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– Red team
Swot/ situation analysis
brand awareness/ perception
consumer insights
consumer profiles
Campaign objective/ truth well told
brand personification
big idea
campaign strategy/ campaign reasoning
Style guide
jingle/ package redesign
wrapper redesign
in–store campaign
long youtube video
Olv storyboard
transit/ tv
xylicrystal storyboard
halls storyboard
out of home
events and press release
halls event
xylicrystal event
halls event press release
xylicrystal press release
media plan
consumer journey – halls
consumer journey – xylicrystal
campaign evaluation
Our campaign is designed to boost sales and
bring awareness to the hard candy market in
Japan. We want to use fresh tactics to reposition
two brands, Xylicrystal and Halls, as the brand
consumers choose when they crave the
refreshment of hard candy. We want hard candy
to allow people to make authentic and memorable
connections with the people around them.
While the candy industry is growing as a whole, the hard candy
market is declining. The gummy industry continues to
grow, and we want to bring hard candy to this level. We
need to differentiate from the competitors while making
Halls and Xylicrystal leaders in the hard candy category.
We believe that our campaign can make this possible for
Mondelez by creating meaning for Halls and Xylicrystal in the
lives of our consumers. We want to enhance both brands
through an all-encompassing campaign while maintaining
the distinct differences and unique qualities of each brand.
Candy market, as a whole, has slow
but steady growth
Busy lifestyles cause consumers to buy
something quick and convenient
Sales go up in the winter season
(category growth)
The hard candy market, specifically,
is declining
Cluttered competition and less space
for brands to differentiate
Consumers are starting to pick healthier
options over sugary candies
hard candy
Stick packaging makes it convenient for
on-the-go customers
#1 candy brand in the world with a long
history in the UK
Unique position as an invigoration candy,
which is different from the original
medicated candy
Hard to find in supermarkets; always
on the bottom shelf in convenience
Only having a stick package doesn’t
make it very conducive to sharing
Often associated with “lack of interest”
Assortment packs, which make it easy
for sharing
Patented technology and unique candy
Likeable taste and a well-known brand
Only bag packaging, not resealable
Only one flavor available in most
convenience stores, where most people
buy candy
Confusing brand, most people don’t
know whether or not it is supposed
to be a throat candy
We surveyed a total of 98 Japanese consumers of all ages; 32 respondents were male, while 66 respondents
were female. We also conducted 12 in-depth interviews, targeting the 25-40 age range. In our survey, we
asked about lifestyle, media consumption habits, as well as their relationship with hard candy brands. In
our in-depth interviews, we asked more specifically about consumers’ perceptions of Halls and Xylicrystal.
We used these findings to craft our campaign and support our big idea.
Most respondents said they want to gain refreshment or stress relief from hard candy, followed by throat
relief and sweetness. We also found that most respondents (62 percent) said they buy hard candy seasonally,
while 17.7 percent buy it once a week, and 20.3 percent buy it once a month. Additionally, these people
noted they frequent CVS more than drug stores or supermarkets to purchase hard candy.
BRAND Awareness & Perception
From our survey and in-depth interviews, we gathered that most people are aware of both Halls and Xylicrystal.
However, most people cannot recall the campaigns that both brands are currently running.
To test brand perception, we asked respondents to choose 4 out of 8 words that describe Xylicrystal and Halls.
We asked them to do the same for the competition.
The list of words are as follows:
Tasty healthy desirable inconvenient lack of interest bad flavor bad for health
50% Lack of
59% Bad
VC 3000
Xylicrystal HALLS
The words that were repeatedly selected for each brand are:
On the refreshing taste of ame
From our survey, we found when people consume hard candy,
they are looking for refreshment and stress relief. During our
in-store observation, we saw a man walk directly to purchase a
stick of Halls without hesitation, showing he knew what he wanted.
“I had a long morning in the office and needed something
refreshing to wake me up. Work can be stressful and hard can-
dy is one way I can take a break and relax for a little bit. I go
into the store knowing exactly which brand I need to give me
that refreshing feeling I want. The taste and the cooling effect
always makes me feel a little better than I did before.”
Consumers feel the cooling aspects of Xylicrystal and Halls
directly benefit their lives. Both brands can use this specific
attribute to grab the attention of consumers since refreshment
is something they crave.
Meet the Sweetness Spreaders
Young adult women, 25-40
Possibly married or a mother
Young adult men, 25-40
Hard working, but also a family man
Qualities of a Sweetness Spreader
Friendly, extroverted and caring
Concerned for well-being of others
Values the opinions of friends
Seeking acceptance and appreciation
On giving and receiving hard candy as a gift
According to our survey data, 60 percent of respondents trust the
recommendation of friends. Also, our in-depth interviews revealed
people often give candy to friends or family as a symbol of kindness
and care.
“My friend gave me a piece of candy when she knew I was having
a bad day. She realized a refreshing taste would be the perfect pick-
me-up. Her kind offer also brightened my mood. Now, when I buy hard
candy, I try to give a piece to someone who needs it because
sometimes, giving can be even better than receiving. It makes my
day a little better no matter which side of the interaction I’m on.”
We believe both brands can utilize the refreshing qualities of giving
and receiving. As people trust the recommendation of friends, word
of mouth would effectively spread brand awareness. This also has
the potential to create meaning for the brand in consumers’ lives.
Target auDIENCE
Needs some sort of “pick-me-up”
and knows others could use the same
Committed to their role in life but still
crave small moments for relaxation
and stress relief
Consumer profiles
Xylicrystal: Meet Yoshiko, a 38-year-old wife
and mother of two. She enjoys spending the
day playing with her eight and five-year-old
kids. When she’s not with them, she’s typically
spending the afternoon with friends in her
mama-tomo community. Yoshiko values
Japanese traditions and cultures and likes to
use gift-giving to show her appreciation for
those around her. She tends to give small
gifts, such as candy or homemade snacks, to
her friends, family, and other people in her
social circles. Yoshiko always likes to show
people how she feels about them, and
hopes to gain their appreciation and gratitude
in return.
Halls: Meet Hidé, a 29-year-old salesman for
Toyota. He enjoys his single lifestyle and
typically can be found out and about, having
drinks with his friends from University and co-
workers on the weekends. During the week,
he finds himself very busy and always on the
move. Most days, he barely has time to even
When he does have the time, he likes to stop
and pick up something he knows will leave him
feeling refreshed. He is aware that he’s not
the only person in his office that has the same
busy lifestyle, so he can be found dropping
off small gifts to his coworkers to let them
know that he’s thinking of them.
This campaign’s main objective is to increase awareness for the hard candy
market as a whole and create brand awareness for Xylicrystal and Halls. We
hope to reposition hard candy, and Xylicrystal and Halls, not only as something
to eat for refreshment, but also as a tool to spur communication and cultivate
relationships through sharing.
Through our use of communication, we want our target to associate our
products with the act of giving, refreshing and connecting with others. They
should be able to come away from an experience with our brand feeling
refreshed by the taste and also by the interaction it has allowed them to
have with another person.
Our campaign is based on the truth that in the Japanese culture, emotions, such
as love and care, are not conveyed through words, but rather through gift-giving.
For example, in Osaka, it is very common to pass on candy to someone with whom
you’ve shared a connection. In a society where lifestyles have become busier and
more distracted with technology, we want to reinvigorate this tradition of kindness
and goodwill.
Main Objective
Communication Objective
Brand personification
Xylicrystal and Halls are catalysts. They create a chain reaction within every
person they meet. Everyone that interacts with them comes away
feeling a little better, a little lighter, a little more rejuvenated. They have
a natural skill that brings people together and brightens a room the
moment they step inside. They’re the person that introduces two new best
friends, sets up the couple that everyone envies, or creates a long-lasting
bond between a mother and her son. They know how to make each
person feel valued, leaving their mark wherever they go.
Hi, Ame 「はい、アメ。」
It’s 14:45 on a Wednesday, and the week is slowly dragging by.
I’ve been sitting in my cubicle, just staring at my computer
screen for the last two hours straight. I’m so tired and drained
that I can’t focus on anything. I really need something to pick
me up, but I can’t even find the energy to get out of my seat.
Just as I’m thinking about what my life would be like if I never
left this chair again, I hear the words “hi, ame,” so I look up.
I see a piece of candy sitting on my desk and my coworker
smiling at me. I instantly feel revived. It makes me feel great
to know someone cares about me.
Sweetness Spreaders always look for ways to let people around
them know that they are accepted and appreciated. One
gesture can say so much. The simple gift of a hard candy can
convey many meanings. “I love you”, “I see you”, and “you
matter” can all be said without words, and Sweetness Spreaders
are constantly looking for the perfect time to drop those little
messages to everyone they come into contact with.
At 22:30 sharp, I leave my cram school to catch my train home.
I have college entrance exams coming up soon, so I’m running
through facts and equations while I wait for my stop. When I
finally arrive at my house, my mother meets me at the door
to ask all about my day. Today, though, she just handed me a
piece of candy and gave me a smile. I couldn’t help but return
Big idea
the smile and say “arigato”. Her gesture was exactly what I
needed to reassure me that what I was doing mattered and
that she supported me.
The “Hi, Ame (Here, [Have a] Candy)” campaign encourages
consumers to share with each other and spread a little kindness.
Rooted in traditional Japanese culture, the idea of giving candy
and gifts to each other to convey a deeper message without
using words can impact both the giver and the receiver. It
allows people to make connections with each other, simply by
sharing a Xylicrystal or a Halls.
I was on the train to go do some shopping. It was a little crowded,
but I had finally scored a seat. As we approached the next stop,
the doors swooshed open. A very pregnant woman hobbled
into the car, and although I was excited to give my feet a little
break, I knew she needed the seat more than I did. As I got
up to offer her my seat, she thankfully smiled and dropped a
piece of candy into my hand. I no longer cared that I had to
stand because I knew my good deed hadn’t gone unnoticed.
She made me feel appreciated, which made my day just a little
bit brighter.
Campaign strategy
The strategy behind this campaign is to link not only Xylicrystal
and Halls with acts of kindness and appreciation, but also the
hard candy market as a whole. We want our campaign to
resonate with our consumers and make them realize that it
doesn’t have to be a special occasion to show people how you
feel about them. We also want people to realize that extravagance
is not necessary, because something as simple as a piece of
candy will do the trick.
Research reveals a steady decline of the hard candy market, while the overall candy market continues to grow. The goal
of the “Hi, Ame” campaign is to make Xylicrystal and Halls a communication tool used by consumers to connect with
those around them through the tradition of gift-giving. We found that women ages 25-40 prefer Xylicrystal, while men of
the same age prefer Halls. We believe this idea of giving, combined with this target audience, can bridge generations.
Family is very important to Japanese consumers, and we can utilize this finding to add legs to our campaign. From in-depth
interviews, we found that many consumers tried Halls or Xylicrystal for the first time because their parents gave it to them.
We want hard candy to help consumers create connections with those they care about. Our campaign will resonate with
consumers because of their culture’s roots in the tradition of gift-giving.
Campaign reasoning
Our reasoning
Style guide
RGB 108/191/206
CMYK 55/6/17/0
RGB 27/55/86
CMYK 100/85/50/24
RGB 209/75/79
CMYK 16/86/70/0
水 紺 銀朱
We chose the colors “Mizu”, “Kon,”
and “Ginsyu” to be the main colors
of this campaign because of the
messages they communicate. They
are more than just colors, as each of
them stand for something in the
Japanese culture. For example, mizu
represents water. We wanted to
choose colors that meant something
to reflect the history and traditions
that inspired our big idea.
We chose the fonts Bebas Kai and
Avenir to be our headline and copy
fonts because of their modern look.
We knew that these letters would
be placed next to traditional Japanese
symbols, so we wanted to make
sure they give off a clean look to
match. The modernism that these
fonts convey allows us to bring an
old Osakan tradition into present
times and revamp the art of gift-giving.
Bebas kai
Avenir Book
various executions
“Da Ka Ra Hi, Ame” だから はい、アメ
People recall words better when sound accompanies them.
To make our big idea stick in consumers minds, we created a
jingle: “Da Ka Ra Hi, Ame”. It means “that is why here, candy.”
This catchy jingle will play to ensure that our consumers
remember our big idea whenever they interact with one of our
advertisements or promotions.
in store and packaging
In our in-depth interviews, we found that people often have a negative
perception of Halls and dislike the packaging. One participant said
that it seems outdated and artificial. We want to update the Halls
packaging to give it more of a modern, fresh feel. In addition, we
want to add the British flag to tie in history and reinforce quality,
since Japanese consumers appreciate both of these values. Most
people seemed to like the Xylicrystal packaging, so we felt a package
redesign was unnecessary for this brand.
In addition, we suggest that Halls introduces a bag version of its
product to increase sales. Halls’ largest competitors have both
stick and bag options. It is also easier to share candy that is in bag
form since there is more candy in a bag, tying back to our big idea.
Packing redesign for halls and xylicrystal
in store and packaging continued
We also want to incorporate a new wrapper for Xylicrystal and Halls.
These wrappers will use encouraging phrases to further incite giving
and continue the chain reaction our campaign aims to create through
sharing a piece of candy. The wrappers will say messages similar to
“Give to someone that is hard working.” This will encourage sharing
among consumers, because the person that is giving a piece of
candy to someone will try to find the perfect person to fit the description.
The person on the receiving end will be excited to see what
someone thinks of them.
wrapper redesign
Both Xylicrystal and Halls should add a resealable feature to their
bags. This will make the packaging more convenient, thus making
it easier for consumers to carry a bag with them and continue giving
the candies to others.
According to our research, consumers
say that point-of-purchase displays
are one of the most recalled forms
of hard candy advertising. We want
to make Xylicrystal and Halls stand
out from the competitors by creating
an eye catching end of aisle display.
Both brands will be represented
the phrase “Hi, Ame” to boost sales.
There will also be shelf displays to
draw consumers eye to each brand
on the crowded shelves. Halls is low
on the shelf and often overlooked
by many consumers. A shelf display
would draw the consumer’s eye to
the product, even on a lower shelf.
These point-of-purchase displays
will run in convenience stores, drug
stores, and supermarkets.
End of Aisle Displays
for Halls and Xylicrystal
end of aisle display
on–shelf signage
LINE has proven to be the most used
social media platform in Japan across
all generations. Halls has already
made efforts to utilize the Line app
through an official friends page and
stickers. We want to further utilize
LINE as an advertising platform by
having promotions on Line Gifts.
Introduced in 2015, this feature within
LINE lets users purchase gifts to
send to their friends through the
app. This would allow consumers
to virtually give their friends Halls or
Xylicrystal, continuing the idea of
“Hi, Ame” through SNS. We would
also suggest for both brands to create
“Hi, Ame” themed Line stickers for
people to share with their friends
for additional promotion. We will
promote LINE Gifts and stickers
through other social media outlets
as well.
line gifts
Banner and skyscraper ads
In order to gain traction online, we will incorporate
correlating banner and skyscraper advertisements
into our media plan for both Halls and Xylicrystal.
The banner and skyscraper will be placed in
combination on websites that our target typically
interacts with in order to reach them. The banner
advertisement will show the arm of one person
giving a candy to the someone with an open
mouth pictured in the skyscraper advertisement.
Before the candy drops, the phrase “Hi, Ame”
will appear and after the mouth receives the
candy, the brand’s logo will appear. This tactic will
reinforce our main idea of sharing through our
depiction of one person giving a candy to another.
We believe that banner and skyscraper advertisements
will be successful because, according to our research,
people in our age range are consuming media
from online sources more than any other source.
Long youtube video
This one to two minute video promotion will bring our big idea
to life. The long form Youtube video will incorporate both
brands into one video with a strong emotional tie-in. It will
show the chain of giving, starting in Osaka and spreading to
the rest of Japan.
The video will end with “Hi, Ame” jingle, logos for both brands
and a call to action to share this touching story with others.
The long video will be mainly advertised on Youtube, but the
video should also be posted on each brand’s individual Facebook
page for easier sharing and a potentially wider opportunity of
spreading the video online. The long form Youtube video
serves as the main digital media tactic for our campaign.
long youtube video 21
To boost awareness of both brands, we will use the train channel on
the Tokyo Metro Lines to show a 15-second advertisement to
consumers. They will run for 26 weeks, changing the scenario every
two weeks. Two-thirds of the advertisements ran will focus more on
Halls, and the other third will focus on Xylicrystal. These advertisements
will depict different people sharing candy with each other to brighten
each other’s days. We believe that the Tokyo Metro Line is the
best option for this type of advertising because, according to
secondary research, it’s not only cheaper than the JR Line, but a
higher percentage of the Halls target rides the subway lines. We
will also use these same 15-second advertisements for television
since TV is the most consumed media in Japan. The visuals will be
exactly the same, but consumers will be able to hear our jingle at
the end. These will alternate between Halls and Xylicrystal depending
on date and time.
Transit and tv
As an interactive transit promotion, we will station Xylicrystal
and Halls brand ambassadors inside busy train stations
across the Tokyo Metropolitan area. Depending on the
station, the ambassadors would distribute a duo-pack
of either Xylicrystal or Halls candies to commuters. One
candy would be in its normal packaging, while the other
piece will have a special sticker with a message such as,
“Give this to brighten somebody’s day” or “Give this to
somebody you care about”. These messages would
encourage people to share the candy with others and
continue the chain reaction of giving. The brand
ambassadors will have either Halls or Xylicrystal branded
clothing and energetically say ” はい、アメ。” (Hi, Ame)
when distributing candy to commuters.
Free Sample hand–Outs
Transit ONLY
As a seasonal out of home promotion,
we will create a temporary kiosk area
for both Xylicrystal and Halls during
the Golden Week located in Shinjuku,
open from 10:00 to 22:00. Since it is a
holiday, we anticipate larger traffic in
this area. People will be able to create
wrappers for Xylicrystal or Halls with
customized messages at these kiosks.
This will give the consumer an opportunity
to add a personal touch to the candies
to keep for themselves or give to others.
These personalized hard candies would
serve as a communication tool to create
refreshing moments for the consumer
or as a small, customized gift for the
treasured people in the their lives.
candy message factory
Out of home
To increase publicity for our brands
and the campaign, we will utilize the
digital screen on the exterior of
Shibuya 109 Men’s store. We would
use this central location to display
refreshing messages, messages of
kindness to pedestrians, or even
create personal messages for a
special someone. These messages
will be submitted by texting either
brand on LINE; pictures can also be
submitted and displayed on the
screen. The screen will say: “Text us
on LINE to share a message on the
screen” 「リフレッシュするメッセー
ジをLINEで送信してね。」Logos for
Xylicrystal, Halls, and the phrase
“Hi, Ame” are also displayed on
the screen to show the correlation
of the brands and promote our
campaign through this method.
109 forum vision
in shibuya
We want to have promotional events for both Xylicrystal and Halls to boost brand
perception and encourage brand loyalty. Events give consumers a more emotional
connection to a brand, which is an overarching theme in our campaign. The Xylicrystal
event will be held during the winter season and the Halls event will be held during
the preceding summer.
To promote both events, we will incorporate a new flavor contest where event participants
can guess the new seasonal flavor. Both brands will post hints on Facebook for their
new seasonal flavor leading up to the event. Participants must submit their guess
by posting a picture of themselves at either event on Facebook. Out of those who
guess correctly, a winner from each event will get to share a sweet and refreshing
trip to Iceland with someone they care about. By incorporating this contest, we can
give people an extra incentive to go to the events while also receiving free event
promotion during the events. We hope that participants’ friends will see their posts
and want to join in the fun.
Events and press release
halls event
relaxation stations
There will be eight Halls ‘Relaxation Stations’ located in dense
office areas near crowded metro stations (Roppongi Station,
Yurakucho Station, Shibuya Station, Shinjuku Station, Shināgawa
Station, Yokohama Station, the Otemachi area, and the
Shimbashi-Toranomon area). We selected these locations
according to research done by mori-trust in 2016. These
‘Relaxation Stations’ will serve as an escape from the stress
of daily life and the summer heat that ensues after the rainy
season is over. Busy commuters will be able to cool off from
the humid summer weather by taking a ‘Halls Break’ at one
of eight relaxation stations, changing weekly over the course
of the event. Participants will receive an assorted pack of
Halls to share with a friend when they enter the ‘Relaxation
Stations’. They will also feature mist to cool participants down
so they leave feeling refreshed, creating a positive association
with the Halls in consumers mind.
Xylicrystal event
crystal ice rink
The Xylicrystal event is a themed ice skating rink
called ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ located in Roppongi
Midtown. It will be held during winter break
near the end of the year. This event is based off
the unique structure of Xylicrystal candies. The
first sweet layer is represented by a Milk Bar
where participants can enjoy invigorating mint
and milk themed drinks with a special edition
Xylicrystal drink. There will even be an interactive
photo booth for participants to take pictures to
share with friends. The icy layer is represented
by an outdoor ice skating rink. Participants can
enjoy winter fun for the whole family and experience
the cooling refreshment of Xylicrystal. The third
sweet layer will be represented by a share station
that participants visit before they leave the event.
Participants can make an assorted Xylicrystal
bag to share with others. There will also be a
small winter-themed craft area to make a gift to
share with someone close to you. This area
represents the sweetness of gift-giving rather
than the sweet taste. We want participants to
experience a physical manifestation of the
unique Xylicrystal design. This event will help
consumers see Xylicrystal as more than just a
hard candy. It can be a method of communication
and way to show someone you care with the
small act of giving candy.
Contact: Bethany Bornhorst, Communications Director
Halls to Launch ‘Relaxation Stations’ Located Near Busy
Metro Stops
Encouraging Bystanders to ‘Take a Halls Break’
TOKYO (June 24, 2017) - The candy brand, Halls, announced
that it will begin its ‘Relaxation Station’ event beginning July
24, 2017. The event will run for eight weeks until September
10, 2017. This event will encourage busy Tokyoites to cool off
and ‘Take a Halls Break’ at one of the eight alternating locations
in the Tokyo area.
A ‘Relaxation Station’ will be be open at one of eight locations
around the city, changing weekly throughout the eight weeks
of the event. The locations are as follows: Roppongi Station,
Yurakucho Station, Shibuya Station, Shinjuku Station, Shināgawa
Station, Yokohama Station, the Otemachi area, and the Shimbashi-
Toranomon area.
“The ‘Relaxation Stations’ will be located near busy metro stops
so people will be able to take a break from their hectic lifestyles
and find refreshment with Halls,” said a Halls representative.
When participants enter the ‘Relaxation Station’, they will start
their ‘Halls Break’ by receiving an assorted bag of Halls to share
with others once they leave. Each station will feature benches
and a refreshing mist for participants to cool of from the scorching
Tokyo heat.
There will also be an option to participate in a new flavor contest
at all ‘Relaxation Stations’. If participants post a picture on
Facebook at the event and correctly guess the new seasonal
flavor of Halls, they could win a trip to Iceland to share with a
friend. Posts must tag Halls and use the hashtags #HiAme and
#WhatsTheNextHalls to be submitted in the drawing. At the
end of the eight weeks, one winner will be randomly selected
for the trip.
‘Relaxation Stations’ will be open from 9:00 to 17:00 during
the week. For more information about Halls and any updates
on the event, please visit:
# # #
We are originally a British hard candy company that came to
Japan in in 1980. Since then, we have aimed to bring Japa-
nese consumers cooling refreshment and throat relief with all
our products. Visit for more information
about our company.
Halls PRess release (english)
Halls Press release (japanese)
	 モンデリーズ・ジャパン株式会社(本社: 東京都品川区、社
長: リアン・カッツ、資本金: 4億5千万円、以下モンデリーズ)は、
ンテストに参加するためには、投稿に #Hiアメ 及び #次のホールズ
は をつける必要があります。
名称: ホールズ
発売年: 1980年
販売料金: 100円
販売店: 全国のスーパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、ドラ
商号: 株式会社モンデリーズ・ジャパン
代表者: 代表取締役社長 リアン・カッツ
所在地: 〒140-0002 東京都品川区東品川4丁目12番8号 品川シ
設立: 1978年1月10日
事業内容: お菓子
資本金: 4億5千万円
Contact: Bethany Bornhorst, Communications Director
Xylicrystal Plans to Host a Themed Ice Skating Rink During
the Winter Season
The ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ is Family Fun for All Ages
TOKYO (October 23, 2017) - The candy brand, Xylicrystal,
will host the ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ event from December 23, 2017
to January 3, 2018 at Roppongi Midtown. The ice rink will have
three areas, representing the different parts of the Xylicrystal
candy: sweet, icy, and then sweet.
The first sweet layer is represented by a Milk Bar where mint
and milk themed drinks are available for purchase, including a
special Xylicrystal drink. There will also be a small photobooth
for participants to take pictures with their themed drinks.
The ‘Crystal Ice Rink’, an outdoor ice skating area, represents
the middle icy layer. Admission will be free and rental skates
will be available for purchase.
The second sweet layer is represented by a share station.
Participants will be able to make their own assorted pack of
Xylicrystal and a small craft to share with others once they leave.
Xylicrystal PRess release (english)
“We want the ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ event to be an area where families
can enjoy quality time together through a fun, Xylicrystal
themed, winter activity,” said a Xylicrystal representative.
There will also be an option to participate in a new flavor
contest at Xylicrystal’s ‘Crystal Ice Rink’. If participants post a
picture on Facebook at the event and correctly guess the new
seasonal flavor, they could win a trip to Iceland to share with a
friend. Posts must tag Xylicrystal and use #HiAme and #Whats-
TheNextXylicrystal to be submitted in the drawing. At the end
of the event, one winner will be randomly selected for the trip.
The ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ will be open from 14:00 to 20:00 during
the week and 14:00 to 22:00 on the weekends. For more
information about Xylicrystal and any updates on the event,
please visit:
# # #
Since being introduced to the Japanese hard candy industry
in 2001, we have worked to deliver our customers minty re-
freshment and a sweet twist with our unique candy design.
Visit for more information about our
company and our mission.
xylicrystal PRess release (japanese)
	 モンデリーズ・ジャパン株式会社(本社: 東京都品川区、社
長: リアン・カッツ、資本金: 4億5千万円、以下モンデリーズ)は、
このコンテストに参加するためには、投稿に #Hiアメ 及び #次のキ
シリクリスタルは をつける必要があります。
名称: ホールズ
発売年: 2001年
販売料金: 190円
販売店: 全国のスーパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、ドラ
商号: 株式会社モンデリーズ・ジャパン
代表者: 代表取締役社長 リアン・カッツ
所在地: 〒140-0002 東京都品川区東品川4丁目12番8号 品川シ
設立: 1978年1月10日
事業内容: お菓子
資本金: 4億5千万円
The “Hi, Ame” campaign will start on April 2017 and run until March
2018. We plan to introduce our new campaign in the spring so
there is plenty of time to build more awareness for both brands
before the winter season. The media plan for Xylicrystal and Halls
is fairly similar except for the events, which will happen at different
times during the campaign.
media plan
We want to introduce the new packaging style at the beginning of
the campaign and continue it through the duration of the campaign,
using sharable/resealable bags to promote our big idea. We will use
point-of-purchase displays at the start of our campaign and again
during the winter season since that is when consumers frequently
buy hard candy.
We will introduce the transit advertisement, which will also run on TV,
at the start of the campaign so people become more familiar with the
phrase “Hi, Ame” and hear the correlating jingle. These advertisements
will run for six months, with new content every month so viewers do
not become bored. We will start our sampling promotion directly
after so the video advertisements are still fresh in our target’s mind.
Our customizable wrapper kiosk will be open for Golden Week in May.
Since it is a Holiday, the kiosk should receive more interaction. The
interactive Shibuya 109 screen will be displayed during the month of
November, before the start of winter. Everyone who sees or interacts
with the screen will be reminded to buy Hall or Xylicrystal the next
time they crave hard candy.
We will introduce our YouTube video at the start of the campaign to
show consumers the sentimental value of “Hi, Ame”. The video will
be available for users to share with others throughout the remainder
of the campaign, possibly going viral. We will introduce the banner
and skyscraper advertisements during the last six months of the campaign
to evenly distribute our tactics keep both brands top-of-mind during
the winter season. Xylicrystal and Halls will also be available on LINE
Gifts for the duration of the campaign.
The Halls event will start in July and end the first week of September,
when the weather is hottest in Tokyo. The Xylicrystal event will be from
during winter break so the whole family can join in the festivities.
in store
transit and tv
and packaging
Hidé starts his morning early so he can get to the office in time
for work. At the metro station, he sees someone handing out
Halls candies. A woman hands him one and says “Hai, Ame.”
He pops the Halls in his mouth and gets on the train to head to
work. There is another candy with the message, “Give this to a
friend,” so he decides to save the other candy for a someone
at work. When he gets to the office, he notices that one of his
coworkers, Shun, looks stressed, so he gives him his extra Halls.
Shun smiles and thanks him, and Hidé can tell that his mood
seems better already.
After lunch, Hidé is catching up with the current events on Yahoo!
Japan. Suddenly, a virtual arm reaches across the top of his
screen to drop a candy into a virtual open mouth on the bottom
left-hand side. He sees the phrase “Hi, Ame” appear and instantly
knows this is an advertisement for Halls. Hidé heads home
Consumer journey
after a long day at the office and cannot wait to unwind. He
lies in bed scrolling through his Facebook feed and notices a
video a few of his friends have shared. He watches a touching
story about the heartfelt action of giving candy, starting in Osaka.
This resonates with Hidé because Osaka is his hometown. He
sees the Halls logo at the end of the video and can feel himself
craving the refreshment of the candy.
Hidé wakes up in the morning and sees he has received a LINE
Gift. It is a stick of Halls from his coworker, Shun. There is a
short message with the gift that says, “Thanks for the pick-me-up
yesterday!” Hidé stops by a convenience store on his way to
the metro station to redeem his LINE Gift, and he now has a
positive perception of Halls through these various touch points
of our campaign.
After her husband and kids have left for work and school, Yoshiko
watches the morning news and sees a commercial for Xylicrystal
with a catchy jingle at the end while doing some laundry and
dusting her apartment.
Before lunch, Yoshiko stops by the local AEON supermarket to
buy groceries for the week. While strolling through the candy
shelves, she notices an eye catching blue-green stand at the
end of the aisle, displaying Xylicrystal. She decides to try a bag
of the original milk flavor. On her way home, she bumps into one
of her friends, Risa. Before saying goodbye, Yoshiko opens her
bag of Xylicrystal and gives a few pieces to Risa as a small gift.
Risa is happy, pops one in her mouth, and mentions that she
will give the remaining pieces of candy to her own children.
While eating lunch, Yoshiko watches a TV program featuring
family friendly places in Tokyo to visit during winter break. She
watches intently, keeping in mind some places she can enjoy
with her husband and two kids. The program introduces
Xylicrystal’s ‘Crystal Ice Rink’, starting in one week at Roppongi
Midtown. Yoshiko takes note of the event, thinking that an ice
skating rink is something her whole family would enjoy.
After her kids get home from school, Yoshiko starts preparing
dinner for her family. Her husband returns home from work,
and she can tell he is exhausted. She reaches for the bag of
Xylicrystal she bought earlier that day, realizing there are only
a few left. She gives one to her husband saying “hai, ame” and
he graciously accepts her small yet kind offer. Yoshiko remembers
the Crystal Ice Rink event she saw on TV during lunch. She
mentions it to her family as something fun they can do over
break. The children are enthusiastic, and they excitedly fork
down the rest of their pork chop dinner.
Consumer journey
The main objective of this campaign is to create brand awareness for Xylicrystal and
Halls, and to increase awareness for the hard candy market in the long-term. We believe
the following benchmarks will help us achieve this objective for both brands.
Package redesign will directly increase sales by 2%
Aisle displays will directly increase sales by 2%
Wrapper kiosk will be experienced by 10,080 people during Golden Week
Shibuya 109 Forum Vision will have 9,800,000 interactions in a month (November 2017)
Sample candy promotions have the potential to be seen by 60,000 people per day
Around 5,000,000 people will view our TV advertisement
Our transit advertisements will reach approximately 611,508,352 people and around
412,156,629 will be interested, according to JR and Metro data.
Events will attract 17,920 for Halls and 7,896 Xylicrystal reaching a total of 25,816
people participating in our events
LINE Gifts will make 10,000 hard candy exchanges between consumers
Facebook pages will have a total of 40,000 likes by the end of the campaign
Long form YouTube video will have 1,000,000 views over the course of the campaign
Banner and skyscraper ads will be viewed by 50,000 people
We hope to increase the hard candy market by 2% with the “Hi, Ame” campaign.
campaign evaluation
SNS and Digital
packaging and
in–Store promotion
The “Hi, Ame” (はい、アメ。) campaign was created with the intention of changing
the way people look at hard candy. We believe our mission to reposition Xylicrystal
and Halls within the hard candy market will be successful because this campaign
turns just another piece of candy into a way of saying something that words might
not be able to.

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Refreshing Connections

  • 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Swot/ situation analysis Research brand awareness/ perception consumer insights consumer profiles Campaign objective/ truth well told brand personification big idea campaign strategy/ campaign reasoning Style guide jingle/ package redesign wrapper redesign in–store campaign digital long youtube video 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 37 38 39 Olv storyboard transit/ tv xylicrystal storyboard halls storyboard out of home events and press release halls event xylicrystal event halls event press release xylicrystal press release media plan consumer journey – halls consumer journey – xylicrystal campaign evaluation conclusion
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Our campaign is designed to boost sales and bring awareness to the hard candy market in Japan. We want to use fresh tactics to reposition two brands, Xylicrystal and Halls, as the brand consumers choose when they crave the refreshment of hard candy. We want hard candy to allow people to make authentic and memorable connections with the people around them. 3
  • 4. SITUATION ANALYSIS While the candy industry is growing as a whole, the hard candy market is declining. The gummy industry continues to grow, and we want to bring hard candy to this level. We need to differentiate from the competitors while making Halls and Xylicrystal leaders in the hard candy category. We believe that our campaign can make this possible for Mondelez by creating meaning for Halls and Xylicrystal in the lives of our consumers. We want to enhance both brands through an all-encompassing campaign while maintaining the distinct differences and unique qualities of each brand. SWOT Candy market, as a whole, has slow but steady growth Busy lifestyles cause consumers to buy something quick and convenient Sales go up in the winter season (category growth) The hard candy market, specifically, is declining Cluttered competition and less space for brands to differentiate Consumers are starting to pick healthier options over sugary candies hard candy Stick packaging makes it convenient for on-the-go customers #1 candy brand in the world with a long history in the UK Unique position as an invigoration candy, which is different from the original medicated candy Hard to find in supermarkets; always on the bottom shelf in convenience stores Only having a stick package doesn’t make it very conducive to sharing Often associated with “lack of interest” Halls Strengths Weaknesses Assortment packs, which make it easy for sharing Patented technology and unique candy design Likeable taste and a well-known brand Only bag packaging, not resealable Only one flavor available in most convenience stores, where most people buy candy Confusing brand, most people don’t know whether or not it is supposed to be a throat candy Xylicrystal Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats 4
  • 5. RESEARCH We surveyed a total of 98 Japanese consumers of all ages; 32 respondents were male, while 66 respondents were female. We also conducted 12 in-depth interviews, targeting the 25-40 age range. In our survey, we asked about lifestyle, media consumption habits, as well as their relationship with hard candy brands. In our in-depth interviews, we asked more specifically about consumers’ perceptions of Halls and Xylicrystal. We used these findings to craft our campaign and support our big idea. Most respondents said they want to gain refreshment or stress relief from hard candy, followed by throat relief and sweetness. We also found that most respondents (62 percent) said they buy hard candy seasonally, while 17.7 percent buy it once a week, and 20.3 percent buy it once a month. Additionally, these people noted they frequent CVS more than drug stores or supermarkets to purchase hard candy. 5
  • 6. BRAND Awareness & Perception From our survey and in-depth interviews, we gathered that most people are aware of both Halls and Xylicrystal. However, most people cannot recall the campaigns that both brands are currently running. To test brand perception, we asked respondents to choose 4 out of 8 words that describe Xylicrystal and Halls. We asked them to do the same for the competition. The list of words are as follows: Tasty healthy desirable inconvenient lack of interest bad flavor bad for health Refreshing 52% Tasty 36% Healthy 31% Refreshing 50% Lack of Interest 23% Healthy 59% Bad Flavor 25% Healthy 36% Tasty 50% VC 3000 Xylicrystal HALLS Ryukakusan The words that were repeatedly selected for each brand are: 6 Refreshing
  • 7. CONSUMER INSIGHTS On the refreshing taste of ame From our survey, we found when people consume hard candy, they are looking for refreshment and stress relief. During our in-store observation, we saw a man walk directly to purchase a stick of Halls without hesitation, showing he knew what he wanted. “I had a long morning in the office and needed something refreshing to wake me up. Work can be stressful and hard can- dy is one way I can take a break and relax for a little bit. I go into the store knowing exactly which brand I need to give me that refreshing feeling I want. The taste and the cooling effect always makes me feel a little better than I did before.” Consumers feel the cooling aspects of Xylicrystal and Halls directly benefit their lives. Both brands can use this specific attribute to grab the attention of consumers since refreshment is something they crave. Meet the Sweetness Spreaders Young adult women, 25-40 Possibly married or a mother Young adult men, 25-40 Hard working, but also a family man Qualities of a Sweetness Spreader Friendly, extroverted and caring Concerned for well-being of others Family-oriented Values the opinions of friends Seeking acceptance and appreciation Generous On giving and receiving hard candy as a gift According to our survey data, 60 percent of respondents trust the recommendation of friends. Also, our in-depth interviews revealed people often give candy to friends or family as a symbol of kindness and care. “My friend gave me a piece of candy when she knew I was having a bad day. She realized a refreshing taste would be the perfect pick- me-up. Her kind offer also brightened my mood. Now, when I buy hard candy, I try to give a piece to someone who needs it because sometimes, giving can be even better than receiving. It makes my day a little better no matter which side of the interaction I’m on.” We believe both brands can utilize the refreshing qualities of giving and receiving. As people trust the recommendation of friends, word of mouth would effectively spread brand awareness. This also has the potential to create meaning for the brand in consumers’ lives. Target auDIENCE Needs some sort of “pick-me-up” and knows others could use the same Committed to their role in life but still crave small moments for relaxation and stress relief 7
  • 8. Consumer profiles Xylicrystal: Meet Yoshiko, a 38-year-old wife and mother of two. She enjoys spending the day playing with her eight and five-year-old kids. When she’s not with them, she’s typically spending the afternoon with friends in her mama-tomo community. Yoshiko values Japanese traditions and cultures and likes to use gift-giving to show her appreciation for those around her. She tends to give small gifts, such as candy or homemade snacks, to her friends, family, and other people in her social circles. Yoshiko always likes to show people how she feels about them, and hopes to gain their appreciation and gratitude in return. Halls: Meet Hidé, a 29-year-old salesman for Toyota. He enjoys his single lifestyle and typically can be found out and about, having drinks with his friends from University and co- workers on the weekends. During the week, he finds himself very busy and always on the move. Most days, he barely has time to even stopattheconveniencestoreinbetweenmeetings. When he does have the time, he likes to stop and pick up something he knows will leave him feeling refreshed. He is aware that he’s not the only person in his office that has the same busy lifestyle, so he can be found dropping off small gifts to his coworkers to let them know that he’s thinking of them. YOSHIKO HIDÉ 8
  • 9. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE This campaign’s main objective is to increase awareness for the hard candy market as a whole and create brand awareness for Xylicrystal and Halls. We hope to reposition hard candy, and Xylicrystal and Halls, not only as something to eat for refreshment, but also as a tool to spur communication and cultivate relationships through sharing. Through our use of communication, we want our target to associate our products with the act of giving, refreshing and connecting with others. They should be able to come away from an experience with our brand feeling refreshed by the taste and also by the interaction it has allowed them to have with another person. TRUTH WELL TOLD Our campaign is based on the truth that in the Japanese culture, emotions, such as love and care, are not conveyed through words, but rather through gift-giving. For example, in Osaka, it is very common to pass on candy to someone with whom you’ve shared a connection. In a society where lifestyles have become busier and more distracted with technology, we want to reinvigorate this tradition of kindness and goodwill. Main Objective Communication Objective 9
  • 10. Brand personification Xylicrystal and Halls are catalysts. They create a chain reaction within every person they meet. Everyone that interacts with them comes away feeling a little better, a little lighter, a little more rejuvenated. They have a natural skill that brings people together and brightens a room the moment they step inside. They’re the person that introduces two new best friends, sets up the couple that everyone envies, or creates a long-lasting bond between a mother and her son. They know how to make each person feel valued, leaving their mark wherever they go. 10
  • 11. Hi, Ame 「はい、アメ。」 It’s 14:45 on a Wednesday, and the week is slowly dragging by. I’ve been sitting in my cubicle, just staring at my computer screen for the last two hours straight. I’m so tired and drained that I can’t focus on anything. I really need something to pick me up, but I can’t even find the energy to get out of my seat. Just as I’m thinking about what my life would be like if I never left this chair again, I hear the words “hi, ame,” so I look up. I see a piece of candy sitting on my desk and my coworker smiling at me. I instantly feel revived. It makes me feel great to know someone cares about me. Sweetness Spreaders always look for ways to let people around them know that they are accepted and appreciated. One gesture can say so much. The simple gift of a hard candy can convey many meanings. “I love you”, “I see you”, and “you matter” can all be said without words, and Sweetness Spreaders are constantly looking for the perfect time to drop those little messages to everyone they come into contact with. At 22:30 sharp, I leave my cram school to catch my train home. I have college entrance exams coming up soon, so I’m running through facts and equations while I wait for my stop. When I finally arrive at my house, my mother meets me at the door to ask all about my day. Today, though, she just handed me a piece of candy and gave me a smile. I couldn’t help but return Big idea the smile and say “arigato”. Her gesture was exactly what I needed to reassure me that what I was doing mattered and that she supported me. The “Hi, Ame (Here, [Have a] Candy)” campaign encourages consumers to share with each other and spread a little kindness. Rooted in traditional Japanese culture, the idea of giving candy and gifts to each other to convey a deeper message without using words can impact both the giver and the receiver. It allows people to make connections with each other, simply by sharing a Xylicrystal or a Halls. I was on the train to go do some shopping. It was a little crowded, but I had finally scored a seat. As we approached the next stop, the doors swooshed open. A very pregnant woman hobbled into the car, and although I was excited to give my feet a little break, I knew she needed the seat more than I did. As I got up to offer her my seat, she thankfully smiled and dropped a piece of candy into my hand. I no longer cared that I had to stand because I knew my good deed hadn’t gone unnoticed. She made me feel appreciated, which made my day just a little bit brighter. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. Campaign strategy The strategy behind this campaign is to link not only Xylicrystal and Halls with acts of kindness and appreciation, but also the hard candy market as a whole. We want our campaign to resonate with our consumers and make them realize that it doesn’t have to be a special occasion to show people how you feel about them. We also want people to realize that extravagance is not necessary, because something as simple as a piece of candy will do the trick. Research reveals a steady decline of the hard candy market, while the overall candy market continues to grow. The goal of the “Hi, Ame” campaign is to make Xylicrystal and Halls a communication tool used by consumers to connect with those around them through the tradition of gift-giving. We found that women ages 25-40 prefer Xylicrystal, while men of the same age prefer Halls. We believe this idea of giving, combined with this target audience, can bridge generations. Family is very important to Japanese consumers, and we can utilize this finding to add legs to our campaign. From in-depth interviews, we found that many consumers tried Halls or Xylicrystal for the first time because their parents gave it to them. We want hard candy to help consumers create connections with those they care about. Our campaign will resonate with consumers because of their culture’s roots in the tradition of gift-giving. Campaign reasoning 13
  • 14. Our reasoning Style guide RGB 108/191/206 CMYK 55/6/17/0 RGB 27/55/86 CMYK 100/85/50/24 RGB 209/75/79 CMYK 16/86/70/0 水 紺 銀朱 We chose the colors “Mizu”, “Kon,” and “Ginsyu” to be the main colors of this campaign because of the messages they communicate. They are more than just colors, as each of them stand for something in the Japanese culture. For example, mizu represents water. We wanted to choose colors that meant something to reflect the history and traditions that inspired our big idea. We chose the fonts Bebas Kai and Avenir to be our headline and copy fonts because of their modern look. We knew that these letters would be placed next to traditional Japanese symbols, so we wanted to make sure they give off a clean look to match. The modernism that these fonts convey allows us to bring an old Osakan tradition into present times and revamp the art of gift-giving. Bebas kai abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Avenir Book AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 14
  • 15. various executions “Da Ka Ra Hi, Ame” だから はい、アメ People recall words better when sound accompanies them. To make our big idea stick in consumers minds, we created a jingle: “Da Ka Ra Hi, Ame”. It means “that is why here, candy.” This catchy jingle will play to ensure that our consumers remember our big idea whenever they interact with one of our advertisements or promotions. in store and packaging JINGLE In our in-depth interviews, we found that people often have a negative perception of Halls and dislike the packaging. One participant said that it seems outdated and artificial. We want to update the Halls packaging to give it more of a modern, fresh feel. In addition, we want to add the British flag to tie in history and reinforce quality, since Japanese consumers appreciate both of these values. Most people seemed to like the Xylicrystal packaging, so we felt a package redesign was unnecessary for this brand. In addition, we suggest that Halls introduces a bag version of its product to increase sales. Halls’ largest competitors have both stick and bag options. It is also easier to share candy that is in bag form since there is more candy in a bag, tying back to our big idea. Packing redesign for halls and xylicrystal 15
  • 16. in store and packaging continued We also want to incorporate a new wrapper for Xylicrystal and Halls. These wrappers will use encouraging phrases to further incite giving and continue the chain reaction our campaign aims to create through sharing a piece of candy. The wrappers will say messages similar to “Give to someone that is hard working.” This will encourage sharing among consumers, because the person that is giving a piece of candy to someone will try to find the perfect person to fit the description. The person on the receiving end will be excited to see what someone thinks of them. wrapper redesign Both Xylicrystal and Halls should add a resealable feature to their bags. This will make the packaging more convenient, thus making it easier for consumers to carry a bag with them and continue giving the candies to others. 16
  • 17. According to our research, consumers say that point-of-purchase displays are one of the most recalled forms of hard candy advertising. We want to make Xylicrystal and Halls stand out from the competitors by creating an eye catching end of aisle display. Both brands will be represented withoneendofaisledisplayincorporating the phrase “Hi, Ame” to boost sales. There will also be shelf displays to draw consumers eye to each brand on the crowded shelves. Halls is low on the shelf and often overlooked by many consumers. A shelf display would draw the consumer’s eye to the product, even on a lower shelf. These point-of-purchase displays will run in convenience stores, drug stores, and supermarkets. End of Aisle Displays for Halls and Xylicrystal end of aisle display on–shelf signage 17
  • 18. Digital LINE has proven to be the most used social media platform in Japan across all generations. Halls has already made efforts to utilize the Line app through an official friends page and stickers. We want to further utilize LINE as an advertising platform by having promotions on Line Gifts. Introduced in 2015, this feature within LINE lets users purchase gifts to send to their friends through the app. This would allow consumers to virtually give their friends Halls or Xylicrystal, continuing the idea of “Hi, Ame” through SNS. We would also suggest for both brands to create “Hi, Ame” themed Line stickers for people to share with their friends for additional promotion. We will promote LINE Gifts and stickers through other social media outlets as well. line gifts 18
  • 19. Banner and skyscraper ads In order to gain traction online, we will incorporate correlating banner and skyscraper advertisements into our media plan for both Halls and Xylicrystal. The banner and skyscraper will be placed in combination on websites that our target typically interacts with in order to reach them. The banner advertisement will show the arm of one person giving a candy to the someone with an open mouth pictured in the skyscraper advertisement. Before the candy drops, the phrase “Hi, Ame” will appear and after the mouth receives the candy, the brand’s logo will appear. This tactic will reinforce our main idea of sharing through our depiction of one person giving a candy to another. We believe that banner and skyscraper advertisements will be successful because, according to our research, people in our age range are consuming media from online sources more than any other source. 19
  • 20. Long youtube video This one to two minute video promotion will bring our big idea to life. The long form Youtube video will incorporate both brands into one video with a strong emotional tie-in. It will show the chain of giving, starting in Osaka and spreading to the rest of Japan. The video will end with “Hi, Ame” jingle, logos for both brands and a call to action to share this touching story with others. The long video will be mainly advertised on Youtube, but the video should also be posted on each brand’s individual Facebook page for easier sharing and a potentially wider opportunity of spreading the video online. The long form Youtube video serves as the main digital media tactic for our campaign. 20
  • 22. To boost awareness of both brands, we will use the train channel on the Tokyo Metro Lines to show a 15-second advertisement to consumers. They will run for 26 weeks, changing the scenario every two weeks. Two-thirds of the advertisements ran will focus more on Halls, and the other third will focus on Xylicrystal. These advertisements will depict different people sharing candy with each other to brighten each other’s days. We believe that the Tokyo Metro Line is the best option for this type of advertising because, according to secondary research, it’s not only cheaper than the JR Line, but a higher percentage of the Halls target rides the subway lines. We will also use these same 15-second advertisements for television since TV is the most consumed media in Japan. The visuals will be exactly the same, but consumers will be able to hear our jingle at the end. These will alternate between Halls and Xylicrystal depending on date and time. Transit and tv As an interactive transit promotion, we will station Xylicrystal and Halls brand ambassadors inside busy train stations across the Tokyo Metropolitan area. Depending on the station, the ambassadors would distribute a duo-pack of either Xylicrystal or Halls candies to commuters. One candy would be in its normal packaging, while the other piece will have a special sticker with a message such as, “Give this to brighten somebody’s day” or “Give this to somebody you care about”. These messages would encourage people to share the candy with others and continue the chain reaction of giving. The brand ambassadors will have either Halls or Xylicrystal branded clothing and energetically say ” はい、アメ。” (Hi, Ame) when distributing candy to commuters. Free Sample hand–Outs Transit ONLY 22
  • 23. 23
  • 24. 24
  • 25. As a seasonal out of home promotion, we will create a temporary kiosk area for both Xylicrystal and Halls during the Golden Week located in Shinjuku, open from 10:00 to 22:00. Since it is a holiday, we anticipate larger traffic in this area. People will be able to create wrappers for Xylicrystal or Halls with customized messages at these kiosks. This will give the consumer an opportunity to add a personal touch to the candies to keep for themselves or give to others. These personalized hard candies would serve as a communication tool to create refreshing moments for the consumer or as a small, customized gift for the treasured people in the their lives. candy message factory Out of home キャンディーメッセージ工場 25
  • 26. To increase publicity for our brands and the campaign, we will utilize the digital screen on the exterior of Shibuya 109 Men’s store. We would use this central location to display refreshing messages, messages of kindness to pedestrians, or even create personal messages for a special someone. These messages will be submitted by texting either brand on LINE; pictures can also be submitted and displayed on the screen. The screen will say: “Text us on LINE to share a message on the screen” 「リフレッシュするメッセー ジをLINEで送信してね。」Logos for Xylicrystal, Halls, and the phrase “Hi, Ame” are also displayed on the screen to show the correlation of the brands and promote our campaign through this method. 109 forum vision in shibuya 26
  • 27. We want to have promotional events for both Xylicrystal and Halls to boost brand perception and encourage brand loyalty. Events give consumers a more emotional connection to a brand, which is an overarching theme in our campaign. The Xylicrystal event will be held during the winter season and the Halls event will be held during the preceding summer. To promote both events, we will incorporate a new flavor contest where event participants can guess the new seasonal flavor. Both brands will post hints on Facebook for their new seasonal flavor leading up to the event. Participants must submit their guess by posting a picture of themselves at either event on Facebook. Out of those who guess correctly, a winner from each event will get to share a sweet and refreshing trip to Iceland with someone they care about. By incorporating this contest, we can give people an extra incentive to go to the events while also receiving free event promotion during the events. We hope that participants’ friends will see their posts and want to join in the fun. Events and press release 27
  • 28. halls event relaxation stations There will be eight Halls ‘Relaxation Stations’ located in dense office areas near crowded metro stations (Roppongi Station, Yurakucho Station, Shibuya Station, Shinjuku Station, Shināgawa Station, Yokohama Station, the Otemachi area, and the Shimbashi-Toranomon area). We selected these locations according to research done by mori-trust in 2016. These ‘Relaxation Stations’ will serve as an escape from the stress of daily life and the summer heat that ensues after the rainy season is over. Busy commuters will be able to cool off from the humid summer weather by taking a ‘Halls Break’ at one of eight relaxation stations, changing weekly over the course of the event. Participants will receive an assorted pack of Halls to share with a friend when they enter the ‘Relaxation Stations’. They will also feature mist to cool participants down so they leave feeling refreshed, creating a positive association with the Halls in consumers mind. 28
  • 29. Xylicrystal event crystal ice rink The Xylicrystal event is a themed ice skating rink called ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ located in Roppongi Midtown. It will be held during winter break near the end of the year. This event is based off the unique structure of Xylicrystal candies. The first sweet layer is represented by a Milk Bar where participants can enjoy invigorating mint and milk themed drinks with a special edition Xylicrystal drink. There will even be an interactive photo booth for participants to take pictures to share with friends. The icy layer is represented by an outdoor ice skating rink. Participants can enjoy winter fun for the whole family and experience the cooling refreshment of Xylicrystal. The third sweet layer will be represented by a share station that participants visit before they leave the event. Participants can make an assorted Xylicrystal bag to share with others. There will also be a small winter-themed craft area to make a gift to share with someone close to you. This area represents the sweetness of gift-giving rather than the sweet taste. We want participants to experience a physical manifestation of the unique Xylicrystal design. This event will help consumers see Xylicrystal as more than just a hard candy. It can be a method of communication and way to show someone you care with the small act of giving candy. 29
  • 30. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Bethany Bornhorst, Communications Director 859-445-7558 Halls to Launch ‘Relaxation Stations’ Located Near Busy Metro Stops Encouraging Bystanders to ‘Take a Halls Break’ TOKYO (June 24, 2017) - The candy brand, Halls, announced that it will begin its ‘Relaxation Station’ event beginning July 24, 2017. The event will run for eight weeks until September 10, 2017. This event will encourage busy Tokyoites to cool off and ‘Take a Halls Break’ at one of the eight alternating locations in the Tokyo area. A ‘Relaxation Station’ will be be open at one of eight locations around the city, changing weekly throughout the eight weeks of the event. The locations are as follows: Roppongi Station, Yurakucho Station, Shibuya Station, Shinjuku Station, Shināgawa Station, Yokohama Station, the Otemachi area, and the Shimbashi- Toranomon area. “The ‘Relaxation Stations’ will be located near busy metro stops so people will be able to take a break from their hectic lifestyles and find refreshment with Halls,” said a Halls representative. When participants enter the ‘Relaxation Station’, they will start their ‘Halls Break’ by receiving an assorted bag of Halls to share with others once they leave. Each station will feature benches and a refreshing mist for participants to cool of from the scorching Tokyo heat. There will also be an option to participate in a new flavor contest at all ‘Relaxation Stations’. If participants post a picture on Facebook at the event and correctly guess the new seasonal flavor of Halls, they could win a trip to Iceland to share with a friend. Posts must tag Halls and use the hashtags #HiAme and #WhatsTheNextHalls to be submitted in the drawing. At the end of the eight weeks, one winner will be randomly selected for the trip. ‘Relaxation Stations’ will be open from 9:00 to 17:00 during the week. For more information about Halls and any updates on the event, please visit: # # # ABOUT HALLS - JAPAN: We are originally a British hard candy company that came to Japan in in 1980. Since then, we have aimed to bring Japa- nese consumers cooling refreshment and throat relief with all our products. Visit for more information about our company. Halls PRess release (english) 30
  • 31. Halls Press release (japanese) 報道関係者各位 プレスリリース 2017年6月24日 モンデリーズ・ジャパン株式会社 モンデリーズ・ジャパン社、飴ブランド「ホールズ」のキャンペー ンとして通勤者にリフレッシュを与えるために「リラクゼーショ ン・ステーション」の設置を発表 モンデリーズ・ジャパン株式会社(本社: 東京都品川区、社 長: リアン・カッツ、資本金: 4億5千万円、以下モンデリーズ)は、 飴ブランド「ホールズ」の知名度向上を目的とした屋外イベント「 リラクゼーション・ステーション」を実施することを発表しまし た。このイベントは都内近辺8箇所にて2017年7月24日から同年9 月10日まで開催予定で、東京の多忙な通勤者がクールダウンする「 ホールズ・ブレーク」の促進を目的としています。 「リラクゼーション・ステーション」は都内近辺8箇所に設 置され、毎週移転する予定です。設置予定場所は以下の通りです: 六本木エリア、有楽町エリア、渋谷エリア、新宿エリア、品川エリ ア、横浜エリア、大手町エリア、新橋ー虎ノ門エリア。通勤者が多 忙な日常から離れ、「ホールズ」を通してリフレッシュできるため に、「リラクゼーション・ステーション」は駅周辺に設置されま す。 参加者が「リラクゼーション・ステーション」に入ると、 詰め合わせになった「ホールズ」のサンプルを受け取り、「ホール ズ・ブレーク」が始まります。ステーション内にはベンチが設置し てあるほか、涼しいミストのシャワーがあり、東京の猛暑の中、参 加者がクールダウンすることができます。 「リラクゼーション・ステーション」では新商品の味を当てるコン テストに参加する機会が提供されます。参加者がfacebookで「ホー ルズ」の新商品の写真を載せると、新商品の味を当てた人の中から 1人に抽選で「ペアで行けるアイスランド旅行」が当たります。コ ンテストに参加するためには、投稿に #Hiアメ 及び #次のホールズ は をつける必要があります。 「リラクゼーション・ステーション」は平日9:00-17:00に開催し ます。 ■ホールズの概要 名称: ホールズ 発売年: 1980年 販売料金: 100円 販売店: 全国のスーパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、ドラ ッグストア、駅売店等 URL: ■会社概要 商号: 株式会社モンデリーズ・ジャパン 代表者: 代表取締役社長 リアン・カッツ 所在地: 〒140-0002 東京都品川区東品川4丁目12番8号 品川シ ーサイドイーストタワー13階 設立: 1978年1月10日 事業内容: お菓子 資本金: 4億5千万円 URL: 31
  • 32. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Bethany Bornhorst, Communications Director 859-445-7558 Xylicrystal Plans to Host a Themed Ice Skating Rink During the Winter Season The ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ is Family Fun for All Ages TOKYO (October 23, 2017) - The candy brand, Xylicrystal, will host the ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ event from December 23, 2017 to January 3, 2018 at Roppongi Midtown. The ice rink will have three areas, representing the different parts of the Xylicrystal candy: sweet, icy, and then sweet. The first sweet layer is represented by a Milk Bar where mint and milk themed drinks are available for purchase, including a special Xylicrystal drink. There will also be a small photobooth for participants to take pictures with their themed drinks. The ‘Crystal Ice Rink’, an outdoor ice skating area, represents the middle icy layer. Admission will be free and rental skates will be available for purchase. The second sweet layer is represented by a share station. Participants will be able to make their own assorted pack of Xylicrystal and a small craft to share with others once they leave. Xylicrystal PRess release (english) “We want the ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ event to be an area where families can enjoy quality time together through a fun, Xylicrystal themed, winter activity,” said a Xylicrystal representative. There will also be an option to participate in a new flavor contest at Xylicrystal’s ‘Crystal Ice Rink’. If participants post a picture on Facebook at the event and correctly guess the new seasonal flavor, they could win a trip to Iceland to share with a friend. Posts must tag Xylicrystal and use #HiAme and #Whats- TheNextXylicrystal to be submitted in the drawing. At the end of the event, one winner will be randomly selected for the trip. The ‘Crystal Ice Rink’ will be open from 14:00 to 20:00 during the week and 14:00 to 22:00 on the weekends. For more information about Xylicrystal and any updates on the event, please visit: # # # ABOUT XYLICRYSTAL: Since being introduced to the Japanese hard candy industry in 2001, we have worked to deliver our customers minty re- freshment and a sweet twist with our unique candy design. Visit for more information about our company and our mission. 32
  • 33. xylicrystal PRess release (japanese) 報道関係者各位 プレスリリース 2017年10月23日 モンデリーズ・ジャパン株式会社 モンデリーズ・ジャパン社、飴ブランド「キシリクリスタル」のキ ャンペーンとして冬季にキシリクリスタルテーマのアイススケート 場開設を発表 モンデリーズ・ジャパン株式会社(本社: 東京都品川区、社 長: リアン・カッツ、資本金: 4億5千万円、以下モンデリーズ)は、 飴ブランド「キシリクリスタル」の販売キャンペーンとして「クリ スタルスケートリンク」イベントを実施することを発表しました。 このイベントは六本木ミッドダウンにて2017年12月23日から翌年 1月3日まで開催予定です。 「クリスタルスケートリンク」イベントの会場は、キシリク リスタル特有の3層構造をモチーフにして以下の3構造となってい ます:甘い、アイス、甘い。1つめの甘い層では、キャンディーの ミルク部分をモチーフに、キシリクリスタル味ドリンクを含むミル ク・ミント味の飲料が販売されています。2つ目のアイス層では、 キャンディーのアイス部分をモチーフに、屋外アイススケート場が 設置され、無料で解放されます(貸しスケート靴費用を除く)。3 つ目の甘い層では、キャンディーのミルク部分をモチーフに、来客 者オリジナルのパッケージそしてハンドクラフトをペアで作るセク ションがあります。 さらに、イベント来場者には新商品の味を当てるコンテスト に参加する機会が提供されます。参加者がfacebookで「キシリクリ スタル」の新商品の写真を載せると、新商品の味を当てた人の中か ら1人に抽選で「ペアで行けるアイスランド旅行」が当たります。 このコンテストに参加するためには、投稿に #Hiアメ 及び #次のキ シリクリスタルは をつける必要があります。 「クリスタルスケートリンク」は平日14:00-20:00、週末 14:00-22:00に開催します。 ■キシリクリスタルの概要 名称: ホールズ 発売年: 2001年 販売料金: 190円 販売店: 全国のスーパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、ドラ ッグストア、駅売店等 URL: ■会社概要 商号: 株式会社モンデリーズ・ジャパン 代表者: 代表取締役社長 リアン・カッツ 所在地: 〒140-0002 東京都品川区東品川4丁目12番8号 品川シ ーサイドイーストタワー13階 設立: 1978年1月10日 事業内容: お菓子 資本金: 4億5千万円 URL: 33
  • 34. The “Hi, Ame” campaign will start on April 2017 and run until March 2018. We plan to introduce our new campaign in the spring so there is plenty of time to build more awareness for both brands before the winter season. The media plan for Xylicrystal and Halls is fairly similar except for the events, which will happen at different times during the campaign. media plan subhead 34
  • 35. We want to introduce the new packaging style at the beginning of the campaign and continue it through the duration of the campaign, using sharable/resealable bags to promote our big idea. We will use point-of-purchase displays at the start of our campaign and again during the winter season since that is when consumers frequently buy hard candy. We will introduce the transit advertisement, which will also run on TV, at the start of the campaign so people become more familiar with the phrase “Hi, Ame” and hear the correlating jingle. These advertisements will run for six months, with new content every month so viewers do not become bored. We will start our sampling promotion directly after so the video advertisements are still fresh in our target’s mind. Our customizable wrapper kiosk will be open for Golden Week in May. Since it is a Holiday, the kiosk should receive more interaction. The interactive Shibuya 109 screen will be displayed during the month of November, before the start of winter. Everyone who sees or interacts with the screen will be reminded to buy Hall or Xylicrystal the next time they crave hard candy. We will introduce our YouTube video at the start of the campaign to show consumers the sentimental value of “Hi, Ame”. The video will be available for users to share with others throughout the remainder of the campaign, possibly going viral. We will introduce the banner and skyscraper advertisements during the last six months of the campaign to evenly distribute our tactics keep both brands top-of-mind during the winter season. Xylicrystal and Halls will also be available on LINE Gifts for the duration of the campaign. The Halls event will start in July and end the first week of September, when the weather is hottest in Tokyo. The Xylicrystal event will be from during winter break so the whole family can join in the festivities. in store transit and tv out–of–home digital events and packaging 35
  • 36. Hidé starts his morning early so he can get to the office in time for work. At the metro station, he sees someone handing out Halls candies. A woman hands him one and says “Hai, Ame.” He pops the Halls in his mouth and gets on the train to head to work. There is another candy with the message, “Give this to a friend,” so he decides to save the other candy for a someone at work. When he gets to the office, he notices that one of his coworkers, Shun, looks stressed, so he gives him his extra Halls. Shun smiles and thanks him, and Hidé can tell that his mood seems better already. After lunch, Hidé is catching up with the current events on Yahoo! Japan. Suddenly, a virtual arm reaches across the top of his screen to drop a candy into a virtual open mouth on the bottom left-hand side. He sees the phrase “Hi, Ame” appear and instantly knows this is an advertisement for Halls. Hidé heads home Consumer journey HIDÉhalls after a long day at the office and cannot wait to unwind. He lies in bed scrolling through his Facebook feed and notices a video a few of his friends have shared. He watches a touching story about the heartfelt action of giving candy, starting in Osaka. This resonates with Hidé because Osaka is his hometown. He sees the Halls logo at the end of the video and can feel himself craving the refreshment of the candy. Hidé wakes up in the morning and sees he has received a LINE Gift. It is a stick of Halls from his coworker, Shun. There is a short message with the gift that says, “Thanks for the pick-me-up yesterday!” Hidé stops by a convenience store on his way to the metro station to redeem his LINE Gift, and he now has a positive perception of Halls through these various touch points of our campaign. 36
  • 37. After her husband and kids have left for work and school, Yoshiko watches the morning news and sees a commercial for Xylicrystal with a catchy jingle at the end while doing some laundry and dusting her apartment. Before lunch, Yoshiko stops by the local AEON supermarket to buy groceries for the week. While strolling through the candy shelves, she notices an eye catching blue-green stand at the end of the aisle, displaying Xylicrystal. She decides to try a bag of the original milk flavor. On her way home, she bumps into one of her friends, Risa. Before saying goodbye, Yoshiko opens her bag of Xylicrystal and gives a few pieces to Risa as a small gift. Risa is happy, pops one in her mouth, and mentions that she will give the remaining pieces of candy to her own children. While eating lunch, Yoshiko watches a TV program featuring family friendly places in Tokyo to visit during winter break. She YOSHIKO xylicrystal watches intently, keeping in mind some places she can enjoy with her husband and two kids. The program introduces Xylicrystal’s ‘Crystal Ice Rink’, starting in one week at Roppongi Midtown. Yoshiko takes note of the event, thinking that an ice skating rink is something her whole family would enjoy. After her kids get home from school, Yoshiko starts preparing dinner for her family. Her husband returns home from work, and she can tell he is exhausted. She reaches for the bag of Xylicrystal she bought earlier that day, realizing there are only a few left. She gives one to her husband saying “hai, ame” and he graciously accepts her small yet kind offer. Yoshiko remembers the Crystal Ice Rink event she saw on TV during lunch. She mentions it to her family as something fun they can do over break. The children are enthusiastic, and they excitedly fork down the rest of their pork chop dinner. 37 Consumer journey
  • 38. The main objective of this campaign is to create brand awareness for Xylicrystal and Halls, and to increase awareness for the hard candy market in the long-term. We believe the following benchmarks will help us achieve this objective for both brands. Package redesign will directly increase sales by 2% Aisle displays will directly increase sales by 2% Wrapper kiosk will be experienced by 10,080 people during Golden Week Shibuya 109 Forum Vision will have 9,800,000 interactions in a month (November 2017) Sample candy promotions have the potential to be seen by 60,000 people per day Around 5,000,000 people will view our TV advertisement Our transit advertisements will reach approximately 611,508,352 people and around 412,156,629 will be interested, according to JR and Metro data. Events will attract 17,920 for Halls and 7,896 Xylicrystal reaching a total of 25,816 people participating in our events LINE Gifts will make 10,000 hard candy exchanges between consumers Facebook pages will have a total of 40,000 likes by the end of the campaign Long form YouTube video will have 1,000,000 views over the course of the campaign Banner and skyscraper ads will be viewed by 50,000 people We hope to increase the hard candy market by 2% with the “Hi, Ame” campaign. campaign evaluation SNS and Digital Out–of–Home transit events packaging and in–Store promotion 38
  • 39. The “Hi, Ame” (はい、アメ。) campaign was created with the intention of changing the way people look at hard candy. We believe our mission to reposition Xylicrystal and Halls within the hard candy market will be successful because this campaign turns just another piece of candy into a way of saying something that words might not be able to. conclusion 39