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Design Principles of Scalable,
               Distributed Systems

                                                 Tinniam V Ganesh

03/28/12           Tinniam V Ganesh -       1
Distributed Systems
There are two classes of systems
- Monolithic
- Distributed

03/28/12       Tinniam V Ganesh -   2
Traditional Client Server Architecture

                Client                                          Server

03/28/12                 Tinniam V Ganesh -   3
Properties of Distributed Systems
Distributed Systems are made up of 100s of commodity servers
• No machine has complete information about the system state
• Machines make decisions based on local information
• Failure of one machine does not cause any problems
• There is no implicit assumption about a global clock

03/28/12                  Tinniam V Ganesh -   4
Characteristics of Distributed Systems

Distributed Systems are made up of
• Commodity Servers
• Large number of servers
• Servers crash, there network failures, messages not sent, received
• New Servers can join without changing behavior

03/28/12                   Tinniam V Ganesh -   5
Examples of Distributed Systems
• Amazon’s e-retail store
• Google
• Yahoo
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Youtube

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -   6
Key principles of distributed systems

•   Incremental scalability
•   Symmetry – All nodes are equal
•   Decentralization – No central control
•   Work distribution heterogenity

03/28/12             Tinniam V Ganesh -   7
Transaction Processing System
•   Traditional databases have to ensure that transactions are consistent. Transaction
    must be fully complete or not at all.
•   Successful transactions are committed.
•   Otherwise transactions are rolled back

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ACID postulate
Transactions in traditional system have to have the following properties
Earlier Systems were designed for ACID properties
A – Atomic
C – Consistent
I – Isolated
D - Durable

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Atomic – This property ensures that each transaction happens completely or not at all

Consistent - The transaction should maintain system invariants. For e.g. an internal
   bank transfer should result in the total amount in the bank before and after the
   transaction to be same. It may be temporarily different

Isolated – Different transactions should be isolated or serializable. It must appear that
    transactions happen sequentially in some particular order

Durable – Once the transaction commits the effect is complete and durable going

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -           10
There are 2 types of scaling

Vertical scaling – This method scales by adding faster CPU , more memory and a
   larger database. Does not scale beyond a particular point
Horizontal scalability – This method scales laterally by adding more servers with the
   same capacity

03/28/12                       Tinniam V Ganesh -          11
System behavior on Scaling

Transactions                                                 Throughput   Time
Per Second

    03/28/12       Tinniam V Ganesh -           12
Consistency and Replication

In order to increase reliability against failures data has to be replicated across multiple
The problem with replicas is the need to keep the data consistent

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Reasons for Replication

Data is replicated in distributed systems for two reasons
- Reliability – Ensuring that there is a consistency in data in a majority of the replicas
- Performance – Performance can be improved by accessing a replica that is closer
   to the user. Geographical resiliency

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -            14
Downside of Replication
•   Replication of data has several advantages but the downside is the issue
    maintaining consistency
•   A modification of a copy makes it different from the rest and this update has to be
    propagated to all copies to ensure consistency

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -         15
No machine has a view of the global system state

•   Problems with distributed systems
•   How can processes synchronize ?
•   Clocks on different systems will be slightly different
•   Is there a way to maintain a global view of the clock
•   Can we order events causally?

03/28/12                      Tinniam V Ganesh -   16
Hypothetical situation
Consider a hypothetical situation with banks

 - Man deposits Rs 55,000/- at 10.00 am
- Man withdraws Rs 20,000/- at 10.02 am
What will happen if the updates happen in different order
- Operations must be idempotent. Idempotency refers to getting the same
  result no matter how many times the operation is performed.

eCommerce Site – Amazon
-add to shopping cart
-delete from shopping cart

03/28/12                 Tinniam V Ganesh -   17
Vector Clocks
Vector clocks are used to capture causality between different versions of the same
Amazon’s Dynamo uses vector clocks to reconcile different versions of the objects and
   determine the causal ordering of events.

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -        18
Vector Clocks
      2    OK                     5                               8

      4                          10                               16

      6                          15                               24

      8                          20                               32

     10                          25                 Adjust        40

     12                          30                               48

     14                          41                               56

     16                          46                               64

     18                          51                               68

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Dynamo’s reconciliation process

03/28/12     Tinniam V Ganesh -   20
Problem with Relational Databases
RDBMS databases provide the user the ability to construct complex queries but they
   do not scale well.
Performance deteriorates as the number of records reach several million

To partition the database horizontally and distribute records across several servers.

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -            21
No SQL Databases
•   Databases horizontally partitioned
•   Simple queries based on gets() and sets()
•   Access are made on key/value pairs
•   Cannot do complex queries like joins
•   Database can contain several hundred million records

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -   22
Databases that use Consistent Hashing
1.         Cassandra
2.         Amazon’s Dynamo
3.         NoSQL
4.         HBASE
5.         CouchDB
6.         MongoDB

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Hash Tables
  •   Distribute records among many servers
  •   Distribution based on keys which is hashed
  •   Key – 128 bit or 160 bits
  •   Hash values fall into a range servers visualized to lie on the circumference of a
      circle going clockwise.

03/28/12                      Tinniam V Ganesh -             24
Distributed Hash Table
•   Hashing the keys results in reaching servers are assumed to reside on the
    circumference of a circle
•   The highest key coincides back to the beginning of this circle
•   The movement is clockwise

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -     25
Distributed Hash Table
An entity with key K falls under the jurisdiction of the node
  with the smallest id >= K

•   For e.g. if we have two nodes, one at position 50 and another at position 200.
•   If we want to store a key / value pair in the DHT and the key hash is 100, would go
    to node 200.
•   Another key hash of 30 would go to the node 50

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Consistent Hashing
A naïve approach with 8 nodes and 100 keys could use a simple modulo algorithm.
So key 18 would end up on node 2 and key 63 on node 7.
But how do we handle servers crashing or new servers joining the system.
Consistent Hashing handles this issue

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Consistent Hashing

03/28/12                        Tinniam V Ganesh -   28
Distributed Hash Table

03/28/12        Tinniam V Ganesh -   29
Consistent Hashing


03/28/12      Tinniam V Ganesh -                               30
1      4

             Chord System                                                1
                                                                                9                     Resolving K = 26
                                                                         4      9
                                                                         5      18
             1        1                                                              2
             1        1
             3        1
             4        4             28
             5        14

1        28
1        28
3        28
4        1                 21                                                                                 9
5        9

     1           21
     1           28
     3           28
                                1    20
     4           28
                                1    20   18                                                         FTp[i]=succ(p+2 i-1)
     5           4
                                3    28                                              14
                                4    28
    03/28/12                                   Tinniam V Ganesh -                        31
                                5    4
Process of determining node
To look up a key k node p will forward request to node q with index j in p’s finger table
    such that
q = FTp[j] <= k < FTp[j+1]
To resolve k =26
4. 26> FT1[5] = 18. Hence forwarded to Node 18
5. FT18[2] <= 26 < FT 18[3]
6. FT20[1] <=26 < FT20[2]
7. 26 > FT21[1] = 28 Hence Node 28 is responsible for key 26

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -           32
Hashing efficiency of Chord System
The Chord System gets to the node in O (log n) steps
There are other hashing techniques that get in O(1) but use a larger local table. For
   example attains a O(1) hashing method.

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -            33
Joining the Chord System

Suppose node p wants to join. It performs the following steps
- Requests lookup for succ (p+1)
- Inserts itself before this node

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -   34
Maintaining consistency
Periodically each node checks its successor’s predecessor.
Node ‘q’ contacts succ(q+1) and requests it to return pred(succ(q+1))
If q = pred(succ(q+1)) then nothing has changed. If the node passes another value
     then q knows that a new node ‘p’ has joined the system
q < p < succ (q+1)so it updates its Finger table so q
Will set FTq[1] = p

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -         35
CAP Theorem
Databases that are designed based on ACID properties have poor availability.

Postulated by Eric Brewer of University of Berkeley
At most only 2 of 3 properties are possible in distributed systems
C – Consistency
A – Availability
P – Partition Tolerance

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -   36
CAP Theorem
•   Consistency – Ability for repeated reads to provide the same value
•   Availability – Ability to be resilient to server crashes
•   Partition Tolerance – Ability to partition data between servers and always be able
    to get the data

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -         37
Real world examples of CAP Theorem

Amazon’s Dynamo chooses availability over consistency. Dynamo implements
   eventual consistency where data become consistent over time
Google’s BigTable chooses consistency over availability

Consistentcy, Partition Tolerance (CP)
Big Table

Availability, Partition Tolerance (AP)

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -   38
Consistency issues
Data replication used in many commercial systems perform synchronous replica
    coordination to provide strongly consistent data.
The downside of this approach is the poor availability
These systems maintain that the data is unavailable if they are not able to ensure
For e.g.
If data is replicated on 5 servers and an update needs to be made then the following
    has to be done
- Update all 5 copies
- Ensure all of them are successful
- If one of them fails roll back the updates on the other 4

If a read is done when one of the server fail a strongly consistent system would return
     “data unavailable” when correctness is undetermined.

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -           39
Quorum Protocol
To maintain consistency data is replicated in many servers.
For e.g. let us assume there are N servers in the system
Typical algorithms maintain at least writes to > N/2 => N/2 +1
Usually Nw> N/2
A write is successful if it has been successfully committed in N/2 +1 servers
This is known as write quorum

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Quorum Protocol
Similarly reads are done from an arbitrary number of server replicas Nr. This
   is known as a read quorum
Reads from different servers are compared
A consistent design requires that Nw + Nr > N
With this you are assured of reading your writes

03/28/12                  Tinniam V Ganesh -       41
Election Algorithm
Many distributed systems usually have one process to act as a coordinator. If
   the coordinator crashes then an election takes place to identify the new
2. P sends a ELECTION message to all higher numbered processes
3. If no one responds P becomes coordinator
4. If a higher number process answers, it takes over the election process

03/28/12                 Tinniam V Ganesh -    42
Traditional Fault Tolerance
Traditional systems use redundancy to handle failures and be tolerant to fault as
   shown below

                Active                   Standby

                Active                      Standby

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -         43
Process Resilience
Handling failures in distributed systems is much more difficult as no system has any
   view of the global state.

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -            44
Byzantine Failures
Byzantine refers to Byzantine General Problem where an army must unanimously
   decide whether to attack another army. The problem is complicated because the
   generals must use messengers to communicate and by the presence of traitors

Distributed Systems are prone to a type of failures known as Byzantine failures
Omission failures – Disk crashes, network congestion, failure to receive request etc
Commission failures – Failures when the server behaves incorrectly, corrupting local
    state etc

Solution: To be able to handle Byzantine Failures where k processes are sick is to have
    a minimum 2k+1 processes so that we are left with k+1 replies given that k process
    are behaving incorrectly

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -            45
In fault tolerant distributed computing backward error recovery requires that the
    system regularly save its state at periodic intervals. We need to create a consistent
    global state called a distributed snapshot.

In a distributed snapshot if a process P has recorded the receipt of a message then
    there should be a process Q that has sent a corresponding message.

Each process saves its state from time to time.
To recover we need to construct a consistent global state from these local states

03/28/12                     Tinniam V Ganesh -           46
Gossip Protocol
Used to handle server crashes and server or servers joining into the system
Changes to the distributed system like membership changes are spread
   similar to gossiping
- A server picks another random server and sends a message regarding a
   server crash or a server joining
- If the receiver has already received this message it is dropped.
- The receiving server similarly gossips to other servers and the system
   reaches a steady state soon

03/28/12                 Tinniam V Ganesh -      47
Sloppy Quorum
Quorum protocol is applied on first N healthy nodes rather than N nodes walking
   clockwise in the ring.

Data meant for Node A is sent to Node D if A is temporarily down.
Node D has a hinted handoff in its metadata that updates Node A when it is up.

03/28/12                    Tinniam V Ganesh -       48
Thank You !

                             Tinniam V Ganesh
                             Read my blogs:


03/28/12    Tinniam V Ganesh -                      49

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Design principles of scalable, distributed systems

  • 1. Design Principles of Scalable, Distributed Systems Tinniam V Ganesh 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 1
  • 2. Distributed Systems There are two classes of systems - Monolithic - Distributed 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 2
  • 3. Traditional Client Server Architecture Client Server 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 3
  • 4. Properties of Distributed Systems Distributed Systems are made up of 100s of commodity servers • No machine has complete information about the system state • Machines make decisions based on local information • Failure of one machine does not cause any problems • There is no implicit assumption about a global clock 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 4
  • 5. Characteristics of Distributed Systems Distributed Systems are made up of • Commodity Servers • Large number of servers • Servers crash, there network failures, messages not sent, received • New Servers can join without changing behavior 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 5
  • 6. Examples of Distributed Systems • Amazon’s e-retail store • Google • Yahoo • Facebook • Twitter • Youtube Etc 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 6
  • 7. Key principles of distributed systems • Incremental scalability • Symmetry – All nodes are equal • Decentralization – No central control • Work distribution heterogenity 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 7
  • 8. Transaction Processing System • Traditional databases have to ensure that transactions are consistent. Transaction must be fully complete or not at all. • Successful transactions are committed. • Otherwise transactions are rolled back 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 8
  • 9. ACID postulate Transactions in traditional system have to have the following properties Earlier Systems were designed for ACID properties A – Atomic C – Consistent I – Isolated D - Durable 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 9
  • 10. ACID Atomic – This property ensures that each transaction happens completely or not at all Consistent - The transaction should maintain system invariants. For e.g. an internal bank transfer should result in the total amount in the bank before and after the transaction to be same. It may be temporarily different Isolated – Different transactions should be isolated or serializable. It must appear that transactions happen sequentially in some particular order Durable – Once the transaction commits the effect is complete and durable going forward. 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 10
  • 11. Scaling There are 2 types of scaling Vertical scaling – This method scales by adding faster CPU , more memory and a larger database. Does not scale beyond a particular point Horizontal scalability – This method scales laterally by adding more servers with the same capacity 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 11
  • 12. System behavior on Scaling Response Response Transactions Throughput Time Per Second Load 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 12
  • 13. Consistency and Replication In order to increase reliability against failures data has to be replicated across multiple servers. The problem with replicas is the need to keep the data consistent 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 13
  • 14. Reasons for Replication Data is replicated in distributed systems for two reasons - Reliability – Ensuring that there is a consistency in data in a majority of the replicas - Performance – Performance can be improved by accessing a replica that is closer to the user. Geographical resiliency 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 14
  • 15. Downside of Replication • Replication of data has several advantages but the downside is the issue maintaining consistency • A modification of a copy makes it different from the rest and this update has to be propagated to all copies to ensure consistency 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 15
  • 16. Synchronization No machine has a view of the global system state • Problems with distributed systems • How can processes synchronize ? • Clocks on different systems will be slightly different • Is there a way to maintain a global view of the clock • Can we order events causally? 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 16
  • 17. Hypothetical situation Consider a hypothetical situation with banks - Man deposits Rs 55,000/- at 10.00 am - Man withdraws Rs 20,000/- at 10.02 am What will happen if the updates happen in different order - Operations must be idempotent. Idempotency refers to getting the same result no matter how many times the operation is performed. eCommerce Site – Amazon -add to shopping cart -delete from shopping cart 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 17
  • 18. Vector Clocks Vector clocks are used to capture causality between different versions of the same object. Amazon’s Dynamo uses vector clocks to reconcile different versions of the objects and determine the causal ordering of events. 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 18
  • 19. Vector Clocks 2 OK 5 8 4 10 16 6 15 24 8 20 32 10 25 Adjust 40 12 30 48 14 41 56 16 46 64 18 51 68 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 19
  • 20. Dynamo’s reconciliation process 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 20
  • 21. Problem with Relational Databases RDBMS databases provide the user the ability to construct complex queries but they do not scale well. Problem Performance deteriorates as the number of records reach several million Solution To partition the database horizontally and distribute records across several servers. 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 21
  • 22. No SQL Databases • Databases horizontally partitioned • Simple queries based on gets() and sets() • Access are made on key/value pairs • Cannot do complex queries like joins • Database can contain several hundred million records 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 22
  • 23. Databases that use Consistent Hashing 1. Cassandra 2. Amazon’s Dynamo 3. NoSQL 4. HBASE 5. CouchDB 6. MongoDB 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 23
  • 24. Hash Tables • Distribute records among many servers • Distribution based on keys which is hashed • Key – 128 bit or 160 bits • Hash values fall into a range servers visualized to lie on the circumference of a circle going clockwise. 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 24
  • 25. Distributed Hash Table • Hashing the keys results in reaching servers are assumed to reside on the circumference of a circle • The highest key coincides back to the beginning of this circle • The movement is clockwise 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 25
  • 26. Distributed Hash Table An entity with key K falls under the jurisdiction of the node with the smallest id >= K • For e.g. if we have two nodes, one at position 50 and another at position 200. • If we want to store a key / value pair in the DHT and the key hash is 100, would go to node 200. • Another key hash of 30 would go to the node 50 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 26
  • 27. Consistent Hashing A naïve approach with 8 nodes and 100 keys could use a simple modulo algorithm. So key 18 would end up on node 2 and key 63 on node 7. But how do we handle servers crashing or new servers joining the system. Consistent Hashing handles this issue 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 27
  • 28. Consistent Hashing Source: 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 28
  • 29. Distributed Hash Table 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 29
  • 30. Consistent Hashing Source: 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 30
  • 31. 1 4 Chord System 1 3 4 9 Resolving K = 26 4 9 5 18 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 4 4 28 4 5 14 1 28 1 28 2 3 28 4 1 21 9 5 9 1 21 20 1 28 3 28 1 20 4 28 1 20 18 FTp[i]=succ(p+2 i-1) 5 4 3 28 14 4 28 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 31 5 4
  • 32. Process of determining node To look up a key k node p will forward request to node q with index j in p’s finger table such that q = FTp[j] <= k < FTp[j+1] To resolve k =26 4. 26> FT1[5] = 18. Hence forwarded to Node 18 5. FT18[2] <= 26 < FT 18[3] 6. FT20[1] <=26 < FT20[2] 7. 26 > FT21[1] = 28 Hence Node 28 is responsible for key 26 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 32
  • 33. Hashing efficiency of Chord System The Chord System gets to the node in O (log n) steps There are other hashing techniques that get in O(1) but use a larger local table. For example attains a O(1) hashing method. 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 33
  • 34. Joining the Chord System Suppose node p wants to join. It performs the following steps - Requests lookup for succ (p+1) - Inserts itself before this node 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 34
  • 35. Maintaining consistency Periodically each node checks its successor’s predecessor. Node ‘q’ contacts succ(q+1) and requests it to return pred(succ(q+1)) If q = pred(succ(q+1)) then nothing has changed. If the node passes another value then q knows that a new node ‘p’ has joined the system q < p < succ (q+1)so it updates its Finger table so q Will set FTq[1] = p 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 35
  • 36. CAP Theorem Databases that are designed based on ACID properties have poor availability. Postulated by Eric Brewer of University of Berkeley At most only 2 of 3 properties are possible in distributed systems C – Consistency A – Availability P – Partition Tolerance 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 36
  • 37. CAP Theorem • Consistency – Ability for repeated reads to provide the same value • Availability – Ability to be resilient to server crashes • Partition Tolerance – Ability to partition data between servers and always be able to get the data 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 37
  • 38. Real world examples of CAP Theorem Amazon’s Dynamo chooses availability over consistency. Dynamo implements eventual consistency where data become consistent over time Google’s BigTable chooses consistency over availability Consistentcy, Partition Tolerance (CP) Big Table Hbase Availability, Partition Tolerance (AP) Dynamo Voldemort Cassandra 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 38
  • 39. Consistency issues Data replication used in many commercial systems perform synchronous replica coordination to provide strongly consistent data. The downside of this approach is the poor availability These systems maintain that the data is unavailable if they are not able to ensure consistency For e.g. If data is replicated on 5 servers and an update needs to be made then the following has to be done - Update all 5 copies - Ensure all of them are successful - If one of them fails roll back the updates on the other 4 If a read is done when one of the server fail a strongly consistent system would return “data unavailable” when correctness is undetermined. 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 39
  • 40. Quorum Protocol To maintain consistency data is replicated in many servers. For e.g. let us assume there are N servers in the system Typical algorithms maintain at least writes to > N/2 => N/2 +1 Usually Nw> N/2 A write is successful if it has been successfully committed in N/2 +1 servers This is known as write quorum 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 40
  • 41. Quorum Protocol Similarly reads are done from an arbitrary number of server replicas Nr. This is known as a read quorum Reads from different servers are compared A consistent design requires that Nw + Nr > N With this you are assured of reading your writes 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 41
  • 42. Election Algorithm Many distributed systems usually have one process to act as a coordinator. If the coordinator crashes then an election takes place to identify the new coordinator 2. P sends a ELECTION message to all higher numbered processes 3. If no one responds P becomes coordinator 4. If a higher number process answers, it takes over the election process 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 42
  • 43. Traditional Fault Tolerance Traditional systems use redundancy to handle failures and be tolerant to fault as shown below Active Standby Active Standby 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 43
  • 44. Process Resilience Handling failures in distributed systems is much more difficult as no system has any view of the global state. 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 44
  • 45. Byzantine Failures Byzantine refers to Byzantine General Problem where an army must unanimously decide whether to attack another army. The problem is complicated because the generals must use messengers to communicate and by the presence of traitors Distributed Systems are prone to a type of failures known as Byzantine failures Omission failures – Disk crashes, network congestion, failure to receive request etc Commission failures – Failures when the server behaves incorrectly, corrupting local state etc Solution: To be able to handle Byzantine Failures where k processes are sick is to have a minimum 2k+1 processes so that we are left with k+1 replies given that k process are behaving incorrectly 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 45
  • 46. Checkpointing In fault tolerant distributed computing backward error recovery requires that the system regularly save its state at periodic intervals. We need to create a consistent global state called a distributed snapshot. In a distributed snapshot if a process P has recorded the receipt of a message then there should be a process Q that has sent a corresponding message. Each process saves its state from time to time. To recover we need to construct a consistent global state from these local states 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 46
  • 47. Gossip Protocol Used to handle server crashes and server or servers joining into the system Changes to the distributed system like membership changes are spread similar to gossiping - A server picks another random server and sends a message regarding a server crash or a server joining - If the receiver has already received this message it is dropped. - The receiving server similarly gossips to other servers and the system reaches a steady state soon 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 47
  • 48. Sloppy Quorum Quorum protocol is applied on first N healthy nodes rather than N nodes walking clockwise in the ring. Data meant for Node A is sent to Node D if A is temporarily down. Node D has a hinted handoff in its metadata that updates Node A when it is up. 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 48
  • 49. Thank You ! Tinniam V Ganesh Read my blogs: 03/28/12 Tinniam V Ganesh - 49