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Approved                       Confirmed by
  by decree of the Board    Decree of the Committee of directors
“KazAgroInnovation” JSC     of “KazAgroInnovation” JSC dated on
Dated on August «29» 2012          September «18» 2012
      Protocol № 13                   Protocol № 15

Положение об информационной политике
                     АО «КазАгроИнновация»


1. General conditions                                                  3
2. Principles of information policy                                    3
3. Mechanism of realization of information policy                      5
4. Order of information disclosure                                     6
5. Order of information disclosure by representatives of the Company   9
6. Order of information disclosure for Unique stockholder              10
7. Order of information representation of information to Committee     10
of directors
8. Information, which compose commercial or official secret            11
9. Competence and responsibility of stuff of the Company               11
10. Concluding statutes                                                12

Положение об информационной политике
                            АО «КазАгроИнновация»

                           1. GENERAL PROVISIONS

       1. Current Statute about information politics (further - Company) joint-stock
company «KazAgroInnovation» (further - Company) worked out in accordance with
the law of Kazakhstan Republic dated on May 13 2003 «About joint-stock
companies» (further - Law) and other normative legal acts of Republic of
Kazakhstan, Statute of the Company and Code of corporative management of the
      2. Information policy defines basic principles and general requests to
information disclosure about activity of the Company to Unique stockholder –
Ministry of agriculture of Kazakhstan Republic (further – Unique stockholder),
interested in activity of the Company to persons, potential investors and other
persons (further – concerned parties), and also to protection of information, which
composes official, commercial and other secret of Company protected by Law of
Kazakhstan Republic.
      3. Information policy – is policy of the Company in sphere of disclosure and
information protection about Company with purpose of promulgation to Unique
stockholder, Committee of directors and their representatives, potential investors and
other concerned parties in capacity, which necessary to taking balanced decision
about participation in Company or to executed other actions, which are able to
influence on financial and economical activity of the Company.
      4. The purpose of information policy of the Company is more complete
satisfaction of information requests of Unique stockholder, Committee of directors
and concerned parties in exact information about the Company and it activity, and
also protection of confidential information, which release can be deleterious to the
Company and Unique stockholder.

Положение об информационной политике
                              АО «КазАгроИнновация»

      5. Information policy must provide improvement of the effectiveness of
Company activity, increasing of active assets’ cost, attraction of investments and
creation of auspicious image.


      6. Basic principles at realization of information policy are:
      1) frequency and promptness;
      2) demonstrativeness and accessibility;
      3) authenticity and completeness;
      4) promptitude;
      5) observation of confidential treatment;
      6) balance;
      7) equality of rights.
         Principle of frequency and promptness of information disclosure means
responsibility of the Company concerning terms and consistency of information
supply, provided by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic, Company’s Statute, Code of
corporative management present Statute and other inner regulatory documents of
Company (further – documents of the Company). Company realizes the meaning of
frequent providing of information to concerned parties, as a factor which has direct
relationship of taking well-founded decisions andor affirmative performance.
Information provides in accordance with terms, established by legislation of
Kazakhstan Republic, inner documents of the Company, and also by measure of as
far as event arrival by degree of it significance and with account of it modernity and
general publication.
      Principle of demonstrativeness and information accessibility means choice
by Company of such methods of information distribution, using of which will be
possible for concerned parties, free and easy, and also intention of Company to

Положение об информационной политике
                             АО «КазАгроИнновация»

provide maximal visibility of information about it activity with account of
observation of confidential treatment concerning information, which composes
official, commercial and other secret protected by law of Kazakhstan Republic.
      Principle of authenticity and completeness means responsibility of the
Company in providing information, which corresponds to reality and which
sufficient for understanding in full scale disclosure fact or event. Company takes
care to ensure that providing information wasn’t corrupted by third parties and in
case of finding out this fact takes measures on errors and corruption correction.
      Company doesn’t evade of disclosure of negative information about itself, if
such information is not confidential one and it can influence to taking of investment
and other decisions of Unique stockholder, Committee of directors and Company.
      Besides information, disclosed by Company obligatorily in accordance with
legislation of Kazakhstan Republic, Company by own initiative discloses to
concerned parties on it own initiative discloses to concerned parties additional
information with purpose of full and exact understanding of Company activity.
      List and order of disclosure of such information establishes in all inner
documents of the Company, such as Code of corporative management, Rules of
disclosure and providing of safety of commercial and official secrets of the
Company and etc.
      Principle of promptitude means responsibility of Company at supplying of
information about activity of Company, concerned with facts and events, which
affects interests of Unique of stockholder and Committee of directors, in maximally
tight deadlines, including at necessity of accepting according decisions.
      Principle of observation of confidential treatment means responsibility of
Company concerning safety and information protection, composing official,
commercial, and other secret protected by law of Kazakhstan Republic, means and
methods, defined by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and inner documents of the

Положение об информационной политике
                             АО «КазАгроИнновация»

      Principle of balance state means providing by Company reasonable balance of
demonstrativeness and visibility, on one side, and confidentiality on another side with
purpose of maximal realization of rights for concerned parties, but in conditions of
severe observation of interests of Company and Unique stockholder, in part of limit in
access to information, composing official, commercial, or other secret of Company,
protected by law of Kazakhstan Republic.
      Principle of equality of rights means that Company observes rights of all
concerned parties concerning access to information of Company and it activity,
affects the interests, in severe accordance with norms and requests, established by
legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and inner documents of the Company.


      7. For realization of Information policy of the Company:

      1) Keeps count of information (data), which disclosure is obligatory in
accordance with requests of legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and inner documents
of the Company;
      2) defines list of information (data) disclosing by Company additionally with
purpose of improvement of it information visibility and demonstrativeness;
      3) establishes order of information disclosure to recipients, disclosed by
Company obligatorily and by own initiative;
      4) defines list of data, which composes official, commercial or other secret
protected by law of Kazakhstan Republic, public disclosure (delivery, leakage) of
which can be deleterious to interests of the Company and Unique stockholder, and
establishes necessary measures on provision of safety of established information;
Положение об информационной политике
                              АО «КазАгроИнновация»

      5) establishes system of control over distribution and using of information of
the Company through:
      Defining of methods, forms and order of information distribution;
      Defining of parties, responsible for preparing and information distributing, it is
able to dislosure;
      6) defines competence and responsibility of agencies, officials and employees
of the Company for providing of appropriate information disclosure of the Company
and for safety of information, which comprises official, commercial or other protected
secret by law of Republic of Kazakhstan.


      8. Information disclosure regards as providing of it accessibility to all
concerned parties notwithstanding purposes of getting this information on procedure,
which guarantees finding and receiving. Information disclosure, in respect to which
there were conducted actions on it disclosure.
      9. Responsibility for information sharing about activity of the Company bears
it executive agency. The order of information sharing of concerned by it decision
establishes by it decree.
      Executive agency of the Company controls execution of such decisions and
well-timed measures on development and improvement of such work.
      10. Company must inform Unique stockholder about activity of the Company,
which affects it interests.

Положение об информационной политике
                             АО «КазАгроИнновация»

      Information affected interests of Unique stockholder of the Company
      1) decisions, accepted by Unique stockholder and Soviet of directors, and
information about execution of accepted decisions;
      2) output of shares and other capital assets by Company and confirmation by
authorised authority (National Bank of Kazakhstan), reports about results of primary
distribution of the Company, reports about results of redemption of securities of the
Company, annulment by this authorised authority of capital assets in Company;
      3) execution by Company of big bargain and bargains, in which execution
Company has proprietary interest;
      4) creation of a mortgage (surcharge) of the property of the Company for sum,
comprising five and more percents of assets in Company;
      5) receiving in Company of loan in size, comprising twenty five and more
percents of own capital of the Company;
      6) receiving by Company the license for realization of some varieties of
activity, discontinuance or stop of action of early received licenses by Company on
realization of some varieties of activity;
      7) participation of the Company in establishment of legal entity;
      8) arrest of property of the Company;
      9) offence of circumstances, which brings exceeding character, in result of
which there was destroyed property of the Company, which balance cost comprised
10 and more percents from total size of assets of the Company;
      10) attraction of the Company and it officials to administrative responsibility;
      11) to institute court proceedings on corporative dispute;
      12) decrees about compulsory readjustment of the Company;
      13) another information, affecting interests of Unique stockholder, in
accordance with Decree of the Company.

Положение об информационной политике
                             АО «КазАгроИнновация»

      Company provides obligatory control of list of employees in Company, which
have information, comprising commercial or official secret.
      11. In keeping with acting legislation of Kazakhstan republic the Company
realizes public disclosure of this information:
      1) statute and other inner documents of the Company, which regulates
activity, if it agencies: Unique stockholder, Soviet of directors and executive agency;
      2) current information about manufacture, financially economical activity and
inner-corporative activity of Company;
      3) about important events, results of work and activity of Company;
      4) about speeches of the leaders of Company in mass media, press-releases of
      5) about social and personal policy of Company;
      6) lists of affiliated persons of Company;
      7) about changing of priority directions of activity of Company;
      8) depository of finance accounting, defined according to legislation of
Kazakhstan Republic about           business accounting and finance accounting,
information about corporative events, annual finance accounting of Company and
audit reports in order and terms, established by regulatory legal act of executive
      9) about dividend policy;
      10) report about results or redemption of securities of Company;
      11) about accepting of decree on increasing (decreasing) of registered capital
of Company;
      12) about principles and methods of corporative management, accepted by
      13) about available license to the right of realization of some varieties of

Положение об информационной политике
                             АО «КазАгроИнновация»

      14) about purchasing function and valuation activities, including message of
government public purchasing;
      15) about results of proceedings of agencies of management of Company,
Company management and about accepted significant decisions, except information,
comprising commercial or official secret;
      16) about changing of name of Company;
      17) structure and content of agencies of Company;
      18) other documents (materials), provided by legislation of Kazakhstan
Republic, Statute and inner documents of the Company.

12. Right to make public announces of person of the Company:
      1) Chairman of Soviet of directors;
      2) members of Soviet of directors;
      3) Chairman of the Board;
      4) members of the Board;
      5) managing directors;
      6) officials authorized by the Chairman of the Board.

13. Information about Company and it activity realizes by distribution of information
by next methods:

      1) publishing of information in mass media information;
      2) publishing of information at internet –resource, including at corporative web-
site of Company;
      3) information publishing in official printing publication;
      4) information publishing in brochures and booklets;

Положение об информационной политике
                              АО «КазАгроИнновация»

      5) by conduction of press-conferences and meetings with Unique stockholder
and other concerned parties, and also public speeches of representatives of the

14. Information disclosure realizes in next forms:

      1) messages about existent facts;
      2) annual report about activity of Company;
      3) list of affiliated parties and changes to the list of affiliated parties;
      4) annual finance and accounting report;
      5) data about auditors;
      6) organizational and inner regulatory documents of the Company;
      7) messages about increasing (decreasing) of capital stock of the Company,
reorganization and liquidation;
      8) statutory press-releases;
      9) publications in mass media;
      10) publications at corporative web-site of the Company;
      11) oral and written answers to requests of concerned parties, who entered, the

Information, provided to Unique stockholder, discloses in following forms:

      1) information (materials), subject to performance of stockholder according to
point 10 of this Statement;
      2) answers on questions of Unique stockholder about information providing.

Положение об информационной политике
                            АО «КазАгроИнновация»


      15. Company adheres to Information policy, which will provide timely and
full-scale disclosure of essential information about activity of the Company.
      Information discloses according to demands of legislation of Kazakhstan
Republic and inner regulatory documents of the Company, and can be generally
accessible, so performed to Unique stockholder, so and presented to Unique
stockholder and Committee of directors.
      Company provides operative and full access of members of Committee of
directors to information, necessary to it work and decision taking.
      16. Information disclosure by members of the Committee of directors and
officials of the Company realizes according to demands of present Statement and
order of suing of confidential information, defined by inner regulatory documents,
confirmed by Committee of directors.
      17. Chairman of Committee of directors formally comments and expounds
decisions, which taken by Committee of directors and also states an opinion of
Committee of directors (in the context of conferences, interview and etc.) on
questions, considered at sessions of order, established by legislation of Kazakhstan
      18. Members of Committee of directors have right to state in public it own
opinion on questions considered at sessions of Committee of directors, and also on
decisions accepted at session of Committee of directors,          except information,
comprising commercial or official secret.
      19. Executive agency, authorized representative of the Company on
communications with mass media, other authorized parties of the Company on errand
of Chairman of the Board have inclusive right of execution of public speeches on
questions, connected with activity of Company, except information, comprising

Положение об информационной политике
                             АО «КазАгроИнновация»

commercial or official secret, at conducted conferences in country and abroad,
meetings, seminars, at sessions of state agencies, agencies of judicial and legislative
authority of Kazakhstan Republic and subjects of Kazakhstan Republic, other social
measures, to take part in press-conferences, briefings, telephonic and video
conferences, to give interview, to speak with comments for Kazakhstan and foreign
mass media, finance, investment and other Companies.

                           FOR UNIQUE STOCKHOLDER

      20. Representation of information to Unique stockholder provides by
structural subdivisions of the Company, in which competence doesn’t concerned
corresponding questions
      21. Documents, inquired by Unique stockholder according to legislation of
KR and list contained in point 10 of the present Statement, offers in terms,
established by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic.         In case, if legislation of
Kazakhstan Republic and/or inner regulatory documents of the Company provided
right of access for Unique stockholder and/or other person to inquired documents,
their copies performed in order and on conditions, defined by Law.
      22. Decision about performing on written request, which wasn’t included by
legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and present Statement into list of disclosed
information, accepts by executive agency only in case, if such information:
      1) concretizes publicly available about Company and it is of importance of
investment decision;
      2) wasn’t referred to data of confidential character and etc.
      23. term of consideration of written inquires required in point 21 of the
present Statement, can’t exceed the terms, established by Law of Kazakhstan

Положение об информационной политике
                            АО «КазАгроИнновация»

Republic dated January 12 2007 «About consideration of appeals of physical and
juridic persons» from the moment of it acceptance into Company.

                         TO COMMITTEE OF DIRECTORS

      24. Members of Committee of directors provides with whole information,
necessary for realization of own duties.
      25. Officials and employees of structural subdivisions of the Company must
timely perform authentic and complete information on questions of the agenda of
session of the Committee of directors and requests of any member of Committee of
      Non-performance of this duty attracts responsibility of above-mentioned
persons according present legislation of Kazakhstan Republic.


      26. Information, comprising commercial or official secret, must be protected.
      27. Company, as person of Chairman of the Board provides all depleted
measures on protection of commercial and official information, establishes
confidentiality and operation mode with such information, establishes list of such

Положение об информационной политике
                              АО «КазАгроИнновация»

information, keeping reasonable balance between openness of the Company and
aspiration not to inflict harm to it interests.
      28. At employment agreement with officials and employees of the Company
in obligatory order including conditions about non-disclosure of confidential


      29. Committee confirms Statement about information policy of the Company,
and also defines order of information disclosure and protection, composing official,
commercial or other secret protected by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic.
      30. Executive agency reconsiders and improves Information policy realizes
disclosure and protection of information about activity of the Company according
requirements of legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and inner regulatory
documents of the Company.
      31. Company in established order provides timely providing of information,
and also support of high level of information transparency of the Company.
       32. Service of inner audit in case of necessity conducts examination of
observation of requirements of legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and documents
of the Company in part of information disclosure, it safety and protection.
       33. Responsibility for information sharing about activity of the Company
bears executive agency, by which decision there establishes order of information
sharing for Unique stockholder. Employees of the Company bear responsibility for

Положение об информационной политике
                            АО «КазАгроИнновация»

disclosure, and also safety and protection of information about activity of the
Company in order, defined by laws of Kazakhstan Republic.

                       10. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS

      34. Control for observation of present Statement realizes by executive agency
of the Company.
      35. Present Statement comes into effect from the day of confirmation of it by
Committee of directors.
      36. Committee of directors has right to charge information about observation of
present Statement and legislation of Kazakhstan Republic in part of information
disclosure by Company.
      37. Statement about information policy and introduction of changes and
additions confirms by Committee directors.
      38. Questions which are not regulated by present Statement were regulated by
Kazakhstan Republic, Statement of the Company and decisions of Committee of
      39. If in result of changing legislation of Kazakhstan Republic some individual
norms of present Statement come into collision with them, these norms falls into
ground and to the moment of introduction changes in present Statement rules by
legislation of Kazakhstan Republic.


Положение об информационной политике
                            АО «КазАгроИнновация»

disclosure, and also safety and protection of information about activity of the
Company in order, defined by laws of Kazakhstan Republic.

                       10. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS

      34. Control for observation of present Statement realizes by executive agency
of the Company.
      35. Present Statement comes into effect from the day of confirmation of it by
Committee of directors.
      36. Committee of directors has right to charge information about observation of
present Statement and legislation of Kazakhstan Republic in part of information
disclosure by Company.
      37. Statement about information policy and introduction of changes and
additions confirms by Committee directors.
      38. Questions which are not regulated by present Statement were regulated by
Kazakhstan Republic, Statement of the Company and decisions of Committee of
      39. If in result of changing legislation of Kazakhstan Republic some individual
norms of present Statement come into collision with them, these norms falls into
ground and to the moment of introduction changes in present Statement rules by
legislation of Kazakhstan Republic.


Положение об информационной политике
                            АО «КазАгроИнновация»

disclosure, and also safety and protection of information about activity of the
Company in order, defined by laws of Kazakhstan Republic.

                       10. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS

      34. Control for observation of present Statement realizes by executive agency
of the Company.
      35. Present Statement comes into effect from the day of confirmation of it by
Committee of directors.
      36. Committee of directors has right to charge information about observation of
present Statement and legislation of Kazakhstan Republic in part of information
disclosure by Company.
      37. Statement about information policy and introduction of changes and
additions confirms by Committee directors.
      38. Questions which are not regulated by present Statement were regulated by
Kazakhstan Republic, Statement of the Company and decisions of Committee of
      39. If in result of changing legislation of Kazakhstan Republic some individual
norms of present Statement come into collision with them, these norms falls into
ground and to the moment of introduction changes in present Statement rules by
legislation of Kazakhstan Republic.



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многолетние злаковые травы в засушливых степях северного казахстана
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Similaire à новое положение об информационной политике

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Similaire à новое положение об информационной политике (20)

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новое положение об информационной политике

  • 1. Approved Confirmed by by decree of the Board Decree of the Committee of directors “KazAgroInnovation” JSC of “KazAgroInnovation” JSC dated on Dated on August «29» 2012 September «18» 2012 Protocol № 13 Protocol № 15 STATUTE ABOUT INFORMATION POLICY OF JOINT-STOCK COMPANY “KAZAGROINNOVATION”
  • 2. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» Content: 1. General conditions 3 2. Principles of information policy 3 3. Mechanism of realization of information policy 5 4. Order of information disclosure 6 5. Order of information disclosure by representatives of the Company 9 6. Order of information disclosure for Unique stockholder 10 7. Order of information representation of information to Committee 10 of directors 8. Information, which compose commercial or official secret 11 9. Competence and responsibility of stuff of the Company 11 10. Concluding statutes 12 2
  • 3. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Current Statute about information politics (further - Company) joint-stock company «KazAgroInnovation» (further - Company) worked out in accordance with the law of Kazakhstan Republic dated on May 13 2003 «About joint-stock companies» (further - Law) and other normative legal acts of Republic of Kazakhstan, Statute of the Company and Code of corporative management of the Company. 2. Information policy defines basic principles and general requests to information disclosure about activity of the Company to Unique stockholder – Ministry of agriculture of Kazakhstan Republic (further – Unique stockholder), interested in activity of the Company to persons, potential investors and other persons (further – concerned parties), and also to protection of information, which composes official, commercial and other secret of Company protected by Law of Kazakhstan Republic. 3. Information policy – is policy of the Company in sphere of disclosure and information protection about Company with purpose of promulgation to Unique stockholder, Committee of directors and their representatives, potential investors and other concerned parties in capacity, which necessary to taking balanced decision about participation in Company or to executed other actions, which are able to influence on financial and economical activity of the Company. 4. The purpose of information policy of the Company is more complete satisfaction of information requests of Unique stockholder, Committee of directors and concerned parties in exact information about the Company and it activity, and also protection of confidential information, which release can be deleterious to the Company and Unique stockholder. 3
  • 4. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» 5. Information policy must provide improvement of the effectiveness of Company activity, increasing of active assets’ cost, attraction of investments and creation of auspicious image. 2. THE PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION POLICY 6. Basic principles at realization of information policy are: 1) frequency and promptness; 2) demonstrativeness and accessibility; 3) authenticity and completeness; 4) promptitude; 5) observation of confidential treatment; 6) balance; 7) equality of rights. Principle of frequency and promptness of information disclosure means responsibility of the Company concerning terms and consistency of information supply, provided by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic, Company’s Statute, Code of corporative management present Statute and other inner regulatory documents of Company (further – documents of the Company). Company realizes the meaning of frequent providing of information to concerned parties, as a factor which has direct relationship of taking well-founded decisions andor affirmative performance. Information provides in accordance with terms, established by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic, inner documents of the Company, and also by measure of as far as event arrival by degree of it significance and with account of it modernity and general publication. Principle of demonstrativeness and information accessibility means choice by Company of such methods of information distribution, using of which will be possible for concerned parties, free and easy, and also intention of Company to 4
  • 5. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» provide maximal visibility of information about it activity with account of observation of confidential treatment concerning information, which composes official, commercial and other secret protected by law of Kazakhstan Republic. Principle of authenticity and completeness means responsibility of the Company in providing information, which corresponds to reality and which sufficient for understanding in full scale disclosure fact or event. Company takes care to ensure that providing information wasn’t corrupted by third parties and in case of finding out this fact takes measures on errors and corruption correction. Company doesn’t evade of disclosure of negative information about itself, if such information is not confidential one and it can influence to taking of investment and other decisions of Unique stockholder, Committee of directors and Company. Besides information, disclosed by Company obligatorily in accordance with legislation of Kazakhstan Republic, Company by own initiative discloses to concerned parties on it own initiative discloses to concerned parties additional information with purpose of full and exact understanding of Company activity. List and order of disclosure of such information establishes in all inner documents of the Company, such as Code of corporative management, Rules of disclosure and providing of safety of commercial and official secrets of the Company and etc. Principle of promptitude means responsibility of Company at supplying of information about activity of Company, concerned with facts and events, which affects interests of Unique of stockholder and Committee of directors, in maximally tight deadlines, including at necessity of accepting according decisions. Principle of observation of confidential treatment means responsibility of Company concerning safety and information protection, composing official, commercial, and other secret protected by law of Kazakhstan Republic, means and methods, defined by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and inner documents of the Company. 5
  • 6. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» Principle of balance state means providing by Company reasonable balance of demonstrativeness and visibility, on one side, and confidentiality on another side with purpose of maximal realization of rights for concerned parties, but in conditions of severe observation of interests of Company and Unique stockholder, in part of limit in access to information, composing official, commercial, or other secret of Company, protected by law of Kazakhstan Republic. Principle of equality of rights means that Company observes rights of all concerned parties concerning access to information of Company and it activity, affects the interests, in severe accordance with norms and requests, established by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and inner documents of the Company. 3. INTERVENTION MECHANISM OF INFORMATION POLICY 7. For realization of Information policy of the Company: 1) Keeps count of information (data), which disclosure is obligatory in accordance with requests of legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and inner documents of the Company; 2) defines list of information (data) disclosing by Company additionally with purpose of improvement of it information visibility and demonstrativeness; 3) establishes order of information disclosure to recipients, disclosed by Company obligatorily and by own initiative; 4) defines list of data, which composes official, commercial or other secret protected by law of Kazakhstan Republic, public disclosure (delivery, leakage) of which can be deleterious to interests of the Company and Unique stockholder, and establishes necessary measures on provision of safety of established information; 6
  • 7. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» 5) establishes system of control over distribution and using of information of the Company through: Defining of methods, forms and order of information distribution; Defining of parties, responsible for preparing and information distributing, it is able to dislosure; 6) defines competence and responsibility of agencies, officials and employees of the Company for providing of appropriate information disclosure of the Company and for safety of information, which comprises official, commercial or other protected secret by law of Republic of Kazakhstan. 4. ORDER OF INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 8. Information disclosure regards as providing of it accessibility to all concerned parties notwithstanding purposes of getting this information on procedure, which guarantees finding and receiving. Information disclosure, in respect to which there were conducted actions on it disclosure. 9. Responsibility for information sharing about activity of the Company bears it executive agency. The order of information sharing of concerned by it decision establishes by it decree. Executive agency of the Company controls execution of such decisions and well-timed measures on development and improvement of such work. 10. Company must inform Unique stockholder about activity of the Company, which affects it interests. 7
  • 8. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» Information affected interests of Unique stockholder of the Company confesses: 1) decisions, accepted by Unique stockholder and Soviet of directors, and information about execution of accepted decisions; 2) output of shares and other capital assets by Company and confirmation by authorised authority (National Bank of Kazakhstan), reports about results of primary distribution of the Company, reports about results of redemption of securities of the Company, annulment by this authorised authority of capital assets in Company; 3) execution by Company of big bargain and bargains, in which execution Company has proprietary interest; 4) creation of a mortgage (surcharge) of the property of the Company for sum, comprising five and more percents of assets in Company; 5) receiving in Company of loan in size, comprising twenty five and more percents of own capital of the Company; 6) receiving by Company the license for realization of some varieties of activity, discontinuance or stop of action of early received licenses by Company on realization of some varieties of activity; 7) participation of the Company in establishment of legal entity; 8) arrest of property of the Company; 9) offence of circumstances, which brings exceeding character, in result of which there was destroyed property of the Company, which balance cost comprised 10 and more percents from total size of assets of the Company; 10) attraction of the Company and it officials to administrative responsibility; 11) to institute court proceedings on corporative dispute; 12) decrees about compulsory readjustment of the Company; 13) another information, affecting interests of Unique stockholder, in accordance with Decree of the Company. 8
  • 9. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» Company provides obligatory control of list of employees in Company, which have information, comprising commercial or official secret. 11. In keeping with acting legislation of Kazakhstan republic the Company realizes public disclosure of this information: 1) statute and other inner documents of the Company, which regulates activity, if it agencies: Unique stockholder, Soviet of directors and executive agency; 2) current information about manufacture, financially economical activity and inner-corporative activity of Company; 3) about important events, results of work and activity of Company; 4) about speeches of the leaders of Company in mass media, press-releases of Company; 5) about social and personal policy of Company; 6) lists of affiliated persons of Company; 7) about changing of priority directions of activity of Company; 8) depository of finance accounting, defined according to legislation of Kazakhstan Republic about business accounting and finance accounting, information about corporative events, annual finance accounting of Company and audit reports in order and terms, established by regulatory legal act of executive agency; 9) about dividend policy; 10) report about results or redemption of securities of Company; 11) about accepting of decree on increasing (decreasing) of registered capital of Company; 12) about principles and methods of corporative management, accepted by Company; 13) about available license to the right of realization of some varieties of activity; 9
  • 10. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» 14) about purchasing function and valuation activities, including message of government public purchasing; 15) about results of proceedings of agencies of management of Company, Company management and about accepted significant decisions, except information, comprising commercial or official secret; 16) about changing of name of Company; 17) structure and content of agencies of Company; 18) other documents (materials), provided by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic, Statute and inner documents of the Company. 12. Right to make public announces of person of the Company: 1) Chairman of Soviet of directors; 2) members of Soviet of directors; 3) Chairman of the Board; 4) members of the Board; 5) managing directors; 6) officials authorized by the Chairman of the Board. 13. Information about Company and it activity realizes by distribution of information by next methods: 1) publishing of information in mass media information; 2) publishing of information at internet –resource, including at corporative web- site of Company; 3) information publishing in official printing publication; 4) information publishing in brochures and booklets; 10
  • 11. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» 5) by conduction of press-conferences and meetings with Unique stockholder and other concerned parties, and also public speeches of representatives of the Company. 14. Information disclosure realizes in next forms: 1) messages about existent facts; 2) annual report about activity of Company; 3) list of affiliated parties and changes to the list of affiliated parties; 4) annual finance and accounting report; 5) data about auditors; 6) organizational and inner regulatory documents of the Company; 7) messages about increasing (decreasing) of capital stock of the Company, reorganization and liquidation; 8) statutory press-releases; 9) publications in mass media; 10) publications at corporative web-site of the Company; 11) oral and written answers to requests of concerned parties, who entered, the Company. Information, provided to Unique stockholder, discloses in following forms: 1) information (materials), subject to performance of stockholder according to point 10 of this Statement; 2) answers on questions of Unique stockholder about information providing. 11
  • 12. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» 5. ORDER OF INFORMATION DISCLOSURE TO REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMPANY 15. Company adheres to Information policy, which will provide timely and full-scale disclosure of essential information about activity of the Company. Information discloses according to demands of legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and inner regulatory documents of the Company, and can be generally accessible, so performed to Unique stockholder, so and presented to Unique stockholder and Committee of directors. Company provides operative and full access of members of Committee of directors to information, necessary to it work and decision taking. 16. Information disclosure by members of the Committee of directors and officials of the Company realizes according to demands of present Statement and order of suing of confidential information, defined by inner regulatory documents, confirmed by Committee of directors. 17. Chairman of Committee of directors formally comments and expounds decisions, which taken by Committee of directors and also states an opinion of Committee of directors (in the context of conferences, interview and etc.) on questions, considered at sessions of order, established by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic. 18. Members of Committee of directors have right to state in public it own opinion on questions considered at sessions of Committee of directors, and also on decisions accepted at session of Committee of directors, except information, comprising commercial or official secret. 19. Executive agency, authorized representative of the Company on communications with mass media, other authorized parties of the Company on errand of Chairman of the Board have inclusive right of execution of public speeches on questions, connected with activity of Company, except information, comprising 12
  • 13. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» commercial or official secret, at conducted conferences in country and abroad, meetings, seminars, at sessions of state agencies, agencies of judicial and legislative authority of Kazakhstan Republic and subjects of Kazakhstan Republic, other social measures, to take part in press-conferences, briefings, telephonic and video conferences, to give interview, to speak with comments for Kazakhstan and foreign mass media, finance, investment and other Companies. 6. ORDER OF ASSIGNMENT OF INFORMATION FOR UNIQUE STOCKHOLDER 20. Representation of information to Unique stockholder provides by structural subdivisions of the Company, in which competence doesn’t concerned corresponding questions 21. Documents, inquired by Unique stockholder according to legislation of KR and list contained in point 10 of the present Statement, offers in terms, established by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic. In case, if legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and/or inner regulatory documents of the Company provided right of access for Unique stockholder and/or other person to inquired documents, their copies performed in order and on conditions, defined by Law. 22. Decision about performing on written request, which wasn’t included by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and present Statement into list of disclosed information, accepts by executive agency only in case, if such information: 1) concretizes publicly available about Company and it is of importance of investment decision; 2) wasn’t referred to data of confidential character and etc. 23. term of consideration of written inquires required in point 21 of the present Statement, can’t exceed the terms, established by Law of Kazakhstan 13
  • 14. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» Republic dated January 12 2007 «About consideration of appeals of physical and juridic persons» from the moment of it acceptance into Company. 7. ORDER OF PROVIDING INFORMATION TO COMMITTEE OF DIRECTORS 24. Members of Committee of directors provides with whole information, necessary for realization of own duties. 25. Officials and employees of structural subdivisions of the Company must timely perform authentic and complete information on questions of the agenda of session of the Committee of directors and requests of any member of Committee of directors. Non-performance of this duty attracts responsibility of above-mentioned persons according present legislation of Kazakhstan Republic. 8. INFORMATION, COMPRISING COMMERCIAL OR OFFICIAL SECRET 26. Information, comprising commercial or official secret, must be protected. 27. Company, as person of Chairman of the Board provides all depleted measures on protection of commercial and official information, establishes confidentiality and operation mode with such information, establishes list of such 14
  • 15. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» information, keeping reasonable balance between openness of the Company and aspiration not to inflict harm to it interests. 28. At employment agreement with officials and employees of the Company in obligatory order including conditions about non-disclosure of confidential information. 9. COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY 29. Committee confirms Statement about information policy of the Company, and also defines order of information disclosure and protection, composing official, commercial or other secret protected by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic. 30. Executive agency reconsiders and improves Information policy realizes disclosure and protection of information about activity of the Company according requirements of legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and inner regulatory documents of the Company. 31. Company in established order provides timely providing of information, and also support of high level of information transparency of the Company. 32. Service of inner audit in case of necessity conducts examination of observation of requirements of legislation of Kazakhstan Republic and documents of the Company in part of information disclosure, it safety and protection. 33. Responsibility for information sharing about activity of the Company bears executive agency, by which decision there establishes order of information sharing for Unique stockholder. Employees of the Company bear responsibility for 15
  • 16. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» disclosure, and also safety and protection of information about activity of the Company in order, defined by laws of Kazakhstan Republic. 10. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS 34. Control for observation of present Statement realizes by executive agency of the Company. 35. Present Statement comes into effect from the day of confirmation of it by Committee of directors. 36. Committee of directors has right to charge information about observation of present Statement and legislation of Kazakhstan Republic in part of information disclosure by Company. 37. Statement about information policy and introduction of changes and additions confirms by Committee directors. 38. Questions which are not regulated by present Statement were regulated by Kazakhstan Republic, Statement of the Company and decisions of Committee of directors. 39. If in result of changing legislation of Kazakhstan Republic some individual norms of present Statement come into collision with them, these norms falls into ground and to the moment of introduction changes in present Statement rules by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic. ______________________________________ 16
  • 17. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» disclosure, and also safety and protection of information about activity of the Company in order, defined by laws of Kazakhstan Republic. 10. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS 34. Control for observation of present Statement realizes by executive agency of the Company. 35. Present Statement comes into effect from the day of confirmation of it by Committee of directors. 36. Committee of directors has right to charge information about observation of present Statement and legislation of Kazakhstan Republic in part of information disclosure by Company. 37. Statement about information policy and introduction of changes and additions confirms by Committee directors. 38. Questions which are not regulated by present Statement were regulated by Kazakhstan Republic, Statement of the Company and decisions of Committee of directors. 39. If in result of changing legislation of Kazakhstan Republic some individual norms of present Statement come into collision with them, these norms falls into ground and to the moment of introduction changes in present Statement rules by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic. ______________________________________ 16
  • 18. Положение об информационной политике АО «КазАгроИнновация» disclosure, and also safety and protection of information about activity of the Company in order, defined by laws of Kazakhstan Republic. 10. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS 34. Control for observation of present Statement realizes by executive agency of the Company. 35. Present Statement comes into effect from the day of confirmation of it by Committee of directors. 36. Committee of directors has right to charge information about observation of present Statement and legislation of Kazakhstan Republic in part of information disclosure by Company. 37. Statement about information policy and introduction of changes and additions confirms by Committee directors. 38. Questions which are not regulated by present Statement were regulated by Kazakhstan Republic, Statement of the Company and decisions of Committee of directors. 39. If in result of changing legislation of Kazakhstan Republic some individual norms of present Statement come into collision with them, these norms falls into ground and to the moment of introduction changes in present Statement rules by legislation of Kazakhstan Republic. ______________________________________ 16