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Speaker:           We had a record breaking number of entrepreneurs registered for this
                   event. I want to thank you and welcome you plus the thousands of others
                   from all around the world. It’s more than we ever expected. When you
                   signed up I promised you rapid product management services.
       You’ve got to make sure that you stick around for the entire session because at the
                   end I’m going to tell you exactly how you will can get it. Let’s start.
       You and I both know that you are hear for a reason and I think I know what that
                   reason is. Maybe you are unsure how to get started making money and
                   building your business online or maybe you have started but you are
                   disappointed with our results so far and you are just not sure what you
                   need to do to change that.
       Maybe you are even doing okay but you know deep down you could be doing much
                   better and you just don’t know what’s missing. What I hear over and over
                   again from online entrepreneurs, people who are trying to get into this
                   business and those who’ve already started is that they are frustrated,
                   they are confused, they are overwhelmed and they are overloaded.
       For any or all those reasons you are stuck. You have been looking for someone,
                   anyone to tell you in simple terms exactly what you need to do to achieve
                   those things that you want but up until now you haven’t found anyone
                   who’s been up to the task. Because of that, you are stuck and still
       If that describes your situation, the very first thing I want to tell you is
                   congratulations. You’ve made a great decision to register and more
                   importantly show up. You finally are going to get what you have been
                   searching for. Someone with the experience and knowhow to tell you the
                   real deal about exactly what it takes to succeed online.
       As you probably already know, I’ve been helping people just like you online for quite
                   a long time. In the last seven years I’ve worked with tens of thousands of
online entrepreneurs and whenever I ask a group of them, what do you
           really want from your business? Here’s what they tell me.
They tell me, I want a business that gives me the freedom to do what I want to do.
           Travelling, spending time with my family and going out with friends. I
           want a business that makes me financially free so I no longer have to
           worry and I can do and buy what I want when I want without having to
           think about it.
I want a business where I feel certain and in control of my future. I want a business
           where I spend my time working on the things that I’m interested in and
           passionate about. I want a business that makes me proud and shows the
           world what I’m capable of.
If I then ask these same entrepreneurs to tell me how is it really going? It’s a really
           different picture. They are not making the money they like if any at all.
           They’ve spent so much money on false promises and push button
           solutions that they are embarrassed and concerned.
They are worried because if things continue as they are, they will never have what
           they really want and they are uncertain because they don’t know how to
           fix their situation. That begs a question, why are so many entrepreneurs
           struggling? Why aren’t they making the progress they need to reach their
What’s missing? What’s the difference between the few entrepreneurs who do
           succeed and the overwhelming majority that fail. You are going to get the
           answer to that question because I’m going to tell you exactly what the
           difference is between having your ideal business and what you have right
           now and you will see that it’s not what you expected.
There are hidden strategies behind every online success, behind every major
           internet marketing guru. I know because I’ve worked with almost all of
           them. Some are doing okay when they sort me out but even more where
           nobody is before we started working together.
It was these hidden strategies, the ones not often talked about that made all the
          difference. In fact they are very different than what you’ve been both sold
          on and told to do.
Yet they are perhaps the most important key to all of the big successes you see
          online and before we are through they will be yours to use both to start
          and grow your business. This approach works no matter how old or
          young you are. It doesn’t matter if you are retired or you are thinking
          about retiring or you’re much much younger.
It also doesn’t matter where you are starting from, meaning how much or how little
          tactical marketing business knowledge you currently have because the
          approach that I’m going to walk you through, the one that has worked for
          my clients and will work for you requires just a few small shifts in your
          approach while fully leveraging who you are not a new tactic you need to
Whenever I speak at a conference entrepreneurs come up to thank me and they
          almost always say, I wish I would have known all this earlier. I think you
          are going to be thinking that too. Therefore I want to tell you what I tell
          them up front. I want you to know that because you are here because you
          are here and you made the decision to pay attention and absorb my
It puts you miles ahead of the overwhelming majority who are attempting to make
          money online which means you now have an advantage over everyone
          else who is still stuck in their way of trying to succeed online even though
          what they are doing doesn’t work and never will.
I just want to say to you that I admire, appreciate and respect you for taking the time
          and reaching out to learn a better approach to building a successful
          online business. I need to tell you upfront we’ve got a lot of ground to
          cover. I’m going to go pretty fast. In order for you to get what you came
          here for, there are three things that I need you to agree and commit to.
One, stay actively engaged. That means no multi-tasking. Close any other programs
          that you have open right now because if you don’t remain focused you are
going to miss important details. Close you other programs push
           everything else aside right now.

Two, take notes. Have a pen and paper right in front of you to capture every insight,
           every idea and every distinction. Let me know if you have any questions
           and all you need to do is just submit them there on the right hand side
           and I’ll do my very best to either answer them during or after the
If you are willing to honor those three small commitments then i want you to go
           ahead right now and enter ‘I agree’ in the comment box on your right and
           I’ll take care of the rest. One last point and it’s important.
Clarity in all things is the key to success. In your business, clarity causes you to
           succeed and during this webinar it will greatly increase your payoff. I
           have a short exercise certain to give you greater clarity and success right
           now. Take out a pen and piece of paper. I’m going to ask you to answer
           three simple questions that will give you the clarity you need.
Your answers could be a sentence or phrase or even a word, it doesn’t matter as
           long as it’s true to you. This is the more important than you realize and
           it’s easy so go ahead and do it.
One, write down your reason for being here on this webinar right now. Okay, now
           let’s take this a step further. Look at the answer you just wrote down and
           now write your answer to this question. What’s important about that?
           Remember, it is a phrase, a word or a sentense.
What’s important about your first answer? In other words, why is that important to
           you? Right. You have two answers written down, I want you to look at
           both of them and write down your answer to this final question.
What will having those, meaning your answers to one and two, do for you? Right.
           You should be more clear now why you are here and you know what we’ll
           do for you together. Here’s to be a really great thing as we go through
           this webinar together I want you to run everything I share with you
           through those answers that you just wrote down.
Use your answers as filters so that you can see and hear how what I’m sharing will
          help you not only get what you came here for today but will be the start of
          you finally having the answers to succeed online however you define it.
Look, I want you to know I value both your time and I value my own time but just
          like in the movie, the Karate Kid, Daniel didn’t him understand why Mr.
          Miyagi was having him do what he did. What Daniel didn’t realize is that
          waxing the car and mopping the floor, painting the fence and all the other
          chores had a much bigger purpose. Mr. Miyagi was turning him into a
          karate master.
Had Daniel done what he thought was the right way he thought was the right way,
          he would have never achieved the greatness that he reached. It’s the
          same here, you might not understand during this webinar why I’m asking
          you to do certain things, why I’m asking you to do certain exercises or
          why I’m asking you to write some things down or why I’m covering
Just like Daniel, if you suspend your judgment until we are through, you will have a
          breakthrough. You will be on your way to being an entrepreneurial
          master. For your own sake, you are here, make this time our time
          together as powerful as it can be.
Since there are so many of you here right now and we’ve got lot’s to cover, it’s
          important that you get the big picture right up front. My sole focus since I
          started my company, Strategic Profits, has been and still is this single
          goal. Turning struggling entrepreneurs into successful entrepreneurs.
          That’s what we do, that’s all we do and we do it all day every day.
Here’s now, we help entrepreneurs replace opportunity seeking with strategic
          thinking and that’s important. In fact, you should write that down right
          now. Replace opportunity seeking with strategic thinking because the
          unmatched results that we help our clients achieve, the success stories
          that have attracted clients from all over the world to seek us out is all
          based on one simple premise and it is this.
Opportunity seekers struggle and fail while strategic entrepreneurs succeed. Here
           is why, when you think strategically, when you become a strategic
           entrepreneur and you look around at the opportunities that are out there,
           instead of everything being difficult and a struggle, things become
           remarkably easy.
I’m not saying there is not work involved, this is not magic tail wand and I’m not
           going to sell you a fantasy, this is a real business and when you think
           strategically you are never distracted or overwhelmed by all the
           opportunities out there. Instead it’s obvious what your next step is and
           exactly what to expect from it.
I would think most of you know who I am and what I’ve accomplished and helped
           others accomplish. I’m sure for most of you it’s the reason you are here.
           I’m not going to run through all these testimonials but there are two that I
           do want o point out to you because they stress the importance of what
           I’m going to be sharing with you.
The first is from Brian Tracy. What Brian Tracy said was, Bridges Coaching Program
           has made a bigger difference in the profit margins of high level internet
           marketers than anyone or anything else, period. The second one is from,
           Jay Conrad Levinson who is the founder of guerrilla a marketing.
What he said was, riches turn more starred up entrepreneurs into seven and eight
           figure success stories than anyone else I know. Both are powerful
           statements and the methods I’ve used to deserve those statements are the
           very same methods I’m going to be showing you during this webinar.
In other words, if you get this, if you really get this and put them into action, you will
           succeed. One last point, I realized I have a reputation of working with the
           biggest and the best, but when Jay Levinson says start up entrepreneurs
           he means even those of you who are just starting out with no knowledge,
           no experience and no marketing skill. Many of today’s top guru’s were
           that way when they first started working with me too.
For those of you who have already asked that question and believe it or not there’s
          been a few already, yes, I do work with raw online rookies too and what
          you are going to learn here applies just as equally to you.
          I want to share with you my story, how I first failed online and why it’s
          caused so many success stories and why it will do the same for you. Ever
          since I was eight years old I wanted to be in business for myself because
          it’s the surest way to make big money, enjoy the lifestyle most only dream
          about and have total control of you r future.
          That’s why I’ve always been obsessed about business. As a kid, I learnt
          from my dad, a successful business man. In college I got an accounting
          degree and after that I spent a year in strategic services, the elite strategy
          consulting division above Authory Anderson and Essential Consulting.
          At 22 I was finally ready to take the leap. In my very first business it took
          a failing business that that was losing a million and a half dollars a year
          and I immediately turned it around, boosting sales to $4.5 million and
          then a year later transforming it into a $7 million powerhouse all before I
          was 26 years old.
          Now as to my second business which has started from scratch. I opened a
          hypnosis office that grew into a chain of hypnosis centers and in the
          process grew from zero to $13 million in sales with over 100 employees.
          I’m not telling you this to brag. In fact it’s the opposite.
          Even with these two multimillion dollar successes under my best before I
          was 30 years old, when I first got online I failed I miserably. You would
          think with my previous successes succeeding online would be a breeze
          but it wasn’t and it wouldn’t be for you if you followed the method that I
          followed when I failed and here is what happened.
          First I got seduced into the concept of the internet lifestyle, that I could
          check my laptop from the beach for an hour a day and somehow the
          profits would magically roll in. I tried thoughts and niches, here are some
          of them and I still didn’t do well. Sins and niches didn’t make the
          difference, I moved on to marketing tactics and everybody recommended
different ones to start out with and different ways of doing each of them
and this just made me more confused, more unsure about what to do
I relentlessly tried to find the solution that would bring everything
together for me and actually worked. I ended up wasting more and more
of my life in front of the computer pulling all nighters all the time while
I’m neglecting my family, my health and pretty much everything else.
Not finding what I needed just made me look even more so I looked
frantically jumping from one site to the next, one guru to the next, one
solution to the next. Pretty much 24/7 my mind was racing around trying
to answer how can I make this work, what was I doing wrong.
In a short time I had a severe case of information overload. Everywhere
you turned, I was surrounded by clutter of information. My office, my
desk, my computer desktop, my email box, my bookmarks, everywhere.
Sometimes, I would buy an eBook, print it out only to realize I’d already
bought the eBook before and printed it and I hadn’t gotten to it yet.
Everything seemed more difficult and less effective than it was promised
and sold to me. Everything sounded so simple when it was sold to me so
I’d buy it but I could never make any of it work. I became more
desperate. I started buying ridiculous things that I knew really deep
down in my heart could never work.
I still bought just so I could keep my dream alive kind of similar to the
way some people buy lottery tickets just to kind of dream of what they’d
do if they would win. Obviously none of those worked either. Eventually,
all of this started to take its toll. Not making any real progress, spending
all of my time in front of my computer, buying products with ridiculous
promises plus everything else I just told you about.
I started to really question, what’s wrong with me. I heard about all these
other people doing well and I just didn’t understand why couldn’t I make
it work? I remember so many nights complaining to my wife Debbie,
asking her what’s wrong with me. I feel I’m as smart as all these other
people doing well, why can’t I just connect the dots? Why isn’t this
working? There must be something wrong with me, what is it?
Deep down I was afraid. I was afraid that I wasn’t ever going to figure it
out and eventually I’d run out of money, be unable to support my family
the way I always have. I was afraid that maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t as
smart as I thought I was. I was afraid that maybe my best years were
already behind me. That I might not ever be as successful as I was before
and at the same time my family was afraid for me and my health, while I
worried about what they thought of me and I was letting them down.
Self doubt started to sip in. I started questioning myself more and more
which fed into this vicious cycle of me spending more and more time in
front of the computer, more and more time searching for answers, more
and more time working, more and more stress, less and less happiness,
less and less results. That was my life for over a year, almost two years.
I was miserable, stressed, insecure and worried about my future. I can
honestly say looking back it was one of the worst periods of my life. I also
realize not that my story is far from unique. In fact it is the common
experience for many entrepreneurs when they first get online. No matter
how difficult and miserable though, I never gave up.
I thank God for that because you never know when you are going to get
the breakthrough that you have been looking for and every night I would
journal, analyzing the issues, trying to understand what were the real
problems. Trying to find the solution and then all of a sudden over the
course of just one week while writing in my journal I made three
The first one was a shocking truth about how certain success traits were
now making me fail. The second was why it was happening, what had
caused my positive traits to turn toxic. The third was what I need to do
about it. It was this breakthrough that changed everything for me. It also
will change everything for you too, because that third discover y is what
every entrepreneur must know if they want to succeed online.
I’m going to go into detail on each of these discoveries in just a bit and
show you how you can use them to change your results. First there is
more to tell you about my story. Within just a few short weeks of these
three discoveries using what I’ve discovered and making those shifts that
it dictated in my approach, it made all the difference. I finally started to
gain momentum, my sales started to sky rocket.
I started doing less and less and all it took was that moment of clarity
because then I was able to do online what I had done with my offline
businesses. It felt like I was finally back to my real self and all those
issues that I had had had disappeared and they’ve never come back.
Soon, more and more of my friends that I had met at the seminars or met
on forms who were struggling too, saw how much things had changed for
me and they started asking me for help.
Since I knew firsthand how devastating my struggles were to me, I had to
help them. I’d give them advice but that wasn’t enough. Since they didn’t
have the business experience that I had, it required a lot more than just
telling them what I’d discovered. Instead I had to walk them through
each step of the process and as soon as they really got it and they were
able to apply it, the results they got was dramatic as mine.
As my friends started doing better and better, more and more people
heard that I had helped them and so friends of friends now started
contacting me. They offered to pay me to spend time in my office, they
offered to pay me to coach them, they offered to really do anything that I
felt could help them. At first I said not but after thinking about the pain
that I had and the success that my friends where now having and how
much I enjoyed helping them. I decided to see what it would be like to
actually work with a few people who I didn’t know and that they were
paying me for me to teach them.
I decided to do a small coaching program with just 25 clients. Some were
brand new to business, others more advanced. This way I could see if
their experience made any difference, it didn’t. It made no difference at
all. The ones who didn’t have a business when they started had very
successful ones pretty quickly.
Check this out. Those 25 clients, they increased their business by $40
million in just 18 months. That’s an average of $1.6 million per client.
Another way of looking at it is that these 25 entrepreneurs grew their
businesses by more than $2 million a month each month, month in,
month out for the entire 18 months. Think about that for a second. Think
about the impact that that would have if you were one of those original 25
Whether you have a business right now or not, think about where you
would be right now and it’s no wonder I started receiving such amazing
feedback like Amish Avaol, who said, it was the single best investment I
have made in my business career life. Or Carlene Banting who reported,
in the last 12 months my sales sky rocketed $1.1 million or Mike Filsen
who said he went from $15,000 to $184,000 to $300,000 a month during
that time.
Or Hans Johnson who told me that DGS started an immediate avalanche of
profits starting from $500,000 a year to $6,000,000 a year in 18 month Or
Mark McRae who made over $100,000 in just one weekend thought click
bank while putting in less hours than ever before or Leslie Bertrand who
shared that it was the single most influencing factor in turning her
struggles and her ideas towards profits.
With success like that, I had even more entrepreneurs wanting to work
with me. I was having more fun helping entrepreneurs grow their
business than anything I’d ever done before. It also felt so good because
for the first time in my life I got to witness the huge difference I was
making in the lives of my clients.
I decided to get out of the eBook business that I was in and focus
completely on coaching entrepreneurs to grow their business. That’s
when I started strategic profits. Our very first month in business I
launched my coaching program I releases two free reports. Both went
viral and my new coaching program sold out in just a few hours bringing
in $3.5 million.
In our first 12 months in business we raked in $7.4 million because of the
incredible success stories of our clients and we’ve been growing ever
since. To this day we are the only company focused on transforming
opportunity seekers into strategic entrepreneurs. Fast forward, back to
the here and now. Nowadays I lead a pretty churn life. I live in sunny
Boca Raton, Florida. I’m not going to tell you that I work 15 minutes a day
and I made multiple millions of dollars because of those 15 minutes.
What I am going to tell you is that my day is exactly the way I want it to
be. A pretty typical day for me today is I wake up each morning with my
beautiful wife Debbie and enjoy breakfast with my two wonderful
daughters, Eva and Al. Debbie then takes the girls to school in the
Masserati that I bought her for mother’s day and drive to the beach in my
There I will spend a few hours writing, thinking, strategizing and then I’ll
head into the office for a meeting with my team and after that I’ll spend
an hour or two at my desk. After that usually around noon, one, comes
two o’clock, my day is done and I have the rest of the day to do whatever I
want with whoever I want, where I want, however I want. Those hours I
do work, I split my time between helping opportunity seeking
entrepreneurs just like you and consulting and working and working with
bigger companies like the ones you see here on the screen.
I get paid $2,500 to as much as $25,000 for doing just that. In fact, last
year I was paid $25,0000 to give a one hour presentation to Microsoft,
Google, Yahoo and a bunch of other big online companies. It is so much
more rewarding and fun working with entrepreneurs, because do you
know what happens when you transform an opportunity seeker into a
strategic entrepreneur? You create success stories like these.
All of these were clients of my coaching program. This is just what I can
fit on this slide. There is a lot more names I’m sure you recognize. If
you’ve been online for anytime, anytime at all, some of these names
should be immediately recognizable to you. There is no other product, no
other coach, no other program with such an impressive list like this which
is why we are considered the best at what we do.
While it’s exciting to work and share my strategies with the Google’s of
the world, it’s ten times more rewarding helping an opportunity seeker
become a strategic entrepreneur and watching them succeed especially if
they are just starting out and that’s why I’m doing this webinar. It’s for
people who are struggling, people who haven’t even started. I want to
make sure that I make that difference from you.
Now let’s go over the three discoveries that changed everything for me,
everything for my friends, everything for my clients and they will do the
same for you. Like I told you earlier, the first discovery that I made was
realizing that the traits that made me successful were not turning me into
a failure. Here is what happened.
One night when I was trying to figure out where it all went wrong and
what I needed to do to turn things around I made a list of all those
negative circumstances that I shared with you earlier. Remember these
slides? I had these listed in a a page in my journal trying to figure out
how to change things and I was sitting there, just looking at the list and
thinking, maybe I should go back to something else. Maybe I should do
something totally different because this wasn’t working.
All of a sudden a flash came over me and I realized something. Here is
what I noticed. Each one of those things that I thought was so bad had
been driven by the same traits that had actually caused all my early
successes. I know it sounds crazy right? Let me show you what I mean.
On the left side you’ll see the negative circumstances I shared with you
earlier and on the right side you will see the core success traits that cause
the pain because I was following the opportunity seeking strategy.
Unsure of which marketing tactics to use shows that you are trying to find
and use best practices. Wasting more and more of your time online
displays your willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed. Frantically
looking for what works proves you are putting the time to search for
Developing information overload reveals that you take complete
responsibility for your own education. Having everything end up more
difficult than you had hoped exposes your ability to remain optimistic in
the face of adversity. Getting exposed to buying magic pills and get rich
quick schemes exhibits a willingness to explore new approaches.
Never getting the results you hoped for uncovers the ability to create
your own hope. Starting to question what’s wrong with me and taking it
all personally, shows you are willing to accept full responsibility for your
results. Afraid you are disappointing your family means that you are
trying to do the right thing for your family and allowing self doubt to sip
in unveils the unique characteristic of being willing to see things as they
are even if it means questioning yourself.
Do you see it? How all of these traits are actually as central to
entrepreneurial success? Look at that list. Look at that right hand side.
Seriously, look at that risk on the right and take it all in. Taking
responsibility for your results and your education, remaining optimistic
and generating hope in the face of adversity and being willing to trying
new approaches and search for best practices. All these things show that
you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, it’s just all mis
directive right now.
You need to realize this. Even if you haven’t gotten the results that you
want so far, you need to get really deep in your bones because this is the
answer to the frustrations, if you just dig it out you have what it takes to
be successful as an online entrepreneur and just keep that in mind
because I’m going to share with you exactly what that difference is
between having these traits and failing and having these traits and having
the success you are after.
It’s a small shift but it makes a world the difference. Get real clear about
this. Write it down, stick it on your computer afterwards, tattoo it to your
arm, I don’t care what you do but if you are serious about being successful
as an online entrepreneur, you must get this point. When I was an
opportunity seeker, I had all the success traits, all the traits I needed to be
successful as an online entrepreneur but because I was thinking like an
opportunity seeker, I failed.
I didn’t just fail I was frustrated and miserable while doing so. Fast
forward just a few months after I figured out what I’m about to share with
you, I still have the same success traits, nothing had changed there but I
was thinking like a strategic entrepreneur and that made all the
difference. That leads to an incredibly important point and you really
need it to write it down.
It’s not me, it’s my approach. It’s not you it’s your approach and when
you change your approach, your results will improve dramatically. My
life went from one of failure and frustration to having the business
working the way I wanted to having a lifestyle I wanted and a feeling that
there was more potential there to have exactly the life and business of my
dreams. For you here’s the thing to take away from this.
You’ve got the success traits, if you’ve come this far, you have to have
them. You wouldn’t have made it this far if you didn’t which means you
will succeed when you make that shift just like I did. Where you go from
thinking like an opportunity seeker to thinking like a strategic
entrepreneur and that’s what we are going to be talking about next.
I’m sure you are wondering what exactly makes these success traits so
destructive and damaging and that’s what we are going to answer right
now, right here. As soon as I made my first discovery, I knew that if could
just figure out why this was happening, what was causing this, I’d have
the answer I was looking for and a few nights later I figured it out.
What I did was, I dissected my current approach and I looked at internet
business in general and I started to breakdown all the different elements.
If you are going to try and write this down, you are not going to be able to
keep up. I’m just warning you ahead of time it’s not important for you to
capture all this. There was content, there was list, there was financing,
there was technical, there was systems, there was sales, there was traffic,
there was client relationships, marketing houses, business building, legal
and compliance and affiliate marketing.
That’s not all, that’s just some of it because next I broke it down into even
further sub groups. I had in content articles, pop products, eBooks,
physical books, audio, video, software, content pages, graphics, free
reports, and ecourses, ezines, bonuses, podcasts, and blog entries and
there was so much more.
In list there was list building activities, list management, you want to
make sure you are white listed. There was segmenting and deliverability
issues, there was paying affiliates in the finance area, there was handling
merchant accounts, there was accounts payable, there was vendor
sourcing, budgets, taxes, insurance, payroll and accounts receivable.
On the technical side there was software development, side maintenance,
computer maintenance, tracking, white listing and server maintenance
and it just kept going. There was system development and there was
internal systems and there was software development requests if you
were trying to build your own business because you want to create your
own software that does the things that are done in your business.
In sales there is copy writing. In copy writing there’s sales letters, there is
order pages, there is affiliate recruitment pages, pay per click ads, banner
ads, emails, pop-ins, name catchers and testing. Then you can break
testing down into a much more. In traffic there is SEO, there is link
buying, there is link building, there’s affiliate recruitment, there’s viral
programs, there paper clip, there’s blogs, there’s buying existing and
expired domains, there’s RSS feeds and there’s banner advertising and so
much more.
In client relationships there is getting testimonials, customer service
issues, free offers, return processing and fulfillment and it just kept going
and going and in marketing there is market analysis and there’s being a
niche detective, there’s surveys, there’s keyword research, there’s ask
database activities, there’s up sells, there’s bumps.
In business building there is the acquisition of related web business,
there’s product licensing. In legal and compliance there is FTC, there is
span issues, there is terms of service issues. In affiliate marketing there is
scanning the program so that you can be an affiliate and then there’s
building separate sites so that you can actually build a list wall from
already referred and other affiliates.
That’s just some of it. That’s just some of the activities that I felt I needed
to be doing and you want to know what it all ended up looking like. What
I saw staring back at me from the pages in my journal? It was this that is
what it ended up looking like. That is when I started to understand what
was really going on. Look at that, this was the reason I was working
harder than I’d ever worked in my entire life and yet I was making less
than I’d ever made in my entire life.
This is the reason why my success traits had turned into negative
circumstances. I thought about my retail store and how ridiculous it
could be for me to even source the fabrics, design the clothes, make the
clothes, sell the clothes, bring up the register and everything else. It
would have been just as ridiculous in my hypnosis business too.
Remember, this was before social media. While you might not do all social
media, there is certainly twitter, there is video marketing, there is social
book marketing, there is Facebook and so much more that you probably
already feel like you must do that wasn’t on my map because of the time
that I actually created my map.
If you are frustrated with your progress, if you are overwhelmed with
your workload or you are just exhausted is there any wonder why? Even
if you were going outsource it all, don’t you see that you couldn’t even
manage all of the outsourcers that would be required to get all this work
done because the main problem here isn’t a man power problem, it’s a
strategy problem. Remember that, write that down, it’s not a manpower
problem it’s a strategy problem that turns your positive traits into
negative circumstances.
Here is the really crazy part. Even though his is the model that most
opportunity seekers are following, do you know what they spend an
overwhelming amount of their time on? Searching for more activities,
tactics and tricks to squeeze into that chart and that’s crazy. Here’s the
question that you really have to ask yourself. Since when is more the
solution to having too much?
Why on earth would you spend more time looking for more to do when
you aren’t even getting done all the stuff or you want to get done done?
Think for a second about all the time and all the money you’d save if you
stopped buying all of these high price launch products that just drop
more and more tactics that you are not going to get onto your plate.
Think about it. How much easier would it be to succeed if you had a lot
less to focus on and a lot less to think about while you made more, you
worked less and you enjoyed your business and your life more? Make no
mistake my friend. This chart is the chart of a person who is sadly lacking
in strategy. It screams opportunist. It is the symptom of opportunity
seeking and every new tactic that you purchase pulls you further away,
further and further away from being strategic and more and more into an
opportunity seeker and soon you’ll understand why.
It gets even worse because while this was the supposed strategy that I
was following, here is how I was hoping to execute it all. With an
organizational chart that looks like this. If this is your strategy on the
right and you are following the game plan on the left, that’s an
opportunity seeker approach and it’s completely the wrong strategy.
Here is what I have to say to you, stop, stop.
You will never make the kind of money that you want, you will never have
the lifestyle that you want if you continue down this path, you just won’t
and you must believe me on this because almost every opportunity
seeker I meet nowadays is so focused on the how, they’ve never spent
enough time on the what. In other words, they are so focused about how
to this, how to do that but they’ve never thought through, what are the
right things in the first place, the fewest things that they should focus on
in the first place.
The fewest things that will get them to their goal. The fewest things that
they need to master so that they can have the business that they want.
This is absolutely critical. Pay attention here, you need to realize from
this point forward, another tactic will not and I repeat, will not solve
anything for you because there is no magic button that is going to make it
all happen for you.
That means, a new gimmick that gets visitors to your site will not fix this.
It means that a new conversion tactic won’t remedy your challenges. It
also means that a new eBook promising that if you put in on your laptop
and under your pillow for three days that you will be a millionaire, that is
not going to work either. If you continue to pursue magic buttons you
will just put yourself further and further behind.
It will continue to take everything that is good about you and make it bad.
What you need is a strategy. You do not have a strategy until you know
what you are not going to do, what you are not going to sell, who you are
not going to sell to, what products you are never going to develop, what
tactics you’ll never use, then you’ll have a strategy. All of this leads me to
the third and most important discovery and it’s this.
Not only do you need a strategy but since you are your businesses most
important asset, you need strategy. One that leverages who you are and
what you do well. This is what it means to be a strategic entrepreneur.
It’s the polar opposite of being an opportunity seeker.
Let’s talk about this discovery. The real key to success online is doing less
not more by developing your own unique strategy. In order to do that,
you need to first determine if you are currently an opportunity seeker.
Here is how you know if right now, present day you are an opportunity
seeker or a strategic entrepreneur. I just want to tell you that whatever
the answer is, if you are an opportunity seeker, don’t worry about it
because I’m going to solve this for you before this webinar is over.
Remember, all those clients who are now doers were opportunity seekers
and so was I. One last important point before you answer. Let me tell you
more about being a strategic entrepreneur. When you are strategic, it is
about getting the greatest result from the least amount of effort with the
least amount of resources in the shortest amount of time. In any
situation, a strategic entrepreneur knows how to get the greatest out
come as quickly as possible from the smallest amount of effort and the
smallest amount of resources.
Here is how you know when you are thinking this way. At any time, in
any day there is one obvious and distinct matched right thing to be doing
in order to grow your business. Not five, not ten, not 20, not 32.3 things
but one obvious next action which is going to make all the difference in
your business in the next day, in the next week, in the next month and the
next year.
Let me ask you, and be brutally honest with yourself, right now at this
very moment. Do you know the exact steps that you need to take and the
right sequence that will take you from where you are right now to where
you want to end up? Do you know the exact steps you need to take to get
to where you want to end up right now?
If it takes you more than a second or two to come up with an answer, then
you are not there yet. Every once in a while though, an opportunity
seeker will ask a question and say, but I do have a plan and it looks
something like this.
Step one, blogging, joint ventures, you name it. Step two is missing and
step three is profit. This is not a plan, this is a dream and while it might
be funny when you are watching the underpants gnomes on South Park,
it’s not funny when you put your time energy and cash in a half baked
plan that could never work in the real world.
Let’s be clear, speaking in general terms or not clearly defining why your
customers will buy from you , how you will get their attention, what you
will be selling them and how everything in your business will get done
means that you don’t have a strategy.
Also If you haven’t thought though all your options and then eliminated
as many as possible until you are left with your single best game plan that
will take you exactly where you are now to exactly where you want to end
up in the least amount of time with the least amount of effort, then you
don’t have a strategy. The light bulb moment for me was when I relialised
that the only way I would succeed online was just like I succeeded offline.
I needed to develop a strategy that was unique to me, that leveraged who
I was, what I knew and the resources I had. When I had a clothing store
fall on any other store strategy would have been an absolute recipe for
failure. Case in point: there are literally hundreds if not thousands of
successful stores in Manhattan that sell children’s clothes.
If I would have done that I would have failed because I would not have
any singular advantage. However since I was a club kid, since I knew a
club life, since I went to clubs myself and there wasn’t anyone else
specializing in club wear, I built my strategy around the club life and our
success was legendary. The same goes for hypnosis cranks.
It’s even more so online where you have the opportunity to talk to
billions of prospects for free while at the same time competing with every
other business all over the world. That begs the question, what’s your
unique strategy to win online. Remember, online, all your competitors
are just a click away so you need a strategy that sets you apart. One that
makes you the ideal option for a group of customers that can be reached
One that leverages who you are, what you know and what you bring to
the table. Here is the critical takeaway to succeeding online. In order to
succeed you can’t follow anyone else’s’ strategy because if it is
customized for them, then they’ll always be the best choice for customers
without even trying. What you need is your own unique strategy.
One that allows you to easily win because it leverages who you are
instead of forcing you to be something that you are not, seriously, that is
the only way you can win online. While it might difficult, it’s really not
especially when you have someone experienced showing you the way and
that’s what I’m going to show you right after we cover these four critical
take always.
You discovered that negative circumstances like information overload,
overworking, self doubt and the others are signals that you are following
an opportunity seeker approach. You discovered that your current
frustrations are driven by success traits that when harnessed will actually
cause you to succeed and that success will come quickly. You also
discovered that tactics are never the solution. In fact they are a big part
of your problem right now.
Lastly that to win online you need your own unique strategy that sets you
up to win. You must be wondering how do you actually make that shift.
What is it going to take to leave behind the struggle of being an
opportunity seeker and become the strategic entrepreneur that you need
to be with your own unique strategy setting you up to win in the game of
business. The answer is that we first must assess your business
Why is that important? In order to craft your own unique winning
strategy and become a strategic entrepreneur, you need to know how to
start build and grow a business to maximize the money you make,
accelerate the pleasure you derive and increase the freedom you
experience. Almost every opportunity seeker I meet has either false
          beliefs or inaccurate knowledge about business and what it takes to
          In the next few slides you are about to see how damaging this can be for
          you. Let me post a few serious questions for you to reflect on. What do
          you really know about business or more specifically, where did your
          beliefs about business come from? Did you get them from super
          successful entrepreneurs or from hyperbolic, overpromising sales leads?
          Next question, what does owning a business, running a business and
          operating a business mean to you and what are you basing that on? What
          is has your life experience taught you about what business is all about
          and how sure are you that those beliefs are accurate? As long as you hold
          on to any false beliefs you will never become a strategic entrepreneur and
          generate the income that you desire.
Most people believe that all you need to win in business is common sense and
          determination and that is wrong, it’s simply not true. It actually takes
          uncommon sense and the proof is that 96% of small business fail. You’ve
          probably heard that before. That 80% of small businesses fail within the
          first five years and that out of that remaining 20% another 80% will fail
          in the next five years which means in total, 96% of small businesses will
          fail in the first ten years and only four out of 100 succeed.
          It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact in the next two slides I will tell you
          why. According to Dunn and Bradstreet which keeps records on over 140
          million businesses and has been tracking business for over 167 years,
          their records show that of the small business that fail, 90 percent do so
          because of lack of skills and knowledge on the part of their owner.
          Success and business is not common sense, it’s actually uncommon sense
          and it’s also uncommon skills. Before we are through, you will not only
          know what these skills are and what that sense is, you’ll also know the
          fastest, easiest and most certain way for you do develop them. Just in
case what I just showed you wasn’t enough to get you thinking, here is
important research from US Bank.
In fact 70% of small business failures, a key factor was that the owner did
not recognize or ignore a weakness and not seek help. I want to point out
to you three critical facts from this research. Fact number one, neither of
these studies listed a lack of tactics as a cause for failure.
Fact number two, the research proves entrepreneurs fail not because
they are not working but because they are doing the wrong work, that’s
why they fail and they don’t even realize it which is why when they don’t
seek out help or guidance until it’s too late they fail. That is why it takes
uncommon sense because it takes uncommon sense to realize that you
need certain skills and you need a unique strategy to succeed.
If that thinking and those skills are missing, it leads to fact number three
which is this. The overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs get the exact
opposite of what they were hoping and dreaming for when they first
started their business. Think about that for a second, think about how
tragic this is. All the time that have put into your business, all the
sacrifices that you made for your business and all the money that you
invest in your business and instead of achieving the lifestyle and freedom
that you desire, the overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs end up
worse off financially and mentally just because the entrepreneur did not
seek out and receive proper training and guidance.
Remember if being successful in business was as simple as finding the
right tactics and using common sense then there wouldn’t be a 96%
failure rate, now this is critical. You have just seen the nasty effects of
overestimating you business knowledge and skills. You need to get real
before you’ll ever get rich. Keep that in mind as you do this exercise and
rate your business acumen. I’m telling you to rate it based on your
current performance.
In other words, what is really happening right now to ensure that it’s
accurate? On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your business
knowledge based on your current results? From a score of one meaning
that you studied a lot, done nothing and made no more to a score of two
where you studied a lot, done a few things but made less than you spent.
A score of three means that you studied a lot, tried several approaches,
made progress but you are not making any real money as yet.
Or you are rating yourself a four, meaning that you have got something
working, you are making some money but you are doing it all yourself or
you are rating yourself a five meaning that you’ve got something working,
you are making decent money and you have some momentum, you even
have help too but you are the only one who is actually bringing in the
Maybe you’ve got a six, you‘ve got a business, it’s not growing the way
you like but you are working way too hard for the money that you are
actually making. Or you are rating yourself a seven meaning that your
business is growing, you are making good money but you are working 80
hours a week and you have no life because of it or you rate yourself an
eight meaning that your business is growing, you are making good
money, but you’ve got a job but at least you’ve got the weekends off.
Nine, your business is growing with little attention from you, it’s bringing
in really good money and you’ve still got a few responsibilities but life is
good or finally, ten. Your business is growing without you, you are
making more than you can spend and you are financially free and you are
loving life.
Okay, now it’s time to pick your number if you haven’t already. Think
about the vision that you had for you r business when you first
considered getting started. Imagine it perfect in every way and think
about what your score would need to be in order to make that dream a
reality. If you are being honest with yourself, it’s got to be a nine or a ten,
right? If so, you now know the spread between what your business is
right now and what it needs to be to become a strategic entrepreneur and
have the life that you really want.
While I know it can be jarring to see the size of the spread, the good news
is that you are getting greater clarity on what you need to do. I said at the
beginning of this presentation that you can make more, a lot more while
at the same time working a lot less than you currently feel that you are or
that you actually are. It is not time for me to show you how it is done and
you will see why no matter where you are right now, this is the path of
getting everything that you wanted meaning that even if you haven’t
started yet, this is the path for you.
One more important thing I need to point out for you. I want to make sure
that you understand that there is a difference between working less while
working on the right things and simply working less. If you are working
less because you are working on the few things that matter, then you are
being strategic but if you working less on the same things that you are
doing right now, that is not being strategic, that’s just being lazy.
What are those few things? What are those few things that matter most?
What are those things that will have you working less making more and
building your dream business while enjoying the freedom that comes
along with it? Well it comes down to three powerful pillars. The three
powerful pillars of being a strategic entrepreneur.
These three pillars are the building blocks to your business dreams and
they are one, play where you can win. Two, only work on what’s essential
and three, achieve speed of execution. I want you to realize while all
three of these pillars are relatively straightforward and simple to grasp,
the odds of you operating this way right now are pretty much slim to
In fact, I want you to take a moment right now and be brutally honest
with yourself because it is the only way that change will happen and
answer these three questions. One, right now, are you doing only a few
things that you are both good at and give you an advantage, yes or no?
Question number two, are you absolutely clear about what is truly
essential for you to get the results that you want? In other words, you
know what the least number of steps that you will take to get you to
where you want to be, yes or no?
Question number three, are you getting things done quickly with each
passing day, you are doing things better and faster and therefore your
results are increasing while your workload is decreasing? Yes or no?
See I think if you are being honest with yourself, you can see that right
now you are not operating in a way a strategic entrepreneur operates
which is why you are not reaping the results that a strategic entrepreneur
Let’s talk about these three pillars and what you will need to do to shift
your approach to the strategic side. Pillar number one is the bedrock of
being strategic because when you chose correctly, everything is more
certain and easier to achieve but if you get it wrong, it’s almost impossible
to make any real progress and profits.
Pillar number one is, play where you can win while doing those things
that you do best. One of the biggest problems that opportunity seekers
create for themselves is playing a game where the odds are stacked
against them. What I mean by that is that they pick a niche, a target
market and create an offer where not only do they not have an advantage
but they are actually at a disadvantage and if that wasn’t bad enough they
also end up having to do things that they are not good at, ill equipped for
and don’t come easy to them and that depresses their results and
progress even more.
Here is what it looks like, each day as you put time into your business or
into thinking about your business, it’s challenging because there are so
many things you don’t know how to do and even the things you do know
how to do are not a reflection of your best. Internally it feels like there is
more and more resistance to doing your work because deep down you
are not confident in the results or in your ability.
It can often feel like you are procrastinating or avoiding what needs to be
done but in reality these are just symptoms of being in the wrong place
and doing the wrong things. Even worse, no matter how much you push
yourself and how much you actually do get done, the results don’t seem to
be there. Any content that you put out doesn’t attract the visitors to your
site and the fans of your work that you had hoped for.
Whatever you are offering is not perceive as a must have purchase from
your prospects. Even though there are billions of people online, you are
lucky if even a few make your business a place to visit. Over time both
these internal and external disappointments take their toll. It’s as if your
mental psyche is getting attacked from all sides. You have the increased
financial pressure of not getting the results you want while spending
more and more time trying to achieve them and at the very same time,
the work you do is difficult, draining and isolating.
The strategic entrepreneur experiences a very different reality. Instead
of feeling any resistance or a desire to procrastinate, imagine you wake
up and you can’t wait to start on your day and work on your business
because instead of facing obstacle after obstacle, the time that you spend
working feels like you riding a wave that is putting you towards success
and ever closer to your dreams and you did amazing things because
everything you were working on, everything on your to-do list were
things that came easy to you and you really enjoyed doing them instead of
constantly having to do things you weren’t good at and that you had to
struggle through.
Imagine, everyone in your market place, in your niche, respects you and
your business for doing great work. Any piece of content you put out gets
lots of attention and lavished praise and your customers are your biggest
fans, spreading your stories all over the web. Imagine feeling
unstoppable that you are in the right place at the right time doing the
right things that you finally found what you were put on this planet to do
and because of that, the money pours in, faster than you ever imagined.
In fact, you are surprised each month when you look at your bank
statement and see how quickly your money and your net worth is
growing. While that might sound like a fantasy to you, I assure you it’s
not. That’s how I experienced work and so do thousands of other
strategic entrepreneurs because they are doing what they do best in a
niche where they have a huge advantage simply because what they are
good at perfectly aligns with what the market wants. Startling difference
between the two isn’t it?
Yep, it certainly is. Now let me tell you the first two strategic secrets that
will have you shift from the dismal reality of the opportunity seeker to
the desired reality of the strategic entrepreneur. It starts with strategic
secret number one which gives you a powerful profit advantage with a
unique advantage that leverages your personal strengths.
In other words, your business grows simply because of who you are
already and what you already bring to the table. It should be obviously to
you that in order to win in business you absolutely, positively must have
an advantage. In fact every successful business whether offline or online
has some unique advantage they leverage and use to separate themselves
from the pack. Because of it they reap the lion’s share of rewards and
profits from their market.
Contrast that with that opportunity seekers who never have an advantage
because they follow the path. They look outside themselves for what they
should do instead of inside themselves for what they were built to do, so
they end up sacrificing the only thing that will separate them from
everyone else and that is what’s unique to them. In other words, their
talents, their strengths, their life experiences and their passions that
allow them to do a better job than any competitor could do.
Almost everyone online makes this mistake. Following a strategy of
sameness, thinking that you are going to do the same things as everyone
else is doing but you are going to work harder or longer than the rest.
Just to be clear, that’s not a strategy, that’s insanity!
That’s a recipe for diminished results. Depressing activities to do and no
unique advantage whatsoever and therefore it almost never ever works.
Instead, what strategic entrepreneurs do is first and foremost, identify
their strengths.
Your strengths are a combination of your inborn talents, what you were
basically prewired to be great at. Your experiences, your education and
skills that you have developed over time. These all come together to
create strength. What strategic entrepreneurs do that opportunity
seekers never do is, one, figure out what their strengths are. Two, work
on only those things that allow them to leverage those strengths. The net
result of this is, you easily do great work and therefore bigger profits and
You enjoy your work more and find it very easy to dive into work because
it doesn’t feel like work. When you are doing those things in your
business that revolve around your strength, you want to do those things
and you enjoy doing those things, you appreciate the chance to do those
things and you are richly rewarded for doing those things.
Let me give you an example to illustrate what I mean. I play poker, in fact
I’ve won a few tournaments and I’m quite good. I’m really good at poker
but I’m just okay at tennis. I had a client named Jean Carlo who was a
professional tennis player besides being an entrepreneur and he was
pretty average in poker.
Jean Carlo is much better at tennis than I and I’m much better at poker
than he is. If we were going to play a game for money, obviously I’d want
us to play poker and Jean Carlo would want us to play tennis. Understand
this, in fact write this down. Business is really the biggest game that you
will play for money. Doesn’t it make sense to make sure that the game is
something that you are good at?
Here is the thing, almost every opportunity seeker or struggling
entrepreneur that I meet has this solvable problem, they are playing a
game they can’t win or they are getting ready to play a game that they
can’t win. Imagine how difficult it would be for me, if was planning on
making a living playing tennis against the top pro’s every day, it’s a recipe
for disaster. What about you? Are the things that you are doing or the
                 things that you are planning on doing in your area of strength?
                 If you are like most entrepreneurs I meet, odds are, they are not. You
                 need to correct this as soon as possible. Here is an example of the
                 difference in results that you will get inside and outside your strength.
                 Look at Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is arguably the best basket ball
                 player who ever lived. Obviously you don’t become the best basketball
                 player in the world without being a natural born athlete. He had the
                 inborn talent to be a natural born athlete but his experience, education
                 and skills all revolved around basketball which is why when he switched
                 careers and went into baseball, he could never go very far because his
                 talent hadn’t been refined enough to be a strength to excel in a game
                 where he was playing against other baseball players whose strength was

((Audio Ends))

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Anthony Hines
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  • 1. ((Audio Starts)) Speaker: We had a record breaking number of entrepreneurs registered for this event. I want to thank you and welcome you plus the thousands of others from all around the world. It’s more than we ever expected. When you signed up I promised you rapid product management services. You’ve got to make sure that you stick around for the entire session because at the end I’m going to tell you exactly how you will can get it. Let’s start. You and I both know that you are hear for a reason and I think I know what that reason is. Maybe you are unsure how to get started making money and building your business online or maybe you have started but you are disappointed with our results so far and you are just not sure what you need to do to change that. Maybe you are even doing okay but you know deep down you could be doing much better and you just don’t know what’s missing. What I hear over and over again from online entrepreneurs, people who are trying to get into this business and those who’ve already started is that they are frustrated, they are confused, they are overwhelmed and they are overloaded. For any or all those reasons you are stuck. You have been looking for someone, anyone to tell you in simple terms exactly what you need to do to achieve those things that you want but up until now you haven’t found anyone who’s been up to the task. Because of that, you are stuck and still searching. If that describes your situation, the very first thing I want to tell you is congratulations. You’ve made a great decision to register and more importantly show up. You finally are going to get what you have been searching for. Someone with the experience and knowhow to tell you the real deal about exactly what it takes to succeed online. As you probably already know, I’ve been helping people just like you online for quite a long time. In the last seven years I’ve worked with tens of thousands of
  • 2. online entrepreneurs and whenever I ask a group of them, what do you really want from your business? Here’s what they tell me. They tell me, I want a business that gives me the freedom to do what I want to do. Travelling, spending time with my family and going out with friends. I want a business that makes me financially free so I no longer have to worry and I can do and buy what I want when I want without having to think about it. I want a business where I feel certain and in control of my future. I want a business where I spend my time working on the things that I’m interested in and passionate about. I want a business that makes me proud and shows the world what I’m capable of. If I then ask these same entrepreneurs to tell me how is it really going? It’s a really different picture. They are not making the money they like if any at all. They’ve spent so much money on false promises and push button solutions that they are embarrassed and concerned. They are worried because if things continue as they are, they will never have what they really want and they are uncertain because they don’t know how to fix their situation. That begs a question, why are so many entrepreneurs struggling? Why aren’t they making the progress they need to reach their goals? What’s missing? What’s the difference between the few entrepreneurs who do succeed and the overwhelming majority that fail. You are going to get the answer to that question because I’m going to tell you exactly what the difference is between having your ideal business and what you have right now and you will see that it’s not what you expected. There are hidden strategies behind every online success, behind every major internet marketing guru. I know because I’ve worked with almost all of them. Some are doing okay when they sort me out but even more where nobody is before we started working together.
  • 3. It was these hidden strategies, the ones not often talked about that made all the difference. In fact they are very different than what you’ve been both sold on and told to do. Yet they are perhaps the most important key to all of the big successes you see online and before we are through they will be yours to use both to start and grow your business. This approach works no matter how old or young you are. It doesn’t matter if you are retired or you are thinking about retiring or you’re much much younger. It also doesn’t matter where you are starting from, meaning how much or how little tactical marketing business knowledge you currently have because the approach that I’m going to walk you through, the one that has worked for my clients and will work for you requires just a few small shifts in your approach while fully leveraging who you are not a new tactic you need to learn. Whenever I speak at a conference entrepreneurs come up to thank me and they almost always say, I wish I would have known all this earlier. I think you are going to be thinking that too. Therefore I want to tell you what I tell them up front. I want you to know that because you are here because you are here and you made the decision to pay attention and absorb my message. It puts you miles ahead of the overwhelming majority who are attempting to make money online which means you now have an advantage over everyone else who is still stuck in their way of trying to succeed online even though what they are doing doesn’t work and never will. I just want to say to you that I admire, appreciate and respect you for taking the time and reaching out to learn a better approach to building a successful online business. I need to tell you upfront we’ve got a lot of ground to cover. I’m going to go pretty fast. In order for you to get what you came here for, there are three things that I need you to agree and commit to. One, stay actively engaged. That means no multi-tasking. Close any other programs that you have open right now because if you don’t remain focused you are
  • 4. going to miss important details. Close you other programs push everything else aside right now. Two, take notes. Have a pen and paper right in front of you to capture every insight, every idea and every distinction. Let me know if you have any questions and all you need to do is just submit them there on the right hand side and I’ll do my very best to either answer them during or after the presentation. If you are willing to honor those three small commitments then i want you to go ahead right now and enter ‘I agree’ in the comment box on your right and I’ll take care of the rest. One last point and it’s important. Clarity in all things is the key to success. In your business, clarity causes you to succeed and during this webinar it will greatly increase your payoff. I have a short exercise certain to give you greater clarity and success right now. Take out a pen and piece of paper. I’m going to ask you to answer three simple questions that will give you the clarity you need. Your answers could be a sentence or phrase or even a word, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s true to you. This is the more important than you realize and it’s easy so go ahead and do it. One, write down your reason for being here on this webinar right now. Okay, now let’s take this a step further. Look at the answer you just wrote down and now write your answer to this question. What’s important about that? Remember, it is a phrase, a word or a sentense. What’s important about your first answer? In other words, why is that important to you? Right. You have two answers written down, I want you to look at both of them and write down your answer to this final question. What will having those, meaning your answers to one and two, do for you? Right. You should be more clear now why you are here and you know what we’ll do for you together. Here’s to be a really great thing as we go through this webinar together I want you to run everything I share with you through those answers that you just wrote down.
  • 5. Use your answers as filters so that you can see and hear how what I’m sharing will help you not only get what you came here for today but will be the start of you finally having the answers to succeed online however you define it. Look, I want you to know I value both your time and I value my own time but just like in the movie, the Karate Kid, Daniel didn’t him understand why Mr. Miyagi was having him do what he did. What Daniel didn’t realize is that waxing the car and mopping the floor, painting the fence and all the other chores had a much bigger purpose. Mr. Miyagi was turning him into a karate master. Had Daniel done what he thought was the right way he thought was the right way, he would have never achieved the greatness that he reached. It’s the same here, you might not understand during this webinar why I’m asking you to do certain things, why I’m asking you to do certain exercises or why I’m asking you to write some things down or why I’m covering things. Just like Daniel, if you suspend your judgment until we are through, you will have a breakthrough. You will be on your way to being an entrepreneurial master. For your own sake, you are here, make this time our time together as powerful as it can be. Since there are so many of you here right now and we’ve got lot’s to cover, it’s important that you get the big picture right up front. My sole focus since I started my company, Strategic Profits, has been and still is this single goal. Turning struggling entrepreneurs into successful entrepreneurs. That’s what we do, that’s all we do and we do it all day every day. Here’s now, we help entrepreneurs replace opportunity seeking with strategic thinking and that’s important. In fact, you should write that down right now. Replace opportunity seeking with strategic thinking because the unmatched results that we help our clients achieve, the success stories that have attracted clients from all over the world to seek us out is all based on one simple premise and it is this.
  • 6. Opportunity seekers struggle and fail while strategic entrepreneurs succeed. Here is why, when you think strategically, when you become a strategic entrepreneur and you look around at the opportunities that are out there, instead of everything being difficult and a struggle, things become remarkably easy. I’m not saying there is not work involved, this is not magic tail wand and I’m not going to sell you a fantasy, this is a real business and when you think strategically you are never distracted or overwhelmed by all the opportunities out there. Instead it’s obvious what your next step is and exactly what to expect from it. I would think most of you know who I am and what I’ve accomplished and helped others accomplish. I’m sure for most of you it’s the reason you are here. I’m not going to run through all these testimonials but there are two that I do want o point out to you because they stress the importance of what I’m going to be sharing with you. The first is from Brian Tracy. What Brian Tracy said was, Bridges Coaching Program has made a bigger difference in the profit margins of high level internet marketers than anyone or anything else, period. The second one is from, Jay Conrad Levinson who is the founder of guerrilla a marketing. What he said was, riches turn more starred up entrepreneurs into seven and eight figure success stories than anyone else I know. Both are powerful statements and the methods I’ve used to deserve those statements are the very same methods I’m going to be showing you during this webinar. In other words, if you get this, if you really get this and put them into action, you will succeed. One last point, I realized I have a reputation of working with the biggest and the best, but when Jay Levinson says start up entrepreneurs he means even those of you who are just starting out with no knowledge, no experience and no marketing skill. Many of today’s top guru’s were that way when they first started working with me too.
  • 7. For those of you who have already asked that question and believe it or not there’s been a few already, yes, I do work with raw online rookies too and what you are going to learn here applies just as equally to you. I want to share with you my story, how I first failed online and why it’s caused so many success stories and why it will do the same for you. Ever since I was eight years old I wanted to be in business for myself because it’s the surest way to make big money, enjoy the lifestyle most only dream about and have total control of you r future. That’s why I’ve always been obsessed about business. As a kid, I learnt from my dad, a successful business man. In college I got an accounting degree and after that I spent a year in strategic services, the elite strategy consulting division above Authory Anderson and Essential Consulting. At 22 I was finally ready to take the leap. In my very first business it took a failing business that that was losing a million and a half dollars a year and I immediately turned it around, boosting sales to $4.5 million and then a year later transforming it into a $7 million powerhouse all before I was 26 years old. Now as to my second business which has started from scratch. I opened a hypnosis office that grew into a chain of hypnosis centers and in the process grew from zero to $13 million in sales with over 100 employees. I’m not telling you this to brag. In fact it’s the opposite. Even with these two multimillion dollar successes under my best before I was 30 years old, when I first got online I failed I miserably. You would think with my previous successes succeeding online would be a breeze but it wasn’t and it wouldn’t be for you if you followed the method that I followed when I failed and here is what happened. First I got seduced into the concept of the internet lifestyle, that I could check my laptop from the beach for an hour a day and somehow the profits would magically roll in. I tried thoughts and niches, here are some of them and I still didn’t do well. Sins and niches didn’t make the difference, I moved on to marketing tactics and everybody recommended
  • 8. different ones to start out with and different ways of doing each of them and this just made me more confused, more unsure about what to do next. I relentlessly tried to find the solution that would bring everything together for me and actually worked. I ended up wasting more and more of my life in front of the computer pulling all nighters all the time while I’m neglecting my family, my health and pretty much everything else. Not finding what I needed just made me look even more so I looked frantically jumping from one site to the next, one guru to the next, one solution to the next. Pretty much 24/7 my mind was racing around trying to answer how can I make this work, what was I doing wrong. In a short time I had a severe case of information overload. Everywhere you turned, I was surrounded by clutter of information. My office, my desk, my computer desktop, my email box, my bookmarks, everywhere. Sometimes, I would buy an eBook, print it out only to realize I’d already bought the eBook before and printed it and I hadn’t gotten to it yet. Everything seemed more difficult and less effective than it was promised and sold to me. Everything sounded so simple when it was sold to me so I’d buy it but I could never make any of it work. I became more desperate. I started buying ridiculous things that I knew really deep down in my heart could never work. I still bought just so I could keep my dream alive kind of similar to the way some people buy lottery tickets just to kind of dream of what they’d do if they would win. Obviously none of those worked either. Eventually, all of this started to take its toll. Not making any real progress, spending all of my time in front of my computer, buying products with ridiculous promises plus everything else I just told you about. I started to really question, what’s wrong with me. I heard about all these other people doing well and I just didn’t understand why couldn’t I make it work? I remember so many nights complaining to my wife Debbie, asking her what’s wrong with me. I feel I’m as smart as all these other
  • 9. people doing well, why can’t I just connect the dots? Why isn’t this working? There must be something wrong with me, what is it? Deep down I was afraid. I was afraid that I wasn’t ever going to figure it out and eventually I’d run out of money, be unable to support my family the way I always have. I was afraid that maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t as smart as I thought I was. I was afraid that maybe my best years were already behind me. That I might not ever be as successful as I was before and at the same time my family was afraid for me and my health, while I worried about what they thought of me and I was letting them down. Self doubt started to sip in. I started questioning myself more and more which fed into this vicious cycle of me spending more and more time in front of the computer, more and more time searching for answers, more and more time working, more and more stress, less and less happiness, less and less results. That was my life for over a year, almost two years. I was miserable, stressed, insecure and worried about my future. I can honestly say looking back it was one of the worst periods of my life. I also realize not that my story is far from unique. In fact it is the common experience for many entrepreneurs when they first get online. No matter how difficult and miserable though, I never gave up. I thank God for that because you never know when you are going to get the breakthrough that you have been looking for and every night I would journal, analyzing the issues, trying to understand what were the real problems. Trying to find the solution and then all of a sudden over the course of just one week while writing in my journal I made three discoveries. The first one was a shocking truth about how certain success traits were now making me fail. The second was why it was happening, what had caused my positive traits to turn toxic. The third was what I need to do about it. It was this breakthrough that changed everything for me. It also will change everything for you too, because that third discover y is what every entrepreneur must know if they want to succeed online.
  • 10. I’m going to go into detail on each of these discoveries in just a bit and show you how you can use them to change your results. First there is more to tell you about my story. Within just a few short weeks of these three discoveries using what I’ve discovered and making those shifts that it dictated in my approach, it made all the difference. I finally started to gain momentum, my sales started to sky rocket. I started doing less and less and all it took was that moment of clarity because then I was able to do online what I had done with my offline businesses. It felt like I was finally back to my real self and all those issues that I had had had disappeared and they’ve never come back. Soon, more and more of my friends that I had met at the seminars or met on forms who were struggling too, saw how much things had changed for me and they started asking me for help. Since I knew firsthand how devastating my struggles were to me, I had to help them. I’d give them advice but that wasn’t enough. Since they didn’t have the business experience that I had, it required a lot more than just telling them what I’d discovered. Instead I had to walk them through each step of the process and as soon as they really got it and they were able to apply it, the results they got was dramatic as mine. As my friends started doing better and better, more and more people heard that I had helped them and so friends of friends now started contacting me. They offered to pay me to spend time in my office, they offered to pay me to coach them, they offered to really do anything that I felt could help them. At first I said not but after thinking about the pain that I had and the success that my friends where now having and how much I enjoyed helping them. I decided to see what it would be like to actually work with a few people who I didn’t know and that they were paying me for me to teach them. I decided to do a small coaching program with just 25 clients. Some were brand new to business, others more advanced. This way I could see if their experience made any difference, it didn’t. It made no difference at
  • 11. all. The ones who didn’t have a business when they started had very successful ones pretty quickly. Check this out. Those 25 clients, they increased their business by $40 million in just 18 months. That’s an average of $1.6 million per client. Another way of looking at it is that these 25 entrepreneurs grew their businesses by more than $2 million a month each month, month in, month out for the entire 18 months. Think about that for a second. Think about the impact that that would have if you were one of those original 25 entrepreneurs. Whether you have a business right now or not, think about where you would be right now and it’s no wonder I started receiving such amazing feedback like Amish Avaol, who said, it was the single best investment I have made in my business career life. Or Carlene Banting who reported, in the last 12 months my sales sky rocketed $1.1 million or Mike Filsen who said he went from $15,000 to $184,000 to $300,000 a month during that time. Or Hans Johnson who told me that DGS started an immediate avalanche of profits starting from $500,000 a year to $6,000,000 a year in 18 month Or Mark McRae who made over $100,000 in just one weekend thought click bank while putting in less hours than ever before or Leslie Bertrand who shared that it was the single most influencing factor in turning her struggles and her ideas towards profits. With success like that, I had even more entrepreneurs wanting to work with me. I was having more fun helping entrepreneurs grow their business than anything I’d ever done before. It also felt so good because for the first time in my life I got to witness the huge difference I was making in the lives of my clients. I decided to get out of the eBook business that I was in and focus completely on coaching entrepreneurs to grow their business. That’s when I started strategic profits. Our very first month in business I launched my coaching program I releases two free reports. Both went
  • 12. viral and my new coaching program sold out in just a few hours bringing in $3.5 million. In our first 12 months in business we raked in $7.4 million because of the incredible success stories of our clients and we’ve been growing ever since. To this day we are the only company focused on transforming opportunity seekers into strategic entrepreneurs. Fast forward, back to the here and now. Nowadays I lead a pretty churn life. I live in sunny Boca Raton, Florida. I’m not going to tell you that I work 15 minutes a day and I made multiple millions of dollars because of those 15 minutes. What I am going to tell you is that my day is exactly the way I want it to be. A pretty typical day for me today is I wake up each morning with my beautiful wife Debbie and enjoy breakfast with my two wonderful daughters, Eva and Al. Debbie then takes the girls to school in the Masserati that I bought her for mother’s day and drive to the beach in my Porsche. There I will spend a few hours writing, thinking, strategizing and then I’ll head into the office for a meeting with my team and after that I’ll spend an hour or two at my desk. After that usually around noon, one, comes two o’clock, my day is done and I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want with whoever I want, where I want, however I want. Those hours I do work, I split my time between helping opportunity seeking entrepreneurs just like you and consulting and working and working with bigger companies like the ones you see here on the screen. I get paid $2,500 to as much as $25,000 for doing just that. In fact, last year I was paid $25,0000 to give a one hour presentation to Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and a bunch of other big online companies. It is so much more rewarding and fun working with entrepreneurs, because do you know what happens when you transform an opportunity seeker into a strategic entrepreneur? You create success stories like these. All of these were clients of my coaching program. This is just what I can fit on this slide. There is a lot more names I’m sure you recognize. If
  • 13. you’ve been online for anytime, anytime at all, some of these names should be immediately recognizable to you. There is no other product, no other coach, no other program with such an impressive list like this which is why we are considered the best at what we do. While it’s exciting to work and share my strategies with the Google’s of the world, it’s ten times more rewarding helping an opportunity seeker become a strategic entrepreneur and watching them succeed especially if they are just starting out and that’s why I’m doing this webinar. It’s for people who are struggling, people who haven’t even started. I want to make sure that I make that difference from you. Now let’s go over the three discoveries that changed everything for me, everything for my friends, everything for my clients and they will do the same for you. Like I told you earlier, the first discovery that I made was realizing that the traits that made me successful were not turning me into a failure. Here is what happened. One night when I was trying to figure out where it all went wrong and what I needed to do to turn things around I made a list of all those negative circumstances that I shared with you earlier. Remember these slides? I had these listed in a a page in my journal trying to figure out how to change things and I was sitting there, just looking at the list and thinking, maybe I should go back to something else. Maybe I should do something totally different because this wasn’t working. All of a sudden a flash came over me and I realized something. Here is what I noticed. Each one of those things that I thought was so bad had been driven by the same traits that had actually caused all my early successes. I know it sounds crazy right? Let me show you what I mean. On the left side you’ll see the negative circumstances I shared with you earlier and on the right side you will see the core success traits that cause the pain because I was following the opportunity seeking strategy. Unsure of which marketing tactics to use shows that you are trying to find and use best practices. Wasting more and more of your time online
  • 14. displays your willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed. Frantically looking for what works proves you are putting the time to search for answers. Developing information overload reveals that you take complete responsibility for your own education. Having everything end up more difficult than you had hoped exposes your ability to remain optimistic in the face of adversity. Getting exposed to buying magic pills and get rich quick schemes exhibits a willingness to explore new approaches. Never getting the results you hoped for uncovers the ability to create your own hope. Starting to question what’s wrong with me and taking it all personally, shows you are willing to accept full responsibility for your results. Afraid you are disappointing your family means that you are trying to do the right thing for your family and allowing self doubt to sip in unveils the unique characteristic of being willing to see things as they are even if it means questioning yourself. Do you see it? How all of these traits are actually as central to entrepreneurial success? Look at that list. Look at that right hand side. Seriously, look at that risk on the right and take it all in. Taking responsibility for your results and your education, remaining optimistic and generating hope in the face of adversity and being willing to trying new approaches and search for best practices. All these things show that you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, it’s just all mis directive right now. You need to realize this. Even if you haven’t gotten the results that you want so far, you need to get really deep in your bones because this is the answer to the frustrations, if you just dig it out you have what it takes to be successful as an online entrepreneur and just keep that in mind because I’m going to share with you exactly what that difference is between having these traits and failing and having these traits and having the success you are after.
  • 15. It’s a small shift but it makes a world the difference. Get real clear about this. Write it down, stick it on your computer afterwards, tattoo it to your arm, I don’t care what you do but if you are serious about being successful as an online entrepreneur, you must get this point. When I was an opportunity seeker, I had all the success traits, all the traits I needed to be successful as an online entrepreneur but because I was thinking like an opportunity seeker, I failed. I didn’t just fail I was frustrated and miserable while doing so. Fast forward just a few months after I figured out what I’m about to share with you, I still have the same success traits, nothing had changed there but I was thinking like a strategic entrepreneur and that made all the difference. That leads to an incredibly important point and you really need it to write it down. It’s not me, it’s my approach. It’s not you it’s your approach and when you change your approach, your results will improve dramatically. My life went from one of failure and frustration to having the business working the way I wanted to having a lifestyle I wanted and a feeling that there was more potential there to have exactly the life and business of my dreams. For you here’s the thing to take away from this. You’ve got the success traits, if you’ve come this far, you have to have them. You wouldn’t have made it this far if you didn’t which means you will succeed when you make that shift just like I did. Where you go from thinking like an opportunity seeker to thinking like a strategic entrepreneur and that’s what we are going to be talking about next. I’m sure you are wondering what exactly makes these success traits so destructive and damaging and that’s what we are going to answer right now, right here. As soon as I made my first discovery, I knew that if could just figure out why this was happening, what was causing this, I’d have the answer I was looking for and a few nights later I figured it out. What I did was, I dissected my current approach and I looked at internet business in general and I started to breakdown all the different elements.
  • 16. If you are going to try and write this down, you are not going to be able to keep up. I’m just warning you ahead of time it’s not important for you to capture all this. There was content, there was list, there was financing, there was technical, there was systems, there was sales, there was traffic, there was client relationships, marketing houses, business building, legal and compliance and affiliate marketing. That’s not all, that’s just some of it because next I broke it down into even further sub groups. I had in content articles, pop products, eBooks, physical books, audio, video, software, content pages, graphics, free reports, and ecourses, ezines, bonuses, podcasts, and blog entries and there was so much more. In list there was list building activities, list management, you want to make sure you are white listed. There was segmenting and deliverability issues, there was paying affiliates in the finance area, there was handling merchant accounts, there was accounts payable, there was vendor sourcing, budgets, taxes, insurance, payroll and accounts receivable. On the technical side there was software development, side maintenance, computer maintenance, tracking, white listing and server maintenance and it just kept going. There was system development and there was internal systems and there was software development requests if you were trying to build your own business because you want to create your own software that does the things that are done in your business. In sales there is copy writing. In copy writing there’s sales letters, there is order pages, there is affiliate recruitment pages, pay per click ads, banner ads, emails, pop-ins, name catchers and testing. Then you can break testing down into a much more. In traffic there is SEO, there is link buying, there is link building, there’s affiliate recruitment, there’s viral programs, there paper clip, there’s blogs, there’s buying existing and expired domains, there’s RSS feeds and there’s banner advertising and so much more.
  • 17. In client relationships there is getting testimonials, customer service issues, free offers, return processing and fulfillment and it just kept going and going and in marketing there is market analysis and there’s being a niche detective, there’s surveys, there’s keyword research, there’s ask database activities, there’s up sells, there’s bumps. In business building there is the acquisition of related web business, there’s product licensing. In legal and compliance there is FTC, there is span issues, there is terms of service issues. In affiliate marketing there is scanning the program so that you can be an affiliate and then there’s building separate sites so that you can actually build a list wall from already referred and other affiliates. That’s just some of it. That’s just some of the activities that I felt I needed to be doing and you want to know what it all ended up looking like. What I saw staring back at me from the pages in my journal? It was this that is what it ended up looking like. That is when I started to understand what was really going on. Look at that, this was the reason I was working harder than I’d ever worked in my entire life and yet I was making less than I’d ever made in my entire life. This is the reason why my success traits had turned into negative circumstances. I thought about my retail store and how ridiculous it could be for me to even source the fabrics, design the clothes, make the clothes, sell the clothes, bring up the register and everything else. It would have been just as ridiculous in my hypnosis business too. Remember, this was before social media. While you might not do all social media, there is certainly twitter, there is video marketing, there is social book marketing, there is Facebook and so much more that you probably already feel like you must do that wasn’t on my map because of the time that I actually created my map. If you are frustrated with your progress, if you are overwhelmed with your workload or you are just exhausted is there any wonder why? Even if you were going outsource it all, don’t you see that you couldn’t even
  • 18. manage all of the outsourcers that would be required to get all this work done because the main problem here isn’t a man power problem, it’s a strategy problem. Remember that, write that down, it’s not a manpower problem it’s a strategy problem that turns your positive traits into negative circumstances. Here is the really crazy part. Even though his is the model that most opportunity seekers are following, do you know what they spend an overwhelming amount of their time on? Searching for more activities, tactics and tricks to squeeze into that chart and that’s crazy. Here’s the question that you really have to ask yourself. Since when is more the solution to having too much? Why on earth would you spend more time looking for more to do when you aren’t even getting done all the stuff or you want to get done done? Think for a second about all the time and all the money you’d save if you stopped buying all of these high price launch products that just drop more and more tactics that you are not going to get onto your plate. Think about it. How much easier would it be to succeed if you had a lot less to focus on and a lot less to think about while you made more, you worked less and you enjoyed your business and your life more? Make no mistake my friend. This chart is the chart of a person who is sadly lacking in strategy. It screams opportunist. It is the symptom of opportunity seeking and every new tactic that you purchase pulls you further away, further and further away from being strategic and more and more into an opportunity seeker and soon you’ll understand why. It gets even worse because while this was the supposed strategy that I was following, here is how I was hoping to execute it all. With an organizational chart that looks like this. If this is your strategy on the right and you are following the game plan on the left, that’s an opportunity seeker approach and it’s completely the wrong strategy. Here is what I have to say to you, stop, stop.
  • 19. You will never make the kind of money that you want, you will never have the lifestyle that you want if you continue down this path, you just won’t and you must believe me on this because almost every opportunity seeker I meet nowadays is so focused on the how, they’ve never spent enough time on the what. In other words, they are so focused about how to this, how to do that but they’ve never thought through, what are the right things in the first place, the fewest things that they should focus on in the first place. The fewest things that will get them to their goal. The fewest things that they need to master so that they can have the business that they want. This is absolutely critical. Pay attention here, you need to realize from this point forward, another tactic will not and I repeat, will not solve anything for you because there is no magic button that is going to make it all happen for you. That means, a new gimmick that gets visitors to your site will not fix this. It means that a new conversion tactic won’t remedy your challenges. It also means that a new eBook promising that if you put in on your laptop and under your pillow for three days that you will be a millionaire, that is not going to work either. If you continue to pursue magic buttons you will just put yourself further and further behind. It will continue to take everything that is good about you and make it bad. What you need is a strategy. You do not have a strategy until you know what you are not going to do, what you are not going to sell, who you are not going to sell to, what products you are never going to develop, what tactics you’ll never use, then you’ll have a strategy. All of this leads me to the third and most important discovery and it’s this. Not only do you need a strategy but since you are your businesses most important asset, you need strategy. One that leverages who you are and what you do well. This is what it means to be a strategic entrepreneur. It’s the polar opposite of being an opportunity seeker.
  • 20. Let’s talk about this discovery. The real key to success online is doing less not more by developing your own unique strategy. In order to do that, you need to first determine if you are currently an opportunity seeker. Here is how you know if right now, present day you are an opportunity seeker or a strategic entrepreneur. I just want to tell you that whatever the answer is, if you are an opportunity seeker, don’t worry about it because I’m going to solve this for you before this webinar is over. Remember, all those clients who are now doers were opportunity seekers and so was I. One last important point before you answer. Let me tell you more about being a strategic entrepreneur. When you are strategic, it is about getting the greatest result from the least amount of effort with the least amount of resources in the shortest amount of time. In any situation, a strategic entrepreneur knows how to get the greatest out come as quickly as possible from the smallest amount of effort and the smallest amount of resources. Here is how you know when you are thinking this way. At any time, in any day there is one obvious and distinct matched right thing to be doing in order to grow your business. Not five, not ten, not 20, not 32.3 things but one obvious next action which is going to make all the difference in your business in the next day, in the next week, in the next month and the next year. Let me ask you, and be brutally honest with yourself, right now at this very moment. Do you know the exact steps that you need to take and the right sequence that will take you from where you are right now to where you want to end up? Do you know the exact steps you need to take to get to where you want to end up right now? If it takes you more than a second or two to come up with an answer, then you are not there yet. Every once in a while though, an opportunity seeker will ask a question and say, but I do have a plan and it looks something like this.
  • 21. Step one, blogging, joint ventures, you name it. Step two is missing and step three is profit. This is not a plan, this is a dream and while it might be funny when you are watching the underpants gnomes on South Park, it’s not funny when you put your time energy and cash in a half baked plan that could never work in the real world. Let’s be clear, speaking in general terms or not clearly defining why your customers will buy from you , how you will get their attention, what you will be selling them and how everything in your business will get done means that you don’t have a strategy. Also If you haven’t thought though all your options and then eliminated as many as possible until you are left with your single best game plan that will take you exactly where you are now to exactly where you want to end up in the least amount of time with the least amount of effort, then you don’t have a strategy. The light bulb moment for me was when I relialised that the only way I would succeed online was just like I succeeded offline. I needed to develop a strategy that was unique to me, that leveraged who I was, what I knew and the resources I had. When I had a clothing store fall on any other store strategy would have been an absolute recipe for failure. Case in point: there are literally hundreds if not thousands of successful stores in Manhattan that sell children’s clothes. If I would have done that I would have failed because I would not have any singular advantage. However since I was a club kid, since I knew a club life, since I went to clubs myself and there wasn’t anyone else specializing in club wear, I built my strategy around the club life and our success was legendary. The same goes for hypnosis cranks. It’s even more so online where you have the opportunity to talk to billions of prospects for free while at the same time competing with every other business all over the world. That begs the question, what’s your unique strategy to win online. Remember, online, all your competitors are just a click away so you need a strategy that sets you apart. One that
  • 22. makes you the ideal option for a group of customers that can be reached online. One that leverages who you are, what you know and what you bring to the table. Here is the critical takeaway to succeeding online. In order to succeed you can’t follow anyone else’s’ strategy because if it is customized for them, then they’ll always be the best choice for customers without even trying. What you need is your own unique strategy. One that allows you to easily win because it leverages who you are instead of forcing you to be something that you are not, seriously, that is the only way you can win online. While it might difficult, it’s really not especially when you have someone experienced showing you the way and that’s what I’m going to show you right after we cover these four critical take always. You discovered that negative circumstances like information overload, overworking, self doubt and the others are signals that you are following an opportunity seeker approach. You discovered that your current frustrations are driven by success traits that when harnessed will actually cause you to succeed and that success will come quickly. You also discovered that tactics are never the solution. In fact they are a big part of your problem right now. Lastly that to win online you need your own unique strategy that sets you up to win. You must be wondering how do you actually make that shift. What is it going to take to leave behind the struggle of being an opportunity seeker and become the strategic entrepreneur that you need to be with your own unique strategy setting you up to win in the game of business. The answer is that we first must assess your business knowledge. Why is that important? In order to craft your own unique winning strategy and become a strategic entrepreneur, you need to know how to start build and grow a business to maximize the money you make, accelerate the pleasure you derive and increase the freedom you
  • 23. experience. Almost every opportunity seeker I meet has either false beliefs or inaccurate knowledge about business and what it takes to succeed. In the next few slides you are about to see how damaging this can be for you. Let me post a few serious questions for you to reflect on. What do you really know about business or more specifically, where did your beliefs about business come from? Did you get them from super successful entrepreneurs or from hyperbolic, overpromising sales leads? Next question, what does owning a business, running a business and operating a business mean to you and what are you basing that on? What is has your life experience taught you about what business is all about and how sure are you that those beliefs are accurate? As long as you hold on to any false beliefs you will never become a strategic entrepreneur and generate the income that you desire. Most people believe that all you need to win in business is common sense and determination and that is wrong, it’s simply not true. It actually takes uncommon sense and the proof is that 96% of small business fail. You’ve probably heard that before. That 80% of small businesses fail within the first five years and that out of that remaining 20% another 80% will fail in the next five years which means in total, 96% of small businesses will fail in the first ten years and only four out of 100 succeed. It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact in the next two slides I will tell you why. According to Dunn and Bradstreet which keeps records on over 140 million businesses and has been tracking business for over 167 years, their records show that of the small business that fail, 90 percent do so because of lack of skills and knowledge on the part of their owner. Success and business is not common sense, it’s actually uncommon sense and it’s also uncommon skills. Before we are through, you will not only know what these skills are and what that sense is, you’ll also know the fastest, easiest and most certain way for you do develop them. Just in
  • 24. case what I just showed you wasn’t enough to get you thinking, here is important research from US Bank. In fact 70% of small business failures, a key factor was that the owner did not recognize or ignore a weakness and not seek help. I want to point out to you three critical facts from this research. Fact number one, neither of these studies listed a lack of tactics as a cause for failure. Fact number two, the research proves entrepreneurs fail not because they are not working but because they are doing the wrong work, that’s why they fail and they don’t even realize it which is why when they don’t seek out help or guidance until it’s too late they fail. That is why it takes uncommon sense because it takes uncommon sense to realize that you need certain skills and you need a unique strategy to succeed. If that thinking and those skills are missing, it leads to fact number three which is this. The overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs get the exact opposite of what they were hoping and dreaming for when they first started their business. Think about that for a second, think about how tragic this is. All the time that have put into your business, all the sacrifices that you made for your business and all the money that you invest in your business and instead of achieving the lifestyle and freedom that you desire, the overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs end up worse off financially and mentally just because the entrepreneur did not seek out and receive proper training and guidance. Remember if being successful in business was as simple as finding the right tactics and using common sense then there wouldn’t be a 96% failure rate, now this is critical. You have just seen the nasty effects of overestimating you business knowledge and skills. You need to get real before you’ll ever get rich. Keep that in mind as you do this exercise and rate your business acumen. I’m telling you to rate it based on your current performance. In other words, what is really happening right now to ensure that it’s accurate? On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your business
  • 25. knowledge based on your current results? From a score of one meaning that you studied a lot, done nothing and made no more to a score of two where you studied a lot, done a few things but made less than you spent. A score of three means that you studied a lot, tried several approaches, made progress but you are not making any real money as yet. Or you are rating yourself a four, meaning that you have got something working, you are making some money but you are doing it all yourself or you are rating yourself a five meaning that you’ve got something working, you are making decent money and you have some momentum, you even have help too but you are the only one who is actually bringing in the money. Maybe you’ve got a six, you‘ve got a business, it’s not growing the way you like but you are working way too hard for the money that you are actually making. Or you are rating yourself a seven meaning that your business is growing, you are making good money but you are working 80 hours a week and you have no life because of it or you rate yourself an eight meaning that your business is growing, you are making good money, but you’ve got a job but at least you’ve got the weekends off. Nine, your business is growing with little attention from you, it’s bringing in really good money and you’ve still got a few responsibilities but life is good or finally, ten. Your business is growing without you, you are making more than you can spend and you are financially free and you are loving life. Okay, now it’s time to pick your number if you haven’t already. Think about the vision that you had for you r business when you first considered getting started. Imagine it perfect in every way and think about what your score would need to be in order to make that dream a reality. If you are being honest with yourself, it’s got to be a nine or a ten, right? If so, you now know the spread between what your business is right now and what it needs to be to become a strategic entrepreneur and have the life that you really want.
  • 26. While I know it can be jarring to see the size of the spread, the good news is that you are getting greater clarity on what you need to do. I said at the beginning of this presentation that you can make more, a lot more while at the same time working a lot less than you currently feel that you are or that you actually are. It is not time for me to show you how it is done and you will see why no matter where you are right now, this is the path of getting everything that you wanted meaning that even if you haven’t started yet, this is the path for you. One more important thing I need to point out for you. I want to make sure that you understand that there is a difference between working less while working on the right things and simply working less. If you are working less because you are working on the few things that matter, then you are being strategic but if you working less on the same things that you are doing right now, that is not being strategic, that’s just being lazy. What are those few things? What are those few things that matter most? What are those things that will have you working less making more and building your dream business while enjoying the freedom that comes along with it? Well it comes down to three powerful pillars. The three powerful pillars of being a strategic entrepreneur. These three pillars are the building blocks to your business dreams and they are one, play where you can win. Two, only work on what’s essential and three, achieve speed of execution. I want you to realize while all three of these pillars are relatively straightforward and simple to grasp, the odds of you operating this way right now are pretty much slim to none. In fact, I want you to take a moment right now and be brutally honest with yourself because it is the only way that change will happen and answer these three questions. One, right now, are you doing only a few things that you are both good at and give you an advantage, yes or no? Question number two, are you absolutely clear about what is truly essential for you to get the results that you want? In other words, you
  • 27. know what the least number of steps that you will take to get you to where you want to be, yes or no? Question number three, are you getting things done quickly with each passing day, you are doing things better and faster and therefore your results are increasing while your workload is decreasing? Yes or no? See I think if you are being honest with yourself, you can see that right now you are not operating in a way a strategic entrepreneur operates which is why you are not reaping the results that a strategic entrepreneur receives. Let’s talk about these three pillars and what you will need to do to shift your approach to the strategic side. Pillar number one is the bedrock of being strategic because when you chose correctly, everything is more certain and easier to achieve but if you get it wrong, it’s almost impossible to make any real progress and profits. Pillar number one is, play where you can win while doing those things that you do best. One of the biggest problems that opportunity seekers create for themselves is playing a game where the odds are stacked against them. What I mean by that is that they pick a niche, a target market and create an offer where not only do they not have an advantage but they are actually at a disadvantage and if that wasn’t bad enough they also end up having to do things that they are not good at, ill equipped for and don’t come easy to them and that depresses their results and progress even more. Here is what it looks like, each day as you put time into your business or into thinking about your business, it’s challenging because there are so many things you don’t know how to do and even the things you do know how to do are not a reflection of your best. Internally it feels like there is more and more resistance to doing your work because deep down you are not confident in the results or in your ability. It can often feel like you are procrastinating or avoiding what needs to be done but in reality these are just symptoms of being in the wrong place
  • 28. and doing the wrong things. Even worse, no matter how much you push yourself and how much you actually do get done, the results don’t seem to be there. Any content that you put out doesn’t attract the visitors to your site and the fans of your work that you had hoped for. Whatever you are offering is not perceive as a must have purchase from your prospects. Even though there are billions of people online, you are lucky if even a few make your business a place to visit. Over time both these internal and external disappointments take their toll. It’s as if your mental psyche is getting attacked from all sides. You have the increased financial pressure of not getting the results you want while spending more and more time trying to achieve them and at the very same time, the work you do is difficult, draining and isolating. The strategic entrepreneur experiences a very different reality. Instead of feeling any resistance or a desire to procrastinate, imagine you wake up and you can’t wait to start on your day and work on your business because instead of facing obstacle after obstacle, the time that you spend working feels like you riding a wave that is putting you towards success and ever closer to your dreams and you did amazing things because everything you were working on, everything on your to-do list were things that came easy to you and you really enjoyed doing them instead of constantly having to do things you weren’t good at and that you had to struggle through. Imagine, everyone in your market place, in your niche, respects you and your business for doing great work. Any piece of content you put out gets lots of attention and lavished praise and your customers are your biggest fans, spreading your stories all over the web. Imagine feeling unstoppable that you are in the right place at the right time doing the right things that you finally found what you were put on this planet to do and because of that, the money pours in, faster than you ever imagined. In fact, you are surprised each month when you look at your bank statement and see how quickly your money and your net worth is
  • 29. growing. While that might sound like a fantasy to you, I assure you it’s not. That’s how I experienced work and so do thousands of other strategic entrepreneurs because they are doing what they do best in a niche where they have a huge advantage simply because what they are good at perfectly aligns with what the market wants. Startling difference between the two isn’t it? Yep, it certainly is. Now let me tell you the first two strategic secrets that will have you shift from the dismal reality of the opportunity seeker to the desired reality of the strategic entrepreneur. It starts with strategic secret number one which gives you a powerful profit advantage with a unique advantage that leverages your personal strengths. In other words, your business grows simply because of who you are already and what you already bring to the table. It should be obviously to you that in order to win in business you absolutely, positively must have an advantage. In fact every successful business whether offline or online has some unique advantage they leverage and use to separate themselves from the pack. Because of it they reap the lion’s share of rewards and profits from their market. Contrast that with that opportunity seekers who never have an advantage because they follow the path. They look outside themselves for what they should do instead of inside themselves for what they were built to do, so they end up sacrificing the only thing that will separate them from everyone else and that is what’s unique to them. In other words, their talents, their strengths, their life experiences and their passions that allow them to do a better job than any competitor could do. Almost everyone online makes this mistake. Following a strategy of sameness, thinking that you are going to do the same things as everyone else is doing but you are going to work harder or longer than the rest. Just to be clear, that’s not a strategy, that’s insanity! That’s a recipe for diminished results. Depressing activities to do and no unique advantage whatsoever and therefore it almost never ever works.
  • 30. Instead, what strategic entrepreneurs do is first and foremost, identify their strengths. Your strengths are a combination of your inborn talents, what you were basically prewired to be great at. Your experiences, your education and skills that you have developed over time. These all come together to create strength. What strategic entrepreneurs do that opportunity seekers never do is, one, figure out what their strengths are. Two, work on only those things that allow them to leverage those strengths. The net result of this is, you easily do great work and therefore bigger profits and success. You enjoy your work more and find it very easy to dive into work because it doesn’t feel like work. When you are doing those things in your business that revolve around your strength, you want to do those things and you enjoy doing those things, you appreciate the chance to do those things and you are richly rewarded for doing those things. Let me give you an example to illustrate what I mean. I play poker, in fact I’ve won a few tournaments and I’m quite good. I’m really good at poker but I’m just okay at tennis. I had a client named Jean Carlo who was a professional tennis player besides being an entrepreneur and he was pretty average in poker. Jean Carlo is much better at tennis than I and I’m much better at poker than he is. If we were going to play a game for money, obviously I’d want us to play poker and Jean Carlo would want us to play tennis. Understand this, in fact write this down. Business is really the biggest game that you will play for money. Doesn’t it make sense to make sure that the game is something that you are good at? Here is the thing, almost every opportunity seeker or struggling entrepreneur that I meet has this solvable problem, they are playing a game they can’t win or they are getting ready to play a game that they can’t win. Imagine how difficult it would be for me, if was planning on making a living playing tennis against the top pro’s every day, it’s a recipe
  • 31. for disaster. What about you? Are the things that you are doing or the things that you are planning on doing in your area of strength? If you are like most entrepreneurs I meet, odds are, they are not. You need to correct this as soon as possible. Here is an example of the difference in results that you will get inside and outside your strength. Look at Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is arguably the best basket ball player who ever lived. Obviously you don’t become the best basketball player in the world without being a natural born athlete. He had the inborn talent to be a natural born athlete but his experience, education and skills all revolved around basketball which is why when he switched careers and went into baseball, he could never go very far because his talent hadn’t been refined enough to be a strength to excel in a game where he was playing against other baseball players whose strength was baseball. ((Audio Ends))