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Personality Traits If you have ever wondered why your character is not the same as

Personality Traits
others who share your Star Sign or your personality traits don't exactly match with

the supposed popular personality traits that your Star Sign dictates, then you should
If you have ever wondered why your character is not the same as others who share

look at Decans. To find deeper meaning from your Astrology Star Sign you need to
your Star Sign or your personality traits don't exactly match with the supposed

look at your Decan. A Decan is a 10 day subdivision to each of the 12 Sun Signs.
popular personality traits that your Star Sign dictates, then you should look at

Ancient astrologers used these subdivisions to refine each Astrology Star Sign and
attributed them to minor planetary influences, which subtly change with the ruling

To find deeper
influence of the meaning from your Astrology Star Sign you need to look at your of
period. And although you will have the dominant characteristics
Decan. A Decan is a 10 day subdivision to each of the 12 Sun Signs. Ancient

your particular Star Sign, your personally traits and character will also be affected by

astrologers used these subdivisions to refine each Astrology Star Sign and attributed

the Decan you were born under.

them to minor planetary influences, which subtly change with the ruling influence of


the period. And although you will have the dominant characteristics of your particular
Star Sign, your personally traits and character will also be affected by the Decan you
were born under.

Aries Star Sign

Aries Star Sign
The Aries Star Sign is the first in the Zodiac and begins at the Spring Equinox. Of all the Star
Signs of the Zodiac, Arians are true leaders and love to have many followers. Aries comes
from the element of fire and as such Arians display a fiery, passionate and enthusiastic
The Aries Star Sign is represented by the Ram and comes under the influence of the
powerful planet of Mars. Strength, power and leadership qualities make up the personality
of the Arian.

Aries Decans
Each Star sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans.
Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star signs time period.
Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and
character and reveal how people born under the same Star sign can be very different.
The Aries personality can differ according to which one of the Aries Decans an individual is
born under:

If you were born between March 21 and March 30
This is the first of the Aries Decans and is ruled by the planet Mars.
If you are born under this influence you are a fearless pioneer. You are first in the Zodiac
and strive always to come first in all your endeavours. Second place is simply not in your
vocabulary. You have very strong self motivation and combined with your natural leadership
skills can make it to the top in any profession of your choosing.
The first Decan Aries personality is characterised by energy, enthusiasm and passion and
you apply these to all aspects of your life.
Assertive and aggressive, your dominant nature ensures that you get what you want from
life and take any action to get it. Physically strong you have the energy to drive yourself hard
to reach the high goals you set yourself.
You are constantly on the lookout for new opportunities to stretch and challenge yourself.
The main flaws in this first Decan Aries personality are impatience and impulsiveness. You
demand things immediately and fast and do tend to jump into situations without thinking
things through properly.

If you were born between March 31 and April 10
The second of the Aries Decans has the Sun as its ruler,
The second Decan Aries personality is characterised by ambition, dynamism and creativity.
You have the potential to achieve great success in any area of life as your drive and ambition
is relentless. You simply won't stop until you achieve your goals. Because of your hard
working nature and ability to get the job done come hell or high water, you are an
inspiration to many. People look up to you and admire your ability to overcome even the
most difficult of challenges.
You are very charismatic and attract attention and admiration from all those you comes into
contact with. Because of your popularity you never have a shortage of friends, contacts and
acquaintances you can call on.
Forever youthful with a young at heart attitude to life you playfully hop, skip and jump
through life. You have a great sense of humour and find unusual things amusing. You also
have the ability to laugh at yourself.
The main flaws in this first Decan Aries personality are a tendency to brag and be boastful
and smug. You have achieved much through your own endeavours and hard work and want
the world to know it. You need to be the centre of attention and cannot bear to be just a
face in a crowd.

If you were born between April 11 and April 20
The third of the Aries Decans is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
The third Decan Aries personality is characterised by generosity, optimism and fun loving.
You love to explore and your adventurous nature makes travel a very important aspect of
your life. You view life as one big adventure and cannot resist trying out new experiences
and visiting many places.
You are a definite people person and enjoy the company of others. You can easily relate to
many different types of personality and because of this are often called upon to help solve
their problems or give sound advice. Your generous spirit makes it difficult for you to turn
anyone in need away.
You have a real thirst for knowledge and throughout your life you will be constantly
learning. You are very intelligent and like to use your mind and intellect to learn all you can.
You can have some unusual ideas and concepts about life and are very interested in
philosophy, religions and spirituality.
You like the good things in life and will work hard to achieve the lifestyle you are most
comfortable with.
The flaws in this third Decan Aries personality are that of being a dreamer and having
unrealistic expectations. Forever the optimist, sometimes you cannot see the pitfalls and
potential hazards of ideas, projects or enterprises.

Aries Sex, Love & Relationships
Aries Sex
As an Aries lover your love making is anything but dull!
Your passionate fiery nature combined with your adventurous streak makes you an
incredible enthusiastic lover.
Coming under the element of fire, as an Aries you are hot blooded, energetic, very physical
and dynamic.
As an Aries, you are the first sign of the zodiac and as such, like to be first in everything and
this includes love making. You like to dominate, be forceful and prefer sexual positions in
which you can show your dominance. The Aries lover is supremely confident too.
You invariably take the initiative and your boldness and impulsiveness makes you very
willing to experiment.
The negative side to Aries sex is that you can be extremely selfish and can sometimes put
your needs above the needs of a lover. This inconsiderate side to your nature can be
intolerable for some other Star Signs.
Some see your love making as playfulness, while others cannot tolerate your immaturity and
foolish ways. But all in all, most of the other Zodiac Signs would be flattered to have an
Aries lover.

Aries Love and Relationships
If you are an Aries lover…
Aries love relationships is all about you being number one in the relationship. As an Aries, if
you can be in charge and dominate the relationship you will be sublimely happy. You will
reward your love partner with your total devotion and shower them with your passionate
Being in love with you, Aries can be one big adventure that will energise and enthral any
love partner. Your exuberant and fun loving style will add sparkle and vitality to a love
partner's life.
In love relationships you can be very protective – almost possessive – and aren't afraid to
demonstrate your affection and express your love.
On the downside, some Star Signs can be simply overwhelmed by your energy, while others
may see you as selfish and inconsiderate.
If you have an Aries lover…
To keep your Aries lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to show them that they are
number one in your life. They need to lead and you'll need to follow. You'll also need to
keep your independence and allow them some freedom to enjoy time without you.
Keep an Aries lover interested and excited by suggesting new things to do together. Keep
things fresh and exciting. Arians become easily bored with routine so try not to let your
relationship slip into a rut.
If you want an Aries lover…
If you want to attract an Aries lover you'll need to be confident and self assured. Arians will
simply not notice a wallflower. You need to attract their attention and keep it by interesting
conversation and suggestions about trying out new and exciting experiences together.
Complement and praise them constantly – you can never give too much praise to an Arian.
Challenge them to a competition of some sort – and let them win.
You'll also need to be physically fit, strong and vibrant to keep up with the energetic and
enthusiastic Arian. Try wearing something in the colour red to attract their attention. The
colour red connects with the passion of an Aries. Arians like to be surprised, so exciting
ideas or fun gifts will keep them happy.
Aries Compatibility
Aries with Aries Compatibility
Aries with Aries can be problematic as you are both fiery and
demanding individuals. You may feel as though you are always
competing against each other. But this astrological love match
can work if you can combine forces and work together. If you
can do this you will be an unstoppable and dynamic team
capable of reaching the highest heights.
Aries with Taurus Compatibility
Aries with Taurus can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences. As a fiery energetic Aries you can sometimes
overpower the cautions, steady Taurus. You are passionate, full
on and dominant, whereas your Taurean lover is practical, down
to earth and laid back. If this astrological love match is to work
both of you need to learn to be a little more like each other. If
you can do this you will achieve a perfect balance.
Aries with Gemini Compatibility
Aries with Gemini is a very good astrological love match. As a
fire Star Sign your inner flame can be fanned with the element of
air emanating from Gemini. They can stimulate your mind and
introduce you to new social situations and experiences you
would not have thought interested you. They also have a wicked
sense of humour and as you love to laugh, you will enjoy fun,
laughter and excitement together.
Aries with Cancer Compatibility
Aries with Cancer is not usually an ideal astrological love match.
Cancerians are from the element of water and thus far more shy,
sensitive and emotional then hot, fiery, go-getting Aries. Your
best approach to an Aries–Cancer love match is to take things
slowly and sensitively. You can hope to motivate and inspire
them and generally add some passion into their lives but if you
don't take care a Cancer lover can dampen your energies or even
drown you completely.
Aries with Leo Compatibility
Aries with Leo is an excellent astrological love match. You share
many things in common and can motivate and inspire each
other. You are instantly attracted to each other and connect on
every level - physically, mentally and emotionally. However,
because you are both fire Star Signs this can mean that sparks
will fly and you might find each other too hot to handle.
Aries with Virgo Compatibility
Aries with Virgo is a challenging love match. The fussy and
perfectionist Virgo may have difficulties with your devil-maycare attitude. Their over critical nature may lead you to lose your
temper too often and too quickly. As a hot headed Aries you
need to be placated rather than constantly criticised. From their
point of view, your ebullient over the top nature might have
them shying away from you. This Aries–Virgo combination can
work, only if you are both willing to compromise.
Aries with Libra Compatibility
Aries with Libra can be an extremely difficult astrological love
match. Libra is the exact opposite sign to yours. Based on the
principle that opposites attract some astrologers believe that this
is a very good combination. But in reality this is rarely the case.
You're quick, decisive and assertive – they are just the opposite
which can lead you to become very frustrated with their
indecisive, cautions nature.
Aries with Scorpio Compatibility
Aries with Scorpio can be a good astrological match. Scorpios are
famously sexy, secretive and seductive. You may be seduced and
beguiled by them. You find them intriguing and a challenge.
They admire your passionate and lustful nature and also see you
as a challenge. You are both competitive in your own ways and
want to be take the lead in the relationship. This can lead to
problems long term.
Aries with Sagittarius Compatibility
Aries with Sagittarius is an excellent combination and some
would say a perfect match! You are both from the element of fire
and already share many characteristics. You are instantly
attracted to each other's energy, enthusiasm and lust for life.
You can enjoy great times together and sex should be exiting,
passionate and red hot! The Aries – Sagittarius pairing can lead
to secure, committed long-term relationships.
Aries with Capricorn Compatibility
Aries with Capricorn is not a match made in heaven, although
with compromise by both parties it can work. Your ruling planet
of Mars and Capricorn's ruler Saturn are diametrically opposed
forces. As an Arian you are extrovert, outgoing and dynamic.
You simply do not have much in common with the shy,
introverted and conservative Capricorn. This is a relationship
that will have as many downs as ups and can prove too
challenging for some Arians.

Taurus Star Sign
Taurus Star Sign
The Taurus Star Sign is the second in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Taureans
are the most sensuous and their sense of touch is heightened.
The Taurus Star Sign is represented by the Bull and comes under the influence of the planet
Venus. The planet Venus governs love and beauty, friendships and creativity.
The Taurus Star Sign is from the element of earth which relates to practicality and
groundedness. Because of this Taurusans are very practical and work hard to achieve all
they want in life. And because of the influence of Venus they seek comfort and beauty in

Taurus Decans
Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans.
Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period.
Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and
character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different.
The Taurus personality can differ according to which one of the Taurus Decans an individual
is born under:

If you were born between April 21 and May 1
This is the first of the Taurus Decans and is ruled by the planet Venus.
The first Decan Taurus personality is characterised by determination, stability and
You are determined to get the things you want form life and will do everything in your
power to achieve the goals you set for yourself. Material wealth is very important to you and
the acquisition of beautiful yet practical things fuels your desire to do well for yourself.
As a Taurean born in the first Decan you seek stability in all aspects of your life including
career, relationships and family life. In love relationships you are loyal and loving and
forever faithful. In your career too, you set your mind to your career path and seldom waiver
from it, working your way to the top. Home life is very important to you and you strive to
make your home as comfortable and comforting as possible.
Because you are from the element of earth the sense of touch is very important to you. This
makes you want to touch and be touched. And as you are ruled by the planet Venus this
makes you very sensual. You love to love and love to be loved.
If you were born between May 2 and May 11
The second of the Taurus Decans has the planet Mercury as its ruler.
The second Decan Taurus personality is characterised by tactfulness, charm and practicality.
Tact and diplomacy are desirable attributes possessed by if you were born in the second
Decan of Taurus. You take care to gather all the facts before taking action or speaking your
mind. You sense the feelings of others and take care not to unwittingly hurt anyone.
You possess a lot of charm and charisma and have a brilliant way of communicating your
ideas and points of view to others. People find you pleasant to be around. Although you
connect well with many people you have few friends. But the ones you do have are true and
loyal friends. You set great store in being open and honest with friends and lovers.
You have a very practical approach to life and rather than thinking or dreaming about what
you want from life, you go out and get it. If something needs doing you just do it. And you
are happy to work behind the scenes without fanfares or applause so long as the job gets
done. For you too, if a job is worth doing its worth doing well.

If you were born between May 12 and May 21
The third of the Taurus Decans is ruled by the planet Saturn.
The third Decan Taurus personality is characterised by loyalty, discipline and patience.
You are fiercely loyal to all those you hold dear and will protect and defend them to the
death. Your sense of duty, loyalty and faithfulness is very strong. Your home and family life
means so much to you and you will do your utmost to provide material wealth to make your
home life secure and stable.
You are ordered and disciplined and always finish any task you set for you – on time and
perfectly too. Being from the element of earth you are very hard working and strive for
financial security. Your steadfastness in acquiring success is not for accolades, praise or
applause but instead is for the material wealth you can create.
You have the patience of a saint and make for an excellent parent, teacher or mentor. Your
patience can be tested, though by people who have fanciful ideas, flighty ways and don't
take anything seriously. These people will invariably come from the element of air – Gemini,
Libra and Aquarius. You just don't 'get' them.
Most people would consider you to be very serious, but underneath your stern exterior you
have a heat of gold, are very humorous and sensuous too.
Taurus Sex, Love & Relationships
Taurus Sex
Touching and feeling are very important to the Taurus lover. Of all the five senses their
sense of touch is the most refined. And as Venus rules the Star Sign of Taurus it means they
are naturally drawn to love and beauty.
As a Taurean you are very physical and sensual and class romance and sexual pleasure
together. You cannot imagine one without the other and therefore frown upon meaningless
casual sex. Tried and tested methods of love making work best for you and plenty of
touching and caressing. You love to be caressed but also love to caress a lover. For you love
making is a joint partnership with no room for selfishness.

Taurus Love and Relationships
If you are a Taurus lover…
As a Taurus from the element of earth you can be very possessive or jealous of your lover.
You worked incredibly hard to win your prize and do not want others to steal your lover
away. A lover to you is your most valuable possession and you do like your possessions.
To be loved by you, Taurus is to feel the kind of warmth, security and stability that almost
everyone craves.
On the downside some Star Signs see you as too staid and stable and lacking excitement but
on the whole most Star Signs would be delighted to be loved by you.
If you have a Taurus lover…
To keep your Taurus lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to provide the security
and stability they crave. You'll need to convince them that you have only got eyes for them
and no one else.
To be loved by a Taurean is to be truly loved indeed. Taureans are not particularly romantic
in the traditional sense but what they lack in red roses and candlelit dinners they make up
for by always being there for you come what may. You can depend on Taurus totally.
You are very lucky to be loved by a Taurus – make sure you appreciate them and show them
in words and actions.
If you want a Taurus lover…
You may have to use considerable determination and perseverance to catch the eye of a
Taurean and more so to keep them interested. As one night stands and casual affairs don't
interest the Taurean you'll need to concentrate on becoming firm friend's first and lovers
If you want to attract a Taurus lover you'll need to be a real beauty – both inside and out.
You will need to keep your appearance impeccable and pay attention to nicely groomed nails
and hair. You'll also need to have your feet firmly on the ground. Taureans don't relate well
to dreamers or lovers with their heads in the clouds.
Try wearing something in the colour brown to attract their attention. Because of its earthy
tones brown is very appealing to a Taurus lover. Also clothing with a sensitive touch will be
very sensuous to a Taurus. Fabrics such as satins, silks, velvet and chenille are very
appealing to a Taurus lover. Earthy, musky perfumes will also help attract a Taurus lover.

Taurus Compatibility
Taurus with Aries Compatibility
Taurus with Aries can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences. As a cautious, steady Taurus you can
sometimes be overpowered by a fiery energetic Aries. They are
passionate, full on and dominant, whereas you as a Taurean are
practical, down to earth and laid back. If this astrological love
match is to work both of you need to learn to be a little more
like each other. If you can do this you will achieve a perfect
Taurus with Taurus Compatibility
Taurus with Taurus is an excellent astrological love match as you
are both so similar. You will feel instantly attracted to each other
and connect well physically, emotionally and mentally. You will
feel immediately comfortable with each other and comfort is a
big issue for you. However your tendency to be stubborn and
sometimes stick in the mud may lead to difficulties as neither
one of you will be willing to compromise.
Taurus with Gemini Compatibility
Taurus with Gemini can be problematic as you have major
difference in your styles and approach to life. You as a Taurean
prefer a steady and methodical approach to life and are clear in
your motivations, thinking and problem solving. Whereas,
Gemini flits through life, becoming restless and wanting to move
on to new unchartered waters all the time. You do both love
pleasurable experiences so this might be your binding
Taurus with Cancer Compatibility
Taurus with Cancer is an excellent astrological love match. You
both are very affectionate and like to demonstrate your love to
each other. As a Taurean you are steady and secure and can
bring calmness and stability to a Cancerian. You may not
understand their changeable emotions but will do your best to
bring calm to the relationship. Because as a Taurean you are
practical with down to earth qualities you will temper their
watery emotions.
Taurus with Leo Compatibility
Taurus with Leo is not usually an ideal astrological love match
but it can work. Because Leos are ruled by the Sun they need to
shine and be forever in the spotlight. As a Taurus lover you can
allow for this as you are happier to work behind the scenes. You
crave safety, security and a sense of stability and will be
attracted to a Leo as they are enthusiastic, inspiring and
confidence boosting. They can bring out your sensual and
romantic nature.
Taurus with Virgo Compatibility
Taurus with Virgo is an excellent astrological love match as you
are both from the element of earth. This is a near perfect love
match. You connect with each other physically, emotionally and
mentally. You both crave security and financial stability and
together can work hard to achieve this as you are focused,
grounded and not afraid of hard work. You both will work
equally hard at making a Taurus - Virgo relationship work.
Taurus with Libra Compatibility
Taurus with Libra is a very good astrological love match. This
because both of you are ruled by Venus. There is an instant
attraction between you two. You connect well physically,
mentally and emotionally. As a Taurean lover you will admire
their brilliant communication skills. They will be drawn to your
sensual earthy qualities. You both enjoy being around people so
will have a good social life together.
Taurus with Scorpio Compatibility
Taurus with Scorpio can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences You are completely opposites in the Zodiac
but find that you are magnetically attracted to each other. This
really is a case of opposites attracting. You as a Taurean will be
intrigued by the sexual attractiveness of the Scorpion. They in
turn will be attracted to your strong, brooding passion. You both
have a tendency to be stubborn so this may become an issue.
Taurus with Sagittarius Compatibility
Taurus with Sagittarius can work but you both need to accept
each other's differences. You really are quite different
personality types and do not share a lot in common. Sagittarians
love freedom and are independent and spontaneous, whereas
you as a Taurus prefer order, security and stability. They are very
adaptable and changeable whereas you can be stuck in your
ways. Your practical view on life is not so appealing to the
adventurous spirited Sagittarian.
Taurus with Capricorn Compatibility
Taurus with Capricorn is an excellent combination and some
would say a perfect match! You have so much in common to
begin with and are very likeminded. This is because you are both
from the element of earth. You will be very attracted to each
other immediately. Capricorns love security and stability and as a
Taurean lover you can give this in bucket loads. Together you
make an almost unstoppable team that can lead to a very
successful and happy life together.
Taurus with Aquarius Compatibility
Taurus with Aquarius can be problematic as Aquarians have
eclectic and sometimes eccentric tastes and progressive
attitudes that can seem too avant-garde to you as a straight
laced, conservative, practical Taurean. You are both rather
stubborn and neither of you will make concessions to your
principles. And you both can rarely see and understand the
others pint of view. You’re both creatures of habit and have your
own fixed ways of doing things and do not adapt to change
Taurus with Pisces Compatibility
Taurus with Pisces is an excellent astrological love match. You
will be instantly attracted to each other. You will be intrigued
and mystified by a Piscean lover and they will feel secure and
grounded by you. You see the world differently to Pisces but
these differences will enhance both of you. They see the world in
many shades of wondrous colour and you are strictly black and
white. But both of you love stability and security and will succeed
in a long term relationship.

Gemini Star Sign

The Gemini Star Sign is the third in the Zodiac. Of all the star Signs of the Zodiac Gemini has
the ability to see both sides of any argument.
The Gemini Star sign is represented by the Twins and comes under the influence of the
planet of Mercury. Mercury has power over the mind, intellect and thought processes.
Because of this Geminis are normally highly intelligent, deep thinkers and are drawn to
careers related to science.
The Gemini Star Sign is from the element of air which again relates to the power of the

Gemini Decans
Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans.
Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period.
Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and
character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different.
The Gemini personality can differ according to which one of the Gemini Decans an individual
is born under:

If you were born between May 22 and May 31
This is the first of the Gemini Decans and is ruled by the planet Mercury.
The first Decan Gemini personality is characterised by a quick wit, super intelligence and
ability to communicate. You are constantly at odds with your mind and emotions. Your head
tells you one thing, your heart another. Because of this you seldom know which one to trust.
But generally you go with what your head tells you. You are exceptionally intelligent and
articulate. Your verbal skills can be utilised by you in any number of career directions
including finding great success in the areas of writing, teaching, and communicating.
You are very quick witted and have a dry sense of humour. Because of this you are always
popular in social settings and can number many friends. But you rarely get really close to
any of these friends and prefer to keep a little distance between you.
You are somewhat of a perfectionist and expect the very best of yourself as well as others.
You do have a tendency to be overcritical of yourself and can be your own worst enemy.

If you were born between June and June 11
The second of the Gemini Decans has Venus as its ruler.
The second Decan Gemini personality is characterised by charm, charisma and creativity.
Your natural charm and charisma can get you anything you set your mind to. And as your
mind is astute and focused you can create great success for yourself in any number of
career paths.
Because you have very good communication skills and have a high degree of creativity to
your nature, you can become a highly successful creative writer, actor or entertainer. In fact
any career that combines your charm, natural charisma and brilliant communication skills,
will be successful for you.
You are very attractive to many and as you are a people person you thrive in social
situations. You are the perfect host when throwing parties and can instantly make people
feel comfortable and at home in your company. You are very good with crowds but equally
good in one to one situations.
Your only fault maybe your scattered thoughts. Being Gemini you can be extremely focused
sometimes and ridiculously scatter brained at others.

If you were born between June 12 and June 21
The third of the Gemini Decans is ruled by the planet Uranus.
The third Decan Aries personality is characterised by originality, flexibility and optimism.
Your unconventional yet brilliant mind allows you to have some very original beliefs, ideas
and concepts. You are anything but ordinary. In fact if you put your mind to it you could
lead an extraordinary life. You are a natural leader and because you exude charm people will
want to follow you.
You have a very optimistic and positive outlook and view each new day as an exciting
You love your freedom and like the adventure of exploring new and exciting situations. You
can never be tied down. You are also very flexible in your thinking and are constantly open
to new ideas and new interests. But you can easily become distracted and have too many
interests on the go at one time, which dilutes your attention. You can flit from one project,
leaving it unfinished and move on to the next and the next, until nothing is seen through
and completed.

Gemini Sex, Love & Relationships

Gemini Sex
Gemini is ruled by Mercury which influences the mind and the power of communication.
Because of this Geminis are normally highly intelligent and skilled communicators.
As a Gemin you can talk your way into the bedroom. Your wit, eloquent speech and
fascinating and varied interests will intrigue potential lovers who'll love to be in your
company. You have the potential to have many lovers and most likely many one night
As well as having an active mind you are also physically active and your love making can be
very physical indeed.
Flexibility, adaptability and a willingness to experiment in the bedroom makes you a very
interesting lover. You also love to have fun, so love making is never taken too seriously by

Gemini Love and Relationships
If you are a Gemini lover…
As a Gemini lover you have the ability to see two sides of an argument and are fickle enough
to argue one point one day, and the other the next. Because of this many Star Signs don't
'get' you. And because of your superior intellect many are daunted by the thought of getting
to know you.
To have you as a lover is quite an achievement as a person would have to appeal to the two
sides of your nature. To keep you as a lover is an even bigger achievement as you tend to
bore easily and want to move onto something or someone more fun, exciting and
If you have a Gemini lover…
To keep your Gemini lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to constantly stimulate
their mind. Always have plenty to talk about to keep them interested.
Geminis become bored very easily so you will need to ensure your relationship doesn't get
stale, monotonous or routine. You'll also have to keep up with their physical activity. You
should not not let them wander too far from your side, as they are likely to be drawn to a
new lover as soon as your back is turned.
Emotionally Geminis can seem quite distant and are not known for their displays of emotion
and expression of love. If you can put up with this, all well and good, if not you would be
better searching for a soul mate from the water signs of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.
If you want a Gemini lover…
If you want to attract a Gemini lover you'll need to impress them with witty and intelligent
conversation. You will need to appeal to their fun side and show you can offer some
excitement. Because Geminis are so changeable you will need to be versatile in your
approach to winning them over. What they will adore one day, they abhor the next. Always
have plenty of topics of conversation to keep them interested and stimulated. Ask them
about themselves, their interests, their beliefs and their dreams and they will be captivated
by you and want to tell you all about themselves.
Try wearing something in the colour yellow to attract their attention. Yellow is linked to the
mind and Geminis connect first with the mind in any relationship. Seeing you wearing this
colour will attract them and make them interested in your thoughts. Perfumes containing
jasmine are also very attracting to a Gemini lover.

Gemini Compatibility
Gemini with Aries Compatibility
Gemini with Aries is a very good astrological love match. As a
Gemini from the element of air you can certainly fan the flames
of the fire sign of Aries. You can stimulate their mind and
introduce them to new social situations and experiences they
would not have thought interested them. You also have a wicked
sense of humour and as they love to laugh, you will enjoy fun,
laughter and excitement together.
Gemini with Taurus Compatibility
Gemini with Taurus can be problematic as you have major
difference in your styles and approach to life. Taureans prefer a
steady and methodical approach to life and are clear in their
motivations, thinking and problem solving. Whereas, you as a
Gemini like to flit through life and become restless and want to
move on to new unchartered waters all the time. You do both
love pleasurable experiences so this might be your binding
Gemini with Gemini Compatibility
Gemini with Gemini is very good love match as you are both so
similar. Coming from the element of air you both love to express
yourselves and are more than happy to openly communicate
your thoughts with each other. Feelings and emotions on the
other hand can be trickier as neither of you are comfortable
exposing your inner feelings. But this need not matter to either
of you, as mental stimulation is often enough for you both.
Gemini with Cancer Compatibility
Gemini with Cancer can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences. Cancerians are feelers whereas as you
Gemini are a thinker. They feel emotions deeply – you don't. You
tend to go through life trusting your head rather than your heart,
whereas they do just the opposite. If you both can understand
each other's perspective on life and make compromises when
making joint decisions you will have a happy and lasting
Gemini with Leo Compatibility
Gemini with Leo is a very good astrological love match but as
both of you like to be the centre of attention, it could lead to a
power struggle between you. As a Gemini you thrive on mental
stimulation and will be enthralled by Leos dramatic and
flamboyant nature. They will be attracted to your adaptability,
spontaneity and social standing. You both share a love of having
and entertaining many friends so your social .lives will be filled
with parties and events that you can both shine in.
Gemini with Virgo Compatibility
Gemini with Virgo is not usually an ideal astrological love match,
but you are both Mutable Signs - and both ruled by Mercury.
This gives both of you good communication skills. And as good
communication is the key to any successful relationship you can
talk out your differences. The major problem between you is
likely to be the low boredom threshold you have as a Gemini.
Virgos ordered and practical world might be just too staid for
your spontaneous nature.
Gemini with Libra Compatibility
Gemini with Libra is a brilliant love match. You both share so
much in common as you are both from the element of air. You
will be attracted to each other instantly and once you commit it
will be for life. You are a perfect balance and pairing and
because Libra is all about balance and harmony and you as a
Gemini strive to combine your two sides this will work out well
for both of you. You are naturally communicative, articulate and
intelligent too.
Gemini with Scorpio Compatibility
Gemini with Scorpio is not usually an ideal astrological love
match. The intense nature of a Scorpion does not fit well with
the light hearted Gemini. You are both skilled communicators
but your styles are so different. Scorpions like deep, intense,
meaningful and focused interactions, whereas you as a flighty
Gemini prefer bright and breezy conversations on a very wide
and varied range of topics. This Gemini - Scorpio love match can
work out if you can accept each other's differences.
Gemini with Sagittarius Compatibility
Gemini with Sagittarius is not a match made in heaven although
with compromise by both parties it can work. You both have
many differences to your personalities but also some strong
similarities. You are both mutable Star signs which mean you can
adapt and change and if you can share and enhance your
similarities and agree to disagree about your differences this
Gemini - Sagittarius paring can work.
Gemini with Capricorn Compatibility
Gemini with Capricorn is a challenging love match. You as a
Gemini do not have such a lot in common with the traditional
and conventional approach to life of the Capricorn. As an
adventurous, airy fairy; head up in the clouds Gemini, Capricorns
can be too staid for you. For them actions speak louder than
words – for you as a talkative and communicative Gemini, words
are often enough. You do not like to be tied down and float from
one person, project or idea to the next.
Gemini with Aquarius Compatibility
Gemini with Aquarius is an excellent combination and some
would say a perfect match! As you are both air star signs you
already have a lot in common. You are instantly attracted to each
other and recognise immediately a strong connection to each
other. You as a Gemini seek variety, physical and mental
stimulation and excitement. And Aquarians fit the bill to a tee.
You are both gifted communicators and as open, frank and
direct communication is the key to any successful relationship,
you cannot go wrong.
Gemini with Pisces Compatibility
Gemini with Pisces is a challenging love match. Pisceans are
emotionally sensitive, whereas you as a Gemini can often come
across as uncaring and brash. What you do have in common with
each other is that you both have two opposing sides to your
personalities. Pisces can be kind and caring and then other times
selfish and cutting. Geminis have one side that is spontaneous,
the other rigid. So you'd both have to display your good sides for
this pairing to work.

Cancer Star Sign

Cancer Star Sign
The Cancer Star Sign is the fourth in the Zodiac and begins at the Summer Solstice. Of all
the Star Signs of the Zodiac Cancer is the most feminine and motherly and Cancerians
display the traditional female associated traits of warmth, kindness, care and compassion.
The Cancer Star Sign is represented by the Crab and comes under the influence of the Moon.
The Cancer Star sign is from the element of water and as such Cancerians are very
emotional, sensitive and often psychic. Add to this the Moons mysterious and mystifying
powers and you have a recipe for strong emotions, intuitiveness and psychic ability.

Cancer Decans
Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans.
Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period.
Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and
character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different.
The Cancer personality can differ according to which one of the Cancer Decans an individual
is born under:

If you were born between June 22 and July 2
This is the first of the Cancer Decans and is ruled by the Moon.
The first Decan Cancer personality is characterised by sensitivity, generosity and creativity.
Your sensitive nature and emotional awareness makes you a natural Psychic. You have a
tendency to just "know' what others are thinking or feeling. You can choose to develop these
natural skills further and be rewarded by helping others. And helping others is what you
most like to do. You are extremely generous and will do anything for anyone. You do not
expect great accolades for your deeds but gain an enormous sense of satisfaction from
giving. You are a true giver.
You crave a sense of security and love and desire close family relationships that you can
nurture and be nurtured by. You also possess a high level of creativity and can turn your
hand to many career paths that allow you to use your talents.
You are most happy in the company of close friends and family, where you know you are
well loved, admired and respected.
The main flaws in this first Decan Cancer personality are over sentimentality as you have a
difficult time being objective when it comes to emotional issues.

If you were born between July 3 and July 12
The second of the Cancer Decans has the planet Pluto as its ruler.
The second Decan Cancer personality is characterised by mystery, secrecy and psychic
Like all Cancer subjects you have strong psychic abilities that help guide you with your
decision making.
You are an extremely private person and do not like to reveal too much of yourself to
anyone. This includes close friends, lovers and family members. You are quite secretive and
will keep secrets well. No one ever knows you fully and you have the air of mystery behind
your eyes.
Unlike other Cancerians you do not allow your heart to overrule your head. You are
emotional and sensitive but have an analytical mind that affects your judgement. This can
lead to feelings of confusion as your head is telling you one thing, your heart another. It is
your head that usually wins out.
You have immense emotional needs and are happiest in a secure loving relationship. You
give a great deal of love, loyalty and respect to a lover and expect the same in return. If your
relationships are tested you will work your hardest to overcome problems and rebuild a
loving relationship.
The main flaws in this second Decan Cancer personality are a tendency to have a jealous

If you were born between July 13 and July 23
The third of the Cancer Decans is ruled by the planet Neptune.
The third Decan Cancer personality is characterised by intuition, empathy and optimism.
You are somewhat of a dreamer and like to fantasise stretching your vivid imagination.
Poetry, creative writing or art are all areas you can excel in.
Your kindness and compassion make for you being very empathetic and you can easily
understand the feelings and emotions of others.
You have a fascination for the unusual, extraordinary or unconventional. You are interested
in the supernatural and spiritualism and like to find out about different cultures and beliefs.
You adore the idea of being in love and being romanticised. This sometimes leads to
disappointment with relationships that fall short of the 'romance novel' ideal. However
because of your positive optimism, this disappoint soon diminishes and you move your
thoughts and dreams to other romances – real or imagined.
You enjoy your own company and like to have time alone. These times allow you to dream
some more and also are times when you can get in touch with your inner self and
strengthen your intuitive skills
Cancer Sex, Love & Relationships
Cancer Sex
Cancer sex is rarely just a physical act. Cancerians feel deeply and are always strongly
dominated by their feelings and emotions. As a Cancer lover, love comes first and the
physical act of sex second.
Because you are so compassionate and caring you ensure a lover is happy, content and
satisfied. You are a very considerate lover. You are a natural giver and like nothing more
than to see others deriving pleasure from your attention.

Cancer Love & Relationships
If you are a Cancer lover…
As a Cancerian you crave the closeness and intimacy of a committed relationship. And as
home and family mean everything to you; your lover will need to be accepted by your family.
You love to nurture, care for and look after a lover. Be careful not to smoother them with too
much affection and over the top attention, though. A lover already has a mother – you don't
need to replace her!
As you are strongly psychic you can often sense the emotions and thoughts of a lover. This
ability to almost read their minds assists you further in being an attentive lover.
Being in love with you Cancer can be suffocating for some Star Signs but for others the
attention, love and loyalty you can give will be just what they are looking for.
If you have a Cancer lover…
To keep your Cancer lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to show them loving and
caring attention. Although they are the most caring, considerate and loving of all the Star
Signs, they also are the neediest in terms of receiving love.
Coming from the element of water, Cancerians are naturally romantic and sensitive. Add to
this the fact that they are ruled by the Moon and you have romance worthy of a romantic
novel. You will need to keep this romance alive if you are to succeed in a long term
relationship with a Cancerian. Regular candlelit dinners, silky lingerie and surprise gifts are
the way to a Cancerians heart. And never, never, never forget their birthday, anniversary or
Valentine's day
If you want a Cancer lover…
If you want to attract a Cancer lover you'll need to connect with their feelings and emotions.
To do this you will need to become their friend first before they can open up enough to trust
you with their delicate heart.
Try wearing something in the colour silver to attract their attention. The colour silver
connects with the emotions of a Cancer lover. Jewellery featuring a crescent moon is also
very appealing to a Cancerian. If you can woo a Cancerian under a full moon you will almost
certainly be guaranteed success.

Cancer Compatibility
Cancer with Aries Compatibility
Cancer with Aries is not usually an ideal astrological love match.
As a Cancerian you are from the element of water and thus far
more shy, sensitive and emotional then hot, fiery, go-getting
Aries. Your best approach to a Cancer-Aries love match is to try
and accept a faster pace than you would normally like. Physically,
emotionally and mentally an Aries may prove just too hot for you
to handle.
Cancer with Taurus Compatibility
Cancer with Taurus is an excellent astrological love match. You
both are very affectionate and like to demonstrate your love to
each other. Taureans are steady and secure and can bring
calmness and stability to you Cancer. They may not understand
your changeable emotions but will do their best to bring calm to
the relationship. Because Taureans are practical with down to
earth qualities they temper your watery emotions.
Cancer with Gemini Compatibility
Cancer with Gemini can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences. Geminis are thinkers, whereas you Cancer
are a feeler. You feel emotions deeply – Geminis don't. They tend
to go through life trusting their head rather than your heart,
whereas you do just the opposite. If you both can understand
each other's perspective on life and can compromise when
making joint decisions you will have a happy and lasting
Cancer with Cancer Compatibility
Cancer with Cancer is a very good astrological love match. You
already share similar personality traits so should understand
each other easily. And with your natural empathetic nature you
can really 'get' a Cancerian love partner. Your strong intuition,
sensitive nature and often psychic ability allow you to sense what
the other is thinking and feeling. This makes for an almost
perfect love relationship. But with a Cancer – Cancer pairing care
should be taken not to lose your personal identity.
Cancer with Leo Compatibility
Cancer with Leo can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences. Leos are normally very confident, extremely
enthusiastic and have fiery passionate natures. If you possess
the typical Cancer traits of shyness and sensitivity a Leo lover
can add passion to your life and boost your confidence. You can,
in return, temper and soften their sometimes aggressive
approach to life. This Cancer – Leo paring can be a perfect love
match if you work with your differences.
Cancer with Virgo Compatibility
Cancer with Virgo is an excellent astrological love match. This
seems to be a match made in the heavens. Although very
opposite in many respects you both are thoughtful, caring and
loving and can share a very strong and lasting relationship
together. You, as a sensitive Cancerian may need to toughen up
to the often overcritical Virgoan. And Virgoes need to soften
their approach to dealing with your emotions. If you can do this
you'll be very happy.
Cancer with Libra Compatibility
Cancer with Libra can be an extremely difficult astrological love
match. Librans are very social beings and cultivate a wide range
of friends, contacts and acquaintances. Whereas you, as a
Cancerian, prefer close one to one relationships with family and
close friends. On the upside both of you love to be loved and to
give love wholeheartedly. You both share a desire for peace and
harmony and if you can strive to achieve this in your relationship
it will work.
Cancer with Scorpio Compatibility
Cancer with Scorpio can be a good astrological love match. You
are instantly attracted to each other and both come from the
same element of water. You as a Cancerian will feel comfortable
with a Scorpio, but don't expect to feel comforted. Scorpios
share with you the personality trait of being sensitive but are
much more demanding than you. A Cancer – Scorpio pairing can
be a little one sided with you doing what you do best – giving. If
you are happy to do this, then the love match will work.
Cancer with Sagittarius Compatibility
Cancer with Sagittarius is a challenging love match. Although
you'll be attracted to the confident, honest and up front
Sagittarian, their bluntness and insensitivity may wound your
sensitive soul too much, too often. They'll adore the love and
attention you lavish upon them. But if you are to make this
Cancer – Sagittarius pairing work you will need to develop a
much thicker skin and your Sagittarian lover would need to learn
the art of diplomacy.
Cancer with Capricorn Compatibility
Cancer with Capricorn is not a match made in heaven although
with compromise by both parties it can work. You have major
differences between you. As a Cancerian you like to demonstrate
your affection and love – Capricorns cannot. This could be
difficult for you as you need to feel needed and loved. Capricorn
can only offer somewhat restrained affection and are not
renowned for their display of devotion and warmth. For this
Cancer – Capricorn love match to work you'll need to accept each
other's differences.
Cancer with Aquarius Compatibility
Cancer with Aquarius can work well together but you both need
to be prepared for compromise. Aquarians are filled with
wanderlust and love to be free to explore and don't like to be
tied down to any one place, person or situation. You, on the
other hand, as a Cancerian are quite shy, timid and conservative
and home and family mean everything to you. For this
relationship to work you will need to accept your Aquarius
lover's spontaneous and inquisitive nature.
Cancer with Pisces Compatibility
Cancer with Pisces is an excellent combination and some would
say a perfect match! As you are both from the element of water
you already have so much in common. You share great
emotional compatibility and can connect with each other
instinctively. You also share spiritual awareness with each other.
And as both of you have strong psychic abilities; you'll be able to
read each other's minds. Physically, mentally, emotionally and
spiritually you're a perfect match.

Leo Star Sign

Leo Star Sign
The Leo Star sign is the fifth in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Leos are the
most dramatic and forever like to be in the limelight.
The Leo Star Sign is represented by the Lion and comes under the influence of the Sun. The
powerful Sun shines down on Leos and gives them a brightness, radiance and sunny positive
The Leo Star Sign is from the element of fire and as such indicates great passion,
enthusiasm and positive energy.

Leo Decans
Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans.
Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period.
Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and
character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different.
The Leo personality can differ according to which one of the Leo Decans an individual is
born under:

If you were born between July 24 and August 4
This is the first of the Leo Decans and is ruled by the Sun.
The first Decan Leo personality is characterised by an extroverted nature, independence and
You are extremely extroverted and very gregarious. You love to loved, you love to be
noticed and most of all you love to be praised. Your flamboyant and outgoing personality
masks some of the inner insecurities you have. You do possess a very sensitive ego and can
be hurt by the actions and words of others, although you'd never show this.
You rely on nothing and no one and like to give off an air of total independence. Your self
reliance is mainly based on your believe that you are the best person to get the job done –
and usually you are right.
You have many creative talents and could turn any one of them into a lucrative and highly
successful career. You are a whole heated workaholic and cannot relax until the job is done.
And even then you are immediately onto the next project, with full guns blazing. Sitting still
and doing nothing is not for you. You need to be active and on the go all day long.

If you were born between August 5 and August 15
The second of the Leo Decans has Jupiter as its ruler.
The second Decan Leo personality is characterised by a great sense of humour, optimism
and inspiration.
You like to be the centre of attention so that you can show off your brilliant wit and great
sense of humour. You make for a perfect entertainer. The entire world's a stage for you, in
which you can perform outstandingly to rapturous applause.
You can never look on the bleak side of life and find the positives in everybody and
everything. Your optimism is sometimes unbelievable to others.
You love to learn and will explore many different and diverse subjects. You crave
knowledge, which gives you an opportunity to show off your intelligence. Travelling for you
does really broaden your horizons and your mind.
Your love of life and forever looking on the bright side is an inspiration to many. Lots of
people admire you and are inspired by you.
You tend to be a very lucky person and seem to be in the right place at the right time to
take up opportunities offered. You are a very good advert for the Law of Attraction as your
positive, upbeat and optimistic nature draws towards you incredible luck.

If you were born between August 16 and August 23
The third of the Leo Decans is ruled by the planet Mars. The third Decan Leo personality is
characterised by ambition, honesty and dynamism.
You are fiercely ambitious and driven to attain the goals you set yourself. Luckily you have
the dynamic energy to make your ambitions a reality. You are an unstoppable force when
you really want something.
You are sometimes stubborn and won't give in if you believe yourself to be in the right. And
as you believe yourself never to be in the wrong, your stubbornness shows through often.
You are completely honest, straightforward and expect others to be the same. What you see
is what you get with you. You are not afraid to make your thoughts and feelings known and
can be brutally honest in your criticisms of others. Your honesty can sometimes border on
being blunt which others find hurtful.
Your dynamism and drive will propel you to the top of any profession you want to put your
full enthusiastic and positive energies into. You like to be the leader, the boss, the starring
role and find it very difficult to be subordinate to others.

Leo Sex, Love & Relationships
Leo Sex
As a Leo with the regal lion as your symbol you are the king of your own jungle and this
includes the bedroom. Being a Leo you are notoriously forceful and domineering in
everything you do and this includes sex. Sex with you, Leo will be on your terms – when,
where and how will be decided by you the bossy Leo.
You are very sensual and passionate and because you come under the element of fire,
sparks can fly during seduction and love making.
As you prefer to excel in everything you do and cannot tolerate failure, you are unwilling to
experiment too wildly. Anything new, too kinky or not the norm will not suit you. You need
to know that you are the very best at everything and trying something different and failing
will be too much for you the proud lion to bear. But your tried and tested methods of love
making will be the best sex a partner has ever had!
You play to your strengths and disguise your weakness cunningly in love making.

Leo Love and Relationships
If you are a Leo lover…
As a Leo lover you know you're the best – almost perfect. Other mere mortals have difficulty
keeping up with your great sense of style, sparkling wit and your lustful passion.
To have you as a lover, any partner needs to be congratulated as you are perhaps the most
demanding, high maintenance and flamboyant of all the Star Signs. You just love life and
expect all others to love you. You need to be centre stage in any relationship and if you can't
then that relationship will fail. You cannot play the bit part and certainly never could be the
understudy as in the other woman/man in a love triangle affair.
If you have a Leo lover…
To keep your Leo lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to constantly praise them and
praise them some more. Leos cannot get enough admiration, applause and flattery.
Keep them happy with surprise gifts of gold jewellery and they'll love you forever. Take them
to the theatre, wine and dine them and treat them as royalty and you will have a totally
devoted Leo lover.
Allow them to act as dramatically as they wish. Even choosing a pair of shoes in the shoe
store is seen as a major dramatic event. Applaud their choice and you'll have the cuddly lion
eating out of your hand.
If you want a Leo lover…
If you want to attract a Leo lover you'll need to use cunning flattery to gain their interest.
Tell them they look great, admire their hairstyle (they are always proud of their manes) and
allow them to shine in any conversation. Don't forget they are the leading actor of the piece
– you have only a bit part.
Try wearing something in the colour gold to attract their attention. Gold is very, very
appealing to the Leo lover. Seeing you wearing this colour either in clothing or in jewellery
will instantly attract them to you. Perfumes containing neroli are also very attracting to a Leo

Leo Compatibility
Leo with Aries Compatibility
Leo with Aries is an excellent astrological love match. You share
many things in common and can motivate and inspire each
other. You are instantly attracted to each other and connect on
every level - physically, mentally and emotionally. However,
because you are both fire Star Signs this can mean that sparks
will fly and you might find each other too hot to handle.
Leo with Taurus Compatibility
Leo with Taurus is not usually an ideal astrological love match
but it can work. Because you are ruled by the Sun you need to
shine and be forever in the spotlight. A Taurus lover can allow
for this as they are happier to work behind the scenes. Taureans
crave safety, security and a sense of stability and will be
attracted to you as you are enthusiastic, inspiring and confidence
boosting. You can bring out their sensual and romantic nature as
they'll want to impress you.
Leo with Gemini Compatibility
Leo with Gemini is a very good astrological love match but as
both of you like to be the centre of attention, it could lead to a
power struggle between you. Geminis thrive on mental
stimulation and will be enthralled by your dramatic and
flamboyant nature. You will be attracted to their adaptability,
spontaneity and social standing. You both share a love of having
and entertaining many friends so your social lives will be filled
with parties and events that you can both shine in.
Leo with Cancer Compatibility
Leo with Cancer can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences. As a Leo you are normally very confident,
extremely enthusiastic and have a fiery passionate nature. For a
typical Cancerian who is shy and sensitive you can add passion
to their life and boost their confidence. They can, in return,
temper and soften your sometimes aggressive approach to life.
This Leo – Cancer paring can be a perfect love match if you work
with your differences.
Leo with Leo Compatibility
Leo with Leo is a very good astrological love match as you both
share similar personality traits and characteristics. But you may
find that one of you needs to step down to allow the other to
dominate. Sparks will fly and you'll find each other too hot to
handle if you cannot decide which of you leads and which of you
follows. If you can combine your creative energies and your
passion and enthusiasm to work together you'll make for an
unstoppable team.
Leo with Virgo Compatibility
Leo with Virgo can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences. As a Leo you need to be allowed plenty of
room to show off and be the centre of attention. You not only
need to be loved – you need to be adored. And with Virgos
desire to serve they can fit the bill perfectly. You in turn need to
accept their need for near perfection and be aware that working
behind the scenes is just as important as being centre stage.
Leo with Libra Compatibility
Leo with Libra is an excellent astrological love match. Your
bright, bold and energetic style will attract the attention of Libra
who loves to be around vibrant people. You both share a love of
socialising and the finer things in life. You will complement each
other mentally, physically and emotionally if you can add more
warmth to the Libra personality and they can refine your
sometimes brash and showy nature. Good communication is the
key to the success of this relationship.
Leo with Scorpio Compatibility
Leo with Scorpio can be an extremely difficult astrological love
match. You are both very strong willed and sometimes
stubbornly inflexible and find it difficult to see others point of
view. You also both demand not just love but respect in any
relationship. If this respect is lost, your relationship is doomed
to failure. You are open, warm and gregarious, whereas Scorpio
is cool, deep and secretive. This Leo – Scorpio match may prove
too challenging for both of you.
Leo with Sagittarius Compatibility
Leo with Sagittarius is an excellent combination and some would
say a perfect match! You are both from the element of fire and
as such share a lot of things in common. You both live life to the
fullest and enjoy adventure, excitement and spontaneity. There
will never be a dull moment in this relationship. You are instantly
attracted to each other's passion and enthusiastic natures and if
this continues you can thrive in a long term relationship
Leo with Capricorn Compatibility
Leo with Capricorn can be an extremely difficult astrological love
match. This is because you have completely opposite
personalities, points of view and outlooks on life. As a Leo you
are from the element of fire and as such are fiery, enthusiastic
and bubbly. Nothing about you is down to earth or practical. You
are very extroverted, whereas, Capricorns can be quite
introverted. Opposites are supposed to attract but a Leo Capricorn seldom works.
Leo with Aquarius Compatibility
Leo with Aquarius Leo can be an extremely difficult astrological
love match. Aquarius is the exact opposite sign to yours. Based
on the principle that opposites attract some astrologers believe
that this is a very good combination. But in reality this is rarely
the case. Both of you have strong opinions, are set in your ways
and sometimes self-centred. For this pairing to work you’ll both
need to make some concessions and compromises.
Leo with Pisces Compatibility
Leo with Pisces can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences As a Leo you are assertive, extroverted and
flamboyant. Pisces are just the opposite being shy, reserved and
introspective. As a strong willed and dynamic Leo you need to
taking action to get things done to get you want from life,
whereas, dreamy Pisces seeks spiritual answers to their
existence and purpose. Opposites can attract and both of you
could give each other a different perspective to make the
relationship succeed.

Virgo Star Signs

Virgo Star Signs
The Virgo Star Sign is the sixth in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Virgoans are
the most particular, methodical and ordered.
The Virgo Star Sign is represented by the Virgin and comes under the influence of the planet
Mercury. The planet Mercury rules the mind, communication and mental states.
The Virgo Star Sign is from the element of earth which relates to practicality and
groundedness. Because of this Virgoans are very practical and work hard to achieve all they
want in life. They are also very intelligent and use their excellent communication skills well.

Virgo Decans
Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans.
Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period.
Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and
character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different.
The Virgo personality can differ according to which one of the Virgo Decans an individual is
born under:
Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans.
Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period.
Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and
character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different.
The Virgo personality can differ according to which one of the Virgo Decans an individual is
born under:

If you were born between August 24 and September 1
This is the first of the Virgo Decans and is ruled by the planet Mercury.
The first Decan Virgo personality is characterised by a disciplined nature, trustworthiness
and generosity.
If you were born under this influence you will have a tendency to be very methodical,
disciplined and ordered in specific areas of your life, while incredible scatty and messy in
other areas. The order and neatness you give to the certain areas of your life, border on the
As an earth element Star Sign you work hard to achieve al that you want for yourself. And
with your highly disciplined and logical mind you work best in careers that require
dedication, attention to detail and practicality.
You are entirely honest and trustworthy and if you believe a job is worth doing, you will do it
very well. You make an excellent employee because of your work ethic and are respected for
it. In relationships you are extremely loyal, dependable and faithful.
You have a very generous nature and like to treat those you hold dear. You so often put the
needs of others before yourself and are seen as extremely caring and considerate.
If you were born between September 2 and September 11
The second of the Virgo Decans has the planet Saturn as its ruler.
The second Decan Virgo personality is characterised by brilliant organisation skills, a strong
will and tactfulness.
If you were born under this influence you have a natural ability to bring order to even the
most chaotic situations. You are unflappable, practical and disciplined and won't stop until
you get the job done. You have tremendous organisational skills and can direct others very
well with motivation, delegation and assertiveness. This makes for you being a great boss
and superb manager.
You are strong willed and determined to improve and better everything and everyone –
including yourself. You simply do not like things that are less than perfect. All Virgoans are
perfectionists but you are particularly so. You also expect and demand perfection in others
and so become disappointed when others let you down.
You are very diplomatic and tactful and are the sole of discretion. Secrets and confidences
given to you are kept.

If you were born between September 12 and September 23
The third of the Virgo Decans is ruled by the planet Venus.
The third Decan Virgo personality is characterised by a reserved nature, an artistic sense
and sensitivity.
If you were born under this influence of the third Virgo Decan you are shy, reserved and
timid. You quietly go about your business without disturbing others. You prefer the known
to the unknown and feel most comfortable with habit, repetition, and routine. You do not
like to be the centre of attention but prefer instead a background role. You are reluctant to
share your thoughts and feelings with others but once you get to know people and become
relaxed with them then you feel you can be yourself.
You have an artistic flair and apply this to your dress sense and your home decor. You like
to feel comfortable but also stylish. Your artistic flair can be turned to your advantage when
seeking a career path as an artist, musician, designer or architect.
You are very sensitive and can be moved easily by your strong emotions. You love easily but
can be hurt easily too. You care deeply about what others think about you. Your sensitivity
extends to your love of beauty too as you have a keen eye for artistic merit.

Virgo Sex, Love & Relationships
Virgo Sex
Virgoans are very sensitive and sensuous but can take the act of sex too seriously. The
symbol that represents Virgo is that of the virgin – pure, innocent, untouched and rather
prim and proper.
If you are a Virgo health and hygiene are very important to you and with your perfectionist
and methodical nature making love can be a bit clinical.
You are not known for your spontaneity and impulsiveness so there are seldom any
surprises in the bedroom. This does not mean to say you are not a good lover because you
are. You like to be perfect at everything and this includes love making. You love to serve
others and find great pleasure in giving rather than taking. You will always seek to satisfy a
love partner and are skilled at satisfying their needs.

Virgo Love and Relationships
If you are a Virgo lover…
As a Virgo lover you are devoted, loving, loyal and committed. You are the perfect catch for
those looking for a permanent relationship. You are not into one night stands or casual sex
and will need to become friends with a potential lover first before taking it up a level. You
take life very seriously and work hard to get want you want from life and this applies to your
relationships too.
As you are ruled by Mercury you are guided by logic and reason and not emotions. Because
of this you are not good with overly sensitive and emotional people.
You are a perfectionist and seek the same in a partner.
If you have a Virgo lover…
To keep your Virgo lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to be as close to perfect as
you can be. They are the perfectionists of the Zodiac and have high expectations of
themselves and of a lover. Always look your best and always do your best and they'll love
you forever. Virgoans are very devoted once committed and will not stray.
Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Virgoans are the most insecure. Because of this you will
need to reassure them and support them through any ups and downs in your relationship.
Don't expect grand displays of emotion or romantic gestures from a Virgo lover – it's just
not in their nature. Instead of a surprise gift of extravagant perfume or jewellery expect a
practical gift that you need rather than you desire.
If you want a Virgo lover…
If you want to attract a Virgo lover you'll need to become firm friends first before becoming
lovers. Virgoans are quite cautious and seldom act on impulse. They will want to get to
really know you before contemplating a romantic relationship. They are also quite traditional
and conservative and will not be attracted to flashy, over the top and exuberant behaviour.
Try wearing something in the colour pink to attract their attention. Pink is the colour of love
and is seen as an almost virginal colour which relates well with Virgo the virgin. Seeing you
wearing this colour will immediately catch their eye and they will see you as loving and want
to get to know you. Virgoans are very sensitive to aromas and do not like artificial
fragrances. Try wearing perfumes containing natural and pure essential oils of rose,
ylangylang and neroli to attract a Virgo lover.

Virgo Compatibility
Virgo with Aries Compatibility
Virgo with Aries is a challenging love match. As a fussy and
perfectionist Virgo you may have difficulties with the Aries devilmay-care attitude. Your over critical nature may lead Aries to
lose their temper too often and too quickly. Aries are hot headed
and need to be placated rather than constantly criticised. Their
ebullient over the top nature might have you shying away from
them. This Virgo-Aries combination can work, only if you are
both willing to compromise.
Virgo with Taurus Compatibility
Virgo with Taurus is an excellent astrological love match as you
are both from the element of earth. This is a near perfect love
match. You connect with each other physically, emotionally and
mentally. You both crave security and financial stability and
together can work hard to achieve this as you are focused,
grounded and not afraid of hard work. You both will work
equally hard at making a Virgo-Taurus relationship work.
Virgo with Gemini Compatibility
Virgo with Gemini is not usually an ideal astrological love match,
but you are both Mutable Signs and both ruled by Mercury. This
gives both of you good communication skills. And as good
communication is the key to any successful relationship you can
talk out your differences. The major problem between you is
likely to be the low boredom threshold of the Gemini. Your
ordered and practical world might be just too staid for
spontaneous Gemini.
Virgo with Cancer Compatibility
Virgo with Cancer is an excellent astrological love match. This
seems to be a match made in the heavens. Although very
opposite in many respects you both are thoughtful, caring and
loving and can share a very strong and lasting relationship
together. As a Virgo you need to soften your approach to dealing
with a Cancerians emotions. Cancerians are super sensitive and
may need to toughen up to cope with the often overcritical
Virgoan. If you can do this you'll be very happy.
Virgo with Leo Compatibility
Virgo with Leo can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences. As a Virgo you will need to allow Leo plenty
of room to show off and be the centre of attention. Leos not only
need to be loved – they need to be adored. And with your desire
to serve you can fit the bill perfectly. They, in turn need to
accept your need for near perfection and be aware that working
behind the scenes is just as important as being centre stage.
Virgo with Virgo Compatibility
Virgo with Virgo is an excellent astrological love match. Being
two peas in a pod make you compatible physically, mentally and
emotionally. However you both demand perfection and may have
difficulties in finding this within each other. If you can both learn
that no one is perfect – not even you, you won't go far wrong.
While you both demand a lot of each other, you are not afraid of
working hard together to make the relationship work.
Virgo with Libra Compatibility
Virgo with Libra can be problematic as Librans are free and easy,
whereas Virgoans like order and rigidity. However the friendly
outgoing and communicative nature of Libra can lighten and
brighten you. They can balance your reserved nature. You, in
return can give some order and stability to their lives. Librans
are also well able to cope with the constructive criticism you give
out as they always strive to have a balanced view.
Virgo with Scorpio Compatibility
Virgo with Scorpio is a very good astrological love match. You
both demand much from each other but are both prepared to
put in the hard work needed to have a successful relationship
together. You are both cautious about revealing your inner
secrets and expressing your feelings, so you'll need to find ways
of communicating your love for each other. Once committed to
each other, you will remain faithful and loyal.
Virgo with Sagittarius Compatibility
Virgo with Sagittarius is a challenging love match. Because Virgo
is an earth sign and Sagittarius a fire sign your approach to
romance, love and emotions is very different. Virgo is practical
and ordered, whereas Sagittarius is the energetic adventurer. But
it can work between you if you are prepared to accept each
others differences. Sagittarius can add excitement and passion
to Virgo. And Virgo can bring practicality and groundedness to
Virgo with Capricorn Compatibility
Virgo with Capricorn is a very good astrological love match. You
are earthy, practical and conventional and have no hidden
agenda. What you see, is what you get with both of you. You
both crave long term security, stability and material success and
together you can make this happen. As a Virgoan you are
precise, detailed and clear. Add this to Capricorns focused
practical approach to life and you have the almost perfect team
to make things really work.
Virgo with Aquarius Compatibility
Virgo with Aquarius is a challenging love match. This is a chalk
and cheese pairing. As a Virgo you are focused, specific and pay
attention to detail, whereas Aquarians take a wider perspective
to life and are always looking at the bigger picture. Aquarians
also hate to be criticised and Virgoans are the world's worst
critics. You can connect mentally as you both share humanitarian
ideals but your approach to life is completely from opposite
Virgo with Pisces Compatibility
Virgo with Pisces can be an extremely difficult astrological love
match. The differences between you are vast. As a Virgo you are
rational, grounded and down to earth and need stability and
security, whereas Pisces is sensitive and intuitive and feels
emotions deeply. Your approach to life and your personality
traits are so different. This Virgo-Pisces pairing can work if you
believe that opposites attract.

Libra Star Sign

Libra Star Sign
The Libra Star Sign is the seventh in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Librans
are the most graceful and blessed with inner and outer beauty.
The Libra Star Sign is represented by the Scales and comes under the influence of the planet
Venus. The planet Venus rules love, beauty, friendship and creativity. This makes Librans
popular people and very attractive to others.
The Libra Star Sign is from the element of air and relates to good communication skills
making Librans not only beautiful people but expressive too.
Libra Decans
Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans.
Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period.
Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and
character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different.
The Libra personality can differ according to which one of the Libra Decans an individual is
born under:

If you were born between September 24 and October 3
This is the first of the Libra Decans and is ruled by the planet Venus.
The first Decan Libra personality is characterised by cleverness, imagination and
You are both clever and imaginative which makes you capable of many great things. If you
can combine these assets with your impressive communication skills you can rise to the
heights of many careers including fictional writing, film direction and the creative arts. Your
creative flair and sense of style combined with your love of beauty ensures that your
surroundings are aesthetically pleasing.
You are a true romantic and love to be in love. When you do commit to just one person you
are extremely dedicated to your partner and keep the romance alive with thoughtful gifts
and surprises. You work extremely hard to achieve a balanced and equal relationship with
your life partner.
In all your relationships you are careful to promote harmony between you and don't like to
rock the boat with heated arguments or debates. You prefer peaceful, considerate and
caring relationships.

If you were born between October 4 and 13
The second of the Libra Decans has the Saturn as its ruler.
The second Decan Libra personality is characterised by altruism, thoughtfulness and
You are the epitome of self sacrifice and willingly put others before yourself. Your care and
consideration to others comes naturally to you and you would give the shirt off your back to
help someone.
You get a great kick out of helping others and your thoughtfulness shines through in all
your relationships. You are extremely patient, tolerant and non-judgemental which makes
you the perfect friend for others to turn to. You, however, are very reluctant to share your
worries or burdens with others. You don't mind them turning to you for help but find it
almost impossible to ask for help yourself.
Although you have a good sense of humour you take life very seriously. You are realistically
aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and take a responsible attitude to all that you
do and say.

If you were born between October 14 and 23
The third of the Libra Decans is ruled by the planet Mercury.
The third Decan Libra personality is characterised by an analytic nature, loyalty and
You have an acute, active and analytical mind. Your thirst for knowledge and understanding
is unquenchable and you are driven to find the true meanings behind many and varied areas
of interest. Career wise you can go in many directions but are happiest working with many
people rather than in solitary positions.
You love to communicate your thoughts to others and enjoy social interaction. You have
many friends who admire your intelligence and your charm. You are one of a rare breed that
is both logical and intuitive and combine both what your head and heart tell you in your
decision making.
You are extremely loyal and devoted to those you love. When you commit to a relationship
you are faithful and loyal and expect the same in return.

Libra Sex, Love & Relationships

Libra Sex
Libra is ruled by Venus and as such is incredibly susceptible to sensuous love and beauty.
Some of the most stunningly attractive people are Librans and adore sex.
Blessed with external and internal beauty, you as a Libran, will have your choice of sex
partners. You will need your partners to be of equal beauty and intelligence to you.
You love the art of seduction and can usually talk your way into the bedroom with your
charm and wit. And as balance and harmony is of paramount importance to you, you expect
and demand equality in the bedroom. The idea of one partner dominating the other is alien
to you.
You are a wonderful, charming lover when given the right partner and are not afraid to
experiment in the bedroom as long as both of you feel comfortable with it.
You love luxury so satin or silk sheets, sensuous perfumes and subdued romantic lighting
enhance your sexual performance and pleasure.

Libra Love and Relationships
If you are a Libra lover…
As a Libra lover you are both sensuous and loving and once committed make an ideal
To have you as a lover is an accomplishment in itself as you are particularly choosy in
selecting only the best of everything and this includes love partners. Most Star Signs would
consider themselves lucky to bag such a prized possession such as you.
If you have a Libra lover…
To keep your Libra lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to constantly provide them
with balance and harmony. No heated arguments and disagreements. Librans simply cannot
bear disharmony and will run a mile if you have any disputes between you.
Librans need to have their egos massaged with plenty of compliments and admiration. They
also like to have the best things in life so you'll need to find ways to keep up with their
lavish lifestyle.
You will need to share your Libra lover with others. Allow plenty of room for them to
surround themselves with many friends. Librans are very sociable and need the company of
many friends and not just you.
If you want a Libra lover…
If you want to attract a Libra lover you'll need to captivate them with charming wit, brilliant
conversation and stunning beauty. Look your absolute best wearing designer clothes, classy
jewellery and invite them to dinner at the very best restaurant. Librans have an eye for the
finer things in life. So make sure you are the finest you can be.
Try wearing something in the colour blue to attract their attention. Blue is the colour of
communication and Librans are expert communicators. Seeing this colour on you will make
them want to open up and talk to you and Librans love nothing more than to talk. Perfumes
containing violet are also very attracting to a Libra lover.

Libra Compatibility
Libra with Aries Compatibility
Libra with Aries can be an extremely difficult astrological love
match. Aries is the exact opposite sign to yours. Based on the
principle that opposites attract some astrologers believe that this
is a very good combination. But in reality this is rarely the case.
They are quick, decisive and assertive – you are just the opposite
which can lead you to become very overwhelmed because of
your indecisive, cautious nature.
Libra with Taurus Compatibility
Libra with Taurus is a very good astrological love match. This
because both of you are ruled by Venus. There is an instant
attraction between you two. You connect well physically,
mentally and emotionally. A Taurean lover will admire your
brilliant communication skills. You will be drawn to their sensual
earthy qualities. You both enjoy being around people so will
have a good social life together.
Libra with Gemini Compatibility
Libra with Gemini is a brilliant love match. You both share so
much in common as you are both from the element of Air. You
will be attracted to each other instantly and once you commit it
will be for life. You are a perfect balance and pairing and
because you, as a Libran, are all about balance and harmony and
Gemini strive to combine their two sides, this will work out well
for both of you. You are naturally communicative, articulate and
intelligent too.
Libra with Cancer Compatibility
Libra with Cancer can be an extremely difficult astrological love
match. As a Libran you are a very social being and cultivate a
wide range of friends, contacts and acquaintances. Cancerians
however, prefer close one on one relationships with family and
close friends. On the upside both of you love to be loved and to
give love wholeheartedly. You both share a desire for peace and
harmony, and if you can strive to achieve this in your
relationship it will work.
Libra with Leo Compatibility
Libra with Leo is an excellent astrological love match. Their
bright, bold and energetic style will be very attractive to you as a
Libran because you love to be around vibrant people. You both
share a love of socialising and the finer things in life. You will
complement each other mentally, physically and emotionally if
you can refine their sometimes brash and showy nature. And
they can add more warmth to your personality. Good
communication is the key to the success of this relationship.
Libra with Virgo Compatibility
Libra with Virgo can be difficult and problematic because as a
Libran you are free and easy, whereas Virgoans like order and
rigidity. However your friendly outgoing and communicative
nature can lighten and brighten a Virgo. You can balance their
reserved nature. They, in return can give some order and
stability to your life. You are also well able to cope with the
constructive criticism Virgoans are only to happy to give out as
you always strive to have a balanced view.
Libra with Libra Compatibility
Libra with Libra is perfectly balanced and we all know that as
Librans you seek out balance. You obviously share such a lot in
common already, so a love match between you seems almost
automatic. You will connect with each physically and emotionally
very well but being from the element of air you will particularly
connect on a mental level. This will make for some interesting
and stimulating conversations together.
Libra with Scorpio Compatibility
Libra with Scorpio can work but you both need to accept each
other's differences You are both sensual and will enjoy each
other sexually but other than this there could be problems.
Emotionally you are on separate planets. As a Libra you are
open, free and easy and don't like the thought of being tied
down. Scorpio on the other hand can be secretive, possessive
and demanding. This Libra – Scorpio pairing can prove too
challenging for some.
Libra with Sagittarius Compatibility
Libra with Sagittarius is a very good astrological love match. You
will instantly feel at ease in each other's company. You both love
life, social interaction and are very flexible and adaptable in your
thinking. You both also have an adventurous and explorative
spirits and need to constantly be stimulated by exciting and new
experiences. But you will need to get the brashness of Sagittarius
and gentility of Libra balance right in this relationship.
Libra with Capricorn Compatibility
Libra with Capricorn can be challenging because as a Libran you
can sometimes be larger than life, loving to socialise and
exploring exciting adventures to embark upon. Capricorns
simply do not share similar personality traits. They are happiest
in a secure, stable and conventional relationship. Whereas you
will flit from lover to lover, never wanting to be tied down and
constrained. A Capricorn may be too restraining for you and you
will infuriate them with their freedom loving ways.
Libra with Aquarius Compatibility
Libra with Aquarius is an excellent astrological love match. You
are immediately attracted to each other as you are both from the
element of air. You connect mentally, physically and emotionally.
You share a lot of similar interests and have similar views on life.
They adore the balance and harmony aspect of you and you love
their creativity and adventurous spirit. You both respect each
other's mental prowess.

Libra with Pisces Compatibility
Libra with Pisces can either be a match made in heaven or one
that is doomed to failure. You will either find a strong emotional
bond together or just simply confuse each other. You will either
instantly 'get' each other or you never will. Pisceans love their
alone time when they can do most of their imaginative dreaming,
whereas you as a Libra never like to be alone and constantly
need social interaction. This difference could prove to
challenging for both of you.

Scorpio Star Sign

Scorpio Star Sign
The Scorpio Star Sign is the eighth h in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac
Scorpions are the most seductive and scintillating. They are very attracting and alluring to
The Scorpio Star Sign is represented by the Scorpion and comes under the influence of the
planet Pluto. The planet Pluto rules transformation. Scorpions are forever seeking renewal
and transformation.
The Scorpio Star Sign is from the element of water which relates to emotions, sensitivity and
intuition. Because of this Scorpions are often the victims of deep-felt emotions and dark

Scorpio Decans
Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans.
Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period.
Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and
character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different.
The Scorpio personality can differ according to which one of the Scorpio Decans an
individual is born under:

If you were born between October 24 and November 2
This is the first of the Scorpio Decans and is ruled by the planet Pluto.
The first Decan Scorpio personality is characterised by outer coolness, inner passion and
You are driven and ambitious and love the idea of competition and challenge. You work
tirelessly to fulfil your ambitions and are driven by the thought of success – both emotional
and financial. You need to feel completely satisfied in all aspects of your life and will not
accept second place.
You appear to others as cool, collected and at times calculating. You have the ability to
manipulate situations and people to your own advantage in an apparently rational and cool
headed way. However under your cool exterior there is fire and passion underneath and this
is your powerful driving force to get what you really want from life. As with all Scorpions sex
and sensuality are very important to you and you seek high levels of satisfaction with sex.

If you were born between November 3 and November 13
The second of the Scorpio Decans has the planet Neptune as its ruler.
The second Decan Scorpio personality is characterised by seductiveness, shyness and
artistic talent.
You can be quite shy and don't like to expose too much of yourself even to close friends and
family. You prefer to work quietly in the background and shy away from the limelight. You
also don't mind being alone and pretty much enjoy your own company where you can
fantasise and dream your imaginative dreams.
You are a generous and attentive lover and use your powers of seduction to get what you
want. You are very intriguing, mysterious and seductive to others. They can easily become
beguiled by you.
You have a great deal of artistic talent and can become a successful artist, writer or
musician. However your shyness might hold you back in seeking celebrity fame and fortune.
You can experience great highs and lows and will be adversely affected by mood swings.
The mood swings can be very intense and often frightening to those around you. They think
they have figured you out but are shocked or surprised by another side of you that they
don't know.

If you were born between November 14 and November 22
The third of the Scorpio Decans is ruled by the Moon.
The third Decan Scorpio personality is characterised by great will power, a caring nature and
You have tremendous will power and will resist temptations that can lead you astray. Once
you have decided on a cause or project you will be driven to do your utmost to make it
successful. This includes relationships where you will relentlessly pursue happiness even if it
means self sacrifice.
You love to nurture those close to you and even if you are not a mother will act as if you
were. You care deeply for those you love and derive great pleasure and satisfaction from
looking after their interests. You in turn, need to be nurtured and 'mothered' too but will
seldom allow anyone to do this for you.
As a Scorpion from the element of water you feel things deeply. You are more sensitive than
you'd like to admit and can hurt very easily. Unkind words or thoughtless acts trouble you
deeply and wound your soul. You would never show how hurt you feel and prefer to hide
away to lick your own wounds privately.

Scorpio Sex, Love & Relationships

Scorpio Sex
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
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Signs of the zodiac book
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Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
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Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
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Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
Signs of the zodiac book
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Signs of the zodiac book

  • 1. Astrology... Personality Traits If you have ever wondered why your character is not the same as Personality Traits others who share your Star Sign or your personality traits don't exactly match with the supposed popular personality traits that your Star Sign dictates, then you should If you have ever wondered why your character is not the same as others who share look at Decans. To find deeper meaning from your Astrology Star Sign you need to your Star Sign or your personality traits don't exactly match with the supposed look at your Decan. A Decan is a 10 day subdivision to each of the 12 Sun Signs. popular personality traits that your Star Sign dictates, then you should look at Ancient astrologers used these subdivisions to refine each Astrology Star Sign and Decans. attributed them to minor planetary influences, which subtly change with the ruling To find deeper influence of the meaning from your Astrology Star Sign you need to look at your of period. And although you will have the dominant characteristics Decan. A Decan is a 10 day subdivision to each of the 12 Sun Signs. Ancient your particular Star Sign, your personally traits and character will also be affected by astrologers used these subdivisions to refine each Astrology Star Sign and attributed the Decan you were born under. them to minor planetary influences, which subtly change with the ruling influence of HOROSCOPES the period. And although you will have the dominant characteristics of your particular Star Sign, your personally traits and character will also be affected by the Decan you were born under. 2014
  • 2. SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC Aries Star Sign Aries Star Sign The Aries Star Sign is the first in the Zodiac and begins at the Spring Equinox. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac, Arians are true leaders and love to have many followers. Aries comes from the element of fire and as such Arians display a fiery, passionate and enthusiastic nature. The Aries Star Sign is represented by the Ram and comes under the influence of the powerful planet of Mars. Strength, power and leadership qualities make up the personality of the Arian. Aries Decans Each Star sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans. Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star signs time period. Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and character and reveal how people born under the same Star sign can be very different. The Aries personality can differ according to which one of the Aries Decans an individual is born under: If you were born between March 21 and March 30 This is the first of the Aries Decans and is ruled by the planet Mars. If you are born under this influence you are a fearless pioneer. You are first in the Zodiac and strive always to come first in all your endeavours. Second place is simply not in your
  • 3. vocabulary. You have very strong self motivation and combined with your natural leadership skills can make it to the top in any profession of your choosing. The first Decan Aries personality is characterised by energy, enthusiasm and passion and you apply these to all aspects of your life. Assertive and aggressive, your dominant nature ensures that you get what you want from life and take any action to get it. Physically strong you have the energy to drive yourself hard to reach the high goals you set yourself. You are constantly on the lookout for new opportunities to stretch and challenge yourself. The main flaws in this first Decan Aries personality are impatience and impulsiveness. You demand things immediately and fast and do tend to jump into situations without thinking things through properly. If you were born between March 31 and April 10 The second of the Aries Decans has the Sun as its ruler, The second Decan Aries personality is characterised by ambition, dynamism and creativity. You have the potential to achieve great success in any area of life as your drive and ambition is relentless. You simply won't stop until you achieve your goals. Because of your hard working nature and ability to get the job done come hell or high water, you are an inspiration to many. People look up to you and admire your ability to overcome even the most difficult of challenges. You are very charismatic and attract attention and admiration from all those you comes into contact with. Because of your popularity you never have a shortage of friends, contacts and acquaintances you can call on. Forever youthful with a young at heart attitude to life you playfully hop, skip and jump through life. You have a great sense of humour and find unusual things amusing. You also have the ability to laugh at yourself. The main flaws in this first Decan Aries personality are a tendency to brag and be boastful and smug. You have achieved much through your own endeavours and hard work and want the world to know it. You need to be the centre of attention and cannot bear to be just a face in a crowd. If you were born between April 11 and April 20 The third of the Aries Decans is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The third Decan Aries personality is characterised by generosity, optimism and fun loving.
  • 4. You love to explore and your adventurous nature makes travel a very important aspect of your life. You view life as one big adventure and cannot resist trying out new experiences and visiting many places. You are a definite people person and enjoy the company of others. You can easily relate to many different types of personality and because of this are often called upon to help solve their problems or give sound advice. Your generous spirit makes it difficult for you to turn anyone in need away. You have a real thirst for knowledge and throughout your life you will be constantly learning. You are very intelligent and like to use your mind and intellect to learn all you can. You can have some unusual ideas and concepts about life and are very interested in philosophy, religions and spirituality. You like the good things in life and will work hard to achieve the lifestyle you are most comfortable with. The flaws in this third Decan Aries personality are that of being a dreamer and having unrealistic expectations. Forever the optimist, sometimes you cannot see the pitfalls and potential hazards of ideas, projects or enterprises. Aries Sex, Love & Relationships Aries Sex As an Aries lover your love making is anything but dull! Your passionate fiery nature combined with your adventurous streak makes you an incredible enthusiastic lover. Coming under the element of fire, as an Aries you are hot blooded, energetic, very physical and dynamic. As an Aries, you are the first sign of the zodiac and as such, like to be first in everything and this includes love making. You like to dominate, be forceful and prefer sexual positions in which you can show your dominance. The Aries lover is supremely confident too. You invariably take the initiative and your boldness and impulsiveness makes you very willing to experiment. The negative side to Aries sex is that you can be extremely selfish and can sometimes put your needs above the needs of a lover. This inconsiderate side to your nature can be intolerable for some other Star Signs.
  • 5. Some see your love making as playfulness, while others cannot tolerate your immaturity and foolish ways. But all in all, most of the other Zodiac Signs would be flattered to have an Aries lover. Aries Love and Relationships If you are an Aries lover… Aries love relationships is all about you being number one in the relationship. As an Aries, if you can be in charge and dominate the relationship you will be sublimely happy. You will reward your love partner with your total devotion and shower them with your passionate affection. Being in love with you, Aries can be one big adventure that will energise and enthral any love partner. Your exuberant and fun loving style will add sparkle and vitality to a love partner's life. In love relationships you can be very protective – almost possessive – and aren't afraid to demonstrate your affection and express your love. On the downside, some Star Signs can be simply overwhelmed by your energy, while others may see you as selfish and inconsiderate. If you have an Aries lover… To keep your Aries lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to show them that they are number one in your life. They need to lead and you'll need to follow. You'll also need to keep your independence and allow them some freedom to enjoy time without you. Keep an Aries lover interested and excited by suggesting new things to do together. Keep things fresh and exciting. Arians become easily bored with routine so try not to let your relationship slip into a rut. If you want an Aries lover… If you want to attract an Aries lover you'll need to be confident and self assured. Arians will simply not notice a wallflower. You need to attract their attention and keep it by interesting conversation and suggestions about trying out new and exciting experiences together. Complement and praise them constantly – you can never give too much praise to an Arian. Challenge them to a competition of some sort – and let them win. You'll also need to be physically fit, strong and vibrant to keep up with the energetic and enthusiastic Arian. Try wearing something in the colour red to attract their attention. The colour red connects with the passion of an Aries. Arians like to be surprised, so exciting ideas or fun gifts will keep them happy.
  • 6. Aries Compatibility Aries with Aries Compatibility Aries with Aries can be problematic as you are both fiery and demanding individuals. You may feel as though you are always competing against each other. But this astrological love match can work if you can combine forces and work together. If you can do this you will be an unstoppable and dynamic team capable of reaching the highest heights. Aries with Taurus Compatibility Aries with Taurus can work but you both need to accept each other's differences. As a fiery energetic Aries you can sometimes overpower the cautions, steady Taurus. You are passionate, full on and dominant, whereas your Taurean lover is practical, down to earth and laid back. If this astrological love match is to work both of you need to learn to be a little more like each other. If you can do this you will achieve a perfect balance. Aries with Gemini Compatibility Aries with Gemini is a very good astrological love match. As a fire Star Sign your inner flame can be fanned with the element of air emanating from Gemini. They can stimulate your mind and introduce you to new social situations and experiences you would not have thought interested you. They also have a wicked sense of humour and as you love to laugh, you will enjoy fun, laughter and excitement together. Aries with Cancer Compatibility Aries with Cancer is not usually an ideal astrological love match. Cancerians are from the element of water and thus far more shy, sensitive and emotional then hot, fiery, go-getting Aries. Your best approach to an Aries–Cancer love match is to take things slowly and sensitively. You can hope to motivate and inspire them and generally add some passion into their lives but if you don't take care a Cancer lover can dampen your energies or even drown you completely. Aries with Leo Compatibility Aries with Leo is an excellent astrological love match. You share many things in common and can motivate and inspire each other. You are instantly attracted to each other and connect on every level - physically, mentally and emotionally. However, because you are both fire Star Signs this can mean that sparks will fly and you might find each other too hot to handle.
  • 7. Aries with Virgo Compatibility Aries with Virgo is a challenging love match. The fussy and perfectionist Virgo may have difficulties with your devil-maycare attitude. Their over critical nature may lead you to lose your temper too often and too quickly. As a hot headed Aries you need to be placated rather than constantly criticised. From their point of view, your ebullient over the top nature might have them shying away from you. This Aries–Virgo combination can work, only if you are both willing to compromise. Aries with Libra Compatibility Aries with Libra can be an extremely difficult astrological love match. Libra is the exact opposite sign to yours. Based on the principle that opposites attract some astrologers believe that this is a very good combination. But in reality this is rarely the case. You're quick, decisive and assertive – they are just the opposite which can lead you to become very frustrated with their indecisive, cautions nature. Aries with Scorpio Compatibility Aries with Scorpio can be a good astrological match. Scorpios are famously sexy, secretive and seductive. You may be seduced and beguiled by them. You find them intriguing and a challenge. They admire your passionate and lustful nature and also see you as a challenge. You are both competitive in your own ways and want to be take the lead in the relationship. This can lead to problems long term. Aries with Sagittarius Compatibility Aries with Sagittarius is an excellent combination and some would say a perfect match! You are both from the element of fire and already share many characteristics. You are instantly attracted to each other's energy, enthusiasm and lust for life. You can enjoy great times together and sex should be exiting, passionate and red hot! The Aries – Sagittarius pairing can lead to secure, committed long-term relationships. Aries with Capricorn Compatibility Aries with Capricorn is not a match made in heaven, although with compromise by both parties it can work. Your ruling planet of Mars and Capricorn's ruler Saturn are diametrically opposed forces. As an Arian you are extrovert, outgoing and dynamic. You simply do not have much in common with the shy, introverted and conservative Capricorn. This is a relationship that will have as many downs as ups and can prove too challenging for some Arians.
  • 9. Taurus Star Sign The Taurus Star Sign is the second in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Taureans are the most sensuous and their sense of touch is heightened. The Taurus Star Sign is represented by the Bull and comes under the influence of the planet Venus. The planet Venus governs love and beauty, friendships and creativity. The Taurus Star Sign is from the element of earth which relates to practicality and groundedness. Because of this Taurusans are very practical and work hard to achieve all they want in life. And because of the influence of Venus they seek comfort and beauty in everything. Taurus Decans Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans. Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period. Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different. The Taurus personality can differ according to which one of the Taurus Decans an individual is born under: If you were born between April 21 and May 1 This is the first of the Taurus Decans and is ruled by the planet Venus. The first Decan Taurus personality is characterised by determination, stability and sensuality. You are determined to get the things you want form life and will do everything in your power to achieve the goals you set for yourself. Material wealth is very important to you and the acquisition of beautiful yet practical things fuels your desire to do well for yourself. As a Taurean born in the first Decan you seek stability in all aspects of your life including career, relationships and family life. In love relationships you are loyal and loving and forever faithful. In your career too, you set your mind to your career path and seldom waiver from it, working your way to the top. Home life is very important to you and you strive to make your home as comfortable and comforting as possible. Because you are from the element of earth the sense of touch is very important to you. This makes you want to touch and be touched. And as you are ruled by the planet Venus this makes you very sensual. You love to love and love to be loved.
  • 10. If you were born between May 2 and May 11 The second of the Taurus Decans has the planet Mercury as its ruler. The second Decan Taurus personality is characterised by tactfulness, charm and practicality. Tact and diplomacy are desirable attributes possessed by if you were born in the second Decan of Taurus. You take care to gather all the facts before taking action or speaking your mind. You sense the feelings of others and take care not to unwittingly hurt anyone. You possess a lot of charm and charisma and have a brilliant way of communicating your ideas and points of view to others. People find you pleasant to be around. Although you connect well with many people you have few friends. But the ones you do have are true and loyal friends. You set great store in being open and honest with friends and lovers. You have a very practical approach to life and rather than thinking or dreaming about what you want from life, you go out and get it. If something needs doing you just do it. And you are happy to work behind the scenes without fanfares or applause so long as the job gets done. For you too, if a job is worth doing its worth doing well. If you were born between May 12 and May 21 The third of the Taurus Decans is ruled by the planet Saturn. The third Decan Taurus personality is characterised by loyalty, discipline and patience. You are fiercely loyal to all those you hold dear and will protect and defend them to the death. Your sense of duty, loyalty and faithfulness is very strong. Your home and family life means so much to you and you will do your utmost to provide material wealth to make your home life secure and stable. You are ordered and disciplined and always finish any task you set for you – on time and perfectly too. Being from the element of earth you are very hard working and strive for financial security. Your steadfastness in acquiring success is not for accolades, praise or applause but instead is for the material wealth you can create. You have the patience of a saint and make for an excellent parent, teacher or mentor. Your patience can be tested, though by people who have fanciful ideas, flighty ways and don't take anything seriously. These people will invariably come from the element of air – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. You just don't 'get' them. Most people would consider you to be very serious, but underneath your stern exterior you have a heat of gold, are very humorous and sensuous too.
  • 11. Taurus Sex, Love & Relationships Taurus Sex Touching and feeling are very important to the Taurus lover. Of all the five senses their sense of touch is the most refined. And as Venus rules the Star Sign of Taurus it means they are naturally drawn to love and beauty. As a Taurean you are very physical and sensual and class romance and sexual pleasure together. You cannot imagine one without the other and therefore frown upon meaningless casual sex. Tried and tested methods of love making work best for you and plenty of touching and caressing. You love to be caressed but also love to caress a lover. For you love making is a joint partnership with no room for selfishness. Taurus Love and Relationships If you are a Taurus lover… As a Taurus from the element of earth you can be very possessive or jealous of your lover. You worked incredibly hard to win your prize and do not want others to steal your lover away. A lover to you is your most valuable possession and you do like your possessions. To be loved by you, Taurus is to feel the kind of warmth, security and stability that almost everyone craves. On the downside some Star Signs see you as too staid and stable and lacking excitement but on the whole most Star Signs would be delighted to be loved by you. If you have a Taurus lover… To keep your Taurus lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to provide the security and stability they crave. You'll need to convince them that you have only got eyes for them and no one else. To be loved by a Taurean is to be truly loved indeed. Taureans are not particularly romantic in the traditional sense but what they lack in red roses and candlelit dinners they make up for by always being there for you come what may. You can depend on Taurus totally. You are very lucky to be loved by a Taurus – make sure you appreciate them and show them in words and actions. If you want a Taurus lover… You may have to use considerable determination and perseverance to catch the eye of a Taurean and more so to keep them interested. As one night stands and casual affairs don't
  • 12. interest the Taurean you'll need to concentrate on becoming firm friend's first and lovers later. If you want to attract a Taurus lover you'll need to be a real beauty – both inside and out. You will need to keep your appearance impeccable and pay attention to nicely groomed nails and hair. You'll also need to have your feet firmly on the ground. Taureans don't relate well to dreamers or lovers with their heads in the clouds. Try wearing something in the colour brown to attract their attention. Because of its earthy tones brown is very appealing to a Taurus lover. Also clothing with a sensitive touch will be very sensuous to a Taurus. Fabrics such as satins, silks, velvet and chenille are very appealing to a Taurus lover. Earthy, musky perfumes will also help attract a Taurus lover. Taurus Compatibility Taurus with Aries Compatibility Taurus with Aries can work but you both need to accept each other's differences. As a cautious, steady Taurus you can sometimes be overpowered by a fiery energetic Aries. They are passionate, full on and dominant, whereas you as a Taurean are practical, down to earth and laid back. If this astrological love match is to work both of you need to learn to be a little more like each other. If you can do this you will achieve a perfect balance. Taurus with Taurus Compatibility Taurus with Taurus is an excellent astrological love match as you are both so similar. You will feel instantly attracted to each other and connect well physically, emotionally and mentally. You will feel immediately comfortable with each other and comfort is a big issue for you. However your tendency to be stubborn and sometimes stick in the mud may lead to difficulties as neither one of you will be willing to compromise. Taurus with Gemini Compatibility Taurus with Gemini can be problematic as you have major difference in your styles and approach to life. You as a Taurean prefer a steady and methodical approach to life and are clear in your motivations, thinking and problem solving. Whereas, Gemini flits through life, becoming restless and wanting to move on to new unchartered waters all the time. You do both love pleasurable experiences so this might be your binding motivation.
  • 13. Taurus with Cancer Compatibility Taurus with Cancer is an excellent astrological love match. You both are very affectionate and like to demonstrate your love to each other. As a Taurean you are steady and secure and can bring calmness and stability to a Cancerian. You may not understand their changeable emotions but will do your best to bring calm to the relationship. Because as a Taurean you are practical with down to earth qualities you will temper their watery emotions. Taurus with Leo Compatibility Taurus with Leo is not usually an ideal astrological love match but it can work. Because Leos are ruled by the Sun they need to shine and be forever in the spotlight. As a Taurus lover you can allow for this as you are happier to work behind the scenes. You crave safety, security and a sense of stability and will be attracted to a Leo as they are enthusiastic, inspiring and confidence boosting. They can bring out your sensual and romantic nature. Taurus with Virgo Compatibility Taurus with Virgo is an excellent astrological love match as you are both from the element of earth. This is a near perfect love match. You connect with each other physically, emotionally and mentally. You both crave security and financial stability and together can work hard to achieve this as you are focused, grounded and not afraid of hard work. You both will work equally hard at making a Taurus - Virgo relationship work. Taurus with Libra Compatibility Taurus with Libra is a very good astrological love match. This because both of you are ruled by Venus. There is an instant attraction between you two. You connect well physically, mentally and emotionally. As a Taurean lover you will admire their brilliant communication skills. They will be drawn to your sensual earthy qualities. You both enjoy being around people so will have a good social life together. Taurus with Scorpio Compatibility Taurus with Scorpio can work but you both need to accept each other's differences You are completely opposites in the Zodiac but find that you are magnetically attracted to each other. This really is a case of opposites attracting. You as a Taurean will be intrigued by the sexual attractiveness of the Scorpion. They in turn will be attracted to your strong, brooding passion. You both have a tendency to be stubborn so this may become an issue.
  • 14. Taurus with Sagittarius Compatibility Taurus with Sagittarius can work but you both need to accept each other's differences. You really are quite different personality types and do not share a lot in common. Sagittarians love freedom and are independent and spontaneous, whereas you as a Taurus prefer order, security and stability. They are very adaptable and changeable whereas you can be stuck in your ways. Your practical view on life is not so appealing to the adventurous spirited Sagittarian. Taurus with Capricorn Compatibility Taurus with Capricorn is an excellent combination and some would say a perfect match! You have so much in common to begin with and are very likeminded. This is because you are both from the element of earth. You will be very attracted to each other immediately. Capricorns love security and stability and as a Taurean lover you can give this in bucket loads. Together you make an almost unstoppable team that can lead to a very successful and happy life together. Taurus with Aquarius Compatibility Taurus with Aquarius can be problematic as Aquarians have eclectic and sometimes eccentric tastes and progressive attitudes that can seem too avant-garde to you as a straight laced, conservative, practical Taurean. You are both rather stubborn and neither of you will make concessions to your principles. And you both can rarely see and understand the others pint of view. You’re both creatures of habit and have your own fixed ways of doing things and do not adapt to change readily. Taurus with Pisces Compatibility Taurus with Pisces is an excellent astrological love match. You will be instantly attracted to each other. You will be intrigued and mystified by a Piscean lover and they will feel secure and grounded by you. You see the world differently to Pisces but these differences will enhance both of you. They see the world in many shades of wondrous colour and you are strictly black and white. But both of you love stability and security and will succeed in a long term relationship. **********************************************************************************
  • 15. Gemini Star Sign The Gemini Star Sign is the third in the Zodiac. Of all the star Signs of the Zodiac Gemini has the ability to see both sides of any argument. The Gemini Star sign is represented by the Twins and comes under the influence of the planet of Mercury. Mercury has power over the mind, intellect and thought processes. Because of this Geminis are normally highly intelligent, deep thinkers and are drawn to careers related to science.
  • 16. The Gemini Star Sign is from the element of air which again relates to the power of the mind. Gemini Decans Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans. Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period. Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different. The Gemini personality can differ according to which one of the Gemini Decans an individual is born under: If you were born between May 22 and May 31 This is the first of the Gemini Decans and is ruled by the planet Mercury. The first Decan Gemini personality is characterised by a quick wit, super intelligence and ability to communicate. You are constantly at odds with your mind and emotions. Your head tells you one thing, your heart another. Because of this you seldom know which one to trust. But generally you go with what your head tells you. You are exceptionally intelligent and articulate. Your verbal skills can be utilised by you in any number of career directions including finding great success in the areas of writing, teaching, and communicating. You are very quick witted and have a dry sense of humour. Because of this you are always popular in social settings and can number many friends. But you rarely get really close to any of these friends and prefer to keep a little distance between you. You are somewhat of a perfectionist and expect the very best of yourself as well as others. You do have a tendency to be overcritical of yourself and can be your own worst enemy. If you were born between June and June 11 The second of the Gemini Decans has Venus as its ruler. The second Decan Gemini personality is characterised by charm, charisma and creativity. Your natural charm and charisma can get you anything you set your mind to. And as your mind is astute and focused you can create great success for yourself in any number of career paths. Because you have very good communication skills and have a high degree of creativity to your nature, you can become a highly successful creative writer, actor or entertainer. In fact any career that combines your charm, natural charisma and brilliant communication skills, will be successful for you.
  • 17. You are very attractive to many and as you are a people person you thrive in social situations. You are the perfect host when throwing parties and can instantly make people feel comfortable and at home in your company. You are very good with crowds but equally good in one to one situations. Your only fault maybe your scattered thoughts. Being Gemini you can be extremely focused sometimes and ridiculously scatter brained at others. If you were born between June 12 and June 21 The third of the Gemini Decans is ruled by the planet Uranus. The third Decan Aries personality is characterised by originality, flexibility and optimism. Your unconventional yet brilliant mind allows you to have some very original beliefs, ideas and concepts. You are anything but ordinary. In fact if you put your mind to it you could lead an extraordinary life. You are a natural leader and because you exude charm people will want to follow you. You have a very optimistic and positive outlook and view each new day as an exciting adventure. You love your freedom and like the adventure of exploring new and exciting situations. You can never be tied down. You are also very flexible in your thinking and are constantly open to new ideas and new interests. But you can easily become distracted and have too many interests on the go at one time, which dilutes your attention. You can flit from one project, leaving it unfinished and move on to the next and the next, until nothing is seen through and completed. Gemini Sex, Love & Relationships Gemini Sex Gemini is ruled by Mercury which influences the mind and the power of communication. Because of this Geminis are normally highly intelligent and skilled communicators. As a Gemin you can talk your way into the bedroom. Your wit, eloquent speech and fascinating and varied interests will intrigue potential lovers who'll love to be in your company. You have the potential to have many lovers and most likely many one night stands.
  • 18. As well as having an active mind you are also physically active and your love making can be very physical indeed. Flexibility, adaptability and a willingness to experiment in the bedroom makes you a very interesting lover. You also love to have fun, so love making is never taken too seriously by you. Gemini Love and Relationships If you are a Gemini lover… As a Gemini lover you have the ability to see two sides of an argument and are fickle enough to argue one point one day, and the other the next. Because of this many Star Signs don't 'get' you. And because of your superior intellect many are daunted by the thought of getting to know you. To have you as a lover is quite an achievement as a person would have to appeal to the two sides of your nature. To keep you as a lover is an even bigger achievement as you tend to bore easily and want to move onto something or someone more fun, exciting and interesting. If you have a Gemini lover… To keep your Gemini lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to constantly stimulate their mind. Always have plenty to talk about to keep them interested. Geminis become bored very easily so you will need to ensure your relationship doesn't get stale, monotonous or routine. You'll also have to keep up with their physical activity. You should not not let them wander too far from your side, as they are likely to be drawn to a new lover as soon as your back is turned. Emotionally Geminis can seem quite distant and are not known for their displays of emotion and expression of love. If you can put up with this, all well and good, if not you would be better searching for a soul mate from the water signs of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. If you want a Gemini lover… If you want to attract a Gemini lover you'll need to impress them with witty and intelligent conversation. You will need to appeal to their fun side and show you can offer some excitement. Because Geminis are so changeable you will need to be versatile in your approach to winning them over. What they will adore one day, they abhor the next. Always have plenty of topics of conversation to keep them interested and stimulated. Ask them about themselves, their interests, their beliefs and their dreams and they will be captivated by you and want to tell you all about themselves. Try wearing something in the colour yellow to attract their attention. Yellow is linked to the mind and Geminis connect first with the mind in any relationship. Seeing you wearing this
  • 19. colour will attract them and make them interested in your thoughts. Perfumes containing jasmine are also very attracting to a Gemini lover. Gemini Compatibility Gemini with Aries Compatibility Gemini with Aries is a very good astrological love match. As a Gemini from the element of air you can certainly fan the flames of the fire sign of Aries. You can stimulate their mind and introduce them to new social situations and experiences they would not have thought interested them. You also have a wicked sense of humour and as they love to laugh, you will enjoy fun, laughter and excitement together. Gemini with Taurus Compatibility Gemini with Taurus can be problematic as you have major difference in your styles and approach to life. Taureans prefer a steady and methodical approach to life and are clear in their motivations, thinking and problem solving. Whereas, you as a Gemini like to flit through life and become restless and want to move on to new unchartered waters all the time. You do both love pleasurable experiences so this might be your binding motivation. Gemini with Gemini Compatibility Gemini with Gemini is very good love match as you are both so similar. Coming from the element of air you both love to express yourselves and are more than happy to openly communicate your thoughts with each other. Feelings and emotions on the other hand can be trickier as neither of you are comfortable exposing your inner feelings. But this need not matter to either of you, as mental stimulation is often enough for you both. Gemini with Cancer Compatibility Gemini with Cancer can work but you both need to accept each other's differences. Cancerians are feelers whereas as you Gemini are a thinker. They feel emotions deeply – you don't. You tend to go through life trusting your head rather than your heart, whereas they do just the opposite. If you both can understand each other's perspective on life and make compromises when making joint decisions you will have a happy and lasting relationship.
  • 20. Gemini with Leo Compatibility Gemini with Leo is a very good astrological love match but as both of you like to be the centre of attention, it could lead to a power struggle between you. As a Gemini you thrive on mental stimulation and will be enthralled by Leos dramatic and flamboyant nature. They will be attracted to your adaptability, spontaneity and social standing. You both share a love of having and entertaining many friends so your social .lives will be filled with parties and events that you can both shine in. Gemini with Virgo Compatibility Gemini with Virgo is not usually an ideal astrological love match, but you are both Mutable Signs - and both ruled by Mercury. This gives both of you good communication skills. And as good communication is the key to any successful relationship you can talk out your differences. The major problem between you is likely to be the low boredom threshold you have as a Gemini. Virgos ordered and practical world might be just too staid for your spontaneous nature. Gemini with Libra Compatibility Gemini with Libra is a brilliant love match. You both share so much in common as you are both from the element of air. You will be attracted to each other instantly and once you commit it will be for life. You are a perfect balance and pairing and because Libra is all about balance and harmony and you as a Gemini strive to combine your two sides this will work out well for both of you. You are naturally communicative, articulate and intelligent too. Gemini with Scorpio Compatibility Gemini with Scorpio is not usually an ideal astrological love match. The intense nature of a Scorpion does not fit well with the light hearted Gemini. You are both skilled communicators but your styles are so different. Scorpions like deep, intense, meaningful and focused interactions, whereas you as a flighty Gemini prefer bright and breezy conversations on a very wide and varied range of topics. This Gemini - Scorpio love match can work out if you can accept each other's differences. Gemini with Sagittarius Compatibility Gemini with Sagittarius is not a match made in heaven although with compromise by both parties it can work. You both have many differences to your personalities but also some strong similarities. You are both mutable Star signs which mean you can adapt and change and if you can share and enhance your
  • 21. similarities and agree to disagree about your differences this Gemini - Sagittarius paring can work. Gemini with Capricorn Compatibility Gemini with Capricorn is a challenging love match. You as a Gemini do not have such a lot in common with the traditional and conventional approach to life of the Capricorn. As an adventurous, airy fairy; head up in the clouds Gemini, Capricorns can be too staid for you. For them actions speak louder than words – for you as a talkative and communicative Gemini, words are often enough. You do not like to be tied down and float from one person, project or idea to the next. Gemini with Aquarius Compatibility Gemini with Aquarius is an excellent combination and some would say a perfect match! As you are both air star signs you already have a lot in common. You are instantly attracted to each other and recognise immediately a strong connection to each other. You as a Gemini seek variety, physical and mental stimulation and excitement. And Aquarians fit the bill to a tee. You are both gifted communicators and as open, frank and direct communication is the key to any successful relationship, you cannot go wrong. Gemini with Pisces Compatibility Gemini with Pisces is a challenging love match. Pisceans are emotionally sensitive, whereas you as a Gemini can often come across as uncaring and brash. What you do have in common with each other is that you both have two opposing sides to your personalities. Pisces can be kind and caring and then other times selfish and cutting. Geminis have one side that is spontaneous, the other rigid. So you'd both have to display your good sides for this pairing to work. **********************************************************************************
  • 22. Cancer Star Sign Cancer Star Sign The Cancer Star Sign is the fourth in the Zodiac and begins at the Summer Solstice. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Cancer is the most feminine and motherly and Cancerians display the traditional female associated traits of warmth, kindness, care and compassion. The Cancer Star Sign is represented by the Crab and comes under the influence of the Moon.
  • 23. The Cancer Star sign is from the element of water and as such Cancerians are very emotional, sensitive and often psychic. Add to this the Moons mysterious and mystifying powers and you have a recipe for strong emotions, intuitiveness and psychic ability. Cancer Decans Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans. Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period. Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different. The Cancer personality can differ according to which one of the Cancer Decans an individual is born under: If you were born between June 22 and July 2 This is the first of the Cancer Decans and is ruled by the Moon. The first Decan Cancer personality is characterised by sensitivity, generosity and creativity. Your sensitive nature and emotional awareness makes you a natural Psychic. You have a tendency to just "know' what others are thinking or feeling. You can choose to develop these natural skills further and be rewarded by helping others. And helping others is what you most like to do. You are extremely generous and will do anything for anyone. You do not expect great accolades for your deeds but gain an enormous sense of satisfaction from giving. You are a true giver. You crave a sense of security and love and desire close family relationships that you can nurture and be nurtured by. You also possess a high level of creativity and can turn your hand to many career paths that allow you to use your talents. You are most happy in the company of close friends and family, where you know you are well loved, admired and respected. The main flaws in this first Decan Cancer personality are over sentimentality as you have a difficult time being objective when it comes to emotional issues. If you were born between July 3 and July 12 The second of the Cancer Decans has the planet Pluto as its ruler. The second Decan Cancer personality is characterised by mystery, secrecy and psychic ability.
  • 24. Like all Cancer subjects you have strong psychic abilities that help guide you with your decision making. You are an extremely private person and do not like to reveal too much of yourself to anyone. This includes close friends, lovers and family members. You are quite secretive and will keep secrets well. No one ever knows you fully and you have the air of mystery behind your eyes. Unlike other Cancerians you do not allow your heart to overrule your head. You are emotional and sensitive but have an analytical mind that affects your judgement. This can lead to feelings of confusion as your head is telling you one thing, your heart another. It is your head that usually wins out. You have immense emotional needs and are happiest in a secure loving relationship. You give a great deal of love, loyalty and respect to a lover and expect the same in return. If your relationships are tested you will work your hardest to overcome problems and rebuild a loving relationship. The main flaws in this second Decan Cancer personality are a tendency to have a jealous streak. If you were born between July 13 and July 23 The third of the Cancer Decans is ruled by the planet Neptune. The third Decan Cancer personality is characterised by intuition, empathy and optimism. You are somewhat of a dreamer and like to fantasise stretching your vivid imagination. Poetry, creative writing or art are all areas you can excel in. Your kindness and compassion make for you being very empathetic and you can easily understand the feelings and emotions of others. You have a fascination for the unusual, extraordinary or unconventional. You are interested in the supernatural and spiritualism and like to find out about different cultures and beliefs. You adore the idea of being in love and being romanticised. This sometimes leads to disappointment with relationships that fall short of the 'romance novel' ideal. However because of your positive optimism, this disappoint soon diminishes and you move your thoughts and dreams to other romances – real or imagined. You enjoy your own company and like to have time alone. These times allow you to dream some more and also are times when you can get in touch with your inner self and strengthen your intuitive skills
  • 25. Cancer Sex, Love & Relationships Cancer Sex Cancer sex is rarely just a physical act. Cancerians feel deeply and are always strongly dominated by their feelings and emotions. As a Cancer lover, love comes first and the physical act of sex second. Because you are so compassionate and caring you ensure a lover is happy, content and satisfied. You are a very considerate lover. You are a natural giver and like nothing more than to see others deriving pleasure from your attention. Cancer Love & Relationships If you are a Cancer lover… As a Cancerian you crave the closeness and intimacy of a committed relationship. And as home and family mean everything to you; your lover will need to be accepted by your family. You love to nurture, care for and look after a lover. Be careful not to smoother them with too much affection and over the top attention, though. A lover already has a mother – you don't need to replace her! As you are strongly psychic you can often sense the emotions and thoughts of a lover. This ability to almost read their minds assists you further in being an attentive lover. Being in love with you Cancer can be suffocating for some Star Signs but for others the attention, love and loyalty you can give will be just what they are looking for. If you have a Cancer lover… To keep your Cancer lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to show them loving and caring attention. Although they are the most caring, considerate and loving of all the Star Signs, they also are the neediest in terms of receiving love. Coming from the element of water, Cancerians are naturally romantic and sensitive. Add to this the fact that they are ruled by the Moon and you have romance worthy of a romantic novel. You will need to keep this romance alive if you are to succeed in a long term relationship with a Cancerian. Regular candlelit dinners, silky lingerie and surprise gifts are the way to a Cancerians heart. And never, never, never forget their birthday, anniversary or Valentine's day If you want a Cancer lover…
  • 26. If you want to attract a Cancer lover you'll need to connect with their feelings and emotions. To do this you will need to become their friend first before they can open up enough to trust you with their delicate heart. Try wearing something in the colour silver to attract their attention. The colour silver connects with the emotions of a Cancer lover. Jewellery featuring a crescent moon is also very appealing to a Cancerian. If you can woo a Cancerian under a full moon you will almost certainly be guaranteed success. Cancer Compatibility Cancer with Aries Compatibility Cancer with Aries is not usually an ideal astrological love match. As a Cancerian you are from the element of water and thus far more shy, sensitive and emotional then hot, fiery, go-getting Aries. Your best approach to a Cancer-Aries love match is to try and accept a faster pace than you would normally like. Physically, emotionally and mentally an Aries may prove just too hot for you to handle. Cancer with Taurus Compatibility Cancer with Taurus is an excellent astrological love match. You both are very affectionate and like to demonstrate your love to each other. Taureans are steady and secure and can bring calmness and stability to you Cancer. They may not understand your changeable emotions but will do their best to bring calm to the relationship. Because Taureans are practical with down to earth qualities they temper your watery emotions. Cancer with Gemini Compatibility Cancer with Gemini can work but you both need to accept each other's differences. Geminis are thinkers, whereas you Cancer are a feeler. You feel emotions deeply – Geminis don't. They tend to go through life trusting their head rather than your heart, whereas you do just the opposite. If you both can understand each other's perspective on life and can compromise when making joint decisions you will have a happy and lasting relationship. Cancer with Cancer Compatibility Cancer with Cancer is a very good astrological love match. You already share similar personality traits so should understand each other easily. And with your natural empathetic nature you can really 'get' a Cancerian love partner. Your strong intuition, sensitive nature and often psychic ability allow you to sense what the other is thinking and feeling. This makes for an almost
  • 27. perfect love relationship. But with a Cancer – Cancer pairing care should be taken not to lose your personal identity. Cancer with Leo Compatibility Cancer with Leo can work but you both need to accept each other's differences. Leos are normally very confident, extremely enthusiastic and have fiery passionate natures. If you possess the typical Cancer traits of shyness and sensitivity a Leo lover can add passion to your life and boost your confidence. You can, in return, temper and soften their sometimes aggressive approach to life. This Cancer – Leo paring can be a perfect love match if you work with your differences. Cancer with Virgo Compatibility Cancer with Virgo is an excellent astrological love match. This seems to be a match made in the heavens. Although very opposite in many respects you both are thoughtful, caring and loving and can share a very strong and lasting relationship together. You, as a sensitive Cancerian may need to toughen up to the often overcritical Virgoan. And Virgoes need to soften their approach to dealing with your emotions. If you can do this you'll be very happy. Cancer with Libra Compatibility Cancer with Libra can be an extremely difficult astrological love match. Librans are very social beings and cultivate a wide range of friends, contacts and acquaintances. Whereas you, as a Cancerian, prefer close one to one relationships with family and close friends. On the upside both of you love to be loved and to give love wholeheartedly. You both share a desire for peace and harmony and if you can strive to achieve this in your relationship it will work. Cancer with Scorpio Compatibility Cancer with Scorpio can be a good astrological love match. You are instantly attracted to each other and both come from the same element of water. You as a Cancerian will feel comfortable with a Scorpio, but don't expect to feel comforted. Scorpios share with you the personality trait of being sensitive but are much more demanding than you. A Cancer – Scorpio pairing can be a little one sided with you doing what you do best – giving. If you are happy to do this, then the love match will work.
  • 28. Cancer with Sagittarius Compatibility Cancer with Sagittarius is a challenging love match. Although you'll be attracted to the confident, honest and up front Sagittarian, their bluntness and insensitivity may wound your sensitive soul too much, too often. They'll adore the love and attention you lavish upon them. But if you are to make this Cancer – Sagittarius pairing work you will need to develop a much thicker skin and your Sagittarian lover would need to learn the art of diplomacy. Cancer with Capricorn Compatibility Cancer with Capricorn is not a match made in heaven although with compromise by both parties it can work. You have major differences between you. As a Cancerian you like to demonstrate your affection and love – Capricorns cannot. This could be difficult for you as you need to feel needed and loved. Capricorn can only offer somewhat restrained affection and are not renowned for their display of devotion and warmth. For this Cancer – Capricorn love match to work you'll need to accept each other's differences. Cancer with Aquarius Compatibility Cancer with Aquarius can work well together but you both need to be prepared for compromise. Aquarians are filled with wanderlust and love to be free to explore and don't like to be tied down to any one place, person or situation. You, on the other hand, as a Cancerian are quite shy, timid and conservative and home and family mean everything to you. For this relationship to work you will need to accept your Aquarius lover's spontaneous and inquisitive nature. Cancer with Pisces Compatibility Cancer with Pisces is an excellent combination and some would say a perfect match! As you are both from the element of water you already have so much in common. You share great emotional compatibility and can connect with each other instinctively. You also share spiritual awareness with each other. And as both of you have strong psychic abilities; you'll be able to read each other's minds. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually you're a perfect match.
  • 30. The Leo Star sign is the fifth in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Leos are the most dramatic and forever like to be in the limelight. The Leo Star Sign is represented by the Lion and comes under the influence of the Sun. The powerful Sun shines down on Leos and gives them a brightness, radiance and sunny positive personality. The Leo Star Sign is from the element of fire and as such indicates great passion, enthusiasm and positive energy. Leo Decans Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans. Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period. Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different. The Leo personality can differ according to which one of the Leo Decans an individual is born under: If you were born between July 24 and August 4 This is the first of the Leo Decans and is ruled by the Sun. The first Decan Leo personality is characterised by an extroverted nature, independence and creativity. You are extremely extroverted and very gregarious. You love to loved, you love to be noticed and most of all you love to be praised. Your flamboyant and outgoing personality masks some of the inner insecurities you have. You do possess a very sensitive ego and can be hurt by the actions and words of others, although you'd never show this. You rely on nothing and no one and like to give off an air of total independence. Your self reliance is mainly based on your believe that you are the best person to get the job done – and usually you are right. You have many creative talents and could turn any one of them into a lucrative and highly successful career. You are a whole heated workaholic and cannot relax until the job is done. And even then you are immediately onto the next project, with full guns blazing. Sitting still and doing nothing is not for you. You need to be active and on the go all day long. If you were born between August 5 and August 15 The second of the Leo Decans has Jupiter as its ruler.
  • 31. The second Decan Leo personality is characterised by a great sense of humour, optimism and inspiration. You like to be the centre of attention so that you can show off your brilliant wit and great sense of humour. You make for a perfect entertainer. The entire world's a stage for you, in which you can perform outstandingly to rapturous applause. You can never look on the bleak side of life and find the positives in everybody and everything. Your optimism is sometimes unbelievable to others. You love to learn and will explore many different and diverse subjects. You crave knowledge, which gives you an opportunity to show off your intelligence. Travelling for you does really broaden your horizons and your mind. Your love of life and forever looking on the bright side is an inspiration to many. Lots of people admire you and are inspired by you. You tend to be a very lucky person and seem to be in the right place at the right time to take up opportunities offered. You are a very good advert for the Law of Attraction as your positive, upbeat and optimistic nature draws towards you incredible luck. If you were born between August 16 and August 23 The third of the Leo Decans is ruled by the planet Mars. The third Decan Leo personality is characterised by ambition, honesty and dynamism. You are fiercely ambitious and driven to attain the goals you set yourself. Luckily you have the dynamic energy to make your ambitions a reality. You are an unstoppable force when you really want something. You are sometimes stubborn and won't give in if you believe yourself to be in the right. And as you believe yourself never to be in the wrong, your stubbornness shows through often. You are completely honest, straightforward and expect others to be the same. What you see is what you get with you. You are not afraid to make your thoughts and feelings known and can be brutally honest in your criticisms of others. Your honesty can sometimes border on being blunt which others find hurtful. Your dynamism and drive will propel you to the top of any profession you want to put your full enthusiastic and positive energies into. You like to be the leader, the boss, the starring role and find it very difficult to be subordinate to others. Leo Sex, Love & Relationships
  • 32. Leo Sex As a Leo with the regal lion as your symbol you are the king of your own jungle and this includes the bedroom. Being a Leo you are notoriously forceful and domineering in everything you do and this includes sex. Sex with you, Leo will be on your terms – when, where and how will be decided by you the bossy Leo. You are very sensual and passionate and because you come under the element of fire, sparks can fly during seduction and love making. As you prefer to excel in everything you do and cannot tolerate failure, you are unwilling to experiment too wildly. Anything new, too kinky or not the norm will not suit you. You need to know that you are the very best at everything and trying something different and failing will be too much for you the proud lion to bear. But your tried and tested methods of love making will be the best sex a partner has ever had! You play to your strengths and disguise your weakness cunningly in love making. Leo Love and Relationships If you are a Leo lover… As a Leo lover you know you're the best – almost perfect. Other mere mortals have difficulty keeping up with your great sense of style, sparkling wit and your lustful passion. To have you as a lover, any partner needs to be congratulated as you are perhaps the most demanding, high maintenance and flamboyant of all the Star Signs. You just love life and expect all others to love you. You need to be centre stage in any relationship and if you can't then that relationship will fail. You cannot play the bit part and certainly never could be the understudy as in the other woman/man in a love triangle affair. If you have a Leo lover… To keep your Leo lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to constantly praise them and praise them some more. Leos cannot get enough admiration, applause and flattery. Keep them happy with surprise gifts of gold jewellery and they'll love you forever. Take them to the theatre, wine and dine them and treat them as royalty and you will have a totally devoted Leo lover. Allow them to act as dramatically as they wish. Even choosing a pair of shoes in the shoe store is seen as a major dramatic event. Applaud their choice and you'll have the cuddly lion eating out of your hand.
  • 33. If you want a Leo lover… If you want to attract a Leo lover you'll need to use cunning flattery to gain their interest. Tell them they look great, admire their hairstyle (they are always proud of their manes) and allow them to shine in any conversation. Don't forget they are the leading actor of the piece – you have only a bit part. Try wearing something in the colour gold to attract their attention. Gold is very, very appealing to the Leo lover. Seeing you wearing this colour either in clothing or in jewellery will instantly attract them to you. Perfumes containing neroli are also very attracting to a Leo lover. Leo Compatibility Leo with Aries Compatibility Leo with Aries is an excellent astrological love match. You share many things in common and can motivate and inspire each other. You are instantly attracted to each other and connect on every level - physically, mentally and emotionally. However, because you are both fire Star Signs this can mean that sparks will fly and you might find each other too hot to handle. Leo with Taurus Compatibility Leo with Taurus is not usually an ideal astrological love match but it can work. Because you are ruled by the Sun you need to shine and be forever in the spotlight. A Taurus lover can allow for this as they are happier to work behind the scenes. Taureans crave safety, security and a sense of stability and will be attracted to you as you are enthusiastic, inspiring and confidence boosting. You can bring out their sensual and romantic nature as they'll want to impress you. Leo with Gemini Compatibility Leo with Gemini is a very good astrological love match but as both of you like to be the centre of attention, it could lead to a power struggle between you. Geminis thrive on mental stimulation and will be enthralled by your dramatic and flamboyant nature. You will be attracted to their adaptability, spontaneity and social standing. You both share a love of having and entertaining many friends so your social lives will be filled with parties and events that you can both shine in.
  • 34. Leo with Cancer Compatibility Leo with Cancer can work but you both need to accept each other's differences. As a Leo you are normally very confident, extremely enthusiastic and have a fiery passionate nature. For a typical Cancerian who is shy and sensitive you can add passion to their life and boost their confidence. They can, in return, temper and soften your sometimes aggressive approach to life. This Leo – Cancer paring can be a perfect love match if you work with your differences. Leo with Leo Compatibility Leo with Leo is a very good astrological love match as you both share similar personality traits and characteristics. But you may find that one of you needs to step down to allow the other to dominate. Sparks will fly and you'll find each other too hot to handle if you cannot decide which of you leads and which of you follows. If you can combine your creative energies and your passion and enthusiasm to work together you'll make for an unstoppable team. Leo with Virgo Compatibility Leo with Virgo can work but you both need to accept each other's differences. As a Leo you need to be allowed plenty of room to show off and be the centre of attention. You not only need to be loved – you need to be adored. And with Virgos desire to serve they can fit the bill perfectly. You in turn need to accept their need for near perfection and be aware that working behind the scenes is just as important as being centre stage. Leo with Libra Compatibility Leo with Libra is an excellent astrological love match. Your bright, bold and energetic style will attract the attention of Libra who loves to be around vibrant people. You both share a love of socialising and the finer things in life. You will complement each other mentally, physically and emotionally if you can add more warmth to the Libra personality and they can refine your sometimes brash and showy nature. Good communication is the key to the success of this relationship. Leo with Scorpio Compatibility Leo with Scorpio can be an extremely difficult astrological love match. You are both very strong willed and sometimes stubbornly inflexible and find it difficult to see others point of view. You also both demand not just love but respect in any relationship. If this respect is lost, your relationship is doomed to failure. You are open, warm and gregarious, whereas Scorpio
  • 35. is cool, deep and secretive. This Leo – Scorpio match may prove too challenging for both of you. Leo with Sagittarius Compatibility Leo with Sagittarius is an excellent combination and some would say a perfect match! You are both from the element of fire and as such share a lot of things in common. You both live life to the fullest and enjoy adventure, excitement and spontaneity. There will never be a dull moment in this relationship. You are instantly attracted to each other's passion and enthusiastic natures and if this continues you can thrive in a long term relationship together. Leo with Capricorn Compatibility Leo with Capricorn can be an extremely difficult astrological love match. This is because you have completely opposite personalities, points of view and outlooks on life. As a Leo you are from the element of fire and as such are fiery, enthusiastic and bubbly. Nothing about you is down to earth or practical. You are very extroverted, whereas, Capricorns can be quite introverted. Opposites are supposed to attract but a Leo Capricorn seldom works. Leo with Aquarius Compatibility Leo with Aquarius Leo can be an extremely difficult astrological love match. Aquarius is the exact opposite sign to yours. Based on the principle that opposites attract some astrologers believe that this is a very good combination. But in reality this is rarely the case. Both of you have strong opinions, are set in your ways and sometimes self-centred. For this pairing to work you’ll both need to make some concessions and compromises. Leo with Pisces Compatibility Leo with Pisces can work but you both need to accept each other's differences As a Leo you are assertive, extroverted and flamboyant. Pisces are just the opposite being shy, reserved and introspective. As a strong willed and dynamic Leo you need to taking action to get things done to get you want from life, whereas, dreamy Pisces seeks spiritual answers to their existence and purpose. Opposites can attract and both of you could give each other a different perspective to make the relationship succeed.
  • 36. *************************************************************************** Virgo Star Signs Virgo Star Signs The Virgo Star Sign is the sixth in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Virgoans are the most particular, methodical and ordered. The Virgo Star Sign is represented by the Virgin and comes under the influence of the planet Mercury. The planet Mercury rules the mind, communication and mental states.
  • 37. The Virgo Star Sign is from the element of earth which relates to practicality and groundedness. Because of this Virgoans are very practical and work hard to achieve all they want in life. They are also very intelligent and use their excellent communication skills well. Virgo Decans Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans. Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period. Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different. The Virgo personality can differ according to which one of the Virgo Decans an individual is born under: Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans. Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period. Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different. The Virgo personality can differ according to which one of the Virgo Decans an individual is born under: If you were born between August 24 and September 1 This is the first of the Virgo Decans and is ruled by the planet Mercury. The first Decan Virgo personality is characterised by a disciplined nature, trustworthiness and generosity. If you were born under this influence you will have a tendency to be very methodical, disciplined and ordered in specific areas of your life, while incredible scatty and messy in other areas. The order and neatness you give to the certain areas of your life, border on the obsessive. As an earth element Star Sign you work hard to achieve al that you want for yourself. And with your highly disciplined and logical mind you work best in careers that require dedication, attention to detail and practicality. You are entirely honest and trustworthy and if you believe a job is worth doing, you will do it very well. You make an excellent employee because of your work ethic and are respected for it. In relationships you are extremely loyal, dependable and faithful. You have a very generous nature and like to treat those you hold dear. You so often put the needs of others before yourself and are seen as extremely caring and considerate.
  • 38. If you were born between September 2 and September 11 The second of the Virgo Decans has the planet Saturn as its ruler. The second Decan Virgo personality is characterised by brilliant organisation skills, a strong will and tactfulness. If you were born under this influence you have a natural ability to bring order to even the most chaotic situations. You are unflappable, practical and disciplined and won't stop until you get the job done. You have tremendous organisational skills and can direct others very well with motivation, delegation and assertiveness. This makes for you being a great boss and superb manager. You are strong willed and determined to improve and better everything and everyone – including yourself. You simply do not like things that are less than perfect. All Virgoans are perfectionists but you are particularly so. You also expect and demand perfection in others and so become disappointed when others let you down. You are very diplomatic and tactful and are the sole of discretion. Secrets and confidences given to you are kept. If you were born between September 12 and September 23 The third of the Virgo Decans is ruled by the planet Venus. The third Decan Virgo personality is characterised by a reserved nature, an artistic sense and sensitivity. If you were born under this influence of the third Virgo Decan you are shy, reserved and timid. You quietly go about your business without disturbing others. You prefer the known to the unknown and feel most comfortable with habit, repetition, and routine. You do not like to be the centre of attention but prefer instead a background role. You are reluctant to share your thoughts and feelings with others but once you get to know people and become relaxed with them then you feel you can be yourself. You have an artistic flair and apply this to your dress sense and your home decor. You like to feel comfortable but also stylish. Your artistic flair can be turned to your advantage when seeking a career path as an artist, musician, designer or architect. You are very sensitive and can be moved easily by your strong emotions. You love easily but can be hurt easily too. You care deeply about what others think about you. Your sensitivity extends to your love of beauty too as you have a keen eye for artistic merit. Virgo Sex, Love & Relationships
  • 39. Virgo Sex Virgoans are very sensitive and sensuous but can take the act of sex too seriously. The symbol that represents Virgo is that of the virgin – pure, innocent, untouched and rather prim and proper. If you are a Virgo health and hygiene are very important to you and with your perfectionist and methodical nature making love can be a bit clinical. You are not known for your spontaneity and impulsiveness so there are seldom any surprises in the bedroom. This does not mean to say you are not a good lover because you are. You like to be perfect at everything and this includes love making. You love to serve others and find great pleasure in giving rather than taking. You will always seek to satisfy a love partner and are skilled at satisfying their needs. Virgo Love and Relationships If you are a Virgo lover… As a Virgo lover you are devoted, loving, loyal and committed. You are the perfect catch for those looking for a permanent relationship. You are not into one night stands or casual sex and will need to become friends with a potential lover first before taking it up a level. You take life very seriously and work hard to get want you want from life and this applies to your relationships too. As you are ruled by Mercury you are guided by logic and reason and not emotions. Because of this you are not good with overly sensitive and emotional people. You are a perfectionist and seek the same in a partner. If you have a Virgo lover… To keep your Virgo lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to be as close to perfect as you can be. They are the perfectionists of the Zodiac and have high expectations of themselves and of a lover. Always look your best and always do your best and they'll love you forever. Virgoans are very devoted once committed and will not stray. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Virgoans are the most insecure. Because of this you will need to reassure them and support them through any ups and downs in your relationship. Don't expect grand displays of emotion or romantic gestures from a Virgo lover – it's just not in their nature. Instead of a surprise gift of extravagant perfume or jewellery expect a practical gift that you need rather than you desire.
  • 40. If you want a Virgo lover… If you want to attract a Virgo lover you'll need to become firm friends first before becoming lovers. Virgoans are quite cautious and seldom act on impulse. They will want to get to really know you before contemplating a romantic relationship. They are also quite traditional and conservative and will not be attracted to flashy, over the top and exuberant behaviour. Try wearing something in the colour pink to attract their attention. Pink is the colour of love and is seen as an almost virginal colour which relates well with Virgo the virgin. Seeing you wearing this colour will immediately catch their eye and they will see you as loving and want to get to know you. Virgoans are very sensitive to aromas and do not like artificial fragrances. Try wearing perfumes containing natural and pure essential oils of rose, ylangylang and neroli to attract a Virgo lover. Virgo Compatibility Virgo with Aries Compatibility Virgo with Aries is a challenging love match. As a fussy and perfectionist Virgo you may have difficulties with the Aries devilmay-care attitude. Your over critical nature may lead Aries to lose their temper too often and too quickly. Aries are hot headed and need to be placated rather than constantly criticised. Their ebullient over the top nature might have you shying away from them. This Virgo-Aries combination can work, only if you are both willing to compromise. Virgo with Taurus Compatibility Virgo with Taurus is an excellent astrological love match as you are both from the element of earth. This is a near perfect love match. You connect with each other physically, emotionally and mentally. You both crave security and financial stability and together can work hard to achieve this as you are focused, grounded and not afraid of hard work. You both will work equally hard at making a Virgo-Taurus relationship work. Virgo with Gemini Compatibility Virgo with Gemini is not usually an ideal astrological love match, but you are both Mutable Signs and both ruled by Mercury. This gives both of you good communication skills. And as good communication is the key to any successful relationship you can talk out your differences. The major problem between you is likely to be the low boredom threshold of the Gemini. Your ordered and practical world might be just too staid for spontaneous Gemini.
  • 41. Virgo with Cancer Compatibility Virgo with Cancer is an excellent astrological love match. This seems to be a match made in the heavens. Although very opposite in many respects you both are thoughtful, caring and loving and can share a very strong and lasting relationship together. As a Virgo you need to soften your approach to dealing with a Cancerians emotions. Cancerians are super sensitive and may need to toughen up to cope with the often overcritical Virgoan. If you can do this you'll be very happy. Virgo with Leo Compatibility Virgo with Leo can work but you both need to accept each other's differences. As a Virgo you will need to allow Leo plenty of room to show off and be the centre of attention. Leos not only need to be loved – they need to be adored. And with your desire to serve you can fit the bill perfectly. They, in turn need to accept your need for near perfection and be aware that working behind the scenes is just as important as being centre stage. Virgo with Virgo Compatibility Virgo with Virgo is an excellent astrological love match. Being two peas in a pod make you compatible physically, mentally and emotionally. However you both demand perfection and may have difficulties in finding this within each other. If you can both learn that no one is perfect – not even you, you won't go far wrong. While you both demand a lot of each other, you are not afraid of working hard together to make the relationship work. Virgo with Libra Compatibility Virgo with Libra can be problematic as Librans are free and easy, whereas Virgoans like order and rigidity. However the friendly outgoing and communicative nature of Libra can lighten and brighten you. They can balance your reserved nature. You, in return can give some order and stability to their lives. Librans are also well able to cope with the constructive criticism you give out as they always strive to have a balanced view. Virgo with Scorpio Compatibility Virgo with Scorpio is a very good astrological love match. You both demand much from each other but are both prepared to put in the hard work needed to have a successful relationship together. You are both cautious about revealing your inner secrets and expressing your feelings, so you'll need to find ways of communicating your love for each other. Once committed to each other, you will remain faithful and loyal.
  • 42. Virgo with Sagittarius Compatibility Virgo with Sagittarius is a challenging love match. Because Virgo is an earth sign and Sagittarius a fire sign your approach to romance, love and emotions is very different. Virgo is practical and ordered, whereas Sagittarius is the energetic adventurer. But it can work between you if you are prepared to accept each others differences. Sagittarius can add excitement and passion to Virgo. And Virgo can bring practicality and groundedness to Sagittarius. Virgo with Capricorn Compatibility Virgo with Capricorn is a very good astrological love match. You are earthy, practical and conventional and have no hidden agenda. What you see, is what you get with both of you. You both crave long term security, stability and material success and together you can make this happen. As a Virgoan you are precise, detailed and clear. Add this to Capricorns focused practical approach to life and you have the almost perfect team to make things really work. Virgo with Aquarius Compatibility Virgo with Aquarius is a challenging love match. This is a chalk and cheese pairing. As a Virgo you are focused, specific and pay attention to detail, whereas Aquarians take a wider perspective to life and are always looking at the bigger picture. Aquarians also hate to be criticised and Virgoans are the world's worst critics. You can connect mentally as you both share humanitarian ideals but your approach to life is completely from opposite viewpoints Virgo with Pisces Compatibility Virgo with Pisces can be an extremely difficult astrological love match. The differences between you are vast. As a Virgo you are rational, grounded and down to earth and need stability and security, whereas Pisces is sensitive and intuitive and feels emotions deeply. Your approach to life and your personality traits are so different. This Virgo-Pisces pairing can work if you believe that opposites attract. ***************************************************************************
  • 43. Libra Star Sign Libra Star Sign The Libra Star Sign is the seventh in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Librans are the most graceful and blessed with inner and outer beauty. The Libra Star Sign is represented by the Scales and comes under the influence of the planet Venus. The planet Venus rules love, beauty, friendship and creativity. This makes Librans popular people and very attractive to others. The Libra Star Sign is from the element of air and relates to good communication skills making Librans not only beautiful people but expressive too.
  • 44. Libra Decans Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans. Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period. Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different. The Libra personality can differ according to which one of the Libra Decans an individual is born under: If you were born between September 24 and October 3 This is the first of the Libra Decans and is ruled by the planet Venus. The first Decan Libra personality is characterised by cleverness, imagination and romanticism. You are both clever and imaginative which makes you capable of many great things. If you can combine these assets with your impressive communication skills you can rise to the heights of many careers including fictional writing, film direction and the creative arts. Your creative flair and sense of style combined with your love of beauty ensures that your surroundings are aesthetically pleasing. You are a true romantic and love to be in love. When you do commit to just one person you are extremely dedicated to your partner and keep the romance alive with thoughtful gifts and surprises. You work extremely hard to achieve a balanced and equal relationship with your life partner. In all your relationships you are careful to promote harmony between you and don't like to rock the boat with heated arguments or debates. You prefer peaceful, considerate and caring relationships. If you were born between October 4 and 13 The second of the Libra Decans has the Saturn as its ruler. The second Decan Libra personality is characterised by altruism, thoughtfulness and seriousness. You are the epitome of self sacrifice and willingly put others before yourself. Your care and consideration to others comes naturally to you and you would give the shirt off your back to help someone. You get a great kick out of helping others and your thoughtfulness shines through in all your relationships. You are extremely patient, tolerant and non-judgemental which makes
  • 45. you the perfect friend for others to turn to. You, however, are very reluctant to share your worries or burdens with others. You don't mind them turning to you for help but find it almost impossible to ask for help yourself. Although you have a good sense of humour you take life very seriously. You are realistically aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and take a responsible attitude to all that you do and say. If you were born between October 14 and 23 The third of the Libra Decans is ruled by the planet Mercury. The third Decan Libra personality is characterised by an analytic nature, loyalty and sociability. You have an acute, active and analytical mind. Your thirst for knowledge and understanding is unquenchable and you are driven to find the true meanings behind many and varied areas of interest. Career wise you can go in many directions but are happiest working with many people rather than in solitary positions. You love to communicate your thoughts to others and enjoy social interaction. You have many friends who admire your intelligence and your charm. You are one of a rare breed that is both logical and intuitive and combine both what your head and heart tell you in your decision making. You are extremely loyal and devoted to those you love. When you commit to a relationship you are faithful and loyal and expect the same in return. Libra Sex, Love & Relationships Libra Sex Libra is ruled by Venus and as such is incredibly susceptible to sensuous love and beauty. Some of the most stunningly attractive people are Librans and adore sex. Blessed with external and internal beauty, you as a Libran, will have your choice of sex partners. You will need your partners to be of equal beauty and intelligence to you. You love the art of seduction and can usually talk your way into the bedroom with your charm and wit. And as balance and harmony is of paramount importance to you, you expect
  • 46. and demand equality in the bedroom. The idea of one partner dominating the other is alien to you. You are a wonderful, charming lover when given the right partner and are not afraid to experiment in the bedroom as long as both of you feel comfortable with it. You love luxury so satin or silk sheets, sensuous perfumes and subdued romantic lighting enhance your sexual performance and pleasure. Libra Love and Relationships If you are a Libra lover… As a Libra lover you are both sensuous and loving and once committed make an ideal partner. To have you as a lover is an accomplishment in itself as you are particularly choosy in selecting only the best of everything and this includes love partners. Most Star Signs would consider themselves lucky to bag such a prized possession such as you. If you have a Libra lover… To keep your Libra lover happy, secure and satisfied you'll need to constantly provide them with balance and harmony. No heated arguments and disagreements. Librans simply cannot bear disharmony and will run a mile if you have any disputes between you. Librans need to have their egos massaged with plenty of compliments and admiration. They also like to have the best things in life so you'll need to find ways to keep up with their lavish lifestyle. You will need to share your Libra lover with others. Allow plenty of room for them to surround themselves with many friends. Librans are very sociable and need the company of many friends and not just you. If you want a Libra lover… If you want to attract a Libra lover you'll need to captivate them with charming wit, brilliant conversation and stunning beauty. Look your absolute best wearing designer clothes, classy jewellery and invite them to dinner at the very best restaurant. Librans have an eye for the finer things in life. So make sure you are the finest you can be. Try wearing something in the colour blue to attract their attention. Blue is the colour of communication and Librans are expert communicators. Seeing this colour on you will make them want to open up and talk to you and Librans love nothing more than to talk. Perfumes containing violet are also very attracting to a Libra lover. Libra Compatibility
  • 47. Libra with Aries Compatibility Libra with Aries can be an extremely difficult astrological love match. Aries is the exact opposite sign to yours. Based on the principle that opposites attract some astrologers believe that this is a very good combination. But in reality this is rarely the case. They are quick, decisive and assertive – you are just the opposite which can lead you to become very overwhelmed because of your indecisive, cautious nature. Libra with Taurus Compatibility Libra with Taurus is a very good astrological love match. This because both of you are ruled by Venus. There is an instant attraction between you two. You connect well physically, mentally and emotionally. A Taurean lover will admire your brilliant communication skills. You will be drawn to their sensual earthy qualities. You both enjoy being around people so will have a good social life together. Libra with Gemini Compatibility Libra with Gemini is a brilliant love match. You both share so much in common as you are both from the element of Air. You will be attracted to each other instantly and once you commit it will be for life. You are a perfect balance and pairing and because you, as a Libran, are all about balance and harmony and Gemini strive to combine their two sides, this will work out well for both of you. You are naturally communicative, articulate and intelligent too. Libra with Cancer Compatibility Libra with Cancer can be an extremely difficult astrological love match. As a Libran you are a very social being and cultivate a wide range of friends, contacts and acquaintances. Cancerians however, prefer close one on one relationships with family and close friends. On the upside both of you love to be loved and to give love wholeheartedly. You both share a desire for peace and harmony, and if you can strive to achieve this in your relationship it will work. Libra with Leo Compatibility Libra with Leo is an excellent astrological love match. Their bright, bold and energetic style will be very attractive to you as a Libran because you love to be around vibrant people. You both share a love of socialising and the finer things in life. You will complement each other mentally, physically and emotionally if you can refine their sometimes brash and showy nature. And they can add more warmth to your personality. Good
  • 48. communication is the key to the success of this relationship. Libra with Virgo Compatibility Libra with Virgo can be difficult and problematic because as a Libran you are free and easy, whereas Virgoans like order and rigidity. However your friendly outgoing and communicative nature can lighten and brighten a Virgo. You can balance their reserved nature. They, in return can give some order and stability to your life. You are also well able to cope with the constructive criticism Virgoans are only to happy to give out as you always strive to have a balanced view. Libra with Libra Compatibility Libra with Libra is perfectly balanced and we all know that as Librans you seek out balance. You obviously share such a lot in common already, so a love match between you seems almost automatic. You will connect with each physically and emotionally very well but being from the element of air you will particularly connect on a mental level. This will make for some interesting and stimulating conversations together. Libra with Scorpio Compatibility Libra with Scorpio can work but you both need to accept each other's differences You are both sensual and will enjoy each other sexually but other than this there could be problems. Emotionally you are on separate planets. As a Libra you are open, free and easy and don't like the thought of being tied down. Scorpio on the other hand can be secretive, possessive and demanding. This Libra – Scorpio pairing can prove too challenging for some. Libra with Sagittarius Compatibility Libra with Sagittarius is a very good astrological love match. You will instantly feel at ease in each other's company. You both love life, social interaction and are very flexible and adaptable in your thinking. You both also have an adventurous and explorative spirits and need to constantly be stimulated by exciting and new experiences. But you will need to get the brashness of Sagittarius and gentility of Libra balance right in this relationship. Libra with Capricorn Compatibility Libra with Capricorn can be challenging because as a Libran you can sometimes be larger than life, loving to socialise and exploring exciting adventures to embark upon. Capricorns simply do not share similar personality traits. They are happiest in a secure, stable and conventional relationship. Whereas you will flit from lover to lover, never wanting to be tied down and
  • 49. constrained. A Capricorn may be too restraining for you and you will infuriate them with their freedom loving ways. Libra with Aquarius Compatibility Libra with Aquarius is an excellent astrological love match. You are immediately attracted to each other as you are both from the element of air. You connect mentally, physically and emotionally. You share a lot of similar interests and have similar views on life. They adore the balance and harmony aspect of you and you love their creativity and adventurous spirit. You both respect each other's mental prowess. Libra with Pisces Compatibility Libra with Pisces can either be a match made in heaven or one that is doomed to failure. You will either find a strong emotional bond together or just simply confuse each other. You will either instantly 'get' each other or you never will. Pisceans love their alone time when they can do most of their imaginative dreaming, whereas you as a Libra never like to be alone and constantly need social interaction. This difference could prove to challenging for both of you. ***************************************************************************
  • 50. Scorpio Star Sign Scorpio Star Sign The Scorpio Star Sign is the eighth h in the Zodiac. Of all the Star Signs of the Zodiac Scorpions are the most seductive and scintillating. They are very attracting and alluring to others
  • 51. The Scorpio Star Sign is represented by the Scorpion and comes under the influence of the planet Pluto. The planet Pluto rules transformation. Scorpions are forever seeking renewal and transformation. The Scorpio Star Sign is from the element of water which relates to emotions, sensitivity and intuition. Because of this Scorpions are often the victims of deep-felt emotions and dark moods. Scorpio Decans Each Star Sign of the Zodiac can be divided into three subsections called Decans. Each Decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees or 10 days of the Star Signs time period. Decans can provide a more detailed account of an individual's personality traits and character and reveal how people born under the same Star Sign can be very different. The Scorpio personality can differ according to which one of the Scorpio Decans an individual is born under: If you were born between October 24 and November 2 This is the first of the Scorpio Decans and is ruled by the planet Pluto. The first Decan Scorpio personality is characterised by outer coolness, inner passion and ambition. You are driven and ambitious and love the idea of competition and challenge. You work tirelessly to fulfil your ambitions and are driven by the thought of success – both emotional and financial. You need to feel completely satisfied in all aspects of your life and will not accept second place. You appear to others as cool, collected and at times calculating. You have the ability to manipulate situations and people to your own advantage in an apparently rational and cool headed way. However under your cool exterior there is fire and passion underneath and this is your powerful driving force to get what you really want from life. As with all Scorpions sex and sensuality are very important to you and you seek high levels of satisfaction with sex. If you were born between November 3 and November 13 The second of the Scorpio Decans has the planet Neptune as its ruler. The second Decan Scorpio personality is characterised by seductiveness, shyness and artistic talent. You can be quite shy and don't like to expose too much of yourself even to close friends and family. You prefer to work quietly in the background and shy away from the limelight. You
  • 52. also don't mind being alone and pretty much enjoy your own company where you can fantasise and dream your imaginative dreams. You are a generous and attentive lover and use your powers of seduction to get what you want. You are very intriguing, mysterious and seductive to others. They can easily become beguiled by you. You have a great deal of artistic talent and can become a successful artist, writer or musician. However your shyness might hold you back in seeking celebrity fame and fortune. You can experience great highs and lows and will be adversely affected by mood swings. The mood swings can be very intense and often frightening to those around you. They think they have figured you out but are shocked or surprised by another side of you that they don't know. If you were born between November 14 and November 22 The third of the Scorpio Decans is ruled by the Moon. The third Decan Scorpio personality is characterised by great will power, a caring nature and sensitivity. You have tremendous will power and will resist temptations that can lead you astray. Once you have decided on a cause or project you will be driven to do your utmost to make it successful. This includes relationships where you will relentlessly pursue happiness even if it means self sacrifice. You love to nurture those close to you and even if you are not a mother will act as if you were. You care deeply for those you love and derive great pleasure and satisfaction from looking after their interests. You in turn, need to be nurtured and 'mothered' too but will seldom allow anyone to do this for you. As a Scorpion from the element of water you feel things deeply. You are more sensitive than you'd like to admit and can hurt very easily. Unkind words or thoughtless acts trouble you deeply and wound your soul. You would never show how hurt you feel and prefer to hide away to lick your own wounds privately. Scorpio Sex, Love & Relationships Scorpio Sex