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A path-based algorithm for evaluating the k-out-of-n
flow network reliability
Wei-Chang Yeh*
e-Integration and Collaboration Laboratory, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiayi University, P.O. Box 67-100, Taichung 408, Taiwan, ROC
Received 3 January 2004; accepted 30 April 2004
Evaluating the network reliability is an important topic in the planning, designing and control of systems. The minimal path (MP, an edge
set) set is one of the major, fundamental tools for evaluating network reliability. A k-out-of-n MP is a union of some MPs in a k-out-of-n flow
network in which some nodes must receive flows from their k input distinctive edges (each input edge has one flow) to generate one flow,
where k is an integer number between 2 and n. In this study, a very simple a-lgorithm based on some intuitive theorems that characterize the
k-out-of-n MP structure and the relationship between k-out-of-n MPs and k-out-of-n MP candidates is developed to solve the k-out-of-n flow
network reliability by finding the k-out-of-n MPs between two special nodes. The proposed algorithm is easier to understand and implement.
The correctness of the proposed algorithm will be analyzed and proven. One example is illustrated to show how all k-out-of-n MPs are
generated and verified in a k-out-of-n flow network using the proposed algorithm. The reliability of one example is then computing using the
same example.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Flow network reliability; k-out-of-n; Minimal path (MP); Algorithm
1. Introduction
The reliability evaluation problem has been a popular
research area that has received significant attention during
the past four decades [1–37] because of reliability’s critical
importance in various kinds of systems. In recent years,
network reliability theory has been applied extensively in
many real-world systems such as computers and communi-
cation systems [1,2], power transmission and distribution
systems [3], transportation systems [4], oil/gas production
system [5], etc. Thus, network reliability plays important
role in modern society [6–37].
The reliability of a network represents its ability to
continuing to perform a specified operation despite the
effects of malfunctions or damage [6]. For example, in the
s–t network, which are graphs with two special terminals:
one source node s and one sink node t as a reliability
model is widely used for systems reliability analysis.
The reliability of a s–t network is given by the probability
that there exists a flow from the source node to the sink
The traditional network always assumes that each node
can generate one flow output to one of its output edges if and
only if any flow from any one of its input edges exits.
However, in real applications, some nodes (called k-out-of-
n nodes here) with n input edges must receive flows from its
k input edges to generate output one flow. Different nodes
may have different k values and k is defined on a node with
k2{2,3,.,n}. For example, the voter output the result in an
n-version programming system only when there are at least
k modules that have the same results, where k is a defined
value [7,8]. Similar applications are observed in other
redundant systems [7,8]. Hence, it is necessary to extend
traditional networks without k-out-of-n nodes to k-out-of-n
Both of the evaluations of the reliability of the traditional
networks or the k-out-of-n networks are NP-hard problems
[6]. The traditional network reliability evaluation
approaches exploit a variety of tools for system modeling
0951-8320/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251
* Tel.: C886-4-2321-6168; fax: C886-4-2208-4168.
E-mail address:
and reliability index calculation. Among the most popular
tools are network-based algorithms founded in terms of
either minimal cuts (MCs) or minimal paths (MPs) [7–37].
Tan [7] first investigated the search for enumerating the
reliability of the k-out-of-n binary network in which the
capacity of each edge is 1 only. In the k-out-of-n flow
network reliability evaluation, Yeh [8] is the first researcher
who discussed how to search for all of the k-out-of-n MCs to
find the reliability of the k-out-of-n flow network in which
the capacity of each edge is not limited. Unfortunately, to
the author’s best knowledge, no published papers have
investigated an algorithm to evaluate the k-out-of-n flow
network reliability based on MPs. The need for an efficient
algorithm based on MPs to enumerate the k-out-of-n flow
network reliability thus arises.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a first one path-
based algorithm to enumerate the k-out-of-n general flow
network reliability in terms of all MPs. The proposed
algorithm is based on some simple concepts that were found
in this study. The computational complexity of the proposed
algorithm is analyzed and compared with the existing
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the
notations, nomenclature and assumptions required. In
Section 3, some important properties, and theorems are
also discussed included the relationships among k-out-of-n
nodes, MPs, k-out-of-n MPs, and k-out-of-n MP candidates.
Section 4 presents the proposed method for finding k-out-of-
n MPs in the networks. One example is illustrated to show
how to generate all k-out-of-n MPs using the proposed
algorithm in the k-out-of-n network in Section 5.
The reliability of one example is also calculated in terms of
k-out-of-n MPs by further applying the inclusion–exclusion
method. Concluding remarks are given in Section 6.
2. Notation, nomenclature and assumptions
2.1. Acronym
MC/MP minimal cut/path.
2.2. Nomenclature
Reliability the probability that a signal can be
transmitted from the source node to the
sink node.
k-out-of-n node a node with n input edges must receive
flows from k distinctive input edges to
generate exactly one flow, where k is an
integer assigned to the node and its value
can be any number from 2 to n.
k-out-of-n binary
a connected network with k-out-of-n
nodes s.t. the capacity of each edge is
1 only.
k-out-of-n flow
a connected network with k-out-of-n
nodes s.t. the capacity of each edge is
not limited.
Cut a cut is an edge set such that no path
from the source node to the sink node
after removing it.
MP/MC it is a path/cut set such that if any edge is
removed from this path/cut set, then the
remaining set is no longer a path/cut set.
For example, {es2,e21,e13,e34,e4t} is a
MC and also a MP between nodes s and t
in Fig. 1.
k-out-of-n MP
a union of MPs. For example, PZ
{es1,e13,e3t,e12,e23} is a union of two
MPs {es1,e12,e23,e3t} and {es1,e13,e3t}
between nodes s and t in Fig. 1. Hence,
P is a k-out-of-n MP candidate.
k-out-of-n MP a k-out-of-n MP candidate such that the
flow can go from nodes s to t and the
remaining set is no longer a k-out-of-n
MP candidate after removing any one of
its edge. For example, {es1,e13,e3t,e12,
e23} is a k-out-of-n MPs between nodes s
and t in the k-out-of-n flow network of
Fig. 1 if nodes s, 1, 2, and t are not k-out-
of-n nodes, and node 3 is a 2-out-of-4
Semi-path a special order of some k-out-of-n nodes
and t, and t is the last node in each semi-
path. For example, qZ(3,4,t) is a semi-
path, where nodes 3 and 4 are k-out-of-n
nodes. KqZK3,4,tZ{p4,p6,p10,p11,p13} is
a MP subset via q in Fig. 1, where p4Z
{es1,e12,e23,e34,e4t}, p6Z{es2,e23,e34,
e4t}, p10Z{es1,e13,e34,e4t}, p11Z{es2,
e23,e31,e14,e4t}, and p13Z{es2,e21,e13,
2.3. Notations
j†j the number of elements of †, e.g. jVj is the
number of nodes in V.
Pr(†) the probability of †.
k(†) the function k defined on node † or the 1st
node in path † to indicate that such node is a
k(†)-out-of-n node, if k(†)Z1 then node †
or the 1st node in the semi-path † is not a
k-out-of-n node.
Fig. 1. An example k-out-of-n flow network.
W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251244
G(V, E, k) a k-out-of-n (connected) flow network with
the node set VZ{s, t, 1, 2,.,nK2}, the edge
set E, the function k, and s, t are the specified
source node and sink node, respectively. For
example, Fig. 1 is a k-out-of-n network
if k(3)Zk(4)Z2 and k(s)Zk(1)Zk(2)Z
euv euv2E is a directed edge from nodes u to v.
D(†) the set of directed edges that flow into node †
or into the first node of the semi-path †.
5aðA1; .; AaÞ a set of which each element, say bi, is chosen
aij distinctive elements from Aj for
aij2{0,1,.,jAjj}, jZ1,2,.,a, and
jZ1 aij
RaR1; where A1,A2,., and Aa are MP
subsets. Moreover, 5Z51 and 5a†Z
5a(†). For example, 52({p9,p12},
{p3,p5})Z{p9gp12, p3gp5, p9gp3,
p9gp5, p12gp3, p12gp5, p9gp12gp3,
p9gp12gp5, p9gp3gp5, p12gp3gp5,
4aðA1; .; AaÞ a set of which each element, say bi, is chosen
aij distinctive elements from Aj for
aij2{0,1}, jZ1,2,.,a, and
jZ1 aij ZaO
1; where A1,A2,., and Aa are MP subsets.
Moreover, 4a†Z4a(†). For example,
42({p9,p12},{p3,p5})Z{p9gp3, p9gp5,
p12gp3, p12gp5}.‘
i Ai is equal to ðA1; A2; .; AaÞ; where A1; A2; .;
Aa are MP subsets.
2.4. Assumptions
The network satisfies the following assumptions [8].
1. Each node is perfectly reliable.
2. The graph is connected, i.e. there is at least a path
between any pair of nodes.
3. Each edge has two states: working or failed.
4. The capacity of each edge is not limited.
5. The states of edges are statistically independent.
3. Preliminaries
Before introducing the proposed algorithm, some useful
properties and results will be described in this section. The
following properties discuss the relationships among the
MPs, k-out-of-n MP candidates, and k-out-of-n MPs.
Property 1. If a MP is not via any k-out-of-n nodes, then it is
a k-out-of-n MP.
Based on the definition of k-out-of-n MP, a k-out-of-n
MP is also a k-out-of-n MP candidate.
Property 2. Each k-out-of-n MP is a k-out-of-n MP
candidate, i.e. a union of some MPs.
Using Property 2, all of the k-out-of-n MP can be
found by trying all combinations of the union of MPs.
However, the number of MPs will grow exponentially
with the number of nodes [6,22–28], i.e. the number of
MPs is 2jVj
in the worst case. Hence, the number of
k-out-of-n MP candidates obtained from Property 2 is at
most 22jVj
: Even for a smaller sized problem, it is
still very difficult to find all of the k-out-of-n MP
candidates using Property 2 within a reasonable amount
of time. Thus, an efficient and intuitive method to find
all k-out-of-n MP candidates based on the semi-path
without using Property 2 is proposed next.
Let P be a union of some MPs, i.e. P is a k-out-of-n
candidate. If the number of MPs in P via a k-out-of-n node v
is less than k(v), then v cannot be enabled to output a flow
using the definition of a k-out-of-n node, and P is not a
k-out-of-n MP. Thus, we have Property 3.
Property 3. Each k-out-of-n node v in a k-out-of-n MP is via
by at least k(v) of distinct MPs.
Property 3 is a fundamental property to count the number
of MPs in a k-out-of-n MP via some specified number of
k-out-of-n nodes.
Corollary 1. Let PZ{all MPs via the k-out-of-n node v}. If
jPj is less than k(v), then no k-out-of-n MP contains any
MP in P.
Corollary 2. Let PqZ{all MPs containing the semi-path q}.
The union of any K*
(%jPqj) distinct MPs from Pq is then not
a k-out-of-n MP for all K*
A k-out-of-n node can only generate at most one flow
regardless of how many MPs flow through it. Therefore, if
the k-out-of-n MP candidate P via a k-out-of-n node v and
the number of MPs in P is greater than k(v), then P is a
k-out-of-n MP candidate but not a k-out-of-n MP because
some MPs can be removed without stopping v from
generating a flow. Hence, Corollary 3 is true.
Corollary 3. If the k-out-of-n MP P via the k-out-of-n node v
only, then P is a union of exactly k(v) distinctive MPs.
Theorem 1 discusses a very important characteristic in
k-out-of-n MPs. It is used to prove Theorem 2, which can
correctly predict the number of MPs in a k-out-of-n MP.
It also can be implemented to remove k-out-of-n MP
candidates, which contain cycles.
Theorem 1. There is no directed cycle in each k-out-of-n
Proof. Let P be a k-out-of-n MP. If there is at least a directed
cycle in P, say from nodes 1 to 2 to . to v, then the edge
ei,iC1 can be removed from P s.t. the flow still can go from
the source node to the sink node, where iZ1,2,.,vK1.
This contradicts the fact that P is a k-out-of-n MP by
the definition of k-out-of-n MPs. Hence, this statement
is true. ,
W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251 245
The converse of Theorem 1 is false; that is, there are
k-out-of-n MP candidates without any directed cycles but
not real k-out-of-n MPs. For instance, in Example 1 we
showed that PZ{es1,e14,e4t,es2,e21,e13,e34,e23} (see Fig. 2)
is a k-out-of-n MP candidate in Fig. 1 because P is a union of
three MPs: {es2,e21,e14,e43,e3t}, {es2,e23,e34,e4t} and {es2,
e21,e13,e34,e4t}. P has no directed cycles but e21 redundant,
i.e. P is not a k-out-of-n MP.
Theorem 2 can precisely tell us the number of MPs to
constitute a k-out-of-n MPs. It reduces the number of k-out-
of-n MP candidates obtained using Property 2 by removing
those k-out-of-n MP candidates that includes more or less
MPs than expected.
Theorem 2. If the k-out-of-n MP P via k-out-of-n nodes
Z{v1,.,vu} for uR1, then P is a union of kðtÞCPu
iZ1½kðviÞK1Š distinctive MPs.
Proof. Assume V0Z{v2V*
j no MPs in P via the other
k-out-of-n nodes before via v}. From Theorem 1, there is no
cycle in a k-out-of-n MP, i.e. no path from nodes v to u and
another path from nodes u to v. Hence, there is at least one
node, say v, in V*
s.t. no MP via the other k-out-of-n node
before via v, i.e. V0 always exists.
Let ViZfv2V*
jZ0Vjj MPs constituted P must pass
at lease one node in ViK1 before via v} and V*
There are exactly
kðvÞ MPs in P via all nodes in V0.
Exactly one path comes out from each node in V0 and goes
into either node t or other k-out-of-n nodes but not into V0.
Assume that ti2{0,1,.,k(t)} is the number of paths from
nodes in Vi directly into node t. Hence, there are
kðvÞKjV0jCt0 MPs in P via all nodes in V1. In the same
way, there are
kðvÞKjVijCti MPs in P via all nodes
in ViC1. Moreover,
iZ0 tiZkðtÞ: Thus, the number of
distinctive MPs that constitute P is counted as follows:
kðvÞ C
kðvÞ KjV0j Ct0
" #
kðvÞ KjVpK1j CtpK1
" #
kðvÞ KjV0j
" #
kðvÞ KjV1j
" #
kðvÞ KjVpK1jðt0 C/CtpK1Þ (2)
½kðvÞ K1Š C
½kðvÞ K1Š C/CkðtÞ (3)
Z kðtÞ C
½kðviÞ K1Š: (4)
Property 4 is trivial and easy to understand. It is the basis of
Properties 5–7 in which the methods to reduce the number
of k-out-of-n MP candidates are developed.
Property 4. If v is a k-out-of-n node, then any k-out-of-n MP
occurs via only one k-out-of-n node v belongs to
; (5)
From Property 4, we have the following properties.
These properties are repeatedly employed in the proposed
algorithm in Section 4 to efficiently reduce the number of
k-out-of-n MP candidates.
Property 5. If k(t)Z1 and NtZ{all MPs via non-k-out-of-n
node to t}, then Nt gðgi2V Ki;tÞZ{all MPs} and
fall k ÿ out ÿ of ÿ n MPsg4Nt g g
: (6)
Property 6. If k(t)O1, then ðgj2V Ni;tÞgðgi2V Ki;tÞZ
{all MPs} and
fall k ÿ out ÿ of ÿ n MPsg44kðtÞ
Property 7. If q is a semi-path, PqZ{pjMP p is via q}, and
4Pq and there is only one flow can via p*
cannot via any proper subset of p*
}, then
45kðqÞPq: (8)
The k-out-of-n MP candidates still need to be found from the
union of MPs. However, the number of combinations in the
union of MPs, i.e. the number of k-out-of-n MP candidates,
is reduced significantly after using Properties 5–7. All of the
k-out-of-n MP candidates need to be verified further to find
all of the k-out-of-n MPs. The following is an intuitive
method to verify all of the k-out-of-n MP candidates just
using the k-out-of-n MP definition.
Property 8. If P is a k-out-of-n MP candidate, and there is
no k-out-of-n MP candidate P*
s.t. P*
3P, then P is a real
k-out-of-n MP.
It is a time-consuming and burdensome job if the
corresponding k-out-of-n MP candidate need to be verified
using Property 8, which takes O(the square of the number of
k-out-of-n MP candidates). Hence, an efficient and intuitive
Fig. 2. The subgraph induced by PZ{es1,e14,e4t,es2,e21,e13,e34,e23} from
Fig. 1.
W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251246
method to verify all of k-out-of-n MC candidates instead of
using Property 8 is proposed in Theorem 3.
Theorem 3. If the number of the input edges of node v in the
k-out-of-n MP candidate P is not equal to k(v), then P is not
a k-out-of-n MP.
Proof. If the k-out-of-n node v receive flows from less
than k(v) edges, then the flow cannot be sent via v, i.e. P is
not a k-out-of-n MP candidate. If v receive flows from more
than k(v) edges, then some of these flows are redundant and
can be removed without blocking the flow through v, i.e. P is
not a k-out-of-n MP. Thus, this statement is true. ,
The number of nodes in each k-out-of-n MP candidate
is less than jVj. Hence, the time complexity to check the
in-degree of k-out-of-n nodes is only O(jthe number of
k-out-of-n nodej) [19]. Therefore, the following statement
Property 9. It takes time complexity O(jVj) to verify each
k-out-of-n MP candidate using Theorem 3.
To guarantee that obtained k-out-of-n MP set is unique
and minimal, all obtained k-out-of-n MPs must be sorted to
remove duplicated k-out-of-n MP using the following
STEP 1. Sort all edges in each k-out-of-n MP set in an
increasing order (let s!1!2!.!t) of 1st
subscript, i.e. es1!e12. If two edges with the
same 1st subscript, then sort the 2nd subscript in
an increasing order, i.e. es1!es2. For example,
{es1,e13,e3t,e12,e23} becomes {es1,e12,e13,e23,e3t}
after sorting all elements.
STEP 2. Sort all sets as follows:
1. If jSij!jSjj, then Si!Sj. For example, if SiZ
{es1,es2,e13,e23,e3t} and SjZ{es1,e12,e13,e14,e23,
e34,e4t}, then Si!Sj.
2. If jSijZjSjj, Si(a)ZSj(a) for a!b, and Si(b)!
Sj(b) for b%jSjj, then Si!Sj, where Si(†) is the
†th element in Si. For example, if SiZ{es1,es2,
e13,e23,e3t} and SjZ{es1,e12,e13,e23,e3t}, then Si!
Sj due to Si(1)ZSj(1)Zes1, and Si(2)Zes2!
STEP 3. Remove the duplicate sets.
It takes O(jSj logjSj) to sort all elements in set S [6].
Hence, the time complexities are O(sjEj logjEj)ZO(sjEj
logjVj) in STEP 1, O(s log s) in STEP 2, and O(s) in STEP
3, where s is the number of obtained k-out-of-n MPs. Hence,
the total time complexity in the above whole procedure is
only O(s log s) which can be ignored without affecting the
total time complexity of the proposed algorithm when
compared to the time complexity for searching for all k-out-
of-n MCs.
If all k-out-of-n MPs are determined, the last step is to
calculate the exact reliability in terms of the k-out-of-n MPs.
Theorem 4 is implemented to calculate the exact reliability.
Basically, it is called the inclusion–exclusion method and is
already used to evaluate network reliability. Among these
methods, such as the disjoint subset method, the state-space
decomposition method and inclusion–exclusion method are
used to compute network reliability [8,19,25]. The
inclusion–exclusion method is the simplest. Hence, it is
applied in Example 2 of Section 5 to evaluate the flow
network reliability of Fig. 1 in terms of k-out-of-n MPs
obtained using the proposed algorithm.
Theorem 4. Assume P1; P2; .; Pd are the k-out-of-n MPs
between nodes s and t, then the reliability R using the
inclusion–exclusion method in terms of these k-out-of-n
MPs is given by
PrðPiÞ K
PrðPigPjgPkÞ C/
PrðP1 g.gPdÞ: (9)
4. The proposed algorithm
This section outlines the proposed algorithm, which is
very simple for finding and verifying all k-out-of-n MP
candidates between the source and sink nodes in G(V, E, k).
There are two main steps in the proposed algorithm.
First, Corollary 1 and Properties 5–7 are implemented to
enumerate the k-out-of-n MP candidates. Next, these k-out-
of-n MP candidates are verified using Theorem 3. The
details are described in the following steps:
Algorithm. Find the k-out-of-n MPs in a flow network
G(V, E, k).
Input: A connected flow network G(V, E, k) with node set
V, edge set E, function k, a source node s, a sink
node t, and all of MPs.
Output: The k-out-of-n MP set in G(V, E, k).
STEP 0. If k(t)Z1 go to STEP 1, else go to STEP 2.
STEP 1. (Property 5) Let TZ{Ki,tjfor all k-out-of-n node i}
P Z Nt g g
; (10)
and go to STEP 3, where NtZ{all MPs via non-k-
out-of-n node to t}.
STEP 2. (Property 6) Let TZ{Ki,tjfor all k-out-of-n node i}
P Z4kðtÞ
: (11)
STEP 3. Choose one element, say Pq, from T, and let
W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251 247
STEP 4. (Corollary 1) If k(q)OjD(q)j, then replace 5k(q)Pq
with : in P and go to STEP 6.
STEP 5. (Property 7) Let TZTg{Ki,qj for all k-out-of-n
node i } and replace 5k(q)Pq with 4kðqÞ‘
j Nj;q;
in P.
STEP 6. If Ts:, then go to STEP 3.
STEP 7. Find all elements in the final P obtained from the
above STEPs.
STEP 8. Implement Theorem 3 to verify all k-out-of-n MP
The correctness of the proposed algorithm follows
directly from Corollary 1, Properties 5-7 and Theorem 3.
Hence, we have Theorem 5.
Theorem 5. The above algorithm locates all of the k-out-of-n
MPs in the flow network.
5. Examples
To enumerate all of the MPs in a flow network is a NP-
hard problem [6,22–28]. It possesses a computational
difficulty that, in the worse case, grows exponentially with
network size. Owing to this inherent problem, instead of
presenting practically large network systems [8], one
moderate size network was selected to demonstrate this
methodology for the k-out-of-n MP problem.
Example 1. Consider the k-out-of-n flow network in Fig. 1
of Section 2, where k(1)Zk(2)Zk(t)Z1, k(3)Zk(4)Z2,
and nodes s and t are the source and sink nodes,
respectively. There are 13 MPs: p1Z{es2,e21,e14,e43,e3t},
p2Z{es1,e14,e43,e3t}, p3Z{es1,e12,e23,e3t}, p4Z{es1,e12,
e23,e34,e4t}, p5Z{es2,e23,e3t}, p6Z{es2,e23,e34,e4t}, p7Z
{es2,e21,e14,e4t}, p8Z{es1,e14,e4t}, p9Z{es1,e13,e3t}, p10Z
{es1,e13,e34,e4t}, p11Z{es2,e23,e31,e14,e4t}, p12Z{es2,e21,
e13,e3t}, and p13Z{es2,e21,e13,e34,e4t}. Use the proposed
algorithm to find and verify all k-out-of-n MPs between
nodes s and t.
Solution. The procedure to search for all k-out-of-n MPs
between nodes s and t in Fig. 1 using the proposed algorithm
is listed as follows (see Fig. 3):
STEP 0. Since k(t)Z1 go to STEP 1.
STEP 1. Let TZ{K3,q, K4,q}, where K3,qZK3,tZ{p1,p2,
p3,p5,p9,p12} and K4,qZK4,tZ{p4,p6,p7,p8,p10,
P Z ð52K3;tÞgð52K4;tÞ; (12)
and go to STEP 3.
STEP 3. Choose one element, say PqZK3,t, from T, and let
STEP 4. Since k(q)Zk(3)Z2!D(q)Z3, go to STEP 5.
STEP 5. Since PqZN1,qgN2,qgK4,q, where N1,qZN1,3,tZ
{p9,p12}, N2,qZN2,3,tZ{p3,p5}, and K4,qZK4,3,tZ
{p1,p2}, replace 5k(q)PqZ52K3,t using
4k(q)(N1,q, N2,q, 5k(4)K4,q) in P, i.e.
PZ½42ðN1;3;t;N2;3;t;52K4;3;tÞŠgð52K4;tÞ; (13)
let TZTg{K4,q}Z{K4,t, K4,3,t}.
STEP 6. If Ts:, then go to STEP 3.
STEP 3. Choose one element, say PqZK4,3,t, from T, and
let TZTK{Kq}Z{K4,t}.
STEP 4. The flow can be sent via semi-path q is from node
1 only, i.e. jD(q)jZ1. Hence, k(q)Zk(4)Z2O
jD(q)jZ1, replace 5k(q)PqZ52K4,3,t using :
from P, i.e.
P Z ½42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞŠgð52K4;tÞ; (14)
and go to STEP 6.
STEP 6. Since Ts:, go to STEP 3.
STEP 3. Choose one element, say PqZK4,t, from T, and let
STEP 4. Since k(q)ZjD(q)jZ2, go to STEP 5.
STEP 5. Since PqZN1,qgK3,q, where N1,qZN1,4,tZ
{p7,p8} and K3,qZK3,4,tZ{p4,p6,p10,p11,p13},
replace 5k(q)PqZ52K4,t with 4k(q)(N1,q,5k(3)
K3,q) in P, i.e.
Fig. 3. The decision tree of the proposed algorithm to find all k-out-of-n MCs in Fig. 1.
W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251248
P Z ½42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞŠg½42ðN1;4;t;52K3;4;tÞŠ;
set TZTg{K3,q}Z{K3,4,t}.
STEP 6. Since Ts:, go to STEP 3.
STEP 3. Choose one element, say PqZK3,4,t, from T, and
let TZTK{Pq}Z:.
STEP 4. Since k(q)Zk(3)ZjD(q)jZ2, go to STEP 5.
STEP 5. Since no MP in Pq is via k-out-of-n nodes before
via q, go to STEP 6.
STEP 5. Since PqZN1,qgN2,q, where N1,qZN1,3,4,tZ
{p10,p13} and N2,qZN2,3,4,tZ{p4,p6,p11}, replace
5k(q)PqZ52K3,4,t with 4k(q)(N1,q, N2,q) in P, i.e.
P Z ½42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞŠ
g½42ðN1;4;t;42ðN1;3;4;t; N2;3;4;tÞÞŠ: (16)
STEP 6. Since TZ:, go to STEP 7.
STEP 7. Since
42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞ Z42ðfp9; p12g; fp3; p5gÞ
Z fp9 gp3; p9 gp5; p12 gp3;
p12 gp5g ð17Þ
42ðN1;3;4;t; N2;3;4;tÞ Z52ðfp10; p13g; fp4; p6; p11gÞ
Z fp4 gp10; p4 gp13; p6 gp10;
p6 gp13; p11 gp10; p11 gp13g
42 ðN1;4;t;42ðN1;3;4;t; N2;3;4;tÞÞ
Z42ðfp7; p8g; fp4 gp10; p4 gp13; p6 gp10;
p6 gp13; p11 gp10; p11gp13gÞ
Z fp4 gp10gp7; p4 gp10 gp8; p4 gp13 gp7;
p4 gp13 gp8; p6 gp10 gp7; p6 gp10 gp8;
p6 gp13 gp7; p6 gp13 gp8; p11 gp10 gp7;
p11 gp10 gp8; p11gp13 gp7; p11 gp13gp8g
Hence, the elements in the final P in Eq. (11) is as
P Z ½42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞŠ
g½42ðN1;4;t;42ðN1;3;4;t; N2;3;4;tÞÞŠ
Z fp9 gp3; p9 gp5; p12 gp3; p12 gp5;
p4 gp10 gp7; p4 gp10 gp8; p4 gp13 gp7;
p4 gp13 gp8; p6 gp10 gp7; p6 gp10 gp8;
p6 gp13 gp7; p6 gp13 gp8; p11 gp10gp7;
p11 gp10gp8; p11 gp13 gp7;
p11 gp13gp8g ð20Þ
STEP 8. Verify these k-out-of-n MP candidates obtaining
in STEP 7 using the concept of Theorem 3 (see the
‘Remark’ column in Table 1).
The final result for finding and verifying all k-out-of-n
MP candidates using the proposed algorithm is listed in
Table 1:
An illustration of the proposed algorithm using a
decision tree to find all k-out-of-n MP candidates is listed
in Fig. 3. The ‘†q’ inside the symbol ‘ ’ and ‘ ’ mean
k(q)O1 and k(q)Z1, respectively.
Next, the inclusion–exclusion method discussed in
Eq. (9) is applied to find the reliability in terms of k-out-
of-n MPs obtained above.
Table 1
The k-out-of-n MP candidates obtained in Example 1
k-out-of-n MP candidate A k-out-of-n MP? Remark
p9gp3 {es1,e12,e13,e23,e3t} Yes
p9gp5 {es1,es2,e13,e23,e3t} Yes
p12gp3 {es2,e12,e13,e21,e23,e3t} No k(2)Z1!jD(2)jZ2
p12gp5 {es2,e13,e21,e23,e3t} Yes
p4gp10gp7 {es1,es2,e12,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-2-1 k(1)Zk(2)Z1!jD(1)jZjD(2)jZ2
p4gp10gp8 {es1,e12,e13,e14,e23,e34,e4t} Yes
p4gp13gp7 {es1,es2,e12,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-2-1 k(1)Zk(2)Z1!jD(1)jZjD(2)jZ2
p4gp13gp8 {es1,es2,e12,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-2-1 k(1)Zk(2)Z1!jD(1)jZjD(2)jZ2
p6gp10gp7 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} Cycle: 1-2-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2
p6gp10gp8 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e23,e34,e4t} Yes
p6gp13gp7 {es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} Yes
p6gp13gp8 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} No k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2
p11gp10gp7 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e31,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-3-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2
p11gp10gp8 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e23,e31,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-3-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2
p11gp13gp7 {es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e31,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-3-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2
p11gp13gp8 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e31,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-3-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2
W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251 249
Example 2. The probability distributions of the edge states
of Fig. 1 are listed in Table 2.
Find the reliability in Fig. 1 using the obtained k-out-of-n
MPs from Example 1.
Solution. Let P1Z{es1,e13,e3t,e12,e23}, P2Z{es1,e13,e3t,es2,
e23}, P3Z{es2,e21,e13,e3t,e23}, P4Z{es1,e12,e23,e34,e4t,e13,
e14}, P5Z{es2,e23,e34,e4t,es1,e13,e14}, and P6Z{es2,e23,e34,
e4t,e21,e13,e14}. The k-out-of-n flow network reliability in
Fig. 1 is calculated as follows:
PrðPiÞ K
PrðPi gPj gPkÞ
PrðP1 g.gP7Þ ð21Þ
R Z ½PrðP1Þ CPrðP2Þ CPrðp3Þ C/CPrðP6ÞŠ
K½PrðP1 gP2Þ CPrðP1 gP3Þ C/
CPrðP5 gP6ÞŠ C½PrðP1 gP2 gP3Þ
CPrðP1 gP2 gP4Þ C/CPrðP4 gP5 gP6ÞŠ C/
K½PrðP1 gP2 g.gP6ÞŠ Z 0:419704: ð22Þ
6. Conclusions
A very simple algorithm for finding all k-out-of-n MPs
between two special nodes was developed in this study. This
is the first algorithm to find the k-out-of-n flow network
reliability based on MPs, and achieves this in the following
four ways: (1) it proposes a simplified method way to verify
the k-out-of-n MPs candidates; (2) it can be used to predict
the exact number of MPs in a k-out-of-n MP; (3) the number
of k-out-of-n MP candidates is reduced; and (4) it is simple
to understand and implement.
This research was supported in part by the National
Science Council of Taiwan, ROC under grant NSC 92-2213-
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  • 1. A path-based algorithm for evaluating the k-out-of-n flow network reliability Wei-Chang Yeh* e-Integration and Collaboration Laboratory, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiayi University, P.O. Box 67-100, Taichung 408, Taiwan, ROC Received 3 January 2004; accepted 30 April 2004 Abstract Evaluating the network reliability is an important topic in the planning, designing and control of systems. The minimal path (MP, an edge set) set is one of the major, fundamental tools for evaluating network reliability. A k-out-of-n MP is a union of some MPs in a k-out-of-n flow network in which some nodes must receive flows from their k input distinctive edges (each input edge has one flow) to generate one flow, where k is an integer number between 2 and n. In this study, a very simple a-lgorithm based on some intuitive theorems that characterize the k-out-of-n MP structure and the relationship between k-out-of-n MPs and k-out-of-n MP candidates is developed to solve the k-out-of-n flow network reliability by finding the k-out-of-n MPs between two special nodes. The proposed algorithm is easier to understand and implement. The correctness of the proposed algorithm will be analyzed and proven. One example is illustrated to show how all k-out-of-n MPs are generated and verified in a k-out-of-n flow network using the proposed algorithm. The reliability of one example is then computing using the same example. q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Flow network reliability; k-out-of-n; Minimal path (MP); Algorithm 1. Introduction The reliability evaluation problem has been a popular research area that has received significant attention during the past four decades [1–37] because of reliability’s critical importance in various kinds of systems. In recent years, network reliability theory has been applied extensively in many real-world systems such as computers and communi- cation systems [1,2], power transmission and distribution systems [3], transportation systems [4], oil/gas production system [5], etc. Thus, network reliability plays important role in modern society [6–37]. The reliability of a network represents its ability to continuing to perform a specified operation despite the effects of malfunctions or damage [6]. For example, in the s–t network, which are graphs with two special terminals: one source node s and one sink node t as a reliability model is widely used for systems reliability analysis. The reliability of a s–t network is given by the probability that there exists a flow from the source node to the sink node. The traditional network always assumes that each node can generate one flow output to one of its output edges if and only if any flow from any one of its input edges exits. However, in real applications, some nodes (called k-out-of- n nodes here) with n input edges must receive flows from its k input edges to generate output one flow. Different nodes may have different k values and k is defined on a node with k2{2,3,.,n}. For example, the voter output the result in an n-version programming system only when there are at least k modules that have the same results, where k is a defined value [7,8]. Similar applications are observed in other redundant systems [7,8]. Hence, it is necessary to extend traditional networks without k-out-of-n nodes to k-out-of-n networks. Both of the evaluations of the reliability of the traditional networks or the k-out-of-n networks are NP-hard problems [6]. The traditional network reliability evaluation approaches exploit a variety of tools for system modeling 0951-8320/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ress.2004.04.015 Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251 * Tel.: C886-4-2321-6168; fax: C886-4-2208-4168. E-mail address:
  • 2. and reliability index calculation. Among the most popular tools are network-based algorithms founded in terms of either minimal cuts (MCs) or minimal paths (MPs) [7–37]. Tan [7] first investigated the search for enumerating the reliability of the k-out-of-n binary network in which the capacity of each edge is 1 only. In the k-out-of-n flow network reliability evaluation, Yeh [8] is the first researcher who discussed how to search for all of the k-out-of-n MCs to find the reliability of the k-out-of-n flow network in which the capacity of each edge is not limited. Unfortunately, to the author’s best knowledge, no published papers have investigated an algorithm to evaluate the k-out-of-n flow network reliability based on MPs. The need for an efficient algorithm based on MPs to enumerate the k-out-of-n flow network reliability thus arises. The purpose of this paper is to develop a first one path- based algorithm to enumerate the k-out-of-n general flow network reliability in terms of all MPs. The proposed algorithm is based on some simple concepts that were found in this study. The computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is analyzed and compared with the existing methods. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the notations, nomenclature and assumptions required. In Section 3, some important properties, and theorems are also discussed included the relationships among k-out-of-n nodes, MPs, k-out-of-n MPs, and k-out-of-n MP candidates. Section 4 presents the proposed method for finding k-out-of- n MPs in the networks. One example is illustrated to show how to generate all k-out-of-n MPs using the proposed algorithm in the k-out-of-n network in Section 5. The reliability of one example is also calculated in terms of k-out-of-n MPs by further applying the inclusion–exclusion method. Concluding remarks are given in Section 6. 2. Notation, nomenclature and assumptions 2.1. Acronym MC/MP minimal cut/path. 2.2. Nomenclature Reliability the probability that a signal can be transmitted from the source node to the sink node. k-out-of-n node a node with n input edges must receive flows from k distinctive input edges to generate exactly one flow, where k is an integer assigned to the node and its value can be any number from 2 to n. k-out-of-n binary network a connected network with k-out-of-n nodes s.t. the capacity of each edge is 1 only. k-out-of-n flow network a connected network with k-out-of-n nodes s.t. the capacity of each edge is not limited. Cut a cut is an edge set such that no path from the source node to the sink node after removing it. MP/MC it is a path/cut set such that if any edge is removed from this path/cut set, then the remaining set is no longer a path/cut set. For example, {es2,e21,e13,e34,e4t} is a MC and also a MP between nodes s and t in Fig. 1. k-out-of-n MP candidate a union of MPs. For example, PZ {es1,e13,e3t,e12,e23} is a union of two MPs {es1,e12,e23,e3t} and {es1,e13,e3t} between nodes s and t in Fig. 1. Hence, P is a k-out-of-n MP candidate. k-out-of-n MP a k-out-of-n MP candidate such that the flow can go from nodes s to t and the remaining set is no longer a k-out-of-n MP candidate after removing any one of its edge. For example, {es1,e13,e3t,e12, e23} is a k-out-of-n MPs between nodes s and t in the k-out-of-n flow network of Fig. 1 if nodes s, 1, 2, and t are not k-out- of-n nodes, and node 3 is a 2-out-of-4 node. Semi-path a special order of some k-out-of-n nodes and t, and t is the last node in each semi- path. For example, qZ(3,4,t) is a semi- path, where nodes 3 and 4 are k-out-of-n nodes. KqZK3,4,tZ{p4,p6,p10,p11,p13} is a MP subset via q in Fig. 1, where p4Z {es1,e12,e23,e34,e4t}, p6Z{es2,e23,e34, e4t}, p10Z{es1,e13,e34,e4t}, p11Z{es2, e23,e31,e14,e4t}, and p13Z{es2,e21,e13, e34,e4t}. 2.3. Notations j†j the number of elements of †, e.g. jVj is the number of nodes in V. Pr(†) the probability of †. k(†) the function k defined on node † or the 1st node in path † to indicate that such node is a k(†)-out-of-n node, if k(†)Z1 then node † or the 1st node in the semi-path † is not a k-out-of-n node. Fig. 1. An example k-out-of-n flow network. W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251244
  • 3. G(V, E, k) a k-out-of-n (connected) flow network with the node set VZ{s, t, 1, 2,.,nK2}, the edge set E, the function k, and s, t are the specified source node and sink node, respectively. For example, Fig. 1 is a k-out-of-n network if k(3)Zk(4)Z2 and k(s)Zk(1)Zk(2)Z k(t)Z1. euv euv2E is a directed edge from nodes u to v. D(†) the set of directed edges that flow into node † or into the first node of the semi-path †. 5aðA1; .; AaÞ a set of which each element, say bi, is chosen aij distinctive elements from Aj for aij2{0,1,.,jAjj}, jZ1,2,.,a, and Pa jZ1 aij RaR1; where A1,A2,., and Aa are MP subsets. Moreover, 5Z51 and 5a†Z 5a(†). For example, 52({p9,p12}, {p3,p5})Z{p9gp12, p3gp5, p9gp3, p9gp5, p12gp3, p12gp5, p9gp12gp3, p9gp12gp5, p9gp3gp5, p12gp3gp5, p9gp12gp3gp5}. 4aðA1; .; AaÞ a set of which each element, say bi, is chosen aij distinctive elements from Aj for aij2{0,1}, jZ1,2,.,a, and Pa jZ1 aij ZaO 1; where A1,A2,., and Aa are MP subsets. Moreover, 4a†Z4a(†). For example, 42({p9,p12},{p3,p5})Z{p9gp3, p9gp5, p12gp3, p12gp5}.‘ i Ai is equal to ðA1; A2; .; AaÞ; where A1; A2; .; Aa are MP subsets. 2.4. Assumptions The network satisfies the following assumptions [8]. 1. Each node is perfectly reliable. 2. The graph is connected, i.e. there is at least a path between any pair of nodes. 3. Each edge has two states: working or failed. 4. The capacity of each edge is not limited. 5. The states of edges are statistically independent. 3. Preliminaries Before introducing the proposed algorithm, some useful properties and results will be described in this section. The following properties discuss the relationships among the MPs, k-out-of-n MP candidates, and k-out-of-n MPs. Property 1. If a MP is not via any k-out-of-n nodes, then it is a k-out-of-n MP. Based on the definition of k-out-of-n MP, a k-out-of-n MP is also a k-out-of-n MP candidate. Property 2. Each k-out-of-n MP is a k-out-of-n MP candidate, i.e. a union of some MPs. Using Property 2, all of the k-out-of-n MP can be found by trying all combinations of the union of MPs. However, the number of MPs will grow exponentially with the number of nodes [6,22–28], i.e. the number of MPs is 2jVj in the worst case. Hence, the number of k-out-of-n MP candidates obtained from Property 2 is at most 22jVj Z4jVj : Even for a smaller sized problem, it is still very difficult to find all of the k-out-of-n MP candidates using Property 2 within a reasonable amount of time. Thus, an efficient and intuitive method to find all k-out-of-n MP candidates based on the semi-path without using Property 2 is proposed next. Let P be a union of some MPs, i.e. P is a k-out-of-n candidate. If the number of MPs in P via a k-out-of-n node v is less than k(v), then v cannot be enabled to output a flow using the definition of a k-out-of-n node, and P is not a k-out-of-n MP. Thus, we have Property 3. Property 3. Each k-out-of-n node v in a k-out-of-n MP is via by at least k(v) of distinct MPs. Property 3 is a fundamental property to count the number of MPs in a k-out-of-n MP via some specified number of k-out-of-n nodes. Corollary 1. Let PZ{all MPs via the k-out-of-n node v}. If jPj is less than k(v), then no k-out-of-n MP contains any MP in P. Corollary 2. Let PqZ{all MPs containing the semi-path q}. The union of any K* (%jPqj) distinct MPs from Pq is then not a k-out-of-n MP for all K* !k(q). A k-out-of-n node can only generate at most one flow regardless of how many MPs flow through it. Therefore, if the k-out-of-n MP candidate P via a k-out-of-n node v and the number of MPs in P is greater than k(v), then P is a k-out-of-n MP candidate but not a k-out-of-n MP because some MPs can be removed without stopping v from generating a flow. Hence, Corollary 3 is true. Corollary 3. If the k-out-of-n MP P via the k-out-of-n node v only, then P is a union of exactly k(v) distinctive MPs. Theorem 1 discusses a very important characteristic in k-out-of-n MPs. It is used to prove Theorem 2, which can correctly predict the number of MPs in a k-out-of-n MP. It also can be implemented to remove k-out-of-n MP candidates, which contain cycles. Theorem 1. There is no directed cycle in each k-out-of-n MP. Proof. Let P be a k-out-of-n MP. If there is at least a directed cycle in P, say from nodes 1 to 2 to . to v, then the edge ei,iC1 can be removed from P s.t. the flow still can go from the source node to the sink node, where iZ1,2,.,vK1. This contradicts the fact that P is a k-out-of-n MP by the definition of k-out-of-n MPs. Hence, this statement is true. , W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251 245
  • 4. The converse of Theorem 1 is false; that is, there are k-out-of-n MP candidates without any directed cycles but not real k-out-of-n MPs. For instance, in Example 1 we showed that PZ{es1,e14,e4t,es2,e21,e13,e34,e23} (see Fig. 2) is a k-out-of-n MP candidate in Fig. 1 because P is a union of three MPs: {es2,e21,e14,e43,e3t}, {es2,e23,e34,e4t} and {es2, e21,e13,e34,e4t}. P has no directed cycles but e21 redundant, i.e. P is not a k-out-of-n MP. Theorem 2 can precisely tell us the number of MPs to constitute a k-out-of-n MPs. It reduces the number of k-out- of-n MP candidates obtained using Property 2 by removing those k-out-of-n MP candidates that includes more or less MPs than expected. Theorem 2. If the k-out-of-n MP P via k-out-of-n nodes V* Z{v1,.,vu} for uR1, then P is a union of kðtÞCPu iZ1½kðviÞK1Š distinctive MPs. Proof. Assume V0Z{v2V* j no MPs in P via the other k-out-of-n nodes before via v}. From Theorem 1, there is no cycle in a k-out-of-n MP, i.e. no path from nodes v to u and another path from nodes u to v. Hence, there is at least one node, say v, in V* s.t. no MP via the other k-out-of-n node before via v, i.e. V0 always exists. Let ViZfv2V* KgiK1 jZ0Vjj MPs constituted P must pass at lease one node in ViK1 before via v} and V* Zgp jZ0Vj: There are exactly P v2V0 kðvÞ MPs in P via all nodes in V0. Exactly one path comes out from each node in V0 and goes into either node t or other k-out-of-n nodes but not into V0. Assume that ti2{0,1,.,k(t)} is the number of paths from nodes in Vi directly into node t. Hence, there are P v2V1 kðvÞKjV0jCt0 MPs in P via all nodes in V1. In the same way, there are P v2Vi kðvÞKjVijCti MPs in P via all nodes in ViC1. Moreover, PpK1 iZ0 tiZkðtÞ: Thus, the number of distinctive MPs that constitute P is counted as follows: X v2V0 kðvÞ C X v2V1 kðvÞ KjV0j Ct0 " # C/ C X v2Vp kðvÞ KjVpK1j CtpK1 " # (1) Z X v2V0 kðvÞ KjV0j " # C X v2V1 kðvÞ KjV1j " # C/ C X v2Vp kðvÞ KjVpK1jðt0 C/CtpK1Þ (2) Z X v2V0 ½kðvÞ K1Š C X v2V1 ½kðvÞ K1Š C/CkðtÞ (3) Z kðtÞ C Xu iZ1 ½kðviÞ K1Š: (4) , Property 4 is trivial and easy to understand. It is the basis of Properties 5–7 in which the methods to reduce the number of k-out-of-n MP candidates are developed. Property 4. If v is a k-out-of-n node, then any k-out-of-n MP occurs via only one k-out-of-n node v belongs to 4kðvÞ a j Nj;v; a i 5kðiÞKi;v ! ; (5) From Property 4, we have the following properties. These properties are repeatedly employed in the proposed algorithm in Section 4 to efficiently reduce the number of k-out-of-n MP candidates. Property 5. If k(t)Z1 and NtZ{all MPs via non-k-out-of-n node to t}, then Nt gðgi2V Ki;tÞZ{all MPs} and fall k ÿ out ÿ of ÿ n MPsg4Nt g g i2V ð5kðiÞKi;tÞ ! : (6) Property 6. If k(t)O1, then ðgj2V Ni;tÞgðgi2V Ki;tÞZ {all MPs} and fall k ÿ out ÿ of ÿ n MPsg44kðtÞ a j Nj;t; a i 5kðiÞKi;t ! : (7) Property 7. If q is a semi-path, PqZ{pjMP p is via q}, and P* Z{p* jp* 4Pq and there is only one flow can via p* but cannot via any proper subset of p* }, then P* 44kðqÞ a j Nj;q; a i 5kðiÞKi;q ! 45kðqÞPq: (8) The k-out-of-n MP candidates still need to be found from the union of MPs. However, the number of combinations in the union of MPs, i.e. the number of k-out-of-n MP candidates, is reduced significantly after using Properties 5–7. All of the k-out-of-n MP candidates need to be verified further to find all of the k-out-of-n MPs. The following is an intuitive method to verify all of the k-out-of-n MP candidates just using the k-out-of-n MP definition. Property 8. If P is a k-out-of-n MP candidate, and there is no k-out-of-n MP candidate P* s.t. P* 3P, then P is a real k-out-of-n MP. It is a time-consuming and burdensome job if the corresponding k-out-of-n MP candidate need to be verified using Property 8, which takes O(the square of the number of k-out-of-n MP candidates). Hence, an efficient and intuitive Fig. 2. The subgraph induced by PZ{es1,e14,e4t,es2,e21,e13,e34,e23} from Fig. 1. W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251246
  • 5. method to verify all of k-out-of-n MC candidates instead of using Property 8 is proposed in Theorem 3. Theorem 3. If the number of the input edges of node v in the k-out-of-n MP candidate P is not equal to k(v), then P is not a k-out-of-n MP. Proof. If the k-out-of-n node v receive flows from less than k(v) edges, then the flow cannot be sent via v, i.e. P is not a k-out-of-n MP candidate. If v receive flows from more than k(v) edges, then some of these flows are redundant and can be removed without blocking the flow through v, i.e. P is not a k-out-of-n MP. Thus, this statement is true. , The number of nodes in each k-out-of-n MP candidate is less than jVj. Hence, the time complexity to check the in-degree of k-out-of-n nodes is only O(jthe number of k-out-of-n nodej) [19]. Therefore, the following statement holds. Property 9. It takes time complexity O(jVj) to verify each k-out-of-n MP candidate using Theorem 3. To guarantee that obtained k-out-of-n MP set is unique and minimal, all obtained k-out-of-n MPs must be sorted to remove duplicated k-out-of-n MP using the following procedure: STEP 1. Sort all edges in each k-out-of-n MP set in an increasing order (let s!1!2!.!t) of 1st subscript, i.e. es1!e12. If two edges with the same 1st subscript, then sort the 2nd subscript in an increasing order, i.e. es1!es2. For example, {es1,e13,e3t,e12,e23} becomes {es1,e12,e13,e23,e3t} after sorting all elements. STEP 2. Sort all sets as follows: 1. If jSij!jSjj, then Si!Sj. For example, if SiZ {es1,es2,e13,e23,e3t} and SjZ{es1,e12,e13,e14,e23, e34,e4t}, then Si!Sj. 2. If jSijZjSjj, Si(a)ZSj(a) for a!b, and Si(b)! Sj(b) for b%jSjj, then Si!Sj, where Si(†) is the †th element in Si. For example, if SiZ{es1,es2, e13,e23,e3t} and SjZ{es1,e12,e13,e23,e3t}, then Si! Sj due to Si(1)ZSj(1)Zes1, and Si(2)Zes2! Sj(2)Ze12. STEP 3. Remove the duplicate sets. It takes O(jSj logjSj) to sort all elements in set S [6]. Hence, the time complexities are O(sjEj logjEj)ZO(sjEj logjVj) in STEP 1, O(s log s) in STEP 2, and O(s) in STEP 3, where s is the number of obtained k-out-of-n MPs. Hence, the total time complexity in the above whole procedure is only O(s log s) which can be ignored without affecting the total time complexity of the proposed algorithm when compared to the time complexity for searching for all k-out- of-n MCs. If all k-out-of-n MPs are determined, the last step is to calculate the exact reliability in terms of the k-out-of-n MPs. Theorem 4 is implemented to calculate the exact reliability. Basically, it is called the inclusion–exclusion method and is already used to evaluate network reliability. Among these methods, such as the disjoint subset method, the state-space decomposition method and inclusion–exclusion method are used to compute network reliability [8,19,25]. The inclusion–exclusion method is the simplest. Hence, it is applied in Example 2 of Section 5 to evaluate the flow network reliability of Fig. 1 in terms of k-out-of-n MPs obtained using the proposed algorithm. Theorem 4. Assume P1; P2; .; Pd are the k-out-of-n MPs between nodes s and t, then the reliability R using the inclusion–exclusion method in terms of these k-out-of-n MPs is given by R Z Xd iZ1 PrðPiÞ K Xd jZ2 XjK1 iZ1 PrðPigPjÞ C Xd kZ3 XkK1 jZ2 XjK1 iZ1 PrðPigPjgPkÞ C/ CðK1ÞdC1 PrðP1 g.gPdÞ: (9) 4. The proposed algorithm This section outlines the proposed algorithm, which is very simple for finding and verifying all k-out-of-n MP candidates between the source and sink nodes in G(V, E, k). There are two main steps in the proposed algorithm. First, Corollary 1 and Properties 5–7 are implemented to enumerate the k-out-of-n MP candidates. Next, these k-out- of-n MP candidates are verified using Theorem 3. The details are described in the following steps: Algorithm. Find the k-out-of-n MPs in a flow network G(V, E, k). Input: A connected flow network G(V, E, k) with node set V, edge set E, function k, a source node s, a sink node t, and all of MPs. Output: The k-out-of-n MP set in G(V, E, k). STEP 0. If k(t)Z1 go to STEP 1, else go to STEP 2. STEP 1. (Property 5) Let TZ{Ki,tjfor all k-out-of-n node i} P Z Nt g g i2V ð5kðiÞKi;tÞ ! ; (10) and go to STEP 3, where NtZ{all MPs via non-k- out-of-n node to t}. STEP 2. (Property 6) Let TZ{Ki,tjfor all k-out-of-n node i} P Z4kðtÞ a j Nj;t; a i 5kðiÞKi;t ! : (11) STEP 3. Choose one element, say Pq, from T, and let TZTK{Pq}. W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251 247
  • 6. STEP 4. (Corollary 1) If k(q)OjD(q)j, then replace 5k(q)Pq with : in P and go to STEP 6. STEP 5. (Property 7) Let TZTg{Ki,qj for all k-out-of-n node i } and replace 5k(q)Pq with 4kðqÞ‘ j Nj;q; ‘ i5kðiÞKi;q À Á in P. STEP 6. If Ts:, then go to STEP 3. STEP 7. Find all elements in the final P obtained from the above STEPs. STEP 8. Implement Theorem 3 to verify all k-out-of-n MP candidates. The correctness of the proposed algorithm follows directly from Corollary 1, Properties 5-7 and Theorem 3. Hence, we have Theorem 5. Theorem 5. The above algorithm locates all of the k-out-of-n MPs in the flow network. 5. Examples To enumerate all of the MPs in a flow network is a NP- hard problem [6,22–28]. It possesses a computational difficulty that, in the worse case, grows exponentially with network size. Owing to this inherent problem, instead of presenting practically large network systems [8], one moderate size network was selected to demonstrate this methodology for the k-out-of-n MP problem. Example 1. Consider the k-out-of-n flow network in Fig. 1 of Section 2, where k(1)Zk(2)Zk(t)Z1, k(3)Zk(4)Z2, and nodes s and t are the source and sink nodes, respectively. There are 13 MPs: p1Z{es2,e21,e14,e43,e3t}, p2Z{es1,e14,e43,e3t}, p3Z{es1,e12,e23,e3t}, p4Z{es1,e12, e23,e34,e4t}, p5Z{es2,e23,e3t}, p6Z{es2,e23,e34,e4t}, p7Z {es2,e21,e14,e4t}, p8Z{es1,e14,e4t}, p9Z{es1,e13,e3t}, p10Z {es1,e13,e34,e4t}, p11Z{es2,e23,e31,e14,e4t}, p12Z{es2,e21, e13,e3t}, and p13Z{es2,e21,e13,e34,e4t}. Use the proposed algorithm to find and verify all k-out-of-n MPs between nodes s and t. Solution. The procedure to search for all k-out-of-n MPs between nodes s and t in Fig. 1 using the proposed algorithm is listed as follows (see Fig. 3): STEP 0. Since k(t)Z1 go to STEP 1. STEP 1. Let TZ{K3,q, K4,q}, where K3,qZK3,tZ{p1,p2, p3,p5,p9,p12} and K4,qZK4,tZ{p4,p6,p7,p8,p10, p11,p13} P Z ð52K3;tÞgð52K4;tÞ; (12) and go to STEP 3. STEP 3. Choose one element, say PqZK3,t, from T, and let TZTK{Pq}Z{K4,t}. STEP 4. Since k(q)Zk(3)Z2!D(q)Z3, go to STEP 5. STEP 5. Since PqZN1,qgN2,qgK4,q, where N1,qZN1,3,tZ {p9,p12}, N2,qZN2,3,tZ{p3,p5}, and K4,qZK4,3,tZ {p1,p2}, replace 5k(q)PqZ52K3,t using 4k(q)(N1,q, N2,q, 5k(4)K4,q) in P, i.e. PZ½42ðN1;3;t;N2;3;t;52K4;3;tÞŠgð52K4;tÞ; (13) let TZTg{K4,q}Z{K4,t, K4,3,t}. STEP 6. If Ts:, then go to STEP 3. STEP 3. Choose one element, say PqZK4,3,t, from T, and let TZTK{Kq}Z{K4,t}. STEP 4. The flow can be sent via semi-path q is from node 1 only, i.e. jD(q)jZ1. Hence, k(q)Zk(4)Z2O jD(q)jZ1, replace 5k(q)PqZ52K4,3,t using : from P, i.e. P Z ½42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞŠgð52K4;tÞ; (14) and go to STEP 6. STEP 6. Since Ts:, go to STEP 3. STEP 3. Choose one element, say PqZK4,t, from T, and let TZTK{Pq}Z:. STEP 4. Since k(q)ZjD(q)jZ2, go to STEP 5. STEP 5. Since PqZN1,qgK3,q, where N1,qZN1,4,tZ {p7,p8} and K3,qZK3,4,tZ{p4,p6,p10,p11,p13}, replace 5k(q)PqZ52K4,t with 4k(q)(N1,q,5k(3) K3,q) in P, i.e. Fig. 3. The decision tree of the proposed algorithm to find all k-out-of-n MCs in Fig. 1. W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251248
  • 7. P Z ½42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞŠg½42ðN1;4;t;52K3;4;tÞŠ; (15) set TZTg{K3,q}Z{K3,4,t}. STEP 6. Since Ts:, go to STEP 3. STEP 3. Choose one element, say PqZK3,4,t, from T, and let TZTK{Pq}Z:. STEP 4. Since k(q)Zk(3)ZjD(q)jZ2, go to STEP 5. STEP 5. Since no MP in Pq is via k-out-of-n nodes before via q, go to STEP 6. STEP 5. Since PqZN1,qgN2,q, where N1,qZN1,3,4,tZ {p10,p13} and N2,qZN2,3,4,tZ{p4,p6,p11}, replace 5k(q)PqZ52K3,4,t with 4k(q)(N1,q, N2,q) in P, i.e. P Z ½42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞŠ g½42ðN1;4;t;42ðN1;3;4;t; N2;3;4;tÞÞŠ: (16) STEP 6. Since TZ:, go to STEP 7. STEP 7. Since 42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞ Z42ðfp9; p12g; fp3; p5gÞ Z fp9 gp3; p9 gp5; p12 gp3; p12 gp5g ð17Þ 42ðN1;3;4;t; N2;3;4;tÞ Z52ðfp10; p13g; fp4; p6; p11gÞ Z fp4 gp10; p4 gp13; p6 gp10; p6 gp13; p11 gp10; p11 gp13g ð18Þ 42 ðN1;4;t;42ðN1;3;4;t; N2;3;4;tÞÞ Z42ðfp7; p8g; fp4 gp10; p4 gp13; p6 gp10; p6 gp13; p11 gp10; p11gp13gÞ Z fp4 gp10gp7; p4 gp10 gp8; p4 gp13 gp7; p4 gp13 gp8; p6 gp10 gp7; p6 gp10 gp8; p6 gp13 gp7; p6 gp13 gp8; p11 gp10 gp7; p11 gp10 gp8; p11gp13 gp7; p11 gp13gp8g ð19Þ Hence, the elements in the final P in Eq. (11) is as follows: P Z ½42ðN1;3;t; N2;3;tÞŠ g½42ðN1;4;t;42ðN1;3;4;t; N2;3;4;tÞÞŠ Z fp9 gp3; p9 gp5; p12 gp3; p12 gp5; p4 gp10 gp7; p4 gp10 gp8; p4 gp13 gp7; p4 gp13 gp8; p6 gp10 gp7; p6 gp10 gp8; p6 gp13 gp7; p6 gp13 gp8; p11 gp10gp7; p11 gp10gp8; p11 gp13 gp7; p11 gp13gp8g ð20Þ STEP 8. Verify these k-out-of-n MP candidates obtaining in STEP 7 using the concept of Theorem 3 (see the ‘Remark’ column in Table 1). The final result for finding and verifying all k-out-of-n MP candidates using the proposed algorithm is listed in Table 1: An illustration of the proposed algorithm using a decision tree to find all k-out-of-n MP candidates is listed in Fig. 3. The ‘†q’ inside the symbol ‘ ’ and ‘ ’ mean k(q)O1 and k(q)Z1, respectively. Next, the inclusion–exclusion method discussed in Eq. (9) is applied to find the reliability in terms of k-out- of-n MPs obtained above. Table 1 The k-out-of-n MP candidates obtained in Example 1 k-out-of-n MP candidate A k-out-of-n MP? Remark p9gp3 {es1,e12,e13,e23,e3t} Yes p9gp5 {es1,es2,e13,e23,e3t} Yes p12gp3 {es2,e12,e13,e21,e23,e3t} No k(2)Z1!jD(2)jZ2 p12gp5 {es2,e13,e21,e23,e3t} Yes p4gp10gp7 {es1,es2,e12,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-2-1 k(1)Zk(2)Z1!jD(1)jZjD(2)jZ2 p4gp10gp8 {es1,e12,e13,e14,e23,e34,e4t} Yes p4gp13gp7 {es1,es2,e12,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-2-1 k(1)Zk(2)Z1!jD(1)jZjD(2)jZ2 p4gp13gp8 {es1,es2,e12,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-2-1 k(1)Zk(2)Z1!jD(1)jZjD(2)jZ2 p6gp10gp7 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} Cycle: 1-2-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2 p6gp10gp8 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e23,e34,e4t} Yes p6gp13gp7 {es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} Yes p6gp13gp8 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e34,e4t} No k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2 p11gp10gp7 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e31,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-3-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2 p11gp10gp8 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e23,e31,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-3-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2 p11gp13gp7 {es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e31,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-3-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2 p11gp13gp8 {es1,es2,e13,e14,e21,e23,e31,e34,e4t} No Cycle: 1-3-1 k(1)Z1!jD(1)jZ2 W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251 249
  • 8. Example 2. The probability distributions of the edge states of Fig. 1 are listed in Table 2. Find the reliability in Fig. 1 using the obtained k-out-of-n MPs from Example 1. Solution. Let P1Z{es1,e13,e3t,e12,e23}, P2Z{es1,e13,e3t,es2, e23}, P3Z{es2,e21,e13,e3t,e23}, P4Z{es1,e12,e23,e34,e4t,e13, e14}, P5Z{es2,e23,e34,e4t,es1,e13,e14}, and P6Z{es2,e23,e34, e4t,e21,e13,e14}. The k-out-of-n flow network reliability in Fig. 1 is calculated as follows: R Z X6 iZ1 PrðPiÞ K X6 jZ2 XjK1 iZ1 PrðPigPjÞ C X6 kZ3 XkK1 jZ2 XjK1 iZ1 PrðPi gPj gPkÞ CðK1Þ7 PrðP1 g.gP7Þ ð21Þ R Z ½PrðP1Þ CPrðP2Þ CPrðp3Þ C/CPrðP6ÞŠ K½PrðP1 gP2Þ CPrðP1 gP3Þ C/ CPrðP5 gP6ÞŠ C½PrðP1 gP2 gP3Þ CPrðP1 gP2 gP4Þ C/CPrðP4 gP5 gP6ÞŠ C/ K½PrðP1 gP2 g.gP6ÞŠ Z 0:419704: ð22Þ 6. Conclusions A very simple algorithm for finding all k-out-of-n MPs between two special nodes was developed in this study. This is the first algorithm to find the k-out-of-n flow network reliability based on MPs, and achieves this in the following four ways: (1) it proposes a simplified method way to verify the k-out-of-n MPs candidates; (2) it can be used to predict the exact number of MPs in a k-out-of-n MP; (3) the number of k-out-of-n MP candidates is reduced; and (4) it is simple to understand and implement. Acknowledgements This research was supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan, ROC under grant NSC 92-2213- E-035-041. References [1] Samad MA. An efficient algorithm for simultaneously deducing minimal paths as well as cuts of a communication network. Microelectron Reliab 1987;27(3):437–41. [2] Roberts FS, Hwang FK, Monma C. Reliability of computer and communication networks DIMACS series in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, vol. 5. Providence, Rhode Island: AMS/ACM publisher; 1991. [3] Ke WJ, Wang SD. Reliability evaluation for distributed computing networks with imperfect nodes. IEEE Trans Reliab 1997;46:342–9. [4] Aven T. Availability evaluation of oil/gas production and transpor- tation systems. Reliab Eng 1987;18:35–44. [5] Aven T. Some considerations on reliability theory and its applications. Reliab Eng Syst Safety 1988;21:215–23. [6] Colbourn CJ. In: The combinatorics of network reliability. New York: Oxford University Press; 1987. [7] Tan Z. Minimal cut sets of s–t networks with k-out-of-n nodes. Reliab Eng Syst Safety 2003/10;82(1):49–54. [8] Yeh WC. A simple algorithm for evaluating the k-out-of-n network reliability. Reliab Eng Syst Safety 2004/1;83(1):93–101. [9] Bellmore M, Jensen PA. An implicit enumeration scheme for proper cut generation. Technometrics 1970;12(4):775–88. [10] Martelli H. A Gaussian elimination algorithm for enumeration of cutsets in a graph. J ACM 1976;23:58–73. [11] Biegel JK. Determination of tie sets and cut sets for a system without feedback. IEEE Trans Reliab 1977;R-26:39–41. [12] Arumkumar S, Lee SH. Enumeration of all minimal cutsets for a node pair in a graph. IEEE Trans Reliab 1979;R-28:51–5. [13] Shier DR, Whiled DE. Algorithms for generating minimal cutsets by inversion. IEEE Trans Reliab 1985;R-34:314–9. [14] Jasmon GB, Foong KW. A method for evaluating all the minimal cuts of a graph. IEEE Trans Reliab 1987;R-36:538–45. [15] Ahmad SH. Simple enumeration of minimal cutsets of acyclic directed graph. IEEE Trans Reliab 1988;R-37:484–7. [16] Elias SS, Mokhles N, Ibrahim SAN. A new technique in a cut set evaluation. Microelectron Reliab 1993;33(9):1351–5. [17] Fard NS, Lee TH. Cutset enumeration of network systems with link and node failures. Reliab Eng Syst Safety 1999;65(2):141–6. [18] Yeh WC. Search for MC in modified networks. Comput Oper Res 2001;28:177–84. [19] Yeh WC. Search for all d-mincuts of a limited-flow network. Comput Oper Res 2002/6;29(13):1843–58. [20] Yeh WC. A simple approach to search for all d-MCs of a limited-flow network. Reliab Eng Syst Safety 2001;71:15–19. [21] Yeh WC. Search for all MCs in networks with unreliable nodes and arcs. Reliab Eng Syst Safety 2003/1;79(1):95–101. [22] Jasmon GB. Cutset analysis of networks using basic minimal paths and network decomposition. IEEE Trans Reliab 1985;R-34:303–7. Table 2 The probability distributions of the edge states of Fig. 1 Edge State Probability es1 Working 0.60 Failed 0.40 es2 Working 0.70 Failed 0.30 e12 Working 0.90 Failed 0.10 e14 Working 0.80 Failed 0.20 e13 Working 0.75 Failed 0.25 e23 Working 0.85 Failed 0.15 e34 Working 0.95 Failed 0.05 e4t Working 0.70 Failed 0.30 e3t Working 0.55 Failed 0.45 W.-C. Yeh / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 87 (2005) 243–251250
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