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Seals report
Harbor seals are a carnivore which means that they can only eat meat. The food
that these animals will mostly eat is mollusks. The animals that they will eat that
are from this group are squid and claims. The other food that they will eat is fish
and crustaceans. Seals will never chew their food. They will often swallow it into
really big chunks. These animals can even crush shells from the crustaceans and
from mollusks they can do this by using their flat back teeth. These animals
favorite food are squid and medium-sized fish. These animals will spend a lot of
their time in the water swimming. They will usually swim under the huge block of
ice when they are looking for food. When they are in the water then they can
swim really fast and in grace. It is a really great sight to see. It kind a looks like
they are flying. The food find that they will eat is really small fish and they will
also eat smaller animals to. They can eat so many different types of fish and they
will also eat crabs to they will usually eat the young of crabs. Seals have really big
eyes that are used for low light. They can see what is located at the deepest parts
of the ocean. This can help them to look for fish underwater. They often have no
problems looking for really small animals when they want to eat. Seals happen to
be really good at hunting. The foods that they will hunt are fish, squid and they
will also eat animals that are crustaceans and those animals are shrimp and crabs.
The other food that these animals will eat is Arctic cod, herring and they will also
eat capelin fish. Harbor seals can be found on the beaches of California. These
animals will usually spend their time in the water they also like sunbathing on
rocks and on beaches. These animals can be found in the North Atlantic and they
can also be found in the Pacific Ocean it really depends on what kind of
temperate the water is so that they can be found in the subarctic and in the
arctic waters. They will usually be found in fresh water areas. They can also be
found on every ocean worldwide but they mostly live in colder waters. seals can
be found in every ocean around the world but they are mostly found in places
that have cold water but there are other species of seals that live in the waters
that are in the northern hemisphere is these places that can usually be seen in
coastal waters where there is a lot of food and there is a few predators that they
have to look out from. They can also be found in the north Atlantic and in the
Arctic oceans. These animals live close to cold waters then warmer waters. These
animals can be found in cobble and in sandy beaches. The other places that these
animals can be found in rocky reefs, tidal mudflats and they can also be seen in
sandbars that is off the coast or in the bays and in the estuaries. Their home range
really depends on the temperature of the place like they can live in the Arctic and
in the subarctic waters all of these areas are found in the northern hemisphere.
There are some subspecies of harbor seal that can be seen in freshwater. They
can also be seen in Canada to. They can be found on coastal waters and on pack
of ice to. Seals can also be found on the edge of Hawaii, Florida and they can also
be found in Central America. The seas that they can be seen in are in the North
Atlantic Ocean. The other seas that they can also be seen are in the South Baltic
Sea, and they can also be seen in the North Pacific Ocean. Harbor seals used to
live in the New York City waters but they don't anymore because they have been
driven away because of pollution and development. That is because there is
cleaning water in the area that is why these animals are slowly making a
comeback. The weigh for a harp seal is 400lbs (180 kg). Seals can grow about 6.5
feet (2m) long and they can weigh about 375 pounds (170kg). A male harbor seal
can be big as 5-6feet long and they can weigh about 120-130lbs. Seals can grow
about 6.25 feet (1.9 meters) long. The harp seal can weigh about 400 pounds (180
kilograms). The size for a harp seal is 5.25 to 6.25 ft. (1.6 to 1.9m). These animals
can weigh about 400lbs (180kg). The male harbor seal can grow about 2.0 m
(6.6ft)and they can also weigh as 170 kg (375 lb.) The females can grow about
1.7m (5.6ft). They can weigh about150 kg (331lb.) a harp seal can live about 20
years. Seals can live about 25 to 30 years. They can also live about 25 to 32 years
to. These animals can live until they are in their 30's. When they are in the wild
then they can live about 30 years. They can also live about 20 years when they are
in the wild to. These animals can live about 25 to 30 years. harbor seals belong to
a family group that is called the pinnipedia lots of different animals are in this
group the other animals that are in this group are other species of seal, sea lions
and even walrus are also in this group to. Harbor seals are a lot different than any
other pinnipads because they are solitary that means that they live in alone. It is
rare to see these animals in a pair with other seals. Harp seals can be really
different from sea lions and eared seals because they can use their fore flippers
for propulsion. Harp seals will usually use their hind flippers by moving side by
side this helps them to swim in the water. Seals can move streamlined than the
fur seals and the sea lions do. Seals can swim over really long distances. These
animals can be really clumsy when they are on land because they cannot turn
their hind flippers downward that is why they are so clumsy when they are on
land. They also have a wiggle that is on their front flippers and on their abdominal
muscles. A true seal has really unique streamlined bodies that canbetotallybe a
difference between the fur seals. That is because fur seals have lack external ears.
These animals will also retract from their nipples. This has internal testicles and
they also have penis lies that are in internal sheath seals can be a really extreme
graceful and are really fast swimmers that can easily dart in all different directions
very fast. This can help these animals to catch a fish. In a really fast speed. They
will also use this to escape from predators. These animals can be really good at
diving. These animals can hold their breath and they can also slow down there
heartbeat when they do this so that they can save oxygen. There are some seals
that can stay underwater for 70 minutes but the elephant seal has been known to
hold its breath for 0.6. Miles (1 km) or even more. Seals are just like any other
mammal that is on the planet. Every animal that is a pinnpiped has to shed their
fur every once in a while .But the eared seals will usually shed fur really slow then
the other species that are in the pinniped family and the eared seals will mostly
spend their time in the water when they are moulting. Seals can hear really will
especially when they are in the water. Research has found that a seal can respond
a call that can be heard over 180 kHz with a peak of sensitivity of 32 kHz. Every
animal that is a penniped all have the ability to close and open their nose and
their nostrils can open when the pinniped sticks their head out of the water or
when they are on land. They will open their mouth because so that they can
breathe. The nostrils will close so that they can keep the water out when they go
underwater. People live on land so far from their natural position is to open.
Pinnipeds spend most of their time and they spend it in a great deal for when
they go underwater they do this so that they can breathe and the only way for
them to do that is to close their nostrils. These animals have really special muscles
that can help them to keep their nostrils open when they need to breathe. They
usually do this when they are resting that is when the muscles and nostrils will
start to snap shut. Seals are a really easy prey for a lot of different types of
predators. The predators that they face both live on the land and in the ocean
some of the predators that they have to face are polar bears and sharks, the other
predators that they that will kill them are killer whales. Stellar sea lions, walruses,
eagles and coyotes. Seals live in groups that can hold about 1,000 seals in it. It
may be completely confusing from any other outsider that can in come into their
point of view. These animals can be really happy when they get in content with
really big groups of animals. This is some of the things that they do to depend
themselves from predators. Harbor seals have really big eyes because so that they
can see well when they go under the water. They can see things much better than
any other human can. Seals can hear really well but they do not have ears that are
located on the outside of their head like we do instead on having those type of
ears they have two small ears that are open. They do that because so that this can
help them to glide more smoothly when they are swimming through the water.
Sometimes people call harp seals earless seals. The seals that don't have any ears
and that can be found outside then those animals are called sea lions. Harp seals
have found a way to escape of the coldest weather. There are some seals that will
go to the south during the winter then after they are done with their long journey
then they will usually come home when summer comes then these seals will have
to swim about 3,000 miles. These seals are really good swimmers. They can also
be fast and graceful swimmers to. Instead on having feet they will use their
flippers to swim. They really have powerful flippers that can help them to move
side to side. They will have to do that because this sends them to be really fast
when they are swimming through the water. A harp seal can swim as fast as 15
miles per hour. They can swim three times faster than any human swimmer. The
harp seals front flippers are used to help them to steer to the direction where
they need to go. The flippers that they have really sharp claws. These claws are
used to help the seal to climb up onto the ice floes. The claws can grasp onto the
ice like hooks. Seals can move a lot faster when they are swimming in the water
then they do that when they are on the ice. The back limbs cannot be turned
forward. This means that these animals would have to wiggle and they will also
have to pull themselves onto the ice. Some people think that they move like giant
caterpillars. A seals group is called a herd or a colony. These groups will also travel
together to. Lots of people can spot them when seals are swimming together.
Harp seals were made for swimming. These animals are also great divers as will.
They can dive about 600 feet. These animals can hold their breathe for a very long
time. When they are diving the harp seals will be able to stay underwater for
thirty minutes. People might think that icy, cold and snowy piece of ice might not
be the nice place to live but for a seal it is just perfect home for them to live in. To
help them to stay warm they have blubber that is located under their skin this will
help them to keep the cold away and so that they can keep their body heat in
them. A group of seals do not surround and they do not even trip their food like
dolphins do. The reason why they do that because they are swift swimmers.
When they go up to the surface then they will have to stay together as a group
that is called a colony. A fur seal group can have as seven hundred and they can
also have seven thousands members that can hold in this animal group. That is
another reason why they life in groups so that they can hunt together. Seals can
also sing but they normally sing when they are under the water. Sometimes these
songs will take about over a minute. Scientists are starting to figure out why they
do this because this skill is either related to the underwater navigation. They also
do this to help them to hunt. People can tell how old a harbor seal is by the
growth rings that is located on their teeth but you might get bite if a person
comes to close to them. The harbor seals flippers are just like hind legs. These
mammals can hold their breathe when they are under the water about fifteen
minutes. These animals can also sleep about fifteen minutes to. These animals
will usually sleep at the bottom of a tank. Seals will start to breed in February to
April. When the cows and the juveniles are pregnant then they will rush to the
breeding grounds when the first sight of February comes. Every single female has
to find the perfect spot in the ice so that she can give birth. She will start to
protect this site from other females that will want to take over it. The pups will
start to be born at the end of winter then they will start to weight about 12kg but
these babies will be not able to swim until they get older. To protect themselves
they have a really great white coat that is made out of their fur. These babies will
be feed by their mother’s milk. Their mother’s milk is really rich. The baby will
drink its mother’s milk for two weeks. When the mother is suckling with her baby
then she will not be able to feed for herself until she is done with suckling. When
the mother does go out on a hunt then that is when the pups can get killed by
predators like polar bears. They will not be in danger until the baby knows how to
swim. Before the pup is weaned then the mother will start to mated by a bull seal.
After the pup is weaned then the pup will start to stay on the ice and they will
continue to stay on the ice only for two weeks so the baby can molt their fur.
They do not eat during this time they do that so they can lose weight. When it is
time for them to feed them they will head out into the water so that the pups can
learn how to be on their own. The first food that they will eat when they first go
out on their first hunt is crabs. Seals and sea lions are all mammals that means
that they both have lungs and it also means that they can breathe under water
and on land. Their babies are just like human babies. They will get their milk from
their mother just like any other mammal does. A baby seal is called a pup when
these babies are five months old then they are called yearlings. They sometimes
do not look like their mother that is because adult seals have a grey and black
coat and the babies have a fluffy white coat. They kind a look like cotton balls. The
mating season will usually start when the seals go to the south for the winter. The
males will usually chase the females onto the ice. Males have a really special call
that they use only for mating. There are times when a male will usually have to
fight with another male so that he can get the female. When they are in the water
then the males will start to blow bubbles at the females. Mating for a harp seal
usually takes place under the water then on the ice. A female will usually give
birth after a year. All of the females will usually come together in really big
numbers of groups. They will usually come together so that they can have their
pups together. They will usually have their babies on a floating ice. Every female
usually has one pup. The pups will usually be born in the late February and in the
early March. The females will not be ready to mate again until two weeks. When
harp seals are born they can be really cute and they can also be helpless to. These
babies do not know how to swim yet and they do not know how to feed
themselves to. They will have their mother do everything for them. Females will
usually nurse their young in really icy floes that can belocated in the ocean. A harp
seal’s mother's milk can be really rich and it can also be really thick like wax. The
pups will start to grow really fast. When they continue to grow then soon the pup
will start to have their own layer of bubbler this is how the pup stays warm. The
mothers will not have a lot of time with her young because after twelve days then
the mother is back in the water looking for food pretty soon they will be ready to
travel to the north. When the mother is in the ocean looking for food then the
pup will have to stay on the ice all by its self. This is when they live off of their
body fat. When the pups are three weeks old then this is the time when they start
to lose their fluffy white fur. That is the time when they no longer look like
powder puffs. When they start to grow then these babies will start to grow a
thicker coat and these coats are a lot better when they go in the water. The pup
will not be ready to swim until they are twenty-five years old. When they start to
swim then that is the time when they are ready to start looking for food for
themselves. So now the pups will be ready to take the long trip to the north. A
female eared seal can be pregnant for nine to twelve months. They will usually
carry one pup at a time. An eared seal pup can weigh about twelve pounds (5 kg)
and these babies are usually born on the shore. There are some species that will
nurse their young for about a week. Then after she is done nursing her young
then she will head into the sea so that she can look for food all by herself. She will
come back in every five to six days so that she can nurse her baby which will take
about four months in a year it really depends on the species. The true seals will
take about a year to develop. These pups are born on the land and they can weigh
about 25 to 40 pounds (11-18kg). The seals that can breed in the cold areas like
the arctic they must give birth really carefully. These seals often give birth when
the weather starts to get warm so that they can spare their pups when the winter
is too high. There are more true seals that will nurse their pups on the surface.
The common seal will nurse their young in the water and on land. They will start
to be really anxious because they want to go back to the sea so that they can look
for food. The true seals will suckle with their pups for six weeks and then they will
start to abandon them. The hooded seal will usually breed on the ice floes. They
will start to nurse their young for twelve days and they will sometimes go for
three days that is a record for all mammals. When they are done nursing their
young. Then they will start to go to sea so that they can look for food. The eared
seals will be ready to have their babies in three to nine years and the true seals
will go till four to six years. Males and females both go back to the breeding
grounds in every year. A seal will usually breed in Newfoundland, the Greenland
Sea. Sometimes the males will usually fight with each other. They will usually
battle with their sharp teeth and with their powerful flippers. When they are
done mating then the females will usually have their babies at the same time. A
young harp seal can be born on the ice. The mother can find their baby by
smelling them. A young seal are really famous for their snowy white coats. Their
fur is really fluffy and they can be really high valued and they have been dawn to
hunters in the Newfoundland breeding grounds. Males will reach maturity in 3 to
7 years and the female can be 2-7 years. The gestation period for a Harbor seal is
9 to 11 months. The size for a baby harbor seal is 756-100mm (29.5-39, 4 in.) in a
length. This is how big they are when they are born. The babies can weigh about
8-12kg (8-26 lbs.) seals often spent half of their time in the water and the other
half will usually spent their time on land. The gestation period for a seal is 11
months in a year. A baby seal will usually be born on land then in the water. The
seal pups will start to develop really fast and there are some pups that will often
swim only for a few hours when they are giving birth. Pups will usually be born in
the months that are in the spring and in the summer it really depends is the place
has warm temperature and that has a lot of food to eat. Seals are really
fascinated about people because they are really curious about them. You might
see these creatures on the ocean shore or in an aquarium. In either way people
do enjoy seeing seals but these animals have a really long history with people that
are harvesting these animals not only for their beautiful fur but people killing
them because of the oil that can found in the seals blubber. Back in the day right
before we start to use electricity for our lights. People will activity burned
hundreds of oils from not from seals but from other animals to like from whale
oil. Whale oil was activity used to lighting. Seal oil is really being burned. Seals are
starting to suffer because of all of the extreme declines that are in the numbers
that can be due to the growing that is demanded. There are probably two
hundred gallons of (757 1) of oil that can be taking from only one elephant seal.
People do not just kill seals for lighting they will also them to make other things to
like they will make them into paint and into soap;they will also use the oil to make
for machines to. There are some species of seal like the fur seal and the hooded
seals are stillbeing killed for their fur. For many years Canadian and Norwegian
hunters will also kill the really beautiful white pups of the harp seal so that they
can make profits out of them. In the past year there was an international outcry
that is totally against this type of practice. Ever sense those years hunting seals is
totally against the law now. As long there are other limits and that their numbers
are increasing then they will start to be protected that will also cause the seal
population to recover. There is one species of seal that is not recovered and that
is the monk seal. Their population is really small amounts of seals that are in this
population and these seals can be found in the Mediterranean Sea. But there are
some seals that will also live in the Caribbean but some people believe that these
seals are extinct now. Seals are facing a lot of threats like they are drowning in
fishing nets, food shortages. This will also cause overfishing which is being taken
over by humans. Pollution is also a threat to these animals to. These animals
really have an unsure future that is ahead of them if nothing is done to save them.
In the past seven years the lands that they live in have become a huge scene for
human conflict that is between sealers and environmentalists and the other
animal right actions. The modern hunts are so much better than the ones that
lived in the past. The harp seal is known to be the most important seal that there
are happens to be hundreds to thousands of these seals that are being killed
every year. In the year of 1960 there has been so many harbor seals killed
because people thought that they prey on salmon. They are also being driven
away because of pollution and the growth of the human population. There about
300,000 to 400, 00 seals that are lifted in the world today . Their numbers are
starting to shrink because humans are starting to encroach onto their fishing
areas where the seals need to hunt so that they can stay alive. There are some
herds in the world that are in trouble right now. That is because of global
warming. This is a threat to them because when the climates gets warm then the
seas ice will start to melt. These are some of the places where some seals will
usually have their young and this is also some of places where they mate to. All
because of globalwarming seals will have to swim really far so that they can find a
suitable place so that they can breed. Humans have been killing and hunting harp
seals for hundreds of years. The biggest harps are usually getting killed for oil and
they are also getting killed for their fur and for their skin to. People hunt them for
oil because they have lots of good vitamins in it. People will use their skin and
their fur to make clothes. People are also making meat out of their flippers.
People will also use their flippers so that they can make meat pies out of them
to. Seals are usually hunted with rifles. Sometimes they will be hunted with a club
that is called a hakapik. Seals are starting to suffer because they are not getting
killed fast enough. There are so many people in the world that are trying really
hard to help the harp seal and other arctic wildlife. These people are working with
businesses and governments that are trying to find a way on how to stop global
warming. This will also reduce the less of the sea ice. People are also trying to
stop the hunting that seals face with humans to. These people are making the
public aware that these creatures are being killed in lots cruel ways. There are so
many countries that are starting to take action on saving these animals in the
wild. Canada had counted how many times seals have been hunted and the
numbers that are killing them are the threats that are getting these animals killed.
The United States and in other countries like Europe do not even buy any items
that are made out of harp seals. All though seals still remain to be in danger. All of
these effects are all on the risk of global warming. But hunters are still hunting
them. Seals are getting killed every single day but that does not mean that we
should give up on saving them. We must do all we can do to help save these
amazing animals. That need all the help that they can get. Seals have the right to
continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should
find a place in nature to. This is a really big planet full of wonders and discoveries
that are waiting to be found. We have to make this planet safe for us and the
other creatures that we share it with. This is our beautiful home. It deserves to
have a second chance to live on for the next generation. On this planet. There is a
big and bright and beautiful future if we find a way to project our planet, our
world and our home, our world will be a happy and clean place to live on. God
made animals fora return just like he made us with our lives. We have to make
room for other living creatures to. That is what I know about seals. If we work
together we can save the seal and other animals on this planet to, together we
can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share.

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Seals report

  • 1. Seals report ___________________________________________________________________ Harbor seals are a carnivore which means that they can only eat meat. The food that these animals will mostly eat is mollusks. The animals that they will eat that are from this group are squid and claims. The other food that they will eat is fish and crustaceans. Seals will never chew their food. They will often swallow it into really big chunks. These animals can even crush shells from the crustaceans and from mollusks they can do this by using their flat back teeth. These animals favorite food are squid and medium-sized fish. These animals will spend a lot of their time in the water swimming. They will usually swim under the huge block of ice when they are looking for food. When they are in the water then they can swim really fast and in grace. It is a really great sight to see. It kind a looks like they are flying. The food find that they will eat is really small fish and they will also eat smaller animals to. They can eat so many different types of fish and they will also eat crabs to they will usually eat the young of crabs. Seals have really big eyes that are used for low light. They can see what is located at the deepest parts of the ocean. This can help them to look for fish underwater. They often have no problems looking for really small animals when they want to eat. Seals happen to be really good at hunting. The foods that they will hunt are fish, squid and they will also eat animals that are crustaceans and those animals are shrimp and crabs. The other food that these animals will eat is Arctic cod, herring and they will also eat capelin fish. Harbor seals can be found on the beaches of California. These animals will usually spend their time in the water they also like sunbathing on rocks and on beaches. These animals can be found in the North Atlantic and they can also be found in the Pacific Ocean it really depends on what kind of temperate the water is so that they can be found in the subarctic and in the arctic waters. They will usually be found in fresh water areas. They can also be found on every ocean worldwide but they mostly live in colder waters. seals can be found in every ocean around the world but they are mostly found in places that have cold water but there are other species of seals that live in the waters
  • 2. that are in the northern hemisphere is these places that can usually be seen in coastal waters where there is a lot of food and there is a few predators that they have to look out from. They can also be found in the north Atlantic and in the Arctic oceans. These animals live close to cold waters then warmer waters. These animals can be found in cobble and in sandy beaches. The other places that these animals can be found in rocky reefs, tidal mudflats and they can also be seen in sandbars that is off the coast or in the bays and in the estuaries. Their home range really depends on the temperature of the place like they can live in the Arctic and in the subarctic waters all of these areas are found in the northern hemisphere. There are some subspecies of harbor seal that can be seen in freshwater. They can also be seen in Canada to. They can be found on coastal waters and on pack of ice to. Seals can also be found on the edge of Hawaii, Florida and they can also be found in Central America. The seas that they can be seen in are in the North Atlantic Ocean. The other seas that they can also be seen are in the South Baltic Sea, and they can also be seen in the North Pacific Ocean. Harbor seals used to live in the New York City waters but they don't anymore because they have been driven away because of pollution and development. That is because there is cleaning water in the area that is why these animals are slowly making a comeback. The weigh for a harp seal is 400lbs (180 kg). Seals can grow about 6.5 feet (2m) long and they can weigh about 375 pounds (170kg). A male harbor seal can be big as 5-6feet long and they can weigh about 120-130lbs. Seals can grow about 6.25 feet (1.9 meters) long. The harp seal can weigh about 400 pounds (180 kilograms). The size for a harp seal is 5.25 to 6.25 ft. (1.6 to 1.9m). These animals can weigh about 400lbs (180kg). The male harbor seal can grow about 2.0 m (6.6ft)and they can also weigh as 170 kg (375 lb.) The females can grow about 1.7m (5.6ft). They can weigh about150 kg (331lb.) a harp seal can live about 20 years. Seals can live about 25 to 30 years. They can also live about 25 to 32 years to. These animals can live until they are in their 30's. When they are in the wild then they can live about 30 years. They can also live about 20 years when they are in the wild to. These animals can live about 25 to 30 years. harbor seals belong to a family group that is called the pinnipedia lots of different animals are in this group the other animals that are in this group are other species of seal, sea lions and even walrus are also in this group to. Harbor seals are a lot different than any
  • 3. other pinnipads because they are solitary that means that they live in alone. It is rare to see these animals in a pair with other seals. Harp seals can be really different from sea lions and eared seals because they can use their fore flippers for propulsion. Harp seals will usually use their hind flippers by moving side by side this helps them to swim in the water. Seals can move streamlined than the fur seals and the sea lions do. Seals can swim over really long distances. These animals can be really clumsy when they are on land because they cannot turn their hind flippers downward that is why they are so clumsy when they are on land. They also have a wiggle that is on their front flippers and on their abdominal muscles. A true seal has really unique streamlined bodies that canbetotallybe a difference between the fur seals. That is because fur seals have lack external ears. These animals will also retract from their nipples. This has internal testicles and they also have penis lies that are in internal sheath seals can be a really extreme graceful and are really fast swimmers that can easily dart in all different directions very fast. This can help these animals to catch a fish. In a really fast speed. They will also use this to escape from predators. These animals can be really good at diving. These animals can hold their breath and they can also slow down there heartbeat when they do this so that they can save oxygen. There are some seals that can stay underwater for 70 minutes but the elephant seal has been known to hold its breath for 0.6. Miles (1 km) or even more. Seals are just like any other mammal that is on the planet. Every animal that is a pinnpiped has to shed their fur every once in a while .But the eared seals will usually shed fur really slow then the other species that are in the pinniped family and the eared seals will mostly spend their time in the water when they are moulting. Seals can hear really will especially when they are in the water. Research has found that a seal can respond a call that can be heard over 180 kHz with a peak of sensitivity of 32 kHz. Every animal that is a penniped all have the ability to close and open their nose and their nostrils can open when the pinniped sticks their head out of the water or when they are on land. They will open their mouth because so that they can breathe. The nostrils will close so that they can keep the water out when they go underwater. People live on land so far from their natural position is to open. Pinnipeds spend most of their time and they spend it in a great deal for when they go underwater they do this so that they can breathe and the only way for
  • 4. them to do that is to close their nostrils. These animals have really special muscles that can help them to keep their nostrils open when they need to breathe. They usually do this when they are resting that is when the muscles and nostrils will start to snap shut. Seals are a really easy prey for a lot of different types of predators. The predators that they face both live on the land and in the ocean some of the predators that they have to face are polar bears and sharks, the other predators that they that will kill them are killer whales. Stellar sea lions, walruses, eagles and coyotes. Seals live in groups that can hold about 1,000 seals in it. It may be completely confusing from any other outsider that can in come into their point of view. These animals can be really happy when they get in content with really big groups of animals. This is some of the things that they do to depend themselves from predators. Harbor seals have really big eyes because so that they can see well when they go under the water. They can see things much better than any other human can. Seals can hear really well but they do not have ears that are located on the outside of their head like we do instead on having those type of ears they have two small ears that are open. They do that because so that this can help them to glide more smoothly when they are swimming through the water. Sometimes people call harp seals earless seals. The seals that don't have any ears and that can be found outside then those animals are called sea lions. Harp seals have found a way to escape of the coldest weather. There are some seals that will go to the south during the winter then after they are done with their long journey then they will usually come home when summer comes then these seals will have to swim about 3,000 miles. These seals are really good swimmers. They can also be fast and graceful swimmers to. Instead on having feet they will use their flippers to swim. They really have powerful flippers that can help them to move side to side. They will have to do that because this sends them to be really fast when they are swimming through the water. A harp seal can swim as fast as 15 miles per hour. They can swim three times faster than any human swimmer. The harp seals front flippers are used to help them to steer to the direction where they need to go. The flippers that they have really sharp claws. These claws are used to help the seal to climb up onto the ice floes. The claws can grasp onto the ice like hooks. Seals can move a lot faster when they are swimming in the water then they do that when they are on the ice. The back limbs cannot be turned
  • 5. forward. This means that these animals would have to wiggle and they will also have to pull themselves onto the ice. Some people think that they move like giant caterpillars. A seals group is called a herd or a colony. These groups will also travel together to. Lots of people can spot them when seals are swimming together. Harp seals were made for swimming. These animals are also great divers as will. They can dive about 600 feet. These animals can hold their breathe for a very long time. When they are diving the harp seals will be able to stay underwater for thirty minutes. People might think that icy, cold and snowy piece of ice might not be the nice place to live but for a seal it is just perfect home for them to live in. To help them to stay warm they have blubber that is located under their skin this will help them to keep the cold away and so that they can keep their body heat in them. A group of seals do not surround and they do not even trip their food like dolphins do. The reason why they do that because they are swift swimmers. When they go up to the surface then they will have to stay together as a group that is called a colony. A fur seal group can have as seven hundred and they can also have seven thousands members that can hold in this animal group. That is another reason why they life in groups so that they can hunt together. Seals can also sing but they normally sing when they are under the water. Sometimes these songs will take about over a minute. Scientists are starting to figure out why they do this because this skill is either related to the underwater navigation. They also do this to help them to hunt. People can tell how old a harbor seal is by the growth rings that is located on their teeth but you might get bite if a person comes to close to them. The harbor seals flippers are just like hind legs. These mammals can hold their breathe when they are under the water about fifteen minutes. These animals can also sleep about fifteen minutes to. These animals will usually sleep at the bottom of a tank. Seals will start to breed in February to April. When the cows and the juveniles are pregnant then they will rush to the breeding grounds when the first sight of February comes. Every single female has to find the perfect spot in the ice so that she can give birth. She will start to protect this site from other females that will want to take over it. The pups will start to be born at the end of winter then they will start to weight about 12kg but these babies will be not able to swim until they get older. To protect themselves they have a really great white coat that is made out of their fur. These babies will
  • 6. be feed by their mother’s milk. Their mother’s milk is really rich. The baby will drink its mother’s milk for two weeks. When the mother is suckling with her baby then she will not be able to feed for herself until she is done with suckling. When the mother does go out on a hunt then that is when the pups can get killed by predators like polar bears. They will not be in danger until the baby knows how to swim. Before the pup is weaned then the mother will start to mated by a bull seal. After the pup is weaned then the pup will start to stay on the ice and they will continue to stay on the ice only for two weeks so the baby can molt their fur. They do not eat during this time they do that so they can lose weight. When it is time for them to feed them they will head out into the water so that the pups can learn how to be on their own. The first food that they will eat when they first go out on their first hunt is crabs. Seals and sea lions are all mammals that means that they both have lungs and it also means that they can breathe under water and on land. Their babies are just like human babies. They will get their milk from their mother just like any other mammal does. A baby seal is called a pup when these babies are five months old then they are called yearlings. They sometimes do not look like their mother that is because adult seals have a grey and black coat and the babies have a fluffy white coat. They kind a look like cotton balls. The mating season will usually start when the seals go to the south for the winter. The males will usually chase the females onto the ice. Males have a really special call that they use only for mating. There are times when a male will usually have to fight with another male so that he can get the female. When they are in the water then the males will start to blow bubbles at the females. Mating for a harp seal usually takes place under the water then on the ice. A female will usually give birth after a year. All of the females will usually come together in really big numbers of groups. They will usually come together so that they can have their pups together. They will usually have their babies on a floating ice. Every female usually has one pup. The pups will usually be born in the late February and in the early March. The females will not be ready to mate again until two weeks. When harp seals are born they can be really cute and they can also be helpless to. These babies do not know how to swim yet and they do not know how to feed themselves to. They will have their mother do everything for them. Females will usually nurse their young in really icy floes that can belocated in the ocean. A harp
  • 7. seal’s mother's milk can be really rich and it can also be really thick like wax. The pups will start to grow really fast. When they continue to grow then soon the pup will start to have their own layer of bubbler this is how the pup stays warm. The mothers will not have a lot of time with her young because after twelve days then the mother is back in the water looking for food pretty soon they will be ready to travel to the north. When the mother is in the ocean looking for food then the pup will have to stay on the ice all by its self. This is when they live off of their body fat. When the pups are three weeks old then this is the time when they start to lose their fluffy white fur. That is the time when they no longer look like powder puffs. When they start to grow then these babies will start to grow a thicker coat and these coats are a lot better when they go in the water. The pup will not be ready to swim until they are twenty-five years old. When they start to swim then that is the time when they are ready to start looking for food for themselves. So now the pups will be ready to take the long trip to the north. A female eared seal can be pregnant for nine to twelve months. They will usually carry one pup at a time. An eared seal pup can weigh about twelve pounds (5 kg) and these babies are usually born on the shore. There are some species that will nurse their young for about a week. Then after she is done nursing her young then she will head into the sea so that she can look for food all by herself. She will come back in every five to six days so that she can nurse her baby which will take about four months in a year it really depends on the species. The true seals will take about a year to develop. These pups are born on the land and they can weigh about 25 to 40 pounds (11-18kg). The seals that can breed in the cold areas like the arctic they must give birth really carefully. These seals often give birth when the weather starts to get warm so that they can spare their pups when the winter is too high. There are more true seals that will nurse their pups on the surface. The common seal will nurse their young in the water and on land. They will start to be really anxious because they want to go back to the sea so that they can look for food. The true seals will suckle with their pups for six weeks and then they will start to abandon them. The hooded seal will usually breed on the ice floes. They will start to nurse their young for twelve days and they will sometimes go for three days that is a record for all mammals. When they are done nursing their young. Then they will start to go to sea so that they can look for food. The eared
  • 8. seals will be ready to have their babies in three to nine years and the true seals will go till four to six years. Males and females both go back to the breeding grounds in every year. A seal will usually breed in Newfoundland, the Greenland Sea. Sometimes the males will usually fight with each other. They will usually battle with their sharp teeth and with their powerful flippers. When they are done mating then the females will usually have their babies at the same time. A young harp seal can be born on the ice. The mother can find their baby by smelling them. A young seal are really famous for their snowy white coats. Their fur is really fluffy and they can be really high valued and they have been dawn to hunters in the Newfoundland breeding grounds. Males will reach maturity in 3 to 7 years and the female can be 2-7 years. The gestation period for a Harbor seal is 9 to 11 months. The size for a baby harbor seal is 756-100mm (29.5-39, 4 in.) in a length. This is how big they are when they are born. The babies can weigh about 8-12kg (8-26 lbs.) seals often spent half of their time in the water and the other half will usually spent their time on land. The gestation period for a seal is 11 months in a year. A baby seal will usually be born on land then in the water. The seal pups will start to develop really fast and there are some pups that will often swim only for a few hours when they are giving birth. Pups will usually be born in the months that are in the spring and in the summer it really depends is the place has warm temperature and that has a lot of food to eat. Seals are really fascinated about people because they are really curious about them. You might see these creatures on the ocean shore or in an aquarium. In either way people do enjoy seeing seals but these animals have a really long history with people that are harvesting these animals not only for their beautiful fur but people killing them because of the oil that can found in the seals blubber. Back in the day right before we start to use electricity for our lights. People will activity burned hundreds of oils from not from seals but from other animals to like from whale oil. Whale oil was activity used to lighting. Seal oil is really being burned. Seals are starting to suffer because of all of the extreme declines that are in the numbers that can be due to the growing that is demanded. There are probably two hundred gallons of (757 1) of oil that can be taking from only one elephant seal. People do not just kill seals for lighting they will also them to make other things to like they will make them into paint and into soap;they will also use the oil to make
  • 9. for machines to. There are some species of seal like the fur seal and the hooded seals are stillbeing killed for their fur. For many years Canadian and Norwegian hunters will also kill the really beautiful white pups of the harp seal so that they can make profits out of them. In the past year there was an international outcry that is totally against this type of practice. Ever sense those years hunting seals is totally against the law now. As long there are other limits and that their numbers are increasing then they will start to be protected that will also cause the seal population to recover. There is one species of seal that is not recovered and that is the monk seal. Their population is really small amounts of seals that are in this population and these seals can be found in the Mediterranean Sea. But there are some seals that will also live in the Caribbean but some people believe that these seals are extinct now. Seals are facing a lot of threats like they are drowning in fishing nets, food shortages. This will also cause overfishing which is being taken over by humans. Pollution is also a threat to these animals to. These animals really have an unsure future that is ahead of them if nothing is done to save them. In the past seven years the lands that they live in have become a huge scene for human conflict that is between sealers and environmentalists and the other animal right actions. The modern hunts are so much better than the ones that lived in the past. The harp seal is known to be the most important seal that there are happens to be hundreds to thousands of these seals that are being killed every year. In the year of 1960 there has been so many harbor seals killed because people thought that they prey on salmon. They are also being driven away because of pollution and the growth of the human population. There about 300,000 to 400, 00 seals that are lifted in the world today . Their numbers are starting to shrink because humans are starting to encroach onto their fishing areas where the seals need to hunt so that they can stay alive. There are some herds in the world that are in trouble right now. That is because of global warming. This is a threat to them because when the climates gets warm then the seas ice will start to melt. These are some of the places where some seals will usually have their young and this is also some of places where they mate to. All because of globalwarming seals will have to swim really far so that they can find a suitable place so that they can breed. Humans have been killing and hunting harp seals for hundreds of years. The biggest harps are usually getting killed for oil and
  • 10. they are also getting killed for their fur and for their skin to. People hunt them for oil because they have lots of good vitamins in it. People will use their skin and their fur to make clothes. People are also making meat out of their flippers. People will also use their flippers so that they can make meat pies out of them to. Seals are usually hunted with rifles. Sometimes they will be hunted with a club that is called a hakapik. Seals are starting to suffer because they are not getting killed fast enough. There are so many people in the world that are trying really hard to help the harp seal and other arctic wildlife. These people are working with businesses and governments that are trying to find a way on how to stop global warming. This will also reduce the less of the sea ice. People are also trying to stop the hunting that seals face with humans to. These people are making the public aware that these creatures are being killed in lots cruel ways. There are so many countries that are starting to take action on saving these animals in the wild. Canada had counted how many times seals have been hunted and the numbers that are killing them are the threats that are getting these animals killed. The United States and in other countries like Europe do not even buy any items that are made out of harp seals. All though seals still remain to be in danger. All of these effects are all on the risk of global warming. But hunters are still hunting them. Seals are getting killed every single day but that does not mean that we should give up on saving them. We must do all we can do to help save these amazing animals. That need all the help that they can get. Seals have the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a place in nature to. This is a really big planet full of wonders and discoveries that are waiting to be found. We have to make this planet safe for us and the other creatures that we share it with. This is our beautiful home. It deserves to have a second chance to live on for the next generation. On this planet. There is a big and bright and beautiful future if we find a way to project our planet, our world and our home, our world will be a happy and clean place to live on. God made animals fora return just like he made us with our lives. We have to make room for other living creatures to. That is what I know about seals. If we work together we can save the seal and other animals on this planet to, together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share.