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[A2 Sociology]

[Unit 4: Crime & Deviance with Theories & Methods]

[Year 13]

Key Dates 2011/2012: Exam January 2012

Crime & Deviance: 40 Lessons

                 Lesson Focus           Learning Objectives       PLTS     Enrichment   Extended/Independent     Assessment        Assessment   Resources
                                                                                        Learning                 Focus             Evidence
1:               Lesson 1:              Know & Understand         CT1-3  Visit to       Read one article from    Exam Question:    Completed    PPTs
Functionalist,   Durkheim's             the functionalist         EP 2-4 Magistrates    Online Journal:          Examine the       Essay
strain &         Functionalist          perspective on crime,     EI 1-5 court                                   role of access                 Summary
subcultural      Theory                 including the functions   RL 1-4                Sociology                to opportunity                 Movie Makers
theories.        Lesson 2: Merton's     of crime.                 SM 3-5                Review | Volume 8 | 4    structures in
                 strain theory                                    TW 1-5                April 1999               causing crime &                Worksheets
                 Lesson 3:              Know & Understand                                                        deviance.
                 Subcultural strain     the concept of strain                                                                                   Card sorts
                 theory                 theory & its role in                            In focus: the 1998
                 Lesson 4: Recent       explaining deviance.                            British Crime Survey                                    Essay Plan
                 strain theories                                                                                                                Template
                                        Be able to explain the
                                        differences between
                                        different strain &
                                        subcultural theories.

                                        Be able to evaluate
                                        functionalist, strain &
                                        subcultural theories of
                                        crime & deviance.
2: Labelling     Lesson 1: The          Know & Understand         CT1-3                 Read this article from   Exam Question: Completed       PPTs
Theory           social construction    why labelling theories    EP 2-4                the Online Journal:      Assess the view Essay
                 of crime               regard crime &            EI 1-5                                         that crime &                   Summary
                 Lesson 2: Who          deviance as socially      RL 1-4                Sociology                deviance are                   Movie Makers
                 gets labelled?         constructed.              SM 3-5                Review | Volume          the product of
                 Lesson 3: The                                    TW 1-5                14 | 4 April 2005        labelling                      Worksheets
                 effects of labelling   Know & Understand                                                        processes.
Lesson 4: Deviance   the labelling process &                                                                  Card sorts
                  amplification        it's consequences for               Corporate crime
                                       those who are labelled.                                                                  Essay Plan
                                       Be able to evaluate the
                                       strengths & limitations
                                       of labelling theory in
                                       explaining crime &
3: Marxist        Lesson 1 & 2:        Know & understand          CT1-3    Complete the activity     Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Theorists         Traditional          why Marxists see crime     EP 2-4   from the Online           Examine some   Essay
                  Marxism              as inevitable in a         EI 1-5   Journal:                  of the ways in             Summary
                  Lesson 3: Neo-       capitalist society         RL 1-4                             which Marxists             Movie Makers
                  Marxism                                         SM 3-5   Sociology                 explain crime.
                  Lesson 4: A fully    Know & Understand          TW 1-5   Review | Volume                                      Worksheets
                  social theory of     traditional & neo-                  18 | 4 April 2009
                  deviance             Marxist approaches to                                                                    Card sorts
                                       crime & deviance, and
                                       the similarities &                  Crime and deviance                                   Essay Plan
                                       differences between                 crossword                                            Template

                                      Be able to evaluate the
                                      strengths & limitations
                                      of Marxists & neo-
                                      Marxist approaches to
                                      crime & deviance.
4: Left & Right   Lesson 1 & 2: Right Know & Understand           CT1-3    Produce a summary         Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
realists          realism             the difference between      EP 2-4   movie maker about         Assess the     Essay
                  Lesson 3 &4: Left   realist & other             EI 1-5   one of these 4 topics.    value of the               Summary
                  realism             approaches to crime.        RL 1-4   Group 1: Functionalist,   right realist              Movie Makers
                                                                  SM 3-5   strain & subcultural      approach to
                                       Know the main              TW 1-5   theories.                 crime &                    Worksheets
                                       features of right & left            Group 2: Labelling        deviance.
                                       realist approaches to               Theory                                               Card sorts
                                       crime.                              Group3: Marxist
                                                                           Theorists                                            Essay Plan
                                       Understand their                    Group 4: Left & Right                                Template
political context & the            realists
                                       similarities &
                                       differences between

                                       Be able to evaluate the
                                       strengths & limitations
                                       of right & left realist
                                       approaches to crime.
5: Gender &      Lesson 1: Gender      Knew the main gender      CT1-3    Read this article from    Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Crime            patterns in crime     differences in recorded   EP 2-4   the Online Journal:       Assess the        Essay
                 Lesson 2:             patterns of offending.    EI 1-5                             value of the               Summary
                 Explaining female                               RL 1-4   Sociology                 ‘chivalry thesis’          Movie Makers
                 crime                 Understand & Be able      SM 3-5   Review | Volume           in
                 Lesson 3: Women       to evaluate the           TW 1-5   19 | 3 February 2010      understanding              Worksheets
                 & the CJS: the        debates about the                                            gender
                 chivalry thesis.      treatment of men &                                           differences in             Card sorts
                 Lesson 4: Why do      women in the criminal              In focus: Gender and      crime.
                 men commit            justice system.                    crime                                                Essay Plan
                 crime?                                                                                                        Template
                                       Be able to evaluate
                                       explanations of the
                                       relationship between
                                       women & crime, &
                                       between men & crime.
6: Ethnicity &   Lesson 1: Ethnicity   Know the patterns of      CT1-3    Read this article from    Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Crime            & criminalisation     ethnicity &               EP 2-4   the Online Journal:       Examine some   Essay
                 Lesson 2: Ethnicity   criminalisation as        EI 1-5                             of the reasons             Summary
                 & the CJS             shown by different        RL 1-4   Sociology                 for ethnic                 Movie Makers
                 Lesson 3:             sources of data.          SM 3-5   Review | Volume           differences in
                 Explaining the                                  TW 1-5   12 | 3 February 2003      experiences of             Worksheets
                 differences in        Understand the                                               the criminal
                 offending             relationship between                                         justice system             Card sorts
                 Lesson 4: Ethnicity   the criminal justice               In the news: 'race' and
                 & victimisation       process & ethnicity                crime                                                Essay Plan
                                       Be able to evaluate
explanations of the
                                      relationship between
                                      ethnicity, offending &

                                      Understand the
                                      relationship between
                                      ethnicity racism &
7: Crime & the   Lesson 1: Media      Know the patterns of      CT1-3    Read this article from   Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Media            representations of   media representations     EP 2-4   the Online Journal:      Examine the     Essay
                 crime                of crime & how these      EI 1-5                            ways in which              Summary
                 Lesson 2: The        differ from the picture   RL 1-4   Sociology                the media                  Movie Makers
                 media as a cause     of crime in official      SM 3-5   Review | Volume          stimulate moral
                 of crime             statistics.               TW 1-5   19 | 4 April 2010        panics & create            Worksheets
                 Lesson 3: Moral                                                                  folk devils.
                 panics               Understand & be able                                                                   Card sorts
                 Lesson 4: Global     to evaluate different              Young people. risk and
                 cyber-crime          views about the media              cybercrime                                          Essay Plan
                                      as a cause of crime &                                                                  Template
                                      fear of crime.

                                      Know & be able to
                                      evaluate views of the
                                      media’s role in the
                                      creation of moral

                                      Understand the
                                      relationships between
                                      the new information
                                      media & crime & social
8:               Lesson 1 & 2:        Know & Understand         CT1-3    Produce a summary        Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Globalisation,   Crime &              the ways in which         EP 2-4   movie maker about        Examine the    Essay
Green & State    Globalisation        globalisation & crime     EI 1-5   one of these 4 topics.   relationship               Summary
Crime            Lesson 3: Green      are related.              RL 1-4   Group 1: Gender &        between crimes             Movie Makers
                 Crime                                          SM 3-5   crime                    against the
Lesson 4: State    Be able to evaluate      TW 1-5   Group 2: Ethnicity &      environment &              Worksheets
                  crimes             explanations for this             Crime                     the process of
                                     relationship.                     Group3: Crime & the       globalisation.             Card sorts
                                     Know & Understand                 Group 4: Globalisation,                              Essay Plan
                                     the different types of            Green & State Crime                                  Template
                                     green crime.

                                     Be able to evaluate
                                     explanations of
                                     environmental harm.

                                     Know & Understand
                                     the relationship
                                     between state crimes
                                     & human rights.

                                     Be able to evaluate
                                     evaluations of such
Topic 9: Crime,   Lesson 1 & 2:      Know, Understand &       CT1-3    Read this article from    Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Punishment &      Crime prevention   be able to evaluate a    EP 2-4   the Online Journal:       Assess         Essay
Victims           & control          range of crime           EI 1-5                             sociological               Summary
                  Lesson 3:          prevention & control     RL 1-4   Sociology                 views of crime             Movie Makers
                  Punishment         strategies.              SM 3-5   Review | Volume           reduction
                  Lesson 4: The                               TW 1-5   12 | 3 February 2003      strategies.                Worksheets
                  victims of crime   Know, Understand &
                                     be able to evaluate                                                                    Card sorts
                                     different perspectives            Interview. Cressida
                                     on punishment.                    Dick: Crime and                                      Essay Plan
                                                                       policing                                             Template
                                     Know the main trends
                                     in sentencing &
                                     understand their

                                     Know the main
patterns of
                                      victimisation & be able
                                      to evaluate sociological
                                      perspectives on
Topic 10:        Lesson 1:            Know the main               CT1-3    Produce a summary        Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Suicide          Durkheim &           features of the main        EP 2-4   movie maker about        Assess the     Essay
                 Suicide              sociological                EI 1-5   one of these 4 topics.   usefulness of              Summary
                 Lesson 2: Later      explanations of suicide.    RL 1-4   Group 1: Crime           different                  Movie Makers
                 Positivist                                       SM 3-5   prevention               sociological
                 approaches           Understand the              TW 1-5   Group 2: Punishment      approaches to              Worksheets
                 Lesson 3:            similarities &                       Group3: Victims of       suicide.
                 Interpretivism &     differences between                  Crime                                               Card sorts
                 suicide: Douglas &   positivist,                          Group 4: Suicide
                 Atkinson             interactionist,                                                                          Essay Plan
                 Lesson 4:            ethnomethodological                                                                      Template
                 Interpretivism &     & realist approaches to
                 suicide: Taylor      suicide.

                                      Be able to evaluate the
                                      strengths & limitations
                                      of different sociological
                                      explanations of suicide.
Research Methods: 10 Lessons
PERVERT         Lesson 1 -3: Recap    Know & Understand           CT1-3    Complete these           Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
                PERVERT               the main                    EP 2-4   questions from the       Assess the     Essay
                Lesson 4 & 5:         characteristics of crime    EI 1-5   Online Journal:          strengths &                Summary
                Researching crime     & deviance as a             RL 1-4                            weaknesses of              Movie Makers
                & deviance            context for sociological    SM 3-5   Sociology                using
                                      research.                   TW 1-5   Review | Volume          experiments to             Worksheets
                                                                           12 | 2 November 2002     investigate
                                      Understand some of                                            power &                    Card sorts
                                      the problems &                                                authority in
                                      opportunities that                   A to Z of crime and      prisons.                   Essay Plan
                                      researching issues in                deviance: questions      Or                         Template
                                      crime & deviance                                              Assess the
                                      presents for                                                  strengths &
                                      sociologists.                                                 weaknesses of
                                         Be aware of some of                                         structured
                                         the research strategies                                     interviews to
                                         sociologists use to                                         investigate the
                                         investigate crime &                                         real rate of
                                         deviance.                                                   street crime
Methods in        Lesson 1:              Know the different        CT1-3    Complete this activity   Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Context           Experiments            areas of research         EP 2-4   from the Online          Assess the      Essay
                  Lesson 2:              related to crime &        EI 1-5   Journal:                 strengths &                Summary
                  Questionnaires         deviance.                 RL 1-4                            weaknesses of              Movie Makers
                  Lessons 3:                                       SM 3-5   Sociology                using
                  Interviews             Understand the            TW 1-5   Review | Volume          questionnaires             Worksheets
                  Lesson 4:              research prompts that              20 | 2 November 2010     to investigate
                  Observations           need to be considered                                       violent crime.             Card sorts
                  Lesson 5:              when carrying out
                  Secondary data         research in the                    Question and answer      Or                         Essay Plan
                                         different areas of                 (AQA): Methods in        Assess the                 Template
                                         research for crime &               context: Crime and       strengths &
                                         deviance.                          deviance                 weaknesses of
                                                                                                     using public &
                                         Be able to apply                                            personal
                                         PERVERT for 5                                               documents to
                                         methods to the                                              investigate
                                         different areas of                                          corporate crime
                                         research for crime &
Sociological Theory: 27 lessons
Topic 1:          Lesson 1: Society      Know the main             CT1-3    Read this article from   Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Functionalism     as a system            features of the           EP 2-4   the Online Journal:      Assess the     Essay
                  Lesson 2: Merton’s     functionalist view of     EI 1-5                            strengths &                Summary
                  internal critique of   the social system.        RL 1-4   Sociology                weaknesses of              Movie Makers
                  functionalism                                    SM 3-5   Review | Volume          the
                  Lesson 3: External     Understand Merton’s       TW 1-5   20 | 3 February 2011     functionalist              Worksheets
                  critiques of           contribution to the                                         approach to
                  functionalism          development of                     The press portrayal of   society.                   Card sorts
                                         functionalism.                     crime
                                                                                                                                Essay Plan
                                         Be able to evaluate the                                                                Template
strengths & limitations
                                      of the functionalist
                                      perspective on society.
Topic 2:          Lesson 1: Marx’s    Know & understand          CT1-3    Read this article from    Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Marxism           Ideas               Marx’s main ideas &        EP 2-4   the Online Journal:       Critically       Essay
                  Lesson 2: Gramsci   concepts.                  EI 1-5                             examine                    Summary
                  & Hegemony                                     RL 1-4                             Marxist                    Movie Makers
                  Lesson 3:           Understand the             SM 3-5                             perspectives on
                                                                          Review | Volume
                  Althusser’s         differences between        TW 1-5                             today’s society.           Worksheets
                                                                          17 | 3 February 2008
                  structuralist       humanistic & structural
                  Marxism             Marxism.                                                                                 Card sorts
                                                                          The seductions of
                                      Be able to evaluate the                                                                  Essay Plan
                                      strengths & limitations                                                                  Template
                                      of Marxist approaches
                                      to the study of society.
Topic 3:          Lesson 1: Liberal   Know the main types        CT1-3    Read this article from    Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Feminist          feminists           of feminist theories.      EP 2-4   the Online Journal:       Assess the       Essay
Theories          Lesson 2: Radical                              EI 1-5                             usefulness of              Summary
                  feminists           Understand the             RL 1-4   Sociology                 feminist                   Movie Makers
                  Lesson 3: Marxist   similarities &             SM 3-5   Review | Volume 5 | 1     contributions to
                  feminists           differences between        TW 1-5   September 1995            our                        Worksheets
                  Lesson 4:           feminist theories.                                            understanding
                  Difference                                                                        of society                 Card sorts
                  feminism &          Be able to evaluate the             Masculinity, femininity   today.
                  poststructuralism   strengths & limitations             and crime                                            Essay Plan
                                      of feminist theories.                                                                    Template

Topic 4: Action   Lesson 1: Social    Know & Understand          CT1-3    Produce a summary         Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Theories          action theory &     the difference between     EP 2-4   movie maker about         Assess the     Essay
                  Symbolic            structural & action        EI 1-5   one of these 4 topics.    usefulness of              Summary
                  interactionism      theories.                  RL 1-4   Group 1:Functionalism     interactionist             Movie Makers
                  Lesson 2:                                      SM 3-5   Group 2: Marxism          approaches to
                  Phenomenology &     Know the main types        TW 1-5   Group3: Feminist          the study of               Worksheets
                  Ethnomethodology    of action theory &                  Theories                  society.
                  Lesson 3:           understand the                      Group 4: Action                                      Card sorts
                  Structure Action    differences between                 Theories
                  Theory              them.                                                                                    Essay Plan
                                      Be able to evaluates
                                      the strengths &
                                      limitations of action
Topic 5:         Lesson 1:            Know some of the           CT1-3    Read this article from   Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Globalisation,   Modernity &          reasons for the trend      EP 2-4   the Online Journal:      ‘Society has     Essay
modernity &      globalisation        towards globalisation.     EI 1-5                            now entered a              Summary
postmodernism    Lesson 2:                                       RL 1-4   Sociology                new,                       Movie Makers
                 Postmodernism        Understand the             SM 3-5   Review | Volume          postmodern
                 Lesson 3: Theories   difference between         TW 1-5   10 | 2 November 2000     age & we need              Worksheets
                 of late modernity.   modernity,                                                   new theories to
                 Lesson 4: Marxist    postmodernity & late                                         understand it.’            Card sorts
                 theories of          modernity.                          A case for criminal      Assess this view
                 postmodernity.                                           justice: bringing the                               Essay Plan
                                      Be able to evaluate the             police into the                                     Template
                                      strengths & limitations             sociology of crime
                                      of postmodernist &
                                      other theories of
                                      recent changes in
Topic 6:         Lesson 1:            Know the difference        CT1-3    Read this article from   Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Sociology &      Positivism           between positivist &       EP 2-4   the Online Journal:      Assess the view Essay
science          Lesson 2:            interpretivist views of    EI 1-5                            that sociology             Summary
                 Interpretivism       whether sociology can      RL 1-4   Sociology                can & should               Movie Makers
                 Lesson 3: Popper     be a science .             SM 3-5   Review | Volume          model itself on
                 & Kuhn                                          TW 1-5   12 | 2 November 2002     the natural                Worksheets
                 Lesson 4: Realism,   Be able to apply this to                                     sciences.
                 science &            suicide.                                                                                Card sorts
                 sociology.                                               Crime and the family
                                      Know a range of views
                                                                                                                              Essay Plan
                                      on natural science &
                                      their implications for
                                      sociology as a science.

                                      Be able to evaluate the
                                      arguments for &
                                      against the view that
                                      sociology can or should
be a science.
Topic 7:        Lesson 1: Classical   Know & understand           CT1-3    Read this article from     Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Objectivity &   sociologists &        the meaning of              EP 2-4   the Online Journal:        Assess the view Essay
values in       values.               objectivity, subjectivity   EI 1-5                              that values can            Summary
sociology       Lesson 2 & 3:         & value freedom.            RL 1-4   Sociology                  & should be                Movie Makers
                Value freedom &                                   SM 3-5   Review | Volume 8 | 4      kept out of
                commitment            Know the main views         TW 1-5   April 1999                 sociological               Worksheets
                                      put forward of the                                              research.
                                      relationship between                                                                       Card sorts
                                      sociology & values.                  Insights: control theory
                                                                           and crime revisited                                   Essay Plan
                                      Be able to evaluate the
                                      strengths & limitations
                                      of different views as to
                                      whether sociology can
                                      & should be value-free.
Topic 8:        Lesson 1: The         Know & Understand           CT1-3    Produce a summary          Exam Question: Completed   PPTs
Sociology &     influence of          the difference between      EP 2-4   movie maker about          Assess the     Essay
Social policy   sociology on policy   social problems &           EI 1-5   one of these 4 topics.     relationship               Summary
                Lesson 2 & 3:         sociological problems.      RL 1-4   Group 1: Objectivity &     between                    Movie Makers
                Perspectives on                                   SM 3-5   values in sociology        sociology &
                                      Know the factors that                                                                      Worksheets
                social policy &                                   TW 1-5   Group 2: Sociology &       social policy.
                sociology.            may affect the extent                science                                               Card sorts
                                      to which sociology can               Group3: Objectivity &
                                      influence social policy.             values in sociology                                   Essay Plan
                                                                           Group 4: Sociology &                                  Template
                                      Know the main
                                                                           Social Policy
                                      perspectives on the
                                      relationship between
                                      sociology & social

                                      Be able to evaluate
                                      their strengths &

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Crime & Deviance Theories for A-Level Sociology

  • 1. [A2 Sociology] [Unit 4: Crime & Deviance with Theories & Methods] [Year 13] Key Dates 2011/2012: Exam January 2012 Crime & Deviance: 40 Lessons Lesson Focus Learning Objectives PLTS Enrichment Extended/Independent Assessment Assessment Resources Learning Focus Evidence 1: Lesson 1: Know & Understand CT1-3 Visit to Read one article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Functionalist, Durkheim's the functionalist EP 2-4 Magistrates Online Journal: Examine the Essay strain & Functionalist perspective on crime, EI 1-5 court role of access Summary subcultural Theory including the functions RL 1-4 Sociology to opportunity Movie Makers theories. Lesson 2: Merton's of crime. SM 3-5 Review | Volume 8 | 4 structures in strain theory TW 1-5 April 1999 causing crime & Worksheets Lesson 3: Know & Understand deviance. Subcultural strain the concept of strain Card sorts theory theory & its role in In focus: the 1998 Lesson 4: Recent explaining deviance. British Crime Survey Essay Plan strain theories Template Be able to explain the differences between different strain & subcultural theories. Be able to evaluate functionalist, strain & subcultural theories of crime & deviance. 2: Labelling Lesson 1: The Know & Understand CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Theory social construction why labelling theories EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Assess the view Essay of crime regard crime & EI 1-5 that crime & Summary Lesson 2: Who deviance as socially RL 1-4 Sociology deviance are Movie Makers gets labelled? constructed. SM 3-5 Review | Volume the product of Lesson 3: The TW 1-5 14 | 4 April 2005 labelling Worksheets effects of labelling Know & Understand processes.
  • 2. Lesson 4: Deviance the labelling process & Card sorts amplification it's consequences for Corporate crime those who are labelled. Essay Plan Template Be able to evaluate the strengths & limitations of labelling theory in explaining crime & deviance. 3: Marxist Lesson 1 & 2: Know & understand CT1-3 Complete the activity Exam Question: Completed PPTs Theorists Traditional why Marxists see crime EP 2-4 from the Online Examine some Essay Marxism as inevitable in a EI 1-5 Journal: of the ways in Summary Lesson 3: Neo- capitalist society RL 1-4 which Marxists Movie Makers Marxism SM 3-5 Sociology explain crime. Lesson 4: A fully Know & Understand TW 1-5 Review | Volume Worksheets social theory of traditional & neo- 18 | 4 April 2009 deviance Marxist approaches to Card sorts crime & deviance, and the similarities & Crime and deviance Essay Plan differences between crossword Template them. Be able to evaluate the strengths & limitations of Marxists & neo- Marxist approaches to crime & deviance. 4: Left & Right Lesson 1 & 2: Right Know & Understand CT1-3 Produce a summary Exam Question: Completed PPTs realists realism the difference between EP 2-4 movie maker about Assess the Essay Lesson 3 &4: Left realist & other EI 1-5 one of these 4 topics. value of the Summary realism approaches to crime. RL 1-4 Group 1: Functionalist, right realist Movie Makers SM 3-5 strain & subcultural approach to Know the main TW 1-5 theories. crime & Worksheets features of right & left Group 2: Labelling deviance. realist approaches to Theory Card sorts crime. Group3: Marxist Theorists Essay Plan Understand their Group 4: Left & Right Template
  • 3. political context & the realists similarities & differences between them. Be able to evaluate the strengths & limitations of right & left realist approaches to crime. 5: Gender & Lesson 1: Gender Knew the main gender CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Crime patterns in crime differences in recorded EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Assess the Essay Lesson 2: patterns of offending. EI 1-5 value of the Summary Explaining female RL 1-4 Sociology ‘chivalry thesis’ Movie Makers crime Understand & Be able SM 3-5 Review | Volume in Lesson 3: Women to evaluate the TW 1-5 19 | 3 February 2010 understanding Worksheets & the CJS: the debates about the gender chivalry thesis. treatment of men & differences in Card sorts Lesson 4: Why do women in the criminal In focus: Gender and crime. men commit justice system. crime Essay Plan crime? Template Be able to evaluate explanations of the relationship between women & crime, & between men & crime. 6: Ethnicity & Lesson 1: Ethnicity Know the patterns of CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Crime & criminalisation ethnicity & EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Examine some Essay Lesson 2: Ethnicity criminalisation as EI 1-5 of the reasons Summary & the CJS shown by different RL 1-4 Sociology for ethnic Movie Makers Lesson 3: sources of data. SM 3-5 Review | Volume differences in Explaining the TW 1-5 12 | 3 February 2003 experiences of Worksheets differences in Understand the the criminal offending relationship between justice system Card sorts Lesson 4: Ethnicity the criminal justice In the news: 'race' and & victimisation process & ethnicity crime Essay Plan Template Be able to evaluate sociological
  • 4. explanations of the relationship between ethnicity, offending & criminalisation. Understand the relationship between ethnicity racism & victimisation. 7: Crime & the Lesson 1: Media Know the patterns of CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Media representations of media representations EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Examine the Essay crime of crime & how these EI 1-5 ways in which Summary Lesson 2: The differ from the picture RL 1-4 Sociology the media Movie Makers media as a cause of crime in official SM 3-5 Review | Volume stimulate moral of crime statistics. TW 1-5 19 | 4 April 2010 panics & create Worksheets Lesson 3: Moral folk devils. panics Understand & be able Card sorts Lesson 4: Global to evaluate different Young people. risk and cyber-crime views about the media cybercrime Essay Plan as a cause of crime & Template fear of crime. Know & be able to evaluate views of the media’s role in the creation of moral panics. Understand the relationships between the new information media & crime & social control. 8: Lesson 1 & 2: Know & Understand CT1-3 Produce a summary Exam Question: Completed PPTs Globalisation, Crime & the ways in which EP 2-4 movie maker about Examine the Essay Green & State Globalisation globalisation & crime EI 1-5 one of these 4 topics. relationship Summary Crime Lesson 3: Green are related. RL 1-4 Group 1: Gender & between crimes Movie Makers Crime SM 3-5 crime against the
  • 5. Lesson 4: State Be able to evaluate TW 1-5 Group 2: Ethnicity & environment & Worksheets crimes explanations for this Crime the process of relationship. Group3: Crime & the globalisation. Card sorts Media Know & Understand Group 4: Globalisation, Essay Plan the different types of Green & State Crime Template green crime. Be able to evaluate sociological explanations of environmental harm. Know & Understand the relationship between state crimes & human rights. Be able to evaluate evaluations of such crimes. Topic 9: Crime, Lesson 1 & 2: Know, Understand & CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Punishment & Crime prevention be able to evaluate a EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Assess Essay Victims & control range of crime EI 1-5 sociological Summary Lesson 3: prevention & control RL 1-4 Sociology views of crime Movie Makers Punishment strategies. SM 3-5 Review | Volume reduction Lesson 4: The TW 1-5 12 | 3 February 2003 strategies. Worksheets victims of crime Know, Understand & be able to evaluate Card sorts different perspectives Interview. Cressida on punishment. Dick: Crime and Essay Plan policing Template Know the main trends in sentencing & understand their significance. Know the main
  • 6. patterns of victimisation & be able to evaluate sociological perspectives on victimisation. Topic 10: Lesson 1: Know the main CT1-3 Produce a summary Exam Question: Completed PPTs Suicide Durkheim & features of the main EP 2-4 movie maker about Assess the Essay Suicide sociological EI 1-5 one of these 4 topics. usefulness of Summary Lesson 2: Later explanations of suicide. RL 1-4 Group 1: Crime different Movie Makers Positivist SM 3-5 prevention sociological approaches Understand the TW 1-5 Group 2: Punishment approaches to Worksheets Lesson 3: similarities & Group3: Victims of suicide. Interpretivism & differences between Crime Card sorts suicide: Douglas & positivist, Group 4: Suicide Atkinson interactionist, Essay Plan Lesson 4: ethnomethodological Template Interpretivism & & realist approaches to suicide: Taylor suicide. Be able to evaluate the strengths & limitations of different sociological explanations of suicide. Research Methods: 10 Lessons PERVERT Lesson 1 -3: Recap Know & Understand CT1-3 Complete these Exam Question: Completed PPTs PERVERT the main EP 2-4 questions from the Assess the Essay Lesson 4 & 5: characteristics of crime EI 1-5 Online Journal: strengths & Summary Researching crime & deviance as a RL 1-4 weaknesses of Movie Makers & deviance context for sociological SM 3-5 Sociology using research. TW 1-5 Review | Volume experiments to Worksheets 12 | 2 November 2002 investigate Understand some of power & Card sorts the problems & authority in opportunities that A to Z of crime and prisons. Essay Plan researching issues in deviance: questions Or Template crime & deviance Assess the presents for strengths & sociologists. weaknesses of
  • 7. using Be aware of some of structured the research strategies interviews to sociologists use to investigate the investigate crime & real rate of deviance. street crime Methods in Lesson 1: Know the different CT1-3 Complete this activity Exam Question: Completed PPTs Context Experiments areas of research EP 2-4 from the Online Assess the Essay Lesson 2: related to crime & EI 1-5 Journal: strengths & Summary Questionnaires deviance. RL 1-4 weaknesses of Movie Makers Lessons 3: SM 3-5 Sociology using Interviews Understand the TW 1-5 Review | Volume questionnaires Worksheets Lesson 4: research prompts that 20 | 2 November 2010 to investigate Observations need to be considered violent crime. Card sorts Lesson 5: when carrying out Secondary data research in the Question and answer Or Essay Plan different areas of (AQA): Methods in Assess the Template research for crime & context: Crime and strengths & deviance. deviance weaknesses of using public & Be able to apply personal PERVERT for 5 documents to methods to the investigate different areas of corporate crime research for crime & deviance. Sociological Theory: 27 lessons Topic 1: Lesson 1: Society Know the main CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Functionalism as a system features of the EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Assess the Essay Lesson 2: Merton’s functionalist view of EI 1-5 strengths & Summary internal critique of the social system. RL 1-4 Sociology weaknesses of Movie Makers functionalism SM 3-5 Review | Volume the Lesson 3: External Understand Merton’s TW 1-5 20 | 3 February 2011 functionalist Worksheets critiques of contribution to the approach to functionalism development of The press portrayal of society. Card sorts functionalism. crime Essay Plan Be able to evaluate the Template
  • 8. strengths & limitations of the functionalist perspective on society. Topic 2: Lesson 1: Marx’s Know & understand CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Marxism Ideas Marx’s main ideas & EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Critically Essay Lesson 2: Gramsci concepts. EI 1-5 examine Summary & Hegemony RL 1-4 Marxist Movie Makers Sociology Lesson 3: Understand the SM 3-5 perspectives on Review | Volume Althusser’s differences between TW 1-5 today’s society. Worksheets 17 | 3 February 2008 structuralist humanistic & structural Marxism Marxism. Card sorts The seductions of Be able to evaluate the Essay Plan crime strengths & limitations Template of Marxist approaches to the study of society. Topic 3: Lesson 1: Liberal Know the main types CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Feminist feminists of feminist theories. EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Assess the Essay Theories Lesson 2: Radical EI 1-5 usefulness of Summary feminists Understand the RL 1-4 Sociology feminist Movie Makers Lesson 3: Marxist similarities & SM 3-5 Review | Volume 5 | 1 contributions to feminists differences between TW 1-5 September 1995 our Worksheets Lesson 4: feminist theories. understanding Difference of society Card sorts feminism & Be able to evaluate the Masculinity, femininity today. poststructuralism strengths & limitations and crime Essay Plan of feminist theories. Template Topic 4: Action Lesson 1: Social Know & Understand CT1-3 Produce a summary Exam Question: Completed PPTs Theories action theory & the difference between EP 2-4 movie maker about Assess the Essay Symbolic structural & action EI 1-5 one of these 4 topics. usefulness of Summary interactionism theories. RL 1-4 Group 1:Functionalism interactionist Movie Makers Lesson 2: SM 3-5 Group 2: Marxism approaches to Phenomenology & Know the main types TW 1-5 Group3: Feminist the study of Worksheets Ethnomethodology of action theory & Theories society. Lesson 3: understand the Group 4: Action Card sorts Structure Action differences between Theories Theory them. Essay Plan
  • 9. Template Be able to evaluates the strengths & limitations of action theories. Topic 5: Lesson 1: Know some of the CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Globalisation, Modernity & reasons for the trend EP 2-4 the Online Journal: ‘Society has Essay modernity & globalisation towards globalisation. EI 1-5 now entered a Summary postmodernism Lesson 2: RL 1-4 Sociology new, Movie Makers Postmodernism Understand the SM 3-5 Review | Volume postmodern Lesson 3: Theories difference between TW 1-5 10 | 2 November 2000 age & we need Worksheets of late modernity. modernity, new theories to Lesson 4: Marxist postmodernity & late understand it.’ Card sorts theories of modernity. A case for criminal Assess this view postmodernity. justice: bringing the Essay Plan Be able to evaluate the police into the Template strengths & limitations sociology of crime of postmodernist & other theories of recent changes in society. Topic 6: Lesson 1: Know the difference CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Sociology & Positivism between positivist & EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Assess the view Essay science Lesson 2: interpretivist views of EI 1-5 that sociology Summary Interpretivism whether sociology can RL 1-4 Sociology can & should Movie Makers Lesson 3: Popper be a science . SM 3-5 Review | Volume model itself on & Kuhn TW 1-5 12 | 2 November 2002 the natural Worksheets Lesson 4: Realism, Be able to apply this to sciences. science & suicide. Card sorts sociology. Crime and the family Know a range of views Essay Plan on natural science & Template their implications for sociology as a science. Be able to evaluate the arguments for & against the view that sociology can or should
  • 10. be a science. Topic 7: Lesson 1: Classical Know & understand CT1-3 Read this article from Exam Question: Completed PPTs Objectivity & sociologists & the meaning of EP 2-4 the Online Journal: Assess the view Essay values in values. objectivity, subjectivity EI 1-5 that values can Summary sociology Lesson 2 & 3: & value freedom. RL 1-4 Sociology & should be Movie Makers Value freedom & SM 3-5 Review | Volume 8 | 4 kept out of commitment Know the main views TW 1-5 April 1999 sociological Worksheets put forward of the research. relationship between Card sorts sociology & values. Insights: control theory and crime revisited Essay Plan Be able to evaluate the Template strengths & limitations of different views as to whether sociology can & should be value-free. Topic 8: Lesson 1: The Know & Understand CT1-3 Produce a summary Exam Question: Completed PPTs Sociology & influence of the difference between EP 2-4 movie maker about Assess the Essay Social policy sociology on policy social problems & EI 1-5 one of these 4 topics. relationship Summary Lesson 2 & 3: sociological problems. RL 1-4 Group 1: Objectivity & between Movie Makers Perspectives on SM 3-5 values in sociology sociology & Know the factors that Worksheets social policy & TW 1-5 Group 2: Sociology & social policy. sociology. may affect the extent science Card sorts to which sociology can Group3: Objectivity & influence social policy. values in sociology Essay Plan Group 4: Sociology & Template Know the main Social Policy sociological perspectives on the relationship between sociology & social policy. Be able to evaluate their strengths & limitations.