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1  sur  52
• The setting of goals, making plans and designing
  strategies to assure the accomplishment of objectives
  are all Islamic Sunnah.
• This is according to the Qur'an and the practice of
  Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
• Planning, therefore, must be at the center of a
  Muslim's life, in all his or her moral, political, social and
  economic activities.
• Unfortunately, this precious Sunnah, however, is not
  apparent in the lives and activities of the Muslims
• It is the absence of this Sunnah that has contributed
  much to our failures and suffering.
Planning in the Holy Qur'an
• The Holy Qur'an teaches the Muslims to be
  strategists and planners in their affairs.
• It shows this in a number of ways:
1. Through the stories of the prophets,
2. The law of Allah (swt) in nature
3. In praising the people of vision and foresight.
Prophet Musa (AS)
• . When Allah commanded Moses to go to Egypt and
  call the Pharaoh to God, Moses accepted the order
  and spelled out his plans


• "Moses said: Oh my Lord! Expand my chest (with
  faith, knowledge and affection); ease my task for me; and
  remove the impediment from my speech, so they may
  understand what I say: and give me a minister of my
  family, Aaron, my brother; add to my strength through
  him, and make him share my task." Taha, 20:25-32
Three major elements of Musa’s plan
1. Moses prepared himself for Dawah by his
   willingness to open his heart and mind to receive
   deeper faith and wisdom
2. The second element in Prophet Moses' planning
   was to deal with a problem of communication
3. Third element in Moses' plan was a matter of
   logistics and support: human elements and tools
   required to support him in carrying out his
   mission. For this reason, his plan included his
   brother Aaron.
Prophets Ibrahim, Isaac and Jacob
• The plans drawn by Prophet Abraham (p) in
  building the Kaaba, and earlier, in breaking the
  idols, are fascinating.
• Prophet Jacob (p) plans in sending his sons to find
  their brothers Joseph and Benjamin, are
  inspirations for Muslims to plan their tasks and
  affairs wisely.

• "And commemorate Our servants Abraham, Isaac, and
  Jacob, possessors of power and vision...they were, in Our Sight, of
  the company of the Elect and Good.“ Saad,45-47
Plans of Allah (swt) in His creation

• "Verily, all things have We created in (planned)
  proportion and measure.“ Al Qamar, ayah, 49

• "No misfortune can happen on earth or in your
  souls but is recorded in a plan before We bring it
  into existence.“ Hadid:22
A Good Plan is like Goodly
Word like Goodly Tree

•   "See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? A goodly word like a goodly
    tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens. It
    brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord….and the parable of
    an evil word is that of an evil tree; it is uprooted from the surface of the
    earth: it has no stability. Allah will establish in strength those who believe
    with the word that stands firm, in this world and in the Hereafter.“
Planning in the Sunnah
• For his migration to Yathrib (Medina), we see many
  instances of his careful and well thought-out planning
  at every step of the way
• He devised a secret plan with his closest companion
• Abdullah Ibn Uraqitt, a guide was hired for the journey
• A camel load of food and drinks was prepared
• Asma, Abu-Bakr's daughter and her brother Abdullah
  were to provide him and their father with food and
  news in their hiding place
• 'Aamir Ibn Faheerah was to graze the heard of sheep
  behind Asma' or Abdullah to destroy their foot prints
• They headed south instead of north and hid in the cave
  of Thour south of Makkah for 3 days
Caliph, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
• "For your worldly affairs, construct your plans based
  on the assumption that you are going to live forever

• As for the work reserved for the Hereafter,
  construct your plans based on the assumption that
  you are going to die tomorrow."
What is planning?
• Planning is a way of charting our course to get to
  our goals.
• On the way to our goal, we tend to get off the
  highway into the side streets.
• Planning and then controlling keeps us on the
• If we fail to plan, we plan to fail.
Process of planning
Benefits of a Plan
Organizational Goals
• Goal is a desired state of affairs which the
  organization attempts to realize
• This is affected in part by the goals of :
1. Elected leadership,
2. Rank and file membership
3. Muslim community in general
• Goals of Islamic organization are based upon:
1. Injunctions of Quran
2. Teachings of the Prophet (SAW)
3. Practice of the Shura in the organization
                  Types of Plans
             Individual                                        Organization

    Personal              Family           Society             Strat   Tactic
                                                               -egic    -al
                                                                or      or
    K                 L                R           O   P   i
                                                               Long    Short
I   n   S         H   i
                                           D   M   u
                                                               Term    Term
            T                      e
b   o   k   i M
                  e   f                l
                                           a   u   t
                                                       t   M
                                   r                   i
    w             a   e                a                   a
a       i   m o                    s           s   r   c

        l   e n
                  l   s
                                       t   w   l   e
    e             t   t                i               a
              e                    n
a   d   l   & y
                  h   y
                                       o   a   i   a   t
    g             y   l                n       m   c       i
h   e   s             e
                                       s   h           o
                                                   h   n
I-Personal Development Plan
• Principles of Success in Islam
 Obeying Allah (SWT) and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (saw)
    Allah, the Exalted, says “... whoso obeys Allah and His (Prophetic) Messenger, He
(Allah) will make him enter Gardens (in Paradise) underneath which rivers flow, to
abide therein. And that is the great success.” (4:13)

 Desiring the reward of the Hereafter
   “Whosoever desires (by his deeds) the reward of the Hereafter, We give him
increase in his reward, and whosoever desires the reward of this world (by his deeds),
We give him thereof (what is decreed for him), and he has no portion in the
Hereafter.” (42:20)

 Small actions done with consistency
   A'isha (ra) said that Rasulullah (saw) said : "The deeds most loved by Allah SWT (are
those) done regularly, even if they are small". (Bukhari, Muslim )

 Allah SWT will judge hearts and actions
   Abu Hurayra 'Abdu'r-Rahman ibn Sakhr said that the Messenger of Allah (saw), said,
"Allah does not look at your bodies nor your forms but He looks at your hearts and
your actions
Conditions for the Deeds to be accepted
 Actions are but by intentions
• 'Umar b. al-Khattab narrated that the Prophet (S) said: Deeds
  are [a result] only of the intentions [of the actor],and an
  individual is [rewarded] only according to that which he
  intends…” (Bukhari and Muslim)
 Self-Control and Purification of the Nafs (soul, the psyche,
  the ego, self, heart or mind) “By the Soul, and the proportion
  and order given to it; And its enlightenment as to its wrong
  and its right;- Truly he succeeds that purifies it, And he fails
  that corrupts it!” (Qur’an 91: 7-10)
 Qalb-e-Saleem (Immaculate Conscience)
• “The day on which property will not avail, nor sons. Except
  him who comes to Allah with a heart free (from evil).” (26:88-
Value of Time
• The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to divide his
  time in three main portions at home:
• o Time for Devotion to Allah SWT
• o Time for Family Needs
• o Time for Personal Needs (divided into 2 parts)
Other people
  Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "There are two
things that people are not aware of how important
they are: health and time."
A Muslim’s responsibilities towards time
•   1. Ensuring benefit from time
•   2. Utilizing leisure time
•   3. Racing for good deeds
•   4. Learning from the passage of time
•   5. Seeking the superior times
•   6. Planning and organizing time
•   7. Fulfillment of time commitments
•   8. Necessary awareness of time wasters
•   I, ____________________ make a commitment to myself in _________ (year)
•   to set on a life-long journey of self-development with a sincere commitment to
•   improve myself in all areas of my life and to work towards attaining my ultimate
•   goal: ______________________________________________________________
•   By developing a self-development plan that includes Tazkiyah-al-Nafs
•   (Purification of the Soul), Tarbiyah (Character Development), Taleem
•   (Knowledge), Taffakur and Tadabbur (Reflection and Contemplation) I want to
•   ensure my success in both this life and the Hereafter.
•   I commit to:
•   Being honest in my evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses
•   Reviewing my goals on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis
•   Staying focused and avoiding a self-defeated attitude
•   Seeking guidance from Quran and Sunnah
•   Supplicating for steadfastness and patience
•   Seeking assistance through Salah
•   Acting on the knowledge I gain and propagating it
•   Date Signed: _________________ (d/m/y)
•   Contractor Signature: ___________________
Personal Development areas
• Ibadah             Salah (Prayer)
                     Zakat (Charity)
                      Fasting (Sawm)
                      Hajj (Pilgrimage)
•   Increasing Islamic Knowledge
•   Building Personal Skills
•   Time & Money Sacrifices
•   Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
•   Reading Books (Focus: Individual)
•    Family Development
•    Reading Books (Focus: Family)
•    One-to-One Relationships,
     Muslim and Non-Muslim
•    Social Responsibility / Dawah Activities
•    Reaching out to other Muslims
•    Participating in the Muslim Community
•    Reading Books (Focus: Society)
SALAT (Prayer)
                                           Current   6       Level    1 yr   Level
                                           Status    month   Achieved goal   Achieved

Fard (obligatory) Salat

Juma’h (Friday) Salat

Salat in Jama’ah (congregation)

Quality of Salat

Other aspects of my Salat I want to improve
Meanings of Duas (prayers) read in Salat

Sunnah (recommended) Prayers
                                    Current   6       Level    1 year   Level
                                    status    month   achieved goal     achieved

Have I calculated my Zakat?

When will I give Zakat this year?

How will I distribute my Zakat?

How many fasts do I keep during

Have I performed the Hajj?

When will I perform the Hajj?
Additional opportunities I want to strive to
                                 Current   6       Level    1 yr   Level
                                 Status    month   Achieved goal   Achieved

Fasts on the 9/10 or 10/11 of
Fast on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah

Six Days in the month of
Performing Umrah

Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque
                                          Current   6 month   Level      1 year   Level
                                          status    goal      achieved   goal     achieved
Quran Reading on a weekly basis
Arabic recitation of the Quran
Pronounciation of the Surah
Biography of the Prophet
Islamic History
Islamic Magazines

Other ways I plan to increase my knowledge of Islam
Study of Hadeeth
Study of Islamic Literature
Studying the commentaries of the
Memorizing recommended Duas
(prayers) read during the course of the
Working together with others to increase
             our knowledge
• Whether with a friend or a teacher, much can be
  gained when working together
• Encouraging each other
• Reminding each other to continue to work towards
  our goals.   Comments:

• Keep track of the people and what progress they
  have helped with
Who I’ve Studied With      Topic(s)   Began   Ended Achieved?
                                                               Current   1 year   Level
                                                               status    goal     achieved

Can I give a speech or lead a study circle session?

Can I plan/research material for a speech or

Can I plan/research material for a speech or
Do I feel comfortable asking for information?
How are my writing skills?
How are my reading skills?
Do I communicate or write to the elected leaders?
How are my Internet skills?
Am I comfortable initiating/maintaining informal discussions
• Time Sacrifices
      I need to…    By doing…   Began   Succeeded   Continuing
                                        by…         by…

Money Sacrifices
       I need to…   By doing…   Began   Succeeded   Continuing
                                        by…         by…
                                                    Current   1 year   Level
                                                    status    goal     achieved
Do I have an exercise program in place?
How much walking do I do?
Is my diet balanced?
How should I change my diet to better balance it?
Which sports do I regularly participate in?
What outdoor activities do I do?
Do I smoke or use any tobacco products?
Do I have regular medical checkups/consultations?
Do I wear a seatbelt?
Do I promote healthy lifestyles?

Other activities I plan to develop
                                          Current   6        Level    1 year   Level
                                          status    month    achieved goal     achieved
Family Discussion on Islam
Praying Together
Reducing Watching TV
Discussing problems/issues of members
Reducing ‘distance’ between members
Knowing every member’s activities
Distribution of responsibilities
Encouraging Family Members to Improvements
               Who                      Working on …        Began    6         1 year
                                                                     month     level
•   Develop and build relationships that create:
•   Dialogs with non-Muslims
•   Help fellow Muslims improve themselves.
•   Keep track of the progress of discussions,
•   Note the ‘successes’ and the ‘difficulties; in each
Name:                         Type of Relationship:
Subjects Discussed
Progress Made
Problem Areas
• As American Muslims, we must do what we can for
  the betterment of the society in which we live.
• There are many ‘causes’ we can volunteer time for ,
  donate some money , or merely participate in.
• Keep track of involvement/participation below
        Cause/Task            Benefiting whom?   Date
                                              Current   6       Level    1 year   Level
                                              status    month   achieved goal     achieved
How often do I go to the masjid weekly?

How many Salah I perform with
congregation daily?
How often do I go to an Islamic lecture
How often do I invite Muslims to my home
per month?
How often do I visit other Muslims’
homes per month?

How often do I participate in activities at
the masjid per month?
How many Islamic organizations do I belong
Types of Plans
• A- Strategic or Long Term Plan:
• Lays down organization’s primary direction and
• Make decisions systematically with knowledge of
  their future impact
• Organizing efforts needed to carry out decisions
• Measuring results of the decisions against
  expectations through regular feed back
• Keep in mind the organization’s external
  environment shaped by social, political and
  economic factors
Two Sets of Factors for Strategic Plans
A- Uncontrollable Factors       B-Controllable Factors

Population Trends               Budget Allowances

Political Issues                Dawah Priorities

                   Strategic Planning Process
Stages in Formulating & Implementing
Strategic Plan
The benefits of strategic planning
• •Clearly defining the purpose of an organization and
  establishing realistic goals and objectives.
• •Providing a structured document to communicate the
  intentions of the organization to members
• •Providing an action plan with systematic identification of
  the time, resources, skills and abilities required to achieve
• •Providing a rationale and understanding for the potential
  impact of the plan and its objectives.
• •Developing realistic goals and objectives to strive for.
• •Developing strong values that define what your
  organization stands for.
• •A framework for structuring divisions, departments and
  teams to suit your organizations goals and objectives
B-Tactical or Short Range Planning
• Provide year to year guidelines for the operations of
  the organization
• Delineates step by step methodology by which they
  are to be carried out
• It supports strategic plan and provides charter
  related to future
• It can be broken down into very specific targets or
  immediate action plans lasting 1-30 days
• We must plan for the entire
  organization and each unit. Both must

  be compatible                                             CENTER
• Planning process works in two ways:
1. Top to bottom-Mission determines
   the planning framework and
                                                         ZONAL UNITS
   priorities. This is to be communicated

   to the units.
2. Bottom to top-Knowing members
                                                        REGIONAL UNITS
   and units needs and roles determines
   activity at grass root level. This info is
   woven into unit plan. It is sent to the
   center. Unit plans are reflected in                  LOCAL UNITS
   central plan.
MBO (Management by objectives)planning
• MBO determines: Who is going to do What, How
  and When
4 Steps to MBP Planning
• A-Prepare:
a. State the objectives clearly and specifically
b. Collect facts, data, opinions and experiences of
   others which bear on these objectives
c. Consult with those involved with the plan or its
   execution, directly or indirectly.
d. Consult with other knowledgeable or original
   thinkers who may not be involved.
a. Analyze all the data and construct scenarios with
   every possible consequence. Do not let the limited
   resources put constraints upon you at this stage.
   Resources can be expanded.
b. Develop alternate courses of actions. Each course
   of action must lead to desired objectives
c. Evaluate alternatives and choose the best
d. Consider availability of resources, present and
e. Set standards which are realistic, feasible and for
   which you could gather measurable data
a. Decide who will be directly or remotely involved
   with the plan using information gathered about
   the targeted audience.
b. Select and implement the best methods to
   communicate the plan to them.
c. Check and be sure that everyone involved
   understands the accepts the plan.
d. Allow flexibility in the way the plan assignments
   are carried out.
a. Set up check points to evaluate the program. Are
   we on target or not?
b. Compare actual results with anticipated ones.
c. Be sure to distinguish between deviations caused
   by uncontrollable factors and those caused by
   inadequate implementation of plan.
d. Take remedial actions when necessary. Revise
   current targets if not achievable or change the
   whole plan if needed.
Effectiveness of Planning
• Pre Planning Considerations:
a. We can not plan to do more than our projected
b. We must be bold in breaking new grounds and
   conceiving new programs for the coming years
• Centralized and Decentralized Planning
a. Centralized- This is a pyramid process. President
   sets goals, standards, results expected , provides
   info and training the members need, explain
   procedures for action, develops and improves
   current methodology and applies discipline to
   ensure that everyone implements overall plan.
B-Decentralized Plan
• President and governing body consult with
  membership at various stages of planning
• Information is freely accessible
• Training is more of a supervised on the job learning
• Members are not forced out of the organization if
  they make mistakes
• They are strongly urged to learn from their
Characteristics of Effective Plans
1. Plan is to be specific to motivate the members to
   concrete action
2. Plans must be action oriented neither too easy not
   too difficult.
3. Plans must be flexible. Greater the number of
   uncontrollable factors the more flexible the plan.
4. Plans must be consistent with the goals of the
   Muslim community at large
Tips for Effective Planning
• Plans that are carried out are made by people who will
  be responsible for their execution
• All participants must share common world view
• Planners must focus first on what rather on how.
• Planning chair should withhold addressing how till the
  planning group is excited about the evident needs and
  the future opportunities.
• It is important to identify truly fundamental goals and
  design few basic strategies to achieve them
• Planning demands research and deep thinking
• To benefit from plan remember *Plan*Do*Check
• Plan must be designed to yield results within
  constraints of *Time*People*Money*Value Systems
The Q 8 Scheme
• In order to prepare an action plan following 8
  questions are to be answered.
1. What- is the objective of this planning effort?
2. Why is this objective meaningful?
3. Who is the implementer and audience of the plan?
4. How will they achieve objectives and evaluate?
5. When will the implementation be most effective?
6. Where will the activity/event be most effective?
7. At what cost, in people, time, money will it work?
8. To what benefit, overall, is the plan directed?
Planning in islamic Organization

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Similaire à Planning in islamic Organization

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Planning in islamic Organization

  • 1.
  • 2. INTRODUCTION • The setting of goals, making plans and designing strategies to assure the accomplishment of objectives are all Islamic Sunnah. • This is according to the Qur'an and the practice of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). • Planning, therefore, must be at the center of a Muslim's life, in all his or her moral, political, social and economic activities. • Unfortunately, this precious Sunnah, however, is not apparent in the lives and activities of the Muslims today. • It is the absence of this Sunnah that has contributed much to our failures and suffering.
  • 3. Planning in the Holy Qur'an • The Holy Qur'an teaches the Muslims to be strategists and planners in their affairs. • It shows this in a number of ways: 1. Through the stories of the prophets, 2. The law of Allah (swt) in nature 3. In praising the people of vision and foresight.
  • 4. Prophet Musa (AS) • . When Allah commanded Moses to go to Egypt and call the Pharaoh to God, Moses accepted the order and spelled out his plans • • "Moses said: Oh my Lord! Expand my chest (with faith, knowledge and affection); ease my task for me; and remove the impediment from my speech, so they may understand what I say: and give me a minister of my family, Aaron, my brother; add to my strength through him, and make him share my task." Taha, 20:25-32
  • 5. Three major elements of Musa’s plan 1. Moses prepared himself for Dawah by his willingness to open his heart and mind to receive deeper faith and wisdom 2. The second element in Prophet Moses' planning was to deal with a problem of communication 3. Third element in Moses' plan was a matter of logistics and support: human elements and tools required to support him in carrying out his mission. For this reason, his plan included his brother Aaron.
  • 6. Prophets Ibrahim, Isaac and Jacob • The plans drawn by Prophet Abraham (p) in building the Kaaba, and earlier, in breaking the idols, are fascinating. • Prophet Jacob (p) plans in sending his sons to find their brothers Joseph and Benjamin, are inspirations for Muslims to plan their tasks and affairs wisely. • "And commemorate Our servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, possessors of power and vision...they were, in Our Sight, of the company of the Elect and Good.“ Saad,45-47
  • 7. Plans of Allah (swt) in His creation • "Verily, all things have We created in (planned) proportion and measure.“ Al Qamar, ayah, 49 • "No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a plan before We bring it into existence.“ Hadid:22
  • 8. A Good Plan is like Goodly Word like Goodly Tree • "See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? A goodly word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens. It brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord….and the parable of an evil word is that of an evil tree; it is uprooted from the surface of the earth: it has no stability. Allah will establish in strength those who believe with the word that stands firm, in this world and in the Hereafter.“ Ibrahim,24-27
  • 9. Planning in the Sunnah • For his migration to Yathrib (Medina), we see many instances of his careful and well thought-out planning at every step of the way • He devised a secret plan with his closest companion • Abdullah Ibn Uraqitt, a guide was hired for the journey • A camel load of food and drinks was prepared • Asma, Abu-Bakr's daughter and her brother Abdullah were to provide him and their father with food and news in their hiding place • 'Aamir Ibn Faheerah was to graze the heard of sheep behind Asma' or Abdullah to destroy their foot prints • They headed south instead of north and hid in the cave of Thour south of Makkah for 3 days
  • 10. Caliph, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab • "For your worldly affairs, construct your plans based on the assumption that you are going to live forever • As for the work reserved for the Hereafter, construct your plans based on the assumption that you are going to die tomorrow."
  • 11. What is planning? • Planning is a way of charting our course to get to our goals. • On the way to our goal, we tend to get off the highway into the side streets. • Planning and then controlling keeps us on the course • If we fail to plan, we plan to fail.
  • 14. Organizational Goals • Goal is a desired state of affairs which the organization attempts to realize • This is affected in part by the goals of : 1. Elected leadership, 2. Rank and file membership 3. Muslim community in general • Goals of Islamic organization are based upon: 1. Injunctions of Quran 2. Teachings of the Prophet (SAW) 3. Practice of the Shura in the organization
  • 15. Plans Types of Plans Individual Organization Personal Family Society Strat Tactic -egic -al or or K L R O P i Long Short I n S H i P e D M u a r n Term Term T e b o k i M e f l a u t t M r i w a e a a a i m o s s r c d l l e n l s o t w l e i p s e t t i a a e n a d l & y h y a o a i a t i j g y l n m c i h e s e l s h o d h n
  • 16. I-Personal Development Plan • Principles of Success in Islam  Obeying Allah (SWT) and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (saw) Allah, the Exalted, says “... whoso obeys Allah and His (Prophetic) Messenger, He (Allah) will make him enter Gardens (in Paradise) underneath which rivers flow, to abide therein. And that is the great success.” (4:13)  Desiring the reward of the Hereafter “Whosoever desires (by his deeds) the reward of the Hereafter, We give him increase in his reward, and whosoever desires the reward of this world (by his deeds), We give him thereof (what is decreed for him), and he has no portion in the Hereafter.” (42:20)  Small actions done with consistency A'isha (ra) said that Rasulullah (saw) said : "The deeds most loved by Allah SWT (are those) done regularly, even if they are small". (Bukhari, Muslim )  Allah SWT will judge hearts and actions Abu Hurayra 'Abdu'r-Rahman ibn Sakhr said that the Messenger of Allah (saw), said, "Allah does not look at your bodies nor your forms but He looks at your hearts and your actions
  • 17. Conditions for the Deeds to be accepted  Actions are but by intentions • 'Umar b. al-Khattab narrated that the Prophet (S) said: Deeds are [a result] only of the intentions [of the actor],and an individual is [rewarded] only according to that which he intends…” (Bukhari and Muslim)  Self-Control and Purification of the Nafs (soul, the psyche, the ego, self, heart or mind) “By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it; And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;- Truly he succeeds that purifies it, And he fails that corrupts it!” (Qur’an 91: 7-10)  Qalb-e-Saleem (Immaculate Conscience) • “The day on which property will not avail, nor sons. Except him who comes to Allah with a heart free (from evil).” (26:88- 89)
  • 18. Value of Time • The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to divide his time in three main portions at home: • o Time for Devotion to Allah SWT • o Time for Family Needs • o Time for Personal Needs (divided into 2 parts) Self Other people Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "There are two things that people are not aware of how important they are: health and time."
  • 19. A Muslim’s responsibilities towards time • 1. Ensuring benefit from time • 2. Utilizing leisure time • 3. Racing for good deeds • 4. Learning from the passage of time • 5. Seeking the superior times • 6. Planning and organizing time • 7. Fulfillment of time commitments • 8. Necessary awareness of time wasters
  • 20. CONTRACT FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT • I, ____________________ make a commitment to myself in _________ (year) • to set on a life-long journey of self-development with a sincere commitment to • improve myself in all areas of my life and to work towards attaining my ultimate • goal: ______________________________________________________________ • By developing a self-development plan that includes Tazkiyah-al-Nafs • (Purification of the Soul), Tarbiyah (Character Development), Taleem • (Knowledge), Taffakur and Tadabbur (Reflection and Contemplation) I want to • ensure my success in both this life and the Hereafter. • I commit to: • Being honest in my evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses • Reviewing my goals on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis • Staying focused and avoiding a self-defeated attitude • Seeking guidance from Quran and Sunnah • Supplicating for steadfastness and patience • Seeking assistance through Salah • Acting on the knowledge I gain and propagating it • Date Signed: _________________ (d/m/y) • Contractor Signature: ___________________
  • 21. Personal Development areas A-Individual • Ibadah Salah (Prayer) Zakat (Charity) Fasting (Sawm) Hajj (Pilgrimage) • Increasing Islamic Knowledge • Building Personal Skills • Time & Money Sacrifices • Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle • Reading Books (Focus: Individual)
  • 22. B-Family: • Family Development • Reading Books (Focus: Family) C-Society • One-to-One Relationships, Muslim and Non-Muslim • Social Responsibility / Dawah Activities • Reaching out to other Muslims • Participating in the Muslim Community • Reading Books (Focus: Society)
  • 23. SALAT (Prayer) Current 6 Level 1 yr Level Status month Achieved goal Achieved goal Fard (obligatory) Salat Juma’h (Friday) Salat Salat in Jama’ah (congregation) Quality of Salat Other aspects of my Salat I want to improve Comments: Meanings of Duas (prayers) read in Salat Sunnah (recommended) Prayers
  • 24. ZAKAT, SAWM (Fasting), HAJJ Current 6 Level 1 year Level status month achieved goal achieved goal Have I calculated my Zakat? When will I give Zakat this year? How will I distribute my Zakat? How many fasts do I keep during Ramadan? Have I performed the Hajj? When will I perform the Hajj?
  • 25. Additional opportunities I want to strive to include Current 6 Level 1 yr Level Status month Achieved goal Achieved goal Fasts on the 9/10 or 10/11 of Muharram Fast on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah Six Days in the month of Shawwal Performing Umrah Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque
  • 26. INCREASING ISLAMIC KNOWLEDGE Current 6 month Level 1 year Level status goal achieved goal achieved Quran Reading on a weekly basis Arabic recitation of the Quran Pronounciation of the Surah Biography of the Prophet Islamic History Islamic Magazines Other ways I plan to increase my knowledge of Islam Study of Hadeeth Study of Islamic Literature Studying the commentaries of the Quran Memorizing recommended Duas (prayers) read during the course of the day
  • 27. Working together with others to increase our knowledge • Whether with a friend or a teacher, much can be gained when working together • Encouraging each other • Reminding each other to continue to work towards our goals. Comments: • Keep track of the people and what progress they have helped with Who I’ve Studied With Topic(s) Began Ended Achieved?
  • 28. BUILDING PERSONAL SKILLS Current 1 year Level status goal achieved Can I give a speech or lead a study circle session? Can I plan/research material for a speech or discussion? Can I plan/research material for a speech or discussion? Do I feel comfortable asking for information? How are my writing skills? How are my reading skills? Do I communicate or write to the elected leaders? How are my Internet skills? Am I comfortable initiating/maintaining informal discussions
  • 29. TIME & MONEY SACRIFICES • Time Sacrifices I need to… By doing… Began Succeeded Continuing by… by… Money Sacrifices I need to… By doing… Began Succeeded Continuing by… by…
  • 30. MAINTAINING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Current 1 year Level status goal achieved Do I have an exercise program in place? How much walking do I do? Is my diet balanced? How should I change my diet to better balance it? Which sports do I regularly participate in? What outdoor activities do I do? Do I smoke or use any tobacco products? Do I have regular medical checkups/consultations? Do I wear a seatbelt? Do I promote healthy lifestyles? Other activities I plan to develop
  • 31. FAMILY Current 6 Level 1 year Level status month achieved goal achieved goal Family Discussion on Islam Praying Together Reducing Watching TV Discussing problems/issues of members Reducing ‘distance’ between members Knowing every member’s activities Distribution of responsibilities Encouraging Family Members to Improvements Who Working on … Began 6 1 year month level level
  • 32. ONE-TO-ONE RELATIONSHIPS • Develop and build relationships that create: • Dialogs with non-Muslims • Help fellow Muslims improve themselves. • Keep track of the progress of discussions, • Note the ‘successes’ and the ‘difficulties; in each relationship Name: Type of Relationship: Non- Muslim/Friend/Coworker/Neighbor/Family Subjects Discussed Progress Made Problem Areas Comments:
  • 33. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY / DAWA ACTIVITIES • As American Muslims, we must do what we can for the betterment of the society in which we live. • There are many ‘causes’ we can volunteer time for , donate some money , or merely participate in. • Keep track of involvement/participation below Cause/Task Benefiting whom? Date
  • 34. REACHING OUT TO OTHER MUSLIMS Current 6 Level 1 year Level status month achieved goal achieved goal How often do I go to the masjid weekly? How many Salah I perform with congregation daily? How often do I go to an Islamic lecture (monthly)? How often do I invite Muslims to my home per month? How often do I visit other Muslims’ homes per month? How often do I participate in activities at the masjid per month? How many Islamic organizations do I belong to?
  • 35. Types of Plans • A- Strategic or Long Term Plan: • Lays down organization’s primary direction and priorities • Make decisions systematically with knowledge of their future impact • Organizing efforts needed to carry out decisions • Measuring results of the decisions against expectations through regular feed back • Keep in mind the organization’s external environment shaped by social, political and economic factors
  • 36.
  • 37. Two Sets of Factors for Strategic Plans A- Uncontrollable Factors B-Controllable Factors Population Trends Budget Allowances Political Issues Dawah Priorities Strategic Planning Process
  • 38. Stages in Formulating & Implementing Strategic Plan
  • 39. The benefits of strategic planning • •Clearly defining the purpose of an organization and establishing realistic goals and objectives. • •Providing a structured document to communicate the intentions of the organization to members • •Providing an action plan with systematic identification of the time, resources, skills and abilities required to achieve targets. • •Providing a rationale and understanding for the potential impact of the plan and its objectives. • •Developing realistic goals and objectives to strive for. • •Developing strong values that define what your organization stands for. • •A framework for structuring divisions, departments and teams to suit your organizations goals and objectives
  • 40. B-Tactical or Short Range Planning • Provide year to year guidelines for the operations of the organization • Delineates step by step methodology by which they are to be carried out • It supports strategic plan and provides charter related to future • It can be broken down into very specific targets or immediate action plans lasting 1-30 days
  • 41. Jurisdiction • We must plan for the entire organization and each unit. Both must MISSION be compatible CENTER • Planning process works in two ways: 1. Top to bottom-Mission determines the planning framework and ZONAL UNITS priorities. This is to be communicated NEEDS to the units. 2. Bottom to top-Knowing members REGIONAL UNITS and units needs and roles determines activity at grass root level. This info is woven into unit plan. It is sent to the center. Unit plans are reflected in LOCAL UNITS central plan.
  • 42. MBO (Management by objectives)planning • MBO determines: Who is going to do What, How and When
  • 43. 4 Steps to MBP Planning • A-Prepare: a. State the objectives clearly and specifically b. Collect facts, data, opinions and experiences of others which bear on these objectives c. Consult with those involved with the plan or its execution, directly or indirectly. d. Consult with other knowledgeable or original thinkers who may not be involved.
  • 44. B-Decide a. Analyze all the data and construct scenarios with every possible consequence. Do not let the limited resources put constraints upon you at this stage. Resources can be expanded. b. Develop alternate courses of actions. Each course of action must lead to desired objectives c. Evaluate alternatives and choose the best d. Consider availability of resources, present and potential e. Set standards which are realistic, feasible and for which you could gather measurable data
  • 45. C-Communicate a. Decide who will be directly or remotely involved with the plan using information gathered about the targeted audience. b. Select and implement the best methods to communicate the plan to them. c. Check and be sure that everyone involved understands the accepts the plan. d. Allow flexibility in the way the plan assignments are carried out.
  • 46. D-Control a. Set up check points to evaluate the program. Are we on target or not? b. Compare actual results with anticipated ones. c. Be sure to distinguish between deviations caused by uncontrollable factors and those caused by inadequate implementation of plan. d. Take remedial actions when necessary. Revise current targets if not achievable or change the whole plan if needed.
  • 47. Effectiveness of Planning • Pre Planning Considerations: a. We can not plan to do more than our projected resources b. We must be bold in breaking new grounds and conceiving new programs for the coming years • Centralized and Decentralized Planning a. Centralized- This is a pyramid process. President sets goals, standards, results expected , provides info and training the members need, explain procedures for action, develops and improves current methodology and applies discipline to ensure that everyone implements overall plan.
  • 48. B-Decentralized Plan • President and governing body consult with membership at various stages of planning • Information is freely accessible • Training is more of a supervised on the job learning type. • Members are not forced out of the organization if they make mistakes • They are strongly urged to learn from their mistakes.
  • 49. Characteristics of Effective Plans 1. Plan is to be specific to motivate the members to concrete action 2. Plans must be action oriented neither too easy not too difficult. 3. Plans must be flexible. Greater the number of uncontrollable factors the more flexible the plan. 4. Plans must be consistent with the goals of the Muslim community at large
  • 50. Tips for Effective Planning • Plans that are carried out are made by people who will be responsible for their execution • All participants must share common world view • Planners must focus first on what rather on how. • Planning chair should withhold addressing how till the planning group is excited about the evident needs and the future opportunities. • It is important to identify truly fundamental goals and design few basic strategies to achieve them • Planning demands research and deep thinking • To benefit from plan remember *Plan*Do*Check • Plan must be designed to yield results within constraints of *Time*People*Money*Value Systems
  • 51. The Q 8 Scheme • In order to prepare an action plan following 8 questions are to be answered. 1. What- is the objective of this planning effort? 2. Why is this objective meaningful? 3. Who is the implementer and audience of the plan? 4. How will they achieve objectives and evaluate? 5. When will the implementation be most effective? 6. Where will the activity/event be most effective? 7. At what cost, in people, time, money will it work? 8. To what benefit, overall, is the plan directed?