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       ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้


 Saeng Dhamma                                       วันอาสาฬหบูชา
ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๒๓ ประจำาเดือนกรกฎาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓
        Vol.36 No.423 July 2010                     วันเข้าพรรษา
                                                      ปี ๒๕๕๓

                              กลับมาเถิด ศีลธรรมกลับมาเถิด
                           กำลังเกิด     ภัยร้าย อันใหญ่หลวง
                           แก่สตว์โลก ทั่วถิ่น จักรวาลปวง
                           น่าเป็นห่วง ความพินาศ ฉกาจเกิน
   กลับมาเถิด ศีลธรรมกลับมาเถิด
ในโลกเกิด     กลียค อย่างฉุกเฉิน
หลงวัตถุ      บ้าคลัง เกินบังเอิญ
มัวเพลิดเพลิน สิงกาลี มีกำลัง
                            กลับมาเถิด ศีลธรรม            กลับมาเถิด
                         ความเลวร้าย ลามเตลิด             จวนหมดหวัง
                         รีบกลับมา     ทันเวลา            พาพลัง
                                ้      โลกไว้             ให้ทนกาลฯ
All are cordially invited to participate
                  in the meditation programs and Buddhist activities at
                           Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple


                                              1. To promote Buddhist activities.
                                              2. To foster Thai culture and traditions.
                                              3. To inform the public of the monastery’s activities.
                                              4. To maintain and promote brotherhood/sisterhood.
                                              5. To provide a public relations center for
                                                 Buddhists living in the United States.
                                              6. To promote spiritual development and positive
                                              7. to help acquire and inner peace.
                                              8. Wat Thai Washington, D.C. temple is non political.

           Activity                             Day                        Time

1. Chanting                             Daily Morning and                   6:00 - 6:45 A.M.
                                        Evening                             6:00 - 6:45 P.M.
2. Dhamma Talk and                      Every Saturday                      2:30 - 4:30 P.M.
   Meditation (in Thai)
3. Meditation and Dhamma
   Discussion (in Thai)                 Every Sunday                        7:00 - 9:00         A.M.
4. Meditation and Dhamma
   Discussion (in English)              Every Sunday              6:00 - 8:00                   P.M.
5. Thai Language Classes                Every Tuesday or Thursday 7:30 - 9:00                   P.M.
6. Yoga - Meditation                    Every Friday              7:30 - 9:00                   P.M.
7. Thai Music Class                     Every Saturday            10:00 - 4:00                  P.M.
8. Thai Dance Class                     Every Saturday            2:00 - 4:00                   P.M.
9. Buddhist Sunday School               Every Sunday              12:45 - 3:30                  P.M.

   All activities will be held at the upper or lower level of the main temple. For further information
      please contact Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple. Tel. (301)871-8660, (301)871-8661
         Fax. (301)871-5007 E-mail:, URL.
                                                                                                                                NON PROFIT ORG.
  13440 Layhill Rd                                                                                                                US POSTAGE
  Silver Spring MD 20906-3201                                                                                                        PAID
                                                                                                                               SILVER SPRING, MD
                                                                                                                                 PERMIT NO.1388

           Change Service Requested

Attention: Subscriber if you are moving, please forward your new address to Wat Thai Washington,D.C. 13440 Layhill Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20906 -3201

๒๕                       ขอเชิญร่วมทำ�บุญ
ก.ค.                       วันเข้าพรรษา - วันอาสาฬหบูชา
 ๕๓                      •	แห่เทียนพรรษา
                                                                                      •	ท�าบุญตักบาตร
                                                                                      •	ถวายภัตตาหารเพล
                         •	ถวายผ้าอาบน�้าฝน                                           •	ฟังพระธรรมเทศนา

              ทุกเช้าวันอาทิตย์ เวลา ๗.๐๐ น.
                  ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.
สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ
                                                    ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหำ		พระพุทธศำสนำมีทำงแก้
       ปีที่	36	ฉบับที่	423	ประจ�ำเดือนกรกฎำคม	พ.ศ.	2553			Vol.36	No.423		July,	2010

  Objectives :
 �To	promote	Buddhist	activities.                                                สำรบัญ
 �To	foster	Thai	culture	and	tradition.
 �To	inform	the	public	of	the	temple’s	activities.
 �To	promide	a	public	relations	center	for	
    Buddhists living in the United States.              The Buddha’s Words................................................ 1
                                                        THE THREEFOLD TRAINING Ven. Buddhadasa............ 2
  เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.                  Helping Yourself to Help Other....Ven. Prayudh Payutto..... 7
  ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี                         Evening Sitting Ven. Ajanh Chah............................... 11
  กองบรรณาธิการ :                                      	แนะน�ำครูอำสำสมัครจำกจุฬำฯ	ปี	๒๕๕๓	........................	18
	 ดร.พระมหำถนัด		อตฺถจำรี                               อนุโมทนำพิเศษ	/	Special	Thanks.............................	21
	 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ	ปภำกโร                              	ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือนกรกฎำคม...............................	22
	 พระจรินทร์		อำภสฺสโร                                  เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี 23
	 พระมหำเรืองฤทธิ์		สมิทฺธิญำโณ                         ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ เดือนมิถุนายน............... 30
	 พระสุริยำ		เตชวโร                                     เสียงธรรม... จากหลวงตาชี........................................ 32
	 พระมหำสรำวุธ		สรำวุโธ                                	ท่องแดนพระพุทธศำสนำ	๒,๓๐๐	ปี	ดร.พระมหำถนัด			 39
	 พระมหำประดู่ชัย		ภทฺทธมฺโม                            บทความพิเศษ งดเหล้าเข้าพรรษา .......................... 43
	 พระมหำศรีสุพรณ์		อตฺตทีโป                             Thai Temple’s News...........โดย	ดร.พระมหำถนัด	45
	 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์		พุทฺธรกฺขิโต                       	รำยนำมผู้บริจำคเดือนมิถุนำยน	.........Ven.	Sarawut		48
                                                        รำยนำมผู้บริจำคออมบุญประจ�ำปีและเจ้ำภำพภัตตำหำรเช้ำ...	53
	 และอุบำสก-อุบำสิกำวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.	        	รำยนำมเจ้ำภำพถวำยเพล	/	Lunch............................	54
  SAENG DHAMMA Magazine                                	ก�ำหนดกำรท�ำบุญวันอำสำฬหบูชำ-วันเข้ำพรรษำ........	62
  is published monthly by
  Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple
	 At	13440	Layhill	Rd.,
	 Silver	Spring,	MD	20906                                                     Photos taken by
  Tel.	(301)	871-8660,	871-8661                                           Mr.	Sam	&	Bank,	Ms.	Golf,
  Fax :	301-871-5007                                                           Ven.	Pradoochai,	
  E-mail :                                                Mr.	Yuttachat,	
  Homepage :                                           Ven.	Ananphiwat,	Mr.	Kevin,	
  Radio Network :
  2,500 Copies

	 “ในหมู่มนุษย์ทั้งหลำย	ผู้ที่ฝึกตนดีแล้ว	ประเสริฐที่สุด”	เป็นพุทธพจน์ที่ขอน�ำมำกล่ำวในวำระแห่งกำรเข้ำ
พรรษำ	ซึ่งถือเป็นช่วงเวลำแสวงหำ	พัฒนำ	เพิ่มเติมก�ำไรพิเศษแก่ชีวิต	มนุษย์กับกำรพัฒนำเป็นสิ่งคู่กัน	เป็นสิ่ง
ทีตองท�ำให้เกิดขึน	มีขนอยูเสมอๆ	เพรำะเป็นสิงมีชวตทีพฒนำได้	ยกระดับได้	ดังนัน	เมือเรำได้เกิดมำเป็นมนุษย์
    ่้             ้ ึ้ ่                       ่ ีิ ่ ั                          ้ ่
ได้พบพระพุทธศำสนำ	ซึงถือว่ำเป็นกำรยำกยิงแล้ว	จึงควรถือเป็นโอกำสในกำรยกระดับตัวเองให้สงขึน	และป่วย
                         ่                    ่                                                    ู ้
กำรที่จะกล่ำวอ้ำงโน่น	อ้ำงนี่	ซึ่งไม่น่ำจะเป็นเหตุผลที่ฟังได้นอกจำกว่ำกิเลสได้จูงใจ	ผูกมัดใจไว้จนไม่สำมำรถที่
จะกระท�ำได้	ช่วงเวลำ	๓	เดือน	ฤดูกำลเข้ำพรรษำ	จึงเป็นช่วงเวลำที่เหมำะสมอย่ำงยิ่งกับกำรอธิษฐำนจิตละเลิก
สิ่งไม่ดี	ปรำรถนำกระท�ำสิ่งดีๆ	แล้วค่อยย้อนมำถึงกำรเปลี่ยนแปลงว่ำในระยะเวลำ	๓	เดือนนี้	ตัวเองมีอะไรที่ดี
ขึนบ้ำง	อะไรลด	อะไรเพิมและหำกมองเห็นผลดี	ก็สำมำรถท�ำสิงเหล่ำนันต่อไปในช่วงนอกพรรษำก็ยอมเป็นกำร
  ้                    ่                                       ่      ้                              ่
ดียิ่งขึ้นๆ	อีก	
	 ในช่วงวันที	๙	มิถนำยนทีผำนมำ	หลวงตำชีได้กล่ำวให้โอวำทเป็นอนุโมทนำกถำแก่มวลศิษย์ทมำร่วมท�ำวัตร
                 ่   ุ       ่่                                                                 ี่
สวดมนต์เย็นเพื่อเป็นกำรบูชำแด่หลวงตำที่มีอำยุครบ	๘๕	ปี	 จึงขอน�ำมำกล่ำวเพื่อเชิญชวนเพื่อนผู้อ่ำน	“แสง
ธรรม”	สื่อเสียงธรรมะจำกวัดไทย	ดี.ซี.	รัฐอื่นๆ	ได้รับทรำบและเป็นกำรเชิญชวนให้ศึกษำ	ปฏิบัติ	ไปด้วยกันคือ

                  “คิดดี พูดดี ท�ำดี                       ท�ำให้ชีวี มีแต่ควำมสุข
                  คิดถูก พูดถูก ท�ำถูก                     เป็นกำรเพำะปลูก ซึ่งควำมร่มเย็น
                  คิดเป็น พูดเป็น ท�ำเป็น                  ท�ำให้ร่มเย็น ตลอดเวลำ
                  คิดชอบ พูดชอบ ท�ำชอบ                     ท�ำให้ประกอบ กำรงำนรุ่งเรือง”

   “แสงธรรม”	กรกฎำ	เข้ำพรรษำ	จึงใคร่เชิญชวนมวลญำติสนิท	มิตรสหำยทั้งหลำย	ได้ท�ำกำรศึกษำหำมุม
มองตืนลึกแก่นแท้แห่งค�ำกลอนอันเป็นเสมือนค�ำให้พรจำกหลวงตำชี	ในโอกำสท่ำนมีอำยุครบ	๘๕	ปี	แล้วน�ำมำ
ปฏิบัติในชีวิตของท่ำนเพื่อควำมสุข	สงบเย็นโดยทั่วหน้ำกันเถิด

แสงธรรม 1   Saeng Dhamma

              The Buddha’s Words
     คหการก ทิฏฺโฐสิ                ปุน เคหํ น กาหสิ
     สพฺพา เต ผาสุกา ภคฺคา          คหกูฏํ วิสงฺขตํ
     วิสงฺขารคตํ จิตฺตํ             ตณฺหานํ ขยมชฺฌคา ฯ (๑๕๔)

นายช่างเอย บัดนีเราพบท่านแล้ว ท่านจะสร้างเรือนไม่ได้อก จันทัน อกไก่
                ้                                    ี
เราทําลายหมดแล้ว จิตของเราบรรลุนพพาน หมดความทะยานอยากแล้ว

O House Builder, you have been seen, you shall not build the house again.
Your rafters have been broken, your ridge pole demolished too. My mind
has now attained the Unconditioned and reached the end of all craving.
แสงธรรม 2        Saeng Dhamma

                                                THE THREEFOLD
                                                      by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

THE THREEFOLD TRAINING                                       Just	what	is	concentration?	No	doubt	most	of	you	

   I n	this	chapter	we	shall	examine	the	method	to	
     be	used	for	eliminating	clinging.	The	method	
is	based	on	three	practical	steps,	namely	Morality,	
                                                             have	 always	 understood	 concentration	 as	 imply-
                                                             ing	a	completely	tranquil	mind,	as	steady	and	un-
                                                             moving	 as	 a	 log	 of	 wood.	 But	 merely	 these	 two	
Concentration,	 and	 Insight,	 known	 collectively	 as	      characteristics	of	being	tranquil	and	steady	are	not	
the Threefold Training.                                      the	 real	 meaning	 of	 Concentration.	 The	 basis	 for	
	 The	first	step	is	morality	(Sila).	Morality	is	sim-        this	statement	is	an	utterance	of	the	Buddha.	He	
ply	suitable	behavior,	behavior	that	conforms	with	          described	 the	 concentrated	 mind	 as	 fit	 for	 work	
the	 generally	 accepted	 standards	 and	 causes	 no	        (kammaniya),	in	a	suitable	condition	for	doing	its	
distress	to	other	people	or	to	oneself.	It	is	coded	         job.	Fit	for	work	is	the	very	best	way	to	describe	the	
in	the	form	of	five	moral	precepts,	or	eight,	or	ten,	       properly	concentrated	mind.
or	227,	or	in	other	ways.	It	is	conducted	by	way	            	 The	third	aspect	is	the	training	in	insight	(Pan-
of	body	and	speech	aimed	at	peace,	convenience	              na),	the	practice	and	drill	that	gives	rise	to	the	full	
and	freedom	from	undesirable	effects	at	the	most	            measure	of	right	knowledge	and	understanding	of	
basic	 level.	 It	 has	 to	 do	 with	 the	 members	 of	 a	   the	true	nature	of	all	things.	Normally	we	are	inca-
social	group	and	the	various	pieces	of	property	es-          pable	of	knowing	anything	at	all	in	its	true	nature.	
sential to living.                                           Mostly	we	either	stick	to	our	own	ideas	or	go	along	
	 The	second	aspect	of	the	threefold	training	is	            with	popular	opinion,	so	that	what	we	see	is	not	
concentration	(Samadhi).	This	consists	in	constrain-         the truth at all. It is for this reason that Buddhist
ing	the	mind	to	remain	in	the	condition	most	con-            practice	includes	this	training	in	insight,	the	last	as-
ducive	to	success	in	whatever	he	wishes	to	achieve.	         pect	of	the	threefold	training,	designed	to	give	rise
แสงธรรม 3        Saeng Dhamma
to full understanding of and insight into the true
nature of things.
	 In	the	 religious	 context,	 understanding	and	in-
sight are not by any means the same. Understand-
ing	 depends	 to	 some	 extent	 on	 the	 use	 of	 rea-
soning,	on	rational	intellection.	Insight	goes	further	
than	that.	An	object	known	by	insight	has	been	ab-
sorbed;	it	has	been	penetrated	to	and	confronted	
face	to	face;	the	mind	has	become	thoroughly	ab-
sorbed	in	it	through	examination	and	investigation	
so	 sustained	 that	 there	 has	 arisen	 a	 non-rational	        the	insight.	It	is	a	fact	of	nature	that	the	presence	of	
but	 genuine	 and	 heartfelt	 disenchantment	 with	              genuine,	clear	insight	implies	the	presence	of	genu-
that	 thing	 and	 a	 complete	 lack	 of	 emotional	 in-          ine	disenchantment.	It	is	impossible	that	the	process	
volvement	in	it.	Consequently	the	Buddhist	training	             should	stop	short	at	the	point	of	clear	insight.	Dis-
in	insight	does	not	refer	to	intellectual	understand-            enchantment	displaces	desire	for	the	object,	and	is	
ing	of	the	kind	used	in	present	day	academic	and	                bound to arise immediately.
scholarly	circles,	where	each	individual	can	have	his	               Training in morality is simply elementary prepar-
own	particular	kind	of	truth.	Buddhist	insight	must	             atory	practice,	which	enables	us	to	live	happily	and	
be	intuitive	insight	clear	and	immediate,	the	result	            helps stabilize the mind. Morality yields various
of	having	penetrated	to	the	object	by	one	means	                 benefits,	the	most	important	being	the	preparing	of	
or	another,	until	it	has	made	a	definite	and	indel-              the	way	for	concentration.	Other	advantages,	such	
ible impression on the mind. For this reason the                 as	conducing	to	happiness	or	to	rebirth	as	a	celes-
objects	of	scrutiny	in	insight	training	must	be	things	          tial	being,	were	not	considered	by	the	Buddha	to	
that	one	comes	into	contact	with	in	the	course	of	               be	the	direct	aims	of	morality.	He	regarded	moral-
everyday living; or at least they must be things of              ity	as	primarily	a	means	of	inducing	and	developing	
sufficient	importance	to	render	the	mind	genuinely	              concentration.	As	long	as	things	continue	to	disturb	
fed	up	and	disenchanted	with	them	as	transient,	                 the	mind,	it	can	never	become	concentrated.
unsatisfactory	and	not	selves.	However	much	we	                  	 Training	in	concentration	consists	in	developing	
think	 rationally,	 evaluating	 the	 characteristics	 of	        the	ability	to	control	this	mind	of	ours,	to	make	use	
transience,	 unsatisfactoriness	 and	 non-selfhood,	             of	it,	to	make	it	do	its	job	to	the	best	advantage.	
nothing	 results	 but	 intellectual	 understanding.	             Morality	is	good	behavior	in	respect	of	body	and	
There	is	no	way	it	can	give	rise	to	disillusionment	             speech;	concentration	amounts	to	good	behavior	
and	disenchantment	with	worldly	things.	It	must	be	              in	respect	of	the	mind,	and	is	the	fruit	of	thorough	
understood	 that	 the	 condition	 of	 disenchantment	            mental	 training	 and	 discipline.	 The	 concentrated	
replaces	 that	 of	 desiring	 the	 formerly	 infatuatingly	      mind	is	devoid	of	all	bad,	defiling	thoughts	and	does	
attractive	 object,	 and	 that	 this	 in	 itself	 constitutes	   not	wander	off	the	object.	It	is	in	a	fit	condition	to
แสงธรรม 4       Saeng Dhamma
do	its	job.	Even	in	ordinary	worldly	situations,	con-       degree	 of	 concentration	 appropriate	 to	 our	 abili-
centration	 is	 always	 a	 necessity.	 No	 matter	 what	    ties.	Ultimately	we	shall	gain	much	better	results	
we	are	engaged	in,	we	can	hardly	do	it	successfully	        in	our	work	than	can	the	average	man,	simply	be-
unless	 the	 mind	 is	 concentrated.	 For	 this	 reason	    cause	we	have	better	tools	at	our	disposal.	So	do	
the	Buddha	counted	concentration	as	one	of	the	             take	an	interest	in	this	matter	of	concentration	and	
marks	of	a	great	man.	Regardless	of	whether	a	man	          don’t	go	regarding	it	as	something	foolish	and	old-
is	to	be	successful	in	worldly	or	in	spiritual	things,	     fashioned.	It	is	definitely	something	of	the	greatest	
the	faculty	of	concentration	is	absolutely	indispen-        importance,	something	worth	making	use	of	at	all	
sable.	Take	even	a	schoolboy.	If	he	lacks	concen-           times,	especially	nowadays	when	the	world	seems	
tration,	how	can	he	do	arithmetic?	The	sort	of	con-         to be spinning too fast and on the point of going
centration	 involved	 in	 doing	 arithmetic	 is	 natural	   up	in	flames.	There	is	far	more	need	for	concentra-
concentration	and	is	only	poorly	developed.	Con-            tion	now	than	there	was	in	the	time	of	the	Buddha.	
centration	as	a	basic	element	in	Buddhist	practice,	        Don’t get the idea that it is just something for the
which	is	what	we	are	discussing	here,	is	concentra-         people	in	temples,	or	for	cranks.
tion that has been trained and raised to a higher           	 Now	we	come	to	the	connection	between	the	
pitch	than	can	develop	naturally.	Consequently,	            training	in	concentration	and	the	training	in	insight.	
when	the	mind	has	been	trained	successfully,	it	            The	Buddha	once	said	that	when	the	mind	is	con-
comes	to	have	a	great	many	very	special	abili-              centrated,	it	is	in	a	position	to	see	all	things	as	they	
ties,	 powers	 and	 attributes.	 A	 person	 who	 has	       really	are.	When	the	mind	is	concentrated	and	fit	
managed	to	derive	these	benefits	from	concen-               for	work,	it	will	know	all	things	in	their	true	nature.	
tration	can	be	said	to	have	moved	up	a	step	to-             lt.	is	a	strange	thing	that	the	answer	to	any	prob-
wards	knowing	the	secrets	of	nature.	He	knows	              lem a person is trying to solve is usually already
how	to	control	the	mind,	and	thus	has	abilities	            present,	though	concealed,	in	his	very	own	mind.	
not possessed by the average person. The per-               He	is	not	aware	of	it,	because	it	is	still	only	subcon-
fection	of	morality	is	an	ordinary	human	ability.	          scious;	and	as	long	as	he	is	set	on	solving	the	prob-
Even	 if	 someone	 makes	 a	 display	 of	 morality,	        lem,	the	solution	will	not	come,	simply	because	his	
it is never a superhuman display. On the other              mind	at	that	time	is	not	in	a	fit	condition	for	solving	
hand	the	attainment	of	deep	concentration	was	              problems.	If,	when	setting	about	any	mental	work,	
classed	 by	 the	 Buddha	 as	 a	 superhuman	 abil-          a	person	develops	right	concentration,	that	is,	if	he	
ity,	 which	 the	 bhikkhus	 were	 never	 to	 make	 a	       renders	 his	 mind	 fit	 for	 work,	 the	 solution	 to	 his	
display	of.	Anyone	who	did	show	off	this	ability	           problem	will	come	to	light	of	its	own	accord.	The	
was	 considered	 no	 longer	 a	 good	 bhikkhu,	 or	         moment	the	mind	has	become	concentrated,	the	
even	no	longer	a	bhikkhu	at	all.                            answer	will	just	fall	into	place.	But	should	the	solu-
	 To	attain	concentration	necessitates	making	sac-          tion	still	fail	to	come,	there	exists	another	method	
rifices.	We	have	to	put	up	with	varying	degrees	of	         for	 directing	 the	 mind	 to	 the	 examination	 of	 the	
hardship,	to	train	and	practice,	until	we	have	the	         problem,	namely	the	practice	of	concentrated	in-
แสงธรรม 5       Saeng Dhamma
trospection	referred	to	as	the	training	in	insight.	On	       quently	disenchantment	and	boredom.	It	results	in	
the day of his enlightenment the Buddha attained              a	backing	away	from	all	the	things	one	has	former-
insight	into	the	Law	of	Conditioned	Origination,	that	        ly	been	madly	infatuated	with.	If	one	has	insight,	
is,	he	came	to	perceive	the	true	nature	of	things	or	         yet	still	goes	rushing	after	things,	madly	craving	for	
the	“what	is	what”	and	the	sequence	in	which	they	            them,	grasping	at	and	clinging	on	to	them,	being	
arise,	as	a	result	of	being	concentrated	in	the	way	          infatuated	with	them.,	then	it	cannot	be	insight	in	
we	 have	 just	 described.	 The	 Buddha	 has	 related	        the	Buddhist	sense.	This	stopping	short	and	back-
the	 story	 in	 detail,	 but	 essentially	 it	 amounts	 to	   ing	away	is,	of	course,	not	a	physical	action.	One	
this: as soon as his mind                                                                    doesn’t	 actually	 pick	
was	 well	 concentrated,	                                                                    things up and hurl them
it	 was	 in	 a	 position	 to	                                                                away	or	smash	them	to	
examine	the	problem.                                                                         pieces,	nor	does	one	go	
	 It	 is	 just	 when	 the	                                                                   running off to live in the
mind	is	quiet	and	cool,	                                                                     forest.	This	is	not	what	
in	 a	 state	 of	 well-	 be-                                                                 is	 meant.	 Here	 we	 are	
ing,	 undisturbed,	 well	                                                                    referring	 specifically	 to	
concentrated	and	fresh,	                                                                     a mental stopping short
that some solution to a                                                                      and	 backing	 away,	 as	
persistent problem is ar-                                                                    a	 result	 of	 which	 the	
rived	at.	Insight	is	always	dependent	on	concentra-           mind	ceases	to	be	a	slave	to	things	and	becomes	a	
tion	though	we	may	perhaps	never	have	noticed	                free	mind	instead.	This	is	what	it	is	like	when	desire	
the	 fact.	 Actually	 the	 Buddha	 demonstrated	 an	          for	things	has	given	way	to	disenchantment.	It	isn’t	
association	even	more	intimate	than	this	between	             a	matter	of	going	and	committing	suicide,	or	going	
concentration	and	insight.	He	pointed	out	that	con-           off	to	live	as	a	hermit	in	the	forest,	or	setting	fire	
centration	is	indispensable	for	insight,	and	insight,	        to	 everything.	 Outwardly	 one	 is	 as	 usual,	 behav-
indispensable	for	concentration	at	a	higher	inten-            ing	quite	normally	with	respect	to	things.	Inwardly,	
sity	 than	 occurs	 naturally,	 requires	 the	 presence	      however,	there	is	a	difference.	The	mind	is	inde-
of	 understanding	 of	 certain	 characteristics	 of	 the	     pendent,	free,	no	longer	a	slave	to	things.	This	is	
mind.	0ne	must	know	in	just	which	way	the	mind	               the	virtue	of	insight.	The	Buddha	called	this	effect	
has	 to	 be	 controlled	 in	 order	 that	 concentration	      Deliverance,	escape	from	slavery	to	things,	in	particu-
may	be	induced.	So	the	more	insight	a	person	has,	            lar	the	things	we	like.	Actually	we	are	enslaved	by	the	
the	higher	degree	of	concentration	he	will	capable	           things	we	dislike	too.	We	are	enslaved	insofar	as	we	
of.	Likewise	an	increase	in	concentration	results	in	         cannot	help	disliking	them	and	are	unable	to	remain	
a	 corresponding	 increase	 in	 insight.	 Either	 one	 of	    unmoved	by	them.	In	disliking	things,	we	are	being	
the	two	factors	promotes	the	other.                           active,	 we	 are	 becoming	 emotional	 about	 them.	
	 Insight	 implies	 unobscured	 vision	 and	 conse-           They	manage	to	control	us	just	as	do	the	things	we
แสงธรรม 6        Saeng Dhamma
like,	affecting	each	of	us	in	a	different	way.	So	the	ex-    the	mind,	rendering	it	independent	and	incapable	
pression	“slavery	to	things”	refers	to	the	reactions	        of	becoming	bound,	enslaved,	overpowered	by	an-
of	liking	and	disliking.	All	this	shows	that	we	can	         ything	whatsoever,	including	God	in	heaven,	spirits,	
escape	from	slavery	to	things	and	become	free	by	            or	celestial	beings.	No	other	religion	is	prepared	to	
means of insight. The Buddha summed up this prin-            let	 the	 individual	 free	 himself	 completely,	 or	 be	
ciple	very	briefly	by	saying:	“Insight	is	the	means	by	      entirely	self	reliant	We	must	be	fully	aware	of	this	
which	we	can	purify	ourselves.”	He	did	not	specify	          principle	of	self-reliance,	which	is	a	key	feature	of	
morality	or	concentration	as	the	means	by	which	             Buddhism.
we	could	purify	ourselves,	but	insight,	which	ena-           	 As	soon	as	we	see	that	Buddhism	has	everything	
bles	us	to	escape,	which	liberates	us	from	things.	          that any other religion has and also several things
Not	freed	from	things,	one	is	impure,	tainted,	infat-        that	none	of	them	have,	we	realize	that	Buddhism	
uated,	passionate.	Once	free,	one	is	pure,	spotless,	        is for everyone. Buddhism is the universal religion.
enlightened,	tranquil.	This	is	the	fruit	of	insight,	the	    It	can	be	put	into	practice	by	everyone,	in	every	
condition	that	results	when	insight	has	done	its	job	        age	 and	 era.	 People	 everywhere	 have	 the	 same	
completely.                                                  problem:	to	free	themselves	from	suffering-suffer-
	 Have	a	good	look	at	this	factor,	insight,	the	third	       ing	which	is	inherent	in	birth,	aging,	pain	and	death,	
aspect	 of	 the	 threefold	 training.	 Get	 to	 know	 it,	   suffering	 which	 stems	 from	 desire,	 from	 grasping.	
and	you	will	come	to	regard	it	as	the	highest	vir-           Everyone	 without	 exception,	 celestial	 being,	 hu-
tue.	Buddhist	insight	is	insight	that	results	in	back-       man	being,	or	beast,	has	this	same	problem,	and	
ing	away	from	things	by	completely	destroying	the	           everyone	has	the	same	job	to	do,	namely	to	elimi-
four	kinds	of	attachment.	Those	four	attachments	            nate	completely	the	desire,	the	unskillful	grasping	
are	ropes	holding	us	fast;	insight	is	the	knife	that	        which	is	the	root	cause	of	that	suffering.	Thus	Bud-
can	cut	those	bonds	and	set	us	free.	With	the	four	          dhism is the universal religion.
attachments	gone,	there	is	nothing	left	to	bind	us	                                  The End
fast	to	things.	Will	these	three	modes	of	practice	
stand	the	test?	Are	they	soundly	based	and	suita-
ble	for	all	in	practice?	Do	examine	them.	When	you	
have	another	look	at	them	you	will	see	that	these	
three	factors	do	not	conflict	with	any	religious	doc-
trine	at	all,	assuming	that	the	religion	in	question	
really aims at remedying the problem of human
suffering.	The	Buddhist	teaching	does	not	conflict	
with	any	other	religion,	yet	it	has	some	things	that	
no	other	religion	has.	In	particular	it	has	the	prac-
tice	of	insight,	which	is	the	superlative	technique	
for	 eliminating	 the	 four	 attachments.	 It	 liberates	
                                                               ขอขอบคุณ Mr. Gary Henderson ทีชวยซ่อมแอร์วดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.
                                                                                             ่่          ั
แสงธรรม 7      Saeng Dhamma

                                      Helping Yourself
                                      To Help Others
                                                    by Ven. Prayudh Payutto

        ...Continued from last issue...
Sati and Vipassana                                          comes	the	past,	so	it	is	said	that	the	mind	which	

    T     he	practice	of	vipassana	meditation	em-
          phasizes	the	use	of	sati.	If	there	is	no	sati,	
pañña	cannot	function.	Sati	itself	has	many	dif-
                                                            proliferates has fallen into the past.
                                                            					Just	as	the	mind	falls	into	the	past,	it	can	
                                                            also	 float	 off	 and	 begin	 projecting	 fantasies	
ferent	functions.	First,	sati	allows	us	to	be	aware	        about	the	future.	The	mind	which	is	not	aware	in	
of	the	sensations	that	enter	our	consciousness	             the	present	moment	is	the	mind	which	delights	
as they arise. Usually our minds are trapped by             and	feels	averse.	The	mind,	either	delighting	or	
delight and aversion. When a sensation arises               feeling	averse,	must	clutch	onto	some	particu-
which	produces	pleasant	feeling	we	feel	happy	              lar	sensation.	As	soon	as	it	clutches	onto	any	
and	 we	 like	that	sensation.	If	another	type	of	           particular	sensation	it	falls	into	the	past,	even	if	
sensation	arises,	one	that	produces	unpleasant	             only	for	a	second.	
feeling,	we	don’t	like	it	and	give	in	to	aversion.	
Whenever	our	mind	delights	or	is	averse,	or	likes	          Keeping awareness in the present
or	dislikes	anything,	it	gets	stuck	on	that	sensa-              Delight and aversion arise dependent on
tion.	 The	 mind	 fixes	 itself	 onto	 the	 sensation	      some	 particular	 sensation.	 For	 instance,	 if	 we	
but,	being	temporary,	in	a	moment	the	sensa-                see	 something	 we	 like,	 the	 mind	 proliferates	
tion	 has	 passed,	 becoming	 a	 past	 experience.	         around	 that	 liking.	 If	 aversion	 or	 dislike	 takes	
Immediately	there	follows	a	new	sensation,	but	             over,	 the	 mind	 proliferates	 in	 a	 different	 way.	
the	mind,	being	stuck	on	the	sensation	which	               In	other	words,	the	mind	doesn’t	see	things	the	
just	passed,	does	not	follow	the	new	sensation	             way	they	are.	When	we	say	the	mind	doesn’t	
that	 is	 arising.	 That	 which	 has	 just	 passed	 be-     see	things	the	way	they	are,	we	mean	that	the
แสงธรรม 8      Saeng Dhamma
mind	is	under	the	influence	of	delight	and	aver-         ceeds	to	paint	things	into	something	more	than	
sion,	which	make	the	mind	either	fall	into	the	          what	they	are.	We	don’t	see	things	as	they	are.	
past	or	float	off	into	the	future.	Saying	that	the	      Without	the	staining	effect	of	desire	and	aver-
mind falls into delight and aversion or saying           sion,	we	see	things	as	they	are.
that	the	mind	doesn’t	see	things	the	way	they	           	 Thus	 sati	 facilitates	 the	 arising	 of	 wisdom,	
are,	is	to	say	one	and	the	same	thing.	Either	way	       helping our mind not to fall into the past or
the	mind	does	not	have	awareness	with	each	              float	into	the	future	with	delight	and	aversion,	
sensation as it arises.                                  but	seeing	things	as	they	are,	which	is	a	function	
	 Now	 if	 we	 experience	 a	 sensation	 in	 the	        of	pañña,	wisdom.	
present	moment,	but	do	not	attach	to	it	with	            			 The	practice	of	satipatthana	is	said	to	help	
delight	or	aversion,	then	the	mind	will	simply	          eradicate	desire	and	aversion	and	to	see	things	
follow	 each	 sensation	 with	 awareness.	 Delight	      as	they	are.	Now	when	we	are	more	adept	at	
and	 aversion	 do	 not	 have	 a	 chance	 to	 arise,	     seeing	things	as	they	arise,	we	will	notice	their	
because	of	sati,	which	causes	the	mind	to	stay	          arising,	existence	and	cessation.	When	we	per-
with	the	present	moment.	                                ceive	the	various	sensations	coming	and	going	
                                                         as	 they	 do,	 we	 will	 be	 seeing	 the	 process	 by	
                                                         which	they	function,	seeing	that	they	are	con-
                                                         stantly	arising	and	ceasing.	They	are	imperma-
                                                         nent.	 Seeing	 impermanence	 (anicca)	 we	 will	
                                                         also	see	dukkha	(suffering)	and	anatta	(selfless-
                                                         ness),	the	Three	Characteristics.	So	the	practice	
                                                         of satipatthana on deeper levels enables us to
                                                         see	the	arising,	changing	and	dissolution	of	all	
                                                         things.	 This	 is	 seeing	 the	 Three	 Characteristics	
                                                         of	conditioned	existence,	which	is	the	arising	of	
    When the mind doesn’t proliferate under              wisdom.	 The	 mind	 will	 then	 no	 longer	 clutch	
the	influence	of	delight	and	aversion,	then	we	          on	to	or	be	influenced	by	external	sensations.	
do	not	see	things	through	the	“colored	glasses”	         The	mind	becomes	its	own	master	and	breaks	
of	our	likes	and	dislikes.	We	see	things	as	they	        free,	and	that	freedom	is	the	fruition	of	wisdom	
are.	It	is	said	that	all	things	in	this	world	are	sim-   development.
ply	as	they	are	in	themselves,	nothing	more.	But	        	 As	I	said	in	the	beginning	of	this	talk,	if	mind	
the	mind	defiled	by	delight	and	aversion	pro-            knows	the	truth	of	life,	the	disease	of	avijja	will
แสงธรรม 9     Saeng Dhamma
not	arise.	The	disease	of	the	mind	is	caused	by	          sive	experiencer,	but	also	learning	to	get	up	and	
avijja,	ignorance,	which	causes	the	mind	to	pro-          go	outside	to	meet	the	world	also.	This	means	
liferate.                                                 practicing	toward	the	world	in	a	good	way.
	 Now	this	is	the	practice	of	Buddhism.	Notice	           					One	who	practices	like	this	practices	correct-
that	it	all	relates	to	us.	The	practice	I’ve	been	        ly	in	relation	to	himself	and	also,	having	seen	
talking	about	here	is	based	on	this	fathom-long	          the	truth,	practices	in	the	world	in	such	a	way	as	
body.	The	truth	can	be	seen	right	here.	Living	           to	be	helpful,	not	harmful.	Helping	others	also	
in	this	world	we	experience	the	environment	as	           helps	us	to	develop	good	qualities	in	ourselves.	
sensations.	 If	 we	 don’t	 practice	 appropriately	      The	mind	tends	toward	skillful	reactions	in	its	
towards	those	sensations	we	experience	prob-              everyday	contact.
lems.                                                     					In	this	way	the	practicer	sees	the	relation-
                                                          ship	 between	 his	 own	 personal	 practice	 and	
                                                          the	practice	of	relating	to	the	world.	One	sees	
                                                           that	 all	 beings	 are	 related,	 and	 so	 deals	 with	
                                                          them	 with	 metta,	 goodwill,	 and	 karuna,	 com-
                                                          passion,	 helping	 them	 in	 their	 need.	 Further-
                                                          more,	we	understand	that	all	other	beings	are	
                                                          afflicted	with	the	same	illness	as	we	are,	they	
                                                          are	bound	by	the	Three	Characteristics	just	as	
                                                          we	are.	Therefore	it	is	proper	that	we	learn	to	
                                                          help	each	other	as	fellow	travelers	on	the	path	
	 In	one	sense,	it’s	almost	as	if	we	“lie	in	wait”	       of	practice.
for	 sensations	 to	 arise,	 and	 relate	 to	 them	 in	   					Dhamma	 practicers	 should	 therefore	 not	
such	a	way	as	to	not	give	rise	to	defilement.	It’s	       only	consider	the	right	way	to	relate	to	the	vari-
as	if	we	were	a	passive	receiver	of	sensations.	In	       ous	experiences	they	encounter	in	the	course	
this	sense	we	may	feel	we	should	sit	and	wait	            of	their	lives,	but	should	also	help	others.
for things to happen and do our best to avoid             					This	type	of	practice	was	recommended	by	
getting	involved	in	anything.	This	is	one	way	of	         the	Buddha,	even	up	to	the	level	of	those	who	
looking	at	Dhamma	practice.                               have	experienced	insight.	At	one	time	the	Bud-
					Another	way	is	to	use	our	practice	to	improve	       dha	compared	the	Stream	Enterer	(sotapanna)	
the	world,	by	training	to	see	it	in	a	more	skillful	      to	a	mother	cow.	The	cow	eats	grass	to	feed	
way.	So	the	initial	practice	is	not	only	to	be	a	pas-     itself,	and	also	to	feed	the	calf	which	follows
แสงธรรม 10      Saeng Dhamma
her	around.	“Eating	the	grass”	can	be	compared	            sorrow	and	all	human	suffering.	The	Buddha,	as	
to	 one’s	 own	 personal	 practice	 of	 Dhamma.	           a	 “surgeon,”	 cut	 out	 the	 arrowhead.	 We	 also	
Even	though	she	is	eating	grass,	the	mother	cow	           must	accept	the	responsibility	of	removing	our	
doesn’t	neglect	her	calf,	she	is	constantly	look-          own	 respective	 “arrows,”	 	 by	 practicing	 the	
ing	 after	 it	 and	 watchful	 to	 keep	 it	 from	 fall-   Dhamma.	If	we	practice	the	Dhamma	correctly	
ing	into	danger.	Likewise,	one	who	practices	the	          we	will	realize	the	real	benefit	of	the	Buddha’s	
teaching	of	Buddhism	practices	primarily	to	train	         “medicine.”
oneself	 in	 the	 correct	 practice,	 but	 also	 gives	    	 The	 Buddha	 has	 bequeathed	 us	 this	 well-
consideration	to	one’s	fellow	men	and	all	other	           expounded	 teaching.	 It	 remains	 up	 to	 us	 to	
beings,	so	 as	 to	 help	them	 with	 goodwill	 and	        make	the	most	of	his	kindness,	by	taking	up	that	
compassion.                                                teaching	and	practicing	accordingly.	In	this	way	
					So	this	fits	in	with	the	principle	I	mentioned	       we	can	cure	the	disease	of	the	five	khandhas,	
at	the	beginning	of	this	talk:	In	helping	oneself	         remove	the	arrow,	and	experience	peace,	clarity	
one	helps	others,	in	helping	others	one	helps	             and	purity,	which	is	the	goal	of	Buddhism.
oneself.	All	in	all	the	practice	boils	down	to	be-
having	in	the	right	manner,	both	to	oneself	and	                                The End
to	others.	In	this	way	Dhamma	practice	leads	to	
progress both for oneself and for others.

In conclusion

    T    oday	I	have	spoken	about	the	general	
         principles	 of	 Buddhist	 practice,	 begin-
ning	by	comparing	the	Buddha	to	a	doctor,	one	
who	 both	 administers	 medicine	 and	 also	 who	
operates.	“To	operate”	means	to	“remove	the	
dart.”		In	the	past,	one	of	the	most	important	
operations	was	performed	during	times	of	bat-
tle,	 when	 people	 were	 often	 shot	 by	 arrows,	            ศิษย์วดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. รุนจิว ร่วมแสดงมุทตาสักการะ
                                                                     ั              ่ ๋             ิ
sometimes	dipped	in	poison.	The	victims	would	                โดยการเล่นลำาตัด อย่างสนุกสนาน ได้รับเสียง
experience	great	agony	and	even	death	as	a	re-               ปรบมือเกรียวกราวจากผู้ชมล้นหลาม ควบคุมการ
sult	of	their	wounds.                                                  แสดงโดยคุณครูแต๊ก กัญญภัทร
	 The	Buddha	used	the	arrow	as	a	simile	for
แสงธรรม 11    Saeng Dhamma

                                       EVENING SITTING
                                                     By Ajahn Chah

       ...Continued from last issue...
                                                        dukkham and anatta. None of it is certain at all.”

   D       eveloping samadhi so that you can just sit Discard it right there.
           there and attach to blissful mental states
isn’t the true purpose of the practice. You must with-
draw from it. The Buddha said that you must fight
this war, not just hide out in a trench trying to avoid
the enemy’s bullets. When it’s time to fight, you re-
ally have to come out with guns blazing. Eventually
you have to come out of that trench. You can’t stay
sleeping there when it’s time to fight. This is the
way the practice is. You can’t allow your mind to
just hide, cringing in the shadows.
    I have described a rough outline of the prac-
tice. You as the practitioners must avoid getting
caught in doubts. Don’t doubt about the way of
practice. When there is happiness, watch the hap-
piness. When there is suffering, watch the suf-
fering. Having established awareness, make the
effort to destroy both of them. Let them go. Cast        I   would like to ask you about your practice.
                                                             You have all been practising meditation here,
them aside. Know the object of mind and keep but are you sure about the practice yet? Ask your-
letting it go. Whether you want to do sitting or selves, are you confident about the practice yet?
walking meditation it doesn’t matter. If you keep These days there are all sorts of meditation teachers
thinking, never mind. The important thing is to around, both monks and lay teachers, and I’m afraid
sustain moment to moment awareness of the it will cause you to be full of doubts and uncertainty
mind. If you are really caught in mental prolif- about what you are doing. This is why I am asking.
eration, then gather it all together, and contem- As far as Buddhist practice is concerned, there is
plate it in terms of being one whole, cutting it off really nothing greater or higher than these teachings
right from the start, saying, “All these thoughts, of the Buddha which you have been practising with
ideas and imaginings of mine are simply thought here. If you have a clear understanding of them, it
proliferation and nothing more. It’s all aniccam, will give rise to an absolutely firm and unwavering
แสงธรรม 12      Saeng Dhamma
peace in your heart and mind.                                When developing samādhi, fix attention on the
    Making the mind peaceful is known as practis-        breath and imagine that you are sitting alone with
ing meditation, or practising samādhi (concentra-        absolutely no other people and nothing else around
tion). The mind is something which is extremely          to bother you. Develop this perception in the mind,
changeable and unreliable. Observing from your           sustaining it until the mind completely lets go of the
practice so far, have you seen this yet? Some days       world outside and all that is left is simply the know-
you sit meditation and in no time at all the mind is     ing of the breath entering and leaving. The mind
calm, others, you sit and whatever you do there’s no     must set aside the external world. Don’t allow your-
calm - the mind constantly struggling to get away,       self to start thinking about this person who is sitting
until it eventually does. Some days it goes well,        over here, or that person who is sitting over there.
some days it’s awful. This is the way the mind dis-      Don’t give space to any thoughts that will give rise
plays these different conditions for you to see. You     to confusion or agitation in the mind - it’s better to
must understand that the eight factors of the Noble      throw them out and be done with them. There is no
Eight-fold Path (ariya magga) merge in sīla (moral       one else here, you are sitting all alone. Develop this
restraint), samādhi and paññā (wisdom). They don’t       perception until all the other memories, perceptions
come together anywhere else. This means that when        and thoughts concerning other people and things
you bring the factors of your practice together, there   subside, and you’re no longer doubting or wander-
must be sīla, there must be samādhi and there must       ing about the other people or things around you.
be paññā present together in the mind. It means that     Then you can fix your attention solely on the in-
in practising meditation right here and now, you are     breaths and out-breaths. Breathe normally. Allow
creating the causes for the Path to arise in a very      the in-breaths and the out-breaths to continue natu-
direct way.                                              rally, without forcing them to be longer or shorter,
    In sitting meditation you are taught to close        stronger or weaker than normal. Allow the breath
your eyes, so that you don’t spend your time look-       to continue in a state of normality and balance,
ing at different things. This is because the Buddha      and then sit and observe it entering and leaving the
was teaching that you should know your own mind.         body.
Observe the mind. If you close your eyes, your at-           Once the mind has let go of external mind-
tention will naturally be turned inwards towards the     objects, it means you will no longer feel disturbed
mind - the source of many different kinds of knowl-      by the sound of traffic or other noises. You won’t
edge. This is a way of training the mind to give rise    feel irritated with anything outside. Whether it’s
to samādhi.                                              forms, sounds or whatever, they won’t be a source
    Once sitting with the eyes closed, establish         of disturbance, because the mind won’t be paying
awareness with the breath - make awareness of            attention to them - it will become centred upon the
the breath more important than anything else. This       breath.
means you bring awareness to follow the breath,              If the mind is agitated by different things and
and by keeping with it, you will know that place         you can’t concentrate, try taking an extra-deep
which is the focal point of sati (mindfulness), the      breath until the lungs are completely full, and then
focal point of the knowing and the focal point of the    release all the air until there is none left inside. Do
mind’s awareness. Whenever these factors of the          this several times, then re-establish awareness and
path are working together, you will be able to watch     continue to develop concentration. Having re-estab-
and see your breath, feelings, mind and ārammana         lished mindfulness, it’s normal that for a period the
(mind-objects), as they are in the present moment.       mind will be calm, then change and become agitat-
Ultimately, you will know that place which is both       ed again. When this happens, make the mind firm,
the focal point of samādhi and the unification point     take another deep breath and subsequently expel all
of the path factors.                                     the air from your lungs. Fill the lungs to capacity
แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma
again for a moment and then re-establish mindful-         sitive in many different ways. You will see the mind
ness on the breathing. Fix sati on the in-breaths and     in the centre of that place (the breath), one-pointed
the out-breaths, and continue to maintain awareness       with awareness focused inwards, rather than turn-
in this way.                                              ing towards the world outside. The external world
     The practice tends to be this way, so it will have   gradually disappears from your awareness and the
to take many sittings and much effort before you          mind will no longer be going to perform any work
become proficient. Once you are, the mind will let        on the outside. It’s as if you’ve come inside your
go of the external world and remain undisturbed.          ‘house,’ where all your sense faculties have come
Mind-objects from the outside will be unable to           together to form one compact unit. You are at your
penetrate inside and disturb the mind itself. Once        ease and the mind is free from all external objects.
they are unable to penetrate inside, you will see         Awareness remains with the breath and over time it
the mind. You will see the mind as one object of          will penetrate deeper and deeper inside, becoming
awareness, the breath as another and mind-objects         progressively more refined. Ultimately, awareness
as another. They will all be present within the field     of the breath becomes so refined that the sensation
of awareness, centred at the tip of your nose. Once       of the breath seems to disappear. You could say ei-
sati is firmly established with the in-breaths and        ther that awareness of the sensation of the breath
out-breaths, you can continue to practise at your         has disappeared, or that the breath itself has disap-
ease. As the mind becomes calm, the breath, which         peared. Then there arises a new kind of awareness -
was originally coarse, correspondingly becomes            awareness that the breath has disappeared. In other
lighter and more refined. The object of mind also         words, awareness of the breath becomes so refined
becomes increasingly subtle and refined. The body         that it’s difficult to define it.
feels lighter and the mind itself feels progressively          So it might be that you are just sitting there and
lighter and unburdened. The mind lets go of exter-        there’s no breath. Really, the breath is still there,
nal mind-objects and you continue to observe inter-       but it has become so refined that it seems to have
nally.                                                    disappeared. Why? Because the mind is at its most
     From here onwards your awareness will be             refined, with a special kind of knowing. All that re-
turned away from the world outside and is direct-         mains is the knowing. Even though the breath has
ed inwards to focus on the mind. Once the mind            vanished, the mind is still concentrated with the
has gathered together and become concentrated,            knowledge that the breath is not there. As you con-
maintain awareness at that point where the mind           tinue, what should you take up as the object of med-
becomes focused. As you breathe, you will see             itation? Take this very knowing as the meditation
the breath clearly as it enters and leaves, sati will     object - in other words the knowledge that there is
be sharp and awareness of mind-objects and men-           no breath - and sustain this. You could say that a
tal activity will be clearer. At that point you will      specific kind of knowledge has been established in
see the characteristics of sīla, samādhi and paññā        the mind.
and the way in which they merge together. This is              At this point, some people might have doubts
known as the unification of the Path factors. Once        arising, because it is here that nimitta1 can arise.
this unification occurs, your mind will be free from      These can be of many kinds, including both forms
all forms of agitation and confusion. It will become      and sounds. It is here that all sorts of unexpected
one-pointed and this is what is known as samādhi.         things can arise in the course of the practice. If ni-
When you focus attention in just one place, in this       mitta do arise (some people have them, some don’t)
case the breath, you gain a clarity and awareness         you must understand them in accordance with the
because of the uninterrupted presence of sati. As         truth. Don’t doubt or allow yourself to become
you continue to see the breath clearly, sati will be-     alarmed.
come stronger and the mind will become more sen-               At this stage, you should make the mind un-
แสงธรรม 14      Saeng Dhamma
shakeable in its concentration and be especially           withdraw at your ease, rather than because you are
mindful. Some people become startled when they             feeling lazy, unenergetic or tired. You withdraw
notice that the breath has disappeared, because            from samādhi because it is the appropriate time to
they’re used to having the breath there. When it ap-       withdraw, and you come out of it at your will.
pears that the breath has gone, you might panic or             This is samādhi: you are relaxed and at your
become afraid that you are going to die. Here you          ease. You enter and leave it without any problems.
must establish the understanding that it is just the       The mind and heart are at ease. If you genuinely
nature of the practice to progress in this way. What       have samādhi like this, it means that sitting medita-
will you observe as the object of meditation now?          tion and entering samādhi for just thirty minutes or
Observe this feeling that there is no breath and sus-      an hour will enable you to remain cool and peaceful
tain it as the object of awareness as you continue to      for many days afterwards. Experiencing the effects
meditate. The Buddha described this as the firmest,        of samādhi like this for several days has a purify-
most unshakeable form of samādhi. There is just one        ing effect on the mind - whatever you experience
firm and unwavering                                                                      will become an object
object of mind. When                                                                     for contemplation. This
your practice of samādhi                                                                 is where the practice re-
reaches this point, there                                                                ally begins. It’s the fruit
will be many unusual                                                                     which arises as samādhi
and refined changes and                                                                  matures.
transformations taking                                                                       Samādhi performs
place within the mind,                                                                   the function of calm-
which you can be aware                                                                   ing the mind. Samādhi
of. The sensation of                                                                     performs one function,
the body will feel at its                                                                sīla performs one func-
lightest or might even                                                                   tion and paññā performs
disappear       altogether.                                                              another function. These
You might feel like you are floating in mid-air and        characteristics which you are focusing attention on
seem to be completely weightless. It might be like         and developing in the practice are linked, forming
you are in the middle of space and wherever you di-        a circle. This is the way they manifest in the mind.
rect your sense faculties they don’t seem to register      Sīla, samādhi and paññā arise and mature from the
anything at all. Even though you know the body is          same place. Once the mind is calm, it will become
still sitting there, you experience complete empti-        progressively more restrained and composed due to
ness. This feeling of emptiness can be quite strange.      the presence of paññā and the power of samādhi.
     As you continue to practise, understand that          As the mind becomes more composed and refined,
there is nothing to worry about. Establish this feel-      this gives rise to an energy which acts to purify sīla.
ing of being relaxed and unworried, securely in            Greater purity of sīla facilitates the development of
the mind. Once the mind is concentrated and one-           stronger and more refined samādhi, and this in turn
pointed, no mind-object will be able to penetrate or       supports the maturing of paññā. They assist each
disturb it, and you will be able to sit like this for as   other in this way. Each aspect of the practice acts as
long as you want. You will be able to sustain con-         a supporting factor for each other one - in the end
centration without any feelings of pain and discom-        these terms becoming synonymous. As these three
fort.                                                      factors continue to mature together, they form one
     Having developed samādhi to this level, you           complete circle, ultimately giving rise to Magga.
will be able to enter or leave it at will. When you        Magga is a synthesis of these three functions of the
do leave it, it’s at your ease and convenience. You        practice working smoothly and consistently togeth-
แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma
er. As you practise, you have to preserve this energy.    ter you get up from the formal sitting practice and
It is the energy which will give rise to vipassanā (in-   go about your business - walking, riding in cars and
sight) or paññā. Having reached this stage (where         so on - whenever your eyes see a form or your ears
paññā is already functioning in the mind, independ-       hear a sound, maintain awareness. As you experi-
ent of whether the mind is peaceful or not) paññā         ence mind-objects which give rise to liking and dis-
will provide a consistent and independent energy in       liking, try to consistently maintain awareness of the
the practice. You see that whenever the mind is not       fact that such mental states are impermanent and
peaceful, you shouldn’t attach, and even when it is       uncertain. In this way the mind will remain calm
peaceful, you shouldn’t attach. Having let go of the      and in a state of ‘normality’.
burden of such concerns, the heart will accordingly           As long as the mind is calm, use it to contem-
feel much lighter. Whether you experience pleasant        plate mind-objects. Contemplate the whole of this
mind-objects or unpleasant mind-objects, you will         form, the physical body. You can do this at any time
remain at ease. The mind will remain peaceful in          and in any posture: whether doing formal medita-
this way.                                                 tion practice, relaxing at home, out at work, or in
                                                          whatever situation you find yourself. Keep the med-
                                                          itation and the reflection going at all times. Just go-
                                                          ing for a walk and seeing dead leaves on the ground
                                                          under a tree can provide an opportunity to contem-
                                                          plate impermanence. Both we and the leaves are the
                                                          same: when we get old, we shrivel up and die. Oth-
                                                          er people are all the same. This is raising the mind
                                                          to the level of vipassanā, contemplating the truth of
                                                          the way things are, the whole time. Whether walk-
                                                          ing, standing, sitting or lying down, sati is sustained
                                                          evenly and consistently. This is practising medita-
                                                          tion correctly - you have to be following the mind
                                                          closely, checking it at all times.
                                                              Practising here and now at seven o’clock in the
    Another important thing is to see that when you       evening, we have sat and meditated together for an
stop doing the formal meditation practice, if there is    hour and now stopped. It might be that your mind
no wisdom functioning in the mind, you will give          has stopped practising completely and hasn’t con-
up the practice altogether without any further con-       tinued with the reflection. That’s the wrong way
templation, development of awareness or thought           to do it. When we stop, all that should stop is the
about the work which still has to be done. In fact,       formal meeting and sitting meditation. You should
when you withdraw from samādhi, you know clear-           continue practising and developing awareness con-
ly in the mind that you have withdrawn. Having            sistently, without letting up.
withdrawn, continue to conduct yourself in a nor-             I’ve often taught that if you don’t practise con-
mal manner. Maintain mindfulness and awareness            sistently, it’s like drops of water. It’s like drops of
at all times. It isn’t that you only practise medita-     water because the practice is not a continuous, un-
tion in the sitting posture - samādhi means the mind      interrupted flow. Sati is not sustained evenly. The
which is firm and unwavering. As you go about             important point is that the mind does the practice
your daily life, make the mind firm and steady and        and nothing else. The body doesn’t do it. The mind
maintain this sense of steadiness as the object of        does the work, the mind does the practice. If you
mind at all times. You must be practising sati and        understand this clearly, you will see that you don’t
sampajañña (all round knowing) continuously. Af-          necessarily have to do formal sitting meditation in
แสงธรรม 16      Saeng Dhamma
order for the mind to know samādhi. The mind is            becomes fully apparent. This would provide the im-
the one who does the practice. You have to experi-         petus for you to take a step back and change your
ence and understand this for yourself, in your own         ways. Then you would find some real peace. To ex-
mind.                                                      perience peace of mind you have to clearly see the
     Once you do see this for yourself, you will be        disadvantages and danger in such forms of behav-
developing awareness in the mind at all times and          iour. This is practising in the correct way. If you
in all postures. If you are maintaining sati as an         do a silent retreat for seven days, where you don’t
even and unbroken flow, it’s as if the drops of water      have to speak to or get involved with anybody, and
have joined to form a smooth and continuous flow           then go chatting, gossiping and overindulging for
of running water. Sati is present in the mind from         another seven months, how will you gain any real
moment to moment and accordingly there will be             or lasting benefit from those seven days of practise?
awareness of mind-objects at all times. If the mind             I would encourage all the lay people here, who
is restrained and composed with uninterrupted sati,        are practising to develop awareness and wisdom, to
you will know mind-objects each time that whole-           understand this point. Try to practise consistently.
some and unwholesome mental states arise. You              See the disadvantages of practising insincerely and
will know the mind that is calm and the mind that          inconsistently, and try to sustain a more dedicat-
is confused and agitated. Wherever you go you will         ed and continuous effort in the practice. Just this
be practising like this. If you train the mind in this     much. It can then become a realistic possibility that
way, it means your meditation will mature quickly          you might put an end to the kilesa (mental defile-
and successfully.                                          ments). But that style of not speaking and not play-
     Please don’t misunderstand. These days it’s           ing around for seven days, followed by six months
common for people to go on vipassanā courses               of complete sensual indulgence, without any mind-
for three or seven days, where they don’t have to          fulness or restraint, will just lead to the squander-
speak or do anything but meditate. Maybe you have          ing of any gains made from the meditation - there
gone on a silent meditation retreat for a week or          won’t be any thing left. It’s like if you were to go to
two, afterwards returning to your normal daily life.       work for a day and earned twenty pounds, but then
You might have left thinking that you’ve ‘done             went out and spent thirty pounds on food and things
vipassanā’ and, because you feel that you know             in the same day; where would there be any money
what it’s all about, then carry on going to parties,       saved? It would be all gone. It’s just the same with
discos and indulging in different forms of sensual         the meditation.
delight. When you do it like this, what happens?                This is a form of reminder to you all, so I will
There won’t be any of the fruits of vipassanā left by      ask for your forgiveness. It’s necessary to speak in
the end of it. If you go and do all sorts of unskilful     this way, so that those aspects of the practice which
things, which disturb and upset the mind, wasting          are at fault will become clear to you and according-
everything, then next year go back again and do an-        ly, you will be able to give them up. You could say
other retreat for seven days or a few weeks, then          that the reason why you have come to practise is to
come out and carry on with the parties, discos and         learn how to avoid doing the wrong things in the fu-
drinking, that isn’t true practice. It isn’t patipadā or   ture. What happens when you do the wrong things?
the path to progress.                                      Doing wrong things leads you to agitation and suf-
     You need to make an effort to renounce. You           fering, when there’s no goodness in the mind. It’s
must contemplate until you see the harmful effects         not the way to peace of mind. This is the way it is. If
which come from such behaviour. See the harm in            you practise on a retreat, not talking for seven days,
drinking and going out on the town. Reflect and            and then go indulging for a few months, no matter
see the harm inherent in all the different kinds of        how strictly you practised for those seven days, you
unskilful behaviour which you indulge in, until it         won’t derive any lasting value from that practice.
แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma
Practising that way, you don’t really get anywhere.             Actually, I’m not fond of giving talks like this.
Many places where meditation is taught don’t really        It’s because I feel sorry for you that I have to speak
get to grips with or get beyond this problem. Really,      critically. When you are doing the wrong things, it’s
you have to conduct your daily life in a consistently      my duty to tell you, but I’m speaking out of com-
calm and restrained way.                                   passion for you. Some people might feel uneasy
    In meditation you have to be constantly turn-          and think that I’m just scolding them. Really, I’m
ing your attention to the practice. It’s like planting a   not just scolding you for its own sake, I’m helping
tree. If you plant a tree in one place and after three     to point out where you are going wrong, so that you
days pull it up and plant it in a different spot, then     know. Some people might think, ‘Luang Por is just
after a further three days pull it up and plant it in      telling us off,’ but it’s not like that. It’s only once in
yet another place, it will just die without produc-        a long while that I’m able to come and give a talk -
ing anything. Practising meditation like this won’t        if I was to give talks like this everyday, you would
bear any fruit either. This is something you have          really get upset! But the truth is, it’s not you who
to understand for yourselves. Contemplate it. Try          gets upset, it’s only the kilesa that are upset. I will
it out for yourselves when you go home. Get a sap-         say just this much for now.
ling and plant it one spot, and after every few days,           -----------------------------------------------------
go and pull it up and plant it in a different place. It    Footnotes,
will just die without ever bearing any fruit. It’s the                              Nimitta 1
same doing a meditation retreat for seven days, fol-            Nimitta: a sign or appearance, that may take
lowed by seven months of unrestrained behaviour,           place in terms of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting,
allowing the mind to become soiled, and then going         touching or mental impression, and which arises
back to do another retreat for a short period, practis-    based on the citta (mind), rather than the relevant
ing strictly without talking and subsequently com-         sense faculty. Examples of nimitta include: the see-
ing out and being unrestrained again. As with the          ing or hearing of beings in other realms of exist-
tree, the meditation just dies - none of the whole-        ence, precognition, clairvoyance, etc.
some fruits are retained. The tree doesn’t grow, the
meditation doesn’t grow. I say practising this way                                The End
doesn’t bear much fruit.

   เปิดเรียนแล้ว.. โรงเรียนภาคฤดูร้อนวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี. (Summer School) ร่วมกับครูอาสาจาก
       คณะครุศาสตร์จุฬาฯ ผู้ปกครองที่สนใจ ส่งบุตรหลานมาร่วมกิจกรรมได้ตั้งแต่บัดนี้เป็นต้นไป
แสงธรรม 18         Saeng Dhamma
                 แนะนําครูอาสาสมัคร ปี ๒๕๕๓
                         นางสาวยุพา มาตยะขันธ์                                   นางสาวเสาวภา จันทร์สงค์
                         ชื่อเล่น ครูยุ                                          ชื่อเล่น ครูเอียร์
                         MISS YUPA MATTAYAKHAN                                   MISS SAOWAPA JANSONG
                         เกิดวันที่ ๒๕ มิถนายน ๒๕๑๖
                                          ุ                                      เกิดวันที่ ๑๔ พฤษภาคม ๒๕๑๔
                         อายุ ๓๗ ปี                                              อายุ ๓๙ ปี
                         การศึกษา ปริญญาตรี ศึกษา                                การศึกษา ปริญญาตรี
                         ศาสตรบัณฑิต (วิชาเอกภาษาไทย)                            สาขาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
                         มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำาแหง                                    สถาบันราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม
ปริญญาโท วิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (จิตวิทยาการให้คาปรึกษา)
                                               ำ         จังหวัดพิษณุโลก
             มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำาแหง                        ปริญญาโท สาขาวิชานิเทศการศึกษาและพัฒนาหลักสูตร
สถานที่ทำางาน โรงเรียนประชาอุทิศ (จันทาบอนุสรณ์)                      จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
สำานักงานเขตดอนเมือง กรุงเทพมหานคร ๑๐๒๑๐                 สถานที่ทำางาน โรงเรียนบ้านท่ามักกะสัง สำานักงานเขตพื้นที่
สอนระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๒-๓                          การศึกษาสุโขทัย เขต ๒ สอนระดับชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ ๑-๖
ตำาแหน่ง         ครู วิทยฐานะครูชำานาญการ                ตำาแหน่ง          ครู วิทยฐานะครูชำานาญการ
ภูมิลำาเนา       อำาเภออาจสามารถ จังหวัดร้อยเอ็ด         ภูมิลำาเนา        จังหวัดสุโขทัย
โทรศัพท์         ๐๘๗-๙๑๙๕๙๗๘                             โทรศัพท์          ๐๘๑-๓๘๒๕๐๒๕
    E-mail :                      E-mail :
                        นางสาวนราภรณ์ ขันธบุตร                                     นางสาวเจียมจิตร มะลิรส
                        ชื่อเล่น ครูภรณ์                                           ชื่อเล่น ครูนุ่น
                        MISS NARAPORN KHANTABUDR                                   MISS JIEMJIT MALIROS
                        เกิดวันที่ ๒๓ มกราคม ๒๕๑๕                                  เกิดวันที่ ๑๗ มิถุนายน ๒๕๒๐
                        การศึกษา ปริญญาตรี                                         อายุ ๓๓ ปี
                        สาขาพลศึกษา คณะศึกษาศาสตร์                                 การศึกษา ปริญญาตรี วิชาเอก
                        มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์                                     การประถมศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัย
                        ปริญญาตรี สาขารัฐประศาสน-                                  ศรีนครินทรวิโรฒประสานมิตร
ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช                      ปริญญาตรี รัฐศาสตร์ (บริหารรัฐกิจ) มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำาแหง
ปริญญาโท สาขาพลศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์              ปริญญาโท สาขาวิชานิเทศการศึกษาและพัฒนาหลักสูตร
ปริญญาเอก สาขาพลศึกษา คณะครุศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์ฯ                         จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
สถานที่ทำางาน สาขาพัฒนาสุขภาพ คณะศิลปศาสตร์              สถานที่ทำางาน โรงเรียนบ้านโนนสำาราญยางเรียน สำานักงาน
มหาวิทยาลัยแม่โจ้ จังหวัดเชียงใหม่                       เขตพืนทีการศึกษาหนองคายเขต ๓ สอนระดับชันประถมศึกษา ปีท่ ี ๑
                                                              ้ ่                                   ้
ตำาแหน่งผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ระดับ ๘                       ตำาแหน่ง          ครู คศ. ๑
ภูมิลำาเนา       จังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา                  ภูมิลำาเนา        จังหวัดหนองคาย
โทรศัพท์         ๐๘๓-๑๓๒๓๖๓๖                             โทรศัพท์          ๐๘๗-๐๖๗๘๘๑๐
   E-mail :                         E-mail :
แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma

    ขอแสดงความชื่นชมยินดีกับน้องๆ เยาวชน ที่จบการศึกษาระดับ High School
  ประจำาปี 2010 มีน้องบูม,-อานนท์-โอ๊ต-กาย-แอนตัน-แมทธิว-นิติ และน้องแทมมี่

พระเดชพระคุณหลวงตาชี ได้รับนิมนต์ไปเจริญพุทธมนต์ในงานแต่งงานของคุณทิพย์มณี วงศ์ปุกแก้ว กับคุณ
 Jean Paul Guill ซึ่งเป็นลูกสาวของเจ้าของร้านโพธ์ิสยาม โดยคุณนิรันดร์-คุณรัตนา วงศ์ปุกแก้ว เจ้าภาพ
แสงธรรม 20   Saeng Dhamma
        อนุโมทนาบุญ ขอบคุณทุกๆ ท่าน
                  งานทำาบุญอายุวัฒนมงคลธรรมสมโภช ๘๕ ปี

                      พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (สุรศักดิ์ ชีวานนฺโท)
                      วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี. มลรัฐแมรี่แลนด์ สหรัฐอเมริกา
                                     วันที่ ๑๐-๑๓ มิถุนายน พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓

     คณะสงฆ์วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี. พร้อมประธานจัดงาน และ
คณะกรรมการวัดไทยฯ ขอขอบคุณ ข้าราชการ พ่อค้า ประชาชน
สมาคม ร้านอาหาร ที่ช่วยกันบริจาคสิ่งของต่างๆ ตลอดจนคณะ
กรรมการทุกๆ แผนก ที่ทำางานเต็มความสามารถ ไม่เห็นแก่ความ
เหน็ดเหนื่อย เสียสละมาช่วยให้งานนี้สำาเร็จลุล่วงไปได้ด้วยดี ทางวัด
และคณะกรรมการฯ ไม่มีสิ่งอื่นประการใดตอบแทนในคุณงามความ
     ขออำานาจคุณพระศรีรัตนตรัย พระพุทธมงคลวิมลดีซี จงอำานวย
อวยชัยให้ทุกท่านประสบแต่ความสุข ความเจริญ ตลอดกาลนาน
แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma

         อนุโมทนาพิเศษ / Special Thanks
	 คณะสงฆ์และคณะกรรมกำรวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.	ขออนุโมทนำแด่สำธุชนทุกๆ	ท่ำน	ทีมจตศรัทธำถวำย
ภัตตำหำรเช้ำ-เพล	บริจำคสิงของ	เสียสละแรงกำย	แรงใจ	ก�ำลังสติปญญำ	และควำมสำมำรถเท่ำทีโอกำสจะอ�ำนวย	
                         ่                                  ั                        ่
ช่วยเหลือกิจกรรมของวัดด้วยดีเสมอมำ	 ท�ำให้วดของเรำมีควำมเจริญรุงเรืองก้ำวหน้ำมำโดยล�ำดับ	 จึงประกำศ
                                           ั                   ่
อนุโมทนำกับทุกๆ	ท่ำนมำ	ณ		โอกำสนี้		
� คุณนิด-คุณแก้ว ถวำย	Yogurt	และ	องุ่น
� คุณยายเสริมศรี เชื้อวงศ์		ถวำยน�้ำโค๊ก	๓	แพ็ค,	ไอศกรีม	๒	กล่องใหญ่

                    สิ่งของจำาเป็นที่ทางวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ต้องการใช้
� แผ่น CD-R, CD-RW, DVD, VCD เพื่อใช้ก๊อบปี้ธรรมะเผยแผ่ และงานข้อมูลเอกสารต่างๆ
� กระดาษเปเปอร์ทาวน์, น�้ายาซักผ้า
� กระดาษ Letter เพือใช้ปรินท์งานเอกสารต่างๆ ซึงในช่วงซัมเมอร์นี้ ทางวัดมีโครงการ
                   ่      ้                   ่
  โรงเรียนภาคฤดูร้อน จึงจ�าเป็นต้องใช้กระดาษเป็นจ�านวนมาก
� ถุงขยะใหญ่ขนาด ๑๓, ๓๒, ๔๒ Gallon และน�้าดื่ม

                     เจ้าภาพน้ำาดื่มถังใหญ่ ถวายประจำาทุกเดือน
	   คุณแม่สงวน	เกิดมี			 คุณจารุณี	พิทโยทัย		     			 คุณทัฬห์		อัตวุฒิ		
	   คุณบุณณ์ภัสสร				     คุณศรสวรรค์		พงศ์วรินทร์		   คุณละม้าย		
	   คุณประมวล		ทวีโชติ			 คุณณัฐกานต์		จารุกาญจน์			 คุณยายเสริมศรี		เชื้อวงศ์		
	   น.พ.	อรุณ	คุณสุมนา	สวนศิลป์พงศ์	 คุณนงเยาว์	เดชา				คุณบุญเลิง		วิสีปัตย์
แสงธรรม 22    Saeng Dhamma
             ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.

             Those	who	are	interested	in	Thai	Theravada	Buddhism	and	mem-
             bers	of	the	general	public	are	cordially	invited	to	Wat	Thai,	D.C.,	
             Temple	to	pay	their	respect	to	or	simply	view	the	Buddha	relics	on	
             display	in	the	chanting	hall.

        ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี.
             17 กรกฎาคม 2553
      พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี และคณะ
      All are welcome to participate in the
       next retreat which will be held on
                  July 17, 2010
แสงธรรม 23     Saeng Dhamma

                                       เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย
                                                         พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี)

                            นกมีขน คนมีเพือน
                          สหาโย อตฺถชาตสฺส     โหติ มิตฺตํ ปุนปฺปุนํ
                          สยํ กตานิ ปุญฺญานิ   ตํ มิตฺตํ สมฺปรายิกํ.
               สหายเป็นมิตรของคนที่มีความต้องการบ่อยๆ บุญทั้งหลายที่ตนเองทําแล้ว

       “นกมีขน คนมีเพือน” เป็นส�ำนวนไทยทีใช้พดกัน
                         ่                    ่ ู       ครำวจ�ำเป็น เพรำะงำนบำงอย่ำงคนเรำอำจจะท�ำคน
มำ ทุกยุค ทุกสมัย เพื่อเตือนใจให้ทุกคนยึดถือเป็นคติ     เดียวได้ส�ำเร็จ แต่งำนบำงอย่ำงอำจจะเหลือก�ำลังของ
ประจ�ำใจว่ำ เกิดมำเป็นคนแล้วต้องมีลักษณะ “นกมี          คนคนเดียวจะท�ำได้ ต้องอำศัยก�ำลังของคนหลำยคน
ขน คนมีเพื่อน” จึงจะท�ำให้เกิดมำเป็น “นก” เป็น          งำนนั้นจึงจะท�ำให้ส�ำเร็จได้ด้วยดี ด้วยเหตุนี้ คนเรำจึง
“คน” นั้นมีประโยชน์ทั้งแด่ตนและคนอื่น ได้อย่ำง          จ�ำเป็นต้องมีเพือน มีมตร มีสหำย จนกลำยเป็นค่ำนิยม
                                                                        ่     ิ
มหำศำล หำประมำณมิได้ ถ้ำเกิดมำเป็น “นกไม่มีขน           ในสังคมทั่วๆ ไป ใครไม่มีเพื่อน ไม่มีมิตร ไม่มีสหำย ก็
คนไม่มีเพื่อน” แล้ว มันจะมีประโยชน์อะไร นกไม่มีขน       กลำยเป็นคนมีปมด้อยในทำงสังคม ขำดควำมนิยม
จะมีประโยชน์อะไร นอกจำกจะรอวันตำยเท่ำนั้น คน            นับถือในระหว่ำงเพื่อนฝูง ค�ำว่ำ “เพื่อน” ได้แก่คนที่
ไม่มีเพื่อนก็เหมือนนกไม่มีขนไม่มีผิด                    ร่วมกันอยู่ เช่น ร่วมอยู่ร่วมกิน ร่วมหลับร่วมนอน ร่วม
       คิดดูกันให้ดี มนุษย์เป็นสังคม นิยมอยู่กันแบบมี   กำรร่วมงำน ร่วมปรึกษำหำรือ รวมถึงคนที่ชอบพอกัน
เพือน มีมตร มีสหำยจนกลำยเป็นพรรคเป็นพวกขึนมำ
     ่      ิ                                     ้     มีสัญชำติหรือมีลักษณะอันเดียวกัน เป็นเพื่อนมนุษย์
ในภำยหลัง ควำมหวังที่ต้องมีเพื่อน มีมิตร มีสหำย ก็      ด้วยกัน เป็นต้น ส่วนคนที่ร่วมสุขร่วมทุกข์กันจริงๆ
   ่                               ้    ่               เรียกว่ำ “สหำย” นี่คือควำมหมำยตำมตัวอักษร ถึง
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010

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11 12-25 sujiibut
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Similaire à Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010

เชิญร่วมงานสาธยายพระไตรปิฎก วัดมเหยงคณ์ วันที่ 5 เดือน 5 2555
เชิญร่วมงานสาธยายพระไตรปิฎก วัดมเหยงคณ์ วันที่ 5 เดือน 5 2555เชิญร่วมงานสาธยายพระไตรปิฎก วัดมเหยงคณ์ วันที่ 5 เดือน 5 2555
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ระลึกบุญ มาฆบูชา 7 มีนาคม 2555
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ระลึกบุญ มาฆบูชา 7 มีนาคม 2555Carzanova
โพธิยาลัย เดือน มกราคม 2555
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สทส.๐๐๕ ๒๕๕๕(ประชุมสมัยสามัญประจำปี ๒๕๕๕สทส.๐๐๕ ๒๕๕๕(ประชุมสมัยสามัญประจำปี ๒๕๕๕
สทส.๐๐๕ ๒๕๕๕(ประชุมสมัยสามัญประจำปี ๒๕๕๕หนุ่มน้อย ดาร์จีลิ่ง
พุทธศาสนามหายานในไทยPadvee Academy
ติวศาสนา55Kwandjit Boonmak
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กำหนดการสัมมนา(จริง)Tongsamut vorasan
1 บทนำ - 9 มนต์ เพื่อความก้าวหน้า โดย ท่าน ว. วชิรเมธี
1 บทนำ - 9 มนต์ เพื่อความก้าวหน้า โดย ท่าน ว. วชิรเมธี1 บทนำ - 9 มนต์ เพื่อความก้าวหน้า โดย ท่าน ว. วชิรเมธี
1 บทนำ - 9 มนต์ เพื่อความก้าวหน้า โดย ท่าน ว. วชิรเมธีPanuwat Beforetwo
สไลด์ ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
สไลด์  ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...สไลด์  ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
สไลด์ ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...Prachoom Rangkasikorn
สไลด์ ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
สไลด์  ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...สไลด์  ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
สไลด์ ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...Prachoom Rangkasikorn

Similaire à Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010 (18)

Saeng Dhamma Vol.37 No. 435 July 2011
Saeng Dhamma Vol.37 No. 435 July  2011Saeng Dhamma Vol.37 No. 435 July  2011
Saeng Dhamma Vol.37 No. 435 July 2011
เชิญร่วมงานสาธยายพระไตรปิฎก วัดมเหยงคณ์ วันที่ 5 เดือน 5 2555
เชิญร่วมงานสาธยายพระไตรปิฎก วัดมเหยงคณ์ วันที่ 5 เดือน 5 2555เชิญร่วมงานสาธยายพระไตรปิฎก วัดมเหยงคณ์ วันที่ 5 เดือน 5 2555
เชิญร่วมงานสาธยายพระไตรปิฎก วัดมเหยงคณ์ วันที่ 5 เดือน 5 2555
ระลึกบุญ มาฆบูชา 7 มีนาคม 2555
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ระลึกบุญ มาฆบูชา 7 มีนาคม 2555
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No. 434 June 2011
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No. 434 June 2011 Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No. 434 June 2011
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No. 434 June 2011
โพธิยาลัย เดือน มกราคม 2555
โพธิยาลัย เดือน มกราคม 2555โพธิยาลัย เดือน มกราคม 2555
โพธิยาลัย เดือน มกราคม 2555
หนังสือแจ้งการประชุมฯสมัยสามัญ ๕๔
หนังสือแจ้งการประชุมฯสมัยสามัญ ๕๔หนังสือแจ้งการประชุมฯสมัยสามัญ ๕๔
หนังสือแจ้งการประชุมฯสมัยสามัญ ๕๔
สทส.๐๐๕ ๒๕๕๕(ประชุมสมัยสามัญประจำปี ๒๕๕๕
สทส.๐๐๕ ๒๕๕๕(ประชุมสมัยสามัญประจำปี ๒๕๕๕สทส.๐๐๕ ๒๕๕๕(ประชุมสมัยสามัญประจำปี ๒๕๕๕
สทส.๐๐๕ ๒๕๕๕(ประชุมสมัยสามัญประจำปี ๒๕๕๕
1 บทนำ - 9 มนต์ เพื่อความก้าวหน้า โดย ท่าน ว. วชิรเมธี
1 บทนำ - 9 มนต์ เพื่อความก้าวหน้า โดย ท่าน ว. วชิรเมธี1 บทนำ - 9 มนต์ เพื่อความก้าวหน้า โดย ท่าน ว. วชิรเมธี
1 บทนำ - 9 มนต์ เพื่อความก้าวหน้า โดย ท่าน ว. วชิรเมธี
สไลด์ ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
สไลด์  ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...สไลด์  ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
สไลด์ ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
สไลด์ ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
สไลด์  ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...สไลด์  ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
สไลด์ ความรู้เบื้องต้นและความสำคัญของศาสนพิธี ป.4+466+dltvsocp4+55t2soc p04 ...
ม.2 ภาคเรียนที่ 1
ม.2 ภาคเรียนที่ 1ม.2 ภาคเรียนที่ 1
ม.2 ภาคเรียนที่ 1

Plus de Wat Thai Washington, D.C.

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Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010

  • 1. ฉบับ ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้ แสงธรรม วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา Saeng Dhamma วันอาสาฬหบูชา ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๒๓ ประจำาเดือนกรกฎาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓ Vol.36 No.423 July 2010 วันเข้าพรรษา ปี ๒๕๕๓
  • 2. ศีลธรรมกลับมาเถิด ¾Ø·¸·ÒÊÀÔ¡¢Ø  กลับมาเถิด ศีลธรรมกลับมาเถิด กำลังเกิด ภัยร้าย อันใหญ่หลวง แก่สตว์โลก ทั่วถิ่น จักรวาลปวง ั น่าเป็นห่วง ความพินาศ ฉกาจเกิน  กลับมาเถิด ศีลธรรมกลับมาเถิด ในโลกเกิด กลียค อย่างฉุกเฉิน ุ หลงวัตถุ บ้าคลัง เกินบังเอิญ ่ มัวเพลิดเพลิน สิงกาลี มีกำลัง ่  กลับมาเถิด ศีลธรรม กลับมาเถิด ความเลวร้าย ลามเตลิด จวนหมดหวัง รีบกลับมา ทันเวลา พาพลัง มายับยัง ้ โลกไว้ ให้ทนกาลฯ ั  บทกลอนอันนี้ เป็นอุดมการณ์ในการเผยแพร่ธรรมของหลวงพ่อชีวานันทะ
  • 3. All are cordially invited to participate in the meditation programs and Buddhist activities at Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple Objectives 1. To promote Buddhist activities. 2. To foster Thai culture and traditions. 3. To inform the public of the monastery’s activities. 4. To maintain and promote brotherhood/sisterhood. 5. To provide a public relations center for Buddhists living in the United States. 6. To promote spiritual development and positive thinking. 7. to help acquire and inner peace. 8. Wat Thai Washington, D.C. temple is non political. Activity Day Time 1. Chanting Daily Morning and 6:00 - 6:45 A.M. Evening 6:00 - 6:45 P.M. 2. Dhamma Talk and Every Saturday 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. Meditation (in Thai) 3. Meditation and Dhamma Discussion (in Thai) Every Sunday 7:00 - 9:00 A.M. 4. Meditation and Dhamma Discussion (in English) Every Sunday 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. 5. Thai Language Classes Every Tuesday or Thursday 7:30 - 9:00 P.M. 6. Yoga - Meditation Every Friday 7:30 - 9:00 P.M. 7. Thai Music Class Every Saturday 10:00 - 4:00 P.M. 8. Thai Dance Class Every Saturday 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. 9. Buddhist Sunday School Every Sunday 12:45 - 3:30 P.M. All activities will be held at the upper or lower level of the main temple. For further information please contact Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple. Tel. (301)871-8660, (301)871-8661 Fax. (301)871-5007 E-mail:, URL.
  • 4. WAT THAI WASHINGTON, D.C. NON PROFIT ORG. 13440 Layhill Rd US POSTAGE Silver Spring MD 20906-3201 PAID SILVER SPRING, MD PERMIT NO.1388 Change Service Requested Attention: Subscriber if you are moving, please forward your new address to Wat Thai Washington,D.C. 13440 Layhill Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20906 -3201 ๒๕ ขอเชิญร่วมทำ�บุญ ก.ค. วันเข้าพรรษา - วันอาสาฬหบูชา ๕๓ • แห่เทียนพรรษา • ท�าบุญตักบาตร • ถวายภัตตาหารเพล • ถวายผ้าอาบน�้าฝน • ฟังพระธรรมเทศนา ขอเชิญร่วมทำาบุญตักบาตร ในช่วงเทศกาลเข้าพรรษา ทุกเช้าวันอาทิตย์ เวลา ๗.๐๐ น. ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.
  • 5. สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ แสงธรรม ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหำ พระพุทธศำสนำมีทำงแก้ วำรสำรธรรมะรำยเดือนที่เก่ำแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกำ ปีที่ 36 ฉบับที่ 423 ประจ�ำเดือนกรกฎำคม พ.ศ. 2553 Vol.36 No.423 July, 2010 Objectives : �To promote Buddhist activities. สำรบัญ �To foster Thai culture and tradition. �To inform the public of the temple’s activities. Contents �To promide a public relations center for Buddhists living in the United States. The Buddha’s Words................................................ 1 THE THREEFOLD TRAINING Ven. Buddhadasa............ 2 เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. Helping Yourself to Help Other....Ven. Prayudh Payutto..... 7 ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี Evening Sitting Ven. Ajanh Chah............................... 11 กองบรรณาธิการ : แนะน�ำครูอำสำสมัครจำกจุฬำฯ ปี ๒๕๕๓ ........................ 18 ดร.พระมหำถนัด อตฺถจำรี อนุโมทนำพิเศษ / Special Thanks............................. 21 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ ปภำกโร ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือนกรกฎำคม............................... 22 พระจรินทร์ อำภสฺสโร เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี 23 พระมหำเรืองฤทธิ์ สมิทฺธิญำโณ ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ เดือนมิถุนายน............... 30 พระสุริยำ เตชวโร เสียงธรรม... จากหลวงตาชี........................................ 32 พระมหำสรำวุธ สรำวุโธ ท่องแดนพระพุทธศำสนำ ๒,๓๐๐ ปี ดร.พระมหำถนัด 39 พระมหำประดู่ชัย ภทฺทธมฺโม บทความพิเศษ งดเหล้าเข้าพรรษา .......................... 43 พระมหำศรีสุพรณ์ อตฺตทีโป Thai Temple’s News...........โดย ดร.พระมหำถนัด 45 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์ พุทฺธรกฺขิโต รำยนำมผู้บริจำคเดือนมิถุนำยน .........Ven. Sarawut 48 รำยนำมผู้บริจำคออมบุญประจ�ำปีและเจ้ำภำพภัตตำหำรเช้ำ... 53 และอุบำสก-อุบำสิกำวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. รำยนำมเจ้ำภำพถวำยเพล / Lunch............................ 54 SAENG DHAMMA Magazine ก�ำหนดกำรท�ำบุญวันอำสำฬหบูชำ-วันเข้ำพรรษำ........ 62 is published monthly by Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple At 13440 Layhill Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20906 Photos taken by Tel. (301) 871-8660, 871-8661 Mr. Sam & Bank, Ms. Golf, Fax : 301-871-5007 Ven. Pradoochai, E-mail : Mr. Yuttachat, Homepage : Ven. Ananphiwat, Mr. Kevin, Radio Network : 2,500 Copies
  • 6. ถ้อยแถลง “ในหมู่มนุษย์ทั้งหลำย ผู้ที่ฝึกตนดีแล้ว ประเสริฐที่สุด” เป็นพุทธพจน์ที่ขอน�ำมำกล่ำวในวำระแห่งกำรเข้ำ พรรษำ ซึ่งถือเป็นช่วงเวลำแสวงหำ พัฒนำ เพิ่มเติมก�ำไรพิเศษแก่ชีวิต มนุษย์กับกำรพัฒนำเป็นสิ่งคู่กัน เป็นสิ่ง ทีตองท�ำให้เกิดขึน มีขนอยูเสมอๆ เพรำะเป็นสิงมีชวตทีพฒนำได้ ยกระดับได้ ดังนัน เมือเรำได้เกิดมำเป็นมนุษย์ ่้ ้ ึ้ ่ ่ ีิ ่ ั ้ ่ ได้พบพระพุทธศำสนำ ซึงถือว่ำเป็นกำรยำกยิงแล้ว จึงควรถือเป็นโอกำสในกำรยกระดับตัวเองให้สงขึน และป่วย ่ ่ ู ้ กำรที่จะกล่ำวอ้ำงโน่น อ้ำงนี่ ซึ่งไม่น่ำจะเป็นเหตุผลที่ฟังได้นอกจำกว่ำกิเลสได้จูงใจ ผูกมัดใจไว้จนไม่สำมำรถที่ จะกระท�ำได้ ช่วงเวลำ ๓ เดือน ฤดูกำลเข้ำพรรษำ จึงเป็นช่วงเวลำที่เหมำะสมอย่ำงยิ่งกับกำรอธิษฐำนจิตละเลิก สิ่งไม่ดี ปรำรถนำกระท�ำสิ่งดีๆ แล้วค่อยย้อนมำถึงกำรเปลี่ยนแปลงว่ำในระยะเวลำ ๓ เดือนนี้ ตัวเองมีอะไรที่ดี ขึนบ้ำง อะไรลด อะไรเพิมและหำกมองเห็นผลดี ก็สำมำรถท�ำสิงเหล่ำนันต่อไปในช่วงนอกพรรษำก็ยอมเป็นกำร ้ ่ ่ ้ ่ ดียิ่งขึ้นๆ อีก ในช่วงวันที ๙ มิถนำยนทีผำนมำ หลวงตำชีได้กล่ำวให้โอวำทเป็นอนุโมทนำกถำแก่มวลศิษย์ทมำร่วมท�ำวัตร ่ ุ ่่ ี่ สวดมนต์เย็นเพื่อเป็นกำรบูชำแด่หลวงตำที่มีอำยุครบ ๘๕ ปี จึงขอน�ำมำกล่ำวเพื่อเชิญชวนเพื่อนผู้อ่ำน “แสง ธรรม” สื่อเสียงธรรมะจำกวัดไทย ดี.ซี. รัฐอื่นๆ ได้รับทรำบและเป็นกำรเชิญชวนให้ศึกษำ ปฏิบัติ ไปด้วยกันคือ “คิดดี พูดดี ท�ำดี ท�ำให้ชีวี มีแต่ควำมสุข คิดถูก พูดถูก ท�ำถูก เป็นกำรเพำะปลูก ซึ่งควำมร่มเย็น คิดเป็น พูดเป็น ท�ำเป็น ท�ำให้ร่มเย็น ตลอดเวลำ คิดชอบ พูดชอบ ท�ำชอบ ท�ำให้ประกอบ กำรงำนรุ่งเรือง” “แสงธรรม” กรกฎำ เข้ำพรรษำ จึงใคร่เชิญชวนมวลญำติสนิท มิตรสหำยทั้งหลำย ได้ท�ำกำรศึกษำหำมุม มองตืนลึกแก่นแท้แห่งค�ำกลอนอันเป็นเสมือนค�ำให้พรจำกหลวงตำชี ในโอกำสท่ำนมีอำยุครบ ๘๕ ปี แล้วน�ำมำ ้ ปฏิบัติในชีวิตของท่ำนเพื่อควำมสุข สงบเย็นโดยทั่วหน้ำกันเถิด คณะผู้จัดท�า
  • 7. แสงธรรม 1 Saeng Dhamma The Buddha’s Words พุทธสุภาษิต คหการก ทิฏฺโฐสิ ปุน เคหํ น กาหสิ สพฺพา เต ผาสุกา ภคฺคา คหกูฏํ วิสงฺขตํ วิสงฺขารคตํ จิตฺตํ ตณฺหานํ ขยมชฺฌคา ฯ (๑๕๔) นายช่างเอย บัดนีเราพบท่านแล้ว ท่านจะสร้างเรือนไม่ได้อก จันทัน อกไก่ ้ ี เราทําลายหมดแล้ว จิตของเราบรรลุนพพาน หมดความทะยานอยากแล้ว ิ O House Builder, you have been seen, you shall not build the house again. Your rafters have been broken, your ridge pole demolished too. My mind has now attained the Unconditioned and reached the end of all craving.
  • 8. แสงธรรม 2 Saeng Dhamma THE THREEFOLD TRAINING by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu THE THREEFOLD TRAINING Just what is concentration? No doubt most of you I n this chapter we shall examine the method to be used for eliminating clinging. The method is based on three practical steps, namely Morality, have always understood concentration as imply- ing a completely tranquil mind, as steady and un- moving as a log of wood. But merely these two Concentration, and Insight, known collectively as characteristics of being tranquil and steady are not the Threefold Training. the real meaning of Concentration. The basis for The first step is morality (Sila). Morality is sim- this statement is an utterance of the Buddha. He ply suitable behavior, behavior that conforms with described the concentrated mind as fit for work the generally accepted standards and causes no (kammaniya), in a suitable condition for doing its distress to other people or to oneself. It is coded job. Fit for work is the very best way to describe the in the form of five moral precepts, or eight, or ten, properly concentrated mind. or 227, or in other ways. It is conducted by way The third aspect is the training in insight (Pan- of body and speech aimed at peace, convenience na), the practice and drill that gives rise to the full and freedom from undesirable effects at the most measure of right knowledge and understanding of basic level. It has to do with the members of a the true nature of all things. Normally we are inca- social group and the various pieces of property es- pable of knowing anything at all in its true nature. sential to living. Mostly we either stick to our own ideas or go along The second aspect of the threefold training is with popular opinion, so that what we see is not concentration (Samadhi). This consists in constrain- the truth at all. It is for this reason that Buddhist ing the mind to remain in the condition most con- practice includes this training in insight, the last as- ducive to success in whatever he wishes to achieve. pect of the threefold training, designed to give rise
  • 9. แสงธรรม 3 Saeng Dhamma to full understanding of and insight into the true nature of things. In the religious context, understanding and in- sight are not by any means the same. Understand- ing depends to some extent on the use of rea- soning, on rational intellection. Insight goes further than that. An object known by insight has been ab- sorbed; it has been penetrated to and confronted face to face; the mind has become thoroughly ab- sorbed in it through examination and investigation so sustained that there has arisen a non-rational the insight. It is a fact of nature that the presence of but genuine and heartfelt disenchantment with genuine, clear insight implies the presence of genu- that thing and a complete lack of emotional in- ine disenchantment. It is impossible that the process volvement in it. Consequently the Buddhist training should stop short at the point of clear insight. Dis- in insight does not refer to intellectual understand- enchantment displaces desire for the object, and is ing of the kind used in present day academic and bound to arise immediately. scholarly circles, where each individual can have his Training in morality is simply elementary prepar- own particular kind of truth. Buddhist insight must atory practice, which enables us to live happily and be intuitive insight clear and immediate, the result helps stabilize the mind. Morality yields various of having penetrated to the object by one means benefits, the most important being the preparing of or another, until it has made a definite and indel- the way for concentration. Other advantages, such ible impression on the mind. For this reason the as conducing to happiness or to rebirth as a celes- objects of scrutiny in insight training must be things tial being, were not considered by the Buddha to that one comes into contact with in the course of be the direct aims of morality. He regarded moral- everyday living; or at least they must be things of ity as primarily a means of inducing and developing sufficient importance to render the mind genuinely concentration. As long as things continue to disturb fed up and disenchanted with them as transient, the mind, it can never become concentrated. unsatisfactory and not selves. However much we Training in concentration consists in developing think rationally, evaluating the characteristics of the ability to control this mind of ours, to make use transience, unsatisfactoriness and non-selfhood, of it, to make it do its job to the best advantage. nothing results but intellectual understanding. Morality is good behavior in respect of body and There is no way it can give rise to disillusionment speech; concentration amounts to good behavior and disenchantment with worldly things. It must be in respect of the mind, and is the fruit of thorough understood that the condition of disenchantment mental training and discipline. The concentrated replaces that of desiring the formerly infatuatingly mind is devoid of all bad, defiling thoughts and does attractive object, and that this in itself constitutes not wander off the object. It is in a fit condition to
  • 10. แสงธรรม 4 Saeng Dhamma do its job. Even in ordinary worldly situations, con- degree of concentration appropriate to our abili- centration is always a necessity. No matter what ties. Ultimately we shall gain much better results we are engaged in, we can hardly do it successfully in our work than can the average man, simply be- unless the mind is concentrated. For this reason cause we have better tools at our disposal. So do the Buddha counted concentration as one of the take an interest in this matter of concentration and marks of a great man. Regardless of whether a man don’t go regarding it as something foolish and old- is to be successful in worldly or in spiritual things, fashioned. It is definitely something of the greatest the faculty of concentration is absolutely indispen- importance, something worth making use of at all sable. Take even a schoolboy. If he lacks concen- times, especially nowadays when the world seems tration, how can he do arithmetic? The sort of con- to be spinning too fast and on the point of going centration involved in doing arithmetic is natural up in flames. There is far more need for concentra- concentration and is only poorly developed. Con- tion now than there was in the time of the Buddha. centration as a basic element in Buddhist practice, Don’t get the idea that it is just something for the which is what we are discussing here, is concentra- people in temples, or for cranks. tion that has been trained and raised to a higher Now we come to the connection between the pitch than can develop naturally. Consequently, training in concentration and the training in insight. when the mind has been trained successfully, it The Buddha once said that when the mind is con- comes to have a great many very special abili- centrated, it is in a position to see all things as they ties, powers and attributes. A person who has really are. When the mind is concentrated and fit managed to derive these benefits from concen- for work, it will know all things in their true nature. tration can be said to have moved up a step to- lt. is a strange thing that the answer to any prob- wards knowing the secrets of nature. He knows lem a person is trying to solve is usually already how to control the mind, and thus has abilities present, though concealed, in his very own mind. not possessed by the average person. The per- He is not aware of it, because it is still only subcon- fection of morality is an ordinary human ability. scious; and as long as he is set on solving the prob- Even if someone makes a display of morality, lem, the solution will not come, simply because his it is never a superhuman display. On the other mind at that time is not in a fit condition for solving hand the attainment of deep concentration was problems. If, when setting about any mental work, classed by the Buddha as a superhuman abil- a person develops right concentration, that is, if he ity, which the bhikkhus were never to make a renders his mind fit for work, the solution to his display of. Anyone who did show off this ability problem will come to light of its own accord. The was considered no longer a good bhikkhu, or moment the mind has become concentrated, the even no longer a bhikkhu at all. answer will just fall into place. But should the solu- To attain concentration necessitates making sac- tion still fail to come, there exists another method rifices. We have to put up with varying degrees of for directing the mind to the examination of the hardship, to train and practice, until we have the problem, namely the practice of concentrated in-
  • 11. แสงธรรม 5 Saeng Dhamma trospection referred to as the training in insight. On quently disenchantment and boredom. It results in the day of his enlightenment the Buddha attained a backing away from all the things one has former- insight into the Law of Conditioned Origination, that ly been madly infatuated with. If one has insight, is, he came to perceive the true nature of things or yet still goes rushing after things, madly craving for the “what is what” and the sequence in which they them, grasping at and clinging on to them, being arise, as a result of being concentrated in the way infatuated with them., then it cannot be insight in we have just described. The Buddha has related the Buddhist sense. This stopping short and back- the story in detail, but essentially it amounts to ing away is, of course, not a physical action. One this: as soon as his mind doesn’t actually pick was well concentrated, things up and hurl them it was in a position to away or smash them to examine the problem. pieces, nor does one go It is just when the running off to live in the mind is quiet and cool, forest. This is not what in a state of well- be- is meant. Here we are ing, undisturbed, well referring specifically to concentrated and fresh, a mental stopping short that some solution to a and backing away, as persistent problem is ar- a result of which the rived at. Insight is always dependent on concentra- mind ceases to be a slave to things and becomes a tion though we may perhaps never have noticed free mind instead. This is what it is like when desire the fact. Actually the Buddha demonstrated an for things has given way to disenchantment. It isn’t association even more intimate than this between a matter of going and committing suicide, or going concentration and insight. He pointed out that con- off to live as a hermit in the forest, or setting fire centration is indispensable for insight, and insight, to everything. Outwardly one is as usual, behav- indispensable for concentration at a higher inten- ing quite normally with respect to things. Inwardly, sity than occurs naturally, requires the presence however, there is a difference. The mind is inde- of understanding of certain characteristics of the pendent, free, no longer a slave to things. This is mind. 0ne must know in just which way the mind the virtue of insight. The Buddha called this effect has to be controlled in order that concentration Deliverance, escape from slavery to things, in particu- may be induced. So the more insight a person has, lar the things we like. Actually we are enslaved by the the higher degree of concentration he will capable things we dislike too. We are enslaved insofar as we of. Likewise an increase in concentration results in cannot help disliking them and are unable to remain a corresponding increase in insight. Either one of unmoved by them. In disliking things, we are being the two factors promotes the other. active, we are becoming emotional about them. Insight implies unobscured vision and conse- They manage to control us just as do the things we
  • 12. แสงธรรม 6 Saeng Dhamma like, affecting each of us in a different way. So the ex- the mind, rendering it independent and incapable pression “slavery to things” refers to the reactions of becoming bound, enslaved, overpowered by an- of liking and disliking. All this shows that we can ything whatsoever, including God in heaven, spirits, escape from slavery to things and become free by or celestial beings. No other religion is prepared to means of insight. The Buddha summed up this prin- let the individual free himself completely, or be ciple very briefly by saying: “Insight is the means by entirely self reliant We must be fully aware of this which we can purify ourselves.” He did not specify principle of self-reliance, which is a key feature of morality or concentration as the means by which Buddhism. we could purify ourselves, but insight, which ena- As soon as we see that Buddhism has everything bles us to escape, which liberates us from things. that any other religion has and also several things Not freed from things, one is impure, tainted, infat- that none of them have, we realize that Buddhism uated, passionate. Once free, one is pure, spotless, is for everyone. Buddhism is the universal religion. enlightened, tranquil. This is the fruit of insight, the It can be put into practice by everyone, in every condition that results when insight has done its job age and era. People everywhere have the same completely. problem: to free themselves from suffering-suffer- Have a good look at this factor, insight, the third ing which is inherent in birth, aging, pain and death, aspect of the threefold training. Get to know it, suffering which stems from desire, from grasping. and you will come to regard it as the highest vir- Everyone without exception, celestial being, hu- tue. Buddhist insight is insight that results in back- man being, or beast, has this same problem, and ing away from things by completely destroying the everyone has the same job to do, namely to elimi- four kinds of attachment. Those four attachments nate completely the desire, the unskillful grasping are ropes holding us fast; insight is the knife that which is the root cause of that suffering. Thus Bud- can cut those bonds and set us free. With the four dhism is the universal religion. attachments gone, there is nothing left to bind us The End fast to things. Will these three modes of practice stand the test? Are they soundly based and suita- ble for all in practice? Do examine them. When you have another look at them you will see that these three factors do not conflict with any religious doc- trine at all, assuming that the religion in question really aims at remedying the problem of human suffering. The Buddhist teaching does not conflict with any other religion, yet it has some things that no other religion has. In particular it has the prac- tice of insight, which is the superlative technique for eliminating the four attachments. It liberates ขอขอบคุณ Mr. Gary Henderson ทีชวยซ่อมแอร์วดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ่่ ั
  • 13. แสงธรรม 7 Saeng Dhamma Helping Yourself To Help Others by Ven. Prayudh Payutto ...Continued from last issue... Sati and Vipassana comes the past, so it is said that the mind which T he practice of vipassana meditation em- phasizes the use of sati. If there is no sati, pañña cannot function. Sati itself has many dif- proliferates has fallen into the past. Just as the mind falls into the past, it can also float off and begin projecting fantasies ferent functions. First, sati allows us to be aware about the future. The mind which is not aware in of the sensations that enter our consciousness the present moment is the mind which delights as they arise. Usually our minds are trapped by and feels averse. The mind, either delighting or delight and aversion. When a sensation arises feeling averse, must clutch onto some particu- which produces pleasant feeling we feel happy lar sensation. As soon as it clutches onto any and we like that sensation. If another type of particular sensation it falls into the past, even if sensation arises, one that produces unpleasant only for a second. feeling, we don’t like it and give in to aversion. Whenever our mind delights or is averse, or likes Keeping awareness in the present or dislikes anything, it gets stuck on that sensa- Delight and aversion arise dependent on tion. The mind fixes itself onto the sensation some particular sensation. For instance, if we but, being temporary, in a moment the sensa- see something we like, the mind proliferates tion has passed, becoming a past experience. around that liking. If aversion or dislike takes Immediately there follows a new sensation, but over, the mind proliferates in a different way. the mind, being stuck on the sensation which In other words, the mind doesn’t see things the just passed, does not follow the new sensation way they are. When we say the mind doesn’t that is arising. That which has just passed be- see things the way they are, we mean that the
  • 14. แสงธรรม 8 Saeng Dhamma mind is under the influence of delight and aver- ceeds to paint things into something more than sion, which make the mind either fall into the what they are. We don’t see things as they are. past or float off into the future. Saying that the Without the staining effect of desire and aver- mind falls into delight and aversion or saying sion, we see things as they are. that the mind doesn’t see things the way they Thus sati facilitates the arising of wisdom, are, is to say one and the same thing. Either way helping our mind not to fall into the past or the mind does not have awareness with each float into the future with delight and aversion, sensation as it arises. but seeing things as they are, which is a function Now if we experience a sensation in the of pañña, wisdom. present moment, but do not attach to it with The practice of satipatthana is said to help delight or aversion, then the mind will simply eradicate desire and aversion and to see things follow each sensation with awareness. Delight as they are. Now when we are more adept at and aversion do not have a chance to arise, seeing things as they arise, we will notice their because of sati, which causes the mind to stay arising, existence and cessation. When we per- with the present moment. ceive the various sensations coming and going as they do, we will be seeing the process by which they function, seeing that they are con- stantly arising and ceasing. They are imperma- nent. Seeing impermanence (anicca) we will also see dukkha (suffering) and anatta (selfless- ness), the Three Characteristics. So the practice of satipatthana on deeper levels enables us to see the arising, changing and dissolution of all things. This is seeing the Three Characteristics of conditioned existence, which is the arising of When the mind doesn’t proliferate under wisdom. The mind will then no longer clutch the influence of delight and aversion, then we on to or be influenced by external sensations. do not see things through the “colored glasses” The mind becomes its own master and breaks of our likes and dislikes. We see things as they free, and that freedom is the fruition of wisdom are. It is said that all things in this world are sim- development. ply as they are in themselves, nothing more. But As I said in the beginning of this talk, if mind the mind defiled by delight and aversion pro- knows the truth of life, the disease of avijja will
  • 15. แสงธรรม 9 Saeng Dhamma not arise. The disease of the mind is caused by sive experiencer, but also learning to get up and avijja, ignorance, which causes the mind to pro- go outside to meet the world also. This means liferate. practicing toward the world in a good way. Now this is the practice of Buddhism. Notice One who practices like this practices correct- that it all relates to us. The practice I’ve been ly in relation to himself and also, having seen talking about here is based on this fathom-long the truth, practices in the world in such a way as body. The truth can be seen right here. Living to be helpful, not harmful. Helping others also in this world we experience the environment as helps us to develop good qualities in ourselves. sensations. If we don’t practice appropriately The mind tends toward skillful reactions in its towards those sensations we experience prob- everyday contact. lems. In this way the practicer sees the relation- ship between his own personal practice and the practice of relating to the world. One sees that all beings are related, and so deals with them with metta, goodwill, and karuna, com- passion, helping them in their need. Further- more, we understand that all other beings are afflicted with the same illness as we are, they are bound by the Three Characteristics just as we are. Therefore it is proper that we learn to help each other as fellow travelers on the path In one sense, it’s almost as if we “lie in wait” of practice. for sensations to arise, and relate to them in Dhamma practicers should therefore not such a way as to not give rise to defilement. It’s only consider the right way to relate to the vari- as if we were a passive receiver of sensations. In ous experiences they encounter in the course this sense we may feel we should sit and wait of their lives, but should also help others. for things to happen and do our best to avoid This type of practice was recommended by getting involved in anything. This is one way of the Buddha, even up to the level of those who looking at Dhamma practice. have experienced insight. At one time the Bud- Another way is to use our practice to improve dha compared the Stream Enterer (sotapanna) the world, by training to see it in a more skillful to a mother cow. The cow eats grass to feed way. So the initial practice is not only to be a pas- itself, and also to feed the calf which follows
  • 16. แสงธรรม 10 Saeng Dhamma her around. “Eating the grass” can be compared sorrow and all human suffering. The Buddha, as to one’s own personal practice of Dhamma. a “surgeon,” cut out the arrowhead. We also Even though she is eating grass, the mother cow must accept the responsibility of removing our doesn’t neglect her calf, she is constantly look- own respective “arrows,” by practicing the ing after it and watchful to keep it from fall- Dhamma. If we practice the Dhamma correctly ing into danger. Likewise, one who practices the we will realize the real benefit of the Buddha’s teaching of Buddhism practices primarily to train “medicine.” oneself in the correct practice, but also gives The Buddha has bequeathed us this well- consideration to one’s fellow men and all other expounded teaching. It remains up to us to beings, so as to help them with goodwill and make the most of his kindness, by taking up that compassion. teaching and practicing accordingly. In this way So this fits in with the principle I mentioned we can cure the disease of the five khandhas, at the beginning of this talk: In helping oneself remove the arrow, and experience peace, clarity one helps others, in helping others one helps and purity, which is the goal of Buddhism. oneself. All in all the practice boils down to be- having in the right manner, both to oneself and The End to others. In this way Dhamma practice leads to progress both for oneself and for others. In conclusion T oday I have spoken about the general principles of Buddhist practice, begin- ning by comparing the Buddha to a doctor, one who both administers medicine and also who operates. “To operate” means to “remove the dart.” In the past, one of the most important operations was performed during times of bat- tle, when people were often shot by arrows, ศิษย์วดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. รุนจิว ร่วมแสดงมุทตาสักการะ ั ่ ๋ ิ sometimes dipped in poison. The victims would โดยการเล่นลำาตัด อย่างสนุกสนาน ได้รับเสียง experience great agony and even death as a re- ปรบมือเกรียวกราวจากผู้ชมล้นหลาม ควบคุมการ sult of their wounds. แสดงโดยคุณครูแต๊ก กัญญภัทร The Buddha used the arrow as a simile for
  • 17. แสงธรรม 11 Saeng Dhamma EVENING SITTING By Ajahn Chah ...Continued from last issue... dukkham and anatta. None of it is certain at all.” D eveloping samadhi so that you can just sit Discard it right there. there and attach to blissful mental states isn’t the true purpose of the practice. You must with- draw from it. The Buddha said that you must fight this war, not just hide out in a trench trying to avoid the enemy’s bullets. When it’s time to fight, you re- ally have to come out with guns blazing. Eventually you have to come out of that trench. You can’t stay sleeping there when it’s time to fight. This is the way the practice is. You can’t allow your mind to just hide, cringing in the shadows. I have described a rough outline of the prac- tice. You as the practitioners must avoid getting caught in doubts. Don’t doubt about the way of practice. When there is happiness, watch the hap- piness. When there is suffering, watch the suf- fering. Having established awareness, make the effort to destroy both of them. Let them go. Cast I would like to ask you about your practice. You have all been practising meditation here, them aside. Know the object of mind and keep but are you sure about the practice yet? Ask your- letting it go. Whether you want to do sitting or selves, are you confident about the practice yet? walking meditation it doesn’t matter. If you keep These days there are all sorts of meditation teachers thinking, never mind. The important thing is to around, both monks and lay teachers, and I’m afraid sustain moment to moment awareness of the it will cause you to be full of doubts and uncertainty mind. If you are really caught in mental prolif- about what you are doing. This is why I am asking. eration, then gather it all together, and contem- As far as Buddhist practice is concerned, there is plate it in terms of being one whole, cutting it off really nothing greater or higher than these teachings right from the start, saying, “All these thoughts, of the Buddha which you have been practising with ideas and imaginings of mine are simply thought here. If you have a clear understanding of them, it proliferation and nothing more. It’s all aniccam, will give rise to an absolutely firm and unwavering
  • 18. แสงธรรม 12 Saeng Dhamma peace in your heart and mind. When developing samādhi, fix attention on the Making the mind peaceful is known as practis- breath and imagine that you are sitting alone with ing meditation, or practising samādhi (concentra- absolutely no other people and nothing else around tion). The mind is something which is extremely to bother you. Develop this perception in the mind, changeable and unreliable. Observing from your sustaining it until the mind completely lets go of the practice so far, have you seen this yet? Some days world outside and all that is left is simply the know- you sit meditation and in no time at all the mind is ing of the breath entering and leaving. The mind calm, others, you sit and whatever you do there’s no must set aside the external world. Don’t allow your- calm - the mind constantly struggling to get away, self to start thinking about this person who is sitting until it eventually does. Some days it goes well, over here, or that person who is sitting over there. some days it’s awful. This is the way the mind dis- Don’t give space to any thoughts that will give rise plays these different conditions for you to see. You to confusion or agitation in the mind - it’s better to must understand that the eight factors of the Noble throw them out and be done with them. There is no Eight-fold Path (ariya magga) merge in sīla (moral one else here, you are sitting all alone. Develop this restraint), samādhi and paññā (wisdom). They don’t perception until all the other memories, perceptions come together anywhere else. This means that when and thoughts concerning other people and things you bring the factors of your practice together, there subside, and you’re no longer doubting or wander- must be sīla, there must be samādhi and there must ing about the other people or things around you. be paññā present together in the mind. It means that Then you can fix your attention solely on the in- in practising meditation right here and now, you are breaths and out-breaths. Breathe normally. Allow creating the causes for the Path to arise in a very the in-breaths and the out-breaths to continue natu- direct way. rally, without forcing them to be longer or shorter, In sitting meditation you are taught to close stronger or weaker than normal. Allow the breath your eyes, so that you don’t spend your time look- to continue in a state of normality and balance, ing at different things. This is because the Buddha and then sit and observe it entering and leaving the was teaching that you should know your own mind. body. Observe the mind. If you close your eyes, your at- Once the mind has let go of external mind- tention will naturally be turned inwards towards the objects, it means you will no longer feel disturbed mind - the source of many different kinds of knowl- by the sound of traffic or other noises. You won’t edge. This is a way of training the mind to give rise feel irritated with anything outside. Whether it’s to samādhi. forms, sounds or whatever, they won’t be a source Once sitting with the eyes closed, establish of disturbance, because the mind won’t be paying awareness with the breath - make awareness of attention to them - it will become centred upon the the breath more important than anything else. This breath. means you bring awareness to follow the breath, If the mind is agitated by different things and and by keeping with it, you will know that place you can’t concentrate, try taking an extra-deep which is the focal point of sati (mindfulness), the breath until the lungs are completely full, and then focal point of the knowing and the focal point of the release all the air until there is none left inside. Do mind’s awareness. Whenever these factors of the this several times, then re-establish awareness and path are working together, you will be able to watch continue to develop concentration. Having re-estab- and see your breath, feelings, mind and ārammana lished mindfulness, it’s normal that for a period the (mind-objects), as they are in the present moment. mind will be calm, then change and become agitat- Ultimately, you will know that place which is both ed again. When this happens, make the mind firm, the focal point of samādhi and the unification point take another deep breath and subsequently expel all of the path factors. the air from your lungs. Fill the lungs to capacity
  • 19. แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma again for a moment and then re-establish mindful- sitive in many different ways. You will see the mind ness on the breathing. Fix sati on the in-breaths and in the centre of that place (the breath), one-pointed the out-breaths, and continue to maintain awareness with awareness focused inwards, rather than turn- in this way. ing towards the world outside. The external world The practice tends to be this way, so it will have gradually disappears from your awareness and the to take many sittings and much effort before you mind will no longer be going to perform any work become proficient. Once you are, the mind will let on the outside. It’s as if you’ve come inside your go of the external world and remain undisturbed. ‘house,’ where all your sense faculties have come Mind-objects from the outside will be unable to together to form one compact unit. You are at your penetrate inside and disturb the mind itself. Once ease and the mind is free from all external objects. they are unable to penetrate inside, you will see Awareness remains with the breath and over time it the mind. You will see the mind as one object of will penetrate deeper and deeper inside, becoming awareness, the breath as another and mind-objects progressively more refined. Ultimately, awareness as another. They will all be present within the field of the breath becomes so refined that the sensation of awareness, centred at the tip of your nose. Once of the breath seems to disappear. You could say ei- sati is firmly established with the in-breaths and ther that awareness of the sensation of the breath out-breaths, you can continue to practise at your has disappeared, or that the breath itself has disap- ease. As the mind becomes calm, the breath, which peared. Then there arises a new kind of awareness - was originally coarse, correspondingly becomes awareness that the breath has disappeared. In other lighter and more refined. The object of mind also words, awareness of the breath becomes so refined becomes increasingly subtle and refined. The body that it’s difficult to define it. feels lighter and the mind itself feels progressively So it might be that you are just sitting there and lighter and unburdened. The mind lets go of exter- there’s no breath. Really, the breath is still there, nal mind-objects and you continue to observe inter- but it has become so refined that it seems to have nally. disappeared. Why? Because the mind is at its most From here onwards your awareness will be refined, with a special kind of knowing. All that re- turned away from the world outside and is direct- mains is the knowing. Even though the breath has ed inwards to focus on the mind. Once the mind vanished, the mind is still concentrated with the has gathered together and become concentrated, knowledge that the breath is not there. As you con- maintain awareness at that point where the mind tinue, what should you take up as the object of med- becomes focused. As you breathe, you will see itation? Take this very knowing as the meditation the breath clearly as it enters and leaves, sati will object - in other words the knowledge that there is be sharp and awareness of mind-objects and men- no breath - and sustain this. You could say that a tal activity will be clearer. At that point you will specific kind of knowledge has been established in see the characteristics of sīla, samādhi and paññā the mind. and the way in which they merge together. This is At this point, some people might have doubts known as the unification of the Path factors. Once arising, because it is here that nimitta1 can arise. this unification occurs, your mind will be free from These can be of many kinds, including both forms all forms of agitation and confusion. It will become and sounds. It is here that all sorts of unexpected one-pointed and this is what is known as samādhi. things can arise in the course of the practice. If ni- When you focus attention in just one place, in this mitta do arise (some people have them, some don’t) case the breath, you gain a clarity and awareness you must understand them in accordance with the because of the uninterrupted presence of sati. As truth. Don’t doubt or allow yourself to become you continue to see the breath clearly, sati will be- alarmed. come stronger and the mind will become more sen- At this stage, you should make the mind un-
  • 20. แสงธรรม 14 Saeng Dhamma shakeable in its concentration and be especially withdraw at your ease, rather than because you are mindful. Some people become startled when they feeling lazy, unenergetic or tired. You withdraw notice that the breath has disappeared, because from samādhi because it is the appropriate time to they’re used to having the breath there. When it ap- withdraw, and you come out of it at your will. pears that the breath has gone, you might panic or This is samādhi: you are relaxed and at your become afraid that you are going to die. Here you ease. You enter and leave it without any problems. must establish the understanding that it is just the The mind and heart are at ease. If you genuinely nature of the practice to progress in this way. What have samādhi like this, it means that sitting medita- will you observe as the object of meditation now? tion and entering samādhi for just thirty minutes or Observe this feeling that there is no breath and sus- an hour will enable you to remain cool and peaceful tain it as the object of awareness as you continue to for many days afterwards. Experiencing the effects meditate. The Buddha described this as the firmest, of samādhi like this for several days has a purify- most unshakeable form of samādhi. There is just one ing effect on the mind - whatever you experience firm and unwavering will become an object object of mind. When for contemplation. This your practice of samādhi is where the practice re- reaches this point, there ally begins. It’s the fruit will be many unusual which arises as samādhi and refined changes and matures. transformations taking Samādhi performs place within the mind, the function of calm- which you can be aware ing the mind. Samādhi of. The sensation of performs one function, the body will feel at its sīla performs one func- lightest or might even tion and paññā performs disappear altogether. another function. These You might feel like you are floating in mid-air and characteristics which you are focusing attention on seem to be completely weightless. It might be like and developing in the practice are linked, forming you are in the middle of space and wherever you di- a circle. This is the way they manifest in the mind. rect your sense faculties they don’t seem to register Sīla, samādhi and paññā arise and mature from the anything at all. Even though you know the body is same place. Once the mind is calm, it will become still sitting there, you experience complete empti- progressively more restrained and composed due to ness. This feeling of emptiness can be quite strange. the presence of paññā and the power of samādhi. As you continue to practise, understand that As the mind becomes more composed and refined, there is nothing to worry about. Establish this feel- this gives rise to an energy which acts to purify sīla. ing of being relaxed and unworried, securely in Greater purity of sīla facilitates the development of the mind. Once the mind is concentrated and one- stronger and more refined samādhi, and this in turn pointed, no mind-object will be able to penetrate or supports the maturing of paññā. They assist each disturb it, and you will be able to sit like this for as other in this way. Each aspect of the practice acts as long as you want. You will be able to sustain con- a supporting factor for each other one - in the end centration without any feelings of pain and discom- these terms becoming synonymous. As these three fort. factors continue to mature together, they form one Having developed samādhi to this level, you complete circle, ultimately giving rise to Magga. will be able to enter or leave it at will. When you Magga is a synthesis of these three functions of the do leave it, it’s at your ease and convenience. You practice working smoothly and consistently togeth-
  • 21. แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma er. As you practise, you have to preserve this energy. ter you get up from the formal sitting practice and It is the energy which will give rise to vipassanā (in- go about your business - walking, riding in cars and sight) or paññā. Having reached this stage (where so on - whenever your eyes see a form or your ears paññā is already functioning in the mind, independ- hear a sound, maintain awareness. As you experi- ent of whether the mind is peaceful or not) paññā ence mind-objects which give rise to liking and dis- will provide a consistent and independent energy in liking, try to consistently maintain awareness of the the practice. You see that whenever the mind is not fact that such mental states are impermanent and peaceful, you shouldn’t attach, and even when it is uncertain. In this way the mind will remain calm peaceful, you shouldn’t attach. Having let go of the and in a state of ‘normality’. burden of such concerns, the heart will accordingly As long as the mind is calm, use it to contem- feel much lighter. Whether you experience pleasant plate mind-objects. Contemplate the whole of this mind-objects or unpleasant mind-objects, you will form, the physical body. You can do this at any time remain at ease. The mind will remain peaceful in and in any posture: whether doing formal medita- this way. tion practice, relaxing at home, out at work, or in whatever situation you find yourself. Keep the med- itation and the reflection going at all times. Just go- ing for a walk and seeing dead leaves on the ground under a tree can provide an opportunity to contem- plate impermanence. Both we and the leaves are the same: when we get old, we shrivel up and die. Oth- er people are all the same. This is raising the mind to the level of vipassanā, contemplating the truth of the way things are, the whole time. Whether walk- ing, standing, sitting or lying down, sati is sustained evenly and consistently. This is practising medita- tion correctly - you have to be following the mind closely, checking it at all times. Practising here and now at seven o’clock in the Another important thing is to see that when you evening, we have sat and meditated together for an stop doing the formal meditation practice, if there is hour and now stopped. It might be that your mind no wisdom functioning in the mind, you will give has stopped practising completely and hasn’t con- up the practice altogether without any further con- tinued with the reflection. That’s the wrong way templation, development of awareness or thought to do it. When we stop, all that should stop is the about the work which still has to be done. In fact, formal meeting and sitting meditation. You should when you withdraw from samādhi, you know clear- continue practising and developing awareness con- ly in the mind that you have withdrawn. Having sistently, without letting up. withdrawn, continue to conduct yourself in a nor- I’ve often taught that if you don’t practise con- mal manner. Maintain mindfulness and awareness sistently, it’s like drops of water. It’s like drops of at all times. It isn’t that you only practise medita- water because the practice is not a continuous, un- tion in the sitting posture - samādhi means the mind interrupted flow. Sati is not sustained evenly. The which is firm and unwavering. As you go about important point is that the mind does the practice your daily life, make the mind firm and steady and and nothing else. The body doesn’t do it. The mind maintain this sense of steadiness as the object of does the work, the mind does the practice. If you mind at all times. You must be practising sati and understand this clearly, you will see that you don’t sampajañña (all round knowing) continuously. Af- necessarily have to do formal sitting meditation in
  • 22. แสงธรรม 16 Saeng Dhamma order for the mind to know samādhi. The mind is becomes fully apparent. This would provide the im- the one who does the practice. You have to experi- petus for you to take a step back and change your ence and understand this for yourself, in your own ways. Then you would find some real peace. To ex- mind. perience peace of mind you have to clearly see the Once you do see this for yourself, you will be disadvantages and danger in such forms of behav- developing awareness in the mind at all times and iour. This is practising in the correct way. If you in all postures. If you are maintaining sati as an do a silent retreat for seven days, where you don’t even and unbroken flow, it’s as if the drops of water have to speak to or get involved with anybody, and have joined to form a smooth and continuous flow then go chatting, gossiping and overindulging for of running water. Sati is present in the mind from another seven months, how will you gain any real moment to moment and accordingly there will be or lasting benefit from those seven days of practise? awareness of mind-objects at all times. If the mind I would encourage all the lay people here, who is restrained and composed with uninterrupted sati, are practising to develop awareness and wisdom, to you will know mind-objects each time that whole- understand this point. Try to practise consistently. some and unwholesome mental states arise. You See the disadvantages of practising insincerely and will know the mind that is calm and the mind that inconsistently, and try to sustain a more dedicat- is confused and agitated. Wherever you go you will ed and continuous effort in the practice. Just this be practising like this. If you train the mind in this much. It can then become a realistic possibility that way, it means your meditation will mature quickly you might put an end to the kilesa (mental defile- and successfully. ments). But that style of not speaking and not play- Please don’t misunderstand. These days it’s ing around for seven days, followed by six months common for people to go on vipassanā courses of complete sensual indulgence, without any mind- for three or seven days, where they don’t have to fulness or restraint, will just lead to the squander- speak or do anything but meditate. Maybe you have ing of any gains made from the meditation - there gone on a silent meditation retreat for a week or won’t be any thing left. It’s like if you were to go to two, afterwards returning to your normal daily life. work for a day and earned twenty pounds, but then You might have left thinking that you’ve ‘done went out and spent thirty pounds on food and things vipassanā’ and, because you feel that you know in the same day; where would there be any money what it’s all about, then carry on going to parties, saved? It would be all gone. It’s just the same with discos and indulging in different forms of sensual the meditation. delight. When you do it like this, what happens? This is a form of reminder to you all, so I will There won’t be any of the fruits of vipassanā left by ask for your forgiveness. It’s necessary to speak in the end of it. If you go and do all sorts of unskilful this way, so that those aspects of the practice which things, which disturb and upset the mind, wasting are at fault will become clear to you and according- everything, then next year go back again and do an- ly, you will be able to give them up. You could say other retreat for seven days or a few weeks, then that the reason why you have come to practise is to come out and carry on with the parties, discos and learn how to avoid doing the wrong things in the fu- drinking, that isn’t true practice. It isn’t patipadā or ture. What happens when you do the wrong things? the path to progress. Doing wrong things leads you to agitation and suf- You need to make an effort to renounce. You fering, when there’s no goodness in the mind. It’s must contemplate until you see the harmful effects not the way to peace of mind. This is the way it is. If which come from such behaviour. See the harm in you practise on a retreat, not talking for seven days, drinking and going out on the town. Reflect and and then go indulging for a few months, no matter see the harm inherent in all the different kinds of how strictly you practised for those seven days, you unskilful behaviour which you indulge in, until it won’t derive any lasting value from that practice.
  • 23. แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma Practising that way, you don’t really get anywhere. Actually, I’m not fond of giving talks like this. Many places where meditation is taught don’t really It’s because I feel sorry for you that I have to speak get to grips with or get beyond this problem. Really, critically. When you are doing the wrong things, it’s you have to conduct your daily life in a consistently my duty to tell you, but I’m speaking out of com- calm and restrained way. passion for you. Some people might feel uneasy In meditation you have to be constantly turn- and think that I’m just scolding them. Really, I’m ing your attention to the practice. It’s like planting a not just scolding you for its own sake, I’m helping tree. If you plant a tree in one place and after three to point out where you are going wrong, so that you days pull it up and plant it in a different spot, then know. Some people might think, ‘Luang Por is just after a further three days pull it up and plant it in telling us off,’ but it’s not like that. It’s only once in yet another place, it will just die without produc- a long while that I’m able to come and give a talk - ing anything. Practising meditation like this won’t if I was to give talks like this everyday, you would bear any fruit either. This is something you have really get upset! But the truth is, it’s not you who to understand for yourselves. Contemplate it. Try gets upset, it’s only the kilesa that are upset. I will it out for yourselves when you go home. Get a sap- say just this much for now. ling and plant it one spot, and after every few days, ----------------------------------------------------- go and pull it up and plant it in a different place. It Footnotes, will just die without ever bearing any fruit. It’s the Nimitta 1 same doing a meditation retreat for seven days, fol- Nimitta: a sign or appearance, that may take lowed by seven months of unrestrained behaviour, place in terms of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, allowing the mind to become soiled, and then going touching or mental impression, and which arises back to do another retreat for a short period, practis- based on the citta (mind), rather than the relevant ing strictly without talking and subsequently com- sense faculty. Examples of nimitta include: the see- ing out and being unrestrained again. As with the ing or hearing of beings in other realms of exist- tree, the meditation just dies - none of the whole- ence, precognition, clairvoyance, etc. some fruits are retained. The tree doesn’t grow, the meditation doesn’t grow. I say practising this way The End doesn’t bear much fruit. เปิดเรียนแล้ว.. โรงเรียนภาคฤดูร้อนวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี. (Summer School) ร่วมกับครูอาสาจาก คณะครุศาสตร์จุฬาฯ ผู้ปกครองที่สนใจ ส่งบุตรหลานมาร่วมกิจกรรมได้ตั้งแต่บัดนี้เป็นต้นไป
  • 24. แสงธรรม 18 Saeng Dhamma แนะนําครูอาสาสมัคร ปี ๒๕๕๓ นางสาวยุพา มาตยะขันธ์ นางสาวเสาวภา จันทร์สงค์ ชื่อเล่น ครูยุ ชื่อเล่น ครูเอียร์ MISS YUPA MATTAYAKHAN MISS SAOWAPA JANSONG เกิดวันที่ ๒๕ มิถนายน ๒๕๑๖ ุ เกิดวันที่ ๑๔ พฤษภาคม ๒๕๑๔ อายุ ๓๗ ปี อายุ ๓๙ ปี การศึกษา ปริญญาตรี ศึกษา การศึกษา ปริญญาตรี ศาสตรบัณฑิต (วิชาเอกภาษาไทย) สาขาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำาแหง สถาบันราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม ปริญญาโท วิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (จิตวิทยาการให้คาปรึกษา) ำ จังหวัดพิษณุโลก มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำาแหง ปริญญาโท สาขาวิชานิเทศการศึกษาและพัฒนาหลักสูตร สถานที่ทำางาน โรงเรียนประชาอุทิศ (จันทาบอนุสรณ์) จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย สำานักงานเขตดอนเมือง กรุงเทพมหานคร ๑๐๒๑๐ สถานที่ทำางาน โรงเรียนบ้านท่ามักกะสัง สำานักงานเขตพื้นที่ สอนระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๒-๓ การศึกษาสุโขทัย เขต ๒ สอนระดับชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ ๑-๖ ตำาแหน่ง ครู วิทยฐานะครูชำานาญการ ตำาแหน่ง ครู วิทยฐานะครูชำานาญการ ภูมิลำาเนา อำาเภออาจสามารถ จังหวัดร้อยเอ็ด ภูมิลำาเนา จังหวัดสุโขทัย โทรศัพท์ ๐๘๗-๙๑๙๕๙๗๘ โทรศัพท์ ๐๘๑-๓๘๒๕๐๒๕ E-mail : E-mail : นางสาวนราภรณ์ ขันธบุตร นางสาวเจียมจิตร มะลิรส ชื่อเล่น ครูภรณ์ ชื่อเล่น ครูนุ่น MISS NARAPORN KHANTABUDR MISS JIEMJIT MALIROS เกิดวันที่ ๒๓ มกราคม ๒๕๑๕ เกิดวันที่ ๑๗ มิถุนายน ๒๕๒๐ การศึกษา ปริญญาตรี อายุ ๓๓ ปี สาขาพลศึกษา คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ การศึกษา ปริญญาตรี วิชาเอก มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ การประถมศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัย ปริญญาตรี สาขารัฐประศาสน- ศรีนครินทรวิโรฒประสานมิตร ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช ปริญญาตรี รัฐศาสตร์ (บริหารรัฐกิจ) มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำาแหง ปริญญาโท สาขาพลศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ ปริญญาโท สาขาวิชานิเทศการศึกษาและพัฒนาหลักสูตร ปริญญาเอก สาขาพลศึกษา คณะครุศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์ฯ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย สถานที่ทำางาน สาขาพัฒนาสุขภาพ คณะศิลปศาสตร์ สถานที่ทำางาน โรงเรียนบ้านโนนสำาราญยางเรียน สำานักงาน มหาวิทยาลัยแม่โจ้ จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ เขตพืนทีการศึกษาหนองคายเขต ๓ สอนระดับชันประถมศึกษา ปีท่ ี ๑ ้ ่ ้ ตำาแหน่งผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ระดับ ๘ ตำาแหน่ง ครู คศ. ๑ ภูมิลำาเนา จังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา ภูมิลำาเนา จังหวัดหนองคาย โทรศัพท์ ๐๘๓-๑๓๒๓๖๓๖ โทรศัพท์ ๐๘๗-๐๖๗๘๘๑๐ E-mail : E-mail :
  • 25. แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma ขอแสดงความชื่นชมยินดีกับน้องๆ เยาวชน ที่จบการศึกษาระดับ High School ประจำาปี 2010 มีน้องบูม,-อานนท์-โอ๊ต-กาย-แอนตัน-แมทธิว-นิติ และน้องแทมมี่ พระเดชพระคุณหลวงตาชี ได้รับนิมนต์ไปเจริญพุทธมนต์ในงานแต่งงานของคุณทิพย์มณี วงศ์ปุกแก้ว กับคุณ Jean Paul Guill ซึ่งเป็นลูกสาวของเจ้าของร้านโพธ์ิสยาม โดยคุณนิรันดร์-คุณรัตนา วงศ์ปุกแก้ว เจ้าภาพ
  • 26. แสงธรรม 20 Saeng Dhamma อนุโมทนาบุญ ขอบคุณทุกๆ ท่าน งานทำาบุญอายุวัฒนมงคลธรรมสมโภช ๘๕ ปี พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (สุรศักดิ์ ชีวานนฺโท) วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี. มลรัฐแมรี่แลนด์ สหรัฐอเมริกา วันที่ ๑๐-๑๓ มิถุนายน พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓ คณะสงฆ์วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี. พร้อมประธานจัดงาน และ คณะกรรมการวัดไทยฯ ขอขอบคุณ ข้าราชการ พ่อค้า ประชาชน สมาคม ร้านอาหาร ที่ช่วยกันบริจาคสิ่งของต่างๆ ตลอดจนคณะ กรรมการทุกๆ แผนก ที่ทำางานเต็มความสามารถ ไม่เห็นแก่ความ เหน็ดเหนื่อย เสียสละมาช่วยให้งานนี้สำาเร็จลุล่วงไปได้ด้วยดี ทางวัด และคณะกรรมการฯ ไม่มีสิ่งอื่นประการใดตอบแทนในคุณงามความ ดีของท่าน ขออำานาจคุณพระศรีรัตนตรัย พระพุทธมงคลวิมลดีซี จงอำานวย อวยชัยให้ทุกท่านประสบแต่ความสุข ความเจริญ ตลอดกาลนาน เทอญ
  • 27. แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma อนุโมทนาพิเศษ / Special Thanks คณะสงฆ์และคณะกรรมกำรวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ขออนุโมทนำแด่สำธุชนทุกๆ ท่ำน ทีมจตศรัทธำถวำย ่ีิ ภัตตำหำรเช้ำ-เพล บริจำคสิงของ เสียสละแรงกำย แรงใจ ก�ำลังสติปญญำ และควำมสำมำรถเท่ำทีโอกำสจะอ�ำนวย ่ ั ่ ช่วยเหลือกิจกรรมของวัดด้วยดีเสมอมำ ท�ำให้วดของเรำมีควำมเจริญรุงเรืองก้ำวหน้ำมำโดยล�ำดับ จึงประกำศ ั ่ อนุโมทนำกับทุกๆ ท่ำนมำ ณ โอกำสนี้ � คุณนิด-คุณแก้ว ถวำย Yogurt และ องุ่น � คุณยายเสริมศรี เชื้อวงศ์ ถวำยน�้ำโค๊ก ๓ แพ็ค, ไอศกรีม ๒ กล่องใหญ่ สิ่งของจำาเป็นที่ทางวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ต้องการใช้ � แผ่น CD-R, CD-RW, DVD, VCD เพื่อใช้ก๊อบปี้ธรรมะเผยแผ่ และงานข้อมูลเอกสารต่างๆ � กระดาษเปเปอร์ทาวน์, น�้ายาซักผ้า � กระดาษ Letter เพือใช้ปรินท์งานเอกสารต่างๆ ซึงในช่วงซัมเมอร์นี้ ทางวัดมีโครงการ ่ ้ ่ โรงเรียนภาคฤดูร้อน จึงจ�าเป็นต้องใช้กระดาษเป็นจ�านวนมาก � ถุงขยะใหญ่ขนาด ๑๓, ๓๒, ๔๒ Gallon และน�้าดื่ม เจ้าภาพน้ำาดื่มถังใหญ่ ถวายประจำาทุกเดือน คุณแม่สงวน เกิดมี คุณจารุณี พิทโยทัย คุณทัฬห์ อัตวุฒิ คุณบุณณ์ภัสสร คุณศรสวรรค์ พงศ์วรินทร์ คุณละม้าย คุณประมวล ทวีโชติ คุณณัฐกานต์ จารุกาญจน์ คุณยายเสริมศรี เชื้อวงศ์ น.พ. อรุณ คุณสุมนา สวนศิลป์พงศ์ คุณนงเยาว์ เดชา คุณบุญเลิง วิสีปัตย์
  • 28. แสงธรรม 22 Saeng Dhamma ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ิ Those who are interested in Thai Theravada Buddhism and mem- bers of the general public are cordially invited to Wat Thai, D.C., Temple to pay their respect to or simply view the Buddha relics on display in the chanting hall. ปฏิบัติธรรมเดือนกรกฎาคม ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี. 17 กรกฎาคม 2553 นำาปฏิบัติโดย...หลวงตาชี พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี และคณะ All are welcome to participate in the next retreat which will be held on July 17, 2010
  • 29. แสงธรรม 23 Saeng Dhamma เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี) นกมีขน คนมีเพือน ่ สหาโย อตฺถชาตสฺส โหติ มิตฺตํ ปุนปฺปุนํ สยํ กตานิ ปุญฺญานิ ตํ มิตฺตํ สมฺปรายิกํ. สหายเป็นมิตรของคนที่มีความต้องการบ่อยๆ บุญทั้งหลายที่ตนเองทําแล้ว บุญนั้นจะเป็นมิตรในกาลข้างหน้า “นกมีขน คนมีเพือน” เป็นส�ำนวนไทยทีใช้พดกัน ่ ่ ู ครำวจ�ำเป็น เพรำะงำนบำงอย่ำงคนเรำอำจจะท�ำคน มำ ทุกยุค ทุกสมัย เพื่อเตือนใจให้ทุกคนยึดถือเป็นคติ เดียวได้ส�ำเร็จ แต่งำนบำงอย่ำงอำจจะเหลือก�ำลังของ ประจ�ำใจว่ำ เกิดมำเป็นคนแล้วต้องมีลักษณะ “นกมี คนคนเดียวจะท�ำได้ ต้องอำศัยก�ำลังของคนหลำยคน ขน คนมีเพื่อน” จึงจะท�ำให้เกิดมำเป็น “นก” เป็น งำนนั้นจึงจะท�ำให้ส�ำเร็จได้ด้วยดี ด้วยเหตุนี้ คนเรำจึง “คน” นั้นมีประโยชน์ทั้งแด่ตนและคนอื่น ได้อย่ำง จ�ำเป็นต้องมีเพือน มีมตร มีสหำย จนกลำยเป็นค่ำนิยม ่ ิ มหำศำล หำประมำณมิได้ ถ้ำเกิดมำเป็น “นกไม่มีขน ในสังคมทั่วๆ ไป ใครไม่มีเพื่อน ไม่มีมิตร ไม่มีสหำย ก็ คนไม่มีเพื่อน” แล้ว มันจะมีประโยชน์อะไร นกไม่มีขน กลำยเป็นคนมีปมด้อยในทำงสังคม ขำดควำมนิยม จะมีประโยชน์อะไร นอกจำกจะรอวันตำยเท่ำนั้น คน นับถือในระหว่ำงเพื่อนฝูง ค�ำว่ำ “เพื่อน” ได้แก่คนที่ ไม่มีเพื่อนก็เหมือนนกไม่มีขนไม่มีผิด ร่วมกันอยู่ เช่น ร่วมอยู่ร่วมกิน ร่วมหลับร่วมนอน ร่วม คิดดูกันให้ดี มนุษย์เป็นสังคม นิยมอยู่กันแบบมี กำรร่วมงำน ร่วมปรึกษำหำรือ รวมถึงคนที่ชอบพอกัน เพือน มีมตร มีสหำยจนกลำยเป็นพรรคเป็นพวกขึนมำ ่ ิ ้ มีสัญชำติหรือมีลักษณะอันเดียวกัน เป็นเพื่อนมนุษย์ ในภำยหลัง ควำมหวังที่ต้องมีเพื่อน มีมิตร มีสหำย ก็ ด้วยกัน เป็นต้น ส่วนคนที่ร่วมสุขร่วมทุกข์กันจริงๆ เพือเป็นอุบำยหำทำงช่วยเหลือเกือกูลซึงกันและกันใน ่ ้ ่ เรียกว่ำ “สหำย” นี่คือควำมหมำยตำมตัวอักษร ถึง