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Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and
noncanonical symplectic structures

                     Vladimir Cuesta †
                     Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Aut´ noma de M´ xico, 70-543, Ciudad de M´ xico, M´ xico
                                                                              o          e                          e        e

                     Abstract. I obtain from the beginning to the end the quantum transitions for the coordinates of the phase space and its evolution
                     for the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures using the ket-bra
                     formalism and a formulation based on ascent (creation) and descent (destruction) operators. I study two classical and quantum
                     solutions for a charged particle in a constant magnetic field (B = B k) with mass m and charge e, at quantum level I map the
                     original problem to the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator and with this I can obtain the quantum transitions for the
                     coordinates of the phase space and its evolution, too.

1. Introduction

Classical mechanics is one of the fundamental physical theories of our days, all this area must be based on experimental
facts, my own point of view and probably is not the same for all the people in the physical sciences is that all should be
shown with the erros bars, statistics and probably more for the physical experiments, in the opposite case, we are making
correct mathematical theories, wrong mathematical theories, philosophy and son on, or in the worst case, anything.
     My interest in the present paper is to study the classical one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with canonical
and noncanonical symplectic structures (see [1] for a treatment of noncanonical symplectic structures) and a charged
particle with charge e, mass m inmerse in a constant magnetic field B = B k, with B a constant. I use the ket and
bra formalism of quantum mechanics (see [2] and [3] for instance), I make use of the creation and destruction operators
and few mathematical methods (see [4] and [5]). My study does not use the wave function formalism or the coordinate
representation like a lot of texts (see [6] and [7] for instance).
     In this work I find hamiltonian formulations for all the systems, I write all the equations of motion and I find the
classical solutions with the constants of motion associated with the initial conditions of the problem. Then, I write the
time evolution for the coordinate operators or the Heisenberg’s representations for these theories (see [8] for a detailed
study of symplectic quantization) and using the corresponding eigenkets for the number operator I find the evolution of
the previous quantum coordinates, and later I find the quantum transitions of states and its time evolution.
     The same results can be reproduced if the reader make my procedure carefully, my proper interests are of
mathematical character, only. My physical science spirit is not covered because I do not make physical science

2. One dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (canonical case)

In this section I will study one of the most important physical systems: the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator,
the specialist in classical mechanics and quantum mechanics can understand its importance because it can be solved
completely at classical level, at quantum level this system can be quantized using the coordinates representation, the
momenta representation or equivalently using the bra and ket formalism, with the help of the previous studies the specialist
can quantize the electromagnetic field and a lot of systems, in this section I study the system when it has the canonical
symplectic structure.
Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures                   2

2.1. Classical case
Every undergraduate student have studied the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator using Lagrange’s equations,
using Legendre’s transformations the same student can understand it and in fact the last formalism can be though like a
phase space with coordinates (xµ = (q, p)), µ = 1, 2, and a simplectic structure (ω µν ) = {xµ , xν }, where
                                0     1
                  (ω µν ) =               ,
                                −1    0
I mean,
                  {q, p} = 1,    {q, q} = 0,    {p, p} = 0,                                                              (1)
with the previous ingredients the equations of motion for the system can be written like,
                  xµ = ω µν
                  ˙               ,                                                                                      (2)
with the hamiltonian,
                          1 2 mω 2 2
                  H=        p +   q ,                                                                                    (3)
                         2m     2
and we can obtain,
                  ˙     , p = −mω 2 q,
                           ˙                                                                                             (4)
using usual mathematical methods I obtain the solutions,
                 q(t) = cos(ωt)q0 +        sin(ωt)p0 ,
                 p(t) = − mω sin(ωt)q0 + cos(ωt)p0 ,                                                                     (5)
where q0 and p0 mean the coordinate and the momentum at time equal to zero.

2.2. Quantum case
In the previous section I have found the solution for the classical one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator, then for
the quantum theory I find,
                  q (t) = cos(ωt)ˆ0 +
                  ˆ               q         sin(ωt)ˆ0 ,
                  p(t) = − mω sin(ωt)ˆ0 + cos(ωt)ˆ0 ,
                  ˆ                      q             p                                                                (6)
the following step is to solve the eigenvalue equation for the hamiltonian, I introduce the set of operators a and a† , they
                                                                                                             ˆ     ˆ
are known like the destruction and creation operators,
                          mω           ı                   mω       ı
                  ˆ            q0 +
                               ˆ         p0 ,
                                         ˆ        a† =
                                                  ˆ           q0 −
                                                              ˆ       p0 ,
                                                                      ˆ                                                  (7)
                            h        mω                    2¯
                                                            h      mω
I can find the inverse transformations,
                              ¯                          h
                                                         ¯ mω †
                  q0 =
                  ˆ                 a + a† , p0 = ı
                                    ˆ ˆ         ˆ                 a −a ,
                                                                  ˆ   ˆ                                                  (8)
                            2mω                            2
in such a way that the q (t) and q (t) operators can be written like,
                       ˆ         ˆ
                            ¯                                 h
                  q (t) =
                  ˆ             (cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) a +
                                                      ˆ            (cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) a† ,
                                                                                         ˆ                               (9)
                           2mω                               2mω
                             ¯ mω                               h
                                                                ¯ mω
                  p(t) = −
                  ˆ                (sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) a +
                                                         ˆ            (ı cos(ωt) − sin(ωt)) a† ,
                               2                                  2
Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures                3
                                            √                      √
using the mathematical expressions a|n = n|n − 1 and a† |n = n + 1|n + 1 follows,
                                    ˆ                      ˆ
                                   ¯             √         √
                   q (t)|n =
                   ˆ                   cos(ωt) n|n − 1 + n + 1|n + 1
                                    ¯            √            √
                           +i           sin(ωt) n + 1|n + 1 − n|n − 1 ,
                                    ¯ mω            √        √
                    p(t)|n = −
                    ˆ                      sin(ωt) n|n − 1 + n + 1|n + 1
                                  ¯ mω            √            √
                           +i           cos(ωt) n + 1|n + 1 − n|n − 1 ,                                             (10)
the transition for the phase space coordinates are,
                                   ¯ (n + 1)
                      r|ˆ(t)|n =
                        q                     (cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) δr,n+1
                               +          (cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) δr,n−1 ,
                                       ¯ mωn
                      r|ˆ(t)|n = −
                        p                      (sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n−1
                                   ¯ mω(n + 1)
                               +                 (− sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n+1 ,                                   (11)
and the time evolution for the transition between the r and the n states for the q (t) and p(t) operators are:
                                                                                 ˆ         ˆ
                   d r|ˆ(t)|n
                       q         h
                                 ¯ ω(n + 1)
                              =             (− sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n+1
                       dt            2m
                                 ¯ ωn
                              −       (sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n−1 ,
                   d r|ˆ(t)|n
                       p              h
                                      ¯ mωn
                              = −ω           (cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) δr,n−1
                       dt                2
                                        ¯ mω(n + 1)
                                 −ω                 (cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) δr,n+1 .                                  (12)

3. One dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (noncanonical case)

3.1. Classical case
In this section I study the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator, using a different hamiltonian formulation, in
this case the system can be described by a phase space with coordinates (xµ ) = (q, p), µ = 1, 2, in this case I have the
                          1     1 2 mω 2 2
                   H=             p +   q ,                                                                         (13)
                          α    2m     2
and the symplectic structure,
                   {q, p} = α,     {q, q} = 0,   {p, p} = 0,                                                        (14)
or equivalently,
                                  0    α
                   (ω µν ) =                ,
                                 −α    0
Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures                  4

an in this case I obtain the same equations of motion like the previous section, I mean,
                   xµ = ω µν
                   ˙               ,                                                                                  (15)
or equivalently,
                   ˙      ,    p = −mω 2 q,
                               ˙                                                                                      (16)
and I obtain the solutions,
                   q(t) = cos(ωt)q0 +    sin(ωt)p0 ,
                   p(t) = − mω sin(ωt)q0 + cos(ωt)p0 ,                                                                (17)
where q0 and p0 mean the coordinate and the momentum at time equal to zero.

3.2. Quantum case
I will follow the discussion of the previous section, I can make the change of variables and the resulting commutators are,
                   x0 = q0 , px0 = p0 , ˆx0 , px0 ] = ı¯ , [ˆ0 , x0 ] = 0, [ˆx0 , px0 ] = 0,
                   ˆ        ˆ     ˆ      ˆ     [ˆ ˆ         h    x ˆ             p ˆ                                  (18)
and the solutions with the original variables are,
                   q (t) = cos(ωt)ˆ0 +
                   ˆ                q         sin(ωt)ˆ0 ,
                   p(t) = − mω sin(ωt)ˆ0 + cos(ωt)ˆ0 ,
                    ˆ                      q             p                                                            (19)
and the solutions with the second set of variables are,
                  q (t) = α cos(ωt)ˆ0 +
                  ˆ                x           sin(ωt)ˆx0 ,
                  p(t) = − mωα sin(ωt)ˆ0 + cos(ωt)ˆx0 ,
                  ˆ                        x              p                                                           (20)
in this step I introduce the destruction operator a and the creation operator a† ,
                                                  ˆ                           ˆ
                             mω       ı                       mω       ı
                   ˆ            x0 +
                                ˆ       px ,
                                        ˆ            a† =
                                                     ˆ           x0 −
                                                                 ˆ       px ,
                                                                         ˆ                                            (21)
                              h      mω 0                     2¯
                                                               h      mω 0
and the quantum solutions for the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator are in terms of a and a† ,
                                                                                                ˆ     ˆ
                             ¯                                    h
                   q (t) =
                   ˆ             (α cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) a +
                                                         ˆ             (α cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) a† ,
                                                                                               ˆ                      (22)
                           2mω                                   2mω
                              ¯ mω                                  h
                                                                    ¯ mω
                 p(t) = −
                 ˆ                   (α sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) a +
                                                             ˆ            (ı cos(ωt) − α sin(ωt)) a† ,
                                2                                     2
                                             √                        √
and using the mathematical identities a|n = n|n − 1 and a† |n = n + 1|n + 1 I find,
                                      ˆ                      ˆ
                                 ¯            √         √
                   q (t)|n = α
                   ˆ                 cos(ωt) n|n − 1 + n + 1|n + 1
                                ¯            √            √
                          +i        sin(ωt) n + 1|n + 1 − n|n − 1 ,
                                  ¯ mω          √         √
                   p(t)|n = − α
                   ˆ                    sin(ωt) n|n − 1 + n + 1|n + 1
                              ¯ mω           √            √
                          +i        cos(ωt) n + 1|n + 1 − n|n − 1 ,                                                   (23)
Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures                    5

and the final results are,
                                ¯ (n + 1)
                   r|ˆ(t)|n =
                     q                     (α cos(ωt) + sin(ωt)) δr,n+1
                            +          (α cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) δr,n−1 ,
                                    ¯ mωn
                   r|ˆ(t)|n = −
                     p                      (α sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n−1
                                    ¯ mω(n + 1)
                               +                 (−α sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n+1 ,                                      (24)
so, the time evolution for the transition between the r and n states for the q (t) and p(t) operators are,
                                                                             ˆ         ˆ
                   d r|ˆ(t)|n
                       q         h
                                 ¯ ω(n + 1)
                              =             (−α sin(ωt) + cos(ωt)) δr,n+1
                       dt            2m
                                 ¯ ωn
                              −       (α sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n−1 ,
                   d r|ˆ(t)|n
                       p              h
                                      ¯ mωn
                              = −ω           (α cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) δr,n−1
                       dt                2
                                       ¯ mω(n + 1)
                                 −ω                (α cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) δr,n+1 .                                     (25)

4. Charged particle in a constant magnetic field

4.1. Classical case I
In this section I will study a charged particle in a constant magnetic field in the z direction. I mean, I find the hamiltonian
formalism for the system, when B = B k and B is a constant, the first step to find an electromagnetic potential A is to
write the equations B = × A,
                       ∂Az      ∂Ay         ∂Ax      ∂Az              ∂Ay   ∂Ax
                  0=         −       , 0=         −        ,    B=        −     ,                                       (26)
                        ∂y       ∂z           ∂z      ∂x               ∂x    ∂y
and I found as solution for the electromagnetic potential,
                  Ax = 0,       Ay = Bx,    Az = 0,                                                                     (27)
and the hamiltonian will be,
                 H =         π2 x + π2 y                                                                                (28)
                             e           e
                 πx = px − Ax , πy = py − Ay ,               B=      ×A
                             c           c
                             1              eB                1            2eB      e2 B 2
                  H=           p2 x + p y −    x         =      p2 + p 2 −
                                                                 x     y       xpy + 2 x2 ,                             (29)
                            2m               c               2m             c        c
and the symplectic structures are,
                  {x, y} = 0,     {x, px } = 1, {x, py } = 0,       {y, px } = 0,
                  {y, py } = 1,   {px , py } = 0,
                  {x, y} = 0,     {x, πx } = 1, {x, πy } = 0,       {y, πx } = 0,
                  {y, πy } = 1, {πx , πy } =     ,                                                                      (30)
Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures                       6

I obtain the equations of motion:
                       px          py   eB               eB      e2 B 2
                   ˙      , y=˙       −     x, px =
                                                  ˙         py −        x,     py = 0,
                                                                               ˙                                           (31)
                        m          m    mc               mc      mc2
combining the first, third and fourth equations I obtain,
                          e2 B 2       eB         d2          c          e2 B 2        c
                   ¨        2 c2
                                 x = 2 py0 ,       2
                                                       x−        py + 2 2 x −             py = 0,
                         m             m c       dt         eB           m c          eB
                           e2 B 2
                    px + 2 2 px = 0,
                    ¨                                                                                                       (32)
                           m c
using the general solution for the previous equation, the initial conditions, inserting into the first equation and so on, I find
the classical solutions,
                                c         eB                c               eB         c
                    x(t) =        px sin      t + x0 −          py cos          t +       py ,
                               eB 0       mc               eB 0             mc        eB 0
                                c          eB      mc py0          eB             eB              c
                    y(t) =        px cos      t +               −     x0 sin            + y0 −      px ,
                               eB 0        mc      eB m            mc             mc             eB 0
                                       eB               eB              eB
                    px (t) = px0 cos      t + py0 −         x0 sin          t ,
                                       mc                c              mc
                    py (t) = py0 ,                                                                                          (33)

4.2. Quantum case I
I will present the quantum case, for this purpose I choose the following variables:
                   x =x−         py , y = y, px = px , py = py ,                                                           (34)
with the set of inverse transformations,
                   x=x +         p , y = y, px = px , py = py ,                                                            (35)
                              eB y
I can write the original hamiltonian like,
                          1 2   m        eB
                   H=       p +                    x 2,   {x , px } = 1,                                                   (36)
                         2m x   2        mc
and like the reader can recognize, I have found the hamiltonian for the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with
frequency ω = mc , I have studied this system in the previous section and I can obtain all the transitions between the n
and r states for all the phase space coordinates like in the previous section.

4.3. Classical case II
The last example for this work is a charged particle in a constant magnetic field B = B k, where B is a constant, I must
solve the set of equations B = × A,
                        ∂Az    ∂Ay          ∂Ax      ∂Az           ∂Ay     ∂Ax
                   0=        −      , 0=          −       , B=          −       ,                                  (37)
                         ∂y     ∂z           ∂z       ∂x            ∂x      ∂y
and I find these solutions:
                   Ax = −By,        Ay = 0,    Az = 0,                                                                     (38)
in this case the hamiltonian will be,
                   H =        π 2 + πy2
                         2m x
                              e            e
                   πx = px − Ax , πy = py − Ay ,              B=      × A,
                              c            c
Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures                7

or equivalently,
                           1                 eB                     1      2eB      e2 B 2
                   H=                px +       y       + p2 =
                                                           y          p2 +
                                                                       x       ypx + 2 y 2 + p2 ,
                                                                                              y                     (40)
                          2m                  c                    2m       c        c
with these symplectic structures,
                   {x, y} = 0,            {x, px } = 1, {x, py } = 0,        {y, px } = 0,
                   {y, py } = 1,          {px , py } = 0,
                   {x, y} = 0,            {x, πx } = 1, {x, πy } = 0,         {y, πx } = 0,
                   {y, πy } = 1,          {πx , πy } =     ,                                                        (41)
the equations of motion are:
                      px     eB            py                       eB      e2 B 2
                   ˙     +      y, y =
                                     ˙        , px = 0, py = −
                                                 ˙           ˙         px −        y,                               (42)
                      m     mc             m                        mc      mc2
combining the previous set of equations I can obtain the following:
                   py +
                   ¨                     py = 0,
                                 2                                                            2
                          eB                       eB            d2      c               eB             c
                   ¨                 y     = −         px ,          y+    px +                   y+      px = 0,   (43)
                          mc                       m2 c 0        dt2    eB               mc            eB
I mean, a set of two one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillators, using standard mathematical methods I found the
                                  c             eB           c           c        eB
                  x(t) = x0 +        py + sin       t y0 +      px −        cos      t py 0 ,
                                 eB 0           mc          eB 0        eB        mc
                                 eB             c         c        eB            c
                  y(t) = cos         t   y0 +      px +      sin      t py 0 −     px ,
                                 mc            eB 0      eB        mc           eB 0
                  px (t) = px0 ,
                                    eB      eB                    eB
                  py (t) = − sin       t        y0 + px0 + cos       t py 0 .                                   (44)
                                    mc       c                    mc

4.4. Quantum case II
I will use the set of transformations,
                   x = x,      y =y+             px ,      p x = px ,   p y = py ,                                  (45)
with inverse transformations,
                   x=x,        y=y −      p , p x = px ,                p y = py ,                                  (46)
                                      eB x
and the original hamiltonian can be written as,
                           1 2   m             eB
                   H=        p +                         y 2,   {y , py } = 1,                                      (47)
                          2m y   2             mc
and like the reader can recognize I have found the hamiltonian for the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with
frequency ω = mc , and with a the new set of variables I can make the study of the previous section in a direct way.
Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures                                          8

5. Conclusions and perspectives

In this work I have studied three systems: the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (with canonical and
noncanonical symplectic structures), a charged particle in a constant magnetic field with two different solutions for the
electromagnetic potential. For the last two systems I found that are equivalent to the one dimensional isotropic harmonic
oscillator with a special set of variables, I make the quantum theory for all the cases if I undertand the first of all the
systems. I made that carefully and I solve the eigenvalue problem and I find a good base for that and I find the transition
between two different quantum states and its temporal variation.
     I present a couple of two solutions for a charged particle in a constant magnetic field (B = B k) with mass m, charge
equal to e these set of solutions are:
                     Ax = α(x + z), Ay = Bx, Az = α(x + z),
                     Ax = − By, Ay = β(y + z), Az = β(y + z),                                                                                (48)
where α and β are constants.
     At classical and quantum level, the interested reader can apply a similar procedure for solving this couple of systems,
but this is future work.

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Geometric and viscosity solutions for the Cauchy problem of first order
11.solution of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations using mixt...
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11.solution of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations using mixt...
Solution of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations using mixture...
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Solution of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations using mixture...
On Double Elzaki Transform and Double Laplace Transform
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On Double Elzaki Transform and Double Laplace Transform
Quantum Computation and Algorithms
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Quantum Computation and Algorithms
H. Partouche - Thermal Duality and non-Singular Superstring Cosmology
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H. Partouche - Thermal Duality and non-Singular Superstring Cosmology
Poster Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjuga...
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Poster Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjuga...
Fourier series
Fourier seriesFourier series
Fourier series
Doering Savov
Doering SavovDoering Savov
Doering Savov
The width of an ideal chain
The width of an ideal chainThe width of an ideal chain
The width of an ideal chain

En vedette

Uncovering modes of evolution
Uncovering modes of evolutionUncovering modes of evolution
Uncovering modes of evolutionAnna Kostikova
Evolution concepts and mechanisms
Evolution  concepts and mechanismsEvolution  concepts and mechanisms
Evolution concepts and mechanismsTimothy Welsh
The theory of endosymbiosis says that eukaryote cells have evolved from a sym...
The theory of endosymbiosis says that eukaryote cells have evolved from a sym...The theory of endosymbiosis says that eukaryote cells have evolved from a sym...
The theory of endosymbiosis says that eukaryote cells have evolved from a sym...Aftab Badshah
sStudy of mitosis in plants by using onion root tips cells
sStudy of mitosis in plants by using onion root tips cellssStudy of mitosis in plants by using onion root tips cells
sStudy of mitosis in plants by using onion root tips cellsAftab Badshah
Mechanisms of evolution_basic
Mechanisms of evolution_basicMechanisms of evolution_basic
Mechanisms of evolution_basicilanasaxe
The origin and early evolution of plants on land in the mid
The origin and early evolution of plants on land in the midThe origin and early evolution of plants on land in the mid
The origin and early evolution of plants on land in the midlinus lucas
Evolution3Jolie Yu
Darwin’s theory of evolution
Darwin’s theory of evolutionDarwin’s theory of evolution
Darwin’s theory of evolutionSteve Johnson
Chapter 19 Heredity Lesson 5 - Discontinuous and Continuous Variation
Chapter 19 Heredity Lesson 5 - Discontinuous and Continuous VariationChapter 19 Heredity Lesson 5 - Discontinuous and Continuous Variation
Chapter 19 Heredity Lesson 5 - Discontinuous and Continuous Variationj3di79

En vedette (20)

Phyletic lineage
Phyletic lineagePhyletic lineage
Phyletic lineage
17.2 modern classification
17.2 modern classification17.2 modern classification
17.2 modern classification
Origins of Life 2 - Mechanisms
Origins of Life 2 - MechanismsOrigins of Life 2 - Mechanisms
Origins of Life 2 - Mechanisms
Uncovering modes of evolution
Uncovering modes of evolutionUncovering modes of evolution
Uncovering modes of evolution
Evolution concepts and mechanisms
Evolution  concepts and mechanismsEvolution  concepts and mechanisms
Evolution concepts and mechanisms
The theory of endosymbiosis says that eukaryote cells have evolved from a sym...
The theory of endosymbiosis says that eukaryote cells have evolved from a sym...The theory of endosymbiosis says that eukaryote cells have evolved from a sym...
The theory of endosymbiosis says that eukaryote cells have evolved from a sym...
sStudy of mitosis in plants by using onion root tips cells
sStudy of mitosis in plants by using onion root tips cellssStudy of mitosis in plants by using onion root tips cells
sStudy of mitosis in plants by using onion root tips cells
Evolution theories
Evolution theoriesEvolution theories
Evolution theories
Mechanisms of evolution_basic
Mechanisms of evolution_basicMechanisms of evolution_basic
Mechanisms of evolution_basic
The origin and early evolution of plants on land in the mid
The origin and early evolution of plants on land in the midThe origin and early evolution of plants on land in the mid
The origin and early evolution of plants on land in the mid
18 Lecture Ppt
18 Lecture Ppt18 Lecture Ppt
18 Lecture Ppt
Earth part 2
Earth part 2Earth part 2
Earth part 2
Darwin’s theory of evolution
Darwin’s theory of evolutionDarwin’s theory of evolution
Darwin’s theory of evolution
Chapter 15 Evolution - All Sections 15.1 - 15.3
Chapter 15 Evolution - All Sections 15.1 - 15.3Chapter 15 Evolution - All Sections 15.1 - 15.3
Chapter 15 Evolution - All Sections 15.1 - 15.3
Chapter 19 Heredity Lesson 5 - Discontinuous and Continuous Variation
Chapter 19 Heredity Lesson 5 - Discontinuous and Continuous VariationChapter 19 Heredity Lesson 5 - Discontinuous and Continuous Variation
Chapter 19 Heredity Lesson 5 - Discontinuous and Continuous Variation
4 Genetics: Sources of Genetic Variation
4 Genetics: Sources of Genetic Variation4 Genetics: Sources of Genetic Variation
4 Genetics: Sources of Genetic Variation
Powerpoint variation
Powerpoint variationPowerpoint variation
Powerpoint variation

Similaire à Quantum Transitions And Its Evolution For Systems With Canonical And Noncanonical Symplectic Structures

Realizations, Differential Equations, Canonical Quantum Commutators And Infin...
Realizations, Differential Equations, Canonical Quantum Commutators And Infin...Realizations, Differential Equations, Canonical Quantum Commutators And Infin...
Realizations, Differential Equations, Canonical Quantum Commutators And Infin...vcuesta
Proceedings A Method For Finding Complete Observables In Classical Mechanics
Proceedings A Method For Finding Complete Observables In Classical MechanicsProceedings A Method For Finding Complete Observables In Classical Mechanics
Proceedings A Method For Finding Complete Observables In Classical Mechanicsvcuesta
Statistical approach to quantum field theory
Statistical approach to quantum field theoryStatistical approach to quantum field theory
Statistical approach to quantum field theorySpringer
015 canonical tranformation ii
015 canonical tranformation ii015 canonical tranformation ii
015 canonical tranformation iidwyphy
Aurelian Isar - Decoherence And Transition From Quantum To Classical In Open ...
Aurelian Isar - Decoherence And Transition From Quantum To Classical In Open ...Aurelian Isar - Decoherence And Transition From Quantum To Classical In Open ...
Aurelian Isar - Decoherence And Transition From Quantum To Classical In Open ...SEENET-MTP
Gauge Systems With Noncommutative Phase Space
Gauge Systems With Noncommutative Phase SpaceGauge Systems With Noncommutative Phase Space
Gauge Systems With Noncommutative Phase Spacevcuesta
D. Vulcanov - On Cosmologies with non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and the ...
D. Vulcanov - On Cosmologies with non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and the ...D. Vulcanov - On Cosmologies with non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and the ...
D. Vulcanov - On Cosmologies with non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and the ...SEENET-MTP
Qualitative measurement of Klauder coherent states using Bohmian machanics, C...
Qualitative measurement of Klauder coherent states using Bohmian machanics, C...Qualitative measurement of Klauder coherent states using Bohmian machanics, C...
Qualitative measurement of Klauder coherent states using Bohmian machanics, C...Sanjib Dey
Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjugate func...
Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjugate func...Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjugate func...
Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjugate func...vcuesta
Exact Quasi-Classical Asymptoticbeyond Maslov Canonical Operator and Quantum ...
Exact Quasi-Classical Asymptoticbeyond Maslov Canonical Operator and Quantum ...Exact Quasi-Classical Asymptoticbeyond Maslov Canonical Operator and Quantum ...
Exact Quasi-Classical Asymptoticbeyond Maslov Canonical Operator and Quantum ...ijrap
Ph 101-9 QUANTUM MACHANICSChandan Singh
Special theory of relativity
Special theory of relativitySpecial theory of relativity
Special theory of relativitydjramrock
Recent developments on unbiased MCMC
Recent developments on unbiased MCMCRecent developments on unbiased MCMC
Recent developments on unbiased MCMCPierre Jacob
What are free particles in quantum mechanics
What are free particles in quantum mechanicsWhat are free particles in quantum mechanics
What are free particles in quantum mechanicsbhaskar chatterjee
Orthogonal basis and gram schmidth process
Orthogonal basis and gram schmidth processOrthogonal basis and gram schmidth process
Orthogonal basis and gram schmidth processgidc engineering college
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and some attempts at parallelizing them
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and some attempts at parallelizing themMarkov chain Monte Carlo methods and some attempts at parallelizing them
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and some attempts at parallelizing themPierre Jacob

Similaire à Quantum Transitions And Its Evolution For Systems With Canonical And Noncanonical Symplectic Structures (20)

Realizations, Differential Equations, Canonical Quantum Commutators And Infin...
Realizations, Differential Equations, Canonical Quantum Commutators And Infin...Realizations, Differential Equations, Canonical Quantum Commutators And Infin...
Realizations, Differential Equations, Canonical Quantum Commutators And Infin...
Proceedings A Method For Finding Complete Observables In Classical Mechanics
Proceedings A Method For Finding Complete Observables In Classical MechanicsProceedings A Method For Finding Complete Observables In Classical Mechanics
Proceedings A Method For Finding Complete Observables In Classical Mechanics
Statistical approach to quantum field theory
Statistical approach to quantum field theoryStatistical approach to quantum field theory
Statistical approach to quantum field theory
015 canonical tranformation ii
015 canonical tranformation ii015 canonical tranformation ii
015 canonical tranformation ii
Wave function
Wave functionWave function
Wave function
Aurelian Isar - Decoherence And Transition From Quantum To Classical In Open ...
Aurelian Isar - Decoherence And Transition From Quantum To Classical In Open ...Aurelian Isar - Decoherence And Transition From Quantum To Classical In Open ...
Aurelian Isar - Decoherence And Transition From Quantum To Classical In Open ...
Gauge Systems With Noncommutative Phase Space
Gauge Systems With Noncommutative Phase SpaceGauge Systems With Noncommutative Phase Space
Gauge Systems With Noncommutative Phase Space
D. Vulcanov - On Cosmologies with non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and the ...
D. Vulcanov - On Cosmologies with non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and the ...D. Vulcanov - On Cosmologies with non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and the ...
D. Vulcanov - On Cosmologies with non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and the ...
Qualitative measurement of Klauder coherent states using Bohmian machanics, C...
Qualitative measurement of Klauder coherent states using Bohmian machanics, C...Qualitative measurement of Klauder coherent states using Bohmian machanics, C...
Qualitative measurement of Klauder coherent states using Bohmian machanics, C...
Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjugate func...
Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjugate func...Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjugate func...
Gauge systems and functions, hermitian operators and clocks as conjugate func...
Exact Quasi-Classical Asymptoticbeyond Maslov Canonical Operator and Quantum ...
Exact Quasi-Classical Asymptoticbeyond Maslov Canonical Operator and Quantum ...Exact Quasi-Classical Asymptoticbeyond Maslov Canonical Operator and Quantum ...
Exact Quasi-Classical Asymptoticbeyond Maslov Canonical Operator and Quantum ...
Special theory of relativity
Special theory of relativitySpecial theory of relativity
Special theory of relativity
Recent developments on unbiased MCMC
Recent developments on unbiased MCMCRecent developments on unbiased MCMC
Recent developments on unbiased MCMC
What are free particles in quantum mechanics
What are free particles in quantum mechanicsWhat are free particles in quantum mechanics
What are free particles in quantum mechanics
Orthogonal basis and gram schmidth process
Orthogonal basis and gram schmidth processOrthogonal basis and gram schmidth process
Orthogonal basis and gram schmidth process
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and some attempts at parallelizing them
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and some attempts at parallelizing themMarkov chain Monte Carlo methods and some attempts at parallelizing them
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and some attempts at parallelizing them

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Generalizations For Cartans Equations And Bianchi Identities For Arbitrary Di...
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Quantum Transitions And Its Evolution For Systems With Canonical And Noncanonical Symplectic Structures

  • 1. Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures Vladimir Cuesta † Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Aut´ noma de M´ xico, 70-543, Ciudad de M´ xico, M´ xico o e e e Abstract. I obtain from the beginning to the end the quantum transitions for the coordinates of the phase space and its evolution for the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures using the ket-bra formalism and a formulation based on ascent (creation) and descent (destruction) operators. I study two classical and quantum ˆ solutions for a charged particle in a constant magnetic field (B = B k) with mass m and charge e, at quantum level I map the original problem to the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator and with this I can obtain the quantum transitions for the coordinates of the phase space and its evolution, too. 1. Introduction Classical mechanics is one of the fundamental physical theories of our days, all this area must be based on experimental facts, my own point of view and probably is not the same for all the people in the physical sciences is that all should be shown with the erros bars, statistics and probably more for the physical experiments, in the opposite case, we are making correct mathematical theories, wrong mathematical theories, philosophy and son on, or in the worst case, anything. My interest in the present paper is to study the classical one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures (see [1] for a treatment of noncanonical symplectic structures) and a charged ˆ particle with charge e, mass m inmerse in a constant magnetic field B = B k, with B a constant. I use the ket and bra formalism of quantum mechanics (see [2] and [3] for instance), I make use of the creation and destruction operators and few mathematical methods (see [4] and [5]). My study does not use the wave function formalism or the coordinate representation like a lot of texts (see [6] and [7] for instance). In this work I find hamiltonian formulations for all the systems, I write all the equations of motion and I find the classical solutions with the constants of motion associated with the initial conditions of the problem. Then, I write the time evolution for the coordinate operators or the Heisenberg’s representations for these theories (see [8] for a detailed study of symplectic quantization) and using the corresponding eigenkets for the number operator I find the evolution of the previous quantum coordinates, and later I find the quantum transitions of states and its time evolution. The same results can be reproduced if the reader make my procedure carefully, my proper interests are of mathematical character, only. My physical science spirit is not covered because I do not make physical science experiments. 2. One dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (canonical case) In this section I will study one of the most important physical systems: the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator, the specialist in classical mechanics and quantum mechanics can understand its importance because it can be solved completely at classical level, at quantum level this system can be quantized using the coordinates representation, the momenta representation or equivalently using the bra and ket formalism, with the help of the previous studies the specialist can quantize the electromagnetic field and a lot of systems, in this section I study the system when it has the canonical symplectic structure. †
  • 2. Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures 2 2.1. Classical case Every undergraduate student have studied the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator using Lagrange’s equations, using Legendre’s transformations the same student can understand it and in fact the last formalism can be though like a phase space with coordinates (xµ = (q, p)), µ = 1, 2, and a simplectic structure (ω µν ) = {xµ , xν }, where 0 1 (ω µν ) = , −1 0 I mean, {q, p} = 1, {q, q} = 0, {p, p} = 0, (1) with the previous ingredients the equations of motion for the system can be written like, ∂H xµ = ω µν ˙ , (2) ∂xν with the hamiltonian, 1 2 mω 2 2 H= p + q , (3) 2m 2 and we can obtain, p q= ˙ , p = −mω 2 q, ˙ (4) m using usual mathematical methods I obtain the solutions, 1 q(t) = cos(ωt)q0 + sin(ωt)p0 , mω p(t) = − mω sin(ωt)q0 + cos(ωt)p0 , (5) where q0 and p0 mean the coordinate and the momentum at time equal to zero. 2.2. Quantum case In the previous section I have found the solution for the classical one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator, then for the quantum theory I find, 1 q (t) = cos(ωt)ˆ0 + ˆ q sin(ωt)ˆ0 , p mω p(t) = − mω sin(ωt)ˆ0 + cos(ωt)ˆ0 , ˆ q p (6) the following step is to solve the eigenvalue equation for the hamiltonian, I introduce the set of operators a and a† , they ˆ ˆ are known like the destruction and creation operators, mω ı mω ı a= ˆ q0 + ˆ p0 , ˆ a† = ˆ q0 − ˆ p0 , ˆ (7) 2¯ h mω 2¯ h mω I can find the inverse transformations, h ¯ h ¯ mω † q0 = ˆ a + a† , p0 = ı ˆ ˆ ˆ a −a , ˆ ˆ (8) 2mω 2 in such a way that the q (t) and q (t) operators can be written like, ˆ ˆ h ¯ h ¯ q (t) = ˆ (cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) a + ˆ (cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) a† , ˆ (9) 2mω 2mω h ¯ mω h ¯ mω p(t) = − ˆ (sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) a + ˆ (ı cos(ωt) − sin(ωt)) a† , ˆ 2 2
  • 3. Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures 3 √ √ using the mathematical expressions a|n = n|n − 1 and a† |n = n + 1|n + 1 follows, ˆ ˆ h ¯ √ √ q (t)|n = ˆ cos(ωt) n|n − 1 + n + 1|n + 1 2mω h ¯ √ √ +i sin(ωt) n + 1|n + 1 − n|n − 1 , 2mω h ¯ mω √ √ p(t)|n = − ˆ sin(ωt) n|n − 1 + n + 1|n + 1 2 h ¯ mω √ √ +i cos(ωt) n + 1|n + 1 − n|n − 1 , (10) 2 the transition for the phase space coordinates are, h ¯ (n + 1) r|ˆ(t)|n = q (cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) δr,n+1 2mω h ¯n + (cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) δr,n−1 , 2mω h ¯ mωn r|ˆ(t)|n = − p (sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n−1 2 h ¯ mω(n + 1) + (− sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n+1 , (11) 2 and the time evolution for the transition between the r and the n states for the q (t) and p(t) operators are: ˆ ˆ d r|ˆ(t)|n q h ¯ ω(n + 1) = (− sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n+1 dt 2m h ¯ ωn − (sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n−1 , 2m d r|ˆ(t)|n p h ¯ mωn = −ω (cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) δr,n−1 dt 2 h ¯ mω(n + 1) −ω (cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) δr,n+1 . (12) 2 3. One dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (noncanonical case) 3.1. Classical case In this section I study the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator, using a different hamiltonian formulation, in this case the system can be described by a phase space with coordinates (xµ ) = (q, p), µ = 1, 2, in this case I have the hamiltonian, 1 1 2 mω 2 2 H= p + q , (13) α 2m 2 and the symplectic structure, {q, p} = α, {q, q} = 0, {p, p} = 0, (14) or equivalently, 0 α (ω µν ) = , −α 0
  • 4. Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures 4 an in this case I obtain the same equations of motion like the previous section, I mean, ∂H xµ = ω µν ˙ , (15) ∂xν or equivalently, p q= ˙ , p = −mω 2 q, ˙ (16) m and I obtain the solutions, 1 q(t) = cos(ωt)q0 + sin(ωt)p0 , mω p(t) = − mω sin(ωt)q0 + cos(ωt)p0 , (17) where q0 and p0 mean the coordinate and the momentum at time equal to zero. 3.2. Quantum case I will follow the discussion of the previous section, I can make the change of variables and the resulting commutators are, 1 x0 = q0 , px0 = p0 , ˆx0 , px0 ] = ı¯ , [ˆ0 , x0 ] = 0, [ˆx0 , px0 ] = 0, ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ [ˆ ˆ h x ˆ p ˆ (18) α and the solutions with the original variables are, 1 q (t) = cos(ωt)ˆ0 + ˆ q sin(ωt)ˆ0 , p mω p(t) = − mω sin(ωt)ˆ0 + cos(ωt)ˆ0 , ˆ q p (19) and the solutions with the second set of variables are, 1 q (t) = α cos(ωt)ˆ0 + ˆ x sin(ωt)ˆx0 , p mω p(t) = − mωα sin(ωt)ˆ0 + cos(ωt)ˆx0 , ˆ x p (20) in this step I introduce the destruction operator a and the creation operator a† , ˆ ˆ mω ı mω ı a= ˆ x0 + ˆ px , ˆ a† = ˆ x0 − ˆ px , ˆ (21) 2¯ h mω 0 2¯ h mω 0 and the quantum solutions for the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator are in terms of a and a† , ˆ ˆ h ¯ h ¯ q (t) = ˆ (α cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) a + ˆ (α cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) a† , ˆ (22) 2mω 2mω h ¯ mω h ¯ mω p(t) = − ˆ (α sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) a + ˆ (ı cos(ωt) − α sin(ωt)) a† , ˆ 2 2 √ √ and using the mathematical identities a|n = n|n − 1 and a† |n = n + 1|n + 1 I find, ˆ ˆ h ¯ √ √ q (t)|n = α ˆ cos(ωt) n|n − 1 + n + 1|n + 1 2mω h ¯ √ √ +i sin(ωt) n + 1|n + 1 − n|n − 1 , 2mω h ¯ mω √ √ p(t)|n = − α ˆ sin(ωt) n|n − 1 + n + 1|n + 1 2 h ¯ mω √ √ +i cos(ωt) n + 1|n + 1 − n|n − 1 , (23) 2
  • 5. Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures 5 and the final results are, h ¯ (n + 1) r|ˆ(t)|n = q (α cos(ωt) + sin(ωt)) δr,n+1 2mω h ¯n + (α cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) δr,n−1 , 2mω h ¯ mωn r|ˆ(t)|n = − p (α sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n−1 2 h ¯ mω(n + 1) + (−α sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n+1 , (24) 2 so, the time evolution for the transition between the r and n states for the q (t) and p(t) operators are, ˆ ˆ d r|ˆ(t)|n q h ¯ ω(n + 1) = (−α sin(ωt) + cos(ωt)) δr,n+1 dt 2m h ¯ ωn − (α sin(ωt) + ı cos(ωt)) δr,n−1 , 2m d r|ˆ(t)|n p h ¯ mωn = −ω (α cos(ωt) − ı sin(ωt)) δr,n−1 dt 2 h ¯ mω(n + 1) −ω (α cos(ωt) + ı sin(ωt)) δr,n+1 . (25) 2 4. Charged particle in a constant magnetic field 4.1. Classical case I In this section I will study a charged particle in a constant magnetic field in the z direction. I mean, I find the hamiltonian ˆ formalism for the system, when B = B k and B is a constant, the first step to find an electromagnetic potential A is to write the equations B = × A, ∂Az ∂Ay ∂Ax ∂Az ∂Ay ∂Ax 0= − , 0= − , B= − , (26) ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y and I found as solution for the electromagnetic potential, Ax = 0, Ay = Bx, Az = 0, (27) and the hamiltonian will be, 1 H = π2 x + π2 y (28) 2m e e πx = px − Ax , πy = py − Ay , B= ×A c c 2 1 eB 1 2eB e2 B 2 H= p2 x + p y − x = p2 + p 2 − x y xpy + 2 x2 , (29) 2m c 2m c c and the symplectic structures are, {x, y} = 0, {x, px } = 1, {x, py } = 0, {y, px } = 0, {y, py } = 1, {px , py } = 0, {x, y} = 0, {x, πx } = 1, {x, πy } = 0, {y, πx } = 0, eB {y, πy } = 1, {πx , πy } = , (30) c
  • 6. Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures 6 I obtain the equations of motion: px py eB eB e2 B 2 x= ˙ , y=˙ − x, px = ˙ py − x, py = 0, ˙ (31) m m mc mc mc2 combining the first, third and fourth equations I obtain, e2 B 2 eB d2 c e2 B 2 c x+ ¨ 2 c2 x = 2 py0 , 2 x− py + 2 2 x − py = 0, m m c dt eB m c eB e2 B 2 px + 2 2 px = 0, ¨ (32) m c using the general solution for the previous equation, the initial conditions, inserting into the first equation and so on, I find the classical solutions, c eB c eB c x(t) = px sin t + x0 − py cos t + py , eB 0 mc eB 0 mc eB 0 c eB mc py0 eB eB c y(t) = px cos t + − x0 sin + y0 − px , eB 0 mc eB m mc mc eB 0 eB eB eB px (t) = px0 cos t + py0 − x0 sin t , mc c mc py (t) = py0 , (33) 4.2. Quantum case I I will present the quantum case, for this purpose I choose the following variables: c x =x− py , y = y, px = px , py = py , (34) eB with the set of inverse transformations, c x=x + p , y = y, px = px , py = py , (35) eB y I can write the original hamiltonian like, 2 1 2 m eB H= p + x 2, {x , px } = 1, (36) 2m x 2 mc and like the reader can recognize, I have found the hamiltonian for the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with eB frequency ω = mc , I have studied this system in the previous section and I can obtain all the transitions between the n and r states for all the phase space coordinates like in the previous section. 4.3. Classical case II ˆ The last example for this work is a charged particle in a constant magnetic field B = B k, where B is a constant, I must solve the set of equations B = × A, ∂Az ∂Ay ∂Ax ∂Az ∂Ay ∂Ax 0= − , 0= − , B= − , (37) ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y and I find these solutions: Ax = −By, Ay = 0, Az = 0, (38) in this case the hamiltonian will be, 1 H = π 2 + πy2 (39) 2m x e e πx = px − Ax , πy = py − Ay , B= × A, c c
  • 7. Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures 7 or equivalently, 2 1 eB 1 2eB e2 B 2 H= px + y + p2 = y p2 + x ypx + 2 y 2 + p2 , y (40) 2m c 2m c c with these symplectic structures, {x, y} = 0, {x, px } = 1, {x, py } = 0, {y, px } = 0, {y, py } = 1, {px , py } = 0, {x, y} = 0, {x, πx } = 1, {x, πy } = 0, {y, πx } = 0, eB {y, πy } = 1, {πx , πy } = , (41) c the equations of motion are: px eB py eB e2 B 2 x= ˙ + y, y = ˙ , px = 0, py = − ˙ ˙ px − y, (42) m mc m mc mc2 combining the previous set of equations I can obtain the following: 2 eB py + ¨ py = 0, mc 2 2 eB eB d2 c eB c y+ ¨ y = − px , y+ px + y+ px = 0, (43) mc m2 c 0 dt2 eB mc eB I mean, a set of two one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillators, using standard mathematical methods I found the solutions: c eB c c eB x(t) = x0 + py + sin t y0 + px − cos t py 0 , eB 0 mc eB 0 eB mc eB c c eB c y(t) = cos t y0 + px + sin t py 0 − px , mc eB 0 eB mc eB 0 px (t) = px0 , eB eB eB py (t) = − sin t y0 + px0 + cos t py 0 . (44) mc c mc 4.4. Quantum case II I will use the set of transformations, c x = x, y =y+ px , p x = px , p y = py , (45) eB with inverse transformations, c x=x, y=y − p , p x = px , p y = py , (46) eB x and the original hamiltonian can be written as, 2 1 2 m eB H= p + y 2, {y , py } = 1, (47) 2m y 2 mc and like the reader can recognize I have found the hamiltonian for the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with eB frequency ω = mc , and with a the new set of variables I can make the study of the previous section in a direct way.
  • 8. Quantum transitions and its evolution for systems with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures 8 5. Conclusions and perspectives In this work I have studied three systems: the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (with canonical and noncanonical symplectic structures), a charged particle in a constant magnetic field with two different solutions for the electromagnetic potential. For the last two systems I found that are equivalent to the one dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with a special set of variables, I make the quantum theory for all the cases if I undertand the first of all the systems. I made that carefully and I solve the eigenvalue problem and I find a good base for that and I find the transition between two different quantum states and its temporal variation. ˆ I present a couple of two solutions for a charged particle in a constant magnetic field (B = B k) with mass m, charge equal to e these set of solutions are: Ax = α(x + z), Ay = Bx, Az = α(x + z), Ax = − By, Ay = β(y + z), Az = β(y + z), (48) where α and β are constants. At classical and quantum level, the interested reader can apply a similar procedure for solving this couple of systems, but this is future work. References [1] V. Cuesta, M. Montesinos and J. D. Vergara, Gauge invariance of the action principle for gauge systems with noncanonical symplectic structures, Phys. Rev. D 76, 025025 (2007). [2] J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Late, University of California, Los Angeles, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (1994). [3] P. A. M. Dirac, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1981). [4] D. Hetenes and J. W. Holt, Crystallographic space groups in geometric algebra, J. Math. Phys. 48, 023514 (2007). [5] R. Amorim, Tensor coordinates in noncommutative mechanics, J. Math. Phys. 50, 052103 (2009). [6] W. Heisenberg, The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, (1930). [7] G. Friesecke and M. Koppen, On the Ehrenfest theorem of quantum mechanics, J. Math. Phys. 50, 082102 (2009). [8] M. Montesinos and G. F. Torres del Castillo, Symplectic quantization, inequivalent quantum theories, and Heisenberg’s principle of uncertainty, Phys. Rev. A 70, 032104 (2004).