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Page 1 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Equities trading above our benchmark Risk Price (SF) are those investors ‘like’, as two of three
price rise due to investors’ preference. We call these equities “likeables.” They are revealed by their
rise above Risk Price, our metric that investors must know to defend their capital1
Cash must be engaged in business ideas with valiant balance sheets or it loses value. That is simple
fact. For small savings it is needful but arbitrary your portfolio feeds at the low price end of
"likeables" as we find in balance sheets. Equities that tend to hold their value and gain are better
than cash. Risk Aversion, Capital Safety and Liquidity in ‘likeables’ we prove works for you.
Economies grow because they achieve our intended function of adding value. It is timeless fact
economic theory conventions do not grasp. That timeless process we all engage in, some achieve
more than others but all the same, what surrounds us is our legacy, our cultural added value. What
value we add, we trade in. That process is the root of our economic life in society, whether we
carve red deer antler into shamanic tribal totems; take muck and straw to make adobe cities; clay to
make bricks and build Hagia Sofia; quartz to make jewels and watches; lithium oil and silicone to
make cellphones; or mould nano-fibre carbons into plane wings, that process and how we engage in
it is our business as society. Corporations are the form that allows engaging in what we can grasp.
Society should not seek equilibriums (biologic death, or precedent to the Big Bang) but seek new
disruptions, new mistakes, and make new innovations. To achieve those feats we trade and gain,
make sweat and grant credit in such ventures. Business is a social process we think merits the worth
of our engagement, our investment of cash sweat and treasure. All business process needs credit to
flow through it, though most can only see the cash and account alone that flow. That is all they can
see to measure. How credit flows through companies makes patterns2
, as sun storms make auroras,
or blood pressure allows neural patterns. Cash is one liquidity all business uses, of many ‘credits’.
The Financial Industry is near a third of all modern nations GDP as
measured by economics convention wizards. Does the Financial
Industry add that much value to the real economy by their means to
cash liquidity business processes need? It is an ‘industry’ that takes
more value than it makes. Their designate tolls on its road to
liquidity are greater than value added. Their swagger and panache as
Dick Turpin or Claude Duval covers their ill-mannered reach as they
and their henchmen plow your purse to plunder, taking as is they
please. How is your nest egg investment in their retirement plan schemes doing in their hands?
They will retire early, while you like the rest call the police to the scene of their cold crime. Do not
give them your wallet for ill-conceived bombast schemes they propound for their aggrandisements.
That goes all the way to the top executives whose ethics are at least, "If you ain't cheating, you ain't
trying." In the case of LIBOR as much as $6.25 Trn has been skimmed. Is it “to hard to tell” Loretta
"there is risk in what you do not or cannot know." Thomas Tooke, 1844
"for the value of money is also perishable." Jean-Baptiste Say , 1803
Page 2 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Lynch? Try the back of an envelope, 0.001% shift on $5 Trn per day in that market for five years,
$6.25 Trn. To the five banks fined $5.0 billion and firing as goats a few associates with zero
authority is the cost of doing such business. So no further examinations are deemed necessary? The
fine is 0.0008% of their $6.25 Trn taken from us. Those ‘goats’ severed will be without bonus or
benefit which will fall to the executives. Too big to fail, too big to jail3
, no matter how egregious
the scene of their crimes they will pump the public’s purse on SEC waivers from prosecution.
Our public TaxCharityTM
and BookBuilderTM
portfolios continue unusual long term gain on our
new theory of the firm. With our StockTakers12% bond we seek accredited investors to advance
the impact of what we have proven. Leave the work to us, because we can. We consistently obtain
both low risk and AlphaSmartTM
high gain. Meanwhile small investors enjoy our charity as proof.
We partition the entire market for “likeables” relying on distribution for results in small portfolios.
The larger your “likeables” portfolio will tend to average 26% per annum Internal Rate of Return as
proven through the two recessions of these past 13 years. See our articles StockTakers’ 2012Q1
bite on DJI4
. and The Counter Culture: Case for a Can Opener5
. Our work stands on giants
insights of three very different laureates, more, on evidence. Our “likeables”portfolios are proof.
What proof does convention offer? Right that is an oxymoron6
. Convention is flat-landers in a
global reality. Fund managers as financial advisors are just financial products and used equities
sellers who never kick the tires or check the fluids, because they do not know better. Do not give
those Artful Dodgers your wallet. Engage our “Likeables” and save your own bacon.
Financial industry advisors are schooled selling financial
products to exploit small investor savings for taking their fees.
They are not changing their tools or sharpening those dullards
they have. They took the “regular courses” to be certified in a
self-regulated industry that only deals in their creative fictions.
Seemingly, certification requires intensive study in the key tools
of Rhetoric - Adumbration, Subterfusion, Mystification and
Derogation. Hmm, that sounds familiar.
“I only took the regular courses,” sighed the Mock Turtle.
“What was that?” inquired Alice.
“Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the
different branches of Arithmetic – Ambition, Distraction,
Uglification, and Derision.”
Our work is calculable and provable with no rhetoric asides. We depend on a jargon that is peculiar
to us, having reasons to reject most of what passes for the jargon of “investment analysis“7
and the
confirmed mysticism that is economics. Not because we don’t know the jargon of economists and
financial advisors, but because we do know their jargon. We know it for what it
Page 3 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
is, wrong8
, useless9
and harmful10
. Those self-appointed Emperors of markets have no clothes to
hide their jargon for the improvable delusions those conventions are. We help, because we can.
The financial industry is filled with the self-appointed and self-regulated given control of our cache
of savings, in banks, insurance and pensions. That licence they have is granted in part hope and part
legal conviction they will manage our cache with expertise they are supposing to have. There is no
proof of that. Not now or ever have those conventions any merit. On close examination it is puffery,
anointed coin-tossing by tossers, which is not worthy the remit society has reserved it.
Their point of ruling over any store of value is ability to exercise risk management11
due to a stable
demand. ‘Stable demand’ is necessary force. As 80% of the demand in markets is conspired by the
fund managers they provide neither stable demand nor any ability to manage risk, most often
claiming it is volatility that hobbles their sagacity. That is a straw man of hollow pretensions.
The volatility exists because of their pretensions spun with newspeak over gossip stunning other
members of their fraternity to act and toss your cache on the trading floor. This game they call
‘market making’ as usual planned to arbitrage the situation created on some inside information by
spreading some dis-information. All that spinning is as spiders seizing their prey, our cache, to their
pockets and use12
. That activity fits description of racketeering. That may appear cynical, but when
at a given point in time as in 2011 the FBI has open files on two thirds of CFAs13
it is factual not
cynical bias. The FBI focuses on reasonable basis to allocate resources likely to obtain conviction.
There are securities laws intended to ensure such acts are censurable as fraud. That intent is not
legal practice, but difficult to get evidence around, given the prevalent acceptance of implausible
denials cast by an industry filled by jargon that obscures. Convictions are few limited to the most
outrageous and inexcusable, but negotiated to allow the culprits to continue in the industry.
Implausible denials are allowed to work spinning further newspeak to flood and wash away these
obvious transgressions spun over our cache. Schemes are complex, very artful designs. Expulsion
of the Artful Dodgers is rare and prison time rarer. Fines are just the cost on their business.
Our politics and legal system accept this and require us to trust our savings to this industrial
stripping of our store of value managing it for their skim of wealth. They are not managing our
cache for earning us returns greater than inflation or GDP growth the ultimate economic point of
relevance. Their tools do not extend there. So smart or not they feel the need to skirt or scoff law to
make anything beyond coin-tossing as that is all their tools amount to.
As we see it their justifications of their tools are founded in bias views of history. Effectively, it
justifies itself on backtests, and not in real markets. Our Risk Price tools are proven in real markets
Our proven “likeables” behaviour pension funds like CPPIB ignore, as politicians demand you
must trust to double-down in their proven failure. There is proof Wall Street14
does not understand
our “likeables” behaviour as hedge funds fail to deliver. On gossip hem and haw the markets
bounced and yawed with all their boats. Quantitative Eating treacle-down capitalized US markets,
Page 4 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
not yet consumers ‘getting-on-with-their-lives’ demand driving the real economy. Volatility has
been wild as Quantitative Eating feast withdrew and gas and oil-bloat heavily impacted the market
mavens` bromide supply. Selective bias is all they are selling as they gamble with your money.
With our charity public portfolios we show in real time our ‘likeables’ tendency for risk averse
investment. We conceal nothing. All the trading history is retained in these portfolio update reports.
Stoploss settings we give allow the small investor to work on their own using our proprietary
‘likeables’ to build their wealth. We seek accredited investors, as we help the small investor,
providing proof in these portfolios that to convention break rules and seem arbitrary,
It is essential you hold a complement of at least eight but preferably more “likeables” in your
portfolio at any time (preferably in equal blocks of 100 share multiples for 'collaring options'15
exit strategy we prefer using, for good reason16
). The tendency of ‘likeables’ for gain is not the
same as ‘pin-the-point-on-the-mule’ most seek, or baselessly claim. This is not child’s play. We
prove our method in exceptional gains made in these open public portfolios suiting the small
investor. Let others chase their gamblers’ risk/reward model. We show our risk averse Risk Price
driven ‘likeables’ works for Capital Safety, AlphaSmartTM
gains and Liquidity.
The new 2014 portfolios got immediately slammed into market volatility due to the long heralded
end of Quantitative Eating. Stoploss settings held most of your capital safe. Much the same since
April as marketeers waffled about bonds and wobbled around resources. TSX has suffered more,
but our NYSE portfolios caught some lift. Like the cynic said, “No crisis, no sales, no fees.”
The world is still mopping-up the avoidable ‘exogenous’ accidents of 2006-2009 the economist
emperors of financial markets actually created by their very real plunder of real peoples’ capital in
imprudent ‘financial products’ they created. That is their client savings put at risk they were
entrusted for hopeful returns greater than inflation as financial marketeers promised. The financial
institutions just played Three Card Monte on client savers as usual and then just gambled which is
what their economist models actually do, the same as a coin-toss. That is whenever they are not
actually cheating by rigging interest rate markets, doubling loan spreads, vaulting insurance
premiums, and seeking insider trading deals.
Put your tax refunds to good use, invested in making AlphaSmartTM
, Capital Safe, Liquid, risk
averse, Risk Price driven portfolios you can run for yourself. Our ‘pending’ list is there, helping
you to build your wealth. The deflation from ending Quantitative Eating bloat and the oil glut has
reverted market levels to 2013 and rebounded to 2014 levels. The volatility the portfolio managers
witless delusions crated may carry-on yet again.
Balance sheets did not flip-flop, but portfolio managers did, unrelated to ‘fundamentals’ of value
. All of the stocks in our public portfolios18
simply rebounded. Most can still be bought
back for less than they stopped out. Take the bonus. However we do not recommend chasing after a
much higher price of highly volatile zoomers. Price has no mass - as gossip fluctuates.
Page 5 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Our placid stoploss settings have been based on a 52 week rolling price range less than a standard
deviation has worked reasonably well for risk aversion in markets outside churning of financial
industry managers panic driven selling. We have gone to quarterly volatility to better save capital in
this meaningless gossip of mavens creating negative volatility.
Tax charity limits for income sheltering were used to set new portfolios. Americans best have tax
specialist involved, depending on their tax code, regular 401(k): $17,500 in 2014, with an
additional $5,500 catch-up contribution, and up to $52,000 in 2014 for SEP and SOLOs, we used
$23,000. Canadians can shelter $24,270.00 of their income in 2014. Extending our proprietary data
in charity suits small investors’ needs our BookBuilderTM
invests in your children’s education
your retirement and income needs, because we can, so can you.
Portfolios Update List – 15 January 2016
NYSE Value 17K Firms 2012 IRA limit Market
Symbol SF
(Risk Price)
See old posts for Buy-ins 01 December 2012 *100 shares each 15214.00
Buy-ins 15jul15 *100 shares each
Celldex Therapeutics Inc. ($25.8 stoploss 20jul15) CLDX 20 9.2
DR Horton Inc. ($30.0 $topLoss 04jan16) 30.00 DHI:US 24 25.6
Progressive Corp Ohio ($29.1 StopLost 24aug15) PGR:US 25 28.9
Buy-ins 15aug15 *100 shares each
Ciena Corp. ($22.9 StopLost 20aug15) CIEN:US 17 18.4
Concert Pharma Inc. ($22.1 StopLost 21oct15) CNCE 14 14.9
Buy-ins 15sep15 *100 shares each
Alon USA Energy Inc. ($15.7 StopLost 21oct15) ALJ:US 12 10.8
Aircastle Ltd. ($22.2 StopLost 16oct15) AYR:US 14 17.8
Ciena Corp. ($22.4 $topLoss 10dec15) CIEN:US 17 18.4
E Trade Financial Corp. ($28.9 $topLoss 18dec15) 28.90 ETFC:US 18 28.9
OmniVision Tech. Inc. ($27.5 StopLost 10dec15) OVTI:US 20 27.5
Zoetis Inc. ($41.4 StopLost 28sep15) ZTS 35 41.4
Buy-ins 15oct15 *100 shares each
Conagra Foods Inc 39.04 CAG:US 29 38.2
Buy-ins 15nov15 *100 shares each
Albany Molecular Resrch Inc. ($18.7 StopLost 06jan16) 18.70 AMRI 15 18.7
NTT DoCoMo Inc. ADS 20.29 DCM:US 15 18.3
Taiwan Semicon. Manufg Co. ($21.8 StopLost 06jan16) 21.80 TSM:US 15 21.7
Buy-ins 15dec15 *100 shares each
AMN Healthcare Srvcs Inc. ($26.9 StopLost 11jan16) 26.90 AHS 14 27.0
Ciena Corp. ($18.4 StopLost 04jan16) 18.40 CIEN:US 17 18.4
Current NYSE 2012 Portfolio Value
15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 01 December 2012
21314.60 / 15214.00 Gain 36.5
Page 6 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
IRR pa 11.44%
Net Cash Carried after 15dec15 Buy-ins *100 shares 131.00
Net Cash * after 100 shares stoploss sales 14470.00
Current Cash 14601.00
Buy-ins 15jan16 *100 shares each
Albany Molecular Research Incorporated 16.71 AMRI 15 15.9
Ciena Corp 18.02 CIEN:US 17 17.1
Dean Foods Company 18.07 DF 17 17.4
DR Horton Inc 26.65 DHI:US 24 25.6
E Trade Financial Corp 25.06 ETFC:US 18 23.9
Jabil Circuit Inc 19.30 JBL:US 20 18.3
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.... 21.10 TSM:US 15 20.0
Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins *100 shares 110.00
Cash Dividends earned 123.20
Total Cash Available 133.20
Current NYSE 2012 Portfolio Value
15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 01 December 2012
21314.60 / 15214.00 Gain 36.5
IRR pa 11.44%
(Pending Need for Change or investing new Savings)
Alon USA Energy Incorporated 12.09 ALJ:US 12 10.8
Bemis Co Inc 44.14 BMS 40 42.8
CSX Corporation 22.76 CSX 26 21.3
Dreamworks Animation SKG Incorporated 25.49 DWA:US 21 24.0
Vigilance while these below are nearing or still trading below Risk Price are not yet “likeables” so are still
not risk averse buy-ins.
Bloomin' Brands, Inc. 16.64 BLMN 20 15.4
Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 16.41 COG:US 34 14.0
Twenty-First Century Fox Incorporated 26.1 FOXA:US 32 24.1
Unisys Corporation 8.83 UIS:US 22 6.8
USA ROTH/IRA 2013 limit 17800.00
See old posts for Buy-ins 15sepl2013 *100 shares each
Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each
CMS Energy Corp. ($35.0 $topLoss 13nov15) CMS:US 27 35.3
Cisco Systems Inc. ($27.2 $topLoss 13nov15) CSCO 23 22.8
DR Horton Inc. ($30.0 $topLoss 04jan16) 30.00 DHI:US 24 25.6
eBay Inc. ($27.3 $topLoss 04jan16) 27.30 EBAY:US 20 24.4
Morgan Stanley ($26.4 $topLoss 19oct15) MS:US 31 24.9
Page 7 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Schwab Charles Corp. ($28.3 $topLoss 28sep15) SCHW:US 18 25.9
WhiteWave Foods Co. ($42.6 stopLoss 28sep15) WWAV:US 30 33.8
Buy-ins 15oct2015 *100 shares each
General Growth Propts Inc. ($42.6 stopLoss 13nov15) GGP:US 20 26.1
Hologic Inc, ($36.4 stopLoss 11jan16) 36.40 HOLX:US 20 33.0
XL Group ($36.4 stopLoss 11jan16) 36.40 XL:US 30 33.9
Buy-ins 15nov2015 *100 shares each
Federated Investors Inc. ($30.0 $topLoss 08dec15) FII:US 27 24.5
General Electric Co. ($28.8 stopLoss 08jan16) 28.80 GE 20 27.1
Juniper Networks Inc. ($27.9stopLoss 21dec15) 27.90 JNPR:US 21 24.5
NIVIDIA Corp. ($28.8 stopLoss 06jan16) 31.20 NVDA:US 18 25.6
Buy-ins 15dec2015 *100 shares each
Federated Investors Inc. ( 27.70 FII:US 27 24.5
USA ROTH/IRA 2013 Portfolio 15 January 2016
(including dividends) / 15 September 2013
25628.10 / 17800.00 Gain 28.0
IRR pa 16.91%
Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins *100 shares) 202.00
Net Cash * on $toploss FII *100 shares 24570.00
Current Cash 24772.00
Buy-ins 15jan2016*100 shares each
Aircastle Limited 18.49 AYR:US 14 17.8
DR Horton Inc. 26.65 DHI:US 24 25.6
eBay Inc. 25.26 EBAY:US 20 24.4
Federated Investors Inc 25.34 FII:US 27 24.5
General Electric Comnpany 28.49 GE 20 27.1
Hologic Incorporated 34.96 HOLX:US 20 33.0
Juniper Networks Inc 25.74 JNPR:US 21 24.5
Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins 15jan16*100 shares) 18.00
Dividends earned 466.70
Total Cash Available 487.70
USA ROTH/IRA 2013 Portfolio 15 January 2016
(including dividends) / 15 September 2013
25628.10 / 17800.00 Gain 28.0
IRR pa 16.91%
There are hundreds of interested small savings investors routinely following these charitable posts
of our proprietary Risk Price (SF) information giving $toploss values as guidance for small
investor capital safety, and liquidity hopeful of enjoying the proven tendency 2 of 3 of our
“likeables” earn high AlphaSmart gain in the long term. Keep in mind preference to have at least
Page 8 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
eight or more “likeables” equities in your portfolio.
Our historic results are based on the entire market partitioned with Risk Price (SF) information.
Smaller sample portfolios can deviate be erratic with outliers and under performers. As a group our
tend to prove our method. The past year has been a trough for investors as the real
economy slowly absorbs 2008, as props of QE were withdrawn and the market lost its marbles.
Below find our continuing charity with a new portfolio suiting income or IRA 201419
tax sheltered
savings. Because we can, you can too!
USA ROTH/IRA 2014 Portfolio 15 September
See old posts for Buy-ins 15sep2014 *100 shares each
Buy-ins 15jun2015 *100 shares each
DR Horton Inc. ($30.0 $topLoss 04jan16) 30.00 DHI:US 24 25.6
Buy-ins 15jul2015 *100 shares each
Maxim Integ. Prods Inc. ($32.3 $topLoss 20aug15) MXIM 25 30.7
UBS AG ($21.2 $topLoss 21aug15) UBS:US 17 15.9
Buy-ins 15augl2015 *100 shares each
JetBlue Airways Corp. ($21.3 $topLoss 24aug15) JBLU 20 18.3
Vector Group Inc. ($23.9 $topLoss 21aug15) VGR:US 14 22.1
Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each
Activision Blizzard Inc. ($36.2 $topLoss 06jan16) 36.20 ATVI:US 18 32.5
Ciena Corp. ($22.4 $topLoss 10dec15) CIEN:US 17 18.4
E Trade Financial Corp. ($28.9 $topLoss 18dec15) 28.90 ETFC:US 18 23.9
H&R Block Inc, ($34.6 $topLoss 08dec15) HRB:US 30 30.9
UBS AG ($19.0 $topLoss 13nov15) UBS:US 17 15.9
Unum Group ($34.8 $topLoss 03dec15) UNM:US 22 27.6
Vector Group Inc. ($23.2 $topLoss 11dec15) VGR:US 14 22.1
Buy-ins 15nov2015 *100 shares each
Pitney Bowes Inc. ($19.6 $topLoss 11dec15) PBI:US 16 17.7
Buy-ins 15dec2015 *100 shares each
Ciena Corp. ($18.4 StopLost 04jan16) 18.40 CIEN:US 17 17.1
H&R Block Inc. ($31.7 $topLoss 13jan16) 31.70 HRB:US 30 30.9
Pitney Bowes Inc. ($18.8$topLoss 08jan16) 18.80 PBI:US 16 17.7
Unum Group ($32.9 $topLoss 31dec15) 32.60 UNM:US 22 27.6
AMN Healthcare Services Inc. ($26.9 StopLost 11jan16) 26.90 AHS 14 27.0
USA ROTH/IRA 2014 Portfolio 15 January 2016
(including dividends) / 15 September 2014
22605.50 / 23000.00 Gain 16.0
Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins 15aug15 *100 shares) 21.00
Net Cash * after stoploss sale *100 shares 20540.00
Page 9 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Current Cash 20561.00
Buy-ins 15jan2016 *100 shares each
Activision Blizzard Inc. 34.91 ATVI:US 18 32.5
Ciena Corp 18.02 CIEN:US 17 17.1
NTT DoCoMo Inc. ADS 20.29 DCM:US 15 19.3
DR Horton Inc 26.65 DHI:US 24 25.6
E Trade Financial Corp 25.06 ETFC:US 18 23.9
MGM Resorts International 19.86 MGM 12 19.1
Pitney Bowes Inc 18.45 PBI:US 16 17.7
Roche Holding Limited ADR 31.92 RHHBY:US 28 31.1
Unum Group 28.42 UNM:US 22 27.6
Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins 15aug15 *100 shares) 13.00
Dividends earned 234.50
Total Cash Available 247.50
USA ROTH/IRA 2014 Portfolio 15 January 2016
(including dividends) / 15 September 2014
22605.50 / 23000.00 Gain 16.0
Since 80% of society’s cache is in the hands of fund managers who on gossip have pushed the US
markets down 5.00% in 16 months it is small beer this portfolio is down only 1.72%. By tight
stoploss we have short-sold against the fund managers over reaction in losing your money in
pension insurance and bank funds they manage. Cashiering shares was necessary for them to gain
fees or pay their current bills. The world GDP is still growing faster than population so their panic
is largely in their newspeak.
Removal of Quantitative Eating and oil and gas bloat made unusual down-side volatility in all
markets since autumn 2014. Evidence is markets do not price-in even the well advertised such as
demise of QE market support. , in such a ‘sea-change’ near all stoplosses were triggered. Time to
recover, rebuild for gain. The past Spring gossip flooded on resolution of who pays for reckless
British. French. Dutch and German banks loans made without prudence to Greece in 2007 (as they
and Wall Street had to all the PIIGS) rekindled high volatility.
The public is always liable for the ‘Public Liability Corporation’ managers’ failure for lack of
business diligence, prudence or ethics. That ‘Agency Problem’ story is not over. Greece now has
been given some ‘jubilee’ but not much.
China’s princelings made their booty so now is time the rest of its people pay as infrastructure
bonanzas work out. It has been a rough year of gossip driven volatility overturning modest gains in
the real economy. Putin plays middle east politics raising world oil price needed for his exports.
We will see more of oil energy as lever in plunder politics.
Page 10 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Engage our “likeables” and save your own bacon. Because we can, you can
Equities that tend to hold their value and gain are better than cash. We like Capital Safety and
Liquidity because we have proven our risk aversion works, consistently obtaining both low risk and
high gain. Our Risk Price is what investors must know to defend their capital.
We are extending a small part of our proprietary information as charity suiting small investors’
needs for their small portfolios. Our BookBuilderTM
supports your investing in your children’s
education, TaxCharityTM
suits your retirement or income needs, because we can, you can.
TSX Portfolios Update List – 15 January 2016
TSX Value 22K Firms 2012 RRSP Tax
Shelter Limit Used - $20,235.00
Symbol SF
(Risk Price)
See old posts for Buy-ins 01 December 2012 *100 shares each 20,235.00
Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each
Progressive Waste Sol’ns Ltd. ($34.0 stopLost 20oct15) BIN 30 31.1
Canadian Aprtmt Prop. REIT ($26.9 stopLost 29oct15) CAR.UN 26 25.9
Element Financial Corp. ($18 stopLost 24aug15) EFN 12 14.4
Gildan Activewear Inc. ($38.7 stopLost 26oct15) GIL 32 35.5
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. ( $20.1 stopLost 12nov15) MFI 15 21.9
Stantec Inc. ($33.0 stopLost 06jan16) 33.00 STN 25 30.5
Buy-ins 15nov2015 *100 shares each
Allied Properties REIT ($33.3 stopLost 04nov15) AP.UN 31 28.9
Buy-ins 15oct2015 *100 shares each
Allied Properties REIT ($32.2 stopLost 19nov15) AP.UN 31 28.9
Davis + Henderson Corp. ($30.9 stopLost 09dec15) DH 29 29.8
Element Financial Corp. ($16.7 stopLost 02dec15) EFN 12 14.4
Gildan Activewear Inc. ($38.1 stopLost 07jan16) 38.10 GIL 32 35.5
Granite REIT 37.58 GRT.UN 34 36.5
Keyera Corp. ($38.0 stopLost 09dec15) KEY 39 34.9
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. 22.56 MFI 15 21.9
Buy-ins 15dec2015 *100 shares each
Allied Properties REIT ($38.1 stopLost 14jan16) 30.11 AP.UN 31 28.9
Davis + Henderson Corporation 31.71 DH 29 29.8
Element Financial Corp. ($15.5 stopLost 07jan16) 15.50 EFN 12 14.4
Keyera Corp. ($36.6 stopLost 15jan16) 36.60 KEY 39 34.9
TSX 2012 Portfolio Value 15 January 2016
(including dividends) / 01 December 2012
25739.09 / 20235.00 Gain 37.5
IRR pa 8.07%
Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 15oct15 168.00
Net Cash * after 100 shares stoploss sold 11780.00
Page 11 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Current Cash 11847.00
Buy-ins 15jan2016 *100 shares each
Allied Properties Real Estate Investment Trust 30.11 AP.UN 31 28.9
Chorus Aviation Inc. 5.10 CHR.B 5 4.8
Element Financial Corporation 15.21 EFN 12 14.4
Gildan Activewear Inc. 37.13 GIL 32 35.5
Keyera Corp. 36.17 KEY 39 34.9
Stantec Inc. 31.60 STN 25 30.5
Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 16.00
Dividends earned 946.59
Total Cash Available 1062.59
TSX 2012 Portfolio Value 15 January 2016
(including dividends) / 01 December 2012
25788.09 / 20235.00 Gain 37.5
IRR pa 8.07%
(Pending Need for Change or investing new Savings)
Emera Incorporated 42.43 EMA 36 41.4
Canfor Corporation 14.11 CFP 19 12.7
Thomson Reuters Corporation 51.10 TRI 40 49.8
Vigilance while these below are near or still trading below Risk Price are not yet “likeables” so are still not
risk averse buy-ins.
Aecon Group Inc. 13.36 ARE 14 12.7
Artis Real Estate Investment Trust 11.41 AX.UN 14 11.1
Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc. (The) 17.71 PJC.A 13 17.4
Crombie Real Estate Investment Trust 12.55 CRR.UN 13 12.4
Inter Pipeline Fund 20.20 IPL.TO 24 18.4
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 26.61 PEY 34 24.6
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. 23.70 POT 40 20.7
Canadian 2013 RRSP limit 23820.00
See old posts for Buy-ins 15sep2013 *100 shares each
Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each
Canadian Aprtmt Prop. REIT ($26.9 stopLost 29oct15) CAR.UN 26 26.7
MTY Food Group Inc.( $29.7 stopLost 16nov15) MTY 26 29.1
Ritchie Bros Auctioneers Inc. ($34.5 stopLost 18sep15) RBA 24 30.5
Quebecor Inc. 34.30 QBR.B 25 32.9
Smart REIT ($30.7 stopLost 11dec15) SRU-UN 25 28.6
Stantec Inc. ($33.0 stopLost 06jan16) 33.00 STN 25 30.5
Toromont Ind’s Ltd. ($30.3 stopLost 13nov15) TIH 26 28.2
Page 12 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Buy-ins 15oct2015 *100 shares each
Fortis Inc. ($37.3 stopLost 13nov15) FTS 35 35.6
Metro Inc. ($37.8 stopLost 07jan16) 37.80 MRU 22 38.8
Buy-ins 15nov2015 *100 shares each
CI Financial Corp. ($29.2 stopLost 07jan16) 29.20 CIX 30 27.4
Great-West Lifeco Inc. ($33.9 stopLost 14dec15) GWO 28 32.4
Power Corp. of Canada ($28.6 stopLost 14dec15) POW 25 26.3
Buy-ins 15dec2015 *100 shares each
Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. 34.17 BIN 30 32.6
Industrl All. Ins. Fin. Srvs. Inc. ($43.7 stopLost 21dec15) 43.70 IAG 39 39.0
Northland Power Inc. 17.42 NPI 15 16.9
SmartREIT ($29.8 stopLost 21dec15) 29.80 SRU.UN 25 28.6
2013 TSX Portfolio Value 15 January 2016
(including dividends) / 15 September 2013
26808.62 / 23820.00 Gain 27.0
IRR pa 5.24%
Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 15aug2015 91.00
Net Cash on $topLoss sales *100 shares 17350.00
Current Cash 17441.00
Buy-ins 15jan2016*100 shares each
CI Financial Corp. 28.38 CIX 30 27.4
Industrial Alliance Ins. Fin. Srvs. Inc. 39.84 IAG 39 39.0
RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust 23.42 REI.UN 24 22.7
SmartREIT 29.52 SRU.UN 25 28.6
Stantec Inc. 31.60 STN 25 30.5
TransForce Inc. 21.60 TFI 21 20.3
Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 5.00
Dividends earned 806.62
Total Cash Available 811.62
2013 TSX Portfolio Value 15 January 2016
(including dividends) / 15 September 2013
26808.62 / 23820.00 Gain 27.0
IRR pa 5.24%
The TSX is down -22.02% in the last 16 months, more than half the interval of this portolio. This
small beer percentage speaks loudly for unusual results of the very welcome kind. Double the rate
of inflation, triple of bond rates offered. Staying in the market pays better with a proven method in
place of the coin-tossers in the financial industry. Do not give them your cache.
There are hundreds of interested small savings investors routinely following these charitable posts
Page 13 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
of our proprietary Risk Price (SF) data giving $toploss values as guidance for small investor
capital safety, and liquidity hopeful of enjoying the proven tendency 2 of 3 of our “likeables” earn
high AlphaSmart gain in the long term. Keeping in mind preference to have at least eight or more
“likeables” equities in your portfolio below find our continuing charity with a new portfolio
suiting income or RRSP 201420
tax sheltered savings. Because we can, you can too.
2014 TSX “Likeables” Portfolio Value
15 September 2014
24270.00 / 24270.00
See old posts for Buy-ins 15sep2014 *100 shares each
Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each
Acadian Timber Corp. ($18.4 stopLost 29oct15) ADN 12 16.3
Canadian Aprtmt Prop. REIT ($26.9 stopLost 29oct15) CAR.UN 26 26.7
Hudsons Bay Co. ($20.5 stopLost 28sep15) HBC 18 15.0
Quebecor Inc. 34.30 QBR.B 25 32.9
RioCan REIT ($25.2 stopLost 04nov15) REI.UN 24 22.7
Saputo Inc. 32.12 SAP 30 31.0
Toromont Ind’s Ltd. ($30.3 stopLost 13nov15) TIH 26 28.2
Buy-ins 15oct015 *100 shares each
Celestica Inc. ($16.1 stopLoss 21oct15) CLS 10 13.1
Fortis Inc. ($37.3 stopLost 13nov15) FTS 35 35.6
Buy-ins 15nov15 *100 shares each
Celestica Inc. ($14.1 stopLoss 15jan16) 14.10 CLS 10 13.1
Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. 29.01 MBT 27 28.1
The North West Co. Inc. ($27.7 stopLoss 14jan16) 27.70 NWC 22 26.9
Ritchie Bros Auctinrs Inc. ($34.3 stopLost 08dec15) RBA 24 30.5
RioCan REIT ($24.1 stopLost 14dec15) REI.UN 24 22.7
TransForce Inc. ($23.0 stopLost 08dec15) TFI 21 20.3
Buy-ins 15dec15 *100 shares each
Canadian Apartment Properties REIT 27.68 CAR.UN 26 26.7
Manulife Financial Corp. ($20.1 stopLoss 04jan16) 20.10 MFC 20 17.5
Ritchie Bros Auctnrs Inc. ($31.5 stopLost 06jan16) 31.50 RBA 24 30.5
2014 TSX “Likeables” Portfolio Value
15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2014
22265.60 / 24270.00 Gain 16.0
Though little comfort to some we can reconcile this result with comparing the TSX is down further
from -16.55% last month down another -5.47% to -22.02% over these 16 months. The fund
managers gossip and coin-tossing still make stock prices. Commodities are a heavy constituent of
the TSX and fears say demand for them is slacking even as the US remains strong. Good firms
with strong balance sheets deal with the situation. Canute could not stop the tides but the tides
swirled around him. The “likeables” resist the tides, too.
Page 14 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
We can be confident in knowing this “likeables” portfolio has resisted such declining market by
givng-up only 0.50% in this past month while TSX further declined -7.91% due negative
volatility. By adhering to tightened stoploss “likeables” is reset to advantage for regaining as
market players embrace the real economy is growing twice as quickly as demographic, while the
chickens flap their wings we are poised for new flight as the dust settles.
Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 15oct2015 213.00
Net Cash on $topLoss sales RBA REI-UN TFI *100 shares 9340.00
Net Cash Carried for *100 shares Buy-ins 9553.00
Buy-ins 15jan16 *100 shares each
Acadian Timber Corporation 17.10 ADN 12 16.3
CI Financial Corp. 28.38 CIX 30 27.4
Celestica Inc. 13.55 CLS 10 13.1
Manulife Financial Corporation 18.04 MFC 20 17.5
Northland Power Inc. 17.42 NPI 15 16.9
Net Cash Carried after 15dec2015 *100 shares Buy-ins 104.00
Dividends earned 431.00
Total Cash Available 535.00
2014 TSX “Likeables” Portfolio Value
15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2014
22265.60 / 24270.00 Gain 16.0
Removal of Quantitative Eating combined with oil and gas bloat has made unusual down-side
volatility in all markets, to which now older Greece and China issues added spooky gossip, a ‘sea-
change’, of stoplosses were triggered again. The TSX has still not regained its September 2014,
level Our tighter $toploss values reduce risk of loss. Most stopped out just rebound. Stoploss is a
simpler approach than skimming for advantageous collaring options to protect your capital, instead
of working at what you do best. Collaring of options can be very useful in added gains but it
requires a lot more attention than small investors can lavish. It is not time to loosen the easily
managed $toploss values to recover, that is a useful short-selling to limit declines. Again we must
rebuild for gain when calmer markets return. All the ‘canards’ must walk the political stage as the
real economy slowly inches its recovery forward, while absorbing other peoples abuse of ‘credit
float’ in the sea of moral hazard backwash they created.
Engage in “likeables” save your own bacon. Because we can, you can
Page 15 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Equities that tend to hold their value and gain are better than cash. We like Risk Aversion, Capital
Safety and Liquidity by investing in “likeables” because we have proven that works, consistently
obtaining both low risk and high AlphaSmart gain. Market behaviour prefers the “likeables” trading
above Risk Price and bids up their price. We have proven that behaviour exists as a tendency of
investors in all markets.
The conventional investment industry cannot prove any of their assumptions underlying their
supposed methods they sell you as if theirs is “expertise”. It is just their mysticism21
as circular
logic is a spinning topic. Any tautology is just repetition until it appears to be logical. As we have
shown all they trade in is luck, 1.03 to 1 is just a coin-toss22
. They really are just rolling dice and
tossing cards with your nickels. Your pocket is not their restraint, rather, they see their opportunity
for their gaming. Do not give them your pocket-book on empty promises they have never delivered.
What is the alternative to those Artful Dodgers so busy just blowing bubbles23
with cash from your
? We are that alternative, as we show, even for the small investor. Our Risk PriceTM
"likeables" investment method is proven by consistent long term portfolios gains shown by these
charity portfolios suiting small investors using stop-loss settings and by others like long running
ABCs-to-Zs and BST-BlackSwanTradingTM
BookBuilder™ and TaxCharityTM
portfolios comprise our lowest price point "likeables" we can
identify based on RiskPriceTM
. It is our proprietary information driven by Risk PriceTM
freely in charity enabling small investors to keep their savings growing into their own wealth. Our
method is proven. Because we can, you can25
In our Modal Geometry26
theory of the firm we make only two assumptions, clearly as follows:
1. there is a balance sheet of the firm (that the rule of law governs its information is possibly
weak assumption but at an accuracy to at least the modest degree accountants are prepared
to be responsible for); and,
2. the firm will vigorously negotiate, “what it owns” (in order to stay in business “what is
owed to it” with “what it owes” and vice versa, to make the best of what it has, that is in its
trading connections).
The Modal Geometry theory of the firm has unfolded by rigourous observation of corporate ledgers
relation to balance sheets as business process27
adds value. That is aided with logic, epistemology,
and some powerful mathematics. You have proof in these TaxCharityTM
portfolios performances.
Our reasons for having any equity in our portfolios are clear, concise and consistent. “likeables”
tendency demonstrates 2 of 3 “likeables” gaining for the long term. This we show proof positive,
in our TaxCharityTM
and BookBuilderTM
portfolios continued gain. We extend our proprietary
information to small investors. Because we can, you can.
Know What You Have. Have What You Know.
Page 16 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited.
The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein,
in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc.
StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities.
StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions.
Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM
15 January 2016
Our view is risk averse. Of course we require 2&20 fees for doing that. Mail us for our help.
Hans Goetze,
Architypes Inc. and StockTakers Limited
Head Office
76 Midridge Close SE
Calgary, AB
T2X 1G1
351 Chemin Boulanger
Sutton, PQ
J0E 2K0
450 538-1270
Leading proponent of Modern Portfolio Theory, Peter L. Bernstein disaffected realized it was exposing investors to
risk while productive way for making the professionals a living
Banks had $230 billion in litigation costs since 2009 and another $70 billion through 2016 for trading irregularity
“The Modal Geometry of the Firm and the Balance Sheet Worth of the Trading Connections”, 2006, unpublished but available
from the author.

Contenu connexe


TaxCharityTM 15dec2015
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TaxCharityTM 15dec2015Hans Goetze
TaxCharityTM 15oct2016
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TaxCharityTM 15nov2016
TaxCharityTM 15nov2016TaxCharityTM 15nov2016
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TaxCharityTM 15sep2016
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TaxCharityTM 15sep2016Hans Goetze
TaxCharityTM 15sep2015
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TaxCharityTM 15dec2016
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TaxCharityTM 15jan17
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TaxCharityTM 15aug2015
TaxCharityTM 15aug2015TaxCharityTM 15aug2015
TaxCharityTM 15aug2015Hans Goetze
TaxCharityTM 15jul2015
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TaxCharityTM 15jun15
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TaxCharityTM 15may15
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TaxCharityTM 15may15Hans Goetze
TaxCharitytm 15mar2015
TaxCharitytm 15mar2015TaxCharitytm 15mar2015
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BlackSwanTradingTM 22sep15
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BlackSwanTradingTM 22nov15
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BlackSwanTradingTM 22nov15Hans Goetze
TaxCharityTM 15apr2015
TaxCharityTM 15apr2015TaxCharityTM 15apr2015
TaxCharityTM 15apr2015Hans Goetze
UUOOPPsiesTaxCharityTM – 07jun16
UUOOPPsiesTaxCharityTM – 07jun16UUOOPPsiesTaxCharityTM – 07jun16
UUOOPPsiesTaxCharityTM – 07jun16Hans Goetze
WHYNOTtsxBUBBY TaxCharityTM-07jun16
WHYNOTtsxBUBBY TaxCharityTM-07jun16WHYNOTtsxBUBBY TaxCharityTM-07jun16
WHYNOTtsxBUBBY TaxCharityTM-07jun16Hans Goetze
The telling tale of two portfolios
The telling tale of two portfoliosThe telling tale of two portfolios
The telling tale of two portfoliosHans Goetze

Tendances (20)

TaxCharityTM 15dec2015
TaxCharityTM 15dec2015TaxCharityTM 15dec2015
TaxCharityTM 15dec2015
TaxCharityTM 15oct2016
TaxCharityTM 15oct2016TaxCharityTM 15oct2016
TaxCharityTM 15oct2016
TaxCharityTM 15nov2016
TaxCharityTM 15nov2016TaxCharityTM 15nov2016
TaxCharityTM 15nov2016
TaxCharityTM 15sep2016
TaxCharityTM 15sep2016TaxCharityTM 15sep2016
TaxCharityTM 15sep2016
TaxCharityTM 15sep2015
TaxCharityTM 15sep2015TaxCharityTM 15sep2015
TaxCharityTM 15sep2015
TaxCharityTM 15dec2016
TaxCharityTM 15dec2016TaxCharityTM 15dec2016
TaxCharityTM 15dec2016
TaxCharityTM 15jan17
TaxCharityTM 15jan17TaxCharityTM 15jan17
TaxCharityTM 15jan17
TaxCharityTM 15aug2015
TaxCharityTM 15aug2015TaxCharityTM 15aug2015
TaxCharityTM 15aug2015
TaxCharityTM 15jul2015
TaxCharityTM 15jul2015TaxCharityTM 15jul2015
TaxCharityTM 15jul2015
TaxCharityTM 15jun15
TaxCharityTM 15jun15TaxCharityTM 15jun15
TaxCharityTM 15jun15
TaxCharityTM 15may15
TaxCharityTM 15may15TaxCharityTM 15may15
TaxCharityTM 15may15
TaxCharitytm 15mar2015
TaxCharitytm 15mar2015TaxCharitytm 15mar2015
TaxCharitytm 15mar2015
BlackSwanTradingTM 22sep15
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BlackSwanTradingTM 22oct15
BlackSwanTradingTM 22oct15BlackSwanTradingTM 22oct15
BlackSwanTradingTM 22oct15
BlackSwanTradingTM 22nov15
BlackSwanTradingTM 22nov15BlackSwanTradingTM 22nov15
BlackSwanTradingTM 22nov15
TaxCharityTM 15apr2015
TaxCharityTM 15apr2015TaxCharityTM 15apr2015
TaxCharityTM 15apr2015
UUOOPPsiesTaxCharityTM – 07jun16
UUOOPPsiesTaxCharityTM – 07jun16UUOOPPsiesTaxCharityTM – 07jun16
UUOOPPsiesTaxCharityTM – 07jun16
WHYNOTtsxBUBBY TaxCharityTM-07jun16
WHYNOTtsxBUBBY TaxCharityTM-07jun16WHYNOTtsxBUBBY TaxCharityTM-07jun16
WHYNOTtsxBUBBY TaxCharityTM-07jun16
The telling tale of two portfolios
The telling tale of two portfoliosThe telling tale of two portfolios
The telling tale of two portfolios

En vedette

TaxCharit€TM 22apr16
TaxCharit€TM 22apr16TaxCharit€TM 22apr16
TaxCharit€TM 22apr16Hans Goetze
Book buildertm 31dec15
Book buildertm 31dec15Book buildertm 31dec15
Book buildertm 31dec15Hans Goetze
TaxCharitEtm 23feb16
TaxCharitEtm 23feb16TaxCharitEtm 23feb16
TaxCharitEtm 23feb16Hans Goetze
Book buildertm keeping it yours 28feb15
Book buildertm keeping it yours   28feb15Book buildertm keeping it yours   28feb15
Book buildertm keeping it yours 28feb15Hans Goetze
The Obduracy of Clouds
The Obduracy of CloudsThe Obduracy of Clouds
The Obduracy of CloudsHans Goetze
BookBuilderTM 30apr16
BookBuilderTM 30apr16BookBuilderTM 30apr16
BookBuilderTM 30apr16Hans Goetze
ARC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-31may16
ARC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-31may16ARC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-31may16
ARC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-31may16Hans Goetze
WHYNOTtsxBUBBYtm-U07may16Hans Goetze
TaxCharit€tm 22jun16
TaxCharit€tm 22jun16TaxCharit€tm 22jun16
TaxCharit€tm 22jun16Hans Goetze
BookBuilderTM 31aug15
BookBuilderTM 31aug15BookBuilderTM 31aug15
BookBuilderTM 31aug15Hans Goetze
ABC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-u31mar16
ABC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-u31mar16ABC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-u31mar16
ABC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-u31mar16Hans Goetze
BookBuilderTM 30nov16
BookBuilderTM 30nov16BookBuilderTM 30nov16
BookBuilderTM 30nov16Hans Goetze

En vedette (12)

TaxCharit€TM 22apr16
TaxCharit€TM 22apr16TaxCharit€TM 22apr16
TaxCharit€TM 22apr16
Book buildertm 31dec15
Book buildertm 31dec15Book buildertm 31dec15
Book buildertm 31dec15
TaxCharitEtm 23feb16
TaxCharitEtm 23feb16TaxCharitEtm 23feb16
TaxCharitEtm 23feb16
Book buildertm keeping it yours 28feb15
Book buildertm keeping it yours   28feb15Book buildertm keeping it yours   28feb15
Book buildertm keeping it yours 28feb15
The Obduracy of Clouds
The Obduracy of CloudsThe Obduracy of Clouds
The Obduracy of Clouds
BookBuilderTM 30apr16
BookBuilderTM 30apr16BookBuilderTM 30apr16
BookBuilderTM 30apr16
ARC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-31may16
ARC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-31may16ARC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-31may16
ARC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-31may16
TaxCharit€tm 22jun16
TaxCharit€tm 22jun16TaxCharit€tm 22jun16
TaxCharit€tm 22jun16
BookBuilderTM 31aug15
BookBuilderTM 31aug15BookBuilderTM 31aug15
BookBuilderTM 31aug15
ABC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-u31mar16
ABC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-u31mar16ABC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-u31mar16
ABC-Zs of TaxCharityTM-u31mar16
BookBuilderTM 30nov16
BookBuilderTM 30nov16BookBuilderTM 30nov16
BookBuilderTM 30nov16

Similaire à TaxCharityTM 15jan2016

TaxCharityTM 15jun2015
TaxCharityTM 15jun2015TaxCharityTM 15jun2015
TaxCharityTM 15jun2015Hans Goetze
BlackSwanTradingTM 22apr16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22apr16BlackSwanTradingTM 22apr16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22apr16Hans Goetze
BlackSwanTradingTM 22oct16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22oct16BlackSwanTradingTM 22oct16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22oct16Hans Goetze
BlackSwanTradingTM 22aug16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22aug16BlackSwanTradingTM 22aug16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22aug16Hans Goetze
BlackSwanTradingTM 22jun16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22jun16BlackSwanTradingTM 22jun16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22jun16Hans Goetze
BlackSwanTradingTMtm 22jul16
BlackSwanTradingTMtm 22jul16BlackSwanTradingTMtm 22jul16
BlackSwanTradingTMtm 22jul16Hans Goetze
BlackSwanTradingTM 22sep16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22sep16BlackSwanTradingTM 22sep16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22sep16Hans Goetze
BlackSwanTradingTM 22may16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22may16BlackSwanTradingTM 22may16
BlackSwanTradingTM 22may16Hans Goetze
BlackSwanTradingTM 22jun2015
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TaxCharityTM 15jan2016

  • 1. “ Page 1 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Equities trading above our benchmark Risk Price (SF) are those investors ‘like’, as two of three price rise due to investors’ preference. We call these equities “likeables.” They are revealed by their rise above Risk Price, our metric that investors must know to defend their capital1 . Cash must be engaged in business ideas with valiant balance sheets or it loses value. That is simple fact. For small savings it is needful but arbitrary your portfolio feeds at the low price end of "likeables" as we find in balance sheets. Equities that tend to hold their value and gain are better than cash. Risk Aversion, Capital Safety and Liquidity in ‘likeables’ we prove works for you. Economies grow because they achieve our intended function of adding value. It is timeless fact economic theory conventions do not grasp. That timeless process we all engage in, some achieve more than others but all the same, what surrounds us is our legacy, our cultural added value. What value we add, we trade in. That process is the root of our economic life in society, whether we carve red deer antler into shamanic tribal totems; take muck and straw to make adobe cities; clay to make bricks and build Hagia Sofia; quartz to make jewels and watches; lithium oil and silicone to make cellphones; or mould nano-fibre carbons into plane wings, that process and how we engage in it is our business as society. Corporations are the form that allows engaging in what we can grasp. Society should not seek equilibriums (biologic death, or precedent to the Big Bang) but seek new disruptions, new mistakes, and make new innovations. To achieve those feats we trade and gain, make sweat and grant credit in such ventures. Business is a social process we think merits the worth of our engagement, our investment of cash sweat and treasure. All business process needs credit to flow through it, though most can only see the cash and account alone that flow. That is all they can see to measure. How credit flows through companies makes patterns2 , as sun storms make auroras, or blood pressure allows neural patterns. Cash is one liquidity all business uses, of many ‘credits’. The Financial Industry is near a third of all modern nations GDP as measured by economics convention wizards. Does the Financial Industry add that much value to the real economy by their means to cash liquidity business processes need? It is an ‘industry’ that takes more value than it makes. Their designate tolls on its road to liquidity are greater than value added. Their swagger and panache as Dick Turpin or Claude Duval covers their ill-mannered reach as they and their henchmen plow your purse to plunder, taking as is they please. How is your nest egg investment in their retirement plan schemes doing in their hands? They will retire early, while you like the rest call the police to the scene of their cold crime. Do not give them your wallet for ill-conceived bombast schemes they propound for their aggrandisements. That goes all the way to the top executives whose ethics are at least, "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying." In the case of LIBOR as much as $6.25 Trn has been skimmed. Is it “to hard to tell” Loretta "there is risk in what you do not or cannot know." Thomas Tooke, 1844 "for the value of money is also perishable." Jean-Baptiste Say , 1803
  • 2. “ Page 2 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Lynch? Try the back of an envelope, 0.001% shift on $5 Trn per day in that market for five years, $6.25 Trn. To the five banks fined $5.0 billion and firing as goats a few associates with zero authority is the cost of doing such business. So no further examinations are deemed necessary? The fine is 0.0008% of their $6.25 Trn taken from us. Those ‘goats’ severed will be without bonus or benefit which will fall to the executives. Too big to fail, too big to jail3 , no matter how egregious the scene of their crimes they will pump the public’s purse on SEC waivers from prosecution. Our public TaxCharityTM and BookBuilderTM portfolios continue unusual long term gain on our new theory of the firm. With our StockTakers12% bond we seek accredited investors to advance the impact of what we have proven. Leave the work to us, because we can. We consistently obtain both low risk and AlphaSmartTM high gain. Meanwhile small investors enjoy our charity as proof. We partition the entire market for “likeables” relying on distribution for results in small portfolios. The larger your “likeables” portfolio will tend to average 26% per annum Internal Rate of Return as proven through the two recessions of these past 13 years. See our articles StockTakers’ 2012Q1 bite on DJI4 . and The Counter Culture: Case for a Can Opener5 . Our work stands on giants insights of three very different laureates, more, on evidence. Our “likeables”portfolios are proof. What proof does convention offer? Right that is an oxymoron6 . Convention is flat-landers in a global reality. Fund managers as financial advisors are just financial products and used equities sellers who never kick the tires or check the fluids, because they do not know better. Do not give those Artful Dodgers your wallet. Engage our “Likeables” and save your own bacon. Financial industry advisors are schooled selling financial products to exploit small investor savings for taking their fees. They are not changing their tools or sharpening those dullards they have. They took the “regular courses” to be certified in a self-regulated industry that only deals in their creative fictions. Seemingly, certification requires intensive study in the key tools of Rhetoric - Adumbration, Subterfusion, Mystification and Derogation. Hmm, that sounds familiar. “I only took the regular courses,” sighed the Mock Turtle. “What was that?” inquired Alice. “Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the different branches of Arithmetic – Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision.” Our work is calculable and provable with no rhetoric asides. We depend on a jargon that is peculiar to us, having reasons to reject most of what passes for the jargon of “investment analysis“7 and the confirmed mysticism that is economics. Not because we don’t know the jargon of economists and financial advisors, but because we do know their jargon. We know it for what it
  • 3. “ Page 3 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 is, wrong8 , useless9 and harmful10 . Those self-appointed Emperors of markets have no clothes to hide their jargon for the improvable delusions those conventions are. We help, because we can. The financial industry is filled with the self-appointed and self-regulated given control of our cache of savings, in banks, insurance and pensions. That licence they have is granted in part hope and part legal conviction they will manage our cache with expertise they are supposing to have. There is no proof of that. Not now or ever have those conventions any merit. On close examination it is puffery, anointed coin-tossing by tossers, which is not worthy the remit society has reserved it. Their point of ruling over any store of value is ability to exercise risk management11 due to a stable demand. ‘Stable demand’ is necessary force. As 80% of the demand in markets is conspired by the fund managers they provide neither stable demand nor any ability to manage risk, most often claiming it is volatility that hobbles their sagacity. That is a straw man of hollow pretensions. The volatility exists because of their pretensions spun with newspeak over gossip stunning other members of their fraternity to act and toss your cache on the trading floor. This game they call ‘market making’ as usual planned to arbitrage the situation created on some inside information by spreading some dis-information. All that spinning is as spiders seizing their prey, our cache, to their pockets and use12 . That activity fits description of racketeering. That may appear cynical, but when at a given point in time as in 2011 the FBI has open files on two thirds of CFAs13 it is factual not cynical bias. The FBI focuses on reasonable basis to allocate resources likely to obtain conviction. There are securities laws intended to ensure such acts are censurable as fraud. That intent is not legal practice, but difficult to get evidence around, given the prevalent acceptance of implausible denials cast by an industry filled by jargon that obscures. Convictions are few limited to the most outrageous and inexcusable, but negotiated to allow the culprits to continue in the industry. Implausible denials are allowed to work spinning further newspeak to flood and wash away these obvious transgressions spun over our cache. Schemes are complex, very artful designs. Expulsion of the Artful Dodgers is rare and prison time rarer. Fines are just the cost on their business. Our politics and legal system accept this and require us to trust our savings to this industrial stripping of our store of value managing it for their skim of wealth. They are not managing our cache for earning us returns greater than inflation or GDP growth the ultimate economic point of relevance. Their tools do not extend there. So smart or not they feel the need to skirt or scoff law to make anything beyond coin-tossing as that is all their tools amount to. As we see it their justifications of their tools are founded in bias views of history. Effectively, it justifies itself on backtests, and not in real markets. Our Risk Price tools are proven in real markets Our proven “likeables” behaviour pension funds like CPPIB ignore, as politicians demand you must trust to double-down in their proven failure. There is proof Wall Street14 does not understand our “likeables” behaviour as hedge funds fail to deliver. On gossip hem and haw the markets bounced and yawed with all their boats. Quantitative Eating treacle-down capitalized US markets,
  • 4. “ Page 4 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 not yet consumers ‘getting-on-with-their-lives’ demand driving the real economy. Volatility has been wild as Quantitative Eating feast withdrew and gas and oil-bloat heavily impacted the market mavens` bromide supply. Selective bias is all they are selling as they gamble with your money. With our charity public portfolios we show in real time our ‘likeables’ tendency for risk averse investment. We conceal nothing. All the trading history is retained in these portfolio update reports. Stoploss settings we give allow the small investor to work on their own using our proprietary ‘likeables’ to build their wealth. We seek accredited investors, as we help the small investor, providing proof in these portfolios that to convention break rules and seem arbitrary, It is essential you hold a complement of at least eight but preferably more “likeables” in your portfolio at any time (preferably in equal blocks of 100 share multiples for 'collaring options'15 as exit strategy we prefer using, for good reason16 ). The tendency of ‘likeables’ for gain is not the same as ‘pin-the-point-on-the-mule’ most seek, or baselessly claim. This is not child’s play. We prove our method in exceptional gains made in these open public portfolios suiting the small investor. Let others chase their gamblers’ risk/reward model. We show our risk averse Risk Price driven ‘likeables’ works for Capital Safety, AlphaSmartTM gains and Liquidity. The new 2014 portfolios got immediately slammed into market volatility due to the long heralded end of Quantitative Eating. Stoploss settings held most of your capital safe. Much the same since April as marketeers waffled about bonds and wobbled around resources. TSX has suffered more, but our NYSE portfolios caught some lift. Like the cynic said, “No crisis, no sales, no fees.” The world is still mopping-up the avoidable ‘exogenous’ accidents of 2006-2009 the economist emperors of financial markets actually created by their very real plunder of real peoples’ capital in imprudent ‘financial products’ they created. That is their client savings put at risk they were entrusted for hopeful returns greater than inflation as financial marketeers promised. The financial institutions just played Three Card Monte on client savers as usual and then just gambled which is what their economist models actually do, the same as a coin-toss. That is whenever they are not actually cheating by rigging interest rate markets, doubling loan spreads, vaulting insurance premiums, and seeking insider trading deals. Put your tax refunds to good use, invested in making AlphaSmartTM , Capital Safe, Liquid, risk averse, Risk Price driven portfolios you can run for yourself. Our ‘pending’ list is there, helping you to build your wealth. The deflation from ending Quantitative Eating bloat and the oil glut has reverted market levels to 2013 and rebounded to 2014 levels. The volatility the portfolio managers witless delusions crated may carry-on yet again. Balance sheets did not flip-flop, but portfolio managers did, unrelated to ‘fundamentals’ of value investing17 . All of the stocks in our public portfolios18 simply rebounded. Most can still be bought back for less than they stopped out. Take the bonus. However we do not recommend chasing after a much higher price of highly volatile zoomers. Price has no mass - as gossip fluctuates.
  • 5. “ Page 5 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Our placid stoploss settings have been based on a 52 week rolling price range less than a standard deviation has worked reasonably well for risk aversion in markets outside churning of financial industry managers panic driven selling. We have gone to quarterly volatility to better save capital in this meaningless gossip of mavens creating negative volatility. Tax charity limits for income sheltering were used to set new portfolios. Americans best have tax specialist involved, depending on their tax code, regular 401(k): $17,500 in 2014, with an additional $5,500 catch-up contribution, and up to $52,000 in 2014 for SEP and SOLOs, we used $23,000. Canadians can shelter $24,270.00 of their income in 2014. Extending our proprietary data in charity suits small investors’ needs our BookBuilderTM invests in your children’s education TaxCharityTM your retirement and income needs, because we can, so can you. TaxCharityTM Portfolios Update List – 15 January 2016 NYSE Value 17K Firms 2012 IRA limit Market Price Symbol SF (Risk Price) Stop/Loss See old posts for Buy-ins 01 December 2012 *100 shares each 15214.00 Buy-ins 15jul15 *100 shares each Celldex Therapeutics Inc. ($25.8 stoploss 20jul15) CLDX 20 9.2 DR Horton Inc. ($30.0 $topLoss 04jan16) 30.00 DHI:US 24 25.6 Progressive Corp Ohio ($29.1 StopLost 24aug15) PGR:US 25 28.9 Buy-ins 15aug15 *100 shares each Ciena Corp. ($22.9 StopLost 20aug15) CIEN:US 17 18.4 Concert Pharma Inc. ($22.1 StopLost 21oct15) CNCE 14 14.9 Buy-ins 15sep15 *100 shares each Alon USA Energy Inc. ($15.7 StopLost 21oct15) ALJ:US 12 10.8 Aircastle Ltd. ($22.2 StopLost 16oct15) AYR:US 14 17.8 Ciena Corp. ($22.4 $topLoss 10dec15) CIEN:US 17 18.4 E Trade Financial Corp. ($28.9 $topLoss 18dec15) 28.90 ETFC:US 18 28.9 OmniVision Tech. Inc. ($27.5 StopLost 10dec15) OVTI:US 20 27.5 Zoetis Inc. ($41.4 StopLost 28sep15) ZTS 35 41.4 Buy-ins 15oct15 *100 shares each Conagra Foods Inc 39.04 CAG:US 29 38.2 Buy-ins 15nov15 *100 shares each Albany Molecular Resrch Inc. ($18.7 StopLost 06jan16) 18.70 AMRI 15 18.7 NTT DoCoMo Inc. ADS 20.29 DCM:US 15 18.3 Taiwan Semicon. Manufg Co. ($21.8 StopLost 06jan16) 21.80 TSM:US 15 21.7 Buy-ins 15dec15 *100 shares each AMN Healthcare Srvcs Inc. ($26.9 StopLost 11jan16) 26.90 AHS 14 27.0 Ciena Corp. ($18.4 StopLost 04jan16) 18.40 CIEN:US 17 18.4 Current NYSE 2012 Portfolio Value 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 01 December 2012 21314.60 / 15214.00 Gain 36.5 months 4030%
  • 6. “ Page 6 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 IRR pa 11.44% Net Cash Carried after 15dec15 Buy-ins *100 shares 131.00 Net Cash * after 100 shares stoploss sales 14470.00 Current Cash 14601.00 Buy-ins 15jan16 *100 shares each Albany Molecular Research Incorporated 16.71 AMRI 15 15.9 Ciena Corp 18.02 CIEN:US 17 17.1 Dean Foods Company 18.07 DF 17 17.4 DR Horton Inc 26.65 DHI:US 24 25.6 E Trade Financial Corp 25.06 ETFC:US 18 23.9 Jabil Circuit Inc 19.30 JBL:US 20 18.3 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.... 21.10 TSM:US 15 20.0 Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins *100 shares 110.00 Cash Dividends earned 123.20 Total Cash Available 133.20 Current NYSE 2012 Portfolio Value 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 01 December 2012 21314.60 / 15214.00 Gain 36.5 months 4030% IRR pa 11.44% (Pending Need for Change or investing new Savings) Alon USA Energy Incorporated 12.09 ALJ:US 12 10.8 Bemis Co Inc 44.14 BMS 40 42.8 CSX Corporation 22.76 CSX 26 21.3 Dreamworks Animation SKG Incorporated 25.49 DWA:US 21 24.0 Vigilance while these below are nearing or still trading below Risk Price are not yet “likeables” so are still not risk averse buy-ins. Bloomin' Brands, Inc. 16.64 BLMN 20 15.4 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 16.41 COG:US 34 14.0 Twenty-First Century Fox Incorporated 26.1 FOXA:US 32 24.1 Unisys Corporation 8.83 UIS:US 22 6.8 USA ROTH/IRA 2013 limit 17800.00 See old posts for Buy-ins 15sepl2013 *100 shares each Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each CMS Energy Corp. ($35.0 $topLoss 13nov15) CMS:US 27 35.3 Cisco Systems Inc. ($27.2 $topLoss 13nov15) CSCO 23 22.8 DR Horton Inc. ($30.0 $topLoss 04jan16) 30.00 DHI:US 24 25.6 eBay Inc. ($27.3 $topLoss 04jan16) 27.30 EBAY:US 20 24.4 Morgan Stanley ($26.4 $topLoss 19oct15) MS:US 31 24.9
  • 7. “ Page 7 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Schwab Charles Corp. ($28.3 $topLoss 28sep15) SCHW:US 18 25.9 WhiteWave Foods Co. ($42.6 stopLoss 28sep15) WWAV:US 30 33.8 Buy-ins 15oct2015 *100 shares each General Growth Propts Inc. ($42.6 stopLoss 13nov15) GGP:US 20 26.1 Hologic Inc, ($36.4 stopLoss 11jan16) 36.40 HOLX:US 20 33.0 XL Group ($36.4 stopLoss 11jan16) 36.40 XL:US 30 33.9 Buy-ins 15nov2015 *100 shares each Federated Investors Inc. ($30.0 $topLoss 08dec15) FII:US 27 24.5 General Electric Co. ($28.8 stopLoss 08jan16) 28.80 GE 20 27.1 Juniper Networks Inc. ($27.9stopLoss 21dec15) 27.90 JNPR:US 21 24.5 NIVIDIA Corp. ($28.8 stopLoss 06jan16) 31.20 NVDA:US 18 25.6 Buy-ins 15dec2015 *100 shares each Federated Investors Inc. ( 27.70 FII:US 27 24.5 USA ROTH/IRA 2013 Portfolio 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2013 25628.10 / 17800.00 Gain 28.0 months 43.98% IRR pa 16.91% Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins *100 shares) 202.00 Net Cash * on $toploss FII *100 shares 24570.00 Current Cash 24772.00 Buy-ins 15jan2016*100 shares each Aircastle Limited 18.49 AYR:US 14 17.8 DR Horton Inc. 26.65 DHI:US 24 25.6 eBay Inc. 25.26 EBAY:US 20 24.4 Federated Investors Inc 25.34 FII:US 27 24.5 General Electric Comnpany 28.49 GE 20 27.1 Hologic Incorporated 34.96 HOLX:US 20 33.0 Juniper Networks Inc 25.74 JNPR:US 21 24.5 Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins 15jan16*100 shares) 18.00 Dividends earned 466.70 Total Cash Available 487.70 USA ROTH/IRA 2013 Portfolio 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2013 25628.10 / 17800.00 Gain 28.0 months 43.98% IRR pa 16.91% There are hundreds of interested small savings investors routinely following these charitable posts of our proprietary Risk Price (SF) information giving $toploss values as guidance for small investor capital safety, and liquidity hopeful of enjoying the proven tendency 2 of 3 of our “likeables” earn high AlphaSmart gain in the long term. Keep in mind preference to have at least
  • 8. “ Page 8 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 eight or more “likeables” equities in your portfolio. Our historic results are based on the entire market partitioned with Risk Price (SF) information. Smaller sample portfolios can deviate be erratic with outliers and under performers. As a group our TaxCharityTM tend to prove our method. The past year has been a trough for investors as the real economy slowly absorbs 2008, as props of QE were withdrawn and the market lost its marbles. Below find our continuing charity with a new portfolio suiting income or IRA 201419 tax sheltered savings. Because we can, you can too! USA ROTH/IRA 2014 Portfolio 15 September 2014 23000.00 See old posts for Buy-ins 15sep2014 *100 shares each Buy-ins 15jun2015 *100 shares each DR Horton Inc. ($30.0 $topLoss 04jan16) 30.00 DHI:US 24 25.6 Buy-ins 15jul2015 *100 shares each Maxim Integ. Prods Inc. ($32.3 $topLoss 20aug15) MXIM 25 30.7 UBS AG ($21.2 $topLoss 21aug15) UBS:US 17 15.9 Buy-ins 15augl2015 *100 shares each JetBlue Airways Corp. ($21.3 $topLoss 24aug15) JBLU 20 18.3 Vector Group Inc. ($23.9 $topLoss 21aug15) VGR:US 14 22.1 Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each Activision Blizzard Inc. ($36.2 $topLoss 06jan16) 36.20 ATVI:US 18 32.5 Ciena Corp. ($22.4 $topLoss 10dec15) CIEN:US 17 18.4 E Trade Financial Corp. ($28.9 $topLoss 18dec15) 28.90 ETFC:US 18 23.9 H&R Block Inc, ($34.6 $topLoss 08dec15) HRB:US 30 30.9 UBS AG ($19.0 $topLoss 13nov15) UBS:US 17 15.9 Unum Group ($34.8 $topLoss 03dec15) UNM:US 22 27.6 Vector Group Inc. ($23.2 $topLoss 11dec15) VGR:US 14 22.1 Buy-ins 15nov2015 *100 shares each Pitney Bowes Inc. ($19.6 $topLoss 11dec15) PBI:US 16 17.7 Buy-ins 15dec2015 *100 shares each Ciena Corp. ($18.4 StopLost 04jan16) 18.40 CIEN:US 17 17.1 H&R Block Inc. ($31.7 $topLoss 13jan16) 31.70 HRB:US 30 30.9 Pitney Bowes Inc. ($18.8$topLoss 08jan16) 18.80 PBI:US 16 17.7 Unum Group ($32.9 $topLoss 31dec15) 32.60 UNM:US 22 27.6 AMN Healthcare Services Inc. ($26.9 StopLost 11jan16) 26.90 AHS 14 27.0 USA ROTH/IRA 2014 Portfolio 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2014 22605.50 / 23000.00 Gain 16.0 months 98.28% Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins 15aug15 *100 shares) 21.00 Net Cash * after stoploss sale *100 shares 20540.00
  • 9. “ Page 9 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Current Cash 20561.00 Buy-ins 15jan2016 *100 shares each Activision Blizzard Inc. 34.91 ATVI:US 18 32.5 Ciena Corp 18.02 CIEN:US 17 17.1 NTT DoCoMo Inc. ADS 20.29 DCM:US 15 19.3 DR Horton Inc 26.65 DHI:US 24 25.6 E Trade Financial Corp 25.06 ETFC:US 18 23.9 MGM Resorts International 19.86 MGM 12 19.1 Pitney Bowes Inc 18.45 PBI:US 16 17.7 Roche Holding Limited ADR 31.92 RHHBY:US 28 31.1 Unum Group 28.42 UNM:US 22 27.6 Net Cash Forward after Buy-ins 15aug15 *100 shares) 13.00 Dividends earned 234.50 Total Cash Available 247.50 USA ROTH/IRA 2014 Portfolio 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2014 22605.50 / 23000.00 Gain 16.0 months 98.28% Since 80% of society’s cache is in the hands of fund managers who on gossip have pushed the US markets down 5.00% in 16 months it is small beer this portfolio is down only 1.72%. By tight stoploss we have short-sold against the fund managers over reaction in losing your money in pension insurance and bank funds they manage. Cashiering shares was necessary for them to gain fees or pay their current bills. The world GDP is still growing faster than population so their panic is largely in their newspeak. Removal of Quantitative Eating and oil and gas bloat made unusual down-side volatility in all markets since autumn 2014. Evidence is markets do not price-in even the well advertised such as demise of QE market support. , in such a ‘sea-change’ near all stoplosses were triggered. Time to recover, rebuild for gain. The past Spring gossip flooded on resolution of who pays for reckless British. French. Dutch and German banks loans made without prudence to Greece in 2007 (as they and Wall Street had to all the PIIGS) rekindled high volatility. The public is always liable for the ‘Public Liability Corporation’ managers’ failure for lack of business diligence, prudence or ethics. That ‘Agency Problem’ story is not over. Greece now has been given some ‘jubilee’ but not much. China’s princelings made their booty so now is time the rest of its people pay as infrastructure bonanzas work out. It has been a rough year of gossip driven volatility overturning modest gains in the real economy. Putin plays middle east politics raising world oil price needed for his exports. We will see more of oil energy as lever in plunder politics.
  • 10. “ Page 10 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Engage our “likeables” and save your own bacon. Because we can, you can Equities that tend to hold their value and gain are better than cash. We like Capital Safety and Liquidity because we have proven our risk aversion works, consistently obtaining both low risk and AlphaSmartTM high gain. Our Risk Price is what investors must know to defend their capital. We are extending a small part of our proprietary information as charity suiting small investors’ needs for their small portfolios. Our BookBuilderTM supports your investing in your children’s education, TaxCharityTM suits your retirement or income needs, because we can, you can. TaxCharityTM TSX Portfolios Update List – 15 January 2016 TSX Value 22K Firms 2012 RRSP Tax Shelter Limit Used - $20,235.00 Market Price Symbol SF (Risk Price) Stop/Loss See old posts for Buy-ins 01 December 2012 *100 shares each 20,235.00 Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each Progressive Waste Sol’ns Ltd. ($34.0 stopLost 20oct15) BIN 30 31.1 Canadian Aprtmt Prop. REIT ($26.9 stopLost 29oct15) CAR.UN 26 25.9 Element Financial Corp. ($18 stopLost 24aug15) EFN 12 14.4 Gildan Activewear Inc. ($38.7 stopLost 26oct15) GIL 32 35.5 Maple Leaf Foods Inc. ( $20.1 stopLost 12nov15) MFI 15 21.9 Stantec Inc. ($33.0 stopLost 06jan16) 33.00 STN 25 30.5 Buy-ins 15nov2015 *100 shares each Allied Properties REIT ($33.3 stopLost 04nov15) AP.UN 31 28.9 Buy-ins 15oct2015 *100 shares each Allied Properties REIT ($32.2 stopLost 19nov15) AP.UN 31 28.9 Davis + Henderson Corp. ($30.9 stopLost 09dec15) DH 29 29.8 Element Financial Corp. ($16.7 stopLost 02dec15) EFN 12 14.4 Gildan Activewear Inc. ($38.1 stopLost 07jan16) 38.10 GIL 32 35.5 Granite REIT 37.58 GRT.UN 34 36.5 Keyera Corp. ($38.0 stopLost 09dec15) KEY 39 34.9 Maple Leaf Foods Inc. 22.56 MFI 15 21.9 Buy-ins 15dec2015 *100 shares each Allied Properties REIT ($38.1 stopLost 14jan16) 30.11 AP.UN 31 28.9 Davis + Henderson Corporation 31.71 DH 29 29.8 Element Financial Corp. ($15.5 stopLost 07jan16) 15.50 EFN 12 14.4 Keyera Corp. ($36.6 stopLost 15jan16) 36.60 KEY 39 34.9 TSX 2012 Portfolio Value 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 01 December 2012 25739.09 / 20235.00 Gain 37.5 months 27.44% IRR pa 8.07% Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 15oct15 168.00 Net Cash * after 100 shares stoploss sold 11780.00
  • 11. “ Page 11 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Current Cash 11847.00 Buy-ins 15jan2016 *100 shares each Allied Properties Real Estate Investment Trust 30.11 AP.UN 31 28.9 Chorus Aviation Inc. 5.10 CHR.B 5 4.8 Element Financial Corporation 15.21 EFN 12 14.4 Gildan Activewear Inc. 37.13 GIL 32 35.5 Keyera Corp. 36.17 KEY 39 34.9 Stantec Inc. 31.60 STN 25 30.5 Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 16.00 Dividends earned 946.59 Total Cash Available 1062.59 TSX 2012 Portfolio Value 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 01 December 2012 25788.09 / 20235.00 Gain 37.5 months 27.44% IRR pa 8.07% (Pending Need for Change or investing new Savings) Emera Incorporated 42.43 EMA 36 41.4 Canfor Corporation 14.11 CFP 19 12.7 Thomson Reuters Corporation 51.10 TRI 40 49.8 Vigilance while these below are near or still trading below Risk Price are not yet “likeables” so are still not risk averse buy-ins. Aecon Group Inc. 13.36 ARE 14 12.7 Artis Real Estate Investment Trust 11.41 AX.UN 14 11.1 Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc. (The) 17.71 PJC.A 13 17.4 Crombie Real Estate Investment Trust 12.55 CRR.UN 13 12.4 Inter Pipeline Fund 20.20 IPL.TO 24 18.4 Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 26.61 PEY 34 24.6 Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. 23.70 POT 40 20.7 Canadian 2013 RRSP limit 23820.00 See old posts for Buy-ins 15sep2013 *100 shares each Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each Canadian Aprtmt Prop. REIT ($26.9 stopLost 29oct15) CAR.UN 26 26.7 MTY Food Group Inc.( $29.7 stopLost 16nov15) MTY 26 29.1 Ritchie Bros Auctioneers Inc. ($34.5 stopLost 18sep15) RBA 24 30.5 Quebecor Inc. 34.30 QBR.B 25 32.9 Smart REIT ($30.7 stopLost 11dec15) SRU-UN 25 28.6 Stantec Inc. ($33.0 stopLost 06jan16) 33.00 STN 25 30.5 Toromont Ind’s Ltd. ($30.3 stopLost 13nov15) TIH 26 28.2
  • 12. “ Page 12 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Buy-ins 15oct2015 *100 shares each Fortis Inc. ($37.3 stopLost 13nov15) FTS 35 35.6 Metro Inc. ($37.8 stopLost 07jan16) 37.80 MRU 22 38.8 Buy-ins 15nov2015 *100 shares each CI Financial Corp. ($29.2 stopLost 07jan16) 29.20 CIX 30 27.4 Great-West Lifeco Inc. ($33.9 stopLost 14dec15) GWO 28 32.4 Power Corp. of Canada ($28.6 stopLost 14dec15) POW 25 26.3 Buy-ins 15dec2015 *100 shares each Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. 34.17 BIN 30 32.6 Industrl All. Ins. Fin. Srvs. Inc. ($43.7 stopLost 21dec15) 43.70 IAG 39 39.0 Northland Power Inc. 17.42 NPI 15 16.9 SmartREIT ($29.8 stopLost 21dec15) 29.80 SRU.UN 25 28.6 2013 TSX Portfolio Value 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2013 26808.62 / 23820.00 Gain 27.0 months 12.66% IRR pa 5.24% Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 15aug2015 91.00 Net Cash on $topLoss sales *100 shares 17350.00 Current Cash 17441.00 Buy-ins 15jan2016*100 shares each CI Financial Corp. 28.38 CIX 30 27.4 Industrial Alliance Ins. Fin. Srvs. Inc. 39.84 IAG 39 39.0 RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust 23.42 REI.UN 24 22.7 SmartREIT 29.52 SRU.UN 25 28.6 Stantec Inc. 31.60 STN 25 30.5 TransForce Inc. 21.60 TFI 21 20.3 Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 5.00 Dividends earned 806.62 Total Cash Available 811.62 2013 TSX Portfolio Value 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2013 26808.62 / 23820.00 Gain 27.0 months 12.66% IRR pa 5.24% The TSX is down -22.02% in the last 16 months, more than half the interval of this portolio. This small beer percentage speaks loudly for unusual results of the very welcome kind. Double the rate of inflation, triple of bond rates offered. Staying in the market pays better with a proven method in place of the coin-tossers in the financial industry. Do not give them your cache. There are hundreds of interested small savings investors routinely following these charitable posts
  • 13. “ Page 13 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 of our proprietary Risk Price (SF) data giving $toploss values as guidance for small investor capital safety, and liquidity hopeful of enjoying the proven tendency 2 of 3 of our “likeables” earn high AlphaSmart gain in the long term. Keeping in mind preference to have at least eight or more “likeables” equities in your portfolio below find our continuing charity with a new portfolio suiting income or RRSP 201420 tax sheltered savings. Because we can, you can too. 2014 TSX “Likeables” Portfolio Value 15 September 2014 24270.00 / 24270.00 See old posts for Buy-ins 15sep2014 *100 shares each Buy-ins 15sep2015 *100 shares each Acadian Timber Corp. ($18.4 stopLost 29oct15) ADN 12 16.3 Canadian Aprtmt Prop. REIT ($26.9 stopLost 29oct15) CAR.UN 26 26.7 Hudsons Bay Co. ($20.5 stopLost 28sep15) HBC 18 15.0 Quebecor Inc. 34.30 QBR.B 25 32.9 RioCan REIT ($25.2 stopLost 04nov15) REI.UN 24 22.7 Saputo Inc. 32.12 SAP 30 31.0 Toromont Ind’s Ltd. ($30.3 stopLost 13nov15) TIH 26 28.2 Buy-ins 15oct015 *100 shares each Celestica Inc. ($16.1 stopLoss 21oct15) CLS 10 13.1 Fortis Inc. ($37.3 stopLost 13nov15) FTS 35 35.6 Buy-ins 15nov15 *100 shares each Celestica Inc. ($14.1 stopLoss 15jan16) 14.10 CLS 10 13.1 Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. 29.01 MBT 27 28.1 The North West Co. Inc. ($27.7 stopLoss 14jan16) 27.70 NWC 22 26.9 Ritchie Bros Auctinrs Inc. ($34.3 stopLost 08dec15) RBA 24 30.5 RioCan REIT ($24.1 stopLost 14dec15) REI.UN 24 22.7 TransForce Inc. ($23.0 stopLost 08dec15) TFI 21 20.3 Buy-ins 15dec15 *100 shares each Canadian Apartment Properties REIT 27.68 CAR.UN 26 26.7 Manulife Financial Corp. ($20.1 stopLoss 04jan16) 20.10 MFC 20 17.5 Ritchie Bros Auctnrs Inc. ($31.5 stopLost 06jan16) 31.50 RBA 24 30.5 2014 TSX “Likeables” Portfolio Value 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2014 22265.60 / 24270.00 Gain 16.0 months -8.26% Though little comfort to some we can reconcile this result with comparing the TSX is down further from -16.55% last month down another -5.47% to -22.02% over these 16 months. The fund managers gossip and coin-tossing still make stock prices. Commodities are a heavy constituent of the TSX and fears say demand for them is slacking even as the US remains strong. Good firms with strong balance sheets deal with the situation. Canute could not stop the tides but the tides swirled around him. The “likeables” resist the tides, too.
  • 14. “ Page 14 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 We can be confident in knowing this “likeables” portfolio has resisted such declining market by givng-up only 0.50% in this past month while TSX further declined -7.91% due negative volatility. By adhering to tightened stoploss “likeables” is reset to advantage for regaining as market players embrace the real economy is growing twice as quickly as demographic, while the chickens flap their wings we are poised for new flight as the dust settles. Net Cash Carried after *100 shares Buy-ins 15oct2015 213.00 Net Cash on $topLoss sales RBA REI-UN TFI *100 shares 9340.00 Net Cash Carried for *100 shares Buy-ins 9553.00 Buy-ins 15jan16 *100 shares each Acadian Timber Corporation 17.10 ADN 12 16.3 CI Financial Corp. 28.38 CIX 30 27.4 Celestica Inc. 13.55 CLS 10 13.1 Manulife Financial Corporation 18.04 MFC 20 17.5 Northland Power Inc. 17.42 NPI 15 16.9 Net Cash Carried after 15dec2015 *100 shares Buy-ins 104.00 Dividends earned 431.00 Total Cash Available 535.00 2014 TSX “Likeables” Portfolio Value 15 January 2016 (including dividends) / 15 September 2014 22265.60 / 24270.00 Gain 16.0 months -8.26% Removal of Quantitative Eating combined with oil and gas bloat has made unusual down-side volatility in all markets, to which now older Greece and China issues added spooky gossip, a ‘sea- change’, of stoplosses were triggered again. The TSX has still not regained its September 2014, level Our tighter $toploss values reduce risk of loss. Most stopped out just rebound. Stoploss is a simpler approach than skimming for advantageous collaring options to protect your capital, instead of working at what you do best. Collaring of options can be very useful in added gains but it requires a lot more attention than small investors can lavish. It is not time to loosen the easily managed $toploss values to recover, that is a useful short-selling to limit declines. Again we must rebuild for gain when calmer markets return. All the ‘canards’ must walk the political stage as the real economy slowly inches its recovery forward, while absorbing other peoples abuse of ‘credit float’ in the sea of moral hazard backwash they created. Engage in “likeables” save your own bacon. Because we can, you can
  • 15. “ Page 15 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Equities that tend to hold their value and gain are better than cash. We like Risk Aversion, Capital Safety and Liquidity by investing in “likeables” because we have proven that works, consistently obtaining both low risk and high AlphaSmart gain. Market behaviour prefers the “likeables” trading above Risk Price and bids up their price. We have proven that behaviour exists as a tendency of investors in all markets. The conventional investment industry cannot prove any of their assumptions underlying their supposed methods they sell you as if theirs is “expertise”. It is just their mysticism21 as circular logic is a spinning topic. Any tautology is just repetition until it appears to be logical. As we have shown all they trade in is luck, 1.03 to 1 is just a coin-toss22 . They really are just rolling dice and tossing cards with your nickels. Your pocket is not their restraint, rather, they see their opportunity for their gaming. Do not give them your pocket-book on empty promises they have never delivered. What is the alternative to those Artful Dodgers so busy just blowing bubbles23 with cash from your wallet24 ? We are that alternative, as we show, even for the small investor. Our Risk PriceTM driven "likeables" investment method is proven by consistent long term portfolios gains shown by these charity portfolios suiting small investors using stop-loss settings and by others like long running ABCs-to-Zs and BST-BlackSwanTradingTM . BookBuilder™ and TaxCharityTM portfolios comprise our lowest price point "likeables" we can identify based on RiskPriceTM . It is our proprietary information driven by Risk PriceTM given freely in charity enabling small investors to keep their savings growing into their own wealth. Our method is proven. Because we can, you can25 . In our Modal Geometry26 theory of the firm we make only two assumptions, clearly as follows: 1. there is a balance sheet of the firm (that the rule of law governs its information is possibly weak assumption but at an accuracy to at least the modest degree accountants are prepared to be responsible for); and, 2. the firm will vigorously negotiate, “what it owns” (in order to stay in business “what is owed to it” with “what it owes” and vice versa, to make the best of what it has, that is in its trading connections). The Modal Geometry theory of the firm has unfolded by rigourous observation of corporate ledgers relation to balance sheets as business process27 adds value. That is aided with logic, epistemology, and some powerful mathematics. You have proof in these TaxCharityTM portfolios performances. Our reasons for having any equity in our portfolios are clear, concise and consistent. “likeables” tendency demonstrates 2 of 3 “likeables” gaining for the long term. This we show proof positive, in our TaxCharityTM and BookBuilderTM portfolios continued gain. We extend our proprietary information to small investors. Because we can, you can. Know What You Have. Have What You Know.
  • 16. “ Page 16 of 16 January 2016 © Copyright StockTakers Limited, All Rights Reserved. Copying Prohibited. The author does not provide investment advice. In order to use reproduce or convey the material herein, in any way, written agreement must be obtained from the author or its agent Architypes Inc. StockTakers Limited is an Alberta corporation providing information on “likeables” equities. StockTakers Limited encourages your seeking tax law advisor for capital gains tax dispositions. Defend Your Capital, from Dick Turpin - TaxCharityTM Update 15 January 2016 Our view is risk averse. Of course we require 2&20 fees for doing that. Mail us for our help. Hans Goetze, Architypes Inc. and StockTakers Limited Head Office 76 Midridge Close SE Calgary, AB T2X 1G1 351 Chemin Boulanger Sutton, PQ J0E 2K0 450 538-1270 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Leading proponent of Modern Portfolio Theory, Peter L. Bernstein disaffected realized it was exposing investors to risk while productive way for making the professionals a living 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Banks had $230 billion in litigation costs since 2009 and another $70 billion through 2016 for trading irregularity 25 26 “The Modal Geometry of the Firm and the Balance Sheet Worth of the Trading Connections”, 2006, unpublished but available from the author. 27