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European Exploration

Theme: How and why the Europeans
were able to reach out to foreign lands
  and the results of the “Columbian

              Lesson 3
• European Explorations
  – Explorers
  – Motives
  – Technology
• Trading Post Empires
  – Trading Posts
  – Philippines
  – Seven Years’ War
• Columbian Exchange
• Conquistadors
• Global Trade
European Explorations
• Between 1400 and 1800, European
  mariners launched a series of exploratory
  voyages which took them to all but the
  extreme polar regions
  – Explorers
  – Motives
  – Technology
European Explorations
European Explorations:
• Explorers
  – Vasco de Gama
  – Christopher Columbus
  – Ferdinand Magellan
  – James Cook
              Vasco de Gama
• de Gama reached India in
  1498 sailing around the
  Cape of Good Hope from
• Opened the door to
  maritime trade between
  Europe and Asian people
  and helped establish
  permanent links between
  the world’s various
                  Christopher Columbus
•   In 1492, Columbus
    landed at an island in
    the Bahamas mistakenly
    thinking he landed in the
    Indies spice islands
•   Spanish made
    Hispaniola their base of
    operations in the
    Caribbean, but within a
    few years realized there
    are no spices or silk to
    be found there
•   During the 16th Century,
    Spanish interest will shift
    from the Caribbean to
    the American mainland
               Ferdinand Magellan

• Between 1519 and 1522, Magellan circumnavigated the
  world in an expedition to find a western route to Asian waters
   – Of Magellan’s five ships and 280 men, a single ship with
     18 of the original crew returned (Another 17 returned later
     by other routes)
   – Magellan himself was killed with 40 of his crew in a
     political dispute in the Philippines
                  James Cook
• Between 1768 and 1780, Cook led three voyages to the
  Pacific that explored places like the Arctic Ocean, New
  Zealand, Hawaii, and the Bering Strait
European Explorations:
• Search for basic resources and lands
  suitable for the cultivation of cash crops
• Desire to establish new trade routes to
  Asian markets
• Desire to expand the influence of
Motives: Resources
• 13th Century Portugal was
  a relatively poor land in
  need of outside resources
• Portuguese mariners
  began pushing out into
  the Atlantic and found
  islands that would
  support Europe’s demand
  for sugar production
• By the 15th Century,
  Portuguese mariners
  were working with Italian
  entrepreneurs to
  establish sugar
Motives: Trade
• The collapse of the Mongol Empire and the spread
  of the bubonic plague had made overland travel on
  the Silk Roads more dangerous than before
Motives: Trade
• Muslim mariners brought Asian goods to Cairo
  where Italian merchants purchased them for
  distribution in western Europe
• Europeans wanted more and cheaper Asian
  goods, especially spices
  – Began seeking maritime trade routes directly to Asia
    which would cut out the Muslim middlemen
  – Likewise maritime access to Africa would provide the
    gold, ivory, and slaves the Europeans wanted without
    having to go through Muslim merchants
Motives: Missionary
• The New Testament commands
  Christians to spread the Gospel
• Some missionary efforts were peaceful
  such as Franciscan and Dominican travels
  to India, central Asia, and China
• Others were violent such as crusades
  against Muslims in Palestine, the
  Mediterranean, and Iberia
European Explorations: Technology
• Ships

• Instruments               Back staff

• Winds and currents
Technology: Ships
• European sailors began
  constructing ships strong
  enough to withstand adverse
• The sternpost rudder
  increased maneuverability
• Ships began using two sails
   – A square one to catch a wind
     blowing from behind and a
     triangular lateen one to catch
     winds from the side and behind
   – With both sails European ships
     could tack (advance against the
     wind by sailing across it)

Ships: Carrack
• Mizzen mast with triangular lateen sail
  placed toward stern of vessel
• Small square-rigged mast placed to
  fore of main mast
• Massive ribbed skeleton
• 2-3 decks, enclosed structures at bow
  and stern
• Sternpost rudder
• Maximum capacity: 1,000 tons
• Example: Santa Maria
Ships: Caravel
• About 30 meters long
• Maximum capacity: 130 tons
• Axled rudder
• Early versions: 2-3 masts, lateen
  rigged sails, clinker style hull
• Later versions: 4 masts, square
  rigged sails, streamlined hull
• Examples: Nina and Pinta
Technology: Instruments
• Magnetic compasses used
  to determine direction
• Cross staffs and back staffs
  allowed mariners to
  determine latitude by
  measuring the angle of the
  sun or pole star above the
• The ability to determine
  direction and latitude
  allowed mariners to
  accumulate data for
  mapping and to navigate
  with accuracy and efficiency
Technology: Winds and Currents
• In the Atlantic and Pacific, strong winds blow
  regularly to create “wind wheels”
  – To the north, prevailing winds cause “westerlies”
  – Further south, they cause the “Northeast trades”
• In the Indian Ocean, there are also regular
  – In the summer, monsoon winds blow from the
  – In the winter, they blow from the northwest
Technology: Winds and Currents
• Understanding these patterns allowed mariners
  to take advantage of prevailing winds and
  currents to sail almost anywhere
• By the mid-15th Century, Portuguese mariners
  had developed a strategy called volta do mar
  (“return through the sea”)
  – Returning home they sailed northwest into the open
    ocean until they found westerly winds and then turned
    east for the last leg
  – It was a longer but faster, safer, and more reliable
    way to travel
Major Ocean Currents
Trading Post Empires
• European powers built a series of fortified
  trading posts throughout the maritime regions
• Commercial and political competition between
  the European powers would result in the Seven
  Years’ War
• The English would emerge victorious in 1763
  and dominate world trade and build a vast
  – Trading posts
  – Philippines
  – Seven Years’ War
Trading Post Empires:
      Portuguese Trading Posts
• Portuguese trading posts were designed
  not to conquer territory but to control trade
  routes by forcing merchant vessels to stop
  and pay duties
• By the mid-16th Century, Portuguese
  merchants had built more than 50 trading
  posts between west Africa and east Asia
Trading Post Empires:
       Portuguese Trading Posts
• Afonso d’Alboquerque led the effort
  seizing Hormuz in 1508, Goa in 1510,
  and Melaka in 1511
   – From these strategic sites,
     Alboquerque tried to control trade
     throughout the Indian Ocean
   – He was only partially successful
     because of an insufficient number
     of ships to enforce his plan
   – Eventually the English and Dutch
     surpassed the Portuguese in the
     Indian Ocean                             Afonso
Trading Post Empires:
 English and Dutch Trading Posts
• Like the Portuguese, the English and
  Dutch built trading posts on the Asian
  coasts but they did not attempt to control
  shipping on the high seas
• The English and Dutch had two main
  advantages over the Portuguese
  – Faster, cheaper, and more powerful ships
  – Joint-stock companies
Trading Post Empires:
  English and Dutch Trading Posts
• Joint-stock companies enabled investors to
  realize profits while limiting risks to their
   – English East India Company
   – Dutch United East India Company (VOC)
• Companies had government support to buy, sell,
  and build trading posts and even make war, but
  they were privately owned
• Advanced nautical technology, military power,
  efficient organization, and relentless pursuit of
  profit allowed the joint-stock companies to form
  a global trade network
Trading Post Empires:
      Philippines and Indonesia
• In most cases the Europeans traded
  peacefully with the Asians (partly because
  they were unable to subjugate them)
• The two exceptions were the Philippines
  and Indonesia where Europeans were
  able to use massive force to establish
  imperial regimes
Trading Post Empires:
           Philippines and Indonesia
•   The Spanish arrived in the
    Philippines in 1565, controlled
    most of the coastal regions by
    1575, and controlled most of
    the archipelago during the 17th
•   Spanish activities revolved
    around trade and Christianity
     – (Today the Philippines are
       83% Roman Catholic)
•   The most prominent area was
    the port of Manila which
    supported the trade of silk from
    China with New World silver
    from Mexico                             “Manila galleons”
                                       transported cargo from the
                                          Philippines to Mexico
Trading Post Empires:
       Philippines and Indonesia
• In Indonesia, the Dutch focused on trade and did
  not try to win converts to Christianity
  – (Today Indonesia is 88% Muslim)
• The VOC established a monopoly over the spice
  trade, seeking less to rule than to control spice
• Used a variety of techniques
  – Formed local alliances, uprooted plants on islands
    they did not control, attacked people who sold their
    spices to others
Trading Post Empires: Seven
            Years’ War
• Commercial competition ultimately
  generated violence
  – In 1746 French forces seized the English
    trading post at Madras, India
  – In the Caribbean English pirates attacked
    Spanish vessels and French and English
    forces fought over the sugar islands
• The violence culminated in the Seven
  Years’ War (1756-1763)
Trading Post Empires: Seven
                Years’ War
•   A global war
     – In Europe, Britain and Prussia
       fought against France, Austria,
       and Russia
     – In India, British and French allied
       with local rulers and fought each
     – In the Caribbean, the Spanish
       and French fought the British
     – In North America, the Seven
       Years’ War merged with the on-
       going French and Indian War
       (1754-1763) which pitted the
       British and French against each
Trading Post Empires: Seven
             Years’ War
• In the end Britain emerged victorious, but
  challenges continued
• Still Britain was now in a position to
  dominate world trade for the foreseeable
• The Seven Years’ War paved the way for
  the establishment of the British Empire of
  the 19th Century
Columbian Exchange
• Previous expansions such as the spread
  as Islam had facilitated a diffusion of
  plants and food crops throughout much of
  the eastern hemisphere but nothing like
  the scope of the “Columbian Exchange”
  (the global diffusion of plants, food crops,
  animals, human populations, and disease
  pathogens that took place after the
  voyages of Columbus and the other
  European mariners)
Columbian Exchange
• Unlike earlier processes, the
  Columbian exchange involved
  lands with radically different
  flora, fauna, and diseases
• Beginning in the early 16th
  Century, indigenous people of
  the Americas and Pacific
  islands were decimated by
  contagious and infectious
  diseases such as smallpox for
  which they had no natural
• Between 1500 and 1800 over        Aztec drawing showing
  100 million people may have       victims of the smallpox
  died of diseases imported into   epidemic of 1538 covered
  the Americas and Pacific            with shrouds as two
  islands                          Indians, at right, lie dying
Conquistadores (“Conquerors”)
• When the Spanish
  realized there were
  no spices or silk in
  the Caribbean, they
  turned their attention
  to the American
  mainland, west into
  Mexico and south
  into Panama and
   – Hernan Cortes
   – Francisco Pizarro
Conquistadores: Cortes
• In 1519, Cortes
  arrived in Mexico
  looking for gold with
  about 450 soldiers
• He advanced inland
  to the Aztec capital of
  Motecuzoma II, and
  starved Tenochtitlan
  into surrender in 1521
Conquistadores: Cortes
• Cortes had obvious advantages in terms
  of weaponry, divisions among the
  indigenous people of Mexico, and the
  intelligence, diplomatic, and linguistic help
  of Dona Maria (a Mayan woman who
  accompanied him), but his conquest of
  Tenochtitlan (population of about 200,000)
  with less than 500 soldiers was aided
  immensely by the smallpox epidemic
Conquistadores: Pizarro
• In 1530, Francisco Pizarro led a
  Spanish expedition from Central
  America to Peru
   – Started out with 180 soldiers,
     but later received
     reinforcements to make a
     force of about 600
• Captured the Inca capital of
  Cuzco in 1533, murdering
  Atahualpa and other ruling elites
  and extorting and stealing gold
• By 1540, the Spanish had
  secured Peru
Comparison between Pizarro and
• Spaniards          • Incas
  –   168 soldiers     – 80,000 soldiers
  –   Steel swords     – Stone, bronze or
  –   Steel armor        wooden clubs, maces,
  –   Guns               and hand axes
                       – Quilted armor
  –   Horses
                       – Slingshots
                       – No animals on which
                         to ride into battle
Immediate Reasons for Pizarro’s
• “When Pizarro and Atahualpa met at Cajamarca,
  why did Pizarro capture Atahualpa and kill so
  many of his followers, instead of Atahualpa’s
  vastly more numerous forces capturing and
  killing Pizarro?”
  – Military technology based on guns, steel weapons,
    and horses
  – Infectious diseases endemic in Eurasia
  – European maritime technology
  – Centralized political organization of European states
  – Writing
     • Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel
Immediate Reasons for Pizarro’s
• Military technology based on guns, steel
  weapons, and horses
  – Guns played a relatively minor role. Pizarro had only
    a dozen of them.
  – More important were horses which provided shock,
    speed, maneuverability, and a protected fighting
    platform that left foot soldiers nearly helpless in the
  – The Spaniard’s steel armor protected them against
    the Inca’s club blows, while the Inca’s quilted armor
    offered no protection against steel weapons.
Immediate Reasons for Pizarro’s
• Infectious diseases endemic in Eurasia
  – Throughout the Americas, diseases
    introduced by Europeans spread in advance
    of the Europeans themselves, killing an
    estimated 95% of the pre-Columbian Native
    American population
• European maritime technology
  – It was maritime technology that allowed
    Pizarro to come to Peru and capture
    Atahualpa, rather than the other way around
Immediate Reasons for Pizarro’s
• Centralized political organization of European states
   – Spain’s organization financed, staffed, and equipped
     Pizarro’s expedition.
   – The Incas also were centralized but the Inca
     bureaucracy so strongly identified with its godlike
     monarch, it disintegrated after Atahualpa’s death
   – Additionally many subjects despised the Inca rulers
     as overlords and tax collectors so in many cases
     resistance was light
• Writing
   – Atahualpa had little intelligence about the Spaniard's
     arrival, military power, or intent even though the
     Spanish conquest of Panama, just 600 miles from the
     Inca’s northern boundary, had begun already in 1510
Conquistadores: de Soto
• Hernando de Soto
  was with Pizarro in
  Peru and then went
  on to explore South
  Carolina, Georgia,
  Florida, Alabama,
  Mississippi, and
• In 1541, he
  “discovered” the
  Mississippi River
Columbian Exchange
•   From Old World to New   •   From New World to Old World
    World                        – corn
     – wheat                     – potato
     – sugar                     – beans
     – bananas                   – peanuts
     – rice                      – squash
     – grapes                    – pumpkin
     – horses                    – tomatoes
     – pigs                      – avocados
     – cattle                    – chili pepper
     – sheep                     – pineapple
     – chickens                  – cocoa
     – smallpox                  – tobacco
     – measles                   – quinine (a medicine for
     – typhus                      malaria)
Columbian Exchange
• The devastation of disease was offset by the
  exchange of plants and animals which fueled a
  surge in world population
• World population
   –   1500   425 million
   –   1600   545 million
   –   1700   610 million
   –   1750   720 million
   –   1800   900 million
• Much of this growth was due to the increased
  nutritional value of diets enriched by the global
Origins of Global Trade
• By the late 16th Century, European
  mariners had linked the ports of the world
• During the next two centuries, the volume
  of trade burgeoned and merchants
  developed markets
• During the 18th Century, mass markets
  emerged for commodities such as coffee,
  tea, sugar, and tobacco

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European settlement 2

  • 1. European Exploration Theme: How and why the Europeans were able to reach out to foreign lands and the results of the “Columbian Exchange” Lesson 3
  • 2. Agenda • European Explorations – Explorers – Motives – Technology • Trading Post Empires – Trading Posts – Philippines – Seven Years’ War • Columbian Exchange • Conquistadors • Global Trade
  • 3. European Explorations • Between 1400 and 1800, European mariners launched a series of exploratory voyages which took them to all but the extreme polar regions – Explorers – Motives – Technology
  • 5. European Explorations: Explorers • Explorers – Vasco de Gama – Christopher Columbus – Ferdinand Magellan – James Cook
  • 6. Explorers: Vasco de Gama • de Gama reached India in 1498 sailing around the Cape of Good Hope from Portugal • Opened the door to maritime trade between Europe and Asian people and helped establish permanent links between the world’s various regions
  • 7. Explorers: Christopher Columbus • In 1492, Columbus landed at an island in the Bahamas mistakenly thinking he landed in the Indies spice islands • Spanish made Hispaniola their base of operations in the Caribbean, but within a few years realized there are no spices or silk to be found there • During the 16th Century, Spanish interest will shift from the Caribbean to the American mainland
  • 8. Explorers: Ferdinand Magellan • Between 1519 and 1522, Magellan circumnavigated the world in an expedition to find a western route to Asian waters – Of Magellan’s five ships and 280 men, a single ship with 18 of the original crew returned (Another 17 returned later by other routes) – Magellan himself was killed with 40 of his crew in a political dispute in the Philippines
  • 9. Explorers: James Cook • Between 1768 and 1780, Cook led three voyages to the Pacific that explored places like the Arctic Ocean, New Zealand, Hawaii, and the Bering Strait
  • 10. European Explorations: Motives • Search for basic resources and lands suitable for the cultivation of cash crops • Desire to establish new trade routes to Asian markets • Desire to expand the influence of Christianity
  • 11. Motives: Resources • 13th Century Portugal was a relatively poor land in need of outside resources • Portuguese mariners began pushing out into the Atlantic and found islands that would support Europe’s demand for sugar production • By the 15th Century, Portuguese mariners were working with Italian entrepreneurs to establish sugar plantations
  • 12. Motives: Trade • The collapse of the Mongol Empire and the spread of the bubonic plague had made overland travel on the Silk Roads more dangerous than before
  • 13. Motives: Trade • Muslim mariners brought Asian goods to Cairo where Italian merchants purchased them for distribution in western Europe • Europeans wanted more and cheaper Asian goods, especially spices – Began seeking maritime trade routes directly to Asia which would cut out the Muslim middlemen – Likewise maritime access to Africa would provide the gold, ivory, and slaves the Europeans wanted without having to go through Muslim merchants
  • 14. Motives: Missionary • The New Testament commands Christians to spread the Gospel • Some missionary efforts were peaceful such as Franciscan and Dominican travels to India, central Asia, and China • Others were violent such as crusades against Muslims in Palestine, the Mediterranean, and Iberia
  • 15. European Explorations: Technology • Ships Sternpost rudder • Instruments Back staff • Winds and currents
  • 16. Technology: Ships • European sailors began constructing ships strong enough to withstand adverse conditions • The sternpost rudder increased maneuverability • Ships began using two sails – A square one to catch a wind blowing from behind and a triangular lateen one to catch winds from the side and behind – With both sails European ships could tack (advance against the wind by sailing across it) Tacking
  • 17. Ships: Carrack • Mizzen mast with triangular lateen sail placed toward stern of vessel • Small square-rigged mast placed to fore of main mast • Massive ribbed skeleton • 2-3 decks, enclosed structures at bow and stern • Sternpost rudder • Maximum capacity: 1,000 tons • Example: Santa Maria
  • 18. Ships: Caravel • About 30 meters long • Maximum capacity: 130 tons • Axled rudder • Early versions: 2-3 masts, lateen rigged sails, clinker style hull • Later versions: 4 masts, square rigged sails, streamlined hull • Examples: Nina and Pinta
  • 19. Technology: Instruments • Magnetic compasses used to determine direction • Cross staffs and back staffs allowed mariners to determine latitude by measuring the angle of the sun or pole star above the horizon • The ability to determine direction and latitude allowed mariners to accumulate data for mapping and to navigate with accuracy and efficiency
  • 20. Technology: Winds and Currents • In the Atlantic and Pacific, strong winds blow regularly to create “wind wheels” – To the north, prevailing winds cause “westerlies” – Further south, they cause the “Northeast trades” • In the Indian Ocean, there are also regular patterns – In the summer, monsoon winds blow from the southeast – In the winter, they blow from the northwest
  • 21. Technology: Winds and Currents • Understanding these patterns allowed mariners to take advantage of prevailing winds and currents to sail almost anywhere • By the mid-15th Century, Portuguese mariners had developed a strategy called volta do mar (“return through the sea”) – Returning home they sailed northwest into the open ocean until they found westerly winds and then turned east for the last leg – It was a longer but faster, safer, and more reliable way to travel
  • 23. Trading Post Empires • European powers built a series of fortified trading posts throughout the maritime regions • Commercial and political competition between the European powers would result in the Seven Years’ War • The English would emerge victorious in 1763 and dominate world trade and build a vast empire – Trading posts – Philippines – Seven Years’ War
  • 24. Trading Post Empires: Portuguese Trading Posts • Portuguese trading posts were designed not to conquer territory but to control trade routes by forcing merchant vessels to stop and pay duties • By the mid-16th Century, Portuguese merchants had built more than 50 trading posts between west Africa and east Asia
  • 25. Trading Post Empires: Portuguese Trading Posts • Afonso d’Alboquerque led the effort seizing Hormuz in 1508, Goa in 1510, and Melaka in 1511 – From these strategic sites, Alboquerque tried to control trade throughout the Indian Ocean – He was only partially successful because of an insufficient number of ships to enforce his plan – Eventually the English and Dutch surpassed the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean Afonso d’Alboquerque
  • 26. Trading Post Empires: English and Dutch Trading Posts • Like the Portuguese, the English and Dutch built trading posts on the Asian coasts but they did not attempt to control shipping on the high seas • The English and Dutch had two main advantages over the Portuguese – Faster, cheaper, and more powerful ships – Joint-stock companies
  • 27. Trading Post Empires: English and Dutch Trading Posts • Joint-stock companies enabled investors to realize profits while limiting risks to their investments – English East India Company – Dutch United East India Company (VOC) • Companies had government support to buy, sell, and build trading posts and even make war, but they were privately owned • Advanced nautical technology, military power, efficient organization, and relentless pursuit of profit allowed the joint-stock companies to form a global trade network
  • 28. Trading Post Empires: Philippines and Indonesia • In most cases the Europeans traded peacefully with the Asians (partly because they were unable to subjugate them) • The two exceptions were the Philippines and Indonesia where Europeans were able to use massive force to establish imperial regimes
  • 29. Trading Post Empires: Philippines and Indonesia • The Spanish arrived in the Philippines in 1565, controlled most of the coastal regions by 1575, and controlled most of the archipelago during the 17th Century • Spanish activities revolved around trade and Christianity – (Today the Philippines are 83% Roman Catholic) • The most prominent area was the port of Manila which supported the trade of silk from China with New World silver from Mexico “Manila galleons” transported cargo from the Philippines to Mexico
  • 30. Trading Post Empires: Philippines and Indonesia • In Indonesia, the Dutch focused on trade and did not try to win converts to Christianity – (Today Indonesia is 88% Muslim) • The VOC established a monopoly over the spice trade, seeking less to rule than to control spice production • Used a variety of techniques – Formed local alliances, uprooted plants on islands they did not control, attacked people who sold their spices to others
  • 31. Trading Post Empires: Seven Years’ War • Commercial competition ultimately generated violence – In 1746 French forces seized the English trading post at Madras, India – In the Caribbean English pirates attacked Spanish vessels and French and English forces fought over the sugar islands • The violence culminated in the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763)
  • 32. Trading Post Empires: Seven Years’ War • A global war – In Europe, Britain and Prussia fought against France, Austria, and Russia – In India, British and French allied with local rulers and fought each other – In the Caribbean, the Spanish and French fought the British – In North America, the Seven Years’ War merged with the on- going French and Indian War (1754-1763) which pitted the British and French against each other
  • 33. Trading Post Empires: Seven Years’ War • In the end Britain emerged victorious, but challenges continued • Still Britain was now in a position to dominate world trade for the foreseeable future • The Seven Years’ War paved the way for the establishment of the British Empire of the 19th Century
  • 34. Columbian Exchange • Previous expansions such as the spread as Islam had facilitated a diffusion of plants and food crops throughout much of the eastern hemisphere but nothing like the scope of the “Columbian Exchange” (the global diffusion of plants, food crops, animals, human populations, and disease pathogens that took place after the voyages of Columbus and the other European mariners)
  • 35. Columbian Exchange • Unlike earlier processes, the Columbian exchange involved lands with radically different flora, fauna, and diseases • Beginning in the early 16th Century, indigenous people of the Americas and Pacific islands were decimated by contagious and infectious diseases such as smallpox for which they had no natural immunities • Between 1500 and 1800 over Aztec drawing showing 100 million people may have victims of the smallpox died of diseases imported into epidemic of 1538 covered the Americas and Pacific with shrouds as two islands Indians, at right, lie dying
  • 36. Conquistadores (“Conquerors”) • When the Spanish realized there were no spices or silk in the Caribbean, they turned their attention to the American mainland, west into Mexico and south into Panama and Peru – Hernan Cortes (Aztecs) – Francisco Pizarro (Incas)
  • 37. Conquistadores: Cortes • In 1519, Cortes arrived in Mexico looking for gold with about 450 soldiers • He advanced inland to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, captured Motecuzoma II, and starved Tenochtitlan into surrender in 1521
  • 38. Conquistadores: Cortes • Cortes had obvious advantages in terms of weaponry, divisions among the indigenous people of Mexico, and the intelligence, diplomatic, and linguistic help of Dona Maria (a Mayan woman who accompanied him), but his conquest of Tenochtitlan (population of about 200,000) with less than 500 soldiers was aided immensely by the smallpox epidemic
  • 39.
  • 40. Conquistadores: Pizarro • In 1530, Francisco Pizarro led a Spanish expedition from Central America to Peru – Started out with 180 soldiers, but later received reinforcements to make a force of about 600 • Captured the Inca capital of Cuzco in 1533, murdering Atahualpa and other ruling elites and extorting and stealing gold • By 1540, the Spanish had secured Peru
  • 41. Comparison between Pizarro and Atahualpa • Spaniards • Incas – 168 soldiers – 80,000 soldiers – Steel swords – Stone, bronze or – Steel armor wooden clubs, maces, – Guns and hand axes – Quilted armor – Horses – Slingshots – No animals on which to ride into battle
  • 42. Immediate Reasons for Pizarro’s Success • “When Pizarro and Atahualpa met at Cajamarca, why did Pizarro capture Atahualpa and kill so many of his followers, instead of Atahualpa’s vastly more numerous forces capturing and killing Pizarro?” – Military technology based on guns, steel weapons, and horses – Infectious diseases endemic in Eurasia – European maritime technology – Centralized political organization of European states – Writing • Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel
  • 43. Immediate Reasons for Pizarro’s Success • Military technology based on guns, steel weapons, and horses – Guns played a relatively minor role. Pizarro had only a dozen of them. – More important were horses which provided shock, speed, maneuverability, and a protected fighting platform that left foot soldiers nearly helpless in the open. – The Spaniard’s steel armor protected them against the Inca’s club blows, while the Inca’s quilted armor offered no protection against steel weapons.
  • 44. Immediate Reasons for Pizarro’s Success • Infectious diseases endemic in Eurasia – Throughout the Americas, diseases introduced by Europeans spread in advance of the Europeans themselves, killing an estimated 95% of the pre-Columbian Native American population • European maritime technology – It was maritime technology that allowed Pizarro to come to Peru and capture Atahualpa, rather than the other way around
  • 45. Immediate Reasons for Pizarro’s Success • Centralized political organization of European states – Spain’s organization financed, staffed, and equipped Pizarro’s expedition. – The Incas also were centralized but the Inca bureaucracy so strongly identified with its godlike monarch, it disintegrated after Atahualpa’s death – Additionally many subjects despised the Inca rulers as overlords and tax collectors so in many cases resistance was light • Writing – Atahualpa had little intelligence about the Spaniard's arrival, military power, or intent even though the Spanish conquest of Panama, just 600 miles from the Inca’s northern boundary, had begun already in 1510
  • 46. Conquistadores: de Soto • Hernando de Soto was with Pizarro in Peru and then went on to explore South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas • In 1541, he “discovered” the Mississippi River
  • 48. Columbian Exchange • From Old World to New • From New World to Old World World – corn – wheat – potato – sugar – beans – bananas – peanuts – rice – squash – grapes – pumpkin – horses – tomatoes – pigs – avocados – cattle – chili pepper – sheep – pineapple – chickens – cocoa – smallpox – tobacco – measles – quinine (a medicine for – typhus malaria)
  • 49. Columbian Exchange • The devastation of disease was offset by the exchange of plants and animals which fueled a surge in world population • World population – 1500 425 million – 1600 545 million – 1700 610 million – 1750 720 million – 1800 900 million • Much of this growth was due to the increased nutritional value of diets enriched by the global exchange
  • 50. Origins of Global Trade • By the late 16th Century, European mariners had linked the ports of the world • During the next two centuries, the volume of trade burgeoned and merchants developed markets • During the 18th Century, mass markets emerged for commodities such as coffee, tea, sugar, and tobacco