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Measuring the “Smartness” of
                 the Electricity Grid

                             Leen Vandezande
           Benjamin Dupont – Leonardo Meeus – Ronnie Belmans

© K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
       Introduction
       Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): what & why?
       Benchmarking the Smart Grid
       Conclusions

    © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
    06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   2
Background: European energy
 Towards a low carbon economy
        3 ambitious targets by 2020
               Cutting GHG emissions by 20% (compared to 1990 levels)
               Reducing energy consumption by 20%
               Reaching a 20% share of energy from RES
        Min. 80% reduction of GHG emissions targeted by 2050
  Reduction of     Energy consumption Share of renewable
greenhouse gases    Efficiency increase     energy

    -20%                -20%                                  Smart electricity grid =
                                                            key aspect to reach goals

   © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
   06/26/2012                          Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   3
Background: European energy
       Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan
        6 initiatives
            Wind energy          Bio-energy
            Solar energy         Carbon capture and storage
            Electricity grid     Nuclear energy

        European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI)
              9-year RD&D program – estimated cost of 2 B€
              Activities organised in 10 clusters & 29 functional projects

       ERGEG position paper on Smart Grids
       CEER status review of regulatory
        approaches to Smart Grids
        Adequate Regulatory framework

    © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
    06/26/2012                    Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   4
       Introduction
       Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): what & why?
       Benchmarking the Smart Grid
       Conclusions

    © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
    06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   5
What are KPIs?
 In general
     Purpose: performance measurement
     Used in business activity monitoring
           E.g. in construction industry, health industry, for quality regulation
            in electricity distribution systems,…
 In a Smart Grid context
     No common view
           SET-plan: evaluation of progress towards 2020 targets
           EEGI: evaluation of demo projects
           ERGEG: evaluation of regulatory incentives
         No clear framework exists today

 © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   6
Why using KPIs?
 To answer the questions
         What makes an electricity system smart?
         How can this smartness be measured?

 © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   7
       Introduction
       Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): what & why?
       Benchmarking the Smart Grid
       Conclusions

    © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
    06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   8

                                                            6 Characteristics
                                                    Derived from U.S. DoE „Smart Grid
                                                            System Report‟
                                                      Adopted by SmartGrids ETP


                                                        Bound to SMART-criteria:
                                                 Specific – Measurable – Attainable –
                                                       Relevant – Time-Bound

© K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid      9
6 Characteristics
       Enable informed participation by customers
       Accommodate all generation & storage options
       Sell more than kWhs
       Provide power quality for the 21st century
       Optimize assets & operate efficiently
       Operate resiliently to disturbances, attacks &
        natural disasters

    © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
    06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   10
Enable informed participation of
 Categories
    Advanced Meters                                Dynamic Pricing Signals
    Smart Appliances                               Demand Side Management

© K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                  Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   11
Enable informed participation of
    KPIs
  Enable informed participation by customers
Advanced Meters        1A: Number of advanced meters installed
                       1B: Percentage of total demand served by advanced meters
Dynamic Pricing        2A: The fraction of customers served by tariffs
Signals                2B: The fraction of load served by tariffs
Smart Appliances       3A: Total yearly retail sales volume for purchases of smart appliances [€]
                       3B: Total load capacity in each consumer category that is actually or potentially
                     modified by behaviours of smart appliances [MW]
Demand Side            4A: Fraction of consumers contributing in DSM [%]
Management             4B: Percentage of consumer load capacity participating in DSM [MW/MW]
                       4C: Potential for time shift (before start-up and during operation) [h]
Prosumer               5A: Total electrical energy locally (decentralised) produced versus total electrical
                     energy consumed [MWh/MWh]
                       5B: Minimal demand from grid (maximal own production) versus maximal demand
                     from the grid (own production is zero) [MW/MW]
                       5C: Fraction of time prosumer is net producer and consumer [h/h]

     © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
      06/26/2012                  Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid              12
Accommodate all generation and
                    storage options
 Categories
    DG and storage                                PHEVs
    DER interconnection

© K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                  Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   13
Accommodate all generation and
                          storage options
    KPIs
  Accommodate all generation and storage options
Distributed           6A: Amount of production generated by local, distributed generation (MW/MW)
Generation and        6B: Potential for direct electrical energy storage relative to daily demand for electrical
Storage             energy [MWhel/MWhel]
                      6C: Indirect electrical energy storage through the use of heat pumps: time shift
                    allowed for heating/cooling [h]
PHEVs                 7A: The total number and percentage shares of on-road light-duty vehicles,
                    comprising PHEVs
                      7B: Percentage of the charging capacity of the vehicles that can be controlled (versus
                    the charging capacity of the vehicles or the total power capacity of the grid) [MW/MW]
                      7C: Percentage of the stored energy in vehicles that can be controlled (versus the
                    available energy in the vehicles or the total energy consumption in the grid)
                      7D: Number of charging points that are provided to charge the vehicles
DER Interconnection   8A: The percentage of grid operators with standard distributed resource
                    interconnection policies

      © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
      06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid                 14
Sell more than kWhs
 Categories
    New energy services                                  Flexibility
    Customer Choice                                      Support Mechanisms
    Interoperability Maturity Level

© K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                  Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   15
Sell more than kWhs
    KPIs
  Sell more than kWhs
New Energy Services     9A: Number of customers served by ESCO’s
                        9B: Number of additional energy services offered to the consumer
                        9C: Number of kWh that the consumer saves in comparison to the consumption
                      before the energy service
Flexibility             10A: The number of customers offering flexibility to aggregators
                        10B: The flexibility that aggregators can offer to other market players [MWh]
                        10C: The time that aggregators can offer a certain flexibility [h]
                        10D: To what extent are storage and DG able to provide ancillary services as a
                      percentage of the total offered ancillary services
                        10E: Percentage of storage and DG that can be modified vs. total storage and DG
Customer Choice         11A: Number of tariff plans available to end consumers
Support Mechanisms 12A: The average percentage of smart grid investment that can be recovered through
                      rates or subsidies
                        12B: The percentage of smart grid investment covered by external financing
Interoperability        13A: The weighted average maturity level of interoperability realised among
Maturity Level        electricity system stakeholders
     © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
     06/25/2010                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid          16
Provide power quality for the 21st
 Categories
    Power Quality                                 Required Power Quality

© K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                  Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   17
Provide power quality for the 21st
    KPIs
 Provide power quality for the 21st Century
Power Quality          14A: Amount of voltage variations in the grid [RMS]
                       14B: Time of a certain voltage variation [h]
                       14C: The percentage of customer complaints related to power quality problems
                     (excluding outages)
Required Power         15A: Range of frequencies [Hz] contracted and range of voltages [V] contracted
Microgrids             16A: The number of microgrids in operation.
                       16B: The capacity of microgrids [MW]
                       16C: The total grid capacity of microgrids to the capacity of the entire grid [MW/MW]

     © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
      06/26/2012                  Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid               18
Optimize assets and operate
 Categories
    T&D Automation                                Dynamic Line Rating
    Capacity Factors                              Efficiencies

© K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                  Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   19
Optimize assets and operate
    KPIs
  Optimise assets and operate efficiently
T&D Automation          17A: Percentage of substations applying automation technologies
Dynamic Line Rating     18A: Number of lines operated under dynamic line ratings
                        18B: Percentage of kilometres of transmission circuits operated under dynamic line
                      ratings [km]
                        18C: Yearly average transmission transfer capacity expansion due to the use of
                      dynamic (versus fixed) line ratings [MW-km]
Capacity Factors        19A: Yearly average and peak generation capacity factor (%)
                        19B: Yearly average and average peak capacity factor for a typical kilometer of
                      transmission line (%-km per km)
                        19C: Yearly average and average peak distribution transformer capacity factor (%)
Efficiencies            20A: Efficiency of generation facilities [energy output (MWh) / energy input (MWh)]
                        20B: Energy losses in transmission and distribution [MWh/year]

     © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
      06/26/2012                  Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid              20
Operate resiliently to disturbances,
                attacks and natural disasters
 Categories

    Advanced sensors                                     Information Exchange
    T&D Reliability                                      Standards in tele-
                                                         communication infrastructure

© K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                  Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid     21
Operate resiliently to disturbances,
                     attacks and natural disasters
     KPIs
  Operate resiliently to disturbances, attacks and natural disasters
Advanced Sensors           21A: Number (or percentage) of grid elements (substations, switches, …) that can be
                         remotely monitored and controlled in real-time
                           21B: The percentage of substations possessing advanced measurement technology
                           21C: The number of applications supported by these various measurement technologies
Information Exchange       22A: Total SCADA points shared per substation (ratio)
                           22B: Fraction of transmission-level synchrophasor measurement points shared
                         multilaterally (%)
                           22C: Performance (bandwidth, response speed, availability, adaptability, …) of the
                         communication channels towards grid elements
T&D Reliability            23A: SAIDI represents the average number of minutes customers are interrupted each year
                           23B: SAIFI represents the total number of customer interruptions per customer for a
                         particular electric supply system [Interruptions]
                           23C: CAIDI represents the average outage duration that a customer experiences [Minutes]
                           23D: MAIFI represents the total number of customer interruptions per customer lasting less
                         than five minutes for a particular electric supply system [Interruptions]
Standards in               24A: The compliance of electric power industries with European and international
telecommunication        telecommunication standards and protocols.
      © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
      06/26/2012                     Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid                    22
Using the results for policy making

 Assess progress towards a smart grid on national
  & European level
     Benchmarking between countries or with other continents
 Regulation
       Sunshine Regulation
       Incentive regulation
       Direct regulation
       …
 Evaluate project results on smart grids
  Encourage progress in each of the 6 characteristics

 © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   23
       Introduction
       Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): what & why?
       Benchmarking the Smart Grid
       Conclusions

    © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
    06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   24
To conclude
 Differences between initiatives
     No common understanding of KPIs
     Measurability sometimes neglected
 List of KPIs
     Defined around 6 characteristics
     Clustered in categories
 Further Research
     Starting Point
     Workshops/Surveys/Studies

 © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   25
Further research: Example

 Definition of KPIs for evaluation of project results
  within EEGI program

Level 1                                                      High level, easy to understand „policy
                                                             indicators‟ related to pillars of EU strategy

                                                                            Technical KPIs common to
Level 2                                                                      different demo projects
                                                                            Implementation Effectiveness
                                                                             of EEGI Program

                                                                                       Project specific
Level 3                                                                                indicators – each
                                                                                       demo project will
                                                                                       define its own KPIs

  © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa                                                        Source:
  06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid                        26
Further reading
 Download the full paper at

 © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
 06/26/2012                   Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid   27

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Webinar - Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid

  • 1. Measuring the “Smartness” of the Electricity Grid Leen Vandezande Benjamin Dupont – Leonardo Meeus – Ronnie Belmans © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa
  • 2. Overview  Introduction  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): what & why?  Benchmarking the Smart Grid  Conclusions © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 2
  • 3. Background: European energy policy  Towards a low carbon economy  3 ambitious targets by 2020  Cutting GHG emissions by 20% (compared to 1990 levels)  Reducing energy consumption by 20%  Reaching a 20% share of energy from RES  Min. 80% reduction of GHG emissions targeted by 2050 Reduction of Energy consumption Share of renewable greenhouse gases Efficiency increase energy -20% -20% Smart electricity grid = key aspect to reach goals +20% 8,5% © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 3
  • 4. Background: European energy policy  Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan  6 initiatives Wind energy Bio-energy Solar energy Carbon capture and storage Electricity grid Nuclear energy  European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI)  9-year RD&D program – estimated cost of 2 B€  Activities organised in 10 clusters & 29 functional projects  ERGEG position paper on Smart Grids  CEER status review of regulatory approaches to Smart Grids  Adequate Regulatory framework © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 4
  • 5. Overview  Introduction  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): what & why?  Benchmarking the Smart Grid  Conclusions © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 5
  • 6. What are KPIs?  In general  Purpose: performance measurement  Used in business activity monitoring  E.g. in construction industry, health industry, for quality regulation in electricity distribution systems,…  In a Smart Grid context  No common view  SET-plan: evaluation of progress towards 2020 targets  EEGI: evaluation of demo projects  ERGEG: evaluation of regulatory incentives No clear framework exists today © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 6
  • 7. Why using KPIs?  To answer the questions  What makes an electricity system smart?  How can this smartness be measured? © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 7
  • 8. Overview  Introduction  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): what & why?  Benchmarking the Smart Grid  Conclusions © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 8
  • 9. Methodology 6 Characteristics Derived from U.S. DoE „Smart Grid System Report‟ Adopted by SmartGrids ETP Categories KPIs Bound to SMART-criteria: Specific – Measurable – Attainable – Relevant – Time-Bound © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 9
  • 10. 6 Characteristics  Enable informed participation by customers  Accommodate all generation & storage options  Sell more than kWhs  Provide power quality for the 21st century  Optimize assets & operate efficiently  Operate resiliently to disturbances, attacks & natural disasters © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 10
  • 11. Enable informed participation of customers  Categories Advanced Meters Dynamic Pricing Signals Smart Appliances Demand Side Management Prosumer © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 11
  • 12. Enable informed participation of customers  KPIs Enable informed participation by customers Advanced Meters 1A: Number of advanced meters installed 1B: Percentage of total demand served by advanced meters Dynamic Pricing 2A: The fraction of customers served by tariffs Signals 2B: The fraction of load served by tariffs Smart Appliances 3A: Total yearly retail sales volume for purchases of smart appliances [€] 3B: Total load capacity in each consumer category that is actually or potentially modified by behaviours of smart appliances [MW] Demand Side 4A: Fraction of consumers contributing in DSM [%] Management 4B: Percentage of consumer load capacity participating in DSM [MW/MW] 4C: Potential for time shift (before start-up and during operation) [h] Prosumer 5A: Total electrical energy locally (decentralised) produced versus total electrical energy consumed [MWh/MWh] 5B: Minimal demand from grid (maximal own production) versus maximal demand from the grid (own production is zero) [MW/MW] 5C: Fraction of time prosumer is net producer and consumer [h/h] © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 12
  • 13. Accommodate all generation and storage options  Categories DG and storage PHEVs DER interconnection © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 13
  • 14. Accommodate all generation and storage options  KPIs Accommodate all generation and storage options Distributed 6A: Amount of production generated by local, distributed generation (MW/MW) Generation and 6B: Potential for direct electrical energy storage relative to daily demand for electrical Storage energy [MWhel/MWhel] 6C: Indirect electrical energy storage through the use of heat pumps: time shift allowed for heating/cooling [h] PHEVs 7A: The total number and percentage shares of on-road light-duty vehicles, comprising PHEVs 7B: Percentage of the charging capacity of the vehicles that can be controlled (versus the charging capacity of the vehicles or the total power capacity of the grid) [MW/MW] 7C: Percentage of the stored energy in vehicles that can be controlled (versus the available energy in the vehicles or the total energy consumption in the grid) [MWh/MWh] 7D: Number of charging points that are provided to charge the vehicles DER Interconnection 8A: The percentage of grid operators with standard distributed resource interconnection policies © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 14
  • 15. Sell more than kWhs  Categories New energy services Flexibility Customer Choice Support Mechanisms Interoperability Maturity Level © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 15
  • 16. Sell more than kWhs  KPIs Sell more than kWhs New Energy Services 9A: Number of customers served by ESCO’s 9B: Number of additional energy services offered to the consumer 9C: Number of kWh that the consumer saves in comparison to the consumption before the energy service Flexibility 10A: The number of customers offering flexibility to aggregators 10B: The flexibility that aggregators can offer to other market players [MWh] 10C: The time that aggregators can offer a certain flexibility [h] 10D: To what extent are storage and DG able to provide ancillary services as a percentage of the total offered ancillary services 10E: Percentage of storage and DG that can be modified vs. total storage and DG [MW/MW] Customer Choice 11A: Number of tariff plans available to end consumers Support Mechanisms 12A: The average percentage of smart grid investment that can be recovered through rates or subsidies 12B: The percentage of smart grid investment covered by external financing Interoperability 13A: The weighted average maturity level of interoperability realised among Maturity Level electricity system stakeholders © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/25/2010 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 16
  • 17. Provide power quality for the 21st century  Categories Power Quality Required Power Quality Microgrids © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 17
  • 18. Provide power quality for the 21st century  KPIs Provide power quality for the 21st Century Power Quality 14A: Amount of voltage variations in the grid [RMS] 14B: Time of a certain voltage variation [h] 14C: The percentage of customer complaints related to power quality problems (excluding outages) Required Power 15A: Range of frequencies [Hz] contracted and range of voltages [V] contracted Quality Microgrids 16A: The number of microgrids in operation. 16B: The capacity of microgrids [MW] 16C: The total grid capacity of microgrids to the capacity of the entire grid [MW/MW] © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 18
  • 19. Optimize assets and operate efficiently  Categories T&D Automation Dynamic Line Rating Capacity Factors Efficiencies © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 19
  • 20. Optimize assets and operate efficiently  KPIs Optimise assets and operate efficiently T&D Automation 17A: Percentage of substations applying automation technologies Dynamic Line Rating 18A: Number of lines operated under dynamic line ratings 18B: Percentage of kilometres of transmission circuits operated under dynamic line ratings [km] 18C: Yearly average transmission transfer capacity expansion due to the use of dynamic (versus fixed) line ratings [MW-km] Capacity Factors 19A: Yearly average and peak generation capacity factor (%) 19B: Yearly average and average peak capacity factor for a typical kilometer of transmission line (%-km per km) 19C: Yearly average and average peak distribution transformer capacity factor (%) Efficiencies 20A: Efficiency of generation facilities [energy output (MWh) / energy input (MWh)] 20B: Energy losses in transmission and distribution [MWh/year] © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 20
  • 21. Operate resiliently to disturbances, attacks and natural disasters  Categories Advanced sensors Information Exchange T&D Reliability Standards in tele- communication infrastructure © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 21
  • 22. Operate resiliently to disturbances, attacks and natural disasters  KPIs Operate resiliently to disturbances, attacks and natural disasters Advanced Sensors 21A: Number (or percentage) of grid elements (substations, switches, …) that can be remotely monitored and controlled in real-time 21B: The percentage of substations possessing advanced measurement technology 21C: The number of applications supported by these various measurement technologies Information Exchange 22A: Total SCADA points shared per substation (ratio) 22B: Fraction of transmission-level synchrophasor measurement points shared multilaterally (%) 22C: Performance (bandwidth, response speed, availability, adaptability, …) of the communication channels towards grid elements T&D Reliability 23A: SAIDI represents the average number of minutes customers are interrupted each year [Minutes] 23B: SAIFI represents the total number of customer interruptions per customer for a particular electric supply system [Interruptions] 23C: CAIDI represents the average outage duration that a customer experiences [Minutes] 23D: MAIFI represents the total number of customer interruptions per customer lasting less than five minutes for a particular electric supply system [Interruptions] Standards in 24A: The compliance of electric power industries with European and international telecommunication telecommunication standards and protocols. infrastructure © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 22
  • 23. Using the results for policy making  Assess progress towards a smart grid on national & European level  Benchmarking between countries or with other continents  Regulation  Sunshine Regulation  Incentive regulation  Direct regulation  …  Evaluate project results on smart grids Encourage progress in each of the 6 characteristics © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 23
  • 24. Overview  Introduction  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): what & why?  Benchmarking the Smart Grid  Conclusions © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 24
  • 25. To conclude  Differences between initiatives  No common understanding of KPIs  Measurability sometimes neglected  List of KPIs  Defined around 6 characteristics  Clustered in categories  Further Research  Starting Point  Workshops/Surveys/Studies © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 25
  • 26. Further research: Example  Definition of KPIs for evaluation of project results within EEGI program Level 1 High level, easy to understand „policy indicators‟ related to pillars of EU strategy  Technical KPIs common to Level 2 different demo projects  Implementation Effectiveness of EEGI Program Project specific Level 3 indicators – each demo project will define its own KPIs © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa Source: 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 26
  • 27. Further reading  Download the full paper at /pub_2072.pdf © K.U.Leuven – ESAT/Electa 06/26/2012 Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid 27

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Can be a good introduction to what a smart grid is, but focus is on benchmarking through Key Performance Indicators. So the technical side of a smart grid gets less in the picture and the regulatory/policy nature is stressed.
  2. 20-20-20:formulatedJanuary 2008Target 2050?: Cut GHG emissions by 80%Smart grids: Key issue towards these goals Confirmed by numerous working groups, projects, and organisations
  3. Set-plan: strategic-energy-technology-plan. Objective is to accelerate the development of low carbon technologies leading to their market take-up: estimate investment of 2bn for gridAcceleratingdevelopment and deploymentof cost-effectivelow carbon technologiesIndustrial Initiativewith large scale pilot projectsEEGI: European electricity grid initiative: TSOs and DSOs  progress smart tools by field testingAcceleratingdevelopment and deployment of electricity networkscapable of handling the massivedeployment of renewable and decentralised energy sources as proposed by the SET-planInitiative of the System Operators (EDSO, ENTSOE)ERGEG: european regulatory group for energy and gas: Ensure benefits for users by adequate regulation9-year RD&D programme for electricity networks with acost estimated at 2 B€ covering the expected participation of regulated networks, marketplayers, research centres and universities
  4. Can be a good introduction to what a smart grid is, but focus is on benchmarking through Key Performance Indicators. So the technical side of a smart grid gets less in the picture and the regulatory/policy nature is stressed.
  5. For a business to define and evaluate how succesfull it is. Different understandings between several stakeholders
  6. Idea necessary of what constitutes a smart grid. Towards a quantification of smartness…
  7. Can be a good introduction to what a smart grid is, but focus is on benchmarking through Key Performance Indicators. So the technical side of a smart grid gets less in the picture and the regulatory/policy nature is stressed.
  8. KPIs: Importance of measurability!ETP: European Technology platformImportance of measurability/quantificationA good KPI must be:Understandable (by TSO, DSO, EC, wide public)Meaningful (for TSO, DSO, EC, wide public) Measurable (measured by TSO or DSO, and validated by EC)
  9. Policy makers should encourage progress in all six characterisitics.
  10. Enable informed part: In a Smart grid, customers become an integrel part of the electric power system. A SG allows customers to take new choices resulting from new technologies, information about electricity consumption, and new ways of pricing.5 categories defined: to measure progress of the grid on this characteristic…. Each category clusters a set of KPIs
  11. Heading for a CO2 neutral society against 2050, DG and storage will play a key role in accomplishing this target. A SG supports the growing array of these technologies all along the value chain.  integration in a plug-and-play environment
  12. New products, services and markets rise in the energy system. End users can purchase new technologies and services. New market players like aggregators, who optimize supply and demand, will arise.Energy services ‘beyond’ the meter
  13. Replacement is needed because ageing grid. Advanced equipment and information and cummunication technologies van be used for optimizing the existing assets.
  14. A SG should operate in a reliable way, wheter system disturbances like voltage sags and frequency oscillation occur, or the electricity grid is exposed to physical and cyber attacks or natural disasters. These problems solved by accurately monitoring, controlling and automating the electricity grid.  new devices, equipment, designs, monitoring systems and communication standards are used to operate the grid in a self-healing and resilient way.Saidi: represents the average number of minutes customers are interrupted each year
  15. Sunshine regulation: determine a set of performance indicators for each operator display results publicly and compareIncentive regulation: Penalties/rewards for the achievement/non-achievement of a certain targetDirect regulation: impose a strict target which has to be met
  16. Can be a good introduction to what a smart grid is, but focus is on benchmarking through Key Performance Indicators. So the technical side of a smart grid gets less in the picture and the regulatory/policy nature is stressed.
  17. Not the intention to cover the entire scope of a SG. Discussion and refinement is still needed. Workshops/surveys/studies getting the information: essential for the succeeding of this exercise.