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SULIT 015/1
Writo the number 30 028 in words.
Ittlis nontbor :;0 028 dalant perkaloon.
A l-hree hundred thousond ond
l'iga rolus ritsu duts puluh lupan
B I-hirlg lhousond ond lwenlu-eight
pulult ribu durJ puluh lapan
C Three thousond ond fwenlu-eighl
figa ribu dua pulult lapnn -
D 'Three
hundred ond lwenlg-eight
7 iglrt ralus dua lsuluh lapan
Wrile 'sixleen lhousond lwo hundred
orrd nine'in numerols.
l"ulis wtrskc l:agi 'onam belas ritsu rlua ralus
A t62q
B r6 209
c 6020q
D 61 20q
Susunkttn nombor-nontbor ilu dulant lefiil"s
A 77 7lt,II77t, t7 7tt,7t 7lt,
t7 lt7
B t77lt,t77t, t7 lt/,7t71t,
77 7|
c t7 lt7, |7-/1, t77|,7t711,
D |771,t7 l17, t77ll,7l7ll,
Whol is lhe volue of digil
in 42731'?
Apakoh nilaidigit / d<tlum 42 73|?
c 700
D 7000
Whot is the ploce volue o{ lhe
underlined digil in l!28q?
Apakah nilni lentpot bogi dign gdng
tligoriskan dalsrn I I ?89?
A r00
B r000
C Hundreds/Rotls
D Thousonds/Rrbu
Whol is .lhe ploce volue of lhe
underlined digil in cl2 87l?
Apakoh nilai lentpal bo97i tligt !Jan{}
digtariskun rlolnm t/)l 07 l'?
A Ones/So
B Hundreds/Rcrtus
C Thousonds/Rrbu
D Ten lhousondslPuluh ribu
di<rgrom shows o number wrillen
irr exlended nolotion.
il*jah berikttl ntenunjukkctn notnbor gancl
rlitttiis dtt|arn ben|uk cerekin.
. ;- :;: I ir:,: ,.,i..-, n i' :.: ]-. . :.,: . r.
63 208 =60;000+i3 900".fj'200'*1t
Whot is lhe volue of /?
lpckolt niloi l?
'D 100
numbels in oscending
'[he diogrom shows o lisl of numbers.
R$ be*kul ntenunjukkan selu senorqi
l,l:,Jt/ l;,:.
Arronge lhe
orrje; r.
SULIT 3 015/1
diagrorn sh<;ws c nurnber line.
tiititiii i:erikut ntenunjukktttr :tr;rft.i garis
:lon t{u}r
'.*'.--l''--'--.- l' --'_ -l..--' -::--i--- >
! x -1. u
rVhui is lhe sum of x und g?
ltutopaknh hosil lambah x clnn g'/
l2 Calculste the difference of * "tO L
l'lrtung beza onlarfl
dln -:-.
$ .tl
D: o-
13 Which of the following will give thc:
' l-*-L tsomeVolueqs
Antura gong heriktt, gang ntanakah skan
mernberikan nitui gang safiKt dengfln
r4 g*l--l=Z
Whol froction must be writlen in the
Apa4ah pecahan Aang mesti dilulis dctkuit
i i ilu?
l5 Which of lhe following muthemoliccl
slolements is correcl?
Antclra perngolodn malemalik gang berikut.
gang m.onokqh betul?
A **_,1=, c ,f'*=,
B i"'/O=' D -'irN;,,,'
/ '. 'q :?, a. /:-- '=
7 t.,
lt tl
'A*-+ c+-+
B +-+ D f *
l ;-(l
t3 ;;()
ro * n -f;,'-
I r -{i- -, -.1" .,
[J zr
I Lihat sebelah
16 C)wen look -j; hour io complele t;
ll ^
500 m roce whilc Dcrvid took
{ nout
to finish ihe somc roce. Cclculole lhe
tolol nurirkrer of hours token bg bolh of
lhem to finish the 500 m race.
vnbil !- iltn unlukt.)tltclt nlenq(. a -
ntelenqkcpkan iariatt lio ,1t semenlora
i..)ovi(! n'ingomOit i, jam larirtn gttttg
- sorna Hifung jurnlah bilangan iant gong
disntbil aleh nereko unluk rnelenEkapkon
larian 5AA nt.
17 Siti u.*r fr m of clolh ta moke o
showl onO 9 m to moke o belt. Whot
is the lotol length of the cloth lhot she
f:ili rnenggunokan-iUm kain unluk membuol
sehelqi selendangl don
I m untuk nembtnt
seulos loli pinggdng. Berapakah .jumbh
t)flnjang kain gang digmakan?
Aishc's cnd Algo's murn bought
ihem c coke eoch for lheir birthdcg'
Alshc gove one fourth ol her coke lo
Nazrni whereos Algo gove one fifth of
her coke lo'Nozli. F{ow much coke did
eoch of lhem hove left?
llttr Aisha dan Alga ntembelikan ntereko
seb$i kek seliap arang sempena hari jodi
mereka. Aisha memberikan salu per entpal
keknga kepado Nozmi manokrtlo Alga
memberikon satu per lima keknga kepada
Nazli. Beropokah boki kek ntasing-masing'l
There is I kg of rice in o conloiner.
Mrs. Foo rofes
f kg of rice. Mq. Roj
Colculole lhe
D"B €.
/ 6nr
lokes ^ kq of rice.
B *nn
omounl of rice thot is not been loken.
Terdopol t kg lseras di dalam sebualt
bekos. Puon Foa n'tengomAit
$ XA neras.
Puan Roi mengambil -r' kg bcras. llitung
amaun beras gang tidok diombil?
c **n
D *nn
Write 12.03 in words.
l"ulis 12.03 dalam perkatoon.
A Twelve lhousond ond lhree
Dtta belos ribttligo
I Twelve Poinl lhree zero
Dus belas perPuluhan ligo kasong
C Twelve poinl zero lhree
- Dua belos perpuluhon kosong tiga
D Twelve point thfee
Dua belas PerPultrhan liga
22 Whot is the Ploce volue of the
underlined digil in lB.2g?
AS:rskoh nilsi lernpot Isngi digtt lang
rlig';triskan dalarn I {}.28'/
A -fenslI'uiuh
B Tenlhs/Per.sepuluh
C Hundreds/Rolus
D HundredlhslPerseralus
23 Convsrt 0.75 toofroclion in1ls simplesl
litkarkan 0.75 kepado pecahan rlalnnt
l:entuk lennuriah.
Ai- c
24 Convert
,b- to o decimol.
Itrkcrrkon ',:i16 keAado nombor perpultrhon
c r.q
c t2B.B I
29 The dicgrom shows o number line.
Rajah yong berikuf menunjtt4kan solu goils
<-_J-t-l-f l-+->
7 .3,- 7 .t+2 7 .I+7 S f
Cslculote lhe sum of S ond L
tlitung hasi! tambsh bogi S dan T"
c r5. l4
D t6.94
A 7.q7
B t5.44
25 Which of the following is not correcl?
Anlsra gang berikul, gong monokoh tidsk
A lo =O.ol
B 3i =
c 24 =o.o2+
I 000
D *5- = 0.5
26 12.3+ 0.gB = 1:
A t 1.32 c, 13.28
B t23q D 22.10
27 Colculole lhe sum ol l4.2ond 16.29.
tlitung hasiltombuh bogi 14.2 dan 16119
A 30.50
B 30.4q
c 30.40
D 30.00
28 Colculole lhe sum of 0.08, 3"8, 12.q3
ond I 12.
fiitungl lrcsil fatnbah bogi A.08,:).8, i:lq':3
(lan ! 12.
A 1.45 r
H t4.5r
30 The toble shows lhe mosses of ihree
Jaduol berikut menuniukkan iisim ligo beg.
Whol is lhe lolol moss of bog P ond
bog O?
Berapokah junlah jisim beg P don beg Q?
A 30.2 kg
B 26.6 kg
3l 2-0.06+
A t.40
B t.c4
C 16.4 kg
D 24.8 kg
c 4.00
D lq.s4
32 4.44 - l.Bg - 0.5 =
A 2.O5
B 23q
c 2.55
D 3.94
33 q90.2 -i l0 =
A qqo2
B qco.2
c qq.o2
D q.qa2
34 Colculole lhe quotienl of 28. I B ond 4.
Hifttng hasil bohagi bagi 28. lB dan 4.
A 7.O45
B 10.45
c 704.5
D 7045
I Lihat setrelah
A 0.0 tq
1.8 kg more thon R
l.B kg lebih doripoda R
Mircr boughl l.8q llof opplc juice. Sha
cJronk 0.5 I of opple juice ond spilt
0.78 ( of it onto tlre floor. How much
applc juice did she hcve lefl?
itt!iro nen'ilseli l'.Bq t ius epal. l")ia ninum
ti it / jut: eEsol clan lerlunpolt {.)'/3 | tii olas
Iunltri. {:ieru{;*kt'slt isi paclu jus epal qungl
A 0"6t r
B I.ll/
c L?-fl (,
D tsq( 39
A howker hos 5 poirs of bools.
Ecrch boot weighs 0.9 kg. Whot is lhe .
totol moss of the 5 poirs of bools?
{-teorctne penjaja ado 5 pas(rne
i:ul. Setictp kosul but itu herjisitn 0.? kgt
Ilerapakah jumlah jisim 5 posang kasul b:trt
i!t r':'
A 4.5 kg
B 45kg
c 9kg
40D 90 kgt
Gino dr:inks 0.8 / of milk everg dog.
How much milk does he drink in o
Gina rninunt 0.8 t' susu seliop hari.
Berassakoh jwnlolt susu gzng diminuntnga
<lalom setninggu'?
A 0.56 r
B 4.0r
C 5.6i
D 56( :.
Britneg lros 26.6 m of red ribbon.
She shoras lhe ribbon u.rith her four
friends. How mong metres of ribbon
will eoch of them gel?
Brilneg ada 26.6 nt reben metch. []ic
berkongsi reben iftt dengon tmpal orang
kawannga. Berapokah meler reben gang
okan selidp orong daPat?
C 53.2 m
D 53?_m
C 2B.B kg
D 2BB kg
c Br_80
D 82.52
A socielg donoted 25q.2 kg of rice lo
the eorthquoke viclims in Indonesio'
The rice is equollg distributed omong
I towns. How much rice would eoch
lown receive?
Sebuoh persatuan menderma ?-5?.2 kg be ras
keparla nangsa gempa buni di lndonegia
Beras itu diagihkon secora sana hangak
antaro I lsuah bandar. Berapokah jisim
beros gong diferimo oleh seliap bondar?
A 5.32 m
B 6.65 m
A 0.288 kg
B 2.BB kg
A 9.56
B 24.25
The diogrom shows o lisl of
mothemolicql slqtemenls.
Rajah berikut menuniukkan salu scnarai
perngoloon mstemafik.
Colculqte lhe sum ol p, q ond r.
Hilung hssillambah bagip, q dcn r.

Contenu connexe

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Tahun 4 kertas 1 april 1

  • 1. SUI.IT Nama Kelas MAJLIS GURU BESAR DAERAH BACHOK UJIAN PENGUASAAN KEMAHTRAN ( UpK 2t20r0) MATHEMATICS 015/1 TAHUN 4 Kertas 1 April r jam satu jam JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU Kertas soalan ini adatah dalam dwibahasa. Soalan dalam bahasa Inggeris mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalam bahasa Melayu. l. 2. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 6 halaman bercetak dan2 halaman tidak bercetak I Lihat sebelah SULITOtsft
  • 2. SULIT 015/1 SULITMGB BACHOK. MATHEMATICS (1). THN 4 Writo the number 30 028 in words. Ittlis nontbor :;0 028 dalant perkaloon. A l-hree hundred thousond ond twenlg-eight l'iga rolus ritsu duts puluh lupan B I-hirlg lhousond ond lwenlu-eight 'figo pulult ribu durJ puluh lapan C Three thousond ond fwenlu-eighl figa ribu dua pulult lapnn - D 'Three hundred ond lwenlg-eight 7 iglrt ralus dua lsuluh lapan Wrile 'sixleen lhousond lwo hundred orrd nine'in numerols. l"ulis wtrskc l:agi 'onam belas ritsu rlua ralus setrtl:ilun'. A t62q B r6 209 c 6020q D 61 20q Susunkttn nombor-nontbor ilu dulant lefiil"s rnenoik. A 77 7lt,II77t, t7 7tt,7t 7lt, t7 lt7 B t77lt,t77t, t7 lt/,7t71t, 77 7| c t7 lt7, |7-/1, t77|,7t711, 77'7tI D |771,t7 l17, t77ll,7l7ll, 777| Whol is lhe volue of digil -/ in 42731'? Apakoh nilaidigit / d<tlum 42 73|? A7 870 c 700 D 7000 Whot is the ploce volue o{ lhe underlined digil in l!28q? Apakah nilni lentpot bogi dign gdng tligoriskan dalsrn I I ?89? A r00 B r000 C Hundreds/Rotls D Thousonds/Rrbu Whol is .lhe ploce volue of lhe underlined digil in cl2 87l? Apakoh nilai lentpal bo97i tligt !Jan{} digtariskun rlolnm t/)l 07 l'? A Ones/So B Hundreds/Rcrtus C Thousonds/Rrbu D Ten lhousondslPuluh ribu -fhe di<rgrom shows o number wrillen irr exlended nolotion. il*jah berikttl ntenunjukkctn notnbor gancl rlitttiis dtt|arn ben|uk cerekin. . ;- :;: I ir:,: ,.,i..-, n i' :.: ]-. . :.,: . r. 63 208 =60;000+i3 900".fj'200'*1t Whot is lhe volue of /? lpckolt niloi l? AB Br0 cB0 'D 100 numbels in oscending '[he diogrom shows o lisl of numbers. R$ be*kul ntenunjukkan selu senorqi nctnb<tt'. l,l:,Jt/ l;,:. Arronge lhe orrje; r. 015/1
  • 3. SULIT 3 015/1 -lhe diagrorn sh<;ws c nurnber line. tiititiii i:erikut ntenunjukktttr :tr;rft.i garis :lon t{u}r '.*'.--l''--'--.- l' --'_ -l..--' -::--i--- > ! x -1. u 4?." rVhui is lhe sum of x und g? ltutopaknh hosil lambah x clnn g'/ l2 Calculste the difference of * "tO L tJl l'lrtung beza onlarfl V dln -:-. c* D+ A* B+ AI $ .tl e o. D: o- 13 Which of the following will give thc: ' l-*-L tsomeVolueqs B * [1 Antura gong heriktt, gang ntanakah skan mernberikan nitui gang safiKt dengfln r4 g*l--l=Z 4LJB Whol froction must be writlen in the Apa4ah pecahan Aang mesti dilulis dctkuit i--"--i i i ilu? !i l5 Which of lhe following muthemoliccl slolements is correcl? Antclra perngolodn malemalik gang berikut. gang m.onokqh betul? A **_,1=, c ,f'*=, B i"'/O=' D -'irN;,,,' / '. 'q :?, a. /:-- '= "()o.(l(J. 7 t., lt tl 'A*-+ c+-+ B +-+ D f * 6 -B L B c D I l ;-(l fi t3 ;;() ro * n -f;,'- .'/AE B+'o (:2It I D; c$ D:t I r -{i- -, -.1" ., [J zr A7u B:* ct DI At B,*. I Lihat sebelah SULIT NIGB BACHOK - MATHEMATICS (1) ' THN 4015/1
  • 4. SULIT ! 16 C)wen look -j; hour io complele t; ll ^ 500 m roce whilc Dcrvid took { nout to finish ihe somc roce. Cclculole lhe tolol nurirkrer of hours token bg bolh of lhem to finish the 500 m race. vnbil !- iltn unlukt.)tltclt nlenq(. a - ntelenqkcpkan iariatt lio ,1t semenlora i..)ovi(! n'ingomOit i, jam larirtn gttttg I' - sorna Hifung jurnlah bilangan iant gong disntbil aleh nereko unluk rnelenEkapkon larian 5AA nt. AI 17 Siti u.*r fr m of clolh ta moke o showl onO 9 m to moke o belt. Whot '5 is the lotol length of the cloth lhot she uses? I f:ili rnenggunokan-iUm kain unluk membuol sehelqi selendangl don I m untuk nembtnt seulos loli pinggdng. Berapakah .jumbh t)flnjang kain gang digmakan? Aishc's cnd Algo's murn bought ihem c coke eoch for lheir birthdcg' Alshc gove one fourth ol her coke lo Nazrni whereos Algo gove one fifth of her coke lo'Nozli. F{ow much coke did eoch of lhem hove left? llttr Aisha dan Alga ntembelikan ntereko seb$i kek seliap arang sempena hari jodi mereka. Aisha memberikan salu per entpal keknga kepado Nozmi manokrtlo Alga memberikon satu per lima keknga kepada Nazli. Beropokah boki kek ntasing-masing'l There is I kg of rice in o conloiner. Mrs. Foo rofes f kg of rice. Mq. Roj Colculole lhe 01s/1 SULIT MGB BACHOK - MATHEMATICS (1) - THN 4 ttrt: A IJ c D n3 + I D"B €. 20 / 6nr B** c** D** ; I lokes ^ kq of rice. U" B *nn omounl of rice thot is not been loken. Terdopol t kg lseras di dalam sebualt bekos. Puon Foa n'tengomAit $ XA neras. I Puan Roi mengambil -r' kg bcras. llitung amaun beras gang tidok diombil? c **n D *nn IB A Write 12.03 in words. l"ulis 12.03 dalam perkatoon. A Twelve lhousond ond lhree Dtta belos ribttligo I Twelve Poinl lhree zero Dus belas perPuluhan ligo kasong C Twelve poinl zero lhree - Dua belos perpuluhon kosong tiga D Twelve point thfee Dua belas PerPultrhan liga 2t c+ D?3 A* Bfu 3 T 4 5 Ir "5 3 4 4 5 I 2 I 2 4 5 015/1
  • 5. SUTIT 22 Whot is the Ploce volue of the underlined digil in lB.2g? AS:rskoh nilsi lernpot Isngi digtt lang rlig';triskan dalarn I {}.28'/ A -fenslI'uiuh B Tenlhs/Per.sepuluh C Hundreds/Rolus D HundredlhslPerseralus 23 Convsrt 0.75 toofroclion in1ls simplesl form. litkarkan 0.75 kepado pecahan rlalnnt l:entuk lennuriah. Ai- c B'9,D ; tq 24 Convert ,b- to o decimol. tq Itrkcrrkon ',:i16 keAado nombor perpultrhon c r.q Dtg c t2B.B I D I 2BB.I 5 29 The dicgrom shows o number line. Rajah yong berikuf menunjtt4kan solu goils nombor. <-_J-t-l-f l-+-> 7 .3,- 7 .t+2 7 .I+7 S f Cslculote lhe sum of S ond L tlitung hasi! tambsh bogi S dan T" c r5. l4 D t6.94 015/1 A 7.q7 B t5.44 25 Which of the following is not correcl? Anlsra gang berikul, gong monokoh tidsk belul? A lo =O.ol r00 B 3i = t00 c 24 =o.o2+ I 000 D *5- = 0.5 t0 26 12.3+ 0.gB = 1: A t 1.32 c, 13.28 B t23q D 22.10 27 Colculole lhe sum ol l4.2ond 16.29. tlitung hasiltombuh bogi 14.2 dan 16119 A 30.50 B 30.4q c 30.40 D 30.00 28 Colculole lhe sum of 0.08, 3"8, 12.q3 ond I 12. fiitungl lrcsil fatnbah bogi A.08,:).8, i:lq':3 (lan ! 12. A 1.45 r H t4.5r 30 The toble shows lhe mosses of ihree bogs. Jaduol berikut menuniukkan iisim ligo beg. Whol is lhe lolol moss of bog P ond bog O? Berapokah junlah jisim beg P don beg Q? A 30.2 kg B 26.6 kg 3l 2-0.06+ A t.40 B t.c4 C 16.4 kg D 24.8 kg c 4.00 D lq.s4 32 4.44 - l.Bg - 0.5 = A 2.O5 B 23q c 2.55 D 3.94 33 q90.2 -i l0 = A qqo2 B qco.2 c qq.o2 D q.qa2 34 Colculole lhe quotienl of 28. I B ond 4. Hifttng hasil bohagi bagi 28. lB dan 4. A 7.O45 B 10.45 c 704.5 D 7045 I Lihat setrelah SULITI,IGB BACHOK - MATHEMATICS (1) -THN 4 7 B J_ t0 A 0.0 tq B 1.8 kg more thon R l.B kg lebih doripoda R 01s/1
  • 6. SULIT Mircr boughl l.8q llof opplc juice. Sha cJronk 0.5 I of opple juice ond spilt 0.78 ( of it onto tlre floor. How much applc juice did she hcve lefl? itt!iro nen'ilseli l'.Bq t ius epal. l")ia ninum ti it / jut: eEsol clan lerlunpolt {.)'/3 | tii olas Iunltri. {:ieru{;*kt'slt isi paclu jus epal qungl t!r'iiAal': A 0"6t r B I.ll/ c L?-fl (, D tsq( 39 A howker hos 5 poirs of bools. Ecrch boot weighs 0.9 kg. Whot is lhe . totol moss of the 5 poirs of bools? {-teorctne penjaja ado 5 pas(rne i:ul. Setictp kosul but itu herjisitn 0.? kgt Ilerapakah jumlah jisim 5 posang kasul b:trt i!t r':' A 4.5 kg B 45kg c 9kg 40D 90 kgt Gino dr:inks 0.8 / of milk everg dog. How much milk does he drink in o week? Gina rninunt 0.8 t' susu seliop hari. Berassakoh jwnlolt susu gzng diminuntnga <lalom setninggu'? A 0.56 r B 4.0r C 5.6i D 56( :. Britneg lros 26.6 m of red ribbon. She shoras lhe ribbon u.rith her four friends. How mong metres of ribbon will eoch of them gel? Brilneg ada 26.6 nt reben metch. []ic berkongsi reben iftt dengon tmpal orang kawannga. Berapokah meler reben gang okan selidp orong daPat? {i15/1 C 53.2 m D 53?_m C 2B.B kg D 2BB kg c Br_80 D 82.52 SULIT IV4GB BACHOK - N',IATF "IATICS (1) - THN 4 6 38 36 A socielg donoted 25q.2 kg of rice lo the eorthquoke viclims in Indonesio' The rice is equollg distributed omong I towns. How much rice would eoch lown receive? Sebuoh persatuan menderma ?-5?.2 kg be ras keparla nangsa gempa buni di lndonegia Beras itu diagihkon secora sana hangak antaro I lsuah bandar. Berapokah jisim beros gong diferimo oleh seliap bondar? A 5.32 m B 6.65 m A 0.288 kg B 2.BB kg A 9.56 B 24.25 37 The diogrom shows o lisl of mothemolicql slqtemenls. Rajah berikut menuniukkan salu scnarai perngoloon mstemafik. Colculqte lhe sum ol p, q ond r. Hilung hssillambah bagip, q dcn r. END OF QUESTION PAPER KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT 01s/1