we.conect berlin we conect 2014 conference global leaders gmbh networking connect minds benchmarking germany innovation technologies trend europe foresight b2b conference award cloud computing technology it collective intelligence management event we.conect global leaders gmbh konferenz interaction disruptive dtim hmi automotive sams b2b konferenz autonomous driving automotive industry compliance collaboration mes intranet iot internet of things industrial internet b2b software asset management automation lizenzstrategien lizenzmanagement saas manufacturing automated driving variantenmanagement software license management software audits virtualisierung open source software autonomous evolution engineering forum business market intelligence used software server-lizenzen software-lizenz software bilanz software metering business intelligence agile i.conect prozess x-by-wire technology deutschland pharma slm sam risikomanagement mobile device competitive intelligence cockpit internal communication pep automotive apps smart adas chassis & safety social business collaboration maintenance corporate hr laas big data lean production energy intensive industries infotainment tool tools automotive applications auto apps hotel team strategies euroncap and safety liability chassis control driver assistance systems cooperative driving electrical sams award enterprise mobility steering automobile apps driver & safety enterprise 2.0 energy efficiency knowledge management mi ci sap it architektur produktentwicklungsprozess engineering management industrial engineering bi car hmi proarte maritim driving report con mdm bring enterprise data risk monitoring energy hmi consideration for autonomous driving ener.con service rückblick software variantenvielfalt process industry design process reliability hmi & user experience design development driver distraction social media b2e portal management software asset management strategies 2013 sams 2013 mobile endgeräte chemicals supply chain operational excellence product lifecycle management produktentstehungsprozess verteilte entwicklung cae engineering tools manufacturing engineering cad simultaneous engineering cam systems engineering digitale fabrik engineering prozess employee engagement auto automotive tech.ad it security variant management automotive variance collaboration award car hmi trends it infrastruktur management mes & process minds 2014; mes strategy arte pro post trends handling komplexität analytics workplace post event report mobile enterprise governance integration strategien industrie asset intelligent transportation chemical industry eps applications review world café sessions competitive intelligence; ci; market intelligence; process management datamanagement software asset management strategies 2014 sams 2014 operations eps workload management automation & processing concepts & systems kartellrecht wettbewerbsrecht content management corporate communication digital strategy e-collaboration learning development online services energieeffizienz corporate governance social intelligence & business collaboration six sigma process safety continuous improvement hse processing strategies congress reporting communication usability business information variance management lean management lean engineering modular concepts advanced hmi hmi community hmi survey best hmi car speech graphic hmi hmi applications hmi automotive hmi car hmi automation car voice control system hmi control systems hmi control panel hmi control system hmi conference hmi control automotive hmi marketing i auto design software apps automotive auto software auto car app app auto apps conference 2014 auto app atmel automotive apps for car apps in the car apps for automotive advanced automotive electronics automotive app automatic car app app automotive automotive it solutions automotive application it strategie cio mobile device management english project networks & interactive applications automotive cockpit competitive preview pharmaceutical industry implementation ux augmented reality voice car reality systems recognition augmented speech concepts control big remote forces survey future ener effizienz produkt variant variant.con infrastruktur virtual lösungen zukunft enterprise apps team discount discover collaboration forecast competitor’s next moves predict future trends cope with competitors from bric create innovation seminar kpi business disruption prozesshandling license strategies license models virtuelle infrastruktur industrieunternehmen internal audit risiko krise früherkennung kontrolle kommunikation controlling methoden identifikationsmethoden simulation plant asset management strategic roadmap steering technology integration disruptiver technologien effektives innovationsmanagement processing business conference steering systems in a networked chassis intelligent transportation social business remote service; fernwartung vermarktungskonzepte; dienstleistung; lifecycleman trend & technology foresight cloud product engineering process engineering b2bkonferenz rcm; maintenance; reliability centered maintenance social collaboration biotech pharma industry seating produktionsplanung komplexitätsmanagement produktdatenmanagement prozessmanagement sustaining & disruptive product konfigurationsmanagement product-lifecycle management produktkonfiguration releasemanagement risikocontrolling energiemanagement ergonomics processes capital projects feel auto racing platform intelligence corporate governance comliance m&a supplier-management vertriebsrecht risk-compliance legal risk management energy savings hana ui corporate development technology foresight innovationsprozess systemkonsolidierung application systemlandschaften konsolidierungsprojekte applikationslandschaften chemical operation asset intensive industries energy management plant lean six sigma (lss) agile engineering nhow berlin employee portal digital media machine learning oss.5 artificial intelligence auto.ai lizenzen einsparungen food & beverage energy and resource efficient production session consulting/services steel & metal electrical & electronics pharmaceuticals/biotechnology community itis ener.con europe 2015 customer relationship management customer service connected customer crm hr strategy & hr business minds 2015 corporate finance finance ciso isms 2015 detroit disruptive technologi innovation management data warehouse data management skalierbarkeit fast data massendaten master data management highspeed architektur echtzeit mobile apps hive hadoop digital engineering innovationstreiber entwicklung manufacturing execution systems cycle time reduction schnittstellenoptimierung agile manufacturing produktion implementierung produktivitätssteigerung fertigung diskrete fertigung it-landschaften industrie 4.0 konstruktion prozessoptimierung effizienzsteigerung car apps in-vehicle app developers in-vehicle applications auto apps evolution 2014 fiat team building challenge .gmbh processing strategies variantenkomplexität product-development annual business conference berlin annual business annual business conference b2b conference b2b netw conference; congress; manufacturing; operationale smart variant.con 2014 hmi award resource human 360 roi new harmonisation execution chancen produktentwicklung prinzipien physische cimi.con ci:pher market c minds 2014 360° level wartung security fern sensorik fernwartung software asset & license management strategies app developer automotive conference it business alignment tech disruption information management : it it agilität conference; congress; manufacturing; operational e mes; manufacturing execution system; scada; automa unternehmen sam virtualization license management mobility mobile vwe europe enercon end challenges solutions metrics & methods content & security real-time video collaboration operational criteria & system integration global online communities knowledge management & activity streaming platform integration & management software for cars software development automotive software applications variantenfielfalt operativ ramada strategie multimodal interface management speech recognition voice control intranet award digital workplace architektur m2r steigenberger hotel european life medical devices total hmi driver vehicle interaction in-vehicle multimodel interaction intuitive driving human centered approach user experience experience april intra content net kosmos intra.net nominated nominees reloaded didigtal innovative interface multimodel strukturen predictive services plattform royal ceremony enercon leonardo keynotes operatives strategisches integriert global leaders model kempinski hotel bristol berlin global manuchem strategies 2014 chemical operation 27th ‒ 28th february 2014 konzepte interviews virtuell conference. business 16.-17. juni corporate risk minds 2014 review 2013 cipher award roundtable;datenschutz risk assessment integrity; corporate governance compliance strateg kunden lieferanten idw pf 980; zertifizierung cgc strategies 2014; compliance training session world café strategic financial reporting codizes extra-territoriale wirkung analyse; kommunikation; kultur bric ci-process ci 3.0 digital internal communication internet desktop infrastructure virtual desktop smart engineering it-workplace desktop security virtual workplace evolution 2014 5.-6. mai virtuelle architektur byod client security blindenschule charity planning strategy human resources workforce performance metrics scaling systems metrics architecture ba enterprise 3.0 consumerization end-2-end demand-oriented sam in practice cost-saving virtualization risk-reducing beschaffungsprozesse technologien lizenzsysteme transparentes sam in der praxis einfluss auf lizenzmanagement bedarfsgerechte lizenzmodelle networked chassis steering systems high-performance cars steering system development rally cars commercial vehicles steigenberger berlin konzernsteuerung business model design trendbasierte business model innovation prozesse zur realisierung neuer wachstumstechnolog risk-management unternehmensentwicklung finanzentwicklung strategiemanagement compliance strategies energy efficiency & total plant asset management - concepts & technologies corporate risk minds 2014; berlin; seminar; event; bewertung handel systeme sophisticated and holistic methods & strategies tools & systems and evolutionary processing of com kempinski dynamic steering volvo automotive steering steering wheel trendbasierte business model innovation & business strategien und prozesse zur realisierung neuer wac manufacturing management petrochemical industry energy audits energy monitoring process optimization steering system development for different vehicle market adaptions and current challenges high performance cars & commercial vehicles big data minds 2013 big data minds 2014 automo automotive seating reloaded 2014 smart automotive variant.con trw automotive palace hotel berlin high-class event interactiveness business leaders strategien un prozesse zur realisierung neuer wach end-2-end bi | big data | mobile enterprise | cons giesecke & devrient berliner wasserbetriebe man diesel & turbo novartis international business process excellence e.on it captive application management prozesskonsolidierung t-systems international governance-modelle heraeus infosystems bombardier transportation in-memory business integration smart materials konsolidierung von system- und applikations- lands business intelligence knowledge management development process ergonomic product development app social intelligence business collaboration speakers we.conect challengeyourpeers worldcafés delegates casestudies icebreaker solutionproviders vendors medical production maritim proarte hotel software balance software asset software license ditm 2013 swissôtel berlin global manuchem strategies 2013 25th ‒ 26th february 2013 datenmodellierung product-manegement mobile application development sustainability competitive advantage competition professional media network social information overload; user experience; governance; intra.net reloaded 2013; 25th - 26th april 2013; b germany; social intelligence & business collaborat portal energieeinsparung sharepoint evolution enterprise 2.0. employee portal safety quality control petrochemicals opex controlling management reporting in memory geschäftsintelligenz sap bw bicc sap bi coe sap dwh location intelligence competence center real time reporting agile bi sap bo wisdom of the crowd content compliance protection and security social business collaboration 2012 search and find 27th – 28th september 2012 social media tools collaboration licecycle management social workplace: social risk corporate collaboration strategy scandic berlin potsdamer platz user experience platforms social media policies crowd sourcing ebr quality by design qbd novotel berlin am tiergarten mes & process minds 2012 manufacturing it tpm electronic batch record scada 24th – 25th september 2012 compliant documentation manufacturing execution system pullman berlin schweizerhof 17th – 18th september 2012 software asset management strategies europe 2012 brand management competitor analysis business development cimi.con evolution 2012 research and development risk management marketing r&d market analysis bd cd market research 25th – 26th june 2012 18. - 19. juni 2012 technologie-früherkennung open innovation technologieplanung technology roadmapping innovationsmanagement corporate foresight innovation minds disruptive technologies & innovation minds 2012 disruptive technologies szenario management technologiemanagement unternehmensplanung future radar corporate venture sap-systemkonsolidierung geschäftsprozessmanagement sap landscape applikationsreduzierung smart|con sap 2012 roadmap bebauungsplan sap architektur konsolidierung sap infrastructure standardisierung it governance it controlling software asset management strategies 2012 sams 2012 energy & totally integrated automation site cogeneration cooling carbon footprint energy conversion energy procurement energy planning operation & maintenance contracts air pressure heating energy efficiency through systematic hmi transport & systems 2012 human machine interaction driver testing human machine interface worldload distraction telematics connectivity truck 18th – 19th june 2012 privacy fraud revision integritätsmanagement training iks audit datenschutz role enforcement code of concuct geschäftspartnerprüfung internal investigation grc korruption corporate governance compliance strategies 2012 ediscovery 17 case studies sharepoint 2 breakfast sessions channel intra.net reloaded - from broadcasting to collabor web experience 17th – 18th april 2011 ice breaker round tables webmaster 4 world cafés
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