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The Modern
Real Sales Plays You
Can Start Tomorrow
The modern outbould play incorporates a true
multi-channel approach: email, phone calls, video,
and most importantly, LinkedIn.
Before we dive into the five plays outlined step-by-step
for different use cases and audiences that you can start
tomorrow (don’t skip ahead just yet!), this playbook will
cover a few key components to level-up and modernize
your outbound practices.
What we’re noticing is there are more channels available
and yet underutilized by Sales teams and more techniques
only some organizations are trying. When it comes to
outbound strategy, by the time Sales teams incorporate
the “latest” trend or play, it’s actually quickly on its way
to being overdone and organizations on the forefront are
testing and seeing results with something new.
Getting creative with your outbound tactics is just one but
critical piece in helping your Sales organization modernize
their sales strategies and frameworks.
That’s where The Modern Outbound Playbook comes in.
If you’re not purposefully creating outbound plays using
the four components to modern outbound outlined in this
ebook, then one of two things is likely happening:
1.	 Your outbound campaigns aren’t successful and you
don’t know why.
2.	 Your outbound campaigns are successful and you
don’t know why.
Before you jump ahead to the plays, make sure you cover how to identify
and find your audience, what a true multi-channel approach looks like, best
practices per channel, and places to look to help you craft your message.
What’s in a modern outbound playbook?
the right Target Audience
the right Multi-Channel Approach
the right Time to Send & Connect
the right Messaging
the right PLAYS
Targeting & Tiering
01.1 Prospecting Research
01.2 Tiering Prospects & Accounts
01.3 Sequence Length + Personalization
Multi-Channel Approach &
Messaging Best Practices
02.1 Cold Email 101
02.2 Cold Calling 101
02.3 LinkedIn & LinkedIn Sales Navigator 201
02.4 Video in Outbound 201
The Plays
03.1 Customer Obsessed
03.2 Personalize with LinkedIn
03.3 Previous Customer
03.4 The Video Play
03.5 Warm/Active Nurture
& Tiering
What we’ll cover:
•	 Prospecting Research: Where to Look &
What to Look For
•	 Tiering Prospects & Accounts: Tier 1, 2, and 3
•	 Sequence Length + Personalization: Bucket
by ICP
Prospecting & Research
•	 LinkedIn
•	 Company Website
•	 Data validation tool
•	 Stock Market
•	 Twitter
•	 Facebook
•	 Instagram
•	 Crunchbase
•	 Owler
•	 Company news that
is in alignment with
your value prop
•	 Recent job
•	 Personalized
•	 Case Studies
•	 Customer Stories
•	 Media Exposure
Tiering Prospects & Accounts
Creating Tiered Outbound Plays:
Outreach strategies and sequences should
be developed and scaled based
on account tiers.
Tiering your book will help teams
to better prioritize and spend more time
on priority prospects that need more
personalized attention and more touches.
Receive more high-touch, personalized
outreach and merit more detailed
account planning.
Receive a mix of personalized and
templated outreach.
Receive templated, automated,
and built for scale outreach.
Level of
and slight automation
Mix of personalization
and automation
Slight personalization
and high-automation
Prospect Priority
One at a time:
Overlapping: working
multiple prospects at a
Batch: multiple
prospects at multiple
companies fitting
similar criteria
Email, Call, Video
Email, Call, LinkedIn Email, LinkedIn
Frequency 6-8/week 3-5/week 1-2 week
Length of
2-3 weeks then nurture 4 weeks then nurture 5 weeks then nurture
Sequence Length + Personalization
Unique to the economy today - is your ICP struggling or thriving?
Before placing your tiered prospects and accounts into sequences, consider how
their business is being impacted today. You have to know your target audience inside
and out to know which sequence and level of personalization to build for them.
03 02 01
Long term nurture
sequence, email only
Mildly impacted
sequence content with
email, call, and LinkedIn
Thriving industries
content including phone,
email, video, direct mail,
and LinkedIn
Approach &
Best Practices
What we’ll cover:
•	 Cold Email 101
•	 Cold Calling 101
•	 LinkedIn & LinkedIn Sales Navigator 201
•	 Video in Outbound 201
Cold Email 101
•	 Value-driven content:
•	 Solving pain point
•	 Operational efficiency
•	 Improved visibility
•	 Intelligence and insights
•	 Competitive advantage
•	 How do those values align with
the personas you have identified?
•	 What related materials/collateral
do you have access to?
•	 Use value props as the basis of
your value-based sales emails
•	 Keep emails between 400-600
characters including spaces
•	 3-4 word subject lines
•	 Use variables for customization
at scale
•	 {{first_name}}
•	 {{company}}
•	 {{title}}
•	 Consider A/B testing to
improve deliverability and
open/reply rates
Start with value Identify pain point Use a strong CTA Create a level of personalization
Use Interest CTAs for Cold Emails
The Interest CTA is the highest performing call to action for cold emails according
to a study by
CTAs asking for interest had a 30% response rate, asking for time had a 15% response
rate, and open-ended CTAs had a 13% response rate.
Time for busy professionals is precious. But selling interest or a conversation positions
you as helpful and a resource versus asking for something from your prospect.
What do we mean by interest CTAs? Here are two examples from Gong and two
of our own:
•	 Does it make sense to chat about
•	 Are you interested in learning how
•	 Would it help your team if they could
•	 Is [PAIN POINT] something you’re
looking to solve in the next few months?
Cold Calling 101
•	 What to look for in your research:
•	 Online content that features
your prospect
•	 Previous employers
•	 Competitors your prospect is
currently using
•	 Have a clear call to action
•	 Attempt approx. 6 calls
per prospect
•	 Always leave a voicemail on
your first attempt
•	 Check out this video from
Morgan J Ingram on how to
open your call
Cold calling is not dead! Have script ready Confidence Diction
LinkedIn & LinkedIn Sales Navigator 201
LinkedIn should be a part of every play.
•	 Like a prospect’s post
•	 Comment on a prospect’s post
•	 Respond to all comments you
recieve with a like or
a comment
•	 Connect with a message
•	 90% of Sales Nav users don’t
go past the search bar!
build & keep targeted lists
•	 Use filters to segment
searches and identify
relevant ways to engage
with your prospects
•	 LinkedIn Sales Navigator
integrates directly with
most top CRMs. Push newly
created leads from Sales Nav
directly into your CRM
•	 Use your Sales Engagement
Platform (SEP) to help track
LinkedIn activity and push
data into your CRM
•	 Industry Hashtags
•	 Thought Leaders
•	 Analysts
•	 Consultants
•	 Competitors
•	 Prospects
•	 Current Customers
•	 Trending News
Great for research Interact with activity Incorporate into cold messaging
Video tips for all roles
01 02 03
Prospecting (Engage)
•	 Using “video” in your email
subject line can increase
open rates anywhere from
6% to 19%.
•	 Pay attention to the
thumbnail of your email
in the body of the email.
Make sure it invites your
prospect to click! If you
can add some animation,
even better.
•	 Video is a great way to
establish credibility, add
value, and educate. Don’t
just send your pitch in the
form of a video.
•	 Make your videos
personal. Research your
prospects (always) and for
Tier 1 accounts, connect
individually and use their
name in the video.
Selling (Convert)
•	 Ok, now you can put
your pitch in a video.
But you still have to do
the heavily lifting and
explain why your product
fits your buyers specific
needs and situation.
•	 People do deals with
people. You may not be
able to meet face-to-face,
but video helps build that
camaraderie and one-to-
one connection with
accounts. It’s great for
prospecting and closing
the deal.
Relationship Building
•	 Sometimes your leads
already know who you
are, but they’re not ready
to buy. Video can also
help you stay top of mind
for when it is time for
them to make a decision.
•	 Which also means this
content has to be hyper
relevant. Two ways to do
this is make sure you and
your reps take copious
and detailed notes that
can be referred to, and
don’t just consume
content that teaches you
how to sell. Consume the
content your prospects
are interested in.
What we’ll cover:
1.	 Customer Obsessed
2.	 Personalize with LinkedIn
3.	 Previous Customer
4.	 The Video Play
5.	 Warm/Active Nurture
Why this play
This play is to understand
your customers on a deeper
level and gather insights
that can help you target
new like-accounts. Create
this for your top 20-50
current customers.
•	 Account Name
•	 What do they do?
•	 ICP - who is your
customer targeting?
Understand your buyer’s day-to-day. Can you answer the
question, “What do they do?” This will help you find like-
companies to sell into.
Customer info doc including Account Name, What do they do?,
ICP, Location, Employee Count, Competitors, Tech Stack.
Track company job postings to have a deeper understanding
of day-to-day job duties.
Share your customer’s job postings, advocating for people to want
to work there.
Connect, and actually engage.
Marketing materials, customer case studies, personalized content.
Sun. PM - Thurs. PM
•	 Location
•	 Employee Count
•	 Competitors
•	 Tech Stack
First, increase your buyer knowledge by building a
Customer Info Doc.
*Developed by Jeremy Leveille, LeadIQ. Connect with Jeremy on Linkedin
Create LinkedIn
Sales Navigator list
of these accounts.
Consider adding
more filters like
“Active on LI” .
Identify top 20-50
current customers.
Create customer
info dock.
Engage with
recent LinkedIn
activity. Like/
comment on post.
Update Customer
Info dock with any
relevant information
like champion info,
job postings, job
descriptions, and
company news/
Send connection
request to all pros-
pects. Repeat this
process for any new
top-tiered custom-
ers, and share with
all sellers.
DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 6 DAY 10 DAY 12
How to get started:
•	 Track job postings for targeted
•	 Gain insights into day-to-day
responsibilities for the individual and
department (most job postings have
a literal Responsibilities section)
•	 This will help align internal value props
to potential pain points
Creating a Sequence
How to Enroll a Prospect
Play #1 LinkedIn Message Pro Tips
Use these three scenarios in your play to request introductions and gather
competitor intel.
“Thanks for being a X customer! Anyone else in your network you’d
suggest I reach out to who might also love us?”
**You should also make referrals TO your customers**
“Hey NAME, we’ll miss working with you over at PAST COMPANY. Once
you’re settled at NEW COMPANY, give me a call!”
“What’s the main reason you prefer YOUR COMPANY over COMPETITOR?”
“Since you switched from COMPETITOR, is there anything YOUR
COMPANY is missing?”
Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to personalize in meaningful ways.
•	 Take advantage of prospect’s activity and apply it to your
•	 Creating dynamic lists to fuel your pipeline
Saved Lists in Sales Navigator.
•	 Target Accounts
•	 Changed job in last 60 days
•	 Posted in last 30 days
•	 Follows your company
The search filter for TeamLink connections allows you to target
prospects with the best suggested path.
Rotate which connections you are DMing and which posts you
are interacting with.
Hyper-personalized by level of engagement on LinkedIn.
•	 Incorporate prospect’s activity to messaging and tie
into value prop
•	 Comments/Likes are just as important as DMs
Mon. AM- Fri. PM
2 weeks
•	 90% Personalized
•	 Steps
with LinkedIn
Why this play
Use LinkedIn to engage
with your prospects in a
meaningful way. Create
this for your top-tier
personas and accounts.
Build a LinkedIn list and connect with contacts
that have posted in the last 30 days, follow your
company, and recently changed jobs.
Drill into list of contacts who have recently
posted on LinkedIn and interact with their post.
Interact with a post by liking the most recent
comment or post. Both show up in their activity
If prospect accepted connection requestIf prospect has not accepted connection request
Interact with any new
connections from saved
list. If prospect is still
unresponsive, enroll into
Nurture sequence in SEP.
Send a DM to the
prospect explaining why
you are reaching out,
include Value Prop.
Enroll the prospect into
a call + email sequence.
Value based email sent.
If prospect still has not
responded, a generic task
will be generated to
determine next steps.
DAY 7 DAY 12 DAY 7 DAY 12
Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to engage with past customers
that are in new roles.
Saved Lists in Sales Navigator.
•	 List of top-tiered current customers
•	 Past employer
•	 Follows your company
•	 Posted on LinkedIn in last 30 days
Connect with any co-workers that may have worked on the
previous account and knows your prospect.
Build this out for your top tiered customers.
Reference specific past use case of product/services.
Mon. AM- Fri. PM
2 weeks
•	 90% Personalized
•	 Steps
Why this play
This play is for any past
top-tiered customer that is
in a new role. Grab your top
100 customers and use the
filter “previous company” in
LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
Drill into list of contacts who have recently posted on LinkedIn,
interact with their posts, and send connection request.
Build a LinkedIn list of contacts that used your product or service
at their previous company.
Interact with another post, comment, and continue with the
sequence. If contact does not post on LinkedIn regularly, move
them to a call and email only sequence.
Check all new connections and comment on posts. An email is
also sent to active contacts in sequence.
Interact with any new connections. Any prospects that have
engaged via email or LinkedIn get moved to a Tier 1 sequence.
All unresponsive contacts move to a nurture follow-up sequence.
DAY 12
Change to: Stand out in the crowd and cut through the
blandness of regular text-based emails.
One personalized video and one industry-specific video.
Include some type of attention grabber in your video by
waving, having a whiteboard, or utilizing their website as your
Create a persona/vertical standard video to use mid-sequence
for scalability.
Connect, and ACTUALLy engage.
Persona based, hyper-personalized
Mon. AM- Fri. PM
3 weeks
•	 Video
•	 Customization & Social Touches
•	 Steps
The Video
Why this play
Break out of your text-based
emails with video. Use this
play for top-tier personas
and accounts.
Fifty-one percent of
Sales and Marketing
professionals name video
as the type of content with
the most ROI (Vidyard).
Video ideas from the video
experts at Vidyard:
•	 Account-Based
Marketing Video
•	 Personalized Mini Demo
•	 Inbound Video
•	 1:1 Prospecting Video
Interact with a post
on LinkedIn and send
a follow-up email to
the video.
Create a hyper-
video to be shared
either via email or
Call prospect and
view LinkedIn
Create and send
a second video.
This video can be
industry or persona
specific so you can
repurpose. Call
prospect as well.
Send message and
voice recording via
LinkedIn. Create the
appropriate follow-up
tasks for engaged
DAY 1 DAY 3 DAY 7 DAY 12 DAY 16
Executing Tasks
Interact with prospects that have gone cold. This nurture play
should be ran in a sales engagement platform.
Marketing deliverables.
The first step of your sequence should be delayed.
Tier out nurture sequences by industry to include more tailored
customer stories.
Enable throttling at the sequence level to 200 max active users.
Mon. AM - Fri. PM
3 months
•	 Marketing content
•	 Automated
•	 Length
Why this play
Stop prospects from
floating into the abyss with
this follow-up nurture play.
Use this nurture sequence
for any prospect who has
gone through a top-tier
sequence without
Manage Prospect Sequence States
Share marketing
Enabling a delayed
start will allow
automation to be
Share case study or
customer story.
Share ebook or
other deliverable.
Share marketing
content and pass
back to Marketing
DAY 15 DAY 35 DAY 50 DAY 75 DAY 90
Contact Skaled for more modern outbound plays and strategies.
Skaled is a B2B sales consultancy dedicated to
helping organizations and the people who work
there reach their full potential.
Along with a list of enterprise clients Skaled has amassed in a
few short years (The New York Jets, LinkedIn, Insightly, ADP, and
Microsoft), the majority of our clients are Startups and Mid-Level
businesses looking for accelerated growth with a scalable and
sustainable path forward.
Building modern outbound and go-to-market strategies are just a
couple of ways we help companies scale.

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Le playbook de la prospection moderne 2020 par Skaled

  • 1. The Modern Outbound Playbook Real Sales Plays You Can Start Tomorrow
  • 2. SKALED.COM 2 The modern outbould play incorporates a true multi-channel approach: email, phone calls, video, and most importantly, LinkedIn. Before we dive into the five plays outlined step-by-step for different use cases and audiences that you can start tomorrow (don’t skip ahead just yet!), this playbook will cover a few key components to level-up and modernize your outbound practices. What we’re noticing is there are more channels available and yet underutilized by Sales teams and more techniques only some organizations are trying. When it comes to outbound strategy, by the time Sales teams incorporate the “latest” trend or play, it’s actually quickly on its way to being overdone and organizations on the forefront are testing and seeing results with something new. Getting creative with your outbound tactics is just one but critical piece in helping your Sales organization modernize their sales strategies and frameworks. That’s where The Modern Outbound Playbook comes in. If you’re not purposefully creating outbound plays using the four components to modern outbound outlined in this ebook, then one of two things is likely happening: 1. Your outbound campaigns aren’t successful and you don’t know why. 2. Your outbound campaigns are successful and you don’t know why. Introduction
  • 3. SKALED.COM 3 Before you jump ahead to the plays, make sure you cover how to identify and find your audience, what a true multi-channel approach looks like, best practices per channel, and places to look to help you craft your message. What’s in a modern outbound playbook? the right Target Audience the right Multi-Channel Approach the right Time to Send & Connect the right Messaging the right PLAYS
  • 4. Targeting & Tiering 01.1 Prospecting Research 01.2 Tiering Prospects & Accounts 01.3 Sequence Length + Personalization Multi-Channel Approach & Messaging Best Practices 02.1 Cold Email 101 02.2 Cold Calling 101 02.3 LinkedIn & LinkedIn Sales Navigator 201 02.4 Video in Outbound 201 The Plays 03.1 Customer Obsessed 03.2 Personalize with LinkedIn 03.3 Previous Customer 03.4 The Video Play 03.5 Warm/Active Nurture Contents 01 02 03
  • 5. Targeting & Tiering 01 What we’ll cover: • Prospecting Research: Where to Look & What to Look For • Tiering Prospects & Accounts: Tier 1, 2, and 3 • Sequence Length + Personalization: Bucket by ICP
  • 6. SKALED.COM 6SKALED.COM 6 01.1 Prospecting & Research WHERE TO LOOK: • LinkedIn • Company Website • Data validation tool • Stock Market • Twitter • Facebook • Instagram • Crunchbase • Owler WHAT TO LOOK FOR: • Company news that is in alignment with your value prop • Recent job changes • Personalized information • Case Studies • Customer Stories • Media Exposure
  • 7. SKALED.COM 7 01.2 Tiering Prospects & Accounts Creating Tiered Outbound Plays: Outreach strategies and sequences should be developed and scaled based on account tiers. Tiering your book will help teams to better prioritize and spend more time on priority prospects that need more personalized attention and more touches. TIER 1 ACCOUNTS (TOP 10% OF BOOK) Receive more high-touch, personalized outreach and merit more detailed account planning. TIER 2 ACCOUNTS (TOP 20% OF BOOK) Receive a mix of personalized and templated outreach. TIER 3 ACCOUNTS Receive templated, automated, and built for scale outreach. TIER 1 TIER 2 TIER 3 Level of Personalization Highly-personalized and slight automation Mix of personalization and automation Slight personalization and high-automation Prospect Priority One at a time: hyper-focused communication Overlapping: working multiple prospects at a time Batch: multiple prospects at multiple companies fitting similar criteria Channels Email, Call, Video LinkedIn Email, Call, LinkedIn Email, LinkedIn Frequency 6-8/week 3-5/week 1-2 week Length of Engagement 2-3 weeks then nurture 4 weeks then nurture 5 weeks then nurture
  • 8. SKALED.COM 8 01.3 Sequence Length + Personalization Unique to the economy today - is your ICP struggling or thriving? Before placing your tiered prospects and accounts into sequences, consider how their business is being impacted today. You have to know your target audience inside and out to know which sequence and level of personalization to build for them. 03 02 01 Struggling industries Long term nurture sequence, email only Mildly impacted industries Semi-personalized sequence content with email, call, and LinkedIn Thriving industries Hyper-personalized content including phone, email, video, direct mail, and LinkedIn
  • 9. Multi-Channel Approach & Messaging Best Practices 02 What we’ll cover: • Cold Email 101 • Cold Calling 101 • LinkedIn & LinkedIn Sales Navigator 201 • Video in Outbound 201
  • 10. SKALED.COM 10 02.1 Cold Email 101 THINGS TO CONSIDER: • Value-driven content: • Solving pain point • Operational efficiency • Improved visibility • Intelligence and insights • Competitive advantage • How do those values align with the personas you have identified? • What related materials/collateral do you have access to? TIPS AND TRICKS: • Use value props as the basis of your value-based sales emails • Keep emails between 400-600 characters including spaces • 3-4 word subject lines • Use variables for customization at scale • {{first_name}} • {{company}} • {{title}} • Consider A/B testing to improve deliverability and open/reply rates Start with value Identify pain point Use a strong CTA Create a level of personalization
  • 11. SKALED.COM 11 Use Interest CTAs for Cold Emails The Interest CTA is the highest performing call to action for cold emails according to a study by CTAs asking for interest had a 30% response rate, asking for time had a 15% response rate, and open-ended CTAs had a 13% response rate. Time for busy professionals is precious. But selling interest or a conversation positions you as helpful and a resource versus asking for something from your prospect. What do we mean by interest CTAs? Here are two examples from Gong and two of our own: • Does it make sense to chat about [POSITIVE OUTCOME]? • Are you interested in learning how [COMPETITOR] is achieving [POSITIVE OUTCOME] by [SOLUTION]? • Would it help your team if they could [OUTCOME]? • Is [PAIN POINT] something you’re looking to solve in the next few months?
  • 12. SKALED.COM 12 02.2 Cold Calling 101 BEFORE THE CALL: • What to look for in your research: • Online content that features your prospect • Previous employers • Competitors your prospect is currently using TIPS AND TRICKS: • Have a clear call to action • Attempt approx. 6 calls per prospect • Always leave a voicemail on your first attempt • Check out this video from Morgan J Ingram on how to open your call Cold calling is not dead! Have script ready Confidence Diction
  • 13. SKALED.COM 13 02.3 LinkedIn & LinkedIn Sales Navigator 201 LinkedIn should be a part of every play. HOW TO ENGAGE? • Like a prospect’s post • Comment on a prospect’s post • Respond to all comments you recieve with a like or a comment • Connect with a message LINKEDIN SALES NAVIGATOR • 90% of Sales Nav users don’t go past the search bar! • Use SAVED SEARCHES to build & keep targeted lists • Use filters to segment searches and identify relevant ways to engage with your prospects SYNC WITH YOUR CRM + SEP • LinkedIn Sales Navigator integrates directly with most top CRMs. Push newly created leads from Sales Nav directly into your CRM • Use your Sales Engagement Platform (SEP) to help track LinkedIn activity and push data into your CRM WHAT TO FOLLOW? • Industry Hashtags • Thought Leaders • Analysts • Consultants • Competitors • Prospects • Current Customers • Trending News Great for research Interact with activity Incorporate into cold messaging
  • 14. SKALED.COM 14 Video tips for all roles 01 02 03 Prospecting (Engage) • Using “video” in your email subject line can increase open rates anywhere from 6% to 19%. • Pay attention to the thumbnail of your email in the body of the email. Make sure it invites your prospect to click! If you can add some animation, even better. • Video is a great way to establish credibility, add value, and educate. Don’t just send your pitch in the form of a video. • Make your videos personal. Research your prospects (always) and for Tier 1 accounts, connect individually and use their name in the video. Selling (Convert) • Ok, now you can put your pitch in a video. But you still have to do the heavily lifting and explain why your product fits your buyers specific needs and situation. • People do deals with people. You may not be able to meet face-to-face, but video helps build that camaraderie and one-to- one connection with accounts. It’s great for prospecting and closing the deal. Relationship Building (Nurture) • Sometimes your leads already know who you are, but they’re not ready to buy. Video can also help you stay top of mind for when it is time for them to make a decision. • Which also means this relationship-building content has to be hyper relevant. Two ways to do this is make sure you and your reps take copious and detailed notes that can be referred to, and don’t just consume content that teaches you how to sell. Consume the content your prospects are interested in.
  • 15. The Plays 03 What we’ll cover: 1. Customer Obsessed 2. Personalize with LinkedIn 3. Previous Customer 4. The Video Play 5. Warm/Active Nurture
  • 16. SKALED.COM 16 03.1 Customer Obsessed Why this play This play is to understand your customers on a deeper level and gather insights that can help you target new like-accounts. Create this for your top 20-50 current customers. • Account Name • What do they do? • ICP - who is your customer targeting? GOAL Understand your buyer’s day-to-day. Can you answer the question, “What do they do?” This will help you find like- companies to sell into. CREATE Customer info doc including Account Name, What do they do?, ICP, Location, Employee Count, Competitors, Tech Stack. PRO-TIP #1 Track company job postings to have a deeper understanding of day-to-day job duties. PRO-TIP#2 Share your customer’s job postings, advocating for people to want to work there. LINKEDIN Connect, and actually engage. CONTENT Marketing materials, customer case studies, personalized content. SCHEDULE Sun. PM - Thurs. PM LENGTH OF ENGAGEMENT On-going • Location • Employee Count • Competitors • Tech Stack Details First, increase your buyer knowledge by building a Customer Info Doc. *Developed by Jeremy Leveille, LeadIQ. Connect with Jeremy on Linkedin
  • 17. SKALED.COM 17 Create LinkedIn Sales Navigator list of these accounts. Consider adding more filters like “Active on LI” . Identify top 20-50 current customers. Create customer info dock. Engage with recent LinkedIn activity. Like/ comment on post. Update Customer Info dock with any relevant information like champion info, job postings, job descriptions, and company news/ updates. Send connection request to all pros- pects. Repeat this process for any new top-tiered custom- ers, and share with all sellers. DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 6 DAY 10 DAY 12 How to get started: • Track job postings for targeted accounts • Gain insights into day-to-day responsibilities for the individual and department (most job postings have a literal Responsibilities section) • This will help align internal value props to potential pain points
  • 19. SKALED.COM 19 Play #1 LinkedIn Message Pro Tips Use these three scenarios in your play to request introductions and gather competitor intel. REFERRALS “Thanks for being a X customer! Anyone else in your network you’d suggest I reach out to who might also love us?” **You should also make referrals TO your customers** JOB CHANGES “Hey NAME, we’ll miss working with you over at PAST COMPANY. Once you’re settled at NEW COMPANY, give me a call!” COMPETITOR INTEL “What’s the main reason you prefer YOUR COMPANY over COMPETITOR?” “Since you switched from COMPETITOR, is there anything YOUR COMPANY is missing?”
  • 20. SKALED.COM 20 GOAL Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to personalize in meaningful ways. • Take advantage of prospect’s activity and apply it to your messaging • Creating dynamic lists to fuel your pipeline CREATE Saved Lists in Sales Navigator. • Target Accounts • Changed job in last 60 days • Posted in last 30 days • Follows your company PRO-TIP #1 The search filter for TeamLink connections allows you to target prospects with the best suggested path. PRO-TIP#2 Rotate which connections you are DMing and which posts you are interacting with. CONTENT Hyper-personalized by level of engagement on LinkedIn. • Incorporate prospect’s activity to messaging and tie into value prop • Comments/Likes are just as important as DMs SCHEDULE Mon. AM- Fri. PM LENGTH OF ENGAGEMENT 2 weeks ENGAGEMENT CHARACTERISTICS • LINKEDIN HEAVY • 90% Personalized • Steps 03.2 Personalize with LinkedIn Why this play Use LinkedIn to engage with your prospects in a meaningful way. Create this for your top-tier personas and accounts. Details
  • 21. SKALED.COM 21 Build a LinkedIn list and connect with contacts that have posted in the last 30 days, follow your company, and recently changed jobs. Drill into list of contacts who have recently posted on LinkedIn and interact with their post. Interact with a post by liking the most recent comment or post. Both show up in their activity feed. If prospect accepted connection requestIf prospect has not accepted connection request Interact with any new connections from saved list. If prospect is still unresponsive, enroll into Nurture sequence in SEP. Send a DM to the prospect explaining why you are reaching out, include Value Prop. Enroll the prospect into a call + email sequence. Value based email sent. If prospect still has not responded, a generic task will be generated to determine next steps. DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 4 DAY 7 DAY 12 DAY 7 DAY 12
  • 22. SKALED.COM 22 GOAL Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to engage with past customers that are in new roles. CREATE Saved Lists in Sales Navigator. • List of top-tiered current customers • Past employer • Follows your company • Posted on LinkedIn in last 30 days PRO-TIP #1 Connect with any co-workers that may have worked on the previous account and knows your prospect. PRO-TIP#2 Build this out for your top tiered customers. CONTENT Reference specific past use case of product/services. SCHEDULE Mon. AM- Fri. PM LENGTH OF ENGAGEMENT 2 weeks ENGAGEMENT CHARACTERISTICS • LINKEDIN HEAVY • 90% Personalized • Steps 03.3 Previous Customer Why this play This play is for any past top-tiered customer that is in a new role. Grab your top 100 customers and use the filter “previous company” in LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Details
  • 23. SKALED.COM 23 Drill into list of contacts who have recently posted on LinkedIn, interact with their posts, and send connection request. Build a LinkedIn list of contacts that used your product or service at their previous company. Interact with another post, comment, and continue with the sequence. If contact does not post on LinkedIn regularly, move them to a call and email only sequence. Check all new connections and comment on posts. An email is also sent to active contacts in sequence. Interact with any new connections. Any prospects that have engaged via email or LinkedIn get moved to a Tier 1 sequence. All unresponsive contacts move to a nurture follow-up sequence. DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 4 DAY 7 DAY 12
  • 24. SKALED.COM 24 GOAL Change to: Stand out in the crowd and cut through the blandness of regular text-based emails. CREATE One personalized video and one industry-specific video. PRO-TIP #1 Include some type of attention grabber in your video by waving, having a whiteboard, or utilizing their website as your main-screen. PRO-TIP#2 Create a persona/vertical standard video to use mid-sequence for scalability. LINKEDIN Connect, and ACTUALLy engage. CONTENT Persona based, hyper-personalized SCHEDULE Mon. AM- Fri. PM LENGTH OF ENGAGEMENT 3 weeks ENGAGEMENT CHARACTERISTICS • Video • Customization & Social Touches • Steps 03.4 The Video Play Why this play Break out of your text-based emails with video. Use this play for top-tier personas and accounts. Fifty-one percent of Sales and Marketing professionals name video as the type of content with the most ROI (Vidyard). Video ideas from the video experts at Vidyard: • Account-Based Marketing Video • Personalized Mini Demo • Inbound Video • 1:1 Prospecting Video Details
  • 25. SKALED.COM 25 Interact with a post on LinkedIn and send a follow-up email to the video. Create a hyper- personalized video to be shared either via email or LinkedIn. Call prospect and view LinkedIn profile. Create and send a second video. This video can be industry or persona specific so you can repurpose. Call prospect as well. Send message and voice recording via LinkedIn. Create the appropriate follow-up tasks for engaged prospects. DAY 1 DAY 3 DAY 7 DAY 12 DAY 16 Executing Tasks THE MODERN OUTBOUND PLAYBOOK
  • 26. SKALED.COM 26 GOAL Interact with prospects that have gone cold. This nurture play should be ran in a sales engagement platform. CONTENT Marketing deliverables. PRO-TIP #1 The first step of your sequence should be delayed. PRO-TIP#2 Tier out nurture sequences by industry to include more tailored customer stories. PRO-TIP #3 Enable throttling at the sequence level to 200 max active users. SCHEDULE Mon. AM - Fri. PM LENGTH OF ENGAGEMENT 3 months ENGAGEMENT CHARACTERISTICS • Marketing content • Automated • Length 03.5 Warm/Active Nurture Why this play Stop prospects from floating into the abyss with this follow-up nurture play. Use this nurture sequence for any prospect who has gone through a top-tier sequence without responding. Details
  • 27. SKALED.COM 27 Manage Prospect Sequence States THE MODERN OUTBOUND PLAYBOOK Share marketing content. Enabling a delayed start will allow automation to be created. Share case study or customer story. Share ebook or other deliverable. Share marketing content and pass back to Marketing Automation. DAY 15 DAY 35 DAY 50 DAY 75 DAY 90
  • 28. Contact Skaled for more modern outbound plays and strategies. Skaled is a B2B sales consultancy dedicated to helping organizations and the people who work there reach their full potential. Along with a list of enterprise clients Skaled has amassed in a few short years (The New York Jets, LinkedIn, Insightly, ADP, and Microsoft), the majority of our clients are Startups and Mid-Level businesses looking for accelerated growth with a scalable and sustainable path forward. Building modern outbound and go-to-market strategies are just a couple of ways we help companies scale. About Skaled 512-553-9136 SKALED.COM 28