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Web Site Hosting

  A Place for Your Web Site
  Your Web site needs a home, and that’s where our Web hosting
  services come in. CU Village provides Web site hosting services
  that remain competitive with similar enterprise-level providers.
  We are dedicated to providing a level of excellence in service to our
  clients that rises above the status quo. To that end, we provide our
  standard hosting clients with ample resources for running their Web
  sites as well as several other features and packages that are available
  at no extra charge.

  Specifications: Standard Annual Hosting
  Through our hosting partner, Verio, we provide:
          5 gigabytes of data transfer per month through our fully 100Mbps switch to their network
          of redundant OC12, OC3, and DS3 uplinks to the Internet
          Server storage space of 250MB
  These resources are evaluated regularly to ensure that they meet the demand that is being placed
  on our clients’ Web sites.
  CU Village has a series of its own Apache, PHP, Linux and MySQL servers dedicated to its clients,
  including its own monitored security systems. This will enable you to leverage off of our hosting
  investment and reduce your own system administration requirements. It will also better facilitate any
  programming and development work that we do for your site.
  CU commits that your Web site will be available for use at least 98% of the time during
  each calendar year. Additional space or usage requirements will result in additional annual hosting fees.
  Server maintenance and updates are also included. If necessary, available resources may be upgraded
  at an additional charge.
  Aside from also providing a robust open source database server (MySQL), CU Village includes as part
  of its standard hosting plan a statistical package that provides the following reports:

  Traffic Reports
  For traffic reports, the default timeframe is one week,
  but this can easily be changed in the Date Range
  control area.
          Sessions Graph – This report shows the
          trend of recent activity on your Web site
          in terms of visitor sessions over time.
          Pageviews Graph – This report shows the
          trend of recent activity on your Web site in
          terms of pageviews over time.
          Hits Graph – This report shows the trend
                                                              Find out how many people visited your site…
          of recent activity on your Web site in terms
                                                                              and when.
          of successful hits over time.

                  CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site:

   Traffic Reports (continued)
          Bytes Graph – This report shows the trend of recent activity on your Web site in terms of
          bytes over time.
          Summary – The Summary shows totals and averages for sessions, pageviews, hits, and bytes
          for the currently selected date range. Visitors’ information is not shown here because it is only
          available when UTM visitor tracking is employed.
          Load Balancing
          • Log Source by Hits – This report shows the amount of traffic in hits processed from each
             log source and its percentage of the total.
          • Log Source by Bytes – This report shows the amount of traffic in bytes processed from
             each log source and its percentage of the total.

   Pages & Files Reports
          Requested Pages – This report ranks
          the popularity of the pages (HTML files,
          generally) visited on your site by number
          of pageviews and relative percentage.
          In general, images and other embedded
          content, such as style sheets and javascript,
          are not considered to be pageviews.
          Downloads – This report ranks the popularity
          of all downloads on your site by number
          of hits (requests) and relative percentage.
          In general, downloads include archives,                     See which pages and files are the
          executables, PDFs, and other non-image/                        most popular with visitors.
          non-HTML documents.
          Page Query Terms – This report analyzes all of the parameter names and values that were
          used in requests to dynamic content pages on your Web site. This report lists all requested
          pages whose URL contained query parameters (generally after the ? query token).
          Posted Forms – This report shows a list of the top forms used on your site. The list shows
          each form handler used (such as a CGI script). Only form handlers that use the POST method
          are listed; those using the GET method are not listed in this report, but are listed in the Page
          Query Terms report.
          Status and Errors – This report shows the status code of each response from the server to
          a hit (file request). This report is essential for determining where problems exist in your site,
          particularly 404 (not found) errors.
          All Files by Hits – This report ranks the popularity of all files on your site by number of hits
          (requests) and relative percentage. This chart includes Web pages, downloads, images, and
          all other requested files.
          All Files by Bytes – This report ranks the popularity of all files on your site based upon bytes
          transferred and relative percentage of total bytes transferred. This chart includes Web pages,
          downloads, images, and all other requested files.
          Directory by Pages Drilldown – This report lists each directory and page that was accessed
          on your site during the currently selected date range.

Pages & Files Reports (continued)
       Directory by Files Drilldown – This report lists each directory and file that was accessed on
       your site during the currently selected date range.
       Directory by Bytes Drilldown –This report lists each directory and file that was accessed
       on your site and the amount of bytes transferred (bandwidth) consumed by delivery of that
       directory or file during the currently selected date range.
       File Types by Hits – This report shows the types of files (based on their extensions) that
       were accessed on your site, such as GIF images, HTML files, or CGI scripts, ranked by hits
       (requests). This report is important for determining which parts of your site are responsible
       for the bulk of your server resource usage.
       File Types by Bytes – This report shows the types of files that were accessed on your site,
       such as GIF images, HTML files, or CGI scripts, ranked by bytes (bandwidth). This report
       is important for determining which parts of your site are responsible for the bulk of your
       network usage.

       Entrance Pages – This report shows the
       first page viewed for each session in the
       currently selected date range. This is where
       visitors entered your Web site. In general,
       images and other embedded content, such
       as style sheets and javascript, are not
       considered to be pageviews.
       Exit Pages – This report lists the last page
       visited in each session by your site’s visitors
       over the currently selected date range.
       In general, images and other embedded                      Learn which were the first and
       content, such as style sheets and javascript,             last pages viewed each session.
       are not considered to be pageviews.
       Bounce Rate – This report lists the pages on which visitors entered and then exited without
       viewing any other pages on the site (bounce pages).
       • Bounces – This shows the number of times visitors exited from the page without visiting
           any other pages on the site.
       • Entrances – This shows the total number of entrances on the page.
       • Bounce Rate – This shows the percentage of entrances on the page that resulted in
           exits without viewing any other page on the site. It is calculated as bounces divided
           by entrances.
       Click Paths – This report shows the most popular paths traveled by your site’s visitors starting
       with their entrance page. This report is compiled for all sessions during the current date range.
       Because path data can get very large, by default only 3 levels of paths (3 pages) are stored.
       Click To and From – This report shows the click through percentage for each page in the site.
       That is, for each page, the report will show how visitors got to that page and where they went
       after viewing that page.

               CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site:

   Navigation (continued)
          Length of Page view – This report shows the pages on your site by the average time spent on
          each page for all sessions during the currently selected date range. The average time spent on
          the page is shown in hours:minutes:seconds.
          Depth of Session – This histogram report shows how many pageviews visitors are seeing
          within a session. For each session during the current date range, the number of pageviews for
          the session is used to increment one of the entries in the report. For example, if a visitor clicks
          and sees 5 pageviews in a particular session, then the “5 pages” data point is incremented by
          one for that session. All sessions comprising 20 pages or more are grouped under the “20+
          pages” element.
          Length of Session – This histogram report shows how much time visitors are spending
          on your site. For each session, the duration is calculated and the appropriate data point is
          incremented. For example, if a particular visitor spent 45 seconds on your site during a
          session, then the “31-60 sec” data point is incremented by one for that session. Calculation
          Methodology: The duration of a session is calculated as the difference between the load time
          of the first pageview and the load time of the last pageview in the session. Sessions with only
          one pageview are considered to be 0-10 seconds. It should be noted that visitors may spend
          more time looking at the last pageview of a session, but only the load time is recorded.

          Referrals – This report ranks referring URLs
          (external Web pages) that brought traffic to
          your site. For sessions without an external
          referral, which occurs when a visitor goes
          directly to your site via a bookmark/favorite
          or by typing in the URL directly, the “no
          referral” entry is incremented. This allows
          you to compare the percentage of traffic
          from external links versus visitors that
          already know about your site.
          Calculation Methodology: Each session                          See which external Web pages
          is scanned for an external referral, which                      brought traffic to your site.
          is determined using the domains list in the
          configuration for this site. If an external referral
          is found, then the base-URL of the referral is entered and incremented. The base-URL does
          not include query parameters (after the ? query token) which would cause extreme granularity.
          If no external referral is detected then “no referral” is incremented.
          Referral Drilldown – This lists the top domains that brought visitors to your site. For sessions
          without an external referral, which occurs when a visitor goes directly to your site via a
          bookmark/favorite or by typing the URL, the “no referral” entry is incremented. This allows
          you to compare the percentage of traffic from external links versus visitors that already know
          about your site.
          Calculation Methodology: Each session is scanned for an external referral, which is
          determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is
          found, then the domain and base-URL of the referral is entered and incremented. The base-
          URL does not include query parameters (after the ? query token) which would cause extreme
          granularity. If no external referral is detected then “no referral” is incremented.

Referrals (continued)
       Search Terms – This report lists the actual keywords/phrases that people typed into
       search engines to find your site. Entries are ranked by the number of sessions each was
       responsible for.
       Calculation Methodology: Each session is scanned for an external referral, which is
       determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is
       found, then the query of the referral is scanned for search variables. If a search variable and
       term is found, then the term is entered and incremented.
       Search Engines – This report lists each search engine that referred traffic to your site using
       a keyword search. Entries are ranked by the number of sessions each search engine was
       responsible for.
       Calculation Methodology: Each session is scanned for an external referral, which is
       determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is
       found, then the query of the referral is scanned for search variables. If a search variable and
       term is found, then the search domain and term are entered and incremented.
       Referral Errors – This report lists each error code and the item that was requested by hits
       over the current date range. This report is designed to inform you about “bad” links from
       other sites to yours; these are often caused when a page is re-named or deleted from
       your site.

Domains & Users
       Domains – This report shows you what
       networks your site visitors came from,
       ranked by sessions. The tracking system
       can resolve most networks, but some will
       always be unresolved, meaning the network
       could not be identified. It is common to get
       about 50-80% resolution. Domains with
       country codes will be shown with 3 levels;
       other domains, such as “.com,” will be
       shown with 2 levels. The “no entry” listing
       is a catchall category for sessions with            Find out which networks your visitors came from.
       unresolvable domains.
       Domain Drilldown – This report lists the top-level domains, such as .com and .net, that your
       site’s visitors came from, ranked by sessions. The tracking system can resolve most networks,
       but some will always be unresolved, meaning the network could not be identified. The “no
       entry” term includes all unresolved IP addresses. This will often be the first or second item in
       the chart.
       Countries – This report lists top level domains with an emphasis on political affiliation, ranked
       by sessions. Since the bulk of Web traffic is from net, com, and org domains (mostly US-
       based), they are included. The rest will mostly be actual country codes, which in most cases
       are reliable indicators of the origin of the traffic (though some sell domains to anyone). The “no
       entry” term includes all unresolved IP addresses.

              CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site:

   Domains & Users (continued)
          IP Addresses – This report lists the individual IP addresses used by visitors to your site.
          The list is ranked according to the number of sessions from each IP. IP addresses may
          represent individual users, but generally are gateways to large corporate or ISP networks.
          IP Drilldown – This report lists the IP addresses associated with visitors to your site broken
          down into classes (A, B, C, or D). The list is ranked according to the number of sessions from
          each class A IP.
          Usernames by Hits – This report lists the top usernames that were used during user
          authentication as required by your site, ranked by the number of hits. If your site does not
          require a password, no usernames will be listed. Only users authenticated by methods that
          record the usernames in their log file will be reported on.
          Usernames by Bytes – This report lists the top usernames that were used during user
          authentication as required by your site, ranked by the quantity of network traffic in bytes each
          was responsible for. If your site does not require a password, no usernames will be listed. Only
          users authenticated by methods that record the usernames in the log file will be reported on;
          an example is the “.htaccess” method, which is built in to Apache.
          Usernames by Sessions – This report lists the top usernames that were used during
          user authentication as required by your site, ranked by the number of sessions each
          was responsible for. If your site does not require a password, no usernames will be listed.
          Only users authenticated by methods that record the usernames in their log file will be
          reported on.

   Browsers & Robots
          Browsers by Sessions Drilldown –
          This report lists the top browsers, such as
          Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet
          Explorer, that people used to view your site,
          ranked by sessions conducted with that
          particular browser.
          Browsers by Hits Drilldown – This report
          lists the top browsers, such as Netscape
          Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer,
          that people used to view your site, ranked
          by hits.                                                     See the top browsers that people
           Browsers by Bytes Drilldown – This report                        used to view your site.
      lists the top Browsers, such as Netscape
           Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, that people used to view your site, ranked by
           the quantity of network traffic (bytes) that particular browser was responsible for.
          Platforms by Sessions Drilldown – This report lists the top computer operating systems,
          such as Windows, Macintosh, or Linux, that people used when visiting your site, ranked by
          number of sessions each was used for.
          Platforms by Hits Drilldown – This report lists the top computer operating systems,
          such as Windows, Macintosh, or Linux, that people used when visiting your site, ranked
          by hits (requests).

Browsers & Robots (continued)
      Platforms by Bytes Drilldown – This report lists the top computer operating systems,
      such as Windows, Macintosh, or Linux, that people used when visiting your site, ranked
      by quantity of network traffic (bytes) each was responsible for.
      Combos by Sessions – This report combines the browser and platform reports and produces
      a list of the most common computer setups used to view your site, such as “Internet Explorer
      6.0 | Windows XP.” Browsers are grouped by minor release number, that is, 6.0 and 6.1 would
      be different entries. Due to the way log data is recorded, Macintosh computers are only shown
      in terms of processor type, either 68k (old) or PPC (new).
      Combos by Hits – This report combines the browser and platform reports and produces a list
      of the most common computer setups used to view your site, such as “Internet Explorer 6.0 |
      Windows XP.” Browsers are grouped by minor release number, that is, 6.0 and 6.1 would be
      different entries. Due to the way log data is recorded, Macintosh computers are only shown in
      terms of processor type, either 68k (old) or PPC (new).
      Combos by Bytes – This report combines the browser and platform reports and produces a
      list of the most common computer setups used to view your site, such as “Internet Explorer
      6.0 | Windows XP.” Browsers are grouped by minor release number, that is, 6.0 and 6.1 would
      be different entries. Due to the way log data is recorded, Macintosh computers are only shown
      in terms of processor type, either 68k (old) or PPC (new).
      Robots by Hits Drilldown – This report lists the robots and spiders that visited your site,
      ranked by hits (requests). This report does not include browsers, such as Internet Explorer.
      Robots by Bytes Drilldown – This report lists the robots and spiders that visited your site,
      ranked by bytes (network traffic). This report does not include browsers, such as Internet

             CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site:


  CU is a credit union service organization that is dedicated to helping Credit Union System
  organizations leverage technology to better serve their members and customers. These traits set
  CU Village apart from our competitors in the marketplace:
          Credit union system experience – We have been serving credit unions with Web site services
          since 1996, so our service brings with it a level of experience that is hard to duplicate.
          Ability to customize – We can customize nearly every service we offer and what we don’t
          have, we can build.
          Depth of product offering – We have nearly everything a credit union needs to create a
          full-service online branch, so as credit unions’ needs change and grow, we are right there
          to help.
          High quality service – One of our goals is to develop a partnership with each of our
          clients — so they count on us to bring new ideas and growth opportunities to their attention.
          Owned by members of the credit union system – Our nearly twenty investors are made up
          of progressive leagues, credit unions, and credit union system organizations. Our ownership
          structure provides us the stability and solid foundation that are vital to serving the needs of
          credit unions.

  CU offers products and services in the areas of:
      Consulting and Development          Lending and Payments             Web Site Content
      E-business Tools                    Multimedia and Design            Web Site Development
      Education and Events                Security and Compliance          Web Site Enhancements

  For more information about any of our products and services:
          Call your business consultant at (800) 262-6285 in Michigan or (800) 575-1820 Nationwide

                 CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site:

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CU V I L L A G E Web Hosting Overview

  • 1. CU V I L L A G® Web Site Hosting WEB SITE HOSTING A Place for Your Web Site Your Web site needs a home, and that’s where our Web hosting services come in. CU Village provides Web site hosting services that remain competitive with similar enterprise-level providers. We are dedicated to providing a level of excellence in service to our clients that rises above the status quo. To that end, we provide our standard hosting clients with ample resources for running their Web sites as well as several other features and packages that are available at no extra charge. Specifications: Standard Annual Hosting Through our hosting partner, Verio, we provide: 5 gigabytes of data transfer per month through our fully 100Mbps switch to their network of redundant OC12, OC3, and DS3 uplinks to the Internet Server storage space of 250MB These resources are evaluated regularly to ensure that they meet the demand that is being placed on our clients’ Web sites. CU Village has a series of its own Apache, PHP, Linux and MySQL servers dedicated to its clients, including its own monitored security systems. This will enable you to leverage off of our hosting investment and reduce your own system administration requirements. It will also better facilitate any programming and development work that we do for your site. CU commits that your Web site will be available for use at least 98% of the time during each calendar year. Additional space or usage requirements will result in additional annual hosting fees. Server maintenance and updates are also included. If necessary, available resources may be upgraded at an additional charge. Aside from also providing a robust open source database server (MySQL), CU Village includes as part of its standard hosting plan a statistical package that provides the following reports: Traffic Reports For traffic reports, the default timeframe is one week, but this can easily be changed in the Date Range control area. Sessions Graph – This report shows the trend of recent activity on your Web site in terms of visitor sessions over time. Pageviews Graph – This report shows the trend of recent activity on your Web site in terms of pageviews over time. Hits Graph – This report shows the trend Find out how many people visited your site… of recent activity on your Web site in terms and when. of successful hits over time. CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site:
  • 2. WEB SITE HOSTING Traffic Reports (continued) Bytes Graph – This report shows the trend of recent activity on your Web site in terms of bytes over time. Summary – The Summary shows totals and averages for sessions, pageviews, hits, and bytes for the currently selected date range. Visitors’ information is not shown here because it is only available when UTM visitor tracking is employed. Load Balancing • Log Source by Hits – This report shows the amount of traffic in hits processed from each log source and its percentage of the total. • Log Source by Bytes – This report shows the amount of traffic in bytes processed from each log source and its percentage of the total. Pages & Files Reports Requested Pages – This report ranks the popularity of the pages (HTML files, generally) visited on your site by number of pageviews and relative percentage. In general, images and other embedded content, such as style sheets and javascript, are not considered to be pageviews. Downloads – This report ranks the popularity of all downloads on your site by number of hits (requests) and relative percentage. In general, downloads include archives, See which pages and files are the executables, PDFs, and other non-image/ most popular with visitors. non-HTML documents. Page Query Terms – This report analyzes all of the parameter names and values that were used in requests to dynamic content pages on your Web site. This report lists all requested pages whose URL contained query parameters (generally after the ? query token). Posted Forms – This report shows a list of the top forms used on your site. The list shows each form handler used (such as a CGI script). Only form handlers that use the POST method are listed; those using the GET method are not listed in this report, but are listed in the Page Query Terms report. Status and Errors – This report shows the status code of each response from the server to a hit (file request). This report is essential for determining where problems exist in your site, particularly 404 (not found) errors. All Files by Hits – This report ranks the popularity of all files on your site by number of hits (requests) and relative percentage. This chart includes Web pages, downloads, images, and all other requested files. All Files by Bytes – This report ranks the popularity of all files on your site based upon bytes transferred and relative percentage of total bytes transferred. This chart includes Web pages, downloads, images, and all other requested files. Directory by Pages Drilldown – This report lists each directory and page that was accessed on your site during the currently selected date range.
  • 3. CU V I L L A G® Pages & Files Reports (continued) Directory by Files Drilldown – This report lists each directory and file that was accessed on your site during the currently selected date range. Directory by Bytes Drilldown –This report lists each directory and file that was accessed on your site and the amount of bytes transferred (bandwidth) consumed by delivery of that directory or file during the currently selected date range. File Types by Hits – This report shows the types of files (based on their extensions) that were accessed on your site, such as GIF images, HTML files, or CGI scripts, ranked by hits (requests). This report is important for determining which parts of your site are responsible for the bulk of your server resource usage. File Types by Bytes – This report shows the types of files that were accessed on your site, such as GIF images, HTML files, or CGI scripts, ranked by bytes (bandwidth). This report is important for determining which parts of your site are responsible for the bulk of your network usage. Navigation Entrance Pages – This report shows the first page viewed for each session in the currently selected date range. This is where visitors entered your Web site. In general, images and other embedded content, such as style sheets and javascript, are not considered to be pageviews. Exit Pages – This report lists the last page visited in each session by your site’s visitors over the currently selected date range. In general, images and other embedded Learn which were the first and content, such as style sheets and javascript, last pages viewed each session. are not considered to be pageviews. Bounce Rate – This report lists the pages on which visitors entered and then exited without viewing any other pages on the site (bounce pages). • Bounces – This shows the number of times visitors exited from the page without visiting any other pages on the site. • Entrances – This shows the total number of entrances on the page. • Bounce Rate – This shows the percentage of entrances on the page that resulted in exits without viewing any other page on the site. It is calculated as bounces divided by entrances. Click Paths – This report shows the most popular paths traveled by your site’s visitors starting with their entrance page. This report is compiled for all sessions during the current date range. Because path data can get very large, by default only 3 levels of paths (3 pages) are stored. Click To and From – This report shows the click through percentage for each page in the site. That is, for each page, the report will show how visitors got to that page and where they went after viewing that page. CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site:
  • 4. WEB SITE HOSTING Navigation (continued) Length of Page view – This report shows the pages on your site by the average time spent on each page for all sessions during the currently selected date range. The average time spent on the page is shown in hours:minutes:seconds. Depth of Session – This histogram report shows how many pageviews visitors are seeing within a session. For each session during the current date range, the number of pageviews for the session is used to increment one of the entries in the report. For example, if a visitor clicks and sees 5 pageviews in a particular session, then the “5 pages” data point is incremented by one for that session. All sessions comprising 20 pages or more are grouped under the “20+ pages” element. Length of Session – This histogram report shows how much time visitors are spending on your site. For each session, the duration is calculated and the appropriate data point is incremented. For example, if a particular visitor spent 45 seconds on your site during a session, then the “31-60 sec” data point is incremented by one for that session. Calculation Methodology: The duration of a session is calculated as the difference between the load time of the first pageview and the load time of the last pageview in the session. Sessions with only one pageview are considered to be 0-10 seconds. It should be noted that visitors may spend more time looking at the last pageview of a session, but only the load time is recorded. Referrals Referrals – This report ranks referring URLs (external Web pages) that brought traffic to your site. For sessions without an external referral, which occurs when a visitor goes directly to your site via a bookmark/favorite or by typing in the URL directly, the “no referral” entry is incremented. This allows you to compare the percentage of traffic from external links versus visitors that already know about your site. Calculation Methodology: Each session See which external Web pages is scanned for an external referral, which brought traffic to your site. is determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is found, then the base-URL of the referral is entered and incremented. The base-URL does not include query parameters (after the ? query token) which would cause extreme granularity. If no external referral is detected then “no referral” is incremented. Referral Drilldown – This lists the top domains that brought visitors to your site. For sessions without an external referral, which occurs when a visitor goes directly to your site via a bookmark/favorite or by typing the URL, the “no referral” entry is incremented. This allows you to compare the percentage of traffic from external links versus visitors that already know about your site. Calculation Methodology: Each session is scanned for an external referral, which is determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is found, then the domain and base-URL of the referral is entered and incremented. The base- URL does not include query parameters (after the ? query token) which would cause extreme granularity. If no external referral is detected then “no referral” is incremented.
  • 5. CU V I L L A G® Referrals (continued) Search Terms – This report lists the actual keywords/phrases that people typed into search engines to find your site. Entries are ranked by the number of sessions each was responsible for. Calculation Methodology: Each session is scanned for an external referral, which is determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is found, then the query of the referral is scanned for search variables. If a search variable and term is found, then the term is entered and incremented. Search Engines – This report lists each search engine that referred traffic to your site using a keyword search. Entries are ranked by the number of sessions each search engine was responsible for. Calculation Methodology: Each session is scanned for an external referral, which is determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is found, then the query of the referral is scanned for search variables. If a search variable and term is found, then the search domain and term are entered and incremented. Referral Errors – This report lists each error code and the item that was requested by hits over the current date range. This report is designed to inform you about “bad” links from other sites to yours; these are often caused when a page is re-named or deleted from your site. Domains & Users Domains – This report shows you what networks your site visitors came from, ranked by sessions. The tracking system can resolve most networks, but some will always be unresolved, meaning the network could not be identified. It is common to get about 50-80% resolution. Domains with country codes will be shown with 3 levels; other domains, such as “.com,” will be shown with 2 levels. The “no entry” listing is a catchall category for sessions with Find out which networks your visitors came from. unresolvable domains. Domain Drilldown – This report lists the top-level domains, such as .com and .net, that your site’s visitors came from, ranked by sessions. The tracking system can resolve most networks, but some will always be unresolved, meaning the network could not be identified. The “no entry” term includes all unresolved IP addresses. This will often be the first or second item in the chart. Countries – This report lists top level domains with an emphasis on political affiliation, ranked by sessions. Since the bulk of Web traffic is from net, com, and org domains (mostly US- based), they are included. The rest will mostly be actual country codes, which in most cases are reliable indicators of the origin of the traffic (though some sell domains to anyone). The “no entry” term includes all unresolved IP addresses. CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site:
  • 6. WEB SITE HOSTING Domains & Users (continued) IP Addresses – This report lists the individual IP addresses used by visitors to your site. The list is ranked according to the number of sessions from each IP. IP addresses may represent individual users, but generally are gateways to large corporate or ISP networks. IP Drilldown – This report lists the IP addresses associated with visitors to your site broken down into classes (A, B, C, or D). The list is ranked according to the number of sessions from each class A IP. Usernames by Hits – This report lists the top usernames that were used during user authentication as required by your site, ranked by the number of hits. If your site does not require a password, no usernames will be listed. Only users authenticated by methods that record the usernames in their log file will be reported on. Usernames by Bytes – This report lists the top usernames that were used during user authentication as required by your site, ranked by the quantity of network traffic in bytes each was responsible for. If your site does not require a password, no usernames will be listed. Only users authenticated by methods that record the usernames in the log file will be reported on; an example is the “.htaccess” method, which is built in to Apache. Usernames by Sessions – This report lists the top usernames that were used during user authentication as required by your site, ranked by the number of sessions each was responsible for. If your site does not require a password, no usernames will be listed. Only users authenticated by methods that record the usernames in their log file will be reported on. Browsers & Robots Browsers by Sessions Drilldown – This report lists the top browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, that people used to view your site, ranked by sessions conducted with that particular browser. Browsers by Hits Drilldown – This report lists the top browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, that people used to view your site, ranked by hits. See the top browsers that people Browsers by Bytes Drilldown – This report used to view your site. lists the top Browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, that people used to view your site, ranked by the quantity of network traffic (bytes) that particular browser was responsible for. Platforms by Sessions Drilldown – This report lists the top computer operating systems, such as Windows, Macintosh, or Linux, that people used when visiting your site, ranked by number of sessions each was used for. Platforms by Hits Drilldown – This report lists the top computer operating systems, such as Windows, Macintosh, or Linux, that people used when visiting your site, ranked by hits (requests).
  • 7. CU V I L L A G® Browsers & Robots (continued) Platforms by Bytes Drilldown – This report lists the top computer operating systems, such as Windows, Macintosh, or Linux, that people used when visiting your site, ranked by quantity of network traffic (bytes) each was responsible for. Combos by Sessions – This report combines the browser and platform reports and produces a list of the most common computer setups used to view your site, such as “Internet Explorer 6.0 | Windows XP.” Browsers are grouped by minor release number, that is, 6.0 and 6.1 would be different entries. Due to the way log data is recorded, Macintosh computers are only shown in terms of processor type, either 68k (old) or PPC (new). Combos by Hits – This report combines the browser and platform reports and produces a list of the most common computer setups used to view your site, such as “Internet Explorer 6.0 | Windows XP.” Browsers are grouped by minor release number, that is, 6.0 and 6.1 would be different entries. Due to the way log data is recorded, Macintosh computers are only shown in terms of processor type, either 68k (old) or PPC (new). Combos by Bytes – This report combines the browser and platform reports and produces a list of the most common computer setups used to view your site, such as “Internet Explorer 6.0 | Windows XP.” Browsers are grouped by minor release number, that is, 6.0 and 6.1 would be different entries. Due to the way log data is recorded, Macintosh computers are only shown in terms of processor type, either 68k (old) or PPC (new). Robots by Hits Drilldown – This report lists the robots and spiders that visited your site, ranked by hits (requests). This report does not include browsers, such as Internet Explorer. Robots by Bytes Drilldown – This report lists the robots and spiders that visited your site, ranked by bytes (network traffic). This report does not include browsers, such as Internet Explorer. CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site:
  • 8. CU V I L L A G® AboutVILLAGE.COM ABOUT CU CU CU is a credit union service organization that is dedicated to helping Credit Union System organizations leverage technology to better serve their members and customers. These traits set CU Village apart from our competitors in the marketplace: Credit union system experience – We have been serving credit unions with Web site services since 1996, so our service brings with it a level of experience that is hard to duplicate. Ability to customize – We can customize nearly every service we offer and what we don’t have, we can build. Depth of product offering – We have nearly everything a credit union needs to create a full-service online branch, so as credit unions’ needs change and grow, we are right there to help. High quality service – One of our goals is to develop a partnership with each of our clients — so they count on us to bring new ideas and growth opportunities to their attention. Owned by members of the credit union system – Our nearly twenty investors are made up of progressive leagues, credit unions, and credit union system organizations. Our ownership structure provides us the stability and solid foundation that are vital to serving the needs of credit unions. CU offers products and services in the areas of: Consulting and Development Lending and Payments Web Site Content E-business Tools Multimedia and Design Web Site Development Education and Events Security and Compliance Web Site Enhancements For more information about any of our products and services: Visit Call your business consultant at (800) 262-6285 in Michigan or (800) 575-1820 Nationwide E-mail CU, Inc. Nationwide: (800) 575-1820 • Web Site: