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The Atom and Its
Chapter 4 – Nucleus
Chapter 5 – Electron
Chapter 6 - Periodic Table
Chapter 4 Objectives
• Describe an atom’s structure and
differentiate among the particles that make
it up.
• Identify the numbers associated with
elements and explain their meaning .
• Realize that the number of protons in a
nucleus defines an element.
• Calculate the average atomic mass given
isotopes and relative abundance
Chapter 4.1
• Dalton’s Atomic
• Atom
Chapter 4.2
• Electron
• Nucleus
• Proton
• Neutron
Chapter 4.3
• Atomic Number
• Isotope
• Mass Number
• AMU (Atomic Mass Unit)
• Average Atomic Mass
Chapter 4 Vocabulary
Brief History
• Many ancient scholars believed
matter was composed of such things
as earth, water, air, and fire.
• Many believed
matter could be
endlessly divided
into smaller and
smaller pieces.
Brief History
• Democritus (ancient
Greek philosopher in
about 460-370 BCE)
believed matter was
made up of tiny
particles, ‘atomos’ in
Greek, which gave us
our modern word atom.
• In other words, matter
could not be infinitely
Brief History
• Democritus had
many other ideas
that were left
unexplored until
school teacher
John Dalton (1766
– 1844) revived
them in 1803 to
coincide with the
Dalton’s Atomic Theory - 1803
1. Each element is composed of atoms.
2. Atoms of a given element are identical.
(Atoms of a specific element are different from
atoms of another element.)
3. Atoms cannot be created or destroyed, only
rearranged, combined or separated.
4. Different atoms combine in simple whole
number ratios to form compounds.
• Electrons (e-)are negatively charged particles.
They were the first subatomic particle discovered.
• Protons (p+) are positively charged particles
found in the nucleus. Discovered by Ernest
Rutherford (1871 – 1937) in 1911. (More on him
in the movie)
• Neutrons (n°) are subatomic particles about the
size of a proton but carry no charge. Discovered
by James Chadwick (1891-1974) in 1932.
Modern View of the Atom
The nucleus is where the protons and neutrons
are located and contain most of the atom’s mass.
Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Particle Symbol Charge Relative
Electron e- 1- 1/1840
Proton p+ 1+ 1
Neutron n0 0 ~1
Mass # = #p+ + #n°
How Atoms Differ – Ch. 4.3
•Sometimes Atomic Symbols are
Displayed as:
•Displayed on Periodic Table
Mass Number
• Mass Number is the number of protons
plus the number of neutrons of a particular
isotope of an element.
(Mass # = #p+ + #n°)
• Thus we have atoms called:
• Potassium -39
• Potassium -40
• Potassium -41
• What is the number of neutrons in each of
these isotopes?
Isotope Examples
Isotope Atomic
33 42
222 86
24 24
52 28 24
75As 33 75 33
222Rn 136
What’s all this amu business?
• To simplify a system of indicating atomic masses
since protons and neutrons have such extremely
small masses, scientists have assigned the
carbon-12 atom a mass of exactly 12 atomic
mass units. (amu)
• The mass of 1 amu (1/12 the mass of carbon-12)
is very nearly equal to the mass of a single proton
or neutron but not the same.
• 1 amu = 1.66 x 10-24 grams
Weighed Averages
• Your QPA is a weighted average. The more
credit a course is worth, the more an “A”
will help your grade, and a “D” will hurt it.
• Let’s look at the example in the handbook.
•Your total number of credits is 41 and total quality points
is 3667.
This makes your QPA average 3667/41 = 89.44
Atomic Mass
• Why is potassium’s atomic mass 39.098 in
the periodic table?
• How about
• Atomic mass for Cl is 35.453?
• Or atomic mass for Li at 6.941?
• The atomic mass is the weighted average
of mass numbers of the isotopes.
• Based on abundance of each isotope.
•Isotopes and Mass Number
• Your text (p. 119) shows how to calculate
the mass number for Cl given the %
abundance of the isotopes.
• Let’s do this for another element: Li
• 6Li is 7.59 % abundant; 6.015 amu
• 7Li is 92.41% abundant; 7.015 amu
• Method 1: Use percentages. Think of this
as a sample of 100 atoms.
•In Tabular Form
Species Mass
Mass x
6.015 7.59 45.65
7.015 92.41 648.26
(100 atoms)
100.00 694.41
Li (atom) 6.94
• The average mass of an atom is found by
weighting the natural abundances of its
• Lithium (Method 2): Change % to fraction.
• 6Li 6.015 amu 7.59% = 0.0759
• 7Li 7.015 amu 92.41% = 0.9241
Mass (amu) Frac abund Mass share
Avg mass = 6.015 amu x 0.0759 = 0.46 amu
7.015 amu x 0.9241 = 6.48 amu
6.94 amu/atom
Average Atomic Mass
Bead Activity
• Note what set you have.
• Count the number of protons (red beads)
and neutrons (green beads) each isotope
(bag) has.
• Use the abundance listed on each bag to
calculate the weighted share.
• Use the weighted share of each isotope to
determine the average atomic mass.
• Also, determine which element you have.
•Set #_______
#p+ #n0
Mass #
Mass x
What is the element?
What is its average atomic mass?
Electrons in Atoms
Chapter 5
•Chapter 5 Objectives
• Compare wave and particle matters of light
• See how frequency of light emitted by an atom
is unique to that atom
• Compare and contrast the Bohr and quantum
mechanical models of the atom
• Express the arrangements of electrons in
atoms through orbital notations, electron
configurations, and electron dot structures
Chapter 5 Vocabulary
Chapter 5.1
• Electromagnetic Radiation
• Wavelength
• Frequency
• Amplitude
• Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Quantum
• Photoelectric Effect
• Photon
• Atomic Emission Spectrum
Chapter 5.2
• Ground State
• Quantum Number
• Quantum Mechanical
Model of the Atom
• Atomic Orbital
• Principal Quantum
• Principal Energy
• Energy Sublevel
•Wave Nature of Light
• Electromagnetic radiation displays wavelike
behavior as it travels through space
• Waves can be described by several
common characteristics
•Characteristics of a Wave
• Waves transfer energy
• Properties of waves:
• Frequency (ν –
pronounced ‘nu’) -
Number of vibrations
per unit time – Hz
• Wavelength (λ) -
Distance between
points on two
consecutive waves
• Speed of wave is
Frequency x
Speed = ν x λ
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Frequency is the
number of waves that
hit this point in one
•Electromagnetic Spectrum
Note: All EM Radiation travels at 3.00 x 108 m/s
•Electromagnetic Spectrum
The speed of light (3.00  108 m/s) is the
product of it’s wavelength and frequency
c = λν.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum –
all light is energy
•Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Gamma Rays – Highest frequency, shortest
wavelength. Can pass through most
• X Rays – Lower frequency than Gamma
rays. Can pass through soft body tissue but
can’t pass through bone.
• Ultraviolet (UV) Rays – Part of sunlight that
causes sunburn
•Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Visible Light – Sensitive to our eyes.
Allows us to see color
• Infrared – Less energy and longer
wavelength than visible light. Felt as heat
given off a heater or near a fire
• Radio Waves – Lowest frequencies on the
EM spectrum. Used by radio and over-the-
air TV.
l x n = c
l = c/n
l = 3.00 x 108 m/s
6.0 x 104 /s
l = 5.0 x 103 m
No, it’s a radio wave
(~103 meters)
An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 6.0 x 104 Hz.
Convert this frequency into its corresponding wavelength.
Does this frequency fall in the visible region?
• What is the frequency
of green light, which
has a wavelength of
520 nm.
• A radio station
broadcasts at 94.7
MHz. What is the
wavelength of the
C = λ*ν
ν = C/ λ
ν = 3.00 x 108 m/s
520 x 10-9 m
= 5.77 x 1014 /s
λ = C/ν
= 3.00 x 108 m/s
94.7 x 106 /s
= 3.17 m
Hint: nm =
nanometer which is
10-9 meters
M = mega which is
106 Hz
•Nature of Light
• Max Planck (1858-
1947) studied the
different light
emitted from heated
• Matter can only gain
or lose energy in
small specific
•Nature of Light
• A quantum is the minimum amount of
energy that can be gained or lost by an
• The energy of EM radiation is proportional
to its frequency (E α ν)
• Albert Einstein (1879-
1955) proposed that
while a beam of light had
wavelike characteristics,
it also can be thought of
as a stream of tiny
particles (or bundles of
energy) called photons
• Each photon carries a
quantum of energy
•Particle Nature of Light
The photoelectric effect is when electrons are
emitted from a metal’s surface when light
of a certain frequency shines on it.
Each element has only certain specific
frequencies of light that are emitted when
atoms absorb energy and become excited
Where do we see this?
neon signs
Ch. 5.2 – Quantum Theory of the Atom
•Hydrogen Spectrum
•Balmer Plot
• In 1885, Johann Balmer observed the lines of
the spectrum fit this surprisingly simple
• Where n1 =2 and n2 = 3, 4, 5, etc.
2 2
1 2
1 1 1
n n
 
 
 
 
•Balmer Plot
y = 1.0972E+07x + 4.0238E+02
R² = 1.0000E+00
0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24
1/2^2 - 1/n^2
RH is the slope of this line, 1.0972 x 107 m-1
•Electronic Energy Transitions
• Neils Bohr (1885-
1962) proposed
the model the
hydrogen atom
(1913) to explain
the discreet nature
of the hydrogen
•Electronic Energy Transitions
• Neils Bohr’s model the atom (1913)
• Electrons exist only in discrete, “allowable”
energy levels
• Energy is involved in moving electrons from
one energy level to another
• Principal quantum number (n) - specifies
the electron’s major energy level
• The lowest energy is n=1, the next lowest in
n=2, etc.
•Bohr’s Model of the Atom (cont’d)
Bohr suggested that an electron moves around the
nucleus in only certain allowed circular orbits.
n = 1
n = 2
•Energy Absorption/Emission
•Atomic Emission Spectra
•Origin of Line Spectra
Balmer series
Schrodinger applied idea of e-
behaving as a wave to the
problem of electrons in atoms.
He developed the WAVE
Solution gives set of math
expressions called WAVE
Treated electrons as wavelike
particles that became the
Quantum Mechanical Model of
the Atom.
E. Schrodinger
•Quantum or Wave
•Wave Function
• The wave function predicts a three-
dimensional region around the nucleus
called the atomic orbital.
•Wave motion: wave length and nodes
“Quantization” in a standing wave
•Hydrogen Atom Solution
a0 is the Bohr Radius given by
Generalized Laguerre Polynomial
Constant = 2.18 x 10-18 J
m is mass of electron
a0 = 4πεoh2/me2
m here is quantum number
•Atomic Orbitals-Hydrogen
• No more than 2 e- assigned to an orbital
• Orbitals grouped in s, p, d (and f) sublevels
s orbitals
d orbitals
p orbitals
s orbitals
d orbitals
p orbitals
s orbitals p orbitals d orbitals
No. e-
1 3 5
2 6 10
Energy Levels and
• Sublevels are grouped in energy
• Each energy level has a number
NUMBER, n which indicates
relative size and energy of the
• Row on PT indicates n
•Energy Levels and
n = 1
n = 2
n = 3
n = 4
The shape, size, and energy of each orbital
is a function of quantum numbers:
n (principal)  Energy Level
l (angular)  sublevel (s, p, d, or
f) which is its shape
• Note: There are other quantum numbers
that we will NOT discuss in detail. The ‘n’
and ‘l’ are sufficient.
Symbol Values Description
n (principal) 1, 2, 3, .. Orbital size
and energy level
l (angular) 0, 1, 2, 3, … n-1 Orbital shape
s, p, d, f, …n-1 or type
(energy sublevel)
More commonly
noted as:
•Types of
Types of Atomic Orbitals
•s Orbitals— Always Spherical
Dot picture of
electron cloud
in 1s orbital.
Surface density
4πr2y versus
Surface of 90%
probability sphere
See Active Figure 6.13
•p Orbitals
The three p orbitals lie 90o apart in space
•2px Orbital 3px Orbital
•Hydrogen-like Orbitals
(at most two electrons/orbital)
n Sublevel
Orbitals Max.
1 s s 1 2
2 s
px, py, pz
4 8
3 s
px, py, pz
2, dz
9 18
4 s
px, py, pz
2, dz
And 7 f orbitals
16 32
Chapter 5.3 Vocabulary
• Electron configuration
• Aufbau principle
• Pauli Exclusion Principle
• Hund’s Rule
• Valence Electron
• Electron Dot Structure
•Electron Configurations
• An atom’s electron configuration is
the arrangements of electrons in the
• Electrons are arranged to minimize
• In other words, electrons fill up the
lowest energies possible first. This is
the Aufbau Principle.
•Assigning Electrons to Atoms
• Electrons generally assigned to
orbitals of successively higher energy.
• For H atoms, E depends only on n.
• For many-electron atoms, energy
depends on both n and l.
•Energy Level Diagram of
•Assigning Electrons to Subshells
• In H atom all subshells of
same n have same energy.
In many-electron atom:
a) subshells increase in
energy as value of n + l
b) for subshells of same n +
l, subshell with lower n is
lower in energy.
Many-Electron Atoms
Orbitals and Their
•Aufbau Diagram -- Filling Electron
1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s
2p 3p 4p 5p 6p 7p
3d 4d 5d 6d
4f 5f
Haven’t gotten this
far. What orbitals
are being filled with
elements 110-118?
Start here
n + l = 1
n + l = 2
n + l = 3
n + l = 4
n + l = 5
n + l = 6
n + l = 7 n + l = 8
The orbital with the lower ‘n’ is lower in energy if the n+l number is the same.
•Writing Atomic Electron Configurations
Two ways of writing
configs. One is
called the spdf
1 s
value of n
value of l
no. of
spdf notation
for H, atomic number = 1
•Pauli Exclusion Principle
No two electrons in the
same orbital can have
the same spin. One
electron is spin up, the
other is spin down.
•Writing Atomic Electron
Two ways of
writing configs.
Other is called
the orbital box
for He, atomic number = 2
1 s
It would be a violation of the Pauli
exclusion principle to have both of
these electrons as spin up or both
as spin down.
•Electron Configurations
and the Periodic Table
Group 1 (1A)
Atomic number = 3
1s22s1  3 total electrons
Interactive Periodic
Ground State Electron Configurations
Group 14 (4A)
Atomic number = 6
1s2 2s2 2p2 
6 total electrons
Here we see for the first time
placing electrons in a set of
orbitals having the same
energy, we place them singly as
long as possible.
Electron Configuration for Elements 11-18
Noble gas notation uses noble gas symbols in
brackets to shorten inner electron configurations
of other elements.
Group 1 (1A)
Atomic number = 11
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 or
“neon core” + 3s1
[Ne] 3s1 (uses noble gas notation)
Note that we have begun a new period.
All Group 1A elements have [core]ns1
Electron Configurations
and the Periodic Table
Transition Metals
All 4th period elements have the
configuration [argon] nsx (n - 1)dy and
so are d-block elements.
Transition Element Configurations
3d orbitals used
for Sc-Zn
Electrons in Energy Levels
• Electrons fill up levels from lowest energy
to highest energy (Aufbau Principle)
• Outermost electrons are called Valence
• When atoms come close together it is the
Valence Electrons that interact.
Valence Electrons
•How to determine which electrons
are in outer shell?
• Write down electron configuration of
an element in noble-gas
• Whatever electrons are displayed in
the highest energy shell (n) only
are valence electrons (Main Group
Lewis Dot Diagrams
• How do we represent Valence Electrons?
• By a Lewis Dot Diagram
• Rules for Lewis Dot Diagrams:
• Use the Elemental Symbol
• Use 1 dot to represent each valence electron
• The symbol represents the nucleus and all the
inner (core) electrons.
• Examples: . .. ..
• Li·, Be: , ·C·, ·Cl:, :Ne:
. .. ..
Valence Electrons
• Examples
• O given by [He]2s22p4 so it has 6 valence
• Ga given by [Ar]3d104s24p1 has 3 valence
•Electron Dot Representation
Chapter 6
Draw the periodic table and label
the electron blocks and areas of
non-metals, metals, and metalloids.
Relate the Lewis dot structure to its
place in the periodic table.
Explain periodic trends as one moves
along periods and down groups in
the periodic table
Chapter 6.1-6.2
 Periodic Law
 Group
 Period
 Representative
 Transition Element
 Metal
 Alkali Metal
 Alkaline Earth Metal
 Transition Metal
 Inner Transition
 Lanthanide Series
 Actinide Series
 Nonmetal
 Halogen
 Noble Gas
 Metalloid
 Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794)
in the 1790s compiled a list
of 23 known elements.
 Many known since ancient
times (copper, gold, silver, etc)
 Others had been more recently
discovered (oxygen, hydrogen,
carbon, and others)
Scientists in 1860
agreed upon a common
method to determine
elemental mass first
published by Stanislao
Cannizzaro (1826-
 Early attempts organized the elements by
increasing mass
 The properties were roughly periodic, but
some elements were out of order
 Mendeleev’s Table (ca. 1870) was the most
notable effort at organizing the elemental
Dmitri Mendeleev
noticed in his table
that there were
repetitions of
physical and
chemical properties
when the elements
were arranged by
atomic mass.
Property Predicted (1869)
Atomic Mass 72 u
Color Dark gray
Density 5.5 g/mL
Melting Point High
Density of Oxide 4.7 g/mL
Oxide solubility in
Slightly dissolved
by HCl
Formula of chloride EsCl4
Properties of Germanium (Ge)
Actual (1886)
72.6 u
5.32 g/mL
937⁰ C
4.70 g/mL
Not dissolved
by HCl
Periodic Law states that chemical
and physical properties repeat in
regular cyclic patterns when they
are arranged by increasing atomic
 Starts with metals at left and goes to
non-metal (noble gas) on right
 Properties change in orderly progression
across a period.
Periodic Table
Transition Elements
Alkali Metals
Alkaline Earth Metals
Representative Elements
Groups or
Metals Metalloids Nonmetals
 What are some of the elemental
properties that make the periodic table,
well, periodic?
 Classification by metals, nonmetals and
 Metals - shiny ductile, malleable solids, good
conductors of heat and electricity
 Nonmetals - dull, brittle solids; or gas, poor
conductors of heat and electricity
 Metalloids - have chemical and physical
properties of both metals and nonmetals
Representative Elements (Sometimes
called A Group)
 Group # = number of valence electrons
 Means similar Lewis dot structure and
similar properties.
 s-block elements have 1-2 electrons in
 p-block elements have 1-6 electrons in
 Noble gases have filled valence shells
 Energy level of valence electrons is at
energy level given by period (row)
Transition Elements (Sometimes called
B Group)
 d-block elements have 1-10 electrons in d-
 Columns 3-12 in periodic table
 Energy level of valence electrons at n and
partially filled n-1 d orbitals (example: 4s
and 3d)
 f-block (Lanthanides and Actinides) have
1-14 electrons in f-orbitals
1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18
 Fill in the missing info for the following elements:
 Identify the element fitting the description.
a) Group 2 (2A) element in 4th period: Calcium
b) Noble gas in 5th period: Xenon
c) Group 12 (2B) element in 4th period: Zinc
d) Group 16 (6A) element in 2nd period: Oxygen
Configuration Group Period Block
[Ne]3s2 2 (2A) 3 S
[He]2s2 2 (2A) 2 S
[Kr]5s24d105p5 17 (7A) 5 P
[Ar]4s23d5 7 (7B) 4 D
 Effective Nuclear Charge (Z*) – Not in book!
 Shielding
 Ion
 Ionization Energy
 Octet Rule
 Electronegativity
 Atomic and ionic size
 Ionization energy
 Electronegativity
 Metallic Character
Higher effective nuclear charge
Electrons held more tightly
Larger orbitals.
Electrons held less
 Z* is the nuclear charge experienced by the
outermost electrons. (Note: not in book!)
 Z* increases across a period owing to shielding by
inner electrons.
 Shielding is blocking by inner electrons.
 For a period (row), the number of shielding electrons
remain the same, but the number of protons in the
nucleus increases.
 Example: All elements in the second period have the
same underlying [He] noble gas configuration.
However, the number of protons is greater from left to
 So we can estimate as
Z* = [ Z - (no. inner electrons) ]
Z* = Z – S (inner electrons)
 Z is total number of electrons
 S is the number of electrons blocking the valence
shell electrons, the underlying noble gas electrons.
 Charge felt by 2s e- in Li Z* = 3 - 2 = 1
 Be Z* = 4 - 2 = 2
 B Z* = 5 - 2 = 3 and so on!
Orbital energies “drop” as Z* increases
 Atomic size is a periodic trend influenced by
electron configuration.
 For metals, atomic radius is half the distance
between adjacent nuclei in a crystal of the
 For other elements, the atomic radius is half
the distance between nuclei of identical
atoms that are bonded together.
Size (radius) goes UP on going
down a group. See previous slide.
Because electrons are further
from the nucleus, there is less
Size (radius) goes DOWN on
going across a period.
Size (radius) decreases across a period owing
to increase in Z*. Each added electron feels a
greater and greater positive charge.
Note: Electrons in the same energy level don’t
shield each other too much.
Large Small
Increase in Z*
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
2nd period
3rd period 1st transition
Radius (pm)
Atomic Number
The radius of an atom when it has
become an ion.
An ion is an atom or bonded group of
atoms that has a positive or negative
An atom acquires a positive charge by
losing electrons or negative charge by
gaining electrons!!
To form positive ions from elements remove 1
or more e- from subshell of highest n [or
highest (n + l)].
Al: [Ne] 3s2 3p1 - 3e-  Al3+: [Ne] 3s0 3p0
Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share
electrons to get
8 valence electrons
(except small atoms up to Boron)
1. Write the electron configuration and orbital
box diagram for Mg when it is an ion. Hints:
What is its noble gas configuration? What will
they do to get an octet?
2. Write the electron configuration and orbital
box diagram for O when it is an ion.
 Positive ions are SMALLER than the atoms
from which they come.
 The electron/proton attraction has gone
UP and so size DECREASES.
 Electron Configuration as ion is: [He] 2s0
Li,152 pm
3e and 3p
Li +, 78 pm
2e and 3 p
Forming a
 Negative ions are LARGER than the atoms from
which they come.
 The electron/proton attraction has gone
DOWN and so size INCREASES.
 Trends in ion sizes are the same as atom sizes.
 Electron configuration as ion: 1s22s22p6 (just
like neon.)
Forming a
F, 71 pm
9e and 9p
F- , 133 pm
10 e and 9 p
See Figure 6-14
Why do metals lose
electrons in their
Why does Mg form Mg2+
ions and not Mg3+?
Why do nonmetals take
on electrons?
IE = energy required to remove an electron
from an atom in the gas phase.
Mg (g) + 738 kJ  Mg+ (g) + e-
Mg (g) + 738 kJ  Mg+ (g) + e-
Mg+ (g) + 1451 kJ  Mg2+ (g) + e-
Mg+ has 12 protons and only 11 electrons.
Therefore, IE for Mg+ > Mg.
IE = energy required to remove an electron
from an atom in the gas phase.
1st: Mg (g) + 735 kJ  Mg+ (g) + e-
2nd: Mg+ (g) + 1451 kJ  Mg2+ (g) + e-
3rd: Mg2+ (g) + 7733 kJ  Mg3+ (g) + e-
Energy cost is very high to dip into a shell
of lower n.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
1st Ionization energy (kJ/mol)
Atomic Number
H Li Na K
As Z* increases, orbital energies
“drop” and IE increases.
 IE increases across a period
because Z* increases.
 Metals lose electrons more
easily than nonmetals.
 Nonmetals lose electrons with
High ionization energy: atoms want
to hold on to electrons; likely to form
negative ion
Low ionization energy: atom gives up
electron easily; likely to form positive
 IE decreases down a group
 Because size increases.
 Ability to lose electrons
generally increases down
the periodic table.
 See reactions of Li, Na, K
Which element in each pair has the
larger 1st ionization energy?
A. Na or Al
B. Ar or Xe
C. Ba or Mg
Sodium Potassium
*Note: ‘metallic character’ not in book.
An element with metallic character is one
that loses electrons easily.
Metallic character:
• is more prevalent in metals on left side of
periodic table
• is less for nonmetals on right side of
periodic table that do not lose electrons
 Relative ability of an element to attract
electrons in a chemical bond.
 Ionization energy reflects ability of atom to
attract electrons in an isolated atom
 Generally, the higher the ionization energy of an
atom, the more electronegative the atom will be
in a molecule
 There are many electro negativity scales –
we’ll use the one by Linus Pauling (values
Will be used to determine things like
polarity of a chemical bond.
Decreases down a group
 Why? Due to greater atomic radius
Increases across a period
 Why? Increased positive charge in
nucleus (Greater Z*)
Same trend as for ionization
energy. Surprised?
Moving Left  Right (periods)
 Z* Increases
 Atomic & ionic Radius Decrease
 Ionization Energy Increases
 Electronegativity Increases
 Metallic Character Decreases
Moving Top  Bottom (groups)
 Z* is roughly constant, but val e- distance
 Atomic & Ionic Radius Increase
 Ionization Energy Decreases
 Electronegativity Decreases
 Metallic Character Increases
a) Electronegativity
b) Ionic Radius
c) Atomic Radius
d) Ionization Energy
e) Metallic character
 Fluorine
 Bromine
 Bromine
 Fluorine
 Bromine

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Chapters 4,5,6

  • 1. The Atom and Its Properties Chapter 4 – Nucleus Chapter 5 – Electron Configuration Chapter 6 - Periodic Table
  • 2. Chapter 4 Objectives • Describe an atom’s structure and differentiate among the particles that make it up. • Identify the numbers associated with elements and explain their meaning . • Realize that the number of protons in a nucleus defines an element. • Calculate the average atomic mass given isotopes and relative abundance 2
  • 3. Chapter 4.1 • Dalton’s Atomic Theory • Atom Chapter 4.2 • Electron • Nucleus • Proton • Neutron Chapter 4.3 • Atomic Number • Isotope • Mass Number • AMU (Atomic Mass Unit) • Average Atomic Mass 3 Chapter 4 Vocabulary
  • 4. Brief History • Many ancient scholars believed matter was composed of such things as earth, water, air, and fire. • Many believed matter could be endlessly divided into smaller and smaller pieces.
  • 5. Brief History • Democritus (ancient Greek philosopher in about 460-370 BCE) believed matter was made up of tiny particles, ‘atomos’ in Greek, which gave us our modern word atom. • In other words, matter could not be infinitely divided. 5
  • 6. Brief History • Democritus had many other ideas that were left unexplored until school teacher John Dalton (1766 – 1844) revived them in 1803 to coincide with the industrial revolution. 6
  • 7. Dalton’s Atomic Theory - 1803 1. Each element is composed of atoms. 2. Atoms of a given element are identical. (Atoms of a specific element are different from atoms of another element.) 3. Atoms cannot be created or destroyed, only rearranged, combined or separated. 4. Different atoms combine in simple whole number ratios to form compounds. 7
  • 8. Definitions • Electrons (e-)are negatively charged particles. They were the first subatomic particle discovered. • Protons (p+) are positively charged particles found in the nucleus. Discovered by Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937) in 1911. (More on him in the movie) • Neutrons (n°) are subatomic particles about the size of a proton but carry no charge. Discovered by James Chadwick (1891-1974) in 1932. 8
  • 9. Modern View of the Atom The nucleus is where the protons and neutrons are located and contain most of the atom’s mass. 9
  • 10. Protons, Neutrons and Electrons Particle Symbol Charge Relative Mass Electron e- 1- 1/1840 Proton p+ 1+ 1 Neutron n0 0 ~1 10
  • 11. C-12 C-14 11 Mass # = #p+ + #n° How Atoms Differ – Ch. 4.3
  • 12. •Sometimes Atomic Symbols are Displayed as: 12
  • 14. Mass Number • Mass Number is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons of a particular isotope of an element. (Mass # = #p+ + #n°) • Thus we have atoms called: • Potassium -39 • Potassium -40 • Potassium -41 • What is the number of neutrons in each of these isotopes? 14
  • 16. What’s all this amu business? • To simplify a system of indicating atomic masses since protons and neutrons have such extremely small masses, scientists have assigned the carbon-12 atom a mass of exactly 12 atomic mass units. (amu) • The mass of 1 amu (1/12 the mass of carbon-12) is very nearly equal to the mass of a single proton or neutron but not the same. • 1 amu = 1.66 x 10-24 grams 16
  • 17. Weighed Averages • Your QPA is a weighted average. The more credit a course is worth, the more an “A” will help your grade, and a “D” will hurt it. • Let’s look at the example in the handbook. 17
  • 18. •Your total number of credits is 41 and total quality points is 3667. This makes your QPA average 3667/41 = 89.44 18
  • 19. Atomic Mass • Why is potassium’s atomic mass 39.098 in the periodic table? • How about • Atomic mass for Cl is 35.453? • Or atomic mass for Li at 6.941? • The atomic mass is the weighted average of mass numbers of the isotopes. • Based on abundance of each isotope. 19
  • 20. •Isotopes and Mass Number • Your text (p. 119) shows how to calculate the mass number for Cl given the % abundance of the isotopes. • Let’s do this for another element: Li • 6Li is 7.59 % abundant; 6.015 amu • 7Li is 92.41% abundant; 7.015 amu • Method 1: Use percentages. Think of this as a sample of 100 atoms. 20
  • 21. •In Tabular Form Species Mass (amu) Abundance % Mass x Abundance (Weighted share) 6Li (isotope) 6.015 7.59 45.65 7Li (isotope) 7.015 92.41 648.26 Li (100 atoms) 100.00 694.41 Li (atom) 6.94 21
  • 22. • The average mass of an atom is found by weighting the natural abundances of its isotopes. • Lithium (Method 2): Change % to fraction. • 6Li 6.015 amu 7.59% = 0.0759 • 7Li 7.015 amu 92.41% = 0.9241 Mass (amu) Frac abund Mass share Avg mass = 6.015 amu x 0.0759 = 0.46 amu 7.015 amu x 0.9241 = 6.48 amu 6.94 amu/atom 22 Average Atomic Mass
  • 23. 23
  • 24. Bead Activity • Note what set you have. • Count the number of protons (red beads) and neutrons (green beads) each isotope (bag) has. • Use the abundance listed on each bag to calculate the weighted share. • Use the weighted share of each isotope to determine the average atomic mass. • Also, determine which element you have. 24
  • 25. •Set #_______ Names:________________ #p+ #n0 Mass # (Isotope mass) Abun- dance % Mass x Abundance (Weighted share) Bag 1 Bag 2 25 What is the element? What is its average atomic mass?
  • 27. •Chapter 5 Objectives • Compare wave and particle matters of light • See how frequency of light emitted by an atom is unique to that atom • Compare and contrast the Bohr and quantum mechanical models of the atom • Express the arrangements of electrons in atoms through orbital notations, electron configurations, and electron dot structures 27
  • 28. Chapter 5 Vocabulary Chapter 5.1 • Electromagnetic Radiation • Wavelength • Frequency • Amplitude • Electromagnetic Spectrum • Quantum • Photoelectric Effect • Photon • Atomic Emission Spectrum 28 Chapter 5.2 • Ground State • Quantum Number • Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom • Atomic Orbital • Principal Quantum Number • Principal Energy Level • Energy Sublevel
  • 29. •Wave Nature of Light • Electromagnetic radiation displays wavelike behavior as it travels through space • Waves can be described by several common characteristics 29
  • 30. •Characteristics of a Wave • Waves transfer energy • Properties of waves: • Frequency (ν – pronounced ‘nu’) - Number of vibrations per unit time – Hz (cycle/second) • Wavelength (λ) - Distance between points on two consecutive waves • Speed of wave is Frequency x wavelength Speed = ν x λ -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 λ Frequency is the number of waves that hit this point in one second. Amplitude 30
  • 31. •Electromagnetic Spectrum Note: All EM Radiation travels at 3.00 x 108 m/s 31
  • 32. •Electromagnetic Spectrum The speed of light (3.00  108 m/s) is the product of it’s wavelength and frequency c = λν.
  • 33. The Electromagnetic Spectrum – all light is energy 33
  • 34. •Electromagnetic Spectrum • Gamma Rays – Highest frequency, shortest wavelength. Can pass through most substances • X Rays – Lower frequency than Gamma rays. Can pass through soft body tissue but can’t pass through bone. • Ultraviolet (UV) Rays – Part of sunlight that causes sunburn
  • 35. •Electromagnetic Spectrum • Visible Light – Sensitive to our eyes. Allows us to see color • Infrared – Less energy and longer wavelength than visible light. Felt as heat given off a heater or near a fire • Radio Waves – Lowest frequencies on the EM spectrum. Used by radio and over-the- air TV.
  • 36. l x n = c l = c/n l = 3.00 x 108 m/s 6.0 x 104 /s l = 5.0 x 103 m No, it’s a radio wave (~103 meters) An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 6.0 x 104 Hz. Convert this frequency into its corresponding wavelength. Does this frequency fall in the visible region? 7.1 36
  • 37. •Examples Problems • What is the frequency of green light, which has a wavelength of 520 nm. • A radio station broadcasts at 94.7 MHz. What is the wavelength of the broadcast? Answers C = λ*ν ν = C/ λ ν = 3.00 x 108 m/s 520 x 10-9 m = 5.77 x 1014 /s λ = C/ν = 3.00 x 108 m/s 94.7 x 106 /s = 3.17 m Hint: nm = nanometer which is 10-9 meters M = mega which is 106 Hz 37
  • 38. •Nature of Light • Max Planck (1858- 1947) studied the different light emitted from heated objects • Matter can only gain or lose energy in small specific amounts 38
  • 39. •Nature of Light • A quantum is the minimum amount of energy that can be gained or lost by an atom • The energy of EM radiation is proportional to its frequency (E α ν) 39
  • 40. •Photons • Albert Einstein (1879- 1955) proposed that while a beam of light had wavelike characteristics, it also can be thought of as a stream of tiny particles (or bundles of energy) called photons • Each photon carries a quantum of energy 40
  • 41. •Particle Nature of Light The photoelectric effect is when electrons are emitted from a metal’s surface when light of a certain frequency shines on it.
  • 42. Each element has only certain specific frequencies of light that are emitted when atoms absorb energy and become excited Where do we see this? fireworks neon signs stars Ch. 5.2 – Quantum Theory of the Atom 43
  • 44. •Balmer Plot • In 1885, Johann Balmer observed the lines of the spectrum fit this surprisingly simple formula: • Where n1 =2 and n2 = 3, 4, 5, etc. 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 H R n n l         45
  • 45. •Balmer Plot y = 1.0972E+07x + 4.0238E+02 R² = 1.0000E+00 1500000 1600000 1700000 1800000 1900000 2000000 2100000 2200000 2300000 2400000 2500000 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 1/Labmda, m-1 1/2^2 - 1/n^2 RH is the slope of this line, 1.0972 x 107 m-1 46
  • 46. •Electronic Energy Transitions • Neils Bohr (1885- 1962) proposed the model the hydrogen atom (1913) to explain the discreet nature of the hydrogen spectrum. 47
  • 47. •Electronic Energy Transitions • Neils Bohr’s model the atom (1913) • Electrons exist only in discrete, “allowable” energy levels • Energy is involved in moving electrons from one energy level to another • Principal quantum number (n) - specifies the electron’s major energy level • The lowest energy is n=1, the next lowest in n=2, etc. 48
  • 48. •Bohr’s Model of the Atom (cont’d) 50 Bohr suggested that an electron moves around the nucleus in only certain allowed circular orbits. n = 1 n = 2
  • 50. 52
  • 52. •Origin of Line Spectra Balmer series 54
  • 53. 55
  • 54. Schrodinger applied idea of e- behaving as a wave to the problem of electrons in atoms. He developed the WAVE EQUATION Solution gives set of math expressions called WAVE FUNCTIONS. Treated electrons as wavelike particles that became the Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom. E. Schrodinger 1887-1961 •Quantum or Wave Mechanics 56
  • 55. •Wave Function • The wave function predicts a three- dimensional region around the nucleus called the atomic orbital. 58
  • 56. •Wave motion: wave length and nodes “Quantization” in a standing wave 59 Waves
  • 57. •Hydrogen Atom Solution Where: a0 is the Bohr Radius given by Generalized Laguerre Polynomial Constant = 2.18 x 10-18 J m is mass of electron a0 = 4πεoh2/me2 m here is quantum number 60
  • 58. 61
  • 60. •Orbitals • No more than 2 e- assigned to an orbital • Orbitals grouped in s, p, d (and f) sublevels s orbitals d orbitals p orbitals 63
  • 61. s orbitals d orbitals p orbitals s orbitals p orbitals d orbitals No. orbs. No. e- 1 3 5 2 6 10 64
  • 62. Energy Levels and Sublevels • Sublevels are grouped in energy level. • Each energy level has a number called the PRINCIPAL QUANTUM NUMBER, n which indicates relative size and energy of the orbitals • Row on PT indicates n 65
  • 63. •Energy Levels and Sublevels n = 1 n = 2 n = 3 n = 4 66
  • 64. •QUANTUM NUMBERS The shape, size, and energy of each orbital is a function of quantum numbers: n (principal)  Energy Level l (angular)  sublevel (s, p, d, or f) which is its shape • Note: There are other quantum numbers that we will NOT discuss in detail. The ‘n’ and ‘l’ are sufficient. 67
  • 65. Symbol Values Description n (principal) 1, 2, 3, .. Orbital size and energy level l (angular) 0, 1, 2, 3, … n-1 Orbital shape s, p, d, f, …n-1 or type (energy sublevel) QUANTUM NUMBERS More commonly noted as: 68
  • 67. Types of Atomic Orbitals 71
  • 68. •s Orbitals— Always Spherical Dot picture of electron cloud in 1s orbital. Surface density 4πr2y versus distance Surface of 90% probability sphere See Active Figure 6.13 72
  • 69. •p Orbitals The three p orbitals lie 90o apart in space 73
  • 70. •2px Orbital 3px Orbital PLAY MOVIE 74
  • 71. •Hydrogen-like Orbitals (at most two electrons/orbital) n Sublevel (l) Orbitals Max. Orbital n2 Max Elec 2n2 1 s s 1 2 2 s p s px, py, pz 4 8 3 s p d s px, py, pz dxy,dxz,dyz,dx 2 -y 2, dz 2 9 18 4 s p d f s px, py, pz dxy,dxz,dyz,dx 2 -y 2, dz 2 And 7 f orbitals 16 32 75
  • 72. Chapter 5.3 Vocabulary 76 • Electron configuration • Aufbau principle • Pauli Exclusion Principle • Hund’s Rule • Valence Electron • Electron Dot Structure
  • 73. •Electron Configurations • An atom’s electron configuration is the arrangements of electrons in the atom. • Electrons are arranged to minimize energy. • In other words, electrons fill up the lowest energies possible first. This is the Aufbau Principle. 77
  • 74. •Assigning Electrons to Atoms • Electrons generally assigned to orbitals of successively higher energy. • For H atoms, E depends only on n. • For many-electron atoms, energy depends on both n and l. 78
  • 75. •Energy Level Diagram of Hydrogen 79
  • 76. •Assigning Electrons to Subshells • In H atom all subshells of same n have same energy. In many-electron atom: a) subshells increase in energy as value of n + l increases. b) for subshells of same n + l, subshell with lower n is lower in energy. PLAY MOVIE 80
  • 77. Many-Electron Atoms Orbitals and Their Energies 81
  • 78. •Aufbau Diagram -- Filling Electron Orbitals 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 2p 3p 4p 5p 6p 7p 3d 4d 5d 6d 4f 5f 82 Haven’t gotten this far. What orbitals are being filled with elements 110-118? Start here n + l = 1 n + l = 2 n + l = 3 n + l = 4 n + l = 5 n + l = 6 n + l = 7 n + l = 8 The orbital with the lower ‘n’ is lower in energy if the n+l number is the same.
  • 79. •Writing Atomic Electron Configurations Two ways of writing configs. One is called the spdf notation. 1 1 s value of n value of l no. of electrons spdf notation for H, atomic number = 1 83
  • 80. •Pauli Exclusion Principle No two electrons in the same orbital can have the same spin. One electron is spin up, the other is spin down. 84
  • 81. •Writing Atomic Electron Configurations Two ways of writing configs. Other is called the orbital box notation. Arrows depict electron spin ORBITAL BOX NOTATION for He, atomic number = 2 1s 2 1 s It would be a violation of the Pauli exclusion principle to have both of these electrons as spin up or both as spin down. 85
  • 83. •Lithium Group 1 (1A) Atomic number = 3 1s22s1  3 total electrons 1s 2s 3s 3p 2p 87 Interactive Periodic Table
  • 84. Ground State Electron Configurations 88
  • 85. •Carbon Group 14 (4A) Atomic number = 6 1s2 2s2 2p2  6 total electrons Here we see for the first time HUND’S RULE. When placing electrons in a set of orbitals having the same energy, we place them singly as long as possible. 1s 2s 3s 3p 2p 89
  • 86. Electron Configuration for Elements 11-18 90 Noble gas notation uses noble gas symbols in brackets to shorten inner electron configurations of other elements.
  • 87. Sodium Group 1 (1A) Atomic number = 11 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 or “neon core” + 3s1 [Ne] 3s1 (uses noble gas notation) Note that we have begun a new period. All Group 1A elements have [core]ns1 configurations. 91
  • 88. Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table 92
  • 89. Transition Metals All 4th period elements have the configuration [argon] nsx (n - 1)dy and so are d-block elements. Copper Iron Chromium 93
  • 90. Transition Element Configurations 3d orbitals used for Sc-Zn 94
  • 91. 95
  • 92. Electrons in Energy Levels • Electrons fill up levels from lowest energy to highest energy (Aufbau Principle) • Outermost electrons are called Valence Electrons. • When atoms come close together it is the Valence Electrons that interact. 96
  • 93. Valence Electrons •How to determine which electrons are in outer shell? • Write down electron configuration of an element in noble-gas configuration • Whatever electrons are displayed in the highest energy shell (n) only are valence electrons (Main Group elements) 97
  • 94. Lewis Dot Diagrams • How do we represent Valence Electrons? • By a Lewis Dot Diagram • Rules for Lewis Dot Diagrams: • Use the Elemental Symbol • Use 1 dot to represent each valence electron • The symbol represents the nucleus and all the inner (core) electrons. • Examples: . .. .. • Li·, Be: , ·C·, ·Cl:, :Ne: . .. .. 98
  • 95. Valence Electrons • Examples • O given by [He]2s22p4 so it has 6 valence electrons. O • Ga given by [Ar]3d104s24p1 has 3 valence electrons. •Ga• • • • •• •• 99
  • 98. Draw the periodic table and label the electron blocks and areas of non-metals, metals, and metalloids. Relate the Lewis dot structure to its place in the periodic table. Explain periodic trends as one moves along periods and down groups in the periodic table 102
  • 99. Chapter 6.1-6.2  Periodic Law  Group  Period  Representative Element  Transition Element  Metal  Alkali Metal  Alkaline Earth Metal  Transition Metal  Inner Transition Metal  Lanthanide Series  Actinide Series  Nonmetal  Halogen  Noble Gas  Metalloid 103
  • 100.  Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) in the 1790s compiled a list of 23 known elements.  Many known since ancient times (copper, gold, silver, etc)  Others had been more recently discovered (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and others) 104
  • 101. Scientists in 1860 agreed upon a common method to determine elemental mass first published by Stanislao Cannizzaro (1826- 1910). 105
  • 102.  Early attempts organized the elements by increasing mass  The properties were roughly periodic, but some elements were out of order  Mendeleev’s Table (ca. 1870) was the most notable effort at organizing the elemental properties 106
  • 103. Dmitri Mendeleev noticed in his table that there were repetitions of physical and chemical properties when the elements were arranged by atomic mass. 107
  • 104. 108
  • 105. Property Predicted (1869) Atomic Mass 72 u Color Dark gray Density 5.5 g/mL Melting Point High Density of Oxide 4.7 g/mL Oxide solubility in HCl Slightly dissolved by HCl Formula of chloride EsCl4 Properties of Germanium (Ge) 109 Actual (1886) 72.6 u Gray-white 5.32 g/mL 937⁰ C 4.70 g/mL Not dissolved by HCl GeCl4
  • 106. Periodic Law states that chemical and physical properties repeat in regular cyclic patterns when they are arranged by increasing atomic number.  Starts with metals at left and goes to non-metal (noble gas) on right  Properties change in orderly progression across a period. 110
  • 107. 111
  • 108. Periodic Table Periods 112 Transition Elements Inner Transition Elements Halogens Noble Gases Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Representative Elements Columns, Groups or Families Metals Metalloids Nonmetals
  • 109.  What are some of the elemental properties that make the periodic table, well, periodic?  Classification by metals, nonmetals and metalloids  Metals - shiny ductile, malleable solids, good conductors of heat and electricity  Nonmetals - dull, brittle solids; or gas, poor conductors of heat and electricity  Metalloids - have chemical and physical properties of both metals and nonmetals 113
  • 110. Representative Elements (Sometimes called A Group)  Group # = number of valence electrons  Means similar Lewis dot structure and similar properties.  s-block elements have 1-2 electrons in s-orbital  p-block elements have 1-6 electrons in p-orbitals  Noble gases have filled valence shells  Energy level of valence electrons is at energy level given by period (row) number 114
  • 111. Transition Elements (Sometimes called B Group)  d-block elements have 1-10 electrons in d- orbitals  Columns 3-12 in periodic table  Energy level of valence electrons at n and partially filled n-1 d orbitals (example: 4s and 3d)  f-block (Lanthanides and Actinides) have 1-14 electrons in f-orbitals 115
  • 112. 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 116
  • 113.  Fill in the missing info for the following elements:  Identify the element fitting the description. a) Group 2 (2A) element in 4th period: Calcium b) Noble gas in 5th period: Xenon c) Group 12 (2B) element in 4th period: Zinc d) Group 16 (6A) element in 2nd period: Oxygen 117 Configuration Group Period Block [Ne]3s2 2 (2A) 3 S [He]2s2 2 (2A) 2 S [Kr]5s24d105p5 17 (7A) 5 P [Ar]4s23d5 7 (7B) 4 D
  • 115.  Effective Nuclear Charge (Z*) – Not in book!  Shielding  Ion  Ionization Energy  Octet Rule  Electronegativity 119
  • 116.  Atomic and ionic size  Ionization energy  Electronegativity  Metallic Character 120 Higher effective nuclear charge Electrons held more tightly Larger orbitals. Electrons held less tightly.
  • 117.  Z* is the nuclear charge experienced by the outermost electrons. (Note: not in book!)  Z* increases across a period owing to shielding by inner electrons.  Shielding is blocking by inner electrons.  For a period (row), the number of shielding electrons remain the same, but the number of protons in the nucleus increases.  Example: All elements in the second period have the same underlying [He] noble gas configuration. However, the number of protons is greater from left to right. 121
  • 118.  So we can estimate as Z* = [ Z - (no. inner electrons) ] or Z* = Z – S (inner electrons)  Z is total number of electrons  S is the number of electrons blocking the valence shell electrons, the underlying noble gas electrons.  Charge felt by 2s e- in Li Z* = 3 - 2 = 1  Be Z* = 4 - 2 = 2  B Z* = 5 - 2 = 3 and so on! 122
  • 120.  Atomic size is a periodic trend influenced by electron configuration.  For metals, atomic radius is half the distance between adjacent nuclei in a crystal of the element. 124
  • 121.  For other elements, the atomic radius is half the distance between nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together. 125
  • 122. 126
  • 123. Size (radius) goes UP on going down a group. See previous slide. Because electrons are further from the nucleus, there is less attraction. Size (radius) goes DOWN on going across a period. 127
  • 124. Size (radius) decreases across a period owing to increase in Z*. Each added electron feels a greater and greater positive charge. Note: Electrons in the same energy level don’t shield each other too much. 128 Large Small Increase in Z*
  • 125. 129 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Li Na K Kr He Ne Ar 2nd period 3rd period 1st transition series Radius (pm) Atomic Number
  • 126. The radius of an atom when it has become an ion. An ion is an atom or bonded group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge. An atom acquires a positive charge by losing electrons or negative charge by gaining electrons!! 130
  • 127. To form positive ions from elements remove 1 or more e- from subshell of highest n [or highest (n + l)]. Al: [Ne] 3s2 3p1 - 3e-  Al3+: [Ne] 3s0 3p0 131 1s 2s 3s 3p 2p 1s 2s 3s 3p 2p
  • 128. 132 Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to get 8 valence electrons (except small atoms up to Boron)
  • 129. 1. Write the electron configuration and orbital box diagram for Mg when it is an ion. Hints: What is its noble gas configuration? What will they do to get an octet? 2. Write the electron configuration and orbital box diagram for O when it is an ion. 133
  • 130.  Positive ions are SMALLER than the atoms from which they come.  The electron/proton attraction has gone UP and so size DECREASES.  Electron Configuration as ion is: [He] 2s0 134 Li,152 pm 3e and 3p Li +, 78 pm 2e and 3 p + Forming a positive ion.
  • 131.  Negative ions are LARGER than the atoms from which they come.  The electron/proton attraction has gone DOWN and so size INCREASES.  Trends in ion sizes are the same as atom sizes.  Electron configuration as ion: 1s22s22p6 (just like neon.) 135 Forming a negative ion. F, 71 pm 9e and 9p F- , 133 pm 10 e and 9 p -
  • 133. Why do metals lose electrons in their reactions? Why does Mg form Mg2+ ions and not Mg3+? Why do nonmetals take on electrons? 137
  • 134. IE = energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gas phase. 138 Mg (g) + 738 kJ  Mg+ (g) + e- PLAY MOVIE
  • 135. Mg (g) + 738 kJ  Mg+ (g) + e- 139 Mg+ (g) + 1451 kJ  Mg2+ (g) + e- Mg+ has 12 protons and only 11 electrons. Therefore, IE for Mg+ > Mg. IE = energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gas phase. PLAY MOVIE
  • 136. 1st: Mg (g) + 735 kJ  Mg+ (g) + e- 2nd: Mg+ (g) + 1451 kJ  Mg2+ (g) + e- 140 3rd: Mg2+ (g) + 7733 kJ  Mg3+ (g) + e- Energy cost is very high to dip into a shell of lower n. PLAY MOVIE
  • 137. 141
  • 138. 142 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1st Ionization energy (kJ/mol) Atomic Number H Li Na K He Ne Ar Kr
  • 139. 143 As Z* increases, orbital energies “drop” and IE increases.
  • 140. 144
  • 141.  IE increases across a period because Z* increases.  Metals lose electrons more easily than nonmetals.  Nonmetals lose electrons with difficulty. 145 High ionization energy: atoms want to hold on to electrons; likely to form negative ion Low ionization energy: atom gives up electron easily; likely to form positive ion
  • 142.  IE decreases down a group  Because size increases.  Ability to lose electrons generally increases down the periodic table.  See reactions of Li, Na, K 146
  • 143. Which element in each pair has the larger 1st ionization energy? A. Na or Al B. Ar or Xe C. Ba or Mg 147
  • 145. *Note: ‘metallic character’ not in book. An element with metallic character is one that loses electrons easily. Metallic character: • is more prevalent in metals on left side of periodic table • is less for nonmetals on right side of periodic table that do not lose electrons easily 149
  • 146. 150
  • 147.  Relative ability of an element to attract electrons in a chemical bond.  Ionization energy reflects ability of atom to attract electrons in an isolated atom  Generally, the higher the ionization energy of an atom, the more electronegative the atom will be in a molecule  There are many electro negativity scales – we’ll use the one by Linus Pauling (values dimensionless) Will be used to determine things like polarity of a chemical bond. 151
  • 148. 152
  • 149. Decreases down a group  Why? Due to greater atomic radius Increases across a period  Why? Increased positive charge in nucleus (Greater Z*) Same trend as for ionization energy. Surprised? 153
  • 150. Moving Left  Right (periods)  Z* Increases  Atomic & ionic Radius Decrease  Ionization Energy Increases  Electronegativity Increases  Metallic Character Decreases Moving Top  Bottom (groups)  Z* is roughly constant, but val e- distance increases  Atomic & Ionic Radius Increase  Ionization Energy Decreases  Electronegativity Decreases  Metallic Character Increases 154
  • 151. a) Electronegativity b) Ionic Radius c) Atomic Radius d) Ionization Energy e) Metallic character  Fluorine  Bromine  Bromine  Fluorine  Bromine 155

Editor's Notes

  1. Last pointwill be Illustrated with Bead Activity later in the week.
  2. In #3, they can be rearranged also includes combined and separated.
  3. I will show “The Atom – Episode 1” in an upcoming class which shows the history of the atom. Students are responsible for answering the questions and knowing it for the test.
  4. What the above relative masses show is that an electron is ~1820 times smaller (by mass) than an proton or neutron. Use the money equivalent to explain. A proton/neutron is worth $20 and an electron is worth $0.01.
  5. After this slide have students do Atomic Number/Mass Number activity for CW/HW.In Chromium row, #p is 1st, #e is 2nd, #n is thirdIn 2nd row (As) row, the order is Atomic # (33), #electrons (33), Mass #(75), As-75 IsotopeIn 3rd row (Rn-222), the order is # protons (86), atomic #(86), Isotope (Rn-222), #N°
  6. QPA means Quality Point Average.
  7. Note: An 85 in chemistry would give 510 Quality points and raise your average to 90.90. Because a difference of 10 in chem means a little bit more than and difference in 10 of English. 60 QP vs 50 QPs.
  8. Going back to our QPA analogy, the mass is like the grade and the abundance is like the credit. The mass x abundance is like the QP points. When you divide the Quality Points (grade*credit) by credit you get a weighed grade. When you divide the sum of the Mass x abundance numbers by total abundance (which should always be 100) you get the weighted atomic mass.
  9. The tabular format in the previous slide shows the method assuming 100 atoms. This is a more direct method, first show changing the percents to a fraction and then multiplying by mass. You are just going to get the mass of 1 atom in this way.Either way is acceptable. It’s really just a matter of where you are dividing by 100.
  10. Other Atomic Mass abundances:Boron-10 : 19.8% Mass: 10.01 Boron-11 : 80.2% 11.01Silicon-28 : 92.23% Mass: 27.98Silicon-29 : 4.67% 28.98Silicon-30 : 3.10% 29.98Iron-54 : 5.8% Mass: 53.94Iron-56 : 91.72% 55.93Iron-57 : 2.2% 56.93Iron-58 : 0.28% 57.93Before they start bead activity (next slide) give for HW The Atom and Its Properties WS 2 – Atomic MassAnd give out The Atom and Its Properties WS 3 – Ch. 5.1 and 5.2 Definitions
  11. Make sure you note which bag has which abundance.Set up a table w/#p+ and #n0 as well as mass number. For simplicity, we’ll consider each proton and each neutron to be 1 amu. Submit as group activity.
  12. Go over how to read this chart. Wavelength in meters is on top. Frequency in Hertz is on the bottom.Take-home message of this slideThe higher the frequency (or the shorter the wavelength) the more energy the light has. So, UV light has more energy than IR light. (It is the UV light causes sunburn.)The ‘Do Now’ I have for this has problems like “Determine the type of radiation with a wavelength of 1 m.” - Answer: RadioGo over a couple of more of these type of questions (and frequency). Good for “Do Now” and test.
  13. I’m pushing this a little more than last year. Keep equations and math simple. Save complicated ones for bonus questions.
  14. Use an example of throwing something into a swimming pool: With large items K.E. is large and water (like the electrons) will “splash out”. With smaller energy items like a “pin” water (like the electrons) will not splash out.Light has to be a certain frequency to eject the electron from the metal. The intensity (amplitude) doesn’t matter.
  15. Start of Chapter 5.2Ch. 5.2VocabGround StateDe Broglie EquationHeisenberg Uncertainty PrincipleQuantum MechanicsMight use the POGIL packet in folder in conjunction with this along with the salts and H2 gas demo.
  16. Hydrogen Spectrum.First seen in the mid-1800’s.
  17. The n is the same as Balmer’s n. Only this time, Bohr defined it as something rather than just an integer.
  18. The n is the same as Balmer’s n. Only this time, Bohr defined it as something rather than just an integer.
  19. Principal quantum number n=1 is closest to nucleus; n=7 is farther awayWhen all electrons are in their lowest state it is called the “ground state”When electrons are hit with energy (thermal, electrical etc.) they may go to an “excited state” atoms have multiple excited statesBohr model only worked for hydrogen, but it did a great job of predicting electronic transitions.Each circle represents an allowable energy state.When the electron goes back to ground state, a photon is emitted.
  20. Hydrogen Spectrum.Show actual hydrogen and other gases using tubes and power supply.
  21. Call the sublevels “l” (the letter ell) this year. This is so I can be more comfortable in assigning chapters 6 & 7 for the AP summer assignment.After this slide, give out The Atom and Its Properties WS 5 – Electron OrbitalsAnd The Atom and Its Properties WS 6 – Ch. 5.3 Definitions
  22. Start of Ch. 5.3Ch. 5.3 VocabElectron configurationAufbau principlePauli Exclusion PrincipleHund’s RuleValence ElectronElectron Dot Structure
  23. Link is to Electron Configurations video
  24. This shows a summary of what we just did with the interactive periodic table.
  25. 6.1 VocabularyPeriodic LawGroupPeriodRepresentative ElementTransition ElementMetalAlkali MetalAlkali Earth MetalTransition MetalInner Transition MetalNonmetalHalogenNoble GasMetalloid
  26. Vocab given in The Atom and Its Properties W S 8 – Ch. 6 Vocab
  27. Lavoisier was on the wrong side of history. He associated with the aristocracy in France during the French Revolution and got guillotined.
  28. Italian chemist StanislaoCannizzaro published a list of atomic weights used at the First International Chemical Conference in 1860.
  29. Remember that protons, neutrons and electrons were not discovered until the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Mendeleev used Cannizzaro’s list to start his work.
  30. The numbers above represent atomic masses.
  31. Note: Number of valence electrons for Representative Group is either Group # (Using A & B notation) orGroup # (for Groups 1 & 2) or (Group # - 10) for the 1 – 18 Group # notation.Electron dot notation is just used for the Representative elements since the valence electrons are constant. The transition elements can vary how many electrons are actually used.
  32. These are Problems #7 and 8 on p. 162. (I added the last one in the chart to have a D-block example.)Config Group Period Block[Ne]3s2 2 (2A) 3 S[He]2s2 2 (2A) 2 S[Kr]5s24d105p5 17(7A) 5 P[Ar]4s23d5 7 (7B) 4 DAfter this slide give out The Atom and Its Properties WS 9 – Periodic Table Basics as CW/HWAnd The Atom and Its Properties WS 10 – Ch. 6.3 Definitions
  33. 1.Mg: [Ne] 3s2  Mg2+: [Ne] 2. O: [He]2s22p4  O2-: [He]2s22p6 or [Ne]
  34. P. 175 – Problem #63 for practice.Which element in each pair has the larger 1st ionization energy?Na or Al  Al why? Smaller atom in same period.Ar or Xe Ar why? Smaller atom in the same group.Ba or Mg  Mg why? Smaller atom the same group.
  35. Can show test tubes of carbon, silicon, tin, lead.Can even show ‘oxygen’, sulfur, maybe selenium?
  36. This is Exercise #22 on p. 169 of text.Answers: F, Br, Br, F, Br (it’s a liquid instead of a gas, molecules closer together)After this slide, give out The Atom and Its Properties WS 11 – Periodic Trends