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Islam and Jihad
                                        Hand in Hand
                                        In The Name Of Allah,
                                    Go Out & Kill Jews, Christians,
                                         Buddhists & Hindus !

Over the last 1400 years, 270 million so called ”non-believers”
were murdered by Muslim Jihadists.

Islam destroyed the Christian Middle East and Christian North Africa.
It is estimated that more than 60 million Christians were slaughtered
during this conquest.

Also, half the Hindu civilization was annihilated and 80 million Hindus
were murdered. Islamic Jihad also destroyed over 10 million Buddhists.

          In other words, Islam is a killing machine !
             Today It's the Gun and the Qur'an (Koran)...
             Tomorrow It Will Be Nukes and the Qur'an…

                           ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION ?
 What an oxymoron! Since when is barbarism called civilization? Islam is an
anti-civilization cult par excellence. It destroyed every civilization it touched
and brought misery, poverty, ignorance, war in every country that it invaded!

                                    FACT :
There are many trouble spots around the world, but as a general rule, it's easy
  to make an educated guess at one of the participants: Muslims vs. Jews in
      "Palestine", Muslims vs. Hindus in Kashmir, Muslims vs. Christians in
     Africa, Muslims vs. Buddhists in Thailand, Muslims vs. Russians in the
                                 Caucasus, etc…
                   ISLAM: ”a Religion of Peace ? "
                 1.4 BILLION Muslims in the World
                        280 Million Americans
   7½ Million Israelis Surrounded by 350 Million Arab Muslims ! ! !

                                 FACT :
                    OVER THE LAST FIFTY YEARS ...
           The world population of Christians increased by 47%
           The world population of Buddhists increased by 63%
         The world population of Muslims increased by 235%
Intermarriage, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Nazi Holocaust,
 pogroms and over 100 years of unrelenting Arab/Islamic terrorism have
                                taken its toll.
  The State of Israel is the Jewish Peoples' last reservoir and stronghold
   against the end of a five thousand year history! Sadly, over the last
   fifty years, the world Jewish population has DECREASED by 4%.
Islam May Become The
           Greatest Murdering Force
                 In The History Of Mankind

The Muslims have a saying: "First destroy the Saturday People (Jews)...
 then the Sunday People (Christians)." And when the Muslims tire of
     killing or converting non-Muslims, they go after other Muslims!
 The ten-year Iran-Iraq War resulting in the deaths of over one million
 deserving Muslims was said to have been fought over a land dispute.
This is not entirely true for the underlying hatred between two conflicting
      views of Islam was the major spark that ignited this conflict.

  Most of the so-called "moderate" Arab nations are scared to death of
radical Islamic movements for they represent a most real physical threat
  to their continued absolute rule. For that reason alone, Saudi Arabia,
   Jordan, Kuwait and all the other fictitious kingdoms throughout the
  Middle East gladly pay cash AND lip service to the most vicious of the
          Arab, Palestinian and Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists.
 Among every four humans in the world, one of them is Muslim.
   Islam is now the second largest religious group in France,
                    Great Britain and USA !

There is no point in beating around the bush. The fact is that Islam is a
militant, intolerant, incendiary religion whose adherents, whenever they
establish "critical mass" of about 10 percent of a given population, begin
 to foment violence, revolt and Jihad . In essence, a declaration of war
           on Western Civilization. A kind of World War Three.

    The largest Muslim population, totaling 180 million, is in Indonesia.
It is followed by 125 million in Pakistan, Bangladesh with 109 million and
  India with 84 million. The remainder is spread through 100 countries.
Incredible , Muslims worshipping in the middle of a street in Great Britain.
Battleground Europe ...
            Do your Mathematics, dreamer !
     Every Western woman in Europe is producing an average of
    1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries is
  producing 3.6 children. The "youths" get ever more numerous,
   the non-youths get older. The fifty million Muslims of Europe
     will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.

 Across Western Europe 16 to 20 percent of babies are being born
   into Muslim families. By 2020 Muslims will account for 10% of
 the overall population of Europe. Within 20 years, Muslims will be
30% of France - in 30 or 40 years, a majority. In ten years, Muslims
  will be the majority in Spain and Italy. By 2025, one-third of all
             European children will be born to Muslims !
Don't think that Islamic activity is confined only to the Third
      World. Today, Muslims invade civilized countries under the
                   benign disguise of immigration.

  Their influence in Europe is growing steadily and will continue to
   do so unopposed until the Europeans finally wake up, although
     it's hard to tell if they can do it in time to save themselves.

 In fact, immigration accounted for 89 percent of Europe’s population
growth during the 1990s! When Christian society was mighty, Muslim
 society was timid. Western Christian countries have lost their fervor.

    Many have acquired Muslim fifth columns, which they tolerate
  regardless of insults to the host countries. But now the Europeans
   are starting to panic. Their women cannot possibly reproduce as
                 quickly as can fertile Muslim women!
Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in   Europe !
Great Britain
    In thirty years the Muslim population of Great Britain rose from 82,000 to
   two million.... a 25-fold increase... nearly one-half million Muslims in London
     alone! This Islamic invasion is obviated by the sight of over one thousand
 mosques littering the British landscape. Even London itself has become a main
launching pad for much of the pro-Islamic, pro-Arab and pro-Palestinian Internet
   propaganda! Over the past 20 years, Britain has become a headquarters for
          extremist Muslim clerics and a fertile recruitment ground for new
   followers. Counter-terrorism officials estimate that 10,000 to 15,000 Muslims
living in Britain are supporters of Al Qaeda. Among that number, officials believe
   that as many as 600 men were trained in camps connected with Al Qaeda in
 Afghanistan and elsewhere. In the last 30 years the Muslim population of Great
                       Britain rose from 82,000 to two million.
   Muslims in Britain have made it clear that they have no intention of
  assimilating. Seven percent of Muslims consider themselves British first, 81
 percent consider themselves Muslim first. Dr. Zaki Badwari, former Director of
 the Islamic Cultural Centre of London wrote, "A proselytizing religion like Islam
  cannot stand still. Islam endeavors to expand in Britain. It aims at bringing its
message to all corners of the earth. It hopes that one day the whole of humanity
                    will be one Muslim community, the Umma."
 Belgium, one of Europe's most legally tolerant regions...namely, the Dutch
language areas around Europe's most important west coast harbors, Antwerp
   and Rotterdam, Netherlands,... as the main breeding ground for Muslim
    fundamentalist terrorist groups. Osama bin Laden 's organization even
            runs shipping companies as fronts from Amsterdam.

 Something rotten in Denmark? How about the 200,000 Muslim immigrants
 trying to dictate their anti-Israel, anti-America and anti-Western values upon
 5 million Danes? Even though they represent only 4% of the population, the
   Muslims consume upwards of 40 percent of welfare spending. They also
account for 65-75% of the country's convicted rapists... with almost all victims
 non-Muslim Danes! Demographers have predicted that in just 40 years, one
 out of every three Danes will be Muslim. At this point, we're sure the Danes
  wish it were their Jewish population which was growing faster than rabbits
   on a hot tin roof. Jews are almost always model citizens! But the Danish
                     Jews unfortunately only number 6,000.
Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in   Europe !
Dateline Sweden: Cold temperatures have not discouraged Muslim immigration.
 One out of every 22 Swedes are now Muslims and Islam is the nation's second
 largest religion. Farewell to the blue-eye, blonde hair Swedish beauties! Of the
   nearly 9 million people in Sweden, 400,000 are Muslim, leading to a drastic
           increase in anti-Semitic acts against Sweden's 17,000 Jews.

   In Holland - the Netherlands - because of its total lack of anti-terrorism
     laws and its very high level of religious, cultural and judicial tolerance,
   Muslim-fundamentalist terrorist groups are allowed to thrive. The Muslims
    now number about 15% of the population. In 20 years' time the majority
   of Holland's under 18 year old children will be Muslim. In fact, 50 per cent
 of the newborns during the next twenty years will be Muslim! In Amsterdam,
  the most popular name for a newborn boy is Mohammed, and a majority of
    residents will be Muslim within 10 to 15 years. Within 20 years from now
    Holland most probably will have its first Muslim Moroccan Prime Minister.
                     A finger in the dike won't work anymore.
    Two million Muslims have soaked into Germany; one million into Italy;
   200,000 in Spain; 500,000 in Belgium...1/10th its entire population and
   1/4 of Brussels, its capitol city. Half of all babies born in Belgium are now
    Muslims! In total, 11,000,000 Muslims have saturated Western Europe!
     It now becomes clear just who is organizing and marching in Europe's
                 anti-Israel and anti-American demonstrations!

  In Italy, 95% of all rapists are Muslims. Eighty-five percent of all murderers
 are Muslims. Ah, such a wonderful religion of peace! What does the Pope and
  the rest of the Vatican Church have to say about this? Nothing! And what will
the ordinary Italian say when, in ten years, Muslims will be the majority in Italy!

For those of you who think the Swiss Guard is keeping tiny Switzerland free
 from Muslim infestation, think again. Switzerland is now 20 percent Muslim.
   Instead of hearing Heidi yodeling from atop the Alps, one hears Ahmed
                  chanting "Allahu Akbar" from his mosque!
Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in   Europe !
France is faring no better. In 1945, there were 100,000 Muslims in France.
A 50 fold increase since then, now has them numbering 7 million out of a total
population of 60 million! Muslims are already 25% of all French under the age
of 21. If present birth trends continue, by 2030 a quarter of France's people
will be Muslim, more than enough to determine who controls the national
parliament and executive. The nuclear-armed French military is already 15
percent Muslim. And if the French-Muslim birth rate continues as
projected, France will have a Muslim majority in less than 25 years! Another
telling statistic
is that although the Muslims are 12% of France's population, 70 percent of a
total of 60,775 prisoners in France are Muslims! All of France's urban suburbs
are being roamed by Muslim black African or Arabic gangs. One-fifth of all births
in France are Muslims! And Paris has the largest Arab community outside of the
Middle East! This is a result of a lenient immigration policy, high Muslim birthrate
and conversions. A very high proportion of French Muslims are in the underclass.
In fact, over one thousand Muslim neighborhoods are under monitoring
throughout France. Seven hundred of those Muslim neighborhoods are listed
as "violent" and nearly 400 hundred are listed as "very violent." Violence ranges
from rape (95% of rapists are Muslim), murder (85% of murderers are
Muslim), theft and looting of cars (58% committed by Muslims) and street
fighting to assault on teachers and civil servants.
 The Philippines is nearly 95% Catholic/Christian, yet the Muslim rebel
  group called Abu Sayyaf - Bearer of the Sword - have aligned with Bin
 Laden's al Qaeda and want their own independent Islamic Nation in the
southern island of Mindanao. Kidnapping for ransom is so common in the
 Philippines that the country has often been described as the kidnapping
                            capital of the world!
War Rages between Indonesian Muslims and the Christians in East Timor.
  Malaysia is another time-bomb ready to explode between Muslims and
               the minority Chinese and Indian populations.

Islamic terror has come to India’s streets and the new terrorists are not
preoccupied with the "liberation" of Kashmir from India, their objective is
 a wider Jihad aimed at changing India into an Islamic State. The Hindus
in India have met the Sword of Islam and have even been burnt alive for
  refusing to accept Islam. Estimates go as high as a Muslim kill rate of
   80,000,000 in Greater India! With 200 million Muslims being 20% of
            India's population, civil war can break out any time.
Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in   Europe !
 Indonesia is composed of seventeen thousand islands that stretch over five
 thousand miles along the equator. Most are Muslims but there are substantial
Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities. Christian churches were almost wiped
out in a single weekend in Indonesia. One of Indonesia's islands is Bali. Most of
Bali’s 3 million inhabitants are Hindu and hundreds of Hindu temples are part of
  its scenic beauty. Hundreds of thousands of annual vacationers flock to Bali's
   luxury resorts and beaches. On October 12, 2002, deadly explosions ripped
      through two popular nightclubs in the Kuta Beach area on Bali island, a
destination popular with international tourists. The death toll from the bombings
 rose to 202 of whom 88 Australian holidaymakers and 38 Indonesian citizens.
Various members of Jemaah Islamiyah, a violent Islamist group, were convicted
   in relations to the bombings and three individuals were sentenced to death.

   A Muslim separatist insurgency is taking place mainly in Yala, Pattani and
 Narathiwat , the three southernmost provinces of Thailand. Some call it a war,
   others describe the almost daily bombings, arson, beheadings and drive-by
  shootings as ethnic cleansing. More than 4 thousand people have died since
  this Muslim insurgency flared up in 2004 in these three southern provinces.
 In the former Soviet Union, breakaway Muslim republics (and their 55 million
  Muslims)... Chechnya, Daghestan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan...
  have sparked insurrection against Orthodox Russian regimes and by the year
 2050, Russia will be forced out of Central Asia by Islamic invaders from outside
   AND within - Muslims have a birth rate 5 times that of non-Muslim Russians.
   Within the next several decades, Russia will become a Muslim majority state.
       The Muslim population growth rate since 1989 is between 40 and 50
percent, depending on ethnic groups. Today Russia has about 8,000 mosques while
   15 years there were only 300 mosques. According to statistics, by the end of
              2015, number of mosques in Russia will cross 25,000.
    The Great Russian Bear may soon be driven into permanent hibernation.

                        West Bank & Gaza
  Even non-Muslim Christians under Palestinian-controlled areas - West Bank
 and Gaza - are not faring so well. Bethlehem was 70% Christian in the 1970’s.
 Today it is close to 70% Muslim. The growing Islamization of Palestinian society
 makes Christians very uncomfortable. The size of the Christian Arab community
       in the West Bank may have dropped by 50% since the mid-1990’s.
Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in   Europe !
Ten thousand Lebanese Christians were massacred in 1860’s, while over 100,000
  were killed in the Lebanese civil war of 1975-1990. Thousands of women were
 raped. That war was provoked by Yasser Arafat's PLO. This sort of violence and
  intolerance symbolizes treatment of Christians by Muslims in the Middle East.
 Instead of an international arrest warrant, Arafat received a Nobel Peace Prize!

                      CANADA DOESN'T HAVE A PRAYER !
   The U.S.- Canadian border is 4,000 miles long. Nearly all of this runs along
  territory which can never be fortified! Those seeking to sneak into the United
  States can do so by simply crossing waist high streams or forested areas. The
   earliest record of a Muslim presence in Canada dates back to 1871 when the
Canadian census recorded just 13 Muslim residents! One hundred and ten years
 later in 1981 there were 98,165 Muslims. And now, just 20 years after that last
census, there are 400,000 Muslims in Canada! There are more than 80 mosques
    in Canada, four of which are located in Ottawa alone. In fact, Muslims now
outnumber the Canadian-Jewish population and Islam is now the fastest-growing
           faith in Canada. One out of every fifty Canadians is a Muslim !
  Before Americans start pitying the poor Brits, they should checked their own
   neighborhoods! Besides Louis Farrakan's Nation of Islam, the Black Panther
    and New Black Panther Parties with all their black wanna-be Muslims, there
   are also REAL Muslims and their communities are springing up everywhere.
   In 1970 there were an estimated one-hundred thousand Muslims in the U.S.
   Today, a mere 34 years later, the number is approximately 7-10 million! More
       than a quarter of a million people of Arab descent live in southeastern
Michigan, making the area the second-largest Arab community outside the Middle
           One frightening example of their prolific growth in American is
 Dearborn, Michigan. Of a total population of 90,000 Dearborn residents, 25,000
   now Arabs. And of all the Dearborn children under the age of 18, a full 58%
  are Arabs. Other developing centers of Arab/Muslim growth are Florida, Texas,
               Every year huge and California. God Bless America!
                   New Jersey numbers of Arabs/Muslims from Saudi
Arabia, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, Egypt, Albania and dozens of other ethnic Muslim
 states who hate America swarm into the United States and add to the already
     increasing numbers of Arab/Muslim. Militant Islam is rapidly spreading its
      across America. These extremists are working hard and single-mindedly
       to turn America into an Islamic state, with the Koran as its foundation.
Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in   Europe !
    Every single Muslim country on this planet is brutal dictatorships. Make no
 mistake about it. Islam is on the move and is prepared to extinguish any and
all civilizations that get in its way. Muslims are fundamentally non-assimilatible.
 Many foot soldiers of Islam have been sent to the four corners of the globe to
      "blend in" as "sleepers" and form future terror cells to await the call for
action. Islam stands out among "religions" for its murderous tendency wherever
   it builds up to "critical mass," typically 20% or more of a given population !
     (France, Belgium and the Balkans ALREADY have at least a 10% Muslim
population!) How many countries have been, or will be, partitioned or redrawn
                       to accommodate Islamic constituencies?
 With the world's Muslim population now DOUBLING every 35 years,
               the trends are clear and these processes are irreversible.
      Unless the civilized world resists and fights back, Muslims will
                   vanquish the planet within a few decades.

Only THEN will the "civilized world" know what devilish barbarism and
 uncompromising rigidity Israel has for so long been up against ! ! !
Islam has no
 place in Europe !

Actually, it has no
place in a civilized
world whatsoever !
                    Already long
WAR WITH ISLAM ?   irreversible ..!

      Not !
                                        Just a matter
                                          of time ..!

                                         God forbid ..!

                                      IS ISLAM AT WAR
                                          WITH US ?

                                         Oh, Yeah,
                                          Sure !

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The sword of militant islam

  • 1. THE SWORD OF MILITANT ISLAM Click Please have the patience to read through all the texts !
  • 2. Islam and Jihad Hand in Hand In The Name Of Allah, Go Out & Kill Jews, Christians, Buddhists & Hindus ! Over the last 1400 years, 270 million so called ”non-believers” were murdered by Muslim Jihadists. Islam destroyed the Christian Middle East and Christian North Africa. It is estimated that more than 60 million Christians were slaughtered during this conquest. Also, half the Hindu civilization was annihilated and 80 million Hindus were murdered. Islamic Jihad also destroyed over 10 million Buddhists. In other words, Islam is a killing machine !
  • 3. INFILTRATE, OVERWHELM, SUBJUGATE AND THEN DEVOUR Today It's the Gun and the Qur'an (Koran)... Tomorrow It Will Be Nukes and the Qur'an… ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION ? What an oxymoron! Since when is barbarism called civilization? Islam is an anti-civilization cult par excellence. It destroyed every civilization it touched and brought misery, poverty, ignorance, war in every country that it invaded! FACT : 90%-95% OF ALL THE CONFLICTS ON THIS PLANET TODAY INVOLVE MUSLIMS FIGHTING NON-MUSLIMS OR EACH OTHER ! There are many trouble spots around the world, but as a general rule, it's easy to make an educated guess at one of the participants: Muslims vs. Jews in "Palestine", Muslims vs. Hindus in Kashmir, Muslims vs. Christians in Africa, Muslims vs. Buddhists in Thailand, Muslims vs. Russians in the Caucasus, etc… ISLAM: ”a Religion of Peace ? "
  • 4. FACT : 1.4 BILLION Muslims in the World 280 Million Americans 7½ Million Israelis Surrounded by 350 Million Arab Muslims ! ! ! FACT : OVER THE LAST FIFTY YEARS ... The world population of Christians increased by 47% The world population of Buddhists increased by 63% The world population of Muslims increased by 235% Intermarriage, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Nazi Holocaust, pogroms and over 100 years of unrelenting Arab/Islamic terrorism have taken its toll. The State of Israel is the Jewish Peoples' last reservoir and stronghold against the end of a five thousand year history! Sadly, over the last fifty years, the world Jewish population has DECREASED by 4%.
  • 5. Islam May Become The Greatest Murdering Force In The History Of Mankind The Muslims have a saying: "First destroy the Saturday People (Jews)... then the Sunday People (Christians)." And when the Muslims tire of killing or converting non-Muslims, they go after other Muslims! The ten-year Iran-Iraq War resulting in the deaths of over one million deserving Muslims was said to have been fought over a land dispute. This is not entirely true for the underlying hatred between two conflicting views of Islam was the major spark that ignited this conflict. Most of the so-called "moderate" Arab nations are scared to death of radical Islamic movements for they represent a most real physical threat to their continued absolute rule. For that reason alone, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait and all the other fictitious kingdoms throughout the Middle East gladly pay cash AND lip service to the most vicious of the Arab, Palestinian and Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists.
  • 7. ATTAINING "CRITICAL MASS" Among every four humans in the world, one of them is Muslim. Islam is now the second largest religious group in France, Great Britain and USA ! There is no point in beating around the bush. The fact is that Islam is a militant, intolerant, incendiary religion whose adherents, whenever they establish "critical mass" of about 10 percent of a given population, begin to foment violence, revolt and Jihad . In essence, a declaration of war on Western Civilization. A kind of World War Three. The largest Muslim population, totaling 180 million, is in Indonesia. It is followed by 125 million in Pakistan, Bangladesh with 109 million and India with 84 million. The remainder is spread through 100 countries.
  • 8. Incredible , Muslims worshipping in the middle of a street in Great Britain.
  • 9. Battleground Europe ... Do your Mathematics, dreamer ! Every Western woman in Europe is producing an average of 1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries is producing 3.6 children. The "youths" get ever more numerous, the non-youths get older. The fifty million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. Across Western Europe 16 to 20 percent of babies are being born into Muslim families. By 2020 Muslims will account for 10% of the overall population of Europe. Within 20 years, Muslims will be 30% of France - in 30 or 40 years, a majority. In ten years, Muslims will be the majority in Spain and Italy. By 2025, one-third of all European children will be born to Muslims !
  • 10. Don't think that Islamic activity is confined only to the Third World. Today, Muslims invade civilized countries under the benign disguise of immigration. Their influence in Europe is growing steadily and will continue to do so unopposed until the Europeans finally wake up, although it's hard to tell if they can do it in time to save themselves. In fact, immigration accounted for 89 percent of Europe’s population growth during the 1990s! When Christian society was mighty, Muslim society was timid. Western Christian countries have lost their fervor. Many have acquired Muslim fifth columns, which they tolerate regardless of insults to the host countries. But now the Europeans are starting to panic. Their women cannot possibly reproduce as quickly as can fertile Muslim women!
  • 11. Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in Europe !
  • 12. Great Britain In thirty years the Muslim population of Great Britain rose from 82,000 to two million.... a 25-fold increase... nearly one-half million Muslims in London alone! This Islamic invasion is obviated by the sight of over one thousand mosques littering the British landscape. Even London itself has become a main launching pad for much of the pro-Islamic, pro-Arab and pro-Palestinian Internet propaganda! Over the past 20 years, Britain has become a headquarters for extremist Muslim clerics and a fertile recruitment ground for new followers. Counter-terrorism officials estimate that 10,000 to 15,000 Muslims living in Britain are supporters of Al Qaeda. Among that number, officials believe that as many as 600 men were trained in camps connected with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and elsewhere. In the last 30 years the Muslim population of Great Britain rose from 82,000 to two million. Muslims in Britain have made it clear that they have no intention of assimilating. Seven percent of Muslims consider themselves British first, 81 percent consider themselves Muslim first. Dr. Zaki Badwari, former Director of the Islamic Cultural Centre of London wrote, "A proselytizing religion like Islam cannot stand still. Islam endeavors to expand in Britain. It aims at bringing its message to all corners of the earth. It hopes that one day the whole of humanity will be one Muslim community, the Umma."
  • 13. Belgium Belgium, one of Europe's most legally tolerant regions...namely, the Dutch language areas around Europe's most important west coast harbors, Antwerp and Rotterdam, Netherlands,... as the main breeding ground for Muslim fundamentalist terrorist groups. Osama bin Laden 's organization even runs shipping companies as fronts from Amsterdam. Denmark Something rotten in Denmark? How about the 200,000 Muslim immigrants trying to dictate their anti-Israel, anti-America and anti-Western values upon 5 million Danes? Even though they represent only 4% of the population, the Muslims consume upwards of 40 percent of welfare spending. They also account for 65-75% of the country's convicted rapists... with almost all victims non-Muslim Danes! Demographers have predicted that in just 40 years, one out of every three Danes will be Muslim. At this point, we're sure the Danes wish it were their Jewish population which was growing faster than rabbits on a hot tin roof. Jews are almost always model citizens! But the Danish Jews unfortunately only number 6,000.
  • 14. Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in Europe !
  • 15. Sweden Dateline Sweden: Cold temperatures have not discouraged Muslim immigration. One out of every 22 Swedes are now Muslims and Islam is the nation's second largest religion. Farewell to the blue-eye, blonde hair Swedish beauties! Of the nearly 9 million people in Sweden, 400,000 are Muslim, leading to a drastic increase in anti-Semitic acts against Sweden's 17,000 Jews. Holland In Holland - the Netherlands - because of its total lack of anti-terrorism laws and its very high level of religious, cultural and judicial tolerance, Muslim-fundamentalist terrorist groups are allowed to thrive. The Muslims now number about 15% of the population. In 20 years' time the majority of Holland's under 18 year old children will be Muslim. In fact, 50 per cent of the newborns during the next twenty years will be Muslim! In Amsterdam, the most popular name for a newborn boy is Mohammed, and a majority of residents will be Muslim within 10 to 15 years. Within 20 years from now Holland most probably will have its first Muslim Moroccan Prime Minister. A finger in the dike won't work anymore.
  • 16. Germany Two million Muslims have soaked into Germany; one million into Italy; 200,000 in Spain; 500,000 in Belgium...1/10th its entire population and 1/4 of Brussels, its capitol city. Half of all babies born in Belgium are now Muslims! In total, 11,000,000 Muslims have saturated Western Europe! It now becomes clear just who is organizing and marching in Europe's anti-Israel and anti-American demonstrations! Italy In Italy, 95% of all rapists are Muslims. Eighty-five percent of all murderers are Muslims. Ah, such a wonderful religion of peace! What does the Pope and the rest of the Vatican Church have to say about this? Nothing! And what will the ordinary Italian say when, in ten years, Muslims will be the majority in Italy! Switzerland For those of you who think the Swiss Guard is keeping tiny Switzerland free from Muslim infestation, think again. Switzerland is now 20 percent Muslim. Instead of hearing Heidi yodeling from atop the Alps, one hears Ahmed chanting "Allahu Akbar" from his mosque!
  • 17. Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in Europe !
  • 18. France France is faring no better. In 1945, there were 100,000 Muslims in France. A 50 fold increase since then, now has them numbering 7 million out of a total population of 60 million! Muslims are already 25% of all French under the age of 21. If present birth trends continue, by 2030 a quarter of France's people will be Muslim, more than enough to determine who controls the national parliament and executive. The nuclear-armed French military is already 15 percent Muslim. And if the French-Muslim birth rate continues as projected, France will have a Muslim majority in less than 25 years! Another telling statistic is that although the Muslims are 12% of France's population, 70 percent of a total of 60,775 prisoners in France are Muslims! All of France's urban suburbs are being roamed by Muslim black African or Arabic gangs. One-fifth of all births in France are Muslims! And Paris has the largest Arab community outside of the Middle East! This is a result of a lenient immigration policy, high Muslim birthrate and conversions. A very high proportion of French Muslims are in the underclass. In fact, over one thousand Muslim neighborhoods are under monitoring throughout France. Seven hundred of those Muslim neighborhoods are listed as "violent" and nearly 400 hundred are listed as "very violent." Violence ranges from rape (95% of rapists are Muslim), murder (85% of murderers are Muslim), theft and looting of cars (58% committed by Muslims) and street fighting to assault on teachers and civil servants.
  • 19. Philippines The Philippines is nearly 95% Catholic/Christian, yet the Muslim rebel group called Abu Sayyaf - Bearer of the Sword - have aligned with Bin Laden's al Qaeda and want their own independent Islamic Nation in the southern island of Mindanao. Kidnapping for ransom is so common in the Philippines that the country has often been described as the kidnapping capital of the world! War Rages between Indonesian Muslims and the Christians in East Timor. Malaysia is another time-bomb ready to explode between Muslims and the minority Chinese and Indian populations. India Islamic terror has come to India’s streets and the new terrorists are not preoccupied with the "liberation" of Kashmir from India, their objective is a wider Jihad aimed at changing India into an Islamic State. The Hindus in India have met the Sword of Islam and have even been burnt alive for refusing to accept Islam. Estimates go as high as a Muslim kill rate of 80,000,000 in Greater India! With 200 million Muslims being 20% of India's population, civil war can break out any time.
  • 20. Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in Europe !
  • 21. Indonesia Indonesia is composed of seventeen thousand islands that stretch over five thousand miles along the equator. Most are Muslims but there are substantial Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities. Christian churches were almost wiped out in a single weekend in Indonesia. One of Indonesia's islands is Bali. Most of Bali’s 3 million inhabitants are Hindu and hundreds of Hindu temples are part of its scenic beauty. Hundreds of thousands of annual vacationers flock to Bali's luxury resorts and beaches. On October 12, 2002, deadly explosions ripped through two popular nightclubs in the Kuta Beach area on Bali island, a destination popular with international tourists. The death toll from the bombings rose to 202 of whom 88 Australian holidaymakers and 38 Indonesian citizens. Various members of Jemaah Islamiyah, a violent Islamist group, were convicted in relations to the bombings and three individuals were sentenced to death. Thailand A Muslim separatist insurgency is taking place mainly in Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat , the three southernmost provinces of Thailand. Some call it a war, others describe the almost daily bombings, arson, beheadings and drive-by shootings as ethnic cleansing. More than 4 thousand people have died since this Muslim insurgency flared up in 2004 in these three southern provinces.
  • 22. Russia In the former Soviet Union, breakaway Muslim republics (and their 55 million Muslims)... Chechnya, Daghestan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan... have sparked insurrection against Orthodox Russian regimes and by the year 2050, Russia will be forced out of Central Asia by Islamic invaders from outside AND within - Muslims have a birth rate 5 times that of non-Muslim Russians. Within the next several decades, Russia will become a Muslim majority state. The Muslim population growth rate since 1989 is between 40 and 50 percent, depending on ethnic groups. Today Russia has about 8,000 mosques while 15 years there were only 300 mosques. According to statistics, by the end of 2015, number of mosques in Russia will cross 25,000. The Great Russian Bear may soon be driven into permanent hibernation. West Bank & Gaza Even non-Muslim Christians under Palestinian-controlled areas - West Bank and Gaza - are not faring so well. Bethlehem was 70% Christian in the 1970’s. Today it is close to 70% Muslim. The growing Islamization of Palestinian society makes Christians very uncomfortable. The size of the Christian Arab community in the West Bank may have dropped by 50% since the mid-1990’s.
  • 23. Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in Europe !
  • 24. Lebanon Ten thousand Lebanese Christians were massacred in 1860’s, while over 100,000 were killed in the Lebanese civil war of 1975-1990. Thousands of women were raped. That war was provoked by Yasser Arafat's PLO. This sort of violence and intolerance symbolizes treatment of Christians by Muslims in the Middle East. Instead of an international arrest warrant, Arafat received a Nobel Peace Prize! Canada CANADA DOESN'T HAVE A PRAYER ! The U.S.- Canadian border is 4,000 miles long. Nearly all of this runs along territory which can never be fortified! Those seeking to sneak into the United States can do so by simply crossing waist high streams or forested areas. The earliest record of a Muslim presence in Canada dates back to 1871 when the Canadian census recorded just 13 Muslim residents! One hundred and ten years later in 1981 there were 98,165 Muslims. And now, just 20 years after that last census, there are 400,000 Muslims in Canada! There are more than 80 mosques in Canada, four of which are located in Ottawa alone. In fact, Muslims now outnumber the Canadian-Jewish population and Islam is now the fastest-growing faith in Canada. One out of every fifty Canadians is a Muslim !
  • 25. AMERICA'S ISLAMIZATION Before Americans start pitying the poor Brits, they should checked their own neighborhoods! Besides Louis Farrakan's Nation of Islam, the Black Panther and New Black Panther Parties with all their black wanna-be Muslims, there are also REAL Muslims and their communities are springing up everywhere. In 1970 there were an estimated one-hundred thousand Muslims in the U.S. Today, a mere 34 years later, the number is approximately 7-10 million! More than a quarter of a million people of Arab descent live in southeastern Michigan, making the area the second-largest Arab community outside the Middle East. One frightening example of their prolific growth in American is Dearborn, Michigan. Of a total population of 90,000 Dearborn residents, 25,000 are now Arabs. And of all the Dearborn children under the age of 18, a full 58% are Arabs. Other developing centers of Arab/Muslim growth are Florida, Texas, Every year huge and California. God Bless America! New Jersey numbers of Arabs/Muslims from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, Egypt, Albania and dozens of other ethnic Muslim states who hate America swarm into the United States and add to the already increasing numbers of Arab/Muslim. Militant Islam is rapidly spreading its tentacles across America. These extremists are working hard and single-mindedly to turn America into an Islamic state, with the Koran as its foundation.
  • 26. Unbelievable, this is not in the street of some Muslim country but in Europe !
  • 27. IT KEEPS GETTING WORSE ... Every single Muslim country on this planet is brutal dictatorships. Make no mistake about it. Islam is on the move and is prepared to extinguish any and all civilizations that get in its way. Muslims are fundamentally non-assimilatible. Many foot soldiers of Islam have been sent to the four corners of the globe to "blend in" as "sleepers" and form future terror cells to await the call for action. Islam stands out among "religions" for its murderous tendency wherever it builds up to "critical mass," typically 20% or more of a given population ! (France, Belgium and the Balkans ALREADY have at least a 10% Muslim population!) How many countries have been, or will be, partitioned or redrawn to accommodate Islamic constituencies? With the world's Muslim population now DOUBLING every 35 years, the trends are clear and these processes are irreversible. Unless the civilized world resists and fights back, Muslims will vanquish the planet within a few decades. Only THEN will the "civilized world" know what devilish barbarism and uncompromising rigidity Israel has for so long been up against ! ! !
  • 28. Islam has no place in Europe ! Actually, it has no place in a civilized world whatsoever !
  • 29. IS THE WEST AT Already long WAR WITH ISLAM ? irreversible ..! Definitely Not ! Just a matter of time ..! God forbid ..! IS ISLAM AT WAR WITH US ? Oh, Yeah, Sure !