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Change Acceleration Process
The Key to Change
Change Culture:
A Continuing Journey

2005+ Lean Six Sigma
Sp e e d & Qua lity

2004 I ,

CECO R, Le a n, Cus to m e r Ce ntric , Ex e c utio n

Imagination at W

I a g ine , So lve , Build , Le a d
• Using Change as a Strategic and
ACFC (At the Customer For the Customer):
2000 Fa s te r, Be tte r, Clo s e r to the Cus to m e r
Competitive Advantage
• Optimizing Change
1998 Se ll, Buy , M ke us ing Te c hno lo g ic a l To o ls
Six Sigma Quality:
1996 Pro d uc tivity , Sp a n, Da ta -Drive n De c is io n-M king
• Building a Culture that
Make Customers W
G E To o l-Kit
Drives Change
Key Strategic Initiatives:


QM*, N *, O TR*, SP*, Pro d uc tiv ity , G lo ba liz a tio n


Change Acceleration Process (CAP):
I re a s e s uc c e s s a nd a c c e le ra te c ha ng e

Process Improvement:
Pro c e s s -m a p p ing , re -e ng ine e ring , Bulle t Tra in A p ro a c h

Productivity /Best Practices:
Be nc hm a rking Ex te rna l O rg a niz a tio ns , Sha ring Be s t Pra c tic e s


ork-Out™ /Town Meetings:

Em p o we rm e nt, a c tio n – Ex p e rt-Driv e n De c is io n-M king , A tio n Wo rk-O uts ™, Cus to m iz e d Wo rk-O uts ™
* New Product Introduction, Quick Market Intelligence,
Order to Remittance, Supplier Partnership
Change Research
100% of all changes evaluated as
“Successful” had a good technical solution or
Over 98% of all changes evaluated as
“Unsuccessful” also had a good technical
solution or approach

What is the differentiating factor
between success and failure?
…From Your Change Experiences
Elements of Successful Change:
Elements of Unsuccessful Change:
Effective Change Equation

Q = Qualitative/Technical Solution
A = Acceptance/Engagement
E = Overall Effectiveness
Lessons Learned:
2 Components to Any Change
al St


o nal
Org a gy
Org e gy
tura lStrat e
ura trat

The Challenge = Do It W S
ith peed!

Change initiative
focused on
customer needs
CAP: The Basics
• Provides a ‘Pilot’s
Checklist’ for change leadership
• A flexible non-linear model
used throughout a change process
• Applies strategic thinking to the
influencing of others
• Contains tools to help change teams
identify ways to achieve behavioral
The GE CAP Model
eading Change
Creating a S
hared Need
haping a Vision
obilizing Com itm
m ent
aking Change L
onitoring P


uture S


ystem and S
CAP: A Model for Change
Leading Change

Having a sponsor/champion and team members who demonstrate visible,
active, public commitment and support of the change.

Creating A
Shared Need

The reason to change, whether driven by threat or opportunity, is instilled
within the organization and widely shared through data, demonstration or
demand. The need for change must exceed its resistance.

Shaping A

The desired outcome of change is clear, legitimate, widely understood and
shared; the vision is shaped in behavioral terms.


There is a strong commitment from constituents to invest in the change,
make it work, and demand and receive management attention; Constituents
agree to change their own actions and behaviors to support the change.

Making Change

Once change is started, it endures, and learnings are transferred
throughout the organization. Change is integrated with other key initiatives;
early wins are encouraged to build momentum for the change.


Progress is real; benchmarks set and realized; indicators established to
guarantee accountability.


Making sure that the management practices (Staffing, Development,
Setting Up for Success
“Off to a Good S
W is this Important?

• A "good start" is essential to long-term success
• Even straightforward projects must be "scoped" to ensure
attention is focused on essential elements & deliverables
• Effective teams are formed through deliberate actions,
starting with clarification of roles, responsibilities and

Time Invested up-front
Pays Rich R
ewards ‘Down-Stream’
Go Slow To Go Fast!
W is the Outcome?

• Clear roles, responsibilities and expectations for all
parties (Sponsor, Team Leader, Team Members,
CAP Coach, Others)
• A well-defined scope of work for the project that all
parties understand and are committed to achieving
• An effective project execution structure and
Setting Up for Success: Tools

Project Definition

Organizations Involved
Processes Involved
Levels Involved


• Results / Target for Project
• Measurements of Success


• What is Their Role?
• Who Should be on Project

Project Definition Tools
Bounding Tools:

Includes / Excludes
Process Focus (SIPOC / COPIS)
In the Frame / Out of the Frame

Alignment Test:
• 15 words
• Critical Success Factors

Significance Test:
• On the Screen
Project Scoping Tools

In & Out of the Frame
Used For:
Creating a visual picture of the
elements in “Scope” (frame) and
out of “Scope” for the project

ord Flip Chart
Used For:
– Developing a Project
– Definition Statement
15-W F Chart
ord lip

In the F e /Out of the F e F Charts
ram lip
Draw a large square "picture frame" on a flip chart (or use tape on a wall) and
use this metaphor to help the team identify what falls inside the picture of their
project and what falls out. This may be in terms of type and extent of end results,
people impacted, time frame, product lines, sites, etc.

Each team member is given a flip chart page and marker. They must write,
in 15 words or less, the project definition. Post all and check for agreement.
Double check all fuzzy words by circling them and asking "What does it
look like?" or "How will we know it when we have it?".



Leading Change
eading Change
Creating a S
hared Need
haping a Vision
obilizing Com itm
m ent
aking Change L
onitoring P



ystem and S
W is this important?

• Strong, committed leadership is critical to
accelerating change at all levels.
• Leadership impacts all other change elements.
• Change Leadership is not a part-time activity.
W is the outcome?

• Visible, active and public commitment/support.
• Willingness to take personal initiative and challenge the
status quo.
• High levels of attention to the project through the time,
passion and focus given to the project by leaders at all
• Leaders actively modeling CAP concepts, language and

Successful change initiatives require strong,
committed Leadership throughout the entire project
Leading Change Model


• Enroll Others
• Facilitative Leadership Skills
•W W
in/ in


• Planning
• Behavior: “W the talk”


• Personal involvement
• Is "known for . . . "

Tim e x Fo c us / A e nd a x Ene rg y / Pa s s io n = A ntio n
Leadership Assessment Tools:
Calendar Test (Time Audit)
Used For:
Stimulating thinking and team
discussion about the degree of
attention & commitment change
leaders are modeling.
1. Identify 4-5 things you feel
very strongly about (at home
or work).
2. Check your calendar for the
last 2-3 months to see what %
of your time is spent on those
things you say are important
to you

CAP Self-Assessment
Used For:
Assessing current capacity to show
specific competencies in each of the
seven core CAP processes.
Change Acceleration Process

Leads change
Creates a shared need
Shapes a vision
Mobilizes commitment
Makes change last
Monitors progress
Changes systems & structures

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Creating a Shared Need
eading Change
Creating a S
hared Need
haping a Vision
obilizing Com itm
m ent
aking Change L
onitoring P



ystem and S
W is this Important?

• Forces any resistance or apathy to be addressed
• Validates why the project is important and critical
to do.
• Builds the momentum needed to get the change
initiative communicated and launched.
W is the Outcome?

• Awareness of the dissatisfaction with the current state.
• A shared recognition, by both the team and key
stakeholders, of the need and logic for change.
• The ability to frame and communicate the need for change
as a combination of threats and opportunities.

Creating a Shared Need produces
the ‘urgency’ to build momentum
for acceptance of the change initiative
Creating a Shared Need Tools:

Threat /Opportunity Matrix
Used For:
Framing the need for change as a
combination of thre a t &
o p p o rtunity over the short and
long term

If we don’t m
ake this change

if we do m
ake this change

Three D’s Matrix
Used For:
– Building your case for change
with evidence using data,
demonstration & demand
– Answers the question:
“Can I prove it?”
Types of Proof


Numbers / trends / statistics
Graphs / Financials
Benchmark / competitive data



Finding Examples
Best Practices
Visiting other Organizations / Panels/
Pilots/ Testimonials


Dynamic Leadership (Setting High
Standards/ Accountability)
Customers / Suppliers / Competition
(Int. / Ext.)

Shaping a Vision
eading Change
Creating a S
hared Need
haping a Vision
obilizing Com itm
m ent
aking Change L
onitoring P



ystem and S
W is this important?

• Visions paint a picture that appeals to the “head
and heart” and answers the question, “Where are
we heading?”
• A clear statement about the future situation helps
gain genuine commitment
• An understandable vision helps establish the
milestones to monitor progress and change
systems & structures
W is the outcome?

• A clear statement about the outcomes of the change
• A view of the future state that is:
– Customer focused
– Not just one person’s dream
– Challenging
– Evolving, not static
– Behavioral and actionable
– Easy to understand

Visions provide Direction and Motivation
for Change
Shaping a Vision Tools:

Key Phrases Exercise
Used For:
Involving all team members and
capturing individual perspectives
1. Individually jot down key phrases that
capture the essence of why the team
2. Collect and collate into vision
3. "Test" on customers, vendors,
4. Modify as necessary.

Backward Imaging Exercise
Used For:
Helping team members think
about the future they are working
to create
1. Imagine a point in the future when the
project has been very successful.
2. Find words to describe what you would
see, hear, feel as you observe key
stakeholders functioning in the new,
changed state.
3. Collate, debate, reach consensus on
your vision statement, "test" on others
& modify

Sha re d Vis io ns c o m e fro m c o lle c tiv e e ffo rts
tha t re fle c t ind iv id ua l p e rs p e c tiv e s
Focusing Vision on Behaviors:

Bull's Eye Chart Exercise
Used For:
Developing a Vision that is stated
in actionable, behavioral terms
aking a Vision


More of/
Less of Exercise
Used For:
Clarifying what the team expects
from the new state in behavioral
Vision _________________________
Be ha vio rs
More of
Less of

Sta ting the Vis io n in a c tio na ble , be ha v io ra l te rm s he lp s the te a m
g a in c o m m itm e nt a nd id e ntify s o urc e s o f re s is ta nc e
Elevator Speech W

1. A “reality check” to ensure that team members see the
project the same way.
2. To ensure that the team members spread a unified
consistent message.
" He re 's wha t o ur p ro je c t is a bo ut… ”
" He re 's why it's im p o rta nt to d o … ”
" He re 's wha t s uc c e s s will lo o k like … ”

(Charter, Project Definition Tools)
(Shared Need Tools)

(Shaping a Vision Tools +Milestones)

" He re 's wha t we ne e d fro m y o u… ”

(Responsibilities, Commitments, Project Plans)

" He re 's wha t y o u c a n c o unt o n fro m m e … ”

(Commitments, Action, Follow-up)

(Output may change by stakeholder – one size does not fit all)
Mobilizing Commitment
eading Change
Creating a S
hared Need
haping a Vision
obilizing Com itm
m ent
aking Change L
onitoring P



ystem and S
W is this Important?

• Understanding the key stakeholders whose
support and commitment will “make or break” the
change effort.
• Key difference between success and failure.
W is the Outcome?

• Coalition of committed stakeholders.
• Identification of potential resistance and a strategy
to overcome it.

Mobilizing the Commitment of Key
Stakeholders is Essential
to the Success of the Change
Mobilizing Commitment Tools:

Stakeholder Analysis For
Used For:
Identifying stakeholders and their
current level of commitment to the
change initiative
Stakeholder Analysis for Change




Supportive Supportive

Used For:
Identifying, labeling and
understanding sources of
Sources of

Definition Causes
of Resistance





Pe o p le re s is t o r s up p o rt c ha ng e fo r a v a rie ty o f re a s o ns .

CAP Toolkit:

Threat vs. Opp.
Threat vs. Opp.

More of Less of
More of Less of

3D Matrix
3D Matrix

-- - +/- + ++

g Strategy
g Strategy



Elevator Speech
Elevator Speech

TPC Analysis
TPC Analysis
Systems and Structures
eading Change
Creating a S
hared Need
haping a Vision
obilizing Com itm
m ent
aking Change L
onitoring P



ystem and S
W is this Important?

• Successful change often involves significant
realignment and leveraging of the way we
organize, communicate, measure, train, develop,
reward, compensate, promote and other systems
within the organization.
• Desired new behaviors (More of …Less of …) are
reinforced through consistent attention to
organizational Systems & Structures.
W is the Outcome?

• Identification and utilization of key Systems &
Structures that must be addressed to sustain
project success.
• Utilization of Systems & Structures Best Practices.
• Alignment of Systems & Structures with desired

Identifying and re-aligning
key Systems & Structures are necessary for
successful, long-lasting change
Factors to Consider:


(Acquiring/placing talent)


(Building competence/capability)


(Tracking performance)


(Recognizing/rewarding desired behavior)


(Using information to build and sustain momentum)


(Organizing to support the change initiative)

IT Systems

(Utilizing IT technology to enable changes to be
successful and sustained)


(Adjusting or planning for financial and other resources
to support the change project)
Three Step Alignment Process

3. Creating future
3. Creating future
Systems & Structures
Systems & Structures

Degree of Difficulty


2. Current Systems &
2. Current Systems &
Structures Assessment
Structures Assessment

1. Identify Key Systems &
1. Identify Key Systems &

Identify the Key Stakeholder(s)
of that S&S.


Which Systems & Structures
Most Impact the New


What about the current S&S
is He lp ing or Hind e ring us
from achieving the desired
state behaviors?


Hindering Actions

Develop Influence Strategy/
Action plan.



What’s Missing?


Identify Characteristics of
New Systems & Structures.


Determine Systems &
Structures to Remove or


Identify Who to Engage and
Develop Influence Strategy.
Communication Planning Matrix:

CAP Project

the Vision

Begin to

Begin to

Systems &


Bulletin Board
V.P. Memo


• All employees meeting
• Weekly staff meeting
• Operating managers
• Etc.

One -on-one

• Offsite conference
• Press conference
• etc.

Used For:
Used For:

–– Communication Strategy
Communication Strategy
(various Channels)
(various Channels)

Indicate those that are suitable
Indicate those that are suitable
–– Providing Information
Providing Information
–– Persuading
–– Empowering


–– Audience
–– Who
–– When
–– Where
Making Change Last
eading Change
Creating a S
hared Need
haping a Vision
obilizing Com itm
m ent
aking Change L
onitoring P



ystem and S
W is this Important?

• We often spend most available time on the launch
of an initiative rather than its institutionalization
• Every change initiative competes for time,
resources and attention
• To ensure that the new behaviors will not revert
back to the old habits
W is the Outcome?

• Consistent, visible, tangible reinforcement of the
change initiative
• Integration of new initiative becomes the way we
• Changes to Systems and Structures enable the
new behavior that supports the Vision

Launching a Change is just the beginning.
It must become the W of Life
Monitoring Progress
eading Change
Creating a S
hared Need
haping a Vision
obilizing Com itm
m ent
aking Change L
onitoring P



ystem and S
W is this Important ?

• An accurate measure of the CAP project provides
focus, direction & momentum throughout the
change process.
• Corrective action can only occur if you know you're
off track.
• Monitoring Progress enhances your ability to
reward key events and milestones.
W is the Outcome ?

• Clarity and agreement on what the “acceptance”
strategy looks like in measurable & observable
• Baseline data & milestone results of the change
process tracked and widely communicated.
• Increasing momentum as people see progress and
results being realized.

Measuring & tracking progress
along the CAP elements
demands ongoing attention by the team
Effective Change Equation

Q = Qualitative/Technical Solution
A = Acceptance/Engagement
E = Overall Effectiveness

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  • 1.
  • 3. Change Culture: A Continuing Journey 2005+ Lean Six Sigma Sp e e d & Qua lity Growth: 2004 I , B’s CECO R, Le a n, Cus to m e r Ce ntric , Ex e c utio n Imagination at W ork: I a g ine , So lve , Build , Le a d m • Using Change as a Strategic and ACFC (At the Customer For the Customer): 2000 Fa s te r, Be tte r, Clo s e r to the Cus to m e r Competitive Advantage Digitization: • Optimizing Change 1998 Se ll, Buy , M ke us ing Te c hno lo g ic a l To o ls a Six Sigma Quality: Effectiveness 1996 Pro d uc tivity , Sp a n, Da ta -Drive n De c is io n-M king a • Building a Culture that Make Customers W inners: G E To o l-Kit Drives Change Key Strategic Initiatives: 2003 QM*, N *, O TR*, SP*, Pro d uc tiv ity , G lo ba liz a tio n I PI 1992 Change Acceleration Process (CAP): I re a s e s uc c e s s a nd a c c e le ra te c ha ng e nc Process Improvement: Pro c e s s -m a p p ing , re -e ng ine e ring , Bulle t Tra in A p ro a c h p Productivity /Best Practices: Be nc hm a rking Ex te rna l O rg a niz a tio ns , Sha ring Be s t Pra c tic e s 1989 W ork-Out™ /Town Meetings: Em p o we rm e nt, a c tio n – Ex p e rt-Driv e n De c is io n-M king , A tio n Wo rk-O uts ™, Cus to m iz e d Wo rk-O uts ™ a c * New Product Introduction, Quick Market Intelligence, Order to Remittance, Supplier Partnership
  • 4. Change Research 100% of all changes evaluated as “Successful” had a good technical solution or approach Over 98% of all changes evaluated as “Unsuccessful” also had a good technical solution or approach What is the differentiating factor between success and failure?
  • 5. …From Your Change Experiences Elements of Successful Change: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Elements of Unsuccessful Change: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________
  • 6. Effective Change Equation QxA=E Q = Qualitative/Technical Solution A = Acceptance/Engagement E = Overall Effectiveness
  • 7. Lessons Learned: 2 Components to Any Change Tec Tech hnica nic al St lS trate rateg gy y Facilitative Leadership l o nal iiona zat niizat an Org a gy Org e gy l,, tura lStrat e ura trat Cullt S Cu The Challenge = Do It W S ith peed! Change initiative focused on customer needs (target)
  • 8. CAP: The Basics • Provides a ‘Pilot’s Checklist’ for change leadership • A flexible non-linear model used throughout a change process • Applies strategic thinking to the influencing of others • Contains tools to help change teams identify ways to achieve behavioral change
  • 9. The GE CAP Model L eading Change Creating a S hared Need S haping a Vision M obilizing Com itm m ent M aking Change L ast M onitoring P rogress CUR E S R NT TATE TR ANS ITION S TATE F uture S tate IM R P OVE S D TATE S ystem and S s tructures
  • 10. CAP: A Model for Change Leading Change Having a sponsor/champion and team members who demonstrate visible, active, public commitment and support of the change. Creating A Shared Need The reason to change, whether driven by threat or opportunity, is instilled within the organization and widely shared through data, demonstration or demand. The need for change must exceed its resistance. Shaping A Vision The desired outcome of change is clear, legitimate, widely understood and shared; the vision is shaped in behavioral terms. Mobilizing Commitment There is a strong commitment from constituents to invest in the change, make it work, and demand and receive management attention; Constituents agree to change their own actions and behaviors to support the change. Making Change Last Once change is started, it endures, and learnings are transferred throughout the organization. Change is integrated with other key initiatives; early wins are encouraged to build momentum for the change. Monitoring Progress Progress is real; benchmarks set and realized; indicators established to guarantee accountability. Changing Making sure that the management practices (Staffing, Development,
  • 11. Setting Up for Success “Off to a Good S tart”
  • 12. W is this Important? hy SU • A "good start" is essential to long-term success • Even straightforward projects must be "scoped" to ensure attention is focused on essential elements & deliverables • Effective teams are formed through deliberate actions, starting with clarification of roles, responsibilities and expectations Time Invested up-front Pays Rich R ewards ‘Down-Stream’ Go Slow To Go Fast!
  • 13. W is the Outcome? hat SU • Clear roles, responsibilities and expectations for all parties (Sponsor, Team Leader, Team Members, CAP Coach, Others) • A well-defined scope of work for the project that all parties understand and are committed to achieving • An effective project execution structure and process
  • 14. Setting Up for Success: Tools SU Project Definition SCOPE: • • • • Timing Organizations Involved Processes Involved Levels Involved GOALS: • Results / Target for Project • Measurements of Success R OLES: • What is Their Role? • Who Should be on Project Team? Project Definition Tools Bounding Tools: • • • • GRPI Includes / Excludes Process Focus (SIPOC / COPIS) In the Frame / Out of the Frame Alignment Test: • 15 words • Critical Success Factors Significance Test: • On the Screen
  • 15. Project Scoping Tools SU In & Out of the Frame Used For: Creating a visual picture of the elements in “Scope” (frame) and out of “Scope” for the project 15-W ord Flip Chart Used For: – Developing a Project – Definition Statement 15-W F Chart ord lip In the F e /Out of the F e F Charts ram ram lip Draw a large square "picture frame" on a flip chart (or use tape on a wall) and use this metaphor to help the team identify what falls inside the picture of their project and what falls out. This may be in terms of type and extent of end results, people impacted, time frame, product lines, sites, etc. Each team member is given a flip chart page and marker. They must write, in 15 words or less, the project definition. Post all and check for agreement. Double check all fuzzy words by circling them and asking "What does it look like?" or "How will we know it when we have it?". P OJ CT R E DE INITION F P OJ CT R E DE INITION F P OJ CT R E DE INITION F
  • 16. Leading Change L eading Change Creating a S hared Need S haping a Vision M obilizing Com itm m ent M aking Change L ast M onitoring P rogress CUR E S R NT TATE TR ANS ITION S TATE IM R P OVE S D TATE S ystem and S s tructures
  • 17. W is this important? hy LC • Strong, committed leadership is critical to accelerating change at all levels. • Leadership impacts all other change elements. • Change Leadership is not a part-time activity.
  • 18. W is the outcome? hat LC • Visible, active and public commitment/support. • Willingness to take personal initiative and challenge the status quo. • High levels of attention to the project through the time, passion and focus given to the project by leaders at all levels. • Leaders actively modeling CAP concepts, language and tools. Successful change initiatives require strong, committed Leadership throughout the entire project life-cycle
  • 19. Leading Change Model LC FOCUS /AGENDA • Enroll Others • Facilitative Leadership Skills •W W in/ in Change TIME • Planning • Behavior: “W the talk” alk Skills ENERGY /PASSION • Personal involvement • Is "known for . . . " Tim e x Fo c us / A e nd a x Ene rg y / Pa s s io n = A ntio n g tte
  • 20. Leadership Assessment Tools: LC Calendar Test (Time Audit) Used For: Stimulating thinking and team discussion about the degree of attention & commitment change leaders are modeling. 1. Identify 4-5 things you feel very strongly about (at home or work). 2. Check your calendar for the last 2-3 months to see what % of your time is spent on those things you say are important to you CAP Self-Assessment Used For: Assessing current capacity to show specific competencies in each of the seven core CAP processes. Change Acceleration Process Self-Assessment Leads change Creates a shared need Shapes a vision Mobilizes commitment Makes change last Monitors progress Changes systems & structures 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
  • 21. Creating a Shared Need L eading Change Creating a S hared Need S haping a Vision M obilizing Com itm m ent M aking Change L ast M onitoring P rogress CUR E S R NT TATE TR ANS ITION S TATE IM R P OVE S D TATE S ystem and S s tructures
  • 22. W is this Important? hy CSN • Forces any resistance or apathy to be addressed head-on. • Validates why the project is important and critical to do. • Builds the momentum needed to get the change initiative communicated and launched.
  • 23. W is the Outcome? hat CSN • Awareness of the dissatisfaction with the current state. • A shared recognition, by both the team and key stakeholders, of the need and logic for change. • The ability to frame and communicate the need for change as a combination of threats and opportunities. Creating a Shared Need produces the ‘urgency’ to build momentum for acceptance of the change initiative
  • 24. Creating a Shared Need Tools: CSN Threat /Opportunity Matrix Used For: Framing the need for change as a combination of thre a t & o p p o rtunity over the short and long term Threat If we don’t m ake this change Opportunity if we do m ake this change Three D’s Matrix Used For: – Building your case for change with evidence using data, demonstration & demand – Answers the question: “Can I prove it?” Types of Proof Data/Facts:    S hort Term Numbers / trends / statistics Graphs / Financials Benchmark / competitive data Demonstrate:    L ong Term Finding Examples Best Practices Visiting other Organizations / Panels/ Pilots/ Testimonials D emand:   Dynamic Leadership (Setting High Standards/ Accountability) Customers / Suppliers / Competition (Int. / Ext.) Examples
  • 25. Shaping a Vision L eading Change Creating a S hared Need S haping a Vision M obilizing Com itm m ent M aking Change L ast M onitoring P rogress CUR E S R NT TATE TR ANS ITION S TATE IM R P OVE S D TATE S ystem and S s tructures
  • 26. W is this important? hy SV • Visions paint a picture that appeals to the “head and heart” and answers the question, “Where are we heading?” • A clear statement about the future situation helps gain genuine commitment • An understandable vision helps establish the milestones to monitor progress and change systems & structures
  • 27. W is the outcome? hat SV • A clear statement about the outcomes of the change • A view of the future state that is: – Customer focused – Not just one person’s dream – Challenging – Evolving, not static – Behavioral and actionable – Easy to understand Visions provide Direction and Motivation for Change
  • 28. Shaping a Vision Tools: SV Key Phrases Exercise Used For: Involving all team members and capturing individual perspectives 1. Individually jot down key phrases that capture the essence of why the team exists. 2. Collect and collate into vision statement. 3. "Test" on customers, vendors, employees. 4. Modify as necessary. Backward Imaging Exercise Used For: Helping team members think about the future they are working to create 1. Imagine a point in the future when the project has been very successful. 2. Find words to describe what you would see, hear, feel as you observe key stakeholders functioning in the new, changed state. 3. Collate, debate, reach consensus on your vision statement, "test" on others & modify Sha re d Vis io ns c o m e fro m c o lle c tiv e e ffo rts tha t re fle c t ind iv id ua l p e rs p e c tiv e s
  • 29. Focusing Vision on Behaviors: SV Bull's Eye Chart Exercise Used For: Developing a Vision that is stated in actionable, behavioral terms M aking a Vision Actionable Vision Mindset Behavior More of/ Less of Exercise Used For: Clarifying what the team expects from the new state in behavioral terms Vision _________________________ Be ha vio rs More of Less of • • • • • • • • • • Sta ting the Vis io n in a c tio na ble , be ha v io ra l te rm s he lp s the te a m g a in c o m m itm e nt a nd id e ntify s o urc e s o f re s is ta nc e
  • 30. Elevator Speech W orksheet: SV 1. A “reality check” to ensure that team members see the project the same way. 2. To ensure that the team members spread a unified consistent message. " He re 's wha t o ur p ro je c t is a bo ut… ” " He re 's why it's im p o rta nt to d o … ” " He re 's wha t s uc c e s s will lo o k like … ” (Charter, Project Definition Tools) (Shared Need Tools) (Shaping a Vision Tools +Milestones) " He re 's wha t we ne e d fro m y o u… ” (Responsibilities, Commitments, Project Plans) " He re 's wha t y o u c a n c o unt o n fro m m e … ” (Commitments, Action, Follow-up) (Output may change by stakeholder – one size does not fit all)
  • 31. Mobilizing Commitment L eading Change Creating a S hared Need S haping a Vision M obilizing Com itm m ent M aking Change L ast M onitoring P rogress CUR E S R NT TATE TR ANS ITION S TATE IM R P OVE S D TATE S ystem and S s tructures
  • 32. W is this Important? hy MC • Understanding the key stakeholders whose support and commitment will “make or break” the change effort. • Key difference between success and failure.
  • 33. W is the Outcome? hat MC • Coalition of committed stakeholders. • Identification of potential resistance and a strategy to overcome it. Mobilizing the Commitment of Key Stakeholders is Essential to the Success of the Change
  • 34. Mobilizing Commitment Tools: MC Stakeholder Analysis For Change Used For: Identifying stakeholders and their current level of commitment to the change initiative Stakeholder Analysis for Change Names Strongly Against Moderately Against Neutral Moderately Strongly Supportive Supportive Technical-Political-Cultural Analysis Used For: Identifying, labeling and understanding sources of resistance Sources of Resistance Definition Causes of Resistance Examples Technical Political Cultural Pe o p le re s is t o r s up p o rt c ha ng e fo r a v a rie ty o f re a s o ns . Rating
  • 35. CAP Toolkit: MC Threat vs. Opp. Threat vs. Opp. More of Less of More of Less of 3D Matrix 3D Matrix D D D Stakeholder Stakeholder Analysis Analysis -- - +/- + ++ Influencin Influencin g Strategy g Strategy Visioning Visioning Vision Mindset Behavior Elevator Speech Elevator Speech TPC Analysis TPC Analysis T P C
  • 36. Systems and Structures L eading Change Creating a S hared Need S haping a Vision M obilizing Com itm m ent M aking Change L ast M onitoring P rogress CUR E S R NT TATE TR ANS ITION S TATE IM R P OVE S D TATE S ystem and S s tructures
  • 37. W is this Important? hy CSS • Successful change often involves significant realignment and leveraging of the way we organize, communicate, measure, train, develop, reward, compensate, promote and other systems within the organization. • Desired new behaviors (More of …Less of …) are reinforced through consistent attention to organizational Systems & Structures.
  • 38. W is the Outcome? hat CSS • Identification and utilization of key Systems & Structures that must be addressed to sustain project success. • Utilization of Systems & Structures Best Practices. • Alignment of Systems & Structures with desired behaviors. Identifying and re-aligning key Systems & Structures are necessary for successful, long-lasting change
  • 39. Factors to Consider: CSS Staffing (Acquiring/placing talent) Development (Building competence/capability) Measures (Tracking performance) Rewards (Recognizing/rewarding desired behavior) Communication (Using information to build and sustain momentum) Organization Design (Organizing to support the change initiative) IT Systems (Utilizing IT technology to enable changes to be successful and sustained) Resource Allocation (Adjusting or planning for financial and other resources to support the change project)
  • 40. Three Step Alignment Process CSS Vision Mindset 3. Creating future 3. Creating future Systems & Structures Systems & Structures Degree of Difficulty Behavior 2. Current Systems & 2. Current Systems & Structures Assessment Structures Assessment • 1. Identify Key Systems & 1. Identify Key Systems & Structures Structures • Identify the Key Stakeholder(s) of that S&S. Helping Which Systems & Structures Most Impact the New Behaviors? • What about the current S&S is He lp ing or Hind e ring us from achieving the desired state behaviors? • Hindering Actions Develop Influence Strategy/ Action plan. Time • What’s Missing? • Identify Characteristics of New Systems & Structures. • Determine Systems & Structures to Remove or Build. • Identify Who to Engage and Develop Influence Strategy.
  • 41. Communication Planning Matrix: CSS Channel Announce the CAP Project Clarify the Vision Begin to Mobilize Commitment Begin to Monitor Progress Changing Systems & Structures W ritten: • • • • Newsletter Bulletin Board V.P. Memo etc. Spoken: One-on-many • All employees meeting • Weekly staff meeting • Operating managers meeting • Etc. Spoken: One -on-one Symbolic: • Offsite conference • Press conference • etc. Used For: Used For: –– Communication Strategy Communication Strategy (various Channels) (various Channels) Indicate those that are suitable Indicate those that are suitable for: for: –– Providing Information Providing Information –– Persuading Persuading –– Empowering Empowering Include: Include: –– Audience Audience –– Who Who –– When When –– Where Where
  • 42. Making Change Last L eading Change Creating a S hared Need S haping a Vision M obilizing Com itm m ent M aking Change L ast M onitoring P rogress CUR E S R NT TATE TR ANS ITION S TATE IM R P OVE S D TATE S ystem and S s tructures
  • 43. W is this Important? hy MCL • We often spend most available time on the launch of an initiative rather than its institutionalization • Every change initiative competes for time, resources and attention • To ensure that the new behaviors will not revert back to the old habits
  • 44. W is the Outcome? hat MCL • Consistent, visible, tangible reinforcement of the change initiative • Integration of new initiative becomes the way we work • Changes to Systems and Structures enable the new behavior that supports the Vision Launching a Change is just the beginning. It must become the W of Life ay
  • 45. Monitoring Progress L eading Change Creating a S hared Need S haping a Vision M obilizing Com itm m ent M aking Change L ast M onitoring P rogress CUR E S R NT TATE TR ANS ITION S TATE IM R P OVE S D TATE S ystem and S s tructures
  • 46. W is this Important ? hy MP • An accurate measure of the CAP project provides focus, direction & momentum throughout the change process. • Corrective action can only occur if you know you're off track. • Monitoring Progress enhances your ability to reward key events and milestones.
  • 47. W is the Outcome ? hat MP • Clarity and agreement on what the “acceptance” strategy looks like in measurable & observable terms. • Baseline data & milestone results of the change process tracked and widely communicated. • Increasing momentum as people see progress and results being realized. Measuring & tracking progress along the CAP elements demands ongoing attention by the team
  • 48. Effective Change Equation QxA=E Q = Qualitative/Technical Solution A = Acceptance/Engagement E = Overall Effectiveness

Editor's Notes

  1. Change Acceleration Process (CAP) CAP is a proprietary process developed by GE to be used within our businesses and shared with key strategic partners around the world.
  2. A Continuing Journey… In 1992, GE Chairman &amp; CEO Jack Welch wanted to put in place a framework to accelerate the pace of change as a competitive advantage vs. just managing change: &quot; the future is coming faster than we can predict it.” He felt that we could not just manage change. We had to actually go faster, get out in front of change in order to drive and get the competitive advantage. A group of consultants/experts were hired and “locked“ in a Crotonville conference room to build a framework or process for change. They looked at personal change, weight loss, business/organizational change, historic change, etc… The consultants were concerned that what they had designed wasn’t “new and improved” enough. They reported to Jack and he commented: &quot;That’s the problem … what you are missing is that this may be common sense but not common practice. We don’t do these steps every time, we skip steps and wonder what happened&quot; To date there hadn&apos;t been a good process documented. CAP was not the first step in the journey, nor was it the last. CAP represents a key stone in a solid foundation of ongoing cultural change. CAP cannot and does not stand alone. To be effective, CAP requires the mindset and behaviors inherent to Work-Out and the other initiatives. Without that environment, CAP is only a set of tools and exercises that will frustrate leaders and followers alike.
  3. The Research Solid technical solutions were found both in successful and most unsuccessful changes! Having the right solution did not seem to determine the success of the change. What could be the differentiating factor?
  4. Your Change Experiences Key Factors Differentiating Successful Change Efforts ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
  5. The Change Effectiveness Equation This basic equation illustrate the powerful message uncovered by the CAP development team. Having an effective solution is not enough! You must develop acceptance among those leading and affected by the change. Key Points Good solutions to a problem do not guarantee successful implementation. People are the key to success or failure in achieving successful change. It is said that 75% of all change efforts fail (Bullet Point Magazine March 96) as do 50-75 % of re engineering projects. If addressing a problem involves changing the way people do things, people’s actions have to be part of the solution. Organizations are collections of people…there is no output, $’s, product, service without them. CAP helps us with People Acceptance of a Change, because change IS personal and Resistance IS expected. Human Beings tend to be resistant to change and can initially view it as a loss. We are creatures of habit…we want things to get better as long as everything stays the same. I’m okay with Change as long as its about you and your group…when it impacts me… resistance shows up. Remember our good friend Dilbert ….”Change is good ! YOU go First !” Not everything that counts can be counted. Not everything that can be counted, counts. –Albert Einstein
  6. Linking Strategies Together: Match the activity or initiative with the type of strategy (T or C). Six Sigma Work-Out Communications Problem Solving Facilitation Skills Team Building
  7. What is CAP? - The Basics Checklist: ________________________________________________________________________________ Non-Linear Model: ________________________________________________________________________________ Influencing Others: ________________________________________________________________________________ Behavioral Change: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
  8. The Three States of Change: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ The Seven CAP Processes: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
  9. Setting Up for Success In this segment, we will establish change teams and get them started on a project that will be used throughout the program to practice tools and skills.
  10. Scope: ________________________________________________________________________________ Goals: ________________________________________________________________________________ Roles: ________________________________________________________________________________ Bounding: ________________________________________________________________________________ Alignment: ________________________________________________________________________________ Significance: ________________________________________________________________________________
  11. Project Scoping We need clarity on what is and is not a part of the project as well as alignment of the perspectives of all team members.
  12. Leading Change Pervasive through the stages of change, Leading Change is the first process we will look at. Remember that in real-life, the processes are not linear (one always following the other) and that you may need to start in different processes on different projects.
  13. Exercise: Identify examples of leaders exhibiting these skills/behaviors. Time ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Energy / Passion ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Focus / Agenda ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
  14. Leadership Assessment Tools How are we as leaders doing with meeting our commitments and managing our behaviors?
  15. Creating a Shared Need Important early and then throughout the change process, Creating a Shared Need addresses resistance and links people personally and professionally to the change.
  16. Creating a Shared Need – Tools: Why should we change? How will we communicate or prove our case to different?
  17. Shaping a Vision Where are we going? What will it look like when we get there? What mindsets and behaviors will demonstrate that we’ve arrived?
  18. Shaping a Vision – Tools: The first step is to create or articulate the vision…
  19. Shaping a Vision – Tools: The second step is to “behavioralize” the vision… A shared vision is more than a flowery statement of a future state. It defines how people will act and perform when they are aligned with the vision. The Vision needs to be “behavioralized”, translated into actions and behaviors. “A Different Kind of Car Company” What does it look like? How do people “live” and demonstrate the vision? “Imagination at Work” ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
  20. What our project is about: ________________________________________________________________________________ Why it is important to do: ________________________________________________________________________________ What success will look like: ________________________________________________________________________________ What we need from others: ________________________________________________________________________________ What you can count on from me: ________________________________________________________________________________
  21. Mobilizing Commitment The heart of facilitating change is engaging people in the change. In this section we will examine some tools and processes for engaging stakeholders and those affected by the change.
  22. Mobilizing Commitment – Tools: Who are the critical stakeholders and what is their current level of support? What key sources of resistance might influence our constituency?
  23. CAP Toolkit Use a full range of tools to facilitate your influence strategy.
  24. Systems and Structures How do we weave the change into the very fabric of our business processes and culture?
  25. Factors: These categories represent most of the infrastructure of the business. Are these systems and processes aligned with the change, or might they conflict? What adjustments will be necessary to assure system wide support?
  26. Planning Matrix: Override the “grapevine” with timely, accurate and honest information. Even bad news is better than no news. Make time to listen as well!
  27. Making Change Last How do we sustain the momentum of the change past the initial project launch?
  28. Monitoring Progress: What gets measured gets done! How will we monitor the progress of our project to ensure that it stays on track?
  29. The Change Effectiveness Equation This basic equation illustrate the powerful message uncovered by the CAP development team. Having an effective solution is not enough! You must develop acceptance among those leading and affected by the change. Key Points Good solutions to a problem do not guarantee successful implementation. People are the key to success or failure in achieving successful change. It is said that 75% of all change efforts fail (Bullet Point Magazine March 96) as do 50-75 % of re engineering projects. If addressing a problem involves changing the way people do things, people’s actions have to be part of the solution. Organizations are collections of people…there is no output, $’s, product, service without them. CAP helps us with People Acceptance of a Change, because change IS personal and Resistance IS expected. Human Beings tend to be resistant to change and can initially view it as a loss. We are creatures of habit…we want things to get better as long as everything stays the same. I’m okay with Change as long as its about you and your group…when it impacts me… resistance shows up. Remember our good friend Dilbert ….”Change is good ! YOU go First !” Not everything that counts can be counted. Not everything that can be counted, counts. –Albert Einstein