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2012 American Community Survey (Kids Count Data Center)                                                         
Presentation Outline
1. Research supporting parent involvement
1. What have parents and researchers reported in
successful interactions?
2. How to apply the research to the field
1. 8 ways to improve therapeutic outcome
3. Case study
1. Looking at an example of how to make therapy
more successful by increasing parent and
teacher involvement
• Development:
▫ Bilingual SLPs
▫ Home-based ECI Services
▫ Need for family involvement
 When families are involved in the intervention
process, language enrichment is ongoing rather than
during “therapy” only (Rosetti, 2001)
 Without family involvement, intervention is unlikely
to be successful (Bronfenbrebrenner, 1974)
Learner Objectives
Participants will list, identify, describe…
1. the importance of family involvement
2. factors affecting parent involvement
3. theoretical models of social systems
4. strategies to increase family involvement in
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1. Importance of Family
a. Language enrichment
b. Empowerment
c. Self-Efficacy
d. Why family participation is critical
a. Language Enrichment
• Parents use of language-based strategies leads to
▫ Increased receptive language skills in the first year
(Baumwell, Tamis-LeMonda & Bornstein, 1997)
▫ Increased receptive and expressive language skills in
the second and third years of life (Olson, Bates &
Bayles, 1986)
▫ Greater receptive vocabulary at 12 years of age
(Beckwith & Cohen, 1989)
a. Language Enrichment (cont’d)
• Mother’s use of labeling and increased periods of
interaction lead to increases in receptive
vocabulary and greater expansion of expression
in older children (Tomasello & Farrar, 1986)
• Participation by fathers in early childhood
programs has been shown to be beneficial to the
child, father and other family members (Frey,
Fewell, & Vadasy, 1989; Krauss, 1993)
b. Empowerment
• Empowering parents increases their likelihood
of accessing information pertaining to their
child’s development
c. Self-efficacy
• Empowerment leads to self efficacy or the belief
that they can make a difference in their child’s
development (Dempsey & Dunst, 2004)
d. Why participation is critical
• When families are involved in the intervention
process, language enrichment is ongoing rather than
during “therapy” only (Rosetti, 2001)
• Without family involvement, intervention is unlikely
to be successful (Bronfenbrebrenner, 1974)
Models of Service Delivery:
Find a balance
Child Focused
Not on the same page
Different Perspectives
Teacher and Family Perspective
The therapist
just plays with
my child.
They just sit
and talk with
me and do
nothing with
my child.This is all too
I forget what
to do after the
I don’t have
time in my day
to do this.
Speech Pathologist Perspective
Families don’t
always follow
through with
my suggestions.
I can’t get
families to
ideas into daily
I don’t have
easily accessible
resources to
share with
Many times
families don’t
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2. Understanding families
• Demographics
• Theoretical models of social systems
• Factors affecting family involvement
Demographics – using Texas as a case
Demographics – using Texas as a case
Video Review
Demographics of Families
Enrolled in ECI in Texas
a. Economics
b. Ethnicity
c. Language
d. Gender
e. Reason Eligible
f. Services on IFSP
a. Economics
• Percentage of ECI children receiving Medicaid
▫ 2006: 61%
▫ 2008: 60.3%
• Families at 250% of the poverty level or lower
▫ Approximately 84%
b. Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity Percent
Hispanic/Latino 47
White 38
Black/African American 12
Asian/Pacific Islander 2
American Indian/Alaskan <1
c. Language
Primary Language Percent
English 81
Spanish 19
Other <1
d. Gender
Gender Percent
Males 63
Females 37
e. Reason Eligible
Reason Eligible Percent
Medical Diagnosis 11
Chromosomal Anomalies 35
Congenital Anomalies--Brain/Spinal Cord 16
Symptoms and Ill-Defined Conditions 14
Disorders of the Nervous System 12
Congenital Anomalies--Facial Clefts 9
Conditions Originating in Perinatal Period 7
Congenital Anomalies--Musculoskeletal 7
Developmental Delay 71
Atypical Development 18
Areas of Delay/Atypical Development
Speech/Communication 67
Physical/Motor 43
Cognitive 26
Adaptive/Self-Help 21
Social/Emotional 16
Vision 2
Hearing 2
Children with more than one qualifying diagnosis 22
Children with more than one area of delay 37
f. Services on IFSP
Percent of Children with Planned Service Types Percent
Service Coordination 100
Developmental Services 78
Speech Language Therapy 58
Occupational Therapy 32
Physical Therapy 25
Nutrition 12
Family Training/Counseling 5
Vision 3
Audiology 3
Psychological/Social Work 3
Medical/Nursing 1
Theoretical Models on Social
a. Maslow’s Hierarchy of basic needs
b. Kubler-Ross’ 5 stages of grief
a. Maslow’s Hierarchy of basic needs
b. Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief
• Denial (this isn't happening to me!)

• Anger (why is this happening to me?)

• Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person

• Depression (I don't care anymore)

• Acceptance (I’m ready for whatever comes)
Research Findings Pertaining to
Family Factors
• Mothers with limited family support tend to
withdraw from programs early (Luker & Chalmers, 1990)
• Mothers engaged in family conflict show
lower rates of involvement (Herzog, Cherniss, & Menzel,
• Mothers engaged in substance abuse showed
lower rates of involvement (Navaie-Waliser et al, 2000)
• Mothers who are anticipating a change in
residence also showed lower rates of
participation (National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, 1996)
Factors Affecting Family Involvement
• Family Factors
▫ over which we have minimal influence but need to
▫ over which we have more influence
• Minimal influence
▫ Social-emotional needs
▫ Economic needs
▫ Cultural parameters
• More influence
▫ Education about disability
▫ Attendance
▫ Engagement in the intervention process
Provider Factors Affecting
Parent Involvement
▫ Consistency and reliability
▫ Quantity (amount of
▫ Recognizing your
▫ Understanding family
▫ Engaging all family
▫ Ability to adjust strategies
to match family style
▫ Communicating rationale
for intervention
▫ Clearly specifying what
families should do
between intervention
▫ Setting expectations
▫ Staff communication
▫ Staff education and
▫ Staff turnover rates
Research Findings Pertaining to Provider
• The more services a child/family receives, the more
progress the child makes
• High staff turnover rates reduce family involvement
▫ Gomby (2007)
• Quantity--There were some interesting studies that
showed that white families received more services
than others. Hispanics were rated as more engaged.
African Americans received less child-focused
▫ Wagner (2003)
Case Study #1: Understanding Kubler-
Ross’ stages of grief
How would you work with a family that is in denial?
Interventionist: Lets work on the word “more”.
Parent: She says that.
Interventionist: Great, how about the words, mom or
Parent: She says that too.
Interventionist: She only says twenty words and she is
two years old
Parent: We understand what she wants
Case Study #2:
A client has been diagnosed with a receptive
and expressive language disorder. How
would you explain the rationale behind these
suggestions and strategies?
• Roll a ball back and forth with your child.
• Add a word to what your child says and
repeat the words back together.
• Give your child more time to form a response.
Routine‐Based Early Intervention 
A Proven Program for Improving 
Communication Skills with 
Activities in English and Spanish
Click here to view on
3. Connecting Therapy
to Reality
Applying research to our family sessions
How do we improve outcomes?
We know it’s important,
how do we do it?
1. Provide specific instructions
2. Provide a rationale
3. Keep it simple and
4. Have it pertain to a family
event or routine
5. Set expectations
6. Have something written
7. In their native language
8. Follow through
• Make sure caregivers
▫ HOW?
▫ WHY?
• Assess the caregivers
• Give positive reinforcement
• Take risks
Daily Routines
Daily Routines
• 12 daily routines
• Frequency and consistency
• More natural
• Extra time is not needed to implement strategies
• Use objects in their environment as therapy
Daily Routines in the Schools
• 36 yearly units
▫ Colors
▫ Cowboys
▫ Zoo
▫ Etc.
• Once per week
Daily Routines
•Each routine includes:
• Speech/language focus
• Examples of each strategy
• Suggested target vocabulary and 6 pictures of signs
• Homework sheet
• Activity sheet
•The amount of time spent on each routine varies
Language Development
Language Development
• Improved communication and bonding (Goodwyn,
Acredolo, & Brown, 2000; Tompson et al., 2007)
• Children stop using sign when able to
communicate orally (Pizer, Walters & Meier, 2007)
• Provide visual support during language learning
Language Development
• Frequency and consistency
• The more a child hears a phrase the more likely
they are to use it
• Use phrases that the child is able to imitate
Language Development
• Imitation is vital for speech and language
development (Rogers & Williams, 2006)
• Teach the child how to imitate, by imitating their
sounds and movements
Language Development
• Each routine focuses on different vocabulary
• Multisensory learning for language targets
• Label objects, actions and descriptors
• Repeat object labels – the more a child hears a
word, the more likely they are to use it
Language Development
• Expand the child's utterances by adding
semantic information or syntactic complexity
can help their language grow.
• It is important to keep phrases simple enough
that your child can repeat them.
Language Development
Speech Development
• Visual, tactile and motor cues
• Examples:
▫ Clap out syllables in words
▫ Put hand in front of mouth to feel air on plosives
Speech Development
• Auditory cues
▫ Emphasize specific sounds in words
▫ Melodic cues
• Model appropriate speech production
▫ Break consonant clusters apart
▫ Model target words slowly with emphasis
Speech Development
• Imitate sounds in the environment
• Repeat an incorrect production correctly,
repeating the correct production several times
Speech Development
• Have a scavenger hunt
• Label objects that begin with the same sound to
increase phonological awareness
Speech Development
• Follow the hierarchy of speech production
• Help parents measure small successes
Speech Development
Example by Brianne Ruhnke on
Speech Development
A case study of practical
Script for sample session
1. Review the plan and any progress
2. Select the strategy and daily routine
3. Model the strategy
4. Give the family time to practice the strategy
SMILE Example
SMILE Example
Video Review
What strategies could you observe?
A. Sign
B. Model
C. Imitate
D. Label
E. Expand
F. All of the above
What strategies could you observe?
A. Sign
B. Model
C. Imitate
D. Label
E. Expand
F. All of the above
What was the language focus, or
targeted skill?
A. Turn-taking
B. Requests
C. Two-word Utterances
D. Describing
E. Contrasting – Yes/No Questions
What was the language focus, or
targeted skill?
A. Turn-taking
B. Requests
C. Two-word Utterances
D. Describing
E. Contrasting – Yes/No Questions
What daily routine was being used?
A. Bath time
B. Greetings
C. Bedtime
D. Getting Dressed
E. Story time
What daily routine was being used?
A. Bath time
B. Greetings
C. Bedtime
D. Getting Dressed
E. Story time
Sample session
Important Words
Practiquen estas palabras importantes y agreguen más:
Important Words
Practiquen estas palabras importantes y agreguen más:
Data Collection Sheet
Data Collection
• What words or gestures does your child use?
▫ Greetings/Saludos:
 Cuando saluda mueve la mano.
 Translation: To give a greeting, he waves his hand.
▫ Getting Dressed/Vestirse:
 Todavía no puede vestirse él solo. Le tengo que
 He still doesn’t get dressed on his own. I have to help
Data Collection
• What words or gestures does your child
▫ Greetings/Saludos:
 Sí entiende pero no puede pronunciarlas.
 Translation: He does understand, but he can’t
pronounce them.
▫ Getting Dressed/Vestirse:
 No response
Homework at home
Homework in the schools
Activity page
Session Record Form
In Summary
Therapeutic improvements can be realized by
increasing parent and teacher involvement:
1. Provide specific instructions
2. Provide a rationale
3. Keep it simple and consistent
4. Have it pertain to a family event or routine
5. Set expectations
6. Have something written
7. In their native language
8. Follow through
• Goodwyn, Acredolo, & Brown (2000). Impact of symbolic gesturing on early language
development. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 24, 81-103.
• Kummerer, B., Lopez-Reyna, N.A., & Hughes, M.T. (2007). Mexican Immigrant Mothers’
Perceptions of Their Children’s Communication Disabilities, Emergent Literacy Development,
and Speech-Language Therapy Program. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,
16, 271-282.
• McWilliams, R. (2007). Early Intervention in Natural Environments. Retrieved February 5,
2008 from
• Pizer, G., Walters, K., & Meier, R. P. (2007). Bringing up baby with baby signs: Language
ideologies and socialization in hearing families. Sign Language Studies, 7 (4), 387-430.
• Rogers, S. J., & Williams, J. H. G. (Eds.). (2006). Imitation and the Social Mind: Autism and
Typical Development. New York: The Guliford Press.
• Rogoff, B. (1990). Apprenticeship in Thinking. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• Thompson, R.H., Cotnoir-Bichelman, N.M., McKerchar, P.M., Tate, T.L., & Dancho, K.A.
(2007). Enhancing early communication through infant sign training. Journal of Applied
Behavior Analysis, 40, 15-23.
• Vygotsky, L. S. (1967). Play and its role in the mental development of the child. Soviet
Psychology, 5, 6-18.
Click to visit

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Increasing Parent and Teacher Involvement: Employing Research Discoveries to Improve Communication Skills in Young Children

  • 2. Presentation Outline 1. Research supporting parent involvement 1. What have parents and researchers reported in successful interactions? 2. How to apply the research to the field 1. 8 ways to improve therapeutic outcome 3. Case study 1. Looking at an example of how to make therapy more successful by increasing parent and teacher involvement
  • 3. Background • Development: ▫ Bilingual SLPs ▫ Home-based ECI Services ▫ Need for family involvement  When families are involved in the intervention process, language enrichment is ongoing rather than during “therapy” only (Rosetti, 2001)  Without family involvement, intervention is unlikely to be successful (Bronfenbrebrenner, 1974)
  • 4. Learner Objectives Participants will list, identify, describe… 1. the importance of family involvement 2. factors affecting parent involvement 3. theoretical models of social systems 4. strategies to increase family involvement in intervention
  • 7. 1. Importance of Family Involvement Research a. Language enrichment b. Empowerment c. Self-Efficacy d. Why family participation is critical
  • 8. a. Language Enrichment • Parents use of language-based strategies leads to ▫ Increased receptive language skills in the first year (Baumwell, Tamis-LeMonda & Bornstein, 1997) ▫ Increased receptive and expressive language skills in the second and third years of life (Olson, Bates & Bayles, 1986) ▫ Greater receptive vocabulary at 12 years of age (Beckwith & Cohen, 1989)
  • 9. a. Language Enrichment (cont’d) • Mother’s use of labeling and increased periods of interaction lead to increases in receptive vocabulary and greater expansion of expression in older children (Tomasello & Farrar, 1986) • Participation by fathers in early childhood programs has been shown to be beneficial to the child, father and other family members (Frey, Fewell, & Vadasy, 1989; Krauss, 1993)
  • 10. b. Empowerment • Empowering parents increases their likelihood of accessing information pertaining to their child’s development
  • 11. c. Self-efficacy • Empowerment leads to self efficacy or the belief that they can make a difference in their child’s development (Dempsey & Dunst, 2004)
  • 12. d. Why participation is critical • When families are involved in the intervention process, language enrichment is ongoing rather than during “therapy” only (Rosetti, 2001) • Without family involvement, intervention is unlikely to be successful (Bronfenbrebrenner, 1974)
  • 13. Models of Service Delivery: Find a balance Consultative Model Child Focused Model
  • 14. Not on the same page Different Perspectives
  • 15. Teacher and Family Perspective The therapist just plays with my child. They just sit and talk with me and do nothing with my child.This is all too overwhelming. I forget what to do after the therapist leaves. I don’t have time in my day to do this.
  • 16. Speech Pathologist Perspective Families don’t always follow through with my suggestions. I can’t get families to incorporate ideas into daily routines. I don’t have easily accessible resources to share with families. Many times families don’t keep appointments.
  • 18. 2. Understanding families • Demographics • Theoretical models of social systems • Factors affecting family involvement
  • 19. Demographics – using Texas as a case study
  • 20. Demographics – using Texas as a case study Video Review
  • 21. Demographics of Families Enrolled in ECI in Texas Research a. Economics b. Ethnicity c. Language d. Gender e. Reason Eligible f. Services on IFSP
  • 22. a. Economics • Percentage of ECI children receiving Medicaid ▫ 2006: 61% ▫ 2008: 60.3% • Families at 250% of the poverty level or lower ▫ Approximately 84%
  • 23. b. Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Percent Hispanic/Latino 47 White 38 Black/African American 12 Asian/Pacific Islander 2 American Indian/Alaskan <1
  • 24. c. Language Primary Language Percent English 81 Spanish 19 Other <1
  • 26. e. Reason Eligible Reason Eligible Percent Medical Diagnosis 11 Chromosomal Anomalies 35 Congenital Anomalies--Brain/Spinal Cord 16 Symptoms and Ill-Defined Conditions 14 Disorders of the Nervous System 12 Congenital Anomalies--Facial Clefts 9 Conditions Originating in Perinatal Period 7 Congenital Anomalies--Musculoskeletal 7 Developmental Delay 71 Atypical Development 18 Areas of Delay/Atypical Development Speech/Communication 67 Physical/Motor 43 Cognitive 26 Adaptive/Self-Help 21 Social/Emotional 16 Vision 2 Hearing 2 Children with more than one qualifying diagnosis 22 Children with more than one area of delay 37
  • 27. f. Services on IFSP Percent of Children with Planned Service Types Percent Service Coordination 100 Developmental Services 78 Speech Language Therapy 58 Occupational Therapy 32 Physical Therapy 25 Nutrition 12 Family Training/Counseling 5 Vision 3 Audiology 3 Psychological/Social Work 3 Medical/Nursing 1
  • 28. Theoretical Models on Social Systems Research a. Maslow’s Hierarchy of basic needs b. Kubler-Ross’ 5 stages of grief
  • 29. a. Maslow’s Hierarchy of basic needs
  • 30. b. Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief • Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
 • Anger (why is this happening to me?)
 • Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
 • Depression (I don't care anymore)
 • Acceptance (I’m ready for whatever comes)
  • 31. Research Findings Pertaining to Family Factors • Mothers with limited family support tend to withdraw from programs early (Luker & Chalmers, 1990) • Mothers engaged in family conflict show lower rates of involvement (Herzog, Cherniss, & Menzel, 1986) • Mothers engaged in substance abuse showed lower rates of involvement (Navaie-Waliser et al, 2000) • Mothers who are anticipating a change in residence also showed lower rates of participation (National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, 1996)
  • 32. Factors Affecting Family Involvement • Family Factors ▫ over which we have minimal influence but need to understand ▫ over which we have more influence • Minimal influence ▫ Social-emotional needs ▫ Economic needs ▫ Cultural parameters • More influence ▫ Education about disability ▫ Attendance ▫ Engagement in the intervention process
  • 33. Provider Factors Affecting Parent Involvement ▫ Consistency and reliability ▫ Quantity (amount of services) ▫ Recognizing your assumptions ▫ Understanding family needs ▫ Engaging all family members ▫ Ability to adjust strategies to match family style ▫ Communicating rationale for intervention techniques ▫ Clearly specifying what families should do between intervention sessions ▫ Setting expectations ▫ Staff communication ▫ Staff education and training ▫ Staff turnover rates
  • 34. Research Findings Pertaining to Provider Factors • The more services a child/family receives, the more progress the child makes • High staff turnover rates reduce family involvement ▫ Gomby (2007) • Quantity--There were some interesting studies that showed that white families received more services than others. Hispanics were rated as more engaged. African Americans received less child-focused activities. ▫ Wagner (2003)
  • 35. Case Study #1: Understanding Kubler- Ross’ stages of grief How would you work with a family that is in denial? Example Interventionist: Lets work on the word “more”. Parent: She says that. Interventionist: Great, how about the words, mom or dad? Parent: She says that too. Interventionist: She only says twenty words and she is two years old Parent: We understand what she wants
  • 36. Case Study #2: A client has been diagnosed with a receptive and expressive language disorder. How would you explain the rationale behind these suggestions and strategies? • Roll a ball back and forth with your child. • Add a word to what your child says and repeat the words back together. • Give your child more time to form a response.
  • 38. 3. Connecting Therapy to Reality Applying research to our family sessions
  • 39. How do we improve outcomes? We know it’s important, how do we do it? 1. Provide specific instructions 2. Provide a rationale 3. Keep it simple and consistent 4. Have it pertain to a family event or routine 5. Set expectations 6. Have something written 7. In their native language 8. Follow through • Make sure caregivers understand: ▫ WHAT? ▫ HOW? ▫ WHY? • Assess the caregivers • Give positive reinforcement • Take risks
  • 41. Daily Routines • 12 daily routines • Frequency and consistency • More natural • Extra time is not needed to implement strategies • Use objects in their environment as therapy materials
  • 42. Daily Routines in the Schools • 36 yearly units ▫ Colors ▫ Cowboys ▫ Zoo ▫ Etc. • Once per week
  • 43. Daily Routines •Each routine includes: • Speech/language focus • Examples of each strategy • Suggested target vocabulary and 6 pictures of signs • Homework sheet • Activity sheet •The amount of time spent on each routine varies
  • 47. • Improved communication and bonding (Goodwyn, Acredolo, & Brown, 2000; Tompson et al., 2007) • Children stop using sign when able to communicate orally (Pizer, Walters & Meier, 2007) • Provide visual support during language learning Language Development
  • 48. • Frequency and consistency • The more a child hears a phrase the more likely they are to use it • Use phrases that the child is able to imitate Language Development
  • 49. • Imitation is vital for speech and language development (Rogers & Williams, 2006) • Teach the child how to imitate, by imitating their sounds and movements Language Development
  • 50. • Each routine focuses on different vocabulary • Multisensory learning for language targets • Label objects, actions and descriptors • Repeat object labels – the more a child hears a word, the more likely they are to use it Language Development
  • 51. • Expand the child's utterances by adding semantic information or syntactic complexity can help their language grow. • It is important to keep phrases simple enough that your child can repeat them. Language Development
  • 53. • Visual, tactile and motor cues • Examples: ▫ Clap out syllables in words ▫ Put hand in front of mouth to feel air on plosives Speech Development
  • 54. • Auditory cues ▫ Emphasize specific sounds in words ▫ Melodic cues • Model appropriate speech production ▫ Break consonant clusters apart ▫ Model target words slowly with emphasis Speech Development
  • 55. • Imitate sounds in the environment • Repeat an incorrect production correctly, repeating the correct production several times Speech Development
  • 56. • Have a scavenger hunt • Label objects that begin with the same sound to increase phonological awareness Speech Development
  • 57. • Follow the hierarchy of speech production • Help parents measure small successes Speech Development
  • 58. Example by Brianne Ruhnke on Speech Development
  • 59. A case study of practical application Script for sample session 1. Review the plan and any progress 2. Select the strategy and daily routine 3. Model the strategy 4. Give the family time to practice the strategy
  • 62. What strategies could you observe? A. Sign B. Model C. Imitate D. Label E. Expand F. All of the above
  • 63. What strategies could you observe? A. Sign B. Model C. Imitate D. Label E. Expand F. All of the above
  • 64. What was the language focus, or targeted skill? A. Turn-taking B. Requests C. Two-word Utterances D. Describing E. Contrasting – Yes/No Questions
  • 65. What was the language focus, or targeted skill? A. Turn-taking B. Requests C. Two-word Utterances D. Describing E. Contrasting – Yes/No Questions
  • 66. What daily routine was being used? A. Bath time B. Greetings C. Bedtime D. Getting Dressed E. Story time
  • 67. What daily routine was being used? A. Bath time B. Greetings C. Bedtime D. Getting Dressed E. Story time
  • 72. Data Collection • What words or gestures does your child use? ▫ Greetings/Saludos:  Cuando saluda mueve la mano.  Translation: To give a greeting, he waves his hand. ▫ Getting Dressed/Vestirse:  Todavía no puede vestirse él solo. Le tengo que ayudar.  He still doesn’t get dressed on his own. I have to help him.
  • 73. Data Collection • What words or gestures does your child understand? ▫ Greetings/Saludos:  Sí entiende pero no puede pronunciarlas.  Translation: He does understand, but he can’t pronounce them. ▫ Getting Dressed/Vestirse:  No response
  • 75. Homework in the schools
  • 82. In Summary Therapeutic improvements can be realized by increasing parent and teacher involvement: 1. Provide specific instructions 2. Provide a rationale 3. Keep it simple and consistent 4. Have it pertain to a family event or routine 5. Set expectations 6. Have something written 7. In their native language 8. Follow through
  • 83. References • Goodwyn, Acredolo, & Brown (2000). Impact of symbolic gesturing on early language development. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 24, 81-103. • Kummerer, B., Lopez-Reyna, N.A., & Hughes, M.T. (2007). Mexican Immigrant Mothers’ Perceptions of Their Children’s Communication Disabilities, Emergent Literacy Development, and Speech-Language Therapy Program. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16, 271-282. • McWilliams, R. (2007). Early Intervention in Natural Environments. Retrieved February 5, 2008 from • Pizer, G., Walters, K., & Meier, R. P. (2007). Bringing up baby with baby signs: Language ideologies and socialization in hearing families. Sign Language Studies, 7 (4), 387-430. • Rogers, S. J., & Williams, J. H. G. (Eds.). (2006). Imitation and the Social Mind: Autism and Typical Development. New York: The Guliford Press. • Rogoff, B. (1990). Apprenticeship in Thinking. Oxford: Oxford University Press. • Thompson, R.H., Cotnoir-Bichelman, N.M., McKerchar, P.M., Tate, T.L., & Dancho, K.A. (2007). Enhancing early communication through infant sign training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 15-23. • Vygotsky, L. S. (1967). Play and its role in the mental development of the child. Soviet Psychology, 5, 6-18.