
en two regions
c function dur
ecent analysis
NA secondary
r covariation s
reveals the nu
iately adjacen
re diagram. T
ted with the R
ine their abso
nates in the hig
ophiles 16S rR
hydrogen bon
at influence the
ntification and
luding the tetr
A/GAN [24] al
rance to hydro
te backbone of
egion of the 2
hree motifs - t
op (purple), an
y interactions
ng with nucleo
a thicker line
cture interactio
on-base pairing
structural map o
ffects (red lines c
st covariation s
base pair, wea
on scores ha
des. Our prev
tions involved
s of the tRNA
ring protein s
of 16S rRNA r
structure that
scores (also ca
ucleotides that
Three sets o
nt with one an
These shaded
RNA distance o
olute physical
gh-resolution c
RNA. All three
nding distance
e correct foldin
raloop [22], lon
ll contain spe
gen bond to an
f the RNA mol
23S rRNA tha
nd one lone-pa
that form bas
otides within th
to distinguish
g constraints
of T. thermophilu
connecting nucle
scores for two
aker but still s
ave been obs
vious analysis
in these assoc
nal structure o
A that are inv
synthesis [25]
reveals several
have these clu
alled neighbou
are part of a n
of covariation
nother on the
regions in Fi
option in RNA
distance bas
crystal structur
e sets of nucle
e, suggesting
ng of RNA
on of a few
ne-pair tri-
cific bases
nother base
at has four
N (reddish
air tri-loop
se pairs or
hese motifs
them from
us 16S rRNA
served for
of tRNA
ciations are
of tRNA or
volved in a
[26]. Our
l regions of
usterings of
ur effects).
network of
ns are not
ig. 7 were
A2DMap to
sed on the
re of the T.
eotides are
that these
nucleotides might form a base pair or are sufficiently close
in three-dimensional space to have structural constraints
with the other nucleotides in these clusters of neighbour
effects. This observation with RNA2DMap increases our
confidence that these neighbour effects are true structural
constraints and demonstrates nucleotides that do not form a
base pair can influence the evolution of other nucleotides
that are physically close with one another.
In this paper, we present RNA2DMap, an interactive tool
for visualizing multiple types of information on an RNA
secondary structure. The primary visualization is based on
the standard RNA secondary structure diagram. Nested
circles with different colors were used to reveal multiple
dimensions of information, including base pair types, base
pair conformations, conservation values of RNA sequences,
and the physical three-dimensional distances between the
selected nucleotide and all other nucleotides. RNA2DMap
has the flexibility to show different combinations of
information on the RNA secondary structure. We
demonstrate three use cases. The first reveals the frequency
and organization of the different base pair types and their
conformations. The second reveals tertiary interactions
associated with a few of the structural motifs. The third
utilizes the RNA distance function to determine if different
sets of positions with a weak covariation are sufficiently
close in three-dimensional space to either form a base pair
or affect the spatial constraints of the nucleotides on other
nucleotides in this local region of the RNA structure.
RNA2DMap can be adapted to work with any secondary
structure diagram generated with other programs.
This work was supported by NIH grants GM085337
(awarded to RG and WX) and GM067317 (awarded to RG),
and the Welch Foundation F-1427 (awarded to RG).
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Similaire à Gutell 115.rna2dmap.bibm11.pp613-617.2011

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Gutell 079.nar.2001.29.04724Robin Gutell
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Gutell 115.rna2dmap.bibm11.pp613-617.2011

  • 1. RNA2DMap: A Visual Exploration Tool of the Information in RNA’s Higher- Order Structure Weijia Xu1,† Ame Wongsa 2, ‡ Jung Lee 3, * Lei Shang4, * Jamie J Cannone 5, * Robin R. Gutell 6, * † Texas Advanced Computing Center, ‡ School of Information, *Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas, USA 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; Abstract -- A new and emerging paradigm in molecular biology is revealing that RNA is implicated in nearly every aspect of the metabolism in the cell. To enhance our understanding of the function of these RNA molecules in the cell, it is essential that we have a complete understanding of their higher-order structures. While many computational tools have been developed to predict and analyse these higher-order RNA structures, few are able to visualize them for analytical purposes. In this paper, we present an interactive visualization tool of the secondary structure of RNA, named RNA2DMap. This program enables multiple-dimensions of information about RNA structure to be selected, customized and displayed to visually identify patterns and relationships. RNA2DMap facilitates the comparative analysis and understanding of RNAs that cannot be readily obtained with other graphical or text output from computer programs. Three use cases are presented to illustrate how RNA2DMap aids structural analysis. Keywords: Biological Data Visulation; RNA Struaral Analysis; Interative Application I. INTRODUCTION RNA structure, function, and evolution are studied with experimental and computational methods. Comparative analysis, one of the computational methods, has been used to determine an RNA’s higher-order structure with high accuracy and detail, principles of RNA structure, and the evolution of RNA and phylogenetic relationships. This analysis is dependent on the number and diversity of the RNA sequences and high-resolution crystal structures within any given RNA family, and the sophistication of the computational system to analyse the data. Information related to RNA sequences is usually stored within a database or in text files with specific formats. We have developed rCAD – RNA Comparative Analysis Database that utilizes the Microsoft SQL-server to organize, manipulate, and analyse these multiple dimensions of information [1] [2]. rCAD is the foundation used to effectively create inter-relationships between multiple types of information. However, from these patterns, biases and relationships in rCAD’s data, we are unable to synthesize all of this knowledge into a complete understanding of RNA’s structure, function, and evolution.. While most computational approaches are developed based on data mining and algorithmic approaches to understand the structure and functions of RNA molecules, visual analytic approaches can provide insights from the data. The secondary structure diagram of RNA is routinely used to visualize the base pairs, helices, and structural motifs of the RNA’s higher-order structure. It is the reference point for discussion and analysis of sequence alignments, high-resolution crystal structures, and evolutionary relationships. Many RNA scientists map their experimental data and other relevant information onto these diagrams. However this is usually done on a figure in a published paper, not as an interactive graphics display. Our goal is to create a new and novel application to allow researchers to dynamically navigate through this myriad of multiple dimensions of information. RNA2DMap, the focus of this paper, is a new foundation for the dynamic visual presentation of the growing number of data types that will enhance our knowledge of RNA structure, folding, and its evolution. RNA2DMap is akin to the Macroscope, an abstract computational system to facilitate an understanding of a complex system from all of its components, both physical and temporal. RNA2DMap is available at x.php, part of Comparative RNA Web (CRW) Site [3]. II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK The initial attempts to visualize RNA secondary structure focused on the automatic drawing algorithms to generate aesthetically pleasing secondary structure diagrams with very limited overlap of strands and interactions [4] [5] [6]. A radial drawing algorithm was implemented in RNAViz which draws each helix and base in a multi-loop at regular angular distances [7]. JViz, includes multiple drawing algorithms such as linear linked graph [8], circular representation and RNA dot plot [9]. RNAView is one of the first applications that displays the tertiary interactions with RNA secondary structure [10]. PseudoViewer is a tool for visualizing RNA secondary structure with Pseudoknots, a special type of structure motifs. PseudoViewer can efficiently visualize a large RNA sequence with any type of pseudoknot as a compact planar drawing. PseudoViewer claims to be 10 times faster than the previous algorithm and produces a more aesthetic structure [11]. Recent developments add features such as interactive editing, annotation, and comparison among a set of RNA 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 978-0-7695-4574-5/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE DOI 10.1109/BIBM.2011.60 613
  • 2. s v c R s p o d d s c to v T f im T in c II A T c th m d w s s P d th v s c s s n secondary str visualizing mu creates an in RNAMovies is structure space predictions. On open source to diagrams of R designed as a secondary struc capabilities to o adapt to visualization to This tool draw from a few dif mplements fou The primary f nteractively ed can output visu II. VISUALI A. Main interfa The main app consists of two he main visual Figure 1 Overv The control p molecule selec display options with the mol sequence and selected by lef Panel 3 provid discussed in de The main vis hree parts, ( visualization w saved position contains optio structure (zoom secondary stru number, to pres ructures. RNA ultiple sets of nterpolated an s primarily us s for evaluatin ne of the comm ool to create, a RNA sequence user interface ctures in a spec create visual r applications i ool for RNA se ws a RNA seco fferent RNA s ur different dra feature for VA dit and annota ualization as sta IZATION IMPLE ace and basic in plication interf o groups: contr lization on the view of the RNA2 panel is further ctor, (2) nuc s. Different R ecule selector structure inf ft-click and/or des options for tails in subsequ sualization pan (4) the struc window – Stru n toolbar. The ns, to change m controls), to ucture, to loc sent all positio AMovies is secondary str nimation of sed to show ng different sec monly used too annotate and d es [13]. This to create new cial format and representations in analysis. econdary struc ondary structu structure file fo awing algorith ARNA is for t ated secondary atic images. EMENTATIONS A nteractions face of RNA2 rol panels on right. 2DMap interface. r divided into cleotide inform RNA molecule r. Panel 2 r formation for hovered by th different view uent sections. nel at the right cture toolbar, ucture Naviga e structure too e the size of print current v cate nucleotid ns and their ba a system f ructure data a the data [1 RNA seconda condary structu ols is XRNA, isplay seconda software tool w or edit existi d is limited in s of the data a A more rece cture is VARN ure automatica ormats. VARN hms in Java [1 the biologists y structures a AND FEATURES 2DMap (Fig. the left side a . three parts, (1 mation, and ( e can be select eveals availab the nucleotid he mouse curs ws which will t is composed (5) the ma ator, and (6) t olbar at the t f the seconda view or the ent des by positi ase pair partner for and 2]. ary ure an ary is ing its and ent NA. ally NA 4]. to and S 1) and ) a (3) ted ble des or. be of ain the top ary tire ion r if they fo conserv position been s entering saved in B. Seco Figure 2 conform Curre diagram structur marism models more R utilizes diagram window or zoom with a s or decr space o The D “Struct and bas base pa defined and co glyphs. 2). The position Escher also be and num C. Visu The six typ distanc form a second vation values f n toolbar at th selected, by d g the position n their current ondary Structur 2. Highlighting mations. ently the 5S, 1 ms for the hig res (Thermus mortui (5S and s (Escherichia RNA families s the coordinat m and maps w. The visualiz med out to sho sliding bar loc rease the zoom of the visualiza Display Option ture” (Fig. 2). T se pairs are m airs symbol by d by the Lee & olor for each c . The legend is e tertiary intera n numbers for richia coli (the e shown (or hid mbers displaye ualization of ad “data set” tab es of informat ces between th dary or tertia for each positi e bottom lists double-clicking n number on state (e.g. RN re view the selected b 6S, and 23S rR gh resolution t thermophiles d 23S)) and th coli) are avail s will be incl ates for an RN them within zation can be z ow an overvie cated at the top m values. Users ation to move th ns panel has tw The graphical modified in the y default reve & Gutell nomen conformation s in the Displa actions can be the crystal stru typical referen dden) with tic m ed every 50. dditional inform in the display tion: 1) the ph he selected n ary interaction ion in a table. those position g on the nuc the bottom ri NA distance col base pair group RNA secondar three-dimensio (16S) and H he comparativ lable. In the fu luded. The RN NA’s secondary the main vi zoomed in to sh ew of the entir p of the screen s can also drag he current view wo tabs – “Data format of the n “Structure” se eals the confor nclature [15]. T is shown with ay Options pan displayed or h ucture and the nce species) po marks every te mation y options pane hysical three d nucleotide and n and the The saved s that have cleotide or ight, to be loring). ps and their ry structure onal crystal Haloarcula e structure uture, many NA2DMap y structure isualization how details re structure to increase g the white w. a Sets” and nucleotides ection. The rmation, as The symbol h different nel (Figure hidden. The equivalent ositions can n positions el includes imensional d all other 614
  • 3. n f b s H F a v r p c b c s c m T d ti c S n s m in in F T nucleotides in t for every nucle base pair types, secondary struc Highlighting bas Figure 3 Five mo To simultane and types of co visualization representation;t pair type while conformation ( based on their conformations structural moti circles are show motifs are larg Therefore, use different types ime. The color customized to e Showing distan RNA2DMap nucleotides bas - left). The specified upper map ranging ndicates the s ndicates the lar Figure (left) 3D The conservation the RNA molec eotide, 3) coax , 5) the conform cture motifs. se pairing, con otif types are high eously render onformation, R technique, a the color of th the color of in (Fig. 3). Stru unique arrang with unpaire ifs, displayed wn in Fig. 3. T ger than thos ers can select s of conforma r used for any emphasize the nce values in th can also show sed on their po distance value r limit value ar from black mallest distan rgest distance v D distances are h n view of the 16S cule, 2) the con xial stacking o mation of the b nformation and hlighted in differe both types of RNA2DMap us two-colored he outer circle nner circle is fo uctural motifs gement of bas ed nucleotides with large co The sizes of co e used for ba t multiple ba tions and mot y of the circle r desired pattern hree dimension w the distance osition in cryst es between ze e mapped to a to green whe ce values and values. highlighted with a S rRNA secondar nservation valu of helices, 4) t base pairs, and motif ent colors. f base pair gro ses a glyph bas d nested circ reveals the ba or the base pai are categoriz e pair types a s. Five differe olored nucleoti olored circles f ase pair group ase pair group tifs at the sam rendering can n. al space e values betwe tal structure (F ero and the us continuous co ere black co d the green co a color map; (rig ry structure. ues the 6) oup sed cle ase ir’s zed and ent ide for ps. ps, me be een Fig. ser lor lor lor ght) Highligh The determi conserv differen invarian indicate greater below lower c right re highly v A. Expl A. B. Figure conform conform A tot pair t conform conform proxim structur fundam Visuali types a identify hting conserva extent of nuc ined with a m vation values a nt shades of nt have a con e greater varia are shown in 1.9 are black. T conservation v eveals the exten variable region IV. EXE lore base pair t 5 A (Top). mations. B (Botto mations (see text) tal of 16 base type can f mations. The f mations associ mity with one ral motif they mental to a izing the frequ and their confo y patterns th ation values cleotide conse modified Shann are associated black and g nservation val ation. Position red. Positions The density of values (ie. gre nt and location ns of the RNA EMPLAR USER types and conf Most frequent om). Least frequ ). pair types are form approx frequency of ated with each another are d y might be an RNAs uency and orga ormations is a hat have been ervation and v non equation [ with the colo gray. Positions lue of 2. Low ns with values with values im f the black decr eater variation ns of highly co . SCENARIOS formation types base pair g uent base pair possible. And ximately 15 each base pair h base pair type diagnostic of th associated wi higher-order anization of the very effective n characterize variation is 16]. These ors red and s that are wer values s of 1.9 or mmediately reases with ). Fig. 4 - onserved to s groups and groups and d each base different r type, the e, and their he type of ith and is structure. e base pair e means to ed and to 615
  • 4. d v a a C a th c h th th o th p f A u s A A s e th p p B F lo w in s 1 d s s r o m d p T discover new variation of an The most fre and conformati and the least fr C:C, C:U, and are shown in F he vast majori conformations helices althoug he regular hel he least freque outside of the his latter group pair types is frequent confor A:G base pai usually occur secondary struc A:G base pairs A:A base pairs sheared confo exceptions whe he middle of pairs within a previous analys B. Nucleotides w Figure 6 Tertiary one-pair tri-loop, with a thicker nteractions and g While comp secondary struc 16S, and 23S dimensional st subunits det substantiated t rRNAs and ide on our Thermu marismortui 2 diagrams [20] [ One of the g predict an RNA To achieve this patterns that existing motif. equent base pai ions (Watson-C equent base pa U:U) and con Figures 5A and ity of the mos occur within t gh a few of the ix (Fig 5A). In ent base pair gr secondary stru p, the most com A:G, and the rmations is sh irs have the immediately cture helix. A p s at the end o . These A:A ba ormation [17]. ere two consec the helix. Thi secondary stru sis [18]. within structure y interactions bet and the UAA/GA line in RNA2D green lines for ba parative analy cture for nume S rRNAs [19 tructures for termined wi the comparati ntified the tert us thermophile 23S and 5S [21]. grand challeng As secondary a s very ambitiou could be a n . ir groups (G:C Crick (WC) and air types (G:G, nformations (ne d 5B respective st frequent bas the regular sec ese base pairs n contrast the roups and conf ucture helix (F mmon of the le e most comm heared (S). The sheared confo adjacent to previous study f a helix frequ ase pairs usual . However, t cutive A:G bas is observation ucture helix is e motifs form te tween nucleotide AN motifs and its DMap. Blue lin ase-backbone in ysis accurately erous RNAs, i 9], the high-r the 30S and ith X-ray ive structure tiary interaction es 16S rRNA rRNA seco ges in biology and three-dimen us goal, an und new motif or C, A:U, and G: d Wobble (Wb , G:A, A:A, A: early 40 in tot ely. As expecte se pair types a condary structu occur outside vast majority formations occ Fig 5B). With east frequent ba mon of the le e majority of t ormation. The the end of revealed that t uently change ly form the sam there are som se pairs occur of tandem A s consistent w ertiary interactio es in the tetralo s partner are dra es for base-ba teractions. y predicted t including the 5 resolution thre 50S ribosom crystallograp model for t ns that are draw and Haloarcu ondary structu is to accurate nsional structu derstanding of t r a U) b)), :C, tal) ed, and ure of of cur hin ase ast the ese a the to me me in A:G with ons op, awn ase the 5S, ee- mal phy the wn ula ure ely ure. the fundam is essen structur loop [2 that hav or the s Fig. exampl orange) (pink). base-ba are emp the othe C. Inve Figure 7 highlight Whil position signific clusters reveals in prox betwee specific more re the rRN weaker Fig. 7 r weak immedi structur evaluat determi coordin thermop within mental rules tha ntial. The iden ral motifs, inc 23], and UAA ve a preponder sugar-phosphat 6 reveals a re les of these th ), one tetraloo The tertiary ackbone bondin phasized with er tertiary struc estigation of no 7 The secondary ts all neighbor ef le the stronges ns indicate a b cant covariatio s of nucleotid s that the posit ximity in the th en two regions c function dur ecent analysis NA secondary r covariation s reveals the nu covariations. iately adjacen re diagram. T ted with the R ine their abso nates in the hig ophiles 16S rR hydrogen bon at influence the ntification and luding the tetr A/GAN [24] al rance to hydro te backbone of egion of the 2 hree motifs - t op (purple), an y interactions ng with nucleo a thicker line cture interactio on-base pairing structural map o ffects (red lines c st covariation s base pair, wea on scores ha des. Our prev tions involved hree-dimension s of the tRNA ring protein s of 16S rRNA r structure that scores (also ca ucleotides that Three sets o nt with one an These shaded RNA distance o olute physical gh-resolution c RNA. All three nding distance e correct foldin characterizatio raloop [22], lon ll contain spe gen bond to an f the RNA mol 23S rRNA tha two UAA/GAN nd one lone-pa that form bas otides within th to distinguish ons. g constraints of T. thermophilu connecting nucle scores for two aker but still s ave been obs vious analysis in these assoc nal structure o A that are inv synthesis [25] reveals several have these clu alled neighbou are part of a n of covariation nother on the regions in Fi option in RNA distance bas crystal structur e sets of nucle e, suggesting ng of RNA on of a few ne-pair tri- cific bases nother base ecule. at has four N (reddish air tri-loop se pairs or hese motifs them from us 16S rRNA eotides). nucleotide statistically served for of tRNA ciations are of tRNA or volved in a [26]. Our l regions of usterings of ur effects). network of ns are not secondary ig. 7 were A2DMap to sed on the re of the T. eotides are that these 616
  • 5. nucleotides might form a base pair or are sufficiently close in three-dimensional space to have structural constraints with the other nucleotides in these clusters of neighbour effects. This observation with RNA2DMap increases our confidence that these neighbour effects are true structural constraints and demonstrates nucleotides that do not form a base pair can influence the evolution of other nucleotides that are physically close with one another. V. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we present RNA2DMap, an interactive tool for visualizing multiple types of information on an RNA secondary structure. The primary visualization is based on the standard RNA secondary structure diagram. Nested circles with different colors were used to reveal multiple dimensions of information, including base pair types, base pair conformations, conservation values of RNA sequences, and the physical three-dimensional distances between the selected nucleotide and all other nucleotides. RNA2DMap has the flexibility to show different combinations of information on the RNA secondary structure. We demonstrate three use cases. The first reveals the frequency and organization of the different base pair types and their conformations. The second reveals tertiary interactions associated with a few of the structural motifs. The third utilizes the RNA distance function to determine if different sets of positions with a weak covariation are sufficiently close in three-dimensional space to either form a base pair or affect the spatial constraints of the nucleotides on other nucleotides in this local region of the RNA structure. RNA2DMap can be adapted to work with any secondary structure diagram generated with other programs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was supported by NIH grants GM085337 (awarded to RG and WX) and GM067317 (awarded to RG), and the Welch Foundation F-1427 (awarded to RG). REFERENCES [1] W. Xu, S. Ozer, and R. R. 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