Calculation booklet

raakeshchandra il y a 11 ans

Lipid metabolism

Liwayway Memije-Cruz il y a 5 ans

Introduction to antifungal drugs

Subramani Parasuraman il y a 8 ans

Introduction to chemotherapy of cancer

Subramani Parasuraman il y a 8 ans

Basic principles of chemotherapy

Subramani Parasuraman il y a 11 ans


Sukanya Varape il y a 9 ans

Introduction to Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology

DHANANJAY PATIL il y a 4 ans

Nomenclature of heterocyclic (secound year)

Alaa Kamel il y a 9 ans

Mass spectrometry

Solairajan A il y a 9 ans

Microwave assisted organic synthesis

Rahul Pandit il y a 9 ans

Nmr spectroscopy

Asma Ashraf il y a 7 ans

Thermal Techniques By Aman Kumar Mahto

AmanMahto il y a 5 ans

C 13 NMR Spectroscopy

anjalibharat19 il y a 9 ans