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20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Getting started with the superheroic
JavaScript library
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Armin Rüdiger Vieweg
PHP, TYPO3, JavaScript developer
About the author
❖ 30 years old from Linz am Rhein (DE)
❖ 4.5 years experience with TYPO3
➢ published 17 extensions in TER
❖ Working with AngularJS for ~1 year
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Workshop Schedule
1. Presentation
2. Live Coding Examples
3. Practicing AngularJS
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS is made for...
❖ Single page applications (SPA, like Twitter)
❖ Weba pps (eg. with Cordova Framework)
❖ More complex magic on your web project
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Facts
❖ Also called just “Angular”
❖ Initially published in
❖ Released under MIT
❖ Developed by Google
and community
❖ Website:
❖ Library file size (v1.2.17)
➢ 103 KiB production
➢ 749 KiB development
❖ Includes jqLite or uses
jQuery if existing
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding
Services Factories Validators
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The very first steps (1/7)
❖ We need a blank HTML template
❖ And a clean folder structure:
■ app/
■ css/
■ js/
■ index.html
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The very first steps (2/7)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>AngularJS Workshop</title>
<link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<script src="js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/angularjs/angular.min.js"></script>
<!-- AngularJS App -->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
A blank HTML template
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The very first steps (3/7)
❖ Container for AngularJS magic
❖ You may include other modules
➢ Don’t invent the wheel twice
➢ Just reuse other modules in your applications
❖ A module is the beginning of all AngularJS projects
A module for the application
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The very first steps (4/7)
❖ In app/app.js we declare our first module:
A module for the application
// declares a module
var app = angular.module('myFirstApp', []);
app.controller(‘MyFirstController’, ...);
// also declares a module
angular.module('mySecondApp', ['myFirstApp']);
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The very first steps (5/7)
❖ This happens with the directive ng-app:
Lets introduce the HTML to our new app
<body ng-app="myFirstApp">
<!-- Script includes ... -->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
❖ It is possible to use several apps seperately on
one page
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The very first steps (6/7)
❖ Created a blank HTML template
➢ Included jQuery, AngularJS and our first module
❖ Declared first module in app.js
❖ Paired <body> with myFirstApp
➢ by using ng-app directive
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The very first steps (7/7)
❖ An awesome blank site, ready for AngularJS magic ;-)
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding
Services Factories Validators
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding
Services Factories Validators
ExpressionsModules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Directives (1/7)
❖ Everything in your DOM may be a directive:
➢ Elements (<ng-include></ng-include)
➢ Classes (class="ng-include: data;")
➢ Attributes (<b ng-include="data">)
➢ Comments (<!-- directive: ng-include data -->)
❖ Directives attach custom behavior to those elements
or transform them
What the $%&!% are directives?!
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Directives (2/7)
❖ AngularJS provides plenty of its own directives:
AngularJS provided directives
❖ ngApp
❖ ngBind
❖ ngBlur
❖ ngChange
❖ ngChecked
❖ ngClass
❖ ngClick
❖ ngInlcude
❖ ngModel
❖ ngPluralize
❖ ngRepeat
❖ ngShow
❖ ngSrc
❖ ...
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Directives (3/7)
❖ Directive ngModel:
➢ <input ng-model="foo">
➢ <input data-ng:model="foo">
➢ <input data-ng-model="foo">
➢ <input ng:model="foo">
➢ <input ng_model="foo">
➢ <input x-ng-model="foo">
❖ Might be necessary for html/xhtml validation reasons
Different syntax available
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Directives (4/7)
❖ Let’s take the HTML template we have prepared and add:
Simple example of Angular’s directives (1/2)
<input type="text" ng-model="name">
<h1 ng-show="name" ng-class="{red: name=='Armin'}">
Hello, {{name}}!
❖ name is a new scope variable
➢ ng-model binds the value of <input> to this variable
➢ {{name}} expression outputs the variable
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Directives (5/7)
❖ We also add a button to set name:
Simple example of Angular’s directives (2/2)
<button ng-click="name='Penelope'">Click me</button>
❖ Clicking the button will set the scope variable name to
“Penelope”. This affects:
➢ The value of <input>, because it is two-way data bound
to variable name
➢ And the {{name}} expression, which outputs the value
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Directives (6/7)
❖ Allmost every DOM element may be a directive
❖ We have learned some of Angular’s directives:
➢ ng-model, ng-show, ng-class and ng-click
❖ We have heard about scope variables
❖ We know of double curley expressions to output
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Directives (7/7)
❖ A dynamic application
without writing one line of
javascript code
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding
Services Factories Validators
ExpressionsModules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding
Directives ✓
Services Factories Validators
ExpressionsModules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (1/14)
1. Scopes
2. Controllers
3. Expressions
4. Two-Way Data Binding
or: Why AngularJS is superheroic!
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (2/14)
<body ng-app="myFirstApp">
<input type="text" ng-model="name">
<button ng-click="name='Penelope'">Click me</button>
<h1 ng-show="name" ng-class="{red: name=='Armin'}">
Hello, {{name}}!
<!-- ... -->
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (3/14)
<body ng-app="myFirstApp">
<input type="text" ng-model="name">
<button ng-click="name='Penelope'">Click me</button>
<div ng-controller="SuperheroicController">
<h1 ng-show="name" ng-class="{red: name=='Armin'}">
Hello, {{name}}!
<!-- ... -->
Scope inheritance
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (4/14)
❖ Controllers create new child scopes
❖ May contain:
➢ Scope variables
➢ Scope functions
❖ Should contain only business logic
➢ Set up the initial state of $scope object
➢ Add behavior to the $scope object
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (5/14)
❖ Create file app/Controllers/Superheroic.js with
Create the first controller
app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', function($scope){
$ = 'Tom';
❖ Expression {{name}} inside of controller’s scope will
always return “Tom”
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (6/14)
❖ May also contain functions:
Controller’s $scope
app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.add = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
❖ Expressions may also output functions and pass
<h1>1 plus 2 equals <em>{{add(1,2)}}</em></h1>
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (7/14)
❖ Change events for scope variables
➢ Get fired when value of defined scope variable changes
$scope.$watch('name', function(newValue, oldValue){
alert('New value: ' + newValue);
}, false);
❖ Instead of 'name' you may also use a function
❖ Can also watch deep objects (set third param to true)
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (8/14)
❖ Double curley braces syntax
➢ Contains basically javascript
➢ Accesses scope variables and scope functions
❖ Examples:
a. {{a+b}}
b. {{alert('Does this work?')}}
c. {{'Just outputs this string'}}
d. {{a ? a : '??'}}
e. {{}}
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (9/14)
Two-Way Data Binding
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (10/14)
Two-Way data binding example (with one user)
Model User
id: 1,
name: 'Vieweg',
firstName: 'Armin',
image: 'armin.png'
<div class="user">
<img ng-src="path/to/{{user.image}}">
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (11/14)
❖ Scope variables may also contain arrays of objects
❖ To work with them use the ng-repeat directive
Two-Way data binding example (with several users)
<div class="user">
<img ng-src="path/to/{{user.image}}">
<h2>{{}}, {{user.firstName}}</h2>
<div class="entry" ng-repeat="user in users">
$scope.users = [
name: '...',
firstName: ''
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (12/14)
❖ Very helpful extension for Google Chrome (Link)
❖ Shows and highlights scopes and its variables
Google Chrome: AngularJS Batarang
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (13/14)
❖ AngularJS works with scopes
➢ Scopes inherit their variables/functions to child-scopes
➢ At the very top there exists one $rootScope
➢ $scope.$watch allows us to react on changes of variables
❖ Expressions work in scope context
➢ They check all scopes up to $rootScope for requested
variable or function
❖ Two-Way Data Binding does very much work for us
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
The Big Picture (14/14)
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding
Directives ✓
Services Factories Validators
ExpressionsModules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Services Factories Validators
ExpressionsModules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Services Factories Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Services Factories Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Services Factories Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Dependency Injection
❖ Software Design Pattern
❖ Instantiates and caches used
How components get ahold of their dependencies
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Dependency Injection
❖ From parameter names in functions:
Two notations to inject
app.controller('SuperheroicController', function($scope){
$scope.hello = 'world';
❖ Inline array notation:
app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', function(whatever)
whatever.hello = 'world';
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Services Factories Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Services Factories Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Services & Factories
❖ Reuseable component
❖ A service/factory in Angular is:
➢ Lazy instantiated
➢ Singleton
❖ Angular offers several useful services
➢ They are prepended with $
➢ Do not use $ in your own services
Substitutable objects that are wired together using DI
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Services & Factories
❖ $http - For ajax requests
❖ $interval and $timeout - Repeats and delays
❖ $rootScope - Very top scope of application
❖ $location - URL and its parts of current site
❖ $window - Wrapper of global window. Useful for tests.
Selection of useful services provided by Angular
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Services & Factories
Usage example (with Dependency Injection)
['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http){
$scope.getTypo3Releases = function() {
method: 'GET',
url: ''
// ...
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Services & Factories
Writing our first factory
app.factory('Typo3Releases', ['$http', function($http){
var getUrl = '';
var typo3ReleasesService = {};
typo3ReleasesService.get = function(callbackSuccess) {
method: 'GET',
url: getUrl
return typo3ReleasesService;
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Services & Factories
Inject and call our first factory
['$scope', 'Typo3Releases', function($scope, Typo3Releases){
$scope.getTypo3Releases = function() {
// ...
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Services & Factories
Service and factory syntax compared
app.service('Typo3Releases', ['$http', function($http){
this.get = function(){
// ...
app.factory('Typo3Releases', ['$http', function($http){
var typo3ReleasesService = {};
typo3ReleasesService.get = function() {
// ...
return typo3ReleasesService;
Both have the same call:
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Services Factories Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Services ✓ Factories Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
❖ Functions which modify expressions
❖ But does not touch the original data
❖ Using filters:
{{name | filter1 | filter2:option}}
Modify expressions
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
❖ AngularJS provides few of its own filters:
AngularJS provided filters
❖ currency
❖ date
❖ filter
❖ json
❖ limitTo
❖ lowercase
❖ number
❖ orderBy
❖ uppercase
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
❖ {{price | currency:'€'}} // €1,234.56
❖ {{name | uppercase}} // ARMIN
❖ {{created | date:'dd.MM.yyyy'}} // 20.06.2014
❖ Options of filters may be filled by scope variable:
{{created | date:format}}
Usage examples
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Writing your own filters
app.filter('replaceVowelsWith', function(){
return function(input, option){
if (option === undefined || input === undefined) return input;
return input.replace(/[aeiou]/gi, option);
{{'Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass...' | 'e'}}
Dree Chenesen met dem Kentrebess...
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Filters ✓
Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
❖ Forms and/or fields get validated
❖ By HTML5 validation notation (eg. type="email")
❖ Independent from browser validation, Angular:
➢ Checks values on its own
➢ Adds indicating classes to fields and forms (eg. ng-invalid)
➢ Adds $invalid property to scope of form
❖ You may write your own validators using directives
You're not coming in
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
<form name="form" novalidate>
<input type="email" ng-model="mail" name="mail" required>
<button type="submit" ng-disabled="form.$invalid">Submit</button>
Show error messages in case validators fail:
<span ng-if="form.mail.$error.required">Mail is required!</span>
<span ng-if="form.mail.$">No valid mail!</span>
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
❖ Writing a validator means writing a directive
❖ Usage example in template:
➢ <input name="number" type="number" ng-model="number"
required even-number>
➢ Input must be
✓ any input (required)
✓ a number (type="number")
✓ an even number (directive even-number)
Your own validators/directives
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Filters ✓
Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Filters ✓
Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators ✓
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
❖ Five recipes for providers:
1. Value
2. Constant
3. Factory
4. Service
5. Provider
❖ Providers are bound to modules/applications
Almost every AngularJS buzzword is made by providers
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
var app = angular.module('myFirstApp', []);
app.value('bestCmsEver', 'TYPO3');
app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', 'bestCmsEver',
function($scope, bestCmsEver){
this.bestCmsEver = bestCmsEver;
Small example with value and constant provider
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Filters ✓
Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators ✓
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS Buzzwords
Dependency Injection ✓
Two-way Data Binding ✓
Scopes ✓
Directives ✓
Controllers ✓
Filters ✓
Providers ✓
Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators ✓
Expressions ✓Modules ✓
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Advantages of AngularJS
❖ Allows you to work clean using reuseable modules
❖ Features of Angular
➢ enables completely new possibilites (2-way data binding)
➢ saves a lot of time for common tasks (like validation)
❖ Components are unittestable
❖ Further development of Angular, thanks to Google
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
AngularJS help
❖ Guide:
❖ API:
❖ Many many articles, videos and examples on
➢ YouTube
➢ StackOverflow
➢ all over the web
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Workshop Schedule
1. Presentation
2. Live Coding Examples
3. Practicing AngularJS
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Workshop Schedule
1. Presentation ✓
2. Live Coding Examples
3. Practicing AngularJS
15 minute break
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS
Thanks for your ttention!
20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg)
Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS

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Gettings started with the superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS

  • 1. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Getting started with the superheroic JavaScript library
  • 2. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Armin Rüdiger Vieweg PHP, TYPO3, JavaScript developer About the author ❖ 30 years old from Linz am Rhein (DE) ❖ 4.5 years experience with TYPO3 ➢ published 17 extensions in TER ❖ Working with AngularJS for ~1 year
  • 3. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Workshop Schedule 1. Presentation 2. Live Coding Examples 3. Practicing AngularJS
  • 4. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS is made for... ❖ Single page applications (SPA, like Twitter) ❖ Weba pps (eg. with Cordova Framework) ❖ More complex magic on your web project
  • 5. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Facts ❖ Also called just “Angular” ❖ Initially published in 2009 ❖ Released under MIT Licence ❖ Developed by Google and community ❖ Website: ❖ Library file size (v1.2.17) ➢ 103 KiB production ➢ 749 KiB development ❖ Includes jqLite or uses jQuery if existing
  • 6. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding Scopes Directives Controllers Filters Providers Services Factories Validators ExpressionsModules
  • 7. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The very first steps (1/7) ❖ We need a blank HTML template ❖ And a clean folder structure: ■ app/ ■ css/ ■ js/ ■ index.html
  • 8. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The very first steps (2/7) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>AngularJS Workshop</title> <link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> </head> <body> <script src="js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script> <script src="js/angularjs/angular.min.js"></script> <!-- AngularJS App --> <script src="app/app.js"></script> </body> </html> A blank HTML template
  • 9. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The very first steps (3/7) ❖ Container for AngularJS magic ❖ You may include other modules ➢ Don’t invent the wheel twice ➢ Just reuse other modules in your applications ❖ A module is the beginning of all AngularJS projects A module for the application
  • 10. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The very first steps (4/7) ❖ In app/app.js we declare our first module: A module for the application // declares a module var app = angular.module('myFirstApp', []); app.controller(‘MyFirstController’, ...); // also declares a module angular.module('mySecondApp', ['myFirstApp']); angular.module('mySecondApp').controller(...);
  • 11. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The very first steps (5/7) ❖ This happens with the directive ng-app: Lets introduce the HTML to our new app <body ng-app="myFirstApp"> <!-- Script includes ... --> <script src="app/app.js"></script> </body> ❖ It is possible to use several apps seperately on one page
  • 12. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The very first steps (6/7) ❖ Created a blank HTML template ➢ Included jQuery, AngularJS and our first module ❖ Declared first module in app.js ❖ Paired <body> with myFirstApp ➢ by using ng-app directive Summary
  • 13. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The very first steps (7/7) ❖ An awesome blank site, ready for AngularJS magic ;-) Result
  • 14. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding Scopes Directives Controllers Filters Providers Services Factories Validators ExpressionsModules
  • 15. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding Scopes Directives Controllers Filters Providers Services Factories Validators ExpressionsModules ✓
  • 16. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Directives (1/7) ❖ Everything in your DOM may be a directive: ➢ Elements (<ng-include></ng-include) ➢ Classes (class="ng-include: data;") ➢ Attributes (<b ng-include="data">) ➢ Comments (<!-- directive: ng-include data -->) ❖ Directives attach custom behavior to those elements or transform them What the $%&!% are directives?!
  • 17. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Directives (2/7) ❖ AngularJS provides plenty of its own directives: AngularJS provided directives ❖ ngApp ❖ ngBind ❖ ngBlur ❖ ngChange ❖ ngChecked ❖ ngClass ❖ ngClick ❖ ngInlcude ❖ ngModel ❖ ngPluralize ❖ ngRepeat ❖ ngShow ❖ ngSrc ❖ ...
  • 18. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Directives (3/7) ❖ Directive ngModel: ➢ <input ng-model="foo"> ➢ <input data-ng:model="foo"> ➢ <input data-ng-model="foo"> ➢ <input ng:model="foo"> ➢ <input ng_model="foo"> ➢ <input x-ng-model="foo"> ❖ Might be necessary for html/xhtml validation reasons Different syntax available
  • 19. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Directives (4/7) ❖ Let’s take the HTML template we have prepared and add: Simple example of Angular’s directives (1/2) <input type="text" ng-model="name"> <h1 ng-show="name" ng-class="{red: name=='Armin'}"> Hello, {{name}}! </h1> ❖ name is a new scope variable ➢ ng-model binds the value of <input> to this variable ➢ {{name}} expression outputs the variable
  • 20. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Directives (5/7) ❖ We also add a button to set name: Simple example of Angular’s directives (2/2) <button ng-click="name='Penelope'">Click me</button> ❖ Clicking the button will set the scope variable name to “Penelope”. This affects: ➢ The value of <input>, because it is two-way data bound to variable name ➢ And the {{name}} expression, which outputs the value
  • 21. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Directives (6/7) ❖ Allmost every DOM element may be a directive ❖ We have learned some of Angular’s directives: ➢ ng-model, ng-show, ng-class and ng-click ❖ We have heard about scope variables ❖ We know of double curley expressions to output {{variables}} Summary
  • 22. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Directives (7/7) ❖ A dynamic application without writing one line of javascript code Result
  • 23. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding Scopes Directives Controllers Filters Providers Services Factories Validators ExpressionsModules ✓
  • 24. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding Scopes Directives ✓ Controllers Filters Providers Services Factories Validators ExpressionsModules ✓
  • 25. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (1/14) 1. Scopes 2. Controllers 3. Expressions 4. Two-Way Data Binding or: Why AngularJS is superheroic!
  • 26. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS $rootScope The Big Picture (2/14) <body ng-app="myFirstApp"> <input type="text" ng-model="name"> <button ng-click="name='Penelope'">Click me</button> <h1 ng-show="name" ng-class="{red: name=='Armin'}"> Hello, {{name}}! </h1> <!-- ... --> </body> RootScope
  • 27. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS $rootScope The Big Picture (3/14) scope <body ng-app="myFirstApp"> <input type="text" ng-model="name"> <button ng-click="name='Penelope'">Click me</button> <div ng-controller="SuperheroicController"> <h1 ng-show="name" ng-class="{red: name=='Armin'}"> Hello, {{name}}! </h1> </div> <!-- ... --> </body> Scope inheritance
  • 28. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (4/14) ❖ Controllers create new child scopes ❖ May contain: ➢ Scope variables ➢ Scope functions ❖ Should contain only business logic ➢ Set up the initial state of $scope object ➢ Add behavior to the $scope object Controllers
  • 29. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (5/14) ❖ Create file app/Controllers/Superheroic.js with content: Create the first controller app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', function($scope){ $ = 'Tom'; }]); ❖ Expression {{name}} inside of controller’s scope will always return “Tom”
  • 30. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (6/14) ❖ May also contain functions: Controller’s $scope app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', function($scope){ $scope.add = function(a, b) { return a + b; } }]); ❖ Expressions may also output functions and pass parameters: <h1>1 plus 2 equals <em>{{add(1,2)}}</em></h1>
  • 31. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (7/14) ❖ Change events for scope variables ➢ Get fired when value of defined scope variable changes Watches $scope.$watch('name', function(newValue, oldValue){ alert('New value: ' + newValue); }, false); ❖ Instead of 'name' you may also use a function ❖ Can also watch deep objects (set third param to true)
  • 32. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (8/14) ❖ Double curley braces syntax ➢ Contains basically javascript ➢ Accesses scope variables and scope functions Expressions ❖ Examples: a. {{a+b}} b. {{alert('Does this work?')}} c. {{'Just outputs this string'}} d. {{a ? a : '??'}} e. {{}}
  • 33. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (9/14) Two-Way Data Binding
  • 34. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (10/14) Two-Way data binding example (with one user) Model User { id: 1, name: 'Vieweg', firstName: 'Armin', image: 'armin.png' } <div class="user"> <img ng-src="path/to/{{user.image}}"> <h2> {{}}, {{user.firstName}} </h2> </div>
  • 35. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (11/14) ❖ Scope variables may also contain arrays of objects ❖ To work with them use the ng-repeat directive Two-Way data binding example (with several users) <div class="user"> <img ng-src="path/to/{{user.image}}"> <h2>{{}}, {{user.firstName}}</h2> </div> <div class="entry" ng-repeat="user in users"> </div> $scope.users = [ { name: '...', firstName: '' }, {...} ];
  • 36. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (12/14) ❖ Very helpful extension for Google Chrome (Link) ❖ Shows and highlights scopes and its variables Google Chrome: AngularJS Batarang
  • 37. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (13/14) ❖ AngularJS works with scopes ➢ Scopes inherit their variables/functions to child-scopes ➢ At the very top there exists one $rootScope ➢ $scope.$watch allows us to react on changes of variables ❖ Expressions work in scope context ➢ They check all scopes up to $rootScope for requested variable or function ❖ Two-Way Data Binding does very much work for us Summary
  • 38. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS The Big Picture (14/14) Result
  • 39. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding Scopes Directives ✓ Controllers Filters Providers Services Factories Validators ExpressionsModules ✓
  • 40. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers Filters Providers Services Factories Validators ExpressionsModules ✓
  • 41. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers Filters Providers Services Factories Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 42. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters Providers Services Factories Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 43. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters Providers Services Factories Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 44. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Dependency Injection ❖ Software Design Pattern ❖ Instantiates and caches used components How components get ahold of their dependencies
  • 45. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Dependency Injection ❖ From parameter names in functions: Two notations to inject app.controller('SuperheroicController', function($scope){ $scope.hello = 'world'; }); ❖ Inline array notation: app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', function(whatever) { whatever.hello = 'world'; }]);
  • 46. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters Providers Services Factories Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 47. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters Providers Services Factories Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 48. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Services & Factories ❖ Reuseable component ❖ A service/factory in Angular is: ➢ Lazy instantiated ➢ Singleton ❖ Angular offers several useful services ➢ They are prepended with $ ➢ Do not use $ in your own services Substitutable objects that are wired together using DI
  • 49. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Services & Factories ❖ $http - For ajax requests ❖ $interval and $timeout - Repeats and delays ❖ $rootScope - Very top scope of application ❖ $location - URL and its parts of current site ❖ $window - Wrapper of global window. Useful for tests. Selection of useful services provided by Angular
  • 50. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Services & Factories Usage example (with Dependency Injection) app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http){ $scope.getTypo3Releases = function() { $http({ method: 'GET', url: '' }).success(function(response){ // ... }); }; }]);
  • 51. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Services & Factories Writing our first factory app.factory('Typo3Releases', ['$http', function($http){ var getUrl = ''; var typo3ReleasesService = {}; typo3ReleasesService.get = function(callbackSuccess) { $http({ method: 'GET', url: getUrl }).success(callbackSuccess); }; return typo3ReleasesService; }]);
  • 52. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Services & Factories Inject and call our first factory app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', 'Typo3Releases', function($scope, Typo3Releases){ $scope.getTypo3Releases = function() { Typo3Releases.get(function(response){ // ... }); }; }]);
  • 53. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Services & Factories Service and factory syntax compared app.service('Typo3Releases', ['$http', function($http){ this.get = function(){ // ... } }]); app.factory('Typo3Releases', ['$http', function($http){ var typo3ReleasesService = {}; typo3ReleasesService.get = function() { // ... }; return typo3ReleasesService; }]); Both have the same call: Typo3Releases.get();
  • 54. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters Providers Services Factories Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 55. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters Providers Services ✓ Factories Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 56. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters Providers Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 57. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Filters ❖ Functions which modify expressions ❖ But does not touch the original data ❖ Using filters: {{name | filter1 | filter2:option}} Modify expressions
  • 58. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Filters ❖ AngularJS provides few of its own filters: AngularJS provided filters ❖ currency ❖ date ❖ filter ❖ json ❖ limitTo ❖ lowercase ❖ number ❖ orderBy ❖ uppercase
  • 59. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Filters ❖ {{price | currency:'€'}} // €1,234.56 ❖ {{name | uppercase}} // ARMIN ❖ {{created | date:'dd.MM.yyyy'}} // 20.06.2014 ❖ Options of filters may be filled by scope variable: {{created | date:format}} Usage examples
  • 60. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Filters Writing your own filters app.filter('replaceVowelsWith', function(){ return function(input, option){ if (option === undefined || input === undefined) return input; return input.replace(/[aeiou]/gi, option); } }); {{'Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass...' | 'e'}} Dree Chenesen met dem Kentrebess...
  • 61. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters Providers Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 62. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters ✓ Providers Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 63. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Validators ❖ Forms and/or fields get validated ❖ By HTML5 validation notation (eg. type="email") ❖ Independent from browser validation, Angular: ➢ Checks values on its own ➢ Adds indicating classes to fields and forms (eg. ng-invalid) ➢ Adds $invalid property to scope of form ❖ You may write your own validators using directives You're not coming in
  • 64. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Validators <form name="form" novalidate> <input type="email" ng-model="mail" name="mail" required> <button type="submit" ng-disabled="form.$invalid">Submit</button> </form> Example Show error messages in case validators fail: <span ng-if="form.mail.$error.required">Mail is required!</span> <span ng-if="form.mail.$">No valid mail!</span>
  • 65. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Validators ❖ Writing a validator means writing a directive ❖ Usage example in template: ➢ <input name="number" type="number" ng-model="number" required even-number> ➢ Input must be ✓ any input (required) ✓ a number (type="number") ✓ an even number (directive even-number) Your own validators/directives
  • 66. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters ✓ Providers Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 67. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters ✓ Providers Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators ✓ Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 68. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Providers ❖ Five recipes for providers: 1. Value 2. Constant 3. Factory 4. Service 5. Provider ❖ Providers are bound to modules/applications Almost every AngularJS buzzword is made by providers
  • 69. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Providers var app = angular.module('myFirstApp', []); app.value('bestCmsEver', 'TYPO3'); app.controller('SuperheroicController', ['$scope', 'bestCmsEver', function($scope, bestCmsEver){ this.bestCmsEver = bestCmsEver; }]); Small example with value and constant provider
  • 70. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters ✓ Providers Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators ✓ Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 71. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS Buzzwords Dependency Injection ✓ Two-way Data Binding ✓ Scopes ✓ Directives ✓ Controllers ✓ Filters ✓ Providers ✓ Services ✓ Factories ✓ Validators ✓ Expressions ✓Modules ✓
  • 72. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Advantages of AngularJS ❖ Allows you to work clean using reuseable modules ❖ Features of Angular ➢ enables completely new possibilites (2-way data binding) ➢ saves a lot of time for common tasks (like validation) ❖ Components are unittestable ❖ Further development of Angular, thanks to Google
  • 73. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS AngularJS help ❖ Guide: ❖ API: ❖ Many many articles, videos and examples on ➢ YouTube ➢ StackOverflow ➢ all over the web
  • 74. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Workshop Schedule 1. Presentation 2. Live Coding Examples 3. Practicing AngularJS
  • 75. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Workshop Schedule 1. Presentation ✓ 2. Live Coding Examples 3. Practicing AngularJS 15 minute break
  • 76. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS Thanks for your ttention!
  • 77. 20th June 2014, Armin Rüdiger Vieweg (@ArminVieweg) Getting started with superheroic JavaScript library AngularJS