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1. What is the name of the biggestpartof the humanbrain?
2. The coloredpart of the humaneye that controlshow much lightpassesthroughthe pupil iscalledthe?
3. What is the name of the substance thatgivesskinandhair itspigment?
4. The muscles foundinthe frontof your thighsare knownas what?
5. True or false?The twochambersat the bottomof your heartare calledventricles.
6. What substance are nailsmade of?
7. What is the humanbody’sbiggestorgan?
8. The innermostpartof bonescontainswhat?
9. True or false?Anadulthumanbodyhas over500 bones.
10. How manylungsdoesthe humanbodyhave?
11. Anothername foryourvoice box is the?
12. The two holesinyournose are called?
13. Your tongue ishome to special structuresthatallow youtoexperience tastessuchassour,sweet,bitterandsalty,
whatis theirname?
14. The bonesthat make up yourspine are calledwhat?
15. The shape of DNA isknownas?
16. The flowof bloodthroughyour heartand aroundyour bodyiscalled?
17. The bonesaroundyour chestthat protectorgans suchas the heartare calledwhat?
18. What isthe name of the longpipe that shifts foodfromthe back of your throatdownto your stomach?
19. True or false?Yourearsare importantwhenitcomesto stayingbalanced.
20. The outside layerof skin onthe humanbody iscalledthe?
Human BodyQuizAnswers
1. The cerebrum 2. Iris 3. Melanin 4. Quadriceps
5. True 6. Keratin 7. The skin 8. Bone marrow
9. False (there are 206) 10. 2 11. Larynx 12. Nostrils
13. Taste buds 14. Vertebrae 15. A double helix 16. Circulation
17. Ribs 18. The esophagus 19. True 20. Epidermis
1. What is the closestplanettothe Sun?
2. What is the name of the 2nd biggestplanetinoursolarsystem?
3. What is the hottestplanetinour solar system?
4. What planetisfamousfor itsbigred spoton it?
5. What planetisfamousfor the beautiful ringsthatsurroundit?
6. Can humansbreathe normallyinspace astheycan onEarth?
7. Is the sun a star or a planet?
8. Who was the firstpersonto walkonthe moon?
9. What planetisknownas the red planet?
10. What isthe name of the force holdingustothe Earth?
11. Have human beingseversetfootonMars?
12. What isthe name of a place thatusestelescopesandotherscientificequipmenttoresearchspace andastronomy?
13. What isthe name of NASA’smostfamousspace telescope?
14. Earth is locatedinwhichgalaxy?
15. What isthe name of the firstsatellite sentintospace?
16. Ganymede isa moonof whichplanet?
17. What isthe name of Saturn’slargestmoon?
18. OlympusMonsisa large volcanicmountainonwhichplanet?
19. Doesthe sun orbitthe Earth?
20. Is the planetNeptune biggerthanEarth?
Space QuizAnswers
1. Mercury 2. Saturn 3. Venus 4. Jupiter
5. Saturn 6. No 7. A star 8. Neil Armstrong
9. Mars 10. Gravity 11. No 12. Anobservatory
13. Hubble Space Telescope 14. The MilkyWay Galaxy 15. Sputnik 16. Jupiter
17. Titan 18. Mars 19. No 20. Yes
1. What is the firstelementonthe periodic table?
2. What is the centre of an atomcalled?
3. True or false?Acidshave apH level below 7.
4. What is the maingas foundinthe airwe breathe?
5. True or false?Anelectroncarriesapositive charge.
6. FamousNewZealandscientistErnest RutherfordwasawardedaNobel Prize inwhichfield?
7. What is the chemical symbol forgold?
8. K is the chemical symbol forwhichelement?
9. What orbitsthe nucleusof anatom?
10. At roomtemperature,whatisthe onlymetal thatisin liquid form?
11. True or false?A neutronhasno netelectriccharge.
12. A nuclearreactionwhere the nucleusof anatomsplitsintosmallerparts isknownasnuclearfissionornuclearfusion?
13. What isH20 more commonlyknownas?
14. What isthe thirdmostcommongas foundinthe airwe breathe?
15. What isthe name giventosubstancesthatare initiallyinvolvedinachemical reaction?
16. True or false?Baseshave apH level below 7.
17. Is sodiumhydroxide (NaOH)anacidor base?
18. Atomsof the same chemical elementthathave differentatomicmassare knownas?
19. True or false?A protoncarriesa positive charge.
20. What isthe fourthmostabundantelementinthe universe intermsof mass?
1. Hydrogen 2. A nucleus 3. True 4. Nitrogen(around78%)
5. False 6. Chemistry 7. Au 8. Potassium
9. Electrons 10. Mercury 11. True 12. Nuclearfission
13. Water 14. Argon(around1%) 15. Reactants 16. False
17. Base 18. Isotopes 19. True 20. Carbon
1. What is the biggestplanetinour solarsystem ?
2. What is the chemical symbol forthe elementoxygen?
3. Anothername fora tidal wave isa?
4. True or false?Dogsare herbivores.
5. What is the 7th elementonthe periodictable of elements?
6. What is the name of the longappendage that hangsfroman elephantsface?
7. True or false?DNA isthe shortenedformof the term‘Deoxyribonucleicacid’?
8. The highestmountainonearthis?
9. What is the name of the closeststarto the earth?
10. True or false?Frogsare coldbloodedanimals.
11. What isthe name of the elementwiththe chemical symbol ‘He’?
12. The fear of what animal isknownas‘arachnophobia’?
13. Pure water has a pH level of a around?
14. The moltenrockthat comesfrom a volcanoafterit haseruptedisknownas what?
15. True or false?Yogurtisproducedbybacterial fermentationof milk.
16. What isthe name of the part of the human skeleton whichprotectsourbrain?
17. Is the compound‘HCl’anacid or base?
18. True or false?The fastestlandanimal inthe worldisthe zebra.
19. How manybonesdosharks have intheirbodies?
20. What famousscientistwasawardedthe 1921 Nobel Prize inPhysicsforhisworkontheoretical physics?
General Science QuizAnswers
1. Jupiter 2. O 3. Tsunami 4. False - Theyare omnivores
5. Nitrogen 6. A trunk 7. True 8. Mount Everest
9. The sun 10. True 11. Helium 12. Spiders
13. 7 14. Lava 15. True 16. The skull
17. Anacid (hydrochloricacid) 18. False (itisthe cheetah) 19. 0 20. AlbertEinstein
1. When a solid changestoa liquiditiscalledwhat?
2. True or false?Liquidsare easytocompress.
3. When a gas changesintoa liquiditiscalledwhat?
4. True or false?The particlesof a gas are packedtightlytogether.
5. When solidsreachtheirmelting pointstheybecomewhat?
6. True or false?Plasmaisa state of matter.
7. When a gas reachesitscondensationpointitbecomesawhat?
8. True or false?Solidsdonottake the shape of the containertheyare in.
9. What is it calledwhenasolidchangesdirectlyintoagas?
10. True or false?Gasesare hard to compress.
Statesof Matter QuizAnswers
1. Melting 2. False
3. Condensation 4. False
5. Liquids 6. True
7. Liquid 8. True
9. Sublimination 10. False
1. What is the name of the world’slargestreef system?
2. Do male orfemale mosquitoesbite people?
3. True or false?Earth Day isheldonJune 18.
4. What state of the USA is the Grand Canyonlocatedin?
5. True or false?The DeadSea is8.6 timesmore saltythanthe ocean.
6. What are the 3 R’s of recycling?
7. True or false?The hornof a rhinocerosismade frombone.
8. What famousislandswestof Ecuadorwere extensivelystudiedbyCharlesDarwin?
9. AyersRock inAustraliaisalsoknowas what?
10. True or false?Burningorloggingnaturallyoccurringforestsisknownasdeforestation.
Nature QuizAnswers
1. Great Barrier Reef 2. Female
3. False (April 22) 4. Arizona
5. True 6. Reduce,reuse andrecycle
7. False (keratin) 8. Galapagos Islands
9. Uluru 10. True
1. What foodmakesup nearlyall (around99%) of a Giant Panda’s diet ?
2. True or false?Mice live forupto 10 years.
Animal QuizAnswers
1. Bamboo
2. False - Captive mice live forupto2 and a half yearswhile wildmice onlyliveforanaverage of around 4 months.
3. Arachnophobia
4. The tiger,weighingupto300 kilograms(660 pounds).
5. True - Theyoftensleep withtheirmouthopentocool down.
6. Yes
7. Cows
8. True
9. Antarctica
10. True
11. The cheetah(itcan reach speedsof upto 120kph – 75mph).
3. What is the name of the phobiathatinvolvesanabnormal fearof spiders?
4. What is the largesttype of ‘bigcat’ in the world?
5. True or false?Crocodileshave nosweatglandssotheyuse theirmouthstorelease heat.
6. Are butterfliesinsects?
7. What are female elephantscalled?
8. True or false?Batsare mammals.
9. Beesare foundoneverycontinentof earthexceptforone,whichisit?
10. True or false?Catsspendanaverage of 13 to 14 hoursa day sleeping.
11. What isthe fastestlandanimal inthe world?
12. A ‘doe’iswhatkindof animal?
13. True or false?Cougar’s are herbivores.
14. Groupsof lionsare knownas what?
15. Is a dolphinamammal?
16. What isthe largestlandanimal inthe world?
17. True of false?Snakeshave slimy skin .
18. What isthe onlycontinentonearthwhere Giraffeslive inthe wild?
19. How manypairsof wingsdoesabee have?
20. What type of animal isthe largestprimate inthe world?
21. Is a shark a fishor a mammal?
22. What isthe mostrecognizable feature of ahedgehog’sappearance?
23. True or false?Owlsare far-sighted,meaningthatanythingwithinafew inchesof theireyescan’tbe seen properly.
24. What isthe name of an adultfemale horse?
25. What are babygoats called?
26. What isthe tallestanimal inthe world?
27. True or false?Rabbitsare born blind .
28. What isthe mostrecognizable physical feature of the male lion?
29. How manylegsdoesa spiderhave?
30. The crocodile speciesisbelievedtohave beenaroundforhow long?2 millionyearsor200 millionyears?
12. A female deer.
13. False - Theyare carnivores.
14. Prides
15. Yes
16. The elephant - The largestonrecord weighedaround12,000 kilograms!(26,000 lb).
17. False - Snakeskinissmoothanddry.
18. Africa
19. 2
20. The Gorilla
21. A fish
22. Theirspinesof spikyhair.
23. True
24. A mare
25. Kids
26. The giraffe - The average heightisaround5 metres(16ft) and the tallestonrecordstoodnearly6 metres(20 ft) tall.
27. True
28. Its mane
29. 8
30. 200 millionyears
1. Nowthat Plutoisno longerincluded,howmanyplanetsare there in the SolarSystem ?
2. What is the smallestplanetinthe SolarSystem ?
3. What is the largestplanetinthe SolarSystem ?
4. What is the hottestplanetin the SolarSystem ?
5. The sixthplanetfromthe Sunfeaturesanextensive ringsystem, whatisthe name of thisplanet?
6. The chemical elementuraniumwasnamedafterwhatplanet?
7. What planetinthe solar system isfarthestfromthe Sun?
8. What is the secondsmallestplanetinthe solarsystem?
9. What planetisclosestinsize toEarth?
10. The moon Titanorbitswhatplanet?
11. What planetisnicknamedthe ‘RedPlanet’?
12. True or false?NeptuneislargerthanSaturn.
13. The Galileanmoonsorbitwhatplanet?
14. What planetisclosesttothe Sun?
15. What isthe seventhplanetfromthe Sun?
16. True or false?Venushasmore atmosphericpressure thanEarth?
17. Tritonis the largestmoonof what planet?
18. What isthe brightestplanetinthe nightsky?
19. What isthe thirdplanetfromthe Sun?
20. PhobosandDeimosare moonsof whatplanet?
1. 8 2. Mercury 3. Jupiter 4. Venus
5. Saturn 6. Uranus 7. Neptune 8. Mars
9. Venus 10. Saturn 11. Mars 12. False
13. Jupiter 14. Mercury 15. Uranus 16. True
17. Neptune 18. Venus 19. Earth 20. Mars
1. Which famousscientistintroducedthe ideaof natural selection?
2. A personwhostudiesbiologyisknownasa?
3. Botany isthe studyof?
4. Can frogs live insaltwater?
5. True or false?The commoncold is causedbya virus.
6. Animalswhicheatbothplantsand otheranimalsare known aswhat?
7. Bacterial infectionsinhumanscanbe treatedwithwhat?
8. A single piece of coiledDNA isknownasa?
9. A group of dog offspringisknownasa?
10. The area of biologydevotedtothe studyof fungi isknownas?
11. What isthe name of the processusedby plantsto convertsunlightintofood?
12. The deathof everymemberof aparticularspeciesisknownaswhat?
13. The processof pasteurizationisnamedafterwhichfamousFrenchmicrobiologist?
14. True or false?A salamanderisawarm bloodedanimal?
15. A change of the DNA inan organismthat resultsina new traitis knownas a?
1. CharlesDarwin 2. Biologist 3. Plants
4. No 5. True 6. Omnivores
7. Antibiotics 8. Chromosome 9. Litter
10. Mycology 11. Photosynthesis 12. Extinction
13. LouisPasteur 14. False 15. Mutation
1. When lightbendsasitentersa differentmediumthe processisknownaswhat?
2. A magnifyingglassiswhattype of lens?
3. Electricresistance istypicallymeasured inwhatunits?
4. A personwhostudiesphysicsisknownasa?
5. Metals expandwhenheatedanddowhatwhencooled?
6. What is the firstname of the famousscientistwhogave usNewton’sthreelawsof motion?
7. What state of the art computertechnologyisusedtotrainpilotswhenwantingtocopythe experience of flyingan
8. Electricpoweris typicallymeasuredinwhatunits?
9. The mostrecognizedmodel of howthe universebegunisknownasthe?
10. Who isthe Hubble Space Telescope namedafter?
11. The wire inside anelectricbulbisknownasthe what?
12. Theoretical physicistJamesMaxwell wasborninwhatcountry?
13. Infraredlighthasa wavelengththatistoolongor short to be visible forhumans?
14. What kindof eclipse dowe have whenthe moonisbetweenthe sunandthe earth?
15. True or false?Ironisattractedby magnets.
16. What isthe earth’sprimarysource of energy?
17. Conductorshave a highor lowresistance?
18. Electriccurrentis typicallymeasuredin whatunits?
19. What scientistiswell knownforhistheoryof relativity?
20. Earth is locatedinwhichgalaxy?
1. Refraction 2. Convex 3. Ohms 4. Physicist
5. Contract 6. Isaac 7. A flightsimulator 8. Watts
9. Big bang 10. EdwinHubble 11. Filament 12. Scotland
13. Long 14. A solareclipse 15. True 16. The sun
17. Low 18. Amperes 19. AlbertEinstein 20. The MilkyWay galaxy
1. Solar powergenerates electricityfromwhatsource?
2. Did the Apple iPhone firstbecome available in2005, 2006 or 2007?
3. In termsof computing,whatdoesCPUstand for?
4. True or false?Nintendowasfoundedafterthe year1900.
5. The Hubble Space Telescope isnamedafterwhich Americanastronomer?
6. Is the wavelengthof infraredlighttoolongorshort to be seenbyhumans?
7. Firefox,Opera,Chrome,Safari andExplorerare typesof what?
8. True or false?Goldisnot a good conductorof electricity?
9. The technologicallyadvancedhumanoidrobotASIMOismade by which car company ?
10. True or false?Atomicbombsworkbyatomicfission.
11. In termsof computing,whatdoesROMstandfor?
12. Didthe original SonyPlaystationuse CDsor cartridges to playgames?
13. What isthe Earth’sprimarysource of energy?
14. IBMis a well knowncomputerandinformationtechnologycompany,whatdoesIBMstandfor?
15. AlongwithwhomdidBill GatesfoundMicrosoft?
16. What science fictionwriterwrote the three lawsof robotics?
17. True or false?Incomputing,keyboardsare usedasinputdevices.
18. What doesthe abbreviationWWWstandfor?
19. Nano,Shuffle,ClassicandTouchare variationsof what?
20. True or false?DNA isanabbreviationfor‘Deoxyribonucleicacid’.
TechnologyQuiz Answers
1. The Sun 2. 2007 3. Central ProcessingUnit 4. False - 1889
5. EdwinHubble 6. Long 7. Web browsers 8. False
9. Honda 10. True 11. ReadOnlyMemory 12. CDs
13. The Sun
14. International Business
15. Paul Allen 16. Isaac Asimov
17. True 18. WorldWide Web 19. The Apple iPod 20. True
1. What is the name of the largestoceanon earth?
2. What are the two mainmetalsinthe earth’score?
3. Which ishotter,the centerof the earthor surface of the sun?
4. What do you call moltenrockbefore ithaserupted?
5. What do you call it afterithas erupted?
6. The Great BarrierReef isfoundoff the coast of whichcountry?
7. What do you call a personwhostudiesrocks?
8. Name the three time periodsof the dinosaurs.
9. True or false?The Grand Canyonisaround 10000 feet(3000 meters) deep.
10. What isthe name of the deepestlocationinthe world’soceans?
11. Overa longperiodof time while underextreme heatandpressure,graphite turnsintowhich preciousmineral?
12. Outside of Antarctica,whatisthe largestdesertinthe world?
13. The gemstone rubyistypicallywhatcolor?
14. What isthe name of the highestmountainonearth?
15. Do stalactitesrise fromthe floororhang fromthe ceiling of limestone caves?
16. 'Cascade','horsetail','plunge'and'tiered'are typesof what?
17. Someone whostudiesearthquakesisknownasa what?
18. What isthe name of the layerof earth’satmosphere thatabsorbsthe majorityof the potentially damagingultraviolet
lightfromthe sun?
19. The mass of the earthis made upmostlyof whichtwo elements?
20. What isthe secondmostcommongas foundinthe air we breathe?
Earth QuizAnswers
1. The PacificOcean 2. Iron and nickel 3. The centerof the earth 4. Magma
5. Lava 6. Australia 7. A geologist
8. Triassic,Jurassicand
9. False - 5000 feet(1500
10. Mariana Trench 11. Diamond
12. The Sahara Desertin
13. Red 14. Mount Everest 15. Hang fromthe ceiling 16. Waterfall
17. Seismologist 18. The ozone layer
19. Iron(32%) and oxygen
20. Oxygen(21%)
1. A thermometerisadevice usedtomeasure what?
2. Stratus, cirrus,cumulusandnimbusare typesof what?
3. What country experiencesthe most tornadoes?
4. True or false?A rainbowisa spectrumof lightthatappearswhenthe Sunshinesontowaterdropletsinthe air.
5. Blizzardsfeature lowtemperatures,strongwindsandheavy_______?
6. Breeze andgale are commontermsusedto describe the speedof what?
7. Earth’s recenttemperature riseswhichhave beenlinkedtohumanactivityisknownasglobal _______?
8. True or false?The highestrecordedtemperature onEarthof 57.8 °C (136 °F) was recordedinTirat Tsvi,Israel.
9. What is the name of a scientistwhostudiesweather?
10. What isthe driestdesertonEarth,the Sahara, the Kalahari or the Atacama?
11. True or false?The lowestrecordedtemperature onEarthof 89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) was recordedatVostokStation,
12. Ballsor irregularlumpsof ice thatfall fromclouds(oftenduringthunderstorms) are knownaswhat?
13. Anavalanche featuresthe rapiddescentof _______?
14. True of false?The mostrain fall everrecordedinone year(Cherrapunji,India) ismore than30 meters.
15. What isthe name of a weatherinstrumentusedtomeasure atmosphericpressure?
16. Ananemometerisusedtomeasure what?
17. At whattemperature isCentigradeequal toFahrenheit?
18. Tryingto predictthe weatherisknownasweather _______?
19. The area of central USA that featuresmanytornadoesisknownasTornado_______?
20. True or false?Yousee lightningandhearthunder.
1. Temperature 2. Clouds 3. USA 4. True
5. Snow 6. Wind 7. Warming 8. False (Al 'Aziziyah,Libya)
9. A meteorologist 10. The Atacama Desert 11. True 12. Hail stones
13. Snow 14. False (25.4 meters) 15. A barometer 16. Windspeed
17. -40 degrees 18. Forecasting 19. Alley 20. True
True or False QuizAnswers
1. False 2. False - PacificOcean 3. True 4. False - Fish
5. False - 2 6. True 7. True 8. False - Mercury
9. True 10. True 11. False 12. True
13. False - Mount Everest 14. True 15. False 16. True
17. True 18. False - 8 19. True 20. False - 206
1. True or false?Electronsare largerthanmolecules.
2. True or false?The AtlanticOceanisthe biggestoceanonEarth.
3. True or false?The chemical make upfoodoftenchangeswhenyoucookit.
4. True or false?Sharksare mammals.
5. True or false?The humanbodyhas fourlungs.
6. True or false?Atomsare moststable whentheiroutershellsare full.
7. True or false?Filtrationseparatesmixturesbasedupontheirparticle size.
8. True or false?Venusisthe closestplanettothe Sun.
9. True or false?Conductorshave low resistance.
10. True or false?Moleculescanhave atomsfrommore thanone chemical element.
11. True or false?Waterisan example of achemical element.
12. True or false?The studyof plantsisknownas botany.
13. True or false?MountKilimanjaro isthe tallestmountaininthe world.
14. True or false?Floatationseparatesmixturesbasedondensity.
15. True or false?Herbivoreseatmeat.
16. True or false?Atomicbombsworkbyatomicfission.
17. True or false?Moleculesare chemicallybonded.
18. True or false?Spidershave sixlegs.
19. True or false?Kelvinisameasure of temperature.
20. True or false?The humanskeletonismade upof lessthan100 bones.
Chemical ElementsQuizAnswers
1. Hydrogen - H 2. Helium- He 3. Lithium- Li 4. Beryllium- Be 5. Boron - B
6. Carbon - C 7. Nitrogen - N 8. Oxygen- O 9. Fluorine - F 10. Neon - Ne
11. Sodium- Na 12. Magnesium- Mg 13. Aluminium- Al 14. Silicon - Si 15. Phosphorus - P
16. Sulfur- S 17. Chlorine - Cl 18. Argon- Ar 19. Potassium - K 20. Calcium- Ca
21. Scandium- Sc 22. Titanium- Ti 23. Vanadium- V 24. Chromium- Cr 25. Manganese - Mn
26. Iron- Fe 27. Cobalt- Co 28. Nickel - Ni 29. Copper- Cu 30. Zinc- Zn
31. Gallium- Ga 32. Germanium- Ge 33. Arsenic- As 34. Selenium- Se 35. Bromine - Br
36. Krypton - Kr 37. Rubidium- Rb 38. Strontium- Sr 39. Yttrium- Y 40. Zirconium- Zr
41. Niobium- Nb 42. Molybdenum - Mo 43. Technetium- Tc 44. Ruthenium - Ru 45. Rhodium- Rh
46. Palladium- Pd 47. Silver- Ag 48. Cadmium- Cd 49. Indium- In 50. Tin- Sn
51. Antimony - Sb 52. Tellurium- Te 53. Iodine - I 54. Xenon - Xe 55. Cesium- Cs
56. Barium- Ba 57. Lanthanum- La 58. Cerium- Ce 59. Praseodymium - Pr 60. Neodymium - Nd
61. Promethium - Pm 62. Samarium- Sm 63. Europium- Eu 64. Gadolinium - Gd 65. Terbium- Tb
66. Dysprosium- Dy 67. Holmium- Ho 68. Erbium- Er 69. Thulium- Tm 70. Ytterbium- Yb
71. Lutetium- Lu 72. Hafnium- Hf 73. Tantalum- Ta 74. Tungsten - W 75. Rhenium- Re
76. Osmium- Os 77. Iridium- Ir 78. Platinum- Pt 79. Gold- Au 80. Mercury - Hg
81. Thallium- Tl 82. Lead- Pb 83. Bismuth - Bi 84. Polonium - Po 85. Astatine - At
86. Radon- Rn 87. Francium- Fr 88. Radium- Ra 89. Actinium- Ac 90. Thorium- Th
91. Protactinium - Pa 92. Uranium- U 93. Neptunium- Np 94. Plutonium - Pu 95. Americium- Am
96. Curium- Cm 97. Berkelium- Bk 98. Californium- Cf 99. Einsteinium- Es 100. Fermium- Fm
101. Mendelevium - Md 102. Nobelium- No 103. Lawrencium- Lr 104. Rutherfordium - Rf 105. Dubnium- Db
106. Seaborgium- Sg 107. Bohrium- Bh 108. Hassium- Hs 109. Meitnerium- Mt 110. Darmstadtium- Ds
1. True or false?Protonshave anegative charge.
2. True or false?Atomsare biggerthanneutrons.
3. True or false?Protonsandneutronsare part of the nucleus.
4. True or false?Electronshave apositive charge.
5. True or false?Electronsare notpart of the nucleus.
6. True or false?Protonsare biggerthanatoms.
7. True or false?Subatomicparticlesare foundinside atoms.
8. True or false?Nucleonisacollective name fortwoparticles,the neutronandproton.
9. True or false?Neutronshave anegative charge.
10.True or false?Anelectronhasa greatermass thana proton.
1. False 2. True
3. True 4. False
5. True 6. False
7. True 8. True
9. False 10. False
1. The scientificstudy of plantlife isknownaswhat?
2. The processof plantsusingenergyfromsunlighttoturncarbon dioxide intofoodisknownaswhat?
3. True or false?Inthe right conditionsbamboocangrow over60cm (24in) in justone day.
4. The movementof pollenfromthe antherstothe stigmaof a flower isknownaswhat?
5. Amberis made fromfossilizedtree _____?
6. True or false? Humanswere onEarth before plants.
7. What grain has the highestlevelof worldwideproduction?(Hint:Rice issecond)
8. A trailingor climbingplantisalsoknownasa _____?
9. True or false?Pitcherplantsare carnivorous.
10. The Japanese word“sakura”meansthe blossomingof whatkindof tree?
1. Botany 2. Photosynthesis
3. True 4. Pollination
5. Resin 6. False
7. Maize (corn) 8. Vine
9. True 10. Cherrytree
1. True or false?The boilingpointof wateris100 degreesCelsius(212degreesFahrenheit).
2. When wateriscooled,doesitexpandorcontract?
3. True or false?The highesttemperature everrecordedonEarthis 42.4 °C (108.3 °F).
4. Heat from the sungetsto the Earth by radiation,conductionor convention?
5. What is the freezingtemperature of water?
6. True or false?Kelvin,CelsiusandFahrenheitare all measuresof temperature.
7. True or false?100 Kelvinisthe temperatureof absolute zero.
8. Substancesthatdon’t conductheatare knownas what?
9. True or false?Heatisa formof energy.
10. At whattemperature isFahrenheitequal toCentigrade?
Heat QuizAnswers
1. True 2. Expand
3. False - 57.8 °C (136 °F) 4. Radiation
5. 0 degreesCelsius(32degreesFahrenheit) 6. True
7. False - 0 Kelvin 8. Insulators
9. True 10. -40 degrees
1. What is the nextprime numberafter7?
2. The perimeterof acircle isalsoknownas what?
3. 65 – 43 = ?
4. True or false?A convex shape curvesoutwards.
5. What does the square rootof 144 equal?
6. True or false?Pi can be correctlywrittenasa fraction.
7. What comes aftera million,billionandtrillion?
8. 52 dividedby4equalswhat?
9. What is the biggernumber,agoogol or a billion?
10. True or false? Oppositeanglesof aparallelogramare equal.
11. 87 + 56 = ?
12. How manysidesdoesanonagonhave?
13. True or false? -2isan integer.
14. What isthe nextnumberinthe Fibonacci sequence:0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ?
15. 7 x 9 = ?
16. True or false?Inanisoscelestriangleall sidesare unequal.
17. In statistics,the middlevalue of anorderedsetof valuesiscalledwhat?
18. What does3 squaredequal?
19. True or false? -4isa natural number.
20. 5 to the powerof 0 equalswhat?
Math QuizAnswers
1. 11 2. The circumference 3. 22 4. True
5. 12 6. False 7. A quadrillion 8. 13
9. A googol 10. True 11. 143 12. 9
13. True 14. 55 15. 63 16. False (2 sidesare equal)
17. The median 18. 9 19. False 20. 1
1. How many sidesdoesahexagonhave?
2. True or false?A parallelogramfeaturesthree pairsof parallel sides.
3. The internal anglesof anequilateral triangleall measure how manydegrees?
4. How many pointsare there ona pentagram?
5. True or false?A concave shape bendsinwards.
6. The distance fromthe centerof a circle toits edge iscalledwhat?
7. How many sidesof equal lengthdoesasquare have?
8. True or false?A scalene triangle hastwosidesof equal length.
9. How many dimensionsdoesa semicirclefeature?
10.A trapezoid(trapezium)featureshowmanypairsof parallel sides?
1. 6 2. False (two)
3. 60 4. 5
5. True 6. The radius
7. 4 8. False (all sidesare unequal)
9. 2 10. 1

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  • 1. 1. What is the name of the biggestpartof the humanbrain? 2. The coloredpart of the humaneye that controlshow much lightpassesthroughthe pupil iscalledthe? 3. What is the name of the substance thatgivesskinandhair itspigment? 4. The muscles foundinthe frontof your thighsare knownas what? 5. True or false?The twochambersat the bottomof your heartare calledventricles. 6. What substance are nailsmade of? 7. What is the humanbody’sbiggestorgan? 8. The innermostpartof bonescontainswhat? 9. True or false?Anadulthumanbodyhas over500 bones. 10. How manylungsdoesthe humanbodyhave? 11. Anothername foryourvoice box is the? 12. The two holesinyournose are called? 13. Your tongue ishome to special structuresthatallow youtoexperience tastessuchassour,sweet,bitterandsalty, whatis theirname? 14. The bonesthat make up yourspine are calledwhat? 15. The shape of DNA isknownas? 16. The flowof bloodthroughyour heartand aroundyour bodyiscalled? 17. The bonesaroundyour chestthat protectorgans suchas the heartare calledwhat? 18. What isthe name of the longpipe that shifts foodfromthe back of your throatdownto your stomach? 19. True or false?Yourearsare importantwhenitcomesto stayingbalanced. 20. The outside layerof skin onthe humanbody iscalledthe? Human BodyQuizAnswers 1. The cerebrum 2. Iris 3. Melanin 4. Quadriceps 5. True 6. Keratin 7. The skin 8. Bone marrow 9. False (there are 206) 10. 2 11. Larynx 12. Nostrils 13. Taste buds 14. Vertebrae 15. A double helix 16. Circulation 17. Ribs 18. The esophagus 19. True 20. Epidermis 1. What is the closestplanettothe Sun? 2. What is the name of the 2nd biggestplanetinoursolarsystem? 3. What is the hottestplanetinour solar system? 4. What planetisfamousfor itsbigred spoton it? 5. What planetisfamousfor the beautiful ringsthatsurroundit? 6. Can humansbreathe normallyinspace astheycan onEarth? 7. Is the sun a star or a planet? 8. Who was the firstpersonto walkonthe moon? 9. What planetisknownas the red planet? 10. What isthe name of the force holdingustothe Earth? 11. Have human beingseversetfootonMars? 12. What isthe name of a place thatusestelescopesandotherscientificequipmenttoresearchspace andastronomy? 13. What isthe name of NASA’smostfamousspace telescope? 14. Earth is locatedinwhichgalaxy?
  • 2. 15. What isthe name of the firstsatellite sentintospace? 16. Ganymede isa moonof whichplanet? 17. What isthe name of Saturn’slargestmoon? 18. OlympusMonsisa large volcanicmountainonwhichplanet? 19. Doesthe sun orbitthe Earth? 20. Is the planetNeptune biggerthanEarth? Space QuizAnswers 1. Mercury 2. Saturn 3. Venus 4. Jupiter 5. Saturn 6. No 7. A star 8. Neil Armstrong 9. Mars 10. Gravity 11. No 12. Anobservatory 13. Hubble Space Telescope 14. The MilkyWay Galaxy 15. Sputnik 16. Jupiter 17. Titan 18. Mars 19. No 20. Yes 1. What is the firstelementonthe periodic table? 2. What is the centre of an atomcalled? 3. True or false?Acidshave apH level below 7. 4. What is the maingas foundinthe airwe breathe? 5. True or false?Anelectroncarriesapositive charge. 6. FamousNewZealandscientistErnest RutherfordwasawardedaNobel Prize inwhichfield? 7. What is the chemical symbol forgold? 8. K is the chemical symbol forwhichelement? 9. What orbitsthe nucleusof anatom? 10. At roomtemperature,whatisthe onlymetal thatisin liquid form? 11. True or false?A neutronhasno netelectriccharge. 12. A nuclearreactionwhere the nucleusof anatomsplitsintosmallerparts isknownasnuclearfissionornuclearfusion? 13. What isH20 more commonlyknownas? 14. What isthe thirdmostcommongas foundinthe airwe breathe? 15. What isthe name giventosubstancesthatare initiallyinvolvedinachemical reaction? 16. True or false?Baseshave apH level below 7. 17. Is sodiumhydroxide (NaOH)anacidor base? 18. Atomsof the same chemical elementthathave differentatomicmassare knownas? 19. True or false?A protoncarriesa positive charge. 20. What isthe fourthmostabundantelementinthe universe intermsof mass? ChemistryQuizAnswers 1. Hydrogen 2. A nucleus 3. True 4. Nitrogen(around78%) 5. False 6. Chemistry 7. Au 8. Potassium 9. Electrons 10. Mercury 11. True 12. Nuclearfission 13. Water 14. Argon(around1%) 15. Reactants 16. False 17. Base 18. Isotopes 19. True 20. Carbon 1. What is the biggestplanetinour solarsystem ? 2. What is the chemical symbol forthe elementoxygen?
  • 3. 3. Anothername fora tidal wave isa? 4. True or false?Dogsare herbivores. 5. What is the 7th elementonthe periodictable of elements? 6. What is the name of the longappendage that hangsfroman elephantsface? 7. True or false?DNA isthe shortenedformof the term‘Deoxyribonucleicacid’? 8. The highestmountainonearthis? 9. What is the name of the closeststarto the earth? 10. True or false?Frogsare coldbloodedanimals. 11. What isthe name of the elementwiththe chemical symbol ‘He’? 12. The fear of what animal isknownas‘arachnophobia’? 13. Pure water has a pH level of a around? 14. The moltenrockthat comesfrom a volcanoafterit haseruptedisknownas what? 15. True or false?Yogurtisproducedbybacterial fermentationof milk. 16. What isthe name of the part of the human skeleton whichprotectsourbrain? 17. Is the compound‘HCl’anacid or base? 18. True or false?The fastestlandanimal inthe worldisthe zebra. 19. How manybonesdosharks have intheirbodies? 20. What famousscientistwasawardedthe 1921 Nobel Prize inPhysicsforhisworkontheoretical physics?
  • 4. General Science QuizAnswers 1. Jupiter 2. O 3. Tsunami 4. False - Theyare omnivores 5. Nitrogen 6. A trunk 7. True 8. Mount Everest 9. The sun 10. True 11. Helium 12. Spiders 13. 7 14. Lava 15. True 16. The skull 17. Anacid (hydrochloricacid) 18. False (itisthe cheetah) 19. 0 20. AlbertEinstein 1. When a solid changestoa liquiditiscalledwhat? 2. True or false?Liquidsare easytocompress. 3. When a gas changesintoa liquiditiscalledwhat? 4. True or false?The particlesof a gas are packedtightlytogether. 5. When solidsreachtheirmelting pointstheybecomewhat? 6. True or false?Plasmaisa state of matter. 7. When a gas reachesitscondensationpointitbecomesawhat? 8. True or false?Solidsdonottake the shape of the containertheyare in. 9. What is it calledwhenasolidchangesdirectlyintoagas? 10. True or false?Gasesare hard to compress. Statesof Matter QuizAnswers 1. Melting 2. False 3. Condensation 4. False 5. Liquids 6. True 7. Liquid 8. True 9. Sublimination 10. False 1. What is the name of the world’slargestreef system? 2. Do male orfemale mosquitoesbite people? 3. True or false?Earth Day isheldonJune 18. 4. What state of the USA is the Grand Canyonlocatedin? 5. True or false?The DeadSea is8.6 timesmore saltythanthe ocean. 6. What are the 3 R’s of recycling? 7. True or false?The hornof a rhinocerosismade frombone. 8. What famousislandswestof Ecuadorwere extensivelystudiedbyCharlesDarwin? 9. AyersRock inAustraliaisalsoknowas what? 10. True or false?Burningorloggingnaturallyoccurringforestsisknownasdeforestation. Nature QuizAnswers 1. Great Barrier Reef 2. Female 3. False (April 22) 4. Arizona 5. True 6. Reduce,reuse andrecycle 7. False (keratin) 8. Galapagos Islands 9. Uluru 10. True 1. What foodmakesup nearlyall (around99%) of a Giant Panda’s diet ? 2. True or false?Mice live forupto 10 years.
  • 5. Animal QuizAnswers 1. Bamboo 2. False - Captive mice live forupto2 and a half yearswhile wildmice onlyliveforanaverage of around 4 months. 3. Arachnophobia 4. The tiger,weighingupto300 kilograms(660 pounds). 5. True - Theyoftensleep withtheirmouthopentocool down. 6. Yes 7. Cows 8. True 9. Antarctica 10. True 11. The cheetah(itcan reach speedsof upto 120kph – 75mph). 3. What is the name of the phobiathatinvolvesanabnormal fearof spiders? 4. What is the largesttype of ‘bigcat’ in the world? 5. True or false?Crocodileshave nosweatglandssotheyuse theirmouthstorelease heat. 6. Are butterfliesinsects? 7. What are female elephantscalled? 8. True or false?Batsare mammals. 9. Beesare foundoneverycontinentof earthexceptforone,whichisit? 10. True or false?Catsspendanaverage of 13 to 14 hoursa day sleeping. 11. What isthe fastestlandanimal inthe world? 12. A ‘doe’iswhatkindof animal? 13. True or false?Cougar’s are herbivores. 14. Groupsof lionsare knownas what? 15. Is a dolphinamammal? 16. What isthe largestlandanimal inthe world? 17. True of false?Snakeshave slimy skin . 18. What isthe onlycontinentonearthwhere Giraffeslive inthe wild? 19. How manypairsof wingsdoesabee have? 20. What type of animal isthe largestprimate inthe world? 21. Is a shark a fishor a mammal? 22. What isthe mostrecognizable feature of ahedgehog’sappearance? 23. True or false?Owlsare far-sighted,meaningthatanythingwithinafew inchesof theireyescan’tbe seen properly. 24. What isthe name of an adultfemale horse? 25. What are babygoats called? 26. What isthe tallestanimal inthe world? 27. True or false?Rabbitsare born blind . 28. What isthe mostrecognizable physical feature of the male lion? 29. How manylegsdoesa spiderhave? 30. The crocodile speciesisbelievedtohave beenaroundforhow long?2 millionyearsor200 millionyears?
  • 6. 12. A female deer. 13. False - Theyare carnivores. 14. Prides 15. Yes 16. The elephant - The largestonrecord weighedaround12,000 kilograms!(26,000 lb). 17. False - Snakeskinissmoothanddry. 18. Africa 19. 2 20. The Gorilla 21. A fish 22. Theirspinesof spikyhair. 23. True 24. A mare 25. Kids 26. The giraffe - The average heightisaround5 metres(16ft) and the tallestonrecordstoodnearly6 metres(20 ft) tall. 27. True 28. Its mane 29. 8 30. 200 millionyears 1. Nowthat Plutoisno longerincluded,howmanyplanetsare there in the SolarSystem ? 2. What is the smallestplanetinthe SolarSystem ? 3. What is the largestplanetinthe SolarSystem ? 4. What is the hottestplanetin the SolarSystem ? 5. The sixthplanetfromthe Sunfeaturesanextensive ringsystem, whatisthe name of thisplanet? 6. The chemical elementuraniumwasnamedafterwhatplanet? 7. What planetinthe solar system isfarthestfromthe Sun? 8. What is the secondsmallestplanetinthe solarsystem? 9. What planetisclosestinsize toEarth? 10. The moon Titanorbitswhatplanet? 11. What planetisnicknamedthe ‘RedPlanet’? 12. True or false?NeptuneislargerthanSaturn. 13. The Galileanmoonsorbitwhatplanet? 14. What planetisclosesttothe Sun? 15. What isthe seventhplanetfromthe Sun? 16. True or false?Venushasmore atmosphericpressure thanEarth? 17. Tritonis the largestmoonof what planet? 18. What isthe brightestplanetinthe nightsky? 19. What isthe thirdplanetfromthe Sun? 20. PhobosandDeimosare moonsof whatplanet? PlanetQuizAnswers
  • 7. 1. 8 2. Mercury 3. Jupiter 4. Venus 5. Saturn 6. Uranus 7. Neptune 8. Mars 9. Venus 10. Saturn 11. Mars 12. False 13. Jupiter 14. Mercury 15. Uranus 16. True 17. Neptune 18. Venus 19. Earth 20. Mars 1. Which famousscientistintroducedthe ideaof natural selection? 2. A personwhostudiesbiologyisknownasa? 3. Botany isthe studyof? 4. Can frogs live insaltwater? 5. True or false?The commoncold is causedbya virus. 6. Animalswhicheatbothplantsand otheranimalsare known aswhat? 7. Bacterial infectionsinhumanscanbe treatedwithwhat? 8. A single piece of coiledDNA isknownasa? 9. A group of dog offspringisknownasa? 10. The area of biologydevotedtothe studyof fungi isknownas? 11. What isthe name of the processusedby plantsto convertsunlightintofood? 12. The deathof everymemberof aparticularspeciesisknownaswhat? 13. The processof pasteurizationisnamedafterwhichfamousFrenchmicrobiologist? 14. True or false?A salamanderisawarm bloodedanimal? 15. A change of the DNA inan organismthat resultsina new traitis knownas a? BiologyQuizAnswers 1. CharlesDarwin 2. Biologist 3. Plants 4. No 5. True 6. Omnivores 7. Antibiotics 8. Chromosome 9. Litter 10. Mycology 11. Photosynthesis 12. Extinction 13. LouisPasteur 14. False 15. Mutation 1. When lightbendsasitentersa differentmediumthe processisknownaswhat? 2. A magnifyingglassiswhattype of lens? 3. Electricresistance istypicallymeasured inwhatunits? 4. A personwhostudiesphysicsisknownasa? 5. Metals expandwhenheatedanddowhatwhencooled? 6. What is the firstname of the famousscientistwhogave usNewton’sthreelawsof motion? 7. What state of the art computertechnologyisusedtotrainpilotswhenwantingtocopythe experience of flyingan aircraft? 8. Electricpoweris typicallymeasuredinwhatunits? 9. The mostrecognizedmodel of howthe universebegunisknownasthe? 10. Who isthe Hubble Space Telescope namedafter? 11. The wire inside anelectricbulbisknownasthe what? 12. Theoretical physicistJamesMaxwell wasborninwhatcountry?
  • 8. 13. Infraredlighthasa wavelengththatistoolongor short to be visible forhumans? 14. What kindof eclipse dowe have whenthe moonisbetweenthe sunandthe earth? 15. True or false?Ironisattractedby magnets. 16. What isthe earth’sprimarysource of energy? 17. Conductorshave a highor lowresistance? 18. Electriccurrentis typicallymeasuredin whatunits? 19. What scientistiswell knownforhistheoryof relativity? 20. Earth is locatedinwhichgalaxy? PhysicsQuizAnswers 1. Refraction 2. Convex 3. Ohms 4. Physicist 5. Contract 6. Isaac 7. A flightsimulator 8. Watts 9. Big bang 10. EdwinHubble 11. Filament 12. Scotland 13. Long 14. A solareclipse 15. True 16. The sun 17. Low 18. Amperes 19. AlbertEinstein 20. The MilkyWay galaxy 1. Solar powergenerates electricityfromwhatsource? 2. Did the Apple iPhone firstbecome available in2005, 2006 or 2007? 3. In termsof computing,whatdoesCPUstand for? 4. True or false?Nintendowasfoundedafterthe year1900. 5. The Hubble Space Telescope isnamedafterwhich Americanastronomer? 6. Is the wavelengthof infraredlighttoolongorshort to be seenbyhumans? 7. Firefox,Opera,Chrome,Safari andExplorerare typesof what? 8. True or false?Goldisnot a good conductorof electricity? 9. The technologicallyadvancedhumanoidrobotASIMOismade by which car company ? 10. True or false?Atomicbombsworkbyatomicfission. 11. In termsof computing,whatdoesROMstandfor? 12. Didthe original SonyPlaystationuse CDsor cartridges to playgames? 13. What isthe Earth’sprimarysource of energy? 14. IBMis a well knowncomputerandinformationtechnologycompany,whatdoesIBMstandfor? 15. AlongwithwhomdidBill GatesfoundMicrosoft? 16. What science fictionwriterwrote the three lawsof robotics? 17. True or false?Incomputing,keyboardsare usedasinputdevices. 18. What doesthe abbreviationWWWstandfor? 19. Nano,Shuffle,ClassicandTouchare variationsof what? 20. True or false?DNA isanabbreviationfor‘Deoxyribonucleicacid’. TechnologyQuiz Answers 1. The Sun 2. 2007 3. Central ProcessingUnit 4. False - 1889 5. EdwinHubble 6. Long 7. Web browsers 8. False 9. Honda 10. True 11. ReadOnlyMemory 12. CDs 13. The Sun 14. International Business Machines 15. Paul Allen 16. Isaac Asimov 17. True 18. WorldWide Web 19. The Apple iPod 20. True
  • 9. 1. What is the name of the largestoceanon earth? 2. What are the two mainmetalsinthe earth’score? 3. Which ishotter,the centerof the earthor surface of the sun? 4. What do you call moltenrockbefore ithaserupted? 5. What do you call it afterithas erupted? 6. The Great BarrierReef isfoundoff the coast of whichcountry? 7. What do you call a personwhostudiesrocks? 8. Name the three time periodsof the dinosaurs. 9. True or false?The Grand Canyonisaround 10000 feet(3000 meters) deep. 10. What isthe name of the deepestlocationinthe world’soceans? 11. Overa longperiodof time while underextreme heatandpressure,graphite turnsintowhich preciousmineral? 12. Outside of Antarctica,whatisthe largestdesertinthe world? 13. The gemstone rubyistypicallywhatcolor? 14. What isthe name of the highestmountainonearth? 15. Do stalactitesrise fromthe floororhang fromthe ceiling of limestone caves? 16. 'Cascade','horsetail','plunge'and'tiered'are typesof what? 17. Someone whostudiesearthquakesisknownasa what? 18. What isthe name of the layerof earth’satmosphere thatabsorbsthe majorityof the potentially damagingultraviolet lightfromthe sun? 19. The mass of the earthis made upmostlyof whichtwo elements? 20. What isthe secondmostcommongas foundinthe air we breathe? Earth QuizAnswers 1. The PacificOcean 2. Iron and nickel 3. The centerof the earth 4. Magma 5. Lava 6. Australia 7. A geologist 8. Triassic,Jurassicand Cretaceous 9. False - 5000 feet(1500 meters) 10. Mariana Trench 11. Diamond 12. The Sahara Desertin Africa 13. Red 14. Mount Everest 15. Hang fromthe ceiling 16. Waterfall 17. Seismologist 18. The ozone layer 19. Iron(32%) and oxygen (30%) 20. Oxygen(21%) 1. A thermometerisadevice usedtomeasure what? 2. Stratus, cirrus,cumulusandnimbusare typesof what? 3. What country experiencesthe most tornadoes? 4. True or false?A rainbowisa spectrumof lightthatappearswhenthe Sunshinesontowaterdropletsinthe air. 5. Blizzardsfeature lowtemperatures,strongwindsandheavy_______? 6. Breeze andgale are commontermsusedto describe the speedof what? 7. Earth’s recenttemperature riseswhichhave beenlinkedtohumanactivityisknownasglobal _______? 8. True or false?The highestrecordedtemperature onEarthof 57.8 °C (136 °F) was recordedinTirat Tsvi,Israel. 9. What is the name of a scientistwhostudiesweather? 10. What isthe driestdesertonEarth,the Sahara, the Kalahari or the Atacama? 11. True or false?The lowestrecordedtemperature onEarthof 89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) was recordedatVostokStation, Antarctica. 12. Ballsor irregularlumpsof ice thatfall fromclouds(oftenduringthunderstorms) are knownaswhat? 13. Anavalanche featuresthe rapiddescentof _______?
  • 10. 14. True of false?The mostrain fall everrecordedinone year(Cherrapunji,India) ismore than30 meters. 15. What isthe name of a weatherinstrumentusedtomeasure atmosphericpressure? 16. Ananemometerisusedtomeasure what? 17. At whattemperature isCentigradeequal toFahrenheit? 18. Tryingto predictthe weatherisknownasweather _______? 19. The area of central USA that featuresmanytornadoesisknownasTornado_______? 20. True or false?Yousee lightningandhearthunder. WeatherQuizAnswers 1. Temperature 2. Clouds 3. USA 4. True 5. Snow 6. Wind 7. Warming 8. False (Al 'Aziziyah,Libya) 9. A meteorologist 10. The Atacama Desert 11. True 12. Hail stones 13. Snow 14. False (25.4 meters) 15. A barometer 16. Windspeed 17. -40 degrees 18. Forecasting 19. Alley 20. True True or False QuizAnswers 1. False 2. False - PacificOcean 3. True 4. False - Fish 5. False - 2 6. True 7. True 8. False - Mercury 9. True 10. True 11. False 12. True 13. False - Mount Everest 14. True 15. False 16. True 17. True 18. False - 8 19. True 20. False - 206 1. True or false?Electronsare largerthanmolecules. 2. True or false?The AtlanticOceanisthe biggestoceanonEarth. 3. True or false?The chemical make upfoodoftenchangeswhenyoucookit. 4. True or false?Sharksare mammals. 5. True or false?The humanbodyhas fourlungs. 6. True or false?Atomsare moststable whentheiroutershellsare full. 7. True or false?Filtrationseparatesmixturesbasedupontheirparticle size. 8. True or false?Venusisthe closestplanettothe Sun. 9. True or false?Conductorshave low resistance. 10. True or false?Moleculescanhave atomsfrommore thanone chemical element. 11. True or false?Waterisan example of achemical element. 12. True or false?The studyof plantsisknownas botany. 13. True or false?MountKilimanjaro isthe tallestmountaininthe world. 14. True or false?Floatationseparatesmixturesbasedondensity. 15. True or false?Herbivoreseatmeat. 16. True or false?Atomicbombsworkbyatomicfission. 17. True or false?Moleculesare chemicallybonded. 18. True or false?Spidershave sixlegs. 19. True or false?Kelvinisameasure of temperature. 20. True or false?The humanskeletonismade upof lessthan100 bones.
  • 11. Chemical ElementsQuizAnswers 1. Hydrogen - H 2. Helium- He 3. Lithium- Li 4. Beryllium- Be 5. Boron - B 6. Carbon - C 7. Nitrogen - N 8. Oxygen- O 9. Fluorine - F 10. Neon - Ne 11. Sodium- Na 12. Magnesium- Mg 13. Aluminium- Al 14. Silicon - Si 15. Phosphorus - P 16. Sulfur- S 17. Chlorine - Cl 18. Argon- Ar 19. Potassium - K 20. Calcium- Ca 21. Scandium- Sc 22. Titanium- Ti 23. Vanadium- V 24. Chromium- Cr 25. Manganese - Mn 26. Iron- Fe 27. Cobalt- Co 28. Nickel - Ni 29. Copper- Cu 30. Zinc- Zn 31. Gallium- Ga 32. Germanium- Ge 33. Arsenic- As 34. Selenium- Se 35. Bromine - Br 36. Krypton - Kr 37. Rubidium- Rb 38. Strontium- Sr 39. Yttrium- Y 40. Zirconium- Zr 41. Niobium- Nb 42. Molybdenum - Mo 43. Technetium- Tc 44. Ruthenium - Ru 45. Rhodium- Rh 46. Palladium- Pd 47. Silver- Ag 48. Cadmium- Cd 49. Indium- In 50. Tin- Sn 51. Antimony - Sb 52. Tellurium- Te 53. Iodine - I 54. Xenon - Xe 55. Cesium- Cs 56. Barium- Ba 57. Lanthanum- La 58. Cerium- Ce 59. Praseodymium - Pr 60. Neodymium - Nd 61. Promethium - Pm 62. Samarium- Sm 63. Europium- Eu 64. Gadolinium - Gd 65. Terbium- Tb 66. Dysprosium- Dy 67. Holmium- Ho 68. Erbium- Er 69. Thulium- Tm 70. Ytterbium- Yb 71. Lutetium- Lu 72. Hafnium- Hf 73. Tantalum- Ta 74. Tungsten - W 75. Rhenium- Re 76. Osmium- Os 77. Iridium- Ir 78. Platinum- Pt 79. Gold- Au 80. Mercury - Hg 81. Thallium- Tl 82. Lead- Pb 83. Bismuth - Bi 84. Polonium - Po 85. Astatine - At 86. Radon- Rn 87. Francium- Fr 88. Radium- Ra 89. Actinium- Ac 90. Thorium- Th 91. Protactinium - Pa 92. Uranium- U 93. Neptunium- Np 94. Plutonium - Pu 95. Americium- Am 96. Curium- Cm 97. Berkelium- Bk 98. Californium- Cf 99. Einsteinium- Es 100. Fermium- Fm 101. Mendelevium - Md 102. Nobelium- No 103. Lawrencium- Lr 104. Rutherfordium - Rf 105. Dubnium- Db 106. Seaborgium- Sg 107. Bohrium- Bh 108. Hassium- Hs 109. Meitnerium- Mt 110. Darmstadtium- Ds 1. True or false?Protonshave anegative charge. 2. True or false?Atomsare biggerthanneutrons. 3. True or false?Protonsandneutronsare part of the nucleus. 4. True or false?Electronshave apositive charge. 5. True or false?Electronsare notpart of the nucleus. 6. True or false?Protonsare biggerthanatoms. 7. True or false?Subatomicparticlesare foundinside atoms. 8. True or false?Nucleonisacollective name fortwoparticles,the neutronandproton. 9. True or false?Neutronshave anegative charge. 10.True or false?Anelectronhasa greatermass thana proton. AtomQuizAnswers 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. False
  • 12. 1. The scientificstudy of plantlife isknownaswhat? 2. The processof plantsusingenergyfromsunlighttoturncarbon dioxide intofoodisknownaswhat? 3. True or false?Inthe right conditionsbamboocangrow over60cm (24in) in justone day. 4. The movementof pollenfromthe antherstothe stigmaof a flower isknownaswhat? 5. Amberis made fromfossilizedtree _____? 6. True or false? Humanswere onEarth before plants. 7. What grain has the highestlevelof worldwideproduction?(Hint:Rice issecond) 8. A trailingor climbingplantisalsoknownasa _____? 9. True or false?Pitcherplantsare carnivorous. 10. The Japanese word“sakura”meansthe blossomingof whatkindof tree? PlantQuizAnswer 1. Botany 2. Photosynthesis 3. True 4. Pollination 5. Resin 6. False 7. Maize (corn) 8. Vine 9. True 10. Cherrytree 1. True or false?The boilingpointof wateris100 degreesCelsius(212degreesFahrenheit). 2. When wateriscooled,doesitexpandorcontract? 3. True or false?The highesttemperature everrecordedonEarthis 42.4 °C (108.3 °F). 4. Heat from the sungetsto the Earth by radiation,conductionor convention? 5. What is the freezingtemperature of water? 6. True or false?Kelvin,CelsiusandFahrenheitare all measuresof temperature. 7. True or false?100 Kelvinisthe temperatureof absolute zero. 8. Substancesthatdon’t conductheatare knownas what? 9. True or false?Heatisa formof energy. 10. At whattemperature isFahrenheitequal toCentigrade? Heat QuizAnswers 1. True 2. Expand 3. False - 57.8 °C (136 °F) 4. Radiation 5. 0 degreesCelsius(32degreesFahrenheit) 6. True 7. False - 0 Kelvin 8. Insulators 9. True 10. -40 degrees MATH QUESTIONS 1. What is the nextprime numberafter7? 2. The perimeterof acircle isalsoknownas what? 3. 65 – 43 = ? 4. True or false?A convex shape curvesoutwards. 5. What does the square rootof 144 equal? 6. True or false?Pi can be correctlywrittenasa fraction.
  • 13. 7. What comes aftera million,billionandtrillion? 8. 52 dividedby4equalswhat? 9. What is the biggernumber,agoogol or a billion? 10. True or false? Oppositeanglesof aparallelogramare equal. 11. 87 + 56 = ? 12. How manysidesdoesanonagonhave? 13. True or false? -2isan integer. 14. What isthe nextnumberinthe Fibonacci sequence:0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ? 15. 7 x 9 = ? 16. True or false?Inanisoscelestriangleall sidesare unequal. 17. In statistics,the middlevalue of anorderedsetof valuesiscalledwhat? 18. What does3 squaredequal? 19. True or false? -4isa natural number. 20. 5 to the powerof 0 equalswhat? Math QuizAnswers 1. 11 2. The circumference 3. 22 4. True 5. 12 6. False 7. A quadrillion 8. 13 9. A googol 10. True 11. 143 12. 9 13. True 14. 55 15. 63 16. False (2 sidesare equal) 17. The median 18. 9 19. False 20. 1 1. How many sidesdoesahexagonhave? 2. True or false?A parallelogramfeaturesthree pairsof parallel sides. 3. The internal anglesof anequilateral triangleall measure how manydegrees? 4. How many pointsare there ona pentagram? 5. True or false?A concave shape bendsinwards. 6. The distance fromthe centerof a circle toits edge iscalledwhat? 7. How many sidesof equal lengthdoesasquare have? 8. True or false?A scalene triangle hastwosidesof equal length. 9. How many dimensionsdoesa semicirclefeature? 10.A trapezoid(trapezium)featureshowmanypairsof parallel sides? GeometryQuizAnswers 1. 6 2. False (two) 3. 60 4. 5 5. True 6. The radius 7. 4 8. False (all sidesare unequal) 9. 2 10. 1