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Indian Options for Managing Global Warming Through Ruralisation and
Rationalising Urbanisation
Strategies for Promoting
Urban Sustainability
Ar. J.K.GUPTA, former Director, COA-IET BHADDAL, INDIA
 UN Habitat Report, State of World’s Cities 2008/2009- Harmonius Cities,
defines cities as--
 Cities contain both order and chaos.
 In them reside beauty and ugliness--virtue and vice.
 They can bring out best or worst in human kind.
 They are physical manifestation of history and culture
 They are incubators of innovations, industry, technology,
entrepreneurship and creativity.
 Cities are materialization of humanity’s noblest ideas, ambitions and
 but when not planned or governed properly, can be repository of
society’s ills.
 Cities drive national economies by creating wealth, enhancing social
development and providing employment but
 they can also be breeding grounds for poverty, exclusion and
environmental degradation.
 Effects of urbanization and climate change converging in dangerous ways.
 Cities - large consumer of energy and resource
-- with large carbon footprints.
 -- major contributors to climate change:
 Cities cover < 2 % of earth’s surface ,
--consume 78 % of world’s energy and
-- produce > 60% of all greenhouse gases through ;
- large energy consumption
--generating energy by burning large amount of
fossil fuel
-- involving large transportation of men and materials
- using fossil fuel energy based mechanical modes for travel
-- creating un-sustainable built environment on large scale
 --promoting polluting industry.
 Need to make cities more sustainable
 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development –
 Goal 11—focuses on-- making human settlements inclusive, safe,
resilient , sustainable- to minimize global warming and climate change
 Population of India reached
 250 million in 1919
 500 million in 1966 (47 yrs. Later)
 1000 million in 2000 ( 34 yrs. Later)
 1027 million in 2001 (1yr Later)
 1210 million in 2011 (10 yrs. Later)
 India 2nd largest urban system in after China
 India holding 2.4% Global land and housing 16.7%
Global population
 India housed 11% Global urban population
 Last century --- 5 fold growth in population
 Metropolitan Centers –
--5 (1951)- -53 (2011)- -68(2031)
 10 m plus cities-
-- nil (1951) - 3 (2011) -7 (2031) -9 (2051
 Urban India – --first time added more persons(91m)
-- Rural India(90m) in last decade
 By 2050- Projected Indian population- 1600 mil. --
with 800 m- 50% living in Urban India.
 Urbanization -- determinant and consequence of economic
 Positive co-relation exists between development and
urbanization .
 Urban growth & economic growth go hand in hand
 Cities called engines of economic growth .
 Economy hinges on productivity of urban settlements.
 Building Sustainable, Efficient and productive cities critical
to boost rural economy by improved urban consumption
 Urban centers need to be planned to
 Attract investment
 Provide Employment.
 Ensure quality of life.
 Make them Smart ,Sustainable, Productive, Livable,
Humane and Eco- friendly.
Lack of policies to manage Urban India will lead to
 Jeopardizing growth
 Risking employment generation
 Promoting environmental disasters-
 Global warming, climate change
 Despite distinct advantages , Urban
 Poorly managed and governed.
 Failure to meet basic challenges of urban dynamism
 Haphazard /Unplanned pattern of development.
 Enormous growth of slums
 Poor quality of life
 Failure to meet basic needs of
1. Shelter
2. Services
3. Land ,Water/ Sanitation
• Population , Poverty , Pollution and traffic have emerged
as the greatest threat and challenge to Indian Cities.
• Indian Urbanization is rightly called :
 Urbanization of Population
 Urbanization of Poverty
 Urbanization of Pollution
Regional Planning
Globally--Most efficient cities adopted Regional perspective for :
---Integrating urban and rural settlements
-- minimising migration
--Making urban development more rational and sustainable
--promoting co-operation and collaboration;
- minimizing local competition and conflicts,
- infrastructure optimization between neighboring cities/rural
-- preventing disasters,
-- promoting / protecting regional ecology / bio-diversity,
-- providing recreational activities
-- overcoming confusion over role / responsibilities of various
-- achieving integration and decentralized planning--
• Regional Planning optimizes regional resources
-- promoting synergies between rural and urban areas
-- connecting through a well defined settlement hierarchy
-- using developmental potential of each settlement
-- making them more sustainable
--with least consumption of resources and energy.
Urban Planning concepts:
 Planned cities
 Inclusive Cities
 Sustainable Cities
 Green Cities
 Intelligent Cities
 Smart Cities
 Generating solutions ;
 Garden City
 Linear City
 Industrial City
 Vertical Cities
 Compact Cities
 Radiant Cities
 Role of Urban planning critical in making cities more sustainable
and eco-friendly
 Urban Planning needs to be leveraged-- to make cities , more effective,
efficient, productive ,cleaner, greener & Sustainable,
–Goal 11—focuses on-- making human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient , sustainable- to minimize global
warming and climate change
 For making cities Sustainable
 Pattern of City growth to be rationalized
 Changing options for city Planning
 Changing options for Land use Planning
 Rationalizing approach to preparing
Master Plans/Development Plan
 Critically reviewing Planning tools to
make them more effective & efficient.
 Bringing flexibility in planning
 Promoting Decentralization
 Promoting self- contained communities.
 Promoting Ruralisation
 A city of 50,000population
 City of no cars - to eliminate CO2.
 working/ living area- not farther than 200 mts
from transportation nodes
Electric powered light rail on elevated track --
inter-city transport between Musdar and Abu
•for Intra-city travel - personal rapid transit pods
(PRT) running on magnetic tracks using electric
•Recycling of total solid waste generated
•Recycling of waste water to minimise water
•Streets oriented to use of cool air from sea
•Solar energy used to meet the energy needs
•Aim is to create:
Zero Carbon
Zero Waste
Zero Car city
City developed as joint effort between China and Singapore Governments.
-Located 40 kms from Tianjin city centre and 150 KMS from Beijing city
-Total land area of 30 sq. km with population of 350,000 residents.
, Site made of saltpans, barren land and polluted water-bodies,
included a 2.6 sq km large wastewater pond.
Planned on a network of self-contained / self-sufficient eco-cells, eco-
neighbourhoods and eco-district
City Planned on 26 qualitative + quantitative parameters
1. Land-use Planning -planned to be compact, with a good mix of land uses and
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) principles.
2. Transport Planning -Green transport .--to increase trips via public
transport and non-motorised modes of transport --- via bicycles and walking,
within Eco-city.
3. Green and Blue Network Planning---City planned with extensive green
(vegetation) and blue (water) networks to provide quality living /working
environment. The green network comprises a green lung at core and eco-corridors
emanating from the lung to the other parts of city.
4. Water bodies linked for water circulation to enhance ecology ,provide attractive
environment , recreational activities.
5. A wastewater pond rehabilitated /transformed into a clean/beautiful lake.
6. Master Plan can be summed as- 1 axis-3 centres-4 districts
Traffic & Travel-worst gifts of Urbanization
•Large mismatch between vehicle population
and road capacity
•Cities produce 70% global green house gas
•--largely by transportation and
•-- buildings
•Travel becoming more expensive for poor
•-- elimination of pedestrians / bicycles
•Travel becoming risky with
•-- accidents increasing from 1.6 lakhs to 3.9
lakhs during 1981-2001
• majority of causalities among cyclists,
pedestrians and pavement dwellers
•Vehicular congestion and traffic jams
becoming order of day
-Redefining Urban Planning.
-Redefining shape and size of cities
-Making cities compact
-Promoting sustainable communities
-Reordering prioritization of modes of travel
•-Making public transport more equitable,
reliable, affordable, safe, comfortable,
sustainable, energy/operationally efficient, cost-
effective, eco/ users friendly
•Equitable allocation of road space.
•Road Pricing
• Promoting intelligent/smart transportation
•Creating public awareness
•Involving communities/ stakeholders
•Deregistration of Old Vehicles
•Establishing effective regulatory/ enforcement
Sustainable/low carbon cities planned on
the principles of :
-i Planning for people and not for vehicles
-ii. Promoting accessibility rather than
-- minimizing use of personalized vehicles;
- --- promoting non--mechanized / non-fuel
based options for travel;
- -- Making vehicles zero-emission;
- -- using mixed land use planning to
rationalize the travel pattern etc.
---using information technologies to reduce
travel by using homes as offices, schools,
libraries etc.
Promoting use of Bicycle as
preferred mode of travel for majority
of intra- city travel being :
 Most inexpensive
 Most flexible
 Environmental friendly
 Zero pollution
 Zero Energy Vehicle
 Occupying minimum road space
 Requiring minimum Parking
 Promoting National Economy
 Promoting Human Health
 Reducing depletion of Non-
renewable resources
 Best option for travelling over
short distance.
Public transport key to rationalizing urban
transportation and making cities sustainable
/low energy settlements -- DELHI, CHICAGO ,
COPENHAGEN ( within 400 metres)
 Redefining approach to public transportation:
 Promoting development along transport
 improved passenger information system
 use of intelligent transport systems for
monitoring and control;
 affordable ticket pricing; e-ticketing; using
single ticket for all modes of travel making any
number of changes;
 introducing comfortable buses ,
 involving Communities, creating dedicated
bus lanes
 Buildings constitute manmade environment
 Buildings are living organism
 Buildings used by all human beings for all human activities
 - Buildings vital for human growth
 Buildings provide optimum/worst living conditions
 Buildings make people healthy/sick
 Buildings critical-- because 80% of human life spent in buildings
 Buildings – major consumers of energy (50%)
 Buildings - major consumers of resources
 Buildings--- generators of waste
 Buildings -- have large carbon footprints
 Buildings -- responsible for global warming
 Buildings -- major determinant of global sustainability
 Buildings -- integral part of human journey
 Buildings-- shall continue to be define human growth and development
Built environment has significant impact on environment and consumption of
resources, accounting for:
16% of world’s fresh water withdrawal.
25% of wood harvested.
30% of consumption of raw material.
50% of global energy consumption.
35% of world's CO2 emission
40% of Municipal solid waste.
50% of Ozone depleting CFC’s still in use.
30% of residents having sick building syndrome.
•Buildings largely responsible for climate change and global
• 40-45 % of global warming is the outcome of built environment.
•Majority of existing buildings
•--have low concern with energy conservation.
•Considering enormous quantity of existing built space / space to be
•-- the energy/ environment implications can be critical.
Buildings need to be designed with utmost care and
•consideration for energy/ resources/waste/sustainability.
CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre,
Centre of “Excellence” for Energy, Environment, Green Buildings, Renewable
energy, Water & Climate change activities in India
Use of technologies critical for
--planning, development/ management / operations to
create sustainable cities
-- Reducing energy consumption of cities
--Reducing carbon footprints of cities/Buildings
--Promoting operational efficiency/ economy in service
--Ensuring good governance,
--Improving decision making- bringing transparency
--Involving communities in planning and decision
--Bridging gap between people’s aspiration
/administrative decision making.
--Rationalizing traffic and transportation
--Reducing congestion,
--Reducing pollution and green house gas emissions.
--Minimizing Travel--Promoting energy efficiency
--Monitoring service delivery / plugging leakage
---- Generating data regarding city growth/ development/
operations for planning and rational decision making.
-- Integrating departments within organization.
--creating interactive portals --to provide information/
promote connectivity -- for redressing grievances.
-- Dimming/ switching street lights to save 30% on
energy cost
-- using cameras at cross-sections --to optimise traffic
lights, cut travel times reducing air pollution and cost
-- sharing data suggesting best bus route for journey
--using One Map, an online portal, enabling government,
business, organisations and residents to access geo-
spatial data;
-- using digital applications to register concern about
streets requiring cleaning and potholes needing repair ;
-- engaging citizens as active partners in planning/
development process
India second largest global rural system after China
-- 6,40,867 villages, holding 69.9% of 1.21 billion
population --2011 Census
-- providing basic essentials for human survival ;
-- making fair contribution to national economy,
-- sustaining large chunk of employment;
--holding large reservoir of manpower and
--providing raw material for industries.
Villages to dominate Indian scenario-- in terms of
population, food and promoting industry using
agricultural produce as basic input.
Rural areas fast losing to urban counterpart due to
--improved agricultural technology,
-- ever changing industrial technology and
--desire to improve the economic status,.
Majority of urban problems have genesis in neglect of
rural areas
Rural-Urban migration constitute-- more than 21% of
the urban population growth in India (Census2011).
Growth of slums in Urban India has roots in migration
from rural India
Cities can never be sustainable / slum free,
-- unless village development put on a fast track.
Mahatma Gandhi, father of nation, stated role of villages in
context of national development,
‘India lives in villages. If villages perish, India
will perish too’.
Rural settlements hold key to sustainability/ reduced
carbon/ ecological footprints because of:
-- their small size;
--lesser population;
--compact development;
-- lower transportation needs;
-- lower energy and resource consumption.
-- living with nature,
-- using natural resources
Need for development of villages by
-- creating synergies between urban and rural settlements
-- connecting villages with adjoining urban settlements
-- developing large villages as growth centres with urban
amenities adopting a cluster approach
--urban villages planned and developed as integral part of
/cities, where located.
Considering large number, India must prioritize rural
development for :
-- reducing migration ,
-- rationalizing urbanization and
-- reducing global warming.
Villages planned as self-sufficient , sustainable and
independent economic entities to be provided with:
-- potable water supply,
-- shelter for all and
-- healthcare and education infrastructure
-- Promoting industries for value addition to agricultural
-- connecting villages with formal marketing system
- promoting Skill development for employment
--improving quality of manpower.
-- paving internal roads with drainage.
-- Houses to have good air, light and ventilation.
--Separating Animals from human living , creating milk co-
operatives for generating resources and employment.
-Managing through a co-operative system . ------generate
electricity through renewable sources
Approach would make ruralisation an effective tool in
mitigating global warming
• Threat of global sustainability looming large
--urbanization major contributor/ promoters of global
- Urbanization made more sustainable by:
-- integrated planning/development of urban and rural
--using state of art technologies involving communities.
-- rationalizing urbanization by adopting:
-- state of art urban planning ,
--promoting ruralisation
-- creating synergies between rural and urban
-- adopting Regional approach.
-- creating cities with minimum carbon footprints
-- putting appropriate policy , legal and institutional
-- supported by adequate and dedicated manpower,
resources, capacity building programs.
Making India a role model for creating sustainable
human settlements with minimum carbon footprints.
• The Radiant City
•An organism capable of housing the
works of man of machine-age society.
• placed under the masterful
government of natural conditions:
•And its mission is the service of
•To live
•To work
•To cultivate body and spirit
•To travel about
(in this order and obeying this
Thanks for
time and

Contenu connexe


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Indian Options for Managing Global Warming Through Ruralisation and Rationalising Urbanisation

  • 1. Indian Options for Managing Global Warming Through Ruralisation and Rationalising Urbanisation Strategies for Promoting Urban Sustainability Ar. J.K.GUPTA, former Director, COA-IET BHADDAL, INDIA E-Mail--
  • 2. STATE OF WORLD’S CITIES  UN Habitat Report, State of World’s Cities 2008/2009- Harmonius Cities, defines cities as--  Cities contain both order and chaos.  In them reside beauty and ugliness--virtue and vice.  They can bring out best or worst in human kind.  They are physical manifestation of history and culture  They are incubators of innovations, industry, technology, entrepreneurship and creativity.  Cities are materialization of humanity’s noblest ideas, ambitions and aspirations,  but when not planned or governed properly, can be repository of society’s ills.  Cities drive national economies by creating wealth, enhancing social development and providing employment but  they can also be breeding grounds for poverty, exclusion and environmental degradation.
  • 3. GLOBAL WARMING – CLIMATE CHANGE  Effects of urbanization and climate change converging in dangerous ways.  Cities - large consumer of energy and resource -- with large carbon footprints.  -- major contributors to climate change:  Cities cover < 2 % of earth’s surface , --consume 78 % of world’s energy and -- produce > 60% of all greenhouse gases through ; - large energy consumption --generating energy by burning large amount of fossil fuel -- involving large transportation of men and materials - using fossil fuel energy based mechanical modes for travel -- creating un-sustainable built environment on large scale  --promoting polluting industry.  Need to make cities more sustainable  2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development –  Goal 11—focuses on-- making human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient , sustainable- to minimize global warming and climate change
  • 5. POPULATION SCENARIO- INDIA-2011  Population of India reached  250 million in 1919  500 million in 1966 (47 yrs. Later)  1000 million in 2000 ( 34 yrs. Later)  1027 million in 2001 (1yr Later)  1210 million in 2011 (10 yrs. Later)  India 2nd largest urban system in after China  India holding 2.4% Global land and housing 16.7% Global population  India housed 11% Global urban population  Last century --- 5 fold growth in population  Metropolitan Centers – --5 (1951)- -53 (2011)- -68(2031)  10 m plus cities- -- nil (1951) - 3 (2011) -7 (2031) -9 (2051  Urban India – --first time added more persons(91m) than -- Rural India(90m) in last decade  By 2050- Projected Indian population- 1600 mil. -- with 800 m- 50% living in Urban India.
  • 7. INDIAN URBANISATION  Urbanization -- determinant and consequence of economic development.  Positive co-relation exists between development and urbanization .  Urban growth & economic growth go hand in hand  Cities called engines of economic growth .  Economy hinges on productivity of urban settlements.  Building Sustainable, Efficient and productive cities critical to boost rural economy by improved urban consumption  Urban centers need to be planned to  Attract investment  Provide Employment.  Ensure quality of life.  Make them Smart ,Sustainable, Productive, Livable, Humane and Eco- friendly. Lack of policies to manage Urban India will lead to  Jeopardizing growth  Risking employment generation  Promoting environmental disasters-  Global warming, climate change
  • 8. URBANIZATION-ISSUES  Despite distinct advantages , Urban centers:  Poorly managed and governed.  Failure to meet basic challenges of urban dynamism  Haphazard /Unplanned pattern of development.  Enormous growth of slums  Poor quality of life  Failure to meet basic needs of 1. Shelter 2. Services 3. Land ,Water/ Sanitation • Population , Poverty , Pollution and traffic have emerged as the greatest threat and challenge to Indian Cities. • Indian Urbanization is rightly called :  Urbanization of Population  Urbanization of Poverty  Urbanization of Pollution
  • 9.
  • 11. Regional Planning Globally--Most efficient cities adopted Regional perspective for : ---Integrating urban and rural settlements -- minimising migration --Making urban development more rational and sustainable --promoting co-operation and collaboration; - minimizing local competition and conflicts, - infrastructure optimization between neighboring cities/rural settlements, -- preventing disasters, -- promoting / protecting regional ecology / bio-diversity, -- providing recreational activities -- overcoming confusion over role / responsibilities of various agencies. -- achieving integration and decentralized planning-- • Regional Planning optimizes regional resources by-- -- promoting synergies between rural and urban areas -- connecting through a well defined settlement hierarchy -- using developmental potential of each settlement -- making them more sustainable --with least consumption of resources and energy.
  • 13. URBAN PLANNING- HISTORIC PERSPECTIVE Urban Planning concepts:  Planned cities  Inclusive Cities  Sustainable Cities  Green Cities  Intelligent Cities  Smart Cities  Generating solutions ;  Garden City  Linear City  Industrial City  Vertical Cities  Compact Cities  Radiant Cities  Role of Urban planning critical in making cities more sustainable and eco-friendly  Urban Planning needs to be leveraged-- to make cities , more effective, efficient, productive ,cleaner, greener & Sustainable,
  • 14. –Goal 11—focuses on-- making human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient , sustainable- to minimize global warming and climate change
  • 15. REDEFINING PLANNING  For making cities Sustainable  Pattern of City growth to be rationalized  Changing options for city Planning  Changing options for Land use Planning  Rationalizing approach to preparing Master Plans/Development Plan  Critically reviewing Planning tools to make them more effective & efficient.  Bringing flexibility in planning  Promoting Decentralization  Promoting self- contained communities.  Promoting Ruralisation
  • 21. SUSTAINABLE CITIES OF WORLD –MUSDAR –ABU DHABI-UAE  A city of 50,000population  City of no cars - to eliminate CO2.  working/ living area- not farther than 200 mts from transportation nodes Electric powered light rail on elevated track -- inter-city transport between Musdar and Abu Dhabi. •for Intra-city travel - personal rapid transit pods (PRT) running on magnetic tracks using electric power. •Recycling of total solid waste generated •Recycling of waste water to minimise water consumption •Streets oriented to use of cool air from sea •Solar energy used to meet the energy needs •Aim is to create: Zero Carbon Zero Waste Zero Car city
  • 22. TIANJIN ECO-CITY- CHINA City developed as joint effort between China and Singapore Governments. -Located 40 kms from Tianjin city centre and 150 KMS from Beijing city -Total land area of 30 sq. km with population of 350,000 residents. , Site made of saltpans, barren land and polluted water-bodies, included a 2.6 sq km large wastewater pond. Planned on a network of self-contained / self-sufficient eco-cells, eco- neighbourhoods and eco-district City Planned on 26 qualitative + quantitative parameters
  • 23. TIANJIN- MASTER PLAN .. 1. Land-use Planning -planned to be compact, with a good mix of land uses and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) principles. 2. Transport Planning -Green transport .--to increase trips via public transport and non-motorised modes of transport --- via bicycles and walking, within Eco-city. 3. Green and Blue Network Planning---City planned with extensive green (vegetation) and blue (water) networks to provide quality living /working environment. The green network comprises a green lung at core and eco-corridors emanating from the lung to the other parts of city. 4. Water bodies linked for water circulation to enhance ecology ,provide attractive environment , recreational activities. 5. A wastewater pond rehabilitated /transformed into a clean/beautiful lake. 6. Master Plan can be summed as- 1 axis-3 centres-4 districts
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  • 26. Traffic & Travel-worst gifts of Urbanization •Large mismatch between vehicle population and road capacity •Cities produce 70% global green house gas emissions, •--largely by transportation and •-- buildings •Travel becoming more expensive for poor •-- elimination of pedestrians / bicycles •Travel becoming risky with •-- accidents increasing from 1.6 lakhs to 3.9 lakhs during 1981-2001 • majority of causalities among cyclists, pedestrians and pavement dwellers •Vehicular congestion and traffic jams becoming order of day TRANSPORTATION SCENARIO IN INDIA
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  • 29. -Redefining Urban Planning. -Redefining shape and size of cities -Making cities compact -Promoting sustainable communities -Reordering prioritization of modes of travel •-Making public transport more equitable, reliable, affordable, safe, comfortable, sustainable, energy/operationally efficient, cost- effective, eco/ users friendly •Equitable allocation of road space. •Road Pricing • Promoting intelligent/smart transportation •Creating public awareness •Involving communities/ stakeholders •Deregistration of Old Vehicles •Establishing effective regulatory/ enforcement mechanisms SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION
  • 30. Sustainable/low carbon cities planned on the principles of : -i Planning for people and not for vehicles -ii. Promoting accessibility rather than mobility. -- minimizing use of personalized vehicles; - --- promoting non--mechanized / non-fuel based options for travel; - -- Making vehicles zero-emission; - -- using mixed land use planning to rationalize the travel pattern etc. ---using information technologies to reduce travel by using homes as offices, schools, libraries etc. SMART TRANSPORTATION
  • 31. Promoting use of Bicycle as preferred mode of travel for majority of intra- city travel being :  Most inexpensive  Most flexible  Environmental friendly  Zero pollution  Zero Energy Vehicle  Occupying minimum road space  Requiring minimum Parking Space  Promoting National Economy  Promoting Human Health  Reducing depletion of Non- renewable resources  Best option for travelling over short distance. SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION- CYCLING
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  • 35. PROMOTING PUBLIC TRANSPORT Public transport key to rationalizing urban transportation and making cities sustainable /low energy settlements -- DELHI, CHICAGO , COPENHAGEN ( within 400 metres)  Redefining approach to public transportation:  Promoting development along transport network  improved passenger information system  use of intelligent transport systems for monitoring and control;  affordable ticket pricing; e-ticketing; using single ticket for all modes of travel making any number of changes;  introducing comfortable buses ,  involving Communities, creating dedicated bus lanes
  • 40. BUILDINGS- ROLE AND IMPORTANCE  Buildings constitute manmade environment  Buildings are living organism  Buildings used by all human beings for all human activities  - Buildings vital for human growth  Buildings provide optimum/worst living conditions  Buildings make people healthy/sick  Buildings critical-- because 80% of human life spent in buildings  Buildings – major consumers of energy (50%)  Buildings - major consumers of resources  Buildings--- generators of waste  Buildings -- have large carbon footprints  Buildings -- responsible for global warming  Buildings -- major determinant of global sustainability  Buildings -- integral part of human journey  Buildings-- shall continue to be define human growth and development 
  • 41. DESIGNING GREEN BUILDINGS Built environment has significant impact on environment and consumption of resources, accounting for: 16% of world’s fresh water withdrawal. 25% of wood harvested. 30% of consumption of raw material. 50% of global energy consumption. 35% of world's CO2 emission 40% of Municipal solid waste. 50% of Ozone depleting CFC’s still in use. 30% of residents having sick building syndrome. •Buildings largely responsible for climate change and global warming • 40-45 % of global warming is the outcome of built environment. •Majority of existing buildings •--have low concern with energy conservation. •Considering enormous quantity of existing built space / space to be added •-- the energy/ environment implications can be critical. • Buildings need to be designed with utmost care and •consideration for energy/ resources/waste/sustainability.
  • 42. INDIA’S FIRST PLATINUM RATED GREEN BUILDING CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre, Hyderabad Centre of “Excellence” for Energy, Environment, Green Buildings, Renewable energy, Water & Climate change activities in India
  • 44. SMART TECHNOLOGIES Use of technologies critical for --planning, development/ management / operations to create sustainable cities -- Reducing energy consumption of cities --Reducing carbon footprints of cities/Buildings --Promoting operational efficiency/ economy in service delivery --Ensuring good governance, --Improving decision making- bringing transparency --Involving communities in planning and decision making. --Bridging gap between people’s aspiration /administrative decision making. --Rationalizing traffic and transportation --Reducing congestion, --Reducing pollution and green house gas emissions. --Minimizing Travel--Promoting energy efficiency
  • 45. SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES --Monitoring service delivery / plugging leakage ---- Generating data regarding city growth/ development/ operations for planning and rational decision making. -- Integrating departments within organization. --creating interactive portals --to provide information/ promote connectivity -- for redressing grievances. -- Dimming/ switching street lights to save 30% on energy cost -- using cameras at cross-sections --to optimise traffic lights, cut travel times reducing air pollution and cost -- sharing data suggesting best bus route for journey --using One Map, an online portal, enabling government, business, organisations and residents to access geo- spatial data; -- using digital applications to register concern about streets requiring cleaning and potholes needing repair ; -- engaging citizens as active partners in planning/ development process
  • 47. Ruralisation India second largest global rural system after China with -- 6,40,867 villages, holding 69.9% of 1.21 billion population --2011 Census -- providing basic essentials for human survival ; -- making fair contribution to national economy, -- sustaining large chunk of employment; --holding large reservoir of manpower and --providing raw material for industries. Villages to dominate Indian scenario-- in terms of population, food and promoting industry using agricultural produce as basic input. Rural areas fast losing to urban counterpart due to --improved agricultural technology, -- ever changing industrial technology and --desire to improve the economic status,. Majority of urban problems have genesis in neglect of rural areas Rural-Urban migration constitute-- more than 21% of the urban population growth in India (Census2011). Growth of slums in Urban India has roots in migration from rural India
  • 48. Ruralisation Cities can never be sustainable / slum free, -- unless village development put on a fast track. Mahatma Gandhi, father of nation, stated role of villages in context of national development, ‘India lives in villages. If villages perish, India will perish too’. Rural settlements hold key to sustainability/ reduced carbon/ ecological footprints because of: -- their small size; --lesser population; --compact development; -- lower transportation needs; -- lower energy and resource consumption. -- living with nature, -- using natural resources Need for development of villages by -- creating synergies between urban and rural settlements -- connecting villages with adjoining urban settlements -- developing large villages as growth centres with urban amenities adopting a cluster approach --urban villages planned and developed as integral part of /cities, where located.
  • 49. Ruralisation Considering large number, India must prioritize rural development for : -- reducing migration , -- rationalizing urbanization and -- reducing global warming. Villages planned as self-sufficient , sustainable and independent economic entities to be provided with: -- potable water supply, --sanitation, -- shelter for all and -- healthcare and education infrastructure -- Promoting industries for value addition to agricultural -- connecting villages with formal marketing system - promoting Skill development for employment --improving quality of manpower. -- paving internal roads with drainage. -- Houses to have good air, light and ventilation. --Separating Animals from human living , creating milk co- operatives for generating resources and employment. -Managing through a co-operative system . ------generate electricity through renewable sources Approach would make ruralisation an effective tool in mitigating global warming
  • 51. Conclusion • Threat of global sustainability looming large --urbanization major contributor/ promoters of global warming. - Urbanization made more sustainable by: -- integrated planning/development of urban and rural settlements --using state of art technologies involving communities. -- rationalizing urbanization by adopting: -- state of art urban planning , --promoting ruralisation -- creating synergies between rural and urban settlements -- adopting Regional approach. -- creating cities with minimum carbon footprints -- putting appropriate policy , legal and institutional framework -- supported by adequate and dedicated manpower, resources, capacity building programs. Making India a role model for creating sustainable human settlements with minimum carbon footprints.
  • 52. COBS WORKINGLIVING CIRCULATION • The Radiant City •An organism capable of housing the works of man of machine-age society. • placed under the masterful government of natural conditions: •Sun •Space •Greenery •And its mission is the service of mankind: •To live •To work •To cultivate body and spirit •To travel about (in this order and obeying this hierarchy)