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Bad Tests, Good Tests

Tomek Kaczanowski!/devops_borat
Tomek Kaczanowski

• Developer
• Team lead
• Blogger
• Book author

• Working at CodeWise (Krakow)
    ...we are hiring, wanna join us?
Before we begin

• Most of the examples are real but:
    Obfuscated
       − to protect the innocents
     Truncated
       − imagine much more complex domain objects
• Asking questions is allowed
    ...but being smarter than me is not ;)
A little bit of history
                                           no more...
Before we begin

• The tests were written in 2004-2006.
• No automation, no CI.
• Some tests do not compile.
• In some tests you can read a comment that "WARNING:
  test requires the divide param to be set to 20" but the
  code is so ugly, that there is no way to inject this value.
• Some test data are available in form of serialized objects
  (*.ser) that can not be currently deserialized, because
  the classes have changed.
• The project is now in maintenance.

                         Courtesy of Bartosz!/bocytko
We don't need no stinkin' asserts!
public void testAddChunks() {
        System.out.println("testAddChunks() ... ");
        ChunkMap cm = new ChunkMap(3);
        cm.addChunk(new Chunk("chunk"));

        List testList = cm.getChunks("chunk",null);

        if (testList.isEmpty())
            fail("there should be at least one list!");
        Chunk chunk = cm.getActualChunk("chunk",null);
        if (chunk.getElements().isEmpty())
            fail("there should be at least one element!");
        if (cm.getFinalChunkNr() != 1)
            fail("there should be at least one chunk!");
        // iterate actual chunk
        for (Iterator it = chunk.getElements().iterator();
                    it.hasNext();) {
            Element element = (Element);
            System.out.println("Element: " + element);
        System.out.println("testAddChunks() OK ");
Success is not an option...

    * Method testFailure.
  public void testFailure() {
       try {
           Message message = new Message(null,true);
       } catch(Exception ex) {
What has happened? Well, it failed...
public void testSimple() {
        IData data = null;
        IFormat format = null;
        LinkedList<String> attr = new LinkedList<String>();

        try {
            format = new SimpleFormat("A");
            IResult result = format.execute();
            Iterator iter = result.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
            IResult r = (IResult);
        catch (Exception e) {
What has happened? Well, it failed...
public void testSimple() {
        IData data = null;
        IFormat format = null;
        LinkedList<String> attr = new LinkedList<String>();
        attr.add("B");                       data is still null here.
                                                  Ready or not, NPE is coming.
         try {
             format = new SimpleFormat("A");
             IResult result = format.execute();
             Iterator iter = result.iterator();
             while (iter.hasNext()) {
             IResult r = (IResult);
     catch (Exception e) {
Talk to me
//wait for messages
do {
    input = "";
    try {
        read =;
        //convert characters to string
        input = new String(buf, 0, read - newline.length());

        if (input.equals("end") || input.equals("exit")
            || input.equals("stop") || input.equals("quit")) {
                System.out.println("Terminating Test please wait...");
                System.out.println("******* Test terminated *******");
                toStop = true;
        else {
            System.out.println("Commands:" + newline + "'end',
            'exit', 'stop' or 'quit' terminates this test ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
} while (!toStop);
Tests are boring – let us autogenerate them!
/**                                                          protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Generated by JUnitDoclet, a tool provided by                 // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.tearDown
* ObjectFab GmbH under LGPL.                                   adapter = null;
* Please see,                  super.tearDown();
* and for informations about                  // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.tearDown
* the tool, the licence and the authors.
*/                                                           public void testMain() throws Exception {
public class AdapterTest                                       // JUnitDoclet begin method testMain
// JUnitDoclet begin extends_implements                        Adapter.main(new String [] {"ADAPTER"});
extends TestCase                                               // JUnitDoclet end method testMain
// JUnitDoclet end extends_implements                        }
   // JUnitDoclet begin class
   Adapter adapter = null;                                   /**
   // JUnitDoclet end class                                  * JUnitDoclet moves marker to this method, if there is not match
                                                             * for them in the regenerated code and if the marker is not empty.
 public AdapterTest(String name) {                           * This way, no test gets lost when regenerating after renaming.
   // JUnitDoclet begin method AdapterTest                   * Method testVault is supposed to be empty.
   super(name);                                              */
   // JUnitDoclet end method AdapterTest                     public void testVault() throws Exception {
 }                                                             // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.testVault
                                                               // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.testVault
 public Adapter createInstance() throws Exception {          }
   // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.createInstance
   return new Adapter();                                     public static void main(String[] args) {
   // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.createInstance           // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.main
 }                                                   ;
                                                               // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.main
 protected void setUp() throws Exception {                   }
   // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.setUp            }
   adapter = createInstance();
   // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.setUp
Tests are boring – let us autogenerate them!
public void testSetGetTimestamp() throws Exception {
        // JUnitDoclet begin method setTimestamp getTimestamp
    java.util.Calendar[] tests = {new GregorianCalendar(), null};

        for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
            assertEquals(tests[i], adapter.getTimestamp());
        // JUnitDoclet end method setTimestamp getTimestamp

public void testSetGetParam() throws Exception {
    // JUnitDoclet begin method setParam getParam
    String[] tests = {"a", "aaa", "---", "23121313", "", null};

        for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
            assertEquals(tests[i], adapter.getParam());
        // JUnitDoclet end method setParam getParam
Bartosz, do you really work with such code?!

• Automation!
   • Running
   • Verification
• Tests are to be written not generated
• You should be informed why your test failed
• Master your tools
    …at least learn the basics!
Few words about tests
Why bother with tests?

• System works as expected

• Changes do not hurt

• Documentation

Tests help to achieve quality

                     Not sure when I saw this picture –
                     probably in GOOS?
What happens if we do it wrong?
• Angry clients
• Depressed developers

When I started out with unit tests, I was
enthralled with the promise of ease and
security that they would bring to my
projects. In practice, however, the
theory of sustainable software through
unit tests started to break down. This
difficulty continued to build up, until I
finally threw my head back in anger and
declared that "Unit Tests have become
more trouble than they are worth."
               Llewellyn Falco and Michael Kennedy, Develop Mentor August 09
It is a full-time job
No smoke without tests
class SystemAdminSmokeTest extends GroovyTestCase {

void testSmoke() {

    def ds = new org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource(
        URL: 'jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;MODE=Oracle',
        user: 'sa', password: '')

       def jpaProperties = new Properties()
           'hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache', 'false')
           'hibernate.cache.use_query_cache', 'false')

       def emf = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean(
          dataSource: ds, persistenceUnitName: 'my-domain',
          jpaVendorAdapter: new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter(
              database: Database.H2, showSql: true,
              generateDdl: true), jpaProperties: jpaProperties)

No smoke without tests
class SystemAdminSmokeTest extends GroovyTestCase {

void testSmoke() {
// do not remove below code
// def ds = new org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource(
//     URL: 'jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;MODE=Oracle',
//     user: 'sa', password: '')
//     def jpaProperties = new Properties()
//     jpaProperties.setProperty(
//         'hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache', 'false')
//     jpaProperties.setProperty(
//         'hibernate.cache.use_query_cache', 'false')
//     def emf = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean(
//        dataSource: ds, persistenceUnitName: 'my-domain',
//        jpaVendorAdapter: new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter(
//            database: Database.H2, showSql: true,
//            generateDdl: true), jpaProperties: jpaProperties)

…some more code below, all commented out :(
Let's follow the leader!

                  public class ExampleTest {

                        public void testExample() {
Uh-oh, I feel lonely...

                   public class ExampleTest {

                          public void testExample() {
Flickering tests
Asking for troubles...
LoggingPropertyConfigurator configurator
        = mock(LoggingPropertyConfigurator.class);
BaseServletContextListener baseServletContextListener
        = new BaseServletContextListener(configurator);

                                                          Should load some
@Test public void shouldLoadConfigProperties() {          default config

@Test(expected = LoggingInitialisationException.class)
                                                            Should load this
public void shouldThrowLoggingException() {                 specific file
        System.setProperty("logConfig", "nonExistingFile");
Lets mock!
Mock'em All!
public String getUrl(User user, String timestamp) {
         String name=user.getFullName();
         String url=baseUrl
             +"name="+URLEncoder.encode(name, "UTF-8")
         return url;

public String getUrl(User user) {
         Date date=new Date();
         Long time=(date.getTime()/1000); //convert ms to seconds
         String timestamp=time.toString();
         return getUrl(user, timestamp);
Mock'em All!
public String getUrl(User user, String timestamp) {
         String name=user.getFullName();
         String url=baseUrl
             +"name="+URLEncoder.encode(name, "UTF-8")
         return url;

public String getUrl(User user) {
         Date date=new Date();
         Long time=(date.getTime()/1000); //convert ms to seconds
         String timestamp=time.toString();
         return getUrl(user, timestamp);

                       public void shouldUseTimestampMethod() {
                                Util spyUtil = spy(util);


                               verify(spyUtil).getUrl(eq(user), anyString());
Use the front door

public void shouldAddTimestampToGeneratedUrl() {
        util = new ....
        TimeProvider timeProvider = mock(TimeProvider.class);

        String url = util.getUrl(user);

Mock'em All!
public void shouldAddTimeZoneToModelAndView() {
    UserFacade userFacade = mock(UserFacade.class);
    ModelAndView modelAndView = mock(ModelAndView.class);
    given(userFacade.getTimezone()).willReturn("timezone X");

    new UserDataInterceptor(userFacade)
        .postHandle(null, null, null, modelAndView);

    verify(modelAndView).addObject("timezone", "timezone X");
Use the front door
public void shouldAddTimeZoneToModelAndView() {
    UserFacade userFacade = mock(UserFacade.class);
    ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
    given(userFacade.getTimezone()).willReturn("timezone X");

    new UserDataInterceptor(userFacade)
        .postHandle(null, null, null, modelAndView);

    assertThat(modelAndView).constains("timezone", "timezone X");
Single Responsibility Principle
SRP for tests

A test should have one and only one reason to fail.

P.S. This is definitely a good advice for unit tests, but rather not valid
for integration and end-to-end tests.
Testing two things at once
public Object[][] data() {
         return new Object[][] { {"48", true}, {"+48", true},
         {"++48", true}, {"+48503", true}, {"+4", false},
         {"++4", false}, {"", false},
         {null, false}, {" ", false}, };

@Test(dataProvider = "data")
public void testQueryVerification(String query, boolean expected) {
         assertEquals(expected, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(query));
Testing two things at once
public Object[][] data() {
         return new Object[][] { {"48", true}, {"+48", true},
         {"++48", true}, {"+48503", true}, {"+4", false},
         {"++4", false}, {"", false},
         {null, false}, {" ", false}, };

@Test(dataProvider = "data")                                      Algorithm   / Logic
public void testQueryVerification(String query, boolean expected) {
         assertEquals(expected, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(query));
Testing two things at once
public Object[][] data() {
         return new Object[][] { {"48", true}, {"+48", true},
         {"++48", true}, {"+48503", true}, {"+4", false},
         {"++4", false}, {"", false},
         {null, false}, {" ", false}, };

@Test(dataProvider = "data")
public void testQueryVerification(String query, boolean expected) {
         assertEquals(expected, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(query));

          testQueryVerification1() {
                   assertEquals(true,   FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(„48”));
          testQueryVerification2() {
                   assertEquals(true,   FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(„+48”));
          testQueryVerification3() {
                   assertEquals(true,   FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(„++48”));
          testQueryVerification4() {
                   assertEquals(true,   FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(„+48503”));
Testing two things at once
public Object[][] data() {
       return new Object[][] { {"48", true}, {"+48", true},
       {"++48", true}, {"+48503", true}, {"+4", false},
       {"++4", false}, {"", false},
       {null, false}, {"     ", false}, };

@Test(dataProvider = "data")
public void testQueryVerification(String query, boolean expected) {
       assertEquals(expected, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(query));
Concentrate on one feature
public Object[][] validQueries() {
  return new Object[][] { {"48"}, {"48123"},
         {"+48"}, {"++48"}, {"+48503"}};

@Test(dataProvider = "validQueries")
public void shouldRecognizeValidQueries(
        String validQuery) {

public Object[][] invalidQueries() {
  return new Object[][] {
         {"+4"}, {"++4"},
         {""}, {null}, {" "} };

@Test(dataProvider = "invalidQueries")
public void shouldRejectInvalidQueries(
        String invalidQuery) {
Are you satisfied?
Happy path

testSum() {
       assertEquals(Math.sum(2,2), 4);

Happy paths are for wimps

2 + 2
2 + -2
2 + -5
0 + 2
2 + 0
Integer.MAX_VALUE + something

Avoiding happy paths

Start with one:
testSum() {
       assertEquals(Math.sum(2,2), 4);

Do the simplest thing that works:
sum(int x, int y) {
        return 4;

And then listen to your code.
Because it tells you something.
Avoiding happy paths

 sum(int x, int y) {
       return 4;

You moron!
Your test is so pathetic,
that I can make it pass
by doing such a silly thing.
Try harder!
Readability is the king
Who the heck is “user_2” ?

public static Object[][] usersPermissions() {
    return new Object[][]{
         {"user_1", Permission.READ},
         {"user_1", Permission.WRITE},
         {"user_1", Permission.REMOVE},
         {"user_2", Permission.WRITE},
         {"user_2", Permission.READ},
         {"user_3", Permission.READ}
Ah, logged user can read and write...

public static Object[][] usersPermissions() {
    return new Object[][]{
         {ADMIN, Permission.READ},
         {ADMIN, Permission.WRITE},
         {ADMIN, Permission.REMOVE},
         {LOGGED, Permission.WRITE},
         {LOGGED, Permission.READ},
         {GUEST, Permission.READ}
domain1, domain2, domain3, ...
domain1, domain2, domain3, ...
domain1, domain2, domain3, ...
Do not make me learn the API!

  server = new MockServer(responseMap, true,
              new URL(SERVER_ROOT).getPort(), false);
Do not make me learn the API!

   server = new MockServer(responseMap, true,
               new URL(SERVER_ROOT).getPort(), false);

private static final boolean RESPONSE_IS_A_FILE = true;
private static final boolean NO_SSL = false;

server = new MockServer(responseMap, RESPONSE_IS_A_FILE,
                new URL(SERVER_ROOT).getPort(), NO_SSL);
Do not make me learn the API!

  server = new MockServer(responseMap, true,
              new URL(SERVER_ROOT).getPort(), false);

         server = new MockServerBuilder()
What is really important?
What is really important?
public Object[][] snapshotArtifacts() {
       return new Object[][]{
            {"a", "b", "2.2-SNAPSHOT", Artifact.JAR },
            {"c", "d", "", Artifact.JAR},
            {"e", "f", "2-SNAPSHOT", Artifact.JAR}
@Test(dataProvider = "snapshotArtifacts")
public void shouldRecognizeSnapshots(
       String groupId, String artifactId,
       String version, Type type) {
       Artifact artifact
            = new Artifact(groupId, artifactId, version, type);
Only version matters
public Object[][] snapshotVersions() {
       return new Object[][]{
@Test(dataProvider = "snapshotVersions")
public void shouldRecognizeSnapshots(String version) {
       Artifact artifact
            = new Artifact(VALID_GROUP, VALID_ARTIFACT_ID,
            version, VALID_TYPE);
Test method names
Naming is really important
Test methods names are important

• When test fails
• Relation to focused tests
Test methods names are important

• testFindTransactionsToAutoCharge()
• testSystemSuccess()
• testOperation()

      public void testOperation() {
          rc = new RequestContext(parser, request)
          assert rc.getConnector() == null
          assert rc.getOperation().equals("validate")
“should” is better than “test”

•   testOperation()
•   testQuery()
•   testConstructor()
•   testFindUsersWithFilter()

•   shouldRejectInvalidRequests()
•   shouldSaveNewUserToDatabase()
•   constructorShouldFailWithNegativePrice()
•   shouldReturnOnlyUsersWithGivenName()
“should” is better than “test”

• Starting test method names
  with “should” steers you in
  the right direction.

• “test” prefix makes your test
  method a limitless bag
  where you throw everything
  worth testing

Test methods names are important
public void testQuery(){
    assertNull(dao.findByQuery(Transaction.class, q, false));
    assertNull(dao.findByQuery(Operator.class, q, false));
    assertNull(dao.findByQuery(null, null, false));

    List result = new LinkedList();
    assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(Transaction.class, q, false), result);
    assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(Operator.class, q, false), result);
    assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(null, null, false), null);

    assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(Transaction.class, q, true).size(), 0);
    assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(Operator.class, q, true).size(), 0);
    assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(null, null, true), null);

    assertSame(dao.findByQuery(Transaction.class, q, true).get(0), t);
    assertSame(dao.findByQuery(Operator.class, q, true).get(0), o);
    assertSame(dao.findByQuery(null, null, true), null);
Assertion part is freaking huge
public void shouldPreDeployApplication() {
          // given
          Artifact artifact = mock(Artifact.class);
          ServerConfiguration config
               = new ServerConfiguration(ADDRESS, USER, KEY_FILE, TOMCAT_PATH, TEMP_PATH);
          Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(HTTP_TOMCAT_URL, config);
          String destDir = new File(".").getCanonicalPath() + SLASH + "target" + SLASH;
          new File(destDir).mkdirs();

         // when
         tomcat.preDeploy(artifact, new FakeWar(WAR_FILE_LENGTH));

         JSch jsch = new JSch();
         Session session = jsch.getSession(USER, ADDRESS, 22);
         session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");

         Channel channel = session.openChannel("sftp");
         ChannelSftp sftpChannel = (ChannelSftp) channel;

         sftpChannel.get(TEMP_PATH + SLASH + artifact.getFileName(), destDir);


         File downloadedFile = new File(destDir, artifact.getFileName());

Just say it

public void shouldPreDeployApplication() {
      Artifact artifact = mock(Artifact.class);
      ServerConfiguration config
         = new ServerConfiguration(ADDRESS, USER,
      Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(HTTP_TOMCAT_URL, config);

      tomcat.preDeploy(artifact, new FakeWar(WAR_FILE_LENGTH));

Asserting using private methods

public void testChargeInRetryingState() throws Exception {
    // given
        TxDTO request = createTxDTO(RequestType.CHARGE);
        AndroidTransaction androidTransaction = ...

    // when
    final TxDTO txDTO = processor.processRequest(request);

    // then
    assertState(request, androidTransaction,
        ClientMessage.SUCCESS, ResultCode.SUCCESS);
Matchers vs. private methods
assertState(TxDTO txDTO, AndroidTransaction androidTransaction,
         AndroidTransactionState expectedAndroidState,
       AndroidTransactionState expectedPreviousAndroidState,
       ExtendedState expectedState,
       String expectedClientStatus,
         ResultCode expectedRequestResultCode) {
    final List<AndroidTransactionStep> steps
         = new ArrayList<>(androidTransaction.getTransactionSteps());
    final boolean checkPreviousStep = expectedAndroidState != null;
    assertTrue(steps.size() >= (checkPreviousStep ? 3 : 2));

     if (checkPreviousStep) {
         AndroidTransactionStep lastStep = steps.get(steps.size() - 2);

     final AndroidTransactionStep lastStep = steps.get(steps.size() - 1);
     assertEquals(lastStep.getTransactionState(), expectedAndroidState);
     assertEquals(lastStep.getMessage(), expectedClientStatus);

     assertEquals(txDTO.getResultCode(), expectedRequestResultCode);
     assertEquals(androidTransaction.getState(), expectedAndroidState);
     assertEquals(androidTransaction.getExtendedState(), expectedState);

     if (expectedClientStatus == null) {
Matchers vs. private methods

public void testChargeInRetryingState() throws Exception {
    // given
    TxDTO request = createTxDTO(CHARGE);
    AndroidTransaction androidTransaction = ...
    // when
    final TxDTO txDTO = processor.processRequest(request);
    // then
What is asserted?

public void testCompile_32Bit_FakeSourceFile() {
        CompilerSupport _32BitCompilerSupport
           = CompilerSupportFactory.getDefault32BitCompilerSupport();
What is asserted?

public void testCompile_32Bit_FakeSourceFile() {
        CompilerSupport _32BitCompilerSupport
           = CompilerSupportFactory.getDefault32BitCompilerSupport();

private void testCompile_FakeSourceFile(
               CompilerSupport compilerSupport) {
           = compilerSupport.compile(new File[] { new File("fake") });
        assertThat(compiledFiles, is(emptyArray()));
Asserting everything

public void invalidTxShouldBeCanceled() {
    String fileContent =
Asserting everything

public void invalidTxShouldBeCanceled() {
    String fileContent =

public void invalidTxShouldBeCanceled() {
    String fileContent =
Know your tool
Asynchronous Calls

public void updatesCustomerStatus() throws Exception {
    // Publish an asynchronous event:
    // Awaitility lets you wait
        // until the asynchronous operation completes:
           .atMost(5, SECONDS)
Expected exceptions

@Test(expectedExceptions = SmsException.class)
public void shouldThrowException() throws SmsException {
    try {
        String s = gutExtractor.extractGut(„invalid gut”);
    } catch (SmsException e) {
        throw e;
Expected exceptions

@Test(expectedExceptions = SmsException.class)
public void shouldThrowException() throws SmsException {
    String s = gutExtractor.extractGut(„invalid gut”);
Expected exceptions (with catch-exception)

public void shouldThrowException() throws SmsException {

        when(gutExtractor.extractGut(„invalid gut”));

         .hasMessage("Invalid gut")

Running SUT's code concurrently

@Test(threadPoolSize = 3, invocationCount = 10)
public void testServer() {
    // this method will be run in parallel by 3 thread
    // 10 invocations (in total)
Dependent test methods

public void shouldConnectToDB() {
    // verifying that you can
    // estabilish a connection with DB

@Test(dependsOnMethods = „shouldConnectToDB”)
public void should…() {
    // some operations on DB
Know your tools
•   Unit testing framework           Additional libraries
      Use of temporary file rule
                                          Hamcrest, FEST, Mockito,
      Listeners                           catch-exception, awaitility, …
      Concurrency                  •   Build tool
      @Before/@After                     Parallel execution

      Parametrized tests            CI

      Test dependencies            •   IDE
                                           Templates
                                          Shortcuts
What do you really want to test?
What do you really want to test?

  public void shouldAddAUser() {
      User user = new User();;
      assertEquals(dao.getNbOfUsers(), 1);
You wanted to see that the number increased

 public void shouldAddAUser() {
         int nb = dao.getNbOfUsers();
         User user = new User();;
         assertEquals(dao.getNbOfUsers(), nb + 1);
Doing it wrong
public void myTest() {
     SomeObject obj = new SomeObject(
        a, b, c, productCode());
     // testing of obj here

private String productCode(){
     String[] codes =
        {"Code A", "Code B",
        "Code C", "Code D"};
     int index = rand.nextInt(codes.length);
   return codes[index];
The dream of stronger, random-powered tests
public void myTest() {
     SomeObject obj = new SomeObject(
        randomName(), randomValue(), ....);
     // testing of obj here

Does it make your test stronger?
The dream of stronger, random-powered tests
public void myTest() {
     SomeObject obj = new SomeObject(
        randomName(), randomValue(), ....);
     // testing of obj here

Does it make your test stronger?
...or does it only bring confusion?
Test failed
     SomeObject(„a”, „b”, ....)
but got
     SomeObject(„*&O*$NdlF”, „#idSLNF”, ....)
There is more to it

• Integration / end-to-end tests which are not parametrized
  (so they all try to set up jetty on port 8080),
• Tests which should be really unit, but use Spring context
  to create objects,
• Tests with a lot of dependencies between them (a
  nightmare to maintain!),
• Tests which run slow
• Tests which try to cover the deficiencies of production
  code and end up being a total mess,
• Tests which verify methods instead of verifying
  responsibilities of a class
• etc., etc.
Test-last? No!

• makes people not write tests at all
• makes people do only happy-testing
• tests reflect the implementation
Always TDD?

For six or eight hours spread over the next few weeks I
struggled to get the first test written and running. Writing
tests for Eclipse plug-ins is not trivial, so it’s not
surprising I had some trouble. [...] In six or eight hours
of solid programming time, I can still make significant
progress. If I’d just written some stuff and verified it by
hand, I would probably have the final answer to whether
my idea is actually worth money by now. Instead, all I
have is a complicated test that doesn’t work, a pile
of frustration, eight fewer hours in my life, and the
motivation to write another essay.
                                           Kent Beck, Just Ship, Baby
Treat tests as the first class citizens
•    do it everyday or forget about it          •   make tests readable using matchers,
•    use the right tool for the job                 builders and good names
      • and learn to use it!                    •   test behaviour not methods
•    do not live with broken windows            •   be pragmatic about the tests you write
•    respect KISS, SRP, DRY (?)                      • TDD always?
•    write good code, and you will also write       •   what is the best way to test it?
     good tests                                         unit/integration/end-to-end ?
      • or rather write good tests and you      •   automate!
          will get good code for free           •   always concentrate on what is worth
•    code review your tests                         testing
•    do more than happy path testing                 • ask yourself questions like: 'is it
                                                         really important that X should send
•    do not make the reader learn the API,
                                                         message Y to Z?'
     make it obvious
                                                •   use the front door – state testing before
•    bad names lead to bad tests
                                                    interaction testing (mockc)
…hate speeches?
…any other forms of expressing your ego?
Thank you!
Thank you for watching these
slides! You can learn more about
wirting high quality tests by
reading my book – „Practical Unit
Testing with TestNG and

You can also participate in
writing of my
new (free!) e-book devoted to
bad and good tests.

Contenu connexe


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Bad Tests, Good Tests Guide

  • 1. Bad Tests, Good Tests Tomek Kaczanowski
  • 3. Tomek Kaczanowski • Developer • Team lead • Blogger • • Book author • • Working at CodeWise (Krakow)  ...we are hiring, wanna join us?
  • 4. Before we begin • Most of the examples are real but:  Obfuscated − to protect the innocents  Truncated − imagine much more complex domain objects • Asking questions is allowed  ...but being smarter than me is not ;)
  • 5. A little bit of history
  • 6.
  • 7. Please... no more...
  • 8. Before we begin • The tests were written in 2004-2006. • No automation, no CI. • Some tests do not compile. • In some tests you can read a comment that "WARNING: test requires the divide param to be set to 20" but the code is so ugly, that there is no way to inject this value. • Some test data are available in form of serialized objects (*.ser) that can not be currently deserialized, because the classes have changed. • The project is now in maintenance. Courtesy of Bartosz!/bocytko
  • 9. We don't need no stinkin' asserts! public void testAddChunks() { System.out.println("*************************************"); System.out.println("testAddChunks() ... "); ChunkMap cm = new ChunkMap(3); cm.addChunk(new Chunk("chunk")); List testList = cm.getChunks("chunk",null); if (testList.isEmpty()) fail("there should be at least one list!"); Chunk chunk = cm.getActualChunk("chunk",null); if (chunk.getElements().isEmpty()) fail("there should be at least one element!"); if (cm.getFinalChunkNr() != 1) fail("there should be at least one chunk!"); // iterate actual chunk for (Iterator it = chunk.getElements().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element element = (Element); System.out.println("Element: " + element); } showChunks(cm); System.out.println("testAddChunks() OK "); }
  • 10. Success is not an option... /** * Method testFailure. */ public void testFailure() { try { Message message = new Message(null,true); fail(); } catch(Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler.log(ExceptionLevel.ANY,ex); fail(); } }
  • 11. What has happened? Well, it failed... public void testSimple() { IData data = null; IFormat format = null; LinkedList<String> attr = new LinkedList<String>(); attr.add("A"); attr.add("B"); try { format = new SimpleFormat("A"); data.setAmount(Amount.TEN); data.setAttributes(attr); IResult result = format.execute(); System.out.println(result.size()); Iterator iter = result.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IResult r = (IResult); System.out.println(r.getMessage()); ... } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } }
  • 12. What has happened? Well, it failed... public void testSimple() { IData data = null; IFormat format = null; LinkedList<String> attr = new LinkedList<String>(); attr.add("A"); attr.add("B"); data is still null here. Ready or not, NPE is coming. try { format = new SimpleFormat("A"); data.setAmount(Amount.TEN); data.setAttributes(attr); IResult result = format.execute(); System.out.println(result.size()); Iterator iter = result.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IResult r = (IResult); System.out.println(r.getMessage()); ... } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } }
  • 13. Talk to me //wait for messages do { input = ""; try { System.out.print(">"); read =; //convert characters to string input = new String(buf, 0, read - newline.length()); System.out.println(input); if (input.equals("end") || input.equals("exit") || input.equals("stop") || input.equals("quit")) { System.out.println("Terminating Test please wait..."); System.out.println("******* Test terminated *******"); toStop = true; } else { System.out.println("Commands:" + newline + "'end', 'exit', 'stop' or 'quit' terminates this test "); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } while (!toStop);
  • 14. Tests are boring – let us autogenerate them! /** protected void tearDown() throws Exception { * Generated by JUnitDoclet, a tool provided by // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.tearDown * ObjectFab GmbH under LGPL. adapter = null; * Please see, super.tearDown(); * and for informations about // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.tearDown * the tool, the licence and the authors. */ public void testMain() throws Exception { public class AdapterTest // JUnitDoclet begin method testMain // JUnitDoclet begin extends_implements Adapter.main(new String [] {"ADAPTER"}); extends TestCase // JUnitDoclet end method testMain // JUnitDoclet end extends_implements } { // JUnitDoclet begin class Adapter adapter = null; /** // JUnitDoclet end class * JUnitDoclet moves marker to this method, if there is not match * for them in the regenerated code and if the marker is not empty. public AdapterTest(String name) { * This way, no test gets lost when regenerating after renaming. // JUnitDoclet begin method AdapterTest * Method testVault is supposed to be empty. super(name); */ // JUnitDoclet end method AdapterTest public void testVault() throws Exception { } // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.testVault // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.testVault public Adapter createInstance() throws Exception { } // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.createInstance return new Adapter(); public static void main(String[] args) { // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.createInstance // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.main }; // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.main protected void setUp() throws Exception { } // JUnitDoclet begin method testcase.setUp } super.setUp(); adapter = createInstance(); // JUnitDoclet end method testcase.setUp }
  • 15. Tests are boring – let us autogenerate them! public void testSetGetTimestamp() throws Exception { // JUnitDoclet begin method setTimestamp getTimestamp java.util.Calendar[] tests = {new GregorianCalendar(), null}; for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { adapter.setTimestamp(tests[i]); assertEquals(tests[i], adapter.getTimestamp()); } // JUnitDoclet end method setTimestamp getTimestamp } public void testSetGetParam() throws Exception { // JUnitDoclet begin method setParam getParam String[] tests = {"a", "aaa", "---", "23121313", "", null}; for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { adapter.setParam(tests[i]); assertEquals(tests[i], adapter.getParam()); } // JUnitDoclet end method setParam getParam }
  • 16. Bartosz, do you really work with such code?!
  • 17. Conclusions • Automation! • Running • Verification • Tests are to be written not generated • You should be informed why your test failed • Master your tools  …at least learn the basics!
  • 19. Why bother with tests? • System works as expected • Changes do not hurt • Documentation!/devops_borat
  • 20. Tests help to achieve quality Not sure when I saw this picture – probably in GOOS?
  • 21. What happens if we do it wrong? • Angry clients • Depressed developers
  • 22. When I started out with unit tests, I was enthralled with the promise of ease and security that they would bring to my projects. In practice, however, the theory of sustainable software through unit tests started to break down. This difficulty continued to build up, until I finally threw my head back in anger and declared that "Unit Tests have become more trouble than they are worth." Llewellyn Falco and Michael Kennedy, Develop Mentor August 09
  • 24. It is a full-time job
  • 25. No smoke without tests class SystemAdminSmokeTest extends GroovyTestCase { void testSmoke() { def ds = new org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource( URL: 'jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;MODE=Oracle', user: 'sa', password: '') def jpaProperties = new Properties() jpaProperties.setProperty( 'hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache', 'false') jpaProperties.setProperty( 'hibernate.cache.use_query_cache', 'false') def emf = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean( dataSource: ds, persistenceUnitName: 'my-domain', jpaVendorAdapter: new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter( database: Database.H2, showSql: true, generateDdl: true), jpaProperties: jpaProperties) }
  • 26. No smoke without tests class SystemAdminSmokeTest extends GroovyTestCase { void testSmoke() { // do not remove below code // def ds = new org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource( // URL: 'jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;MODE=Oracle', // user: 'sa', password: '') // // def jpaProperties = new Properties() // jpaProperties.setProperty( // 'hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache', 'false') // jpaProperties.setProperty( // 'hibernate.cache.use_query_cache', 'false') // // def emf = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean( // dataSource: ds, persistenceUnitName: 'my-domain', // jpaVendorAdapter: new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter( // database: Database.H2, showSql: true, // generateDdl: true), jpaProperties: jpaProperties) …some more code below, all commented out :( }
  • 27. Let's follow the leader! @Test public class ExampleTest { public void testExample() { assertTrue(true); } }
  • 28. Uh-oh, I feel lonely... @Test public class ExampleTest { public void testExample() { assertTrue(true); } }
  • 30. Asking for troubles... LoggingPropertyConfigurator configurator = mock(LoggingPropertyConfigurator.class); BaseServletContextListener baseServletContextListener = new BaseServletContextListener(configurator); Should load some @Test public void shouldLoadConfigProperties() { default config baseServletContextListener.contextInitialized(); verify(configurator).configure(any(Properties.class)); } @Test(expected = LoggingInitialisationException.class) Should load this public void shouldThrowLoggingException() { specific file System.setProperty("logConfig", "nonExistingFile"); baseServletContextListener.contextInitialized(); }
  • 32. Mock'em All! public String getUrl(User user, String timestamp) { String name=user.getFullName(); String url=baseUrl +"name="+URLEncoder.encode(name, "UTF-8") +"&timestamp="+timestamp; return url; } public String getUrl(User user) { Date date=new Date(); Long time=(date.getTime()/1000); //convert ms to seconds String timestamp=time.toString(); return getUrl(user, timestamp); }
  • 33. Mock'em All! public String getUrl(User user, String timestamp) { String name=user.getFullName(); String url=baseUrl +"name="+URLEncoder.encode(name, "UTF-8") +"&timestamp="+timestamp; return url; } public String getUrl(User user) { Date date=new Date(); Long time=(date.getTime()/1000); //convert ms to seconds String timestamp=time.toString(); return getUrl(user, timestamp); } @Test public void shouldUseTimestampMethod() { //given Util spyUtil = spy(util); //when spyUtil.getUrl(user); //then verify(spyUtil).getUrl(eq(user), anyString()); }
  • 34. Use the front door @Test public void shouldAddTimestampToGeneratedUrl() { //given util = new .... TimeProvider timeProvider = mock(TimeProvider.class); when(timeProvider.getTime()).thenReturn("12345"); util.set(timeProvider); //when String url = util.getUrl(user); //then assertThat(url).contains("timestamp=12345"); }
  • 35. Mock'em All! @Test public void shouldAddTimeZoneToModelAndView() { //given UserFacade userFacade = mock(UserFacade.class); ModelAndView modelAndView = mock(ModelAndView.class); given(userFacade.getTimezone()).willReturn("timezone X"); //when new UserDataInterceptor(userFacade) .postHandle(null, null, null, modelAndView); //then verify(modelAndView).addObject("timezone", "timezone X"); }
  • 36. Use the front door @Test public void shouldAddTimeZoneToModelAndView() { //given UserFacade userFacade = mock(UserFacade.class); ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(); given(userFacade.getTimezone()).willReturn("timezone X"); //when new UserDataInterceptor(userFacade) .postHandle(null, null, null, modelAndView); //then assertThat(modelAndView).constains("timezone", "timezone X"); }
  • 38. SRP for tests A test should have one and only one reason to fail. P.S. This is definitely a good advice for unit tests, but rather not valid for integration and end-to-end tests.
  • 39. Testing two things at once @DataProvider public Object[][] data() { return new Object[][] { {"48", true}, {"+48", true}, {"++48", true}, {"+48503", true}, {"+4", false}, {"++4", false}, {"", false}, {null, false}, {" ", false}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "data") public void testQueryVerification(String query, boolean expected) { assertEquals(expected, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(query)); }
  • 40. Testing two things at once @DataProvider public Object[][] data() { return new Object[][] { {"48", true}, {"+48", true}, Data {"++48", true}, {"+48503", true}, {"+4", false}, {"++4", false}, {"", false}, {null, false}, {" ", false}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "data") Algorithm / Logic public void testQueryVerification(String query, boolean expected) { assertEquals(expected, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(query)); }
  • 41. Testing two things at once @DataProvider public Object[][] data() { return new Object[][] { {"48", true}, {"+48", true}, {"++48", true}, {"+48503", true}, {"+4", false}, {"++4", false}, {"", false}, {null, false}, {" ", false}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "data") public void testQueryVerification(String query, boolean expected) { assertEquals(expected, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(query)); } testQueryVerification1() { assertEquals(true, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(„48”)); } testQueryVerification2() { assertEquals(true, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(„+48”)); } testQueryVerification3() { assertEquals(true, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(„++48”)); } testQueryVerification4() { assertEquals(true, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(„+48503”)); } ...
  • 42. Testing two things at once @DataProvider public Object[][] data() { return new Object[][] { {"48", true}, {"+48", true}, {"++48", true}, {"+48503", true}, {"+4", false}, {"++4", false}, {"", false}, {null, false}, {" ", false}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "data") public void testQueryVerification(String query, boolean expected) { assertEquals(expected, FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(query)); }
  • 43. Concentrate on one feature @DataProvider public Object[][] validQueries() { return new Object[][] { {"48"}, {"48123"}, {"+48"}, {"++48"}, {"+48503"}}; } @Test(dataProvider = "validQueries") public void shouldRecognizeValidQueries( String validQuery) { assertTrue(FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(validQuery)); } @DataProvider public Object[][] invalidQueries() { return new Object[][] { {"+4"}, {"++4"}, {""}, {null}, {" "} }; } @Test(dataProvider = "invalidQueries") public void shouldRejectInvalidQueries( String invalidQuery) { assertFalse(FieldVerifier.isValidQuery(invalidQuery)); }
  • 45. Happy path testSum() { assertEquals(Math.sum(2,2), 4); }
  • 46. Happy paths are for wimps 2 + 2 2 + -2 2 + -5 0 + 2 2 + 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE + something etc.
  • 47. Avoiding happy paths Start with one: testSum() { assertEquals(Math.sum(2,2), 4); } Do the simplest thing that works: sum(int x, int y) { return 4; } And then listen to your code. Because it tells you something.
  • 48. Avoiding happy paths sum(int x, int y) { return 4; } You moron! Your test is so pathetic, that I can make it pass by doing such a silly thing. Try harder!
  • 50. Who the heck is “user_2” ? @DataProvider public static Object[][] usersPermissions() { return new Object[][]{ {"user_1", Permission.READ}, {"user_1", Permission.WRITE}, {"user_1", Permission.REMOVE}, {"user_2", Permission.WRITE}, {"user_2", Permission.READ}, {"user_3", Permission.READ} }; }
  • 51. Ah, logged user can read and write... @DataProvider public static Object[][] usersPermissions() { return new Object[][]{ {ADMIN, Permission.READ}, {ADMIN, Permission.WRITE}, {ADMIN, Permission.REMOVE}, {LOGGED, Permission.WRITE}, {LOGGED, Permission.READ}, {GUEST, Permission.READ} }; }
  • 55. Do not make me learn the API! server = new MockServer(responseMap, true, new URL(SERVER_ROOT).getPort(), false);
  • 56. Do not make me learn the API! server = new MockServer(responseMap, true, new URL(SERVER_ROOT).getPort(), false); private static final boolean RESPONSE_IS_A_FILE = true; private static final boolean NO_SSL = false; server = new MockServer(responseMap, RESPONSE_IS_A_FILE, new URL(SERVER_ROOT).getPort(), NO_SSL);
  • 57. Do not make me learn the API! server = new MockServer(responseMap, true, new URL(SERVER_ROOT).getPort(), false); server = new MockServerBuilder() .withResponse(responseMap) .withResponseType(FILE) .withUrl(SERVER_ROOT) .withoutSsl().create();
  • 58. What is really important?
  • 59. What is really important? @DataProvider public Object[][] snapshotArtifacts() { return new Object[][]{ {"a", "b", "2.2-SNAPSHOT", Artifact.JAR }, {"c", "d", "", Artifact.JAR}, {"e", "f", "2-SNAPSHOT", Artifact.JAR} }; } @Test(dataProvider = "snapshotArtifacts") public void shouldRecognizeSnapshots( String groupId, String artifactId, String version, Type type) { Artifact artifact = new Artifact(groupId, artifactId, version, type); assertThat(artifact.isSnapshot()).isTrue(); }
  • 60. Only version matters @DataProvider public Object[][] snapshotVersions() { return new Object[][]{ {"2.2-SNAPSHOT"}, {""}, {"2-SNAPSHOT"} }; } @Test(dataProvider = "snapshotVersions") public void shouldRecognizeSnapshots(String version) { Artifact artifact = new Artifact(VALID_GROUP, VALID_ARTIFACT_ID, version, VALID_TYPE); assertThat(artifact.isSnapshot()).isTrue(); }
  • 62. Naming is really important
  • 63. Test methods names are important • When test fails • Relation to focused tests
  • 64. Test methods names are important • testFindTransactionsToAutoCharge() • testSystemSuccess() • testOperation() @Test public void testOperation() { configureRequest("/validate") rc = new RequestContext(parser, request) assert rc.getConnector() == null assert rc.getOperation().equals("validate") }
  • 65. “should” is better than “test” • testOperation() • testQuery() • testConstructor() • testFindUsersWithFilter() • shouldRejectInvalidRequests() • shouldSaveNewUserToDatabase() • constructorShouldFailWithNegativePrice() • shouldReturnOnlyUsersWithGivenName()
  • 66. “should” is better than “test” • Starting test method names with “should” steers you in the right direction. • “test” prefix makes your test method a limitless bag where you throw everything worth testing
  • 67. Test methods names are important @Test public void testQuery(){ when(q.getResultList()).thenReturn(null); assertNull(dao.findByQuery(Transaction.class, q, false)); assertNull(dao.findByQuery(Operator.class, q, false)); assertNull(dao.findByQuery(null, null, false)); List result = new LinkedList(); when(q.getResultList()).thenReturn(result); assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(Transaction.class, q, false), result); assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(Operator.class, q, false), result); assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(null, null, false), null); when(q.getSingleResult()).thenReturn(null); assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(Transaction.class, q, true).size(), 0); assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(Operator.class, q, true).size(), 0); assertEquals(dao.findByQuery(null, null, true), null); when(q.getSingleResult()).thenReturn(t); assertSame(dao.findByQuery(Transaction.class, q, true).get(0), t); when(q.getSingleResult()).thenReturn(o); assertSame(dao.findByQuery(Operator.class, q, true).get(0), o); when(q.getSingleResult()).thenReturn(null); assertSame(dao.findByQuery(null, null, true), null); }
  • 69. Assertion part is freaking huge public void shouldPreDeployApplication() { // given Artifact artifact = mock(Artifact.class); when(artifact.getFileName()).thenReturn("war-artifact-2.0.war"); ServerConfiguration config = new ServerConfiguration(ADDRESS, USER, KEY_FILE, TOMCAT_PATH, TEMP_PATH); Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(HTTP_TOMCAT_URL, config); String destDir = new File(".").getCanonicalPath() + SLASH + "target" + SLASH; new File(destDir).mkdirs(); // when tomcat.preDeploy(artifact, new FakeWar(WAR_FILE_LENGTH)); //then JSch jsch = new JSch(); jsch.addIdentity(KEY_FILE); Session session = jsch.getSession(USER, ADDRESS, 22); session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); session.connect(); Channel channel = session.openChannel("sftp"); session.setServerAliveInterval(92000); channel.connect(); ChannelSftp sftpChannel = (ChannelSftp) channel; sftpChannel.get(TEMP_PATH + SLASH + artifact.getFileName(), destDir); sftpChannel.exit(); session.disconnect(); File downloadedFile = new File(destDir, artifact.getFileName()); assertThat(downloadedFile).exists().hasSize(WAR_FILE_LENGTH); }
  • 70. Just say it public void shouldPreDeployApplication() { Artifact artifact = mock(Artifact.class); when(artifact.getFileName()) .thenReturn(ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME); ServerConfiguration config = new ServerConfiguration(ADDRESS, USER, KEY_FILE, TOMCAT_PATH, TEMP_PATH); Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(HTTP_TOMCAT_URL, config); tomcat.preDeploy(artifact, new FakeWar(WAR_FILE_LENGTH)); SSHServerAssert.assertThat(ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME) .existsOnServer(config).hasSize(WAR_FILE_LENGTH); }
  • 71. Asserting using private methods @Test public void testChargeInRetryingState() throws Exception { // given TxDTO request = createTxDTO(RequestType.CHARGE); AndroidTransaction androidTransaction = ... // when final TxDTO txDTO = processor.processRequest(request); // then assertState(request, androidTransaction, CHARGED, CHARGE_PENDING, AS_ANDROID_TX_STATE, ClientMessage.SUCCESS, ResultCode.SUCCESS); }
  • 72. Matchers vs. private methods assertState(TxDTO txDTO, AndroidTransaction androidTransaction, AndroidTransactionState expectedAndroidState, AndroidTransactionState expectedPreviousAndroidState, ExtendedState expectedState, String expectedClientStatus, ResultCode expectedRequestResultCode) { final List<AndroidTransactionStep> steps = new ArrayList<>(androidTransaction.getTransactionSteps()); final boolean checkPreviousStep = expectedAndroidState != null; assertTrue(steps.size() >= (checkPreviousStep ? 3 : 2)); if (checkPreviousStep) { AndroidTransactionStep lastStep = steps.get(steps.size() - 2); assertEquals(lastStep.getTransactionState(), expectedPreviousAndroidState); } final AndroidTransactionStep lastStep = steps.get(steps.size() - 1); assertEquals(lastStep.getTransactionState(), expectedAndroidState); assertEquals(lastStep.getMessage(), expectedClientStatus); assertEquals(txDTO.getResultCode(), expectedRequestResultCode); assertEquals(androidTransaction.getState(), expectedAndroidState); assertEquals(androidTransaction.getExtendedState(), expectedState); if (expectedClientStatus == null) { verifyZeroInteractions(client); } }
  • 73. Matchers vs. private methods @Test public void testChargeInRetryingState() throws Exception { // given TxDTO request = createTxDTO(CHARGE); AndroidTransaction androidTransaction = ... // when final TxDTO txDTO = processor.processRequest(request); // then assertThat(androidTransaction).hasState(CHARGED) .hasMessage(ClientMessage.SUCCESS) .hasPreviousState(CHARGE_PENDING) .hasExtendedState(null); assertEquals(txDTO.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS); }
  • 74. What is asserted? @Test public void testCompile_32Bit_FakeSourceFile() { CompilerSupport _32BitCompilerSupport = CompilerSupportFactory.getDefault32BitCompilerSupport(); testCompile_FakeSourceFile(_32BitCompilerSupport); }
  • 75. What is asserted? @Test public void testCompile_32Bit_FakeSourceFile() { CompilerSupport _32BitCompilerSupport = CompilerSupportFactory.getDefault32BitCompilerSupport(); testCompile_FakeSourceFile(_32BitCompilerSupport); } private void testCompile_FakeSourceFile( CompilerSupport compilerSupport) { compiledFiles = compilerSupport.compile(new File[] { new File("fake") }); assertThat(compiledFiles, is(emptyArray())); }
  • 76. Asserting everything public void invalidTxShouldBeCanceled() { String fileContent = FileUtils.getContentOfFile("response.csv"); assertTrue(fileContent.contains( "CANCEL,123,123cancel,billing_id_123_cancel,SUCCESS,")); }
  • 77. Asserting everything public void invalidTxShouldBeCanceled() { String fileContent = FileUtils.getContentOfFile("response.csv"); assertTrue(fileContent.contains( "CANCEL,123,123cancel,billing_id_123_cancel,SUCCESS,")); } public void invalidTxShouldBeCanceled() { String fileContent = FileUtils.getContentOfFile("response.csv"); TxDTOAssert.assertThat(fileContent) .hasTransaction("123cancel").withResultCode(SUCCESS); }
  • 79. Asynchronous Calls @Test public void updatesCustomerStatus() throws Exception { // Publish an asynchronous event: publishEvent(updateCustomerStatusEvent); // Awaitility lets you wait // until the asynchronous operation completes: await() .atMost(5, SECONDS) .until(costumerStatusIsUpdated()); ... }
  • 80. Expected exceptions @Test(expectedExceptions = SmsException.class) public void shouldThrowException() throws SmsException { try { String s = gutExtractor.extractGut(„invalid gut”); System.out.println(s); } catch (SmsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } }
  • 81. Expected exceptions @Test(expectedExceptions = SmsException.class) public void shouldThrowException() throws SmsException { String s = gutExtractor.extractGut(„invalid gut”); }
  • 82. Expected exceptions (with catch-exception) @Test public void shouldThrowException() throws SmsException { when(gutExtractor.extractGut(„invalid gut”)); then(caughtException()) .isInstanceOf(SmsException.class) .hasMessage("Invalid gut") .hasNoCause(); }
  • 83. Running SUT's code concurrently @Test(threadPoolSize = 3, invocationCount = 10) public void testServer() { // this method will be run in parallel by 3 thread // 10 invocations (in total) }
  • 84. Dependent test methods @Test public void shouldConnectToDB() { // verifying that you can // estabilish a connection with DB } @Test(dependsOnMethods = „shouldConnectToDB”) public void should…() { // some operations on DB }
  • 85. Know your tools • Unit testing framework  Additional libraries  Use of temporary file rule  Hamcrest, FEST, Mockito,  Listeners catch-exception, awaitility, …  Concurrency • Build tool  @Before/@After  Parallel execution  Parametrized tests  CI  Test dependencies • IDE  Templates  Shortcuts
  • 86. What do you really want to test?
  • 87. What do you really want to test? @Test public void shouldAddAUser() { User user = new User();; assertEquals(dao.getNbOfUsers(), 1); }
  • 88. You wanted to see that the number increased @Test public void shouldAddAUser() { int nb = dao.getNbOfUsers(); User user = new User();; assertEquals(dao.getNbOfUsers(), nb + 1); }
  • 90. Doing it wrong public void myTest() { SomeObject obj = new SomeObject( a, b, c, productCode()); // testing of obj here } private String productCode(){ String[] codes = {"Code A", "Code B", "Code C", "Code D"}; int index = rand.nextInt(codes.length); return codes[index]; }
  • 91. The dream of stronger, random-powered tests public void myTest() { SomeObject obj = new SomeObject( randomName(), randomValue(), ....); // testing of obj here } Does it make your test stronger?
  • 92. The dream of stronger, random-powered tests public void myTest() { SomeObject obj = new SomeObject( randomName(), randomValue(), ....); // testing of obj here } Does it make your test stronger? ...or does it only bring confusion? Test failed Expected SomeObject(„a”, „b”, ....) but got SomeObject(„*&O*$NdlF”, „#idSLNF”, ....)
  • 94. There is more to it • Integration / end-to-end tests which are not parametrized (so they all try to set up jetty on port 8080), • Tests which should be really unit, but use Spring context to create objects, • Tests with a lot of dependencies between them (a nightmare to maintain!), • Tests which run slow • Tests which try to cover the deficiencies of production code and end up being a total mess, • Tests which verify methods instead of verifying responsibilities of a class • etc., etc.
  • 95. Test-last? No! • makes people not write tests at all • makes people do only happy-testing • tests reflect the implementation
  • 96. Always TDD? For six or eight hours spread over the next few weeks I struggled to get the first test written and running. Writing tests for Eclipse plug-ins is not trivial, so it’s not surprising I had some trouble. [...] In six or eight hours of solid programming time, I can still make significant progress. If I’d just written some stuff and verified it by hand, I would probably have the final answer to whether my idea is actually worth money by now. Instead, all I have is a complicated test that doesn’t work, a pile of frustration, eight fewer hours in my life, and the motivation to write another essay. Kent Beck, Just Ship, Baby
  • 97. Treat tests as the first class citizens • do it everyday or forget about it • make tests readable using matchers, • use the right tool for the job builders and good names • and learn to use it! • test behaviour not methods • do not live with broken windows • be pragmatic about the tests you write • respect KISS, SRP, DRY (?) • TDD always? • write good code, and you will also write • what is the best way to test it? good tests unit/integration/end-to-end ? • or rather write good tests and you • automate! will get good code for free • always concentrate on what is worth • code review your tests testing • do more than happy path testing • ask yourself questions like: 'is it really important that X should send • do not make the reader learn the API, message Y to Z?' make it obvious • use the front door – state testing before • bad names lead to bad tests interaction testing (mockc)
  • 99. Thank you! Thank you for watching these slides! You can learn more about wirting high quality tests by reading my book – „Practical Unit Testing with TestNG and Mockito”. You can also participate in writing of my new (free!) e-book devoted to bad and good tests.