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Copyright © 2013 by Ahmed .I. Negedu
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Dedicated to Almighty God and to my Late Mum (I love and miss
My Sincere appreciation to my family and to my friends; Idris Sa’id Ismail,
Muhammad Bubayaro Gifted and lastly to the youths who gave me the inspiration.
Youths are special group of people with strong will and passion for achieving a dream
or set of goals. From different generations, youths have shown certain characteristics that
distinguishes them. These characteristics are the propelling factors for national development,
they are zealousness, curiosity, hard work, radicalism, impatient for change, ambition etc. There
is an estimated 1.2 Billion young people between the ages of 15-40 in the world, and the vast
majority of them live in developing countries. Nigeria has a youthful population of more than 90
Million which is also about 70% of the overall population. However, more than 45% of youths
are unemployed. Although youths are both policy and political priority in this country, they still
have the ultimate responsibility for their lives and how they live it. In order to curb out moral
decadence, crime, violence and corruption from the minds of our future leaders, this book was
born. If the general improvement in the lives of individuals, groups, and environments is a key
factor in national development, it is necessary therefore to redirect the mindset of youths.
This book is aimed at re-channeling thoughts and opinions of contemporary youths in
the right path, by equipping them with strategies and techniques to assist them achieve landmark
developments. It is also a source of motivation and inspiration for success. Researchers have
documented the “hundredth monkey syndrome”. They have shown that once a certain number of
a species has been taught something new, suddenly all or most of that species can do the same
purely by “inspiration” and without being shown. How does this happen? Simple. A few
members of a species learn something new until the critical mass point is reached where the sum
total of their knowledge is powerful enough for the rest of the species to access the information.
As a result they “know” how to do something without being shown. They become a collective
mind. If youths are shown how detrimental some mindsets are, and how they can possibly
overturn this moral disorder. With youth themselves as models, other youths will eventually
access this high state of consciousness and together they will push for national development. The
book hopes to revolutionize completely the mindset of all Nigerian youths to understand the truth
and apply it in every aspect of personal and national development.
I have to admit that in the cause writing this book, i became aware of my
shortcomings and with amount of knowledge i encountered, I’ve started working towards
recreating them. I would proudly say that I’m the first beneficiary and living testimony to the
power of this great masterpiece. The mindset of youths has to be nurtured and they have to be
given the liberty to express themselves. I have taken it as a challenge to arouse the interest of my
peers towards thinking for a progressive society. There is a world within us, made up of
thoughts, feelings, power, light, life and beauty. This world is invisible but its forces are mighty.
Our thoughts have unimaginable powers to turn us from timid fellows into courageous masters.
Any youth who is privileged to come across this book, understands and applies every doctrine is
automatically a gem whose preciousness has nothing in comparison. The ability of a person can
only be determined by that person. This book basically shows you the way to use your ability;
however everyone has the final authority to decide which way to take.
Don’t just read a book and understand. Books like this can change your life, when you
decide to apply what you read. You may also have good intention but if you don’t know how to
apply good reading method, everything you learned will vanish. These are few points i want to
suggest when reading. First, make sure you underline key portions of this book, and re-read them
over and over again. And secondly, make sure you apply what you learn as soon as possible. So
that you may understand and remember. It is said that when you hear something you may forget,
when you see something you may remember, but when you do something you will surely
understand. The reader’s mind is like a garden. It may not be time to plant the truth in your mind.
Perhaps you need some weeding or ground preparation, before the garden of your mind is ready. Perhaps
the weather is too stormy to plant the truth. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest. The
blessings that flow from planting the information of this book in your mind will require the
presence of living waters of love. If you do not have love in your heart, this book is not for you. The
information contained in this book is the biggest eye opener of our generation. It will
challenge you, shock you, and hopefully motivate you to redouble your efforts to humble
yourself and seek strength from God Almighty.
"Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it"---Steve
Cambridge advanced learners dictionary (Third edition) defines mindset as a person’s way of
thinking and opinion, mindset is therefore a mental attitude that will determine how you interpret
and respond to a situation. Mindsets are powerful beliefs in your mind, and you can change them
because you always have a choice. The brain is like a muscle that gets stronger and works better
the more it is exercised. Usually people believe the brain is stationary which makes them believe
further that talent and giftedness are unchanging personal traits that will eventually lead to
success. The truth is, every person’s brain has a genius-like ability, your weapon to becoming
successful lies in your ability to develop this genius-like character in you. Every time you work
hard, stretch yourself and learn something new your brain forms new connections and over time
you actually become smarter. According to the research by Dr. Carol Dweck, a professor of
psychology at Stanford University. People have two types of mindset, a fixed mindset where
people believe their abilities are fixed, that they have a certain amount of intelligence or talent
and that’s that, affirming that they can learn new things but can’t change their ability. On the
other hand is the growth mindset where people believe that their abilities are things they can
cultivate and develop throughout their lives, they believe that through effort and learning they
can become smarter and more talented, they acknowledge that some peoples are naturally
brilliant but they focus on the idea that everyone can get better with time.
"It is easier for one to take risks and to chase his dreams with a mindset that has nothing to lose. In this
lies the immense passion, the great advantage of avoiding a materialistic, pleasure filledway of life"---
Criss Jami
We shall take a look at both mindsets, those with fixed mindsets believe they are what they are,
and still possess a desire for positive self-image and of course want to perform well and look
smart, while those with growth mindset believe that intelligence and abilities can be developed
since they believe the brain is like a muscle which can be trained therefore they acquire the
desire to improve. Also people with fixed mindset avoid challenges, they think it’s hard and
success is not assured, so rather than risk failing negatively and tarnishing their self-image they
choose to avoid challenges and stick to what they can do well. A challenge to a growth minded
person is welcomed with open arms because they know they will come out stronger on the other
side. Obstacles scare away a fixed minded human and he gives up without a fight, while people
with growth mindset are not discouraged by obstacles because they see failure as an opportunity
to learn, and so whatever happens they win. Fixed mindset people see making effort as fruitless
or worse, they avoid making it recapping that their effort will not take them an inch away from
where they are, while the growth minded fellow sees effort as something necessary to grow and
master useful skills. The way this two categories of people deal with negative forces varies with
respect to their cognitive abilities for example, in dealing with criticism, a fixed minded person
ignores negative feedbacks by refusing to see his flaws and also take them as insult and further
isolating himself from external influences that can help him generate some positive change.
Criticism to a person with the growth mindset is seen as an opportunity to know ones weakness and
Achilles heel so he can go ahead in growing better.
"A tornado of thought is unleashed after each new insight. This in turn results in an earthquake of
assumptions. These are natural disasters that re-shape the spirit."---Vera Nazarian
It is therefore safe to say that those with fixed mindset may attain a level of success in
their life even though they don’t reach their full potentials and Growth mindset people will
always reach a higher level of achievement which also gives them a sense of free will. It is good
news to learn that it is possible to change your worldview from a fixed mindset to a growth
mindset. The aim of this book is virtually how youths with fixed mindset will learn how to
change develop a growth mindset while applying their new acquired cognitive functions into
some very important aspects which will fuel and transform this great country of ours. Before we
begin to learn how to change our mindset into a positive and progressive one I will like to know
to what extent do you strongly agree or agree or strongly disagree or disagree with these
1. No matter what kind of person you are, you can always change substantially.
2. Trying new things is stressful for me and I avoid it.
3. You can always change the basic thing about the kind of person you are.
4. I appreciate when people, parents, coaches, teachers give me feedback about my performance.
5. I often get angry when I get negative feedback about my performance.
6. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change how intelligent you are.
7. You can do things differently, but the important parts of who you can’t really be changed.
8. Human beings are basically good, but sometimes make terrible decisions.
9. An important reason why I do my school work is that I like to learn new things.
10. Truly smart people do not need to try hard.
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on
trying when there seemed no hope at all"---Dale Carnegie
The answers and opinion you give to these statements will basically give you an insight to the
type of mindset you have, although some people have a balanced type of mindset where they both
exhibit a fixed and growth mindset in different aspect of their life. After sincerely
giving your opinion to the statements, you can check the answers description or type of statement to
which your opinion is attached.
1. Personality/character mindset - growth
2. Ability mindset - fixed
3 Personality/character mindset - growth
4. Ability mindset -growth
5. Ability mindset - fixed
6. Ability mindset - fixed
7. Personality/character mindset - fixed
8. Personality/character mindset -growth
9. Ability mindset - growth
10. Ability mindset - fixed
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays
young"---Henry Ford
You can develop your mindset irrespective of who you are and what you do to suit whatever
aspect of life you wish to develop, we will take the area of education since the majority of youths in
the country are still in the process of pursuing their various academic goals, it will give them a clear
picture of who they are in terms of academic orientation, and how they can boost their
cognitive system in developing a more advanced and lucrative method of thinking and self-
belief. They are basically three simple ways to develop growth mindset:-
=> STEP #1: Learn, Learn, and Learn
(*)Fixed Mindset: They always want to look intelligent at all costs. The main thing they want to do in
school is to show others how good and brilliant they are.
(*)Growth Mindset: Those with growth mindset believe that it’s better to learn and understand than to
get top grades in school. This type of mindset will give way to students getting quality education even in
areas that are not a specialty to them, and furthermore become naturally vast in in the real life application
of education.
(*)A person with a fixed mindset predicts his/her failure to recover from an initial poor grade.
Since their mindset is fixed on never been able to develop or change, they therefore make no
effort in studying during the next academic calendar, giving way to a more massive failure than
previous times.
(*)A Person with a growth mindset predicts successful recovery from poor grades and
performance; he/she puts in more effort during the next academic calendar and gets a more
pleasant result than previous time. His/her natural instincts also helps him/her in making business
decisions, personal resolutions etc.
"The real fault is to have faults and not amend them"---Confucius =>
STEP #2: Realize hard work is the key
*Fixed Mindset: These people believe that learning should come naturally, that they will do their
best and won’t suffer themselves as they’ll call it, some may even call it “stressing” themselves,
they say to their selves “When I have to work really hard in a subject, I don’t feel very smart”.
*Growth Mindset: They put a lot of effort into learning and work hard knowing that it is the key,
they say to theirs elves “The harder I have to work at something, the more effort
I put into something; the better I’ll be at it”. That way they always get better and more fulfilled.
=> STEP #3: Face setbacks
*Fixed Mindset: They always hide their mistakes and conceal their deficiencies, retreat, blame
others, and even act superior; they say to themselves, “I’d spend less time on this subject from now
on”, “I would try not to take this subject ever again”,
“I would try to cheat on the next test”. They remain stuck in the same problem they try to avoid, and
even get into more serious trouble than they had anticipated.
*Growth Mindset: They capitalize on their mistakes and confront their deficiencies, they would say to
their selves, “I would work harder in class from now on” “and I will spend more time studying for
test/examination” and with this self-affirmation and believe they attain great height, achieve their goals
and are more fulfilled.
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool"---
Richard P. Feynman
_ Focus on effort, struggle, persistence despite setbacks
_ Choose difficult tasks
_ Focus on Strategies
_ Reflect on different strategies that work and don’t work _
Focus on Learning and improving
_ Seek challenges
_ Work hard
Have you ever thought of how you think? Many of you will say “not very often”. And yet
every day you make decisions, generate ideas, draw conclusions, evaluate other people’s opinion
and so on. All these things need careful thought. You apply some techniques in thinking rather
than the wider process of thinking. They are many factors that affect your thinking, if you use an
incorrect assumption when you evaluate something, your final conclusion may be flawed. If you
allow your emotions to cloud your analysis, you risk making a biased decision. If you don’t have
all the facts you may miss the best solution. And if you unthinkingly accept or believe what you
hear or read from other people, newspapers or on the internet, you risk being manipulated. And
that is why I have dedicated a whole chapter for youth to break lose and think free. It is crucial
for youths to have advanced methods of thinking and decision making, it’s called critical
thinking. It’s important to rigorously and skillfully use information, experience, observation and
reasoning to guide your decisions, actions and beliefs. Critical thinking is associated with
progressive and positive thinking, it means questioning every step of your thinking process. It
makes you ask yourself, have you considered all the facts? Have you tested your assumptions? Is
your reasoning sound? Can you be sure your judgment is unbiased? Is your thinking process
logical, rational and complete? This kind of rigorous, logical questioning is often known as
Socratic questioning, after the Greek Socrates who is considered to be the founder of critical
thinking. By developing the skills of progressive and critical thinking, you bring rigor and
discipline to your thinking processes and automatically standing a better chance of being right.
You become more likely to make good judgments, choices and decisions in all areas of your life.
This is an important part of success and wisdom especially as a youth.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he. This is a popular assertion I’ve come to follow, I’ve
always used it to channel my thoughts into a positive pattern. Youths have problem when it
comes to what they think about themselves, many have low esteem that they can’t map out ways
to break out from their psychological prison. If you think of a certain character that defines you,
you would certainly live your everyday life thinking you are that person and you cannot change.
Obviously we have been brain washed that we don’t strive to think for ourselves. Life is made up
of life and death, but between these two are the choices we make. You can’t continue to live
under the spell of being controlled like robots in the society, make a choice now, make a choice
today. Think free, break lose and make decisions for yourself. Decisions that will favor both
yourself and the society. James Allen characterize that “man is made or unmade by himself. In
the armory of thought he forges the weapon by which he destroys himself. He also fashions the
tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy, strength and peace. By right
choice and true application of thought, man ascends to divine perfection. By the abuse and
wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two are all the
grade of character and man is their maker and master”. James Allen emphasized on character as the
major tool to build a firm and rigid foundation for good and positive thoughts. It has the power of
transforming you into the most successful of all. My dear friend I can assure you that you shall get
whatever you desire out of life only but if you reassess your attitude, behavior and adopt a principle of
positive and progressive thinking.
Most of the perceptions about life you have are misconceptions due to media deception.
You might not actually believe it but it’s true the media, television, radio, newspaper, and online
Medias etc. have been manipulating your mind at a very early age, that is since you started
watching and listening to them. Have you ever watched a movie and felt like you can apply what
the lead actor did in real life? Have you ever listened to an interview of a popular celebrity and
create imaginary world for yourself, imitating or living the same way they do? Have you ever
watched a fashion show and in reality wish you had those same clothing, accessories etc. you
saw? I can continue telling you and may not finish till you become tired of reading. The dangers
of the media are so horrific; they can control your thinking instead of you thinking for yourself.
They control how you wear clothes, how you eat, how you even think, how you love and the
most dangerous is they control what you fear and what you hate. Home videos do most harm on
you than you can imagine. I saw an inscription about the television; it says “sit! I told you no
reading or thinking for yourself”, it was funny at first but I was disgruntled when I realize the
effects and dangers of television to the mind of children even adults. Don’t believe everything
you hear or see, there are always three sides to a story, yours, theirs and the truth. You have to
avoid using the first two and always stick to the truth. If you think for yourself, your interaction
with your environment becomes that of a highly educated one. People may say you’ve change,
but the truth is that you have found yourself and you are now able to carry yourself the way you
want without feeling like being under a kind of spell.
One dangers of the not thinking for yourself is that you easily fall victim to lies and
propagandas. Many ethno/religious rift, territorial tension, rancor and disdain are products of
premeditated misinformation, spread about by callous people who only work for their interest.
You are not free my dear friend, you are not!. Freedom is the right of all people to express who
they are, what they think, and how they wish to live their lives: free from imposition or hassle
from anyone. It is to be able to celebrate our individual uniqueness without rules, regulations,
ridicule and condemnation from those who seek to impose their view of life upon the rest of us.
Until we respect our own, and everyone’s, right to be different, to make our own choices, and
create our own conscious realities free from imposition and pressure to conform, we will remain
in a prison of our own making. And a handful of people with a deeply unpleasant agenda will
continue to run over us. The choice, as always, is ours. We can accept the prison or we can walk
out to freedom. And freedom is thinking away, thinking for yourself, questioning your opinions
and believes and having unbiased and prejudice reactions. There are many obstacles that have
been challenging our development towards peace, unity and progress in this country. Politicians
have always been in the forefront destroying what concerned citizens have been trying to do to
achieve a healthy Nigerian society. Some so called Ministers of God have frantically caused
disharmony amongst diverse Religious groups, Unprofessional journalist and peace threatened
media help in escalating crisis by publishing and disseminating stories and news which have no
reliable source.
Oh what a joy to live in the land of freedom. You are free to watch the news and see
journalists and correspondents telling you, mostly without question, the official explanation of
events designed to ensure that you see the world in the desired fashion and react in the desired
way. You are free to attend churches/mosques where men of God who are the custodians and
guardians of peace, unity and progress tell you frankly that peace and mutual coexistence doesn’t
exist, promising you liberations in the life hereafter when they themselves never work towards it,
performing miracles that where not from divine sources. You are free to listen and obey those
politicians and leaders who spend their weekends abroad on islands with harlots and alcohol
telling you to fight for your rights and beliefs and paying lip services to your needs. Ladies and
gentlemen, repeat after me... I am free... I am free. Yes! Yes! Yes! I say you are free to do as
you are told; free to think as you are told, as well as you are programmed to; free to live as you
are told . And you are even free to die in the riots/crises coldly created to destroy, control and
manipulate. You should learn to differentiate the truth not only when it’s directed to you. If you
learn how to do so you shall be free, but if you don’t know how to differentiate it and you still
think nothing is wrong with your reasoning, you think you are free from any mind control, lies,
propagandas and deceit. Yes you are free: you are free to watch television - thirty channels and
more of the mindless things which close down your sense of infinity and create illusions of what
you should do, what you should be and what you should think. You have the freedom to press
the remote control button and choose any one of them.
While it may appear at first to be incredibly difficult for a relative handful of people to
control the lives of over 150 million Nigerians, it is in fact comparatively easy, once
religion/tribal beliefs and the media are under control and other sources of the “information”
which bombard our conscious and subconscious mind from our birth till we die. These messages
are not designed to inform, but to direct and condition, to divide and rule us. The religious and
political manipulators position themselves between the truth and our conscious minds. They are
the middlemen and women who seek to keep out of the public arena the knowledge that would
open our minds to our real and infinite potential of love, oneness, togetherness’, and progress.
We are fed a mental diet of hate and mistrust designed to diminish our sense of love and close
down our consciousness until it becomes a pale shadow of what it can be. As someone once said,
there are three types of person in the world: a tiny few who make things happen; a slightly larger
number who watch things happen; and all the rest who go around saying: what’s happening,
what’s happening? The truth is denied to people because it will set them free. Instead, those at
the peak of the religious and political empires (the same state of mind in different clothes) hand
down their version of “truth”, a version which means that people must believe whatever they
want them to believe. And, to be fair, youths do not have a great record for demanding the truth
or searching for it. We have developed lazy minds. It’s appropriate that the word ignorance is an
extension of the word ignore. We ignore so much and so we become ignorant. Once one
generation have been conditioned to think the way they want, it becomes even easier to condition the
next generation. Unfortunately many of our parents have fallen victims, but not you if you
want. Surely you won’t want you or your children to live like programmed robots, would you?
Each generation has a right to see life in a way that makes sense to them, not the government,
their teachers, clerics or the media. But sadly, youths accept without thinking so much that it is
passed down to them. They don’t ask the most liberating question like: Why? Why do we do it
this way? Why do we believe this or that? Who says this/what/? The question “why?” is the
driving force behind this revolution.
After breaking lose from been manipulated and controlled, another part of critical thinking
towards a better society is developing positive and progressive thinking through self-discipline
and motivation. Every second of every day in every breath of your life, you are creating your
own reality. Your lives reflect precisely your imagination of yourself. If you think you are an
ordinary person and that the good things and great achievements happen only to others, then that
is the way it will be. Your life will reflect that imagination and perception of yourself. It takes
different exercises to build a good self-discipline and by progressive training you can build one.
You should first identify where your discipline is weakest and design a training program for
yourself. If you start with easy challenges you gradually progress to greater ones. Before you
begin to establish a discipline that will promote your image and oneself. You have to know
where you lack (discipline) and with that you won’t be ignorant. You can then begin to work on
those areas. Developing or building self-discipline may mean asking yourself questions like:
when was the last time you consciously adopted a positive new habit? When was the last time
you consciously discontinued a bad habit? After sincerely replying to these questions, then you
begin to work on it by consciously learning a new habit and discontinuing a bad one. If you don’t
like your life, then change it. You’re in control. You have created the life you don’t like, so now
create the one that you do. And if you don’t like what the society is, then change it. It takes a
single person to begin a revolution, so be the change you want to see. You are in control of your
destiny and so is everyone. You can also test your discipline by how you keep a promise either to
yourself or somebody else. Ask yourself again; if you make a promise to yourself, what is the
percentage chance you will keep it? if you make a promise to someone else what is the
percentage chance you will keep it too? This method of self-assessment encourages you to
achieve whatever goals, dreams and agendas you've set for yourself. When you are able to
determine the rate at which you keep your promise, you can begin to further upgrade to asking
yourself; if you can give up watching T.V for 60 days, if you can give up using social media for
the same period? if you can maintain a perfect hygiene not to attract people’s attention but for
the obvious reasons that you like it? If you can concentrate on the cultivating the future and
destroy all types of procrastination? If you can contribute to national development and avoid
mischief making? What do you do that may deprive other people of their rights? What do you
think are the responsibilities of a Nigerian? Etc. You only need to begin and you will get there
just like in the words of Goethe;
“Are you earnest? Seize this very minute,
What you can do or dream you can, begin it,
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it,
Only engage, and then the mind grows heated,
Begin it, and the work will be completed".
We are conditioned to be prejudiced against other members and groups within each
culture and society, and these different forms of prejudice are used to divide and rule us. The
prejudice may be tribal, religious or political, based on background, income, job or lifestyle.
Either way you have different aspects of society conditioned to instinctively ridicule, oppose and
condemn the views and life experiences of each other. This allows the manipulation of the mass
consciousness to flourish and yet if we stopped seeking to impose our version of right and
wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral upon each other, we would remove the means for such
manipulation. We need to let go of all prejudice now! Humanity (youths) is in prison because:
It gives its mind away and concedes its responsibility and power to think for itself and It is
consumed by fear, especially the fear of what other people think, the fear of being different and
being unique. In the light of this, the means of escape from the global virus is breathtakingly
obvious. We should think for ourselves and refuse to allow others to tell us what to do, be and
say. We should also let go of fear because fear is our creation. We don’t have to fear, it becomes
our choice. We don’t have to hide our uniqueness, it is also our choice. And we can always
easily make these choices. Hey, YOU are in control of you. YOU know what is best for you.
Nobody else. You don’t need anyone to tell you what to do and think. Just like the struggle for
an HIV free generation, the struggle for a free, fair and progressive society begins with you.
"I’m convinced, and i want you also to be convinced that the future of this vast country must
depend on the efforts of ourselves to help ourselves. This we cannot do if we don’t work together in
unity; indeed, unity today is our greatest concern, and it’s the duty of everyone to work so that we may
strengthen it. ---Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa.
In the great pursuit for personal positive character and collective national
development. Youth’s mindsets have been influenced with many things, lack of opportunity, lust
for wealth and financial security, religious zealousness to mention a few. However, all these
aforementioned causes are most often if not all the time due to one form of prejudice and
sentiments they hold. If you want to be free from the chain of sentiments and prejudices, you
must understand just like I stated in previous chapters that your opinions and believe matters a
lot and it has great effect on how you make judgments and also take actions. Therefore, to avoid
any negative consequences, you must understand that prejudice is a vagrant opinion without any
visible means of support and sentiments are selfish opinions which destroy you like fire burning
wool. Many dictionaries have explained the meaning of prejudice, but the explanation I like to
use is that of the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (third edition) which defines it as an
unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or
knowledge. Unfair and unreasonable opinions have been the impulse for youth’s uncooperative
and unprogressive mindset. You have to know that habit can be formed and reformed. You
should also be glad that any negative energy can be transformed into a positive one, these
attributes occur in your subconscious being. It’s no doubt that good intention tends to override
the negative effects of bad habits. The harmful effects of biases and prejudices in our society are
all too obvious. There are many reasons why people are biased against members of certain
groups, but one important cause of prejudices and stereotypes as psychologists pointed out is
faulty reasoning. Make the intention of annihilating prejudice and sentiments, it’s a big world out
there and it’s only fit for progressive and positive minds.
"The touchstone of what is good, be it thought, or word or action, is love. We are to love our neighbors
as ourselves. That is the law and the prophets. Anything therefore- any thought or word or action-
which falls short is evil, and hold within itself the germ of its own eventual and inevitable destruction”.
---Chief Obafemi Awolowo.
Dogmas coupled with prejudice and sentiments are detrimental, often religious
dogma constitute the highest peril. Stop the dogma! It has been the greatest enemy of peaceful
and mutual co-existence of our people. The dogmatist is a true believer in some theory or
doctrine. The key feature of the dogmatist is not what he believes, but how he believes it. The
fact is there is no logic behind how he believes it and anybody who doesn’t share the same belief
is automatically an enemy. The dogmatist is not open minded; he wouldn’t let anything count as
evidence against his beliefs. The dogmatist views provide a set of principles and categories, and
he interprets things in terms of them. Dogmas are in different forms and many people are
dogmatic about their political and religious views. They tend to see things as all black or all
white, and so they often think that everything is clearer to them. They are often uncompromising, and
sometimes feel that those who disagree with them are not just wrong, but evil. Some of the
potential negative effects of dogmas on you is that it becomes your nature. It’s important that
you exercise compassion; it can inspire you and make you aware that life is complex and
humbleness is a must. It is explicit that to banish all negative thoughts from the mind you need to replace
them completely with good thoughts. The ability of the individual to think is his ability
to act and bring it into manifestation.
"No matter how old an individual may be, no matter if he is young or old, if he thinks in
accordance with the times he is immortal"---Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe
The mind thinks correctly when it understand the truth, if you want to change for the
good, it starts from your within. All growth, all changes start from within, this is evident in all
nature, and every plant and animal is a living testimony. As James Allen characterize that “good
thoughts and actions can never produce bad result, bad thoughts and actions can never produce
good results. This is but saying that nothing comes from corn but corn. Men understand this law
in the natural world, and work it; but few understands it in the mental and moral world and they;
therefore do not cooperate with it”. If you want to feel like a self-respecting person, you need to
behave as one. As William Shakespeare said “assume virtue, if you have it not”. Strong, pure and
happy thoughts build up in the body vigor and grace. If you tend to believe that you are always
right and everyone else is wrong (dogmatic) or use emotions rather than careful thoughts based
on facts to make judgments (sentimental), you become like a wound exposed without any form
of care or treatment. If allowed untreated, it will expand, eat deep and rot causing unbearable
pain to the host, in the case of human it leads to their destruction. Holding sentiments or having
dogmatic reasoning is like living in prison, when the mind is enslaved the body can never be
free. One of the consequences of this mindset is that it goes beyond affecting your actions; it also
enslaves your soul in the sense that your reasoning is confined to a very minute dispensation.
"Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of
juvenile folly and ignorant superstition"--- Isaac Asimov
Corruption, bad healthcare system, hunger and malnutrition, unemployment and
inadequate infrastructures are but few menaces facing us in this country. But the dangerous of all
destroying the unity of this nation is religious/ethnic intolerance and disunity. This is a
worrisome disease troubling the heart of modern youths. This can be cured if every youth
understands that love is the greatest force in the universe. All you need is love. And love is
boundless and infinite. There is no shortage of supply, no matter what the demand. You just
think it and feel it and there it is. As much as you want, whenever you want. Love is our golden
key and it is under our control. Don’t tell me we can’t get out of ethnic/religious chaos when we
have in our possession all that we need for the great escape. The key, the ladder, and the
getaway car, is just a state of being called love. You can love yourself or hate yourself. You can
love others or hate others. You can love Nigeria or abuse Nigeria. These are just choices -choices
that carry with them spiritual and physical consequences. And those choices are yours and mine.
Burmese prodemocracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi said “the first thing youths of a country are
supposed to do to achieve unity amongst ethnic generations is to listen to each other”. You can
imagine our level of unity and progress if every person allows and give others the chance to
express themselves, their feelings and needs. There is no doubt that hatred, sentiments, prejudice and
biases would certainly be a thing of the past. I’m one those who strongly believe that youths mustn’t
make the same mistakes that our parents made. And dialogue is a crucial instrument to
achieve peace, so if you find yourself in any chaotic situation, your first action is to talk things
through and come to the best solution. You will get into trouble when you fail to realize that
some of the perceptions you hold are based on what society (i.e. parents, teachers, religious
institutions, media, internet etc.) teaches or tells you, and not what is actually the truth. You
should know that every human has his own sets of biases and prejudices, even yourself. So, by
seeking information and the truth from a lot of different sources, you will find the absolute truth and
facts that will henceforth guide your judgments.
"Let us be honest with ourselves, let us be sincere. We know what we want, and we are sure we can
get it, and get it at the right time, provided we are not delayed by selfish quarrels."---Sir Abubakar
Tafawa Balewa.
The first thing you must know is that the name Nigeria has come into being, and you
need to believe that if well managed this country could be perfectly created by us Nigerians and
Nobody else. It can be as developed and advanced as the U.S, Canada, Australia, japan etc. are
today. But, we cannot get to this stage if we still continue to batter ourselves on the basis of
ethnic/religious misunderstandings. You must however, in order to eliminate completely your ill-
feelings for any alien religion/tribe, learn to find out the rationale behind your opinions. I’m not
insinuating that what you’ve already learn or know where based on lies and propagandas neither
am I urging you to stop listening. But, you mustn’t over-estimate the value of information you
receive from anybody, because when you over-estimate the values of certain individuals in the
society, you will be certainly confined to the box of not knowing the actual truth. In today’s
society, people we respect have a way of swaying the society’s opinion based on the fact that
they know we trust them and also believe that they know more than we do. They will tell you
what you want to hear or show you what you want to see. The media manipulate the real story
and tell us otherwise, people talk about the happenings in the world and make illogical
statements influenced by biased and prejudiced mind. Leaders give unwise advice to favor their
amoral believes. However, even you do not know of about some biases or sentiments that you
have, and with this you tend to see what you want to see and enjoy what you want to hear. As
long as it doesn’t concern your personal or spiritual belief, you ignore anybody that tries to tell
you the truth simply because you do not want to hear or see it. The key is to be aware of your
own prejudices and expectations towards someone, something or some people, while at the same
time stay open minded to everything that comes your way.
"We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes that were born different from us. We don’t
like to think of them as relatively ordinary people who made themselves extraordinary"---
Carol .S. Dweck
The word unity will not be over-emphasized; it is the only true means for us to live
together in a socially friendly Nigeria. We have to learn to love one another for both our strength
and weakness, it is this feeling of oneness and togetherness that makes us emotionally and
physically secure. You should stop believing that we are never the same people, you should
believing that those leaders, media, clerics etc. who tried to instigate religious driven segregation
were really working in your interests. You should stop believing that we are separating as a
nation just because some unscrupulous individuals in attempt to destabilize us have shamelessly
declared their evil agendas. There is a saying that “gives me liberty or give me death”. It sound
offensive or controversial, but come to think of the comparison between freedoms and bondage.
No doubts the dividends of the former outweigh that of the latter. If you don’t start to demand
your freedom to think, then you are literarily as good as dead. Not everybody cares about your
contribution or even your well-being, but your thoughts and ideology will certainly pull you
through. Rationalism is a unique concept you need to adopt, don’t allow politicians, media, home
videos, clerics, internet etc. tell you what to believe. Many of them resort to evil and
sophisticated mind control, causing havoc and wreck in once peaceful societies. They have been
blinded by their love for wealth and power and would go any extreme in misguiding people to
keep and maintain that status. In order to protect yourself, you should always gather information,
facts and learn the truth from different reliable sources. You should have a liberal mindset and
with critical and logical observations and judgments your actions shall unite us and catapult us
into a post ethnic/religious era. And therein, the truth shall set us free.
"It is safer and wiser to cure unhealthy rivalry than to suppress it". ----Chief Obafemi
Tolerance is a vital character you should also utilize, it is clear that intolerance
(ethnic/religious) has been one of the reasons for escalating crises in the country. Opinions are
not fact no matter how you hold them, they can’t be proved and that’s why everybody has them.
But tolerance is when you respect everybody’s opinion. A southerner is quick to react if a
northerner wrongs him. Whether it was accidental or premeditated, he resort to stereotyping the
whole north just because of the blunder committed by one northerner. Not everyone in the north
shares the same belief or has the same ethnic/religious mindset. Moreover character and behavior
are associated to individuals not a whole geographic location. There is a golden rule for
happiness, treat every other person as if you believe he/she likes you. Do this and you will never
lose. You have to respect your own right to be unique but you also have to respect the rights of
others to express their own uniqueness (free from ridicule and condemnation). We must stop
seeking to impose our dogmas on everyone in the process deny the right of each of us to be
different and have our own unique view. We should instead respect our own right to believe
what we choose and, crucially, we should respect everyone’s right to do the same, free from
pressure, ridicule, condemnation and imposition of any kind. This simple philosophy will
transform lives in the country and the world at large. It is necessary therefore to respect your own
right to be different and also respect the rights of others to do the same. When you and your
friends, family and the society have learnt this, understand and are willingly practicing it with
sincerity, we shall not only move into a post ethnic/religious society but a sophisticated and
advanced one. In those few sentences, you have the means to transform this country from a
prison to a paradise. Not one gun needs to be fired, neither one house nor car needs to burned,
not one grave needs to be dug. All it takes is for you to respect your right to be different and to
respect everyone’s right to that same freedom. Yes. It is really simple.
"Tolerance is the greatest gift of the mind, it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to
balance oneself on a bicycle"---Keller Helen
"I love you in when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, and pray in your church. For you
and i are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit"---Khalil Gibran
"If we are in the habit of not practicing the opposite of what we preach, our admonition will not
only lose their forces and cogency, but we ourselves will fortified every claim to credibility. An
ounce of example, it has been widely said is better than a ton of precepts". ---Chief Obafemi
"One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised" ---Chinua Achebe.
One of the requirements of a citizen in a society is the will to help in the development
of that society. Youths in this context are not excluded, in fact are the driving force, which is the
engine of this progressive movement. It is therefore a positive intention to work with the
government, occupying offices and doing field activities. However. The mindset of many
Nigerians is directed or focused on making extra income apart from their basic salary and
allowances. This cancerous zeal may lead them to commit all sort of illegal acts. Although
youths are not to be blamed for their unprogressive agendas which was an effect of bad
governments and administrations. People should however seize the blame game since every
individual is responsible for his/her actions. Honesty and integrity pays, in spite of our corrupt
system, it is the only honorable way to greatness. Many people fall into the pit of corruption
because they want to look nice, unfortunately being nice is not enough, it has to be done at the
expense of your dignity and integrity. To lean over backward for other people is both generous
and wise, but to fall over backward is foolish. A corrupt mind is unattractive even to itself. You
need to practice honesty at every level of your life, not just with yourself. When you are
dishonest you are effectively saying that you are not working enough, that you do not deserve
good things and the only way to get good things is to lie and cheat. This is a negative affirmation
to the self.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike
than those who think differently"---Friedrich Nietzsche
Many will say it is impossible to live within your means in Nigeria; my reaction to this
is that it is very possible. It may mean working two to three jobs and working hard to improve
yourself. In fact so many damage has been done and is still been inflicted on our society by those
who haven’t learned and are not willing to learn to live within their means. As you read on, I tell
you there are more to working in the public or private sector. If you have the rort mindset, you
may be successful but the wide arms of justice can always catch up with you. Think of all the
humiliation your name and that of your family will suffer. I recall when a prominent elder
statesman reacting to the problems facing Nigerians said “ the institution of family has broken
down, respect for elders which used to be a cardinal principle in our society is now at its lowest
ape, honesty where it does not pay has become meaningless, symptoms of revolt loom large on
the horizon .In short, there is meaninglessness in philosophy, insecurity in polity, chaos in
politics, immorality in society, corruption in economy, frustration in art and lack of creativity in
literature”. I believe everyone can change and assist in relocating the status of our dearest nation
from its current state. We the youths have been charged with the engineering of the revolution
which will emancipate our country from doldrums to glory. The recipe we are to use and achieve
glory is honesty; I’ve always stressed the need for every youth to have it at the back of their
minds. When you are confronted with a situation and you have both options of doing the right
thing and not doing it, you go against the odds and do the right thing. When the answer is yes,
say “yes”, when the answer is no, say “no”. Be dependable and follow your commitments. Do not
commit to anything you don’t intend to complete.
"The duty of youth is to challenge corruption"---Kurt Cobain.
Try to answer these questions candidly, when was the last time you appreciated someone
else’s honesty? When was the last time you were appreciated for your act of honesty? Many will
respond to the first question with recent times while the second question which is directed to
their personality, shall have a relatively unsure response. So why is it so? Many youths have
shown great lack of honesty in their dealings. It’s not a good character or virtue to be dishonest.
Doesn’t your conscience judge you when you are being dishonest? You need to change the rort
mindset, its only change that can drive a country from economic stagnation and bring political
freedom. We all know that the gain of dishonesty is short term. It can get you what you want, it
can get you out of trouble, and it can make it easier to please other people around you. Often all
this doesn’t last and you still find yourself in even worse situations. Interestingly, the merits of
honesty are countless. It paves way for greater intimacy, people love the true you. You trust
yourself and others trust you too. You tend to attract other honest people who are the best types
of people around. Being honest have a greater advantage as it has both health and mental
benefits, thus it is linked to less stress, less depression and less anxiety. Character, integrity and
morality in your life makes honesty easier, when you choose to live a life of character, you will
soon realize that you have nothing to hide.
"Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual; the
former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country. ---Karl Kraus.
You can start making contributions to better our society, if you are in position of power,
avoid accepting substandard quality of service because of kickbacks, things like this deprive the
country of value added service from contractors and consequently resulting to the
implementation of water washed roads, bad facilities and low quality infrastructure, etc.
Cultivate a honest habit and try hard to live within your means. There are some honest Nigerians
out there who work twelve hours or more a day, working six days a week to make ends meet.
Making ends meet is far honorable than living beyond your means and finding dubious ways to
get money to fill the self-destructive hole you dig. We need youths willing to jeopardize their
own interest for the good of others. But when the rort mindset rules, decisions becomes about
improving personal vanity and ambition. The more complex a corrupt person you are, the more
difficult it is to stop and once the truth prevails you will look terrible in the eyes of people.
Happy is he that is honest, he will be able go about with a clear conscience. This small fact alone
can help you sleep at night without having to worry or fear anything. Humanity suffers greatly
from mistrust, domination, ego, hatred and greed. Violence reigns and has being on the rise as a
result of such negativity. Honesty and humility can terminate all terrible and negative qualities,
giving the society a chance to see the result of better thinking and showing the bad eggs in the
society that they are cowards and bullies. It shows them how really weak their façade of cruelty
and hatred is. It also makes them look really deep and see what and who they really are thereby
weakening their personal stance and diminishing their powers to hurt others. Honesty and
humbleness brings out the best in people and benefits all humanity in the end. It makes life better
and allows people to do their jobs well.
"Corruption has its own motivation, and one has to thoroughly study that phenomenon and
eliminate the foundations that allow corruption to exist."---Eduard Shevardnadze
"No more excuses! Do it or don’t do it—but don’t make
excuses. Stop using your incredible brain to think up elaborate
rationalizations and justifications for not taking action.
Do something. Do anything. Get on with it! Repeat
to yourself: “If it’s to be, it’s up to me! ----Brian Tracy
Mark Twain said “twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the
things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe
harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover". As youths, we should
embrace entrepreneurship. It has been a proven strategy that positively impacts the lives of
young people. It is an ideal way of improving your communication, decision making and goal
setting abilities. There is a power within you and its absolutely under your control, you have the
power to do whatever you want to do and amongst those things you need to do is to empower
your mind in the best positive way. To achieve greatness you must sacrifice yourself and one
way to do this is by self-empowerment. A man’s mind may be likened to a garden which may be
intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild, but whether cultivated or neglected it must and
will bring forth. If no useful seeds are sown then abundance of useless weed seeds will fall
therein and will continue to produce their kind. This explains how the human mind can be taking
care of or neglected, good seeds are thoughts with positive inclinations while weed seeds are
thoughts with negative inclinations. The produce of each seed will define the nature of the
garden. If you think success is by the level of education one has then you should re-think. Most
successful people in the world are people who are either drop outs or have considerable level of
education. What matters most is the determination to be successful; it’s the bottom line to getting
what you want out of life. So many youths lack the determination and concentration to succeed;
this issue must be arrested by every individual youth before they can overcome their respective
challenges. We live in a country full of resources but most youths have been blinded with easy
and fast money to the extent that schooling is no longer for acquiring knowledge but to get
attractive paying jobs. The British council study notes that Nigeria needs to shift its focus away
from oil, which contributes 40 percent of resources to the national Gross Domestic Product.
"Logic will get you from A to Imagination will take you everywhere". --- Albert Einstein
We really need education to re-program our minds away from the rat race for
oil-money, and get us thinking about socially responsible ways to contribute to our economy. A
prominent Nigerian once said “the challenge facing the nation more than anything else is youth
unemployment. It is now settled in development literature that the government will never be able
to provide all the jobs the citizens require. It is also increasingly appreciated by Nigerians that
the best jobs are not in public sector, whether in terms of pay, compensation, or security of
employment”. It is necessary that we youths embrace entrepreneurship as a tool to sustain our
families and also help promote national development. As youth’s enterprise must be a weapon
with which you fight, a tool with which you should help in rebuilding our nation and a bridge
with which you connect with the world. By investing in entrepreneurship, you could combat
youth unemployment, curb dependency on oil wealth by creating new revenue streams. You can
also improve the communities by investing in them, you will foster a new generation of leaders
with sense of duty for our country. I believe if every youth is cured of the oil money disease,
then they can build for themselves empires of self-earned wealth. You should stop to blame or
complain but take responsibilities for your lives. I’m not supporting or protecting any
government or its functionaries who failed to live up to their leadership obligations. Moreover,
contemporary youths cannot afford to mortgage its future or abdicate its responsibilities on the
sidelines of violence and crime. The fact is that you don’t have to make scientific or
technological innovation. You can be 15, 18 or 22 years old with big dreams and great ideas and
courage, yet in a small way you can begin to make changes and add to national development.
You must note that it’s not a country that makes a person great, it’s the citizens that makes it
great. We are the only ones who can drive our county to the height we want. Developed
countries didn’t just attain their success by sudden flight, but have toiled upward for a very long
time to reach their status quo. If you are to make any meaningful impact on the world you need
to utilize every resources and laziness and idleness is not an option. The great human rights
activist Malcolm X said “the future belongs to those who planned for it today”. The future is
nearer than you think, and you must do something now, the quality of the future you will have is
heavily dependent on the quality of your preparation.
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in great way" --- Napoleon Hill
By embracing entrepreneurship, you build wealth and at the same time improve and
strengthen the economy. You can engage in entrepreneurship irrespective of where you live and
whether you are in school or not. You can be an entrepreneur in places of worship, tribal, urban
or rural communities and during holidays. Your contributions will help create a sustainable
society. Entrepreneurship is an adventure for a youth and as a young entrepreneur you will learn
how to manage your time and acquire leadership and interpersonal skills. You become a
motivation for other youths to be productive; you develop a sense of originality and can create
new services and products that no one has offered before. You become flexible and create your
own leisure and break time. If you are the type that has been seeking independence to be your
own boss and you want to make all the important decisions yourself. Then, this is your chance.
After my secondary school, I decided to go and visit my Aunt in Lagos. Her husband owns a
bakery and the plan was that I’ll work there during my stay. I was offered a juicy 7,000 per₦
week wage, it wasn’t a difficult job. All I had to do is help in the delivery of the products to
customers. I needn’t spend a dime for all my needs from food, clothing and other incentives that
will enable me save every kobo I got from the job were provided by my hosts. During my first
week of arrival I decided to rest which was the greatest mistake I made. My intention was to
resume work in the second week of my arrival but the event of the first week completely marred
my early breakthrough to wealth. I wasted time watching seasonal Hollywood movies, reading
unimportant novels and sleeping aimlessly. I developed a lazy habit that consequently cost me a
lifetime opportunity and experience. I finally spent two out of the three months I was scheduled
to spend doing absolutely nothing profitable, instead gained more weight than I can possibly
need. I had lost about 84,000 at an early age of eighteen, that I was so ashamed of myself. I₦
returned home just as I left, but with more experience.
“Its fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure". --- Bill
In life we often make mistakes, in fact if you don’t make a mistake you can’t really
learn, and no one can deny ever making one. It is therefore normal to make mistakes but it’s
unusual to repeat them. What makes a mistake worth is the experience, and how you can avoid
repeating it. There is no greater fool than the one who makes the same mistake twice. I made
mistakes and mine was due to procrastination which I believe many youths engage in.
Procrastination has become the order of the day amongst youth and it’s an illicit behavior youths
must learn to curb. Keeping aside what is important and is really required to a later time or
delaying it because you find it unpleasant or boring will surely make you lazier than you
imagined. It can cost you a lifetime opportunity. I will advise you as you read to stop wasting
time doing unnecessary activities and concentrate on what really matters and things that will
uplift you personally and socially. The secret is, you can achieve what you want only if you have
a clear vision of where you are headed. “The reason most people aren’t moving forward,” says Ti
Caine, a hypnotherapist and life coach based in Sherman Oaks, California, “is that they don’t
even know where they are going.” If they are going anywhere, it’s towards whatever they got
programmed for, which is essentially whatever their parents envisioned for them. They are not
even living their own lives. Successful people, on the other hand, know where they are going and
dare to aim for the moon. They believe that everything is possible. Having a complete vision of
the future gives you a constant source of hope and motivation. In order to transform your present
into the future you want, it is necessary to tell yourself the truth about what you really want, and
to envision the whole future. Although I made a grave mistake, “it wasn’t the end for me” I
assured myself. When a door closes we keep on looking back at it that we often fail to realize
when a new one opens. I decided to make amends and find something useful to do with my life.
"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do
things differently". ---- Warren Buffet
I continued to stay at home without any source of income and it took a serious toll
on me that I went in search for job. I remember I leave home in the morning and return late in the
evening without any progress, taking only a buns and sachet water as meal throughout the day. I
was really struggling to find a means of livelihood and as a boy of nineteen I knew I had the
energy and zeal to continue searching for a sustainable job. I didn’t allow the mistakes and
disappointments of the past control or direct my future. I took the bull by the horn and went into
the streets, toiling day in day out for months. One day I visited a friend whose father owns a
bookshop, my friend was in charge of the bookshop so we went inside to discuss. As I was
telling him my predicaments a former classmate, also the same age as I came into the shop. We
continued our discussion and the latter boy asked me to become his partner since I wasn’t doing
anything, I was offered a job without interview or scrutiny. And just like that I had a job. My
new partner and I went along perfectly as we’ve been together and understood ourselves. His
business exposed me to the world of computers and technology. He had a laptop which he uses
to download music, videos, games, soft wares etc. and configure internet browsing for customers
who need them in their mobile phones, computers or gadgets. All I had to do is to find customers
and we split the money between ourselves on a fifty-fifty basis. I had no prior knowledge on how
to use a computer, so my partner did most of the work. But, after a while I decided to learn
without any formal instructions and I was amazed with what I could do. Learning the computer
wasn’t as difficult as I thought, and I was able to perfect myself on many areas while using it. I
had recently acquired a diploma in computer knowledge and the knowledge and experience I had during
this period has helped me a lot. Apart from that I learned how to communicate and treat customers. I was
very good in what I do that within a short period of time I acquired my own
first laptop computer. Yes! It was happening; I had become my own boss and can make my own
decisions, because I was independent. Buying personal stuffs was becoming easier and I even
switched to obtaining better quality products together with the latest fashion. Within three years I had
bought three more laptop computers, gave them to other young person’s thereby creating
employment and reducing crime. I’m now a young entrepreneur and prefer the word young
tycoon because I began to diversify and move into other businesses that will bring me the income and
grant me the financial freedom that I have always desired.
"There is only one success, to be able to spend your life in your own way” ----Christopher Morley
Do not think because your parents or family are wealthy and you become
lazy in the process putting this great ideology into dustbin. Russell .H. Conwell, the author of
acres of diamond said" There is no class of people to be pitied so much as the inexperienced sons
and daughters of the rich of our generation''. You can be like me or you can be greater than me,
all you need to do is to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Do not spend your time in day
dreaming or building castles hold the vision you have and act now. Have a habit of enterprise
and I assure you that the sky will not be your limit, but your starting point. Conwell in the Arcs
of Diamond said in an effort to encourage people to start from there domain, that they shouldn’t
necessarily change their location said " Let every man or woman here, if you never hear me
again, remember this, that if you wish to be great at all, you must begin where you are and what
you are, in Philadelphia, now". Philadelphia which means the home city, town or village of every
reader. If you have the notion that wealthy people are dishonest, then you should seize to believe
so. This mindset can tie you down till you die a pauper. It’s a fact that 97% of wealthy people
(entrepreneurs) are honest, because of that they are trusted with money and carry on great
enterprises and have plenty people to work with, and that’s how they get rich. Honesty comes
with great benefits as an entrepreneur like owning a home not just a house. You own a home if
you are honorable, honest, pure, true, careful and economical. It’s also disgusting to think that
you must be poor in order to be pious. No matter what obstacles or adversity you face keep
moving, don’t lose your determination. The author of the art of war, Sun Tzu wrote "in difficult
ground, keep steady on the match". Never ever give up my dear friend.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve", ---- Napoleon Hill
I want to let you a secret which i found in the cause of writing this book, i wouldn’t
have given it a thought of sharing, but i think it will be of great help if every entrepreneur
understands and uses it. Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? The law works like a big
universal mirror, whatever you think about, focus on, believe and feel most of the time is what
you draw into your life. In other words whatever you send out to the universe mentally and
emotionally get reflected back into your life in some form. Now, the secret i want to share is that
of abundance, it’s also the law of attraction, it attracts money. If you focus on the abundance of
money, you will get it, but if you focus on money and you don’t get it. That’s because you are
focusing on the lack of money, not the having of money. Thought is the energy by which the law
of attraction is brought into operation, which eventually manifests into abundance. Remember
whatever you believe, focus and feel is what you draw (attract) into your life. The number one
way people block abundance from coming into their lives is by not being consistent in their
effort to attract abundance. These have been attributed largely to the constant and deep yearning
for things to be better quickly followed by a deep annoying frustration if they don’t. Just let go
and allow things to naturally flow, and everything will fall into place. It’s advisable to practice
better thoughts about money, since people often try to transform their financial situation in one
or few days, and feel frustrated if it doesn’t work. Instead, set intention that you are practicing
better thoughts about money, be easy on it and don’t try to make it happen by focusing too much,
rather enjoy thinking about it and everything shall continue to fall into place. It’s also important
to re-write negative thoughts so that you can create a new habit of focusing positively on money-
specifically focusing on having money instead of not having it thereby you become free from
complaining, frustrations and being worried. Lastly you must be patient, reminding yourself that
things are going to keep getting easier and easier, even if you face little challenges. remind
yourself that you don’t have to rush to accomplish everything but you are working towards
abundance moments by moments even if you can’t yet see it.
“I do not believe a man can leave his business. He ought to think of it by day and dream of it by
night". -----Henry Ford
Just as in the law of attraction, it takes more than just the mental will for enterprise.
You must have an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is the happiness caused or derived from even
the little good things in life. In business or management, it contributes to your effectiveness,
increase your decision making capabilities , increase your productivity as a result it helps you
achieve your career goals as well and also makes your work place a more friendly and enjoyable
place to be. Studies show that gratitude increases your energy level; you tend to have physical
and mental vigor. It helps you bounce back and makes you feel good, that way you are able to
deal with loses and setbacks in an easier fashion. Makes your memories happier and reduces the
feeling of envy, suppress all egocentric characters in you. Helps you relax and makes you
friendlier, automatically increasing your ability to build a good customer base. Makes you look
good, sending a positive image across to your business community. Another catalyst for being a
successful entrepreneur is humility. This is an incredible gesture of strength. A humble
entrepreneur seeks trusted and wise counsel when the need be and if they find it to be a weakness
in their life. Pride comes before a fall and prevention is definitely better than cure. A humble
person sees others as inherently valuable, everybody has a special importance and helps diminish
mistrusts and bad feelings. This will definitely catapult your business and like a magnet attract
people from different walks of life. You become both efficient and sufficient, and within a short
period of time amass a huge fortune for just simple characters and habits you've exhibited in
your dealings with people. As youths, you must learn the facts of life and use them. You must
also learn to work smarter not harder. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work hard but you must
learn to be smart and not work yourself out. And most importantly you must learn to think like a
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment"----Jim Rohm
“The main cause of poverty or financial struggle is fear and ignorance, not the economy or the
government or the rich. Its self-inflicted fear and ignorance that keeps people trapped”. ----
“The main reason people struggle financially is because they spent years in school but learned Nothing
about money. The result is, people learn to work for money... but never learn to have money work for
them.” ---Robert T Kiyosaki
“Money is only an idea. If you want more money simply change your thinking. Every self-made
person started small with an idea, then turned it into something big”. ---Robert Kiyosaki
"A man whose personality is fully developed never fears anything: he cringes not, and never feels
inferior to anyone; his breadth of mind enables him to exercise his freedom in such a
manner as not to endanger the interests and freedom of others. He is a citizen of the world-free from
narrow prejudices. He is what he is because the three main constituent of his entity-his body, brain, and
mind-are fully developed”. ---Chief ObafemiAwolowo
There is this absurd saying which low spirited people use to downgrade the self-
worth of people and themselves. “Every man has a price”. Whenever I hear this unappealing
statement I can’t help but to give a smile, that which doesn’t concur with what I’ve encountered.
This type of philosophy is not in my dictionary, it can’t even go near. How could anyone believe
in such a devastating ideology? I don’t blame people with such a mindset because right from the
time we are small children we are being conditioned to judge ourselves harshly and to think of
ourselves in negative terms. We are being told what we should be, how we should be, what is
right and wrong, sane and insane, good and bad. Our self-esteem and our sense of uniqueness are
conditioned out of us under the onslaught of messages invading our psyche from programmed
parents, priests, teachers, journalists, and politicians. For anybody who is entrenched with such
an opinion and still doesn’t break out from its grab, then it’s understandable. In the book Rich
Dad, Poor Dad, the author explains why some people can have a price tag. He elucidated that
emotions of fear and greed was the motive behind people placing a price on themselves. Initially,
the fear of being without money motivates them to work hard, and then once they get their
paycheck, greed or desire gets them thinking about all the wonderful things money can buy.
Henceforth their lives are then run forever by two emotions, fear and greed. Offer them more
money, and they continue the cycle by also increasing their spending. “That is what I call the Rat
Race,” Said Robert .T. Kiyosaki.
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are"---Marilyn Monroe
In everyday encounter with enlightened people, it is quite hard to get rejected for who
you are. You are most likely to earn rejection or belittlement for things you do in expectation of
not getting rejected or belittlement. You need to have a good self-esteem to be happy. Everybody
you meet will want to like you unless you belong to a different totally unacceptable group or you
behave in a way that makes you impossible to like. We live in a country where youths have low
self-esteem, living indiscriminately and exhibiting unholy behaviors. When the mind thinks
correctly, when it understands the truth, it becomes easier to accept the truth. Do not behave like
some adults who have lost their dignity in the quest for power, wealth and social status. This
mindset is detrimental to our national psyche and to our development as a nation. In order to
tackle the menace of wasting money and human resources in the country, every youth must have
a good self-esteem which will allow him/her view and observe situations from a clearer
perspective. Most youths are afraid of offending other people either by telling the truth or doing
the right thing, they are afraid of standing out from the crowd or even taking bold actions. For
many years our relationship with this emotion has been basically from the fear of nature. We
succumb ourselves to be misused by people. Some politicians even have armies of youths whom
they supply weapons to. We have been used as tools countless times to commit evil and heinous
crimes. They take advantage of us to achieve their devilish aims. This has to stop! you must
respect, value and fully take your responsibility. You have to hold yourself in high esteem before
you can protect yourself from the evils in the society. Love yourself and others will love you.
"Our dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless
it is surrendered"---Michael .J. Fox
One important thing you should cultivate is good manner, if you have good manners
you become open minded to everything that comes your way. There should be no price tag on a
man, no man has a price. We are all supreme creatures with higher state of consciousness,
morality and dignity. This statement is used to encourage corruption and crime; it has no positive
contribution to the orientation of youths and the people. It’s a pity to think that cutting corners
and selling your dignity to gain material possession is an option you can explore. It is a foolish
and imprudent act which needs the attention of a psychiatrist or counselor. Does every man truly
have a price? If yes, then I think the price a man should be given is that for selfless services
rendered to humanity and the society. These type of services which is a mark of true patriotism
should be encouraged and therefore a kind gesture should be reciprocated to individuals who
attain such feat. However, not all services can be compensated because individuals with
outstanding qualities who only have the interest of the country, and people who have made great
contributions to the development of the country can never be repaid. It is a high moral standard
to avoid putting a value or price on yourself, it makes you vulnerable. You are not a commodity
or merchandise. It is vital to respect yourself. Respecting yourself is a basic ingredient for
achieving greatness, you have to honor yourself before you deserve it from others, and it is
reciprocal. To be happy you need to like yourself and to like yourself you need good self-esteem.
There will be peace and love in the country when there is peace and love in our hearts. And that
begins and ends with each self. When we love and respect ourselves, we will create a personal
and collective reality that will portray that inner love and harmony as an outer love and harmony.
"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our
treasures". ---Thornton Wilder
Dou you want more from life? More happiness? Better health? Deeper relationships?
Increased productivity? What if I tell you one thing can help you in all those areas? An attitude
of gratitude. Yes! You cannot have self-love and worth if you are not grateful even for the little
things in life. Gratitude makes us nicer, more trusting, more social and more appreciating as a
result helps us to make friends and Deeping our existing relationships. An attitude of gratitude
strengthens your emotions, reduces feeling of envy, makes your memories happier, lets you
experience good feelings and help you bounce back from stress. It help develops our personality
in potentially life changing ways. It makes us more optimistic, It reduces materialism and
increase the ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life. It makes you focus less on things that
doesn’t matter. Because of your gratitude you begin to feel the urge to help others. All these if
available in the right proportion, every youth will play meaningful role towards national growth
and development. As a grateful person people tend to naturally like you. Imagine a world where
no one helps you despite your pleading and asking. Now, imagine another world where many
people help you all the time for no reason other than they like you. In which world do you think
you will be grateful? So many times we concentrate all our energies chasing, wanting, needing
and craving for things that we may never have and in the process we don’t even know what
contentment feels like anymore. Yet when some of these wants and needs are met we wash away
gratitude and only a deep sense of satisfaction takes place. It’s unfortunate that we are so busy
trying to chase what we think will bring us lasting satisfaction that we don’t notice the
alternatives available to us. We so much want to be satisfied that we concentrate only on the
feeling of having money, love, titles, social status, possessions etc. and have to wait so many
times in our life to be satisfied. The benefits of gratitude don’t require waiting, we don’t need to
wait for achievement or this or that in order to grow a sense of satisfaction in our lives. Our goals
and dreams will always be alive but we need to appreciate the present moments.
"Be thankful for what you have; you will end up having more. if you concentrate on what you don’t
have, you will never, ever have enough"---Oprah Winfrey
A happy individual feel safe to be himself/herself. You shall also enjoy the same
freedom, thus you shall be reinforced by it. Always act with kindness and dignity and your
feelings of self-worth will increase. You will like what you see yourself doing and others will be
attracted to you. People don’t read minds, what you do is the decider of your emotional outcome,
it doesn’t matter what you feel at the moment therefore your outwards behavior is what you are
to people. Developing a healthy self-esteem depends on changing how you feel about yourself. It
practicable to adapt a well-chosen behavioral pattern to help you build on your relationships with
people. If you want to be free, stop living a lie. Stop denying yourself. You are a unique aspect
of all that exists and that is a reason to be joyous. There is no aspect of consciousness in all
creation that is like you. You are special, as everyone is equally special. But instead of being
joyous and proud of that specialness, we have allowed our uniqueness to become something to
fear. Oh my God! Stand up right now, clench your fist in the air and say to yourself, “I am what I am
and I have a right to be what I am and express what I am. I am me, I am free". When you do
that, you respect every other person right to be them and they will also respect yours. And that is
your price to them.
"If you think of life as a big pie, you can try holding the whole pie and kill yourself trying to keep it, or
you can slice it up and give some to the people around you, and you still have plenty left for yourself."---
Jay Leno
Greedy people are the cheapest people in the world today. We all know that excessive
selfishness and constant yearning for more have lead this country into turmoil. Greed is a form of
sickness because those who suffer from it seem deprived of morality. Do not think that
accumulation of wealth is the only form of greed, but hoarding, refusing to share, withholding
information and not using your gifts or talents for the betterment of the society can all be deemed
forms of greed. Every choice you make has an impact. If you choose to purchase a shoe, you
may be helping the economy and all the people involved in manufacturing the shoe. But if you
purchase all the shoes in a store, leaving nothing for someone else, your actions are considered
greedy. People wonder why you need many shoes. Or why you don’t want someone else to have
them. Some would assume you are living from the fear of not having enough. And that deep fear
prevents you from recognizing other people exist. Hoarding your possessions or never
contributing to society is like having a hole within one self, theoretically, you need to keep
filling it. That hole is a belief and you may possibly never have enough. Many fraudsters (419)
have gained much all because of peoples greed. The negative effect of greed is far more than you can
fathom. It is a vicious cycle that affects us all. One way to deal with greed as an individual is to place
your principles before your gains. If you are dealing with money, tell yourself "i will not let money
override my ethical principles” period. Make this your core philosophy for business,
resolve in your heart that you will rather lose a deal than your integrity. No matter where you
find yourself be it at home, with your family, in a corporation, schools whatever. You should
behave in a way that has regard for yourself and for others and always think about the
consequences of your actions.
"There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent
like greed"---Siddhartha Gautama
It is true that the circumstances we find ourselves hinder us from achieving a lot in life. But,
many successful people in history have once been in your shoes or worse, but their health, ethnic
background, where they were born, lack of opportunity as children etc. didn’t hinder them. You too can
make it through; you just have to believe in yourself and your ability.
We often encounter obstacles on our road to success and most times we give up. There is
nothing impossible for the mind if you truly believe. Don’t allow the obstacles to defeat you, instead it
should be the reason you become stronger.
People in general do not always mind their business. They will always talk and talk and even
do nasty things either to discourage you or to stop your effort. Sometimes, even friends and family
members are part to this. The worst reaction to people’s opinion is fear. You shouldn’t be afraid of what
others are thinking. Don’t be a slave to their opinions. It’s your life and you alone know how it feels.
You are always going to be criticized, whether you are doing well or not. However what you
should learn to do with criticism is to analyze and use it to your advantage. That is, if the criticism is
true, you should make amends and that way you shut down your criticizers and if the criticism is not
true, then throw it behind you and keep moving with your life.
• Be concerned but not worry too much about your problems.
• Persist and persevere, it’s a very long road to success.
• Anything is possible, be optimistic.
• Make people like you, get along.
• Respect other people’s opinions, ideas and beliefs.
• Be humble, loyal, cheerful and honest.
• Know your gift, talents and attraction.
• Always seek and seize opportunities
• Be courageous.
People who have been distracted in life and their aim of being successful has been
marred may be discouraged and lose the spirit to continue the struggle, here are some tips you can
use to re-awaken you spirit.
• Mix with motivated people
• Read inspirational biographies and motivational books.
• Work on your character
• Look up to good mentors
• Encourage yourself and think positively
• Do exercise and be physically fit
• Write down your goals, dreams and vision
• Stay determined and focused
• Lastly if you want to achieve in life, you will have to overcome your timidity. Don’t be
afraid to speak to people.
• Never, Never say negative things about yourself—things like "I never do anything right.
I'll never change. I look terrible. I'm not intelligent. Who could ever love me? Etc.,”
• Focus on your potential instead of your limitations
• Don't let the way another person treats you determine your worth.
• Learn to cope with criticism. If you dare to be different, you'll have to expect some
criticism. Going along with the crowd when you know in your heart God is leading you
in a different way is one of the reasons people don't succeed at being themselves. You
won't like yourself very much if you go against your own convictions.
• Never compare yourself with other people. God must love variety or we wouldn't all
look different. We are all created differently even down to our fingerprints. You'll never
succeed at being yourself if you're trying to be like someone else. Other people can be a
good example to you; but even then, good traits if duplicated will manifest differently
through your individual personality.
• Keep your flaws in perspective. People with a high level of confidence have just as many
weaknesses as people without confidence, but they concentrate on their strengths not
their flaws or weaknesses.
• Find something you like to do that you do well, and do it over and over. If you spend
your time doing things you're not good at, it will frustrate you and cause you to feel
defeated and unsuccessful.
Everyone has talents and passions; you can have a talent for writing, cooking, listening,
driving, acting and the like. Unfortunately in our society talents and passions that make money are
valued most. This is a shame, because many talents that don’t make you money can be
valuable, not just for yourself, but also for the people around you.
In order to create your tomorrow, you will have to first develop your talent, and in order
to develop your talent, you will have to know what it is you would like to learn. Some talents are
obvious, yet not always. Someone with a talent for drawing might not recognize their talent if
they were told art isn’t important. How can you know you’ve got a talent for playing the piano if
you’ve never played? Perhaps your school grades have put you on a wrong track. Many people
confuse good grades with talents, perhaps the bad grade you got gave you the idea you can’t
learn something new.
The following tips can help you develop your talents and create your tomorrow;
=> Find an activity you really like
=> Set goals
=> Challenge yourself
=> Follow a course
=> Find partners
=> Believe in yourself
=> Write down what you want to achieve
=> Concentrate
More often than not you will find obstacles on your way to creating your tomorrow, it
makes you feel as if you are stuck and want to be unstuck, but wanting doesn’t change anything,
wanting without acting makes matters worse, then you become frustrated. Frustration drains you,
it is a twin to blame, where there is blame there is frustration - where there is frustration there is
blame, blames and frustration deepen ruts. The best way to getting unstuck is to take
responsibility which ends blame and frustration. Acknowledging fault, however, is never
sufficient. Taking responsibility is solution finding, planning, and acting. Nothing less than action
indicates that you’ve taking responsibility.
There are many ways and strategies you can use to create your future tomorrow;
i- You can start with dealing past failures or offences, history is not your future but if you don’t take
responsibility it will be.
ii- Reject all or nothing thinking, if you try to fix everything you’ll end up fixing nothing. Take one
step, try things, fail-learn and grow.
iii- Invite others because aloneness is the safe world you’ve built. It keeps you stuck.
iv- It is important and useful to express your frustrations, it’s more important to advance the
agenda to move through frustrations to a simple next step, regardless of how simple that step is.
v- Confusion ends progress; simplicity creates it, let confusion become your focal point for
creating simplicity. Complexity is the wrong path, simplicity is the actionable path.
In creating a brighter and future tomorrow, you must first take the necessary steps to
achieve it. Taking the first step is perhaps the most difficult thing to do in achieving a dream;
there are a lot of mental obstacles that makes it difficult to take that first step. If you want to
overcome this mental obstacle, then you must avoid many things. You must not wait until the
situation is perfect because the situation will never be perfect. No matter how or when you see it,
there will always be something that will make you think again, and just like you shouldn’t wait
for the situation to be perfect, you shouldn’t wait until everybody agrees with your idea. There
will always be opposition and that is perfectly normal. If you wait until there is consensus, you
will never start.
You might think that you need to have a good skill before you start doing something. But
the truth is, you will learn much more by doing than by waiting. Doing allows you to hone you skills
much faster than just learning the theory. Believing in your dreams is essential to get the motivation
you need to achieve it, you simply can’t fool your own heart. Deep down inside you know whether or
not you can believe in your dream. Is the dream worth pursuing? Is it
something that you want to pour your heart into? Can you imagine in detail how the world will look like
when your dream comes true?
Visualizing your dream will energize you because you can see how the world changes for
the better and how people live a happier life because of your dream tomorrow. The energy and
excitement is there for you to feel.
While it is not impossible, creating your tomorrow is definitely not easy. Don’t expect an
easy way, expect a hard one instead. Having the right expectation from the beginning will make the
journey much easier for you. That way you won’t be surprised and lose heart when you encounter
obstacles along the way. Your dream of creating your tomorrow may be big (it should be!) and might
make it seem overwhelming. But, like the saying goes; “when eating an elephant, take one bite at a
time” So take small portion of it you can do within one week, and think about what you can do today.
There is no doubt that you can eat the elephant. But, you have to take the bites early and often, that
what it takes to create your tomorrow.
‘Critical Thinking’, Learning Development, Plymouth University (2010)
Wallace. Wattles, "The science of getting rich"
Russell.H.Conwell, "Acres of diamond"
Julian Short, "Living an Intelligent life"
Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
James Allen, "As a man, thinketh"
Friedrich Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil"
Wendy Betterini, "The biggest abundance Blockage"
Dr carol Dweck, "Developing a growth mindset: the secret to improving your grades."
Brian Tracy 2010, "No excuse! The power of self-discipline"
Robert T. Kiyosaki 2002, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
Ti Caines, "Healing your past and creating your future"
A “Book Talk” presenting an overview of Stanford Professor Carol Dweck’s research Presented by
Dawn Binder & PVUSD GATE, November 7th and 15th, 2007.
"The master key system" written by Charles.F.Haanel in 1912 and first published in 1916 by
psychology publishing, St Louis and The master key institute, NY.
Joyce Meyer, “How to Succeed at Being Yourself"
The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed.
Hundredth Monkey|Spritual Critiques
Corruption Quotes-Brainy Quote Mobile
How to 'uncorrupt' a corrupt mind, page1:
Psychology Today
Quotes about Mindset (44 quotes)
Caro Dweck quotes (Author of Mindset)
Inspiring Quotes reflecting the Growth Mindset
Quotes on Love
Nnamdi Azikiwe-Wikiquote http://en.m.wikiquote,org/wiki/Nnamdi-Azikiwe

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Mindset and the modern youth

  • 1.
  • 3. Copyright © 2013 by Ahmed .I. Negedu All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.
  • 5. DEDICATION Dedicated to Almighty God and to my Late Mum (I love and miss you).
  • 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My Sincere appreciation to my family and to my friends; Idris Sa’id Ismail, Muhammad Bubayaro Gifted and lastly to the youths who gave me the inspiration.
  • 7. INTRODUCTION Youths are special group of people with strong will and passion for achieving a dream or set of goals. From different generations, youths have shown certain characteristics that distinguishes them. These characteristics are the propelling factors for national development, they are zealousness, curiosity, hard work, radicalism, impatient for change, ambition etc. There is an estimated 1.2 Billion young people between the ages of 15-40 in the world, and the vast majority of them live in developing countries. Nigeria has a youthful population of more than 90 Million which is also about 70% of the overall population. However, more than 45% of youths are unemployed. Although youths are both policy and political priority in this country, they still have the ultimate responsibility for their lives and how they live it. In order to curb out moral decadence, crime, violence and corruption from the minds of our future leaders, this book was born. If the general improvement in the lives of individuals, groups, and environments is a key factor in national development, it is necessary therefore to redirect the mindset of youths. This book is aimed at re-channeling thoughts and opinions of contemporary youths in the right path, by equipping them with strategies and techniques to assist them achieve landmark developments. It is also a source of motivation and inspiration for success. Researchers have documented the “hundredth monkey syndrome”. They have shown that once a certain number of a species has been taught something new, suddenly all or most of that species can do the same purely by “inspiration” and without being shown. How does this happen? Simple. A few members of a species learn something new until the critical mass point is reached where the sum total of their knowledge is powerful enough for the rest of the species to access the information. As a result they “know” how to do something without being shown. They become a collective mind. If youths are shown how detrimental some mindsets are, and how they can possibly overturn this moral disorder. With youth themselves as models, other youths will eventually access this high state of consciousness and together they will push for national development. The book hopes to revolutionize completely the mindset of all Nigerian youths to understand the truth and apply it in every aspect of personal and national development. I have to admit that in the cause writing this book, i became aware of my shortcomings and with amount of knowledge i encountered, I’ve started working towards recreating them. I would proudly say that I’m the first beneficiary and living testimony to the power of this great masterpiece. The mindset of youths has to be nurtured and they have to be given the liberty to express themselves. I have taken it as a challenge to arouse the interest of my peers towards thinking for a progressive society. There is a world within us, made up of thoughts, feelings, power, light, life and beauty. This world is invisible but its forces are mighty. Our thoughts have unimaginable powers to turn us from timid fellows into courageous masters. Any youth who is privileged to come across this book, understands and applies every doctrine is automatically a gem whose preciousness has nothing in comparison. The ability of a person can
  • 8. only be determined by that person. This book basically shows you the way to use your ability; however everyone has the final authority to decide which way to take. Don’t just read a book and understand. Books like this can change your life, when you decide to apply what you read. You may also have good intention but if you don’t know how to apply good reading method, everything you learned will vanish. These are few points i want to suggest when reading. First, make sure you underline key portions of this book, and re-read them over and over again. And secondly, make sure you apply what you learn as soon as possible. So that you may understand and remember. It is said that when you hear something you may forget, when you see something you may remember, but when you do something you will surely understand. The reader’s mind is like a garden. It may not be time to plant the truth in your mind. Perhaps you need some weeding or ground preparation, before the garden of your mind is ready. Perhaps the weather is too stormy to plant the truth. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest. The blessings that flow from planting the information of this book in your mind will require the presence of living waters of love. If you do not have love in your heart, this book is not for you. The information contained in this book is the biggest eye opener of our generation. It will challenge you, shock you, and hopefully motivate you to redouble your efforts to humble yourself and seek strength from God Almighty.
  • 9. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET KEY ISSUE: HOW TO DEVELOP GROWTH MINDSET "Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it"---Steve Maraboli Cambridge advanced learners dictionary (Third edition) defines mindset as a person’s way of thinking and opinion, mindset is therefore a mental attitude that will determine how you interpret and respond to a situation. Mindsets are powerful beliefs in your mind, and you can change them because you always have a choice. The brain is like a muscle that gets stronger and works better the more it is exercised. Usually people believe the brain is stationary which makes them believe further that talent and giftedness are unchanging personal traits that will eventually lead to success. The truth is, every person’s brain has a genius-like ability, your weapon to becoming successful lies in your ability to develop this genius-like character in you. Every time you work hard, stretch yourself and learn something new your brain forms new connections and over time you actually become smarter. According to the research by Dr. Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University. People have two types of mindset, a fixed mindset where people believe their abilities are fixed, that they have a certain amount of intelligence or talent and that’s that, affirming that they can learn new things but can’t change their ability. On the other hand is the growth mindset where people believe that their abilities are things they can cultivate and develop throughout their lives, they believe that through effort and learning they can become smarter and more talented, they acknowledge that some peoples are naturally brilliant but they focus on the idea that everyone can get better with time. "It is easier for one to take risks and to chase his dreams with a mindset that has nothing to lose. In this lies the immense passion, the great advantage of avoiding a materialistic, pleasure filledway of life"--- Criss Jami We shall take a look at both mindsets, those with fixed mindsets believe they are what they are, and still possess a desire for positive self-image and of course want to perform well and look smart, while those with growth mindset believe that intelligence and abilities can be developed since they believe the brain is like a muscle which can be trained therefore they acquire the desire to improve. Also people with fixed mindset avoid challenges, they think it’s hard and success is not assured, so rather than risk failing negatively and tarnishing their self-image they choose to avoid challenges and stick to what they can do well. A challenge to a growth minded person is welcomed with open arms because they know they will come out stronger on the other side. Obstacles scare away a fixed minded human and he gives up without a fight, while people with growth mindset are not discouraged by obstacles because they see failure as an opportunity to learn, and so whatever happens they win. Fixed mindset people see making effort as fruitless or worse, they avoid making it recapping that their effort will not take them an inch away from where they are, while the growth minded fellow sees effort as something necessary to grow and master useful skills. The way this two categories of people deal with negative forces varies with respect to their cognitive abilities for example, in dealing with criticism, a fixed minded person ignores negative feedbacks by refusing to see his flaws and also take them as insult and further isolating himself from external influences that can help him generate some positive change.
  • 10. Criticism to a person with the growth mindset is seen as an opportunity to know ones weakness and Achilles heel so he can go ahead in growing better. "A tornado of thought is unleashed after each new insight. This in turn results in an earthquake of assumptions. These are natural disasters that re-shape the spirit."---Vera Nazarian It is therefore safe to say that those with fixed mindset may attain a level of success in their life even though they don’t reach their full potentials and Growth mindset people will always reach a higher level of achievement which also gives them a sense of free will. It is good news to learn that it is possible to change your worldview from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. The aim of this book is virtually how youths with fixed mindset will learn how to change develop a growth mindset while applying their new acquired cognitive functions into some very important aspects which will fuel and transform this great country of ours. Before we begin to learn how to change our mindset into a positive and progressive one I will like to know to what extent do you strongly agree or agree or strongly disagree or disagree with these statements: 1. No matter what kind of person you are, you can always change substantially. 2. Trying new things is stressful for me and I avoid it. 3. You can always change the basic thing about the kind of person you are. 4. I appreciate when people, parents, coaches, teachers give me feedback about my performance. 5. I often get angry when I get negative feedback about my performance. 6. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change how intelligent you are. 7. You can do things differently, but the important parts of who you can’t really be changed. 8. Human beings are basically good, but sometimes make terrible decisions. 9. An important reason why I do my school work is that I like to learn new things. 10. Truly smart people do not need to try hard. "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all"---Dale Carnegie The answers and opinion you give to these statements will basically give you an insight to the type of mindset you have, although some people have a balanced type of mindset where they both exhibit a fixed and growth mindset in different aspect of their life. After sincerely giving your opinion to the statements, you can check the answers description or type of statement to which your opinion is attached. 1. Personality/character mindset - growth 2. Ability mindset - fixed 3 Personality/character mindset - growth 4. Ability mindset -growth 5. Ability mindset - fixed 6. Ability mindset - fixed 7. Personality/character mindset - fixed 8. Personality/character mindset -growth 9. Ability mindset - growth
  • 11. 10. Ability mindset - fixed "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young"---Henry Ford STEPS TO DEVELOPING A GROWTH MINDSET You can develop your mindset irrespective of who you are and what you do to suit whatever aspect of life you wish to develop, we will take the area of education since the majority of youths in the country are still in the process of pursuing their various academic goals, it will give them a clear picture of who they are in terms of academic orientation, and how they can boost their cognitive system in developing a more advanced and lucrative method of thinking and self- belief. They are basically three simple ways to develop growth mindset:- => STEP #1: Learn, Learn, and Learn (*)Fixed Mindset: They always want to look intelligent at all costs. The main thing they want to do in school is to show others how good and brilliant they are. (*)Growth Mindset: Those with growth mindset believe that it’s better to learn and understand than to get top grades in school. This type of mindset will give way to students getting quality education even in areas that are not a specialty to them, and furthermore become naturally vast in in the real life application of education. (*)A person with a fixed mindset predicts his/her failure to recover from an initial poor grade. Since their mindset is fixed on never been able to develop or change, they therefore make no effort in studying during the next academic calendar, giving way to a more massive failure than previous times. (*)A Person with a growth mindset predicts successful recovery from poor grades and performance; he/she puts in more effort during the next academic calendar and gets a more pleasant result than previous time. His/her natural instincts also helps him/her in making business decisions, personal resolutions etc. "The real fault is to have faults and not amend them"---Confucius => STEP #2: Realize hard work is the key *Fixed Mindset: These people believe that learning should come naturally, that they will do their best and won’t suffer themselves as they’ll call it, some may even call it “stressing” themselves, they say to their selves “When I have to work really hard in a subject, I don’t feel very smart”. *Growth Mindset: They put a lot of effort into learning and work hard knowing that it is the key, they say to theirs elves “The harder I have to work at something, the more effort I put into something; the better I’ll be at it”. That way they always get better and more fulfilled.
  • 12. => STEP #3: Face setbacks *Fixed Mindset: They always hide their mistakes and conceal their deficiencies, retreat, blame others, and even act superior; they say to themselves, “I’d spend less time on this subject from now on”, “I would try not to take this subject ever again”, “I would try to cheat on the next test”. They remain stuck in the same problem they try to avoid, and even get into more serious trouble than they had anticipated. *Growth Mindset: They capitalize on their mistakes and confront their deficiencies, they would say to their selves, “I would work harder in class from now on” “and I will spend more time studying for test/examination” and with this self-affirmation and believe they attain great height, achieve their goals and are more fulfilled. "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool"--- Richard P. Feynman TIPS TO REMEMBER WHEN DEVELOPING AGROWTH MINDSET _ Focus on effort, struggle, persistence despite setbacks _ Choose difficult tasks _ Focus on Strategies _ Reflect on different strategies that work and don’t work _ Focus on Learning and improving _ Seek challenges _ Work hard
  • 13. THINK FREE, BREAK LOSE KEY ISSUES: CRITICAL, POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE THINKING, DECISION, SELF DISCIPLINE AND MOTIVATION. Have you ever thought of how you think? Many of you will say “not very often”. And yet every day you make decisions, generate ideas, draw conclusions, evaluate other people’s opinion and so on. All these things need careful thought. You apply some techniques in thinking rather than the wider process of thinking. They are many factors that affect your thinking, if you use an incorrect assumption when you evaluate something, your final conclusion may be flawed. If you allow your emotions to cloud your analysis, you risk making a biased decision. If you don’t have all the facts you may miss the best solution. And if you unthinkingly accept or believe what you hear or read from other people, newspapers or on the internet, you risk being manipulated. And that is why I have dedicated a whole chapter for youth to break lose and think free. It is crucial for youths to have advanced methods of thinking and decision making, it’s called critical thinking. It’s important to rigorously and skillfully use information, experience, observation and reasoning to guide your decisions, actions and beliefs. Critical thinking is associated with progressive and positive thinking, it means questioning every step of your thinking process. It makes you ask yourself, have you considered all the facts? Have you tested your assumptions? Is your reasoning sound? Can you be sure your judgment is unbiased? Is your thinking process logical, rational and complete? This kind of rigorous, logical questioning is often known as Socratic questioning, after the Greek Socrates who is considered to be the founder of critical thinking. By developing the skills of progressive and critical thinking, you bring rigor and discipline to your thinking processes and automatically standing a better chance of being right. You become more likely to make good judgments, choices and decisions in all areas of your life. This is an important part of success and wisdom especially as a youth. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. This is a popular assertion I’ve come to follow, I’ve always used it to channel my thoughts into a positive pattern. Youths have problem when it comes to what they think about themselves, many have low esteem that they can’t map out ways to break out from their psychological prison. If you think of a certain character that defines you, you would certainly live your everyday life thinking you are that person and you cannot change. Obviously we have been brain washed that we don’t strive to think for ourselves. Life is made up of life and death, but between these two are the choices we make. You can’t continue to live under the spell of being controlled like robots in the society, make a choice now, make a choice today. Think free, break lose and make decisions for yourself. Decisions that will favor both yourself and the society. James Allen characterize that “man is made or unmade by himself. In the armory of thought he forges the weapon by which he destroys himself. He also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy, strength and peace. By right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to divine perfection. By the abuse and
  • 14. wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two are all the grade of character and man is their maker and master”. James Allen emphasized on character as the major tool to build a firm and rigid foundation for good and positive thoughts. It has the power of transforming you into the most successful of all. My dear friend I can assure you that you shall get whatever you desire out of life only but if you reassess your attitude, behavior and adopt a principle of positive and progressive thinking. Most of the perceptions about life you have are misconceptions due to media deception. You might not actually believe it but it’s true the media, television, radio, newspaper, and online Medias etc. have been manipulating your mind at a very early age, that is since you started watching and listening to them. Have you ever watched a movie and felt like you can apply what the lead actor did in real life? Have you ever listened to an interview of a popular celebrity and create imaginary world for yourself, imitating or living the same way they do? Have you ever watched a fashion show and in reality wish you had those same clothing, accessories etc. you saw? I can continue telling you and may not finish till you become tired of reading. The dangers of the media are so horrific; they can control your thinking instead of you thinking for yourself. They control how you wear clothes, how you eat, how you even think, how you love and the most dangerous is they control what you fear and what you hate. Home videos do most harm on you than you can imagine. I saw an inscription about the television; it says “sit! I told you no reading or thinking for yourself”, it was funny at first but I was disgruntled when I realize the effects and dangers of television to the mind of children even adults. Don’t believe everything you hear or see, there are always three sides to a story, yours, theirs and the truth. You have to avoid using the first two and always stick to the truth. If you think for yourself, your interaction with your environment becomes that of a highly educated one. People may say you’ve change, but the truth is that you have found yourself and you are now able to carry yourself the way you want without feeling like being under a kind of spell. One dangers of the not thinking for yourself is that you easily fall victim to lies and propagandas. Many ethno/religious rift, territorial tension, rancor and disdain are products of premeditated misinformation, spread about by callous people who only work for their interest. You are not free my dear friend, you are not!. Freedom is the right of all people to express who they are, what they think, and how they wish to live their lives: free from imposition or hassle from anyone. It is to be able to celebrate our individual uniqueness without rules, regulations, ridicule and condemnation from those who seek to impose their view of life upon the rest of us. Until we respect our own, and everyone’s, right to be different, to make our own choices, and create our own conscious realities free from imposition and pressure to conform, we will remain in a prison of our own making. And a handful of people with a deeply unpleasant agenda will continue to run over us. The choice, as always, is ours. We can accept the prison or we can walk out to freedom. And freedom is thinking away, thinking for yourself, questioning your opinions and believes and having unbiased and prejudice reactions. There are many obstacles that have been challenging our development towards peace, unity and progress in this country. Politicians have always been in the forefront destroying what concerned citizens have been trying to do to
  • 15. achieve a healthy Nigerian society. Some so called Ministers of God have frantically caused disharmony amongst diverse Religious groups, Unprofessional journalist and peace threatened media help in escalating crisis by publishing and disseminating stories and news which have no reliable source. Oh what a joy to live in the land of freedom. You are free to watch the news and see journalists and correspondents telling you, mostly without question, the official explanation of events designed to ensure that you see the world in the desired fashion and react in the desired way. You are free to attend churches/mosques where men of God who are the custodians and guardians of peace, unity and progress tell you frankly that peace and mutual coexistence doesn’t exist, promising you liberations in the life hereafter when they themselves never work towards it, performing miracles that where not from divine sources. You are free to listen and obey those politicians and leaders who spend their weekends abroad on islands with harlots and alcohol telling you to fight for your rights and beliefs and paying lip services to your needs. Ladies and gentlemen, repeat after me... I am free... I am free. Yes! Yes! Yes! I say you are free to do as you are told; free to think as you are told, as well as you are programmed to; free to live as you are told . And you are even free to die in the riots/crises coldly created to destroy, control and manipulate. You should learn to differentiate the truth not only when it’s directed to you. If you learn how to do so you shall be free, but if you don’t know how to differentiate it and you still think nothing is wrong with your reasoning, you think you are free from any mind control, lies, propagandas and deceit. Yes you are free: you are free to watch television - thirty channels and more of the mindless things which close down your sense of infinity and create illusions of what you should do, what you should be and what you should think. You have the freedom to press the remote control button and choose any one of them. While it may appear at first to be incredibly difficult for a relative handful of people to control the lives of over 150 million Nigerians, it is in fact comparatively easy, once religion/tribal beliefs and the media are under control and other sources of the “information” which bombard our conscious and subconscious mind from our birth till we die. These messages are not designed to inform, but to direct and condition, to divide and rule us. The religious and political manipulators position themselves between the truth and our conscious minds. They are the middlemen and women who seek to keep out of the public arena the knowledge that would open our minds to our real and infinite potential of love, oneness, togetherness’, and progress. We are fed a mental diet of hate and mistrust designed to diminish our sense of love and close down our consciousness until it becomes a pale shadow of what it can be. As someone once said, there are three types of person in the world: a tiny few who make things happen; a slightly larger number who watch things happen; and all the rest who go around saying: what’s happening, what’s happening? The truth is denied to people because it will set them free. Instead, those at the peak of the religious and political empires (the same state of mind in different clothes) hand down their version of “truth”, a version which means that people must believe whatever they want them to believe. And, to be fair, youths do not have a great record for demanding the truth or searching for it. We have developed lazy minds. It’s appropriate that the word ignorance is an
  • 16. extension of the word ignore. We ignore so much and so we become ignorant. Once one generation have been conditioned to think the way they want, it becomes even easier to condition the next generation. Unfortunately many of our parents have fallen victims, but not you if you want. Surely you won’t want you or your children to live like programmed robots, would you? Each generation has a right to see life in a way that makes sense to them, not the government, their teachers, clerics or the media. But sadly, youths accept without thinking so much that it is passed down to them. They don’t ask the most liberating question like: Why? Why do we do it this way? Why do we believe this or that? Who says this/what/? The question “why?” is the driving force behind this revolution. After breaking lose from been manipulated and controlled, another part of critical thinking towards a better society is developing positive and progressive thinking through self-discipline and motivation. Every second of every day in every breath of your life, you are creating your own reality. Your lives reflect precisely your imagination of yourself. If you think you are an ordinary person and that the good things and great achievements happen only to others, then that is the way it will be. Your life will reflect that imagination and perception of yourself. It takes different exercises to build a good self-discipline and by progressive training you can build one. You should first identify where your discipline is weakest and design a training program for yourself. If you start with easy challenges you gradually progress to greater ones. Before you begin to establish a discipline that will promote your image and oneself. You have to know where you lack (discipline) and with that you won’t be ignorant. You can then begin to work on those areas. Developing or building self-discipline may mean asking yourself questions like: when was the last time you consciously adopted a positive new habit? When was the last time you consciously discontinued a bad habit? After sincerely replying to these questions, then you begin to work on it by consciously learning a new habit and discontinuing a bad one. If you don’t like your life, then change it. You’re in control. You have created the life you don’t like, so now create the one that you do. And if you don’t like what the society is, then change it. It takes a single person to begin a revolution, so be the change you want to see. You are in control of your destiny and so is everyone. You can also test your discipline by how you keep a promise either to yourself or somebody else. Ask yourself again; if you make a promise to yourself, what is the percentage chance you will keep it? if you make a promise to someone else what is the percentage chance you will keep it too? This method of self-assessment encourages you to achieve whatever goals, dreams and agendas you've set for yourself. When you are able to determine the rate at which you keep your promise, you can begin to further upgrade to asking yourself; if you can give up watching T.V for 60 days, if you can give up using social media for the same period? if you can maintain a perfect hygiene not to attract people’s attention but for the obvious reasons that you like it? If you can concentrate on the cultivating the future and destroy all types of procrastination? If you can contribute to national development and avoid mischief making? What do you do that may deprive other people of their rights? What do you think are the responsibilities of a Nigerian? Etc. You only need to begin and you will get there just like in the words of Goethe;
  • 17. “Are you earnest? Seize this very minute, What you can do or dream you can, begin it, Boldness has genius, power and magic in it, Only engage, and then the mind grows heated, Begin it, and the work will be completed". We are conditioned to be prejudiced against other members and groups within each culture and society, and these different forms of prejudice are used to divide and rule us. The prejudice may be tribal, religious or political, based on background, income, job or lifestyle. Either way you have different aspects of society conditioned to instinctively ridicule, oppose and condemn the views and life experiences of each other. This allows the manipulation of the mass consciousness to flourish and yet if we stopped seeking to impose our version of right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral upon each other, we would remove the means for such manipulation. We need to let go of all prejudice now! Humanity (youths) is in prison because: It gives its mind away and concedes its responsibility and power to think for itself and It is consumed by fear, especially the fear of what other people think, the fear of being different and being unique. In the light of this, the means of escape from the global virus is breathtakingly obvious. We should think for ourselves and refuse to allow others to tell us what to do, be and say. We should also let go of fear because fear is our creation. We don’t have to fear, it becomes our choice. We don’t have to hide our uniqueness, it is also our choice. And we can always easily make these choices. Hey, YOU are in control of you. YOU know what is best for you. Nobody else. You don’t need anyone to tell you what to do and think. Just like the struggle for an HIV free generation, the struggle for a free, fair and progressive society begins with you.
  • 18. DIVINE LOVE FOR HUMANITY KEY ISSUES: DOGMAS AND SENTIMENTS, RELIGIOUS UNITY, LOVE AND TOLERANCE, DISCRIMINATION AND STIGMA. "I’m convinced, and i want you also to be convinced that the future of this vast country must depend on the efforts of ourselves to help ourselves. This we cannot do if we don’t work together in unity; indeed, unity today is our greatest concern, and it’s the duty of everyone to work so that we may strengthen it. ---Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa. In the great pursuit for personal positive character and collective national development. Youth’s mindsets have been influenced with many things, lack of opportunity, lust for wealth and financial security, religious zealousness to mention a few. However, all these aforementioned causes are most often if not all the time due to one form of prejudice and sentiments they hold. If you want to be free from the chain of sentiments and prejudices, you must understand just like I stated in previous chapters that your opinions and believe matters a lot and it has great effect on how you make judgments and also take actions. Therefore, to avoid any negative consequences, you must understand that prejudice is a vagrant opinion without any visible means of support and sentiments are selfish opinions which destroy you like fire burning wool. Many dictionaries have explained the meaning of prejudice, but the explanation I like to use is that of the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (third edition) which defines it as an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge. Unfair and unreasonable opinions have been the impulse for youth’s uncooperative and unprogressive mindset. You have to know that habit can be formed and reformed. You should also be glad that any negative energy can be transformed into a positive one, these attributes occur in your subconscious being. It’s no doubt that good intention tends to override the negative effects of bad habits. The harmful effects of biases and prejudices in our society are all too obvious. There are many reasons why people are biased against members of certain groups, but one important cause of prejudices and stereotypes as psychologists pointed out is faulty reasoning. Make the intention of annihilating prejudice and sentiments, it’s a big world out there and it’s only fit for progressive and positive minds. "The touchstone of what is good, be it thought, or word or action, is love. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves. That is the law and the prophets. Anything therefore- any thought or word or action- which falls short is evil, and hold within itself the germ of its own eventual and inevitable destruction”. ---Chief Obafemi Awolowo. Dogmas coupled with prejudice and sentiments are detrimental, often religious dogma constitute the highest peril. Stop the dogma! It has been the greatest enemy of peaceful and mutual co-existence of our people. The dogmatist is a true believer in some theory or doctrine. The key feature of the dogmatist is not what he believes, but how he believes it. The fact is there is no logic behind how he believes it and anybody who doesn’t share the same belief is automatically an enemy. The dogmatist is not open minded; he wouldn’t let anything count as
  • 19. evidence against his beliefs. The dogmatist views provide a set of principles and categories, and he interprets things in terms of them. Dogmas are in different forms and many people are dogmatic about their political and religious views. They tend to see things as all black or all white, and so they often think that everything is clearer to them. They are often uncompromising, and sometimes feel that those who disagree with them are not just wrong, but evil. Some of the potential negative effects of dogmas on you is that it becomes your nature. It’s important that you exercise compassion; it can inspire you and make you aware that life is complex and humbleness is a must. It is explicit that to banish all negative thoughts from the mind you need to replace them completely with good thoughts. The ability of the individual to think is his ability to act and bring it into manifestation. "No matter how old an individual may be, no matter if he is young or old, if he thinks in accordance with the times he is immortal"---Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe The mind thinks correctly when it understand the truth, if you want to change for the good, it starts from your within. All growth, all changes start from within, this is evident in all nature, and every plant and animal is a living testimony. As James Allen characterize that “good thoughts and actions can never produce bad result, bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results. This is but saying that nothing comes from corn but corn. Men understand this law in the natural world, and work it; but few understands it in the mental and moral world and they; therefore do not cooperate with it”. If you want to feel like a self-respecting person, you need to behave as one. As William Shakespeare said “assume virtue, if you have it not”. Strong, pure and happy thoughts build up in the body vigor and grace. If you tend to believe that you are always right and everyone else is wrong (dogmatic) or use emotions rather than careful thoughts based on facts to make judgments (sentimental), you become like a wound exposed without any form of care or treatment. If allowed untreated, it will expand, eat deep and rot causing unbearable pain to the host, in the case of human it leads to their destruction. Holding sentiments or having dogmatic reasoning is like living in prison, when the mind is enslaved the body can never be free. One of the consequences of this mindset is that it goes beyond affecting your actions; it also enslaves your soul in the sense that your reasoning is confined to a very minute dispensation. "Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition"--- Isaac Asimov Corruption, bad healthcare system, hunger and malnutrition, unemployment and inadequate infrastructures are but few menaces facing us in this country. But the dangerous of all destroying the unity of this nation is religious/ethnic intolerance and disunity. This is a worrisome disease troubling the heart of modern youths. This can be cured if every youth understands that love is the greatest force in the universe. All you need is love. And love is boundless and infinite. There is no shortage of supply, no matter what the demand. You just think it and feel it and there it is. As much as you want, whenever you want. Love is our golden key and it is under our control. Don’t tell me we can’t get out of ethnic/religious chaos when we have in our possession all that we need for the great escape. The key, the ladder, and the getaway car, is just a state of being called love. You can love yourself or hate yourself. You can love others or hate others. You can love Nigeria or abuse Nigeria. These are just choices -choices that carry with them spiritual and physical consequences. And those choices are yours and mine.
  • 20. Burmese prodemocracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi said “the first thing youths of a country are supposed to do to achieve unity amongst ethnic generations is to listen to each other”. You can imagine our level of unity and progress if every person allows and give others the chance to express themselves, their feelings and needs. There is no doubt that hatred, sentiments, prejudice and biases would certainly be a thing of the past. I’m one those who strongly believe that youths mustn’t make the same mistakes that our parents made. And dialogue is a crucial instrument to achieve peace, so if you find yourself in any chaotic situation, your first action is to talk things through and come to the best solution. You will get into trouble when you fail to realize that some of the perceptions you hold are based on what society (i.e. parents, teachers, religious institutions, media, internet etc.) teaches or tells you, and not what is actually the truth. You should know that every human has his own sets of biases and prejudices, even yourself. So, by seeking information and the truth from a lot of different sources, you will find the absolute truth and facts that will henceforth guide your judgments. "Let us be honest with ourselves, let us be sincere. We know what we want, and we are sure we can get it, and get it at the right time, provided we are not delayed by selfish quarrels."---Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa. The first thing you must know is that the name Nigeria has come into being, and you need to believe that if well managed this country could be perfectly created by us Nigerians and Nobody else. It can be as developed and advanced as the U.S, Canada, Australia, japan etc. are today. But, we cannot get to this stage if we still continue to batter ourselves on the basis of ethnic/religious misunderstandings. You must however, in order to eliminate completely your ill- feelings for any alien religion/tribe, learn to find out the rationale behind your opinions. I’m not insinuating that what you’ve already learn or know where based on lies and propagandas neither am I urging you to stop listening. But, you mustn’t over-estimate the value of information you receive from anybody, because when you over-estimate the values of certain individuals in the society, you will be certainly confined to the box of not knowing the actual truth. In today’s society, people we respect have a way of swaying the society’s opinion based on the fact that they know we trust them and also believe that they know more than we do. They will tell you what you want to hear or show you what you want to see. The media manipulate the real story and tell us otherwise, people talk about the happenings in the world and make illogical statements influenced by biased and prejudiced mind. Leaders give unwise advice to favor their amoral believes. However, even you do not know of about some biases or sentiments that you have, and with this you tend to see what you want to see and enjoy what you want to hear. As long as it doesn’t concern your personal or spiritual belief, you ignore anybody that tries to tell you the truth simply because you do not want to hear or see it. The key is to be aware of your own prejudices and expectations towards someone, something or some people, while at the same time stay open minded to everything that comes your way. "We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes that were born different from us. We don’t like to think of them as relatively ordinary people who made themselves extraordinary"--- Carol .S. Dweck The word unity will not be over-emphasized; it is the only true means for us to live together in a socially friendly Nigeria. We have to learn to love one another for both our strength
  • 21. and weakness, it is this feeling of oneness and togetherness that makes us emotionally and physically secure. You should stop believing that we are never the same people, you should believing that those leaders, media, clerics etc. who tried to instigate religious driven segregation were really working in your interests. You should stop believing that we are separating as a nation just because some unscrupulous individuals in attempt to destabilize us have shamelessly declared their evil agendas. There is a saying that “gives me liberty or give me death”. It sound offensive or controversial, but come to think of the comparison between freedoms and bondage. No doubts the dividends of the former outweigh that of the latter. If you don’t start to demand your freedom to think, then you are literarily as good as dead. Not everybody cares about your contribution or even your well-being, but your thoughts and ideology will certainly pull you through. Rationalism is a unique concept you need to adopt, don’t allow politicians, media, home videos, clerics, internet etc. tell you what to believe. Many of them resort to evil and sophisticated mind control, causing havoc and wreck in once peaceful societies. They have been blinded by their love for wealth and power and would go any extreme in misguiding people to keep and maintain that status. In order to protect yourself, you should always gather information, facts and learn the truth from different reliable sources. You should have a liberal mindset and with critical and logical observations and judgments your actions shall unite us and catapult us into a post ethnic/religious era. And therein, the truth shall set us free. "It is safer and wiser to cure unhealthy rivalry than to suppress it". ----Chief Obafemi Awolowo. Tolerance is a vital character you should also utilize, it is clear that intolerance (ethnic/religious) has been one of the reasons for escalating crises in the country. Opinions are not fact no matter how you hold them, they can’t be proved and that’s why everybody has them. But tolerance is when you respect everybody’s opinion. A southerner is quick to react if a northerner wrongs him. Whether it was accidental or premeditated, he resort to stereotyping the whole north just because of the blunder committed by one northerner. Not everyone in the north shares the same belief or has the same ethnic/religious mindset. Moreover character and behavior are associated to individuals not a whole geographic location. There is a golden rule for happiness, treat every other person as if you believe he/she likes you. Do this and you will never lose. You have to respect your own right to be unique but you also have to respect the rights of others to express their own uniqueness (free from ridicule and condemnation). We must stop seeking to impose our dogmas on everyone in the process deny the right of each of us to be different and have our own unique view. We should instead respect our own right to believe what we choose and, crucially, we should respect everyone’s right to do the same, free from pressure, ridicule, condemnation and imposition of any kind. This simple philosophy will transform lives in the country and the world at large. It is necessary therefore to respect your own right to be different and also respect the rights of others to do the same. When you and your friends, family and the society have learnt this, understand and are willingly practicing it with sincerity, we shall not only move into a post ethnic/religious society but a sophisticated and advanced one. In those few sentences, you have the means to transform this country from a prison to a paradise. Not one gun needs to be fired, neither one house nor car needs to burned, not one grave needs to be dug. All it takes is for you to respect your right to be different and to respect everyone’s right to that same freedom. Yes. It is really simple.
  • 22. "Tolerance is the greatest gift of the mind, it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle"---Keller Helen "I love you in when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, and pray in your church. For you and i are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit"---Khalil Gibran "If we are in the habit of not practicing the opposite of what we preach, our admonition will not only lose their forces and cogency, but we ourselves will fortified every claim to credibility. An ounce of example, it has been widely said is better than a ton of precepts". ---Chief Obafemi Awolowo.
  • 23. THE RORT MINDSET KEY ISSUES: CORRUPTION, HONESTY, HUMILITY, POSITIVE THOUGHTS "One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised" ---Chinua Achebe. One of the requirements of a citizen in a society is the will to help in the development of that society. Youths in this context are not excluded, in fact are the driving force, which is the engine of this progressive movement. It is therefore a positive intention to work with the government, occupying offices and doing field activities. However. The mindset of many Nigerians is directed or focused on making extra income apart from their basic salary and allowances. This cancerous zeal may lead them to commit all sort of illegal acts. Although youths are not to be blamed for their unprogressive agendas which was an effect of bad governments and administrations. People should however seize the blame game since every individual is responsible for his/her actions. Honesty and integrity pays, in spite of our corrupt system, it is the only honorable way to greatness. Many people fall into the pit of corruption because they want to look nice, unfortunately being nice is not enough, it has to be done at the expense of your dignity and integrity. To lean over backward for other people is both generous and wise, but to fall over backward is foolish. A corrupt mind is unattractive even to itself. You need to practice honesty at every level of your life, not just with yourself. When you are dishonest you are effectively saying that you are not working enough, that you do not deserve good things and the only way to get good things is to lie and cheat. This is a negative affirmation to the self. "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently"---Friedrich Nietzsche Many will say it is impossible to live within your means in Nigeria; my reaction to this is that it is very possible. It may mean working two to three jobs and working hard to improve yourself. In fact so many damage has been done and is still been inflicted on our society by those who haven’t learned and are not willing to learn to live within their means. As you read on, I tell you there are more to working in the public or private sector. If you have the rort mindset, you may be successful but the wide arms of justice can always catch up with you. Think of all the humiliation your name and that of your family will suffer. I recall when a prominent elder statesman reacting to the problems facing Nigerians said “ the institution of family has broken down, respect for elders which used to be a cardinal principle in our society is now at its lowest ape, honesty where it does not pay has become meaningless, symptoms of revolt loom large on the horizon .In short, there is meaninglessness in philosophy, insecurity in polity, chaos in politics, immorality in society, corruption in economy, frustration in art and lack of creativity in literature”. I believe everyone can change and assist in relocating the status of our dearest nation from its current state. We the youths have been charged with the engineering of the revolution which will emancipate our country from doldrums to glory. The recipe we are to use and achieve glory is honesty; I’ve always stressed the need for every youth to have it at the back of their minds. When you are confronted with a situation and you have both options of doing the right thing and not doing it, you go against the odds and do the right thing. When the answer is yes,
  • 24. say “yes”, when the answer is no, say “no”. Be dependable and follow your commitments. Do not commit to anything you don’t intend to complete. "The duty of youth is to challenge corruption"---Kurt Cobain. Try to answer these questions candidly, when was the last time you appreciated someone else’s honesty? When was the last time you were appreciated for your act of honesty? Many will respond to the first question with recent times while the second question which is directed to their personality, shall have a relatively unsure response. So why is it so? Many youths have shown great lack of honesty in their dealings. It’s not a good character or virtue to be dishonest. Doesn’t your conscience judge you when you are being dishonest? You need to change the rort mindset, its only change that can drive a country from economic stagnation and bring political freedom. We all know that the gain of dishonesty is short term. It can get you what you want, it can get you out of trouble, and it can make it easier to please other people around you. Often all this doesn’t last and you still find yourself in even worse situations. Interestingly, the merits of honesty are countless. It paves way for greater intimacy, people love the true you. You trust yourself and others trust you too. You tend to attract other honest people who are the best types of people around. Being honest have a greater advantage as it has both health and mental benefits, thus it is linked to less stress, less depression and less anxiety. Character, integrity and morality in your life makes honesty easier, when you choose to live a life of character, you will soon realize that you have nothing to hide. "Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual; the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country. ---Karl Kraus. You can start making contributions to better our society, if you are in position of power, avoid accepting substandard quality of service because of kickbacks, things like this deprive the country of value added service from contractors and consequently resulting to the implementation of water washed roads, bad facilities and low quality infrastructure, etc. Cultivate a honest habit and try hard to live within your means. There are some honest Nigerians out there who work twelve hours or more a day, working six days a week to make ends meet. Making ends meet is far honorable than living beyond your means and finding dubious ways to get money to fill the self-destructive hole you dig. We need youths willing to jeopardize their own interest for the good of others. But when the rort mindset rules, decisions becomes about improving personal vanity and ambition. The more complex a corrupt person you are, the more difficult it is to stop and once the truth prevails you will look terrible in the eyes of people. Happy is he that is honest, he will be able go about with a clear conscience. This small fact alone can help you sleep at night without having to worry or fear anything. Humanity suffers greatly from mistrust, domination, ego, hatred and greed. Violence reigns and has being on the rise as a result of such negativity. Honesty and humility can terminate all terrible and negative qualities, giving the society a chance to see the result of better thinking and showing the bad eggs in the society that they are cowards and bullies. It shows them how really weak their façade of cruelty and hatred is. It also makes them look really deep and see what and who they really are thereby weakening their personal stance and diminishing their powers to hurt others. Honesty and humbleness brings out the best in people and benefits all humanity in the end. It makes life better and allows people to do their jobs well.
  • 25. "Corruption has its own motivation, and one has to thoroughly study that phenomenon and eliminate the foundations that allow corruption to exist."---Eduard Shevardnadze
  • 26. EMPOWER YOUR MIND KEY ISSUE: ENTREPRENEURSHIP "No more excuses! Do it or don’t do it—but don’t make excuses. Stop using your incredible brain to think up elaborate rationalizations and justifications for not taking action. Do something. Do anything. Get on with it! Repeat to yourself: “If it’s to be, it’s up to me! ----Brian Tracy Mark Twain said “twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover". As youths, we should embrace entrepreneurship. It has been a proven strategy that positively impacts the lives of young people. It is an ideal way of improving your communication, decision making and goal setting abilities. There is a power within you and its absolutely under your control, you have the power to do whatever you want to do and amongst those things you need to do is to empower your mind in the best positive way. To achieve greatness you must sacrifice yourself and one way to do this is by self-empowerment. A man’s mind may be likened to a garden which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild, but whether cultivated or neglected it must and will bring forth. If no useful seeds are sown then abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein and will continue to produce their kind. This explains how the human mind can be taking care of or neglected, good seeds are thoughts with positive inclinations while weed seeds are thoughts with negative inclinations. The produce of each seed will define the nature of the garden. If you think success is by the level of education one has then you should re-think. Most successful people in the world are people who are either drop outs or have considerable level of education. What matters most is the determination to be successful; it’s the bottom line to getting what you want out of life. So many youths lack the determination and concentration to succeed; this issue must be arrested by every individual youth before they can overcome their respective challenges. We live in a country full of resources but most youths have been blinded with easy and fast money to the extent that schooling is no longer for acquiring knowledge but to get attractive paying jobs. The British council study notes that Nigeria needs to shift its focus away from oil, which contributes 40 percent of resources to the national Gross Domestic Product. "Logic will get you from A to Imagination will take you everywhere". --- Albert Einstein We really need education to re-program our minds away from the rat race for oil-money, and get us thinking about socially responsible ways to contribute to our economy. A prominent Nigerian once said “the challenge facing the nation more than anything else is youth unemployment. It is now settled in development literature that the government will never be able to provide all the jobs the citizens require. It is also increasingly appreciated by Nigerians that the best jobs are not in public sector, whether in terms of pay, compensation, or security of employment”. It is necessary that we youths embrace entrepreneurship as a tool to sustain our families and also help promote national development. As youth’s enterprise must be a weapon with which you fight, a tool with which you should help in rebuilding our nation and a bridge with which you connect with the world. By investing in entrepreneurship, you could combat youth unemployment, curb dependency on oil wealth by creating new revenue streams. You can
  • 27. also improve the communities by investing in them, you will foster a new generation of leaders with sense of duty for our country. I believe if every youth is cured of the oil money disease, then they can build for themselves empires of self-earned wealth. You should stop to blame or complain but take responsibilities for your lives. I’m not supporting or protecting any government or its functionaries who failed to live up to their leadership obligations. Moreover, contemporary youths cannot afford to mortgage its future or abdicate its responsibilities on the sidelines of violence and crime. The fact is that you don’t have to make scientific or technological innovation. You can be 15, 18 or 22 years old with big dreams and great ideas and courage, yet in a small way you can begin to make changes and add to national development. You must note that it’s not a country that makes a person great, it’s the citizens that makes it great. We are the only ones who can drive our county to the height we want. Developed countries didn’t just attain their success by sudden flight, but have toiled upward for a very long time to reach their status quo. If you are to make any meaningful impact on the world you need to utilize every resources and laziness and idleness is not an option. The great human rights activist Malcolm X said “the future belongs to those who planned for it today”. The future is nearer than you think, and you must do something now, the quality of the future you will have is heavily dependent on the quality of your preparation. "If you cannot do great things, do small things in great way" --- Napoleon Hill By embracing entrepreneurship, you build wealth and at the same time improve and strengthen the economy. You can engage in entrepreneurship irrespective of where you live and whether you are in school or not. You can be an entrepreneur in places of worship, tribal, urban or rural communities and during holidays. Your contributions will help create a sustainable society. Entrepreneurship is an adventure for a youth and as a young entrepreneur you will learn how to manage your time and acquire leadership and interpersonal skills. You become a motivation for other youths to be productive; you develop a sense of originality and can create new services and products that no one has offered before. You become flexible and create your own leisure and break time. If you are the type that has been seeking independence to be your own boss and you want to make all the important decisions yourself. Then, this is your chance. After my secondary school, I decided to go and visit my Aunt in Lagos. Her husband owns a bakery and the plan was that I’ll work there during my stay. I was offered a juicy 7,000 per₦ week wage, it wasn’t a difficult job. All I had to do is help in the delivery of the products to customers. I needn’t spend a dime for all my needs from food, clothing and other incentives that will enable me save every kobo I got from the job were provided by my hosts. During my first week of arrival I decided to rest which was the greatest mistake I made. My intention was to resume work in the second week of my arrival but the event of the first week completely marred my early breakthrough to wealth. I wasted time watching seasonal Hollywood movies, reading unimportant novels and sleeping aimlessly. I developed a lazy habit that consequently cost me a lifetime opportunity and experience. I finally spent two out of the three months I was scheduled to spend doing absolutely nothing profitable, instead gained more weight than I can possibly need. I had lost about 84,000 at an early age of eighteen, that I was so ashamed of myself. I₦ returned home just as I left, but with more experience. “Its fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure". --- Bill Gates
  • 28. In life we often make mistakes, in fact if you don’t make a mistake you can’t really learn, and no one can deny ever making one. It is therefore normal to make mistakes but it’s unusual to repeat them. What makes a mistake worth is the experience, and how you can avoid repeating it. There is no greater fool than the one who makes the same mistake twice. I made mistakes and mine was due to procrastination which I believe many youths engage in. Procrastination has become the order of the day amongst youth and it’s an illicit behavior youths must learn to curb. Keeping aside what is important and is really required to a later time or delaying it because you find it unpleasant or boring will surely make you lazier than you imagined. It can cost you a lifetime opportunity. I will advise you as you read to stop wasting time doing unnecessary activities and concentrate on what really matters and things that will uplift you personally and socially. The secret is, you can achieve what you want only if you have a clear vision of where you are headed. “The reason most people aren’t moving forward,” says Ti Caine, a hypnotherapist and life coach based in Sherman Oaks, California, “is that they don’t even know where they are going.” If they are going anywhere, it’s towards whatever they got programmed for, which is essentially whatever their parents envisioned for them. They are not even living their own lives. Successful people, on the other hand, know where they are going and dare to aim for the moon. They believe that everything is possible. Having a complete vision of the future gives you a constant source of hope and motivation. In order to transform your present into the future you want, it is necessary to tell yourself the truth about what you really want, and to envision the whole future. Although I made a grave mistake, “it wasn’t the end for me” I assured myself. When a door closes we keep on looking back at it that we often fail to realize when a new one opens. I decided to make amends and find something useful to do with my life. "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things differently". ---- Warren Buffet I continued to stay at home without any source of income and it took a serious toll on me that I went in search for job. I remember I leave home in the morning and return late in the evening without any progress, taking only a buns and sachet water as meal throughout the day. I was really struggling to find a means of livelihood and as a boy of nineteen I knew I had the energy and zeal to continue searching for a sustainable job. I didn’t allow the mistakes and disappointments of the past control or direct my future. I took the bull by the horn and went into the streets, toiling day in day out for months. One day I visited a friend whose father owns a bookshop, my friend was in charge of the bookshop so we went inside to discuss. As I was telling him my predicaments a former classmate, also the same age as I came into the shop. We continued our discussion and the latter boy asked me to become his partner since I wasn’t doing anything, I was offered a job without interview or scrutiny. And just like that I had a job. My new partner and I went along perfectly as we’ve been together and understood ourselves. His business exposed me to the world of computers and technology. He had a laptop which he uses to download music, videos, games, soft wares etc. and configure internet browsing for customers who need them in their mobile phones, computers or gadgets. All I had to do is to find customers and we split the money between ourselves on a fifty-fifty basis. I had no prior knowledge on how to use a computer, so my partner did most of the work. But, after a while I decided to learn without any formal instructions and I was amazed with what I could do. Learning the computer wasn’t as difficult as I thought, and I was able to perfect myself on many areas while using it. I
  • 29. had recently acquired a diploma in computer knowledge and the knowledge and experience I had during this period has helped me a lot. Apart from that I learned how to communicate and treat customers. I was very good in what I do that within a short period of time I acquired my own first laptop computer. Yes! It was happening; I had become my own boss and can make my own decisions, because I was independent. Buying personal stuffs was becoming easier and I even switched to obtaining better quality products together with the latest fashion. Within three years I had bought three more laptop computers, gave them to other young person’s thereby creating employment and reducing crime. I’m now a young entrepreneur and prefer the word young tycoon because I began to diversify and move into other businesses that will bring me the income and grant me the financial freedom that I have always desired. "There is only one success, to be able to spend your life in your own way” ----Christopher Morley Do not think because your parents or family are wealthy and you become lazy in the process putting this great ideology into dustbin. Russell .H. Conwell, the author of acres of diamond said" There is no class of people to be pitied so much as the inexperienced sons and daughters of the rich of our generation''. You can be like me or you can be greater than me, all you need to do is to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Do not spend your time in day dreaming or building castles hold the vision you have and act now. Have a habit of enterprise and I assure you that the sky will not be your limit, but your starting point. Conwell in the Arcs of Diamond said in an effort to encourage people to start from there domain, that they shouldn’t necessarily change their location said " Let every man or woman here, if you never hear me again, remember this, that if you wish to be great at all, you must begin where you are and what you are, in Philadelphia, now". Philadelphia which means the home city, town or village of every reader. If you have the notion that wealthy people are dishonest, then you should seize to believe so. This mindset can tie you down till you die a pauper. It’s a fact that 97% of wealthy people (entrepreneurs) are honest, because of that they are trusted with money and carry on great enterprises and have plenty people to work with, and that’s how they get rich. Honesty comes with great benefits as an entrepreneur like owning a home not just a house. You own a home if you are honorable, honest, pure, true, careful and economical. It’s also disgusting to think that you must be poor in order to be pious. No matter what obstacles or adversity you face keep moving, don’t lose your determination. The author of the art of war, Sun Tzu wrote "in difficult ground, keep steady on the match". Never ever give up my dear friend. “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve", ---- Napoleon Hill I want to let you a secret which i found in the cause of writing this book, i wouldn’t have given it a thought of sharing, but i think it will be of great help if every entrepreneur understands and uses it. Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? The law works like a big universal mirror, whatever you think about, focus on, believe and feel most of the time is what you draw into your life. In other words whatever you send out to the universe mentally and emotionally get reflected back into your life in some form. Now, the secret i want to share is that of abundance, it’s also the law of attraction, it attracts money. If you focus on the abundance of money, you will get it, but if you focus on money and you don’t get it. That’s because you are focusing on the lack of money, not the having of money. Thought is the energy by which the law of attraction is brought into operation, which eventually manifests into abundance. Remember
  • 30. whatever you believe, focus and feel is what you draw (attract) into your life. The number one way people block abundance from coming into their lives is by not being consistent in their effort to attract abundance. These have been attributed largely to the constant and deep yearning for things to be better quickly followed by a deep annoying frustration if they don’t. Just let go and allow things to naturally flow, and everything will fall into place. It’s advisable to practice better thoughts about money, since people often try to transform their financial situation in one or few days, and feel frustrated if it doesn’t work. Instead, set intention that you are practicing better thoughts about money, be easy on it and don’t try to make it happen by focusing too much, rather enjoy thinking about it and everything shall continue to fall into place. It’s also important to re-write negative thoughts so that you can create a new habit of focusing positively on money- specifically focusing on having money instead of not having it thereby you become free from complaining, frustrations and being worried. Lastly you must be patient, reminding yourself that things are going to keep getting easier and easier, even if you face little challenges. remind yourself that you don’t have to rush to accomplish everything but you are working towards abundance moments by moments even if you can’t yet see it. “I do not believe a man can leave his business. He ought to think of it by day and dream of it by night". -----Henry Ford Just as in the law of attraction, it takes more than just the mental will for enterprise. You must have an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is the happiness caused or derived from even the little good things in life. In business or management, it contributes to your effectiveness, increase your decision making capabilities , increase your productivity as a result it helps you achieve your career goals as well and also makes your work place a more friendly and enjoyable place to be. Studies show that gratitude increases your energy level; you tend to have physical and mental vigor. It helps you bounce back and makes you feel good, that way you are able to deal with loses and setbacks in an easier fashion. Makes your memories happier and reduces the feeling of envy, suppress all egocentric characters in you. Helps you relax and makes you friendlier, automatically increasing your ability to build a good customer base. Makes you look good, sending a positive image across to your business community. Another catalyst for being a successful entrepreneur is humility. This is an incredible gesture of strength. A humble entrepreneur seeks trusted and wise counsel when the need be and if they find it to be a weakness in their life. Pride comes before a fall and prevention is definitely better than cure. A humble person sees others as inherently valuable, everybody has a special importance and helps diminish mistrusts and bad feelings. This will definitely catapult your business and like a magnet attract people from different walks of life. You become both efficient and sufficient, and within a short period of time amass a huge fortune for just simple characters and habits you've exhibited in your dealings with people. As youths, you must learn the facts of life and use them. You must also learn to work smarter not harder. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work hard but you must learn to be smart and not work yourself out. And most importantly you must learn to think like a winner "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment"----Jim Rohm
  • 31. “The main cause of poverty or financial struggle is fear and ignorance, not the economy or the government or the rich. Its self-inflicted fear and ignorance that keeps people trapped”. ---- Robert.T.Kiyosaki “The main reason people struggle financially is because they spent years in school but learned Nothing about money. The result is, people learn to work for money... but never learn to have money work for them.” ---Robert T Kiyosaki “Money is only an idea. If you want more money simply change your thinking. Every self-made person started small with an idea, then turned it into something big”. ---Robert Kiyosaki
  • 32. DOES EVERY MAN HAVE A PRICE? KEY ISSUE: SELF ESTEEM, GRATITUDE, GREED "A man whose personality is fully developed never fears anything: he cringes not, and never feels inferior to anyone; his breadth of mind enables him to exercise his freedom in such a manner as not to endanger the interests and freedom of others. He is a citizen of the world-free from narrow prejudices. He is what he is because the three main constituent of his entity-his body, brain, and mind-are fully developed”. ---Chief ObafemiAwolowo There is this absurd saying which low spirited people use to downgrade the self- worth of people and themselves. “Every man has a price”. Whenever I hear this unappealing statement I can’t help but to give a smile, that which doesn’t concur with what I’ve encountered. This type of philosophy is not in my dictionary, it can’t even go near. How could anyone believe in such a devastating ideology? I don’t blame people with such a mindset because right from the time we are small children we are being conditioned to judge ourselves harshly and to think of ourselves in negative terms. We are being told what we should be, how we should be, what is right and wrong, sane and insane, good and bad. Our self-esteem and our sense of uniqueness are conditioned out of us under the onslaught of messages invading our psyche from programmed parents, priests, teachers, journalists, and politicians. For anybody who is entrenched with such an opinion and still doesn’t break out from its grab, then it’s understandable. In the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the author explains why some people can have a price tag. He elucidated that emotions of fear and greed was the motive behind people placing a price on themselves. Initially, the fear of being without money motivates them to work hard, and then once they get their paycheck, greed or desire gets them thinking about all the wonderful things money can buy. Henceforth their lives are then run forever by two emotions, fear and greed. Offer them more money, and they continue the cycle by also increasing their spending. “That is what I call the Rat Race,” Said Robert .T. Kiyosaki. "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are"---Marilyn Monroe In everyday encounter with enlightened people, it is quite hard to get rejected for who you are. You are most likely to earn rejection or belittlement for things you do in expectation of not getting rejected or belittlement. You need to have a good self-esteem to be happy. Everybody you meet will want to like you unless you belong to a different totally unacceptable group or you behave in a way that makes you impossible to like. We live in a country where youths have low self-esteem, living indiscriminately and exhibiting unholy behaviors. When the mind thinks correctly, when it understands the truth, it becomes easier to accept the truth. Do not behave like some adults who have lost their dignity in the quest for power, wealth and social status. This mindset is detrimental to our national psyche and to our development as a nation. In order to tackle the menace of wasting money and human resources in the country, every youth must have a good self-esteem which will allow him/her view and observe situations from a clearer perspective. Most youths are afraid of offending other people either by telling the truth or doing the right thing, they are afraid of standing out from the crowd or even taking bold actions. For many years our relationship with this emotion has been basically from the fear of nature. We succumb ourselves to be misused by people. Some politicians even have armies of youths whom they supply weapons to. We have been used as tools countless times to commit evil and heinous
  • 33. crimes. They take advantage of us to achieve their devilish aims. This has to stop! you must respect, value and fully take your responsibility. You have to hold yourself in high esteem before you can protect yourself from the evils in the society. Love yourself and others will love you. "Our dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered"---Michael .J. Fox One important thing you should cultivate is good manner, if you have good manners you become open minded to everything that comes your way. There should be no price tag on a man, no man has a price. We are all supreme creatures with higher state of consciousness, morality and dignity. This statement is used to encourage corruption and crime; it has no positive contribution to the orientation of youths and the people. It’s a pity to think that cutting corners and selling your dignity to gain material possession is an option you can explore. It is a foolish and imprudent act which needs the attention of a psychiatrist or counselor. Does every man truly have a price? If yes, then I think the price a man should be given is that for selfless services rendered to humanity and the society. These type of services which is a mark of true patriotism should be encouraged and therefore a kind gesture should be reciprocated to individuals who attain such feat. However, not all services can be compensated because individuals with outstanding qualities who only have the interest of the country, and people who have made great contributions to the development of the country can never be repaid. It is a high moral standard to avoid putting a value or price on yourself, it makes you vulnerable. You are not a commodity or merchandise. It is vital to respect yourself. Respecting yourself is a basic ingredient for achieving greatness, you have to honor yourself before you deserve it from others, and it is reciprocal. To be happy you need to like yourself and to like yourself you need good self-esteem. There will be peace and love in the country when there is peace and love in our hearts. And that begins and ends with each self. When we love and respect ourselves, we will create a personal and collective reality that will portray that inner love and harmony as an outer love and harmony. "We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures". ---Thornton Wilder Dou you want more from life? More happiness? Better health? Deeper relationships? Increased productivity? What if I tell you one thing can help you in all those areas? An attitude of gratitude. Yes! You cannot have self-love and worth if you are not grateful even for the little things in life. Gratitude makes us nicer, more trusting, more social and more appreciating as a result helps us to make friends and Deeping our existing relationships. An attitude of gratitude strengthens your emotions, reduces feeling of envy, makes your memories happier, lets you experience good feelings and help you bounce back from stress. It help develops our personality in potentially life changing ways. It makes us more optimistic, It reduces materialism and increase the ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life. It makes you focus less on things that doesn’t matter. Because of your gratitude you begin to feel the urge to help others. All these if available in the right proportion, every youth will play meaningful role towards national growth and development. As a grateful person people tend to naturally like you. Imagine a world where no one helps you despite your pleading and asking. Now, imagine another world where many people help you all the time for no reason other than they like you. In which world do you think you will be grateful? So many times we concentrate all our energies chasing, wanting, needing
  • 34. and craving for things that we may never have and in the process we don’t even know what contentment feels like anymore. Yet when some of these wants and needs are met we wash away gratitude and only a deep sense of satisfaction takes place. It’s unfortunate that we are so busy trying to chase what we think will bring us lasting satisfaction that we don’t notice the alternatives available to us. We so much want to be satisfied that we concentrate only on the feeling of having money, love, titles, social status, possessions etc. and have to wait so many times in our life to be satisfied. The benefits of gratitude don’t require waiting, we don’t need to wait for achievement or this or that in order to grow a sense of satisfaction in our lives. Our goals and dreams will always be alive but we need to appreciate the present moments. "Be thankful for what you have; you will end up having more. if you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough"---Oprah Winfrey A happy individual feel safe to be himself/herself. You shall also enjoy the same freedom, thus you shall be reinforced by it. Always act with kindness and dignity and your feelings of self-worth will increase. You will like what you see yourself doing and others will be attracted to you. People don’t read minds, what you do is the decider of your emotional outcome, it doesn’t matter what you feel at the moment therefore your outwards behavior is what you are to people. Developing a healthy self-esteem depends on changing how you feel about yourself. It practicable to adapt a well-chosen behavioral pattern to help you build on your relationships with people. If you want to be free, stop living a lie. Stop denying yourself. You are a unique aspect of all that exists and that is a reason to be joyous. There is no aspect of consciousness in all creation that is like you. You are special, as everyone is equally special. But instead of being joyous and proud of that specialness, we have allowed our uniqueness to become something to fear. Oh my God! Stand up right now, clench your fist in the air and say to yourself, “I am what I am and I have a right to be what I am and express what I am. I am me, I am free". When you do that, you respect every other person right to be them and they will also respect yours. And that is your price to them. "If you think of life as a big pie, you can try holding the whole pie and kill yourself trying to keep it, or you can slice it up and give some to the people around you, and you still have plenty left for yourself."--- Jay Leno Greedy people are the cheapest people in the world today. We all know that excessive selfishness and constant yearning for more have lead this country into turmoil. Greed is a form of sickness because those who suffer from it seem deprived of morality. Do not think that accumulation of wealth is the only form of greed, but hoarding, refusing to share, withholding information and not using your gifts or talents for the betterment of the society can all be deemed forms of greed. Every choice you make has an impact. If you choose to purchase a shoe, you may be helping the economy and all the people involved in manufacturing the shoe. But if you purchase all the shoes in a store, leaving nothing for someone else, your actions are considered greedy. People wonder why you need many shoes. Or why you don’t want someone else to have them. Some would assume you are living from the fear of not having enough. And that deep fear prevents you from recognizing other people exist. Hoarding your possessions or never contributing to society is like having a hole within one self, theoretically, you need to keep filling it. That hole is a belief and you may possibly never have enough. Many fraudsters (419)
  • 35. have gained much all because of peoples greed. The negative effect of greed is far more than you can fathom. It is a vicious cycle that affects us all. One way to deal with greed as an individual is to place your principles before your gains. If you are dealing with money, tell yourself "i will not let money override my ethical principles” period. Make this your core philosophy for business, resolve in your heart that you will rather lose a deal than your integrity. No matter where you find yourself be it at home, with your family, in a corporation, schools whatever. You should behave in a way that has regard for yourself and for others and always think about the consequences of your actions. "There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed"---Siddhartha Gautama
  • 36. THINGS THAT MAY DISTRACT YOU IN LIFE. *Circumstances: It is true that the circumstances we find ourselves hinder us from achieving a lot in life. But, many successful people in history have once been in your shoes or worse, but their health, ethnic background, where they were born, lack of opportunity as children etc. didn’t hinder them. You too can make it through; you just have to believe in yourself and your ability. *Obstacles: We often encounter obstacles on our road to success and most times we give up. There is nothing impossible for the mind if you truly believe. Don’t allow the obstacles to defeat you, instead it should be the reason you become stronger. *People: People in general do not always mind their business. They will always talk and talk and even do nasty things either to discourage you or to stop your effort. Sometimes, even friends and family members are part to this. The worst reaction to people’s opinion is fear. You shouldn’t be afraid of what others are thinking. Don’t be a slave to their opinions. It’s your life and you alone know how it feels. *Criticism: You are always going to be criticized, whether you are doing well or not. However what you should learn to do with criticism is to analyze and use it to your advantage. That is, if the criticism is true, you should make amends and that way you shut down your criticizers and if the criticism is not true, then throw it behind you and keep moving with your life. GUIDELINES TO SUCCESS • Be concerned but not worry too much about your problems. • Persist and persevere, it’s a very long road to success. • Anything is possible, be optimistic. • Make people like you, get along. • Respect other people’s opinions, ideas and beliefs. • Be humble, loyal, cheerful and honest. • Know your gift, talents and attraction. • Always seek and seize opportunities • Be courageous. WAYS TO RE-AWAKEN YOUR SPIRIT
  • 37. People who have been distracted in life and their aim of being successful has been marred may be discouraged and lose the spirit to continue the struggle, here are some tips you can use to re-awaken you spirit. • Mix with motivated people • Read inspirational biographies and motivational books. • Work on your character • Look up to good mentors • Encourage yourself and think positively • Do exercise and be physically fit • Write down your goals, dreams and vision • Stay determined and focused • Lastly if you want to achieve in life, you will have to overcome your timidity. Don’t be afraid to speak to people. BE YOURSELF AND SUCCEED • Never, Never say negative things about yourself—things like "I never do anything right. I'll never change. I look terrible. I'm not intelligent. Who could ever love me? Etc.,” • Focus on your potential instead of your limitations • Don't let the way another person treats you determine your worth. • Learn to cope with criticism. If you dare to be different, you'll have to expect some criticism. Going along with the crowd when you know in your heart God is leading you in a different way is one of the reasons people don't succeed at being themselves. You won't like yourself very much if you go against your own convictions. • Never compare yourself with other people. God must love variety or we wouldn't all look different. We are all created differently even down to our fingerprints. You'll never succeed at being yourself if you're trying to be like someone else. Other people can be a good example to you; but even then, good traits if duplicated will manifest differently through your individual personality. • Keep your flaws in perspective. People with a high level of confidence have just as many weaknesses as people without confidence, but they concentrate on their strengths not their flaws or weaknesses. • Find something you like to do that you do well, and do it over and over. If you spend your time doing things you're not good at, it will frustrate you and cause you to feel defeated and unsuccessful.
  • 38. CREATING YOUR TOMMORROW Everyone has talents and passions; you can have a talent for writing, cooking, listening, driving, acting and the like. Unfortunately in our society talents and passions that make money are valued most. This is a shame, because many talents that don’t make you money can be valuable, not just for yourself, but also for the people around you. In order to create your tomorrow, you will have to first develop your talent, and in order to develop your talent, you will have to know what it is you would like to learn. Some talents are obvious, yet not always. Someone with a talent for drawing might not recognize their talent if they were told art isn’t important. How can you know you’ve got a talent for playing the piano if you’ve never played? Perhaps your school grades have put you on a wrong track. Many people confuse good grades with talents, perhaps the bad grade you got gave you the idea you can’t learn something new. The following tips can help you develop your talents and create your tomorrow; => Find an activity you really like => Set goals => Challenge yourself => Follow a course => Find partners => Believe in yourself => Write down what you want to achieve => Concentrate More often than not you will find obstacles on your way to creating your tomorrow, it makes you feel as if you are stuck and want to be unstuck, but wanting doesn’t change anything, wanting without acting makes matters worse, then you become frustrated. Frustration drains you, it is a twin to blame, where there is blame there is frustration - where there is frustration there is blame, blames and frustration deepen ruts. The best way to getting unstuck is to take
  • 39. responsibility which ends blame and frustration. Acknowledging fault, however, is never sufficient. Taking responsibility is solution finding, planning, and acting. Nothing less than action indicates that you’ve taking responsibility. There are many ways and strategies you can use to create your future tomorrow; i- You can start with dealing past failures or offences, history is not your future but if you don’t take responsibility it will be. ii- Reject all or nothing thinking, if you try to fix everything you’ll end up fixing nothing. Take one step, try things, fail-learn and grow. iii- Invite others because aloneness is the safe world you’ve built. It keeps you stuck. iv- It is important and useful to express your frustrations, it’s more important to advance the agenda to move through frustrations to a simple next step, regardless of how simple that step is. v- Confusion ends progress; simplicity creates it, let confusion become your focal point for creating simplicity. Complexity is the wrong path, simplicity is the actionable path. In creating a brighter and future tomorrow, you must first take the necessary steps to achieve it. Taking the first step is perhaps the most difficult thing to do in achieving a dream; there are a lot of mental obstacles that makes it difficult to take that first step. If you want to overcome this mental obstacle, then you must avoid many things. You must not wait until the situation is perfect because the situation will never be perfect. No matter how or when you see it, there will always be something that will make you think again, and just like you shouldn’t wait for the situation to be perfect, you shouldn’t wait until everybody agrees with your idea. There will always be opposition and that is perfectly normal. If you wait until there is consensus, you will never start. You might think that you need to have a good skill before you start doing something. But the truth is, you will learn much more by doing than by waiting. Doing allows you to hone you skills much faster than just learning the theory. Believing in your dreams is essential to get the motivation you need to achieve it, you simply can’t fool your own heart. Deep down inside you know whether or not you can believe in your dream. Is the dream worth pursuing? Is it something that you want to pour your heart into? Can you imagine in detail how the world will look like when your dream comes true? Visualizing your dream will energize you because you can see how the world changes for the better and how people live a happier life because of your dream tomorrow. The energy and excitement is there for you to feel.
  • 40. While it is not impossible, creating your tomorrow is definitely not easy. Don’t expect an easy way, expect a hard one instead. Having the right expectation from the beginning will make the journey much easier for you. That way you won’t be surprised and lose heart when you encounter obstacles along the way. Your dream of creating your tomorrow may be big (it should be!) and might make it seem overwhelming. But, like the saying goes; “when eating an elephant, take one bite at a time” So take small portion of it you can do within one week, and think about what you can do today. There is no doubt that you can eat the elephant. But, you have to take the bites early and often, that what it takes to create your tomorrow. BIBLIOGRAPHY ‘Critical Thinking’, Learning Development, Plymouth University (2010) Wallace. Wattles, "The science of getting rich" Russell.H.Conwell, "Acres of diamond" Julian Short, "Living an Intelligent life" Sun Tzu, "The Art of War" James Allen, "As a man, thinketh" Friedrich Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil" Wendy Betterini, "The biggest abundance Blockage" Dr carol Dweck, "Developing a growth mindset: the secret to improving your grades." Brian Tracy 2010, "No excuse! The power of self-discipline" Robert T. Kiyosaki 2002, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" Ti Caines, "Healing your past and creating your future" A “Book Talk” presenting an overview of Stanford Professor Carol Dweck’s research Presented by Dawn Binder & PVUSD GATE, November 7th and 15th, 2007.
  • 41. Ken Keyes Jr."HANDBOOK TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS" "The master key system" written by Charles.F.Haanel in 1912 and first published in 1916 by psychology publishing, St Louis and The master key institute, NY. Joyce Meyer, “How to Succeed at Being Yourself" The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed. OBAFEMI AWOLOWO FOUNDATION BOOKS: Hundredth Monkey|Spritual Critiques ideas/hundredth-monkey/ Corruption Quotes-Brainy Quote Mobile How to 'uncorrupt' a corrupt mind, page1: Psychology Today quotes-greed Quotes about Mindset (44 quotes) Caro Dweck quotes (Author of Mindset) Inspiring Quotes reflecting the Growth Mindset Quotes on Love Nnamdi Azikiwe-Wikiquote http://en.m.wikiquote,org/wiki/Nnamdi-Azikiwe