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Data Types
Ng Eu Jinn              1071112650
Tan Chin Tong    1081106274
Ng Cong Jie      1071117296
 Mostafa Abedi   1091108989
Tan Joanne              1071115484
6.2 Primitive Data Types
 6.2.1 Numeric Types
   Integer
      Common integral data types
       Bi        Name        Decimal Digits
          8      byte               3
       16        short              5
       32     int and long          10
     Store negative integers
         Twos complement
6.2 Primitive Data Types
 6.2.1 Numeric Types
   Floating Point
     Represented as fractions and exponents
     Types
       float
       double

   Complex
     ordered pairs of floating point values
   Decimal
     store fixed number of decimal digits with the decimal point
      at a fixed position in the value.
6.2 Primitive Data Types
 6.2.2 Boolean Types
   true or false
   represented by a single bit(can’t access efficiently)
   stored in the smallest efficiently addressable cell of
   memory      (1 byte)
 6.2.3 Character Types
   stored as numeric codings (computer)
   ASCII > UCSS-2 >UCS-4
6.3 Character String Types
 String operations
   Assignment &Comparison
     complicated(string operands of different lengths)
   Catenation
   Substring reference(slices)
     reference to a substring of a given string
   Pattern matching
     supported directly in the language or provided library
6.3 Character String Types
 String Length Options
   Static length strings
   Limited dynamic length strings
     varying length up to a declared and fixed maximum set by
      the variable’s definition
     store any number of character between 0 and maximum
   Dynamic length strings
     varying length with no maximum
     overhead of dynamic storage allocation and deallocation
      (maximum flexibility)
6.4 User-Defined Ordinal Types
 range of possible value can be associated with
 the set of positive integers
   Enumeration
     all of the possible values which are named constants are
      provided in the definition
   Sub range
     contiguous subsequence of an ordinal type
Array Types
 Homogeneous
 Reference – aggregate name & subscript

           e.g. arrayName [10]
 Element type & Subscript type
 Subscript range checking
 Subscript lower binding
Arrays and Indices
 Ada :
   e.g. name (10) : Array? Element?
   Ordinal Type subscript : e.g. day(Monday)

 Perl
   Sign @ for array : e.g. @list
   Sign $ for scalars : e.g.$list[1]
   Negative subscript
  +ve subscript   0    1    2    3      4
  Array’s         0    1    2    3      4
  -ve subscript   -5   -4   -3   -2     -1
Array Categories
    Cannot change size
     Array      Binding to Binding to       Storage      Advantage Disadvant
     Category   subscript  storage          allocation   s         ages
                range Bound
     Static     Static        Static        Stack        Efficient   Bound in
                (before       (before                                entire
                runtime)      runtime)                               execution

     Fixed      Static        During        Stack        Space       Allocation
     stack-                   declaration                efficient   &deallocati
     dynamic                  elaboration                            on time
     Stack-     Dynamic at    Dynamic at    Stack        Flexible    -
     dynamic    elaboration   elaboration
  Fixed         Dynamic       Dynamic       Heap         Flexible    Longer
  heap-         when          when                                   allocation
  dynamic       requested     requested                              time
e    Heap-      Dynamic       Dynamic       Heap         Flexible    Longer
     dynamic                                                         allocation&
Array Initialization
     Languag Example
     Fortran     Integer, Dimension(3) :: List = (/0, 5, 5/)
     C           int list [ ] = {4, 5, 6, 83};
     C, C++      char name [ ] = “freddie”;
                 char *name [ ] = (“Bob”, “Jake”, “Darcie”); //pointer
     Java        String[ ] names = [“Bob”, “Jake”, Darcie”];
     Ada           List : array (1..5) of Integer := (1, 3, 4, 7, 8);
                   Bunch : array (1..5) of Integer := (1 => 17, 3 => 34, others =>
List Comprehensions of Python
Syntax : [expression            for iterate_var     in array            if condition ]
Example               :[x*x               for x                in range (12)      if x %
3 == 0 ]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12]                                                      [0, 9, 36, 81,
                     [0, 3, 6, 9,                        144]
Array Operations
 C -> through Java, C++ and C#
 Perl -> Array assignments, comparisons
 Ada -> Array assignments, catenation, equality
  and inequality operators
 Python -> Array catenation, membership,
   Tuples : immutable and use parentheses
 Fortran 95 -> Elemental operations
 Array-Processing Language (APL)
Rectangular & Jagged Array
Rectangular Array   Jagged Array

Fortran, Ada, C#    C, C++, Java, C#
myArray [3, 7]      myArray [3] [7]
6.5.7 Slices

Python:               mat         0           1         2
                      0               1           2          3
                      1               4           5          6
                      2               7           8          9

mat [1]                                               -> [4, 5, 6]
mat [0] [0 : 2]                                       -> [1 ,2]

vecto 0       1           2           3       4         5         6        7        8
0         2       4           6           8       10        12        14       16       17
vector [0 : 8 : 2]                                               -> [2 ,6, 10,
6.5.9 Implementation of Array Types
 Array : 3 4              7 Row Major Order             Column Major Order
                                  3 4 7                           34 7
           6 2             5      6 2 5                          6 2 5
           1 3             8      1 3 8                          1 3 8
                             3, 4, 7, 6, 2, 5, 1, 3, 8   3, 6, 1, 4, 2, 3, 7, 5, 8

 location(a [i, j]) =                      a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
adress of a[1, 1] + ((        1

 ((# of rows above ith row) 2
 * (size of row)) +           4
 (# of columns left jth column))
                              5                                     X
 * element size)              6

    location (a [5, 6]) Adress of a[1, 1] + 4   9 + 5 ) x element
    =                   ((                  x           size)
Associative Arrays
 An unordered collection of data elements that
  are indexed by an equal number of values called
 Each element is a pair of entities (key , value)
   Key      Value
   Eujinn   70
   Marry    99      =>   Dataset[“Eujinn”] = 70;
   Joanne   55      =>   Dataset[“Marry”] = 99;
   Johnny   41      =>   Dataset[“Joanne”] = 55;
                    =>   Dataset[“Johnny”] = 41;
Associative Array : Structure
 Elements are stored and retrieved with hash
    John            HASH            61409aa1fd47d4a

                                          Hashed       Value
   Perl => Key must be string            61409aa1f    70
   PHP => Key either integer or string
                                          8a31409aa.   99
   Ruby => Key can be any object         .
   PHP => Both array and associative array
                                       af115391a..     55
                                          cc2d4fe946. 41
Associative Array : Operation
 Assignments
   $salaries{“Perry”} = 58850;    //In Perl
   salaries[“Perry”] = 58850;            //In C++
 Delete
   delete $salaries{“Gary”};             //In Perl
   salaries.erase(“Gary”);        //In C++
 Exists
   If(exists $salaries{“Shelly”}) …      //In Perl
   If( salaries.find(“Shelly”))          //In C++
Record Type
 Is used to group collection of data with different
  (heterogeneous) data-type.
 Eg: Struct in C, C++ and C#
  struct Employee
       string name;
       int age;
       float salary;
Record Type : Structure
  Fields of records are stored in adjacent memory
  Access by offset instead of indices
  Reference to fields by using identifiers.
      printf(“%s” ,;
          Identifier Type     Size
          s                                     Inde   Type   Size
          price      double   64 bit
offset                                          0      int    32 bit   Same
          type       char     8 bit                                    Size
                                       Different 1     int    32 bit
          quantity   int      32 bit   Size
                                                 2     int    32 bit
          status     bool     8 bit
                                                3     int     32 bit
          Record                                Array
Record Type: Operations
 Initialization
   Aggregate literals
   Employee e = {“John”, 28, 3000.0f};
 Assignments
 Comparison
   In COBOL, copies all the field from source record to the
    destination field record with the same name.
Union Type
 A type whose variable may store different type
  values at different times during program
 Specifying Union
   In C / C++ => union
   In Fortran => Equivalence
Union Type : Design Issue
 Type Checking one of the major design issue
 2 ways of implementations
   Free Union
     Programmers are allowed complete freedom from type
      checking in their use
     Use in C, C++, Fortran
   Discriminated Union
     Type indicator(tag) is used for type checking
     Use in ALGOL 68 , ADA
Union Type : Implementation
 Implemented by using the same address for
  every variant
 Storage is allocated to largest variant

                       1110100   0000001      0000000    0000000
                       0         1            0          0

                      C[0] => 232 C[1] = 3

                                             a => 100010 (11111010002)
                                             *32 bits is allocated becaus
                                             int has larger size
Pointer Problems: Dangling
 Dangling pointer or Dangling reference
 occurs when a pointer stores the address of an
  already deallocated heap-dynamic variable.
 Explicit deallocation is the major reason causing
 Problem:
   Location can be reallocated to a new heap-dynamic
   the location now could be temporarily used by
              74569              46314
    storage management system.
Solution: Tombstone
 Tombstones:
   Every heap-dynamic variable includes an extra cell
    called tombstone
   The Tombstone is a pointer to the heap dynamic
   When the heap-dynamic variable is deallocated, the
    tombstone is set to NULL.
 Disadvantages :
   Costly in memory and time.
  74569               65742                46314
   Pointer           Tombstone       Heap-dynamic Variable
Solution: Lock-and-Keys
 Pointers instead of only being an address, also have a key
    and are made into a pair. (key, address)
   Heap-dynamic variables also have a header containing a
   When allocated, the keya and the lock are set the same.
   Access is granted only if the lock and key match.
    Otherwise it’s an error.
   In deallocating, the lock is cleared to an illegal lock value.
    When other pointers try to access it, the key doesn’t match
    the lock hence it is not allowed.
       12                          54
      KEY   addre                LOCK Heap-dynamic variable
Lost Heap-Dynamic Variables
 An allocated heap-dynamic variable that is not
  accessible anymore.
 This   happens regardless of            deallocation
  happening implicitly or explicitly.
       int* p;
      p= new int;
      p= new int;

                74569             46314

           P   23171
Reference Type
 A pointer refers to an address, a reference refers
  to an object.
 In C++, reference is a constant pointer. Since it is
  constant, should be initialized and cannot be
  changed later.
 A reference is always dereferenced implicitly.
     int a=1;
     int& b=a; //reference type        46314
     // “a” and “b” are aliases.   a    1


             b    46314
Heap Management: Single-Sized
 All cells are linked together (linked-list).
 It make a list of available space.
 Allocating is taking a fixed number of cells.
 Deallocating is more complex.
   The reason: hard to know when a variable is no
    longer useful.

 Two methods:
   Reference counters ( eager approach )
   Mark-sweep ( lazy approach )
Reference counters
 Every cell has a counter.
 The counter counts the number of the pointers
  pointing to it.
 When the counter reaches zero, the cell is deemed
  garbage and returned to the list of available space.
 problems:
    Costly in execution time and space
    Cells connected circularly are never reclaimed.
 The advantage : the cells are reclaimed when they
  are found to be garbage. the reclaimation is done
  throughout the program so never causes any big
                      P2                  Counte Variabl
                                          r      e
 Allocates    cell and disconnect them, without
  reclaiming. (lets the garbage to build up)
 After all the available space is allocated, mark-sweep
  process reclaims all the garbage floating around.
 The problem is that it isn’t frequent enough and costly
  in time.
 Mark-sweep 3 phases:
                    1                       0
                                 G Variabl
    Set phase      G Variabl       e
                                            G Variabl
                              1               e       1
    Mark phase 1     e
                                           0          G Variabl
                              G Variabl
    Sweep phase Variabl
                                  e        G Variabl    e
                     1                          e
                                    1               0
                     G Variabl
                                    G Variabl       G Variabl
                                        e               e
Heap Management: Variable-
 Additional problems arise. In case of mark-sweep:
   Setting all the bits to indicate garbage is difficult.
    Scanning of all the different sized cells is a problem.
     Solution: each cell have a field to indicate its size.
   cells with no pointers. How can you follow a chain?
     Solution: adding internal pointers to every cell.
   maintaining a list of available space.
     Solution: sorting the list according to block size.
Type Checking
 Process to verify that the operands of an operator
  are compatible types.
 A compatible type is
   legal for the operator OR
   allowed under language rules to be automatically
   converted by the compiler-generated code to a legal
   type (also known as coercion).
Example of a compatible type:
 int x, y, z;
 x = y + z;

Example of coercion in Java where the the int variable
 is coerced to float:
 int x;
 float y, z;
 y = x + z;
Type Error
 Happens when an operator is applied to an operand
  with inappropriate type.

Types of type checking:
 Static type checking
 Dynamic type checking
Static type checking
 occurs at compile-time
 allows type errors to be found early
 languages include Ada, C, C++, C#

Dynamic type checking
 occurs at run-time
 more flexibility
 languages include JavaScript, PHP, Lisp, Perl
Strong Typing
 A strongly typed programming language has
    severe restrictions that prevents the compilation
    of code with data that is used in an invalid way.
   Type errors are always detected.
   Requires that the types of all operands
    determined either at compile-time or run-time.
   Example:
    Integer addition operation may not be used on
   Importance of strong typing
    - Detect all misuses of variables that result in type
 The value of strong typing is however weakened by
  coercion as it results in the loss of error detection.
 Reliability of a language
  - Coercion↑ Reliability↓
  - Coercion↓ Reliability↑
Strong Typing in Different Languages
Fortran 95, C, C++
 Not strongly typed.
 The use of Equivalence in Fortran allows a variable
  of one type to refer to a value of a different type,
  without the system being able to check the type of
  the value when one of the Equivalenced variables is
  referenced or assigned.
 C and C++ both include union types which are not
  type checked.
Ada, Java, C#
 Nearly strongly typed.
 Ada allows programmers to breach type-checking
  rules which can only be done when
  Unchecked_Conversion is called.
Type Equivalence
 Strict form of type compatibility.
 No coercion.
 2 ways to define type equivalence
   Name type equivalence
   Structure type equivalence
Name Type Equivalence
 2 variables have equivalent types if they are defined in the same
    declaration or in declarations that use the same type name.
   Easy to implement.
   Compare only 2 type names.
   All types must have names.
   Restrictive.
   For example, a variable’s type with subrange of integers is not
    equivalent to an integer type variable.
   Sample code from Ada
    type Indextype is 1..100;
    count : Integer;
    index : Indextype;
    Count and Index are not equivalent.
Structure Type Equivalence
 2 variables have equivalent types if their types
  have identical structures.
 More flexible compared to name type
 Difficult to implement.
 Entire structures of 2 types have to be compared.
Derived Type                   Subtype

 A new type based on           Type equivalent with
  previously defined type.      parent type.
 Has identical structure
  with parent type, but not
 Inherits all properties of
  parent type.
Type Theory
 2 branches in computer science
   Practical
   Abstract
 Practical branch
   Concerned with data types in commercial
   programming languages.
 Abstract branch
   Concerned with typed lambda calculus, an area of
   extensive research by theoretical computer
Data Type
 Defines a set of values.
 Defines a collection of operations on those
 Elements are often ordered.
 Set operations can be used on data types to
  define new data types.
 Structured data types are defined by type
  operators or constructors
Thank You!

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Plc (1)

  • 1. Data Types Ng Eu Jinn 1071112650 Tan Chin Tong 1081106274 Ng Cong Jie 1071117296 Mostafa Abedi 1091108989 Tan Joanne 1071115484
  • 2. 6.2 Primitive Data Types  6.2.1 Numeric Types  Integer  Common integral data types Bi Name Decimal Digits t 8 byte 3 16 short 5 32 int and long 10  Store negative integers  Twos complement
  • 3. 6.2 Primitive Data Types  6.2.1 Numeric Types  Floating Point  Represented as fractions and exponents  Types  float  double  Complex  ordered pairs of floating point values  Decimal  store fixed number of decimal digits with the decimal point at a fixed position in the value.
  • 4. 6.2 Primitive Data Types  6.2.2 Boolean Types  true or false  represented by a single bit(can’t access efficiently)  stored in the smallest efficiently addressable cell of memory (1 byte)  6.2.3 Character Types  stored as numeric codings (computer)  ASCII > UCSS-2 >UCS-4
  • 5. 6.3 Character String Types  String operations  Assignment &Comparison  complicated(string operands of different lengths)  Catenation  Substring reference(slices)  reference to a substring of a given string  Pattern matching  supported directly in the language or provided library
  • 6. 6.3 Character String Types  String Length Options  Static length strings  Limited dynamic length strings  varying length up to a declared and fixed maximum set by the variable’s definition  store any number of character between 0 and maximum  Dynamic length strings  varying length with no maximum  overhead of dynamic storage allocation and deallocation (maximum flexibility)
  • 7. 6.4 User-Defined Ordinal Types  range of possible value can be associated with the set of positive integers  Enumeration  all of the possible values which are named constants are provided in the definition  Sub range  contiguous subsequence of an ordinal type
  • 8. Array Types  Homogeneous  Reference – aggregate name & subscript e.g. arrayName [10]  Element type & Subscript type  Subscript range checking  Subscript lower binding
  • 9. Arrays and Indices  Ada :  e.g. name (10) : Array? Element?  Ordinal Type subscript : e.g. day(Monday)  Perl  Sign @ for array : e.g. @list  Sign $ for scalars : e.g.$list[1]  Negative subscript +ve subscript 0 1 2 3 4 Array’s 0 1 2 3 4 Element -ve subscript -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
  • 10. Array Categories Cannot change size Array Binding to Binding to Storage Advantage Disadvant Category subscript storage allocation s ages range Bound Static Static Static Stack Efficient Bound in (before (before entire runtime) runtime) execution Fixed Static During Stack Space Allocation stack- declaration efficient &deallocati dynamic elaboration on time Stack- Dynamic at Dynamic at Stack Flexible - dynamic elaboration elaboration Fixed Dynamic Dynamic Heap Flexible Longer heap- when when allocation Changeabl dynamic requested requested time e Heap- Dynamic Dynamic Heap Flexible Longer dynamic allocation& deallocatio
  • 11. Array Initialization Languag Example e Fortran Integer, Dimension(3) :: List = (/0, 5, 5/) 95 C int list [ ] = {4, 5, 6, 83}; C, C++ char name [ ] = “freddie”; char *name [ ] = (“Bob”, “Jake”, “Darcie”); //pointer Java String[ ] names = [“Bob”, “Jake”, Darcie”]; Ada List : array (1..5) of Integer := (1, 3, 4, 7, 8); Bunch : array (1..5) of Integer := (1 => 17, 3 => 34, others => List Comprehensions of Python 0); Syntax : [expression for iterate_var in array if condition ] Example :[x*x for x in range (12) if x % 3 == 0 ] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] [0, 9, 36, 81, [0, 3, 6, 9, 144]
  • 12. Array Operations  C -> through Java, C++ and C#  Perl -> Array assignments, comparisons  Ada -> Array assignments, catenation, equality and inequality operators  Python -> Array catenation, membership, comparisons  Tuples : immutable and use parentheses  Fortran 95 -> Elemental operations  Array-Processing Language (APL)
  • 13. Rectangular & Jagged Array Rectangular Array Jagged Array Fortran, Ada, C# C, C++, Java, C# myArray [3, 7] myArray [3] [7]
  • 14. 6.5.7 Slices Python: mat 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 2 7 8 9 mat [1] -> [4, 5, 6] mat [0] [0 : 2] -> [1 ,2] vecto 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 r 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 vector [0 : 8 : 2] -> [2 ,6, 10, 14]
  • 15. 6.5.9 Implementation of Array Types  Array : 3 4 7 Row Major Order Column Major Order 3 4 7 34 7 6 2 5 6 2 5 6 2 5 1 3 8 1 3 8 1 3 8 3, 4, 7, 6, 2, 5, 1, 3, 8 3, 6, 1, 4, 2, 3, 7, 5, 8  location(a [i, j]) = a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 adress of a[1, 1] + (( 1 ((# of rows above ith row) 2 3 * (size of row)) + 4 (# of columns left jth column)) 5 X * element size) 6 location (a [5, 6]) Adress of a[1, 1] + 4 9 + 5 ) x element = (( x size)
  • 16. Associative Arrays  An unordered collection of data elements that are indexed by an equal number of values called keys.  Each element is a pair of entities (key , value) Key Value Eujinn 70 Marry 99 => Dataset[“Eujinn”] = 70; Joanne 55 => Dataset[“Marry”] = 99; Johnny 41 => Dataset[“Joanne”] = 55; => Dataset[“Johnny”] = 41;
  • 17. Associative Array : Structure  Elements are stored and retrieved with hash functions Hashed Key Key John HASH 61409aa1fd47d4a FUNCTION Hashed Value Key  Perl => Key must be string 61409aa1f 70 …  PHP => Key either integer or string 8a31409aa. 99  Ruby => Key can be any object .  PHP => Both array and associative array af115391a.. 55 cc2d4fe946. 41 .
  • 18. Associative Array : Operation  Assignments  $salaries{“Perry”} = 58850; //In Perl  salaries[“Perry”] = 58850; //In C++  Delete  delete $salaries{“Gary”}; //In Perl  salaries.erase(“Gary”); //In C++  Exists  If(exists $salaries{“Shelly”}) … //In Perl  If( salaries.find(“Shelly”)) //In C++
  • 19. Record Type  Is used to group collection of data with different (heterogeneous) data-type.  Eg: Struct in C, C++ and C# struct Employee { string name; int age; float salary; };
  • 20. Record Type : Structure  Fields of records are stored in adjacent memory locations  Access by offset instead of indices  Reference to fields by using identifiers.  printf(“%s” ,; Identifier Type Size s Inde Type Size x price double 64 bit offset 0 int 32 bit Same type char 8 bit Size Different 1 int 32 bit quantity int 32 bit Size 2 int 32 bit status bool 8 bit 3 int 32 bit Record Array
  • 21. Record Type: Operations  Initialization  Aggregate literals  Employee e = {“John”, 28, 3000.0f};  Assignments  Comparison  MOVE CORRESPONDING  In COBOL, copies all the field from source record to the destination field record with the same name.  MOVE CORRESPONDING INPUT-RECORD TO OUTPUT-RECORD
  • 22. Union Type  A type whose variable may store different type values at different times during program execution  Specifying Union  In C / C++ => union  In Fortran => Equivalence
  • 23. Union Type : Design Issue  Type Checking one of the major design issue  2 ways of implementations  Free Union  Programmers are allowed complete freedom from type checking in their use  Use in C, C++, Fortran  Discriminated Union  Type indicator(tag) is used for type checking  Use in ALGOL 68 , ADA
  • 24. Union Type : Implementation  Implemented by using the same address for every variant  Storage is allocated to largest variant 1110100 0000001 0000000 0000000 0 1 0 0 C[0] => 232 C[1] = 3 a => 100010 (11111010002) *32 bits is allocated becaus int has larger size
  • 25. Pointer Problems: Dangling Pointer  Dangling pointer or Dangling reference  occurs when a pointer stores the address of an already deallocated heap-dynamic variable.  Explicit deallocation is the major reason causing this.  Problem:  Location can be reallocated to a new heap-dynamic variable.  the location now could be temporarily used by 74569 46314 storage management system. 46314
  • 26. Solution: Tombstone  Tombstones:  Every heap-dynamic variable includes an extra cell called tombstone  The Tombstone is a pointer to the heap dynamic variable.  When the heap-dynamic variable is deallocated, the tombstone is set to NULL.  Disadvantages :  Costly in memory and time. 74569 65742 46314 46314 NULL 65742 Pointer Tombstone Heap-dynamic Variable
  • 27. Solution: Lock-and-Keys  Pointers instead of only being an address, also have a key and are made into a pair. (key, address)  Heap-dynamic variables also have a header containing a lock.  When allocated, the keya and the lock are set the same. (key=lock)  Access is granted only if the lock and key match. Otherwise it’s an error.  In deallocating, the lock is cleared to an illegal lock value. When other pointers try to access it, the key doesn’t match Pointe the lock hence it is not allowed. r 12 54 12 KEY addre LOCK Heap-dynamic variable ss
  • 28. Lost Heap-Dynamic Variables  An allocated heap-dynamic variable that is not accessible anymore.  This happens regardless of deallocation happening implicitly or explicitly. int* p; p= new int; p= new int; 74569 46314 P 23171 46314 23171
  • 29. Reference Type  A pointer refers to an address, a reference refers to an object.  In C++, reference is a constant pointer. Since it is constant, should be initialized and cannot be changed later.  A reference is always dereferenced implicitly. int a=1; int& b=a; //reference type 46314 // “a” and “b” are aliases. a 1 74569 b 46314
  • 30. Heap Management: Single-Sized  All cells are linked together (linked-list).  It make a list of available space.  Allocating is taking a fixed number of cells.  Deallocating is more complex.  The reason: hard to know when a variable is no longer useful.  Two methods:  Reference counters ( eager approach )  Mark-sweep ( lazy approach )
  • 31. Reference counters  Every cell has a counter.  The counter counts the number of the pointers pointing to it.  When the counter reaches zero, the cell is deemed garbage and returned to the list of available space.  problems:  Costly in execution time and space  Cells connected circularly are never reclaimed.  The advantage : the cells are reclaimed when they are found to be garbage. the reclaimation is done P1 throughout the program so never causes any big 0 2 1 delays. P2 Counte Variabl r e
  • 32. Mark-Sweep  Allocates cell and disconnect them, without reclaiming. (lets the garbage to build up)  After all the available space is allocated, mark-sweep process reclaims all the garbage floating around.  The problem is that it isn’t frequent enough and costly in time. 1  Mark-sweep 3 phases: 0 1 0 1 G Variabl  Set phase G Variabl e G Variabl 1 e 1  Mark phase 1 e 1 0 G Variabl G Variabl  Sweep phase Variabl G e G Variabl e e 0 1 e 1 0 1 G Variabl G Variabl G Variabl e e e
  • 33. Heap Management: Variable- sized  Additional problems arise. In case of mark-sweep:  Setting all the bits to indicate garbage is difficult. Scanning of all the different sized cells is a problem.  Solution: each cell have a field to indicate its size.  cells with no pointers. How can you follow a chain?  Solution: adding internal pointers to every cell.  maintaining a list of available space.  Solution: sorting the list according to block size.
  • 34. Type Checking  Process to verify that the operands of an operator are compatible types.  A compatible type is  legal for the operator OR  allowed under language rules to be automatically converted by the compiler-generated code to a legal type (also known as coercion).
  • 35. Example of a compatible type: int x, y, z; x = y + z; Example of coercion in Java where the the int variable is coerced to float: int x; float y, z; y = x + z;
  • 36. Type Error  Happens when an operator is applied to an operand with inappropriate type. Types of type checking:  Static type checking  Dynamic type checking
  • 37. Static type checking  occurs at compile-time  allows type errors to be found early  languages include Ada, C, C++, C# Dynamic type checking  occurs at run-time  more flexibility  languages include JavaScript, PHP, Lisp, Perl
  • 38. Strong Typing  A strongly typed programming language has severe restrictions that prevents the compilation of code with data that is used in an invalid way.  Type errors are always detected.  Requires that the types of all operands determined either at compile-time or run-time.  Example: Integer addition operation may not be used on strings.  Importance of strong typing - Detect all misuses of variables that result in type errors.
  • 39.  The value of strong typing is however weakened by coercion as it results in the loss of error detection.  Reliability of a language - Coercion↑ Reliability↓ - Coercion↓ Reliability↑
  • 40. Strong Typing in Different Languages Fortran 95, C, C++  Not strongly typed.  The use of Equivalence in Fortran allows a variable of one type to refer to a value of a different type, without the system being able to check the type of the value when one of the Equivalenced variables is referenced or assigned.  C and C++ both include union types which are not type checked.
  • 41. Ada, Java, C#  Nearly strongly typed.  Ada allows programmers to breach type-checking rules which can only be done when Unchecked_Conversion is called.
  • 42. Type Equivalence  Strict form of type compatibility.  No coercion.  2 ways to define type equivalence  Name type equivalence  Structure type equivalence
  • 43. Name Type Equivalence  2 variables have equivalent types if they are defined in the same declaration or in declarations that use the same type name.  Easy to implement.  Compare only 2 type names.  All types must have names.  Restrictive.  For example, a variable’s type with subrange of integers is not equivalent to an integer type variable.  Sample code from Ada type Indextype is 1..100; count : Integer; index : Indextype; Count and Index are not equivalent.
  • 44. Structure Type Equivalence  2 variables have equivalent types if their types have identical structures.  More flexible compared to name type equivalence.  Difficult to implement.  Entire structures of 2 types have to be compared.
  • 45. Derived Type Subtype  A new type based on  Type equivalent with previously defined type. parent type.  Has identical structure with parent type, but not equivalent.  Inherits all properties of parent type.
  • 46. Type Theory  2 branches in computer science  Practical  Abstract  Practical branch  Concerned with data types in commercial programming languages.  Abstract branch  Concerned with typed lambda calculus, an area of extensive research by theoretical computer scientists.
  • 47. Data Type  Defines a set of values.  Defines a collection of operations on those values.  Elements are often ordered.  Set operations can be used on data types to define new data types.  Structured data types are defined by type operators or constructors
  • 49. Q&A