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张宝贤:无线网络技术课程—— 2006 年 10 月 14 日

  Coding and Error Control


              Chapter 8
    数据传输误码率:数据比特在传输过程中的差错概率
      线性 PCM: 10-7; 压扩 PCM: 10-5 ; ADPCM: 10-4
    如何才能降低传输误码率呢?
1.   加大传输功率:但在有些系统中不太适用,如手持终端系统中无
2.   采用分集 (diversity) 技术以对抗信号衰落 (signal fading)
      空间分集:采用两个或以上分得足够开的天线进行信号接收
      频率分集:采用两个频率传输同样的信息比特——如前面说
      时间分集:同样的信息在不同的时间传输多次
3.   采用全双工传输——即:同时双向数据传输
      发送端沿一个信道向接收节点发送信息
      接收节点沿另外一个反馈信道将收到的信息发回给发送节点
      如果发送端发现错误,则重传数据
      需要的带宽是单向(单工)传输的两倍——在频谱利用方面
差错控制的基本概念 ( 续 )
4.   ARQ ( 自动反馈重传: automatic repeat request) ,主
        停等模式 (stop and wait)
        连续 ARQ (Continuous ARQ)
            Go-Back-N mode
                收到 NAK (Negative ACKnowledge) 或超时的分组,那么该分组及
            Selective repeat
                只重传收到 NAK 或超时的那些分组分组
            选择性重传模式带宽利用效率高但需要的存储空间大
        实现 ARQ 必须有差错检测码字的配合!
            检测分组在传输过程中是否出现差错
5.   纠错码,或称前向纠错码 (FEC: forward correction
     codes)—— 适合比特差错率 (BER: Bit Error Rate) 高的
        Designed to detect and correct errors

Eb :每比     率

                      Eb/N0 (dB)

图 8.6 显示 FEC 可以降低比特误码率
 - 如图中,当 BER=10-6 时, FEC 带来 2.77 dB 增益
 -       而未编码的传输方式的比特差错率为 >10-3
另外:如果 Eb/N0 低于某一门限(在本图中为 5 .
4dB) ,编码带来副效应——即:升高了误码率
   Reed-Solomon 码
       应用于光盘数据存贮中可以有效对抗突发差错
       也用于计算机中的数据存贮和提取
   通信应用
       移动无线通信系统(如 GSM) 中广泛应用
       视听系统中常常采用 FEC
       用于空间应用 (Aerospace applications) 的控制与
Error Detection Probabilities
   Definitions
          Pb : Probability of single bit error (BER)
          P1 : Probability that a frame arrives with no bit
          P2 : While using error detection, the probability that
           a frame arrives with one or more undetected
           errors (也称剩余差错率 )
          P3 : While using error detection, the probability that
           a frame arrives with one or more detected bit errors
           but no undetected bit errors
Error Detection Probabilities
   With no error detection (如果没有差错
              P = (1 − Pb )

              P2 = 1 − P1

              P3 = 0
         F = Number of bits per frame
如果单个比特差错率为 0.01, 那么传送一个 10 比特的码字中出现
  0 、 1 、 2 个比特差错的概率。假定各比特之间出现传送差错是
 单个比特成功接收的概率是 1-0.01=0.99

 无差错概率 P( 0 个差错 ) =(0.99)10 = 0.904382

 单比特差错概率 P( 1 个差错 ) =(0.01)1×(0.99)9 ×10= 0.091352

 两比特差错概率 P( 2 个差错 ) =(0.01)2×(0.99)8 ×C 2 = 0.00415

   存在 3 个及以上差错的概率为 1- 0.904382- 0.091352 - 0.00415
   《数字通信》 - Glover & Grant  

Error Detection Process
   Transmitter
       For a given frame, an error-detecting code (check bits)
        is calculated from data bits
       Check bits are appended to data bits
   Receiver
       Separates incoming frame into data bits and check bits
       Calculates check bits from received data bits
       Compares calculated check bits against received check
       Detected error occurs if mismatch
Error Detection Process

                        合法码字总数 2k

Parity Check ( 奇偶校验)
   As an option in ASCII coded data transmission
   Parity bit appended to a block of data
       码长度 n = k + 1
   Even parity ( 能检查出来奇数个错)
       Added bit ensures an even number of 1s
   Odd parity ( 能检查出来奇数个错)
       Added bit ensures an odd number of 1s
   Example, 7-bit character [1110001]
       Even parity [11100010]
       Odd parity [11100011]
   应对突发差错 (burst error) 能力较差
Parity Check (Cont’d)
   二维行列奇偶校验


                                    Row checks

              Collumn checks
                               Checks on checks
Parity Check (Cont’d)
   Modulo-(2n-1) checksums
     常用于网络连接中的差错检测
     如在 Internet 协议消息的 checksum 计算中

      节的组合 ,
     消息 :mw−1
        校验 :   ∑   i =0
                          mi (mod − 65535) 的反码

 符合 (n,k) 线性分组码特征
       线性分组码 : 任意两个合法码字之和仍然是一个合
       (n,k) 码字指一个码字由 k 位数据和 n-k 位校验位组
   任何 (n,k) 码字连续位移 i 位后仍然是一
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
( 循环冗余校验 )
CRC 是最常用的也是功能最强大的差错检测码之一
    检查到出错的分组 / 帧 , 利用 ARQ 方式重传

   Transmitter
       For a k-bit block, transmitter generates an (n-k)-bit
        frame check sequence (FCS)
       Resulting frame of n bits is exactly divisible by
        predetermined number
   Receiver
       Divides incoming frame by predetermined number
       If no remainder, assumes no error
CRC using Modulo 2 Arithmetic
   模2运算就是无进位的2进制加法,它
    恰好就是异或 (XOR) 运算
                            11 00 1
      1111       1111     ×     11
    + 1 01 0   − 1 01 0     11 00 1
     0101       0101      11 00 1

    模 2 加和模 2 减等价
CRC using Modulo 2 Arithmetic
   Exclusive-OR (XOR) operation
   Parameters:
          T = n-bit frame to be transmitted
           D = k-bit block of data; the first k bits of T
           F = (n–k)-bit FCS; the last (n – k) bits of T
          P = pattern of n–k+1 bits; this is the predetermined
           divisor  (除数 : 长度 n-k+1 比特)…可以称之
          Q = Quotient ( 商)
          R = Remainder (余数)
CRC using Modulo 2 Arithmetic
   For T/P to have no remainder, start with
               T =2         D+F
   Divide 2n-kD by P gives quotient and
             2 n −k D      R
                      =Q +
                 P         P
   Use remainder as FCS( 将余数作为 FCS)
     待传序列     T =2         D+R
CRC using Modulo 2 Arithmetic
   Does R cause T/P have no remainder?
              T 2n−k D + R 2n−k D R
                =         =      +
              P      P       P     P
   Substituting,
            T    R R    R+R
              =Q+ + =Q+     =Q
            P    P P     P
       No remainder, so T is exactly divisible by P
CRC using Polynomials
   All values expressed as polynomials

             X n − k D( X )            R( X )
                            = Q( X ) +
                P( X )                 P( X )
            T ( X ) = X n − k D( X ) + R( X )

    例 8.4: D=1010001101, 那么 D(X) = X9 +X7 +
          X3+X2+1, 生成多项式 P(X)= X5 +X4 +
          X2+1. 那么计算结果 R(X) = X3+X2+X

CRC 一例

CRC using Polynomials
   Widely used versions of P(X) ( 也称生成多项式 )
       CRC–12
             X12 + X11 + X3 + X2 + X + 1
       CRC–16
             X16 + X15 + X2 + 1
       CRC – CCITT
             X16 + X12 + X5 + 1
       CRC – 32
             X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + X8 + X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X
CRC using Digital Logic
   Dividing circuit consisting of:
       XOR gates
             Up to n – k XOR gates
             Presence of a gate corresponds to the presence of a
             term in the divisor polynomial P(X)
       A shift register
            String of 1-bit storage devices
             Register contains n – k bits, equal to the length of
             the FCS
Digital Logic CRC
Wireless Transmission Errors
   Error detection requires retransmission
   Detection inadequate for wireless
       Error rate on wireless link can be high, results
        in a large number of retransmissions
       Long propagation delay compared to
        transmission time
            如卫星链路
            常用的重传策略是重传出错帧及其以后的所有帧
                Go-back-N ARQ, as explained later in details
Block Error Correction Codes
   Transmitter
       Forward error correction (FEC) encoder maps
        each k-bit block into an n-bit block codeword
       Codeword is transmitted; analog for wireless
   Receiver
       Incoming signal is demodulated
       Block passed through an FEC decoder
Forward Error Correction Process
FEC Decoder Outcomes
Four possible outcomes as follows
 No errors present
       Codeword produced by decoder matches original
   Decoder detects and corrects bit errors
   Decoder detects but cannot correct bit errors;
    reports uncorrectable error
   Decoder detects no bit errors, though errors are
Block Code Principles
   Hamming distance ( 汉明距离 , 或称海明距离 ) – for two n-bit
    binary sequences, the number of different bits
        E.g., v1=011011; v2=110001; d(v1, v2)=3
   Minimal Hamming distance Dmin ( 最小汉明距离 )
        所有可能码字对间汉明距离最小值 ,
             对于四个 5 位码字 00000,00111,11100,11011 来说最小汉明距离为 3
        最小汉明距离表征了一个 block code 的总体性能
        线形分组码的最小汉明距离只考虑每个码和全零码字距离即可
   纠错检错能力               D min − 1
        纠错能力 : t =     
                            2     
        检错能力 : Dmin-1
        给定 n 和 k, Dmin 越大 , 纠错检错能力越强
        n-k 越小越好——降低开销,提高利用率                         两者相互矛盾
        n-k 越大越好——降低差错率
   Redundancy – ratio of redundant bits to data bits
   Code rate – ratio of data bits to total bits: k/n
   Coding gain – the reduction in the required Eb/N0 to achieve a specified
    BER of an error-correcting coded system
Block Code Principles
Nearest neighbor decoding of block codes
 理论基础 : 产生 t 个差错的概率大大高于产生 t+1 个错误的概率
 - 见前面的例子
   codewords         00000 11100 00111 11011
   Single-bit error correctable      10000     01100   10111   01011
   pattern                           01000     10100   01111   10011
                                     00100     11000   00011   11111
                                     00010     11110   00101   11001
                                     00001     11101   00110   11010

   double-bit error detectable pattern 10001   01101 10110 01010
                                       10010   01110 10101 01001

         最后一行中的码字都和两个可能的码字等距离 ,
         无法纠正,因而只能检错 , 无法就错
Hamming Code
   Hamming Code is easy to analyze but is rarely used
   Designed to correct single bit errors
   Family of (n, k) block error-correcting codes with
       Block length:      n = 2m – 1
       Number of data bits: k = 2m – m – 1
       Number of check bits: n – k = m
       Minimum distance: dmin = 3
   Single-error-correcting (SEC) code
       SEC double-error-detecting (SEC-DED) code ,与 SEC 码相比
Hamming Code Process
   Encoding: k data bits + (n -k) check bits
   Decoding: compares received (n -k) bits
    with calculated (n -k) bits using XOR
       Resulting (n -k) bits called syndrome word
       Syndrome range is between 0 and 2(n-k)-1
       Each bit of syndrome indicates a match (0) or
        conflict (1) in that bit position ( 即:症候码的
   例 8.7
       8 比特数据为 : 0011 1001
       校验码为 : 0111

   校验码的位置在 :1, 2, 4, …, 2n-k
Cyclic Codes
   Can be encoded and decoded using linear
    feedback shift registers (LFSRs)
   For cyclic codes, a valid codeword (c0, c1, …, cn-1),
    shifted right one bit, is also a valid codeword (cn-1,
    c0, …, cn-2)
   Takes fixed-length input (k) and produces fixed-
    length check code (n-k)
       In contrast, CRC error-detecting code accepts arbitrary
        length input for fixed-length check code
Cyclic Codes
   传送码字 T(X)=Xn-kD(X)+C(X)
   如果没有差错发生的话 ,receiver 收到的码字能够被生
    成多项式 P(X) 整除 , 余数为 0
   如果发生差错的话 ,receiver 收到的码为 Z(X) =T(X)
      E(X) 是 n-bit 差错多项式 , 发生差错的比特位系数为

   Z(X)/P(X)=T(X)/P(X)+E(X)/P(X)=S(X)
      由于前一项 T(X)/P(X) 余数为 0, 所以症候码 S(X) 仅取

       决于差错多项式 E(X)
   Receiver 端 : 用收到的 n 比特码字除以 P(X), 得到的余
    数 ( 如果不为 0 的话 ) 就是症候码 (syndrome codes), 通
BCH Codes

   For positive pair of integers m and t, a (n, k)
    BCH code has parameters:
       Block length: n = 2m – 1
       Number of check bits: n – k ≤ mt
       Minimum distance: dmin ≥ 2t + 1
   Correct combinations of t or fewer errors
   Flexibility in choice of parameters
       Block length, code rate
BCH Codes
Reed-Solomon Codes
   Subclass of non-binary BCH codes
   Data processed in chunks of m bits, called
   An (n, k) RS code has parameters:
       Symbol length: m bits per symbol
       Block length: n = 2m – 1 symbols = m(2m – 1) bits
       Data length: k symbols
       Size of check code: n – k = 2t symbols = m(2t) bits
       Minimum distance: dmin = 2t + 1 symbols
Block Interleaving
   Data written to and read from memory in different
   Data bits and corresponding check bits are
    interspersed with bits from other blocks
   At receiver, data are deinterleaved to recover
    original order
   A burst error that may occur is spread out over a
    number of blocks, making error correction
Block Interleaving
Convolutional Codes (卷积码)
   Generates redundant bits continuously
   Error checking and correcting carried out
       (n, k, K) code
             Input processes k bits at a time
            Output produces n bits for every k input bits, code rate: k/n
            K = constraint factor
             k and n generally very small…in most cases, k=1
       n-bit output of (n, k, K) code depends on:
             Current block of k input bits
             Previous K-1 blocks of k input bits
例 : 比如前两个比特是 10 (un-1=1, un-2=0)
而接下来的比特 un=1, 那么当前处在状态 b
   Convolutional Encoder
下一个状态将是 d(11). 而输出是
Vn1 =un ⊕un-1⊕un-2 = 0⊕1⊕1=0
vn2= un ⊕un-2      = 0⊕1 =1

  状态指历史状态 , 即( un-1,un-2 )的值
从状态 a 开始是因为寄存器的初态总是全零
   Trellis diagram – expanded encoder diagram
   Viterbi code – error correction algorithm
       Compares received sequence with all possible
        transmitted sequences
       Algorithm chooses path through trellis whose coded
        sequence differs from received sequence in the fewest
        number of places ( 汉明距离最小 )
       Once a valid path is selected as the correct path, the
        decoder can recover the input data bits from the output
        code bits
Viterbi 算法
   Distance of a path =(distance of the last edge)
              + (distance of the last-but-one state)
对于一个 (n,k,K) 码字和一个解码窗口 b, 下面的步骤可以
    解出第一个输出块中的 n 比特 ,
(1) 0 时刻网格图的状态为 0
(2) 时刻 i+1, 找到到达每个状态 S 的路径 ( 或路径集
    合 )—— 采用第一行给出的式子。并以路径的距离标
(3) 算法在时刻 b 终止。若此时所有的 active 路径的第
    一条边相同,那么那条边的标记 x0x1x2…xn-1 就是我们
    要找的第一码块 w0w1w2…wn-1. 如果第一条边不唯一,
     接收序列为 10 01 01 00 10 11 00…, 解码窗口 b=7
01         如果 b=5
1          则无法成功解码
Automatic Repeat Request
   Mechanism used in data link control and
    transport protocols
   Relies on use of an error detection code
    (such as CRC)
   Flow Control
   Error Control
Flow Control
   Assures that transmitting entity does not
    overwhelm a receiving entity with data
   Protocols with flow control mechanism allow
    multiple PDUs ( 协议数据单元 ) in transit at the
    same time
   PDUs arrive in same order they’re sent
   Sliding-window (滑动窗口) flow control
       Transmitter maintains list (window) of sequence
        numbers allowed to send
       Receiver maintains list allowed to receive
Flow Control
   Reasons for breaking up a block of data
    before transmitting:
       Limited buffer size of receiver
       Retransmission of PDU due to error requires
        smaller amounts of data to be retransmitted
       On shared medium, larger PDUs occupy
        medium for extended period, causing delays at
        other sending stations
Flow Control
Error Control
   Mechanisms to detect and correct
    transmission errors
   Types of errors:
       Lost PDU : a PDU fails to arrive
       Damaged PDU : PDU arrives with errors
Error Control Requirements
   Error detection
       Receiver detects errors and discards PDUs
   Positive acknowledgement
       Destination returns acknowledgment of received,
        error-free PDUs
   Retransmission after timeout
       Source retransmits unacknowledged PDU
   Negative acknowledgement and retransmission
       Destination returns negative acknowledgment to PDUs
        in error
Go-back-N ARQ
   Acknowledgments
       RR = receive ready (no errors occur)
       REJ = reject (error detected)
   Contingencies (可能发生的意外事件)
       Damaged PDU
       Damaged RR
       Damaged REJ
   For P(X)=X5+X4+X+1 and D=11100011, 求 CRC (给出过程)
   Consider a convolutional encoder defined by (v n1=un⊕un-1) and
       Draw a shift register implementation for this encoder similar
        to Figure 8.9(a)
      Draw a Trellis diagram for this encoder similar to Figure 8.10

   For the encoder of the above problem, assume that the shift
    register is initialized to all zeros and that after the transmission
    of the last information bit, two zero bits are transmitted
      Why are the two extra (all-zero) bits are needed?

      假定信息输入为 1101011 ,那么编码后的输出比特流是什么

        ? ( 最左边的比特是最先输入到编码器的比特)

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En vedette (16)

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第四次课程 Chap8

  • 1. 张宝贤:无线网络技术课程—— 2006 年 10 月 14 日 电子邮件: Coding and Error Control 差错控制编码也称信道编码 Chapter 8
  • 2. 差错控制的基本概念  数据传输误码率:数据比特在传输过程中的差错概率  线性 PCM: 10-7; 压扩 PCM: 10-5 ; ADPCM: 10-4  如何才能降低传输误码率呢? 1. 加大传输功率:但在有些系统中不太适用,如手持终端系统中无 限制地加大电池重量是不可接受的 2. 采用分集 (diversity) 技术以对抗信号衰落 (signal fading)  空间分集:采用两个或以上分得足够开的天线进行信号接收  频率分集:采用两个频率传输同样的信息比特——如前面说 过的快跳频技术  时间分集:同样的信息在不同的时间传输多次 3. 采用全双工传输——即:同时双向数据传输  发送端沿一个信道向接收节点发送信息  接收节点沿另外一个反馈信道将收到的信息发回给发送节点  如果发送端发现错误,则重传数据  需要的带宽是单向(单工)传输的两倍——在频谱利用方面 通常是不可接受的
  • 3. 差错控制的基本概念 ( 续 ) 4. ARQ ( 自动反馈重传: automatic repeat request) ,主 要有以下两种典型技术  停等模式 (stop and wait)  连续 ARQ (Continuous ARQ)  Go-Back-N mode  收到 NAK (Negative ACKnowledge) 或超时的分组,那么该分组及 其以后的分组都要重传  Selective repeat  只重传收到 NAK 或超时的那些分组分组  选择性重传模式带宽利用效率高但需要的存储空间大  实现 ARQ 必须有差错检测码字的配合!  检测分组在传输过程中是否出现差错 5. 纠错码,或称前向纠错码 (FEC: forward correction codes)—— 适合比特差错率 (BER: Bit Error Rate) 高的 环境中  Designed to detect and correct errors
  • 4. 门限现象 BER 比 特 误 码 Eb :每比 率 特 数据能量 Eb/N0 (dB) 图 8.6 显示 FEC 可以降低比特误码率 - 如图中,当 BER=10-6 时, FEC 带来 2.77 dB 增益 - 而未编码的传输方式的比特差错率为 >10-3 另外:如果 Eb/N0 低于某一门限(在本图中为 5 . 4dB) ,编码带来副效应——即:升高了误码率
  • 5. 差错控制的应用  Reed-Solomon 码  应用于光盘数据存贮中可以有效对抗突发差错  也用于计算机中的数据存贮和提取  通信应用  移动无线通信系统(如 GSM) 中广泛应用  视听系统中常常采用 FEC  因为视听数据时延要求比较严格  用于空间应用 (Aerospace applications) 的控制与 通信系统
  • 6. Error Detection Probabilities  Definitions  Pb : Probability of single bit error (BER)  P1 : Probability that a frame arrives with no bit errors  P2 : While using error detection, the probability that a frame arrives with one or more undetected errors (也称剩余差错率 )  P3 : While using error detection, the probability that a frame arrives with one or more detected bit errors but no undetected bit errors
  • 7. Error Detection Probabilities  With no error detection (如果没有差错 检测技术的话) P = (1 − Pb ) F 1 P2 = 1 − P1 P3 = 0  F = Number of bits per frame 帧越长,单个帧中比特数越多,整个帧中包含差错 位的概率越高
  • 8. 差错率计算一例 如果单个比特差错率为 0.01, 那么传送一个 10 比特的码字中出现 0 、 1 、 2 个比特差错的概率。假定各比特之间出现传送差错是 相互独立的  单个比特成功接收的概率是 1-0.01=0.99  无差错概率 P( 0 个差错 ) =(0.99)10 = 0.904382  单比特差错概率 P( 1 个差错 ) =(0.01)1×(0.99)9 ×10= 0.091352  两比特差错概率 P( 2 个差错 ) =(0.01)2×(0.99)8 ×C 2 = 0.00415 10  存在 3 个及以上差错的概率为 1- 0.904382- 0.091352 - 0.00415 =0.000116
  • 9. 差错控制码大全  《数字通信》 - Glover & Grant   error=1
  • 10. Error Detection Process  Transmitter  For a given frame, an error-detecting code (check bits) is calculated from data bits  Check bits are appended to data bits  Receiver  Separates incoming frame into data bits and check bits  Calculates check bits from received data bits  Compares calculated check bits against received check bits  Detected error occurs if mismatch
  • 11. Error Detection Process Sender 合法码字总数 2k Receiver
  • 12. Parity Check ( 奇偶校验)  As an option in ASCII coded data transmission  Parity bit appended to a block of data  码长度 n = k + 1  Even parity ( 能检查出来奇数个错)  Added bit ensures an even number of 1s  Odd parity ( 能检查出来奇数个错)  Added bit ensures an odd number of 1s  Example, 7-bit character [1110001]  Even parity [11100010]  Odd parity [11100011]  应对突发差错 (burst error) 能力较差
  • 13. Parity Check (Cont’d)  二维行列奇偶校验 n2 k2 Row checks k1 n1 Collumn checks Checks on checks
  • 14. Parity Check (Cont’d)  Modulo-(2n-1) checksums  常用于网络连接中的差错检测  如在 Internet 协议消息的 checksum 计算中 ,  将一个消息看成是长度16比特为单位的字 节的组合 ,  消息 :mw−1 w-1,…,m0 校验 : ∑ i =0 mi (mod − 65535) 的反码 原始消息和计算出来的校验同时传输以使收端可以 进行差错检测
  • 15. 循环码 循环码的特征  符合 (n,k) 线性分组码特征  线性分组码 : 任意两个合法码字之和仍然是一个合 法码字  (n,k) 码字指一个码字由 k 位数据和 n-k 位校验位组 成  任何 (n,k) 码字连续位移 i 位后仍然是一 个合法码字
  • 16. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) ( 循环冗余校验 ) CRC 是最常用的也是功能最强大的差错检测码之一 易于电路实现编解码 检查到出错的分组 / 帧 , 利用 ARQ 方式重传  Transmitter  For a k-bit block, transmitter generates an (n-k)-bit frame check sequence (FCS)  Resulting frame of n bits is exactly divisible by predetermined number  Receiver  Divides incoming frame by predetermined number  If no remainder, assumes no error
  • 17. CRC using Modulo 2 Arithmetic  模2运算就是无进位的2进制加法,它 恰好就是异或 (XOR) 运算 11 00 1 1111 1111 × 11 + 1 01 0 − 1 01 0 11 00 1 0101 0101 11 00 1 101011 模 2 加和模 2 减等价
  • 18. CRC using Modulo 2 Arithmetic  Exclusive-OR (XOR) operation  Parameters:  T = n-bit frame to be transmitted  D = k-bit block of data; the first k bits of T  F = (n–k)-bit FCS; the last (n – k) bits of T  P = pattern of n–k+1 bits; this is the predetermined divisor  (除数 : 长度 n-k+1 比特)…可以称之 为样式  Q = Quotient ( 商)  R = Remainder (余数)
  • 19. CRC using Modulo 2 Arithmetic  For T/P to have no remainder, start with n−k T =2 D+F  Divide 2n-kD by P gives quotient and remainder 2 n −k D R =Q + P P  Use remainder as FCS( 将余数作为 FCS) n−k 待传序列 T =2 D+R
  • 20. CRC using Modulo 2 Arithmetic  Does R cause T/P have no remainder? T 2n−k D + R 2n−k D R = = + P P P P  Substituting, T R R R+R =Q+ + =Q+ =Q P P P P  No remainder, so T is exactly divisible by P
  • 21. CRC using Polynomials  All values expressed as polynomials X n − k D( X ) R( X ) = Q( X ) + P( X ) P( X ) T ( X ) = X n − k D( X ) + R( X ) 例 8.4: D=1010001101, 那么 D(X) = X9 +X7 + X3+X2+1, 生成多项式 P(X)= X5 +X4 + X2+1. 那么计算结果 R(X) = X3+X2+X 具体过程见下页
  • 23. CRC using Polynomials  Widely used versions of P(X) ( 也称生成多项式 )  CRC–12  X12 + X11 + X3 + X2 + X + 1  CRC–16  X16 + X15 + X2 + 1  CRC – CCITT  X16 + X12 + X5 + 1  CRC – 32  X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + X8 + X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X +1
  • 24. CRC using Digital Logic  Dividing circuit consisting of:  XOR gates  Up to n – k XOR gates  Presence of a gate corresponds to the presence of a term in the divisor polynomial P(X)  A shift register  String of 1-bit storage devices  Register contains n – k bits, equal to the length of the FCS
  • 26. Wireless Transmission Errors  Error detection requires retransmission  Detection inadequate for wireless applications  Error rate on wireless link can be high, results in a large number of retransmissions  Long propagation delay compared to transmission time  如卫星链路  常用的重传策略是重传出错帧及其以后的所有帧  Go-back-N ARQ, as explained later in details
  • 27. Block Error Correction Codes  Transmitter  Forward error correction (FEC) encoder maps each k-bit block into an n-bit block codeword  Codeword is transmitted; analog for wireless transmission  Receiver  Incoming signal is demodulated  Block passed through an FEC decoder
  • 29. FEC Decoder Outcomes Four possible outcomes as follows  No errors present  Codeword produced by decoder matches original codeword  Decoder detects and corrects bit errors  Decoder detects but cannot correct bit errors; reports uncorrectable error  Decoder detects no bit errors, though errors are present
  • 30. Block Code Principles  Hamming distance ( 汉明距离 , 或称海明距离 ) – for two n-bit binary sequences, the number of different bits  E.g., v1=011011; v2=110001; d(v1, v2)=3  Minimal Hamming distance Dmin ( 最小汉明距离 )  所有可能码字对间汉明距离最小值 ,  对于四个 5 位码字 00000,00111,11100,11011 来说最小汉明距离为 3  最小汉明距离表征了一个 block code 的总体性能  线形分组码的最小汉明距离只考虑每个码和全零码字距离即可  纠错检错能力  D min − 1  纠错能力 : t =   2    检错能力 : Dmin-1  给定 n 和 k, Dmin 越大 , 纠错检错能力越强  n-k 越小越好——降低开销,提高利用率 两者相互矛盾  n-k 越大越好——降低差错率  Redundancy – ratio of redundant bits to data bits  Code rate – ratio of data bits to total bits: k/n  Coding gain – the reduction in the required Eb/N0 to achieve a specified BER of an error-correcting coded system
  • 31. Block Code Principles Nearest neighbor decoding of block codes 理论基础 : 产生 t 个差错的概率大大高于产生 t+1 个错误的概率 - 见前面的例子 codewords 00000 11100 00111 11011 Single-bit error correctable 10000 01100 10111 01011 pattern 01000 10100 01111 10011 00100 11000 00011 11111 00010 11110 00101 11001 00001 11101 00110 11010 double-bit error detectable pattern 10001 01101 10110 01010 10010 01110 10101 01001 最后一行中的码字都和两个可能的码字等距离 , 无法纠正,因而只能检错 , 无法就错
  • 32. Hamming Code  Hamming Code is easy to analyze but is rarely used  Designed to correct single bit errors  Family of (n, k) block error-correcting codes with parameters:  Block length: n = 2m – 1  Number of data bits: k = 2m – m – 1  Number of check bits: n – k = m  Minimum distance: dmin = 3  Single-error-correcting (SEC) code  SEC double-error-detecting (SEC-DED) code ,与 SEC 码相比 较而言多一个额外的对整个码块的校验位
  • 33. Hamming Code Process  Encoding: k data bits + (n -k) check bits  Decoding: compares received (n -k) bits with calculated (n -k) bits using XOR  Resulting (n -k) bits called syndrome word  Syndrome range is between 0 and 2(n-k)-1  Each bit of syndrome indicates a match (0) or conflict (1) in that bit position ( 即:症候码的 值表示的就是出差错的比特的位置)
  • 34. 汉明码——举例  例 8.7  8 比特数据为 : 0011 1001  校验码为 : 0111
  • 35. 汉明码——举例 校验码的位置在 :1, 2, 4, …, 2n-k
  • 37. Cyclic Codes  Can be encoded and decoded using linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs)  For cyclic codes, a valid codeword (c0, c1, …, cn-1), shifted right one bit, is also a valid codeword (cn-1, c0, …, cn-2)  Takes fixed-length input (k) and produces fixed- length check code (n-k)  In contrast, CRC error-detecting code accepts arbitrary length input for fixed-length check code
  • 38. Cyclic Codes  传送码字 T(X)=Xn-kD(X)+C(X)  如果没有差错发生的话 ,receiver 收到的码字能够被生 成多项式 P(X) 整除 , 余数为 0  如果发生差错的话 ,receiver 收到的码为 Z(X) =T(X) +E(X),  E(X) 是 n-bit 差错多项式 , 发生差错的比特位系数为 1  Z(X)/P(X)=T(X)/P(X)+E(X)/P(X)=S(X)  由于前一项 T(X)/P(X) 余数为 0, 所以症候码 S(X) 仅取 决于差错多项式 E(X)  Receiver 端 : 用收到的 n 比特码字除以 P(X), 得到的余 数 ( 如果不为 0 的话 ) 就是症候码 (syndrome codes), 通 过症候码查表就可以得知那一位或那些位发生差错
  • 39. BCH Codes (Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquengham)  For positive pair of integers m and t, a (n, k) BCH code has parameters:  Block length: n = 2m – 1  Number of check bits: n – k ≤ mt  Minimum distance: dmin ≥ 2t + 1  Correct combinations of t or fewer errors  Flexibility in choice of parameters  Block length, code rate
  • 41. Reed-Solomon Codes  Subclass of non-binary BCH codes  Data processed in chunks of m bits, called symbols  An (n, k) RS code has parameters:  Symbol length: m bits per symbol  Block length: n = 2m – 1 symbols = m(2m – 1) bits  Data length: k symbols  Size of check code: n – k = 2t symbols = m(2t) bits  Minimum distance: dmin = 2t + 1 symbols
  • 42. Block Interleaving  Data written to and read from memory in different orders  Data bits and corresponding check bits are interspersed with bits from other blocks  At receiver, data are deinterleaved to recover original order  A burst error that may occur is spread out over a number of blocks, making error correction possible
  • 44. Convolutional Codes (卷积码)  Generates redundant bits continuously  Error checking and correcting carried out continuously  (n, k, K) code  Input processes k bits at a time  Output produces n bits for every k input bits, code rate: k/n  K = constraint factor  k and n generally very small…in most cases, k=1  n-bit output of (n, k, K) code depends on:  Current block of k input bits  Previous K-1 blocks of k input bits
  • 45. 例 : 比如前两个比特是 10 (un-1=1, un-2=0) 而接下来的比特 un=1, 那么当前处在状态 b Convolutional Encoder 下一个状态将是 d(11). 而输出是 Vn1 =un ⊕un-1⊕un-2 = 0⊕1⊕1=0 vn2= un ⊕un-2 = 0⊕1 =1 状态指历史状态 , 即( un-1,un-2 )的值
  • 47. Decoding  Trellis diagram – expanded encoder diagram  Viterbi code – error correction algorithm  Compares received sequence with all possible transmitted sequences  Algorithm chooses path through trellis whose coded sequence differs from received sequence in the fewest number of places ( 汉明距离最小 )  Once a valid path is selected as the correct path, the decoder can recover the input data bits from the output code bits
  • 48. Viterbi 算法  Distance of a path =(distance of the last edge) + (distance of the last-but-one state) 对于一个 (n,k,K) 码字和一个解码窗口 b, 下面的步骤可以 解出第一个输出块中的 n 比特 , (1) 0 时刻网格图的状态为 0 (2) 时刻 i+1, 找到到达每个状态 S 的路径 ( 或路径集 合 )—— 采用第一行给出的式子。并以路径的距离标 记S (3) 算法在时刻 b 终止。若此时所有的 active 路径的第 一条边相同,那么那条边的标记 x0x1x2…xn-1 就是我们 要找的第一码块 w0w1w2…wn-1. 如果第一条边不唯一, 那么差错不可纠正。
  • 49. path) 接收序列为 10 01 01 00 10 11 00…, 解码窗口 b=7 00 01 如果 b=5 1 则无法成功解码 11 0
  • 50. Automatic Repeat Request  Mechanism used in data link control and transport protocols  Relies on use of an error detection code (such as CRC)  Flow Control  Error Control
  • 51. Flow Control  Assures that transmitting entity does not overwhelm a receiving entity with data  Protocols with flow control mechanism allow multiple PDUs ( 协议数据单元 ) in transit at the same time  PDUs arrive in same order they’re sent  Sliding-window (滑动窗口) flow control  Transmitter maintains list (window) of sequence numbers allowed to send  Receiver maintains list allowed to receive
  • 52. Flow Control  Reasons for breaking up a block of data before transmitting:  Limited buffer size of receiver  Retransmission of PDU due to error requires smaller amounts of data to be retransmitted  On shared medium, larger PDUs occupy medium for extended period, causing delays at other sending stations
  • 54.
  • 55. Error Control  Mechanisms to detect and correct transmission errors  Types of errors:  Lost PDU : a PDU fails to arrive  Damaged PDU : PDU arrives with errors
  • 56. Error Control Requirements  Error detection  Receiver detects errors and discards PDUs  Positive acknowledgement  Destination returns acknowledgment of received, error-free PDUs  Retransmission after timeout  Source retransmits unacknowledged PDU  Negative acknowledgement and retransmission  Destination returns negative acknowledgment to PDUs in error
  • 57. Go-back-N ARQ  Acknowledgments  RR = receive ready (no errors occur)  REJ = reject (error detected)  Contingencies (可能发生的意外事件)  Damaged PDU  Damaged RR  Damaged REJ
  • 58.
  • 59. 作业  For P(X)=X5+X4+X+1 and D=11100011, 求 CRC (给出过程)  Consider a convolutional encoder defined by (v n1=un⊕un-1) and (un2=un-1⊕un-2)  Draw a shift register implementation for this encoder similar to Figure 8.9(a)  Draw a Trellis diagram for this encoder similar to Figure 8.10  For the encoder of the above problem, assume that the shift register is initialized to all zeros and that after the transmission of the last information bit, two zero bits are transmitted  Why are the two extra (all-zero) bits are needed?  假定信息输入为 1101011 ,那么编码后的输出比特流是什么 ? ( 最左边的比特是最先输入到编码器的比特)