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Collective decisionmaking
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Collective decisionmaking
(groups deciding together)
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Collective decisionmaking in groups (Negotiating,
Consent method, Thinking heads)
Decisionmaking in a network
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Collective decisionmaking
The same as with participation
First stage: people with power
Second: people with power with special interests
Third: experts that are needed
Fourth: representatives of important people
needed for cooperation
Fifth: all people
You see that all people had to learn to cooperate
New focus on collective
decisionmaking: Why? (1)
Representation under pressure
A political class and a “non participating class” a
significant divide in many countries
Clientalism make people believe politicians do not
represent them
Trust issues (I trust someone like me) as we saw
in the checking lesson
Coalitions: every party wants something, not easy
to show success.
We become consumers of politics: we do not
New focus on collective
decisionmaking (2)
Government in The Netherlands is not almighty,
but depends on cooperation of (international)
enterprises, other countries, ngo’s, citizens
We together know more than the politicians alone
Cooperation brings more success
Representation under pressure
We vote for a person, but what do we like?
Changing in preferences within 4 years
David Van Reybrouck calls it Democratic Fatigue
Video democratic fatigue: to slow, we are not
allowed to give our opinion, no loyality to parties
(5 minutes)
Your thoughts about lotted citizens
Good alternative or good extra?
First round: the advantages and possibilities
Second round: what are the negative sides and
Third round: what could a CA do?
Citizens deciding:
-Summits, Referendum,
Participative budgetting
Interested parties
-Building consensus,
negotiating, an example
Deciding in networks
It is necessary to
improve creativity and
Citizens Summits
Amsterdam, Amersfoort, Uden, Groningen,
Utrecht …
A citizens' summit is a meeting on a specific theme or with an open
agenda where a group of residents is brought together with the
aim of starting a discussion in order to arrive at a joint position
or to take action themselves. The most common example of a
citizens' summit in the Netherlands is the G1000, where the
original idea is to involve 1000 residents. But most summits had
fewer citizens. At some citizens' summits, citizens themselves
determine the agenda.
Not easy to get real representative, Not very creative, Much
appreciated by participants, Good deliberation, More
understanding politics, Not much influence of practice in city
Citizen summit Steps
Selection: take a random selection from 6000 people. From the
people that wanted to register, take a selection in age, gender
and education that is representative. (But not much young and
too much higher educated)
No agenda, citizens choose themes for the future (but very vague),
difficulty is the citizens do not know the city policies
Deliberation discuss and listen to others to find the themes
Results participants were very positive about atmosphere, being
heard, possibility to speak and to be listened to. But Not much
visible power, not very diverse
Costs 30.000 (much by volunteers, and municipality hours, can be
60 - 120.000)
Referendum and preferendum
Several forms
1.Against a law approved by the House of
Representatives (forces politicians to win
support from the public) (EU treaty) (Amsterdam
City Expansion). Very clear
2.A choice before the representatives have
chosen (like Brexit) (closing times cafes)
3. A choice between alternatives (more money
tosocial security or to police) (preferendum)
Danger: no integrated decisions (do not raise taxes but also spend
more money) no compromises, polarisation
How to organize a referendum
Threshold of signatures: how much? (In the
Netherlands this was 300.000) First: 10.000
then it starts and you need 300.000 in 3 months
Clear question that everybody can understand (no
double negation like “do you support the
politicians when they say no to ….”)
Clear when the outcome is binding (when more
than 30% (or 50%) of the people that can vote
did vote. Feed the debate to make informed
Preferendum makes clear what the people want
Referendum insights
Support varies in groups and time
Very popular with people that feel ignored
Good to challenge the politicians to explain
Good to feel part of the democracy
No deliberation? No awareness
Losers feel less support for democracy when
there was no good deliberation
A need to build a tradition as in Switzerland
Deliberation is crucial
The more deliberation, the more chance of historic
insight and taking different aspects into account
The more deliberation, the more people feel
Public deliberation reconnects citizens with
political adversaries and with public officials,
educates about public goods and choices and
brings legitimacy
Deliberation helps to create a more public spirit
with thoughts about public needs
You thoughts komt hierna
Dangers and advantages of direct
democracy and referenda
No historic sight, no integral thinking
No explaining why this decision is made this way,
no accountability
The more theoretical education (university,
college) the more you take part in deliberation,
the less theaoretical: the more you want others
to speakup for you
But :
More trust in decisions, people learning to decide together
More power to the people themselves
More legitimacy
Participatory budgetting
started in Brazil
Video Participative budgetting (meerkat 4 min)
18000 people involved in Porto Alegre (1,5 mln)
Possible online
Tried out all over the western world
More participation of citizens organized in NGO’s,
trade unions, political parties, local associations
Participatory budgetting (1)
The municipality is divided geographically into
multiple districts.
Representatives of the divided districts are either
elected or volunteered to work with government
officials in a PB committee.
Proposals, initiated by the citizens, are dealt
under different branches of public budget such
as recreation, infrastructure, transportation, etc.
Participants publicly deliberate with the committee
to finalize the projects to be voted on.
Participatory budgetting (2)
The drafted budget is shared to the public and put
for a vote.
The municipal government implements the top
The cycle is repeated on an annual basis.
We saw
Budget cuts with citizens
Neighbourhood budgets
Video Joop Hofman about neighbourhoodbudgets
A start possible with neighbourhoods? People
learn to know the municipality, learn to make
difficult decisions
Would a pilot be possible?
- With a small budget with specific goals (green,
places to recreate and meet)
- City council promisses to approve the proposals
of residents
- In 2 or 3 neighbourhoods with strong local
- Evaluate together with the local associations
Collective decisions with groups that
have an interest
City works with neighbourhood representatives,
entrepeneurs, interest groups
Only open to representative parties that have an
interest and experts
First necessity: building trust
Building consensus starts with trust
Trust the other
Accept the difference in views
Accept the possibility of seeing both the same but
interpreting it differently
Separate the views from the persons
Focus on interests not on opinions or methods
How to gain trust from opponents
See the person, not the opinion
Communicate and be true to your word
Listen befor expecting to be listened to
Take small steps
Be honest and ask to be honest
Understand before being understood
Be serious in admitting mistakes
Building consensus
Include the right people and set expectations.
Leaving out will create opposition
Let people know each other and see each other
as a person, not only a stakeholder.
 Assign roles and responsibilities. A city council has a different
role than a entrepeneur
 Manage expectations (the step on the ladder) If you think you
can decide alone, you will be disappointed
Engage in group problem solving. Chose a
method to let people listen to each other
Reach agreements and see where you can not
Hold people to their commitments
Recap negotiating
Mutual gains approach
Clarify: what is the focus and objective
Prepare: know your interests and think about their
Create value/ Invent options that work for all:
imagine the future, suspend critism, bundle
Use joint fact finding
Analyze alternatives: look for blind spots,
maximize value, keep at least two packages
The attitude to reach compromises
Know what's worth compromising on
See compromise as a strength, not a weakness
Be transparent about your intentions
Discover your “opponent's” true needs. A
compromise is about trying to help the other
Make multiple suggestions
Know that not all compromise attempts will work.
The dangers of making compromise
or negotiating
Breaking trust leads to long-term loss of trust
- Promises that are not kept
- Loss is transparant, wins are inconclusive
Newcomers forget the gain and remember the
- Compromises need to be explained, also to
Workbench to prevent negotiating
Video: maakbank (we saw earlier)
Get all the key parties that have a stake.
Everybody gives their solutions to a problem
with different angles, world views, contradictory
formulations of the problem, no single good
Everybody is equal
Asks growing trust between participants and
eagerness to learn
Good in deliberation and quality of solutions
(consensus about future)
A method to forecast results with several experts with different opinions and
when knowledge is incomplete or uncertain. When shared opinions of future
development count or there is uncertainty interventions will wordk
1.Define the problem, assemble experts
2.Facilitator sends open questions to experts
(government / non government)
3.Analyze the answers, summarize the results share with
the experts, aks why agree or not agree
4.Repeat: send questions based on the answers
5.Agreement on future or interventions
Video Delphi-technique:
More creativity
Thinking heads
Walt Disney method
Reverse brainstorming
What, who, why, where, when, how, with whom
A way to find the most important questions to ask
To find the best formulation of the problem
Next session find answer for the 5 most important
Easy to do, difficult online and in English
Reversed brainstorming
We have more focus on problems, use that
What could we do to prevent customers from
being glad with our product?
1.Clearly identify the problem
2.Reverse the problem or challenge
3.Brainstorm the reverse problem. Do not reject
anything at this stage.
4.Reverse these into solution ideas for the original
problem or challenge.
5.Evaluate these solution ideas
Practice Reverse brainstorming
There is a meeting about building houses around
a park, so a park would be smaller
Not brainstorming about the best way to let
people participate, but the reverse
What could we do to let people lose all trust in
Deciding in a network
negotiating becomes difficult
Sometimes participating, sometimes not
There are different networks:
Hierarchy (leaders decide and commit), coalition
(workers decide and feel responsible), chaotic
(people and organisation come in and go out as
they like)
In networks you are free to choose to cooperate
In The Netherlands the municipality is in many
decisions part of a network (regional of national
organisations, companies, resident
Network activities
More or less the same collective goals, but also
individual goals or organizational goals
Example: people that have debts because of
unemployment, addictions or more.
Companies want to help, but also bills being paid.
Care institution wants to help but cure an
Be sure partners can see collective results and
partner-results, acknowledge each contribution
The one that pays more wants to see more
results, report together (find appropriate ways)
municipality companies residents care
result care
Problems of networkdecisions
Enthousiasm about collective goals hides the
disappointment of not reaching individual goals
Free riders: entrepeneurs that invest in safety and
other enterpreneurs profit as much
Evaluate all results! Show who invested,
Build trust and work transparant
But: possible! See Ruwaard
The experiment in Ruwaard
(municipality of Oss)
A neighbourhood with multiple problems
Active residents, municipality, housing corporations, care-
organisations, police, health insurance companies: together
define the goals and the problems
Action plans for families with multiple problems are central in the
-start with the people
-see the possible effects of interventions with costs and benefits
-the party that benefits most pays most
Every 6 weeks new evaluations and action plans
Example: a man with a very dirty house who stopped cleaning and
throwing waste away. The housing corporation and neighbours
sounded the alarm. The residents found out he could not cope
with the loss of his child: cleaning the house would not help
Friendly, low threshold, open to all
also in the community
centre: pooltable, coffee,
walking group,
repairshop, fitness, first
aid, cheap
gardening together
Visible that the residents
are in charge
Your thoughts?
Do you see
networkproblems in
Turkey, do parties work
In the Netherlands we
see it with problematic
debts, measures against
burglary and vandalism
(schools, police, shops),
New forms
Recap The Wagenwerkplaats in Amersfoort
2000 Dutch railway company decided to close the
train repair workshop in Amersfoort
Wagenwerkplaats 2
The protestgroup against the demolition of the
porter's house went on to search for the history
of the Wagenwerkplaats. They discovered the
beauty and the historical connection with the
neigbourhood Soesterkwartier and decided to
start a citizens' initiative for conservation from
the Wagon Workshop. This citizens' initiative led to a
public-private-civil cooperation between the municipality, NS and
other owners and the citizens to give the “Wagenwerkplaats” a
new destination. This is laid down in the Master Plan Wagon
workshop 2016
We saw this structure to decide
municipality railways residents entrepreneurs
Dutch railways
A lively neighbourhood with beautiful buildings
that make money
Wagenwerkplaats: not only
It has become a lively part of the town and brought more vitality to
the neigbourhood because of the collective decisionmaking
Each party can bring in their own expertise
- Better buildings
- Better connection with the surroundings
- New business starting
- Enough profits
- More Futureproof
Building consensus
Include the right people
Let people know each other as a person
Assign roles and responsibilities
Manage expectations
Engage in group problem solving
Reach agreements en see where you can not
Hold people to their commitments
Reasons for different views
Different interests, you notice different risks or
Different experiences, you might believe
something does not work
Different values, you might think something is not
in line with your values
Other interpretation of words, like solidarity
Focus on interests, not on opinions
Mutual gains approach
principles for the process
• about people: separate the people from the
• about positions and opinions: focus on interests,
not positions;
• about choices: create all kinds of possibilities;
• about criteria: based on an objective standard.
Consensus building (1)
Convening: Getting every people to come with
shared expectations
Clarifying expectations: what to do, what roles
• summarize
• keep record of ideas that come up
• keep the group on track
Joint factfinding, careful listening, package
agreements that meet interests
Consensus building (2)
Find an emerging possible package, summarize
what we thought and what could work and what
could be a possible package, leave out your
thoughts. Neutral person can see that better.
Voting? No . Ask about a passage and show
which interests are met. Then Who can not live
with that.
Question: how can we revise the package to meet
every interest and concern. Often this works and
you do not need to vote.
Ask for commitment and who will do what
Participation in policy making
World Cafe
The World Cafe is an engagement process designed to take place
in a cafe setting (either in an actual cafe or else the room is set
up to resemble one as much as possible so that participants are
seated around small tables with tablecloths and tea, coffee and
other beverages). The idea behind this is to create a space that
supports 'good conversation', where anybody is able to talk
about things that matter to them.
Each round is initiated with a specific question related to the
overall purpose of the event. The same questions can be used
for more than one round or they can build upon one another.
The choice of question(s) is crucial to the success of the event.
In general it is useful to phrase the questions in a positive format
and open ended format to allow a constructive discussion.
Other ways
Use different ways to meet and consult each other
Let people know each other as a person
Learn to know key persons in the city
Build trust
Make key persons your ambassador
Different meetings
Municipal Ted Talks
Organizing an internal event can inject enthusiasm and innovation into your
culture. Johnson & Johnson has been organizing internal Ted Talks
worldwide since 2012, with the aim of creating an environment in which
employees feel free to share ideas,
Startup event.
Organize a pitch night or a growth hacking meeting somewhere in the
municipality, let the residents present their ideas
Notes Day
Pixar regularly holds a “Notes Day”, an internal reflection day where
employees meet in small groups. First they start within their own, trusted
teams, but then people from different departments are brought together in
workshops to think about the most important problems or challenges of the
company. Something to organize with CA?
City walks, walking while meeting and talking
Pressure cooker event: start with civil servants on problem like safety. Talk
together, invite victims, discuss, find solutions in 1 day
How can the CA promote collective
decisionmaking with residents?
A meeting with the political executive
how would you prepare your meeting
About an advice on regulating the situation on a
traffic circle you will give in a month. The
alderman wants to hear experts
The alderman wants you not to talk about victims
and deaths, that is too negative
There are people who have lost a child, they
started a group that wanted an initiative to
improve the situation. There are neighbours.
There is a entrepeneur who wants speedy
traffic. There are experts on traffic regulation
How do you prepare, who do you ask to preside, who is
collective conflicts
Recognise the conflict if it is invisible
Acknowledge the conflict.
Is it individual or collective?
Collective: use consensus building
Individual: Do not reject the anger, see it as a message, Work together, ask for
support, Distance yourself emotionally, reject actions not feelings
Discover the problem
Engage in conversation and communicate
assertively and constructively.
Provide a joint solution.

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Collective Decisionmaking

  • 2. Collective decisionmaking (groups deciding together) Recap last lesson Collective decisionmaking in groups (Negotiating, Consent method, Thinking heads) Decisionmaking in a network
  • 4. Collective decisionmaking The same as with participation First stage: people with power Second: people with power with special interests Third: experts that are needed Fourth: representatives of important people needed for cooperation Fifth: all people You see that all people had to learn to cooperate
  • 5. New focus on collective decisionmaking: Why? (1) Representation under pressure A political class and a “non participating class” a significant divide in many countries Clientalism make people believe politicians do not represent them Trust issues (I trust someone like me) as we saw in the checking lesson Coalitions: every party wants something, not easy to show success. We become consumers of politics: we do not
  • 6. New focus on collective decisionmaking (2) Government in The Netherlands is not almighty, but depends on cooperation of (international) enterprises, other countries, ngo’s, citizens We together know more than the politicians alone Cooperation brings more success
  • 7. Representation under pressure We vote for a person, but what do we like? Changing in preferences within 4 years David Van Reybrouck calls it Democratic Fatigue Video democratic fatigue: to slow, we are not allowed to give our opinion, no loyality to parties (5 minutes)
  • 8. Your thoughts about lotted citizens Good alternative or good extra? First round: the advantages and possibilities Second round: what are the negative sides and impossibilities Third round: what could a CA do?
  • 9. Citizens deciding: -Summits, Referendum, Participative budgetting Interested parties deciding -Building consensus, negotiating, an example Deciding in networks It is necessary to improve creativity and openness
  • 10. Citizens Summits Amsterdam, Amersfoort, Uden, Groningen, Utrecht … A citizens' summit is a meeting on a specific theme or with an open agenda where a group of residents is brought together with the aim of starting a discussion in order to arrive at a joint position or to take action themselves. The most common example of a citizens' summit in the Netherlands is the G1000, where the original idea is to involve 1000 residents. But most summits had fewer citizens. At some citizens' summits, citizens themselves determine the agenda. Not easy to get real representative, Not very creative, Much appreciated by participants, Good deliberation, More understanding politics, Not much influence of practice in city council
  • 11. Citizen summit Steps Selection: take a random selection from 6000 people. From the people that wanted to register, take a selection in age, gender and education that is representative. (But not much young and too much higher educated) No agenda, citizens choose themes for the future (but very vague), difficulty is the citizens do not know the city policies Deliberation discuss and listen to others to find the themes Results participants were very positive about atmosphere, being heard, possibility to speak and to be listened to. But Not much visible power, not very diverse Costs 30.000 (much by volunteers, and municipality hours, can be 60 - 120.000)
  • 12. Referendum and preferendum Several forms 1.Against a law approved by the House of Representatives (forces politicians to win support from the public) (EU treaty) (Amsterdam City Expansion). Very clear 2.A choice before the representatives have chosen (like Brexit) (closing times cafes) 3. A choice between alternatives (more money tosocial security or to police) (preferendum) Danger: no integrated decisions (do not raise taxes but also spend more money) no compromises, polarisation
  • 13. How to organize a referendum Threshold of signatures: how much? (In the Netherlands this was 300.000) First: 10.000 then it starts and you need 300.000 in 3 months Clear question that everybody can understand (no double negation like “do you support the politicians when they say no to ….”) Clear when the outcome is binding (when more than 30% (or 50%) of the people that can vote did vote. Feed the debate to make informed decisions! Preferendum makes clear what the people want
  • 14. Referendum insights Support varies in groups and time Very popular with people that feel ignored Good to challenge the politicians to explain Good to feel part of the democracy No deliberation? No awareness Losers feel less support for democracy when there was no good deliberation A need to build a tradition as in Switzerland
  • 15. Deliberation is crucial The more deliberation, the more chance of historic insight and taking different aspects into account The more deliberation, the more people feel engaged Public deliberation reconnects citizens with political adversaries and with public officials, educates about public goods and choices and brings legitimacy Deliberation helps to create a more public spirit with thoughts about public needs You thoughts komt hierna
  • 16. Dangers and advantages of direct democracy and referenda No historic sight, no integral thinking No explaining why this decision is made this way, no accountability The more theoretical education (university, college) the more you take part in deliberation, the less theaoretical: the more you want others to speakup for you But : More trust in decisions, people learning to decide together More power to the people themselves More legitimacy
  • 17. Participatory budgetting started in Brazil Video Participative budgetting (meerkat 4 min) money-real-power/ 18000 people involved in Porto Alegre (1,5 mln) Possible online Tried out all over the western world More participation of citizens organized in NGO’s, trade unions, political parties, local associations
  • 18. Participatory budgetting (1) The municipality is divided geographically into multiple districts. Representatives of the divided districts are either elected or volunteered to work with government officials in a PB committee. Proposals, initiated by the citizens, are dealt under different branches of public budget such as recreation, infrastructure, transportation, etc. Participants publicly deliberate with the committee to finalize the projects to be voted on.
  • 19. Participatory budgetting (2) The drafted budget is shared to the public and put for a vote. The municipal government implements the top proposals. The cycle is repeated on an annual basis.
  • 20. We saw Budget cuts with citizens Neighbourhood budgets Video Joop Hofman about neighbourhoodbudgets A start possible with neighbourhoods? People learn to know the municipality, learn to make difficult decisions
  • 21. Would a pilot be possible? Start - With a small budget with specific goals (green, places to recreate and meet) - City council promisses to approve the proposals of residents - In 2 or 3 neighbourhoods with strong local associations - Evaluate together with the local associations
  • 22. Collective decisions with groups that have an interest City works with neighbourhood representatives, entrepeneurs, interest groups Only open to representative parties that have an interest and experts First necessity: building trust
  • 23. Building consensus starts with trust Trust the other Accept the difference in views Accept the possibility of seeing both the same but interpreting it differently Separate the views from the persons Focus on interests not on opinions or methods
  • 24. How to gain trust from opponents See the person, not the opinion Communicate and be true to your word Listen befor expecting to be listened to Take small steps Be honest and ask to be honest Understand before being understood Be serious in admitting mistakes
  • 25. Building consensus Include the right people and set expectations. Leaving out will create opposition Let people know each other and see each other as a person, not only a stakeholder.  Assign roles and responsibilities. A city council has a different role than a entrepeneur  Manage expectations (the step on the ladder) If you think you can decide alone, you will be disappointed Engage in group problem solving. Chose a method to let people listen to each other Reach agreements and see where you can not Hold people to their commitments
  • 26. Recap negotiating Mutual gains approach Clarify: what is the focus and objective Prepare: know your interests and think about their interests, Create value/ Invent options that work for all: imagine the future, suspend critism, bundle options Use joint fact finding Analyze alternatives: look for blind spots, maximize value, keep at least two packages Decide
  • 27. The attitude to reach compromises Know what's worth compromising on See compromise as a strength, not a weakness Be transparent about your intentions Discover your “opponent's” true needs. A compromise is about trying to help the other Make multiple suggestions Know that not all compromise attempts will work.
  • 28. The dangers of making compromise or negotiating Breaking trust leads to long-term loss of trust - Promises that are not kept - Loss is transparant, wins are inconclusive Newcomers forget the gain and remember the loss - Compromises need to be explained, also to newcomers
  • 29. Workbench to prevent negotiating Video: maakbank (we saw earlier) Get all the key parties that have a stake. Everybody gives their solutions to a problem with different angles, world views, contradictory formulations of the problem, no single good solution Everybody is equal Asks growing trust between participants and eagerness to learn Good in deliberation and quality of solutions
  • 30. Delphi-method (consensus about future) A method to forecast results with several experts with different opinions and when knowledge is incomplete or uncertain. When shared opinions of future development count or there is uncertainty interventions will wordk 1.Define the problem, assemble experts 2.Facilitator sends open questions to experts (government / non government) 3.Analyze the answers, summarize the results share with the experts, aks why agree or not agree 4.Repeat: send questions based on the answers 5.Agreement on future or interventions Video Delphi-technique:
  • 31. More creativity Thinking heads Walt Disney method Queststorming Reverse brainstorming
  • 32. Queststorming What, who, why, where, when, how, with whom A way to find the most important questions to ask To find the best formulation of the problem Next session find answer for the 5 most important questions Easy to do, difficult online and in English
  • 33. Reversed brainstorming We have more focus on problems, use that What could we do to prevent customers from being glad with our product? 1.Clearly identify the problem 2.Reverse the problem or challenge 3.Brainstorm the reverse problem. Do not reject anything at this stage. 4.Reverse these into solution ideas for the original problem or challenge. 5.Evaluate these solution ideas
  • 34. Practice Reverse brainstorming There is a meeting about building houses around a park, so a park would be smaller Not brainstorming about the best way to let people participate, but the reverse What could we do to let people lose all trust in participation?
  • 35. Deciding in a network negotiating becomes difficult Sometimes participating, sometimes not There are different networks: Hierarchy (leaders decide and commit), coalition (workers decide and feel responsible), chaotic (people and organisation come in and go out as they like) In networks you are free to choose to cooperate In The Netherlands the municipality is in many decisions part of a network (regional of national organisations, companies, resident organisations)
  • 36. Network activities More or less the same collective goals, but also individual goals or organizational goals Example: people that have debts because of unemployment, addictions or more. Companies want to help, but also bills being paid. Care institution wants to help but cure an addiction Be sure partners can see collective results and partner-results, acknowledge each contribution The one that pays more wants to see more results, report together (find appropriate ways)
  • 37. networkresult municipality companies residents care result municipality result companies result residents result care institution networkactivities Reaching goals together
  • 38. Problems of networkdecisions Enthousiasm about collective goals hides the disappointment of not reaching individual goals Free riders: entrepeneurs that invest in safety and other enterpreneurs profit as much Evaluate all results! Show who invested, Build trust and work transparant But: possible! See Ruwaard
  • 39. The experiment in Ruwaard (municipality of Oss) A neighbourhood with multiple problems Active residents, municipality, housing corporations, care- organisations, police, health insurance companies: together define the goals and the problems Action plans for families with multiple problems are central in the method -start with the people -see the possible effects of interventions with costs and benefits -the party that benefits most pays most Every 6 weeks new evaluations and action plans Example: a man with a very dirty house who stopped cleaning and throwing waste away. The housing corporation and neighbours sounded the alarm. The residents found out he could not cope with the loss of his child: cleaning the house would not help
  • 40. Friendly, low threshold, open to all people also in the community centre: pooltable, coffee, walking group, repairshop, fitness, first aid, cheap meetingspace, gardening together Visible that the residents are in charge
  • 41. Your thoughts? Do you see networkproblems in Turkey, do parties work together? In the Netherlands we see it with problematic debts, measures against burglary and vandalism (schools, police, shops), unemployment
  • 42. New forms Recap The Wagenwerkplaats in Amersfoort 2000 Dutch railway company decided to close the train repair workshop in Amersfoort
  • 43. Wagenwerkplaats 2 The protestgroup against the demolition of the porter's house went on to search for the history of the Wagenwerkplaats. They discovered the beauty and the historical connection with the neigbourhood Soesterkwartier and decided to start a citizens' initiative for conservation from the Wagon Workshop. This citizens' initiative led to a public-private-civil cooperation between the municipality, NS and other owners and the citizens to give the “Wagenwerkplaats” a new destination. This is laid down in the Master Plan Wagon workshop 2016
  • 44. We saw this structure to decide together
  • 45. municipality railways residents entrepreneurs result municipality result Dutch railways result residents result entrepeneurs networkactivities together A lively neighbourhood with beautiful buildings that make money
  • 46. Wagenwerkplaats: not only buildings It has become a lively part of the town and brought more vitality to the neigbourhood because of the collective decisionmaking Each party can bring in their own expertise - Better buildings - Better connection with the surroundings - New business starting - Enough profits - More Futureproof
  • 47. Building consensus Include the right people Let people know each other as a person Assign roles and responsibilities Manage expectations Engage in group problem solving Reach agreements en see where you can not Hold people to their commitments
  • 48. Reasons for different views Different interests, you notice different risks or flaws Different experiences, you might believe something does not work Different values, you might think something is not in line with your values Other interpretation of words, like solidarity Miscommunication Baises Focus on interests, not on opinions
  • 49. Mutual gains approach principles for the process • about people: separate the people from the problem; • about positions and opinions: focus on interests, not positions; • about choices: create all kinds of possibilities; • about criteria: based on an objective standard.
  • 50. Consensus building (1) Convening: Getting every people to come with shared expectations Clarifying expectations: what to do, what roles • summarize • keep record of ideas that come up • keep the group on track Deliberation Joint factfinding, careful listening, package agreements that meet interests
  • 51. Consensus building (2) Find an emerging possible package, summarize what we thought and what could work and what could be a possible package, leave out your thoughts. Neutral person can see that better. Voting? No . Ask about a passage and show which interests are met. Then Who can not live with that. Question: how can we revise the package to meet every interest and concern. Often this works and you do not need to vote. Ask for commitment and who will do what
  • 52. Participation in policy making World Cafe The World Cafe is an engagement process designed to take place in a cafe setting (either in an actual cafe or else the room is set up to resemble one as much as possible so that participants are seated around small tables with tablecloths and tea, coffee and other beverages). The idea behind this is to create a space that supports 'good conversation', where anybody is able to talk about things that matter to them. Each round is initiated with a specific question related to the overall purpose of the event. The same questions can be used for more than one round or they can build upon one another. The choice of question(s) is crucial to the success of the event. In general it is useful to phrase the questions in a positive format and open ended format to allow a constructive discussion.
  • 53. Other ways Use different ways to meet and consult each other Let people know each other as a person Learn to know key persons in the city Build trust Make key persons your ambassador
  • 54. Different meetings Municipal Ted Talks Organizing an internal event can inject enthusiasm and innovation into your culture. Johnson & Johnson has been organizing internal Ted Talks worldwide since 2012, with the aim of creating an environment in which employees feel free to share ideas, Startup event. Organize a pitch night or a growth hacking meeting somewhere in the municipality, let the residents present their ideas Notes Day Pixar regularly holds a “Notes Day”, an internal reflection day where employees meet in small groups. First they start within their own, trusted teams, but then people from different departments are brought together in workshops to think about the most important problems or challenges of the company. Something to organize with CA? City walks, walking while meeting and talking Pressure cooker event: start with civil servants on problem like safety. Talk together, invite victims, discuss, find solutions in 1 day
  • 55. Homework How can the CA promote collective decisionmaking with residents?
  • 56. A meeting with the political executive how would you prepare your meeting About an advice on regulating the situation on a traffic circle you will give in a month. The alderman wants to hear experts The alderman wants you not to talk about victims and deaths, that is too negative There are people who have lost a child, they started a group that wanted an initiative to improve the situation. There are neighbours. There is a entrepeneur who wants speedy traffic. There are experts on traffic regulation How do you prepare, who do you ask to preside, who is
  • 57. collective conflicts Recognise the conflict if it is invisible Acknowledge the conflict. Is it individual or collective? Collective: use consensus building Individual: Do not reject the anger, see it as a message, Work together, ask for support, Distance yourself emotionally, reject actions not feelings Discover the problem Engage in conversation and communicate assertively and constructively. Provide a joint solution.