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Synergie Productions
YouTube	Marke,ng:	How	to	Build	a	Content	Strategy		
for	a	Brand	Channel	
1,619,707	views	1	day	ago	
Make	your	business	stand	out	from	the	compe>>on	with	video	
marke>ng!	Learn	how	to	create	quality	content	for	your	
brand’s	YouTube	channel	and	build	an	always-on	programming	
strategy.	Follow	our	guidelines	and	turn	your	YouTube	channel	
into	a	powerful	marke>ng	tool,	build	an	engaged	community	of	
subscribers	/	advocates	and	drive	online	and	offline	sales.	
Discover	more	video	marke>ng	opportuni>es	here:		
Google+	▶	hMps://	
Facebook	▶	hMps://>ons/	
LinkedIn	▶	hMps://>ons?trk=biz-companies-cym	
Pinterest	▶	hMps://		
Presented	by	Frédéric	Alliod	-	Synergie	Produc>ons	
Academic	Direc>on:	Hervé	Druez	-	Fabrizio	Zerbini	
Cer>ficat	Marke>ng	Digital	-	Promo	7	-	ESCP	Europe	-	CCM	Benchmark	-	2016	
Recommended channels
▶ Start Using Video Marketing Now
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Table of Contents
YouTube	Marke,ng:	How	to	Build	a	Content	Strategy	for	a	Brand	Channel	
Synergie	Produc>ons	•	6	videos	•	1,619,707	views	•	Last	updated	on	March	16,	2016		
Key	YouTube	Datas	&	Sta,s,cs	2015	/	2016	
by	Synergie	Produc>ons		
How	to	Define	Objec,ves	and	KPIs	
by	Synergie	Produc>ons		
How	to	Build	a	Branded	Content	Strategy	
by	Synergie	Produc>ons		
How	to	Build	a	Content	Crea,on	Strategy	
by	Synergie	Produc>ons		
How	to	Build	a	Content	Programming	Strategy	
by	Synergie	Produc>ons		
How	to	Leverage	Social	Interac,ons	
by	Synergie	Produc>ons		
Play all
1. Key YouTube Datas & Statistics 2015 / 2016
By	2019,	video	will	account	for	80%	of	all	Internet	traffic*.	
There	is	a	good	reason	why	brands	should	be	priori>sing	online	video	content:	because	consumers	are.	
In	a	world	of	short	aMen>on	spans	and	increasing	op>ons,	video	is	a	rich	medium	for	communica>ng	key	messages	in	an	engaging	
way	in	just	a	short	>meframe.	It	helps	brands	connect	with	their	target	audience	through	emo,on,	is	inherently	shareable,	and	
can	adapt	easily	across	devices	-	par>cularly	mobile.	
This	is	especially	important	since	consumers	are	now	in	control.	They	choose	what	they	want	to	watch,	when,	where	and	how	
they	want	it.	As	technology	is	growing	more	personal,	not	only	they	expect	brands	to	bring	an	added	value	to	them,	but	also	they	
want	to	interact	with	these	brands	through	sharing,	commen>ng	and	joining	a	conversa>on.		
Video	can	help	leverage	shared	passions	and	start	a	conversa>on	in	order	to	forge	deeper	bonds	with	consumers.	
As	the	3rd	most	visited	website	in	the	world,	2nd	largest	search	engine	and	number	one	online	video	plaXorm,	YouTube	should	
undoubtedly	be	a	priority	in	a	content	marke>ng	strategy.	As	a	social	media,	it	is	patronised	by	a	hyper-engaged,	highly-connected	
audience	who	craves	the	two-way	communica,on	YouTube	offers	-	and	that	TV	hardly	does.		
If	brands	shouldn’t	limit	their	online	video	distribu>on	strategy	to	YouTube,	it	should	certainly	be	the	cornerstone	of	cross-channel,	
device-agnos>c	campaigns	which	are	key	to	social	success.	
In	this	chapter,	we	will	look	into	key	YouTube	datas	and	sta>s>cs	(2015	/	2016)	in	order	to	highlight:	
1.1	The	Massive	Youtube	Ecosystem	
1.2	Top	Brands:	Audience	Analy,cs	
1.3	Top	Brands:	Interac,on	Analy,cs	
*Source:	Cisco	VNI	visual	networking	index,	May	2015	
Synergie Productions
1.1 The Massive YouTube Ecosystem
70 countries
post content in
76 languages
300 hours of video
are uploaded
every minute
SixBillion 6 billion hours of video
are watched monthly
of Millions
YouTube is now being accessed
from hundreds of millions of devices
17% of all
Internet traffic
flows through
Mobile YouTube users
spent 40 minutes on
average session, up
more than 50% y/y
YouTube is the 2nd
largest search engine,
behind Google
More than 1 billion
unique users visit
YouTube each month
50% of views,
globally, are from
mobile devices
The number of
advertisers running
video ads on
YouTube is up more
than 40% y/y
Sources:, YouTube Press Statistics, Statistic Brain, Statista
1.2 Top Brands: Audience Analytics (All Time)
Most	Subscribed	Brand	YouTube	Channels	
1 Red	Bull 5,016,644
2 PlaySta>on 4,129,421
3 Google 3,864,299
4 GoPro 3,780,572
5 Apple 3,073,121
6 Rockstar	Games 2,636,286
7 Nike	Football 2,373,697
8 VAT19 2,317,318
9 Ubisos 1,785,622
10 Samsung	Mobile 1,649,759
Most	Viewed	Brand	YouTube	Channels	
1 Angry	Birds 2,490,808,332
2 LEGO 2,281,695,983
3 VAT19 1,789,029,496
4 Red	Bull 1,397,607,631
5 GoPro 1,115,020,639
6 Google 985,658,775
7 PlaySta>on 940,444,216
8 Coca-Cola 854,001,765
9 TOBOTYOUNGTOY 696,534,448
10 Ubisos 662,525,105
Sources: Socialbakers, YouTube, March 2016 Sources: Socialbakers, YouTube, March 2016
Rank Channel Number	of	Likes Number	of	Dislikes Comments Total	Interac,ons
1 VAT19 966,205 37,022 139,709 1,142,936
2 PlaySta>on 761,446 148,424 195,268 1,105,138
3 GoPro 513,389 14,007 28,384 555,780
4 Red	Bull 433,733 11,801 29,793 475,327
5 LEGO 384,574 49,940 17893 452,407
6 Nintendo 274,124 24,393 74,584 373,101
7 Monster	High 225,238 15,487 5,618 246,343
8 Ubisos 182,786 9,378 34,210 226,374
9 Xbox 169,596 9,756 19,083 198,435
10 Coca-Cola 163,304 11,830 10,044 185,178
Source: ChannelMeter, March 2016
1.3 Top Brands: Interaction Analytics (Jan-March 2016)
Rank Channel Number	of	Likes Number	of	Dislikes Comments Total	Interac,ons
1 VAT19 966,205 37,022 139,709 1,142,936
2 PlaySta>on 761,446 148,424 195,268 1,105,138
3 GoPro 513,389 14,007 28,384 555,780
4 Red	Bull 433,733 11,801 29,793 475,327
5 LEGO 384,574 49,940 17893 452,407
6 Nintendo 274,124 24,393 74,584 373,101
7 Monster	High 225,238 15,487 5,618 246,343
8 Ubisos 182,786 9,378 34,210 226,374
9 Xbox 169,596 9,756 19,083 198,435
10 Coca-Cola 163,304 11,830 10,044 185,178
Source: ChannelMeter, March 2016
Up next
How to Define Objectives and KPIs
Synergie Productions
2. How to Define Objectives and KPIs
YouTube	Marke,ng	is	all	about	ge_ng	the	right	video	in	front	of	the	right	audience	to	trigger	the	right	ac,on.		
However,	pos>ng	videos	online	hardly	makes	for	an	efficient	and	meaningful	content	marke>ng	strategy,	especially	when	it	comes	
to	crea>ng	and	managing	a	YouTube	channel.	It	needs	to	have	a	purpose:	what	are	your	trying	to	achieve	for	your	brand?	
Essen>ally,	defining	priority	objec>ves	and	relevant	metrics	goes	back	to	answering	the	following	ques>ons:	
‣ Objec,ves:	
What	problem	are	your	trying	to	solve?	What	role	do	you	want	your	videos	to	play	in	the	marke>ng	mix	/	customer’s	journey	?	
When	it	comes	to	YouTube	marke>ng,	we	can	highlight	5	main	objec>ves	:	
1-	Build	awareness	
2-	Influence	considera,on	
3-	Grow	engagement		
4-	Drive	conversions	
5-	Build	advocates	
‣ KPIs:	
What	does	success	look	like	for	you?	Is	it	about	views?	Ac>ons?	Loyalty?	
To	properly	track	your	efforts,	you	should	pick	only	two	or	three	indicators,	depending	on	your	specific	objec>ves.	The	other	
metrics	can	be	used	for	diagnos>cs	or	op>misa>on.	
When	brands	get	confused	about	what	they	can	accomplish	with	YouTube,	I	remind	of	them	of	one	simple	fact:	YouTube	moves	people.	YouTube	can	
move	people	to	choose	your	brand,	it	unlocks	audience	parHcipaHon,	and	it’s	effecHve	at	influencing	your	customer’s	head,	heart,	and	feet.	
Lucas	Watson,	Vice	President	of	Global	Brand	Solu>ons	at	Google	-	ÜberTube	2014	Brand	Summit
Synergie Productions
Objectives and KPIs
	Objec,ve Sub-objec,ve KPI
Build	awareness ‣ Do	your	videos	drive	a	strong	audience	?
‣ #	views		
‣ #	unique	users
Influence	considera,on
‣ Do	your	videos	capture	your	audience’s	
‣ watch	>me	
‣ %	audience	reten>on	
‣ %	drop-off	
‣ Do	your	videos	drive	traffic	to	other	of	
your	videos?	
‣ #	clicks	(annota>ons,	featured	&	
recommended	videos)	
‣ %	view-through	(VTR)
Grow	engagement
‣ Is	your	audience	willing	to	converse	with	
your	brand?
‣ #	or	%	comments
‣ Is	your	audience	loyal	to	your	channel?
‣ #	subscribers		
‣ %	audience	subscribes
Drive	conversions
‣ Do	your	videos	drive	traffic	to	your	
‣ #	or	%	clicks	(ads,	annota>ons,	URLs)	
‣ #	or	%	conversions
Build	advocates
‣ Is	your	audience	endorsing	or	sharing	your	
‣ #	or	%	likes	and	favorites	
‣ #	or	%	shares
Watch our video on how to build a branded content strategy
to target your audience’s interests and reach your
Objec,ve Sub-objec,ve KPI
Build	awareness ‣ Do	your	videos	drive	a	strong	audience	?
‣ #	views		
‣ #	unique	users
Influence	considera,on
‣ Do	your	videos	capture	your	audience’s	
‣ watch	>me	
‣ %	audience	reten>on	
‣ %	drop-off	
‣ Do	your	videos	drive	traffic	to	other	of	
your	videos?	
‣ #	clicks	(annota>ons,	featured	&	
recommended	videos)	
‣ %	view-through	(VTR)
Grow	engagement
‣ Is	your	audience	willing	to	converse	with	
your	brand?
‣ #	or	%	comments
‣ Is	your	audience	loyal	to	your	channel?
‣ #	subscribers		
‣ %	audience	subscribes
Drive	conversions
‣ Do	your	videos	drive	traffic	to	your	
‣ #	or	%	clicks	(ads,	annota>ons,	URLs)	
‣ #	or	%	conversions
Build	advocates
‣ Is	your	audience	endorsing	or	sharing	your	
‣ #	or	%	likes	and	favorites	
‣ #	or	%	shares
Up next
How to Build a Branded Content Strategy
Synergie Productions
3. How to Build a Branded Content Strategy
A	powerful	and	relevant	content	strategy	should	lie	at	the	intersec,on	of	a	brand’s	value	proposi,on	and	its	audience's	passion	
What	unique	and	truly	legi>mate	content	can	your	brand	create	to	best	engage	your	consumers	and	earn	their	loyalty?		
When	people	look	for	answers,	discover	new	things,	make	decisions	or	just	have	fun,	they	are	most	likely	to	turn	to	Internet	-	and	
increasingly	to	YouTube.	As	consumers,	they	want	to	be	catered	to	with	helpful	content	and	entertaining	stories.	These	moments	
of	intent	are	called	by	Google	micro-moments	and	they	are	redefining	the	consumer’s	journey:	people	want	the	right	content	
right	away.		
By	focusing	on	their	passions	and	interests,	brands	can	hold	their	audience’s	aMen>on	and	connect	with	them	in	an	authen>c	way	
and	take	advantage	of	their	everyday	micro-moments.	
Provided	that	your	video	content	is	true	to	your	brand's	iden>ty	and	posi>oning,	there	are	three	main	ways	to	add	value	for	your	
audience,	pique	their	interest	and	answer	their	needs:		
‣ INSPIRE	the	audience	with	emo>onal	and	relatable	stories	
‣ EDUCATE	the	audience	with	useful	informa>on	
‣ ENTERTAIN	the	audience	by	surprising	them,	making	them	laugh	or	sharing	spectacular	content	
In	this	chapter,	we	will	have	a	closer	look	at	the	following:	
3.1	Branded	Content	Strategy	Map	
3.2	Four	Types	of	Video	Micro-Moments		
3.3	Add	Value:	Three	case	studies		
Synergie Productions
3.1 Branded Content Strategy Map
Branded	content	strategy	territory
What	value	will	your	brand	content	add	for	your	consumers	when	experiencing	micro-moments?
Mee,ng	point
Content	Programming	Strategy
Target	Consumer’s	Interests	and	Passions
What	does	your	audience	care	about?
Emo>onal	and	relatable	stories
Useful	informa>on
Surprising	/	Funny	/	Spectacular	content
Brand	Iden,ty	&	Posi,oning
What	does	your	brand	stand	for?	
Content	Crea,on	Strategy
3.2 Four Types of Video Micro-Moments
Source: Video micro moments: What Do They Mean For Your Video Strategy
Lucas Watson - think with Google, October 2015
XMore information
Micro-moments: Learn about this
new consumer behaviour and
what it means for brands
By think with Google
Click here
3.3 Added Value: Inspire XMore information
Case	study:	Clean	&	Clear	-	#SeeTheRealMe	series	
By	Johnson	&	Johnson	
Brand’s	posi,oning:	Skin	care	products	
Brand’s	value:	Beauty	comes	from	being	confident,	
comfortable	and	secure	in	your	own	skin	
Target	audience:	Teenage	girls	
Audience’s	passions	&	interest:	Today,	teens	want	to	be	
seen	and	heard,	but	are	afraid	of	being	judged	
Mee,ng	point:	Empowering	teenage	girls	with	inspiring	
self	acceptance	speeches	-	“The	best	acceptance	
speeches	are	the	ones	we	give	ourselves”	
Branded	content	strategy:		
#SeeTheRealMe	series	:	a	series	of	1minute+	video	
portraits	introducing	real	teenage	girls	“having	the	
courage	to	show	who	they	really	are,	and	what	makes	
them	unique”	
The	series	also	features:	collabora>ons	with	influencers	
(teenage	girls	band	Fish	Harmony,	YouTuber	Princess	
Lauren);	Q&A	sessions;	Behind	the	Scenes;	tes>monials	
from	consumers	(Morning	Burst);	>ps	and	tutorials,	ads,	
Results:	33,020	subscribers	-	37,452,889	views	
3.3 Added Value: Educate XMore information
Case	study:	Kraj	Recipes	
By	Kraj	Foods	
Brand’s	posi,oning:	Food	and	beverage	
Brand’s	value:	To	provide	high	quality,	great	taste	and	
nutri>on	for	all	ea>ng	occasions	whether	at	home,	in	
restaurants	or	on	the	go.		
Target	audience:	Busy	moms	with	kids	in	the	household	
Audience’s	passions	&	interest:	Cooking	for	family	and	
Mee,ng	point:	Empowering	moms	with	meal	ideas	and	
recipes	for	everyday	life	and	special	occasions	
Content	strategy:		
How-to	instruc>onal	techniques	(30	seconds	to	1	minute	
videos);	Cooking	classes	(about	3	minutes);	tes>monials	
from	housewives	and	professionals	
Besides,	Kras	is	a	mul>-channel	network	(MCN)	that	also	
runs	product-based	YouTube	channels	like	JELLO,	Kras	
Macaroni	and	Cheese,	Oscar	Mayer,	Miracle	whip,	etc.	as	
well	as	a	channel	dedicated	to	the	la>no	community:	
Comida	Kras	
Results:	44,311	subscribers	-	17,864,776	views	
3.3 Added Value: Entertain XMore information
Case	study:	VAT19	
By	VAT19	
Brand’s	posi,oning:	Online	store	for	unique	and	fun	
Brand’s	value:	To	sell	products	that	are	“curiously	
Target	audience:	“Him”,	“Her”,	“Kids”,	“the	Host	or	
Hostess”,	“The	Inner	Child”,	“The	Person	Who	Has	
Audience’s	passions	&	interest:	Gis	giving		
Mee,ng	point:	Showing	how	the	products	work	while	
pu•ng	a	smile	on	the	consumer’s	face	at	the	same	>me	
Content	strategy:		
30	seconds	to	3	minutes	ads,	video	clips	and	product	
demos	designed	as	comedy	skits	and	starring	comedians		
The	channel	also	features:	web	shows	(Awesome	Time…);	
Recurring	characters	(Redford,	Chauncey,	The	Southern	
Gentleman…);	Collabora>on	with	influencers	(YouTuber	
Rebecca	Zamolo,	Clintus…);	Behind	the	Scenes:	OuMakes	
&	Bloopers;	Challenges;	Curated	videos	from	fans		
Results:	2,285,991	subscribers	-	1,754,284,620	views	
Case study:Vat19
Up next
How to Build a Content Creation Strategy
Synergie Productions
4. How to Build a Content Creation Strategy
Video	is	the	perfect	medium	to	tell	your	brand’s	story	in	a	way	that	creates	an	emo,onal	investment	in	your	company.		
People	relate	to	a•tudes,	hopes,	values	or	fears	found	in	stories.	Rather	than	blatantly	selling	or	promo>ng	your	products,	
storytelling	allows	you	to	make	a	real	emo>onal	connec>on	with	your	audience:	it	gives	you	the	ability	to	deliver	your	key	
message	without	aliena>ng	them.		
This	being	said,	building	an	always-on	video	content	crea>on	strategy	can	be	really	challenging	for	marketers.	This	is	where	the	
“CCC”	framework	comes	in:	
This	type	of	content	is	created	by	the	brand.	It	captures	the	brand's	tone	and	offers	a	more	tradi>onal	crea>ve	polish.	It	might	
simply	be	entertaining	video	that	gets	people's	aMen>on,	or	it	might	deliver	on	specific	micro-moments.	
This	type	of	content	is	the	product	of	the	brand's	collabora>on	with	digital	influencers	(creators	and	channels	directly	or	talent	
agencies),	who	are	the	new	icons	of	pop	culture.	However,	this	requires	authen>city:	collabora>ons	work	when	influencers’	voice	
align	with	brands’	values	and	purpose.	Done	properly,	brands	get	word	of	mouth	marke>ng	while	also	reaching	a	much	wider	and	
engaged	audience.	
This	type	of	content	is	crased	by	consumers.	Video	is	then	used	as	a	tool	for	storymaking,	in	which	consumers	get	to	take	part.	
According	to	Ipsos	MediaCT,	user-generated	content	(UGC)	is	35%	more	memorable	and	50%	more	trusted	than	other	types	of	
media	and	informa>on	(2014).	
In	this	chapter,	we	will	have	a	closer	look	at	the	following:	
4.1	The	“CCC”	Framework:	Strategy	and	Crea,ve	Guidelines	
4.2	Case	studies:	Create,	Collaborate	&	Curate	
Synergie Productions
4.1 “CCC” Framework: Strategy and Creative guidelines
Mechanism Storytelling Storymaking
Source Created	by	the	brand Brand’s	collabora>on	with	YouTube	
creators	(influencers)
User	generated	content	(UGC)	
(result	from	call-to-ac>on	or	gathered	across	
social	channels)
‣ Set	the	brand’s	tone	
‣ Tell	a	story	that	is	inspiring,	educa>onal	
or	entertaining	
‣ Total	crea>ve	control	that	helps	your	
brand	meet	your	audience’s	micro-
‣ Help	your	brand	broaden	its	relevance		
‣ Help	connect	with	a	uniquely	engaged	
fan	base	and	build	a	community	
‣ Leverage	the	exper>se	of	experienced	
‣ Keep	message	authen>c	and	relatable	
‣ FlaMering	for	your	audience	
‣ Develop	a	sense	of	ownership	and	
connec>on	to	the	brand	
‣ Trusted	and	memorable	for	the	audience
Targe,ng Discoverability Shareability
‣ Determine	your	prime	target:	broad	
audience	/	niche	audience	
‣ Benchmark	your	compe>tors	
‣ Audit	your	exis>ng	content	and	analyse	
its	performances
‣ Iden>fy	trending	subject	maMers	
‣ Consider	highly	searchable	topics	
(search	results)	
‣ Create	“evergreen”	videos	searchable	
over	>me	(how-to,	etc.)	
‣ Be	original	/	surprising	
‣ Connect	through	emo>on	
‣ Appeal	to	your	audience’s	values	
‣ Bring	useful	informa>on	
Accessibility Consistency Authen,city
‣ Be	comprehensible	for	a	first->me	
viewer	(each	episode	of	a	show	should	
stand	on	its	own)	
‣ Tease	or	recap	your	subject	at	the	
beginning	of	your	video
‣ Develop	a	consistent	format	/	voice	/	
schedule	to	make	it	familiar	to	your	
‣ Favour	serialised	storytelling	to	
increase	fan’s	expecta>ons	and	loyalty
‣ Cast	subject	maMer	experts	or	industry	
professionals	to	add	credibility	to	your	
‣ Showcase	real-life	fans	stories	to	make	
your	message	relatable	
‣ Consider	telling	the	back	story	of	your	
4.2 Case Studies: Create XMore information
Hot	Wheels	Labs	
By	Hot	Wheels	(Maoel)	
Format:	Web	series	
Genre:	Science	show	
Length:	About	2	minutes	
Number	of	episodes:	8	
Descrip,on:	“The	Professor”	explains	laws	of	
physics	to	kids	in	a	fun	way	using	toy	cars	and	
race	tracks	
Added	value:	Educate	/	Entertain
Expedia	Vaca,on	Travel	Guides	2015	
By	Expedia	
Format:	Web	series	
Genre:	Documentary	
Length:	4	to	15	minutes	
Number	of	episodes:	21	
Descrip,on:	Inspiring	travel	guides	about	
des>na>ons	around	the	globe,	made	up	of	
beauty	shots,	>ps	and	useful	informa>on	
Added	value:	Inspire	/	Educate	
Easy	To	Assemble	
By	Ikea	
Format:	Web	series	
Genre:	Sitcom	
Length:	2	to	10	minutes	
Number	of	episodes:	48	(4	seasons)	
Descrip,on:	Illeana	Douglas	plays	a	fic>onal	
version	of	herself	trying	to	quit	ac>ng	and	
work	a	"real	job"	in	an	IKEA	store	
Added	value:	Entertain
XMore information
4.2 Case Studies: Collaborate
Pepsi	Max	Challenges	
By	Pepsi	Max	
Format:	Ad	campaign	
Genre:	Extreme	sports	
Length:	2	to	4	minutes	
Number	of	episodes:	5	
Descrip,on:	Pepsi	Max	challenges	YouTube	
stuntmen	to	create	something	original	and	
unbelievable.	The	brand’s	purpose	is	to	
encourage	people	to	break	out	of	their	rou>nes.		
Added	value:	Inspire	/	Entertain
Michelle	Phan	Makeup	Tutorials	With		
By	Lancôme	USA	
Format:	Tutorials	
Genre:	Beauty	&	Style	
Length:	45	secondes	to	10	minutes	
Number	of	episodes:	30	
Descrip,on:	YouTube	superstar	and	makeup	
ar>st	Michelle	Phan	shares	her	beauty	>ps	and	
tricks	using	Lancôme	products	
Added	value:	Educate	/	Inspire
Orangina	&	Le	Studio	Bagel	:	La	Saga!	
By	Orangina	France	
Format:	Ad	campaign	
Genre:	Comedy	
Length:	30	secondes	
Number	of	episodes:	8	
Descrip,on:	Humour	is	part	of	Orangina’s	DNA.	
The	brand	naturally	turned	to	Studio	Bagel	-	a	
collec>ve	of	French	YouTube	comedians	-	for	a	
series	of	shorts	spoofing	American	blockbusters	
Added	value:	Entertain
XMore information
4.2 Case Studies: Curate
GoPro	Awards:	Official	Selec,ons	
By	GoPro	
Format:	Compe>>on	
Genre:	Extreme	Sports	
Length:	1	to	2	minutes	
Number	of	videos:	28	
Descrip,on:	Consumers	can	submit	photos,	
raw	clips	and	video	edits	captured	with	a	
GoPro.	The	brand	grants	cash	awards	to	
their	favorites	in	each	category	
Added	value:	Inspire	/	Entertain
Favorites:	User	Created	Rockstar	Editor	
By	Rockstar	Games	
Format:	Video	edi>ng	
Genre:	Video	games	
Length:	Miscellaneous	
Number	of	videos:	113	
Descrip,on:	Crea>ons	by	GTAV	PC	Players	
using	the	Rockstar	Editor’s	deep	suite	of	video	
edi>ng	features		
Added	value:	Entertain	/	Inspire
Sony’s	“Liked	Videos”	
By	Sony	
Format:	Miscellaneous	
Genre:	Miscellaneous	
Length:	Miscellaneous	
Number	of	videos:	75	
Descrip,on:	Product	reviews,	demonstra>ons,	
unboxing	and	crea>ons	from	fans	and	friends	
found	all	over	YouTube	
Added	value:	Inspire	/	Educate	/	Entertain
Up next
How to Build a Content Programming Strategy
Synergie Productions
5. How to Build a Content Programming Strategy
“Programming”	means	crea,ng	a	cohesive	viewing	experience	across	a	channel:	each	video	should	fit	into	the	larger	channel	
One	of	the	biggest	opportunity	a	video	plaƒorm	like	YouTube	gives	to	brands	is	to	adopt	a	more	strategic,	longer-term	approach	to	
video,	designed	to	build	an	audience	of	engaged	viewers	over	>me.	But	this	requires	consistency	and	sustainability.	
Therefore,	you	need	not	only	clear	programming	formats,	but	also	a	planned	content	calendar	that	tells	you	what	content	to	create,	
when	and	why.	As	a	maMer	of	fact,	it	should	be	aligned	with	your	media	buys	and	annual	marke,ng	plan	to	help	you	priori>se	and	
engage	the	right	audience	at	the	right	>me.	
In	order	to	achieve	that,	your	strategy	should	be	ar>culated	around	three	types	of	content,	defined	by	Google	itself	as	follows:		
‣ HELP		
Always-on	“pull”	content.	Op>mised	for	search,	it	is	designed	to	capture	users’	intent	and	provides	them	with	the	best	answers	to	
their	queries,	either	interests	or	needs	(e.g.	product	tutorials,	how-to	content,	customer	service,	etc.)	
‣ HUB		
Regularly	scheduled	content.	This	quality,	serialised	content	gives	a	fresh	perspec>ve	on	your	target's	passions	and	encourages	return	
viewing	through	subscrip>on	(e.g.	web	series,	behind	the	scenes,	ver>calised	content	about	a	product	line,	etc.)		
‣ HERO		
Tentpole	content.	These	campaign	videos	use	a	highly	emo>onal,	entertaining	and	shareable	storytelling.	It	is	designed	to	be	pushed	
to	a	massive	audience	through	paid	media	and	is	ac>vated	by	major	marke>ng	moments	(e.g.	product	launches,	industry	events,	etc.)	
In	this	chapter,	we	will	have	a	closer	look	at	the	following:	
5.1	“HHH”	Framework:	Modus	Operandi	
5.2	“HHH”	Framework:	Content	Calendar	
5.3	Case	studies:	Three	Brand’s	Content	Pyramid	
Synergie Productions
5.1: “HHH” Framework: Modus Operandi
Content	type HELP HUB HERO
“Evergreen”	content	
(product	tutorials,	how-to	content,	
product	services,	etc.)
Serialised	and	formaMed	content		
(web	series,	product	editorials,	behind	the	
scenes,	interviews,	success	stories,	
passions	and	interests,	UGC,	etc.)
Tentpole	content	
(Campaign	videos	ac>vated	by:	
product	launches,	premium	events,	
special	collabora>ons	with	
influencers,	etc.)
Periodicity Always-on
(weekly,	monthly,	etc.)
(one	to	three	>mes	/	year)
5.2 “HHH” Framework: Content Calendar
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
100 activités autour de l’eau pour relaxer et éveiller bébé
Auteur : Perrine Alliod - Photographe : Anne-Sophie Bost
Ads by Google
5.3 Case study: TOYOTA USA’s Content Pyramid
Super Bowl 2016: All-New Toyota Prius Campaign (1/4)
The Toyota Effect TeenDrive365 “The One and Only”
Toyota Camry Season2
Toyota Ever Better Expedition
Toyota Highlander:
Features and How-To’s…
Toyota Service Tips 101 Toyota Safety Toyota Prius Features &
Toyota Financial Services Toyota Entune
Features 2015
All-New 2016 Toyota Prius
All-New 2016 Toyota Prius
All-New 2016 Toyota Prius
< <
Visit our Website
5.3 Case study: LEGO’s Content Pyramid
The LEGO Movie - Official Trailer…
LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda
Chronicles - Episode…
LEGO News Show - Episode… LEGO Club Show - Episode…
< >
LEGO Blocumentary - …
LEGO Movie Maker app:
Tips and Tricks…
LEGO Creator Designer
How to Create…
LEGO Building with
Friends: How to…
LEGO City: How to Play… LEGO Duplo - DIY -
How to Build…
The LEGO Movie -
Vehicle Design Contest
The LEGO Movie -
The cast…
Subscribe now!
The LEGO Movie -
Meet The Characters…
5.3 Case study: NET-A-PORTER’s Content Pyramid
Kate Moss for Topshop - Coming to NET-A-PORTER
The Edit Cover Stars Body Beautiful Featuring… Runway to Real Life The Styling Workshop
The Beauty Fix The Yoga Studio with… The Fit Element The Makeup Masterclass
The 7-Day Body Reboot… Fit for Fashion with…
Behind the Scenes… Nathalie Massenet talks
about Kate Moss…
Shop now!
Cara Delevingne talks
about Kate Moss…
< <
< >
< <
Kate Moss for Topshop - Coming to NET-A-PORTER
The Edit Cover Stars Body Beautiful Featuring… Runway to Real Life The Styling Workshop
The Beauty Fix The Yoga Studio with… The Fit Element The Makeup Masterclass
The 7-Day Body Reboot… Fit for Fashion with…
Behind the Scenes… Nathalie Massenet talks
about Kate Moss…
Cara Delevingne talks
about Kate Moss…
< <
< >
< <
Up next
How to Leverage Social Interactions
Synergie Productions
6. How to Leverage Social Interactions
YouTube	allows	you	to	co-create	your	brand	experience	with	your	consumers.	Everything	is	built	around	a	two-way	dialogue	
between	you	and	your	audience.	
Video	plaƒorm,	search	engine…	YouTube	might	be	many	things	at	the	same	>me	but,	inherently,	it	is	a	social	network.	That	is	to	say,	
communi,es	will	happen	with	or	without	you.	This	is	why	you	want	to	make	sure	you	are	the	the	one	leading	the	discussion	in	a	
fruiƒul	direc>on.		
Building	a	community	means	engaging	an	audience	who	will	become	loyal	to	your	channel	and,	eventually,	powerful	brand	advocates.	
This	can	be	achieved	by	using	YouTube’s	social	features,	but	also	by	leveraging	all	social	networks:		
‣ YouTube	interac,on	
You	can	discuss	with	your	audience	in	real	>me	through	comments	or	live-streaming.	Thus,	you	give	your	consumers	a	chance	to	
connect	with	your	brand	by	providing	opportuni>es	for	feedback	or,	beMer	yet,	involve	them	in	your	content.	In	return,	you	can	
acknowledge	your	top	contributors	in	many	different	and	crea>ve	ways:	integrate	their	ques>ons,	ideas	or	sugges>ons	in	your	videos;	
incorporate	their	own	content	into	your	channel;	give	them	a	shout-out,	etc.	
‣ Social	amplifica,on	
Online	video	is	inherently	social	and,	by	defini>on,	shareable.	As	a	maMer	of	fact,	many	viewers	will	encounter	your	videos	through	
other	social	media,	websites	and	blogs.	Thus,	your	distribu>on	strategy	should	leverage	both	owned	media	and	paid	media	
campaigns:	this	is	how	you	will	ignite	earned	media	and,	ul>mately,	social	success.						
In	any	case,	and	whatever	you	are	trying	to	achieve,	you	should	clearly	state	what	ac>ons	you	want	your	audience	to	take	(e.g.	
“subscribe”,	“comment”,	“like”,	“share”,	“shop”,	etc.).	One	efficient	way	to	do	that	is	by	using	call-to-ac,on	overlays	(annota>ons,	end	
cards,	etc.)	that	you	can	add	to	your	videos	in	a	huge	variety	of	ways	and	thus	create	an	interac>ve	experience	for	your	consumers.		
In	this	chapter,	we	will	have	a	closer	look	at	the	following:	
6.1	A	YouTube	Channel’s	Social	Map	
6.2	Social	Interac,ons:	Case	Studies
Synergie Productions
6.1 A Youtube Channel’s Social Map
Social Amplifica,on
Ownership Brand	(owned) Audience	(earned)
Media	type
‣ Grow	engagement	
‣ Drive	traffic	&	conversions
‣ Build	advocates	
‣ Build	awareness
YouTube	Interac,on
Conversa,on Acknowledgement
‣ Live	public	events	(e.g.	Google	Hangouts)	
‣ Live	private	events	with	top	fans	(e.g.	Google	Hangouts)	
‣ Comments	(channel	and	videos)	
‣ Curate	fan-made	videos		
‣ Read	your	audience’s	comments	in	a	video	
‣ Create	videos	answering	your	audience’s	comments	/	ques>ons	/	requests	/	
‣ Shout-out	(thank	top	contributors	in	your	video	/	video	descrip>on	/	annota>ons)	
‣ Engage	with	top	fans	first:	share	pictures	from	your	latest	shoot,	solicit	advice,	or	
share	videos	privately	a	day	or	two	before	they	release.		
‣ Offer	fan	merchandise	or	exclusive	content	shared	through	unlisted	videos.		
‣ Get	instant	feedbacks	
‣ Get	useful	ideas	and	sugges>ons	
‣ E-reputa>on	management	
‣ Get	user	generated	/	inspired	content	to	feed	your	programming	needs	
‣ Gra>fying	and	memorable	experience	for	audience	
‣ Shareable
‣ Develop	/	engage	your	community	
‣ Develop	an	emo>onal	connec>on	/	sense	of	ownership	
‣ Feels	authen>c	
‣ Influence	considera>on	
‣ Build	loyalty	
Call-to-ac>on	/	
Ac>on	/	
Share	/		
Drive	traffic	&	
Drive	traffic	Drive	traffic	
Call-to-ac>on	/	
Ac>on	/	
6.2 Social Interaction: Case Studies XMore information
HP	Google	Hangouts	
By	HP	
Format:	Live-streaming	
Length:	Miscellaneous	
Number	of	videos:	21	
Descrip,on:	HP	organised	a	series	of	Google	
Hangouts	with	selected	consumers	to	discuss	its	
new	products,	services	and	applica>ons.	The	
sessions	were	streamed	and	recorded	on	
Interac,on:	Conversa>on
Bose	FanTracks	
By	HP	
Format:	Adver>sing	
Length:	About	30	seconds	
Number	of	videos:	22	
Descrip,on:	On	the	occasion	of	Super	Bowl	50,	
Bose	turned	fans’	tweets	into	music	videos	that	
were	broadcasted	on	YouTube.	Tagline:	“Bose	
makes	everything	sound	beMer,	even	140	
Interac,on:	Acknowledgement
McDonald’s	“Our	Food.	Your	Ques,ons.”	
By	McDonald's	
Format:	Video	Report	
Length:	Miscellaneous	
Number	of	videos:	9	
Descrip,on:	McDonald’s	offers	its	customer’s	to	
ask	any	ques>ons	regarding	their	food,	through	
their	website	or	TwiMer.	The	brand	then	reply	to	
trending	subjects	with	a	video	report,	eventually	
including	top	contributors	in	the	making	
Interac,on:	Conversa>on	/	Acknowledgement
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Conclusion: Best Practices Checklist
COMMENTS • 1,848
Arini S. 1 day ago
Hello, I get it overall, but I do have a question: if you were to sum up this presentation, what would be the 10 best practices that should be remembered, from your point of
view? Thx in advance!
Synergie Productions 1 day ago
Hi Arini, no worries, here you go :
1. Prioritise your brand’s objectives: Awareness, Consideration, Engagement, Conversion and/or Advocacy
2. Define what success looks like: Is it about views? Subscriptions? Interactions? Advocacy? Choose 2 or 3 KPIs that work for you
3. Find the right intersection between your brand’s identity & positioning and your target consumer’s interests and passions
4. Define what value will your brand content add for your consumers when experiencing micro-moments: INSPIRE, EDUCATE and/or ENTERTAIN
5. Create an emotional investment in your brand with storytelling and storymaking tools. You can use the “CCC” framework for that:
6. Use creative guidelines to optimise your content creation and encourage engagement : Targeting, Shareability, Discoverability, Accessibility, Consistency
and Authenticity
7. Think long term! Build a channel calendar to map your content strategy and align it with your media buys and annual marketing plan
8. Articulate your programming strategy around three types of content to get the right video in front of the right audience at the right time and meet your
objectives: HELP, HUB and HYGIENE
9. Build an engaged and loyal community by leveraging YouTube’s social interactions: Spur conversation within your community using comments
and/or live-streaming tools and acknowledge your top contributors in many different creative and interactive ways
10.Use multiple social media platforms to find and engage your audience everywhere and amplify your video marketing strategy’s success
Michelle P. 1 day ago
Hi there! I’m working on a new video marketing project right now… I’d like to discuss my ideas with you and see if you can help me out with it. How can I contact you?
Synergie Productions 1 day ago
Hi Michelle. You can find our contact details on the next page. Look forward to discuss your project with you! Cheers
Frédéric	ALLIOD	
Managing	Partner	-	Video	Marke>ng	
Synergie	Productions	
Agence	Conseil	en	Communication	Audiovisuelle	et	Evénementielle	
32,	rue	Fessart	
92100	Boulogne-Billancourt	
Tel.:	+33	(0)	1	70	22	68	18	
Augus,n	de	CANCHY	
Managing	Partner	-	Event	Marke>ng	
Joined	March,	2016	
1.	Datas	and	Sta,s,cs	
‣ YouTube	Sta>s>cs	-	YouTube	PressRoom	
‣ How	the	Top	100	Brands	Use	YouTube	for	Marke>ng	-	Concept5	
‣ Sta>s>cs	and	facts	about	YouTube	-	Sta>sta	
‣ Youtube	Sta>s>cs	-	Sta>s>c	Brain	
‣ Brands	YouTube	channels	-	Sta>s>cs	-	SocialBakers	
‣ ChannelMeter	
2.	Resources	From	Google	/	YouTube	
‣ YouTube	Creator	Academy	
‣ The	YouTube	Creator	Playbook	for	Brands	
‣ Think	with	Google	-	Video	Insights	
‣ YouTube	Creator	
‣ YouTube	Spotlight	
‣ YouTube	Trends	
3.	Resources	From	SlideShare	
‣ Les	10	commandements	de	la	généra>on	d’audience	sur	YouTube,	Yann	
Sauvageon	(Synodiance)	et	Aurélie	Moulin	(	-	SMX	Paris	2013	
‣ 8	Principles	For	BeMer	Video	Content	Marke>ng	-	Cedar,	2015	
‣ Managing	a	YouTube	Channel,	Richard	Harrington	-	Rhed	Pixel,	2014	
4.	Specialised	Websites,	Blogs	and	YouTube	channels	
‣ YouTube	Marke>ng	-	ReelSEO	
‣ Video	Creators	
‣ Reelnreel	
5.	Ar,cles	From	Around	the	Web	
‣ YouTube	Channel	Building	For	Brands:	Hero,	Hub,	Help	Content	Strategy,	Op>miza>on,	
and	Community	Building	-	Brendan	Gahan,	2016	
‣ Unlocking	YouTube’s	Uber-Poten>al	For	Brands:	ÜBERTUBE	2014	BRAND	SUMMIT	in	
review	-	Pixability		
‣ 10	Reasons	Your	Brand	Needs	To	Be	On	YouTube,	Jayson	DeMers	-	Forbes,	2015		
‣ Successful	Brands	Use	These	4	YouTube	Marke>ng	Strategies,	Samuel	Edwards	-	Inc.,	
‣ 12	Strategies	for	Promo>ng	Your	YouTube	Videos,	Jason	R.	Rich	-	Entrepreneur	2014	

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YouTube Marketing: How to Build a Content Strategy for a Brand Channel

  • 1. Synergie Productions YouTube Marke,ng: How to Build a Content Strategy for a Brand Channel 1,619,707 views 1 day ago Make your business stand out from the compe>>on with video marke>ng! Learn how to create quality content for your brand’s YouTube channel and build an always-on programming strategy. Follow our guidelines and turn your YouTube channel into a powerful marke>ng tool, build an engaged community of subscribers / advocates and drive online and offline sales. Discover more video marke>ng opportuni>es here: hMp:// CHECK OUT ALL OF OUR EVENT AND VIDEO PRODUCTION SERVICES! hMp:// SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR MORE ONLINE VIDEOS! hMps:// LET’S CONNECT! Google+ ▶ hMps:// Facebook ▶ hMps://>ons/ LinkedIn ▶ hMps://>ons?trk=biz-companies-cym Pinterest ▶ hMps:// Presented by Frédéric Alliod - Synergie Produc>ons Academic Direc>on: Hervé Druez - Fabrizio Zerbini Cer>ficat Marke>ng Digital - Promo 7 - ESCP Europe - CCM Benchmark - 2016 Recommended channels ▶ Start Using Video Marketing Now See all Subscribe
  • 3. 1. Key YouTube Datas & Statistics 2015 / 2016 By 2019, video will account for 80% of all Internet traffic*. There is a good reason why brands should be priori>sing online video content: because consumers are. In a world of short aMen>on spans and increasing op>ons, video is a rich medium for communica>ng key messages in an engaging way in just a short >meframe. It helps brands connect with their target audience through emo,on, is inherently shareable, and can adapt easily across devices - par>cularly mobile. This is especially important since consumers are now in control. They choose what they want to watch, when, where and how they want it. As technology is growing more personal, not only they expect brands to bring an added value to them, but also they want to interact with these brands through sharing, commen>ng and joining a conversa>on. Video can help leverage shared passions and start a conversa>on in order to forge deeper bonds with consumers. As the 3rd most visited website in the world, 2nd largest search engine and number one online video plaXorm, YouTube should undoubtedly be a priority in a content marke>ng strategy. As a social media, it is patronised by a hyper-engaged, highly-connected audience who craves the two-way communica,on YouTube offers - and that TV hardly does. If brands shouldn’t limit their online video distribu>on strategy to YouTube, it should certainly be the cornerstone of cross-channel, device-agnos>c campaigns which are key to social success. In this chapter, we will look into key YouTube datas and sta>s>cs (2015 / 2016) in order to highlight: 1.1 The Massive Youtube Ecosystem 1.2 Top Brands: Audience Analy,cs 1.3 Top Brands: Interac,on Analy,cs *Source: Cisco VNI visual networking index, May 2015 Synergie Productions
  • 4. 1.1 The Massive YouTube Ecosystem 70Countries 70 countries post content in 76 languages 300 Hours 300 hours of video are uploaded every minute SixBillion 6 billion hours of video are watched monthly Hundreds of Millions YouTube is now being accessed from hundreds of millions of devices 17% 17% of all Internet traffic flows through YouTube 40 Minutes Mobile YouTube users spent 40 minutes on average session, up more than 50% y/y 2nd Largest YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine, behind Google One Billion More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month 50% Mobile 50% of views, globally, are from mobile devices 40% The number of advertisers running video ads on YouTube is up more than 40% y/y Sources:, YouTube Press Statistics, Statistic Brain, Statista
  • 5. 1.2 Top Brands: Audience Analytics (All Time) Most Subscribed Brand YouTube Channels 1 Red Bull 5,016,644 2 PlaySta>on 4,129,421 3 Google 3,864,299 4 GoPro 3,780,572 5 Apple 3,073,121 6 Rockstar Games 2,636,286 7 Nike Football 2,373,697 8 VAT19 2,317,318 9 Ubisos 1,785,622 10 Samsung Mobile 1,649,759 Most Viewed Brand YouTube Channels 1 Angry Birds 2,490,808,332 2 LEGO 2,281,695,983 3 VAT19 1,789,029,496 4 Red Bull 1,397,607,631 5 GoPro 1,115,020,639 6 Google 985,658,775 7 PlaySta>on 940,444,216 8 Coca-Cola 854,001,765 9 TOBOTYOUNGTOY 696,534,448 10 Ubisos 662,525,105 Sources: Socialbakers, YouTube, March 2016 Sources: Socialbakers, YouTube, March 2016
  • 6. Rank Channel Number of Likes Number of Dislikes Comments Total Interac,ons 1 VAT19 966,205 37,022 139,709 1,142,936 2 PlaySta>on 761,446 148,424 195,268 1,105,138 3 GoPro 513,389 14,007 28,384 555,780 4 Red Bull 433,733 11,801 29,793 475,327 5 LEGO 384,574 49,940 17893 452,407 6 Nintendo 274,124 24,393 74,584 373,101 7 Monster High 225,238 15,487 5,618 246,343 8 Ubisos 182,786 9,378 34,210 226,374 9 Xbox 169,596 9,756 19,083 198,435 10 Coca-Cola 163,304 11,830 10,044 185,178 Source: ChannelMeter, March 2016 1.3 Top Brands: Interaction Analytics (Jan-March 2016)
  • 7. Rank Channel Number of Likes Number of Dislikes Comments Total Interac,ons 1 VAT19 966,205 37,022 139,709 1,142,936 2 PlaySta>on 761,446 148,424 195,268 1,105,138 3 GoPro 513,389 14,007 28,384 555,780 4 Red Bull 433,733 11,801 29,793 475,327 5 LEGO 384,574 49,940 17893 452,407 6 Nintendo 274,124 24,393 74,584 373,101 7 Monster High 225,238 15,487 5,618 246,343 8 Ubisos 182,786 9,378 34,210 226,374 9 Xbox 169,596 9,756 19,083 198,435 10 Coca-Cola 163,304 11,830 10,044 185,178 Source: ChannelMeter, March 2016 Cancel Up next How to Define Objectives and KPIs Synergie Productions
  • 8. 2. How to Define Objectives and KPIs YouTube Marke,ng is all about ge_ng the right video in front of the right audience to trigger the right ac,on. However, pos>ng videos online hardly makes for an efficient and meaningful content marke>ng strategy, especially when it comes to crea>ng and managing a YouTube channel. It needs to have a purpose: what are your trying to achieve for your brand? Essen>ally, defining priority objec>ves and relevant metrics goes back to answering the following ques>ons: ‣ Objec,ves: What problem are your trying to solve? What role do you want your videos to play in the marke>ng mix / customer’s journey ? When it comes to YouTube marke>ng, we can highlight 5 main objec>ves : 1- Build awareness 2- Influence considera,on 3- Grow engagement 4- Drive conversions 5- Build advocates ‣ KPIs: What does success look like for you? Is it about views? Ac>ons? Loyalty? To properly track your efforts, you should pick only two or three indicators, depending on your specific objec>ves. The other metrics can be used for diagnos>cs or op>misa>on. When brands get confused about what they can accomplish with YouTube, I remind of them of one simple fact: YouTube moves people. YouTube can move people to choose your brand, it unlocks audience parHcipaHon, and it’s effecHve at influencing your customer’s head, heart, and feet. Lucas Watson, Vice President of Global Brand Solu>ons at Google - ÜberTube 2014 Brand Summit Synergie Productions
  • 9. Objectives and KPIs Objec,ve Sub-objec,ve KPI Build awareness ‣ Do your videos drive a strong audience ? ‣ # views ‣ # unique users Influence considera,on ‣ Do your videos capture your audience’s aMen>on? ‣ watch >me ‣ % audience reten>on ‣ % drop-off ‣ Do your videos drive traffic to other of your videos? ‣ # clicks (annota>ons, featured & recommended videos) ‣ % view-through (VTR) Grow engagement ‣ Is your audience willing to converse with your brand? ‣ # or % comments ‣ Is your audience loyal to your channel? ‣ # subscribers ‣ % audience subscribes Drive conversions ‣ Do your videos drive traffic to your website? ‣ # or % clicks (ads, annota>ons, URLs) ‣ # or % conversions Build advocates ‣ Is your audience endorsing or sharing your content? ‣ # or % likes and favorites ‣ # or % shares Watch our video on how to build a branded content strategy to target your audience’s interests and reach your objectives!
  • 10. Objec,ve Sub-objec,ve KPI Build awareness ‣ Do your videos drive a strong audience ? ‣ # views ‣ # unique users Influence considera,on ‣ Do your videos capture your audience’s aMen>on? ‣ watch >me ‣ % audience reten>on ‣ % drop-off ‣ Do your videos drive traffic to other of your videos? ‣ # clicks (annota>ons, featured & recommended videos) ‣ % view-through (VTR) Grow engagement ‣ Is your audience willing to converse with your brand? ‣ # or % comments ‣ Is your audience loyal to your channel? ‣ # subscribers ‣ % audience subscribes Drive conversions ‣ Do your videos drive traffic to your website? ‣ # or % clicks (ads, annota>ons, URLs) ‣ # or % conversions Build advocates ‣ Is your audience endorsing or sharing your content? ‣ # or % likes and favorites ‣ # or % shares Up next How to Build a Branded Content Strategy Synergie Productions Cancel
  • 11. 3. How to Build a Branded Content Strategy A powerful and relevant content strategy should lie at the intersec,on of a brand’s value proposi,on and its audience's passion points. What unique and truly legi>mate content can your brand create to best engage your consumers and earn their loyalty? When people look for answers, discover new things, make decisions or just have fun, they are most likely to turn to Internet - and increasingly to YouTube. As consumers, they want to be catered to with helpful content and entertaining stories. These moments of intent are called by Google micro-moments and they are redefining the consumer’s journey: people want the right content right away. By focusing on their passions and interests, brands can hold their audience’s aMen>on and connect with them in an authen>c way and take advantage of their everyday micro-moments. Provided that your video content is true to your brand's iden>ty and posi>oning, there are three main ways to add value for your audience, pique their interest and answer their needs: ‣ INSPIRE the audience with emo>onal and relatable stories ‣ EDUCATE the audience with useful informa>on ‣ ENTERTAIN the audience by surprising them, making them laugh or sharing spectacular content In this chapter, we will have a closer look at the following: 3.1 Branded Content Strategy Map 3.2 Four Types of Video Micro-Moments 3.3 Add Value: Three case studies Synergie Productions
  • 12. 3.1 Branded Content Strategy Map Branded content strategy territory What value will your brand content add for your consumers when experiencing micro-moments? Mee,ng point Content Programming Strategy Target Consumer’s Interests and Passions What does your audience care about? Inspire Emo>onal and relatable stories Educate Useful informa>on Entertain Surprising / Funny / Spectacular content Brand Iden,ty & Posi,oning What does your brand stand for? Content Crea,on Strategy
  • 13. 3.2 Four Types of Video Micro-Moments Source: Video micro moments: What Do They Mean For Your Video Strategy Lucas Watson - think with Google, October 2015 XMore information Micro-moments: Learn about this new consumer behaviour and what it means for brands By think with Google Click here
  • 14. 3.3 Added Value: Inspire XMore information Case study: Clean & Clear - #SeeTheRealMe series By Johnson & Johnson Brand’s posi,oning: Skin care products Brand’s value: Beauty comes from being confident, comfortable and secure in your own skin Target audience: Teenage girls Audience’s passions & interest: Today, teens want to be seen and heard, but are afraid of being judged Mee,ng point: Empowering teenage girls with inspiring self acceptance speeches - “The best acceptance speeches are the ones we give ourselves” Branded content strategy: #SeeTheRealMe series : a series of 1minute+ video portraits introducing real teenage girls “having the courage to show who they really are, and what makes them unique” The series also features: collabora>ons with influencers (teenage girls band Fish Harmony, YouTuber Princess Lauren); Q&A sessions; Behind the Scenes; tes>monials from consumers (Morning Burst); >ps and tutorials, ads, etc. Results: 33,020 subscribers - 37,452,889 views 126 VIDEOS
  • 15. 3.3 Added Value: Educate XMore information Case study: Kraj Recipes By Kraj Foods Brand’s posi,oning: Food and beverage Brand’s value: To provide high quality, great taste and nutri>on for all ea>ng occasions whether at home, in restaurants or on the go. Target audience: Busy moms with kids in the household Audience’s passions & interest: Cooking for family and friends Mee,ng point: Empowering moms with meal ideas and recipes for everyday life and special occasions Content strategy: How-to instruc>onal techniques (30 seconds to 1 minute videos); Cooking classes (about 3 minutes); tes>monials from housewives and professionals Besides, Kras is a mul>-channel network (MCN) that also runs product-based YouTube channels like JELLO, Kras Macaroni and Cheese, Oscar Mayer, Miracle whip, etc. as well as a channel dedicated to the la>no community: Comida Kras Results: 44,311 subscribers - 17,864,776 views 492 VIDEOS
  • 16. 3.3 Added Value: Entertain XMore information Case study: VAT19 By VAT19 Brand’s posi,oning: Online store for unique and fun products Brand’s value: To sell products that are “curiously awesome” Target audience: “Him”, “Her”, “Kids”, “the Host or Hostess”, “The Inner Child”, “The Person Who Has Everything” Audience’s passions & interest: Gis giving Mee,ng point: Showing how the products work while pu•ng a smile on the consumer’s face at the same >me Content strategy: 30 seconds to 3 minutes ads, video clips and product demos designed as comedy skits and starring comedians The channel also features: web shows (Awesome Time…); Recurring characters (Redford, Chauncey, The Southern Gentleman…); Collabora>on with influencers (YouTuber Rebecca Zamolo, Clintus…); Behind the Scenes: OuMakes & Bloopers; Challenges; Curated videos from fans Results: 2,285,991 subscribers - 1,754,284,620 views 860 VIDEOS
  • 17. Case study:Vat19 Up next How to Build a Content Creation Strategy Synergie Productions Cancel
  • 18. 4. How to Build a Content Creation Strategy Video is the perfect medium to tell your brand’s story in a way that creates an emo,onal investment in your company. People relate to a•tudes, hopes, values or fears found in stories. Rather than blatantly selling or promo>ng your products, storytelling allows you to make a real emo>onal connec>on with your audience: it gives you the ability to deliver your key message without aliena>ng them. This being said, building an always-on video content crea>on strategy can be really challenging for marketers. This is where the “CCC” framework comes in: ‣ CREATE This type of content is created by the brand. It captures the brand's tone and offers a more tradi>onal crea>ve polish. It might simply be entertaining video that gets people's aMen>on, or it might deliver on specific micro-moments. ‣ COLLABORATE This type of content is the product of the brand's collabora>on with digital influencers (creators and channels directly or talent agencies), who are the new icons of pop culture. However, this requires authen>city: collabora>ons work when influencers’ voice align with brands’ values and purpose. Done properly, brands get word of mouth marke>ng while also reaching a much wider and engaged audience. ‣ CURATE This type of content is crased by consumers. Video is then used as a tool for storymaking, in which consumers get to take part. According to Ipsos MediaCT, user-generated content (UGC) is 35% more memorable and 50% more trusted than other types of media and informa>on (2014). In this chapter, we will have a closer look at the following: 4.1 The “CCC” Framework: Strategy and Crea,ve Guidelines 4.2 Case studies: Create, Collaborate & Curate Synergie Productions
  • 19. 4.1 “CCC” Framework: Strategy and Creative guidelines STRATEGY CREATE COLLABORATE CURATE Mechanism Storytelling Storymaking Source Created by the brand Brand’s collabora>on with YouTube creators (influencers) User generated content (UGC) (result from call-to-ac>on or gathered across social channels) Benefits ‣ Set the brand’s tone ‣ Tell a story that is inspiring, educa>onal or entertaining ‣ Total crea>ve control that helps your brand meet your audience’s micro- moments ‣ Help your brand broaden its relevance ‣ Help connect with a uniquely engaged fan base and build a community ‣ Leverage the exper>se of experienced creators ‣ Keep message authen>c and relatable ‣ FlaMering for your audience ‣ Develop a sense of ownership and connec>on to the brand ‣ Trusted and memorable for the audience CREATIVE GUIDELINES Targe,ng Discoverability Shareability ‣ Determine your prime target: broad audience / niche audience ‣ Benchmark your compe>tors ‣ Audit your exis>ng content and analyse its performances ‣ Iden>fy trending subject maMers ‣ Consider highly searchable topics (search results) ‣ Create “evergreen” videos searchable over >me (how-to, etc.) ‣ Be original / surprising ‣ Connect through emo>on ‣ Appeal to your audience’s values ‣ Bring useful informa>on Accessibility Consistency Authen,city ‣ Be comprehensible for a first->me viewer (each episode of a show should stand on its own) ‣ Tease or recap your subject at the beginning of your video ‣ Develop a consistent format / voice / schedule to make it familiar to your audience ‣ Favour serialised storytelling to increase fan’s expecta>ons and loyalty ‣ Cast subject maMer experts or industry professionals to add credibility to your message ‣ Showcase real-life fans stories to make your message relatable ‣ Consider telling the back story of your brand
  • 20. 4.2 Case Studies: Create XMore information Hot Wheels Labs By Hot Wheels (Maoel) Format: Web series Genre: Science show Length: About 2 minutes Number of episodes: 8 Descrip,on: “The Professor” explains laws of physics to kids in a fun way using toy cars and race tracks Added value: Educate / Entertain Expedia Vaca,on Travel Guides 2015 By Expedia Format: Web series Genre: Documentary Length: 4 to 15 minutes Number of episodes: 21 Descrip,on: Inspiring travel guides about des>na>ons around the globe, made up of beauty shots, >ps and useful informa>on Added value: Inspire / Educate Easy To Assemble By Ikea Format: Web series Genre: Sitcom Length: 2 to 10 minutes Number of episodes: 48 (4 seasons) Descrip,on: Illeana Douglas plays a fic>onal version of herself trying to quit ac>ng and work a "real job" in an IKEA store Added value: Entertain
  • 21. XMore information 4.2 Case Studies: Collaborate Pepsi Max Challenges By Pepsi Max Format: Ad campaign Genre: Extreme sports Length: 2 to 4 minutes Number of episodes: 5 Descrip,on: Pepsi Max challenges YouTube stuntmen to create something original and unbelievable. The brand’s purpose is to encourage people to break out of their rou>nes. Added value: Inspire / Entertain Michelle Phan Makeup Tutorials With Lancôme By Lancôme USA Format: Tutorials Genre: Beauty & Style Length: 45 secondes to 10 minutes Number of episodes: 30 Descrip,on: YouTube superstar and makeup ar>st Michelle Phan shares her beauty >ps and tricks using Lancôme products Added value: Educate / Inspire Orangina & Le Studio Bagel : La Saga! By Orangina France Format: Ad campaign Genre: Comedy Length: 30 secondes Number of episodes: 8 Descrip,on: Humour is part of Orangina’s DNA. The brand naturally turned to Studio Bagel - a collec>ve of French YouTube comedians - for a series of shorts spoofing American blockbusters Added value: Entertain
  • 22. XMore information 4.2 Case Studies: Curate GoPro Awards: Official Selec,ons By GoPro Format: Compe>>on Genre: Extreme Sports Length: 1 to 2 minutes Number of videos: 28 Descrip,on: Consumers can submit photos, raw clips and video edits captured with a GoPro. The brand grants cash awards to their favorites in each category Added value: Inspire / Entertain Favorites: User Created Rockstar Editor Videos By Rockstar Games Format: Video edi>ng Genre: Video games Length: Miscellaneous Number of videos: 113 Descrip,on: Crea>ons by GTAV PC Players using the Rockstar Editor’s deep suite of video edi>ng features Added value: Entertain / Inspire Sony’s “Liked Videos” By Sony Format: Miscellaneous Genre: Miscellaneous Length: Miscellaneous Number of videos: 75 Descrip,on: Product reviews, demonstra>ons, unboxing and crea>ons from fans and friends found all over YouTube Added value: Inspire / Educate / Entertain
  • 23. Cancel Up next How to Build a Content Programming Strategy Synergie Productions
  • 24. 5. How to Build a Content Programming Strategy “Programming” means crea,ng a cohesive viewing experience across a channel: each video should fit into the larger channel vision. One of the biggest opportunity a video plaƒorm like YouTube gives to brands is to adopt a more strategic, longer-term approach to video, designed to build an audience of engaged viewers over >me. But this requires consistency and sustainability. Therefore, you need not only clear programming formats, but also a planned content calendar that tells you what content to create, when and why. As a maMer of fact, it should be aligned with your media buys and annual marke,ng plan to help you priori>se and engage the right audience at the right >me. In order to achieve that, your strategy should be ar>culated around three types of content, defined by Google itself as follows: ‣ HELP Always-on “pull” content. Op>mised for search, it is designed to capture users’ intent and provides them with the best answers to their queries, either interests or needs (e.g. product tutorials, how-to content, customer service, etc.) ‣ HUB Regularly scheduled content. This quality, serialised content gives a fresh perspec>ve on your target's passions and encourages return viewing through subscrip>on (e.g. web series, behind the scenes, ver>calised content about a product line, etc.) ‣ HERO Tentpole content. These campaign videos use a highly emo>onal, entertaining and shareable storytelling. It is designed to be pushed to a massive audience through paid media and is ac>vated by major marke>ng moments (e.g. product launches, industry events, etc.) In this chapter, we will have a closer look at the following: 5.1 “HHH” Framework: Modus Operandi 5.2 “HHH” Framework: Content Calendar 5.3 Case studies: Three Brand’s Content Pyramid Synergie Productions
  • 25. 5.1: “HHH” Framework: Modus Operandi Content type HELP HUB HERO Content descrip,on “Evergreen” content (product tutorials, how-to content, product services, etc.) Serialised and formaMed content (web series, product editorials, behind the scenes, interviews, success stories, passions and interests, UGC, etc.) Tentpole content (Campaign videos ac>vated by: product launches, premium events, special collabora>ons with influencers, etc.) Periodicity Always-on Episodic (weekly, monthly, etc.) Seasonal (one to three >mes / year) Audience genera,on Pull (search) Call-to-ac,on (subscrip,ons) Push (display) Awareness Considera,on Engagement Conversion Advocacy MAIN OBJECTIVES
  • 26. 5.2 “HHH” Framework: Content Calendar Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec HUB HUB HELP 100 activités autour de l’eau pour relaxer et éveiller bébé Auteur : Perrine Alliod - Photographe : Anne-Sophie Bost X Ads by Google HERO HUBHUB HUB HERO HERO
  • 27. 5.3 Case study: TOYOTA USA’s Content Pyramid Super Bowl 2016: All-New Toyota Prius Campaign (1/4) The Toyota Effect TeenDrive365 “The One and Only” Toyota Camry Season2 Toyota Ever Better Expedition < Toyota Highlander: Features and How-To’s… Toyota Service Tips 101 Toyota Safety Toyota Prius Features & How-To's… Toyota Financial Services Toyota Entune Features 2015 All-New 2016 Toyota Prius (2/4) All-New 2016 Toyota Prius (3/4) All-New 2016 Toyota Prius (4/4) < > < < < Visit our Website
  • 28. 5.3 Case study: LEGO’s Content Pyramid The LEGO Movie - Official Trailer… LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles - Episode… LEGO News Show - Episode… LEGO Club Show - Episode… < > LEGO Blocumentary - … < LEGO Movie Maker app: Tips and Tricks… LEGO Creator Designer Tips… LEGO MINDSTORMS: How to Create… LEGO Building with Friends: How to… LEGO City: How to Play… LEGO Duplo - DIY - How to Build… The LEGO Movie - Vehicle Design Contest The LEGO Movie - The cast… < < Subscribe now! The LEGO Movie - Meet The Characters… <
  • 29. 5.3 Case study: NET-A-PORTER’s Content Pyramid Kate Moss for Topshop - Coming to NET-A-PORTER The Edit Cover Stars Body Beautiful Featuring… Runway to Real Life The Styling Workshop The Beauty Fix The Yoga Studio with… The Fit Element The Makeup Masterclass Featuring… The 7-Day Body Reboot… Fit for Fashion with… Behind the Scenes… Nathalie Massenet talks about Kate Moss… Shop now! Cara Delevingne talks about Kate Moss… < < < > < <
  • 30. Kate Moss for Topshop - Coming to NET-A-PORTER The Edit Cover Stars Body Beautiful Featuring… Runway to Real Life The Styling Workshop The Beauty Fix The Yoga Studio with… The Fit Element The Makeup Masterclass Featuring… The 7-Day Body Reboot… Fit for Fashion with… Behind the Scenes… Nathalie Massenet talks about Kate Moss… Cara Delevingne talks about Kate Moss… < < < > < < Cancel Up next How to Leverage Social Interactions Synergie Productions
  • 31. 6. How to Leverage Social Interactions YouTube allows you to co-create your brand experience with your consumers. Everything is built around a two-way dialogue between you and your audience. Video plaƒorm, search engine… YouTube might be many things at the same >me but, inherently, it is a social network. That is to say, communi,es will happen with or without you. This is why you want to make sure you are the the one leading the discussion in a fruiƒul direc>on. Building a community means engaging an audience who will become loyal to your channel and, eventually, powerful brand advocates. This can be achieved by using YouTube’s social features, but also by leveraging all social networks: ‣ YouTube interac,on You can discuss with your audience in real >me through comments or live-streaming. Thus, you give your consumers a chance to connect with your brand by providing opportuni>es for feedback or, beMer yet, involve them in your content. In return, you can acknowledge your top contributors in many different and crea>ve ways: integrate their ques>ons, ideas or sugges>ons in your videos; incorporate their own content into your channel; give them a shout-out, etc. ‣ Social amplifica,on Online video is inherently social and, by defini>on, shareable. As a maMer of fact, many viewers will encounter your videos through other social media, websites and blogs. Thus, your distribu>on strategy should leverage both owned media and paid media campaigns: this is how you will ignite earned media and, ul>mately, social success. In any case, and whatever you are trying to achieve, you should clearly state what ac>ons you want your audience to take (e.g. “subscribe”, “comment”, “like”, “share”, “shop”, etc.). One efficient way to do that is by using call-to-ac,on overlays (annota>ons, end cards, etc.) that you can add to your videos in a huge variety of ways and thus create an interac>ve experience for your consumers. In this chapter, we will have a closer look at the following: 6.1 A YouTube Channel’s Social Map 6.2 Social Interac,ons: Case Studies Synergie Productions
  • 32. 6.1 A Youtube Channel’s Social Map Social Amplifica,on Ownership Brand (owned) Audience (earned) Media type Benefits ‣ Grow engagement ‣ Drive traffic & conversions ‣ Build advocates ‣ Build awareness BRAND CHANNEL YouTube Interac,on Interac,on type Conversa,on Acknowledgement Descrip,on ‣ Live public events (e.g. Google Hangouts) ‣ Live private events with top fans (e.g. Google Hangouts) ‣ Comments (channel and videos) ‣ Curate fan-made videos ‣ Read your audience’s comments in a video ‣ Create videos answering your audience’s comments / ques>ons / requests / sugges>ons ‣ Shout-out (thank top contributors in your video / video descrip>on / annota>ons) ‣ Engage with top fans first: share pictures from your latest shoot, solicit advice, or share videos privately a day or two before they release. ‣ Offer fan merchandise or exclusive content shared through unlisted videos. Par,cular benefits ‣ Get instant feedbacks ‣ Get useful ideas and sugges>ons ‣ E-reputa>on management ‣ Get user generated / inspired content to feed your programming needs ‣ Gra>fying and memorable experience for audience ‣ Shareable Shared benefits ‣ Develop / engage your community ‣ Develop an emo>onal connec>on / sense of ownership ‣ Feels authen>c ‣ Influence considera>on ‣ Build loyalty Call-to-ac>on / Ac>on / Reac>on Share / Drive traffic & Conversions Drive traffic Drive traffic Call-to-ac>on / Ac>on / Reac>on Share …
  • 33. 6.2 Social Interaction: Case Studies XMore information HP Google Hangouts By HP Format: Live-streaming Length: Miscellaneous Number of videos: 21 Descrip,on: HP organised a series of Google Hangouts with selected consumers to discuss its new products, services and applica>ons. The sessions were streamed and recorded on YouTube Interac,on: Conversa>on Bose FanTracks By HP Format: Adver>sing Length: About 30 seconds Number of videos: 22 Descrip,on: On the occasion of Super Bowl 50, Bose turned fans’ tweets into music videos that were broadcasted on YouTube. Tagline: “Bose makes everything sound beMer, even 140 characters” Interac,on: Acknowledgement McDonald’s “Our Food. Your Ques,ons.” By McDonald's Format: Video Report Length: Miscellaneous Number of videos: 9 Descrip,on: McDonald’s offers its customer’s to ask any ques>ons regarding their food, through their website or TwiMer. The brand then reply to trending subjects with a video report, eventually including top contributors in the making Interac,on: Conversa>on / Acknowledgement
  • 36. Conclusion: Best Practices Checklist COMMENTS • 1,848 Arini S. 1 day ago Hello, I get it overall, but I do have a question: if you were to sum up this presentation, what would be the 10 best practices that should be remembered, from your point of view? Thx in advance! Synergie Productions 1 day ago Hi Arini, no worries, here you go : 1. Prioritise your brand’s objectives: Awareness, Consideration, Engagement, Conversion and/or Advocacy 2. Define what success looks like: Is it about views? Subscriptions? Interactions? Advocacy? Choose 2 or 3 KPIs that work for you 3. Find the right intersection between your brand’s identity & positioning and your target consumer’s interests and passions 4. Define what value will your brand content add for your consumers when experiencing micro-moments: INSPIRE, EDUCATE and/or ENTERTAIN 5. Create an emotional investment in your brand with storytelling and storymaking tools. You can use the “CCC” framework for that: CREATE, COLLABORATE and CURATE 6. Use creative guidelines to optimise your content creation and encourage engagement : Targeting, Shareability, Discoverability, Accessibility, Consistency and Authenticity 7. Think long term! Build a channel calendar to map your content strategy and align it with your media buys and annual marketing plan 8. Articulate your programming strategy around three types of content to get the right video in front of the right audience at the right time and meet your objectives: HELP, HUB and HYGIENE 9. Build an engaged and loyal community by leveraging YouTube’s social interactions: Spur conversation within your community using comments and/or live-streaming tools and acknowledge your top contributors in many different creative and interactive ways 10.Use multiple social media platforms to find and engage your audience everywhere and amplify your video marketing strategy’s success Michelle P. 1 day ago Hi there! I’m working on a new video marketing project right now… I’d like to discuss my ideas with you and see if you can help me out with it. How can I contact you? Synergie Productions 1 day ago Hi Michelle. You can find our contact details on the next page. Look forward to discuss your project with you! Cheers
  • 38. Sources 1. Datas and Sta,s,cs ‣ YouTube Sta>s>cs - YouTube PressRoom hMps://>s>cs.html ‣ How the Top 100 Brands Use YouTube for Marke>ng - Concept5 hMp://>ng/ ‣ Sta>s>cs and facts about YouTube - Sta>sta hMp://www.sta> ‣ Youtube Sta>s>cs - Sta>s>c Brain hMp://www.sta>s>>s>cs/ ‣ Brands YouTube channels - Sta>s>cs - SocialBakers hMp://>s>cs/youtube/channels/brands/ ‣ ChannelMeter hMps:// 2. Resources From Google / YouTube ‣ YouTube Creator Academy hMps://>on?hl=fr hMps:// ‣ The YouTube Creator Playbook for Brands hMps:// brands_research-studies.pdf ‣ Think with Google - Video Insights hMps://ƒorms/video/insights/ ‣ YouTube Creator hMps:// ‣ YouTube Spotlight hMps:// ‣ YouTube Trends hMps:// 3. Resources From SlideShare ‣ Les 10 commandements de la généra>on d’audience sur YouTube, Yann Sauvageon (Synodiance) et Aurélie Moulin ( - SMX Paris 2013 hMp://>on- youtube-22592117 ‣ 8 Principles For BeMer Video Content Marke>ng - Cedar, 2015 hMp:// qid=536eea6f-5a7e-4b5f-8a57-060099d093f3&v=&b=&from_search=3 ‣ Managing a YouTube Channel, Richard Harrington - Rhed Pixel, 2014 hMp:// db2f-4495-a8bc-3b72c21c760d&v=&b=&from_search=9 4. Specialised Websites, Blogs and YouTube channels ‣ YouTube Marke>ng - ReelSEO hMp://>ng/ hMps:// ‣ Video Creators hMps:// ‣ VIDISEO hMps:// ‣ Reelnreel hMp:// hMps:// 5. Ar,cles From Around the Web ‣ YouTube Channel Building For Brands: Hero, Hub, Help Content Strategy, Op>miza>on, and Community Building - Brendan Gahan, 2016 hMp:// ‣ Unlocking YouTube’s Uber-Poten>al For Brands: ÜBERTUBE 2014 BRAND SUMMIT in review - Pixability hMp://>al-brands-ubertube-2014- review/ ‣ 10 Reasons Your Brand Needs To Be On YouTube, Jayson DeMers - Forbes, 2015 hMp:// needs-to-be-on-youtube/#109a816435a0 ‣ Successful Brands Use These 4 YouTube Marke>ng Strategies, Samuel Edwards - Inc., 2015 hMp:// marke>ng-strategies.html ‣ 12 Strategies for Promo>ng Your YouTube Videos, Jason R. Rich - Entrepreneur 2014 hMp://>cle/230500