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Groovy XML Processing
Vladimir Forfutdinov

•   Java vs Groovy short cuts
•   XML parsing with Groovy
•   XML generating with Groovy
•   How to access EO inside Groovy
Java vs Groovy
•   Java Virtual Machine thinks Groovy is Java
•   Inspired by Python, Ruby and Smalltalk
•   Java developers will have almost-zero learning curve
•   Supports Domain-Specific Languages
•   Powerful processing primitives, OO abilities and an Ant DSL
•   Works with existing Java objects and libraries

•   Easy to find and learn at:
•   Eclipse plug-in at:
•   groovyShell
•   groovy-all-1.7.0.jar
Hello World!
class myfirstjavaprog
        public static void main(String args[])
           System.out.println("Hello World!");

println "Hello World!"

//GROOVY command line
groovy -e "println 'Hello ' + args[0]" World!
                   GROOVY SCRIPT        ARG 1
Method call on a Null Object
MyObject obj = null
if (obj != null)
   return obj.getChildren().getFirst()
} else {
   return null

MyObject obj = null
return obj?.getChildren()?.getFirst()
Functions that are first class objects - a chunk of code that can be passed around as if it
were a string or an integer.

square = { it * it }



[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].collect(square)

[ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]

printMapClosure = { key, value -> println key + "t= " + value }

[ "Name" : "John", "Address" : "Here", "Likes" : "WOWODC" ].each(printMapClosure)

Name	   = John
Address	= Here
Likes	 = WOWODC
Meta Class - Methods

Intercepting Method Calls

class MyClass{
  def hello(){ 'invoked hello directly' }
  def invokeMethod(String name, Object args){
    return "unknown method $name(${args.join(', ')})"

def mine= new MyClass()

println mine.hello()

invoked hello directly

println"Mark", 19)

unknown method foo(Mark, 19)
Meta Class - Properties
Intercepting Property Accesses

class MyClass{
  def greeting = 'accessed greeting directly'
  Object getProperty(String property) { "read from property $property" }
  void setProperty(String property, Object newValue) { throw new Exception("wrote to property $property") }
def mine = new MyClass()

//try to read ‘greeting’ property
println mine.greeting

read from property greeting

//try to set ‘greeting’ property
try { mine.greeting = 'hi' } catch(e) { println e.message }

wrote to property greeting

//we can access a property directly using .@ syntax
println mine.@greeting

accessed greeting directly
Meta Class - At Run-time

Adding new property and method to a class during Run-time

class A{}

//add new property ‘hi’
A.metaClass.hi = 'Hi!!!'

def a1 = new A()

println a1.hi


//add new method ‘hello’
A.metaClass.hello = {-> "Hello!"}

def a2 = new A()

println a2.hello()

XML Parsing

•   XmlParser - supports GPath expressions for XML documents

•   XmlSlurper - lower overheads than XmlParser due to lazy
XML Input sample
class XmlExamples {
  static def CAR_RECORDS = '''
      <car name='HSV Maloo' make='Holden' year='2006'>
        <record type='speed'>Production Pickup Truck with speed of 271kph</record>
      <car name='P50' make='Peel' year='1962'>
        <country>Isle of Man</country>
        <record type='size'>Smallest Street-Legal Car at 99cm wide and 59 kg in weight</record>
      <car name='Royale' make='Bugatti' year='1931'>
        <record type='price'>Most Valuable Car at $15 million</record>
XmlParser vs XmlSlurper
def records_p = new XmlParser().parseText(XmlExamples.CAR_RECORDS)
def records_s = new XmlSlurper().parseText(XmlExamples.CAR_RECORDS)

def allRecords_p =
assert allRecords_p == 3
def allRecords_s =
assert allRecords_s == 3

def allNodes = records_p.depthFirst().size()
assert allNodes_p == 10
def allNodes_s = records_s.depthFirst().collect{ it }.size()
assert allNodes_s == 10                                           <records>
                                                                    <car name='HSV Maloo' make='Holden' year='2006'>
def firstRecord_p =[0]                                   <record type='speed'>
def firstRecord_s =[0]                                  Production Pickup Truck with speed of 271kph
assert 'car' ==                                <car name='P50' make='Peel' year='1962'>
                                                                       <country>Isle of Man</country>
assert 'car' ==
                                                                       <record type='size'>
                                                                      Smallest Street-Legal Car at 99cm wide and 59 kg in weight
assert 'Holden' == firstRecord_p.'@make'                             </record>
assert 'Holden' == firstRecord_s.@make.text()                       <car name='Royale' make='Bugatti' year='1931'>
assert 'Australia' ==                     <record type='price'>
                                                                      Most Valuable Car at $15 million
assert 'Australia' ==                  </record>
XmlParser vs XmlSlurper
// 2 cars have an 'e' in the make
assert{ it.'@make'.contains('e') }.size() == 2

// option 1
assert{ it.@make.text().contains('e') }.size() == 2

// option 2
assert{ it.@make =~ '.*e.*' }.size() == 2

                                                          <car name='HSV Maloo' make='Holden' year='2006'>
                                                             <record type='speed'>
                                                            Production Pickup Truck with speed of 271kph
                                                          <car name='P50' make='Peel' year='1962'>
                                                             <country>Isle of Man</country>
                                                             <record type='size'>
                                                            Smallest Street-Legal Car at 99cm wide and 59 kg in weight
                                                          <car name='Royale' make='Bugatti' year='1931'>
                                                             <record type='price'>
                                                            Most Valuable Car at $15 million
println records.depthFirst().grep{ it.@type != '' }.'@type'*.text()
[speed, size, price]

println records.'**'.grep{ it.@type != '' }.'@type'*.text()
[speed, size, price]

def countryOne =[1].country
println countryOne.parent().@make.text()
println countryOne.'..'.@make.text()                                    <car name='HSV Maloo' make='Holden' year='2006'>
                                                                           <record type='speed'>
Peel                                                                      Production Pickup Truck with speed of 271kph
// names of cars with records sorted by year                            </car>
                                                                        <car name='P50' make='Peel' year='1962'>
                                                                           <country>Isle of Man</country>
  it.@year.toInteger()                                                     <record type='size'>
}.'@name'*.text()                                                         Smallest Street-Legal Car at 99cm wide and 59 kg in weight
//Result                                                                 </record>
[Royale, P50, HSV Maloo]
                                                                        <car name='Royale' make='Bugatti' year='1931'>
// names of countries with ‘s’ in the name                                 <record type='price'>
println records.'**'.grep{                                                Most Valuable Car at $15 million
  it.@type =~ 's.*'
}*.parent().country*.text()                                           </records>
[Australia, Isle of Man]
class XmlExamples {
  static def CF_MESSAGE = '''
    <cf:Message xmlns:cf=''>
            <cf:Date>Fri Dec 25 17:37:55 EST 2009</cf:Date>

def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(XmlExamples.CF_MESSAGE)

xml.Properties.children().each {
    println "${} -> ${it.text()}"

Name -> ck_mstr
User ->
Date -> Fri Dec 25 17:37:55 EST 2009
MessageCount -> 0
UID -> uniqueId-0
XML Generation

•   Building XML using simple Java

•   StreamingMarkupBuilder - A builder class for creating XML markup
//assuming we have a Writer created already
  writer.write(“<a a1=‘one’>”);
    writer.write("<b>3 < 5</b>");
    writer.write("<c a2=‘two’>blah</c>");

   <a a1='one'>
     <b>3 &lt; 5</b>
     <c a2='two'>blah</c>
import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder

new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind {
   root {                             writer.write("<root>");
     a ( a1:'one' ) {                   writer.write(“<a a1=‘one’>”);
                                          writer.write("<b>3 < 5</b>");
       b { mkp.yield( '3 < 5' ) }         writer.write("<c a2=‘two’>blah</c>");
       c ( a2:'two', 'blah' )             writer.write("<d>");
       d {                                  writer.write("<f>hello</f>");
          f (‘hello’)                     writer.write("</d>");
       }                                writer.write("</a>");

   <a a1='one'>
     <b>3 &lt; 5</b>
     <c a2='two'>blah</c>
import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder

def dic = ['a':123, 'b':456, 'c':949]

new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind {
    root {
        dic.each {
             "${it.key}" (it.value)

import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder

def dic = ['a':['name':'apple', 'type':123], 'b':['name':'cheese', 'type':456], 'c':['name':'milk', 'type':949]]

new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind {
    root {
        dic.each {
             "${it.key}" (it.value)

    <a name='apple' type='123'/>
    <b name='cheese' type='456'/>
    <c name='milk' type='949'/>
EOs inside Groovy

•   Setup

•   Demo
•   Main Component with a set of tables that will list the data from
    each table
• replaced with Main.groovy (just for some extra fun)
•   MySQL Database with three tables:
    •   Employee      Employee

                      age                                        Job
        Manager       job        0..1*                         employees

                      manager             Manager              name
        Job           name                employees            owner

                      salary              jobs        0..1 *


•   Utility class within Groovy for writing properties file
•   Unlike regular Java properties files ConfigSlurper scripts support
    native Java types and are structured like a tree.
Reading configuration with ConfigSlurper
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse (configFile)                def configFile = '''
//get the all of the config data                                       WOWODC {
println config.WOWODC                                                      Bonus {
                                                                                testId = 1
                                                                                testName = "Hello Bonus Test string"
["Bonus":["testId":1, "testName":"Hello Bonus Test string"],
 "BonusList":["key1":"val1", "hi":"hello"]]                                }

//get only the Bonus section                                                 BonusList {
println config.WOWODC.Bonus                                                      key1 = 'val1'
                                                                                 hi = 'hello'
//Result                                                                     }
["testId":1, "testName":"Hello Bonus Test string"]
//get only the testId value                                        '''
println config.WOWODC.Bonus.testId


//list keys and values under BonusList section
config.WOWODC.BonusList.each {println "${it.key} = ${it.value}"}

key1 = val1
hi = hello
Updating configuration with ConfigSlurper
//get the all of the config data              WOWODC {
config.Hi.GoodBuy.say = 'Hello'                          Bonus {
                                                             testId = 1
def sw = new StringWriter()                                  testName = "Hello Bonus Test string"
println config?.writeTo(sw).toString()                   }

//Result -->                                             BonusList {
WOWODC {                                                     key1 = 'val1'
	   Bonus {                                                  hi = 'hello'
	   	   testId=1                                         }
	   	   testName="Hello Bonus Test string"        }
	   BonusList {
Hi.GoodBuy.say="Hello" // got updated
Updating configuration with ConfigSlurper
//get the all of the config data                 WOWODC {
config.Hi.GoodBuy.tell = 'Hi'                    	   Bonus {
def sw = new StringWriter()                      	   	   testName="Hello Bonus Test string"
println config?.writeTo(sw).toString()           	   }
                                                 	   BonusList {
//Result                                         	   	   key1="val1"
WOWODC {                                         	   	   hi="hello"
	   Bonus {                                      	   }
	   	   testId=1                                 }
	   	   testName="Hello Bonus Test string"       Hi.GoodBuy.say="Hello"
	   BonusList {
Hi {
	   GoodBuy {
	   	   tell="Hi" // got updated
Updating configuration with ConfigSlurper
//get the all of the config data                 WOWODC {
config.WOWODC.Bonus.testId = 2                   	   Bonus {
def sw = new StringWriter()                      	   	   testName="Hello Bonus Test string"
println config?.writeTo(sw).toString()           	   }
                                                 	   BonusList {
//Result -->                                     	   	   key1="val1"
WOWODC {                                         	   	   hi="hello"
	   Bonus {                                      	   }
	   	   testId=2 // got updated                  }
	   	   testName="Hello Bonus Test string"       Hi {
	   }                                            	   GoodBuy {
	   BonusList {                                  	   	   say="Hello"
	   	   key1="val1"                              	   	   tell="Hi"
	   	   hi="hello"                               	   }
	   }                                            }
Hi {
	   GoodBuy {

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Groovy XML Processing with WebObjects

  • 2. Outline • Java vs Groovy short cuts • XML parsing with Groovy • XML generating with Groovy • How to access EO inside Groovy
  • 3. Java vs Groovy • Java Virtual Machine thinks Groovy is Java • Inspired by Python, Ruby and Smalltalk • Java developers will have almost-zero learning curve • Supports Domain-Specific Languages • Powerful processing primitives, OO abilities and an Ant DSL • Works with existing Java objects and libraries
  • 4. Setup • Easy to find and learn at: • Eclipse plug-in at: • groovyShell • groovy-all-1.7.0.jar
  • 5. Hello World! //JAVA class myfirstjavaprog { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } //GROOVY println "Hello World!" //GROOVY command line groovy -e "println 'Hello ' + args[0]" World! GROOVY SCRIPT ARG 1
  • 6. Method call on a Null Object //JAVA MyObject obj = null if (obj != null) { return obj.getChildren().getFirst() } else { return null } //GROOVY MyObject obj = null return obj?.getChildren()?.getFirst()
  • 7. Closures Functions that are first class objects - a chunk of code that can be passed around as if it were a string or an integer. square = { it * it } square(4) //RESULT 16 [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].collect(square) //RESULT [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ] printMapClosure = { key, value -> println key + "t= " + value } [ "Name" : "John", "Address" : "Here", "Likes" : "WOWODC" ].each(printMapClosure) //RESULT Name = John Address = Here Likes = WOWODC
  • 8. Meta Class - Methods Intercepting Method Calls class MyClass{ def hello(){ 'invoked hello directly' } def invokeMethod(String name, Object args){ return "unknown method $name(${args.join(', ')})" } } def mine= new MyClass() println mine.hello() //RESULT invoked hello directly println"Mark", 19) //RESULT unknown method foo(Mark, 19)
  • 9. Meta Class - Properties Intercepting Property Accesses class MyClass{ def greeting = 'accessed greeting directly' Object getProperty(String property) { "read from property $property" } void setProperty(String property, Object newValue) { throw new Exception("wrote to property $property") } } def mine = new MyClass() //try to read ‘greeting’ property println mine.greeting //RESULT read from property greeting //try to set ‘greeting’ property try { mine.greeting = 'hi' } catch(e) { println e.message } //RESULT wrote to property greeting //we can access a property directly using .@ syntax println mine.@greeting //RESULT accessed greeting directly
  • 10. Meta Class - At Run-time Adding new property and method to a class during Run-time class A{} //add new property ‘hi’ A.metaClass.hi = 'Hi!!!' def a1 = new A() println a1.hi //RESULT Hi!!! //add new method ‘hello’ A.metaClass.hello = {-> "Hello!"} def a2 = new A() println a2.hello() //RESULT Hello!
  • 11. XML Parsing • XmlParser - supports GPath expressions for XML documents • XmlSlurper - lower overheads than XmlParser due to lazy evaluation
  • 12. XML Input sample class XmlExamples { static def CAR_RECORDS = ''' <records> <car name='HSV Maloo' make='Holden' year='2006'> <country>Australia</country> <record type='speed'>Production Pickup Truck with speed of 271kph</record> </car> <car name='P50' make='Peel' year='1962'> <country>Isle of Man</country> <record type='size'>Smallest Street-Legal Car at 99cm wide and 59 kg in weight</record> </car> <car name='Royale' make='Bugatti' year='1931'> <country>France</country> <record type='price'>Most Valuable Car at $15 million</record> </car> </records> ''' }
  • 13. XmlParser vs XmlSlurper def records_p = new XmlParser().parseText(XmlExamples.CAR_RECORDS) def records_s = new XmlSlurper().parseText(XmlExamples.CAR_RECORDS) def allRecords_p = assert allRecords_p == 3 def allRecords_s = assert allRecords_s == 3 def allNodes = records_p.depthFirst().size() assert allNodes_p == 10 def allNodes_s = records_s.depthFirst().collect{ it }.size() assert allNodes_s == 10 <records> <car name='HSV Maloo' make='Holden' year='2006'> <country>Australia</country> def firstRecord_p =[0] <record type='speed'> def firstRecord_s =[0] Production Pickup Truck with speed of 271kph </record> </car> assert 'car' == <car name='P50' make='Peel' year='1962'> <country>Isle of Man</country> assert 'car' == <record type='size'> Smallest Street-Legal Car at 99cm wide and 59 kg in weight assert 'Holden' == firstRecord_p.'@make' </record> </car> assert 'Holden' == firstRecord_s.@make.text() <car name='Royale' make='Bugatti' year='1931'> <country>France</country> assert 'Australia' == <record type='price'> Most Valuable Car at $15 million assert 'Australia' == </record> </car> </records>
  • 14. XmlParser vs XmlSlurper // 2 cars have an 'e' in the make assert{ it.'@make'.contains('e') }.size() == 2 // option 1 assert{ it.@make.text().contains('e') }.size() == 2 // option 2 assert{ it.@make =~ '.*e.*' }.size() == 2 <records> <car name='HSV Maloo' make='Holden' year='2006'> <country>Australia</country> <record type='speed'> Production Pickup Truck with speed of 271kph </record> </car> <car name='P50' make='Peel' year='1962'> <country>Isle of Man</country> <record type='size'> Smallest Street-Legal Car at 99cm wide and 59 kg in weight </record> </car> <car name='Royale' make='Bugatti' year='1931'> <country>France</country> <record type='price'> Most Valuable Car at $15 million </record> </car> </records>
  • 15. XmlSlurper println records.depthFirst().grep{ it.@type != '' }.'@type'*.text() //Result [speed, size, price] println records.'**'.grep{ it.@type != '' }.'@type'*.text() //Result [speed, size, price] def countryOne =[1].country println countryOne.parent().@make.text() //Result Peel <records> println countryOne.'..'.@make.text() <car name='HSV Maloo' make='Holden' year='2006'> <country>Australia</country> //Result <record type='speed'> Peel Production Pickup Truck with speed of 271kph </record> // names of cars with records sorted by year </car> <car name='P50' make='Peel' year='1962'> println{ <country>Isle of Man</country> it.@year.toInteger() <record type='size'> }.'@name'*.text() Smallest Street-Legal Car at 99cm wide and 59 kg in weight //Result </record> </car> [Royale, P50, HSV Maloo] <car name='Royale' make='Bugatti' year='1931'> <country>France</country> // names of countries with ‘s’ in the name <record type='price'> println records.'**'.grep{ Most Valuable Car at $15 million </record> it.@type =~ 's.*' </car> }*.parent().country*.text() </records> //Result [Australia, Isle of Man]
  • 16. XmlSlurper class XmlExamples { static def CF_MESSAGE = ''' <cf:Message xmlns:cf=''> <cf:Properties> <cf:Name>ck_mstr</cf:Name> <cf:Process>FREUDENBERG_DEMO</cf:Process> <cf:User></cf:User> <cf:Date>Fri Dec 25 17:37:55 EST 2009</cf:Date> <cf:MessageCount>0</cf:MessageCount> <cf:UID>uniqueId-0</cf:UID> </cf:Properties> </cf:Message> ''' } def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(XmlExamples.CF_MESSAGE) xml.Properties.children().each { println "${} -> ${it.text()}" } Name -> ck_mstr Process -> FREUDENBERG_DEMO User -> Date -> Fri Dec 25 17:37:55 EST 2009 MessageCount -> 0 UID -> uniqueId-0
  • 17. XML Generation • Building XML using simple Java • StreamingMarkupBuilder - A builder class for creating XML markup
  • 18. Java //assuming we have a Writer created already writer.write("<root>"); writer.write(“<a a1=‘one’>”); writer.write("<b>3 < 5</b>"); writer.write("<c a2=‘two’>blah</c>"); writer.write("<d>"); writer.write("<f>hello</f>"); writer.write("</d>"); writer.write("</a>"); writer.write("</root>"); //Result <root> <a a1='one'> <b>3 &lt; 5</b> <c a2='two'>blah</c> <d> <f>hello</f> </d> </a> </root>
  • 19. StreamingMarkupBuilder import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind { root { writer.write("<root>"); a ( a1:'one' ) { writer.write(“<a a1=‘one’>”); writer.write("<b>3 < 5</b>"); b { mkp.yield( '3 < 5' ) } writer.write("<c a2=‘two’>blah</c>"); c ( a2:'two', 'blah' ) writer.write("<d>"); d { writer.write("<f>hello</f>"); f (‘hello’) writer.write("</d>"); } writer.write("</a>"); writer.write("</root>"); } } }.toString() //Result <root> <a a1='one'> <b>3 &lt; 5</b> <c a2='two'>blah</c> <d> <f>hello</f> </d> </a> </root>
  • 20. StreamingMarkupBuilder import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder def dic = ['a':123, 'b':456, 'c':949] new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind { root { dic.each { "${it.key}" (it.value) } } }.toString() //Result <root> <a>123</a> <b>456</b> <c>949</c> </root>
  • 21. StreamingMarkupBuilder import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder def dic = ['a':['name':'apple', 'type':123], 'b':['name':'cheese', 'type':456], 'c':['name':'milk', 'type':949]] new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind { root { dic.each { "${it.key}" (it.value) } } }.toString() //Result <root> <a name='apple' type='123'/> <b name='cheese' type='456'/> <c name='milk' type='949'/> </root>
  • 22. EOs inside Groovy • Setup • Demo
  • 23. Setup • Main Component with a set of tables that will list the data from each table • replaced with Main.groovy (just for some extra fun) • MySQL Database with three tables: • Employee Employee • age Job Manager job 0..1* employees 0..1* • manager Manager name Job name employees owner salary jobs 0..1 * name
  • 24. DEMO
  • 26. Bonus
  • 27. ConfigSlurper • Utility class within Groovy for writing properties file • Unlike regular Java properties files ConfigSlurper scripts support native Java types and are structured like a tree.
  • 28. Reading configuration with ConfigSlurper def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse (configFile) def configFile = ''' //get the all of the config data WOWODC { println config.WOWODC Bonus { testId = 1 //Result testName = "Hello Bonus Test string" ["Bonus":["testId":1, "testName":"Hello Bonus Test string"], "BonusList":["key1":"val1", "hi":"hello"]] } //get only the Bonus section BonusList { println config.WOWODC.Bonus key1 = 'val1' hi = 'hello' //Result } ["testId":1, "testName":"Hello Bonus Test string"] } //get only the testId value ''' println config.WOWODC.Bonus.testId //Result 1 //list keys and values under BonusList section config.WOWODC.BonusList.each {println "${it.key} = ${it.value}"} //Result key1 = val1 hi = hello
  • 29. Updating configuration with ConfigSlurper //get the all of the config data WOWODC { config.Hi.GoodBuy.say = 'Hello' Bonus { testId = 1 def sw = new StringWriter() testName = "Hello Bonus Test string" println config?.writeTo(sw).toString() } //Result --> BonusList { WOWODC { key1 = 'val1' Bonus { hi = 'hello' testId=1 } testName="Hello Bonus Test string" } } BonusList { key1="val1" hi="hello" } } Hi.GoodBuy.say="Hello" // got updated
  • 30. Updating configuration with ConfigSlurper //get the all of the config data WOWODC { config.Hi.GoodBuy.tell = 'Hi' Bonus { testId=1 def sw = new StringWriter() testName="Hello Bonus Test string" println config?.writeTo(sw).toString() } BonusList { //Result key1="val1" WOWODC { hi="hello" Bonus { } testId=1 } testName="Hello Bonus Test string" Hi.GoodBuy.say="Hello" } BonusList { key1="val1" hi="hello" } } Hi { GoodBuy { say="Hello" tell="Hi" // got updated } }
  • 31. Updating configuration with ConfigSlurper //get the all of the config data WOWODC { config.WOWODC.Bonus.testId = 2 Bonus { testId=1 def sw = new StringWriter() testName="Hello Bonus Test string" println config?.writeTo(sw).toString() } BonusList { //Result --> key1="val1" WOWODC { hi="hello" Bonus { } testId=2 // got updated } testName="Hello Bonus Test string" Hi { } GoodBuy { BonusList { say="Hello" key1="val1" tell="Hi" hi="hello" } } } } Hi { GoodBuy { say="Hello" tell="Hi" } }
  • 32. DEMO