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Blood Vessels of the Systemic
Circulation: Arteries
Dr. Sam Nang
Blood Vessels of the Systemic
Circulation: Arteries
The systemic circulation is the
flow of blood through the system of
blood vessels that carry blood
from the left ventricle of the heart
to the tissues of the body and
back to the right atrium.
Oxygenated blood from the
pulmonary veins passes from
the left atrium into the left
ventricle and from the left
ventricle into the aorta. Blood is
distributed from the aorta to all
portions of the body.
All arteries of the systemic
circulation branch directly or
indirectly from the aorta. The
aorta is usually considered in three
parts: the ascending aorta, the
aortic arch, and the descending
aorta. The descending aorta is
further divided into the thoracic
aorta and the abdominal aorta.
The part of the aorta that passes
superiorly from the left ventricle is
called the ascending aorta. The
right and left coronary arteries
arise from the base of the
ascending aorta and supply
blood to the cardiac muscle.
The aorta arches posteriorly and
to the left as the aortic arch.
Three major arteries, which carry
blood to the head and upper
limbs, originate from the aortic
arch. They are the
brachiocephalic artery, the left
common carotid artery, and the
left subclavian an artery.
The descending aorta is the
longest part of the aorta. It
extends through the thorax and
abdomen to the upper margin of
the pelvis. The part of the
descending aorta that extends
through the thorax to the
diaphragm is called the thoracic
The part of the descending aorta
that extends from the diaphragm
to the point at which it divides into
the two common iliac arteries is
called abdominal aorta.
Arteries of the Head and Neck
The first vessel to branch from
the aortic arch is the
brachiocephalic artery.
It is a short artery, and it branches
at the level of the clavicle to form
the right common carotid artery,
which transports blood to the right
side of the head and neck, and
the right subclavian artery, which
transports blood to the right
upper limb.
There is no brachiocephalic
artery on the left side of the body.
Instead, the left common
carotid and left subclavian
artery branch directly off the
aortic arch.
They are the second and third
branches of the aortic arch.The left
common carotid artery transports
blood to the left side of the head
and neck, and the left subclavian
artery transports blood to the left
upper limb.
The common carotid arteries
extend superiorly along each side of
the neck to the angle of the
mandible, where they branch into
internal and external carotid
arteries. The base of each internal
carotid artery is slightly dilated to
form a carotid sinus, which contains
structures important in monitoring
blood pressure (baroreceptors).
the external carotid arteries have
several branches that supply the
structures of the neck, face, nose,
and mouth. The internal carotid
arteries pass through the carotid
canals and supply most of the
blood to the brain.
Some of the blood to the brain is
supplied by the vertebral arteries,
which branch from the subclavian
arteries and pass to the head
through the transverse foramina
of the cervical vertebrae.
The vertebral arteries then
pass into the cranial vault
through the foramen magnum.
Branches of the vertebral
arteries supply blood to the
spinal cord, as well as to the
vertebrae, muscles, and
ligaments in the neck.
Within the cranial vault the
vertebral arteries unite to form a
single basilar artery located
along the anterior, inferior
surface of the brainstem. The
basilar artery gives off branches
that supply blood to the pons,
cerebellum, and midbrain.
It also forms right and left branches
that connect with the right and left
internal carotid arteries. These
blood vessels form a system of
vessels called the cerebral arterial
circle or the circle of Willis at the
base of the brain. The vessels that
supply blood to most of the brain
branch off of the cerebral arterial
Most of the blood supply to the
brain is through the internal
carotid arteries; however, not
enough blood is supplied to the
brain to maintain life if either the
carotid arteries or the vertebral
arteries are blocked.
I. Introduction: the anterior part of
the brain receives its blood from
the internal carotid aa. (80% of
total cerebral flow); the vertebral-
basilar system (20% total blood
flow) supplies the brain stem,
cerebellum, and parts of the
temporal and occipital lobes.
Anatomic connections exist
between vessels of the 2
systems at the circle of Willis,
but functionally, the systems
are almost completely
Cerebral arteries. Are considered to
be end arteries since large
anastomoses are not found
between large branches of the
circle of Willis. The capillary
network of the cortex is dense, and
neurons rarely are more than 50
um from a capillary
II.Circle of Willis: a ring of vessels
beneath the hypothalamus,
enclosing the lamina terminalis,
optic chiasm, infundibulum, tuber
cinereum, mamillary bodies, and
posterior perforated substance.
It is composed of a single ant.
Communicating artery. and the
paired anterior Cerebral,
internal carotid, posterior
Communicating, and posterior.
Cerebral arteries
III. Anterior circulation
A. INTERAL CAROTID enters skull
through carotid canal in petrous
temporal bone, passes along carotid
groove, and exits anteriorly near apex
of petrous bone to enter the posterior
part of foramen lacerum in which it
ascends to a juxtasellar location by
piercing the dural layers of the
cavernous sinus.
It has an S-shaped course in the
sinus, called the carotid siphon. As it
pierces the dura, it gives off its 1st
branch, the ophthalmic artery., then
posterior Communicating artery., and
then the anterior choroidal artery.
The artery then bifurcates into
anterior. And middle cerebral
1. Anterior cerebral: smaller of 2
terminal branchs.; runs horizontal
and anteromedial between optic
nerve. and anterior Perforated
substance to enter interhemispheric
(longitudinal) fissure at midline,
anastomosing, via the ant.
Communicating artery., with its
counterpart of the opposite side.
Major branches are:
a. Prior to anterior Communicating
artery: inferior branchs. To optic
nerve. and chiasm, superior
branchs. (via anterior Perforating
substance) to basal ganglia, internal
capsule, and anterior
Hypothalamus. The largest branch
is the recurrent artery of Huebner to
the head of the caudate nucleus and
anterior Limb of the internal capsule
b. Beyond the anterior
Communicating artery
(interhemispheric): anterior Carotid
ascends in cistern of lamina terminalis
and around genu of corpus callosum,
giving rise to:
i. Medial orbitofrontal artery: to
orbital gyrus and olfactory tract
and bulb
ii. Frontopolar artery: to
undersurface of frontal lobe and
midline structures
iii. Near genu of corpus callosum,
anterior Cerebral divides into a
callosomarginal artery. (runs in
cingulated sulcus) and a pericallosal
artery. (runs above corpus callosum).
They supply the medial and dorsal
surfaces of frontal and parietal lobes,
including the medial part of the motor
and somatosensory cortex
2. Middle cerebral: largest branch;
runs along lateral (sylvian) fissure.
Cortical areas supplied are insula,
claustrum, lateral part of
hemisphere (except for superior
convexity from frontal to occipital
pole), and inferior convexity from
occipital to temporal pole.
It gives off 2 groups of ganglionic
branches (3-6 medial and 3-6
lateral striate arteries. Which
enter brain through anterior
Perforated substance to internal
capsule, basal ganglia, and
thalamus); a lateral orbitofrontal
( to lateral orbital and inferior
frontal gyri); and cortical branchs.
(to lateral surface of frontal,
parietal, and temporal lobes,
including premotor, motor and
somatosensory cortices of
cerebral convexities). The largest
striate branches are:
a.Medial lenticulostriates: to
outer segment of the globus
b. Lateral lenticulostriates: to
putamen, superior ½ of
internal capsule and adjacent
corona radiate, and much of
the caudate nucleus
3. Posterior communicating: runs
posteriorly to join posterior
cerebral artery of basilar artery
Branches supply: optic tract and
chiasm, hypothalamus, cerebral
peduncle, thalamus, subthalamus,
interpeduncular area, and
hippocampla gyrus
4. Anterior choroidal: passes along
optic tract and around cerebral
peduncle to enter temporal horn of
lateral ventricle to end in glomus of
choroids plexus of ventricle
a. Branches supply: optic tract,
hippocampus, caudate nucleus,
internal capsule, cerebral
peduncles, thalamus, and part of
the midbrain
I. Introduction of vertebral-basilar
system: the vertebral arteries Pass up
neck through foramina in transverse
processes of cervical vertebrae 6 to 1.
after looping between atlas and
occipital bone, they penetrate the
atlanto-occipital membrane and dura
and enter skull through foramen
The left Vertebral is usually larger than
the right. The 2 vertebrals merge at the
pontomedullary junction of form the
basilar artery. which passes in the
midline ventral sulcus of the pons to end
just posterior to the posterior to the
posterior clinoid process. This system
supplies the posterior cerebrum,
midbrain, pons, medulla, and cerebellum
II.Vertebral arteries: branches are
descends on cord anteriorly in
anterior Median sulcus to supply
ventral funiculi, ventral horns, and
base of doral horns
descend on cord posteriorly,
associated with doral nerve roots,
and supply doral funiculi and doral
(largest branch): to choroids plexus
of 4th ventricle, lateral medulla,
inferior cerebellar peduncle, and part
of cerebellum
III. Basilar artery terminates in
the interpeduncular (crural)
cistern where it divides into the
right. And Ieft. Cerebral arteries
Just superior to the oculomotor
nerves. Branches:
A. PONTINE: numerous, small,
penetrating to pons and
ventrolateral cerebellar cortex
and inferior part of the
B. INTERNAL AUDITORY (labyrinthine)
passes with CN VII and VIII to internal
auditory meatus and supplies dura of
canal, cochlea, labyrinth, and facial
to brain stem and superior and middle
cerebellar peduncles and anterior part
of undersurface of cerebellar
medial branches to
mesencephalon, pons, medial
cerebellum, and deep cerebellar
nuclei; lateral branches to
anterolateral part of superior ½ of
cerebellar cortex, superior and
middle cerebellar peduncles,
dentate nerve, and roof nuclei.
In addition, the more medial
superior vermian branch.
(anastomosis with inferior vermian
branch of posterior, inferior
Cerebellar) supplies the inferior
colliculi, superior cerebellar
peduncles, and dentate nerve.
around midbrain in cisterna
ambiens, then through incisura of
tentorium, along medial surface of
temporal and occipital lobes to
end in the calcarine fissure to
supply the visual cortex.
Branches to:
1. Posteromedial ganglionic:
posterior Hypothalamus, pasts
of thalamus and midbrain, and
the medial choroidal artery to
choroids plexus of the 3rd
2. Posterior choroidal branches:
to posterior thalamus,
subthalamus, internal capsule and
choroids plexus of 3rd ventricle,
and body of lateral ventricle
3. Cortical branches: to inferior
surface of temporal and occipital
Arteries of the Upper Limbs
The arteries of the upper limbs are
named differently as they pass into
different body regions, even though no
major branching occurs. The subclavian
artery, located deep to the clavicle,
becomes the axillary artery, in the axilla
(armpit). The brachial artery, located in
the arm, is a continuation of the axillary
• Branches of AXILLARY:
- superior thoracic artery
- thoracoacromial artery
- lateral thoracic artery
- subscapular artery
- scapular circumflex artery
- dorsal scapular artery
- posterior humeral circumflex artery
- anterior humeral circumflex artery
Blood pressure measurements are
normally taken from the brachial
artery. The brachial artery branches at
the elbow to form the ulnar artery and
the radial artery, which supply blood to
the forearm and hand.
•Branches of Brachial Artery:
- superior ulnar collateral arterry
- inferior ulnar collateral arterry
•Branches of Deep Brachial Artery:
-radial collateral arterry
-middle collateral artery
The radial artery is the artery most
commonly used for taking a pulse.
The pulse can be detected
conveniently on the thumb (radial)
side of the anterior surface of the
• Branches of Radial Artery:
- radial recurrent artery
- princeps pollicis artery
- radial of index finger artery
- dorsal carpal artery
- dorsal carpal network
- dorsal metacarpal arteries
-dorsal digital arteries
-superficial palmar artery
• Branches of Ulnar Artery:
- anterior ulnar recurrent artery
- posterior ulnar recurrent artery
- common interosseous artery
- interosseous recurrent artery
- anterior interosseous artery
- posterior interosseous artery
-volar interosseous artery
- common palmar digital arteries
-Proper palmar digital arteries
- deep palmar (arterial) arch
- superficial palmar (arterial) arch
The Thoracic Aorta and Its Branches
The branch of the thoracic aorta can be
divided into two groups: the visceral
arteries supply the thoracic organs, and
the parietal arteries supply the thoracic
wall. The visceral branches of the
thoracic aorta supply the esophagus
(Esophageal artery), trachea, parietal
pericardium (Pericardial artery), and part
of the lung (Bronchial artery).
The major parietal arteries are the
posterior intercostal arteries, which
arise from the thoracic aorta and
extend between the ribs. They
supply intercostal muscle, the
vertebrae, the spinal cord, and deep
muscles of the back. The superior
phrenic arteries supply the
Bronchial Artery
Esophageal Artery
The internal thoracic arteries are
branch of the subclavian arteries.
They descend along the internal
surface of the anterior thoracic wall
and give rise to branches called the
anterior intercostal arteries, which
extend between the ribs to supply the
anterior chest wall.
The Abdominal Aorta
and Its Branches
The branches of the abdominal aorta,
like those of the thoracic aorta, can he
divided into visceral and parietal groups.
The visceral arteries are divided into
paired and unpaired branches. There are
three major unpaired branches: the
celiac trunk, superior mesenteric
artery, and the inferior mesenteric
The celiac trunk supplies blood to the
stomach, pancreas, spleen, upper
duodenum, and liver. The superior
mesenteric artery supplies blood to
the small intestine and the upper
portion of the colon, and the inferior
mesenteric artery supplies blood to
the remainder of the colon.
There are three paired visceral
branches of the abdominal aorta. The
renal arteries supply the kidneys and
the suprarenal arteries supply the
adrenal glands. The testicular arteries
supply the testes in males or the
ovarian arteries supply the ovary in
The parietal branches of the
abdominal aorta supply the
diaphragm and abdominal wall. The
inferior phrenic arteries supply the
diaphragm, the lumbar arteries
supply the lumbar vertebrae and
back muscles, and the median sacral
artery Supplies the inferior vertebrae.
Arteries of the Pelvis
The abdominal aorta divides at the
level of the fifth lumbar vertebra into
two common iliac arteries. Each
common iliac artery divides to form an
external iliac artery, which enters a
lower limb, and an internal iliac
artery, which supplies the pelvic area.
Visceral branches of the internal iliac
artery supply organs such as the urinary
bladder, rectum, uterus, and vagina.
Parietal branches supply blood to the
walls and floor of the pelvis; the lumbar,
gluteal, and proximal thigh muscles;
and the external genitalia.
Arteries of the lower limps
Like the arteries of the upper limbs,
arteries of the lower limbs are named
differently as they pass into different
body regions, even though there are no
major branches. The external iliac
artery, in the pelvis, becomes the
femoral artery in the thigh, and it
becomes the popliteal artery in the
popliteal space, which is the posterior
region of the knee.
The popliteal artery branches slightly
inferior to the knee to give off the
anterior tibial artery and the posterior
tibial artery. The anterior and
posterior tibial arteries give rise to
arteries that supply blood to the feet.
The anterior tibial artery becomes the
dorsalis pedis artery at the ankle.
EXTERNAL CAROTID: Anterior: superior thyroid - superior laryngeal
- lingual -sublingual
facial: angular - ascending palatine - submental - inferior labial -
superior labial
Posterior and ascending: occipital - posterior auricular - stylomastoid
- ascending pharyngeal -
meningeal branches of the ascending pharyngeal -
posterior meningeal
Terminal: superficial temporal - transverse facial - middle temporal -
internal maxillary - 1st part: anterior tympanic - deep auricular -
middle meningeal - superior tympanic - accessory meningeal -
inferior alveolar - lingual
2nd part: masseteric - buccinator - posterior superior alveolar
3rd part: infraorbital - descending palatine -
Arteries of head and neck
INTERNAL CAROTID: cervical portion -
petrous portion - cavernous portion
ophthalmic - orbital group: lacrimal -
supra-orbital - posterior ethmoidal -
anterior ethmoidal - medial palpebral -
supratrochlear - dorsal nasal
ocular group: central retinal - ciliary)
anterior cerebral - anterior communicating -
middle cerebral - posterior communicating -
anterior choroidal - circle of Willis | (Gray's
s146 - Gray's s147
SUBCLAVIAN: vertebral: anterior spinal -
posterior inferior cerebellar - basilar (
internal auditory - anterior inferior cerebellar -
superior cerebellar - posterior cerebral)
thyrocervical trunk: inferior thyroid -
inferior laryngeal - ascending cervical -
suprascapular - transverse cervical
internal thoracic: musculophrenic -
anterior intercostal - pericardiacophrenic -
superior epigastric
costocervical trunk: highest intercostal,
deep cervical | (Gray's s148)
Arteries of upper limbs
•AXILLARY: superior thoracic -
thoracoacromial - lateral thoracic -
subscapular - scapular circumflex -
dorsal scapular - posterior humeral circumflex
- anterior humeral circumflex | (Gray's s149)
•BRACHIAL: superior ulnar collateral -
inferior ulnar collateral | (Gray's s150)
•RADIAL: deep palmar arch - radial recurrent
- superficial palmar arch - dorsal carpal -
dorsal carpal network - dorsal metacarpal -
princeps pollicis - radial of index finger -
volar metacarpal | (Gray's s151)
•ULNAR: anterior ulnar recurrent -
posterior ulnar recurrent -
common interosseous - volar interosseous -
posterior interosseous -
interosseous recurrent - common volar digital |
(Gray's s152)
Arteries of thorax and abdomen
pulmonary - aorta - ascending aorta -
aortic sinus - coronary - right coronary -
posterior descending - left coronary -
Left circumflex - aortic arch -
brachiocephalic - thyreoidea ima -
common carotid | (Gray's s141-Gray's
•THORACIC AORTA: bronchial - esophageal - intercostal -
subcostal | (Gray's s153)
•ABDOMINAL AORTA: Visceral branches: celiac -
left gastric - hepatic: right gastric - gastroduodenal -
right gastro-omental - superior pancreaticoduodenal - cystic
splenic: pancreatic branches - arteria pancreatica magna -
short gastric - left gastro-omental
superior mesenteric: inferior pancreaticoduodenal -
intestinal - ileocolic - right colic - middle colic -
inferior mesenteric: left colic - sigmoid - superior rectal
middle suprarenal - renal - inferior suprarenal -
internal spermatic - ovarian
Parietal branches: inferior phrenic - lumbar - median sacral
Terminal branches: common iliac - marginal - internal iliac |
(Gray's s154)
•INTERNAL ILIAC: umbilical - superior vesical -
to ductus deferens - middle vesical - inferior vesical
- middle rectal - uterine - azygos of the vagina -
vaginal - obturator
internal pudendal: inferior rectal - perineal -
artery of the urethral bulb - urethral -
deep artery of the penis - dorsal artery of the penis
inferior gluteal: accompanying of ischiadic nerve -
crucial anastomosis
iliolumbar - lateral sacral - superior gluteal | (Gray's
•EXTERNAL ILIAC: inferior epigastric -
cremasteric - deep circumflex iliac | (Gray's s156)
Arteries of lower limbs
•FEMORAL: superficial epigastric -
superficial iliac circumflex -
superficial external pudendal -
deep external pudendal - profunda femoris -
lateral femoral circumflex -
medial femoral circumflex - perforating -
highest genicular | (Gray's s157)
•POPLITEAL: anterior tibial - sural -
superior genicular - middle genicular - inferior
genicular | (Gray's s159)
•ANTERIOR TIBIAL: dorsalis pedis -
posterior tibial recurrent - peroneal - anterior
tibial recurrent - anterior medial malleolar -
anterior lateral malleolar | (Gray's s160)
•DORSALIS PEDIS: lateral tarsal - medial
tarsal - arcuate - deep plantar | (Gray's s161)
•POSTERIOR TIBIAL: peroneal - medial
plantar - lateral plantar - plantar arch -
plantar metatarsal | (Gray's s162)

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L8 circulation arteries

  • 1. Blood Vessels of the Systemic Circulation: Arteries Dr. Sam Nang INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY
  • 2. Blood Vessels of the Systemic Circulation: Arteries The systemic circulation is the flow of blood through the system of blood vessels that carry blood from the left ventricle of the heart to the tissues of the body and back to the right atrium.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins passes from the left atrium into the left ventricle and from the left ventricle into the aorta. Blood is distributed from the aorta to all portions of the body.
  • 6.
  • 7. All arteries of the systemic circulation branch directly or indirectly from the aorta. The aorta is usually considered in three parts: the ascending aorta, the aortic arch, and the descending aorta. The descending aorta is further divided into the thoracic aorta and the abdominal aorta.
  • 8.
  • 9. The part of the aorta that passes superiorly from the left ventricle is called the ascending aorta. The right and left coronary arteries arise from the base of the ascending aorta and supply blood to the cardiac muscle.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. The aorta arches posteriorly and to the left as the aortic arch. Three major arteries, which carry blood to the head and upper limbs, originate from the aortic arch. They are the brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid artery, and the left subclavian an artery.
  • 13.
  • 14. The descending aorta is the longest part of the aorta. It extends through the thorax and abdomen to the upper margin of the pelvis. The part of the descending aorta that extends through the thorax to the diaphragm is called the thoracic aorta.
  • 15.
  • 16. The part of the descending aorta that extends from the diaphragm to the point at which it divides into the two common iliac arteries is called abdominal aorta.
  • 17.
  • 18. Arteries of the Head and Neck The first vessel to branch from the aortic arch is the brachiocephalic artery.
  • 19.
  • 20. It is a short artery, and it branches at the level of the clavicle to form the right common carotid artery, which transports blood to the right side of the head and neck, and the right subclavian artery, which transports blood to the right upper limb.
  • 21.
  • 22. There is no brachiocephalic artery on the left side of the body. Instead, the left common carotid and left subclavian artery branch directly off the aortic arch.
  • 23.
  • 24. They are the second and third branches of the aortic arch.The left common carotid artery transports blood to the left side of the head and neck, and the left subclavian artery transports blood to the left upper limb.
  • 25. The common carotid arteries extend superiorly along each side of the neck to the angle of the mandible, where they branch into internal and external carotid arteries. The base of each internal carotid artery is slightly dilated to form a carotid sinus, which contains structures important in monitoring blood pressure (baroreceptors).
  • 26.
  • 27. the external carotid arteries have several branches that supply the structures of the neck, face, nose, and mouth. The internal carotid arteries pass through the carotid canals and supply most of the blood to the brain.
  • 28. Some of the blood to the brain is supplied by the vertebral arteries, which branch from the subclavian arteries and pass to the head through the transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae.
  • 29.
  • 30. The vertebral arteries then pass into the cranial vault through the foramen magnum. Branches of the vertebral arteries supply blood to the spinal cord, as well as to the vertebrae, muscles, and ligaments in the neck.
  • 31.
  • 32. Within the cranial vault the vertebral arteries unite to form a single basilar artery located along the anterior, inferior surface of the brainstem. The basilar artery gives off branches that supply blood to the pons, cerebellum, and midbrain.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. It also forms right and left branches that connect with the right and left internal carotid arteries. These blood vessels form a system of vessels called the cerebral arterial circle or the circle of Willis at the base of the brain. The vessels that supply blood to most of the brain branch off of the cerebral arterial circle
  • 36.
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  • 38.
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  • 43.
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  • 51.
  • 52. Most of the blood supply to the brain is through the internal carotid arteries; however, not enough blood is supplied to the brain to maintain life if either the carotid arteries or the vertebral arteries are blocked.
  • 53.
  • 54. ARTERIES OF THE BRAIN • ANTERIORR CIRCULATION I. Introduction: the anterior part of the brain receives its blood from the internal carotid aa. (80% of total cerebral flow); the vertebral- basilar system (20% total blood flow) supplies the brain stem, cerebellum, and parts of the temporal and occipital lobes.
  • 55. Anatomic connections exist between vessels of the 2 systems at the circle of Willis, but functionally, the systems are almost completely separate.
  • 56. Cerebral arteries. Are considered to be end arteries since large anastomoses are not found between large branches of the circle of Willis. The capillary network of the cortex is dense, and neurons rarely are more than 50 um from a capillary
  • 57. II.Circle of Willis: a ring of vessels beneath the hypothalamus, enclosing the lamina terminalis, optic chiasm, infundibulum, tuber cinereum, mamillary bodies, and posterior perforated substance.
  • 58. It is composed of a single ant. Communicating artery. and the paired anterior Cerebral, internal carotid, posterior Communicating, and posterior. Cerebral arteries
  • 59. III. Anterior circulation A. INTERAL CAROTID enters skull through carotid canal in petrous temporal bone, passes along carotid groove, and exits anteriorly near apex of petrous bone to enter the posterior part of foramen lacerum in which it ascends to a juxtasellar location by piercing the dural layers of the cavernous sinus.
  • 60. It has an S-shaped course in the sinus, called the carotid siphon. As it pierces the dura, it gives off its 1st branch, the ophthalmic artery., then posterior Communicating artery., and then the anterior choroidal artery. The artery then bifurcates into anterior. And middle cerebral arteries.
  • 61. 1. Anterior cerebral: smaller of 2 terminal branchs.; runs horizontal and anteromedial between optic nerve. and anterior Perforated substance to enter interhemispheric (longitudinal) fissure at midline, anastomosing, via the ant. Communicating artery., with its counterpart of the opposite side. Major branches are:
  • 62. a. Prior to anterior Communicating artery: inferior branchs. To optic nerve. and chiasm, superior branchs. (via anterior Perforating substance) to basal ganglia, internal capsule, and anterior Hypothalamus. The largest branch is the recurrent artery of Huebner to the head of the caudate nucleus and anterior Limb of the internal capsule
  • 63. b. Beyond the anterior Communicating artery (interhemispheric): anterior Carotid ascends in cistern of lamina terminalis and around genu of corpus callosum, giving rise to:
  • 64. i. Medial orbitofrontal artery: to orbital gyrus and olfactory tract and bulb ii. Frontopolar artery: to undersurface of frontal lobe and midline structures
  • 65. iii. Near genu of corpus callosum, anterior Cerebral divides into a callosomarginal artery. (runs in cingulated sulcus) and a pericallosal artery. (runs above corpus callosum). They supply the medial and dorsal surfaces of frontal and parietal lobes, including the medial part of the motor and somatosensory cortex
  • 66. 2. Middle cerebral: largest branch; runs along lateral (sylvian) fissure. Cortical areas supplied are insula, claustrum, lateral part of hemisphere (except for superior convexity from frontal to occipital pole), and inferior convexity from occipital to temporal pole.
  • 67. It gives off 2 groups of ganglionic branches (3-6 medial and 3-6 lateral striate arteries. Which enter brain through anterior Perforated substance to internal capsule, basal ganglia, and thalamus); a lateral orbitofrontal artery.
  • 68. ( to lateral orbital and inferior frontal gyri); and cortical branchs. (to lateral surface of frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes, including premotor, motor and somatosensory cortices of cerebral convexities). The largest striate branches are:
  • 69. a.Medial lenticulostriates: to outer segment of the globus pallidus b. Lateral lenticulostriates: to putamen, superior ½ of internal capsule and adjacent corona radiate, and much of the caudate nucleus
  • 70. 3. Posterior communicating: runs posteriorly to join posterior cerebral artery of basilar artery Branches supply: optic tract and chiasm, hypothalamus, cerebral peduncle, thalamus, subthalamus, interpeduncular area, and hippocampla gyrus
  • 71. 4. Anterior choroidal: passes along optic tract and around cerebral peduncle to enter temporal horn of lateral ventricle to end in glomus of choroids plexus of ventricle a. Branches supply: optic tract, hippocampus, caudate nucleus, internal capsule, cerebral peduncles, thalamus, and part of the midbrain
  • 72. ARTERIES OF THE BRAIN: • POSTERIOR CIRCULATION I. Introduction of vertebral-basilar system: the vertebral arteries Pass up neck through foramina in transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 6 to 1. after looping between atlas and occipital bone, they penetrate the atlanto-occipital membrane and dura and enter skull through foramen magnum.
  • 73. The left Vertebral is usually larger than the right. The 2 vertebrals merge at the pontomedullary junction of form the basilar artery. which passes in the midline ventral sulcus of the pons to end just posterior to the posterior to the posterior clinoid process. This system supplies the posterior cerebrum, midbrain, pons, medulla, and cerebellum
  • 74. II.Vertebral arteries: branches are A. ANTERIOR SPINAL (single) descends on cord anteriorly in anterior Median sulcus to supply ventral funiculi, ventral horns, and base of doral horns
  • 75. B. POSTERIOR SPINAL (paired) descend on cord posteriorly, associated with doral nerve roots, and supply doral funiculi and doral horns C. POSTERIOR INFERIOR CEREBELLAR (largest branch): to choroids plexus of 4th ventricle, lateral medulla, inferior cerebellar peduncle, and part of cerebellum
  • 76. III. Basilar artery terminates in the interpeduncular (crural) cistern where it divides into the right. And Ieft. Cerebral arteries Just superior to the oculomotor nerves. Branches:
  • 77. A. PONTINE: numerous, small, penetrating to pons and ventrolateral cerebellar cortex and inferior part of the midbrain
  • 78. B. INTERNAL AUDITORY (labyrinthine) passes with CN VII and VIII to internal auditory meatus and supplies dura of canal, cochlea, labyrinth, and facial nerve C. ANTERIOR INFERIOR CEREBELLAR: to brain stem and superior and middle cerebellar peduncles and anterior part of undersurface of cerebellar hemisphere
  • 79. D. SUPERIOR CERBELLAR: medial branches to mesencephalon, pons, medial cerebellum, and deep cerebellar nuclei; lateral branches to anterolateral part of superior ½ of cerebellar cortex, superior and middle cerebellar peduncles, dentate nerve, and roof nuclei.
  • 80. In addition, the more medial superior vermian branch. (anastomosis with inferior vermian branch of posterior, inferior Cerebellar) supplies the inferior colliculi, superior cerebellar peduncles, and dentate nerve.
  • 81. E. POSTERIOR CEREBRAL passes around midbrain in cisterna ambiens, then through incisura of tentorium, along medial surface of temporal and occipital lobes to end in the calcarine fissure to supply the visual cortex. Branches to:
  • 82. 1. Posteromedial ganglionic: posterior Hypothalamus, pasts of thalamus and midbrain, and the medial choroidal artery to choroids plexus of the 3rd ventricle
  • 83. 2. Posterior choroidal branches: to posterior thalamus, subthalamus, internal capsule and choroids plexus of 3rd ventricle, and body of lateral ventricle 3. Cortical branches: to inferior surface of temporal and occipital lobes
  • 84. Arteries of the Upper Limbs The arteries of the upper limbs are named differently as they pass into different body regions, even though no major branching occurs. The subclavian artery, located deep to the clavicle, becomes the axillary artery, in the axilla (armpit). The brachial artery, located in the arm, is a continuation of the axillary artery.
  • 85.
  • 86. • Branches of AXILLARY: - superior thoracic artery - thoracoacromial artery - lateral thoracic artery - subscapular artery - scapular circumflex artery - dorsal scapular artery - posterior humeral circumflex artery - anterior humeral circumflex artery
  • 87.
  • 88. Blood pressure measurements are normally taken from the brachial artery. The brachial artery branches at the elbow to form the ulnar artery and the radial artery, which supply blood to the forearm and hand.
  • 89.
  • 90. •Branches of Brachial Artery: - superior ulnar collateral arterry - inferior ulnar collateral arterry •Branches of Deep Brachial Artery: -radial collateral arterry -middle collateral artery
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. The radial artery is the artery most commonly used for taking a pulse. The pulse can be detected conveniently on the thumb (radial) side of the anterior surface of the wrist.
  • 94. • Branches of Radial Artery: - radial recurrent artery - princeps pollicis artery - radial of index finger artery - dorsal carpal artery - dorsal carpal network - dorsal metacarpal arteries -dorsal digital arteries -superficial palmar artery
  • 95. • Branches of Ulnar Artery: - anterior ulnar recurrent artery - posterior ulnar recurrent artery - common interosseous artery - interosseous recurrent artery - anterior interosseous artery - posterior interosseous artery -volar interosseous artery - common palmar digital arteries -Proper palmar digital arteries - deep palmar (arterial) arch - superficial palmar (arterial) arch
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  • 99.
  • 100. The Thoracic Aorta and Its Branches The branch of the thoracic aorta can be divided into two groups: the visceral arteries supply the thoracic organs, and the parietal arteries supply the thoracic wall. The visceral branches of the thoracic aorta supply the esophagus (Esophageal artery), trachea, parietal pericardium (Pericardial artery), and part of the lung (Bronchial artery).
  • 101.
  • 102. The major parietal arteries are the posterior intercostal arteries, which arise from the thoracic aorta and extend between the ribs. They supply intercostal muscle, the vertebrae, the spinal cord, and deep muscles of the back. The superior phrenic arteries supply the diaphragm.
  • 104. The internal thoracic arteries are branch of the subclavian arteries. They descend along the internal surface of the anterior thoracic wall and give rise to branches called the anterior intercostal arteries, which extend between the ribs to supply the anterior chest wall.
  • 105.
  • 106. The Abdominal Aorta and Its Branches The branches of the abdominal aorta, like those of the thoracic aorta, can he divided into visceral and parietal groups. The visceral arteries are divided into paired and unpaired branches. There are three major unpaired branches: the celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, and the inferior mesenteric artery.
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  • 108.
  • 109. The celiac trunk supplies blood to the stomach, pancreas, spleen, upper duodenum, and liver. The superior mesenteric artery supplies blood to the small intestine and the upper portion of the colon, and the inferior mesenteric artery supplies blood to the remainder of the colon.
  • 110.
  • 111. There are three paired visceral branches of the abdominal aorta. The renal arteries supply the kidneys and the suprarenal arteries supply the adrenal glands. The testicular arteries supply the testes in males or the ovarian arteries supply the ovary in females.
  • 112.
  • 113. The parietal branches of the abdominal aorta supply the diaphragm and abdominal wall. The inferior phrenic arteries supply the diaphragm, the lumbar arteries supply the lumbar vertebrae and back muscles, and the median sacral artery Supplies the inferior vertebrae.
  • 114.
  • 115. Arteries of the Pelvis The abdominal aorta divides at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra into two common iliac arteries. Each common iliac artery divides to form an external iliac artery, which enters a lower limb, and an internal iliac artery, which supplies the pelvic area.
  • 116.
  • 117. Visceral branches of the internal iliac artery supply organs such as the urinary bladder, rectum, uterus, and vagina. Parietal branches supply blood to the walls and floor of the pelvis; the lumbar, gluteal, and proximal thigh muscles; and the external genitalia.
  • 118.
  • 119. Arteries of the lower limps Like the arteries of the upper limbs, arteries of the lower limbs are named differently as they pass into different body regions, even though there are no major branches. The external iliac artery, in the pelvis, becomes the femoral artery in the thigh, and it becomes the popliteal artery in the popliteal space, which is the posterior region of the knee.
  • 120.
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  • 122.
  • 123. The popliteal artery branches slightly inferior to the knee to give off the anterior tibial artery and the posterior tibial artery. The anterior and posterior tibial arteries give rise to arteries that supply blood to the feet. The anterior tibial artery becomes the dorsalis pedis artery at the ankle.
  • 124.
  • 125.
  • 126. EXTERNAL CAROTID: Anterior: superior thyroid - superior laryngeal - lingual -sublingual facial: angular - ascending palatine - submental - inferior labial - superior labial Posterior and ascending: occipital - posterior auricular - stylomastoid - ascending pharyngeal - meningeal branches of the ascending pharyngeal - posterior meningeal Terminal: superficial temporal - transverse facial - middle temporal - zygomaticoörbital internal maxillary - 1st part: anterior tympanic - deep auricular - middle meningeal - superior tympanic - accessory meningeal - inferior alveolar - lingual 2nd part: masseteric - buccinator - posterior superior alveolar 3rd part: infraorbital - descending palatine - Arteries of head and neck
  • 127. INTERNAL CAROTID: cervical portion - petrous portion - cavernous portion ophthalmic - orbital group: lacrimal - supra-orbital - posterior ethmoidal - anterior ethmoidal - medial palpebral - supratrochlear - dorsal nasal ocular group: central retinal - ciliary) anterior cerebral - anterior communicating - middle cerebral - posterior communicating - anterior choroidal - circle of Willis | (Gray's s146 - Gray's s147
  • 128. SUBCLAVIAN: vertebral: anterior spinal - posterior inferior cerebellar - basilar ( internal auditory - anterior inferior cerebellar - superior cerebellar - posterior cerebral) thyrocervical trunk: inferior thyroid - inferior laryngeal - ascending cervical - suprascapular - transverse cervical internal thoracic: musculophrenic - anterior intercostal - pericardiacophrenic - superior epigastric costocervical trunk: highest intercostal, deep cervical | (Gray's s148)
  • 129. Arteries of upper limbs •AXILLARY: superior thoracic - thoracoacromial - lateral thoracic - subscapular - scapular circumflex - dorsal scapular - posterior humeral circumflex - anterior humeral circumflex | (Gray's s149) •BRACHIAL: superior ulnar collateral - inferior ulnar collateral | (Gray's s150)
  • 130. •RADIAL: deep palmar arch - radial recurrent - superficial palmar arch - dorsal carpal - dorsal carpal network - dorsal metacarpal - princeps pollicis - radial of index finger - volar metacarpal | (Gray's s151) •ULNAR: anterior ulnar recurrent - posterior ulnar recurrent - common interosseous - volar interosseous - posterior interosseous - interosseous recurrent - common volar digital | (Gray's s152)
  • 131. Arteries of thorax and abdomen pulmonary - aorta - ascending aorta - aortic sinus - coronary - right coronary - posterior descending - left coronary - Left circumflex - aortic arch - brachiocephalic - thyreoidea ima - common carotid | (Gray's s141-Gray's s143)
  • 132. •THORACIC AORTA: bronchial - esophageal - intercostal - subcostal | (Gray's s153) •ABDOMINAL AORTA: Visceral branches: celiac - left gastric - hepatic: right gastric - gastroduodenal - right gastro-omental - superior pancreaticoduodenal - cystic splenic: pancreatic branches - arteria pancreatica magna - short gastric - left gastro-omental superior mesenteric: inferior pancreaticoduodenal - intestinal - ileocolic - right colic - middle colic - inferior mesenteric: left colic - sigmoid - superior rectal middle suprarenal - renal - inferior suprarenal - internal spermatic - ovarian Parietal branches: inferior phrenic - lumbar - median sacral Terminal branches: common iliac - marginal - internal iliac | (Gray's s154)
  • 133. •INTERNAL ILIAC: umbilical - superior vesical - to ductus deferens - middle vesical - inferior vesical - middle rectal - uterine - azygos of the vagina - vaginal - obturator internal pudendal: inferior rectal - perineal - artery of the urethral bulb - urethral - deep artery of the penis - dorsal artery of the penis inferior gluteal: accompanying of ischiadic nerve - crucial anastomosis iliolumbar - lateral sacral - superior gluteal | (Gray's s155) •EXTERNAL ILIAC: inferior epigastric - cremasteric - deep circumflex iliac | (Gray's s156)
  • 134. Arteries of lower limbs •FEMORAL: superficial epigastric - superficial iliac circumflex - superficial external pudendal - deep external pudendal - profunda femoris - lateral femoral circumflex - medial femoral circumflex - perforating - highest genicular | (Gray's s157) •POPLITEAL: anterior tibial - sural - superior genicular - middle genicular - inferior genicular | (Gray's s159)
  • 135. •ANTERIOR TIBIAL: dorsalis pedis - posterior tibial recurrent - peroneal - anterior tibial recurrent - anterior medial malleolar - anterior lateral malleolar | (Gray's s160) •DORSALIS PEDIS: lateral tarsal - medial tarsal - arcuate - deep plantar | (Gray's s161) •POSTERIOR TIBIAL: peroneal - medial plantar - lateral plantar - plantar arch - plantar metatarsal | (Gray's s162)

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. ACOM aneurysm 31
  2. ACOM aneurysm 31
  3. ACOM aneurysm 31
  4. ACOM aneurysm 31
  5. ACOM aneurysm 31
  6. ACOM aneurysm 31
  7. ACOM aneurysm 31
  8. ACOM aneurysm 31
  9. ACOM aneurysm 31
  10. ACOM aneurysm 31
  11. ACOM aneurysm 31
  12. ACOM aneurysm 31
  13. MCA aneurysm 31
  14. MCA aneurysm 31